H-r kvkst rrtAT.) JI. Y. K I UK PATRICK Publishers TRUNK OF 8UB.1CKIP1ION. Oil Vsr $3 00 :l M.Hithl 1 85 1 are Muufelis 5 irybi m advanoc.J TKRMH OK ADVERTISING. (LEGAL) Oti tjrft, Srt iuMtrtion ......... S 00 1 40 . (LOCAL.) Nation, tw-rliue 15 eenU SOCIETY NOTICES. L"IGK. KO. 44. A. V. A. M.: MofU w their lt ball in niasomc uiic. on mwiiuj u. on or beror. the full w M LEBAKOff LOtKJK. 'C 47, 1. O. O. F.: McU S. l... iilni -h w..k. at CklJ Fellow Fl ilL Main street; tteitiug Vrethrea oonliully lnvilil to attend. J. 4. tuAui.iv.1, u. HONOR LOPOE NO. A. O. T W , Lebanon, Onvw: MmU even first and Hard Thursday .ren ins in the month. F. U. HOSCOK. M. W. A. R. CYRUS A CO., Real Estate, Insurance & Loan Agent. General Collection and Notary Public Business Promptly Attend to. M. N. KECK, DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR, Mmufacturer at Hnmnts and Hraatr, AND A IX kixds of cexeteby ivokk FINS MONUMENTS A SPECIALTY. ' Opp- Rere Honse, ALBANY. OREGON. SAW HXXX-Xi FOR SALE. A Double Circular Water Power Saw Mill. Near Lebanon, Or. Capacity about 6003 feet per day. Also, 4 acres of land on which the sawmill is located. PRICE, 2,000 Also 1 ave a large stock of FIRST QUALITY LUMBER At lowest market rates for cash, ti. w. WHEELKK, Lebanon. Or. WINTER Artistic Photographer, BROWNSVILLE, OR. Enlarging from Small Pictures. In stautaneous Process. WORK WARRANTED. G. T. COTTON, DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, TOBACCO & CICARS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, CONFECTIONERY. ilaeensware and Glassware, Lanpa and Lamp Fixtures. Main 8U Lebanon. Ores". ST. JOHN'S HOTEL Sweethome, Oregon, JOHN T. DAVIS, Proprietor The table is supplied with the very best the market affords. Nice clean beds, and satisfaction guaranteed to all guests. In connection with the above house .lOHJV DONACA Keeps a Feed and Sale Stable, and will accommodate tourists and travelers with teams, guides and outfits. BURKHART & BILYEU, Proprietors of the LiTsry, Sal8 ana Fees StaMes LEBAXOX, OB. Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman. Fine Buggies, Hacks,Har ness and COOD RELIABLE HORSES For parties going to Brownsville, "Wa terloo, Sweet Home, Soio, and all parts of Linn. County. All kinds of Teaming DON'S AT r- ' REASOWlftBLE .. RATES. VOL. II. CONGRESSIONAL. ITEMS OP INTEREST THROUGHOUT THE , NORTHWEST. An increase of pension has been granted to Charles F. Fox, Seattle. A railway postoftico service has been established on the line of tho Northern Pacific and Puget Sound Shore rail roads, between Seattle at Tacoma, W. T. The following fourth-class postmas ters : have I e-eu commissioned : At Eohs.Or., Sylvester Wilson ; At Jewell, Or., Charles A. Bottom ; and at Kip am, W. T., Henry Caretenu. The pension department has granted a pension to Elizabt-th Quinn, if Can yon ville, Or. Her husband was a sol dier in the Mexican War. Representative Hernia!! has secured a pension and considerable back pay Y-r Christopher Lehman, an old sol dier cf Dongks county. Or., who was wounded in the civil war. Danitl W. Barker has been ap pointed postmaster at Cherryville, Clackamas county, Oregon, in place of William L. Young, who has been removeJ. Itaac N. Sargent, postmaster at Mitchell, Crook, county, Or., has re signed, and James H. O-tkes has been appointed in his place. The following resident of Oregon has teen granted a pension : Mexican survivor, Henry Fillcry, Perrydale. An increase of pension has been granted to John Stock, Biker'city. Secretary Vilas has informed Sen ator Mite hi 11 that he has just arranged to complete the allotment of the lands of the Umatilla reservation, in accord ance with the terms of the act passed at the latt session of congress. Patents have reea granted as fol lows: Oregon John 6. George, New port, gold se para ting apparatu . Nev ada Sands Wtrman, Gol 1 Hill, bicycle and wheel (two patents). Idaho Charles Smith, Pocatello, locomotive boiler. The hou?e committee on river and harbor improvements held an in formal meeting, end it was agreed to prepaie a biil at once. The prospect, however, of a river and harbor bill be ing signed by the president, is so dis mal that it requires much effort to get either branch of congress to enter heartily into the work of preparing one. The attorney-general has decided tliat the secretary of the interior has no authority of law to permit the W ashmgton & Idaho Railroad Com-1 pany to construct, under the act of May 18, 18S3, a railroad through the Coeur d'Alene Indian reservation in J Idaho territory, in advance of the as- j certain men t, fixing and actual pay ment of the compensation provided for in the act. In the senate Senator Mitchell in troduced a resolution, which was agreed to, direetine the secretary of the treasury to transmit to the senate ! copies of tho settlement between the United States and Oregon, on account of the sum of $ 70,268 appropriated by congress to pay the Modoc war claims; also a statement of the 5 per cent, claims on account of cash sales of public lands. Commodore Stockton, who, with Capt. Dahan and Commodore Hester, constitute the board appointed by the secretary of the navy to select a site for a navy yard on the Northwest coast, stated that the board would probably start within tbe next ten days to examine the Pacific coast for j that purpose. Ine coast oi Oregon i and ashmgton territory wm oe tnor oughly examined for an eligible loca tion. The site selected will probably be on Puget Sound, or thereabouts. The fish commission ha written to Senator Dolph that he proposes to take up and ship, in January next, a carload of lobsters and white fish to the coast of Oregon. The car will be dispatched from Wood's Holl, with a number of mature lobsters, sufficient to establish several