The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, January 11, 1889, Image 1

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    , t ! - - w T KVKRV MOtl4V I
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Legal Blacks, ' Business C
- . Letter Heads, .SS3 I.
Circulars, - jp
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NO. 44.
F.xecnUd la f xxl 7ltu4 si lowKt i'-'-.j
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lMiiv InywsK. N 41, A. F A.. W: Mitt
M jt ti:,Mr w lj-ul in Moiic tUock, on &tuulajr
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! -. N'N "I l-tt1--. Nil T. 1. O. C. F.; Mft st
at Od.l Y!1 1111
ttruJ. j.j.rHAKiToS.S a
1 Oni-n- Mit rjr tirtt nd Oilnl Ttttnvliu Pn
tliK ill thf mnUl. P. H. noOUK. M. W.
eal Estate, Insurance & Loan
funeral Celtertlea and Xatary l'nblle
. tlaalae-K trMt1j Attended to.
- v -
Mixifctrr nt
DAW Iil'llili
A Double Circular Water Power
Saw Llill,
Near Lrelmoi, Or.
CpaeltY nbout 5003 feet pr day. Alo, 4J
acres of land oa which the sawmill
is located.
PKICE, J$S2,000
Also I ve a larjte stock of
At lo-et market rates for cash.
. W. WHEKIBH. I.etswOM. Or.
.ac Photograpner,
Enlarging from Small IHctures. Iu
etauUneous rrocess.
Groceries and Provisions,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
(iiMatware aAa" I aasware.
Lamps and Lamp Fixtures.
Slain mu. IhSMSit, Orecaa.
Land Company
General Agents for
Albany, Lynn Co., Oregon.
Buying and Selling
Aad Iotn)c a General Real Estate
AVLand Solicited for Sale.
Proprietors of the
Livery, Sale anfl FeeflStaMes
Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman.
Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har
ness and
FjWparties goiDg lo Brownsville, Wt
-- terloo, Sweet Home, bcio, and all
parts of Linn County.
All kinds of Teaming
i S-l k Hut ta . .
M.t'r of Local and General Import
Gathered from All Sources for
the Benefit of Our Readers, i
Firewotil ! scarce at Fresno.
Walla Walla bus a postal delivery.
Riverside, Cal. litis paid all its city
taxes but 75.
Calusa hrts four and a half miles of
graded streets.
Newcastle's fruit shipment this year
was f,000 tons.
The county hospital at Visalia was
nrned recemly.
The popnlation of Washington ter
ritory is 240,140.
The penitentiary at Walla Walla is
lighted by electricity.
An olive tree in Tnlare has grown
eight feet since last August,
Timber claims re being rapidly
taken tip in Mariposa county.
An apple orchard in Lassen cleared
COCK) the past year fioin 1500 trees.
Packers .re tiering at Riverside 3
a hox for navtl oranges on the trees.
There were erected at Tacoma last
year 1014 houses, valued at 12,489,
572. The windstorm last week brought
down a giod many trees in the Men
docino wok1s.
Tuba county is shipping apples to
southern California and sending orang
es to the north.
A flume 35 miles long will bring
lumber to Selma, Frtsno county, from
the Giant forest.
The output of gold, silvet and cop
per in Montana the past year is put
down at f 60,487,000.
At Walla Walla a dense fog pre
vailed during the eclipse and at 2
o'clock lamps were lighted.
The police of San Diego is con
demned by a committee of the eity
council as corrupt and imflicient.
g. W. Reed, of Fresno, picked 30
pounds of Flaming Tokay and Em
peror grapes from his vine the 1st of
Delegates met at Ellenrburg, W. T-,
on the 3il of January and began the
work of securing statehood to the
Large plantings of shad and suck
led catfish will he made in the stream
of Utah next June by the U. S. fish
The first ear-load of Oroville oranges
war rwpived in Sacramento last week.
and two car-loads wer being packed
at urovuie tor emprueui east.
N. J. McConnell. chief justice of
Montana, has forwarded his resigna
tion to the President, finding the du
ties of the office too burden some. -
The Teachers' convention which
cloted at Sacramento recently, recom
mended kindergrten instruction and
the admittance of children four years
of age.
The new Brvtherhood of Riilway
Conductors, organized at L s Ange
les tome wetks ago, is siid to have in
speci.lview revenge on the IJjrling
ton Railroad company.
San Bernardino' grand jury report
condemns the county court-house as
inadequate and the jil as a disgrace
to decency. Slack business manage
ment of county officials is also con
Th? approach of the Southern Pa
cific railroad toward San Luis Obispo,
s giving quite an impetus to travel.
The road was completed to Santa
Margarita, ten miles distant, and
trains running on the 5th of January.
At Bakersfield there is a field of
alfalfa from which rive cuttings were
obtained the first year, and "the
ground was so thoroughly impreg
nated with alkali that tue eunace is
white with the salt."
