The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, December 07, 1888, Image 1

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    She grimiwn (SxyxtM.
HY. KrTATttlck . Publishers
One Tr f ?
8.x M.mtln ;'2
Tbi MouHM -
I Vayal.V in a iItum)
Pne square, first insertion J j
Eiif h aJdi.iuiiitl uucrUoU 1 "
(LOCAL.) ...
Wal Notice, jx-r line ........IS cent
Regular aoi tieuint irrteJ upou liberal terma.
Ett7 fl ariytton of
Job Printini Eons ca stsrt Kstics.
Local Blanks, Business Cards.
Letter Beads, Bill Head,
Circulars, Posters, Etc.
.- ExaeaUd in ssod tyi u4 at lowfc tiring piiem.
NO. 39.
LEBAXOX tflWR, Srt. 44, A. F A. M: MU
at their uew hail iu Mamic Block, en Saturdaj
.vanillic, ou or beiure U; tuU . SOJ( w M
I.EB AVON LOME. NO. 47. I O. O F.: MM -unVty
Miiui of -h wrvk. at Wd r.ll-.w rlall.
Mala street: tUiung Vrtkrei cordially inUl W
atteu.1 J. J. I IIAUI.TOS.M.U.
HONOR I.H1XJE NO. S, A O. tr. W.. t.kanon.
Ore .u- Mtrii every first anil third Tluriji
Uiii in Uie month. K. K KlWUlt M. W .
Real Estate, Insurance & Loan
Agent. .
General Collection aa Xetary roblle
Baslaess Promptly Alteiule to.
Manufacturer of
Monuments and Headstones.
Opp RiTere Housa. ALB1ST. OREGON.
A Double Circular Water Power
Saw Mill,
Near L,?lixoii, Or.
Capacity abut 500 ) feet pi r d ay. Also, 4
acres of land on which the sawmill
is located.
PRICE, $2,000
Also h ave a larjse stock of
At lowest market rates for cash.
. W. WHEELER. Lebanon. Or.
Artistic Photographer,
Enlarging from Small Pictures. In
stantaneous Process.
Groceries and Provisions.
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
(taeeatnare and Glassware,
Lamps and Lamp Vixtnres.
Main St., Lebanon, Ore con.
. Sweethome, Oregon,
JOHN T. DAVIS, Proprietor
The table is supplied with the very beet the
market affords.
Nice-clean beds, and satisfaction guaranteed
to all guests.
In connection with the above house
Keeps a Feed and Sale Stable, and will
accommodate tourists and travelers with
teams, guides and outfits.
Proprietors of the
Livery, Sals ana Feea StaMes
Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman.
Fine Buggies, Hacks,Har
ness and
- For parties going to Brownsville, Wi
terloo, Sweet Home, Scio, and all
parts of Linn County.
)ML kinds of Teaming
A System Submitted for the Benefit ut
Fathers and Mothers.
Writers spend much time and thought
in selecting a name for a play or novel,
for they know that success is largely
dependent, on it. Parents, however,
are strangely careless and unscientific
in giving names to children. Usually,
when a new-comer arrives, some old
family name is taken, or if the parents
exercise an original choice, they are
too much excited to be guided by any
sound euphonic principles. They for
got that not only from the social point
of view it is very advantageous to have
one's name remembered, but that from
the business point of view notoriety is
capital, and must be obtained by per
sistent and ingenious advertising. The
economy cf the public stock of energy
wasted in innumerable unconscious ef
forts to remember a name without any
corners for the memory to grasp, but
persistently thrust before it, wo ild re
sult in an increase of available mental
force applicable to settling the ques
tion of future probation, or to raising
the ethical standard, or to reforming
the tariff, or to disposing of the sur
plus. The importance of the subject
leads me to suggest one or two of the
chief fundamental principles of the sci
ence of naming children. The system
is simple, and any provident parent i.n
easily master and apply it.
1. Avoid odd, or eccentric, or poetic
combinations, and be guided by en
phonic quality only. It is true that an
odd name may be remembered, but the
associa tions with it will not be pleasing.
The idea of oddity or affectation may
attach to the shadowy personality built
up in the mind of the public. Under
this rule hyphenated names, especially
hyphenated Christian names like Floyd
Jones Robinson, are to be avoided.
Writing the first given name with an
initial and the second In full is also
evidently opposed to correct scientific
2. The best form of name Is a dactyl
and a spondee, like "Jeremy Taylor."
Every one has heard of the "Shakes
peare of divines," and has a dim idea
of an agreeable personality attached to
the name. Had his name been Charles
Taylor, it is far within bounds to say
that his reputation would be about one
third of what it is now.
3. If the surname is not one that
can be treated according to the above
rule, it should be fitted with a given
name, such as to bring the combination
as nearly as possible to the above
length and cadence, as. Sidney Dobell,
Ellery Vane, Henry Ward Beeoher.
