i f J?e licbaoi Express, t 'FRIDAY, FKBlU-AllY S. ISS9.- LOCAL AND GENERAL. W will ftttcitioi to the now ad. of C B. Montague. , Mr. J. G. Uros, of Waterloo, made our office r call Saturday. A. F. Hatnillcn, of , Sweet Home, tm on our strevta Wednesday. J. S. Ames, Avho resides at Sweet Home, was in town a few daya this week. Mr, Blaine kHI be in Harrison's cab inet, but Miliar w ill still lead in the ale of Druj. J.'lt.,jr., atid Maggie KIrkpatrick cave been iiuiw sick, tor a wwit or more, but are slowly recovering. Ono price and cash at the new cash store, but everything sold cheap and delivered to any part of the city. Mr. M. J. MonUith, one of Albany's most enterprising business men, was in torn during the week on business. Mr. J. F. Hail came from Albany this week to help remove the old safe and put the new one in the bank at this place. Mr. Harrisrt" and Mrs. Hattie John son returned home this week from a very pleasant visit to their children at Hanisburg. wJven new subscribers were added toourM'.linjr list this week; two at . Sweet Hon, ou at Crawfordsville I and eight at Lebanon. ? Married, at the residence of Mr. A. B. Blaekburn on Feb. 5th, Mr. Albert t E. Heller and Miss Luella Blackburn, liev. Geo. W. Gibony officiating. Mr. Charley Hall and Mrs. Ora i Green, both of Lebanon, were married in Eugene City, February 2nd, at the residence of Rev. E. P. Henderson. All parties knowing themselves in-! 4ebled to me will please call and set tle, as I desire to balance up my ac counts of 1S88 and do a cash business ! hereafter. M. A. Miller. Readers of this paper can save mon ey by calling on iK-yoe & Robson, of Albany, as they have the most com plete stock of all kinds of hardware and agricultural implements on this ecaat. 1 AYe have just completed a new raail mJL&: st bxk, and we would l very ndeed if all parties would pay us hat they are past due and we y and accommodate you in the A. P. Fiery, of .So 'aville, paid just that ki:i :l of a visit that ; makes the printer grlad, with the "elo quent ehir.k of a dollar or two." We hope many will do likewise.. Glad to see vou, call strain. 8wan Brothers are gr"ig to open a new line of goctls Jn il;. ir stove and tia house next week, something new and novel. Vvalk in, see for yourslf, crts notbh:? to look and Swan charg es you nothing to laugh. At an informal met-timr in the f'itk Hall on Tuesday evening a majority of the business men being present, the subject of a new school house was dis cussed, aad there was not a disputing voice, but all agrteJ that it must be built. On last Friday the Editor "pro (em." avl wife were Invited to diite at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. ' "Wheeler, the occasion being the 55th anniversary of mine host. May we all meet again for similar enjoyment in the days yet to com. ACAOKMT NOTES. The Gleaner was wt-U read on liut Friday by Ma.iaie Button. Frank Marks, who has been sick for some time, is agaiu in school. We have six weeks mors of school Let us all Improve our miuds to the best advantage. Fine weather, but demoralizing to the school, as some have to stop school as soon as spring opens. All those who wish to understand and apply the metric system of weights and measures can do so ly securing one of the Trof s keys which cost ouly ten cents. On last Friday afternoon the follow ing named persons visited the school: Mrs. Eaton, Mrs Davis (nee Lizzie Me Kinney), the Musses Bwan, Nona Mil ler and A. B. Niekerson. Come again. Last Sundav was Trof. Gilbert's 63 birthday. Monday evening after the Literary Society adjourned, the stu dents gathered in and enjoyed a socia ble for a short time. The students presented the Trof. wit! a haudsonie reading lamp. SOME "POXT'S" FOR STUDENTS. Don't go up stairs to chapel exercis es unless you want to. Don't get to school before the second bell rings if you can kelp it. Don't keep