The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 08, 1889, Image 1

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H. V. FaTtkPATRK-K 7.T.TTT7pbUshera
ou w ; 00
8.1 M.othi , 1 35
TUre Month 65
Payable in advance
1.IOAI. )
Dd pquar. flrwt Insertion tS 00
E r addk.iuu.1 mrtion 1 50
L.vl -!. jwt 15 nU :
-KeuUr &dvi lUetnent. iaMrtod upon libnJ Unu. j
Et7 dcwsri.tCoB of
Jos Printing Dens ca Siicrt I...
Legal Blank, Bosisees CarjU.
Letter Heads, Bill Heads,
aacatas la auod Iaaa4 at lowt Ilrio saik"
" mum vv AoJiiiN u l UiN l MISULMjAJNLUUS. Tnii rAulilu UUAST. AGRICULTURAL. Portland market repori chewing up iron."
SBAXOX LnDGK. SO. 44, A. t. 1 A. M.: !
at tlwir mw ball in Muniiu niooi. oa aaiuroaj
evuing, on or before the full moon.
LEB AVOK I-OTH5F, SO. 7. I. O. O. F.: -nntAV
erenliiiE of .ash wk. at Odd F.ll.w SftIL
Miin Btreel; tUiUng fcrethrro coriiiHv In-lt.d U
HONOR LOIX1E NO. 38. A. O. TJ. W., Ltoaa,
Otvgnn: Meet .very ant and third Thurdaje-.-
Ing in the month. r. H. ROSCOa. M. W.
Walton Pkipwith, pastor Services earn Sun
day at 11 a. M. and 7 p. M. Sunday School at 10
A. M. each Sunday.
G. W. Golianr, pastor Services each Sunday
at 11 a.m. Sunday School 10 a. Jt.
J. R. Kirltpatrick, pastor Services the 2nd
and 4lh Sundays at 11 a. M. and 7 p. M. Sunday
School each Sunday at 10 a. m.
Boot. Stationery,
Musical MercMise
School Supplies.
For All the Leading Maga
zines and Newspapers.
A Double Circular "Water Power
Saw Mill,
Near Lebanon, Or.
Capacity about 6001 feet per day. Also, i
acres of land on which the sawmill
is located.
PRICE, $3,000
Also I are a large stock of
At lowest market rates for cash.
CK W. WHRELGR, Lebasss. r.
Groceries and Provisions,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Vacua ware and Glassware.
La naps and Lamp Flxtnrss.
Main St.. I,ebann. Ore(.
Land Company
General Agents for
Albany, Lynn Co., Oregon.
Baying and Selling
Heal - Estate - on - Commission.
Aad Doing 4eneral Real Estate
Land Solicited for Sale.
Proprietors of ths
LiTery, Sale aiifl Feefl StaHIes
Sonthaast Corner of Main and Suerauw.
Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har
ness and
For parties going to Brownsville, Wa
terloo, Sweet Horn, Scio, and all
parts of Linn County.
All kinds of Teaming-
German Government Spit s En Route to
the United States Samoan Mat
te, s Becoming More Se
riousLand Matter.
It is asserted in Washington by
those in a position to know that mat
ters have reached a serious state in Sa
moa. The natives have worsted the
Germans repeatedly, and according to
late dispatches Germany now proposes
to subdue them by preventing arm?
being sent in., ihe newspapers read
by Americans have been suppressed,
and the police of Apia are openly con
trolled by Uermans.
A private cablegram recently re
ceived at Washington announces that
the German government has orded a
military attache to report at Wash
ington to the German minister. His
business, it is said, is to investigate
and report to his government every
thing of interest concerning the Amer
ican army and navy.
Tho Republican Senators Sn caucus
bave adopted a resolution insisting
upon the admission as States of North
and South D. kota, Montana and
Washington. While it is regarded as
expedient that the two Dakotas hold
a constitutional convention, the Sena
tors are resolved that another vote
shall not be required upon the ques
tion of division. There is a disposi
tion for the adoption of a non-partisan
course in regard to New Mexico.
The case brought in the internet of
some Oregon settlers has been de
cided by the commissioner of the gen
eral land t-ffice. Heretofore the office
has required a new publication and
new proof iu cases where claimants
have made proet at a day other than
that indicated in the notice of publi
cation, or taken before au officer other
than that named in the notice. The
practice now will be to receive the
proof and submit the entry to a board
of equitable adjudication, where, if
there are no o' her irregularities, the
entry will be approved and recom
menced for a patent.
Commissioner Wright, of the de
partment f labor, has submitted a
report hlch relates entirely to the
subject of working women in large
cities. The report shows that the
working women are practically girls,
whose average age is twenty-two years,
and that out of the 16,427 cases inves
tigated, ODly 183 were in bad health.
