J s,egtsbaidii Express; 4 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1SS8. LOCAL AND GENERAL. ''How's your arm?" Salem will have struct cars running Ly January 1. Attend the union Thanksgiving ser vices at the C. P. Church. The next session of the Oregon Leg islature will convene at Salem January 14th. It is estimated that Democrats of Oregon tost over $250,000 in betting on t he election. Mr. F. E. Rolierta, who has leen at Palouse City, W.T., for several months, has returned to Lebanon. Mr. F. J. Ilendriekson has bought a lot from Rev. J. It. Kirkpasrick and is having a dwelling erected on the same. Man,- had a liitle lamp Killctl ftiU of kerosene: She vent with it to litrlit the nr?. And hasn't since " nenzinc." Mr. Frank Ballard came up from Portland last Saturday evening and stayed over Sunday at his home in Lebanon. Quite a number of emigrant families have come to Lebanon and vicinity this fall, and we hear of a good many more who are coming. A dance will be given at Union hall on Thanksgiving evening. Supper at the St. Charles hotel. Tickets, includ ing supper, ?1 50. Everybody invited Young Janeway, who robbed the mails at Sj ieer, and who ran away cn being bailed, has given himself up at Omaha and will be brought to Tort land for trial. Messrs. W. C. Peterson and R. MNoes were gathered before the ground j j.ns-u have rented the Roland building and will soon open a produce market. They will nay cash for all kinrt rf country produce. J Mr. S. C. Main arrived in Lebanon ! several days ago from Madison county, Neb. lie is well pleased with this part of the country, and will probably buy properay and locate here. We hope he will. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a sociable at Rev. Geo. W. Giboney's to-night (Friday.) Proceeds to go towards purchasing a bell. A lunch w ill be served. All arc cordially invited. Some blaster, r eamo nr fw, a i Imin- ut s.,t,ir.?. su ! the nev. M. E.fhiirHi ruv it.,A-. ! to make a Sundav ioh nf'it i. r course this was not allowed. The heathens! Mr. f. II. Cox, of Hastings, Neb., after a week s stay in Lebanon, left for heme Tuesday morninsr. He was fa vorably impressed with this country en it will prooably return and settle j somewhere on the coast. Rev. J. R. Kirknatrick went to Salem Thursday, where he will hold a pro- 1 tracted meeting. Rev. W.C. Crawford, j of Corvallis, will preach at the Cum-! liorltnul Presbyterian church next Sun- j tlay morning ana e vening. 4. it. horiim has opened shop opposite the post office, where he may be found at any time.' ready for business. Give him a call If" ven ... . . f nave any razors to hone, bring thrai i in and have a good edge put on them. The first quarterly conference of the j M E. church for this district will be held in the academy chapel Saturday, Nov. 4. Presiding Elder Wilson will preach at 2:1 o'clock, and conference will be held immediately after preach ing. Capt. Jernenson has built a ninety ton craft on the Siuslaw river, called the Acme. This is the first sea-joing craft ever built on the Siuslaw river, and occupied the captain six months A w college KnterpVue. to build it, as he did the work mostly "We learn that Junction City pro himself. " poses to give the Cumberland Presby- A ladv inquires w hat will remove ' terian f5re' ?-M to locate their col- hair from the arms. Well, a razor for I one thins, but the most effective i method perhaps is to singe the arms thoroughly over a burning newspaper. ) tho college anywhere in the Willan: This Ji been proven very successful fttte valley. The church at its recent -ETtne treatment -of poultry. ! synod at Eugene City, appointed a Fine fresh strawberries raised near Portland were in the market of that city on Wednesday. It would be iu-tprf-stir." to know hfiw tTie-v- xt-nnlrl ait rur. r of the regions east of hero, where the blastl blizzards have been careening in their wild e-areer. In connection with our State Agri- cultural College. Oregon is to have an "experiment station," the money to carry icon r.aM.ig occn appropriated by congress, ah tne mates are to have them. All sorts ef experimental WOrK 111 asriciliture, StOCK raifiing, dairying, etc., is to be carried on. Mrs. Agnes Dinsmore. department inspector of the W It. C, visited the John F. Milk-r corps officially last Thursday afternoon. In the evening ! the corps gave her a reception, and in- j vited tlis motr.bers of John F.Miller post and a few rther guests. After a 1 short literary treat a substantial lunch was served, with colfee. The Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany has advanced the price of meals at the Albany eating station to 75 cents to make- it uniform with their Califor nia rates. Uniformity ' should be re ciprocal, l.ei me ijcgisiaiure iiiukc j the passenger rate d cents per mue to vve have hoar( of hysicians every corrcpond with rates in other States, j wherc aro doing a i.iaml offleei yarn By all means let's be uniform. Ump- i nation business. 