OPERATION FOR HARELIP. IVrfortned t pon a Child of four Months. A Sftrglcal P acres. Tlwra Is at pn?sent under treatment at the Roosevelt hospital a child not quite 4 months of ap xvlto haa been the subject of a very diilicult and" delicate mtt-gieal operation, in spite of which ho still Uvea and. seems to enjoy life. The child's parents had heeii married ten years be fore his birth, and his mother had Riven birth to three other children who were in no way deformed. A strange circum stance to which the harelip may have leen duo is that three months before the child's birth its mother discovered for the first time that its father had been born with both harelip and cleft palate, and that he had been successfully oper ated on while an infant for the former, the scars of which operation were totally hid by his heavy mustache, while for the latter he wore a false palate with several teeth in his mouth. Bo perfect had been the work of the surgeon and dentist in his case, that it would never have been known by any one had he not, on the occasion of his wife's discovery, Jbad a severe toothache, which had made the removal of the falso teeth necessary. Very unwisely he then told her that be . and two of his brothers had been born with harelip and cleft palate. Being a nervous woman and in a peculiar state of mind, she took a notion tliat her child would have the same deformity as its fattier. Ihe idea haunted her, and m some way it seems to have affected the Infant's development. When it was born p! saw at the first Rlance that the liby had harelip. The child was unable tc take food in the way it should hare. It could not nurse. Food had to be Kiven by the spoonful, and the result was thai the infant suffered for projier and suffi cient nourishment. At last it was evi dent that heroic measures must be re sorted to or the child would die. At first the mother wouM not consent to an operation, but she did at last, and on May 24 Dr. llctsurney performed it in the operaUnj? room of the hospital. Ether was given the little patient in such quantities as was safe for one so young, and, that no evil consequences might re sult from its struggles if pain should be felt in spite of the anasthetic, the patient was put into a light fittmg rubber bag. whieh was closed around its neck. The sm-Kwn then, selecting a sharp curved tistoury, or tmfe with a pointed Made, commenced the operation. The mal formation to be corrected as the first Mop was to close the bmad fissure which. liiiothe letter A. divided the upper hp. The next step was to dissect the flesh. muscle and all, from the bone beneath on both suit's of the mouth for some little distance. A slight incision was then made fr:m the left comer cf the mouth in the direction of the ear, as the mouth was a little short on that side. An incision was now made from the left nos tril directly into the flap on the right side, in the dire-tion of the right corner of the mouth. This was planned so that it left a triangular vacancy, the apex of which triangle was mid war between the center of tho nose and mouth. The flap " on the other side was now cut to fit this vacancy and drawn into it with silk sutures and carefully stitched. Stitches were then passed into the mucuous lining of the flaps m such a way as to erert it and bring sufficient to the outside along the lower border to form the vermilion border of the lip. The fisaure in the cheek was then sutured together care fully and the external operation was finished. It now remained for the surgeon tc bring the bonv roof of the mouth to gether in the middle, by which means it was hoped that the fissured palate could be closed and the patient saved the m convenience of being obliged to use an artificial set of teeth and mouth roof like his father's. With a feharp knife the surgeon incised the soft mucuous mem brane on both side of the fissure, and. taking care not to wound . the blood ves eels, raised the periosteal membrane from the bony wall of the cavity beneath, and uniting this flap from each side in the middle of the fissure, thus formed a periosteal tent over the mouth, for tht protection of wliich against the tongueV action he put a' thin silver plate, "madt for the occasion, in the mouth undei said tent. At the interior end of the fissure he united the two part3 of tht soft palate, thus forming a good palate and completely- closing the cleft. Hie periosteal membrane above re ferred to has the property of forming new bone, which 13 deposited on its nv ner