The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, February 01, 1889, Image 4

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t Hm-h'm m-wmm awMN MMi. rk VwKtm mw O'vymm mwm mimjm
, -
a. t-n
Lebaijojj Express,
J-mci Wednesday' - I
w r I
i .
riefcsaht weather,
JUai If "' v's tiew i-
.-, 'V V..i'HE Express
The cltv iCOUUCi
The poiieW force of Albany
uniformed to-day. ;
Fresh fishV brands and ltm''ns
ne new ensn fctorc ciun,
Llttten to Kate Putnam's son-
jfciedy sheVTBlr for M.- A. Mill
v.?,- fin the s.Li'-vUs duil
Fenuoycr vriil
bill. I '
Mr. Blaine w
!net, but Miiler
eale of Drugs.
One price and g
store, but every tb
delivered to any
A surprise jart
Roberta at tarreea
land water
s enjoyal
S A.
arrison's eab-
. " .11 lead In the
"iho new cash
fob! cheap and
the city,
"""was given Sirs.
i Inst- Saturiiftv
! p4lnt report a
a fire insurance
tVrr rVtt-tl. Mil. w? in town
trow f.
"" . nd research.
je glftd to vrs leome Mr. a. ii.
sasoa to our town. He is a house
" and i?n pais ter, rainer and hard
wood finisher.
Mr. Chaa. Dwyer, Jot Halsoy, was in
lection of war seeuesaud places of in
terest in ihe United (States.
A magnificent sturgeon fish v;.s sold
in our market Thr' lr 5" retail at
the new cash grot of C B. Monta
gue. Let us nav e ro fish.
All old accounts due rue must be
paid by the last of January or I will
fclac them la the ha lids of an attorney
for collection. T. C. Peebleh.
The thanks ofTni? Express is grate
fully extended to Ityn. J. B. II. More
loek and Hon. JeffMyera, our faithful
representatives, for valuable state pa
pers. .- J
Mr. Jacob Ant eepa a first -clasa
harness and aaddi H hop in JebajiOn.
All kinds of repair g done with neat
ness and dispatch, &ud all work guar
antied. We are sorry to laarn that Mr. tvan
Bosler, who "has been sick for some
time, is not improving, and that hia
Condition is not at all eatisfactary to
his friends.
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me w ill please eail and set
tle, as I doaire to brfauce wp my ac
counts of 1SS3 and do a cash business
hereafter. M. A. Miller.
R-adors of this naper can save ruon-
i " ey-by tailing on Deyos & Eobson, of
Albany, aa they ha'.e the most com
plete stock of all kiads of hardware
and agricultural implements on this
Look out for the red cross. It indi-
. eates tfaat The Express is needing a
little change and tlmt you are in ar
rears please give jattention it may
eeem a small matte: to you, but the ag
gregate is large to tae poor printer.
Peter Humes, Esc., of Brownsville,
made a pleasant jall in this office
Wednesday. He is a quiet, nice gen
tleman, of fine business qualities, aud
one of the prominent men of our neigh-
We understand that Mr. J. D. WaN
ton has made arrangements to open a
first-class lumber yard in Lebanon.
Hr. Walton is an enterprising man,
upright aud fair in all his dealings,
and we predict for him a success.
Swan Bros, have bouarht out the
building where they are at present lo
eated in the stove and tin business.
These are gentlemen of probity of
;riMcTfcr ana or. sona rtusiness win,
and we are glad that they have tnus
become real estate owners in the town
of Lebanon.
We return the grateful thanks of
The Express office for twenty-two
new subscribers in the last few days.
We are glad that our friends appreci
ate our efforts to furnish a readable,
live paper, and hope in the near future
nsiderable additions to the
material oi ima oiucv hum iu tuiuigc
the reading matter.
There is considerable excitement inN
town ovlug th- Thanon grave
yard, or rather of restraining the Trus
tee from further enlarging the same.