At a recent meeting of the Ameri
can Shipping and Industrial league,
Gen. Joe W heeler, I Alabama, was
elected president for the ensuing year.
Kesolution8 were adopted favoring the
passage of a tonnage bill, which asks
for an allowance from the govern
ment for United States built and
owned vessels, of 30 cents a ton for
each 1000 miles sailed, or steamed ;
also favoring a system ef coast de
fenses; the building and equipment
of a strong navy ; the improvement of
harbors and rivers throughout the
whole couniry ; adequate compensa
tion for carrying the mails ; and the
patsige of a navy reserve bill.
The Haytian minister at Washing
ton has informed the secretary of
state that several vessels are being
fitted out at ew lork for an expe
dition against Hayti. The matter has
been referred to the treasury depart
ment, with the result that the collec
tor of customs at New York was spec
ially instructed to see that no viola
tions of the neutrality laws were com
mitted at that point.
The President has sent to the Sen
ate the name of D. Wade, of Mon
tana, to be chief justice of that Terri
It is now asserted that Consul Gen
eral Sewell will not agaiu represent
the United States at Samoa.
In Oregon and Washington Terri
tory, and it is stated in Ctslifornia,
there are many excellent government
lands, which would be at once settled
on were the land surveyed. There
are also hundreds of settlers, in Ore
gon especially, who are living on land
and have been trying for years to get
their land, but, owing to the small
price allowed surveyors by the gov
ernment for the work, they could not
undertake to survey it.
Friends of silver are eomewhdt in
dignant that Senator Allison has re
fused to accept the portfolio of the
Treasury department. They claim
that he has an opportunity to restore
silver to its former standing in coin
age. An important proviso of the Okla
homa bill as passed by the house re
cently is one reciting that nothing in
the act organizing the territory shall
be construed to authorize any person
to enter upon or occupy any lands in
the Cherokee outlet and Oklahoma
proper, for settlement or otherwise,
until after the Indian tribes and com
missioners shall have concluded an
agreement to that effect. It is also
provided that any person who may en
ter upon any part of the land con
trary thereto and prior to the time of
the President's proclamation opening
the same, shall not be permitted to
make entry upon any lands in the ter
ritory. Representative Hermann has pre
sented to Congress a petition signed
by 600 setclers on the high lands of
Eastern Oregon, asking for the for
feiture by Congress of The Dalles mil
itary wagon road land grant and the
Northern Pacific railroad land grant.
Petitioneas a ver that neither of those
companies has complied with the con
ditions of its grant, and that the pro
gress of the country is retarded by tfce
failure of the people to obtain titles to
their homes, or to acquire lands by
Horses should be kept well shod and
sharp while they are worked on roads
slippery with ice and snow. Inatten
tion to this point often causes lame
ness and suffering to the horse and
loss to its owner. 2ub the legs, and
particularly the heels, dry with wisps
of straw when the horse comes in
from work in rain or snow. Obstin
ate cases of scratches come from neg
lect of this.
The American mechanics of Lan
caster are buying flags for the public
schools of that city.
The Marlow Band of Texas Despeaados
Disband The President and Cash
ier of a .Georgia Bank in
Jail for Theft.
The Clear Lake bank, at Mason City,
Iowa, has closed its deors.
Snow fell at Pensacola, Fla., last
week, the first time in 22 years.
Mr. Jas. G. Blaine, jr., has signed a
contract to go on the stage for three
Two school children near Hitchcock,
l. T., perished in the snow storm of
last week.
The West Virginia Democratic leg
islative caucus has agreed to support
Kenna for the senatorship.
The messenger with the electoral
vote of Florida did not leave the state.
No reason is giveu for doing so.
Ives and Staynor were unable to ob
tain 1250,000 bail, and are locked up
in Ludlow street jail, New York.
Ex-Governor Porter, of Indiana, is
authority for the statement that War
ner Miller will be in the cabinet.
It is anticipated that about 30 men
will be discharged from the apprais
ers' office at New York in a day or
The House committee on commerce
will recommend the building of a
lighthouse near the mouth of the
Siuslaw river, Or.
Jack Carkeek, the Cornish wrestler,
defeated Ton Cannon, the Eng!isb
champion, at Milwaukee, last we.'k
best three in five falls.
President Tolleron and Cashier
Richards, of the Mercantile Banking
Company, at Atlanta, Ga have been
sent to prison for theft.
F. J. Marshall, formerly cashier of
the Northern Pacific Express Compa
ny, at St. Paul, is under arrest for
embezzling money from the company.
The Indianapolis people are await
ing with patience the report of the
grand jury to see the names of those
who have had bills returned against
The Marlow gang of deperadoes, on
the border of Texas and the Indian
Territory, haa been broken up, Boone
Marlow, tha head, being killed, and
his two brothers wounded.