side. It forms the outer or hard layer of all bones, and its finely ramify ing blood vessels supply the outer layei of all bones with nounuiment. It is ex pec ted that a bony roof will grow ovei the tent of periosteum that was made tc close the fissure. When this bony rool is formed the silver guard will be taken from the child's mouth, where it must remain until then. - The little patient is rapidly recovering from the effects of the operation. Th wounds are all healed with the exoeptior. or that in the hard palate, and a farm bony arch is forming over the roof of the mouth. The child's own mother scarcely recognized it after the first bandages were removed. Ia a fc-w days the little one will lftive the hospital cured. New xork Cor. Globe-Democrat. A riant That Catcl-.es Flic. One sees many curious things in na ture, and nowhere is there anvthice stranger to be found than among certain species of the vegetable kingdom. There is to be seen in the vard of C. L. Siilsori a flowering curiosity. It is what known as a black lily. When it first blooms it is Mack, but gradually fades to a dark purple. It is bul!xus, the same as other members of the genus lileicea. The flower is something of the shape of a cslla, but. much larcrer, being some six teen inches across the top by ten inches in breadth. It is serrated around the edges. The pistil cmanctes from a pouch about ten inches in depth, and is itsolf some fifteen inches long by nearly an average wiaih of an inch, and is perfectly black. But the most curious thing about the flower is its odor, and it has lots of that. It is extremely oCensive, smelling like the decaying carcass of a horse or cow. Flies swarm about tho flower. Attracted by the odor, they find their way into the pouch from which the pistil comes, and once down in there they never get out. It is really worth a visit to see it. CMco (Cai.) Eecord. A scientist asks: "How was man distributed on the earth?" Perhaps a banana peel did it. X. T. Morning Journal. . They call the celebrated "f ry in a box'" oysters a la bobtail car because the fare is dropped into the box. Har per's Bazar. ine statement that no book has been burnt publicly for oyer a hundred years is contradicted by a contributor to the London Star, who says: "Not, pernaps, by legal authority, but plen ty of books have been burnt in popular fervor of one kind or another. If I am not mistaken, Mr. Froude's Nemesis of Faith' was so burnt by High-Church students at Oxford in 1848." Mrs. J ulia D. Grant is reported to cave received from the General's book about $450,000, and has a pension of 55,000 from the Nation. She also has the income from the $250,000 raised by Georg-e Jones from Jay Gould, James Gordon . Bennett and others. Shs also has the income from $100,000 raised by George W. Chads. In other words, she has- the income on not far from $1,000,000 - SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Six or eight tons of cast Iron can be made into steel in twenty minutes by one operation. .. . -The woman who can control her own tongue is greater thf.n ho who ruleth a city. (She la also scarcer. A. 1. Star. , . It has been estimated that after n lapse of ten million years the sun can not give out sufficient heat to support life on earth. The fabric known as Chinese (jrass- cloth la made from the fiber of nettles. The cloth is peculiarly glossy and trans parent, and as belting for machinery has double the strength of leather. Two substitutes for the high priced gum arable one Ti-ora flax-seed and the other from starch are expected to serve all purposes for which the genu ine gum is used. Without biking into account the small variations due to refraction, etc.. the days and nights are always of equal length at all points on tho equator, without regard to the position of the ecliptic Steel is Iron with from one-half to two per cent of carbon. It was former ly prepared by heatinj wrought iron with carbon till it took up tho proper quantity. It Is now made on a larjre scale by the Bessemer process of burning out the carbon ami silicon of cast-iron by forcing a blast of air through tho molteu nietnL Additional experiments have been mode, and with good success, with the new French method of coating pipes with cork. A layer of cork Is first em ployed, asbestos coming next,' and finally another layer of cork. The tem perature inside the pipes was some 400 Cent., and after 860 hours the temperature of the outer surface of tho coating was found to have only risen to 