7Trr,li1 i i l ' V Mr. P. S. Ritter has bought an in- tercst in Mr. E. (join's store, and the business will be run under the firm name of ( ioins & Hitter. Air Hitter is ar old resident of this place, but has 1, , . aee, but has tpent the past two years in Washing ton Territory fur his health, from which place he returned about a month Jtgo. He has rented Mr. Cleaver's i house, formerly occupied bv Mr. occuniud by Mr. . Oentry. "I'd give anything," said Miss A., "if I had as small a foot as Miss'G." "WVlli" her friend, "you can have it fir nothinpr. Miss O.'s foot is as larg as yours, but she wears those shaji'y shoes of Andrews & Haekle--rnan'i And it give her foot the appear ance 'elTg smaller than it really in. A o?Tav flme disligurcn any foot. Try our tiuzena ana. snouia t encour AnPvw'i Hacklcnian nnd sec what ! aS(,,1 8 a coal mine i more val- nsftsy '"" tnaU iii your foot.' ACADKMV NOTTS. We were nil glad to Ve Messrs. Houek, "Welch, Jordan andJJohn Scan land in the school room tli week. Mr. and Mrs. Sklpworth, Mrs. E. E. Montague, the Misses Miller, Kirk patrick, Swan, Hatlio Swaii and Nora Miller, and Messrs. Uiboney, Thomp son, Miller, Montague and Klepper were here last Friday to hear the reci tations and the reading of (he papers. Mr. Charlie Smith will ott(t the next Gleaner, a week front Friday. We hope to have as many to listen to our recitations and papers as were here last Friday. Next Monday will be public night at the K. L. S. The question for de bate is, "Resolved, that the jlanderer is a more pernicious character than the flatterer." The leaders are Miss Lizzie Reed on the affirmative and Miss Lillie Edwards on the negative. Besides the regular business and debate there will be several recitations and songs, and last, but by no means least, will be the reading of the Littfary Star, edited by Miss Maude Ballard. All are cordially invited to eom and take part in tlie debate. SlCPEXT. The Potato Market. San Francisco has drawn quite heavily upon the Oregon market for potatoes. Already not less than 40,000 bushels have been sent to that city per steamship, and the prospects are that much heavier shipments will follow. The reason for the large amount of po tatoes being shipped to San Francisco is that prices in that eitt have! ad vanced very materially of late. Still, one farmer recently sent down 200 sacks on his own account, aud after disposing of them through a commis sion merchant, found himself just ?35 in dobt by the transaction. The pota- had been cooled by the late fall weather, and. in consequence, rotted badlv. It is elaiitted bv experienced parties that potatoes will keep just as well this year as usual, if they are not dug from the j ground too early. It not dug till the hcivy frosts they will keep much bet ter, and will bear longer shipments and rougher tisare. To Be Sold. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Brownsviile Woolen Mill Com- j pany, held on the 13th inst., it was de cided to sell the entire plant to the i hitrhest bidder on the 20th of Decern- i , ber. The reason for this action is that I some of the members of the comnanv cannot nirree as to the management ofi the mills, and this court,? is taken to settle the matter and get the mill into I harmonious hands. It simply means jthat the property will be bid in by j some of the present owners and be run j as in the part according to the ideas of the new owners. It is a splendid property, an ornament to Jh-ownsville, and no doubt will continue to be for years to come, as we understand it is only the intention to change its man- " Oregon' Presidential Elector. C. W. Fulton, Wm. Kapus and Robt. McLean, the tltctors chosen at the recent election, will meet in Salem on I !ot fi,r President and ice President of it he United States. They must name I in thiir ballots the person voted for as i.c.:.l-... 