The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 14, 1888, Image 3

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    -joe: ...p.:1 j j
yoij Express.
l'HtJKMBKU 14, 1SS8.
.'! - 1 ...... . , . .
Th Strailit Ynqntnn liny S1rfknletl
on South Kparh.
ti albums nt Miller's for ? 1.
V. Rice, Fine Millinery.
wt Miller's drug store,
un. the best Refaction of
ft -
- uoyraph album goto
i-ncing class every Wcd
i Union hull.
tn niuMnrd nt W. R. tou-
"s , only 15 cents per box.
-I roast coffee nt W. B. Don-'
. 'o.'b. Something good. Try it.
Just received at Miller's drug store,
one gross Red Cross Cough Cure. Try
Fanners, remember that Peterson &
Bush pay cash for produce, hides and
Ml Mat tie Xlxon, who has I teen
stopping in Portland, returned home
liut week.
JGo to AV. B. Donnca & Co.'s and try
"rmie of their prepared wince meat,
?1 per bucket.
Messrs. Hyatt A Gordon have left
for the mountains to get the remainder
of their cattle.
A Rosehurg man Who eats scven
pounds of f teak nt a sitting is referred
to as a big stenkholder.
Mr. Frank Miller, of Portland, came
tip Tuesday evening on a visit to his
father, Hon. It. C. Miller.
Buy $ 1 worth of goods and get a
chance at that fine toilet set now on
exhibition at Miller'a drug store.
The Graphic Is the name of a new
paper just started at Newberg, Yam--hill
county. It is bright, neat and
"We return thanks to Mr. G. W.
Wheeler for a large potato which he
presented to this office. It weighed 71
pounds. .
Don't mow in with your wife's peo
1 pie for the M inter, but buy yourself a
new stove. They are down to bed-rock
nt Swan Bros. .
Mr. Laforge, a former resident of
this vicinity, was In town this week.
Ho now has charge of the Coleman
hotel at Eugene.
Rev. F. M. Parker, a former citizen
of this place, is visiting in town and
helping in the protracted meeting at
Ih; C. P. church.
Mr. M. J. Montcith, of Albany, paid
our town a visit on Wednesday. It
looks natural to see Mac. on our street.
Come agniu, Mae.
I tie children of Mr. Brewster, who
lives several miles from town, have ,
the scarlet fever, but Dr. Courtney in
forms us that they are convalescent.
pJSar novelties in dressing cases, nl-
Last Sunday evening at 6.30 o'clock
the splendid iron steamship, the
Ynqulna Bay, while making her ilrst
(rip from San Francisco to -Yanuina,
struck niton the sands at the Yaiuiua
bar, while being towed in by the tug
Resolute, and may prove a total wreck.
The cause of the accident can only be
nscriU-d to carelessness or negligence
on the part of some one in charge of
the management of the steamship.
Ordinarily the bar is considered so
safe that vessels in entering merely
follow in the wake of the tug, but,
contrary to this rulc.-tho. Ynquina Hay
was being towed in. The bar was
smooth when the vessel crosse d, but
after passing over the bar proper, the
ship suddenly took a sheer to the right
and struck upon the sands alout two
hundred feet soith of the end of the
jetty. The tug immediately went to
her assistance ami would undoubtedly
have pulled her off without trouble or
damage, had it not been that the pow
erful nix-inch hawsers continually
broke, and within one hour r.fter strik
ing she had worked fully lifte.M feet
on the sands. The tug worked with
the stranded vessel all night, but with
out avail. The constant beating of the
waves and wind has stove two holes
in her bottom and turned the f-hip
altout, bow in, and she now lie at
nearly right nngles with the end of
the jetty.
Not the least blame can be laid to
the bar, for when the vessel struck the
! sands she was entirely over 1 he bar,
and the last heave of the lead showed
twenty-five feet of water. The vesel
was in command of t'apt. Kelly, who
brought her from New York, but was,
on entering the harW, turm d over to
Pilot Lord, who is in the employ of
the Oregon Development Co. "
The ill-fated vessel made the remark
ably quick time from Xew Fork to
San Francisco in 5-5 days and hours.
