The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 30, 1888, Image 4

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An Important Industry Originated
I'ioiis Italian Nuns.
Artificial flowers were first invented
by pious mvns. fix the Italian convents
the altars and shrines of saints wero,
up to tiio end ot the eighteenth cer.tury,
decorated with artificial flowers, la
boriously put together of paper parch
ment, and othsr stiff materials. Since
then the "Italian flowers," which are
made in Venetis-n faetoria of the im
perfect cocoons of silkvorks, have be
come famous for their daintiness, which
makes them particularly suitable for
toilet decorations. Besides these silk
flowers, other artificial flowers are
mada in Venice, whence nearly all
Italy is supplied, and whence wholt
wagon-loads are. exported to ether
countries. I have been over one of the
Venetian Cower factories, for no sooner
has the visitor to Venice taken his early
cup of chocolate at Florian's near the
Marcus place, when the cicerone ap
pears,- ottering to show him the "fam
ous''' factory of . the "famous Italian
flowers." Th:s factory is situated in
one of the grsv old houses of the Fres-
zaria. and several hundred srirls are oc
cupied in it- In the warehouse the
most wonderful reproductions of natural
flowers are exhibited in glass cases, and
it seems in many cases as if not only
the richest and most brilliant colors,
but tho very scent of tho flowers, had
been stolen from nature, for some of the
artificial flowers are steeped in the per
fume distilled from the flower which it
represent. Any one wishing to take
homo some souvenir of Venice can have
his choice cf beautifnl and often fan
tastic objects at the factory.
In the upjer stories of the house the
girls sit at their work, constructing-.
with clever hands, the most beautiful
works of art, for all the most expensive
are nearly exclusively made by hand.
and their value depends solely on the
manual dexterity and taste of the poor
ly-clad and most delieatelookin girls,
sitting at lonr tables, and inhaling tho
unhealthy dust of the dyed materials.
No machinery could replace the dexter
ity and taste. Last century a Swiss in
vented a niiehme for cutting' out the
leaves and petals, but it can only be
used for the smallest kinds, such as are
wanted for hyacinths, lilies of tho val
ley and other small flowers. In large
potals the irresrularities of manual work
are preferred to the stiff and correct
forms produced by machinery. The
material of which the petals are made
is woven in special factories; the scis
sors and other tools used by the girls,
as well as the presses in which the veins
are traced on the leaves, are of a shape
specially adapted to the work. Each
part of a Cower is made by specialists.
In ono room, for instance, only stalks
of flowers and leaves are made; in an
other fruits and berries of all kinds
are cast, if they are of wax, or blown,
if of glass. The cleverest workers,
are employed in making blossoms of
the single petals, and bouquets, wreaths
and garlands of tae single biossoms. It
is very interesting to watch this pro
cess and see how, first, tho center of a
flower is constructed, then the petals
put round, next the green leaves, and
so forth, till a flower or branch is com
plete. GartenZaubc
the Cavalry and Artillery Service
are Provided with Remounts.
The army regulations provide for the
purchase of horses in a certain routine
fashion. As a matter of fact only
geldings are accepted. They must be
sound and in good condition; that-is,
with no traces of constitutional defects:
the height must be from fifteen to six
teen hands; they must not be less than
five nor more than nine years old. The
specifications conclude with the ambig
uous statement that the horses must
also be in all respects fitted for the cav
alry service. The latter, being solely
a matter of individual opinion, is the
source of many quarrels and disputes
between contractors and inspectors.
More care isesercised in the selection
of a cavalry horse intended for the ar
tillery service. He must possess a
bright, intelligent eye, a good head,
shapely shoulders and breast, and r
hard hoof, free from splints and un
sightly marks. His weight must be
between nine hundred and ore thou
sand one hundred pounds. The color
of the horse has much to do with his
being purchased- The colors which
are preferred are roan, black, bay and
chestnut. Next to these come iron
grey and sorrel. Horses of "ofT'
eolors, such as calicoes, buckskins, etc.,
are taken only when it 13 necessary to
do so to complete a contract. White
horses are nu-ely accepted for the
ranks, although they are sometimes
bought and used in mounting buglers
or a band. The modus operandi of
purchasing horses is, as a rule, as fol
lows: At stated periods, say the end of each
Quarter, each company commander of a
cavalry trip makes out a requisition on
the assistant quartermaster of his de
partment for the number of horses
which he may need. When the requi
sitions are all in the assistant quarter
master advertises for bids for tho horses
wanted, the animals to be delivered at
.-ni-t -1 in l -.1 - - f.-ty. int:nftiifin r -. i . u ;
tain day. Each bid sent in must be in
triplicate and accompanied by a guar
antee indorsed by two responsible par
ties, that in case the bid is accepted the
contract will be fulfilled to the letter.
At the time and place agreed upon the
contractor must not only have the num
ber of animals actually required by the
Government, but also a sufficient num
ber to select from in case of rejections,
and he should fall short of fulfilling the
terms of the contract Army. undXuvy
Gazelle. '
Weed Faming In Japan.
One might say that weed farming was
a genuine part of the Japanese agricul
tural 6ystem, since the entire crop was
utilized in some fashion, -either for for
age, food, bedding, beauty, mulching or
manure. Not a savag-e pla;.-! was al
lowed to lead a useless life, or to devote
its energies to the undoing of the farmer's
work. Though the harmless and pretty
weeds were i:i some cases permitted to
flourish in the road gutters as well as the
borders and this is no joke in such
cases they were themselves sedulously
weeded. It does not take deep or intense
. reflection to perceive that this thorough
system of weed culture, so to speak, re
lieves the farmers of one heavy tax on
their industry, which their brethren in
America abandon themselves to paying.
