The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 25, 1889, Image 3

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    Lcl)aiOI Express
Subscribe for The ExritESS.
Evan Bosler is said to be convales
Mr. 2.1. J. Monteith, or Aloany, was
in town the first oa the week.
We are informed that Tilford Paul is
svriously ill with pneuniouia.
Mr. A. J. Collier, of Eugene City,
"visited Lebanon during the week.
P.ev. J. P. Martin will fill the pulpit
of Cr. W. Gibony Sunday evening.
J, V. Williams and wife, of Penile-
tc-tit, were in town during the week.
The new One Price Cash Store will
be jroverued by the "Golden Rule."
Wc rcz xt to learn that Mrs. James
C'hsrll c?u is enjoying very poor health.
A' Mr. Olavpool received a carload of
f Korses from Eastern Oregon Wednes
day night.
.-. Mr. J. L,. Cowan, Mayor ot Albany,
tfw in town Tuesday and registered at
the St. Charles.
Idr. H.O. Brown, lately of Massa
chusetts, is canvassing the town for an
excellent book.
The police force of Albany aie soon
to !-e uniformed, the uniforms having
5 ready been received.
ncity council did not meet Tues-
T e announced in our last issue,
Vmeet next Tuesday.
yist, M. A. Miller, returned
rom Ssleni, where he had
bH.-n to take a peep at the solons.
Mr. J. G. Gross, postmaster and pro
prietor of the hotel at Water loo, made
this office a pleasant fall Saturday.
J. A. Beard and T. C. Peebler, two
f the live men of Lebanon, have made
business trips to Portland this week.
Mr. A. Ervin, of Murray, Idaho,
Tv-R-i in town during the week. He left
Sot the Cour d' Alene country Tuesday.
Ieave orders at the new Cash Store
au! have your go-tds delivered to any f the town for less mouey than
you ever bought them-
De the display of mens' and boys'
boot in C. B. Montague'a center win
ioWi He intends to sell them for cost
to make room for spring stock.
All old accounts due me must be
paid by the last of January or I will
j 'af a them in the hands of an attorney
for collection. T. C. Peebler.
We have had the very best weather
Jinaginable for the past three weeks.
It hss been clear most of the time,
-vlth an occasional light fall of rain.
All parties knowing themselves in
v.ebttd to me will please call and set
tle, as I desire to balance up my-ac-counrs
of 1533 and do a cash business
Iier-fiftcr. M.A.Miller.
Isadora of this paper can nave mon
ey by calling on Deyoe & Itobson, of
Albany, as they have the most com
plete stock of all kinds of hardware
and agricultural implements on this
coasi. M
Mr. M. Wiley and wife, who re-
cen-tly came from Texas, are in town.
Mr. Wiley expects to make Lebanon
iila heme this wiuter. We hope he
vi;I W pleased with this part of the
Dr. Courtney came very nearhavinu
& -frioiis accident last Wednesday
vi-uin' by his horse falling in front of
the St. Charles Hotel. However no
sre-sc damage except a copious supply
of mud.
All the wav from two to a dozen
.-pses of era ali-pox are reported in Am
ity, Yamhill county. From the most
authentic intelligence there are two
casss and they are both under strict
- Look out for the red cross. It indi
cates that The Express is needing a
Utile ehansre and that you are in ar
rears please give attention it may
seem n small matter to you, but the ag
gregate ia large to the poor printer.
Samuel Clay pool, an old ami highly
-respected citizen, has returned to Leb
anon after an absence in Eastern Ore
gon with his family for some eight
months. We gladly welcome them
back, andareeorry to learn that one
or more members of the family are
not enjoying good health.
A rartv was given by the Misses
Swan on last Friday evening. A
goodly number of our young people
svttc present and participated in the
V2y9 of the evening; also in a bounti
ful lunch which was served . them.
The crowd, after much enjoyment,
dlpr-rsed about midnight.
The farmers in the vicinity of Har
risburg, Linn county, are complaining
of the depredation of cattle thieves and
of evil disposed, persons who mutilate
etoek by cutting off their ears and oth
erwise disfiguring them. One man
jsiamed Meredith was found in posses-
of three bead beloneingto a man
Something Nw.
Yes, Lebanon has another
new store.
Haa opened in the Odd Fellow's build
ing a General Merchandise Htore,
which will be known as "The One
Price Cash Store." The name will in
aicato to every one tue principle upon
which the business will be couductcd
one price to all and ca :h on the spot
will absolutely be the rule. ' But,"
says some one, "just let a good respon
sible man go there without the money,
and see if he doesn't get the goods
rather than lose the sale." Don't fool
yourself, Cash is the fallow I deal with
and not a iingle article can leave the
store unless the cash is first deposited
in coin. " Well," aays another, " Mr.
