V. . TnAVELIHQ AGENT, Wt hisvc niipti-ji'il Mr, 1. 1). Shaw t :n t !s irnv tva ngcut fr The Ex r:i? tut to !unt snlKer!ptloit and ti.lvcr-tivnwnt-. lie is tutUmrtwit to cuik'tM iamry due us ami receipt f-r the rsniv. We hope h will la t mi led kindly wherever ho inuy po, and nil nrtii h s liovn him will be nppreoi--.h d liv us. It is etim:iled thnt the next census will fhow a ivpulathm of G4,0;X,tVO people in this tiimiy-y, and it will cKt -1,00 0.M, or lrt cents i)itw, to have their nunius r jjisteml. n.o presidential ek-etors will meet nt SkU-vsi t ho second Monday in Jaun tily mid oftt the voles of Orejjon for onj:imin Harrison for President of the United States,: Hon. J. C. Fuller ton will oarrv the vote to Washington. A pieetini; of the Fanners' (onftro-9 lias been milled by the president, M. Wilkins, to meet in S:ileni on Jan. 11, 10, for the purjoo of taking notion in t elation to ijuefiions of Interest to 1h lironiht before the ensuing session of the Legislature. A quiet revolution fteems to he going: on in both paitks upon the subjec t of "eivil service reform." Democrats who oiifc opposed now think it is a good thing:, while Republicans who once favored now bitterly oppose the meas ure. - There is now aptottite to every one thousand men, women end children in the United States. And if the ex--tiif--vs of carrying the mails waa charged up ro rata,e-M-x citizen would v,.-.-, ...... . k . . . . t - . . . . f. . i. iiis mail carried, nnd nostinips tbuy. jSo5anon W. Hardesty, of Clackamas (vunty, recently secured a pension on account of disability, with arrears mounting to ?12,SI I 2x. This is one -ff-fhe largest sums ever tiUowed on tension tteeourst. HardeMy lost both eyes and was shot through tlie thigh in Lattle. "7 " " . Ilciilroad Conmanv for eleven months of the vr jut dosed have reached J iho enormous sum of fortv-two and a half million dollars, of which sum fourteen and a half million dollars are -loar profits ever and above the oper ating expenses. On the expediency of npjviinting Mr. Blaine to a position in the cabinet, ilr Harrison might take under eon si;Kration the advice given by a cele brated traveler, who, when asked which of two roads were best, replied, 'Take either and you will wish vou I had taken -the ether before you are I pc-ti.ing dinner: .Vr aiul Mr Wm half through." I rrj-, Mr and jtrs C F Stanard, Mr .-. -J and .Vis T S Pillsbury, Mr and Afrs G Tli e Oregon State AgrkuUural Col- C Staiianl, .Vr and .Vrs C Thompson, lege ask the help of all ihoae interested j and W O Stanard. In the institution in obtaining a col!ec-j At the residor.ee of George Cooh-y, tionof the minerals of the State for j South Brownsville, a family reunion purposes of instruction. It 13 requested ! took place, there being present .Vr and that thos having specimens of ores j Mrs D Irvine, of Sprague, Mr and Mrs and minerals which they are wiiiing S Geo Wright of lit ppnrr, and the rest to donate to the college, forward the j dent members o the family. Amete.J.H. Irish, Pre:es; r of Chcm-i The Mis-va Archibald also received 'stiyaird Mineralogy, Osteon Agikul-! company, entertaining to dinner a TuralCoJiege.CorvaiUs, Oregon. Wells, large nuaibcrof relatives and personal Fargo & Co. have ofl'crwd free transpcr- j friends. tation for matter of this nature. At T P. M., at the North IroM iisvil!e i City hall, the Stavton Cornet Band The bid provuting for taking save n dramatic an.i niUHical ett.rtin leventh census of the United atos j ment to a crowded hu the tvea 1s now pending in the Se nate. Cnder j KBcntortaiimM?nt ending with a ball, thisLill the census will be taken in j R t .Meh mxmhoTS of our voullg folks ISirt, and the scntdule of inquiries . trj piwd the lt