American Agriculturist.
Breakfast bacon, which has been
cooked with greens and rejected as "too
fat," makes a nice breakfast relish ii
diced and dipped in flour, then fried 1
" golden brown. After you dish it, adc
one tablespoonf i:l of flour to the fat in
the pan, then cue-half a cup of mi!k;
stir unti! !t IkiiIs up', pour over the ba
con and iif ve. TV" Euuaewtfe.
John Randolph's Tender Love for All
Wort ot Xutiirp.
John Randolph was a curious bundle
of inconsistencies; a man whom mauy
persons admired, but who was feared
by every one and loved by no one.
When the mood was upon him, ha
spared neither friend nor foe. Yet in
his own way ho was tender-hearted,
and capable of performing the very
kindest actions. Tho following anec
dote, related by a young man who was
accustomed to visit his nephew, illus
trates one side of this strango man's
Mr. Randolph would never permit
ven a switch to be cut anywhere near
his house, which was surrounded by
trees and underbrush. Without being
aware of this, I ono day committed a
serious trespass. Tudor Randolph and
I were roving through tha woods near
the house, when I noticed a neat hick
ory plant, about an inch thick, which
I felled. Tudor expressed his regret,
saying he was afraid his uncle would
bo angry. I went immediately to
Mr. Randolph, told him what I had
done, and that I was sorry for it. He
took the stick, looked pensively at it
for some seconds, as if commiserating
its fate. Then, looking at me more in
sorrow than in anger, he said:
"Sir, I would not have had it done
for fifly Spanish milled dollars!"
I had seventy-five cents in my pock
et, and had some idea of offering them
as an equivalent for the damage done.
but whon I heard about the fifty Span
ish milled dollars, I was afraid of in-
sulftng Mr. Randolph by offering the
meager atonement of seventy-five cents-
I wished very much to get away from
him, but thought it rude to withdraw
"Did you want this for a cane?"
Xo, sir."
"Xo, you are not old enough to want
a cane. Did you. want it for any par
ticular purpose?
"Xo, sir, I only saw it was a pretty
stick, and thought I'd cut it.
"We can not, bo justified in taking
even vegetable life without some use
ful object in view. God Almighty
planted this thing, and j ou have killed
it. It would Lave grown to be a large
nut tree, in whose boughs numerous
squirrels would have gamboled, and
feasted on its fruit.
Here he made a pause, but looked as
if he had something more to say, yet
only added:
"I hope and believe, sir, you will
never do the like again.
He got up and put the stick in a cor
ner, and I mada my escape. It was
some tinia before I could cut a switch
or a fishing-rod without feeling that I
was doing some sort of violence to the
vegetable kingdom. Youth's Compan
tfomethlns About tho Degeneracy In the
Development of the Jaw.
The law of retardation exhibits it
self in the teeth of the higher races of
mankind in a highly convenient man
ner. The greatly-developed brain re-qui-es
all the available room in the
skull; there is no space left for the at
tachment of muscles for a powerful
jaw. Cooked food also causes a de
generacy in the development of the
jaw. There is constantly no room left
for either the wisdom-teeth or the
second upper incisors; the wisdom
teeth arc retarded, often cause great
pain and decay early. The second in
cisors appear in startling and unex
pected places, and often (in America
especially) do not cut the gum at alL
Prof. Cope says that American den
tists, have observed that the third
molar teeth (wisdom-teeth) are iu na
tives of the United States very liable
to imperfect growth or suppression,
and to a degree entirely unknown
among savage or even many civilized
races." The same suppression has been
observed in the outer pair cf superior
incisors. This is owing not only to a
reduction in the size of the arches of
the jaws, but to successively prolonged
delay in the appearance of the teeth.
In the same way men, end the man
like apes, have lewer teeth than the
lower monkeys, and these again fewer
than tho insectivorous mammals to
which they are most nearly allied.
When this difference in dentition has
been established, civilized man may
claim to place himself in a new spe
cies, apart from low savages as well as
from high apes. Mrs. A'icc Bcdinglon,
in Popular Science Monthly.
Bringing Up the Baby.
Every mother has her own ideas as
to how to bi-ing up her babies aright,
and it is a matter on which few agree.
But we ofter think that some mothers
make a mistake in not treating their
little ones as if they were reasoning
Creatures. lotice how pleased tiny
little tot3 are when given some re
sponsibility. As soon a9 they begin to
toddle, if taught aright, they like to
help mother by picking up or carry
ing some trifle for her or doing any
similar act. Then is the time to be
gin training them to be real helpers.
Of course, it often seems a real bother,
for one may do things quicker without
this hindering assistance. But it is a
part of the child's education. Similar
ly, babyhood is none too early to be
gin teaching politeness, and the proper
way is to be as polite to the baby as to
any one else. People sometimes think
that a child does not feel discourtesy
we hold a contrary opinion. Some
little slights that were not meant as
such, offered in our extreme child
hood, are remembered to this day, and
all sensitive children Buffer ia tha
same wax. Emily Louise Taplen.
What She Wanted.
"Pa, do you know that this is xmy
eighteenth birthday?"'
"Yes, my dear."
"Pa, I want you to do me a great fa
vor on my birthday,1' and the beautiful
girl buried her glowing face on the
paternal bosom.
"And what is the favor my little girl
'Pa, you have influence with city
council, haven't yon?"
"Well, yes, my dear."
"Then have them move that gaslamp
away from right in front of our gate."
Thus it was that the fond father dis
covered that a daughter isn't a little
girl always. She had a beaa.
Inherited Dental Deficiency.