Montague will have to sell goods most
awful cheap if he expects to get cash
every time." Certainly he will have
to sell goods cheap, and the object will
not be to see how much profit he can
realize on his goods, but at how small
a profit he can sell them for cash, be
cause the "nimble dime will earn more
money than the slow dollar."
Every article in the new store will
be marked in plain figures at the low
est living cash prices and it will not be
necessary to ask "Is that the lowest
price?" or "I can do better somewhere
else" or "ow see here Mr. Montaeue.
I want a large bill of goods to-day and
I wane you to come down in your
prices." All such speeches will be of
no avail and will be regarded as a
waste of time and words. One Price!
One Price Absolutely! One price will
be the rule and no exception and it
matters not how few or how many
goods you buy the price will be the
same one price to all and that the
lowest for cash in hand. So please
bear in mind that if yo i .want to save
money by buying your goods at the
One Price Cash will be'jicees
sary to bring the money along because
I will send the money up this after
noon or to-morrow" will not do, for
the simple reason that goods will be
sold so cheap that the least risk will
not be taken. Here are a few reasons
why it is better to deal at a One Price
Cash Store:
1st, There is no time wasted in bick
ering or useless time spent in keeping
2d. You are not compelled to help to
pay somebodies bad debts.
3d. You don't have to be a judge of
goods to get value.
4th. You can send a little child to
the store and get goods at the same
price as if you came yourself.
5th. You will get more goods for
your money. -
6th. The poor and the rich buy at
the same price.
7th. You will get no duns.
It will be useless to quote prices of
other stores as this store will be an in
dependent one price cash store govern- j
ed by its own rule and will be conduct-j
ed on a plan that will be a direct bene
fit to tne MMp!e.
Every effort will la made to treat
the people courteously and every
transaction will be done in a fair and
square manner. Very Respectfully,
Mrs. G. W. Rice, Fine Millinery.
J. S. Courtney, M. D-jfTiiyslcIaii and
surgeon. ,
Sardines in mustard at W. B. Don
aca & Co. 'a, only 15 cents per box.
Caracol roast cofl'ec at W. II. Don
aca 4k Co.'s. Something good. Try it.
Just received at Miller's drug store,
one gross Red Cross Cough Cure. Try
Farmers, remember that Joseph
Bush pay cash for produce, hides and
Wheu you desire a pleasant physic,
try St. Patrick's Tills. They can al
ways be depended upon, and do not
nauseate the stomach nor gripe the
bowels. For sale by M. A. Miller.
Parties wishing lumber will do well
to give us t call. We have on hand
over 15000 feet of fencing lumber.
Cosmo w & Carle,
Having enlarged our business with
a complete stock of everything kept in
a first-class furniture house, we invite
the public to call and give us a trial.
We make a specialty of everything
kept in the undertaker's line.
Albany, Oregon.
A Fatal Accident.
Last Monday some young men were
on a deer stand, about three miles
above Sodaville, wheu Joseph Klum
in handling his gun aecidently dis
charged it, shooting and instantly kill
ing John Huddleson, one shot taki
ing effect in the back of the head and
one in the neck. Thev were occu
pying a stand together, when, about
ten o'clock, their dogs drove up a deer.
Just as it came in sight Klum raised
his gun to fire, but, being wet, it
slipped sideways and was discharged
just as it came in range with tba head
of Huddleson, who was standing near
him. He was taken to his parents, a
spectacle to shock anyone, much less
parents and brothers and sisters. The
deceased was alout twenty years of
age, and was a young man lighly res
pected by those who knew him. The
funeral took place at Lebanon last
Tuesday evening, and there being no
minister present, appropriate and well
timed remarks were made by Mr. C.
B. Montague. " In the midst of life,
we are in the midst of death."
Iflio loiiT li-t .of jarootlK Unit I aii-i;y
itiicl s-o if tlioi is iii vt liin-
A Pftallar Cane.
Mrs. Catterlin, of Salem, was sick.
It was thought she had an abscess in
her breast, and was being treated for
one; but it was not an alseess. It was
a pin. A few days ago in coughing
violently she threw up a brass pin, al
most woru to a thread. She remem
bered having swallowed it just thir
teen years previously. Mrs. Catterlin
is now a well woman.
Trouble With Italian.
you viiiit tlio ooods I wnut to soli
tliom. 'JL'laov down
Do nt wait in expectation of better bargains.
