She Igriumott f3xm $$. isei evert rBiniv.) il. YrKfRKFATUIOKT" Publishers " tkrms or GuasiTniprisjix One Year Si 00 Sua Mttith , 1 23 Thr Montba 65 ( rayaMe in adYtuice.) TERMS OF ADVERTISISa. (LEGAL) One (ujimre, flrst insertion $2 00 Each addi.ioual insertion 1 50 (LOCAL.) Local Notices, per line 15 centa Kcvular advvrtUenients lusertd upon liberal trms. SOCIETY NOTICES. LEBANON LODGE, NO. 41, A. P. ft A. M.: Meet at their new ball in M.t-vnlo Rlock, on Saturday eveiuuc on or before the fall moon. J WASSON. W. M. LEBATTOS LODGE, NO. 47, I. O. O. F.: Maota Sat urtUj eTeniiijc of ea-h wwk. at Odd Fellnw'a Hall, Main street; visiting brethren ecmlially inTitad to attend. J. J. CHARLTOS, If. U. HONOR LOTtOB NO. SJ. A. O. V. W Itanra, Oregon: Meets every flrat and third Thursday evan inga in the month. F. H. ROSCOE. M. W. A. R. CYRUS A. CO., Real Estate, Insurance & Loan Agent. General Collection and Notary Public Banlnrss Promptly Altrnde to. M. N. KECK. DESIGNER AND SCULP.T.OR, M invif Acturtr of Nonnments and Heaattoaea, AND ALL KIXOS OF CEJIF.TEBT WORK FINS MONXTMEXT3 A 8rECIALTY. Opp. IUr House, ALB ANT, OREGON. SAW M ILL FOR SALE. A Double Circular "Water Power Saw Mill, Near Letoiiori, Oi. Capacity about 500 " feet per day. Also, acres of land on which the sawmill is located. iEfcio:E, $a,ooo Also I are a large stock of FIRST QUALITY LUMBER At lowest market rates for cash. ii. IV. WIIKELEB. Lebanon. Or. WINTER Artistic Photographer, BROWNSVILLE, OR. Enlarging from Small Pictures. In stautaneous Process. WORK WARRANTED. G. T- COTTON, .PEALEIt rsr Groceries and Provisions, TOBACCO t CIGARS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, CONFECTIONERY. Claeensware and Glassware, Idiaps and Lamp Fixtures. Mala St.. Lebanen, Oregon. ST. JOHN'S HOTEL Sweethome, Oregon, v JOHN T. DAVIS, Proprietor The table 1 supplied with the very best the market affords. Nice clean beds, and satisfaction guaranteed to all guests. Ia connection with the above house -TO II IV DONACA Keeps a Feed and Sale Stable, and will accommodate tourists and travelers with teams, guides and outfits. BURKHART & BILYEU, yroprietors of the Livery, Sale and Feefl StaMes LEBAOX, OR, Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman. Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har ness and GOOD RELIABLE HORoES For parties going to Brownsville, W terloo, Sweet Home, Scio, and all parts of Linn County. All kinds of Teaming DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. BUBKH ART & BILYEU VOL. II. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Was There n Duel lu the Park? Consternation was caused among the park police of New York by the receipt of a note that two pociety young men were to light a duel during the night over a young society woman, in Central park. All ciheers wire told to look vigilantly for the ducli-t? throughout the night, and arrest any suspected persons. An ollicer found in a st eluded place near the west drive and opposite Ninety-tecond street, early in the morning, two bloodstained handkerchiefs, clots of blood and a cheap pistol. All hospitals were searched for persons who arrived dur ing the night with gun or pistol shot wounds, and inquiries were made among physicians and drug stores in the neighborhood, lut without result. The police think they have been made game of, and are further perplexed as reporters came in to ask for informa tion five minutes after the things were rectived. It was an unusual visit at such an eariy hour. Department Rnllnti. The Treasury Department having been informed by the Collectcrof Cus toms of Saa Francisco of the result of the trial in the United States Court, wherein J. P. Ames and ethers secured judgment awarding them $375 55 collected from them by Col lector Hager for services and expenses of an Inspector of Customs sent to Port Costa to cemnt and inspect graiu bags manufactured in the United States from foreign material, which were exported rilled with grain from San Francisco, and ou which the man ufacturer claims a drawback, has in structed the Collector to take the necessary steps to pay the judgment. He is also instructed to discontinue the practice of exacting such fees and expenses iu investigations to cstabli.-h the right to the drawback on such bags, and i3 requested to furnish the department with a certified list of such fees and expenses collected by him since the commencement of the suit. The Strike at Indianapolis. The strike of railroad switchmen taking an ug!y phase in Indianapolis. Not a sikgle switch engine in the city was moved. In the freight yards everything is in confusion. Morning trains were abandoned half made up, cr net made up at all. In all the yards business was at a complete standstill. Iu several places the engineers ami fiieaien, or other employes pressed in to eeivice, tried to go su with the work, but the strikers interfered and successfully prevented the departure of any trains. The engineers and firemen saa in symoalhy with the swichmen, and made no attempt to man thtir engines. In