Dr. Crver says, in Tho Philadelphia
Medical Times, that he has among his
patients members of the same family,
representing five generations, each lack
ing tho left lower lateral incisor tooth.
An interesting feature of this remarkable
instance of heredity is that one of the
members f the same family has a su
pernumerary lower incisor. --Science.
Tannin hsw been discovered as an
animal substruice by M. Villon, n
French chemist, who finds corn
weevils contain about throe per cent
of it.
The Germans have discovered that
tho pollen of the plaina tree produces
influenza, exactly like wftat in thie
country is called "rose cold" and "hay
French physicians are reporting
great sue. -ess with tho prompt internal
use of nri antiseptics in cases of typhoid
fovcr. After disinfection ot tho intes
tines, according to this method, the
disease runs a short course.
Paper is now manufactured from
seaweed, according to a process re
cently invented in Japan. Tho article
made iu this way is said to be so strong
as to bo almoit untearable, is suffi
ciently transparent to admit of ita being
used as window glass, and takes all
colors about equally welL
Dr. Z;vmbaco of Constantinople,
who has lived for several years among
the lepers of the far East, says that he
has never mot a single instance of conta
gion, although the malady is certainly
hereditary, tho children ef lepers be-
coming leprous at tha age of ten, fif
teen and twenty years generally.
The increasing application or elec
tricity in mining work is based on the
solid foundation of economy attained.
The Aspen Mining and Smelting Com
pany, which was ona of the first to put
electric motors underground for pump
ing, hoisting and haulage, have effected
a large saving in the cost of their ore
'through this means
J. Norman Lockyer, the English
astronomer, computes the total number
of stars of which soma knowledge can
bo gained with the optical aid now
availpble. at from 40,030,000 to 50.000.
000. Only about 6.000 are visible to
the naked eye 3.003 in the Northern
hemisphere and 3.000 ia the Southern.
After experiments on the relative
merits of oaitor oil and of olive oil a
lubricants, the Italian Admiralty has
ordered' that the exposed parts of the
ship's machinery be lubricated exclu
sively with castor oil, and that mineral
oils bo used for cylinder and similar
When the first electric telegraph
was established, tho speed of transmis
sion was from four to five words a
minute with tho flve-noedle instrument;
in 1819, the average rate for newspaper
messages was seventeen words n
a minute; the presant pace of tha elec
tric telegraph betwe3n London and
Dublin, where the Wheatstone instru
ment is employed, reaches four hun
dred and sixty-three words. And thus,
what was regarded as miraculous sixty
years ago has multiplied a hundred
fold in half a century. Science.
The art of tempering copper so as
to give it a hardness and fine cutting
edge was known t- the Egyptians,
Greeks and Romans, but it is one of the
lost arts. Scientific men have vainly
endeavored to redisdovcr it. It is pos
sible that the Indians of Ecuador have,
as stated in tho paragraph, accidentilly
found out how to do this, but we want
more conclusive evidence than has yet
been furnishes, before we believe it.
It would bo of some value to civiliza
tion if the art were rediscovered, but
would not have nearly the importance
it once had, since we have iron and
steel now which do the work better
than tho copper tools and .weapons
ever did.
Apparently It I Never Ton Late to He
come a Happy Husband.
When is a man too old to marry?"'
is quite as interesting as the question,
"When is a girl too young?' I must
leave to physiologists to discuss how
far the chances of life are shortened
when December weds May, and ex
pects in May any thins more than a
nurse, though, ia passing, 1 may ob
serve that I have noticed several such
marriages in which the funeral fol
lowed suspiciously clo3e to the wed
ding. Without groin? back to the time
when "Jarei lived a hundred and
sixty and two years and begat EncKrh.'
there are several instances on record
of modern p3triarehs who became
proud and happy fathers at the time
when they should be thinking of shuf
fling off this mortal coil.
There was that stout Salopian, Old
Parr, for example, who married at
eightv, and had to do penance in
Alderbury Church for an intrigue with
Catherine Milton, when he was a
sprightly masher of one hundred and
five summers. If Lord Lyttleton is to
be believed Parr had a rival in the
Vale of Festiniog, in the person of an
old Welsh farmer, who, when he died,
had eight hundred lineal descendants,
and whose youngest son was eighty-one
years younger than his eldest. I fancy
this man must have been of tho same
family as a certain Alderman Hooke3
of Conway, who, is described in hi3
epitaph as the forty-first child of his
father, and himself the father of
twenty-seven children. Happily for
themselves, theso people lived long be
fore the day3 of Dr. Drysuale.
My own impression is that tho Welsh
border is the paradise of old men, the
grand old man being only the most
conspicuous among many. Some years
back I spent a Sunday in the very next
parisn to iiawaraen. 1 a mod with a
middle-aged man whose sous were fast
growing to manhood, and then walked
over to his father's house to take tea.
Tho venerable old gentleman, who
wore a headgear something like Oliver
Goldsmith s, was nursing an infant two
or three years old on his kniee. "Is
that your youngest?" I asked of my
middle-aged friend. "O, dear no," he
replied; "that is my little brother."'
New Life Saving Boat.