35. Dr. Julius Fohlman thinks the reason why our teeth decay so fat is because we do not use them enough. and, like other organs that are not ex ercised, they tend to atrophy. Our teeth become weak because unused to hard work. The author warns mothers and nurses not to give children soft food if they would have them have good teeth; in other words, make them eat their crusts. A French experimenter, utilizing tho power generated simply by the heat of the sun, h:is succeeded In rals- iug 2,f00 quarts of water in an hour from a depth of twenty feet. Lxtriiva- gant hopes have been entertained that in the future the energy from this source may be so brought under con trol that many of the present methods of obtaining power may be done away with. A recent writer makes a strong plea for simplicity in the terminology of science. The late eminent chemist, M. Mnraas, Is reported to have said that the complexity and uneouthness of modern chemical nomenclature were something gignntlc, and that he , found It impossible to keep pace, with all the new theories and verbal alterations that were flooding his favorite science. An interesting development in photography is la the use of elockwork Ui printing from negatives. By this means a continuous web of sensitized paper is drawn at suitable intervals under a negative exposed to a source of light. After printing the paper is drawn, still by the mechanism, through "washer,"1 "toner" and "fixer" succes sively; and appears finally as a series of finished pictures ready for mount ing, and all alike in exposure, color and tone. o m EARLY INSTRUCTION. Why Children Should n Made to no Work Snitb!e for Their AKre. If possible, parents, teach your chil dren to do work suitable and proper for their age. If a mistake Is made. do not reprove them sternly. Kindly point it out, if unnoticed, and allow them to undo or correct it, if it is in their power. Mothers are often so hurried and worried with work and the care of children, that they feel or think they have no time to teach them to Cut out simple articles, or to do sew ing, knitting, etc. Theoldst daughter is usually taught those ueful arts as early as her sixth year. There seems to be time to instruct her, as the wants of those younger do not yet need atten tion in that way. The oldest son, too, is early called to help about work. Younger sisters wait on the little ones, and often spend the rest of their time in play. Recreation is neces sary, but if kept up too long, fatigue is the result. Boys and girls, whose home is on a farm have peculiar ad vantages for learning to do work suited to their capacity. The well-kept dis trict schools of tho country are pleas ant places in which to gain knowledge. The long walks to and from school. with fields of grain and orchards bor dering on tho road, have charms for healthy, happy children. After sup per, when the evening work is done, tho lamps are lighted, and lessons studied. Reading and play have a share of their attention also. With all these, time can be taken for need ful instruction in needlework, etc, for girls. Be determined in this matter, dear mothers. See to it that every piece of work assigned to each is fin ished by herself, and within a reason able time. Never allow a child to say "O, it's no matter when I finish this,' Or, "Any time will do." These are dangerous expressions for young or old to use, as they holp to form the habit of putting oft until to-morrow the work of to-day. Strive to inspire your children with self-respect by your sensible example and advice, and they will respect and honor you in return. Rural New Yorker. Well Fn tn Hi Lesson. Professor (of class in ' journalism) What is the difference between an edi torial and an editorial paragraph? Student An editorial is of the same nature as an editorial paragraph, but is larger, and doesn't have as much to say. . Harper's Bazar, A rerfect Lifeboat. The field of invention is still open for a perfect lifeboat. The Royal National Lifeboat institute reports that medals were offered for a mechanically propelled lifeboat, but none of the various designs received fulfilled the requirements. ' ' Chicago Herald. Cats Versus Babbits. Cats are found to be the best extermi nators of rabbits in New Zealand. They do great havoc among the young ones, and in some sections scarcely a rabbit was to be seen. Marshal Lebceuf was a soldier to tho end. His last words were: "Let my regiment march past. I want to seo my artillerymen, every soldier of tLem." Chastity