The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 18, 1889, Image 1

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    . !,' ! i.!; PA 1 al. iC Publishers
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Jsli Priitir.1 :: c: L::t
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Lx-al Nutter. i. r Kim 1 enti
l;-u:r u.eiuniiit. taortl ukb terms.
mswiaMiwKWi .m in .mi 1 in iiwiiwiwiiim w mmmmm mmmmmmKmmm 1
LKsox LortoK. KO. , A. F. k A. M : Mtt
i ti:Mr tiw m Maputo lilock, on Sututtla
veumg, on or b,-lMrtt the full moon.
T.EB,VoX 1 Ori''.!!, NO 47. TOO F.: MwU Sat
uvlAy ewmng M . -h tiwk, at Odd Fellows Hull,
Mum' street; vuluug Vrettirn contially loitsd Is
tteud. ' J. J. I'llAHLTOH. H. a.
HONOR Lor-.;R " SO. JS A O V W , lWns.
V,, in the mouth. V. H. ROSCOS. M. W.
Real Estate, Insurance & Loan
V Central Collection and Notary raklle
Nr Buisru rrntl' Alteniel t.
: , ,
v Mnfsftnrer of
jaenta and Headstones..
A Double Circular Water Power
Saw Mill,
Neai Ielnoii, Or.
Capacity about 600 " feet pr day. Also, 4 J
acres of land on which the sawmill
is located.
PRICE, $3,000
Also lave a large atock of
At lowest market ratea for cash.
. W. WHREtEB, Lebaaaa. Or.
Artistic Photographer,
Enlarging from Small Pictures. In
stantaneous Process.
Groceries and Provisions,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
V.aeeasware aad Ctlaaaware,
Ijaaiaa and Lanp Flxtarr.
Hala nt Lfbanta, Orraran.
Land Company
General Agents for
Albany, Lynn Co., Oregon.
Bujingr and 8eliing
Alt Dataar a Cteaeral Real Estate
a-Land Solicited for Sale.
Proprietors of the
Liyery.Sale anil Feefl StaMes
Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman.
Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har
ness and
- Torprties going to Browngville, W
itarloo, Sweet Home, bcio, ana all
parte of Linn County.-
.11 kinds of Teaming
An Interesting Resume of the Week's
Happenings in Both Branches of
the Nation's Legislature
Samuel N. Bixtey baa been appoint
ed postmaster at Kelso, Cowlits coun-T-
James P. Statr baa been appointed
postmaster at Syracuse, Polk county,
in place of Frank R. Hubbard, re
signed. A railway mail service bas been es
tablished on the route from Wood
ville to SnoUotuisb, six times a week
to take tffect from tke 28th.
G overnnr-elect Hovey lias left Wasb
initton for bis borne in Indiana. He
will resign his seat in the House,
which will be fill d by a special elec
tion next month.
Senator Cnllom has reported favor
ably a bill from the commerce com
mittee to increase the salary of the
furgeon general of the marine hos
pital service to f 6000 jierunmmi.
The total coinage of the United
States miuta for the twelve months
-ndirK the calendar year ef 18S8 wa
165 318,614, divided aa follow-: G.ld,
f31.3SO.tt80; silver, $ 33,025,606; mi
n .r. 4912.200.
Tbe Secretary vt tbe Navy bas is
sued peremptory orders to hasten tbe
worked preparing the Unite StaUs
ships All -ma, vauiaha and Aloiiicin
for te t It a rt ported that the last
wo named will be sent to Samoa te
reinforce the Nipsic.
A party of Dakota Democrats, re
cently elected deb gates by the
Miti bell couveu'ton, are now in V aeh
ington, their object being to secure
necessary legislation to carry into ef
fect the d8iic8 of the convention, and
tty express tbe intention of remain
ing there until that is accomplished.
Tbe President gave .a etste dinner
of bjrty-eigbt covers to membera of
the CAbiuet Friday night, the seconu
of the winter's series of official enter
tainments. The White House was
handsomely decorated for the occa
sion. A miniature lake, with banks
bned with evergreens and red and
white roses, was the principal floral
Claus Soreckels bas made a state
ment before tbe Senate committee of
finance, concerning his experiments
in the manufacture of beei aagar in
California, intended as an argument
against tbe pivposed reduction of duty
on sugar and the substitution thereof
of a bounty of 1 cent a pound. Dur
ing tbe hearing it was intimated that
the committee would insert in the bill
a provision, making the bounty of one
ci-nt t pound operative until the year
A letter was laid before tbe Senate
Friday from the Secretary of the
treasury m reply to a resolution 01
the Senate asking for copies of the rul
ing made by the department as to ti e
classification of gill-nets roada 111
S.-otland, and imported for salmon
u-herits on the Pacific Cc-ast. The
Secretary says no decision has been
made during the p.tst year on gill-
ne's ready and fit for use by salmon
Tbe members of the Senate commit
tee having charge of the tariff bill
h tve decide to effer an amendment
making the duty on lumber f 1.50 er
1000 feel, a reduction of 2a per cent
in the bill as repotted from the com-
tiiitee. It was first proposed to make
tbe duty 1.25, but a compromise on
a $1.50 rate was secured by the sena
tors Irom the Northwest. A proviso
will be inserted that this rat shall te
conditional on Canada removing ber
export duty on lumber.