nearly every iusts-cce they quit work, ran their en gines to thtir stalls and drew the fire when the switchmen requested it. All forenoon strikers hove been going from one yard to another and warning ap plicants for work that if they under took to touch switch engines thev would be handled roughly. The offi cers of the road called for police pro tection, and an effort will be made to start out new crews. Interested Railroads Trying to Remedy Some of the Existing- fcrils. The committee appointed at the conference of representatives of the Transcontinental and Central Traffic Associations and trunk lines, at St. Louis, to remedy the existing evils on Pacific coast business, reported that the condition which unfavorably af fected the revenues from east bound passenger traffic from the Pacific coast were attributable to the fact that the representatives on the cosst improp erly received and disbursed funds for the purpose of securing business. As the Eastern lines are desirous of bet tering the conditions under which such trofiic exists at present, it is probable some action will be taken ere long, on on the recommendation of the com mittee that all lines adopt euch restric tions as would secure uniform action, and that each association take up the subject and consider it separately. Any association sgreeing upon uni form rules will doubtless receive the co-operation of all the others. Bled in a Foreign Land. Word has been received in New York of the recent death in Cannes, France, of Andrew J. Baker, a wealthy banker of Tacoma, W. T. Baker left for France with his wife about a year ago, and before his departure called on Joseph B. Braman, attorney at 120 Broadway, and had his will drawn, leaving as heirs two sons mar ried daughter. One of these sons, Leslie C. Baker, when last heard from, eight years ago, was a barkeeper in Detroit. His whereabouts is at pres ent unknown. Of Interest to Cannery men. A verdict was rendered by the jury in the United States circuit court that is said to involve the collection of mil lions of dollars in royalties annually from canm-rs of fruit, salmon and other commodities in the United States for nee of a soldering iron. The case was made a test. The parties were Lewis Mc Murray and others against George It. WeiKn, canned goods manufacturer, of Somerville, Mass. The verdict was at the rte of $18 75 per 1,000 cans on which the soldering iron was used by defendant. This decision, it is said, will open the Way to suit against a majority of the fruit canners of the country. The length of pipe laid in Paris for the distribution of power by com pressed air already exceeds thirty miles. The compressing engines are tf three thousand horse-p'wer, ' and about three million cubic feet of air are compressed daily to a pressure, of eighty pounds per square inch, at an expenditure of fifty tons of coal. The Russian Empire, with a popu lation nearly double that of the United States, contains but four cities having more than 200,000 inhabitants St. Petersburg, Moscow, Warsaw and Odessa. There were at the last cen sus but thirty-six cities having a pop ulation of more than 50,000. All the cities of the Empire tohether contain barely more than one-eighth of the population. PACIFIC COAST NEWS. Farmers in the Palouse are happy over the recent rains. A Chilian employed at the Tacema mill fell dead Monday last. A cow killed at Chelatchie, Clarke county, W. T., dressed 912 pounds. At Cheney there are no vacant houses and constant demand forthtm. Wheat is worth 65 cents a bushel at Cheney, sacked, at the elevator. The new foundry at Colfax began work November 10. Tacoma has a new company of ca dets, 15 members already, 15 to 17 years old. The Tom Faine is turninh out large quantities of $40 ore. The Worley mine at Robinsonville will be operated all winter. Many new companies will operate in Baker county next season. The Pandora at Huntington is giv ing great encouragement to its owners. Miners are happy with the prospects cf a large water supply the coming season. Mose Saxon, of the Pantheon sa loon, Colfax, fell off a bridge and broke his left arm. At Va-WaiVai, on Snake river, J. B. Holt grew a sweet potato that weighed 12 pounds. Uniontown is to have a distillery. The company is organized and it will soon be running. Over fifty men arrived at Farming ton, W. T., in cue day. Hotels crowded and restaurants. The Tacoma jail has thirteen prie oners in six cells. Criminals iacrease as fast as the town. Stockmen in Umatilla county com plain of short grass and hard frosts make it shorter. Little Georgia Roder, of Brook field, Clatsop county, ia iu the hospital with a broken bone. Charles Cowan lita been bound over at Salem charged with a bestial crime and tut furnishing $ 700 bail is in the county jail. Tacoini i-j to have a street railway of the ekctric motor sort, run with n wire over the track. They are said to work well. P. J. Smith, one of the most promi nent farmers of Squawk, was prob ably fatally hurt by the breaking cf a hay press. Two new anchcrs and