We hope the matter will be adjusted
without any hot blood. It does seem
likeweeould get ground out of the
town, and not bury our dead right
" among the living.
We hear of a dbzen buildings going
Tip just as soon as the roads will permit
f hauling aud the weather will do to
go to work, and one large brick. The
future of Lebanon was never brighter,
and if pr public spirited men will just
lead a helping hand, by way of cheer
and encouragement, we will have
real boom in a short time.
Mrs. Mary Liggett departed this life
on Sunday, the 27th, in the 81st year
, of her aire. She was a native of Ohio
in early life moved to Missouri, from
".here to California, and in 1872 moved
nd settled half a mile west of Leba
n, where she died. She was a quiet
k woman and lived and died with
at an enemy tliat she knew of. She
- leaves a husbend and six children, to
whom we exteuS our sympathy. The
funeral took place it the Masonic bur
ying grounds on Monday evening the I
29th, conducted by Rev. J. K. Kirk
patrick. Mr. D. H. Mothorn and one of his
daughters started to Davenport, W. T.,
last Friday, his wife and the rest of
the children to join them In a few
weeks. Mr. Mothorn has been a citi
zen of this county for several years,
and by industry and frugality has ac
cumulated wealth. He settled near
v Sweet Home and began on 5 capital,
nth a wife and several children to
rt; he leaves a well-to-do farmer
nsiderable cash. We are very
so good a citizen, but cou-
t that he will do like
"e, return in a few
. , 't wiser mau.
Mrs. Henry Blakely is visiting rela
tives at Pendleton.
The eldest daughter of Findlcy Mc
roe is suffering from an attack of bil
lious fever.
Dr. I. W. Starr-accompanied by his
wife, on Tuts Jay left for Albany to
visit friends. ,
j r. Horace Carpenter, of Salem, hfi9
been visiting her brother, O. P. Cosh-
ow and family, for the past week.
Mrs. Carpus Sperry during the past
week left for Portland to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Skiff.
Asbury Ellis, of Spokane Falls, ac-
j'rotnpansed by his wife, for the past
week has been visiting friends in
The B. W. M. Co. have "closed
down" for repairs and the addition of
new machinery. The factory will be
put in first-clas's working order pre
paratory to an early start.
For the past week the daily attend
ance of the protracted meetings at the
Baptist church, now being conducted
by the Rev. Le Itov, lsa3 increased
rather than diminished; niany conver
sions have been made under the elo
quent persuasion of this divine, who,
without undue excitement or noisy
demonstration, commands the rapt at
tention of a large congregation, bring
ing proof of holy and sublime truths
most eloquently portrayed, aud giving
evidence if dien studv, application
On Sunday last, at the
conclusion of th-j morning exercises,
the rite of baptism, by immersion, was
conferred on niue applicants, con
verts made duri-ig the present term of
protracted meeting. The efforts of
Rev. Robe and Rev. Elworthy at the
Presbyterian church, South Browns
ville, have also met with most pleasing
success, a number of converts havinar
been made, with a corresponding in
crease m the membeiship of the
. y
School going on pleasantly as usual.
We are very glad to say that Frank
Marks, who his been sick with lung
lever, is slowlv recovering.
The names of those who visited the
school this week are not on hand to
writo. We would like to see more visitors.
On Sunday Prcf. Gilbert enjoyed a
pleasant call from Dr. Carter, of lkii
ton county. Mr. Carter was a student
of tile Prof s. iu 1S61.
The Literarv Star, published month
ly by the members of the society, was
read Monday evening by Mis Lizzie
Reed. It was well dona.
The Gleaner will appear before us
again to-day. lew time it is under
the efficient management of Mi?s Mag
gie Sutton aud we have every reason
to believe it will be a suecesa.
Some of the students are cften so
late in tbe morning that they lose the
benefits of the thorough instruction in
vocal music. New niusie books have
been ordered for the use of the school
and the musical department now fur
nishes part of the entertainment for
Friday afternoon exercises.