C. C. W. Ve.-t, Governor of Utah,
is 1 ow in ashi,gU:n. He intei ds to
appear before the House committee
i'ix territories to opp se the admission
01 Utah as a btW. This sentiment,
hi- nyi-,is t-bartd ty n-mly every Grin-
ilr- m ike u-mtory. W places m
t it-ctioit 011 the ground that
Mt)rmous are untitled to exercise the
lights of eit zeiisliip. Heay8: "To
give Hies- people sovereign rights, as
lnpost-d, would be to place evtry non
Mormon in Utah completely at their
mercy. Under i:ie territorial iorm 01
guvemmeut we are protect d by Con
giess ai d the Executive. Confer the
rigbt 01 Statehood uon Utah and the
Mormons would frame a constitution
and laws so unjust and arbitrary in
their character tnat an outsider could
not live among tut-m. I lavor leav
ing it a tenitory, t ut so amending the
latr as to abridge the power cf the
The National Woolgrowers Associ
atiou met in convention at Washing
ton last week. Resulutions were
adopted declaring, that while Con
gress maintained a policy of
protection, tbe wool gtowers aaa wwi
manufacturer in the United States
have a right to demaud that the du
ties on wool and on woolen and worst
ed goods shah be adjusted and main
tained so as to secure to them the
American market. The r solutions
pro tea tagamet the Senate tariff bi.l so
tar as it affects wool, and providing for
a committee of seven to formulate
such schedule of tar.ff duties for wool
as may bv deemed just and neceary,
and to present the same to the finance
committee of the Senate and urge it
adoption. Tuey further declare that
the determination of the economic
and financial policy of this govern
ment is so important to wool-growing
and all other industries and business
of the nation 8 to require immediate
Mild definite legislation, and if this
shall not be accomplished during the
pretent Congress an early extra ses
sion of the 51-t Congress is recom
mended. David Hait, a blacksmith and train
ing with the Salvation army at Port
land, took morphine and told the sum
moned physician that he had had the
drug for two years, but had not had
the courage to use it before. - He said
he wanted something given him to
make death easy, and whpn asked
why be didn't jump in tbe Willamette
river, he said he did not know how to
Mfct'ers of Local and General Import
Gathered from All Sources for
the Benefit of Our Readers.
Fresno tailors are striking for better
Albuquerque, N. M., built 300 be as is
last year.
WalluU and Walla Walla are now
connected by rail.
Jiifin P. St. John will make bis resi
dence iu California.
Traver, Tulare county, Cal., now
boasts a cheese factory.
Tbe penitentiary of Washington
Territory is now heated by steam.
, A pang of ho odlums at Victoria at
tacked tbe salvation army recently.
N rtb Yakima i soon to have a
system of waterworks to cost f lUO.000.
Attempts have been made to rob
people while ge ting on trains at Col
ton. J. C. Leisure, of Pendleton, ha re
signed the position of deputy district
at oruey.
An effort is to be made in tbe Ne
vada legislature to obtain a charter
fer a lottery.
Many arrests bare been mad1? on ac
count of the recent riot at tbe New
castle mines.
The sealing schooners are all pre
paring to leave B.-iliah Columbia porta
for the north.
The repairing shops of the Oregon
and Washington Territory road are tt
be located at Walla Walla,
The loie highwayman appears to
be busily engaged in holding up stage
coacutt in northern California.
The wind from eastern Oregon
blows alkali dust which settles on the
glass of the Fort Can by lighthouse.
A co'.ored man sssauted a pretty
Pasadena girl last week, and if be
had been caught the mob would have
lynched him.
Large numbers of miners are flock
ing to he gold mines in the Harqna
Uala mountains in Yumi and Mari
copa counties, A. T.
John and Fred M te, who attempted
to murder their father-in-law, Henry
CaS'ery, at Santa Rosa, will have to
serve one year in San Quenlia.
A Chinaman at Sicramtnto at
tempted to tike a stone from a rail
road track, to prevent what he thought
would be an accident, and was killed
by a passing train.
The wife of Charles Allen, of Grass
Valley, has been sent to the insne
asylum. She fancier she is a bird,
tries to imitate its twitterings and at
tempts to climb trees.
John Barry, a drunken scoundrel
at Portlaud, was arrtsted recently ftr
whipping his wife's dead body and
dragging it from the bed to tbe floor,
because it would not rise at bis bid
ding. At a recent meeting or the Colum
bia River Fiihermeu's Protective
Union at Astoria, the price of salmon
for the next cannery season was set at
ft per fish it caught in cannery nets
and f 1 25 if caught in private nets.
The colored church in Sacranento
had a sensition last week, b 'n the
janitor found a number of loud ciga-
ar tte pictures m the ee t which ins
been occupied the previous evening
by a ptr y of young female members.