Senator Stewart received yesterday
from the Nevada legislature a memo
rial to President-elect Harrison, re
questing the appointment of a Pacific
Coast man in his cabinet.
The shortage of Moore, the Indian
apolis agent of the Connecticut Mutual
Insurance Company, may reach to
$1,000,000. He has been missing for
three days, and ia believed to be in
Julian C. McClure. a prominent
man of Jackson county, Ind., has dis
appeared. It was reported that he is
short in his accounts as guardian of
minor heirs to the amount of 123,000.
Keeley, of motor fame, who had
been imprisoned for contempt of court
in not answering questions propound
ed to him, has been released, because
the case in which he was under exam
ination was not fairly at issue.
Rudolph Ericsson, of New Britain,
Conn., inventor of the new explosive,
extralite, has received a letter from his
uncle in Sweden, stating that the
right to use the discovery in England
has been Bold for $20,000.
The Supreme Court of New York
has affirmed the verdict of the Circuit
Court of f 15,000 against the million
aire coffee merchant, Charles Arbuckle,
in the breach of promise suit brought
by Clara Campbell, of Ironton, Ohio.
Ida Wilcox, daughter of Mrs. C.
Wilcox, of Bainbridge, N. Y., a pretty
girl of 17 years, was arrested in Paris
last week, with a Dr. Seller, of Eng
land, with whom she had eloped. Dr.
Seller, it is said, has a wife in Eng
land. The American ship, Henry Villard,
cleared from New York last week for
Seattle, W. T., with a general cargo of
merchandise. This is the first vessel
that has ever left New York for Seattle
and she will be r robably two months
on the trip.
Three messengers carrying state
elec'oral votes have not been paid
their mileage, because the certificates
identifying them are sealed in an en
velope which cannot be opened until
February 13. The messengers come
from Colorado, Kansas and Alabama.
The postmaster-general has sent to
the chairman of the house committee
on poetofnees and poet reads a pro
posed plan for the classification of
clerks in all first and second class post
offices. The general effect of this clas
sification of tbe present force, it is
said, would be to increase the aggre
gate salaries by about f 300,000.
The report of the Atchison directors
resulted in no enthusiasm in Boston,
but if any increased the gloom, for it
is evident that the whole truth has
not yet been told, but that there is
something being held back. Wall
street tried to boom the stock, and did
send it up a few points, but a full de
tailed statement of the condition of
the system is necessary to secure con
fidence. Membe.s of the New York legisla
ture complain of being worried by
corrupt lobbyists.
Cincinnati is arranging for fuel gas,
and expects to get it for 10 cents per
1000 feet.
Gold deposits of great value are re
ported as having been discovered in
the state of Guanajuato, Mexico.
Three women contested for the li
brarianship of the state of Tennessee.
The widow of a confederate soldier
got it.
Eight thousand fruit trees and 10,
000 grape vines were handed out to
ranshers in the northern portion of
San Luis Obispo county, last week.
Li Hung Chang, the famous Vice
roy of the province of Chihli, who
takes rank next to the members of the
Imperial family in China, has suffered
a stroke of paralysis and is said to be
in a critical condition.
The legislature of Maine is deluged
with petitions in favor of granting th
municipal vote to the women of that
Antagonism Between the Governor and
Legislature of New Mexico Pros
pectors on the Island of Tex
ada Minor Mention.
Baker City, Oregon, is lighted with
Diphtheria is almost epidemic at St.
Oigood.San DiegD county, has a new
Redding is to have a new three-.-tory
notei ana opera nouse.
Foreatville, Sonoma county, B to
duuu a 2U,uuu hotel this spring.
Fires of unknown origin are becom
ing quite frequent at Los Angeles.
A three point buck was lassoed while
swimming in Putah creek lart week.
A Mrs. Gubleman ia charged with
the crime of murdering her infant
cnild at VV oodland.
James Corrigan, lately from Kansas,
while drunk, was kill by tha cars at
if resno recently.
For 25-cents the hick drivers at
Walla Walla, W.T., will take a person
to any part of the city.
Thirty thousand acres of grain will
be planted in the San Jacinto Valley,
San Diego county, this season.
The boys at Sonoma celebrated the
arrival of the hook and ladder truck
by a torchlight procession.
The cantilever bridge over the Ump
qua river at Winchester, Or., haa been
accepted; it ia said to be a fine struct
ure. Bannock Indians, now visiting Pi
utes and Washoes, in Washoe county,
gave a peace dance at Reno on the
26th ult.
The dedication of the Odd Fellows'
hall, at Redding, was attended with
impressive ceremonies and proved a
great success.
The Arizona legislature have moved
the eapital from Prescott to Phoenix,
where the legislature will assemble in
about ten days.
A new steamboat, to be named the
Mount Tacoma, which is to run be
tween Tacoma and Whatcom, W. T.,
was contracted for lately.