4 1- .w.... l e -- olul "lc 'i Vice President. They must also make ull and complete lists of all the per- j -ns voieu ior as l resment aim vice j President, with the number of votes ; eat for each. These lists the electors j must win and swear to. Three dlstim t copies of the lists must be made: One ! i-3 einimeuce to tcar, ana ship tlu-ir for the IVesident of the Senate, another f"uit under one brand. Tliis can for the judare of the district court, and j hardly be considered a speculation, as a third for the Secretary of State. Out the u3 ot fruit culture in the Wil of Ihe electors is then delecatenl to i lamette valley lias already lxen dem- convey the lists to Washington. loc at that I'l A friend of tl e cnurcn ana of the cause of Christian ! education has given fl0,XX to locate commission to receive the proposition in a business manner. We understand j that two of our townsmen are mem ; bers of this commission. Win- cannot Lebanon put in a bid for said college? TSaots Ktactsefl on tlie Xniite. "lioots blacked inside" is the sign i which stands in front cf an Alder i Khinr'i Wwfh civa tlipdrr rfn. nian. .v CTuntm)ian hof ponil1w a!ong the ther (,y K,d it 1 pod.red j llpr.n jt, and the longer be perused it . j, :s surr,rise grew in proportion. l,I)femlmm,0.vt"lu,'M" lui v, take it us jht j the Port landers to tarnation," he Kn;,V .t's ntvavs n tbinir or ti, j oUler witll them. Xot long ago it waB ' Mechanics' fair and pol'tics, and now, be gob, they are having their boots blacked on ths irside." So far as can be learned there are, j outside of Portland and East Portland, ; eight cases of smallpox in the State: j One In Salem, one near Oregon City, i one at Champoeg1, one at St. Paul, one at Glenclalc, two at Buttcvillc, and the case ef Mr. Thompson, several milts from here. Xo great danger is appre hended at any place of the disease : spreading, the people of Brownsville being more alarmed than at any place Hoc.iable. There was a gool attendance at the mite sociable at Mrs. Ballard's la.st ,v"5 i n. aa.ui i iiui' t v ouwt b uuc ii I vl lain Jil Ll I'lV j , . selections on the piano by Mrs. F: M. Miller and M iss Maude rallard,an essay by Mrs. W. Bkipworth, an instrumen- ! . T, , , .... , ,r. j Maude Ualliird, and a recitation by Miss Jessie Ralston. I Coal Mine. j W . II. V atkjnds is in town prcp:y ing to opj-n a coal mine which he pur chased from Jas. Ijlndlev for a svndl cate of capitalists, with ex-Gov. Jj. F. i Grover at the head cf it. This is an I enterprise worthy of the assistance of ; Im' limn n grM nunc. BROWNSVILLE. Thomas Kay, Sr.-, returned from Al bany on Friday last. Thursday, Nor. 15, 4 a. M., ther mometer 26 deg., first Ice of the season. J. I). Irvine, of Sprague, W. T., is visiting friends and relative" of this place. Married, Nov. 17, 1SSS, nt Portland, by Rev. Klipple, Ben). Hand to Miss Laura Kesling, of Brownsville. Married, Sunday, Nov. 11, 1888, at the residence of E. I). Moyer, by Rev. Carpus Sperry, R. Bamford and Miss Belle Windham. - On the evening of Monday last, at South Brownsville, a social hop was indulged in by a number of our "young folks," all enjoying n pleasant time. Croft & Elswick during the past week have received at their pork pack ing house a good supply of hogs, which have lieen dressed and salted away, "right side up with care, Greatly exaggerated reports having gained circulation in regard to small pox existing in Brownsville, various rumors being circulated which are without foundation, that seemingly grow as they travel, which are calcu lated to create needless alarm, a state ment of facts as they are will not he out of place. There Is not at the pres ent time, nor has there been & ease of smallpox in Brownsville. The rumors circulated have grown from the fact that A. K. Thompson, residing nine miles cast of Brownsville, is Buffering from an attack of the disease, but all precautions have been taken to pre vent communication with the prem ises and parties interested. The pa tient is in the hands of a skillful nurse and at last reports was doing as well as could be expected under the circum stances. Doctors Starr and Reese have during the past two days vtecinated over 150 persons, and will continue to vaccinate all those who apply. At a meeting of citizens held at the North Brownsville city hall on the evening of Saturday last, a committee of five were appointed to see that, should the disease prove epidemic, a necessary quarantine should be established and alt preventive