John Foster, who stole a h rse from
the neighborhood of Eite Grove, 8 tc
rameato comity, Cal., last month, and
who left a pi-ce of doggerel after him
t induce a believe in the proximity
of Black Bart, has been sentenced to
ten years at San Quentin.
While passengers were being landed
from the steamer Point Arena at Lit
tle River, Mendocino county, lam
week in a boat, the latter was cipsiie
and Mm Kddiyand the daughter eif
an 8-it-iit keeer at the lighthouse
at Poiut Arena were drowned.
Lat week, at Bonita, Graham
county, A. P., several heepmen were
graiing their flocks neat the range of
some Chiricahua cattlemen, who
wanted the sheepmen to go elsewhere.
A bUtl enmed and fivt- sueep-herder-
were kilted and one cattleman
There is trouble over land claims at
Los 01ivo8. Squatters are flocking
in from all quarters and taking
possession of land 011 tbe Brinkerhoff
and Laguna extension, near the town.
The land in dbpute ia claimed to be
part OS the B -11 ranch, lielween Los
Olivos and Ljmpoc, Santa Barbara
The little daughter of L. 8. Kenne
dy, living at Pilot Rock, ' had a nar
tow escape fiom death last week. Two
school-boys were shooting at a mark,
and while crossing a field on her way
to school the child was struck by a
passing bullet, inflicting a painful
though not serious wound above the
right temple.
Charles Johnson, recently an in
mate of the British Columbia peniten
tiary, and now a resident of Portland,
was engaged last week in circulating
a paper iu Victoria headed, "Prison
reform and hidden secrets , a brief ac
count of the tyrany, injustice and op
pression practiced in the British Co
lumbia penitentiary." The charges
made against the officials are very se
rious. George Vanderbilt, the millionaire
son of the late Wm. H. Vanderbilt,
has purchased a tract of 3000 acres of
valuable land in Nort'a Carolina, It
is believed be intends to erect a
wtman's college.
Western spoitstuen complain that
wild ducks are becoming scarce in
many sections and attribute their
scarcity to the uss of duck eggs in
making a new glue that is manufact
ured in Canada. Their eggs having
become valuable, Canuliau hunters
despoil their nests and thus materially
reduce the supply of young ducks.
Hunters in Massachusetts concede
that. dier never were so numerous in
the woods of Cape Cod as al the. pres
ent time. It is unlawful, however, to
kill ' -; -
A Brief Mention of Matters of Oen ral
Interest. Notes Oat erod from
Home and Abroad.
R ice troubles are feared at Arcol ,
Bernhardt gave ten performance
at Cairo, Eypt, recently.
Last year 1356 people died of de
lirium tremens in Euglan I.
The Paris p lice will search the
hous-ea of all known anarchists.
The Sultan is one of the most en
thusiastic ehesa pi lyers in Europe.
In Russia last year 80,000 dram
shtps were done away with by law.
Lord C.deridge ha collected 3 ),000
for the wido and daughters ot- Mat
thew Arnold. "
The British government states that
a successor to Sacktille West will
shortly be appointed.
Final preparations have been mad'
for the oJBciitl trial of the 15-.nch
pneumatic dynamite guu.
Am th' r valuable coal depo? it h is
jtn.t been discovered in Dakota, three
miles north of Centerville.
The Italian railway system is un
dergoing a radical reform to facilitate
the mobilization of troops.
The largest organ in the worll is
now being built in 1mi'on for Syd
ney. It will cost about $75,000.
France appears to be somewhat dis
pleased over the debate in the U. S.
Senate on the Panama cal pn ject.
Eugene Wetherill, husband of Em
ma Abbott, the noted prima doum',
died suddenly at Denver hu-t week.
Mrs. Sherishn has accepted tbe de
sign of Samuel II. Kittson, of New
York, for the monument to General
President Carnot of France received
nearly a thousand Christmas presents
from bis admiring fellow-citizens of
the Republic.
Mrs. Parnell bas deeded to her son,
Charles Stewart Parnell, the Ironside?
homestead and other property at
B-rdentown, N. J. -
Thoueh nearly a million Lebel
rifles have been turaed out in France,
the government workshops are slill
turning out 3000 a day more.
King LeotKild, of Belgium, has in
siiuced the LUbops of his little realm
to have prayers t. flared constantly lor
the safely of Stanley aid Emin Pasha,
A celebrated team.2 of bull-fighters
"rom Seville, Spain, performed before
30,000 excited people at the City of
Mt xico recently. Four bulla were
killed. ,f .
Articles have been signed by Sulli
van and Kilrain for a tiiht near New
Oilcans for a purse of 110,000 and the
diamond championship belt now bel 1
by the latter.
The most prominent brigand in
China, Ho Ta Lao-hu, has been cap
lured and killed.. He was a giant,
being 7 fet 2 inches in height au 1
broad in prooriien.
Five negro murderers were drowned
in Broad river, 8. C, a few day ago,
while struggling f-r the oesesaion of
money they had just taken from the
body of one whom they had murdered.
Empress Frederick is understood to
have made friends with her eldest son.
the Emperor, but she faile I to receive
the cus'omary Christmas present
from him. It is given out she
requested him not to send it.