Governor Roos and the New Mexico
legislature are at sword points. All
his vetoes are passed over his head and
nearly all his appointments are pigeon
Prospectors are staking off all of the
island of Texada, where the recent
gold find is reported. Many miners
from British Columbia and Puget
Sound have gone there.
The child of William Allen was
burned to death at the Stonewall Min
settlement, San Diego county, yestei
day. The clothing of the child wt e
ignited in some unknown way.
Mrs. E. Parks, who lives near Ban
gor, Butte county, fell into the Forb s
town flume Sunday. She shot the
flume, a distance of three-quarters of
a mile, without injury.
The survey of tin Blackfoot, Fort
Belknap and Fort Peck rvseivations,
in Montana, has been advertised for.
About 17,000,000 acres will be thrown
open to the public.
A move is being made in New Mex
ico to increase the liquor license from
1100 to fl.000. The legislature ia
urged to pass a bill to that effect. The
liquor men are making a savage fight.
Eight tons of butter, eggs, cuied
meat, etc., were shipped from Port
Harford on the 22d ult., the greater
por'.ion of which was sent south to
feed the citizens of Los Angeles and
San Diego.
In Utah the census of children of
school age, between, six and 18 years,
shows that there are in the Territory
911 boys and 3.641 girls of non-Mormon
parents, and 34,082 boys and
23,289 girls of Mormon parentage.
The result of the Laguna de Tache
grant land suit at Fresno, it is said,
will be to transfer a water monopoly
from one party to another. Nothing
will be gained for the public and the
interest is more of curiosity to see
who will win than to anticipate bene
fits. Farmers in the southwestern part
of Grass Valley township, Nevada
county, are organizing fcr the purpose
of constructing an irrigation ditch to
take water from the South Yuba Canal
Company and lead it over Dress Sum
mit, by Osborne hill, through Forest
Spring, and then on down the coun
try. At Santaquin, Utah, J. Anderson,
aged 33 years, has for some time past
trained his 8 year-old girl cousin to the
use of fire arms. He would place the
muzzle of an empty gun to his head
and the girl would pull the trigger and
snap the weapon. Tnursday he loaded
the gun with buckshot and playfully
placed the muzzle in his mouth, ask
ing the child to pull the trigger. She
did so, and Anderson's head was blown
to pieces. He was despondent and
had taught the child to act as she did,
with the deliberate intention of being
Elijah Smith has accepted the pres
idency of the Seattle, Lake Shore &
Eastern Railroad, This road, with the
Union Pacific and Manitoba and Ore
gon Railway, have formed a pool, with
Smith as president. The Oregon will
build to Spokane Falls from Rockford
(a line of 25 miles) immediately. The
material for the Seattle road will come
by the Oregon line, and the Seattle
road will be pushed to completion
within a year, if possible, regardless
of expense. The Oregon will unite
with the Union Pacific and Manitoba
at Missoula as Boon as the! line is com
Sweet potatoes will fatten a pig
sooner than will corn. The small tu
bers can be used, as well as those that
may be damaged, by cooking them for
that purpose.
The North Pacific Canning Compa
ny is shipping large quantities of lum
ber to Skeena river for the purpose of
erecting an extensive canning estab
lishment. The situation at the Newcastle coal
mines in Washington Territory is still
The, Proper Management of Seed Fo.a
toes-The Advantages of Well
fe hod Horses A Receipt for
Preserving Ergs.
Grooming should be thoroughly per
formed on every horse at least once a
day. Never groom a horte in its etal!
wuue me r.orse is eating, but take it
out for the purpose. Otherwise the
dust and dirt which fill the air become
mixed with the horse's food, making it
unpalatable and unwholesome.
Breediag sows should be eiven com
fortable, clean quarters, with freedom,
or, at least, the liberty of a yard large
enough for moderate exercise. Dv not
let them run with cattle or hordes,
though, they should have generous
and plentiful rations of bran and
other muscle-forming food, tut net
much Indian corn or meal. Skim
milk, bran, oil-meal, boiled to a thin
gruel, peas, etc., are good foods for
The management of seed potaks
is one of the important arts of the
potato grower. The chief point is to
prevent them from sprouting, and for
this purpose a low temperature as near
to the freezing as is possible, without
touching it, is desirable. Nearly ev
erywhere farmers find that the late
varieties of potatoes are more product
ive than the early ones. I? not this
p irtly due to the fact that early varie
ties have been injured by sprouting,
while late varieties are less liable to
this it jury.
Tbe following receipt has been tried
by a lady who says she has egg that
were preserved by it four years. They
are still good. Take one pound of
unslacked lime and one pint of com
mon salt to two gallons of soft water.
Put your eggs on end, in layers, iu
any good tight vessel a j ir is good.