There is an end to everything, and we
have got to the end in prices
And leave me a living: profit. You don't want to starve
us out, so let us fit you out, and we will
be happy all round.
Piles of Goods at the PEOPLE'S PRICES AT
V I '71
'i i i ft ' S r rs r 1 S
M.U t H 1 1 t I I 1 I I J I I t I
rM !! vi
10 LJ J lJIjl D
School is progressing as usual.
The names of -Edith McKinsey and
Dollie Saltmarsh are added to the list
as new scholars this week.
Those who visited the school this
week are Mrs. Edwards an I Misses
Ada Smith and Callie Claypool.
Frank Marks, one of the studeuts, is
absent from school on account of sick
ness. We hope he will be able to be in
i school again soon.
Miss Maud Ballard's name lias been
added to the class in music, which now
numbers for the present year about
The meeting of the E.X. S. Monday
night was very interesting, and a de
bate on the following question, "lie
solved, that Prohibition will succeed
by having a distinct platform and not
uniting with other parties," which
was decided in favor of the affirma
tive. Next Monday evening is public night
at tue E. Li. S. The debate for that
time is, "Resolved, that the United
States have been too liberal in land
grants to railroads. The Literary Star,
edited by Miss Lizzie Reed, will also
be an interesting feature. Everpbodj
uivited. Stcdent.
-c ... ......
' iir. fc-arle, a contractor on tne U. I .
II. R., came near having serious trou
ble with about 200 Italian laborers 'at
Albany last Tuesday. They demand
ed their pay and threatened violence
if it was not furthcoming immediately. I
The mutter was finally settled by t'or
ran A Monteith taking all their script
at 00 cents. Laborers should have
their paj and our laws sho lid be so ar- j
ragned that all laborers have a lien on
the subject matter of their work, but
Italians and all ot tiers should know
that they cannot take the law into
their own hands.
EcUU' LuEL.J LJitid Lcj Lk e i I
Expects to do a larger business than in-anyone year'
of his mercantile history; and with this object in
view has made arrangements to have every depart
ment in his mammoth establishment replete with
fresh and desirable goods, to be sold at the lowest
cash prices.
The old credit system is- a thing of tlie past, and'
everybody will find that cash or produce will secure
genuine bargains at C. B. Montague's store.
For All Kinds of Country Produce.
Wishing a happv and prosperous new year to ail!
r i j - . - . -
oi nis
customers, anu earnest rpniipsfmo- t hut all
who are indebted to him woulil make it a happy and?
prosperous new year to him by makinsr a cash re-
mittancc at once. He is still the same
In a wooded dale,
p.t r-neaa, ana sKippeu icnwi mc
mountaifiB to avoid the consequences.
Mrs. M. Backenstow, an old pioneer
who settled in the forks of the Santi
nm in 1853. but haa recently resided in
Albany, died in that city on Sunday,
the 20th inst. She was a member and
helped to organize the ftrst Cuniber
!!tr.d Presbyterian church in this
'octicty in the year 1854. Truly one of
the tioble of earth has fallen, but she
fall tt her post with trust in her Gcd.
Kcv. G. W. Gibony, pastor of the
Presbyterian church at Lebanon, has
for.e to newport this week to assist the
' .i:tor of that place in a series of meet
:r 5rs. It is understood that the Rev.
ijiU.nv will return with Eev.
rri!kspie, of Newport, to this
"- 'i on Monday, and together they
hold a meeting here, beginning
.- Monday evening the 28th. Every-
;.iv invited.
Z ' 'm Roberts on last Friday sustain-
r - hile splitting rails, a small injury
Veil caused him not a little pain
; suffering. In striking the wedge
..'h he wa usiner a small piece of
wa split off and sent with such
sm to find lodgment in the center
- - his left leg between
"Tl; nee and ankle. Dr. Courtney, of
. place, assisted by Dr. Maston, of
- v, cut down oa the steel and re-
some distance i
from oregn City, lived a simple
minded bachelor of say 50 years. Near
by was the ranch of a neighbor, a man
of family, who had a comely daughter
budding iBto womanhood. The bach
elor adored the maiden. Her parents
Wot of the affection and informed him
that, in accordance with the custom of
old in Canada, he might have the
maiden for a wife in exchange for fifty
acres of land. The warranty deed
making the transfer was duly recorded
in Oregon City for $5 and "other val
uable considerations." But the valua
ble considerations, the pretty daugh
ter, scoffed at the bargain, and married
a young and handsome fellow. The
old bachelor lias learned that his neigh
bors are energetic business people.
Found Gailty.