colonies at suit able points on the cot.st of Oregon and Washington territory. At North ville station some seven or eight mil lions of white fish eggs will be taken on and hatched en route. The white fish will be planted in Wyoming and Dakota, as well as in Oregon. Commenting upon prospective work for Oregon, Representative Hermann says that his attention will be chiefly confined to measures introduced in the last session of congress, and still pend as unfinished business. The chief of iheBe which remain pending is the In dian depredation bill, providing for a final adjustment of spoliation claims. This passed the hous j and is now be fore the senate, where it was not con sidered at the close of the last session. Then come bills for light house and life saving stations at the mouths of the Suislaw and Coquille rivers, pub lic building bills for Portland and appropriation of arms for the " Oregon militia, which passed through the house last session, but which was not then considered by the senate; bill forfeiting the Northern Pacific rail road land grant between Wallula and Port land, which passed the house and is now in conference between the two houses; wagon road land forfeiture bills ; pensions to Oregon Indian war survivors ; and the Indian war debt The project for a boat railway on the Columbia river at The Dalles may be considered. Here, however, in the event of success, the danger of veto is great, in view of the president's well known reluctance to authorize expenditures forjnternal revenue im provements. It is certainly much to be regretted that so few farmers keep accurate re cords of their operations. . A double loss results to themselves and to the public. It is an absolute loss to any man to have no actual knowledge of his business affairs, based upon re corded facts. And it is a public loss liairn rn aff nraiA rpcord of the re sults of the most important industry Ot & COUDTT. CnSTIlT .1. .-. nai ujmju wuiuu """"" . :- found j ITEMS OF GEN ERA LINTER EST Blaine is sid to contemplate writ ing another book. Two cases of small pox have ap peared in South Chicago. General Longstreet called upon General Harrison Monday. Congressman McKinley says that he is in the race for the Speakership. In Imlhinapolis theie is a belief that Blaine will not enter the Cabinet, Leaky gaa jets are causing the death of beautiful shade trees in Baltimore. Busm is supplying Montenegro with munitions of war. A general and immediate strike of colliers in Be'giam has been decided upon. The Tope has been advised by France to leave.. Rome iirraso of a rupture between France and Italy. It is now knov. definitely that Em peror William is confined with ear complaint and not became of a cold. Lord Lansdowne, Viceroy of India, was received at Bombay with unusual ceremony at hui landing. Gladstone, in the House of Com mons, attacked the Irish policy of the Government and Balfour replied. Boston is holding a Fair to raise money to build colleges for Indians iu Dakota. A bullet fired at a Chicago ma-j struck a penny in his pocket and was turned aside. The agitation in New York against "coins? out between ttflp" crntcsi nnnr'p - J x - among New York theater frequenters. The Press is to be the name of the new Republican oran to be started in Washington. A band of regulators is terrifying and maltreating negroes in South Jackson and Clay counties, Tthin. The London times is enraged over the collection ol money in this coun try for the defense of Mr. Parncll. Albany proposes to have a "winter carnival," and the Common Council has voted aid to the amount of fl.OOO. L. Houston and J. Haxelwood fa tally shot each other oa the steps of a church at Elco, Illinois, Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Greenwell killed her husband at Grand Tower, 111 , Monday. Jealousy was the cause. John XV. Young, a son cf Brigham Young, and a Mormon apostle, will reside ic Washington, D. C, perma nently. Tammany proposes to coatrol the National Bank in which the bulk of the New York city funds will be de posited. The exclusion of the colored chil dren from the public schools of Felic ity, Ohio, has created a bitter feeling between the two races. Bancroft, the historian, is suffering from a severe cold and his friends are uneasy. The age of Mr. Bancroft is eighty-two. Proctor Knott of Kentucky is spoken of as the probable successor of Civil Service Commissioner Oberly, who has resigned. The Democrats of West Virginia, it is believed, have succeeded in count ing in Fleming, the Democratic can didate for Governor. A Washington Territory colony plan has been organized in Chicago. Land will be bought and Chicago peo ple will cultivate it. Sherman's going into the Cabinet is said to depend upon the assurance that Foraker will not be his successor to the Senatorship. The Interstate Commission has de cided that free passes given by rail roads ss compensation for securing business are illegal. VeteranB of General Harrison'a Seventeenth Iadiaua Regiment 100 strong hope to have the post or honor at the inauguration. Jersey City Police Commissioners removed the Chief of Police before the election, because he set hU men to hunting up fraudulent voters. The Commercial Bank of Odessa has ordered the construction of twelve gun-boats for use in behalf of Monte negro. It is reported that very important fortifications are being erected in Savoy, outide of the neutral zone of the Franco-Italian frontier. King Milan has returned all of Na talie's presents and ordered that she shall be addressed hereafter as "Mrs. Natalie de Keezko." The plans and specifications of the life-saving station on the Pacific Coast ordered to be built by Congress, are nearly ready and the work is being pushed. William Langley Northam died yes terdav in New York. The deceased was a California pioneer and one of the founders of Sacramento city. He was eighty-two years old. Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., has de cided to become an actress, but will not drop the contemplated suitaginast the Blaine family for the alienation of her husband's affections. Rumor in Washington says Wil liam R. Hearst has married Theresa Powers, a woman with hom he was very friendly while he was at Harvard College, and that ho lias gone to rans, The annual preduct of honey in America is 28,000,000 pounds, or half a pound apiece to the population. In 1880 Tennessee made 2,131,000 ; New York. 2,089,000; Ohio, 1,627,000; North Carolina, 1,501,000 ; Kentucky, 1,500,565 ; and seven other States Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, -Iowa, Michigsn, Pennsylvania and Virginia produced more than 1.000,000 jy--" .-ch ; altogether in the States ' - - - -n half t'. . Ttro- EB AN LEBANON, OREGON, AGRICULTURAL. A. Minnesota farmer believos that no fodder is equal to green amber cane for producing butter. Feed the calf well. Scant feed means a scant calf, and with uch a calf a scant cow is the sure result. The latest competition threatening British farmers is the importing of bailed hay from the United Stitcs. The State of New York is the second barley-producing State in the country, and the largest producer of hops. California's production of dried fruit has increased from C,070,000 pounds in 1883 to 26,603,000 pounds in 1887. An orange tree in the gardeus of Versailles is four hundred and fifty years old. It was planted by Eleanor of Castile in 1416. Cull the fowls very closely. It will not pay to winter disqualified birds. There is more success with fewer birds and higher prices. Experience proves that cows which have a due allowance of salt give milk richer than those which are not supplied with salt. Iu feeding skim milk to calves lin seed null, or a little flaxseed jelly, should be added to replace the cream which has been removed. A few quince trees in a rich soil will often give very profitable returns. In many eases of failure the cause is the pxr soil in which the trees are grow ing. With fruit growing as with every other business success can only be aa suroJ by hard work snd erserverance with careful attention to the small items of work. Galen Wilson says that a speedier and cleaner way to remove the skin of new potatoes, than the common prac tice of scraping with a knife, is to use a '-scrubbing brush." Peter Henderson says that after the cabbnge maggot is once developed, no application will kill it that will not at the same time kill the plant. Drawing the earth away from the stems, thus destroying the eggs before they hatch, if carefully followed, will savo the crop. Every feeder who has given his hogs close attention knows that after the hogs have reached a certain stage as regards to growth keeping any longer is an expense with very little profit. Probably the best tonic for fowls is the Douglass mixture: Take cue pound of sulphate of iion and two ounces of sulphuric acid and dissolve in one gallon of water. Add one tablespoonful of this mixture to one gallon of drinking water tor the birds. Remove the droppings from the poultry houses every morning instead of once or twice a week, as is often di rected. If this practice were strictly adhered to there would be less disease among poultry and better results gcnerallv. It is observed that "the mass of the butter sold goes for half price, year in and out, largely becauee it is churned at the wrong temperature by persons too stingy or too etupid to invest in a good thermometer. A variation of five degrees from the standard spoils or greatly injures either butter or cheese." The wood harvest, for keeping us warm, and the ice harvest, for keep ing us cool, go right along together on the farm, without much reflection as to how these artificial wants, from be ing luxuries formerly, have become necessities and are constantly increas ing in their demands upon us. The moure pest in Australia is much worse thn the rabbit pest. The cli mate is so soft that they have thriven enormously, and there is said to be "hardly a residence or store that is not pestered by the plague, while from every side come tales of crops de voured so rapidly that many fields have had to be abandoned, what was left not being worth reaping." Where raspberries and other small fruits are grown in the garden, and the labor is not great for so doing, they should be banked up with dirt as a protection to the roots and canes against frosts. Trees are also bene fited by having earth banked against them. The earth should be removed in the spring and the ground leveled. The first grand exhibition of the Ohio Valley Fanciers' Club will be given in Cincinatti December 12th to 19th, inclusive, lt promises to be the finest display of poultry, pigeons and net stock ever witnessed in the West, Full particulars and entry blanks can be procured from tho secretary, W. C. Riedington, 470 Baymuler street, Cin cinnati, Ohio. On a recent morning every can of milk coming into. New York was ex amined by the State dairy inspectors. The total number of cans inspected was 5,728, and of this number only fifteen of a doubtful character were found. Samples of these were taken for analysis, They showed a light per centage of cream, indicating that the milk had been skimmed. The result of the inspection shows that the milk now coming to the city over the rail roads named is of better quality than ever before. . . No farmer is a good feeder who doe not study the individual peculiarities of his animals. Some require more than others, and to give too much is as bad as to feed too sparingly. In the same litter of pigs Borne will be larger than others. Some will