When as full as you with, make
enough of the brine to completely
cover the eggs. If you put the eggs
down as gathered each day, add some
of the brine so as to keep all complete
ly covered all the while.
In breeding and feeding cattle the
first legitimate purpose is to make tbe
animal do the very best that it will.
The saving of food in the direction
of depriving the stock of all that it
will eat has no place in the calcul e
tion at all. It is true that in some
cases the animal will cat its bead off,
though that will occur only with scrub
stock. But in such cases the animal
ehould be got rid of. It does not de
stroy the rule that profitable dairying
demands abundant food and good
Probably meal will finish up a steer
better than ear corn, but for the bulk
of the feeding there are no trials to
which we can point that show in favor
of meal over whole corn. A step still s
further in the right direction is to feed
unhusked corn, fodder and all, to the!
cattle. Such innovations may appall T
many farmers, but what we are drill-!
ing toward is rot more complicated j
methods ol feeding, but big crops t j
feed, better stock to feed it to, and
simple, rational methods of getting
feed to the animals.
If the owner of a small farm brings
to bis work tbe bus-mess capacity and
good judgment which tbe large land
owner does, it is very evident that,
proportioned to the acres cultivated,
he will have tbe most money at the
end of the year. Hired help is not
only expensive, but at times very un
certain and unreliable, but a man's
own hands, with a heart in his work,
which seldom accompanies hired help,
are always available for every little de
tail on which success depends. Many
men will do more with teu acres and
get more out of, and from them, than
others v ill with a hundred. It re
quires as much labor, however, for the
ten as the hundred. It is intelligent
labor and good management that
count on a farm, hence it is that small
farms pay the best and that farmers
contiuually complain that there is no
money in farming. To our way of
thinking, and we are familiar with
every department of farm business,
and measurably so with the city,
there is no enterprise one can engage
in which offers better opportunities
for a healthful, independent and suc
cessful life than a moderate sized farm
under good management.
There are many who never take a
ramble in tbe woods in the winter sea
son. They seem to think that because
the trees, save the pines, hemlock?,
etc., are bare, and because tbe birds
have left for a warmer climate, there
is nothing to be seen in the woskIs in
winter. Those who bave learned
properly to use their eyes, will find
that the woods prevent enough of in
terest at all seasons to make a vi-it to
them profitable at any season. Lum
bermen, who work at felling trees, do
so iu the winter only, and can distin
guish trees with great accuracy, and
tell one kind of tree from another as
far off as they cm see them. They do
tins from the peculiar way in which
the tree branches, and the color and
markings of the bark. We have
found that these Bamo lumbermen, it
shown the leaves aud fljwers of the
trees with which they are so familiar
in winter, tail to recognize ihzm , in
deed many are surprised to learu that
forest trees bave Mowers. To be able
to recognize trees at all season, and
to name them accurately, whether
they have leaves or not, is a very use
ful sort of knowledge which every far
mer should acquire. The carpenter,
the cabinetmaker, and all other work
ers in wood, while they may not be
able to recognize the trees, can tell at
once, from a mere chip, the kind of
wood they are handling.
The Brooklyn, Mass.. selectmen,
putting an old blue law in force, have
stopped Sunday fast driving, Sunday
soda-water drinking and Sunday candy
The party who visited Wilson's Peak
to ascertain the feasibility of estab
lishing an observatory there, have re
turned to Los Angeles well pleased
with the atmospheric conditions found
on the mountain. The contract for
the 40-inch glass will be formally closed
at once.
G tOCERtES Suarars have fallen C ic
Hincsour last report. We quote cube,
extra tj ojc, dry granulated tgc, cube
crushed and powdered 7j)c Gofiwi firm,
Guatemala 18j?21c Costa Rica 18ifc2lr
Itio 20 taiUe, Salradoriaaoc, Arbuckle'a
roasted Z3fc. -PROVISIONS
Oregon haras are onot
ed atK'4't l.tic, breakfast bacon lStoc
f.aKtern nr-ac taqnoted as fololws: hiatus
lii(a 13i, Sinclairs 14 a 15c, Oregon break-
t&at b con Idj'uiUc, iastern 13gu3 e.
FRUITS Green fruit recefDts 139 bxa.
Hard fruit is scarce, and the supply of ap
p'es not rqual to the demand. A poles t5fK
f 1 per bx, Mexicia oranges f t, lemons
0'5 per bx, bananas 3.5UjM.50,
quinces 40 . (10c,
V f GET A BLES Market well suppMed.
Cabbage i lc per" R. carrots and turnip
"5c per Bark, red pepper 3c per tb, potatoes
a wo per racK, sweet lf'fi.c per in.
DRIED FRUITS Receipts 91 pkges.
Sun-dried apples lrafxi per lb, facterj
slic d 8c. factory plums 7 a 9c Oregon
prune 7'ff 9c, pears 9 iluc, peaches 8 rl0c.
raisins ?i '0.2.25 per box, Call ornia figs
oc, Smyrna isc per id.