measures adopted. There is not at the present time any danger to be apprehended from the case of Mr. Thompson, which was contracted while in attendance of his son Clyde at Porland, as the patient is miles way from town and the preroUes are oistant from all surrounding families. persons, however, should avail themselves of the opportunity to vac- oinate.as this is a necessary precaution a N times, irrespective of the present prevalence of the disease and other valley points. in Portland T. S. r l.rin l runc Orchard. The climate and soil of the Willam ette valky is so naturally adapted to the culture of fruit of nearly every de scription that it is only a matter of time when the large fields now cov ered with stubble and oak grul will be replaced by thrifty and profitable orchards. The planting of fruit trees is annually growing greater all through the valley, but the largest acreage to le planted this fall that we have heard of, is in Einn county, about two miles from Corvallis, says the Times. By a mutual understanding between a few citizens and some of the farmers of that locality, they have decided to plant a large tract in Italian prune trees, and by pooling their issues their financial success seems to be inevitable, as the demand for this fruit is almost inestimable. They expect to erect a j dryer of enormous capacity, when the onstrated, and it is predi-ted that the seventy-five acres when plantetl will be among the most valuable in the vallev in a verv few years. The American Hojr Scurf e. Pork is bringing a high price now. Our packer says that this time of year he usually had 30X) hogs packed, but tliis year he has only about 3W. lie s iys no one can afTord to pay present prices for pork to pack. A large im portation of hams, bacon and lard from the East may be looked for this winter, for people must have these pro ducts of the great American hog, And if the swine can not be rai-ed here we shall have to go where they are for our bacon and esrsrs. Onosronian. DO NOT SUTFER ANY LONGER Knowing that a cough can be checked i i in a day, and the first stages of con- j ! A &h Iv I j for Consumption, and will refund. the I directions, and do not. tind our state ment correct. IJeakii A YATra Vaccinate. Dr. J. S. Courtney has just received a supply of fresh vaccine virus. Thompson & Overman, the leading harness dealers, Albany. When you desire a pleasant physic, try St. Patrick's Pills. Fer sale by M. A. Miller. For sale, one thoroughbred and two j graded Short Horn last spring calves. i Apply to I i. Cochran, Brownsville. During the last session of Congress a department of agriculture was created and a secretary of this department will be added to the' list of cabinet officers. President Harrison's cabinet will con sist rf eight niemliers. A New York physician offers to cure men of snoring for $10. Men who are in the habit of snoring for $10 should consult him. We never snore for such a small amount. It doesn't cost any . more 10 snore ior iuMf. M. J. Monteith, formerly or the firm of Churchill & Monteith of this place, has opened a bargain house in Albany, where he has gathered together a splen did assortment of staple and fancy dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hats, clothing, and crockery, which he is aellinz at cost, lie will be pleased 11... I 1 1 7 LUOWUIVID 1U HIB liV n Xfluarters. HOW DOCTORS CONQUER DEATH. Doctor Walter K. Ilaoimonil mij-s: "After iv lon; exiorience I have come to the conclusion that two-thirds of all deaths from coughs, pneumonia anu consumption, mirht le avoided if Dr. Acker's English Itemed y for Consump tion were only carefully used In time." This wonderful KcmcdywFold under ponitivf guarantee by lJt'nrd & i at. TERN IUDGE. School still progrcHscs finely. J. W. Wilson has started on his trip to W. T. Two more of our young ladles have left us for good, so the bachelors say. Wm. South, whose leg was broken about six months ago, is ntlll on crutches. Lewis F. South will leave for Polk and Yamhill counties this week on business. Andrew Fitzwater Is constructing a very commodious and comfortable house on Ids farm at this place. There was a very successful leap year ball given by the ladies at the residence of J. O. Boyd last week. John Turnrldge, who lias been in Polk county for the past eight months, came up Saturday to attend the wed ding of his brother. Our friends U rant and Sadie Wells. Xof Roseburg, who have for the past week