your mouth shut when you can just as well be Whispering. Don't come to school until noon if you have been out the night before. Don't walk quietly across the room when you can just as well step lot) pounds. Don't go to school w hen you can go ami play a game of base ball. You will be much wiser by so doing. WATERLOO. Miss Maggie Bruce la able to be out again. Mr. A. Huddleson U making rails for C. B. Montague. Mr. Gilbert Cams is here viMting relatives and friends. Mr. Gager, who has been ill for some tsine, is improving slowly. Mr. Lawrence Morgan, of Tangent, made us a flying visit Sunday. Dr. O'Dtl!, of Sodaviil, made Water loo a pleasant call on Monday. Mr. Gloss Dvllarhida went to Cor vallis on a Hying trip Monday. The pontoon bridgeis across the riv er and soda water is maning fine. Mrs. Bruce returned from Albany, where she has been attending spiritual meetings. Mrs. A. Girder went to LebanoJ and intends making Albany friends a vis-it before returning. J. G. Gross is building a chicken yard. It seems as if he is going into the chicken bu-iues this spring. On Thursday last three young gents from Albany, accompanied by Alfred Fielding of this place, started to the Big Beud country, aud ri turned tues day well pleased, each having txken up a pitee of hind. Mr. Samuel Rals-ton and William Morgan, of Halsey, is visiting relatives at this place. M istletoe. The OM Ont ami tlie J.ew Ir. Wednesday evening ilia old cou of the town of Lebanon held their last meeting in the city hall and made their last annurl r.-ports as the custodians of ! public interest and trust. Thee re i ports were in the highest sense credit- able and refiet ted ,rt credit on the KKEI' rOATEO. Mrs. G. W. Rice, Fine Milliners-. J, S. Courtney, M. D., physician and surgeon. California eelery and cauliflower at the new cash store. Sardines in mustard at W. B. Don aca & Co.'s, only 15 cents per box. Caraeol roast coti'ee at AY. B. Don aca & Co.'s. Something good. Try it. Just received at Miller's drug store, one gross Red Cross Cough Cure. Try it. Farmers, remember that Joseph Bush pay cash for produce, hides aud furs. When you desire a pleasant physic, try St. Patrick's Pills. Thev can al ways be depended upon, and do not nauseate the stomach nor gripe the bowels. For sale by M. A. Miller. Parties wishing lumber will do well to give us a call. Ye have on hand over 15000 feet of fencing lumber. Cos now & CA11I.E, Brownsville. Having enlarged our business with a complete stock of everything kept m a nrst-class furniture house, we Invite the public to call pnd give us a trial We make a specialty of everything kept in the undertaker's line. FOKTMILLEK & IHVIXO. Albany, Oregon. Oregon's I'obllc UuUrtlnc. The hist number of the West Shore Magazine contains engravings of the public buildings of Oregon, including the eapitol, penitentiary, lusane asy lum, etc, and other views in Salem, the capital ciiy, accompanied by a large supplemental sheet with portraits of members of the legislature now in session. A description of Salem and that portion of the great Willamette valley in which it is situated is a valu able feature of the numlior. The very readable aud instructive article on the 'Genealogy of Oregon" should be care fully perused by every person who would like to become informed on the subject of the creation of a great state of the American union on the far west ern border of the nation, so long In-fore the Intermediate country was redeem- td from a wilderness. The Yesi Shore is tilled monthly with valuable infor mation about the entire northwest. cents a copy, by mail, to any address. L. Samuel, pullisher, Portland, Or- egoou. WO Ml J 'X - i limit I 1 j In Texas. Mr. Yendall Kirkpatriek, editor of Tin Lekaxox Exprkss, of Lebanon, Oregon, is on a visit from his frozen home to th sunny clime of Limestone county. Mr. K. is an estimable gen tleman, an able