James L. Wright, R. X. Keen, R. C.
McAi.Iey and J seph S. Kennedy, the
four original members of the Knight
of Lbor, have issued circulars to the
knights which are expected to over
throw the Powderly administration in
tbe order.
The Czar is said to have become
reconciled to Prince Alexander of Bat-
teuberg, owing to the kindly t ff h t of
a mo herly Grand Duchess wtio tke
interest in the Piincess Victoria of
Prussia, and wants to see the young
couple happy and married.
Depu'y Sheriff Moore, of Dallas,
Texas, twice rescued a burglar fiom
the hands of a mob last week, and
each time th culprit was hanging
from a tree. The second time the res
cue was made the deputy fired upon
the lynchers and injured several.
The city council of Cheyenne, Wy.
T., has closed the deal with the Union
Pacific and work-hops will be imme
diately established. The citizens of
Cheyenne are oveijoyed, a boom has
set in, and land in the neighborhood
has increased in value wondenully
within the last few weeks.
M. Lucien Gaulard, who had so
large a share iu the introduction of
the transformer system of electric
lighting, died recently in a lunatic
asylum in France. His friends at
tribute his mental failure to the legal
troubles he bad experienced in con
nection wilu his various patents.
When Will Bright, son of John
Bright, wanted to reprove his father
for the latter's severity for comment
ing on his eon's adherence to home
rule principles, the young men wrote :
" My dear father, these are not the
kind of letters that should be: ad
dressed by one statesman to another."
It is expected that not more than
one million pounds of tobaeco will be
raised in Egypt this year, although,
three million pounds have been pro
duced in former seasons. The de-
cease is owing to the recent action of
th Khedive in putting a tax of
$157 50 on each acre of ground de
voted to this crop. , ,
Eics are scarce this season, com
pared with the corresponding period
ot last year, and prices are higher
everywhere. The operators 01 incu
bators find great difficulty in securing
eggs that give good hatches, and e ffer
extra prices for eggs from choice
stock. 1 Artificial incubation is being
conducted new on a larger scale than
at any previous time.
An increase 01 pension bas been
granted to RWwell D. Carter, of Port
Gambi-. W. Tv; also to W. S. Caipen-U-
.' Ury, IvT.
Newsy Notes C'once nlng the Farm and
of Especial I terot to te Pa
cific Co st Huabindman.
Georgia is to have an immigration
bun an to encourage immigration to
the HUte tf in ntriou ami intelli
gent farmers and mecliau'C'-t.
D-i not M'U ifT your Hiirplu-i hay n
straw yet, r you may lind yotirfH
sliO:t of a supply before the winter if
over. The amount t: tie retained de
pends on the condition of the sto fc
and the severity of the weather tn
tweeu now and spring.
Every farmer's son should be edu
cated 10 a knowledge of Itotany arid
to thoroughly understand nil tie
jaiints of t lie different breeds of stock,
as well as be familiar with the nature
of fertilizers and their fitness for cer
tain crop and soils.
Dj not be afraid to cpn the doors
unit windows of the cellar -on clear
days. It is much better to l.ave pur
air in the cellar than to keep it cl e
ami damp. When th cellar is musty
ami a disagreeable tbr noticed tlu
entire house is likewise sfHcted.
A farm rau'.t not only be self-sun
porting but should pay a profit.
When the farmer reaches that stage
when he is compelled to borrow, or de
pend on some income from an lher
source, hi farm is unprofitable, and
be should Ihen endeavor not only t
discover the cause of his loes but alo
aim to improve iu some manner, in
order that the farm may be self-sui
The ni'-st disigreeable thing on the
farm in winter is mud, and, although
it can not be entirely avoided, yet
some of i'a disidvantaxes may be
overcome by c irefully draining every
location that allows an exctsj of wa
ter to accumulate. When the cattle
are compel!! lo stand km e deep in
mud there is aljssof animal heat, and
a greaU-r projx r:ion of food aillle
lequired to keep them m conditio:!.
Churning cream wh?n slitrhtly
sour, as i-t the custom in the llolstein
daiiiep, yields bu ter of a peculiar and
fine aromi. Butter made from verv
sour cream is destitute of th:s aroma,
and baa the t ste winch the Mortem
butter acquires after keeping some
time. Stirring of cream does not pro
mote souring, but rather hinders it bi
increasing aureus tf air; it may lie ad
vantageous m mating the souring
11 11 if 01 111.
For very euly eggs warm, com
fortable houses, proper fee', and toot!
care are necessary If the beus have
to use all the feed they get to k ep
themselves warm, if they are not sup
plied with f 1 mrI coutainiug egg-forming
material, and if the houses are not
kept c ean and well ventilate!, the
eiig bak t need not be alirgetme.
I he rouf of the p'mlt'v housij should
beliht, the sides well battened snJ
ih : knot-bol-'s covered, or the entire
ides covered with ture l paper to pre
vent draught, ami tin- tlxirmadeiu
a way to take no drainage from th
outside and be perfectly dry. For
veniili'i ni, any pln, whereby thfr
fowls can be supplied wild pure fresh
ai r with' u I bei 11 g t ubj eele J to d raug h t s
will answer.