The meeting of the E. L. S. last
Monday evening was attended by sev
eral of our honorary members and
friends. The question was ably dis
cussed by both sides but was decided
in faror of the negative. The question
was Resolved, that the United
States have been too liberal in land
grants to railroads.
Mrs. ii. W. Rice, FSneMUnery.
J. S. Courtney, M.PJ physician and
California eoleryand cauliflower
the new. cash store.
Mr. A. .Senders, the enterprising
horse buyer aud trader of Albany, was during the week.
Sardines In mustard at V. B. Don
aca & Co.'s, only 15 cents per box.
Ce.raeol roast coffee at W. B. Don-
aca & Co.'s. Something good. Try it.
Just reccU-ed at Miller's ilrug More,
one gross Red Cross Cough Cure. Try
Farmers, remember that Joseph
Bush pay cash fur produce, hides and
When you desire a i ka:ant physic,
try St. Patrick's Pills. They can al
ways be depended upon, and elo not
nauseate the stomach nor gripe the
bowels. For sale by M. A. Miller.
Tai-tiis wishing lumber will do well
to give us a eall. We have on hand
over 15000 fee-t of fencing lumber.
Ctsnow A Cable,
Having enlarged our business with
a complete stock of everything kept m
a first-class furniture house, we invite
the public to call and give Us a trial.
We make a spe-cialty of everything
kept in the undertaker's line.
Albany, Oregon.
Prof. Langford, an itinerant musi
cian, was arrested in Lebanon for lead
ing a horse on the sidewalk. Demo
crat. Such a thing is of so frequent au
occurrence with the "Professor"' that
we thought it not wortli mentioning.
The fact is the Trof. is near sighted
and hardly knows the difference be
tween a sidewalk and the main street.
! n ( o a n it VwWii
at r " n j. i r - i r ' ; i i j i r- - i
I j vy l J I v- u j
llie long: liwt oi goods ..Hint I oiiri'y
niicl woo if ther is my tiiin-
YOU wv.Tsrr.
If you Avniit t in
tlioiu. MMiot
fooil I Tvimt to
io clown
V.' ! y Don't Yon?
We have been asked several times
latelv why we did not publish certain
scandalous reports that are Coating
around on the "Vox populi." This pa
per tloes not propose to be a scavenger
that runs after the filth and scum of
the town for the purpose of keeping
up strife and bickering among our fel
low citizeus. We have a higher am
bition than to play the part of carrion
crow by repeating iu the press e.ery
little dirty tale that we happen to hear
on the street, besides we think tot)
iRuc'iJof our town and neighbors to be
holding ud to public gaze tl fhort
cumings of others. We have a sover
eign contempt for t'.;e yelping hound
that is always barking on -the track of
some one, whether it be the public or
private walks of life.
Proposition for a w School Home.
I will be one of ten to buy a square
in the towa of Lebanon for a new
school house, and I will also be ene of
twenty to put up a five thousand dol
lar school building. We must build if
we want to keep paee with other
towns. A Taxpayer.
We hope a few more of such as
"Taxpayer" will come to the front.
If Lebanon wants to get on a boom she
must have a finst-elass graded echoed
jut such a public school as other
towns. People are serkiug and will
have ths very bet educational advan
tages tor their children, and they are
going to move to that town that is on
the grow, and that town will grow
that has a first-class graded school.
Dont wait in expectation of better bargains.
There is an end to everything, and we
have got to the end in prices
ti-ie:y cant go lower
And leave me a livlngr profit. You don't want to starve
us out, so let us fit you out, and we will
be happy all round.
Piles of Goods at the PEOPLE'S PRICES AT
Gravcjrnrd In Town.