newspaper man, and edits an excellent journal. He is of southern birth, having lived some years in tills county, and is a brolher-in-lawof Mr. C. W. Cobb, ex-editor of this paper. We rxtend a welcome to him, and trust that his stay at his old home will be a pleasant one. New (Texas) Era. A recent letter from the Editor of this paper informs us tint they are nearly bound out there with a contin uous rain; that all the low lands havi been covered with w;it-r for weeks and weeks; that he lonsrs for the lay when he shall return to the genial clime e! Oregon, "Where no storms ever bta V, on that guttering si mint," hut lie uu; flowers are blooming tn the fairest if lands. out poinr ofneers. uoubt a anv . town in the vallev can show as xwl a I vea! st5--rl al rl"1 No TMim. in TIi.irnn w VrtJv TV.I.N . . . . . . . . I m the world Is eivinfr such universal , ... , . . j, i recora. a net C3sn oaianee oj -ikj. lo I, in the 16th year of his sn- life, at j l3 in the hands tf the treasurer, and a the residence of Mrs. G. W. Wheeler, good condition of het lth aud prosper!- -1 It,,ul- 111 c ol fiinarj, fciiiger. i ... nrt.vail3. The r.-eoni shows the m al .1 A. X t . 1 ieu muusanu, ten tnousana or more . mcrala of the town to be exceptionallv sweet songs ha has su ig, but now his ; g(Xa, only three cases of fines for mis sweet voice is hushed forever. . J demeanors. We lift our hats to the There seems to be a general air of fathers and sa v. "Well done, srood and improvement in Lebanon and a firmer j faithful servants." The new adminis- confidenee that this year will mark the,.mogt rapid growth in the history of Lebanon. Several new lots have been sold this week, and just es soon as luml-er can be hauled there will be a building 'boom here. - We call the attention of our new city fathers to the necessity of several new crossings needed in the Ralston addi tion to our town. These people are not comp'aining that we know of, but a recent walk in that part of town con-! vinced us (while.in the mud) that tax payers deed aecommodations. Last Sunday afternoon about one oc-!ok our citizens were startled by tae firebell, but before the fire men could get to the engine the "fire" had been put out. It was in the roof of the St. Charles hotel, and might have resulted very seriously if it had tu t been seen and promptly put out by the porter. We call attention to the new ad. of G-. C. Cooky fc Co., of Brownsville. The senior member of this firm has . icB i; business in South Brownsville for thirty-two years, and perhaps no irijm in Linn county is known better or more thoroughly trusted for hones ty and integrity than Geo. C. Cooley. The luntor partners are both men of fine business qualities and "native the man tier bcrn." tration is composed of our very best citizens, ami we bespeak for them all that confidence support that real merit should command. What on Earth Is t.c r;ifn poop'e will not, cim n;t, cr Uo no'. o- onr !;SVri-!iee in thip nu.-trnmi vut p by t neap Jolm houses or irrfpoi-siijie psirtic at !- omi.'as proti-.-i. rather than tuVe a mcilV-iue of worM wiilc- reputation etid one that : pivinir ni- o n;eli(-int eivtiifr such unneral mutfa'-tion f.irrur:fTiiii! the blo-xl as BK'.hi'S BLKI rt'RI FiER & BLOon MAKKK, anil evtr- little that does not do Its work will crart you nothini;. M. A. MIIXKR, Sew Bank and Irfeated Barglara. The Bank of Lebanon, under the ef ficient management of Capt. J. M. Ralston, assisted by Mr. C. H. Ralston, hasjurchased of McNeil and Urban one of their improved burglar proof safes at a cost of $1250. It has what is known as the Sargeant & Greenleaf time lock attachment, all new, and of the most improved make by master mechanics. The old, partially damag ed safe was removed this week and the new put in position. The managers of this bank are noted for their urban ity, close attention to business, prompt ness and dispatch. Depositors will now have perfect security against bur glars and fire "et geni homo." Cougli! and Cough!! and Cough!!! What ia the world ts the reason you w ill oousrh and fcoep eoushine and stiil keep trying tnft-rior mt-lki::es when EEWS CRKRRY COUGH sR.P will po'iuvtly relieve your cojk t oti.