enables the soul to breathe pure air in the foulest place. Joubert. PUNQSNT PARAGRAPHS. - A law proht'iiUiig tho distillation of liquor go.i i itgalnst the grain in tho West. y. f K Piratjun?. Mr. Sortleigh "What, in your opinion, is the Unilt to love?" Mr. Hardy "Matrimony." . First Iudy "lias your husband quit smoking yet?" Second Lady (just returned from the far West) "Well, he ought to by this time; he has been dead six mouths." Professional gamblers have BgreaJ many superstitions. One of tho most practical is that if they deal the cards themselves they have a much better chance to win. SomrrviHe Journal. "What was the text this morning, JohnP" Inquired a druggist's wife who had been unable to attend church. "To err Is human," replied the arsenic ex pert; "and it was a mighty sensible ser mon." Ar. r. Sun. Time was when the college profes sors used to box the ears of refractory freshmen. They would have to take a four years' course in sparring before they could do it now. Burlington Free lYess. President "Yes, Mr. Snapper, tho faculty have decided that you have broken the rules, and thero Is no course for us but to suspend you." Student Irm; how about suspending the rules." New Haven Sews. Miss Pounder (who has been having a wrestling match with the keyboard of the piano) "Have you a sensitive mu sical ear, Mr. Tympanum?'' Mr. T. (more candid than polite) "Yes, I am sorry to say I have." Boston Budget. A physician has discovered that the older a man grows the smaller his bralu becomes. This explains why the young men know every thing and the old men know nothing. The Sturdy Oak. A Colorado judge has decided that a man is in duty bound to tell his wife where he spend his evenings when away from homo. It would save many a man trouble if he would do just that without any order of the court. Seaside .hotel proprietor (to sea- serpent in search of an engagement) "No, I don't think I shall have any use for you this seiwrni; I've got the promise of a society actress, two bogus lords, a political convention, and a scandal tn high life, and my bill of attractions is about full." Lift. "Do you know if Brown Is a man of ability, Dumley?" "I don't know any thing about Brown, or his ability either, and don't want to know. He refused to lend me twenty-five dollars six months ngo. ami I haven't noticed him since." "He seems to be a man of financial ability, Damley." TheFitoch. tirst lramp If 1 had my way I'd have S60 national holidays In this year." . Second. Tramp "You would. eh? And then there would be one working day In every four years. O, you are a nice one, you are! You would mako a galley slave of the poor laboring man, wouldn't you?" Texas Sitings. "Why can not women make good lawyers?" asks an exchange. We never gave the subject much thought. but we suppose It is because they can't sit on the small of their backs, pile their feet on a table, spit half way across a room in a box full of sawdust. and charco 15 a minute for it. There may be some minor reasons. In addl tion, but these appear to us to bo the principal obstacles in the way of her success at the bar. Am m. Me. UNPROFITABLE WORK. Julian Hawthorne Explain Why It Does Xot I'my to Write nook. We may talk about the hardships of American literature (having assumed. for the sake of argument, that such a thing exists), but what would be the state of that alleged literature If there had been no American magazines? Suppose I. as an American author. writo a novel, and arrange with a pub lisher to bring it out at the price of 1 a volume, or ?) cents paper. If ho has confidence in the book, the first edition will be 1,000 copies; my share of the proceeds on the ordinary 10 per cent basis is $100. payable at tho end of the year. If I live by ray pen I must subsist during that year on noth ing at ail, ami when I get my $ 100 I must pay out of it my debts for that last year, and probably my present funeral expenses, for who can live on 35 cents a day, even if ho were not obliged to starve to death before he could eater upon the enjoyment of that princely income? But let us be ex travagant and utoplan let us say that my edition is 5,0)0 copies, instead of 1,000. In that case which perhaps occurs as often as once in a thousand times my reward amounts to tho sum of no less than $.'00 assuming, of course, what is never the fact, that all the copies sold are in the dollar cloth form, and none in the 50 cents paper. Five hundred dollars a year for a suc cessful novel! How many of our authors make