Dante Rossetti, Theodore Watts, and
the like; or, otherwise, to two long
syllables, like Mark Twain or Bret
Harte. The subdivision of this branch
of the subject are too numerous to be
given, but all rest on principle No. 2.
The phonic value of the surname is,
under our custom, the controlling ele
ment in practically applying the science
of names.
The great value of names beginning
with Mac or O is evident, because they
so readily combine with the ordinary
Christian names. Anv one would be
favorably disposed to Arthur O'Connor,
for instance. A boy pervades our quiet
neighborhood simply because his name
is Johnny MacW hotter, lie is not in
any respect a remarkable boy, but his
name forces him into prominence by
its phonic value. There are some ten
or twelve boys who are comrades, but
he and another dactyl-spondee boy.
Emory Watson, are the only ones ever
spoken of. No doubt there are others
who do as much mischief and make
more noie. but these two reap all the
fame. Atlantic
Their Artistic Attire snd Grseefal Mo
tions Graphically Described.
In the middle of the square was a
ring or coil of maidens, the eldest per
haps twenty years of age, the youngest
hardly more than five years old. No
two were dressed exactly alike, yet
there was a general similarity in style.
All wore long white skirts, some of
delicate materials and others of heavy
stuff. The overskirt, reaching to the
knea, was dark and full, hanging in
many folds. A broad bolt of silk hung
below the waist. An elaborate apron
of great variety of color and decora
tion, reached nearly to the ankles.
Each maiden wore a close-fitting vest,
generally of red, bright blue, or gilt.
This was cut low and round in front,
and served as stays. Over the upper
part of the breast hung a little stom
acher, on which were strung jingling
gold and silver coins, the girl's chief
dowry. Over and around the head
(sometimes covering the lower part of
the face), was wrapped a gray 'ker
chief. Seven of the girls, however,
who always stood near the head of the
line, wore veils of white tissue. The
maiden's sleeves showed no organic
connection with any outer garment;
fitted the arm closely and were of some
silk stuff, with stripes running around
the arm. The whole costume was
bright with harmonious colors.
About sixty of these maidens danced
together, with arms interlaced In a
double line, for hours. The dance was
led by one or two young men at the
head of the line attached to the maid
ens only by means of a handkerchief.
The music was only the humming of
the girls rarely did the words of the
song become really articulate. The steps
were simple, generally three forward,
followed by three backward ob
liquely, so as to movo in a circle.
1 saw no ''mixed dances" of men and
women in Greece, though these have
been imported to the cities. The men,
however, as in Homer's day, have their
own dances, which are much more vig
orous than those of the girl. cr&-
uer,t Magazine.
. . . .
Burmese cats- are curious looking ani
mals. They have a joint in the middle
of their tails, which appendage is in con
sequence crooked and sticks out in an
angle. They are fine specimens of the
cat race and very useful in a house.
They will attack a venomous snake with
out hesitation, and show much dexterity
in killing one, biting it on the back close
to the head. If bitten, as one of my fa
vorite Toms was once by a cobra, they
will retire to the jungle, where they eat
some herb nature points out to them,
and, after the expiration of a iew days,
iome back to the house very lean and
lUngry, but well and frisky as ever.
A Porty-Ftv Slinutes' Fifth to the Klul.h
On the W Ild Pralrls.
On a beautiful September morning 1
was cantering along on my pony, cross
ing a mountain divide, drinking in the
fresh air, admiring the snow-capped
mountains, the lofty pines, the waters ol
the ereek alive with trout, and, far in
the distance, the head-waters of the
Missouri winding tboir serpentine way
through the valley. On every side the
beauty of the scene was augumented by
herds of doer and antelope, which dot
ted the land In the distance, but the
stillness was suddenly broken by the
shrill scream of an engle. High up la
the heavens I saw him prepare to de
scend, and down, down he came, with
the swiftness of a shooting star, until
he had nearly reached the earth, when
he spread his powerful pinions and
eased himself down until he had nearly
reached terra firm a, when, with a sud
den swoop, he lighted upon a great
prairie rattler, about five feet long, and
a battle commenced such as I had never
before witnessed. I rode slowly up to
the combatants, as near as I could with
out disturbing them, and eagerly
watched the progress of the fight. The
bird was one of the largest bald eagles,
and the snake was a monster of it
kind, being three inches in diameter.
The eagle, with Its crest thrown back,
ran up to the snake and gave it a blow
over the head with its wings that com
pletely stunned it, just as it was in the
act of striking at him with all its force.