fatten readily, while others just as . thrifty will grow long and, large in frame, with less fat.. These last, whether male or female, should be reserved for breeding. Food has something to do with this, but ind"idual peculiarities of rr- ar; . quif ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1888. Portland Market Report. WHEAT Valley, $1 45$1 471 Eastou Oregon, 91 40. BARLEY Whole, $0 851 00; ground, per ton, ?20 002i 60. OATS Milling, 32J31c. HAY Balotl, $10f 13. SEED Blue Grass, 1215c.; Tim othy, 78c.; Red Clover, ll12j. FLOUR Fatent Roller, $5 00; Country Brand, $4 75. EGGS Per dos, 35c. B UTTE It Fane v roll, imr rx.imd 25c; pickled, 22125c: inferior graue, zj(5zz3. CHEESE Eastern, 13c; Ore gon, 13a 14c; California, lie. VEGETABLES Beets. Tr aa-k. 91 .00 ; cabbage, per lb., lc ; carrots, persic., i a; lettuce, per dox. JUc; onions, $ 85 ; potatoes, per 100 lbs., 40c.; radish-, tier dot., 1520c.; rhubarb. ier lb., 6c. HONEY la comb, per lb., 18c.; strained, 5 gal. tins, per lb. 8c. POULTRY Chickens, per dox.. 13 OOaS 50: ducks, ner dot.. 5 OOrti 6 00; geese, 96 007 00; turkeys, p;r ii., izje. PROVISIONS Oregon hams, 14c per !b. ; Eastern, 15&16c; Eastern breakfast bacon. 142. ter lb.: Oreimn 10($llc; Eastern lard, 10lljc. per lb.; Oregon, 10o. GREEN FRUITS Annlas. S 50 ta 65c: Sicilr lemons. 86 00ra6 50 California, f 6 O06 60 ; Naval or ang-is $6 00; Riverside, 95 00; Mediterra nean, 94 25. DRIED FRUITS Snn driwl an. pies. 5c. Per lb.: machine dried. 10 in llo, pitleea plums, 9c,; Italian prunes, iodize. ; peaches, iullc; raisins, 92 40(2 50. HIDES Dry beef hides, 12(13c.: culls, 6 7c; kip and calf, 10 12c; Marram, IU lze. ; tallow, 44Jc. ; WOOL Valley, 17 Q 20c: Eastern Oregon. 83l5c ! LUMBER Rough, per M, 910 00; edged, per M, 912 00; T. and G. sheathing, per M, 913 00 ; No. 2 floor ing, per M, 918 00; No. 2 ceiling, per M.flS 00; No. 2 rustic, per M. 918 00; clear rough, per M, 920 00 ; clear P. 4 g, per M, f22 50; No. 1 flooring, per M, 922 50; No. 1 ceiliue. per M, 22 60; No. 1 rustic, per M, 922 50; stepping, per M, 925 00; over 12 inches wide, extra, fl 00; lengths 40 to 50, extra, 92 00; lengths 50 to 60, extra, 94 00; 1$ lath, per M, 92 25; If lath, per 11, fa oO. COFFEE Quote Salvador, 17 to rife.; Java, 24 to 26Jc.; Arbuckle's's readied, 22 ?. MEAT Beef, wholesale, 24(a3c: dressed, 6c. ; sheep, 3c; dresed, 6c; hogs, dressed, bj7c; veal, o7c BEANS Quote small whites, 94 50; pink", 93; bayos, 93; butter, 94 50; LinMi, 94 50 per cental. I ICKLES Kecs quoted steady at 9! 35. SALT Liverpool grades o! fine quoted 918, f 19 and 920 for the three sixes ; stock salt, 910. SUGAR Prices for barrels ; Golden C,6ic ; extra C, 71c; dry granulated 8c; crushed, fine crushed, cube and powdered, eje ; extra C, 6o. ; halves and boxes, 4c. higher. The Australian Government is build ing a fence of wire netting eight thou sand miles long, to divide New South Wales and Queensland, in order to keep the jack rabbits out of the latter country. Australia is paying not less than 9125,000 per year to keep the pests down in what is known as Crown lands. The offer is still kept up of 9100,000 to any man who will produce something that will exterminate the pests. Although immense quantities of Chicago dressed beef are daily shipped to Eastern points for consumption, and sold at prices paying heavy pro fits to the dressed-beef magnates of the West, yet the trade in dressed mutton has not been so succes-fully conducted. The principal reason seems to be that almost immediately the mutton is removed from tli3 re frigerator car, and hung iu the provis ion store, it turns black,, its unsightly appearance checking its sale. ' As a general rule the following con stitutes a carload : 20,000 pound or 70 barrels of salt, 70 of lime, 90 of flour, 60 of whisky, 200 sacks of flour, 6 cords of hardwood, 7 cords of Boft wood, 18 to 20 head of cattle, 50 to 60 head of hogs, 80 to 190 head of sheep, 340 bushels of wheat, 360 of corn, 680 of oats, 400 of brrley, 360 of ap ples, 330 of Irish potatoes, 356 of sweet potatoes, 1,000 bushels of bran. Stronger cars are now built to carry much heavier loads. An apple should never at any time, while being handled or stored, become cooler than the surrounding atmos phere. If it does not it will never "sweat," for this "'sweat" is simply at mcspherio moisture, precipitated up on the cool apple, precisely as it is precipitated on the outside of a pitch er of ice water in summer. An ap ple can not be made to "sweat ' m any true sense. The skin of all sound, smooth apples is nearly as air and water tight as India rubber. A Tompkins County correspondent of the New York Tribune writes: "It is profitable business raising winter lambs, but, like any other, success is the reward ol close attention. Limbs last winter Bold for 912 in January, and then along down to $6 in the last of April. The extra feed and care for the ewes is nearly paid for in their su perior condition for mutton in early spring, when mutton is scarce. A shepherd can care for a herd of one hundred and fifty ewen, and have an easy time doing it. If this is not bet ter than selling lambs in the fall at six months of age for $3, the price here now, I would. like to be corrected. 