twice that? How many ten times as much? How many twenty times as much? I will engage to entertain at dinner, at a round table five feet in diameter, all tho American novelists who make more than $1,000 a year out of the royalty on any one of their novels, and to give them all they want to eat and drink, and three of tho best cigars apiece afterwards, and a hack to take them home in; and I will agree to forfeit $1,000 to the Home for Imbeciles if $25 does not liquidate the bill and leave enough over to buy a cloth copy of each of the works in question, with the author's autograph on the fly-leaf. One hack would be sufficient, and would allow of their putting up their feet on tho seat in front of them. Julian Hawthorne, ut Belford's Magazine. If one is not on one's guard, !av ered fortunes may lead to hiseacea of iouL The days of December are shorter than those of August; but you can never make a schoolboy believe or feel it. There are people in this world rho love to suffer for tho pleasure they derive in moaning. Philadelphia Call. .u.MU-rassea young man who had just been married by a clergyman of a city, not knowing: how to express his gratitude, in handing over a small fee, said: "I hope to givo you more next time." Children, who had been cautioned not to tease their little brother Elmer, as he was cutting a tooth, waited ex pectantly a few minutes. Then Ned spoke up: "I say, auntie, has he cut it yet?'' Harper's Young Feople. "My poor man," said a woman who had given Borne breakfast to a tramp, "you eat slowly and in evident pain." "Yes, madam," sadly responded the tramp, "I had to sell the pold filling In my teeth last week for food oi stary e." Enoch THE TIUMEN PRISON, Description of a Forwarding Station tat MUiei-Inn Hxlles. Tho Tlumen prison was originally built to hold B00 prisoners, but was subsequently enlarged by moans of de tached barracks so that it could accom modate 800. On tho day of our visit, as we we ro Informed by a small black board hanging beside the office door, It contained 1,741. As we npproocbed tho entrance, we wore stopped by an armed sentry, who, upon bolug informed that we desired admittance, shouted through a square port-hole in tho heavy gato, "Star-she-o-e!'' (tho usual call for the oltlce.r of the day). A corporal or ser geant with a saber at his sldo and a Colt's revolver in a holster oil his hip, answered the summons, carrle 1 our note to tho warden, and in a moment we were admitted to the prison yard. Fifty or sixty exiles mid couvlnts wore walking aimlessly back and forth In front of tho main prison building, or sitting Idly in groups here and thoroon tho ground. They were all dressed from head to foot In a costume of gray, consisting of a vlsorloss Scotch cap, a shirt and trousers of coarse homespun linen, and a long gray overcoat with one or two diamond -shaped patches of black or yellow cloth sewn upon the back between the shoulders. Nearly all of tliniii wore leg-fetters, and the air was tilled with a pfv-uliar clinking of chains which nu'Tti'd the continuous Hngling of innumerable, bunches of kevs. The first "ka!irra" or cell that wo entered was situated in a 0110-atory log barrack standing against tho wall on tho left of the gate, and built evidently to receive the overflow from the crowded main building. Tho room was about 33 feet in lenirth, by 25 In width and 12 feet hlifh; Its walls of hewn logs were covered with dirty whitewash; its rough plank floor was black with dried mud and hard-trodden tilth; and it was lighted with three grated windows looking out into the prison yard. lKwn the center of the room, and ' occupying about half its width, ran the slecping-lnmch a wooden platform 12 feet wide and 80 feet long, supported, at a height of 2 feet from the floor, by stout pasta. F-acn longitudinal half of this low platform sloped a littl- roof-wise, from the center, so that when the prisoners slept upon it In two closely packed transverse rows, their hoods In the mlJdle were a fw inc.he.4 higher than their foot at the edges. These sleep ing platforms are known as "nArca," and a Siberian prison contains no other furnltiiro except a largo wooJt:n tub for excrement. Tho prioners have neither pillows, blankets, nor bed clothing, and must lie on these hard plank nares, with no covering but their overwats. As we entered tho cell, tho convicts, with a sudden jingling of chains, sprang to their feet, and stood silently In a dense throng "around the nares. 