g!vt fantastic." will le tlie same as in the last census, . ... a lit the volumes will be limited to e5arot 1SS3, which has passed v: ven . The objects of these are to ue axva' -! v,nf to ' ,,M leTt "lwn .a follows, viZ: (1) Population and So- OUr, T'n th of many joys. . , . .. , '. . T ! and also sorrows. During the ever isl Statistics relating thereto; (2) Pro-; , . & .,. t ct ,t. . ... caantrnig passage of time familiar facts nets of Manufactures: 3) aiming; (4) ; , - 7,1, " , .. ,- i-. i 2 i .and weil-known land-marks liave .vuiiflie; a loiiaui niitt itiu ; t tatLslics; (6i "aluation and Public j Indebtedness; and (7) Statistics rtlat-l Sag to railroad corporations, express, teK-grapb and insurance compar.i-.s. THE DEADLY CYCLONE. A terrific cyclone visited the western hand in hand with the passage of life1, part of Pennsylvania Wednesday after- ; time lias elealt kindly with our public, ui-juSfiT"-Great damage was done? anei j the past year having been over-bounti-i-iany lives Were lost, the cities of j fui in its product of grain and cereals, Heading and Pittsburg being the prin- ! our farmers reaping average crops, cur t ipr.l sufferers. The storm struck the I merchants meeting with no financial !".iading silk works, in which 17-5 girls failures, and the general health of -..ore working. The building was a i Brownsville and suberbs being, for Vuge structure four stone1 high, nearly this, in some sections of the world, 0 fuet in length and 1C0 feet wide, sickly year, free from epidemic disease, (id ' was ' uioftt substantially built. The storms that have devastated por- 1 ."hen the storm struck the buildinsr it fell to pieces as if composed of so s -.any building blocks. Nearly 200 iuniaii beings went eiovvn in the awful v-reck, tliris with blackened faces, , I I'uiseel and broken limbs, their cloth iig tuitereei and torn, el ragged them-h-lves from the ruins. From seventy r'.ee to 100 escaped or were dragged out ly their friends. These, of course, -oj-ki-d on the upper flmir and were tiirown near thv : top of the debris. pace will not permit us to give the t artir-ub-rs of this terrible disaster. . f aty hoi Mings were wrecked in Pitts- I U and many people killed. : . ...... i ,:ob- djkkst school msTRiCT. j . -i i -it j .i .! Mr. Peter La I-orge killed a pig that . , . ,,rt , . j weighed near SOD nounels. Miss Anna Dunn is teaching a very tueeessful school on Sand Ridge. Mr. L. II. Igctt has the finest fall hcat'I have seen on the prairie. .livJrtsfr3e4;Fson' is Sahi on his f.irui. He p. n'd family are now enjoy ing good health. Mr. Henry Klum has some goats on l.is bane's, anel is preparing some fen. io keep them in bounds. School 5a progressing splendidly liere vndeT the able management of Prof. A.Nrv.b: r-rry. ana lie deserves spe - :'d mention as to met nods employed iubis school inanagemcut: First, he u-'Aiir-'-s individual study; second, ia- i": lielual feludy leads to thoroughness; rd, he looks out for school property, i.j well as that cf the pupil, thus being e ,.b'v useful to.thu interest of his pat- T" ; " i ble. Wagon and BOX and set of har- e;,;itlisls are .prcposmg t put P ) ess far'saie cheap for ch. Iron har . Jit eaiincries at Eugene, Ii''-' row3 or any other work done to erder d Ashland. a: the Ped From blacksmith-shop. X-I'-PlvSS t.l.'IHNlIi l 1 . "15 iv. Kay, Jr., of McMi.'ii ille, U viitio'j home ft'irud. II. J . C. Averill U (tufiVrinir from un attack f i'.l-.io tof j;iet,t nexerity, O. 1. fiwhow, Jr., on Thursday hwt returned from Butte City, Montana. Married. iVe. 30, 1SRH, by Ikw Car pus Sperry, Chariea Howe and .Vary I. Martin. On the evenings of tho p:Vit week Clark Braden has delivered a series cf lecture on Christianity, which