DAIRY PRODUCE Oregon creamery
and choice dairy Soc, medium ICe'dOc Oat-
irornta lancy sue, choice dairy rc.
eaatera zowaoc.
EGGS- Receipts 293 cases, Oregon 25c
POULTRY Chickens $5 5.25, for
larpe young and f 4 75 for old, turkeys
1Ks15c per lb, ducks f 5(7 per dozen.
WOOL Valley 18120c Eastern Oregon
HOPS -Choice 8114c
GRA IS Valley flJo, Eastern Oregon
F. OUR Standard 84.50. other brand
?4.?5, Dayton and Cascade f4.10. Goaham
e-l.zo, rye flour do Uraham $o 50.
FRFSH MEATS Beef, live, 343ic
dresaed 7c, mutton, live, 3 3 ' c, dressed
7 lambs 2.0 each, hogs hve, Si's 6c,
J n I "-.I 1 Ll O
We dote upon this world as if it
were never to have an end; and we .neg
lect the next as if it were never to have
a beginning. Feneloru
The Japanese Government has In
stituted a college for women, with
English professors, and put it under the
control of a committee of English wo
men for six years.
The safest way to stay the progress
of wrong is to advance the right. Every
direct attack upon the wrong, by the
right, imperils the right by inviting a
counter-attack upon itself.
No way has been found for making
heroism easy, even for the scholar.
Labor, Iron labor is for him. The world
was created as an audience; the atoms
of which it is made, are opportunities.
Doctrine serves to gather humanity
Into the various folds, according to
their individual convictions; but the
actual worship flows from each through
but one channel, rinding equal accept
ance from a loving God.
I will give you an orange, Wil
lie,' said a famous English Freethinker
to a little boy. "if you can tell me
where God is." "And I will give you
two," replied the boy at once, "if you
can tell me where He fa not" Har
per's Touno Peoplt.
The Ten Commandments were given
to the people some thousand years ago
for their moral advancement, and the
Sermon on the Mount Is nearly 2,000
fears old; and still it Is hard work for
nearly more than hall of the people of
civilization to give them more than cas
ual observance.
One of the most Important uungs
that the Christian can do, says the Ar.
F. Independent, for the culture of his
own piety Is to acquire the habit of
jvstematicaliy and devoutly reading
nd studying the Bible. By this habit
he will "grow in grace' by growing
"in the knowledge of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ The more he
reads the Bible the more precious will
It become in hi3 experience.
How lonely the mother feels when
for the first time her boy shows that he
feels too big to be kissed! As they be
gin to feel like little men, too many
boys thing that any show of affection
on their part is babyish; they are afraid
of being called "girl-boys" or milksops.
J ust as if a man ia ever mora manly
than when he laves and protects the
mother who hwed and protected him
through so many helpless years, Such
a boy is sure to grow into the man who
takes such good care of his wife. Rural
Aeia Yorker.
"One man's conduct may lead a
host into a snare; beware how you fol
low man; the prudent man looketh well
to his going."
Why is it that whenever you are
looking for any thing, you always find
It In the last place you look? The
reason is because you always stop look
ing when you find it
Young man, don't break in two In
the middle if the world goes against
you. Braco up and go against the
world awhile, and see how quick you
can knock it out Washington Critic
The faults and weaknesses of
others, instead of being woven into gos
sip, scandal and useless criticism,
should be used as danger signals, to
warn us away from the paths which
have led to them.
According to Engineering, some
experiments conducted at the Ports
mouth (Eng.) dockyard, with a view
to determining the resistance of metals
at different temperatures, indicate that
the strength of iron increases uni
formly up to 500 degrees F., while the
ductility diminishes up to about 300
degrees; it then inoreases until a some
what higher temperature is reached,
and then remains nearly constant up
to a temperature of nearly 500 degrees.
Steel, similarily tested, showed no
diminution of strength up to 500 de
gress, but at this point ita ductility wa
red uced one-half
General Harrison will probably start
for Washington on the evening of Sun
day, February 24. His route is not
settled, but it will probably be by the
"Big Four" line to Cincinnati and then
over the Baltimore & Ohio.
Weeds that have not perfected the
seeds can be used for bedding, after
being: dried, and then thrown cm the
manure pile, but if the seeds' ripen
they will be carried back to thi land
in the manure. .
atg Machines That Cot Scraps ar ThaS
-iney Can Be Used Again.
How is scrap iron utilized? In a city
here there are so many foundries and
manufacturing works as in Pittsburgh
an immense quantity of it is sold. But
what do the dealers do with it?
Doubtless this question has puzzled
others besides the reporter who under
took its solution the other day. In his
wanderings about the city the news
paper man spied a sign on a building
indicating that the latter was occupied
by "dealers in iron and steeL" and at
once sought an interview with the pro
What do we do with scrap? Cut it
up and sell it to furnaces and mills.