'Zdrastvtiltul reb'.nta!" "How do you do, boys!" said the warden. "Zdravie zhelaiora vasha vwisnkl blag arodio" "We wish you health, your high no'iillty". shouted a hundred voices in a hoarso chorm. "The prison," said the warden, "Is terribly ovei--crowded. This cell, for example. Is only 35 feet long by 25 wide, and has air space for 35, or at most 40 mui. tlow many men slept hero last n'ght?" he Inquired, turning to the prisoner. "A hundred and sixty, your high aobillty," shouted half a dozou hoarse voices George Kennnn, i (Xntury. m m Some Triplet Maxims. Threo things to love courage, gen tleness and affection. Three thing to admire Intellect, dignity and gracefulness. Tbre,- things to hate cruelty, arro gance and Ingratitude. Threo thin to delight in beauty, frankness and frodom. Three things to wish for health, friends and a contented spirit Three things to like cordiality, good humor and cheerful no". Th:-ee things to avoid idleness, lo quacity and flippant jesting. Three things to cultivate good books. goxl friends and good humor. Three thintrs to contend for honor, country and friends. Three things to teach truth, ln lustry and contentment. Threo things to govern temper, i-onsrue and conduct. Three things to cherish virtue, goodness and wisdom. Three things to do think, live and act- Farm. Field and Stockman. Culture fs spreading. Tho other day a young lady of Texarkano, Tex.. bought herself half a dozen big trunks full of finery, had them shipjM-d to her address at a leading crirl's college up North, and sent tho bills to her fond father, who is a man of Worth and sub stance, along with a telegram that she herself hod taken tho train for school, as she was "bound to havo a fine edu cation." Another 111 dollar, and evidently the 0110 whoso whereabouts so long puzzled numismatics, has been heard from. The coin is in tho possession of a Pawtuckct, 1L I., woman, who was given it by her father in 120 on her eighteenth birthday. He received the dollar as part payment for services in tho war of 1812, and In presenting it to tho" piosciit owner instructed her never to part with it. Unless you are smarter and strong er than the thieves down Jericho way and I guess may bo you aro not; vory few mon aro why, you keep off that road. You stay in Jerusalem, and you'll have more money and loss head ache. Bu rdette. Never bo ashamed of confessing 1 . . . your ignorance, ior me wisest man upon earth is ignorant of many things. insomuch that what he doos not know There can not bo greater folly in the world than to suppose that we know very thine. A Port Huron, Mich., woman who is rathor restless as to how bminoss may be later in tho season, has bought her cotfin at a quarter-off sale and ia now overseeing the construction of her tombstone. No n-medy fur M'xnitl tlWillitv hns.cvor boon found that oqiials Inijardin'g Life Eas-'noe. It rvturv8 ft'Mo jmiwth ami lnviorato the whole system. A simple trial will rouvinee the ruont sceptical, rrlee, fl.oo a bottle. All druggist. TIIEqiTKHTlOX IN 0 1'TEX ASKED: "What are Hamburg Figs?" They are simply a erystalized frnit cathartic, composed of vege tables ami fruits. They are a natural laxative. assisting Nature to overcome cotiMtipatioiij liver eomplainte, biliousness and piles. Fhysioiuns recommend Hamburg Figs to be given to In fants, to Youths, and to their Parents, knowing them to be mild, harmless, but. most efficient laxative and purgative. During pregnancy the bowels always show a tendency to constipation, aua (luring tins period we continuea use 01 HAMBURG FIGS . - Is peculiarly lndjoatl, because, being purely vegetable, they keep the blood cool and tho sys tem in twrfect condition. Their continued use will can; the worst eases of hemorrhoids or piles. Hamburg ligs are sold at 2a cents a box ly apotuecttries. vote, one t ig. I.lfu on a Cattle Ranch. The ineii lira railed at 8 o'clock in the morning, and, after a hasty breakfast of bacon and coffee, some are detailed by ths foreman to rido out and drive all tbo cattle they can And within a certain radius Into camp, while the others keep tbera In a herd, when they are driven In. As soon as they are all in. the representatives of each "outlit." In turn, ride through them and cut out every animal with their brand upon It and herd them apart. Occasion afly a row breaks away from the herd an; a rtdor starts after her at full speed, and after an exciting chase drives her back gain. - . When the cutting out U completed each "outfit" begins to brand Its calves. A rider rtes a calf by the