wire well attended. W. O. Stanard on Hunday left fer Portland, havinar been Kiitnmonod I y telcKriiph to attend hi son Mace, who is suill'ering fnm an attack of lung fe ver at East Port land. Pied, Friday, Jan. 4, 1SS'., Mrs. Ad die Hall, eldest daughter of Ella and L. C. Rice. The funeral services took place on Sunday at the residence? of the parents of the deeciifed, Rev. Car pus Sperry olllciatintj. On Thursday tiiht, Jan. 3, 18S!, Dowdall lodge No. 10, K. of P., In stalled the following oillcers for the ensuing year : F C Hancock, V C; J H Wilson, V C; Owen Ostium, P; Henry Archibald, M A; J J Sawyer, K of It and S; II B Moyer, M of F; S B Bar ger I) 1) O C. Brownsville lodjre, No. C6, A. F. Sj A. M., on Thursday night, Dec. 27th, installed the fallowing otlleers for the ensuimr year : J. P. (Utlbraith, W. M.; W. T. Coeliran, S. W.: J. P. Ciolcy, S. W.; Peter Hume, Trcas.; C. H. .Canard, Sec; IX. H. Curl, 8. 1).; J. M. Howe, J. D. Linn chapter, No. 19, li. A. M., also installed the following enicers: W. B. Blanchard, H. P.; J. M. Waters, K.; O. P. C.whow, 8.; J. P. Oalbmith, C. H.; J. M. Howe, P. 8.; H. II. Curl, It. A. C; Thos. Kay, Sr., (i. M.3d; W. B Smith, i.M. 2d V.: C. Sperry, (J. M. 1st V.; F. F. Croft, Trcas.; P, Hume, See. Jan. 1 SSD, the Bank of Brownsville reorganized with the former members, J .V Abyer, W It Kirk, V Hume and J P Galbraith, who also ai ts as cashier. The capital stock has been increased to?:T,000, and as the past year, ex change will he sold or. New York, Han Francisco and Portland; also advance ! money on approved paper, or collat- eral, reevlve deposits, and transact a the eucee attending their businew dar,B. lhe year, the stoi.-kholdersi have ben jobligvil to incix-ase the eap ital, and have now placed upon a firm footing an institution the want of which has, long been folt in our general and tuisiness community. New Year's day was generally ob served by the Brownsville public, hol iday festivities superseding LuIness quite a number of ladles entertaining friends. Dt and Mrs I W Ktarr re- ceivetl company, the follow iag guwts partaking of a most luntifwl and ap- i gone, giving place to a 3"oung and growing generation, improvements more in keeping with the advance ment of the times, and business based upon a more settled ami firmer foun dation of financial security. Aside from those cares and sorrows which go ; tions of many of our sister States of i the East have been but productive t rains in Oregon; the cyclones and tor- na Joes that have laid waste tracts of rich farming sections in the Eastern States, have only leen felt by us as gentle zephyrs, and it can be truth fully said that privation and hunger are unknown to the ptxiple of this sec tion. A glance around town will show niinv nnu- mi1 uiiLatttfut t .1, 1 1 l 1 1. and will also convince the most skep- J tiea.1 that our manufacturing ami mer- ' eautile interests are not on the wane. I Fresh capital anei energy have been added to the already firmly established business enterprises for which Iirowns- villo is well known, and it would seemi as if 18S3 opened with the most bright . fa and nattering prosiects lor this a me;t , , , T. S. P. Several years ago Chamberlain & Co., ot .dcs .Moines, lowa, commenced ine manufacture of a cough remedy, be lieving it to be the most prompt and reliable preparation yet produced for I coughs, colds and croup, that the pub- , lie appreciate true merit, and in time u, was certain to oeeome popular. I Their most sanguine hopes have been Ami thnusrtiid U)ttlfsof Ohnmlrl.uirs Cough Rvinedy are now Kld each year, iM" klvo.VI, It ... (.r' ),; k .1 l l t XX I I 1 f,r 1 iia lilt- If.TM Ill-Hit. ; severe cold in less time than any other ! treatment. For sale by M. A. Miller, j I have lust FOUJX fiout what farmers need. They're DEAD gone on my new harrov,-. inada IN inden?ndent ... liens, to order; eich section can ibo cleaned and moved without trou- mi ('Ji AWl(.lU'i-V! 1.1. 