buoys are on the way from San Francisco for Ta-co-vsl harbor. The anchors weigh 5,100 pounds each. Several valuable horses have died near Sherman, Lincoln county, of a new and unknown disease, which seems to affect the lungs ot mares only. The new tug Sea Lion is soon to ar rive from San Francisco to engage in the Ptiget Sound business. She is one of the most powerful tug3 on the coast. The Cornwall Company, at What com, will push the railro I over the Cascades ; also will build to promising eo.l beds on the Jiooksack early in the spring. The Farmington Register tells how L. Dcr.Bou uicked a quarrel with one Barnum, a werking man, and got knocked dowu. He tried to thoot Barnum and got into jail for it. John Lochfelm fell off a train and had his fingers crushed so that ampu tation was necessary. He was in charge of a car of stock going from Chehalis to Tacoma. He nearly died from cold and exhaustion before he was found. The new mill of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company, will be of colossal size, being ju.J twice the length of the present bidding, and will have a capacity of 600,000 feet of lumber per day, being the largest out put of any lumber company on the coast. Messre. Harris and Young, owners of the Tom Paine mine, now have seventeen men on their pay roll. Their Salmon mill has been kept run ning on very rich ore for the past sev eral weeks until the late cold weather froze up their water power, which compelled them to order an engine and boiler from Portland, which will arrive in a few days. This will enable them to keep their mill running all winter. William McCloud, living five miles west of Pullman, with his family, got up at 5 o clock as usual, went out and did not return. He was found hang ing by the neck to a beam in an old barn a mile away. The pains he took to splice old rtrpes and leather straps to hang himself by, and the fact that it broke once and he tried the second time, show it wa a elehberate suicide He was to move into a new house iu Pullman that week. He was very dyspeptic and had severe spells of sickness. Theresa Barados, of Oakland, Cal., is seeking divorce fiom Francisco Bar ados, on grounds of cruelty. The latter was married in 1846, and is now the father of twenty-two children, eighteen of whom are boys and four girls. He came to this country and i-ettied in San Leandro, where the mother of the twenty-two children died. He again married, and now his present wife says it is hard enough to take care of his little family without being abused and beaten by him. There are 3,060 women telegraph operators in Englani earning any where from $800 to $1,000 a year. The telegraph being a branch of the Civil Service in England, it is necessary for them to pass a competitive examina tion before employment is given them. The Empress of Japan is rapidly becoming one of the best informed women of her time. She is a hard student of German, Russian, French and Italian, and it is said that Her Majesty has certain days of the week upon which Japanese is a forbidden language. EBANON LEBANON, OREGON, AGRICULTURAL. Turn the sod under after frost ap pears if you wimIi to kill out the cut worms. Winter oata grow in Virginia and are seeded down in the fall. It might pay to try a small plot in this section. Cooked clover, and the mess thick ened with ground oits, makes an ex cellent addition to the food of the brood sow. Cold frames can bo used for forcing some of the hardy plants in winter. Early cabbage and lettuce are grown in this maniier. Mix wood ashes, cinder and gravel together for your garden walks, and run a roller over it after each rain un til it is well packed. The best varieties of early raspber ries are the Tyler and Souhegan. The Ohio and Mammoth Cluster are ex cellent late varieties. In feeding grain to poultry it is bet ter to vary it, allowing wheat and oats as well as corn. Cooked potatoes make an agreeable charge for laying hens. Plant your trees, vines, etc., th;s falL Do not postpone the work until spring. If you cannot possibly plant this fall, get the trees now and heel until epring. W aterraelons for the Christmas tlinner are not an impossibility. It is said that they will keep peifectly if put away in a mow of well cured hay, free from dampuess. Sweet potatoes will fatten a pig linn will com. The fmall tubers cm le used as well as those that miy be damaged by cojkiug them for that purpose. Here ia a good health mixture for hogs : Or.e bushel of charcoal broken into small pieces, a eck of wood ahc3 and twelve bushels of salt. It h computed that this year's corn crop, if loaded fer railroad shipment, would fill 2 878,571 car and make a train that would reach 16,449 miies, or two-lhirda the way around the world. If mice ate troublesome they can often be easily got rid of by soaking wheat in a good solution of arsenic and burying it at the reots of trees where the mice will be likely to find it. Iu France whitewash is used to pro tect the frame and interior cf build ings from fire. The learns, joists and uuder side