Quick as thought the eagle then caught
it in its talons, soared about Un feet in
the air, gave it a furious shaking, and
let it fall to the earth, where it lay
coiled in a warlike attitude, rattling
and hissing in great wrath. The eagle
made a second attack in the same man
ner as before, but the snake watched its
chance this time, and when the eagle
was close enough thrust its head be
tween his head and wing, and, with a
desperate effort, wound itself around
the eagle's body, and it looked for a
moment a though the powerful bird
must die. But. with a violent Sap of
his wings, he broke the deadly embrace,
caught the snake, gave it a number of
jerks. ana threw it down again. The
blood was oozing from several places in
the rattler's body, which seemed to
make the eagk more excited than
The antagonists now remained some
."eet apart, and seemed to be re-ting,
while the rattler kept up a deep buz
zing, perhaps to intimidate the bird.
The eagle next tried another plan,
wheeling around his enemy :n a circle ;
but the serpent was acquainted with
this dodge, and kept full in his face.
Thus foiled, the agle began to whip
the rattler with the tips of his wings,
his head well thrown back, but the
snake dodged the blows. The eagle
then made ti feint, jumped to ouo side
and struck it a fearful blow, caught it
by the middle and shook it until the
ir.ake was about to entwine itself around
his body, when he again threw it to the
ground- Both showed signs or great
fatigue, but neither seemed inclined to
give way. ine eagle ran around and
around his victim, in every conceivable
way. but so far the snake managed to
hold him off, until he threw back lm
head and made a desperate drive. The
snake struck with all its force as the
e&fle came in contact with its head,
and. whHe trying to coil around hit
body, was caught and carried up intr
'.he air, where It was almost jerked in
twain, and when it reached the groumi
again its entrails were hanging out, and
It writhed and twisted in great pain.
The proud bird stood looking on with
the victorious air of a pugilist who hn.
won a world renowned battle, his head
erect and his wings resting on the
ground. For the first time he cast hih
large eyes upon me, showing neithe;
surprise nor anger at my presence ; ht
seemed to understand that I would noi
molest him, for he turned to the snaki
and gave it another good shaking to
make sure of its death. 1 was temptec
to take him home as a trophy of the
battle, but his unshaken confidence ir
me unnerved my arm. When the agon
ies of death were over and his enemj
had ceased writhing he stretched hh
wings, seized his prey where the skii
was not broken, and with a steady flight
bore it to a mountain crag, the highesl
one In the neighboring mountain. A.
he slowly winged his way the huge sor
pent eould be seen hanging from hU
powerful claws. The fight lasted three
quarters of an hour, and had the eagle
been less careful of his eyes and head
he could have torn the snake to atoms
in a moment ; but he seemed to realize
the danger of the poisonous nature of
the snake, and gained his victory by
the exercise of his strategic Instinct.
American Field.
Red Tap in Russia.
How easy it Is in Russia to get a
high official's signature to any sort of n
document may be illustrated by an an
ecdote that I have every reason to be
lieve 1b absolutely true A "stola
nachalnlk," or bead of a bureau, in the
provincial administration of Tobolsk,
while boasting one day about his power
to shape and direct governmental
action, made a wager with another
chinovnik that he could get the Gov
ernor of the province the late Gov
srnor Lissogorski to sign amauuscript
copy of the Lord's Prayer. He wrote
the prayer out in the form of an official
document on a sheet of stamped paper,
numbered it, attached the proper seal
10 it, and handed it to the Governor
with a pile of other papers which re
tired signature. He won his wager.
The Governor duly signed the LordV
I'wiyer, and it was probably as harmless
n official document as ever came out
f his office. Oeorys Jiennan, in
A curious experiment consists in
taking a water fl:isk or other wide
mouthed bottle and placing a small
cork in the neck while holding it in a
horizontal position. It will seem an
easy matter to blow the oork Into the
bottle, but upon trial it will be found
almost impossible to do so. The harder
one blows ihe more forcibly Is the cork
ejected out of the bottle. The expla
I nation is tbat the bottle is already full
of air, so that no more can be blown
into it: nd the only effect produced
by Vowing is to compress the ir
sireaay inside. .. . .
Typhoid malaria is prevalent at Rip
aria, and tevtral have died of it.
A party of fifteen emigrants have
m rived at Vancouver from Kansas.
Blackfroets have nipped things on
the Columbia river near Vancouver.
The Ellensborg foundry will be
ready for business bt foro the first of
Capitalists are negotiating for the
purchase of Ihe Bay Horse mine at
In the way of firewood Walla Walla
is getting iuto a close corner, there be
ing but little iu the yards.
Mr. A. Chambers and others of Lyn
den are agitating a creamery and
cheese factory at that place.
Frank Led mm, of Vancouver, who
had an accident policy, had his arm
put out by the kick of a horse.
Wm. Hamilton, of Hamilton's is
land, one of the oldest settlers at the
Cascades, died Monday evening.
EUensburg is looking for a capital
ist who will build it a first-class hotel
for a reasonable consideration.
The Milton Eagle says a hog weigh
ing 541 pouuds was brought to that
place and sold lately.