Come out Into the works and I'll show
you how 'tis done,"
And the gentleman led the way from
the office into a yard in which was
piled tons upon tons of old iron and
steel. There were all sorts of utensils,
or pieces of them, from wagon springs
to engine boilers. Old axes, shovels,
hoes, cooking stoves, piles of stove
pipe, pots and kettles, and a thousand
and one other articles made up the
miscellaneous assortment
"Tbe first thing to be done with the
scrap after it is received is to sort it
separating the iron from the steeL
Castings that are too big to hartie in
the bulk are broken up by a big ma
chine called tbe 'drop,' and then the
whole is cut into convenient shape
for use in crucibles. For cutting there
are powerful machines which I will
show you."
A workman was seated oa a bench
with a big pile of wagon springs near
him. These he was feeding, one by
one, to a big machine which kept a
huge jaw working up and down, biting
off a piece of steel with each move
ment Near by was a larger machine
which must have been many tons in
weight The knife that did the cutting
was attached to and apparently a part
of a huge iron beam, which worked up
and down propelled by steam power.
This beam resembled in shape ihe
head and snout of a big black hog, and
this appearance was heightened by the
steady opening and shutting of the
ugly iron jaw. which was chewing np
the plates of what had once been a
strong engine boiler, into pieces three
or four inches square. When the iron
or steel has been cut or broken into
this shape it is ready for sale in lots of
several tons.
"Where do you get your material?"
From many sources. Some of it
comes from cities as distant as Mil-
kee and Detroit and some has been
picked up here at home. It comes to
is in boat-loads, ear-lo3ds and wagon-
loads. The rar men of the city gather
up iron on their rounds, and when the
junk dealers have accumulated several
tons o it they sell it to us. Then the
trading boats that ascend the Alleghany
analMonongahela bring us large quanti
ties. They take out glassware, tin
ware and other goods, which their
owners exchange with farmers and
others for old iron, and come back
loaded with that material. It comes
to us in every conceivable form from
every quarter." FUtsburjh Dispatch.
How a Detroit Merehant Treats Persons
(aught at fUferlng; Ooods.
"Do you have much trouble with
shop-lifters?"' asked a reporter of a
Detroit dry goods merchant
"Very little,' he answered. "I have
been in business a great many years
and have probably had as good a
chance to know as any one in De
troit e have had very little stolen
from us."
"How do you account for that?"
"In several ways. One is that we
do not leave our goods lying 'round at
loose ends or thrown promiscuously
upon the counter. Then if some one
is e-aught stealing a pair of gloves or a
yard of lace or a pocket-handkerchief.
we first assure ourselves of the fact
that it is a theft, and then ask for a
return of the goods and let the parties
off with a reprimand. I have no time
to attend police courts and can not
make myself see the necessity of ar
resting people for trivial offenses, 1
have faith enough in human nature to
believe that the parties themselves will
do better by me, with such treatment."
"Yes," said one of the partners,
"that has always been our firm's policy
and I think it is a good one. I remem
ber a stranger who was passing our
old store, nabbed a man and brought
him in by the collar. 'I caught this
man stealing,' he said. He had taken
some trivial thing from outside. My
brother looked at him a moment then
he asked sternly:
"What did you do that for?
The man shivered and shook and ex
pected to be sent to jail, but my part
ner just looked him over and said.
"Get out of this! Don't let me ever
hear of your stealing again."
"How about the rich kleptomaniacs
who purloin fine goods which you
charge in your bills?"
"All nonsense. There are no such
people, or if there are, they do not
patronize me, AU this talk about
systematic stealing and shoplifting is
nonsense. There are professional shop
lifters we should probably know them
at a glance. At all events I would
rather lose a few dollars in that way
than to expend it in- convicting some
poor wretch in the courts." Detroit
Free Press.
William Spears, a farmer living in
Walnut Bend, Cook County, Tex., sud
denly went mad. He attacked a large
dog, bit out its tongue and ate it He
then attacked a neighbor aud bit him
s:rely. He was fiai'ly overcome
Us-1. confined.
The Prince of Wales lately present
ed a handsome gold watch and chain
to Chief Inspector Charles Walker,
who was retiring from the London po
lice after fifty-one years' service. Ha
has been engaged at Marlborough
House ever since the Prince of Wales'
marriage. . ,
President Carnot of FrancC4he
recognized leader of male fashiens in
that country, and the clubmen copy
his coats and cravats aatiduovm!-' t
The clergy of the Church of En
gland of all grades, from archbishops
to curates, number 23,000.
A good authority states thai tha
Methodists in the United States are
now building churches at the rate of
five per day.