1?, J A. A. llnM is bv.il lii's a lurgi bant o i iii. 1 it. Gcoit" Flnl'-y nent to Albany last week on I'Usincss. Miss lUUe Chalice received tiew parlor organ last Tuesday. Moses Bits, have ercted a flue la g. building for curing and storing bttcou. Charlie Itiee and ids sister, Miss Inn, returned to Corvallis lust Tuesday to attend school. Dr. Thompson and family moved on to a small fc.rm about one mile from town last Tuesday. J. B. Cox moved Into his new house Irst Tuesday. He Is still making othi r improvements on his place. Messrs. J. II. Bci tt A Hon liave em ployed a fine workman from Chicago. They are pushing work In their tan nery at present. Mr. Lawrence Pljior moved on to Mrs. Cox's farm near this place last Tuesday. He has Uen living on (HF. Elliott's place for the past year. Harry Chance and family, who llveei about three miles above here, moved last week on to Henry Bateman's farm about four mile below Brownsville. Mrs. May Thompson opened a school hero this morning. The regular dis trict school was out a few ilayB ago. Mrs. T. is teaching a subscription school. The band boys have just rceelvtd a new lot of fine music, on which they are practicing hard, as they wish to git their share cf the playing next summer. Mr. J. Pennington lias rented the building formerly occupied by Mr. Pugh and added an addition to it. lie intend to open a llrst-elas photograph gallery in a few days. He lias gone to Ilugeue to procure n part cf his outfit. Married, en Jan. (I, 1SSP, by Bev. R. Itobe, at the resilience of Wm. McCaw, E. N. MeCaw and Miss Ida Murphy. The ceremony was wltncss.-d by a few i f the near relatives. The band bovs turned out this evening anet serenaded the happy couple with some of their best music. A basket sociable wr.fi held hi-re 1 is! Tuesday, which was a suoce'ss both so cially ami financially. The receipts from lhe Mipper wore $38 4". The money wa appropriated to the church, f-'i leing used to finish paying for the organ and the remainder for paying the janitor. After supper the land played a few pleecs. A e-ollcetion was taken up for them, amounting to 50. Mr. Oscar IVrrlek sang some songs, made a comic speech, etc.. tor which the audience gave hltn f 1 35. Herald. rtns iiiiiGE. Jan. 7th. No snow in sight yet. Farmer are still to be seen plowing fer their spring crops. Marion Downing Is erecting quite a niee d welling, barn and out buildings. f-'cheel started up the 7th after two we ki r. f hol!.d?y vacation witk a large attvU ldiice. Tl.c mu?np3 liave been jawing and checking some of our elailin's. "Git u-, y. u scandair Bi;l Hlavena has got hack from Grant county after a long absence and is now stopping with his mother. It is needless to attempt to describe our eiiir many society githerings. "We've Ik til whopping 'em up and are pleased with the result. There has been one more happy couple's hearts made as one since "Democrat" figured in the KxPKi3s, althoii'Tti h hoivpj fr. ninl t'-. I' .T Tucker will f r;rive him fir not lacing on baud, but ho hereby tenders them his best wishes for a long, happy ami unblighted fcture. We missed a number of the Kxriur- ou holiday w'eek. "Oh yis, eilitors and reporters like to spomt a vacation with their licst pirl and lier p: and niii. It's real nice, you know; we don't blame nobody and nobody blames us. Lewis South proposes to astonish ttie public in a few days with a bran new invention in the shane of the Cen tennial Copybook.? and inks; they ropy letters, duns, notes, bills, etc, without