of floorings being thickly coated with a lime-wash before they are placed ia position. Now is t'tie time to secure rami if early lambs oi the mutton breeds are desired next -spring. Sheep should iH,t be too at this season if intended for breeding purpescs. Dry pasture is better for them than Leavy grain feeding. It is a curiouB fact that wasps nests sometimes take fire, as is supposed by the chemical action of the wax upon the material cf which the nest is com posed. Undoubtedly many fires of unknown origin in hay-stacks and farm buildings may tbm be accounted for. The wells on the farm should be cleaned out every fall. Despite all precautions but few wells are free from toads. It is not safe to wait until the water becomes affected before clean ing, but ilo it now, before the late rains come on, bo as to render the work easier. Good cider vinegar is always salable, and it pays to convert the surplus ap ples into cider for the purpose of mak ing vinegar. The artificial vinegar can be used for choice pickles and other purposes for which good cider vinegar only is adapted, and does not, therefore, largely compete with. Don't try to crowd fifty hens into a poultry-house suitable for only twenty five, aa the larger the crop the fewer the eggs proportionately, unless they have ierfect accommodations. As a rule, small flocks give a larger profit from the s-une outlay than when num bers are kept that can not be properly provided for. Place your manure heap under cover so as to be able to work it over in winter. Rains should never fall on the manure at any eeason. It is of great advantage to turn over the heap iu winter, create heat and thereby de compose the materials, in order to render them fine and in gool condi tion to spread ou the land in epring. In storing apples a free circulation of the air through the barrel will be of advantage. The fruit should be kept in a cool place, but should be be yond the reach of frost. Only sound apples should be used, as the slightest touch of decay on a single apple will sometimes cause the whole to rot. While the work can be done before the ground freezes, a large supply cf dry dirt should be 6towed for winter use. It is an excellent absorber and deodorizer and is cheap. On the stable floors, in the pig-pens and on damp places occupied by stock, it answers in place of more expensive materials. Land plaster is slightly soluble in water, and therefore stives immediate results on the crops that feed largely on lime, such as clover, beans, peas and other legumes. About one hun dred pounds of plaster per acre on yotftig clover is sufficient, and if used in connection with wood ashes it is one of the cheapest fertilizers known for grass crops. Hard grains can be fed to ducks ex clusively if fed very carefully. But ducks are voracious eaters, and when in confinement there is great danger of overeating. This means crippled feet or legs sooner or later. If fed on soft food composed largely of ban, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, .1888. vegetables and meal, there is not much daner of overeating, and it is better for the bird. An English farmer who has been in vestigating the caterpillar pest, which has proved so elestructive to the fruit and nut crops in Kent, has concluded that the spawn which produced the caterpillars was deposited by the swarm of butterflies which swept the coast last autumn, and which weie sup posed to have been driven over the continent by the storms. H. Hendricks, of Ulster county, N. Y., writes that ho has found very sat isfactory results in close pruning of grapes. List summer he stopped the rampant growth of the canes by prun ing each one at two leaves from the last cluster of fruit, and pinching off every lalterel to but one leaf. The re sult in amount and quantity of fruit was eminently satisfactory. Au Ohio min answers an inquiry as to how a cow can be cured of kick ing, thus: Take a surcingle of suffic-i - tw just ... uuuv ui iui uag nuu nips; oraw it genny out urmiy. toucan then sit down and milk auietlv. After rpnest ing this a few times, draw the eurcin gle lightly, but, if she persists in kick ing, draw it tightly. In time the will lrir 1111 th c.ltiLeeit " je4 The color of the Log seems to be a matter of importance. Experiments j show that, contrary to expectation, a I black hog, such as the Essex r.hd ! Berkshire, thrives b?st in the South, I whilT the white breads, such as the I Chester White, Yorkshire and Cheshire! cm T.' f0""-, T,';e rf""-1 Red are preferred in the Western Mates. Raspberries will thrive on almost any well drained soil of mo.lerate rishnew, but wet land is always iujur ious and often fatal to them. Harrow m mill and fiae and plant deep. Pl.tnt iu lat fall or earlr snrinir. in Kirdll.t lroas stvtn feet aoart. with bisidi-a three feet apart in tin row. If planted li'.e iu the fpriog, teuar rhoots are liable to retard future growth. For itie Ept season give dean culture, and, f desirable, other crous may ba grown among them without injury. Prof. A. J. Cock, of the