It is not a new vessel, having been
built in 1SS1 nt Philadelphia. -;he is a
screw steamer, with half brig rigging;
is a double-decker, made of iron, 2"7
feet in length, 34 in width, 21.2 In
depth, and has a registered tonnage of
1 .WWt. I. .
mis coiupounu engines ana tour : a book
DuiKheaits. Mte uad been plvinar be-1
Ar.viiKs: v ?ii;t.
Frank Ross is once more t,ecn In his
accustomed place In the sehool room.
Rial Smith, a Student of hist whiter,
was at the K. L.S. hut Mondnv nitrhl.
All were very glad to see him hack
again, as he has been in Washington
Territory for several mont hs.
The Trofessor thinks that a mental
arithmetic sociable once it a while
would be more beneficial than so many
of other kinds.
There wi'.l be no met ting of the K.
L. S. on Dee. 21, the time for the reg
ular public meeting, but the public
meeting will be In id on Dee. 31st, the
last meeting of the old year. All are
School will close one week frotn Fri
day for one week, commencing ng-nln
on the last day of the old year.
The following piece of poetry is
taken from- the Literary Star edited
some six v nrs ago. The author, Mr.
John II. Marks, is no-v in Aspen, Col
orado, and is a civil engineer and
Cnitod States Deputy Mineral Sur
veyor :
0 1'--
An niotli'-r'fi life nij nrs;
Ami sivtic 1'injr fnt, from :. wc v
A memory km-t li nt mother's ktiPe.
The )!c-nuut thoughts of Wiil.ihoo.i's hour.
(V.uio lmi-Jr ;i us with inn.;:- j on it. -
The jiU-siMiri-s, sorrows, "ij- nn.l woe",
Trta!. ami trii;niili cZOIiIIkhxI knoun;
The Iokmiim by our mother's tinil-.t,
Arliii-tetl well KMtiiMMi thcupll!.
The rifjil to pno tiee. wras to fear,
HeinemlM-rins (;1 hrvrruoar.
Thonch far etmnKC'l from ymmj-vr ihiY,
And n! tt .vnvi; ati.l o i nys,
A mother's holy Mfe n-vl .niyiT
Keenlls our thmihts from xrorMly rare.
(;h1 grant Thy nmi-i s to Riven
Tons, when we unit enrth for he.iven.
Thy won! tn thp ufco erve The t ,:e
Their Phtl.ln-n h:nr tile hVinir ...
our mother's faith to rulle,
A- tmtMl unteher by nr -i-lo;
Though e v iih enid-- r.i:ty not,
Ottr tnile tot. IK tisut f;'i !i he.
Stv ii:nt.
!.) K HKUli.
z tl
--S "
t i !S, 't,
Wo want to impress on the iniiuls of th people of Lelui-!
non and vicinity that wo have without douht the host limi
of 15ot)ts ami Shoos that has ever heen shown in Lehanon I
Horn tiie cheapest to the best made. There is no use to Pend
away for roods in this liixe, as we propose to t nrrv as tine a
line of tioods as can he had in the vall-y; an.l the prices will
he right, tor we have bought them right. If goock cannot
he bought at the factories for cash at the right prices, where
under the sun can thev he louirht right? WE MTST AND
e vt ill name a few gottds, that
value a can he bought any place:
avc are sure are
as good
Because he lias the largest stove the Willam
ette Vallev.
Because he supplies all of Canada and part of the
United States with goods, which requires a mam-
i-iougn & roras Ladies Dong. Kid, $3 50; nueu OUIlfS Willi gOOUS, WHICH reOUirCS
Iadios' Alnia Oix-ra I)(nr. Kill, r.ttx Tcm. Fani-v I.inntl illWtfh cf-irL'" in1 in mwllncD irrti.Jrtf,r rl'
. -1 . . isa-L-v-Ls-Lij-L fv.ll linn i nil ii - i ii-i -L ill I i-i-i
i - m. m m m K. M. K. J v' w
. ,
very pruiiy si too. .