The laying of the pipes and mains
st Baker City for the water works
were to commence in a day or so.
The Roaie OUen brought 1,200 cases
of salmon toAawria from Tillamook
and had hersmokestack knocked over
board. John Stanton, of Kara eld, Uma
tilla county, was erased with grief be
cause he learned the death cf a sister
in Canada.
Masons and carpenters at E lons
burg are busy early and lte, and pleas
ant weather makes it possible to kef p
on building.
A petition is be circulated and num
eroutly igned asking for the appoint
ment of J. D. Lanian as postmaster at
Walla Walla.
Shoo Fly and Andy Lee, two fall
grown Chinamen, both born in Walla
Walla, Toted at the last election. Each
voted a mixed ticket.
Orley Hu'l, of Walla Walla, has a
puilet hutched last March that is now
raising its second brood of chickens.
That teats any fish story of late.
The snag-boat Skagit is at wurk in
he river above LyrnVn taking cut
snags, which will make the Nooksack
navigable to the creasing. -
The sailor who smashe.1 a $125 plate
glas window at C. H. Cooper's store,
Astoria, i in jail with his hand badly
cut and no money to pay for the win
The St. Elmo hotel has opened
9cross the British boundary, near
Blaine, and a barroom is a feature that
astonishes the temperance people of
Lane county's hop crop ftr 1883 is
estimated at about 5,000 bales. The
entire yield of the Stte is estimated
at between 12,000 and 20,000 bales.
Ei'gar Nicholson was riding a scrub
rare near Dayton tiben a run broke
and his lioire pulled around and threw
him and left him with a broken leg.
Thomas Dook, of Wenatchee, when
driving to EUensburg and coming
down a hill, was thrown in front of the
wheels. One of them passed over
him, breaking the bone of his hip.
The Baker City Democrat urges cit
izens there to purchase the grounds
for the Baker County Agricultural
society as a joint stock company and
put it under capable management.
There will be a grand wolf hunt
Saturday three miles south of Salem,
near Mc Kinney s. The parties choose
sides. The one that gets the scalp
gets a reward of f 10 and a delicious
supper at the others expense.
Mr. Cornwall's company make no
eecrct of their intentions to build the
Beilingham Bay & British. Columbia
road to their Nooksack coal mines in
the early spring. They are ballasting
the railroad with ashes as far as com
The $15 per bushel wheat swindlers
have made their appearance in Linn
eountylo collect payment on notes
held by them. Tiny hold notes to the
amount of $3,000 in Linn county.
Some of the parties intend to contest
the case.
William Perry Bruce, one of the
pioneers of Walla Walla county, died
at W aitsburg on Saturday last, aged
C3 years. Mr. Bruce crossed the plains
in 1854, locating in the Willamette
valley. In the spring of 1861 he
bought a claim where Waitsburg now
stands, and has lived there continu
ously since.
The farmers of Baker county should
prepare themselves to supply the
creamery with their surplus cream,
thus reaping a good reward for their
pains and enhancing the value of their
cows. The Democrat says that cews
that are now selling for $15 will be
worth $3o as soon as the creamery
gets in running order.
Concerning the wheat market the
Albany Democrat says: The first of
the season Corvaius was in the lead in
the wheat market, but Albany soon
caught up. Then Salem was far be
hind. The O. P. boats etarted, and
now that city leads us one cent, which
we cannot understand, as consider
able of the wheat comes this way.
Wheat is 76 cents a bushel at Albany
"tnd one cent more at Salem.
A Cheeky Kane.
. Kane Can't I put baby in the crib,
Mother No; doggie Is in the crib. Wait
till doggie has had his nap. Boston Courier.
Business Prosperous.
Phlladelpbian llow's business In the west!
Chicago Man First class. Our firm suc
ceeded in borrowing $40,000 butt week. Phil
adelphia Record.
No News.
A scarcity of 100 bills is reported. This
will be nothing new to a great many people.
Mrs. Frances Hod gen Burnett ex
pects to spend the winter at Washing
ton. Charles A. Dana of the New York
8un sailed for Europe on the steam-
feLip La Normandie. -
Over $4,000,000 has been put into
building improvements at Denver,
Col., during the past year.
New York will have to struggle
along with only 309 real society folks
this season. Ward McAllister ingoing
to pass the winter in California.
A workingworaan's society in De
troit, formed ten years ago to takeca.e
f girls unemployed and Eet them
work, has K) thrived that it recently
didicated a fine building for its pur
Colored women in New York citv
have organized "the women's charily
and industrial club" for the ht lp ol
their sUters, and have i-'Hsed a f ur
story house as a "home for friendless
colored girls."
A prison official thinks it would be
a great scheme to tattoo convict
His idea is for each penal institution
to adopt a different matk or mono
gram, and then the problem of identi
fying convicts will ba solved.