2. The ewes aro shorn soon after com' ing into winter quarters, else, owing to the temperature (60 degrees) kept up with best results with lambs, the ewes would shed their wool before spring A visit to a winter lamb raiser last sea' son, who had-neglected shearing, re vealed a sorry, ragged-looking fleck of ewes. It may be here remarked that with properly constructed quarters no artificial heat is neces -iv The sheep B-enerate too mur-h m ...... a ,fl ' a . ... EXPR THE LANTERN'S LIGHT. Lock of th EJttle niostrmted Paper ol Thirty-! Yean Ago. I have not seen it stated in any of the sketches of bis career that Lester Wallack was at one tlnio an editor. And although be was Bach in a comparative sense only, the fact, nevertheless, Is worthy of record. In ia3 tbe late John Brougham originated and published a little Illustrated paper here, mod eled after The London Punch, calling it The AJintern. its name nas a brilliant one. Once a week all the leading contributors and artitits connected with the paper used to meet at dinner, as do tbe artints and editors of I'unch today, to make suggestions for and decide opon tho principal cartoon to be printed in tbe next issue. Tho mooting was held vcry Saturday tiieht at Windust's, a famous restaurant on Park row, and after every oue had dulled their raculties with well served viands and mud dled their brains with innumerable draughts of sherry and ale, cigars would be lit, the ornnuy decantur parsed around and John Brougham sitting at the head of the table, with Lester Wallack at the other end. would call the meeting to order and tbe business of the evening would begin. The assemblage generally broke op at about 3 in the morn ing; and when tbe subject for ttao cartoon bad at length been decided upon, my old friend Frank Bellew would go home and make the design. la the editorial duties f the paper, Lester Walack, so Mr. Brougham has told rac, was his right hand man whilo a Mr. Tinson, whom if I am not mistaken, was a carpet mannxaetorer, wittt no ability whatever ia art or letters, was chief adviser. Just why these two gentlemen were chosen it is imposs ble to say, for their artistic and general ideas were far inferior to those of others in the party. Nevertheless the fact remains. The contributors to Tbe Lantern were all liien of geniur. They belonged to a certain set that marl ed a sort of Elizabethan era in the annals ol Jxew York Journalism. There was Fits James O'Brien, the author of many charming bits of verse, and an able literary and dramatic critic, who enlisted fa tht L nioa army at the breaking out of tbe war. and was killed while serving as aide-de-camp to Gen. Lander. There was Thomas Dunn English, one of the few who survive today. notwithstanding tbe bitter attacks made upon his character by Edgar Allan Poe attacks which were calculated to kill outricht enT ordinary man. Thomas Power, who was christened Micawber by the party, both for bis traits in common with, as well as bis re semblance to that gentleman, and William r.orth, author of "The Slave of the Lamp," and who afterward committed suicide, were also members cf the Lantern club. Thomas Butler Gunn, who stammered so that no one could understand what be said, but who was. nevertheless, a very able writer and artist, ws another of The Lantern's leading con tributors, and there are many more whose ghosts I might conjure np were it worth while dolt'g so. John Prestoa Beecher in tcw lork 2ews. r. rani's Indian Scare. "It is difficult to realize." said a lady who has resided ia St Paul from the early days, 'that we had such a scare about the Indians in this city twenty-sis years ago, dnrin? tho Indian troubles. I hre was a good deal of excitement U over the city for two or three days. I remember one day an old colored woman casno in great excitement to my house and said she had bard the governor had ordered the whole population t-3 leave the city at once tho Indians were marching on us, fully armed and thirsting for our blood. She rushed away, saying she was going to pack up and leave, A German woman who lived on tbe other side of the block, and whose l"t was r pposite mine, barricaded her door with her buresu and bed, end got her ax ready to defend herself and, ia an extrem ity, to chop down the fence and take refuge in our house, tnjiras fahv convinced an attack would I made that uigbt. Toward evening on that day several of my neighbors began tock np, having heard that the Indians had captured St. Anthony and were about to give their attention to St I auL Ono or two families living near me packed np what they could conveniently carry and rushed down to Bridge square. where many persons were assembled, expect ing every moment to bear the war whoop of the savages. Our carriago horses were taken by the state for service during the campaign. Oue of them, a very flue horse, was shot dead In the first battle with the Indians. 1 con fess I was somewhat nervous. These were really very trying times; but St Paul, of course, was in no danger of attack." The Casual Listener in Pioneer Press. Golden Rods and Asters. Vicfs Magazine thinks that these grouped together should be accepted as our national Dowei-s "emblems of endurance, light and freedom." After midsummer, in this coun try, our rural landscape is everywhere bright ened by the golded rods and asters; they form a distinct and beautiful feature of the scenery. The ayes of our countrymen are everywhere gladdened by their smiles, north and south, east and west, on the hills and the mono tail sides, in the valleys and on the broad prairies, by the roadsides and the streams, and in the field and copses they stand as tokens of the genial beat that briugs from the Mil tho golden grains and the beautiful, lus cious fruiti No other country in the world is thus characterized; these plants belong to America, and as such ' should be our pride and delight V hile on this continent there are from six ty to seventy species, and perhaps more, of the olidagos, or golden rods, and nearly all of them of vigorous habit, growing from a foot to eight feet in height, all the world besides affords less than a dozen, and these for tbe most part of small size and confined to few localities of limited area, and always in such mall numbers as to make them rare plants; The species of asters in this country