Ou ho v many places is it a pleas
nre to visit the ben hou T Although
there has been a great change for the
better during the last fear years, tin-
average hen house is still shunn id by
all who are not obliged to visit it
Tni is not surprising, as it i full of
lic" in summer, and 111 winter i-t fou'-
with the stench from a year's accu
mulation of huh. Tins need rot and
ought not to be. The poultry ou
plat , esa dally if a pure breed 1
kept, should be a "joy forever." They
never Ioe their luterest. Each has
its individuality, is likes ami dis'ikes,
like all other stock, and a half hour
spent iu watching them is alwavs ful
( f pleasure, and seldom without profit
Somtthinst new can be learned al
ever visit.
Wood ashes have too greatavilm
to be wanted. Every favniar's f nuilv
should make its own soap supply. It
is cheaper for tbe farmer lo mak
soap than to buy it. When not u'il
ized on the farm, "soap gn a e i
either wasted or sold for a pittance.
After the ashes are leached they are
as good as before for manor.'', where
the soil does not ljck potish. If a
teapoonful of clean wood ashes i
given every third d ly to hoises i.
their feed they will will very rarely
n-cd condition powders. The sam
amount given to cattle will have good
results. Cattle, also swine, are fre
quently seen licking asl ei where rul
bish has been burned. Tiie ashe
given to hogs may be mixed with
their salt. Ashes correct acidify of
the stomach and destroys some in
testinal worms. Wood ashes are a
valuable fertilizer for all crop-1, but es
pecially for orclurd crops. They con
tain all the mineral element r. quired
by plants. The fine condition and
peculiar proportion of their ingre
dients make their real agricultural
value greater than the value com
puted from chemical analysis. Coal
ashes are comparatively worthhs,
but wood ashes should never be
thrown away.
Allowing each tree thirty feet of
room (that is p'anting the trees thirty
feet apart iu checked rows), an cre
will ptr.nit tf abuut fi ty trees. They
will 'not be ready for market, or to br
sawed up as lumber, until they are
about twenty years of age. Their
value will then depend on the kin 1 of
trees and the number of feet of lum
ber that can be sawed from each tree.
If the trees are twenty-five feet apart
about sixty-five trees can be grown en
an acre, but the closer the trees the
slower the growth and the sooner they
must be cut down. Each acre of land
can be made, to produce $1000 in
choice tiees in twenty y ars, or at the
rale of $25 perV-acre annually, while
the yield' of nuts will more'tha'n pay
he interest on capital. No correct
n-timate can be made on the value of
an acre of walnut. - In Indiana re
cently trees sold at the rate of $3000
per acre, but they were very lirge. If
an application wf ashes be giv-n th
tree ev ry year the growth will be So
creased. The pn fi', arises from
utilization of laud that would lemaiu
1 idle if not occupied by trees.
IS, 1881).
0 OCEItlKS -Sutra hare fallen is
Hiiie-our last report. We quote C f i:,
extra C Bb r'ry ftrn"ltd fljf, euie,
i rutlied and p jwdrred $c. Colin t Arm,
(In ttetn da IS.'tfl c, J.wia I'.lra '821
l!io -M 1 .c, taJva iorlli a jjUj, Arbuckle's
mauled JSJjc
1 KOVISIOXS Oregon hinis are qnot
ed ulli ll .c, brt-akfant bacon 1'IJ'T-14-c,
Khitii m ot is!noted a fololws: Hams
1 l" la , Sinclaira 14 15c, Orpon breatc
Utit b-on l:iiu 1 4c, Kanlern 113 c.
FHUlTS-tirren fruit rerv-fpts 13 bxa.
Hard fruit l-t scirce, and th.-HUpply of ap
p rn not qual lo the uatina-nd. A pples tl.itfi
K per tix. M.-xic n oranges fi, lemons
00 50 prr bx, bauanis :i.aia.4.i'X).
quinces 10 (JOc,
V -tJETA OLE 5-MarltH well supp led.
CfthhaKe j lc per tt, carrots and turnip.
Hi per Ha- k, red pt pper .1c p;r potatoes
3 1 4 p-r tack, sweet I e per lt.
Wt'Ell FUUIlS-Recelpta 01 pkjres.
-un-drird a -nte 4 52 pt-r lt, factory
n!ic d 8k, factory plums 7Uc, Orrjron
prune 7 lie, pear ft 10c, peache Ha 10c.
raid us 2 a 2.2 j per box, Call ornia fig
sc, Smyrna 18c per tt.
DAIRY PROMT E-Oregon creame-y
atidrhuice dairy 35c, medium 7o3Jc C'a
fornia laiicy- 3Jc, choice dairy 27jc,
eastern 25 TaOc.
EGGS R-ceipts 01 case. OreRon 25c
POULTRY Chickens V5.2 for
Itrjje yountt and f4 i 73 for old, turkeys
111 c per 11-, ducks $.'s7 per dozen.