A flock of nine mountain sheep has
recently been seen among the cliffs
of Stein mountain. Elko county, Nev.
A patriarch of the flock is reported to
be as large as a bpanisn mute ana nis
horns resemble tke gnarled roots ol an
old cedar.
The lumber cut of Washington Ter
ritory the past year was 700,000,000
feet, valued at y,0UU,uuu. Of this
amount, Puget sound cut 450,000,000
feet and shipped by ocean 340,000,000
feet, valued at 3,7UUU,UW. I lie for
eign lumber shipments were f 1,200,-
Richard Hall, of Dixon, a well
known citizen, early Tuesday morning
of last week, while going home from
Sacramento, heard the whistle for his
station, rushed while naif asleep from
the car, and stepped off while the
tram was ia motion, lie was seriously
Portland shows great progress. Her
wholesale and retail trade in lotso
foots up between $90,000,000 and
$1,000,000,000, compared with $75,-
000.000 in 16S7 and $42,000,000 in
1883. The manufactures of the city
and vicinity aggregate nearly $14,000,-
000, and the value of buildings erected
David Hart, a blacksmith and train
ing with the Salvation army at Tort-
land, took morphine and told the sum
moned physician that he had had the
diug for two years, but had not had
the courage to use it before. He said
he wanted something given him to
make death easy, and when asked
why he didn't jump in the Willamette
river, he said he did not know how to
Richard A-tlie King, the author of
The Wearing of the Green," is a kind
of Robert Elsmera in real life. He was
a Yorkshire vicar, but he resigned his
somfortable living for the uncertain
profits of literature. He now wEit-
Ing a novel a sequel to "Ta.9 Wear
ing of the Green. ;
John Bright never commits
epeech to memory. He merely makes
.-jvtes and leaves the words to come
A Brief Mention of Matters or Oen.ral
Interest.-Notes Gathered from
Home and Abroad.
Gladstone reached his 79th birthday
A rebellion has broken out in Up
per India.
The King of Wurtemherg is In
feeble health.
The opera-house of Tyler, Tex., was
burned last week.
The Pope hut week celecrated the
close of his jubi'ee year.
Minister Phelps will return from
England in a few wee ks.
Germany does not propose to in
crease its artillery strength.
The Bulgarian sobranie has granted
amnesty to political refugees.
The wife of Major General Hchofield
died suddenly recently of heart dis
ease. Collector Harer suggests that the
duty on opium be reduced to $5 a
The date for the Gwedore evictions
n Ireland was set and carried into ef
fect on January 2d.
Dr. Carver attempted to breik 60,-
CK) rWs bal's in six days at Minne
apolis, last week, but failed to accom-
plisn the feat.
Princess Adelbert, ol B ivaria, was
seiied with hysterics in the Berlin Op
era house last wetk. It is believed
that she is insane.
The badly mutilated body of a Ger
man was luiiiiu in rair.nount paik,
Philadelphia, Sunday. Much excite
ment was created.
It i stated that further papers re
lating to the Sack villa affair are about
to be given out for publication by the
British government.
An escaped Soudanese has c Ovrrd
to bring in General Gordon's sword,
clothes and papers, which are said to
be hidden near Berber.
At the ckwe of a spurring exbibi-
ion at Brooklvn, N. Y., last week, a
panic occurred and a score or more
of persons were injured.
A large gathering at Lioge, Bel
gium, recently, adopted resolutions
favoring the restoration of the tem
poral iower of the Pope.
The daughter of Liwrence Barrett,
the actor, and Joseph Anderson, a
bi other of Mary Anderson, the actress,
were married m Boston January J. I.
Johnsion Hatfield, the worst f the
whole Hatfield gang, in West Vir
ginia, and a ferocious desperado, died
last week in Lawrence county, Ken
tucky. Slaven, of the American Dredging
compauy,it is stated, assures DtLes
seps that he can finisn the second sec
tion of the Panama caual iu twelve
F. W. Smith played Santa Claus at
his home at Danville, Illinois, Christ
mas, and enveloped himself in cotton
battine, which caught fire and he was
fatally burned.
Robert Bonner's famous stallion
Startle, the sire of many celebrated
trotters, including Majolica, with a
record of 2 :!., died in sew lork usl
week, aged 2 1 jears.
Governor Marble, of Maine, has ap
pointed James G. Blaine among the
other commissioners to attend the Cen
tennial celebration of Washington's
inauguration in New York, April 30th.
A Christmas gathering at East
Prospect, Penn., was thrown from the
second to the first floor of the build-
ne which had suddenly collapsed.
Numbers were braised and cut, but
none seriously.
The London rlice believe that they
are on the right clew to the author of
the Whitechapel murders. They have
succeeded in locating him in the vi
cinity of Drury Lane, by tracing let
ters wniten by him.