are still mere numerous than those of the golden rod. Both are the children of the sun, basking in his favors and reflecting, his smiles. Although many indigenous species of flower are pecul iar to this country, yet none, so abound and apparently claim possession as these. Home Journal. A Typical Adirondack Guide. Tho great character of our party was the driver, Charley a chap who is as hard to catch asleep as an old weaseL He is as trim built as an Indian runner, as quick as a greyhound, and can so exactly imitate the bound in full chase that it will puzzle aa old hand to tell which is the real hound. Ha teems made of whalebone, trimmed with India rubber. He will start out towards tbe east with a couple of dogs attached by a chain to bis waist, another he leads, and his own two travel in front, with them he holds general conversation on the way. Within three hours he will start each dog after a Kparate deer, and by khort cuts or by soma hocus pocus, he will be up with one or more of them coming in from tbe opposite direc tion, join his voice, and by tbe time tbe deer Is killed, he is on band to join in the hilarity rod fun usual on such occasions. . This in imitable fellow has but one fault, and I do sot know that you would term it such; you sight say it was proof of bis game ho can lot eat venison; it makes him tick, and we Lad to feed him on pork. Forest and Stream, The controversy on inspiration bewilders some people. A lady, who has heard assertions frequently made that certain parts of the Bible are not inspired, is anxiously inquiring for an "inspired" preacher, so that she may be secure against mistake, Among the Tarious "correspond ence schools" which have of late come to be, hxA we trust to stay, is the "American School of Politics," de voted to tie study of the science of politics, political history, American institutions, and public questions of 3SS NO. 40. SUDDEN DEATH. ONE OF THE SAD RESULT8 OF OUR "GO-AHEADATIVENESS." Americans, as st Class, Un To Fast to Live long The Strong Mail's Great Mis take The Old Gourmand at the Cafe. Apoplexy. The Bible speaks of three score years and ten as tbe age to which man may reasonably look forward. It seems as if at least seventy equable, contented and happy yeaM full of such comfort and gratification as the mem bers of each class in the community hsv severally a right to expect should and might be within tbe reach of every man and woman. In some countries, however, we fina this to be much more nearly tbe case than with us. Americans, as a role, live too fast to live lor. 2. Every person is originally en don ed with about so large a stock of vitality, out of which to fashion his life. . It amounts to nothing more, nor Jess than tbe simplest of problems in arithmetic to show that if be draws upon this stock twice as heavily aa be should tbe duration of his existence will dhly be one-half of what it wa originally intended to be. Indeed, the mat ter stands much worse than this; his life is likely to be at any moment suddenly cut off short long before reaching even the half. A steam engine may use up its fuel in two weeks or one, a-cordicg to the rate at which it is driven ; if it is sufficiently overworked the result may bo a general "smash," or such an injury as wUl necessitate a long and tedious "stopping for repairs," if, indeed, it ever becomes "as good as new." We hardly seem ready to recognize the bounds estab lished by natn-e, bat when we have reached them, in our greed ami ambition, we summon our will, and, as tbe expression runs, "live upon our nerve," congratulating ourselves on our praiseworthy display of American go aheadatiTcncss." Unfortunately nature has not yet becomo sufficiently progressive in her ideas to manufacture constitutions expressly for the American market, and in the midst of our triumphant tour de force, click, some thing snaps, and we vanish from the stage or break down for years, perhaps for life. In every community such "breakdowns may be pointed out on every side, and many, even cf our most "successful" men, freely confess tacy have paid too high a price for their prosperity. The prizes of existence are so great wkh us, and seem to be so within the grasp of ail, that practically all set out to win them. Each is unflagging and mcrcK less to himself in his grim resolve to obtain that for which ho is striving. He works day and night, including holidays, and not intrc qoently Sundays; he refuses to take timo tc eat bis meals properly, and in such a sense less luxury as a vacation ha never dreams of indulging; amusement he regards asfrivo loas, and as abstracting too much valuable time from the prosecution of the all absorb ing project Every waking minute be keeps hbt brain grinding away over ways and means, and not improbably the hours which a sensible man would devote to sleep ha un naturally curtails for the same purpose. The social competition runs equally high with that of bu-iness. Of course, in the path way k treads be jostles and is jostled by competitors, and in a nature so tense and set in so groat aa endeavor as is his, the constant and wearing, though almost unperceived. play of the emotions as envy, jealouy, untred, disappointment, etc. is very great Occasionally, ct some "close shave,""or oaie .riiisfrf failure or success, be experiences a criminating spasm cf feeling that shake: Urn t his very center. Perhaps not satisfied -r:th this existence of abnormal and unhy-jir.