WOOL-Vailej 18120c Eastern Orcgcn
10 a lSc.
HOPS -Choice 8 6 14c
tilt. IX-Valley fl.31, Eastern Oregon
tl.: Oat-t ai -' .:.
F OUR -Standard J.50, other brands
fl.t'5. Day 'on and t 'a cade f 4.10, Gaaiiam
-1.2 , rye flour d'j Graham 5.t0.
Flt'SIl MEATS Beef, live, SJ33ic.
drtrs-d 7-, mutton, live. 3.J J c, dressed
7-, lamHs f i.i.O each, hog, lire, oj 1 Gc,
dresxed Ta 1, veal e tc
-Kerosene oil Is responsible for
nine-tenths of the fires that take place
in China.
-The Emperor of Austria la very
fond of chamois shooting, and in that
sport uses an old-fashioned muzzle
loading gun.
1 he great game of Japan Is "Go."
It is something: like chess, and the
masters of It sometimes take twenty
four hours for a game.
English girls are said to laugh at
the Idea of wearing stays while playing
tennis. They mean business when they
go Into a court, and for the moment
forget to worry about what sort of a
figure they cut.
"Walking Day is the odd and ap
propriate term of a holiday in War
rington. England, when children and
teachers inarch in procession, and large
numbers of tbe people take excursions
to various points of interest.
Oid Emperor William as Jupiter,
fcmperor Frederick as Mars. Empress
Augusta as Juno and Empress Victoria
as Minerva are four statues of sand
stone which have been placed in niches
above the grand entrance to the Royal
Schloss iu Ilorlin.
The Austrian Consul at Yokohama
reports great difference in commercial
morality between the merchants of
China find Japan. The Japanese, he
says, are neither enterprising nor up-
riiiht, but the Chinamen are solid and
trust worthy ia every respect.
A few years ago the Argentine
Republic did not raise wheat enough
for homo consumption. Last year it
exjiorted 7,W1,WJ bushels. Immense
tracts of pasture tiro being convene!
Into farm land, and the country is be
coming a great grain-growin J region.
English business men who have to
send large quantities of mail matter to
distant parts of the world End that
they enn save a great deal of money
by sending their mall in hulk to Bel
gium and posting it there, the rates
being so much cheaper. It is said that
the saving to one firm alone by this
course amounts to $3,000 a year, and
there Is a loud demand for reform in
the Uritish rntes.
An elevator for canal-boats, as a
substitute for five or six locks. Is in
successful operation at Arques, near
St. Omer, France. The boats are lift
ed to the height of nearly fifty foet by
dydraulic pressure, inclosed in a reser
voir made of wrought-iron plates, and
separated from the rest of the canal
by Iron gates. When the required
height has been reached, the gates are
opened and the boat is drawn out into
the main channel.
A British agent at CettiDjo, Monte
negro, reports that there is only one
rond fit for a wagon in the "ole coun
try, and that there is practically no
indu ry, Montenegrins scorning any
pursuit but that of arms. AU the
tailors, painters, carpenters, masons
nd other artisans are foreigners, and
all goods except those which are the
direct product of agriculture are im-
porteu, and are of the commonest de
scription, except the green and white
cloth used for men's coats.
The English law carefully regu
lates the subject of the sailor's grog.
Every, ship must carry a quantity of
lime or lemon juice as an antiscorbu
tic contaiaing fifteen per cent, of pala
table fruit sirups, that is, sound rum
of a specific gravity fixed by the stat-
uto or sound brandy of a quality simi
larly fixed. The Board of Trade tells
how the grog shall be mixed. One
ounce of the lime juice is to be mixed
with one ounoe, of sugar and at least
half a pint Of water and must be served
" ip time for dinner.
What we are doing for the childrei
to-day, we are doing for the Nation to
morrow. This ia the teacher's field of
work, -and it is a grand one. Let the
politician work upon the g-own-up me
all he may; ho can do little, after all
that is, in improving them mentally
and morally. They have passed the
plastic st-sra But there is hope in the
children. Those who would do good
to In mi nr. Uy v.-ill be most successful
who take the children by the hand.
The teacher is the true state-builder.
Ferret breeding is a new and highly
profitable - branch of farming in Aus
tralia and New Zealand. One firm
that Ins commenced the business on
a lurtre scale has contracted to supply
14.000 ferrets per annum for three
years to the government at 7s. 6 !. per
head, the creatures bein; delivered
when they tre three months old
They have on band two bun 'red frr
reis and thirt - rhbbits,. and the nnlk
of three cows is required every djj
for their food. ;
NO. 45.
The IlfT-rnce Hetre-n Nltrrxcrnotu and
'atrbunmcotui Articles of ll-t.
Foods that supply material for
growth and repair are called nitro
genous foods. Ther are also called
proteids, from a Greek word meaning
first," because in the living cells
which are the first principle or form
of life there is always nitrogen. A
common name is albuminous foods.