The jury in the Jaueway trial at
at Portland laft Friday night brought
in a verdict cf guilty after being out
only fifteen minuus. The indictment
contained two counts, one charging i
him with breaking into the postotlice j
building, aud the other with having
taken the registered package. The
jury naa been thoroughly lustruetea
as to the kind and amount of evidence
required to convict him. Jaueway
got 18 months in the penitentiary.
A VVoman Suicide.
A lamentable tragedy was enacted
at Cottage Grove Saturday morning.
Mrs. Mary Ann Martin, wife of V. P.
llartin, an old an highly respected
pioneer of Lane county, committed sui
cide by taking strychnine. The de
ceased and her husband were keeping
hotel at the depot at that place.
Charge in Bnslnfin,
All parties knowing themselves to
be indebted to the firm of Thompson
& Waters, either by note or accown,
must come forward and settle the same
within thirty day, as there is going to
be a change In their business.
Thompson & Wateiis.
Brownsville, Oi., Jan. 1, 1S89.
T. O. lVehlcr.
q ffffl iff
llT1 .... i li,T HIIt(iKI IS.
"Tins is the time, if there ever was a
time," for the Oregon Press Asocia- j Don't forget the editor w hen you
tion to force to a passage at the legisia- have a gocd item. If your wife drives
tuie a bill authorizing the publication i you out of the house with a broom
of all new laws in two pnper of differ- ! wtick let us know of it and we will sK
Knowing that a cough can be checked
in a day, and the first stages of con
sumption broken in a week, we heicby
guarantee Dr. Acker's English Remedy
for Consumption, and will refund the
money to all who -buy, take it as per
directions, and do not find our Ktute
ment correct. J. A. Ukakd.
Doctor Walter K. Hammond nays:
"After a long experience 1 have come
to the conclusion that two-thirds of all
deaths from coujrhs, pneumonia ami
consumption, might be avoided if Dr.
Acker's English Remedy for Consump
tion were oiily car ifully used in time."
This wonderful Remedy is sold under a
bv J. A. Beard.
cut politics (where two exist) in every 1
county in the State, and to introduce a
bill compelling the publication of
comity court proceedings in at least
one paper in each county, at its regular
advertising rates. Let the President
of the organization take the initiative
i m med iatel y - Wei come.
Special R. K. Notice.
Hereafter no baggage will be check
ed uuless it arrives at the depot five
minutes before the departure of traius.
M. E. Heaese, ,
Agt. j
Women lose their beauty because
colds undermine their life. Dr. Acker's
English Remedy for Consumption is
an absolute cure for colds. Sold by
J. A. Beard.
Croup is a terror to youiiir mothers,
especially during the winter mouths,
as it is men most prevalent, it can
always be prevented, if properly
treated as soon as the first symptoms
appear. Hoarseness is the first symp
tom; mis is soon ioi lowed oy a peculiar,
.Ainrh stsi l f i-1 1 T P iYa n ViArlu 1 r 'a t Vol npl-i
Remedy is freely given as soon as these
symptoms appear, it will invariably
prevent the attack. There is no dan
ger in giving the remedy, as it contains
no injurious substance. For sale by
M. A. Miller.
Persons troubled w ith chronic diar
rhoea or subject to bowel cornrlaint in
any form, should try Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
Many chronic cases that had resisted
all other treatment have been cured by
it. For sale by M. A. Miller.
"There is always room at the top,"
true; but in erder to remaiu when you
reach there, y u must have a go;d
training. Nothing fits a young man
to reach and stand at the " top in any
calling of life like a good Business Ed
ucation. This age demands it. The
untrained cannot expect to win in the
race with the educated. The young
men of our community should endeav
or to complete a course at some busi
ness institution.
it riiiht before the puldic. If you have
visitors, tell us if you are not ashamed
of them. If a youngster arrives at
your house, buy a quarter's worth of
candy and call on us for an appropri
ate name. If you h:'.ve u social gath
ering of friends, bring around a big
cakf, a lot of pies, a ham, cic. Xot
nete.-sary to e:it but as a guarantee of
good faith, and we will supply any de
li ieiency in the eyes of the puulie.
George Buhl.
I H 11 11 it i ins! J Liii ( 1
aii vDnouia Keaa tne low rncesi
positive guarantee
Entitled to the Best.
All arc eutitled to the best that their
money will buy, so every family
should have, at once, a bottle of the
best family remedy. Syrup of T igs, to
cleanse the system when costive or
billious. For sale in 50c and ?l.OO bot
tles by all leading druggists.
" Two-thirds of all deaths in New York
City are from consumption or pneu
monia. The same proportion holds for
most other cities. Delays are danger
ous. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for
Consumption will always relieve, and
may save your life. Sold by J. A. Beard.