-c? Tliis 1 no advertising wUejarTtCk -in ac tual fart, aud Ave guarantee H. 3'!. A. XrTT.I.ER. Be Careful: Be Warned. Those who bury their dead in the so- called "addition to the Lebanon ceme tery" are hereby notified that the par ties who offer the lots for sale as well as those who bury thi-ir dead there will be presented for a nuisance, and that an injunction will be served at the next term of court. . jS Many Citizens. HTlio lonyr oi j-oocIm Hint I cuiM-y iuhI woo H'lhoro it it uy tliiiiRT YOU AVV.TVrJL drp:s8 goods, domestic print, gingham, HO SIERY, LACE, RIBBONS, CORSETS, BUTTONS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES. If you "want tHo ;oolrt I Avmtt to woll tlioin. riTlioy rn-o down ST an .1 a n K S r. Jesse Clark, who wa3 stablied in Al- week by A, F. Thonipson, Mondav the 4th inst. Thedif- Los Annelcs cmicrants are movine ficHlty was about a horse trade. It I ill's vi; Slbany last Tied on M from tlist overboomed section to this favors! vaMey. Mr. G. W. Whitcomb, C F. Gregory and others whose name we tailed to get. wetc in Lebanon for supplies fur iht ir new founded homes up c-ii list- fcantiam. They informed sterns from the verdict of the jury that Clark was the aggressor. Tiic deceas ed was born in Ashland, Ohio, about nineteen years ago, where his father was in the livery business for twenty five years. About two years ago he Chaitite in ltvnf nes. All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to the firm of Thompson & Waters, either by note or arrount, must come forward and settle the same within thirty day, as thf re is going t be a change in their business. Tiiostrsox & Waters, Brownsville, Oi., Jan. 1, 1S89. Entitled to the Beat. All are entitled to the liest that their money will buy, so every family should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy. Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or billious. For sale in Sflc and $1.00 bot tles by all leading druggists. The ltaprlPt Stan In Town Is the fellow who bought a nic lot of furniture at the mammoth house o Fortmider it Irving, at Albany. If y.u want to please your wife and make her greet you with loving smiles, just go and dilikewisc. They are honest dealers and carry an immense stock. Having bought out Mr. Andrews' interest in the firm of Andrews & Ilackleman, I desire to collect all out standing accounts now due. All per sons knowing themselves indebted to the late firui will please settle as soon as possible. I desire to close up all last year's Recounts. C. C. IIaokleman. TO THE VERY BOTTOM. Dont wait in expectation of better bargains. There is an end to everything, and we have got to the end in prices BECAUSE THEY CANT GO LOWER And leave me a living profit. You don't want to starve us out, so let us fit you out, and we will be happy all round. Piles of Goods at the PEOPLE'S PRICES AT C. C. HACKLEMANS'. mm :o:- Wq Jin UA Q J1 Kate Putnam's Favorite Song! us that fifty familhs were on their j moved with Ins parents to Dodge City, way and wonld all locate on t he .North i Kan., and a year later began traveling r crth fork f the South Santiam. We j with George Sparrow, the horse trade r, extend t. thcai a cardial welcome and j and one of the witnesses to the trage would be ghtd to enroll more of their dy. The Ixiy's parents have been no names on our mailine book. tilled of his death. Th? (printer's) devil informs us that tberw are just thirteen families in Leb anon who do not take The Express. Last Friday morning three of these persons were at the same house at the kikc time last week to borrow the