Michigan Agricultural College, says his plan is to keep only large, fine mares to do his work on the farm. Those that are half percheron will do, though those of three-quarter or seven-eighths blood will be better. These high grade percheron are fine walker J, and to brerk them it isonlv neeesiarv tn bWfb mem in at mrce years 01 age and lo working them. The fall r-olts are ... it vaiuinic, ana can be raised at a profit TT a . . . . . - - He says he is delighted with his plan. It is the verdict everywhere that creameries stimulate farmers to keep more and better cows. Mr. J. II. Hale says that where creameries have been located many of the brush pastures have been cleared up within the past few year?, and he notices that more of this work is going on this season than ever before. He is often shown farms that before the days of creameries kept from three to five cows that are now keeping from eight to twenty. Now is the time to get rid of the poorer animals. It will not pay to winter them, as better animals will give larger returns and feed. It is not economy to keep a poor animal through any season, but it is most extravagant to keep it through the winter. It is the height of folly in stock-raising to sell the best and keep the worst. True, the best bring the largest prices, but if you sell the best and keep the worst soon your best will be no better than your worst U now, and your worst will be such that the more you have the poorer you will be. You, by this plan, constantly make your animals poorer, and as the stock-raiser makes his animals poorer he makes himself poorer. If he keeps up the process bankruptcy is as sure as fate. Tiie opposite policy is the winning policy. A prominent woman lawyer of Ohio is Miss Florence Cronise, of Tiffin. She has been in active practice for fifteen years, and has secured a com petence aud a large list of clients. - The Chinese Government has re fused an English firm permissisn to set up cotton cleaning machinery in that country. The decision is made that foreigners have no right to start manufactories on soil. Panama is to have a street railway. The builder has been granted a fran chise for fifty years, during which time he is to pay a privilege tax of 2J per cent, of the net profits of the road. At the end of that time the road and all appurtenances revert to the municipality. R. Kondo, of the Mining Univer sity of Japan, said to be the wealthiest Japanese outside of the Royal family, and the operator of sixteen gold, silver and copper mines, is about to visit the Lake Superior mineral region to ob tain a knowledge of the mining ma chinery used in this country. The Chinese frequently place little metal idols within the shells of mul lusks, removing them several years afterward covered with a substance resembling pearl ; they also lay strings of small pearls separated by knots in side of the shells, and on taking them out, after a lapse of some years, ob tain large and costly pearls. The Steel Car Company is said to be constructing a tiro-proof steel car at Boston, which will contain nothing that can burn except the upholstery, and even that is constructed of unin flammable material. Not only im munity from fire, but an increase in strength, a decrease in the liability to telescope and diminish dead weight are expected to be some of the good features of the new car. Still at Large. Wm. Wilson, the gambler who killed Frank Robinsom over a game of cards, at Los Angeles, Cal., is still at large. Portland Market Report. WHEAT Valley, 81 40$1 42i Walla Walla, $1 321 35. BARLEY Whole, $0 851 00; ground, per ton, 320 002l 60. OATS Milling, 3234c. ; feed, 28 30c. HAY Baled, $1013. SEED Blue Grass, 1215c.; Tim othy, 78c; Red Clover, H12J. FLOUR Patent Roller, $5 00; Country Brand, $4 50. EGGS Per doz, 30o. BUTTER Fancy roll, per pound, 25c; pickled, 22125c: inferior grade, 2022j3. CHEESE Eastern, 13Jc; Ore gon, 1314c; California, 14c. VEGETABLES Beets, pr sack, fl 00: cabbage. rer lb., lc. : carrnta. persk.,$ 75; lettuce, per doz. 10c; onions, $ 85; potatoes, per 100 lbs., -a-. , rauumes, per aox., 102Uc. ; rhubarb, per lb., 6c HONEY In comb, per lb.. 18c: strained, 5 gal. tins, per lb. 8Jc. POULTRY Chickens, per do.. 13 004 00; ducks, per doz f5 00Q ?j0O; geese, $6 007 00: turkeys, per lb., 12c. PROVISIONS Oregon hams, 12c P" Eastern, 1516c; Eastern VoeRVtMl bacon 12c- Pr lb. ; Oregon 5 Eastern lard, 10llfc per Ib' ; r-Sn, 10c. GREEN FRUITS Anr,U S fin 4 f Sidf "i7m.,Apt!Xo S 6 00; Riverside, $5 00; Mediterra- nean, $4 25. DRIED FRUITS Sun dried ap ples, 4c. per lb. ; machine dried, 10 11c; pit less plums, 7c,; Italian prunes, 1012c; peaches, lOlQllc: raisins, $2 4032 50. HIDES Dry beef hides, 1213c; culls, 637c; kip and calf, 10Ql2c; Murrain, 10 12c; tallow, 44ic. WOOL Valley, 1518c; Eastern uregon. lwloc LUMBER Rough, per M, $10 00; edged, per M, $12 00; T. and G. sheathing, per 31, $13 00; No. 2 floor ing, per M, $18 00; No. 2 ceiling, per M,fi3 00; No. 2 rustic, per M, $18 00; clear rough, per M, $20 00; clear P. 4 S, per