Ira Tayne, the American gun ex-
ert, now in Paris, asserts that he has
discovered a process for the manufact
ure of cold from an alloy of silver ana
copper, and is trying to raiso funds to
start the proper works.
The Ottawa board of trade lias pe
titioned the Dominion government to
errant a subsidy to a fast liue of steam
ers from Quebec to Liverpool. The
desire is compete with the new xork
and Liverpool steamers.
rierre Beauron who was supposed
to be dead and whose sisters had been
appointed to administer his estate,
turned up at Shohola, 1'enn., tue otner
day and secured orders revoking tne
letters of administration.
An explosion of gas caused great
damace in Boston, receutly. Two men
were blown 20 feet in the air ana J? orl
Hill square and adjacent buildings re
ceived a terrible wrenching. 1 lie ex
plosion tore the street up.
The unofficial list of representatives-
elect, recently public bed, shows that
20 Republicans were elected from the
following Southern States: Keutucky,
2; Louisiana, 1; Maryland, l Mis
souri. 4: North Carolina, 3 : Tennes
see, 4. Of these 13 are now members.
The loss of life so far by the burn
ing of the steamer Hanna, near Pla-
quemine, La., on the Mississippi river,
is placed at 24. Of the injured men
in the hospital four or nve will die
The flags of the steamers in the har
bor ef New Orleans have been placed
at half-mast.
Ethel Mackenzie, the btAsst daugh
ter of the famous physician, is in jour
nalism, nd does good work in the line
of correspondence.
Sir Joseph Chitty, the well-known
English judse, vros at Osfod in 1852
Captain of the finest boat crew ever
known at either university. . 1?;
This laLe Mr. Venables, of the Bat
urdri' livvis.w. was the boy who broke
Th;ick'-r--,-B n-i at bohool. As amaa
1 r -i., I v-,. O'-ij Ii-t- was
Newsy Notes Concerning the Farm a d
of Eapeotal Iiterest to t' e Pa
cific Coast Husbandman,
Be certain that there is plenty of wa
ter where the cows are turned out to
pasture. Clean, pure water U hid is
pensable to the milch cow.
Never wait for rain when you hiv
a crop under cultivation. Keep righ'
on cultivating and you will be Mir
prised to find how your crop will with
stand the drought.
Many farmers in western New York
gave up the wool business as unprof
itable long ago, but still keep shv p,
and say that keeping the mut'ou
breeds is one of the bett paying
branches of farming.
Tramping upon the hay in a barn
often causes horsrs to refuse it. To
pass from the barn-yard into the barn
aid walk over the hay leaves odors
which are quickly recognixed by the
animals whin audi hay is fed to them.
Chopjied clover-hay scjlded is a
cheap and excellent food for hogs, and
they will thrive on it while growing,
with but little grain. Bulky food in
necessary for the distention of the
ptomach, and there is nothing m mi
tricioua for that purpose as the scalded
The price of onions is lower this
year than for some time past. This is
due to a large increase ol area planted
throughout the east, and to an un
usui'lly large crop; the iusecU and
aicea?es mat usually attack tne onion
having Ixeu far less prevalent this
year than usual.
After winter grain is sown there is
yet lime to remedy defects of soil and
exposure. If there is a knoll in the
field it is probably the poorest part of
the lot, and one or more lo.ids of ma
nure distributed over it will have a
wonderful effect, not alone upon the
grain crop, but on the grass seeding.
Good cider vinegar is always sala
ble, and it pays to convert the surplus
apples into cider for the put potto of
making vinegar. The artificial vine
gar cannot be used for choice pickles
and other purposes for which goud
cider vinegar only is adapted, and dors
not, therefore, largely com pt te with it.
iVm't try to crowd 60 hens into a
poultry house suitable for only 25, as
the larger the Ujck the fewer the
egg, protortionately, unless they have
perfect accommodations. As a rul
small Hocks give a larger profit from
the eame outlay than when numbers
are kept that cannot be properly pro
vided for.
Parsnip, salsify and horseradish
can remain in the rows where grown,
as free ling does not injure them. If
they are covered with litter, however,
it will prevent sudden thawing around
hem in the spring. It is too much
warmth that does injury in winter
to such crops, rather than cold. A
few warm days in winter may be more
detrimental than beneficial.
The first signs of disease in a flock
should prompt the herdsmen t) at
once remove all animals not a flee ted
to a new, clean location. It is better
to kill an animal that is suspected of
having a contagious disease than to
attempt a cure. Delay is dangerous.
Precaution in the beginning is better
han any work that can be done in at
tempting to effect a cure after the dis
ease secures a hold.
Must farmers who give no particu
lar attention to horses usually drive
with a loose rein. This la well enough
with the "old family horse," in whom
you have pe.fect confidence. It is
never safe, however, with a young and
spirited horse. Never drive such an
animal with so loose a rein th it you
cannot instantly command the. situa
tion, whatever happens.