hind log, throws it and drags it toward the fire; one man then holds it by the hind legs, whllo another sits on Its shoulder and it Is branded on Its side and has Its ear notched. This Is an exciting scene as the calves are bleating, the men shouting, mplng and wrestling with them and the Arcs aro blading. Hmnetlmes when they rope a vljrorous youiig steer they have g-rent difficulty lu holdincr hi in and it re quires five or six men to do so. The night U divided into watches of two hours' length and the men take turns In keepmg the cattle In a herd. It Is the most ex citing part of the csttlo business, but It is a very bard life, as a man Is In the saddle all dny and only gets a few hours' sleep. YV. Lynn Wilson In Detroit Free Press. Trmllt ion Coneernlns; Wampum. An Indian of the Onondaga reservation In New York gave to a legislative com mitteeman the following tradition con cerning the wampum: "There Is a tree set lu the ground and It touches the neaveus. under that tree sits this warn pum. It sits on a log. Goals of fire are unquenchable, and the Six Nations are at this council ere held by this tribe. To- do-da-ho, a member of the Bear clan. Is tne great chief here, lie has a descend ant In our tribe today; his name is Frank liogan. One of the uses of the wampum Is for a symbol In the election of officers. Tho wampnm bearer keeps the treaties of tne nation. Chicago lieraid. In Knglnnd, a fashionable fabrlo called "Imitation Indian muslin" has been found to be so highly charged with arsenic as to render it dangerous to health and life when used either for dresses or other attire, or for curtains. Several seamstresses have been made very ill by working upon it. New lioarder " hat a pompous looking mnn that Mr. Harby Is; don't you think so?" Old boarder "Pomp ous! I guess you'd look pompous If you'd captured tho strawberry out of the short-cake for three successive days, the way hfl has!" -Judge. WHICH WAS IT RiroX OK SHAKE- I'KAHK. The aithorshlp of the drsmatl prndnrtlons a'Trmute! to tin- iat 01 tne anove tiameu ai tilting liter arv ein-les to the venr centre, but f feet the lirai-lif-Ml ma far less than th mtv mtiton question, how to rvvaln or preserve n.-aiin. tnnt essential 01 ihxuijt aui menial se tivitv. biiwlness mm-,, stid the 'imrsMlt of hni piiiesn." we ran throw far more neiii on lliis latter siil-Wt than the most profound Phase' iHnrlan fan on the onestion first pmoumled f th.'systt-m is deph-te.1, the ncrv- shaky; I indigestion or of-inst'tmtion bother one at tint- or roustatitly: If the skin is yi-tlow. and the tonne furred as in biliousness; If there are premonitory twliiae tf oncoming rheumatism or neiintlula: If the kidiievs are Inaetive use Hosteller's Moinaeh MI!tT, the fuiet r-ciier- ut of u age proline III beneficial am! suiws fill remedies. Kenn-mlier. If malaria threatens or a'Uii't., that It neutralise the poison and tortine tne system At the International Exhibition at Ilrnssets, the Westlnglnmse air brake reeelved the highest prists. ('nh and Hearaeneaa. The Irritation which Tnduee rnnebluv. Immediately relieved l.v ne of ' Bnrwm iirmrknl Tmrkrt." Hold only lu boxes. filve not reins to yonr Inflamed passions; take time and a Utile delay, lmpetuoupiiy manage au tnmg tunny. WHAT THF.T A HE fiOOI FOIL DRANUHRrn's Pills are the best medl cine known. yiml Tliey are purely vefretable, in fact a medicated food. ' iircoiul The same dose always produces the aame effect, other purgatives require increased doss and finally cease acting. Third Ther imrifv the bbod. f'tmrth l hey Invlarorate the digestion and cleanse the Momarh anil bowel. Fifth They stlmula'e the liver and carry off vitiated b'le aud oilier depraved secrel'on. The firt two or threo do tHl the alorv. I he skin berc-mea clear, the eye brislit; the mind active; digestion Is re stored; costiveness cured; the animal vigor is reef uited and all decay arrested There are lO.0UO liquor sabtfms In England amamoi wnirtt are tu i.onaou. Try Girmu for breakfast. Bkauty vW Skin & Scalp UivaW SknAScaln l t-. 1 r W'VS: tfc STORED UOTHISQ IS KNOWN TO BCIKNCK AT 11 all comparable to th Cl TK CB Rkmbdiks In their marvellous properties or rleaosin tmrlfrimr and beautifrinir the skin and ; curing torturing. dlHf1gurtii. itching, scaly and pimply dleease of tbe sklu. scJp and blood. sun loss 01 nair. Cpticvka. th ereat 8KIX Crsn. and CCTI- CVKA OAP an enqulsita 8kln Beaiuiner, pre pared from It, externally, and Ccticcka Hb boltstxt. the now Wood 1'nrliier, InWirnally, euro every form of skin and blood disease, from ptmpu 10 scrouiia, H-iUleTvrvwherM. Prloa; PtmovRi. 