pa- How Can Parents Allow their cinllren to cough and strain ar.d couph and calmly say: -Oh! it is only a little cold," and keep jriving them chcp and danger ous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or consumption, when they can be so easily rel:vea by BEGC'S CHERRY COI GII SYEUP! It has no superior and few equal?. M. A. MILLER, Eruyist. G. C. COOLEV. W. C. Cooley. J. D. Irvine. NEW FIRM AT BROWNSVILLE, Or. per, and . i the same day a lady in town could not wait until she washed the mornir.:' dishes until she had bor-j rowed a (- y of The TCx press. Now a'l that ro loo poor or too S(igy to Persons troubled with chronic diar- r'b. fr the paper, jiist come up 1 riicoa or snnjeet to bowel complaint in ... . .,, . I anv form, should trv Chamterlains wvaeora--o ann we wm pie jou i t,0-nc cholera and i)farrho?a Keniedv. e--'y?" for e don't want our honest j Many chronic cases that had resisted i-a -:r scribers imposed npon in i ail other treatment have I-.een cured bv G. C. Cooley & Co., successors to Cooley v Wash burn, dealers in general merchnndii-e, are now doing business at the old stand in South Browns ville, and now take the opportunity cf thankin their old customers for their patronage in the past and would ic pleased to have them call at I the new firm and examine oar goo 3s and get J price? before purchasing elsew here. G. C. Cooley Si Co. Some men are awful kickers, They kick all blessed day; They kick when they are busy, And kick when they do pray. Do you know the reason why? It is because they're stickers And are just built that way ! They'll always be great kickers Until they're laid away. The dude with little boodle, lie puts on funny airs ! He parts just like a poodle His half a dozen hairs. of some you wlio There are never Have dealt with M. A. Millfr ! Can you tell the reason why? All sa3r he sells much cheaper Than other stores in town ! He keeps the best assortment, And puts the prices down, DO YOU WANT The cheapest coat you ever bought? If you do, go to C. B. MONTAGUE'S! He has Fifty odd coats 1 1 apgyggjVM that he is going to sell in the next thirty days no matter how low the price. They must go! E C. B. MONTAGUE Will sell what cloaks he lias on hand during the next two weeks at great bargains, some. -elegant cloaks in the lot and must he sold even at a great sacrifice. T. C. leellei-. George Tjuhl. PEEBLER & BUHL, ! ! STARTLING AND AGREEABLE SURPRISE!. All Should Read the Low Prices I DULLER THE DRUGGIST. SUGAR. Drv Granulated, 13 lbs for $1 Extra C, 15 lbs for . 1 Golden C, 1G lbs for 1 Powdered, 9 lbs for 1 COFFEE AND TEA. Host Costa liica, 5 lbs 1 Nest ltio, 4 lbs : 1 Vrbucklc's, 3 lbs Java, 5 lbs 1 IVa, 1 lb BEANS. -mall White No 1, 22 lbs 1 White No. 2, 25 lbs : 1 Pink, 27 lbs 1 SALT. Liverpool Salt, 200-lb sack $2 " 100-lbsack 1 50-lb sack -took salt, 100 lbs 00 ! 001 00 00 on 80 00 40 00 00 00 20 15 70 75 SALERATUS. Dwight's Soda, 4 papers...... Arm and Hammer Soda, 4 papers. SOAP. Kirk's Saven, 20-lb box.................. olden West, 20-lb box CANNED GOODS. Tomatoes, 9 cans ... Corn, 7 cans Salmon, 1-lb can....... " 7 cans Oysters, 5 2-1 b cans .. 9 1-lb cans . ... Corned Beef, 2-db can Chipped Beef, 1-lb can... Lobsters, 2-lb can Condensed Milk, C cans Lye, 9 cans Fraser's Axle Grease, 2 cans 2n. 1 35 1 15- 1 00 1 00 15 1 00 1 oo 1 00 25 25 00 100 25 The Above are Prices of a Few Leading Articles in Our Immense: Stock, Which We Offer for CASH ONLY. HAVE A WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, Gents' "Furnishing Goods, a Fine Line of To bacco and Cigars, at Low Prices. We do not want to carry Ladies' and Children's Shoes, and will sell out stock; on hand at Actual Cost fsr Cash. Call and examine them. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Don't fivil to give xiss a call, tis it is to your interest 4 'f m J 5 it. For sale by M. A. Miller. t - - '