M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, per M, 22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M, ?22 50; No. 1 rustic, per M, $22 50; stepping, per M, $2o 00; over 12 inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40 rui CO (in. I. .1. . r . frt i t , , V wLl A A T M' 2 25; I IX I. mar 2.1 r.fl li lath, er M. $i 50 COFFEE Quote Salvador, 17c, Costa Rica, 1320c; Rio, 1820e.; Java, 27$e. ; Arbuckle's's raasted,22c MEAT Beef, wholesale, 2,3c ; dressed, 6c ; sheep, 3c ; dressed, 6c. ; hogs, dressed, bj7c; veal, 57c BEANS Quote small whites, $4 50; pinks, $3; bayes, $3; butter, $4 50; Lirnas, 4 50 per cental. PICKLES Kegs auoted steady at $1 35. SALT Liverpool grades ol fine quoted $18, $19 and $20 for the three sites; stock salt, $10. SUGAR Prices for barrels; Golden C.6c. ; extra C, 6c. ; dry granulated 7gc. ; crushed, fine crushed, cube and powdered, 7c. ; extra C, 6c; halves and boxes, ic. higher. Important mining operations are being carried on in the Arctie Circle. Crysolite is mined in Greenland and shipped to Philadelphia for making candles. Extensive copper mines hive been worked for a long time in Fin land. John L. Sullivan is only twenty nine years of age. It is sa:d that he has made and spent $300,000 in the last three years, and now, with an im paired constitution, and a weakened right arm, he once more faces the problem of life. Two Kinds of Sqaeeie. "Jaraee," said the father of the family, sternly, "your school reports have been any thing bnt favorable this term. I suppose you failed in your examination as usual r 'J?o, sir," protested the boy, "I passed, but it was a tight squeeze." "Laura," continued tho father, turning to his oldest daughter, "I think I heard voices in the ball late hist evening. I have told you repeatedly not to let that young man stay titer than 1 i o'clock." "It was just tl o'clock when he left, father." "That's so," testified James, coming to the relief of his sister. "I was at the top of the RUi-T. ay tutl saw him go. He got away at 11 o'clock, tot it was a tight squ" "James I" shieked Laura. Chicago Tri bune Hereditary. In on Italian garrison there was a private soldier named Ugoliuo. Oue of the officers took the soldier asido one day and asked him: "Arc ycu a descendant of the famous Count Ugoliuo, about whom Dante wroteF "No," replied the soldier, "all ray ances tors were poor people." "I refer to Count Ugolir.o who was starved to death with his sons in tho tower of Pisa." "If ho didn't get enough to eat, very likely ho was on ancestor of mine after all," ro plied the honest soldier. Texas Siftings. At the Seaside. lorothy But, Herman, I can't answer you now. I I give me time to think be fore I reply. Herman (with rapturous passion) Cer tainly, ray own angel. Bat don't make it too Ion.;, because it costs me $5 a day at this beastly hotel. Washington Critic. A- You say your brother is a lawyer and that he never told a lie. B I said that his mouth never ut tered a lie. A. Humph Perhaps your brother Is dumb ? B. No, but his mouth never uttered a lie because he talks through his nose, lie attends principally to winding- up estates. Texas Sifting. Never intentionally wound the feelings of a human being. Never talk or laugh aloud tn public places or upon the street. Never forget that vulgarity has its origin in ignorance or selfishnetis. NO. 38. PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. Jay Gould allows his daughter $25 a week for pocket money, most of which she spends in charity. Baron Reuter, the telegraph kir. of Europe, keeps a secretary whose sole business it is to investigate and relieve cases of distress. Since his interview with Mr. Par nell, Mr. Gladstone has expressed him self with much admiration for the Irish leader's personal qualities and polit ical sagacity. A g-entleman residing in Bath, Ms., recently gave an account of a trip he took thirty-five years ago front Bath, Me,, to Peoria, HL, which cost him $141.50. The same trip can be taken now for $.15. President Cleveland, ilr. Blaine, Speaker Carlisle, Senator Ingalls, Warner Bliller and Congressman S. S. Cox are a few of the men prominent in public life who began their careers as school teachers. Mayor Hewitt paid for his first trip to Europe out of the proceeds of a years school teaching. Mrs. Leland Stanford's jewels are valued at a round million dollars. Her diamond necklace is the finest in the United States, and possibly in the world. It cost seventy-four thousand dollars, and consists of large, "blue tint" solitaires. Besides this she has several pairs of magnificent solitaire earrings and enough other precious stones to fill a quart measure, It is said that the Princess Maud of Wales carefully collects in the yards of th Sandringham House and in those of Windsor. Balmoral and Os borne all the peacocks' feathers, and begs them also from her young friends of the English nobility. With this plumage without cost, she makes pret ty hand-screens and sells them at the bazaars for the profit of poor little children. It has been discovered that nearly every Colorado statesman has red hair. Ex-Govcrnor Grant has a Titian top. 