Ladios' Henrii'tta Don
is a c la is v.
K:eh purchaser of one dollars' n-ortJi
of gixwls at my xtore from tlte I.-t o-
DtH-embc r till the eve of the 2!th w ill
Ite riven a ticket flee for a chance to a nne Pih toilet set xv.trtu s-.u yvnA Mayflower, Com:
hen a person makes n nur.-li-.c. in.- c
vviiiue .-vena card numbered; their j .Men's Manhattan, Congress ami
the money
4 O I
Kil, pat. lea. tip, fam-y lined.
j name and numlur will he ut down in
On the eve of the ilth I lie t
ltll!iilnrsi tii lu .! i. . ;,. .1 . i A'
ween ew V ork and I.ivcr,HK u,t to j up rAuX Mmo hliuAMtva
the time of her vurcha hv the Ore- , to draw a lck;.t frt7m ,iie , ;
gon racmc rcople, who re-clirktc,,o,l ,,:lrt v hoid!n;r the ticket with numW r
S ' VT" r?Vlf 1' '( raea?-" I correspottdin.r with , he one dntv, v m i
13 iiumii m jny-ni llllU was It!- J
sureii. lite carjro, consisting ot 3X
tons of freight, was saved.
j M. A. Mii.i.ij::,
i f.etidititr Drt'-rtrl.-t
as good a shoe
L. Douglas'
and Pal.,solid and seamless...
Lace, Seamless Calf,
a can e hail for
oe can n-.-.t h- heat
2 50 !
3 no
3 001
Till IS 3
Because he buys and shins more Dried Fniit.
Chickens, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Dry and Green
Hides, Sheep Pelts, Deer Skins, Furs, Lard and But
ter than any other merchant on this coast.
c allotted the prize. Now is your cp-
portunity to tn t somethiii'r nice for
."nothing, tiivc me a call
Dispatches received Wednesday in
dicate that conditions are now favcr-
?l,l. f. ;, ..,..1 .i..4 T.I The Hir l.i-ll;
ha9been jusccrtainetl that she h not .st T"c ,,!sht :
leakintr. and it is thought has no I " ---- nict
in her bottom. Sho is lvinr in a shel- ! l" lut -H-re ', a
tercd position. New hawsers, wreck-1 SI!'i' , hz ! J,Hf Hsr!jI'' ,!:,' k
ingarWratas,etc,haS ln cmxd. smtt1h, fe,,T t!,!!t, 'f uU"i mx'h r ,!u'
and with the aid of the three tus on '"rk U''!''h" A tvvr bu' U " - f,f wl-r j
the hay a united effort will bo made to r , l,t OUt the fi,v' willl,,ut f ftht- s
i no c:uc oi tiie Ii:v i-s a mv-!
jGents1 Embroidered Slippers for Christmas.
1" O TJ Xfc rJC IX
Because evervhodv is treated ricrhf nt IMfiiifjio-ii'c
:l:r;::!We Can utfit Yg?tX"l?Jhoe Line toYouriand gets -old Value 'for every dollar invested at his
x " , iri-i, i i ii k t-s,i n i if mi i up y;4i i & . - - - - --
jf poods, &e, for the holiday-, call on J the valley hope tlic t-CWt will be sue-! t:1'?' The l'rompt aetion of the com-
uwen Vaourn, umtrist, lirowusvii'e. ,.i-sfui.
Origon. '
I Tw .r-llrnt .
Married, Dev. !', by Kcv. M. j .Uut 3 o'clock Mondav lnornimr
Hh-kman, at the residence of Kila ' Mr. Wm. Watkins. the iiriiiiiw n. i"
j pany Hows th:-t wc have an cnicieiil J
cuinpany that c-.-n be dipciukd up ut i
in any emcrirci'cv. !