Pork made from a considerable por
tion of apple diet is peculiarly sweet
in flavor.' Hogs will fatten more rap
idly on sweet apples than sour, if ap
ples are principally depended upon;
but if grain is fed with apples the
sour will do even better than the
sweet, as the acid mill assist in the di
gestion of the grain. It would be bet
ter to feed corn for a few weeks before
killing, to harden the pork.
In California turkeys are raised in
flocks numbering several thousand.
They are placed in charge of a herder,
who drives them as he would a nock
of sheep. They range over miles of
territory in a day, and live almost en
tirely by foraging. When the grain
is cut nd harvested the turkeys are
turned into the immense wheat and
barley fields and the birds do the
gleaning and become fat and ready
for market at very little cost.
One article of- food cannot supply
all the necessary sustenance, because
it may lack some of the essential ele
ments and is sure to havo some in in
sufficient quantity. A normal appe
tite, that sure guide to the wants of
nature, craves a variety of foods. It
is not necessary to make the ration
costly ; a little thought will provide a
variety la the ration and without
greater cost. As to regularity in feed
ing, it has been amply demonstrated
that animals do not thrive so well
when fed irregularly as when they get
their food at certain seasons.
A practical dairyman gives the fol
lowing reasons why he was more suc
cessful with his cowa than his aeigii
bors were : " IU tell you," said he, " it
all depends where a man looks when
he feeds his cows. My neighbors all
look at the feed ; consequently, they
easily learn to scram p the cow all they
dare to. When I feed I look at the
cow iust as I would any machine if 1
was feeding it. You want to watch
the machine and not the feed. It is a
mighty easy thing for a farmer to get
stingy feeding a cow and beat him
self out of dollars in trying to save
Among the many purposes to which
old wagon tires may be applied is the
gate hinge. An old tire, too much
worn for further service in its original
capacity, is cut in two at the middle,
and the end of each piece is turned
with an eye or socket to form half of
a hinge. Then four inches from tlu
Kocltet : the : bar is bentla.: an angle,
V, the width of the open end being
governed by that of the gale. Ths
lower hinge is made in the usu il man
uer, with an upright pin at one end,
and a thread and nut at the other.
The upper one may be made in the
form of a band, which is driven over
the gate-p st and fastened by nails
driven through holes punched for the
purpose in the band.
When the corn is shelled the cobs
are worth ciring for for various use
ful purposes. They make the lust
fuel for the rmoke-houae, giving the
hams ai d bacon a delicate and agree
ablo flavor, free from the pmigeney of
oak and other wood, which contains
much acid. When steeped in kero
sene oil they make good kindling for
fires, and they are equally g xmI for
this purpose when a urated with a
solution of one pound of saltpeter in
two gallons of water and dried. Thy
then burn fiercely, giving out quick
heat sufficient to kindle a coal fire.
But they are al good for feeding,
as they contain as much nutriment a
straw, and where straw is scarce the
whole years may lie ground together
with advantage. The husks are still
more nutricious, and may be ground
up with the ears in mills made for
that purpose.
In storing celery for winter small
quantities fer family use can be tored
in boxes by first boring inch holes
four inches from the bottom at each
end and aide of the box. Turn the
Ik x on euJ and pack the celery in
layers the narrow way of the box. To
each layer of celery in position sprinkle
over the roots only enough earth to
mulch them well. Continue until the
box is ful'. When you st the box
down frluk or jar the box lo settle
the dirt auung the roots of the plants.
Then take a watering pot with nozzle
and pour water through the angur
holes in the ends nntil all of the
soil is thoroughly saturated, and
'tis done. The box can be set in any
convenie'nt niche of the cellar, and
only needs occasional watering (al
ways through the auger holer) to have
a supply of crifp, tender celery at
hort notice, without the trouble of
grubbing in the frocm ground and
eiosing both yourself and the whole
Ut of celery in the trench.
The increasing use of windmills for
pumping water, etc., suggeots that
they e-ould be made the foundation of
a fire department on the farm, that
would prove tfl'uient in many cases.
Three-fourths of the farm con Migra
tions are discovered so early that the
prompt application of 20 gallons of
water, would put out the fire. But it
is impossible to get water soon enough
when it must be carried to the garret
or loft in buckets. With a 14 foot
windmill and a strong double-acting
foicif pump, a continuous stream may
lie forced a thousand feet and to a
bight of a hundred feet. But as the
windmill and well are uamlly near
the house and btrn, it would rarely be
necess iry to have the water forced
fartl.e-r than two hunnred feet or
rai-itl higher than fifty feet. The
p:jet are, of course, brought near to
,f not into, the barn and house. And
with a few feet of hose attached to the
hydrant in the yard or building, a sup
ply of water sufficient at the critical
mcment, would be at command. The
hose could be taken through windows
or doors. If it is feard that at such a
lime there might not lie enough breese
to operate the windmill, we have only
to remember, how often an account of a
conflagration also says "a stiff brecs?"