'Jim" Belford was a shining light in Congress owing to his brilliant hair. Representative Symes. his successor, has a head which Is said to look "like an angry sunset across a field of car rots." Ex-Senator Tabor's hair has a reddish tinge. Minor Colorado politi cians show the same remarkable char acteristic Charles Crocker, who left an estate of $25,000,000. was never so happy, it is said, as when enjoying the fan his wealth enabled him to get out of his fellow millionaires. It is told of him that he enjoyed with the keenness of a boy the sport of running up the price of a picture or bit of bric-a-brac that another millionaire was bidding on, and that he was equally well pleased if the other had to pay a big round sum for it or if it was knocked down to himself. "A LITTLE NONSENSE. A new novel has lately been pub lished in raised letters for the use f the blind. It is said to evoke a great deal of feeling. Terre Hav.te Express. A good housewife never opens the condensed milk can with her husband's razor, nor will a loving husband eurry the horse with the nutmeg grater. V. I". Evening Sun, A man that marries a widow is bound to give up smoking and chew ing. If she gives up her weeds for him, he should give up the weed for her. 5. Lotti Humorist. "' Oh. when does toe honeymoon end, leU me, pray. And the gall show itself on the boneyr " The honeymoon enits, 1 believe, on the- day When the wife says she mcst have some money." Boston Courier. Citizen "What are you doing with that man?"' Policeman "I've just arrested him." Citizen "But he's as deaf as a post." Policeman "He'll get his bearing befeire the mag istrate," Harper's Bazar. Lady of the house (shivering) Has the furnace gone out, Bridget?"' Bridget "I think not, mum; I've been at the gate all the evening; with a gen tleman friend of mine, an' it didn't go by me, I'm sure." Merchant Traveler. A magazine writer tells us that there are only 6,000 stars visible to the naked eye, but any uneducated man who ever ran his nose against the cellar door in the dark knows that there are at least four times as many as that. Somerrilh Journal. Exasperated mother- "You good for nothing Tittle brats! You made so much noise I couldn't hear myself speak when Mrs. Smith was here. Which one of you shall I spank first ?" Tommy "Take Emma, Ladies are always served first-" Texas Siftings. Doctor (who has been taking a dispensary patient's temperature) "Now, my good woman, how do you feelf" Patient (eyeing the thermome ter with considerable awe) "Much better, thank ye. Sure an' that's a wonderful thing that'll help a body so quick ! Judge. Churchly "I gave Deacon Snap per $10 this morning: for the Kangaroo Mission Church in Homicide alley." Mrs. Churchly "O. Arthur! how good you are; I wish I could do something for the mission." Churchly "Wait till they start the foundation, my dear, and then you can contribute some of that angel cake of yours for the cor ner stones." LowcU Citizen. "Do you see how proudly the woman walks" "I do. Is she a mil lionaire?"' "Oh, no. It would bother her husband to raise $500 in cash." "But she can't be proud of her beau ty?" "No." "Then what is it?" "She has made thirty tumblers of jelly this all. and not one of her neighbors has :ade over rii;ea. She has a right to old up her nose," Detroit Free Press. These are days of real suffering and genu ine agony for the silly women who are "laced to death." The latest arrangement in Paris for a wedding at home is a floral unbreUa, under which tho nappy pair stand. The latest wrinkle in manners Is this: To show great politeness advance one step and bow; to show the reverse sentiment draw back a step and bow. "No gifta, reads a foot note on the invita tion cards to a wedding in New York. The bride explained by saying that she did not want her marriage made a donation party. JOB PRINTING. Evezj tleacriptioB il Joi) Mim Doiio on EliErt Kciies. Legal Blanks. Business Cards, ' Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Circulars, Pesters, Etc, Exacated In food Ktyle ami at lowest living prloei. BEAUTIFUL HANDS. WhatTbey Are and Mow Every One Can r Acqalre Them, Eealiy beautiful .- Lander are rarely seen; hands white, smooth and shapo ly, whoso finger-tips curve upward like th'e pink petals of an opening rose, and whose dainty nails, are polished like the heart of a blushing sea shell. Such hands had the lovely Queen of Prussia and they may sometimes be seen among us, but are more rare than almost any other physical charm. A wnall hand is not necessarily at tractive, proportion being one of the chief elements of beauty; but the per fect member must be a trifle long.with gently tapering fingers. Such are the hands that we ascribe to poetic and sensitive people, idealists in art or character. Haavy hands with thick, -square-topped fingers could never be long to such, dreamers, but are as sure ly the sign cf a prosaic nature. The hands should be slightly rounded, thi thumb