Y O X 7 a 1 to 1 1 vv
3IOKTAGUE IS HERE TO STAY. waiter J-Eeynolils anil us wnlkiif iti.. ;.i.., ,.ti i
mi- l.imuia t rump, all of I.iiin coun- ; IUinon, near the deitot. it beimr verv
ty, Orcgtm. j ,-.,rk wJu,n he Ml ((r lhl. wa,k BRllnM
KvtTybody gxs and cvcryboily I a bundle of tools he as carryin-V, and
comes wilha smile on their taces. as i .'! :.. " , "? ie
ior rnn
'itv aii-1
ir. Wat-
much ns to fty I will see yon some : land; but -rot otl' at Oreirou
otltci time, but Miller htlll le:ul-i in the ' had tiie fi-actures ixthict-d.
Wc note with pride a general i-piiil
of imjirovcuciit jroii! !i in ami
around Lebanon: New bi!iM:nr Ix-in
erected, new enterprises splinting- into
existence, a line lot of choice fi uit trees
Iv.-iiijr planted, and there is n ireiur.-i! i
air of progress. If we e;mM have
I.- .VI'
'i'. :
fwCtrro I Sillily
kins said he would mic either the nd!- few small
liolidav trad
, , , roatt or citj-or l-.ebaiion tr somebo lv '. maklsi" a tun
A tUKtlff lailv nf 111 r ! '-...! ;.. i i n t.." . i ,"1'lv1'1' " ,ul1
w . , tianiije--. ikh nuvns naiKin'i
i f aw muter the treatment of a jthy- ; along: near !. Watkins at the
elc n for a nervous affection brought
onrv cxetsive gum chewing. tSirls,
factories, u:h as broom
yard, a cannery and u
ta ,i waminR.
VTotracreu meeting is now m pro-;
gres3 at the C. P. church, conducted i
t cveaniorv. it wr:M inv
i.iiv i i , .. ....
I him r.ft'ikn.i-.iv ..l .i vim iiiev eiii lun u ai.u iein:i
. ..... .. .. - i.n ,1'-l,,'.ljLvll.lif- t
; felf considerably, peiita-w iriuiit-r i -
: ins arm. l nere was no litrnt ourmt:-:
I at the time, thousrh it is' said ii has
oeen customary to have one there.
We copy the alxtve from the Allmnv
! Col. W.
came lufini' one
! t tiSi '.r ti'hlite-i
V t l-xin.
in the
of TrrK-klyn,
r, f cling" ap-
chet. ilefore
by the pastor and assisted by the other j Democrat to call the attention of our
ministers of the town. fc?o far the con
Srrcgations have been good and the in
terest is increasinpr.
city fathers to the necWMty of provid
ing1 street lights in a few places where
I most iiocdeil. The walk at the place
There has been various answers to ! whore Mr- Watkina fell
5 5 H'l . . . . . t f,H I f f.-llll f 1 . 1-1 A..
ine cuiiuiitiruiu: ny is a smp eallea j -v-i. "m bmu""i nx me
nev e tliinK tlio proper answer is: j " ersou not, i.mmi;ir wiui me
Because fdte is hand.somest w hen she j urroundirga mi-rlit easily fall ort". Mr.
ia well-rigged. Wives should cut this I Watkins returned Tuesday nisht, so
out and show it to their husbauds. i we presume he was not seriously in-
Raising poultry is a pood business !Jlm'd; -t that doc not alter the n
retintt!r, tried to d;av a lon-r bivalh
1. nt found it almost pocsible. liesuf-fi'-rcd
four days from pneumonia, and
the doetor r;ive hitn up. Dr. Aekt r's
lCnjiiish licincdv for t'otisunii.tion
J3 A. Beard's Drug Store,
in this part of Oregon. There is always
a market for chic-kens and egs at good
prices. Borne families almost supply
themselves with groceries and dry
good9 with the eggs they take to market.