or a strong gale was blowing at the
time. hen there is not enough air
stirring to operate the windmill, a fire
may be readily subdued by buckets of
When large quantities of roots are
to be stored and there is not cellar
room for this purposeit is far better
to construct pits than to fill the cellar
of one's dwelling house with a general
assortment of roots and vegetables to
vitiate the air of the entire house. . If
it is properly constructed, roots will
keep better in a pit than in an ordi
nary cellar. The pita are tluz three
or four feet deep, six feet wide and as
long as needed. The roots are stacked
in thrse, beginning at the end of
the pit, and following two feet
of its length ; a space of six inches is
left, aud anot'ier section of two feet is
built up, aud so on, in each case piling
the roots u to the ground level; the
spaces are then filled in with earth.
and the pit will present a series ol sec
tions of two feet of roots and six inches
of earth. The roots are covered lightly
at first, but when cold weather comes,
put on about two feet of soil, rounded
and smoothed to carry off water.
The annual consumption of feath
ers in this country for bedding pur
poses is estimated to amount to 3,000,-
000 pounds. To furnish this 3,000,000
healthy gecBO must give up their
feathers in a year. The geese lurnish
ing these downey pillows and beds of
ease are to be found mainly in southern
Illinois, Missouri, Arkansis, Tennes
see and Kentucky. The climate is col J
enough to cause the feathers to be fine
and soft, and not too cold to make
their care a matter of un profitable la
bor to farmers. B9I0W this territory
the feathers are quilly and free from
down ; above, the cold winter make
geese-farming unprofitable, for when
the goose can't find food for herself,
because of frozen land and water, she
has to be fed, and she'll eat as much
corn aa a sheep.
Within the last three months nearly
a hundred orphan boys under 12 years
of 7A litLVfl hnen hrnucht to Findlav
and Fostoria, Ohio, to work in the
claHH factories. Thev come mostly
from St. John' asylum, Brooklyn,
and are under contract for a year at
nominal wages, x 111s importation 01
child labor will be stopped.
Mrs. Ira P. Stockwell, of Sydney,
W. T., was accidentally killed last
week by her 14-year-old son, who was
inserting a badly fitting cartridge in
his gun.
Henry James, Jr., the novelist,
boasts that he has never loved a wom
an, though he la now forty years olL
The novelist, E. P. Roe, runs a
fancy farm. He has been able to come
O.-OCKltlKS-SuKars have fallen ,e
sine i our taut report. Wo quote (J f Jc,
entra (J e, dry frranulated 7e, rube,
criiHhed and powdered 7c. Coft'wa firm,
Java i;c, ;wia lti 17 c2')c Salvador
Irtrfllte, Arbuckle'a roaated 231c, In
ranned (able fruit, aasorted. 2U g 2 5 per
d- trie fruit, assorted, 2js l.Z5fl.3i.
PIIOVISIONS-Oreffonhanm are qnot
ed at He, brrakfant bacon 14c, thoul-di-rs
0r., KsHtern moat Is quoted as fol
lows: I lams Uta lOa, breakfast b. con 13.C,
aides 11 c.
FltUITS-areen fruit receipts 1 ?B3 bis.
Hard fruit la acarre, and the supply of ap
ples not equal to the demand. Applea Um
p per bx, Mexleip oranges ft, lemons
ittl.60 per bx, bananas t3.5U4.60.
quinces 40 00e,
V PORTA RLE I Market well supp'led.
Cablae tie per E, rarrota and turnip
c per s-k, red pepper 3c par lb, potato
3 .' 4 )c per aack, sweet Iff.' per lb.
DltlKD FRUITS-ItecelpU 41J pkges.
Sun-dried apples 45e per lb, factory
alicd He, factory pluma 7 He, Oreiron
prune 7 c, pears attic, peache-i 8 aide.
raiin per box, Call ornla flira 8c,
Smyrna lHc per ft.
DAIRY PUOlUCE-Buttr receipts for
the week 173 pkges. Fancy creamery 8.5c
per lb, choice dairy 80c, medium i7'S30e
common eastern 4c
EGGS- ItecelpU 17 cases. Oreiron 27ic,
e&Htern 23c
POULTRY Chickens tUiiJtl, tor
larire touiik and ft 4 73 for old, turkeys
lHlte per lb, ducks f57 per doaen,
geee I i(a 10.
WOOL-ltecelpt for week 800,800 lbs.
Valley IK'gAk. Kan tern Oregon 8 He.
HOPS-Reeelpta for week 1278 lbs.
Choice ll)tel4c
GflAI.V-Receipts 'for week M.2n0 ctls.
alley 1.3.V 1.40, Eastern Oregon $IJ
(1.40. oat 34 js;joc,
Ff OUR -Receipts for week tr) bbls.