Mr. editor: ill 5-eu allow us
space in your valuable paper to enter a
protest against the further enlargment
of the graveyard in the town of Leba
non. When the present burying place
was selected tnere was no thought of
the town reaching its present limit,
but now, with settlements all around
the old graveyard, and with a bright
prespectof rapid future growth, it
looks absurd for the trustees to try to
enlarge it right in town. Besides the
looks of the thing it is a din ct injury
to eeveral of us living on the north aud
east side of it. We hold that they
have no right thus to damage us and
our property in any such way, and if
the trustees persist in their efforts to
enlarge under our most solemn protest,
then we will ba compelled to try for
reeirees at the hands of the law. It is
a well known fai t here that there is an
j under current of water running north
and north-east all the time, thus com
pelling us to drink the water from
the decomposing bodies of the dead.
We sincerely hope that this matter
may be adjusted without recourse to
law, but if nothing but law will settle
it, then let it come.' Citizens.
Card of Thanks.
I hereby extend my most grateful
thanks to all the friends and neighbors
who, in my hour of sad affliction and
sore bereavement, so kindly sympa
thized with me, and so generously
aided me in my sad calamity. I shall
always remember your kindness with
a grateful heart.
Mrs. Nettie Huddlesox.
Stabbing Affray.
At Albany last Monday afternoon
about 3:30 o'clock Je3se Clark and A.
F. Thompson got into a quarrel at the
Stevens place, resulting in Clark strik
ing Thompson with a shovel and
Thompson's drawing a knife and stab
bing Clark in the lungs near the heart.
Dr. Mnstoii was called and pronounces
Clark in a critical condition. Thomp
son Was arrested. Justice Humphrey,
after hearing the testimony, ordered
the dtfendant held to await the action
of the grand jury under $500 bontls.
which were furnished. Clark, for
whom a warrant had been issued, will
be discharged.
What on Earth
I the reason people will not, can not, do not
see any difference In cheap nostrums put up by
Cheap John houses or lrre.poni ible parties at en
ormous profits, rather than take a medicine of
world wide reputation and one that Is givlnpr uni
Tersal naUsfaction at equal price? No medicine
iu the world is giving iiueh universal satisfaction
I for purifying the blood as BEGU' S BUXD ri"Rt
FIKR& BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle that
does not do its work will cost you nothing.
How Can Parent
Allow their children to couch and Rtraln and
cough and calmly say: "Oh! It is only a little
cold," and keep giving thtra cheap and danger
ous medicines, until they arc down with lung
fever or consumption, when they can be k eauily
relieved by B EGG'S CHER.tY COCGH SYRLT?
It has no superior and few eq ia.
M. A. MILLER,-Druggist.
L-Jii tiii aK) UD
Bore a one inch hole IS inches deen
in center of stump, put in one ounce
of saltpeter, then lill the hole nearly
full of of water and plug up tight; this
is done in the fall and spring. Take
out the plug and pour in one-half gill
of kerose'tie and set on fire, and it will
burn out to the very extreme ends.
Cough! and Cough!! and Cocgh! ! !
What in the world ts the reason you will cough
and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior
medicines when BEGGS CHERRY COUGH
SklP will pofritively relieve your cough at
once? This is no advertising scheme, but an ac
tual fact, and we guarantee it.
Special Notice.
The publisher of The Express has
made arrangements through the Gen
era! News Agency, to club with all the
leading papers in the ' United states
You will save 15 per cent by this of
fer. Wc will be glad to accommo
date you and will be responsiDlc for
any failure in the matter.
Change In Basines.
All parties knowing themselves to
be indebted to the firm of Thompson
& Waters, cither by note or account,
must come forward and settle the Same
within thirty day, as there is going to
be a change in their business.
Thompson & Waters,
Brownsville', Oi., Jan. 1, 1889.
Entitled to the Best.
All are entitled to the best that their
money will buy, so every family
should have, at once, a bottle of the
best family remedy, Pyrup of Figs, to
cleanse the system when costive or
billious. For sale in 50c and 51.00 bot
tles by all leading druggists.
The Happiest Man In Town
Is the fellow who bought a niw lot of
furniture at the mammoth house of
FortmilkT & Irvine, nt Alhany. If
you want to please your wife and make
ler erect vou witn loving smnes, just
co and do likewise. They are honest
dealers and carry an immense stock.