King George of Greece hai formally
notified Prime Minister TricoupU of
the betrothal of Princess Alexandra
to Grand Duke Paul of Ru-tsia, A Te
Deum was sung in the royal chapel in
honor of the event.
Mine. lima de Murska, the once
favorite Hungarian song8tre?, sailed
for Europe this week. She is said to
be dying and in straitened circum
stances, and her musical friends made
up a purse to enable her to reach her
Princeton college catalogue, just ie-
cued, shows that there are in the un
dergraduate academic department 463
students, iu the school of science 111,
poet-graduates 9U. Altogether there
is a total of 6G? student as seoiuct
Gil last year.
A clergyman in Newark, N. J.,
whose wife complained that the mem
bers of the congregation were vry
distant toward her, took occasion to'
remark from the pulo.t a few Sundays
ago that his wife would like to be in
troduced to several women of the
Over $100,000 has already been
spent -in the New Cumberland oil
field in West Virginia, and the re
ports are so encouraging that the ex
citement among the producers is at a
teyer beat. 1 he leases have u 11 been
taken up and territory cannot be bad
at a big premium.
By means of recent improvenieat
made in the manufacture of rid e, as
many as one hundred and twenty can
now be rolled in an hour by one ma
chine. They are straightened cold
and bored with corresponding speed,
and even the rifling is done automati
cally, so that one man tending six ma
chines can turn out sixty or seventy
barrels per day. ith the old rilling
machine twenty barrels were about the
limit of a day's work.
Recently a gentleman who was
traveling in Switzerland found a verit
able curiosity in a museum in the lit
tle town of Soleure. It was a bird's
nest made of imperfect watch springs
which had been thrown out of the lit
tle watch factories which abound in
that district. Some bird considered
1 hem excellent material of which to
construct her nest, aud with infinite
care worked them torether into as per
fect a atruclnre of the kind as one
eould desire to see.
According to C. Koechlia's paper in
the Mulhouse Industrial 8 eiety's
Bulletin on the resistance opposed to
bleaching operations by dressing, the
latter only dissolves in lyes which con
tain at least 15 grm., but better up to
25 grm. soda lye to 1 lit. water. As
regards H. Kocchliu's new bleaching
method he said that with sulphuric
acid the best white was obtained, par
ticularly if I to 1 grin, acid per 1 lit.
water were used at 80 deg. C. ; and
thai sulphuric acid, contrary to the
accepted theory, removes lime better
from tissues than hydrochloric acid
Albert Royal aud brother, both of
Orlando, Fla., went on the Wekiva
River, below Clay springs, the other
day on a deer and bear hunt. They
arrived at their camping place before
sunaown aud concluded to take a
short hunt before dark. They had
not gone far before they came across a
bear sign which they followed up, eooii
coming in sight cf one of unusual
size, which they succeeded iu bring
ing down the first shot. One remain
iug to care for the dead bear, the
other kept on and soon found an
other, whieh he alto killed, the whole
time cccupd not exceeding thirty
minutes. The first bear weighed four
huadrcd pounds and the other two
hundred and fifty pounds.
She Not Mr. Harding, it can never be.
But I will always be a sister
He (rising) Oh, that's the deal, Is it!
Well, then, sister, if you've got your thimble
handy I wish you would sjw up the knees of
my trousers that I have atoriflawi In findmz
- - - - - -'
The cotton plant has been proposed
as a substitute for jute.
Over one million bushels of pota
toes were imported last year into this
The vine growers of the Argentine
Republic have engiged in the produc
tion oi raisins.
Crops in Guatemala have been cut
short by a severe drought. In many
departments of Salvador all crops
have been lost for want of rain. In
Nicaragua als i a famine is threatened
on account of drought.
The annual valu-) of the dairy pro
duct of ihe State of Illinois equals the
value of the gold production of the
Uuited States. Who says the cow is
not the best friend of the farmer?
. A Michigan man says that his
Blancbestei fctrawberry (pistillate var
iety) were so much influenced in form
by the Sharples growing near that he
sold them for Sharpies.
There are many instances where
thirty-five bushels tf grain might just
as . well be grown on one acre as
twenty, if the right Yoriety had been
It is reported that the round-headed
apj le-borer has been successfully ex
cluded from trees by placing fresh
manure around the hose of the trees
and in contact with it.
The cost of a colt at three years old
is said by a correspondent of Rural
New Yorker, who hs computed it, to
be $84. He also t tales that such colts
should sell for $150.
Toads are the policemen of the
garden. They speedily transport in
sect depredators to a place where tbe r
will do lio more harm. And this in
terior jail ii quite capacious.
Mr. Havmeyer, of New Jersey, has
twenty-four tiloa of 2,090 ton capac
ity. He recently opened one that was
tilled seven years 'ago and found its
contents in excellent condition.