Is there any limit to the invention of
destructives? The ironclad is now
doomed by the invention of a torpedo
boat that can dive completely under,
fasten explosives to rhe keel, and then
by means of a wire work the cartridges
at a distance with electricity. The boat
is said to be perfectl r manageable un
derwater. Electrical appliances evi
dently will revolutionize us in every di
rection. Warfare on the waters is get
ting to be too dangerous a game. It is
no longer a question of prowess and
pluck, but of possession of the latest
explosives and appliances. War grows
not only more hideous in the light of
modern refinements, but more ghastly
in its ability to mechanically destroy
It is far pleasanter reading that an
English clergyman has invented a new
boat for saving life. It is twenty-five
feet long, double pointed, and made of
canvas. It can be folded and stored.
and will hold one hundred persons. A
vessel furnished with those is practi
cally in a condition to insure the lives
if all passengers. St. Louis Globc-Dem
Elevate II. by Electing Good Men and
Women for Nohool OfHners,
If the school ii a failure it Is usually
on account of a poor tocher. If the
teacher is incompetent it Is usually
tho fault of the srho:l officers. If the
school ofilcerj ara Inefficient it is the
fault of the voters in tho school district.
Thus the bl'ime for a poor Btihool re3ts
with tha people. Tha psop'.o like to
shirk this responsibility, but it belongs
to them and they must boar it.
A good schajl cost3 something; it
costs money an ! it costs time. Money
Is usually spemt, but not quito enough;
a little moro would secure a much bet
tea teacher for tho full year; a little
moro would furn'j'i tha school-house
with modern appliances; a little mare,
judiciously expanded, would nnke the
school-hoii3o and grounds more at
tractive. Tho cost of time conies
hardest. It is so e:u;y to find excus-v
for not visiting the school. Tha sue
jess of tha school depends somewhat
on your personal effort. Visit the
school, visit it often, visit it intelli
gently. All this you may say is true enough,
but "how shall wo have the best
school?" First and most important,
elect good men or women for school
officers. In some placej a position on th
school board is held in little respect,
and any man will do. This is wrong;
in some respacts members of schoii
boards are the mast important
officers you have to Felect. Should
ill the school districts in tue
country, for tho next twenty-five years.
elect competent men or women, whe
were thoroughly alive to their duties.
every oflleo in our government, from
President down, would have a worthy
incumbent. Select, then, officers who
understand how to fve your child an
education and wha wiil take the time
to attend to the irork. This Is of vital
importance. rn error that caa hardly
be remedied until another school moc-t-inr.
The matter of liberal appropriation-
has bean touched upou. Don't hr
stinsrv here. Run tho school as yov
weld any other profltable business
Tols for the farm cost mare than form
erly, so do those for thd school-room
A school-room without gord black
boards, maps, globus, dictionaries and
reference books, is liko a farm with
t'.irabled-dowtt fences aad worn-out
iow then, you ara started with good
school officers, a libs:-.! pppropriatioc
and a public sentiment alive to a good
school. Tho next rtuil important
business is In tho selection of a tcs-.-h?!-.
Your officers will u-. larstanl the need:
of your district an. 1 wiil en leaver tc
secure some carbine, earnest teacher.
who will not ba always looking forward
to the end of the t;ra, and who wil:
not measure his work bv the amount o'
pay he receives. At all events hir.
tha same teacher for at least a ye ir,
iad if possible secure the sama teacher
for a series of years; it wiil ir
many ways. If the teacher is the right
kind he or she will find methods of in
teresting tho parents. Thus the dis
trict school is in the hands of the pop!e
of the district and its stireess or failure
will be measured by their intelligence
and interest. C. Ii. CoUinyicood, in
Itrtral yew Yorker.
X St. l.onU Doctor Saya That He Ha
Seen Them Se Many Urea.
I have had a patient who cfoliy said
to me, "I will not die." I was com
pelled to assure her that she wouid.
There wns no hope for her. Doctor,"
she answered, "you are a fooL I shall
not die." Grit it was that carried her
through. A few years later she waf
sick again, and, as I thought, unto
dtath; but there camo the same all
conquering reply, "You are talking
nonsense; I shall get well." And she
did. This was repeated a third time,
till I actually began to believe sue
would get well any way and at all times.
It never occurred to me to think of her
as liable to die. Fiualiy her mortal
sickness came, and I expected to help
her up as ujual. But now she replied,
"Do-.tor. you can come or go as yoi
please; I am going to die; this is my
last illness." "O. no," I said; "we
will have you out in a few days.'
"Nonsense," she answered; "you art
talking what you know nothing about.
I shall never be well again." In two
days she was dead. Her grit gave out:
her pluck was good to the last. She
had pluck enough to face death; she
had no longer grit to endure disease.
There 5s no question but that moral
and mental grit go with physical to
sustain vitality. A stout will wards oft
the blows of disease. In th'13 case the
patient went straight ahead to die
without a flinch or a whine. She had
a vast faith In the "All Right," and
allowed no one to dabble in theology at
her bedside. She marched into the
"next life" as she often had Into the
next vear, and had not a tremor. She
took her pluck with her. She treated
a neighbors prayers as she treated any
medicine. "You can come if you like.'
she said, "or vou can go. Your prayers
can't stop me and they can't change
me no moro than the doctors pow
ders." She was a woman of extraor
dinary intelligence aad determination.
St. Louis Republic.
"Did you sco auy Quakers ia Phil
adelphia?'' vra9 a)kcl of a Datrolter
who lately returnel from tht city.
"Only ona that I was sure of." "Did
he thea' and thou' you?" "113 did.
He erot down off his hack' and said: 'If
thee doa't pay me two dollara I'll knock
thy a'amed head off,' ajd I paid, al
though know the re-pal-tr faro was
twelve shiHinnfs: You dou"t want to
fool with those Quakers any, and don't
vou forget it!" Detroit Free Press.
An cng-inoor of tho Comstock mines
reports that while eoonditis some time
rewntiy la tno wutia oi the Sierras, ia
xuiare county, cal., he. came upon an
enormous tree of the eequola species,
which he believes to be the larc-cst on
the continent. Tho party had no rule
with them, but quo of them measured
the giant with his rifle, which i3 four
icet m lcng-tn. iio round it toco forty -four
lengtb.3 of his pun in circumfer
ence at a roint above the ground as-
high as he Could roacli. The top of the
trco has been broken off, but it is 6till
of immense h.;..