Standard 14,75, otner brands f 4.50.
FEEBarley 23 per ton. mill do
11M.50, aborts branllS.SO,
baled hay $1.1 $15, loose tll.
FRESH MEATS Beef, lire, 834e.
dreaned 7e, mutton, live, S3 c, dreaaed
7e, lamb fa to each, hoga, live, 5de,
dreaaed 7fe74, veal 6(g 8c
Vanity the Mmt Muntnrent or Alt liamaa
Vanity la a munificent weakness. No
virtue, not even Charity, Is so lavish
in its expenditures. Whoever minis
ters to it siii'cesfully,on a comprehen
sive si-nlo. Is almost sure to amass
Several of the followers of Columbus
spent ylar In searching for the fount
a'&4 J-.irnal Youth, which superstl
i!S.n assigned to some portion of this
hemisphere, and the ladies of Castile
and A rag especially the old duen-
nnf sutAi-ibed, it Is said, most liber
ally toward the exploring expedition!
that went forth on that rational errand.
AH hope of discovering a natural
source of rejuvenescence has long since
been given up, but of artificial suo
eedanemns the name is legion. The
Illy and the rose are for see at every
drug store, and a private interview of
ten in 'unites with a fashionable hair
dresser will enable "any lady with hair
cf on obnoxious color" (see the bar
bers advertisements) to flaunt ringlets
of a bloomy black defiantly in the facto
f Time. The operation must
ited every five or six weeks, how
ever, and costs many dollars. But
what of that! Vanity is liberal to
Itself. The poor shall want bread, ere
Vanity shall lack Its "aids to beauty.
Thus it happens that while those
who labor to benefit the mind are but
too often poorly rewarded, your toilet-
tinkers, inventors of liquid blooms,
floral lotions, hair dyes, depilatories. the et ceteras with which
fools vainly endeavor to counterfeit the
charms which nature has denied, or
age obliterated, often accumulate great
wealth. The carriages of such men
roll along Fifth avenue daily, and tb
fushionablo world is indebted to them
for tho "make up" of innumerable in
dividuals of both sejees, who, if natural
beauty resembled the wax-work images
in hair-dressers' windows, might pass
muster, but who. as It is, are looked
upon with ineffable contempt by reoi
men and women. iv. Y. Ledger.
The Lew is ton Journal recently pro
pounded the following question: 1. Of
what nature will be the next economic
Invention t 3. What great economle
invention is most needed an tilled for
by the world? 3. Does any V'Ung re
main to be invented by man, which
shall be as revolutionary in its effects
as the application of steam power?
These were the answers received by
General A. W. Greely: 1. The storage,
without appreciable loss of electricity
produced by natural forces, such as
waterfalte, tldos, eta. 2. A cotton
pikcor. 3. No.
Emperor William's bedroom in
Romo is a beautiful chamber. The
walls are covered with rich silk hang
ings expressly woven for the occasion
a white ground, with masses of flowers
In dark red. The bed is of ebony, in
laid with gilt metal anJ surmounted
with a canopy magnificently carved
and lined with light colored silk.
It appears that the British army
Is not only tho dearest in Europe, but
tho worst fed, so far as the rank and
file are -wtjeroed. The bread ration
is the lowest in Europe, being one
pound ier day. The allowence of
meat is tkree-quarters of a pound, in
cluding bono, whereas continental sol
diers are given a full pound of solid
meat. The bread and meat are both
apt to be of poor quality, while the
fuel supplied is insufficient.
A physician practicing In Brazil
says that a man about to marry is re
quired to furnish a certificate from one
or more physicians, that he is free
from diseases of certain character
and that he is free from all signs of
any of the diseases which are liable to
be transmitted to the offsprings This
is not required by the government, but
It is a sort of family law or custom
recognized among the higher classes.
Father "Theophilus, my son, did
you abstain from fighting to-day, as I
told your' "les. . "remaps you
had no provocation to. fight?" "Yes,
I had. Bill Swipes said as how my
dad was tfratd to meet his dad, or he'd
get licked.". "He said that of me, eh!
Why didri you smash him in the
Tit a Proeaaa Kxplalnad la s Way That
V.iktj Hotly Caa VA inUad.
The first steel pen was made by an
Englishman named Wise. It was cyl
indrical and adjusted to a bone case for
pooket use, but It was too expensive ae
well as clumsy to come into general use.
A Birmingham man, named Meyer, who
had been experimenting to Improve on
Wise's invention, had In Ms employ a
young man named GlllolL About the
time Meyer had nearly completed his In
vention, his daughter married GlUolt,
and told him her father's secret. In
consequence Glllott anticipated his
father-in-law, and started a factory for
making the very kind of pens the old
man had spent years in devising.