The ihtrodcctiou of labor-saving
machinery Las disarranged the old
methods of farming, and in nothing
more than in the changes it has neces-
ltaied in the employment of hired
Mrs. W. M. Dills, of Springfield,
Mo., has charge of a stack farm and
is said to be the best judge of horse
flesh in that vicinity. She comes
naturally by her knowledge, as she is
a Kentucky woman.
It is just a centmy since the first
fuchsia was introduced in Europe.
Since that time travelers in the moun
tains of tropical America have brought
back specimens. Now there are fifty
distinct species known.
As the grass disappears let the
change from green to dry food be as
gradual as possible, in order to pre
vent the cow from falling off in milk
To do this begin the ne of hy and
other dry food now, so as to supply
the deficiency of tne pasture.
Good, clean seed wheat of a variety
well adapted to the soil, should be se
lected for seeding. There should fee
no delay now in having the wheat iu,
as the better the growth the less La
bility of the young plants being thrown
out by the frost next spucg.
Guide boards have been growing
numerous in the country towns of
New England for a few years past Iu
some sections of Massachusetts at
every corner are set 6olid granite posts
leu feet high, to which are bolted iron
sign boards with raised letters.
Freoerviug eggs f.r winter use is not
difficult, but care is required. Egs
from hens not ia company with males
will keep three limes as long as those
containing the germs of chicks. Keep
the egg on racks in a cool place, and
turn them half over twice a week.
Oil is cheaper than machinery, so
use it freely on all the working parts
of the mowers and reapeis. Lumber
is also cheaper, and when not in use
every piece should be carefully
housed, as well as all the tools used
about the farm. Tools, carts and iaa
chii-es rust out much fastei than they
will wear out.
In the dairy contest at the Minne
sota State .Fair, a few days ago, a
Holstein-Friesian cow took the first
prize and ano tier took the second.
The butter 'test is reported to have
beeu tbe severest known to science.
These two Holstein-Friecian cows were
just of)' from grass, and had received
110 grnin or other special preparation.
Damp floors cause cold, due to
evaporation. The feet of animals are
injured, and disease of the limbs oc
curs when they are compelled to
stand or sleep on damp locations.
Ihe bed of the animal is very import
ant. It is economical to use clean,
dry material daily, and not delay
changing the bedding until the whale
is saturated with urine.
If the ground is damp a one-horse
plow should be run through the spaces
between the strawberry rows in order
to allow the surplus water to flow off
' . r. . . ....
in winter, (straw perries are partial to
somewhat damp locations, but in the
winter and early spring, when heavy
rains cause the water to stand on the
plants, it is injurious. The frost will
aleo heave up the plants if the ground
is too-wet.
The sweet and sour apple question
is sure to be discussed at this season,
A recent writer remarks that sweet
apples are generally considered much
more valuable for feeding than sour,
but there ia less difference than many
suppose. If well ripened, even sour
apples contain a good deal of sweet.
I which is to the taste overcome by a
Mignt disproportion 01 acid. Those
who have fed seur ripe apples find
them nearly or quite as nutritive as
sweet ones. They should not, how
eve r, be given to hogs which are fed
corn in the earx as it jwiir mv .
Wolves are doing great damage in
Northern Montana by destroying
ttock. In Choteau County Charles
Adair s was compelled to fly from the
beasts the oiher night, when they de
stroyed eighty of bis thorough-bred
bucks. One hundred and fifty sheep
were killed in one flock, and also
thirty colts belonging to another
ranchman. The - wolves also attack
If cows are led a liberal ration cf
palatable, nutritious ground feed night
and morning they re-qmre no driving.
No dog or boy is necessary to chase
the fields over to persuade them, bul
atx-ut nulking time they are ready to
walk from pasture to barn quietly,
and the pails will be fuller as there
has been no excitement. Keep cows
quiet and they give better returns.
Thus saving of labor and patience
pays in part lor grain fed.
Will it pay to cut rough forage for
stock? To cut it involves the utiliza
tion of parts which tbe animal would
otherwise reject, but when cut will be
swallowed without hesitation, and
nourish the animal just as much as
any pari of the forage. It has been
found that to cut evergreen sugar com
makes a gain of 10 per cent, m feed
ing value, but to cnt the ordinary dried
coin-stalk adds SO to 40 per cent. The
standard of value is the result in
Economy with the corn crop means
that the fodder should be stored under
cover and not left standing in the
helda, as is often practiced. Good fod
der is valuable and highly relished by
all classes of stock, but it can be in
jured by exposure as easily as bay.
No matter how much care is taken
the shocks will plow over in wia ter, by
which means a large share of fodder
is mined by being oa the ground. If
cattle are tamed in on it they will
trample a portion ali. The barn is
the proper pLice for it.