J. M. Dillard, of Dillard's
The iap!tt .Van In TinTl
Is the ftllow who bought a nice lot of i
fiiruiture at the mammoth house of'
l-'ortmiller A;, at Aib:ny. If:
vou want to please your wife and make j
cessity cf a light .t that point, and a , her greet you with loving sonnies, just j
light is cheaper than 'defending a dnm- ; g.i and do likewise. They are honest !
age suit. ! tlealers aud carry en immense stock, j
Call and See His Stock Before
Christmas Greeting. I Much the Newest
We are glad to si-e quite a number Cough in the morning, hurried or,
of visitors and emigrants in our town. difficult breathing, raising phlegm,
We bid them a cordial welcome and i --'l9 i Uj hest, quickened Vf j
" - " 11 i . . ; (111 iiiiv. Ill IIIV. I lllllll'; 11 l--Ll,T lil
recently took a carload of live jxiultrj-j extena tucm t,le 1KM1 hospitality of a tl!nht, all or any of these things are;
Kviiviwus aim n strui-iieancu jieopie. ! I lie nisi statues oi consumption, itr. , , i
We call upon all our people, in town j Ackers En.nhsh Hem. dy for t'onsump- ! tliat having plirtliasCtl a 11C-AV j
or country, to do alt in tlK-ir itowcr to ; tion ,'"lv tl,,( f "'1!"' !-vmptoms, luXi connilotC lino of ,JcVelrV,
trnito tll fl.1 . I . .. . 0....i ...... v-
. .. v.v. v.....fcv, ..wmv ..iii.i,B l)V j joul-a & ates
us. Let us jiot be afraid of losing a
Have a well-selected stock of Boots and Shoes, a
new and complete stock of Groceries and Provisions
and canned goods, in fact everything usually found
in o 1 1 itf t 1 ic 4wrwfvr wliili i--ri ffrki if -i"i
suit the times.
'Jo it known to all inn.
400 turkeys and 900 chickens wnich
he had bought In Douglas county, to
Kan Francisco. They were in crates
on an open car covered with canvass
Don't fail to attend the auction eale
in Albany. M. J. Monteith has auc
tions every afternoon in the store-room
formerly occupied by K 11 Young.
Everything will be sold to the highest
bidder. Don't miss this chance to get
dry goods, etc., at your own price.
Having enlarged our business with
a complete rtock of everything kept m j
a flrst-class furniture house, we invite
the public to call and give us a trial.
We make a specialty of everything
"1 .1 i 1 1 : ..
u .ua ,.,.e. innocent and
Albany, Oregon, j
As will be seen by our Brownsville j
correspondence, the family of Mr. Gus 1
Thompson are not afflicted with small
pox, as Mas reported here and else
where, but are enjoying good health,
' and were not at any time exiosed to
the disease. Everyone will be glad to
hear that the report is untrue.
Mr John 1J. Plater has retired from
the editorship of the Stevens County
(W. T.) Miner, in order to give his at
tention to the duties of probate judge,
to which office he has been elected the
second time. Mr, Slater is well known
iu Ix-banon, having been raised here,
nd his many friends will be glad to
. hear of his promotion.
We call the attention of the public
to the fact that the merchants of Ijeb
anou are selling goods at a very small
margin. They are usdng every fair
and honorable means to retain their
"' old customers and gain new ones.
The business men of our town are
. .. v. ...rt. .iuia IlilL uu ail I in J
promise, anil
S " advertisin
Dr. J.
little time or incurring a little expense
in flflvertwiiirr mir r-riiitiv W... 1
immense resource, but wc 'must greet KWl , fivsh ViMim
the stranger kindly and welcome him j j. s. Courtney, M. D., physician and
with little acts of courtesy if we would j survon.
favorably impress him with our sec-j
tion. Many a man of energy, tact ami
means would settle and help develop
tnis country, who, if treated coldly,
would go away and settle elsewhere.
r Ml i
j l will stu at iHMi-rock: prices;
il'ii-inff lliilrd;1nr tfnl. f ! il 1 !
Vacclnnlf. ...f. ... v. ....v , v...
fourtney has jur-t received i and Silver "Watches, liraeelets, ;
viius. i har lungs, rim and Nest'
tv nains, jjatiit's v.iin iHiuuns.i
i Safety Chains, (Jents' Scurf!
For a nice Christmas earil go to J.