Crystal bails containing a stem winding
watch, whose tiny dial is much enlarged b
its spherical envelope, are now to be seen bj
many windows.
A tasteful pattern in a child's ring
of a number of small turquoises, set at equul
distances all around a plain gold band, liav
sng slightly raised edges.
A hollow ball of gold, having stars anr'
caves pierced through th shell and set wit:
yall jcwel makes an ornamental top for
.jle prong ladies' hairpin.
lip Iva lockwood began school teaching ,
wuou sno was it years old. .
Mraa, Vincent, a French woman, has saved ,
twelve persons from drowning.
- Mrs. Ellen Mitchell bas been appointed a
member of tho Chicago board of education.
Miss Daisy Hampton, tho famous Con
federate general's daughter, is a great pedes
trian. Queen Victoria has given $350,000 to St
Catherine's Training hospital for nurses for
London poor.
Lottie Oerak, of St. Louts, has b on
awarded first honors at the Vienna Consei r
atory of Music.
The Duchess of Rutland, a writer on socii '
topics for women, is coming to America to
widen her sphere of observation.
An old musket lately fished out of the Ohio
river bears the letters "D. B.,n and is believed
to have belonged to Daniel Boone.
There are two women in the United States
one in Brooklyn and one in Flint, Mien.
who follow the calling of undertaker.
Mrs. Ralph Waldo Emerson is pictured at
the Alcott memorial services as a bowed,
white haired, and saintly looking woman.
Miss Fuller, a daughter of the nominee for
the chirf justiceship, has just been gradu
ated from Wells Mrs. Cleveland's college.
A bill "to prevent the Rathertrig of wild
flowers' has, (or some unknown reason, been
introduced into parliament by Mr. Shaw
Mrs. Rignold, who died a few days ago at
Birmingham, was the first aetraes to under
take the part of Hamlet. She tried it fifty
years ago.
Miss Rebecca Wright, who gave Sheridan
the secret information by which he won the
battle of Winchester, is now Mr. Bonsai, a
treasury department cler'x in Washington.
Mrs. Frank Leslie U entfmsiastto in her ad
miration of M. Ferdinand de Lessens, who
sallod on her in Paris the other day. She
predicts that he will live to see the Panama
canal finished.
Him. Oabrielle Dumontet is today perhaps
the most distinguished young woman in
France. At the recent examinations in med
icine and surgery under the auspices of tbo
Women's Union of France she gained the
first prize, and was awarded the medal and
l.plonia of honor. Besides being unusually
proficient in her professional and scientific
studies, she is an accomplished linguist, mu
ciou and painter, and a brilliant woman in
octet. j
A French electrician claims tbst he will soon
Toe shle to produce a thunder slonn wherever
and whenever it is dmlrvd.
Leave hope behind.
All ye wb.o enter here!
Bo ran the dire warning which Dante read on
the portal of the Inferno. So run the cruel
verdict of Tour friends if you are overtaken by
the tint svmrtoro of that terrible disease, con
sumption. -lsve hope behind! Your days
are numbered"! And the struggle against death
Is given np in despair. Bnt w hile there I life
there is hope! Dr. Pierce's tSolden Mediral Dis
covery has cured hundreds of case worse than
vours: and It wiUcure yon, if taken in time.
l;ut d-.-lav is Uatigrrons. No power can restore a
wasted Inng: the "Uolden Medical Discovery,"
howevtr, tan and will arrest the distase.
A Franklin county (Neb.) grocer hnson exhib
ition a eneumher at hi place of business that i
six txt iu length.
PKAI.r. The authorship cf the dramatic productions !
SUrthnied to tne last oi me oijove uameu is s'
rating litrrarr citric to th--- very centre, but af
fects the practical masses far less than the mo
mentous quest ion, how to regain or preserve
health, that essential of b-.dlly anil mental ac
tivity, business snecesan-l the "pursuit of hap
piness." We cau throw far more light on this
latter subject than the most profouud fchake
peariau can on the question first propounded.
If thevstem Is depleted, the nerves shaky: if
lndtastion or constipation bother one at time.
or constantly; if the skin is yellow, and the
tongue turrrd as iu biliousues; if there are
premonitory twinges ot oncoming rncnmaiism
or neuralgia: if the kidneys are Inactive e
Hostetter's Motnarh Hitters, the f nest reenpor
ant of an age prolific in beneficial a id success
ful remedies. Remember, if malaria threaten
or afflict, that It neutralizes the poison and the system .
When an Italian avs: "1 loaf," he tnrans that
he loves. That is, he loves to loaf.
White Eleohant of Siam. Lion of Eng
land, llrairoii of China. Cross of Switrrr.
land. Banner of PerMa, Crescent of Egypt
Double Kale of RuHfcia, Star of Chili, Ihe
Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin.
lo cret these buy a box oi the penume
Dr. C. McI.ases Celebrated Liver
Fills, price 5! cents, and mail us the out
side wrapper with jour address, plainly
written, and 4 rents in stamps. We will
then mail you the above Hat with an ele
cant package of oleoxrsphic and chro
matic tarda.
Fleming Bros.. Pittsburg, Pa.