How are the pens made? A sheet of
the finest steel six feet long, two and a
half feet wide and one-sixteenth of an
Inch thick, is cut Into strips each long
enough to make two pens. These strips
are annealed by placing them in pot
with clayi d lids and leaving them over
night in the "muffler, " or oven, which
i kept at an intense heat When they
are cooled they are scoured with acid
to remove the scales and brighten them.
They are then rolled to the gauge de
sired and taken to the cutting shop to
be transformed into blanks by hand
presses. Thence they go to the pierc
ing shop, where a hand-press makes the
slits in the sides. After bemg cleaned
in sawdust to remove' the grease, they
go to the hardening shop and spend a
second warm night in pots in the oven.
Next comes the stamping room, where
the firm name and trade mark are re
ceived. Thus far they have been merely fiat
blanks. Now comes the transforma
tion scene. In the raising shop they
are given the semi-circular forms that
makes them pens. After a brief in
carceration In the oven, they are given
an oil bath, shaken in a revolving
colander till the drippings are removed
and saved, and then wiped dry in drums
with a sawdust toweL In the temper
ing shop a hundred gross are put in a
single drum and turned slowly over a
charcoal fire, a man with along-handled
ladle watching the changing color,
scooping them up at the proper Instant
and spreading them on a cooling pan.
In the scouring shops they again en
counter sawdust in a drum; in the
slitting chop a hand-press makes the
silts in the points; in the grinding shop
they are treated to either a straight or
cross grinding, the latter being consider
ed preferable. The back of the pen
shows readily to which process it has
been subjected.
The longest stay Is In the polishing
shop two days the time being spent
In the most Intimate Intercourse with
the rubbish known as "pot." and in re
volving drums. They emerge polished
and w'.th the sharp corners worn off
the points. Then another trip is made
to the tempering room, where they are
given a blue, light, dark straw, or any
otker desirable color. Into a thin var
nish of alcohol and shellae they are
plunged, and spread on a perforated
and heated iron plate to dry, and tbenoe
to the looklng-over room, where girls
Inspect each pen, rejecting al. defective
ones. They are very particular to this
part of the process, ae a bad pen, like a
bad egg, will spoil tke reputation of the
entire box. The final processes are
counting in gross lots and boxing, when
the product is ready for the trade; and
after going through all these manlpul
tioas the completed pens fj sold to
dealers for about a third of a cent
Soon after steel pens became popular.
inventors went to work to discover
something better. Glass, horn, tortoise-shell
and other substances were
tried, and' the numerous experiments
culminated in the gold pen with double
diamond points, first made in England
by Isaac Hawkins, an American resid
ing abroad. Subsequent the same man
found that Iridium was about as good
as the diamond, and it is now used al
most exclusively. It is found in con
nection with gold-bearing quarts In the
mines of California and Russia. Until
1844 gold pens were spilt with scissors
and rounded up with mallet and stick.
The price was then faem five dollars to
ten dollars a pen. After John Rendell
invented machinery that watld do the
greater portion of the work, the price
declined rapidly, and although much of
the work is still done by hand, a good
gold pen can be purchased to-day for
from one dollar to two dollars. The
best gold pens are made in this coun
try, and the exportation is quite targe.
Gulden Days.
Not Honest, but Fran.
An Eastern traveler gives the follow
ing account of a brief, pointed, and we
think rather unsatisfactory interview
with an Arab of Jebel Hauran:
"What brought you to the spring,
when you saw us there?" I asked him.
"To strip you," he coolly replied.
And why did you not do It?"
"Because Mahmud was with you."
"But why wouli yoa plunder us? We
are strangers and not enemies."
"It Is our custom.
"And do you strip all strangers?"
"Yes, all we can get bold of."
"And if they resist, ov are too strong
for you?"
"In the former case we shoot them
from behind trees; In the latter, we ram."
"How do the people of your tribe
live? do they sow or plant?"
"No, we are not slaves," said he, with
much disdain.
"What do you do for a living?"
"W keep goats, hunt partridges, and
"Are yor all thieves?"
"Yes, alL'- N. T. Ledger.
The great southern earthquake
worked numerous wonders, and one of
them has come to public aotice. It is
told of thus by a Georgia paper:
There is a well-known lady in Wilkes
County who has enjoyed perfect healt'a
since th earthquake. For several
years up to that time her fcealtb. had
been dediaing, and she was then quite
feeble. The physicians said the
trouble vm that she never perspired.
When the reat earthquake came she
was considerably frightened, tuid in a
few moments the perspiration came
freely from every pore. She began to
The Manners and Cvtom tit Society to
tha Ldutt Cotry.