Mexico is called a Christain coun
try, yet Buhop Hurst of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, says that in Mexico
8,000.000 bave never seen a copy f the
Holy Scriptures.
Rollins Chapel, the Dartmouth
College building, so badly damaged by
fire a short time ago. was the gift of
the late Hon. Edward A Rollins, of
Philadelphia, .and cost $30, 000.
Co-education has proved such a
great success at Cornell that Sage
College, the women's deMrtmCTCta
crowded, and the faculty are ptizzle
where to find accommodations for all
Jne applicants.
-The twenty-fifth anniversary of
the? introduction of Sunday -schools
into Germany was recently celebrated.
There are now more than 1,000 Sunday-schools,
with 1,100 teachers and
230,000 children, in the Geraian
The money given by the women of
the Presbyterian church in the United
States during the past sixteen years
amounts to 2. 150.000. reDresentirnj'
the entire support of more than 200
women missionaries, 200 native Bible
readers and more than 150 schools.
The first school census taken la
Georgia since 1882 has just been com
pleted. It gives the total number of
children of school age as 560,281, as
against 508,722 in 1882, and shows
that in the country districts the bova
outnumber the girls, while in the cities
and towns the girls predominate.
Buddhist opposition in Cevlon ia
becoming more and more virulent;
and one of the greatest hindrances to
the Gospel, writes a missionary, "is
the coquetting with Buddhism which
has become fashionable amonsrmanr.
Europeans. Buddha's birthday is now-'
government holiday in this islandrof
Queen Victoria," Spirit of Missions.
Mr. Williamson, the Philadelnhia
millionaire who gave so manv million
dollars to establish a manna.! training
school for poor boys, denies that col
ored boys are to be excluded. This
statement was recently made in one of
the Philadelphia papers. Mr. William
son maintains that the word "white"
can not be found in the deed of trust
The pupils in the city schools of
Des Moines, Ia., express their affec
tion for their teachers by bringing'
them presents of fruit. As the amount
of fruit Drought indicates the intensity
of the affection, some of the teachers
are talking of quitting their present
occupation and of going into the
wholesale fruit business. Several of the
scholars, to show their originality,
contribute pumpkins, red peppers and
Seven miles from Yankton. D. T..
is a farming community where several
young home missionaries labored off
and on, and finally gave it up as a bad
job. "Father" Nicholls, a Congrega
tional clergyman, over seventy-two
years old, went out there a year ago
and the result ot his work was that a
few weeks ago a neat brick chaoeL en
tirely paid for, was dedicated, and he
was installed pastor over a congrega
tion of twenty-five church members,
not one of them of Congregational
By Rule and Measure.
Undoubtedly some harm is done by
those who insist upon bringing up all
children after one cast-iron pattern.
In a certain sense it is true, as an old
lady once said, that " if you have thir
teen children, you'll find io two of -them
can be managed alike." But
after all, the worst harm, and a great
deal of the most of it is committed by
those who say: " There is no use in
trying to bring up a family by rule.'
Complain as you will about it the '
human frame is a machine, and all
human frames are pretty much alike,
and, as Mrs. Browning says: ''need
one flannel, with a proper sense of
difference in the quality." The vast
majority of children should be brought
np to go to bed early; to rise early; to
eat three wholesome, abundant meals :
per day, and absolutely nothing elsa; "
to be scrupulously regular in main
taining both inner and outer cleanli-
ness; to live as much as possible in the .
open air; and to abhor idleness. There
are said to be exceptions to this rule,
but the writer has never k . n one
There may be children who are al
lowed to break one or more of these
regulations habitually, and who yet
maintain unbroken health from year's
end to year's end, but we never saw
ene. Kate Upson Clark, in Homa '
Maker. Pascal Porter, "the boy preacher,
is really what his title claims. He ia
only twelve years old, and he haa -been
preaching for two years. He not
only expounds the Bible text but
quotes poetry and argues with all the
force of a logician. His father says he
began preaching before he le! off. V
An absent-minded Georgia traveler
put his only coat ia his traveling bag
before retiring for the night Tha
next r orning he couldn't remember
what he had done with the garment
and consequently, oa the train arriv
ing at Atlanta, ho walked coatless to
the hotel. Some time afterward,
while searching for another missing
article, he found the coat
Count von Moltke's house at Ber
lin is a large one, with no less than
thirty windows looking on the street
but the famous old General lives al
most exclusively in two rooms of it A
One is his bedroom, the other bis study.
The chief ornaments of the former are .
a large photograph of his wife and !1
picture of her tomb. These are always
wreathed with palm leaves.
Coralie Cohen is claimed by the
European Jews as a second Florence
Nightingale. She ia a Jewish lady,
who was an angei of mercy during the
late Freeh co-German war, aa& pass"
unharmed among the wounded ir
two hostile camps. She is a .;; i, '
the Legion of Honor, and ,1