been the guests of their uncle, Jno. O. Boyd, have returned home. Mrs. Ella Wirt has rented her farm I toJcae M.and King R. South, who ! propose to farm it in connection with j Mr. South's farm here. Married, nt tho residence of the i bride's father, Johu O. Boyd, Nov. ! IS, by Rev. J. Loofburrow, Mr. Peirin ! iIoi-l- in xi! nr..,- xc t ... i in. .. Clark to Miss Mary M. Boxd. 1 hey , siariea to itcnx, t matilla county, Monday morning. e wish them a lonj? and prosperous life of happiness and love. At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Elijah Osborn, on Nov. IS, by Rev. Bridges of Sclo, Mr. Wm. J. Turn ridge, of The Dalles, to Miss Teraeie Osborn, of Lebanon. Like Mr. and Mrs. Clark, we take great piide in Mr. and Mrs. Turnridge, and wish them a happy and brilliant future. Democrat. A man in Trenton, N. J., was re cently drowned in a beer glass. He had been dunking hard and was well terrible under alcoholic influence, when lie en- Two-thirds of all deaths in New York tered a saloon and ordered a glass tf City are from consumption or pneu beer, which was brought him. He sat 1 "": The snme proi.ortloii holds for ,1,.,..,. ,,t . i , ... i cut. . .niot other cities. Ik-lavs are danger- down at a table and fell into a stupor, , s ,)r A(.kl.r. K.urlish Re.lv fur hia head dropping forward into the ; (.'onr-umptioii will always relieve,' nnd glass l)efore him. When the barkeeper ; may save your life. t4ld by Beard A tried to arouse him half an hour later Yates. m , it was found that lie was dead, his nose oak pt for ai: being immersed in tho liquor in such a we have on hand 1500 of the very way that respiration was .completely j best ouk posts, which we will sell as topped. low as they can jxjssibly be made for. Many persons contract severe colds during the early winter mouths and permit them to hang on persistently all winter, weakening the lungs and paving the way for catarrh, chronic bronchitis, or consumption. No one can afford to neglect a cold. A single bottle of Cbamlcrlain's Cough Rem-' edy will cure the most severe cold, and ! costs but 50 cents. For sale bv M. A. '. rio..- " .UllltJI . i A Mrs. Reynold dietl in Cove, Unitn county, last Saturday, who was pei- haps the largest woman on the Pacific j coast. Iter weight was 4oO pounds. It j reouireil for ber interment i.,tMn ! seen feet long, three feet high and four feet wide. It was said that she was a sister of the "big woman" with Sells Bros.' circus. WHY WOMEN FADE. Women lose their lieautv beoau'? colds undermine their lifr. Cr. Ackei's English Heniedy for Consumption is an al-olu!e cure for colds. Hold by Beard & Yates. Notice. All persons knowing themselves owin? us will please make arrange- nients to stile, as we need the money ; in our business. Yours truly, ' A N 1R EWS fc H ACK I.EM AX. Chamberlain's Eve and Bkin Oint I ment is unequalled for old chronic' sores. Manvcasea have been p-rtna- nently cured bv it. For sale bv M. A. j Miller. " " i iJL.1 HERE'S Whenever yon want a line line of Pu re G oods; whenever vou want to be sure of good weight and the verv best values, then DROP IN ON ANDREYS & HACKLEMAN. We don't profess to know every thing, but what we don t know about goods in our line of trade is not worth knowing, and would not take a minute to tell. We are WISE AS A JUDGE On all that pertains to the articles we sell, and we are able to guarantee that what you buy will be all right, because we know that what we buy is all right. We buy no poor goods, and as a consequence, WE HAVE NO POOR GOODS TO SELL. "We keep the best of everything and everything of the best. Our growing patronage warrants the belief that peo- toinlo nnnreciiito frond p-oods and them. YOU WILL That when you want a pure Hackleman s is the place, and a. Store, noxt to Rank of Lc-ba ! ' , . TWO BARBARIANS. A lawyer and a physician in Ala bamn had a dispute over some collec t ons, and agreed to settle their dlfrl- c ilty v.ith bowie-knives In a darkened room. They fought desperately for ten minutes, and when tho door was broken open, one died in a few min utes nnd tho other rushed out into the street, crazed with fie pain of a dozen wounds, and expired soon atter. Such ferocity nnd brutality forms the con necting link between mankind and the lower order of beasts, and Darwin's lost link will be found in the Innate saviigeiuss that still lingers in the race and rinds vent in such barbarism. In the slow process of evolution and the development of the human race, it will take many generations to eradi cate the last trace of the savago and barbarian from man's nature. The day will surely come, however, when such scenes will live only in the fiction of the chrysalis aje of the nineteenth century. Portland News. j Iolonou Spring. i Near the soda snrinm at At-hlimd. 