The child coughed. The mother ran.
No remedy was near. Before morning
the poor little suflei cr was dead. Moral;
Alwa5-s keep Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy at baud. Sold by J. A. 'Beard.
The Mapplekt Man in Town
Is the fellow who bought a nice lot of
furniture at the mammoth house of
Fortmiller & Irving, at Albany. If
you waut to please your wifo and make
her greet you with Joviug smiles, just
go and do likewise. They are houebt
dealers and carry an immense sto-.-k.
Soldiers in the Russian army are
said to be cured of intemperance by a
curious'aiid heroic method. The ineb
riate is locked up, and given only food
boiled in. his favorite wretched spirit !
and water. He soon becomes horribly
sick, but is kept on this diet until the
very sight or scent of spirit creates in
him an inextinguishable loathing for
' The present territory of Dakota b
nearly square. It is as large us al!
New England with Indiana, South
Carolina, New Jersey and IMawnrc
thrown in. It hiis a population ot
000,000. There are 450t miles of rail
road, l:00 postoMiecs, 40;K) school hous
es, 100 churches. In 1SS7 Its wheat
crop exceeded that of any other state
or territory. It is a land full of re
sources, with the Northern Pncilh
railroad crossing it to carry them t.
their proper 'markets. This territory
now surpasses n number of states in
population, in productions, and in tin
promises of a future increase cf both.
St. Paul will have no ice palace this
year. The mildness of the season is
Dry Granulated, 13 lbs for..
Extra C, 15 lbs for
Gulden C, 10 lbs for
Powdered, 9 lbs for
Hc?t Costa Rica, 5 lbs
Best Rio, 4 lbs
Arbucklo's, 3 lbs
Java, t lbs
Tea, 1 lb :..
Small While No 1, 22 lbs .
White No. 2, 25 lbs
Pink. 2T lbs
Liverpool Salt, 200-lb sack
" 100-lb sack
oO-lb sack
salt, 100 lbs
. 1
. 1
.. 1
Pluck is the In st word in cur lan
guage; the best capital In business; the
best armour in' battle; the host friend
in health; the best cure for ills. Thick
boosts a man over many a rough spot.
Pluck is an American ' virtue, and
and cneouniircd.
given as the reason for the postpone- should be cultivated
mtnt of the ice carnival billed fur 1SS9
to ISL'O. If Minnesota h:w nothing
more serious to complain of than ab
sence of cold weather she is to be con
gratulated, and it is befitting that Oit
goii should shake hands with her.
D wight's Soda, 4 papers
Ann and Hammer Soda, 4 papers
Kirk's Savon, 20-lb box
Golden West, 20-lb box ...i
Four papers of either Vi id
Tomatoes, 9 cans
Corn, 7 cans..
Salmon, 1-lb ean
u 7 cans....... ........
uysters, o z-ib cans
9 1-lb cans
Corned Reef, 2-Ib can ...
Chipped Reef, 1-lb can ,
Lobsters, 2-lb can
Condensed Milk, G cans
Lye, 9 cans"
Fraser's Axle Grease, 2 cans
.bove are Prices of a Few Leading Articles in Our
Stock, Which We Offer for CASH ONLY.
Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, a Fine Line of Tor-
bacco and Cigars, at Low Prices.
Having bought out Mr. Andrews'
interest in the firm of Andrews &
ri.i . i. ... . .
tiic oest illustration oi it is given in a
pair of chromos of that name the
morrl lesson .of which entit ies them to !
a place upon the walls of every house
in the land. Xext to the family biblo, I . , , , , , ,. . . ., , , , , ...
pluck is in demand. Not to have! We do not want to carry Ladies' and Children's Shoes, and will sell out stock-
pluck Is a misfortune.
Greely told this story of
Hacklcman, I desire to collect all out-'; himself: Soon after ho went to learn
standing afcouuts now due. All per- j the printing business he went to sco a
sons knowing themselves indebted to preacher's daughter. The next time
on nana at cxuai oost Tor Lasru uaii ana examine them..
Xon't i'jiil to
the late firm will pleaso settle as soon ; he
as possible.! I desire
iaL vcar s aci uuma.
('. Hacklcman.
i accounts.
attended meeting he was considera-
to close up all-1 My astonished lit hearing the minister
My daughter is
e us a. osill, as it is to your intoi-ost..
l announce ' hi text:
' .1..- . . i .1 .. -jl. .. . . :i
siiii'iuiiNv vuiiu vi ins a ttcvii.
X 1H 11 JTZTr c t