! lieard.
Trit.tin"K Tree.
Tliis ancient custom of a good soci
entertainment for tiie young folks is
riijht, and wc hone the
public-spirited young people of our
town will take the matter in hat d at I
once, as there is no time to lose. We,
ought to have at least two such enter
tainments in lA'banon. Now don't'
jou old folks say, "Xonseuse," but
lend a helping hand. Itememlter that
you were once young, and that you
'cannot put old heads on young shoul
ders." Ijot us have a "merry, merry
Christmas," with plenty of innocent
cheer. And don't forget the poor and
necdv, but make all hearts alike glad I
and happy.
f3 S- Ati
Pins. Gents' Sleeve Buttons, j
Ladies' Brooch lMns (latest j
styles), Ladies' Iar l'ins, Neck j
Chains, Lathes and Crents
iokl Ivinus, Clocks in Walnut,
Nickel and Plusli, Silver Cas-
Itors, Inilter Pis-hes, Knives,
Spoons, lorks. Napkin lungs,
in all a complete stock of new
and elegant sxoods.
One door north fit v Hall,
lirownsvillc, Oregon.
! J. L. Cowan.
Of health and strength renewed and
of case a ixT comfort follows
Syrup of Figs, as it nets in harmony
with nature to effectually cleanse the
system when costive or bilious. For
sale in 50c and Sit 00 bottles by all
leading druggists.
KmuresPiiasaot T axah ve
A Pleasing Sense of Health and
Strength Renewed,, and of
Ease and. Comfort
Follows tiie use of Syrup of Fig, as it acta
J. M. Ralston. ' j
Nobbiest and Largest Stock of
In the County
.Ls Now to be Seen
I OK 1
L. E. BLA1N,
-OF- I
Albany, Oregon.
When vou "want toA
li "dress up," wc would 1
J be glad to show you -J j
Hi through and make the
fright price. N
We "have decided not to carrv Ladies' and Chil
dren's Shoes, and will sell out stock on hand at
actual cost for cash. Call and examine theni
is an opportunity to get a good article cheap.
"For want of a nail, a shoe was lost;
for want of a. shoe, a hoie van lost;
for want of a horse, a rider was lost."
Never nenrlect small thines. The first
the Use of i L'tanlvou thy
Kidneys, Livku and Bowels
Effectually Cleansing the System when .
C'ostivo or liilious, iJitjxilliiig
Colds, Headaches and Fevers
and permanently curing
without weakening or irritating the organs
- on which it acts.
A make good their words. I tiirt,s of pneunionia ami consumptiou
.. . , , . ' ean jwyswy heenccked hv Dr. Acker s
ertising columns and give j Kn-riiwh Itemed v for CWsumption.
Lebanon, Oregon,
Transacts a General Banfcin. Business, i
Acrountu Krit Salijoct to Cliook.
Kxrliai.jfp Sold on Xen York, Snn Krnn-
rlsco, Fortianil anil Albnny, Oresun. ,
Collections Made n l'nvnralile Tonus.
St. Charles Hotel
N. W.
Comer Mnln nl Flicnuun Strwls,
Hlm ks Hii-t of Huilioml Dc'kiI.
H. E. PARR1SH, Manager.
j Hold l.y Bcm-d & YtlSr
I r Sale in SOo arl 81 .OO Ttnttlos by H
Leading' Iruglst.
Ss Fajuaa.o, (u,
Ljiivit.,c, Xx., Ntw Vokk. X. Y.
trifla with any Throat ot
Lunjr Disease. If Ton. havo 1
; a Cough or Cold, or tho cLildrca era
j threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, j
I use Acker's Eng-lisl Itemedy and prevent j
j farther trouble. It is a positive cure,' i
and we guarantee it; Price 10 aad 50
Hupplied with the
Market Affords.
Best the I
Smniilo RfHmis and the Tk-Jit Arrommodations fur
l'em!tien.'itl Men.
Any Amount of Toys of All Kihdsl ,
' -
.lon't fail to a'ivc
ix it i.-t i voui