A Fevmour (In4.) man of sixty-one brok
thigh in pulling off a boot.
kea Cl'KED,
John L Wood, of Stratford, Ont,, was
cured of cramps in the leas by wearing
Allcock's Porous Plasters. Mr. Wood
Some three months ajjo I was taken very
nick wl:h Pevere nnin in the small of my
back over tfee kidneys. The pain was ex
cruciating. I applied an Allcock's 1'or
ocs Plaster over the ffecled region and
baa relief almost within an bour. At I lie
same time, in conjunc ion with this
trouble. I bad very great nervous disturb
ance, affecting my legs with cramps so I
could scarceiv sleep. Meeting with such
success with my buck I applied a plaster
under tne knee on earn lez. and tu three
days was completely cured, and have
never been troubled in either way since.
A thoughtful man in Columbus, Ga., has an
ax neatn bis pillow for burglars.
Three Prises of
n. P
Four Holiday Numbers
re in preparation, and will be exceedingly attractive, filled with the specii
work of our favorite writers, and profusely illustrated.
Thanksgiving Christmas New Year's Easter.
These Souvenir Numbers will be sent to Karh Subacrlber.
id The
Has written, especlnlly for
Household Articles will be published frequently, giving useful information in various departments of home
life Cooking, Embroidery, und Decoration of the Home, without and within. The Editorial Page gives
timely articles about current events at lioma and abroad. The Children's Page is always crowded with Stories,
Anecdotes, Rhyates and Puzzles adapted to the Youngest Readers.
ij B3" Specimen Copies and Colored Announcement free. Please mention tAi paper. Address -
y THE YOUTH'S COr1PAI.IOri936 Temple Place, Boston, Mass.
European nations have already ap-
poitionod about 6,500,000 of the 11,
000,000 equate miles of Africa. This
does not leave much for Africa.
TheanntiHt eonampHon of feather! in this
country is iKuimis.
Tennynon in his exqninlte poem, dreama of a
Ioiir profession of lovely women of aes past.
Thin la all very well, but the laureate would Lave
doue tho world a itn-aU'r aorvice If he bod only
told the women of the presont how they could
improve their health and enhance their chimin.
Thin he might eaully have done by recommend
ing the uiw of Ir. I'teree'a Favorite Prcacrlption.
Health is the bext friend of benuty, and the in
numerable UIh to which women are peculiarly
subject, lt worst enemies. Long experience has
proven that the health of womankind and the
Favorite Preacrfptlon" walk hand in hand,
r;id are inn" unralile. It la the on Iv medicine for
v. omen, sold by druRKlstn, unrter a potitirr guar
ai ! f from the manufacturers, that it will give
sntiafHction in every case, or money will bo re
funded. This guarantee boa been printed on
the bottle wrapper, and faithfully carried out
for many years.
The sand blast 1 now ntillzed for cleaning the
dlugy stone walls of buildings.
r.aclt year flnd "Brown' Bronchial
Trarht " in new localities, in various ports of
the world. Kor relieving Coughs, Colds, and
Throat Disease, they have been prcf reliable.
Sold only in boxc.
If afflicted with Bore Eyes, use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. IJraggiata sell it Sc
CimcuM Rnaa Curs
8km ns Btaoa fWssf
HO m r a v ik jrarccE to thb esterm ft
which the Ccticcra Kemk.dikh awe ht-M by
the thousands npon thousands whose live bave
been made happy by the cure of agonizing, hu
miliating;, itching, scaly end p inply di ases of
Ute akin, scalp and blood, with lass of hair.
Cl'TlcfKA, the gieat Skin Care, and Ccrt
Ct'KA ijOAP, an txquirit Skin Bes-utiSer, pre
pared from it, externally, and Cuticuka iiE
solvent. the new Hlocd Purifier, internally,
are a positive care for every form of skin and
blood disease, from pimples to acrofuia
Sold CTi-rTsmrs. Price, CcricCBA, SOc:
8oap, 26c.: KreoLVKN ft. Prepared by the
POTTKRllKt o ind Chkmical Co..BoRton, Mass,
Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases."
t!T ilmplcs, blackheads, chapped and oily 1
tr 5!yn prevented by Cvticcra Soap. t
a PhearnatiMin. Kidney Pains and Weak
li aneas speedily cured by Ci ticvka Antj-
IPais PLAarta. tha only pain-killins plaMer.
J. II. KIWI., Assayrr an el AsrsIytteaU
istBiai, la Dor-story, tut rim St., roruant.
or. y.calj fw made cl all substances.
cod IaIVer on
It ia Palatable &s lflDt.
It ia tires tixes 3 efficacious zi
pldn C:i Liver CI1.
It i3 far superior to t& other e
called Emulsions.
Xt is a proct Inrddcn, does ret
ssparata cr chznga.
rt is wcrdsrfal as a fiesli producer.
It is ti9 fcsst remedy for Cossnmp
ticn, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast
ing Diseases, Chronic Couch and
Sold by alt DruycUtm.
Asthma, t'onsrhm, Co Id a, Crsap, la-
nnenza, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Whsti
Isi-Cona;h. lrOs of Voice, Incipient
CansBmptlen, aad all Throat and.
Lug Troubles.
41 1 taiMiM Street, gu Francisco, Cat.
issued March and Sept,
eaoh rear. It ia an eney.
clopedia of useful inxor.
maMon for all who pur
chase the luxuries or the
necessities of life. Wa
can clothe you and furnish, you with
ell the necessary and unnecessary
appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, s;o to church,
or stay at home, and in various sixes,
styles and quantities. Just fhrure ont
what is required to do all these" thins
COMFORTABLY, and yon can make a fair
estimate of the ralue of the BUYEBS'
GUIDE, which will be sent npon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
U1-U4 Mich fan Arenas, Chicago, Hi
Six Serial
SYsoenvrs: V
Tales of Adventure; Illustrated Articles of Travel; 1,000
and Scientific Articles; Sketches of Eminent Men;
$5,000 in
(1,000 eaoh, three of $750, and three of $250, are offered by the Publishers of Ths Companion for the best
Short Stories. Send stamp for full particulars in regard to the conditions of the offer.