Albuminous substances exist in many
forms, and are called by different
names in different things. They are
found largely in meat. fish, milk, peas,
beans and grains. The albumen and
fibrin in the juices and flesh of meat
and fish, and in the juices and mem
branes of some vegetables and fruits,
the casein in milk, the vegetable ease-in
in peas and beans, and the gluten of
grains, are all forms of nitrogenous
substances, or pro'eids.
.The cnrlKnaceous foods aw fats. In
eluding butter, the fat of meat or fish,
oils, eggs, and some kinds ef ehesse.
A small amount of fat is neees
sary in digestion, aud indispensable
to perfect nutrition. Starch and sugar
as found in vegetables and fruits are
a!so fat producing. Fats from the
principal material of certain t'ssues
giving rotundity and beauty to the
form and being non-conductors of
heat, keep the body warm. An undue
accumulation of fat is a species of dis
ease and is often dangerous.
Thus we see that the solid part of
the fiesh and blood is largely fibrin and
albumen, substances similar to the
fibers and juices of meat and fish, and
that eggs, milk, peas, beans and grains
also contain fibrin and albumen, and
it is from these nitrogenous foods that
the bodily substance is chiefly built
Age, occupation, climate an 0UP
finances should influence our choice of
food. Persons whose occupations tax
their muscular strength often think
that they require a great deal of meat,
when there are many foods that con
tain as much as, or more, proteid mat
ter than meat, such as peas, beans,
cheese and grains.
Animal food fs better diet for cold
weather than for hot. Tat is not di
gested easily unless exercise is taken.
Fruits, vegetables and grains eaten
with milk, butter Or oil, furnish the
carbohydrates needed in summer.
Those who labor or exercise in the
open air ned a large quantity of
wholesome food, and it need not be the
most digestible, as they require food
that m ill s'ay by them.
Persons engaged in sedentary occu
pations or who take little exercise and
live in close, confined rooms, can not
digest as much or as easiiy as those
who labor out-of-doors. Those who
tax their brain severely should avoid
fat. People who consume much starch
or sugar are liable to grow fat. As a
rule the majority of people eat too
much, and between forty and fifty
years of age an excess of abiuminates
is liable to develop heart, liver and
kidney troubles, which are more. or
less akin to dyspepsia. An excess of
starchy food or of sugar or fat. causes
obesity, not only of the body, but aa
accumulation of fat about the heart
and other internal organs which is lia
ble to prove very dangerous. Build
ing Ncu-s.
Why It I Wrong ta Worry Animals fcy
Rongh Words and Way.
I have known a great many free-going
hores of nervous temperament
kept in a continual worry by the rough
ways and words of theirdrivers. They
would fret and sweat and grow poor
doing the work they would thrive
whie doing under mild-mannered, con
siderate control. I have seen a great
many heifers and cows in a tremor of
excitement while some ignorant or
brutal fellow was milking them. I
never knew them to be made quiet and
willing to he milked by scolding, kick
ing or pounding; but they might have
been made docile by early and gentle
handling. It is safe to say that rough
usage of cows often oecassions the lose
of half their milk. Thej- refuse to
"give down," and that dries them up
rapidly. Boys, dogs and heedless men
worry them when driving from the
field.- Irregular feeding and milking,
and every thing out of the regular or
der, disturbs, and therefore damages
them. Change of residence frequently
causes cows to shrink their milk for a
whole year. A noted Ilolstein butter
cow, taken to the fair to test her butter-making
qualities, made only a
pound of butter from forty-four
pounds of milk, while in the quiet of
her home she made "a pound of butter
f rom t .venty-ono pounds and three
ounces of milk. Likely she was extra
nervous, but all cows have nerves
enough to require that their treatment
be gentle and regular. Hugh 7.
llrooks, in A'. T. Tribune.
Ia one respect rye is a cheap crop
because it requires no land for its
growth, to a certain extent. That Is,
if tht: seed is sown in the fall on land
intended for corn in the spring, and
the rye turned in before planting the
corn, the rye simply holds the land
that would otherwise be unoccupied
during tho winter. It is also excellent
on the land intended for potatoes, and,
as it resists in keeping down the
weeds, I ; saves much labor in that re
spect. Tho plan has been proposed by a
competent authority in such matters
that in order to Insure greater strength
nd consequently more safety in ropes
used for scaffolding pa.-pjaes particu
larly ia those localities where the at
mosphere proves destructive of hemp
fiber such ropes should be dipped
when dry into a bath containing twenty
grains of sulphate of copper per litre
of water, and allowed to soak in this
solution some four days. By pursuing
this method, which is claimed .to be
much more practicable and effective
than any othr yet resorted to for this
purpose, it is found that the ropes will
thusbaxe absjHae'd a CrViii quantity
if sulphate of ccspjter,- w,hich will pr
soi-ve-t !'"u for ori3 ti'r both from the
ki.Uu.-iL 3 of nnor. . -
Legal Blanks, Basin" Cs.r
Letter Heads, I.