reaching half way up the first finger, the middle one extending a nail's length beyond the first, the third about half a nail's length shorter than the middle finger, while the fourth, should reach the second joint of its neighbor. Tho skin shjuld be soft and Ceo, the lines almost impercepti ble, and the whole hand should be ex quisitely supple. It is probably use rather than na ture that makes most bands so very unlike this ideal, for though few are perfect in shape and some are hope lessly coarse in texture, for the most a great improvement is possible. Smoothness and dainty cleanliness ean be preserved and cultivated; stainless tips and polished nails cost little hut some minute3 of time. With them no hand can fail to be pleasing, even though it may never serve as an art ist's model; so nose need display the almost universal blemishes except they be engaged in the roughest labor. Nearly all housework can be done in gloves, which, though they seem a lit tle troublesome at first, can soon be worn without inconvenience. Espe cially in sweeping and dusting are they useful to protect the skin from dirt and hardening, and in these exer cises they are not in the way. But during sleep they can always be worn, care being taken not to have them too tight, as that would disturb circu lation. Nothing is more certain to improve the band than the slight sweating thus se cured. Ie whitens, softens and renders it more supple. In addition there are creams and pastes to be ap plied, many cf whieh are excellent. The following recipe has been taken from the French: Yelk of fresh eggs, 2 scruples; sweat almond oil, 2 table spoonfuls; rose, water. 1 ounce; tinc ture of benzoin, 36 grains. Beat the yelks up with the oil, and add. suc cessively the rose water and the tinc ture. Put this inside the gloves and sleep in them. Above all, wet the hands as little as possible. Wash them in tepid water with a little borax and mild soap, and never omit to dry them thoroughly after washing. " The care of the nails is of prime im portance, A brush should always be used, and if not sufficient to remove the stains that so easily gather there are acids that will complete the work. Some people use lemon juice forthi3 purpose If they are then brightly polished they will be so much im proved that the effort will seem well spent. Preparations for this use are now quite common, but another is suggested. This consists of equal parts of cinnabar and pulverized em ery, rubbed on with a small sponge. Then a little oil of bitter almonds may be passed over them to still further enhance their luster. This care will be sufficient to give any woman a pair of attractive hands. Chicago News. Good Whether It Cures or Not. Self-massage is recommended as a cure for dyspepsia. The method is: First thing in the morning and last thing at night rub the abdomen down the left side and the right in a round circle, also rub down -the breast ; now paee across the room once or twice, and then snap the lower limbs, like a whiplash, for exercise. Now twist the lower limbs, first on one side, then on the other, and rock upon the toes. Now for the lungs and abdomen; first take in half breath, then exhale all the air possible, then fill the lungs to their full capacity, walk 'across the room and back, at " the same time throwing the arms back. " Now in a ' half breath send out every particle of air till you see the abdomen working like a bellows, and you will soon be come a deep breather. For more ex tended practice in deep breathing the morning before rising is a good time, providing there is full ventilation and the air inside is as pure and fresh as that on the outside. In the winter time before a good fire wash the hands and wet the back of the neck, arms and lower limbs slightly, and rub down with a coarse towel. This Is sufEcient for a beginner, but the chronic dys peptic needs mora extensive exercisa. United Presbyterian. Five tablespoonfuls of milk and one cup of granulated sugar will make an excellent frosting if flavored with lemon or vanilla, boiled five minutes and then beaten hard until it is both stiff and cool enough to spread en the cake.. The great advantage of this frosting is that it ia economical and that it can be cut as soon as thor oughly cold. It is very ftice with chocolate or cocoanut stirred in it, and at this season, when eggs are apt to be stale, is preferable to the old 'ashioned kind. Detroit Tribune. Never urge another to do anything against his desire unless you see danger before huso. Do not ask another to do what yon would not be glad to do under similar circum stances. Never omit to perform a kind act when it can be done with any reasons!)! amount of exertion. Do not make witticisms at the expense of others which you would not wish to have made upon yourselves. Remember that good manners are thoughts filled with kindness and refinement and then translated into beliaviar. Be not ostentatious in dress or deportment ; nothing can be more vulgar: See tliat co tumes fit the time and occosiour v. a."W .4 4