As to our dinners and cookery a
century ago merchants and the tnid ,1 la
classes generally dined at tbrea
o'clock; "society" an "hour later; but
the artisan's chief meal still bungr back
at one o'clock. Where a Frenchman
ate and sthl eats more bread than
meat, the Englishman naturally give
himself greater, perhaps, because a
more northerly latitude la the matter
of flesh. Our strictly island cookery,
then as now, was simpler, admitted of
less disguise than the French; and few
cosmopolitans will, even la these mod
ern days of wide and electric travel,
withhold the suffrage of their palates
from the London chop or steak off the
ever multiplying1 grid, or cry obt at
the roast beef of England, except, in
deed, it be In the chorus of Fielding's
A ceremonious dinner rarely went
beyond a couple of joints and
some assletta volantes, presumably
what we use to call side dishes, con
sisting of vegetables and (Yorkshire?)
puddings; followed by a dessert of
cheese or fruit, according to the sea
son. Tho philanthropist praises, en
igmatically, the "whiteness" of tho
butcher's meat, which for all that was"
not so nutritive as that of Paris.
Careme, no meaa judge, thought dif
ferently; but the so-much-vaonted roast
beef, the idol of the English, was easier
of digestion than tho French, being
less compact. What ho wanted to em
press, no doubt, was that it was not so
tough. The vegetables, frait and
salads were tasteless, and cabbages,
turnips and spinach nearieci
tasted of the coal smoke which filled
the air. Game, too, although abund
ant at thirty miles distant from Lon
don, was eaten on the spot In the coun
try; that of Picardy being preferred la
the capital; and we earn quite believe It
when we see tho way la which the
English farmer of the present day still
allows himself to be driven to the wall
by the fowls, eggs, dairy produce and
vegetables and fruits of the Continent.
Our dinner furniture included
"round-handled, two-pronged steel
forks for carrying1 solid morsels td the
mouth with the left band, directly
after each such morsel was cut with
the right, which was constantly armed
with a knife, and that knife broad and
round-pointed, for use like a trowel, in
taking up sauces, etc For the En
glishman did not ply his good knife
and fork by awkwardly passing those
weapons from hand to hand, like other
nations, and could thus be detected
anywhere In Europe before he opened
hU mouth, at all events, to speak. Tha
constant use of knife in the right hand,
however, suggests to the ethnologist
milder social manners In race which
could tolerate the custom without the
apprehensions it would naturally evoke
in a country where another and a
lethal "use of the knife" was more
common. Wttmin$Ur Review.
Bow He Frpoee4 Make Bis Opera
tions Cm Oat Xtta,
A number of mechanics were con
gregated about the stove of a certain
ruml store that sells every thing,
from whisky to shoe-strings.
"How much are you charging a
day, now?" asked Mr. Butternut of a
"Three dollars," replied the carpen
ter. "If yon will work for a dollar a day,"
said Mr. Butternut, "I shall be happy
to engage you."
The carpenter did not reply In
words, but opened one eye very wide,
that Mr. Butternut might observe and
study any thins: of an emerald tone
contained therein,
"What are you getting per day at
present?" asked Mr. Butternut of a
plumber wbo was smokiug- a corn-cob
pipe, that couldn't freeze and burst on
"Four dollars!" responded theprarab
er, as he gave the pipe-stem a faucet
twist, to screw it more firmly into the
"I will give you one dollar and thirty-three
cents per diem," said M- But
ternut. "I must decline," replied the plumb
er. "I plumb for the health of my
clients, never for my own, H I ac
cepted your rates, I should certainly
burst, Mke a four-dollar zinc boiler."
Mr. Butternut then turned to a stona
"What wages are you asking?"
Three dollars per dayl"
I will give you one."
I could not work for that figure If
you furnished the cement and every
thing else. It would pay me better U
stay at home and lie on the Persia,
couch," replied the stone mason. "
Mr. Butternut left in despair, and
went to a lumber-dealer, a brick man,
and several others trading la building
materials, and offered them all ono
third of the price asked.
They each and all refused; and,
when one of them asked him to ex
plain his nickel-plated, full-jeweled as
surance, he replied:
"I am going to bufld a ten-thousand-dollar
house." -
"I see," said the dealer, brightening
up a little; "an excelent Idea."
"And when my ten-thousand-dollar
house is builded, it will have cost ti-
teen thousand dollars." "'."--V
"And then?" asked the dealer la
building materials.
"And then," replied Mr. Butternut,
"my ten -thousand-dollar house that
cost fifteen thousand dollars will only
be worth five thousand dollars, ground
and all. And I only want to get ever
thing for a third of its actual valuer
that I may coma out even. Puck.
larynx Quivered wrtn . tremulous -
pathos, "have I offended you?" "No, ; -George,
you have not" Thea wh ; '
are you so silent?" "Don't ask ms - " ;
BUZfcrvxrxjF iwcatjr wun:a inc lost uuuf-
I can not bemr the sioomv auiet. WK' ' -
do you not speak? Why do ycr t . .'"
fame.. .-; I ajaa . ----. -
r,t or. , V XT wi-it.tnnr Vi n 1 F n fln-rnn rt AV,