Right Hon.
Tub Comfanion, an article on "The Future of
Millions, of Readers Weekly.
To anr New Pnbscriner who will send ns this slip, with
name and P. O. add re and S1.7S for a rear's subscription to
The Companion, we will aend the paper FREE to Jan. 1, 1889,
and for a full year from that date. ThlsofTcr Includes the FOTTti
ana ias annuau rnemiVM list, wltb fitw
Send money by Pogt-Offlco Money Order, Express Money Order,
A Philadclphlan has paten ted as ice cr-nne
for horaca.
Au old physician, retired from practice, hav
ing had placed in his hand by an East India
missionary the formula of a aim fie vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of
Consumption, ffrouenitls. Catarrh, Asthma,
and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a posi
tive and radical cure for Nervonn Debility and
all Nervous Complaints, after baring tcntwl ita
wonderful curative powers iu thousand of
cases, has felt it bis duty to make it known to
hi auric-ring fellow. Actstated by tbia motive
and a desire to relieve human uftrin!r, I will
aend free of charjre, to all who rh-sire it, this re
cipe, In German, French or EngliBh, with fall
direction for preparing and using, bent by
mail by addressing with istamp, naming thi
Jiapcr, W. A. Naves, W I'uvctr ttock, Voc.Vi
rr, A". Y. --
A combined cradle and roctinR chair has been
Offensive breath vanishes with the use of Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Jteruedy.
Monoeram stocking are said to command as
much a liO a pair.
Tbt Qkexea for breakfmtt.
Eg the Editor of "Problem of Nature."
What and Where Is God ............? 51
Electricity tn Nature -- 2-'-
Can-e and Ore of Disease.... 2.&i
Matjntrin Marriaire. .0
A New Advent of Scientific, Rsligicu-,
ana Historical racts
Philosophy ot Nature.Monthly Journal ayr. 1.00
HI1BR00K & BEAN. 261 Bralwar, H. Y-
7 lVavhiaetoa St- Chicago. 1 1.
UlTfC Bt t-T th!.H1vWt cure
-f SR. ILIDXKT .ml 1 .Alltt Ul!T
late tmp'T proved. erpntM-t. d'-ntif!c p-wi-rui, du
rat! nd ,ve&ectire lUDItlL UU1 IUC BKLT In IU
WORLDu ElcctTta Brapensories f r,-e Hitla BrJU.
Avoid bogus cooipanh-s bibibiit aluws w-d worth
ies Imitation. SUXTR1C 1BCSS1S i'jB BrFTGKS.
t.OOO rami Send damp tor iUaarated pmpt.ict.
V.trii-ilv U'lRISlIEDUU
K.J. Iraliaa, bu? Market rt. . V.
riele Prep, facine Coast Vrnnr li.
ft-Sw than the CVarJ4
Portt. Tid, t'rrrea.
P.-.l-i t ,-::i.:i:--t.;, )
list:-! reputation, -r
...St :?. UCLSOn.
Shorthand, Cm.mua lekooi ixxj f'enm-zniip Depart
mems. ntum-iti Hdnn -f u nt any "ime. tat
lK:e and se-inttis f !c: mi.-tiipent fr-e.
J. k. H KS 4i. S-'r. . I: iUKViiiOMJ. !ria-
E:r g? naa gwea mlr
sal aas!aettoB tn tbe
con of Gonoeriuea mett
Gleet. I prescribe ttand
fed sals in recommend
Inc it to a.l snfferera.
Dscatoe, Ula
Sold tir Dxtisciata,
V. P V.U.Nn. 6) r.v.n.N SM
If You Are Sick
With Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism DTspep
ia, Bilionsness, Blood Humors, Kidney Disease,
Constipation, Female Troubles, Fever and Ague,
Sleeplessness, Partial Paralysis, or Xerrous Pros
tration, use Paine" Celery Compound and be
cured. In each of these the cause is mental or
physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria,
the effect of which is to -weaken the nerrous sys
tem, resulting in co cf these diseases. Benxm
the cacse with that gzzs Kcrrc Tonic, and the
Ezsixr will disappear.
Paine's Celery Compound
Ja. L. Bowes. Springfield, Mas writes
Paine's Celery Cctnpmuid cannot be excelled as
a Nerre ionic la my estse a single bottle
wrooeht a great change STy jservtiijynB entirely
disappeared, and v.-i; fi it tne Tv-Oiiriiiir aifectiao
of the stomach, hoart and lrver. and the whole
tone of the secern was wonderfully invigorated.
I tell my frienits. if tick ss I tare been, Paine's
Celery Compound
Will Cure You!
Fold by dmpxins. $1 ; six fcr SS. Prepared only
by VtLL3, P.icmaedsox i Co., BurLtegtoo, VC
Far the Agsd, Nert'OBS. Debilitated.
Tb giaaaae A ixj
jrCMtmm ta ''S, 1
I-luSiwa fftsriai Ot-
V V OaetsaaaLKTS
Jai uaii. Iti impor
taut that tbe Soda or
Balermtns you use ahoolat
fe Waits and Pnra same
as all aimllar snbatanees
tsad forf ood. Toiarara
btalnlng only tbe "Arm
Etmmer' brand Soda
er aalent is), b jy i t ia
"pound or half pound
artooBS. which bear our
taame and trade-mark, as
Inferior goods are seme
mesubUtuted fost&e
Ana a Hammer brand
when bonght In bnlk.