the use of brush, press, moisted pad or water, and are the most useful inven tion of the age. Just try one when he calls and be convinced they are cheap indeeel. De.mock.vt. Ills A mi i Ternary. Tuesday, the birthday of 'SO, was likewise the anniversary of our pioneer friend, John Nichols, who that day reached the SSth mile jiost leading to "that undiscovered country from whose latum no trave ler returns." The day was celel:rutd with princely hi larity. About 100 ncighltors and friends joined in the festivities and merriment of the elay. The dinner was complete and most abundant. The men anel boys enjoyed the elay in various ways some shot for tur keys and ducks, some shot at turkeys "just for fun," some shot wildly at the firmament to he-ar the noise, while many, like your unworthy chronicler, simply shot otf their mouths. Croup is a terror to young mothers, especially during the winter months, as it is then most prevalent. It can always be prevented, if projerIy tre'ate-d as soon as the' first symptoms appear, litiarwencss Is the lirst syinji toni; this is soon followed by a peculiar, rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Iteiuexiy is freely given as soon as thee symptoms apja-ar, it will invariably prevent the attack. There is no dan ger in giving the remedy, as it i-oiitains no injurious substance. For sale by M. A. Miller. TERRI3LE. Tvo-th:rdsof all deaths in 2Cew York City are; from consumption or pneu monia. The same proportion holds for most oth'.r oitits. Delays nre danger j us. I-r. Acker's Kilish IUniedy for - ..-- ---- - may save your life. Sold by J. A. Beard. Notice. Everyone knowing themselves in- ' t,ol UHo lue wiil ll!easc t-ome in and ! the lst cf Jan- 189 aB 1 iu" I tend to put nil accounts due me after that time in an officer's hands for col lection. W. li Doxaca. WHY WOMEN FADE. Women lose their lieauty because crdds undermine their life. JL)r. Acker's T.- i : i. Ian aisoIiiti! cure for cohls. Sold by J, A. Ueiml. , . K.I V i ! I- 7 ;- ( t Dr HURSpLdNTlb(ATlVE A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows the nae of Syrup of Figa, a it acta gently on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Effectually Cleanwng tho System whoa Costive or Bilious, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without Weakening or im itating tho organs on which it acts. For Sal In BOo and Hl.Ort Battles by alt Leading Drugglata. iit ricn-aED oklt t m cALiroENiA na bteut co. Sis FaAScnaa. Cal.. toe-nruxs, Kr., Nrw You. K. T. LEBANON Planing Mill, KLEPPER, SON & AMBLER, iioiiiirroiiw. MAKE 10 ORDER Moulding, Sash, Doors and Blinds. DRY AND DRESS LUMBER JOt VII lHl0Si. Have on Hand a Supply of Seasoned Flooring. THIS SPACE RESERVED roil M. A. Miller, DRUGGIST, LEBANON, OREGON. H. J. JONES, DKALKR J Books, Stationery, Musical Merchandise AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES, ALBANY, OREGON. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For All tl" Leading Magazines and Newspapers. Notico of Dissolution. KJOTICK IS II EKF.il Y UIVKN THAT THE ' co-purtncr-hip hctvtn ore exlstinn twtwctn D. Andrew unit I'. I". lliu kU man. partnon iloln business under the firm aaruc of Andrew Hack li irian. is this day dltwlvwl '"' mntiml ronwnt. t'. C lUeltloruan will rontlnii the bucliit at the old ftand. ami will enllect all elaiinn due and pas j all demands URiiitut the late ffnn. Lebanuu, Or., Jan. 1, isss. Thanking the public for their lilenil patronnpe in the past, I ak a runttuuane-o of the Fame, and will endeavor to to conduct my bu;iiiie. os to merit the patronage and (TikkI will of all. e'all and see my Roods and learu prices. C. C. HACXI.F.MA.N-. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weekly by l B. Montasue. FlourPer 60-lb sack, 51 15; per bar rel, ?4 CO. Bacon Sides, 10c per lb. Butter Fre-sh, per 2-lb roll, 40c. JC;rffs Per dozen, 25c. Chickens Per dozen, S3 50 to 4 50. Ducks Per dozen, common, ?4 50 to 65; Pekln, ?G. (jeese Per dozen, ?7. J Turkeys Per lb, live weight, 10cr Hides Per lb, dry, Oe; green, 3JC to 4c. - Sheep pelts According to wool, 15 to.rK Deer skins Summer, 30c; winter, 25cj Much the Newest Nobbiest nu el Largest Stock of CLOTHING In the County IsNowtobe Seen ON TIIH COUNTERS J OF L. E. BLAIN, I -of- Albany, Oregon. S When you want toi s"drcss up," we would f JA)c glad to show you Y through and make the ji! t- right price. "X' T St. Charles Hotel LEBANON, OltEOOX, Jt. W. (inrner Main and Shrrman Strwti, Tao lilorki Ijt-t of Kollrvii.t leot. H. E. PARRISH, Manager. rabies Kuppliei with the Market Affords. Iiest the Sample Roumi an1 lhe PjM Aeeomtnodaliutu for ev. m iieri-iat Men. OENKItAL 8TAUE OFFICE. OYERLAHD TO CALIFORNIA VIA HO L'Tl I E RN PA CIFIC COM I A N Y'.S LINE, The Mt. Shasta Route. Time Betvesa Albany and San Fran cisco, 35 Honrs. California Expr Train Run Dally BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO. SllftTH. runl.-tiHl ArrtvcMO i; t. Allmnr I'ar! I :A . M. Rn Kraciwo Leavi I l r. . hlif. m.' leave IX r. I.fBT 7 IS e. m.; Arrite Local Prturner Trains Daily ixrept Sunday) !itn!aud A'l.nny Arrittr s lip.ji. I e- A. Irave I f . v. IJ 0 p. !. Ive -2 t ) P. si.l Arrt'r Local Patianfier Train Dally (except Sundal a IS A.w :Ui 6- e..'l j Arrive -.'eU P.. U avo !11 .ri. (Arrive lA'UtliOit Albany AM'itnr Arm 1 . r v. Ixkxv : r.-. Arrivr: S i P M. l.Hri Ji r ,-. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For ae'ee.niniexlatioii of See nnd-Cl::fs l'tiasengvrs attached to Expriss Trains. Tho O. AC". R. R. Tvrry vi-merU"n ith ell ihr rrieul.tr trams on the M-le 1 r.. from fwt ol t". ainre-t. West Side Dlvlslcn. EVTvei;s PORTLAND ami CORVALLIS Mall Train Dally fracept Sunday). 173) a. nV t-ar? 1 2 :-"" p. m.- Arrive 1'onland Arrlv fi ;'.n. m. "cjrv;i;i l.car 1 :V. m. At Al' !v and iin otiis couuect ith trains t-l O ?on Porilie railmu'l. Exprcn Train Daily (except Sunday). I .'k p. m. j l.frt PwJlan'i Arrive I 9,)n. m. .e p. in. I Arrive McMtnvinV !Nve j .s..,a m. THROUGH TICKETS To .H I'olntx SOUTH ARD EAST YIA CALIFORKIA. i-For full lnfivmniton n'panihie rats mnp', etc., mil on -"'mpaiiy' agent ot Alhanv K. KOI.HI.KK. K. I. UlKiKRH. Manager Anat. li. K. A Puss. Agent CREGOHIAH RAILWAY COMFASY. (ImiiteHl Line.) CHAS. N. SCOTT, - Receiver. On and aflrr IVr. 5. lsa, anil mail airther nn Itee liaiui will run Ually ivxecpt tunuayj as lot own: ' EAST SIDE. ('ulmr Mall.! From Port land. I.y T.lja. in. Arv 10 00 Lr 10.1.-. lO.'.'S 10. V) 11. ua 11.17 ll.si 11. eo ll.lrt llf-7 12.07 12. W 12.47 12..-.7 1.-J0 l.S 1. '3 2.1 2. ' 5 2.2.H 2.a'. 2.11 ! 2. IS I 3 01 I 3.20 a. .to 1 4.IH 4. 40 b. l2 R.20 lN.nl . I Mail. Towant rrt- llllKt. 'Ar 6.30 p. m. STATIONS. lllUTl.AXD.I'.AAV.V r out of Lincoln Ht. ' Jtay'n Ijimtini;, ! sit. i-aiii-. Krvnrh l'niirie, Kil. WMKlbnrn, 1 T-.w nwtxd. Me'Kce, i Huron s M. A'iikcI, lio-.virn, , Mlverton. JiilinMiti Mill, Kwilvrlrttiil, : East siile Jnuciion, I MacWay, ; hhaw, I AHmMille, i Wert SI h vl on, j travel l'tt. I North Suntlain, I O. I. e'rowlnif, bfito June, Wett Si'lo. Lr 3: Arv 2.-'.1 LV'M !."." 1. --l 1.2 1.-2 I. 11 r.-7 1'VH 1S.W II. ii ii.; 1 1 .25 11 12 io 101 10 2i 10.-5 V) 1 10.12 1J us 5J !'. -S K.13 It .01 KM ".Vt 7.21 7.00 6.42 .