-e physical habits and unnatural mental t:id emotional strain, once in a while, when j "racket" beccc-es too intense to be for '.2 time being endured, be varies tbe mo :otony not as he should do, with a change f tiTiio, a quiet, wholesome life, amusement al rest, but by plunging into a period of iistipation for the purpose of drowning hit JtH-ries and cares. But, ruinous at any time, .he cfTect upon his overworked nerves end distracted eonstuuuori of such a course must naturally be greatly intensified. He could scarcely take a more suicidal step. "Diod suddenly." How few realize witb what startling frequency in this country that report goes oat The strong man foohsoly fancies he is practically inaccessible to ail ment and death, and so pushes on in his ex aggerated expenditure f energy until toe Ite insulted nature bestows upon him the logical punishment he has so persistently ccui-ted. "We do fade as tbe leaf is the delusion wo fondly bug, while we think oi d-.eth as afar off. Yet every day, simply from faults of his own committing, many an unfortunate is hurried into the presence oi bis ilafcer without an instant's warning. Oi the tv.enty-five deaths reported by a New York contemporary one day last week nine were sudden. Some of us may wish that such may be our fata that we die "in the harness ' but to many such a thought is ter rorizing; they pray that to them the end come slowly that they may "ripen for the grave." What are tbe causes of sudden death as by a stroke of lightning I They are not many when only tbe so called natural acci dents are considered. Death on the instant may result from apoplexy, or bursting of an anev .-ism within tho chest or abdomen; it may be caused by the bursting of an abscess within the chest Great mental shock as from extreme anger or grief cr even joy sometimes kills instantly through total paralysis of the chief nerve centers. Cases of sudden death from hemorrhages of the lungs are on record, but they are few in number. Diseases of tbe heart render the subject liable to instant death, and they are the most frequent causes. As we grow old we should avoid those in fluences which are likely to induce sudden and great rush of blood to the head, such as intense mental excitement as in public speaking or in a fit of anger violent muscu lar effort, gluttony and drunkenness, eta While one dines at popular cafes he has but to look about him sod he is quite sure to see habits indulged provocative of apoplexy. A familiar sight ia the man about 60 years old whose highest pleasure is in tickling his pal eta. He is overweight by fully fifty pounds; his face is red and shining; be is full to burst ing, and he looks as though every important button on his clothing was threatened. One on a warm day gives such a man as "wide a berth" as he would a cookstove; he is alto gether tea hot to sit near. He commences his dinner with an appetizer generally a cocktail. Then he deliberately "fills up," largely on meat and other "hearty" foods, all of which are washed down with one at least, and generally two bottles of lager beer. As be eats and drinks with one band, he fans himself vigorously with the other, all the time growing redder and redder, and finally, when be hoists himself cut of his chair, his face takes a purplish hue in consequence ot even that slight effort He Is like a violin when in tone; every part of his system is keyed up, and something is sure to break it tbe unusual happens. Let such a man, soon after dining, become 'violently enraged or shocked by some unexpected calamity, and the chances are an iUl. ui apoplexy ia the consequence. Boston Herald. A man, Ida wifo and three children walked np to one of the drop-a-penny-in-the-slot-and-ascertain-your-correct-weight machines In one of the North river ferry houses. After examining it ho told his three children to step on the platform of tho scale, which they did. He then dropped a cent into the slot and the hand moved around to 203. Iio then told the largest child to step oft, and as soon as he did the hand moved back to 113, thus by subtracting 113 from 203 he ascertained tho weight of the child. In this manner he also ascertained tho respective weights of tbe other two children. His wife and himself pot on the scales and were lvcihcd ia a lLe manner. Ho j cents - New J'"-. , -' - - JOB PRINTING. 'f M Frintinjr Cons ca Slier! 'dice. Legal Blanks, Business Card Letter Heads. Bill Heac Circulars,- : Post, Etc, Executed In good atjie and at lowwt Hrindce. Tho Accumulation of Slasoscri. Now, It will hardly be said tlithon are not more than t wo hundred ar: ;t people In this country who earn tfc liv ing by their pens, f do not know, X act figures; nobody does; but I sho no: bo surprised to learn that there m least twenty times as many. Anhr becomes of ail the work that tbesaol produce? A great deal m taken upiht cheap and obscure magazines, i t weekly story pepers, f-.nd by thtijj papers which are reached by the cora tively new "syndicate" system, lei theso are not enough; and yet the.n all there are. There still remain-j sands of writers who have) no vehioi their productions, even when the- such as the editors of the magazictc papers wonld like to print. . ' Every editor will tell you and t&r truly, in spite of the skepticism cf ? of the rejected) that what ia Sered fce gladly accepted, were not the ne -of accepted and paid for eontribj already in excess of what tho ma can ever hope -to use. Tho Centur; Harper's, for example, have la their', ers MSS. enough to fill at least two ; issue; many of these MSS. have beet five years; some longer yet; oecasic they wiii ??turn a paid for eontrib to the author of it, with permissii sell it again. It might even occur t. magazine would accept a first rate ar scarcely expecting to be able to use it in order to prevent a rival from pah ing it I cannot assert that this h&3 i done; but it ia by no mtk-nn impossi What is true of tho great magazine) truo in proportion of the lesser ones. supply exceeds the demand; and if author were to write a lino from t until 1S91, the periodicals would still hs barely exhausted