Partipi tuicg Baking
Powder should remem
ber that Its sole rising
property consist of bfc
arbonats of soda. Ona
teaspoon fnl of the "Arm
at Hammer brand of
Boda or Salerstus mixed ,
with sour milk equals
Packed in Card
Stories 150 Short
Profusely Illustrated by Eminent Artists,
for Short Stories.
The Illustrated Supplements
"Which were rircn with nearly every issue during the last rear, hare become
au important part of the paper, and will be continued.
"o other paper attempts to Rive such a large increase of matter and
illustrations without increase of price.
A paper worth $2.50 for only $1.75 a year.
the English-Speaking Races," which appears in
Check, or Registered Letter.
Jan.! feMxHSS
For Xfc li enmatfsm; V
Prvah Proofs Just Received.
M Tears, SMtarrUl. Chla, In IS. ltlf.
WM Mfcaa with rlwmtUm t Ml; sxSn at
Slate m iac aa4 sm4 roli: Si. JaceM (M
ar4 sw stoat t raan uo; a return.
ota. u rrro.
tl Tears. ColunMj, Ohte, Jm 11.
uta wlta ti is rw an; Mml
till ca rai aK w4 kr St. Jsok oil. K, r.
a. a. hiu.
Crippled Feet. Wubtaru. tn.. star .
fin rttn ac aaS rkraauttia la my UU nU
9 roan, um aaaa. a. 4eo& cu evw
wreeisT ajtb csaltxs. ;
THI 0HABLM A. VOfiELEB CO, BlMlmsrs, .
Diamond Vera -Cura
ZsAitwUoa, Boar-Suaubck, Bartara, Iuh, Si4
SicM,' CoQitrpatLe. F-ilTni after tlg, re4
Xl1e Im th. Moutb aaS 4UrM.W nut
lag. ! HH Mi IrarW-feplTll.
At Drupyltit and Dea'ert or tent by maS 0S re
ceipt of 25 dt. (5 hoze ft .00) ia stamps. &tmfiS
mmt on receipt 4 1-eent Stamp.
C-- GRUB & STimP
irtrntirv 4V
f r1- ' h
- . J V Jl SIL'MFS
- . i " 1
terhri.vo- i
win r.-in i
Hiutm m cla vee? of t r-ra mt .itU&s. A mn. & trf
as4 a hore cea cperau tl. N. fae&.j c h . or U t, audlp.
T.-i- mp oa a Xtrm acre sjb flf Jfw will 7 er t3M Ukdu.
It vlll (ralj ml jh a poaial car ta KKil f -r a& UlaArataJ
ttatoc&e. xfTiAC P' tern mod taMaoaiala. Addraa tt
JAMtS HIL5E SOS, Sco tea firOTe, Iowa.
1st Fremtoms. S3.000 la me.
20 Tears Established. fe
catmted Steel TxmiDe De-
rice, in u-j ia go other l'lin-l. by which oar Piano)
stand in tone SO Tears, good for loo ; not affected
by climate. No wood to split, break, aveli, shriek,
crack, decay, or wear oct ; we guarcotse it. Ele
gant Baeewood Cases, S string, d mbie re;atin;
action; fiaest ivory kevs; tbs ismoa AXTIaFT.fa,
Call er write tor Catalogue, free. T. If. ANTliELi.
f IANOCO., Miaatartore-, Odd Fellow Hail, kUv
Vetand SerestbStreeta, San Fraacisce.
JaiMii'i ii
L.t..l i-Uott I--.-.-.r. i.ier lQ..-a-w.. r. 7vi..2 al
a f P ' '- t do w a. TJie C " I.iti-r, oatai a. Iron tct adrez
3ICIHHHI, BALif. Gather, Rmrrbsii
Ttmasz Knr-t; Qrgaoa. td fnat aii3c. XWsc
av- ot Saee Sltic ul Boca. Kac-ta Btn2iad a
Xan Frtos. MATTKIAJt OUT COl. US res
8taw. Saa Fraceiav
I fK CSaEJSl a T 1 I r ? II .
I - VKa vir4sw arrfllV aJt
msriFSA ooirifortAbki e4eea. SO WAXTLStt lw ic, li
i zEKrann. o ren ina eeri&m ica s. enre is cue
raBca in zsi cxtrahlo curs. A strtfHa tnl coo
Tinces tta nioct ekepttcaL IPtrse 5ftc sod iLO0
! of Any Or&cswt, cr bj m&5. Sample Fre for
KaarTipL Ss. - aJT X ja -TtBt ITW, Sin.
Warranted to color mora foods then any other
dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and
durable colors. Ask for thj Zhcxtmd, and take
A Dress Dyed
A Coat Colored
n j- n i
vuinieiiis nenetYea j CENTS.
x onua can use mem !
Unequalled for b;I Pincy rnd Art Work.
n rw- ; j . , .
WELIS, BiCHAFrf OS & CO, Prers. BcrSastoa. Vt.
four teasp oon fuls of that
beatBaking Powderav
ing twenty timea Hat
eoat, besides being
much heal thiee. becan
tt does not eon tana uy
injariona snbataasoea.
snch as ahim, terra alba
etA, of which many Bait
ing Powder are mad.
Dairymen and Farmers
should use only theAna
k Hammer brand for
cleaning and keeping
Hilk Pans Sweet an
Cau uua. tSea that
arery pound package of
"Arm aad Hammer
Brand contains faia -IS
omneea net, aad th
ft pound packages aa
li i l i net. Soda or
fMeratus same as peoa
Board Boxes. Always keeps SofL
Anecdotes; Historical
Humor; Poetry.
the first jssue in November.
" rl l