Considerable of success on the part
of farmers depends upon keeping a
close eye to the market. The first of
any new crop will almost always com
mand a high price, and soon after,
when there is a rush for the market,
prices rapidly decline. Unless one
can be anions: the first it is better to
hold until the prices have passed the
last and come back to a more
norma) condition. It ia the forcing
of the market that brings low prices,
snd for that reason a close watch
should be kept of the reputed snpply
and demand.
As the cold increases wi'.h approach
to winter, farmers should bear in mind
that an increased amount cf food or
material is r. quired to maintain bodily
heat ; and if animal are only able to
procure maintenance ration?, the in
creased beat required tD maintain a
normal heat of the body must be gen
erated from a consumption of ele
ments of heat that have been acenma
lated in the shape of fat and tissue,
How much better to furnish the re
quired heat by means of protection
from the cold by a shelter thsttbe.eby
eaves any waste of accumulated fat
which may be continually held against
severe emergencies.
The mending of the fences and 1
pairing of the ditches and drains are
usually laid aside, along with cutting
the supply of wood, for winter employ
ment ; but thongh this has been the
custom an the poet, yet It is doubtful
if such work can be economically done
ia winter. Digging post-holes when
tbe ground is frozen, anu hauling
wood over rough roads, or being caught
with a load in a snow storm, are more
laborious than doing the work in the
fall, when the materials for building
can be more easily procured and the
work one in a shorter time. All the
outdoor work should be done before-
the winter comes on. The wiuter will
give ample employment with inside
work. Manure making and stock
feediug are j bs for winter, and much
of the grain con be thrashed and
cleaned letter on. If any of the work
to be done is to be postponed let it be
such as can be done under shelter.
All land intended fur spring seed
ing should be plowed in the fall, not
only for the purpose of avoiding the
hurry of work in the spring but also
to assist in getting the land in better
condition. There is no surer remedy
foi destroying cutworms in the soil
than fall plowing, which opens the
soil to frost, thereby nt only destroy
ing the worms and other insects bu
hlso assisting to pulverise the soil by
alternate freezing and thawing, the
expansion and contraction causing all
lumps and clods to fall to pieces.
Where the soil is well drained no
plowing will be necessary in the spring,
if the ground be well broken late io
the fall. If the outside work can be
done before winter the spring w.ll
open with the heaviest portion of the
work done, leaving only such as can
not be done at any other season ex
cept in spring.
Mrs. Burnett's Bright Boy.
Some one recently asked Mrs. Burnett's
son v lvian, the original of "Larue Lord
rauntierov, what was meant by "so
ciety." "Society,n Baid Vivian, "why
tt s a thing where there's lots Of people,
who all come to your house, and they
come up to your mamma, who is in the
drawing room looking very beautiful, in
a lovely dress, and they shake hands with
her and say, 'Why, how do you do! ' and
then they gabble, gabble, gabble, gabble.
gabble, and then they come up again to
your mamma and say, Oh. I m so sorry.
but I must go now, good by, and then
tixry go away, and that s ail. Boston
Hear Id. ' .
For Cleaning Plg'a feet. i
A machine for cleaning pig's feet is
about the last thing expected in the lino
or invention, out tnas macrune nas been
devised, and does its work by the succes
sive impact against the material to be
cleaned of steel knives held on a revolv
ing cylinder by flexible connections, like
rubber or other elastic materials-
The BXeaaenecr Bot's DcUs-hC
A Japanese story writer has just finished a -novel
in ninety volumes, li a Japanese mes-t
aunger boy evur ets, hoidcf Jim stars,
Portland Market Report.
WHEAT Vanev. 1 40a1 a-?i '
Walla Walla, $1 321 35. ;
BARLEY Whole. SO 8.',1 00-
ground, per ton, 20 002l 50.
OATS Milliner. 32a34. ; fl. 23
30c .
HAY Baled, $1013.
SEED Blue Grass. 11 5c Tim.
othy, 78c; Red Clover, ll12e.
FLOUR Patent RnlW. S OO
Country Brand, $4 50.
EGGS Per doz, 30c
BUTTER Fancr roll, ner rxrand.
25c; pickled, 2225c; inferior
grade, 2022j3. 4
CHEESE Eastern. 3l3Jc: Ore
gon, 13 14c.; California, 14c. '
VEGETABLES Beets, rr sack.
tl 00 ; cabbage, per lb., lc ; carrots,
per fck., $ 75 ; lettuce, per doz. 10c ; -onions,!
85; potatoes, per 100 lbs.,
40c.; radishes, per doz., 15 20c;
rhubarb, per lb, 6c r -
MONEY In comb, per lb, 18c;
strained, 5 gsi. tins, per lb. 8Jc
POULTRY Chickens. rr do .