their over abundant s plus, Julian Hawthorua ia Belford'a. Old. Emperor William' Lore AfBair, This stern conqueror's spirit was one however, overcast with deep xnelanchol A woman's love vanquished him, a pa sion that exercised a gTeat influence ovi his future history and life. This was i perfect harmony with the aesthetical law of contrast and with the more hums: laws of contradiction. A lady of bono attached to the court of hia mother, th lovely Eliza Radziwill, enamored him t such an extent that he finally resolved U marry below bis rank. 4Tiia project caused great scandal. Tho old courtier and the old royalists considered it an act of rebellion and an outrage against the ancient privileges of monarchical govern-: ment But some there were who found la the quarterhrgs of this lady ancient ' titles of nobility and hi her genealogy pure blue blood, of the genuineness oi whose bluenes3 abundant proof existed- -This marriage, nevertheless, would have been undoubtedly a ' mesalliance," and Prince William would have lost all right to the throne of his fathers. William's younger brother. Charles, declared that he would claim for his own sons tho rieht to succeed to tho throne iastead of the eons of his elder brother. This bold threat decided William to relinquish all idea of wedding the woman he loved, ia order to choose one cf his own rank. Thus ho married Augusta, princess of Weimar. This disappointment increased the warlike inclinations f a wounded heart. Foreign Cor. Boston Transcript. Forms of Attack la War. The attacks upon our country might be -made from the land or from the sea. Land attacks, either from tho north or south border, are not to be greatly feared: for.-: as we could easily bring- into, tfao field our full strength, we would, ia such event, have decidedly the advantage over aa ap proaching enemy. Attacks from the sea, that is, form the Gulf of Mexico, or from either ocean,-would be aimed at our cities on the seaboard, or at those within easy -reach near the months of large navigable streams; also at sizable harbors, impor tant depots, coal mines near the chore line, and navy yards. ; The enemy's navy would strike our merchant marine wher ever found, and would, "of course, if strong enough, endeavor to defeat aad destroy our navy afloat. American Mag azine. t Interview WKh Coin Collector. "What are he mala requisites for mak ing a collection?" "Patience, energy and cash. To a be ginner it is an unknown world; let him trust in Divine Providence, find a re sponsible dealer, and let him and ex perience and intercourse with advanced collectors be his guides- Avoid the dealer who knows everything. Buy tho best; it, as in all else, is the cheapest and most satisfactory, and will hold its value best." "What, after all. Is the good of it?" "Let me, Yankee like, ask, what is the harm? I look on it as aa enjoyable in vestment, and, it is true, a hobby, but a fascinating one. " Apersoanot 'afBicted' 1 can't appreciate it, but we collectors, be ing possibly pitied by the outside world, form a little world of our own. There exists a good will, rivalry aad Free masonry among us that is honorable, grateful and sincere, and go where I will, from Maine to California, I find 'coin cranks,' and am welcome and agreeably aad hospitably entertained. So those coming here hunt me up. 25o other intro duction than the fraternal, numismatic feeling is required, and it is my pleasure to exhibit my treasures and do the right thing. Then, again, the old couplet saysj? The intrinsic value of a thing "T Is just as much as it will bring; and a dollar that will realize the holder eJW 1W Kit mm . vini t k-j .uiu.?xcu axvu- one worth only 100 cents. Coins are not as perishable as paintings, nor as fragile aa china, aad I am mercenary eQxigh. to be lieve that an investment of money in rare coins will certainly prove reraunerative, as evidenced by the past. More collectors are constantly joining tl fold, uuLoins are becoming rarer aad rarer, and while ia the past few years . pursuit was a pleasure, we now have too much pursuit and too little possession." "What coins are most In demand?" "United States coins. Copper first, sil ver next, gold very far Jast. There aro three very good reasons for the collecting of United States coins. First, familiarity with the types, coins, etc, which pro vents imposition of couaterfeits; second, . oar coinage began ia 1793, is yet procura ble aad not interminable -liko old foreign countries; third, patriotism, as possibly the coin I now hold may have been ia i Washington's pocket once, and my wife adds, the greatest advantage is she c&nj when I am tired of them, spead them fof lace auy way, wnure&a mo lureigxi cuius etc, wouldn i pass .current. f; "You wish your granddad had cart fully put by a lot of old coins?" "Just so, but had he done so, aad mat more granddads the same, th euj-t-f would be greatly increased, their pre at aad prospective value impaired, eir wwi.ir ls$uiiMt and ' t in o- wfiTiM. to a large extent, be devoid of the pltixa ble excitement that now exists."-1! Senator Stanford's Gnveyanl jfaimee.. , In writing' sbout the magnificent man,- soleum which Senator Stanford ia erect ing ia California for his final repose, an! which a New York man ia having cut ct the quarries in Vermoat, I had mislaid the memoranda of measurements he had given me, and which give some idea of the vastness of tho funeral psla. Taeno measurements, it will be remberc-d, ara all cf the stone when cut and ready for shipment. Tho center stone weighs 40 tons; two roof atoras weigh 23 to- h; the gable stone vfsrhsr 2a tons, aad twC other stones w-gbW 23 tons tv used ia tho ecXstrurt-ioa.-. Two r sphinxes, 8 f oet ia length yj teeu , and w- -3 tons uol. "' 7 -K cf the to-nb on-i K ?vt aud. a-.-.