0r.f tilt.re is a spring which emits u p,, HO poisonous as to kill whatever mv l)rvnthe it, and it is said that there tti10fit constantly a ring of birds, snakes, liz.ards and small deer Ij'ing dead about it. The same lead llness is flaimed for a spring somewhere in Idaho, and in both it is thought that ft luVntrated form of carbonic acid Kas u the active agent of destruction. LEBANON PRODUCE MARKET, roireriert weekly by C. B. Montujne.j Flour Per 50-lb sack, 1 15; per bar rel. M 00. Bacon Sides, lie per lb. Butter Fresh, per 2-tb roll, 40c. EirjJr Per dozen, 25c. I "hickens Per dozen, f 2 50 to Ducks Per dozen, common, f t 60 to ?j; Pekin, Geost Per dozen, ?t5. Turkeys Per fl live weight, Re. Hides Per R, dry, tic; green, 3c. Sheep pelts According to wool, 15 to SOe. Deer skins Summer, 30c; winter, 25e i l-.uqulre of AM'BHWS jt Hacklemaj. A SAD 8TORY. The child couched. The mother ran. j No remedy was near. Hefore morning ' fie HHr HttlcsuuYrer was dead. Morn!; ! Always keep J r. Acker's English Rem i elv at hand. Sold bv Beard A Yates. , ... Th ' of 'hambcrlam s Col,-h ''t'n,"1" " n produced, to a cnat extent, bv lveorle who have - lw-n cured l y it telling their friends and i;eiuhtHis of its gxwl qualities and urging tlu in to try it. The nwst se vere e-old will soon 'vleld to its soothing ef,.,.( For sale by M. A. Miller. The be- t harness and low price at Thomson &. Overman's, Albauy. . , . - L J St. Charles Hotel LEBAXO.V, ORKUON, K. W r't Mnin -vl Sherman Street Two H. E. PARRISH, Manager. Tables Supplied with the Market Affords. IWet the Fiuni'ts Hsu: .n't th? r"it Aroo:na)olaUon for (SF.NEHAI. BTAtiK OFFICE WISDOM. will trade whero ibov can mt REMEMBER and genuine article, Andrews &. they do business at the Brick 11011. HAS SUCH Because he has cttc Valley. Because he sii)plies all of Canada and part of the' United States with goods, which requires a mam- moth stock and an endless variety of merchandise. Because he buys and ships more Dried Fruit, Chickens. Turkeys, Geese. Ducks. Dry and Green Hides. Sheep Pelts, Deer Skins, Furs, Lard and But- ter than any other merchant on this coast. FOURTH. Because everybody is treated right at Montague's' and gets gold value for every dollar invested at his store. VrVl JL,S1 3JUT ?VOT LEAST,. MONTAGUE IS HERE TO STAY. ECs BUI? Uv A lJ,J 1 ICVVC r-k-t UCU CX HAVE A LARGE Which We Offer Will Sell Goods at Albanv Flour, lied Crown, per White Hoans, 20 11, Best Table Rice, 15 lbs, I'est Eastern Syrup, 5 gal. krg3, 1 " caas, " Majl-? " 1 " " New tlrlean.s Molasses, Savon Soap, per box, Cold Water Bleaching Soap, THE ABOVE ARE PRICES OH A FEW LEADING ARTICLES IN OOR IMMENSE - STOCK.'. Call Special Attention to Scio Flour, which we Guarantee to be the Best- in the State. SATISFATION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED;-. HIDES, FRUIT AND ALL GIVE US A CALL. PEEBLER &, BUHL. Druers and or THE DRUGGIST. AN IMMNESE TRADE? -a- the lanrest store SISCOZVD'.- T II I Ii ! 0 - .l4. Ot.b C n i PEEBLER & BUHL, ! VJCICOL vJ LUOlV Ul DUULO ClI 1A OIIUCO., STOCK OF GROCERIES & PROVISIONS;, for Cash at Prices That Cannot Be Beat.. the Foloiing Prices ior the Next 30 Days FOR CASH: sack 1 20 Corn and Gloss Starch, 3 papers, 1 00 1 Saleratus, 4 papers, 1 00 Soda Crackers, per box, 2 75 ; Oysters, 2 lb can. 5 for 05 1 Liverpool Salt, 200 lb sacks, 1 15 i " "100 lb sacks, 1 00! " " 50 lb sacks, 1 15 1 Tomatoes, 10 cans for 1 15 -Best Tea, 1 lb can, KINDS OF COUNTRY CHANGE FOR GOODS. YOUR School Books '--l!t'Sj . in the Willam George 1J ulil. i l ri 23', 25 i 65, 00, 00, 15, 70: 00) 40 PRODUCE TAKEN IN EX. FORTMILLER & IRVING, j ALBANY, i OEEGOS: Mnafdurr of sad IXMuet ta aQ Kinds . Furxit TIT . j j Import all -First-Class Goods; DIRECT FROM THE EAST. A complete Stock of Wall Paper, Dooor. rations and Window Shades. U : D E RL T A K I M Q. A SPECIALTY. XIVXVSV, ernes, or trwibied with! "Windy Colic. Teething Pains, oc. Stotuaca. Disorders, can be Tlicwed at cccb by using Acker's Babr Soother." It coctaiiis no Opiarn. or Jlfrpi110. lienco is safe. Pric 25 coats. Sscld by. i J. A. Beard, Druggist. I x .'.