Circular. Fes :
Executed la food n;liu4 st k-s-mt Ktk t I
Sights Which Crwt tb Trirrlcr
Approaching- fiatlftc
But it Is a beautiful barW, i.Z
ft lies behind Cape Sarabro, w? i '
breaks the force of the sea co.r
ly. To the right and left a yo i t
lighthouses and massif e fort;5:f: )
are everywhere seen. On the u
shore is Herring Cove, iti which 1
gion many picturesque fishers' v'u ,
are found. A little further 01 J
bury Head Is passed, and yc--s v .- . '
the harbor proper between the J'ar
tello Tower on Meaghers Beach a rr
the York redoubt. Leaving XfcNab
Island, now a pleasure resort, behlsdf,
you pass under the frowning walls of
Fort Clarence and the great fortress b
George's Island, and the city and fatt
bor with its fine groupings of shlppisjs
are before you. The chief feature 0
the harbo r ia its magnificent Bed fore
Basin, extending for five miles hi
shore between Halifax proper and ill
chief suburb, Dartmouth, whera
are many delightful villas. This
basin is nearly a mile ia width,
of great depth, able to accommodate m I
thousand ships at anchor, and baa
gradually ascending shores whoso I
highest elevations are about four hun.- 5
dred feet. The city of Halifax lies" I
aloog the west shore of this basin, ita
wharves and lower streets circling
away to the southwest where North
west Arm, another important body of
water, extends behind and above the J
city, and its terracrUke rise of street . "
and brown old structures, terminatiog.
almost in the city's center? in a lofty .
height Above this rises the Citadel.
upon whose somber redoubts are for
ever pacing the red-coated British sen-
tinels. From the sea, advancing upon "
the city, from Pleasant Point, looking 1
up the noble basin, from Dartmouth.
gazing across the city facades and upw
the fortressed islands, or from-tfeflTtut-
adel peering over the slate roof sand ';
grim chimneys of Halifax to the shirt
ing sea and the far horizon beyond, is
a spectacle of unusual and reflective In- "
terest Edgar L. Wakeman, in Denver 1
WbOM Absorption Will BeaaBt
rerr Reader.
Imag-yaatLan never disturbs existing
There is no virtue in a promise until
it is redeemed. .-
Many weaknesses of human nature
are 'distorted virtues. .
The wisest fellows we think are those
who agree with us. ,
Contentment does not demand condi
tions, it makes them.
Whistling doesn't make the locomo
tiva go, it is the silent steam.
Now is always the very best time if
we will only make it so.
To be really yourself yon must be
different from those around you. -
The ups and downs of life are better
than being down all the time. .-'
A little knowledge wisely 'used is
better than all knowledge disused.
Excessive labor is wrong, but ju
dicious labor is the safety-Talve of life.
Man may growl, grumble and fight,
but it has no effect upon natural right.
Falsehood can make the best spurt,
but truth can do the steadiest trotting.
Fashion is only gold front jewelry,
it may appear well, but the value is not
Slander is a slime which envious
people throw on others better than.,
Knowledge, like money, increases our
responsibility in proportion to the
amount obtained.
We build barriers against the flood
tide, we should place some restraints to
all prosperity. "
The lightning is vivid against a dark
cloud, so the bravest lives sometimes
are amid trials.
Flags, brass bands and fire-works
may influence weak minds, but they are
not real arguments. . .
The nearer we get to the ocean the
grander and greater it appears! The
same is true of truth.
Don't depend on borrowed ideas any
more than you would be content with
second-hand clothes X. T. Mail and
A Novelist's Arithmetic.
In Dickens Christmas number, Dr.
Marigold's Prescriptions." one of the
Ules, "To Ba Taken in Water," de
scribes the adventure of a clerk who
was traveling through France in charge
of "a quarter of a million'' in specie.
He had it "in two iron boxes, inclosed
in lether to look like samples." The
French porters seem to bare noticed
that the boxes were heavy, but man
aged them well enough, two porters to
each box. My copy of "Dr. Marigold'
bas a marginal annotation by an Impa
tient reader. "Bosh! A quarter of a
million in gold coin would weigh up
wards of two tons." The calculation
does not seem to be quite accurate,
but it would weigh about one ton sev
enteen hundred weight, avoirdupois.
A thief who got at the boxes Is de
scribed in the story as stopped In mak
ing bis way out of a window with a
carpet-bag half full of sovereigns. The
annotator reckons again, from the de
scription of the bag that it must have
weighed five hundred pounds. One
wonders that errors so easily notice
able escaped the sharp editorial eye f
Charles Dickens. A'otes and Qtteriea
An infant was bora at Logan. O.,
recently, minus legs, and with only a
small stump for a right arm. The left
hand contains but two fingers, which
are united, and a thumb. Otherwise
the little fellow is perfectly formed,
and is bright, and gives every iadiea
tion of living.
Mr. Isaacs tein, I love your daugh
ter sincerely and long to ma'ce ber my
wife. May I venture to ak your per
mission?" . "My young YTiend. vea
you ask me for my daughter's hand
you ask me ta make too great a sacri-'
rice "-."Very well, Mr. Isar.cst- ia,
I will transfer my affections eisewi. rr
then Cood-day." Come back, jc
young -friend, come back! Yot , --
have her. Butj.-ny ciim1-