$3 004 00; ducks, per doz, $5 00
6 00; geese, $6 00 7 00; turkeys,
per lb, 12 c
PROVISIONS Oregon hams, Us
per lb.: Eastern. 15Stl6c: Eastern
breakfast bacon, 12c per lb.; Oregon
lOfailc: Eastern lard. 10all4c
lb. ; Oregon, 10c
HREES FKUITS Artr1c. S fift -
(A 75c: Sicilr lemons. SB O0?.fi SO
California, $6 006 50; Naval oranges
$6 00; Riverside, $5 00; Mediterra
nean, $4 25.
pies, 4c. per lb. ; machine dried, 10(3 I
11c, pit 1 ess plums, 7c,; Itahanj
prunes. 10(al2c: reaches. 1043lle .:
raisins, $2 402 50.
HIDES Drv beef hid. 12rti3-
culls, 67c.;kipand calf, IQ.glic;
Marram, iu l2c ; tallow, 44Ac.
WOOL Vallev. 15(3 1 Sc. - Extern
Oregon. 19 15c ,
LUMBER Rough, per M, $10 00 ;
edged, per M, $12 00; T. and G.
sheathing, per M, $13 00 ; No. 2 floor
ing, per M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, per
M,$18 00; No.2rustic,perM,$18 00;
clear rough, per M, $20 00 ; clear P. 4
S, per M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, per
M, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M,
$22 50; No. 1 rustic, per M, $22 50;
sapping , per M, $2o 00 ; over li
inches wide, extra, $1 00 ; lengths 40
to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60,
extra, $4 00; 1 lath, per M, $2 25;
1 lath, per M, $2 50.
COFFEE Quote Salvador, 17c
Costa Rica, 18 20c. ; Rio, 1820c. ;
Java, 27c; ArbuckleVs rasted,22c
MEAT Beef, wholesale, 2i. ;
dressed, 6c; sheep, 3c; dressed, 6c;
bogs, dressed, 6i7c; veal, 57c
BEANS Quote email whites, $4 50;
pinks, $3; bayos, $3; butter, ti 50;
Limaa, $4 50 per centaL
PICKLES Kegs craoted steady at
$1 35.
SALT Liverpool grades of fine
quoted $18, $19 and $20 for the three
sizes ; stock salt, $10.
SUGAR Prices for barrels; Golden
C,6ic; extra C, Cfc; dry granulated
7c. ; crushed, fine crushed, cube and
powdered, 7jc. ; extra C, 6c : halves
and boxes, c higher.
The UsVIbk of tlve Tlolin.
"Yiolins that are made as they shooM
be," explained the dealer, "have fifty
eight different pieces. The wood of tha
belly, or sounding board, should be of
soft red fir, a kind only growing on the
Tyrol ese mountains. It ia light and
strong, and being of loose grain gives
free passage to the waves of sound. The
trees are cut in the winter after the sap
has ceased to flow, and the wood is thor
oughly seasoned before called fit for use.
The older the wood the better. For the
neck, back and sides Swiss sycamore is
regarded the only proper wood. It an
swers to a different note than the fir, a
fact that has been found necessary to the
highest harmony. The violins are shaped
by exact rule, but tbe slightest variation
in any of the curves gives a difference of
tone, so that no two instruments sound
exactly alike."
Several violins of the same make and
in all respects apparently alike were
tested to demonstrate this. They were
all tuned in fifths, the lowest giving wha
ta techmcally known as middle U, this
being the correct way to tune a 'violin,
but under the bow there was a marked
difference in the quality of tone.
"Did it ever occur to you, " was.-seked
the rerjorter. "that the strain unt on &
violin by tne strings la something tre
mendous! When toned to concert pitch
the tension of each storing is about eighty -pounds,
making 820 pounds for the four.
Yet the thin shell, so frail that a babe
could splinter it, will resist that strain
for centuries. Of couvse, the body is
strengthened by little strips glued inside
at different points; but it seems none the
less marvelous to me. "Globe-Democrat.
Houses ef the Hindus.
It is noteworthy that there is no word
In the Hindustani language that signifies
home. There are the house, the house
hold, the dwelling; but no home I The
son is always expected to bring his bride
to his father's house. If there are sev
eral sons in a family, the household be
comes a large one by the time they axe
all married. Every house, when practi
cable, is built around an opeu space, or
court yard, the entrance to which is se
cured by a strong gate. A room is set
apart for the special use of erfch family
composing the household, although, as a
rule, all the men eat together, and after
ward the women do the same, but they
store their own property in their private
The house, if that of a poor man, is
built of mud or sundried bricks; if that
of a rich man, it is built of kiln dried
bricks in a substantial manner. There ia
usually one room, at least, set apart for
the men, where they may receive visit
from their friends without the privacy of
the domestic circle being invaded. There
is a well, or small tank, in the court
yard, and perhaps a few flowers for iiLI
worship. If there are cows, horses or
goats belonging to the family, they are
stabled ia this inclosure. All the work
of the family is performed in it, eicej. i,
perhaps, the washirg and sewing, which
are done outside by persons c f I'.
CsStte. The woiaer. of il-