Kate Putnam's Favorite
Persons troubled with chronic diar
rhoea or subject to bowel complaint in
any form, vhould try Chain ticrlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ileniedy
Many chrouic cases that had resisted
all other treatment have been cured by
it. r or sale ty ivi. A. Miner.
Special K. It. Notice.
Hereafter no baggage will be check
ed unless it arrives at the depot five
minutes before the departure of traius.
M. E. Hearne,
Having bought out Mr. Andrews'
interest in the firm of Andrews &
TIackleman, I desire to collect all out
standing accounts now due. All per
sons knowing themselves indebted to
the late firm will please settle as soon
as possible. I desire to close up all
last year's accouuts.
C. C. Hackleman. ,
Some men arc awful kickers;
They kick all blessed dayj
They kick when they are busy,
And kick when they do pray.
Do you know the reason why?
It is because they're stickers
And are just built that way !
They'll always be great kickers
Until they're laid away.
The dude with little boodle,
He puts on funny airs !
He parts just like a poodle
His half a dozen hairs.
There are some of you who
Have dealt with M. A. Millfr !
Can you tell the reason why?
All say he sells much cheaper
Than other stores in town 1
He keeps the best assortment,
And puts the prices down,
' ( -
) fJV-J I A Wui , titiii -0
Expects to do a larger business, than in anyone yeai
of his mercantile history; and with this object ii;
view has made arrangements to have every depart
ment in his mammoth establishment replete with
fresh and desirable goods, to be sold at the lowest
cash prices.
The old credit system is a thing of the past, and
everybody will find that cash or produce will securef
genuine bargains at C. B. Montague's store.
For All Kinds of Country Produce.
Wishing a happy and prosperous new year to all
of his customers, .and earnestly requesting that all
who are indebted to him woulcl make it a happy and
prosperous new year to him by making a cash re
mittance at : once." He is still tlie same "
'.III3XH23...'X,0 STAY.
. c
T. C. lVebler.
George XJuli.
111 IQ MQ
(0 s Gin- S
All Should Read the Low Prices!
Drv Granulated, 13 lbs for :. $1 00
Ex'traC, 15 lbs for.. 1 00
Golden G, 16 lbs for 1 00
Powdered, 9 lbs for v 1 OU
Best Costa Eica, 5 lbs 1 00
Best Rio, 4 1 lbs 1 00
Arhnckle's. 3 lbs 80
Java, 5 lbs :., 1 00 j
Tea, 1 lb 40
Small White No'l, 22 lbs 1 00
White No. 2, 25 lbs 1 00
Pink, 27 lbs 1 00
Liverpool Salt, 200-lb sack , ....$2 20
" 100-lbsack : 1 15
50-lbsack 70
Str-k salt. 100 lbs 75
Dwight's Soda, 4 papers 25 .
Arm and Hammer boda, 4 papers
Kirk's Savon, 20-lb box 1
Golden West, 20-lb box..... 1
Tomatoes, 9 cans... 1 00?
Corn, 7 cans 1 00 .
Salmon, 1-lb can.......,, 15.
7 cans....; 1 00.
Oysters, o 2-lb cans 1 00 .
" 9 1-lb cans 1 00
Corned Beef, 2-lb can. 25
Chipped Beef, 1-lb can.... 25 .
Lobsters, 2-lb can 25 .
Condensed Milk, 6 cans 1 00 :
Lye, 9 cans 1 00 ..
Fraser's Axle Grease, 2 cans 25 ,
The Above are Prices of a Few Leading Articles in Our Immense.
Stock, Which We Offer for CASH ONLY.
Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, a Fine Line of To.
bacco and Cigars, at Low Prices.
We do not want to carry Ladies' and Children's Shoes, and will sell out stock:
on hand at Actual Cost for Cash. Call and examine them.
Xoii't fail t give us a- call, as it is to your Interest .
. 4-',r- "
i --...'