-.l ThomaV Fork, ITal.tree, Kj.levr Tatlinan, IIWSOI),. rinliivitw. Linn. Urowniville, Twin Kiittcx, Ko laud Tripelxiro, Wilklnx, COBLUei. o.ir, 6.04 6. JO CM 7.15 P.M. 6.00 6.00 a. v. Ar. AR I.V I.v. Commutation Tickets at tuocentu per mile on sale at station having AtaMtlr. Trulim with fawnjiTj, Freight anj Fjtprvss, r.m wiarat from Freight. FrclRlit train form Ittrttand, MoiKlnys, Wc1im' ilays Hint TliursUnyf. Towards I'ortUiml, Tues daya, Thursdays and batunliiys. t'nnnectlnn at Kny'a and Fu'.qtiarlr Ijtnlinp with Steamer "I'lty ofSnleui" for Salem Mondays, WitdncMliiyw and Fridays n-Hirnins fnrtn Salt m TitCMlavx, Thnrslaya and Saturdayx. coimooiiiiK with Fjst and West fide pa-s-" mct-r trains, .sn-am-cr'-l'itvof Snlein makes transfer lietween Kay's and Fulquartz Landings daily, Sundays excepted. CHAS. X. X)TT. Receiver. G -neral Offices, X. W. Corner First and Piue St's, I'ortlund, Oregon. afJongh or ColSf o rcVu .w riwithrronr.orWhoonln.yConffh. use Acker's English Remedy and prevent i fnrther trouble. It is a positive cure,: I and a jriiarairtce it.. rrlc 10 and 50 THIS Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, - Cigar Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc. IliiMliiil OriiHN fiiid ollty Need. f PURE GOODS & Hides. Furs and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for W - We Guarantee Fair Treatment to All. W. B. DON AC A. Corner Brick Store, A Common Cold I often the ix-ginning of wrious affec tions of the Throat, Bronchial Tube, and Lungs. Therefore, the importance ot early and effectiva treatment cannot be OTerestimatwl. Ajrer'a Cherry Pec toral umy always le relied upon for the jeedy uro of a Cold or Cough. Last Jannarr I was attacked with severe Cold, Which, bj neglect and fr quent exposuren, became wonw. llnallT Bettlinx ou of lune. A terrfble eoosli soon followed, accompanied by pains in tha chest, from which! suffered intense ly. After trying various remedies, with out obtaining relief, I couiuieneed taking Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and waa Speedily Cured; T am satisfied that this remedy saved my life. Jna. Webster, Pawtucket. K. I. I contracted a severe mid, which suddenly developed into Fneamonia, presenting dangerous and obstinato symptoms. My physirian ordered tho use of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. Ilis in structioas were followed, and the resnlt was a rapid and permanent en re. II. K. Btimpeon, Rogers Prairie, Tex. Two ream ago I suffered from a severe Cetld. Which settled on mjr Lung. I con sulted various physicians, and took tho medicines they prescribed, but received only temporary relief. A friend indncd rne to try Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. After taWng two bottles of this medicine I was cured. Since then I hare piven the Pec toral to my children, and consider it The Best Remedy for Colds, Conphs. and all Throat ami Lung diseases, ever used in tny family.. Kubert Vaiiderpool, Meadviiie, Pa. Home time afro I took a slipht Cold, which, beinfr neglected, grew worse, end settled on my Lunirs. 1 had a hacking ccnigh, and was very weak. Those who knew me bent considered my life to t-o in pre at danger. 1 continued to suffer nntil I coinruencd uainj; Ayer'a Cbery l'ectoral. Les than one bottle of this valuable medicine cured ue, and I feel that I owe the preservation of my life to its curative powers. Airs. Ana Lockwood, Akron, 'ew York. Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral Is considered, here, the one (Treat remedy for all diseases of tha throat and lungs, and is more in demand than any other medicine of its cJas. J. F. I'.obefts, Magnolia, Ark. tt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver Co., LoweO. a, told by all ProgrUta. Price 1; sis bottle, fa. THE YAQUIXA ROUTE. OREtiON PACIFIC RAILROAD Of egoa DcYelopmsnt Co' s SteaasMp Line 223 SHORTER, 30 HOUR3 LESS TIME Than by any olhcr Kotite. First Class Tbroairh rasaenser FrelRht Line ri From rortland al sll Points In Hie Willamette Valk j loaud from tail FrawUcu, lL OREGON TACIFIC RAILROAD. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays:) f.v. Albany, tsm p.m. I I.v. Yjhji isx. 6A5 a. m. I.v. CcKVAi.l.is.l:4lp. ni. I l.v.rr.KVAI.!.! l':"oa. tn. AM. Yai I. 5:30 i. io. As. Albany. 11:10 a. m. Oil' Train councct at Allaiiy anl C.rva!li. The almve Train cnm-ct Rt Ysquina with Ih yn"n Ii'Vi-l0iwnt CfinHtiiy' Lite of Heaui:.liM lirl'H'fll Vaij'.iitia and jau Kruiu iCii. . BAILIM1 HATK5: BTKAMr.a. Krofii s. F. I PTftn YanMlns. tVllUuictte Vullt-y Willamotte Va'lcy Willninelle Valley Ivc r, 1i-c. 17 I --. I-' TMi Company ro:crei the right to client sail j Ins w illsout not tec. j rM-ni;or from riirtlaiul. enl alt Willamette alley H)iut. can mate civc coniicciion iic the Trains f the Yiijiisa I:ii tk ut AllKiiiv or I'onalli", nii. If ilcsiinei! loS:i Fiaiioi-o, bKiiil rrii(.'cto arrlvr at Yaqiiina th-neuiug before the time of rising. PnsHcnireruiKt l"rollit Kates i ALWAYS THE LOWEST. FOR ISFOKMATIOX APPLY TO c. it. haswki.u i c c. HonrE. Cen'l Fr t & Pasa Aj-' t, jArl t;eii l F. A P. Aj t, Gr'pn Development Cu.,j U. 1". K. 1, K. Co., iM MonlKoiuery St.. Corvalli, San Francisco, Cal'a. 1 Oregon. Willamette Rl?er Una of Steamers,! THK "WM. M. 1IOAO," THE "X. S. EEXTLY," j THE "THHEE SISTERS" Are In sen-ico for Inith passenirT and freight trafllc iH'twecn 'rvolUs and Portland and inter mediate points leaving comit:y'a wharf, Corval lis. and Messrs. Iluiman i Ci.'s wharf. Nos. 200 and -Jfil Fnnt stn-et. Portland, Monday, Wediu -duysand Kriduyn, atins thne round triTmeot h week as follows. NORTH sorsn. Iiive Corvallis Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 0 a. in.: leave Alhnnv 'JU-) a. m. Arrive S.;!, tii, Monday, W.-dncsday. KrwJav. 3 p. ia.: leave Salem, Tuexluv, Ttiurstlay, b!uriay, M a. in. Arrive Portland, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Z-.i) p. m. soiTti not-so. Leave Portland, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 a. ni. Arrive Salem. Monday. WediiesiViv, Friday. 7:15 p. tn.: leave Salem, Tuesday, Thursday, Saiurday, 1 a. ni. Leave Alhatiy 1:;0 p. m. Arrive Corvallis Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day a:30 p. m. Colds. Conghs. Croup. Whooping Cot,gh ! etc. We guarantee Acvrt English Eemedr a positive euro. It hoiir of anxious -watcrunr. j J- A.' ih INTERESTS moth Stock of FULL WEIGHTS Main Street, Lebanon, Linn '.'Count v. br At Cost! Still G. W. SIMPSON, A-lln j-, Ilavin; purcliascd tho stock of Clothing. nishing Oool?f Boot?, Shoes, Ktc, of C. Co is now prepared to efftr """ Better Bargains than Ever! Having a complete assorhr.oi:t of 'General Merchandise, bought at a big discount, which he si'ill proposes lsellat cost, purchasers will do well to vz.ll end p-t his prices before buying el.-ev.hcre, as you can v from 25 to SO per cent. r. The highest market price paid for country produce of tAl' kind;?, either in cash or goods. - . . CRUSON -PEALERi IN"- WAGONS, BUGGIES, HACKS, AND ALL Vehicles, Implements, rJTOOIfe OF .XX. OIITS, Light and Heavy Machines AND SMOOTH WIrC" IRO, STKISL., ' COAL,'; ; GUNS AND AMMUNITIONS Call in, Gentlemen, and . we will Make You Happy. FORTMILLER & IRYIHG, ALBANY, OREO OX. I Manufacturer of and Dealora In all Kinds FURNITURE. j Import all First-Class Goods i DIRECT FRO THE EAST. A complete ftock cf Wall Paper, Deco rations and Window Shsdes. xr x'd e r. t a. ic i is: g A SPECIALTY. 1 f A and rellpliJo Kedicine.t are thehest V) vVX todepeadnpon. Acker's BlocdjF! ixir has been prescribed tor years torj"' - i iovaluftUe. Fort . : . ' - YOU IS OUR MO'f to the Frorit-. Oi'ffou, & MILLER, KINIiS OF- 'V. ts. x i ivr ..hi null v.