50c: Ha- ULVKKT, l; Soap. S6c Prepared by the Por- Tl M llKl'S AM (.'HKMICAL Co., liOHTON, MASS. Sen.! fri' "How to Pure 8kin IHsrasea. tV I'implen. bis, kl.esils, chapped and oily TK t-f si- in nrevented ny C'lTltrt'RA Soap. Tli s?"flk, Imll Ache. I'ains and Weaknesses In KjaT stantly relieved by th C"t:TievK a Akti afjf Ha in PtJksTaa, lb onlr paiii-kilUns plaster. 35a SARSAPAR1LLA, YELLOW DOCK Icxrlicie of PotnwH. It enre RnscMATisu, Hfl'iuuin, Rolls, Pimple, Scrofula, Oont, Catarrh. Tumor, bait Kl.eiun, and Mnrourtitl psina It Furifi-s Uis Mood, Keatorea tit Urer and Kidney to hea'thy action, and make th Complexion Brutal and Clear. J. R. GATES - A CO., Proprietors 417 Kaasone St Sa Fracelae. The BUTEBS' GUIDE la issued March and Bept l each year. It la an ency. elopedla of useful lnlor. 'mation for all who par- chase tho luxuries or the neoeaaltiea of life. We can. olothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various siaes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these" things COMFORTABLY,.and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYEBS" GUIDE, wbioh will be aent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD CO. XU-114 Hiohigaa Avenue, Chicago, 111. Rather than Ihe CbMpod PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Portland, OreKOB. IViiiM't eoiiinnieiit. inoitiiich instruction. eslal- lished reputation, prowlnd popularity. Business, Shorthand, Common School and Penmanship Depart ments. Students Admitted at any time. Cat, logne and specimens of penmanship sent free. J. A. WtSrO. Asc'I- . i: 4KUSTR03.Prla. PALIFORNIA ORiUGE, RAIS1U AND FRD1T KJ Land. 9,000 acres in any size tracts. Just the place for a colony. Bpeclal Inducements to Stt It1 IT SIGNOE, FEBBY& SELOVEB, weo, cat TIhiii ho w.-iiiMnI hIvo. slvn mil. VU ! th grave Ihj !.m.l one mil rei-elye no jttiiiliies. "I'm weary of livliiu," mnniied poor Mr, lllaek, "For I'm mlrly worn nut with uie aeha In my My nerve are a elmln id wi-Hk tiess and tiitttt. And tny poor head isaehlnvas if it would rrark." fow null i lie discouraged, ' erled good Mrs. White, .. . ' 'It I never so dark lull lliere' promise of Unlit; I ean tell yon, in tirler, What will Klve von rell-f , Pierre's Favorite I'reseiiptlou will sooti set yon niiin. , It Is the only remedy for women tx-ctiHar Weakness.- and ailments, sold bv drnauisls itn- ler a positive irintratiti-o from the luiiuufiietiir--rs. that II will Kite satisfaction in every ease or money will lie refunded. Hce Kiiarautee on not i iv M rapper. Large IhiIIIcs (IU0 doses) (I. 8ix for . A piano factory Is helm? ereetcd at Atlntifa. Ua. IF M'rrKKrllS FitO.M CONS I'M PTION, Peiofula, llmnehltis, mid General lieblllty will try steal t a r:ninlaln or I wl l iver (HI wlilt llvpophospliltcs, they m 111 find Immediate re lief and pcrmliiiite bcticttt. 'liie Medical Pro fession iiufvrsMllv declare It a rrmedv of the Krcatcs! value and very palatable. Head: "I have used Scott' Ktnitlsfnu In several casr-s of Ketolula and Ih-bllltv lu hildn-u. K'-fulls most ttral! ( lint. My little patients take It with pleasure."- . A. Ill i.hkkt, M.K., Hanshtirr. 111. V rtp-r(v vs.rtsB pnrfrn In millions o-f htmmtm m n thtvn s qusrtr of ooottiry. H m un bf th VnHl H ftrTrrnrj-ni, FnrlnrsM y . hrssis of thr r4V L'utTrftt!W'- m th Ntimrr-irt, Pnrat and sKwrt uouiia A?nfj,sv, lJrr.e nt Altim. otxly in cmmul PW VOttk.. C HICAGO. ST. UMTlft A.oi,ir orroRTniTY. Kiirt-ka' K"iitiH,n j-Vn onlv irmt-imifl. A .Lie.... t" t w s . a irt-v Irhillinafdirs- ti . m THE SELECTION OF A CHOICE GIFT For I'sj'ior, Parent, Tea-her, fhiH. tit Friend, lii hb-c?K-e an I usefulness will It.) fnnd cuml iue-l in a copy c.f Webstar'S Unsbrldged. al jsrr a A SSj iK.a. cw7 f rrrr. 1 i fi.'CTin.VMm fsrusui ,- T " r m erocwtfru, ft . . "k-t . ., Besides nutny ether rslu-ilile features, It contain A Dictionary cf !l,'t Words, D" Knerarlnr, A Gazetteer of tho World li-sins J d "ribirir S" f' Piae-s A Biographical Dictionary cf to at-'y i.,"( Noted IWors, A Dictionary of Fiction find only in Welwh r. All in One Book. 3000 rnnr vri r.'uriy im1t m FTT ts imti-'ni t'.i'i tt-Y :Ii-t AmrH art I ift' rurv Si.l nil KfcsH, r. ,':iiiivL!v t !-. ' Or, SPINNEY s Dr. Spinney ACo-pU Nf RVntlQ lHtjility.I.otcf Titwr. Bemir-i! IILrtlUUO lx . V, eak Wee,, ry, lnou Seney. te-.dntoxrss or abus. cared. YOUNC MriJ mflWnirfn-m th, ,irK 1V W n fnLil,! r .,ntt.friifr,l!i or eretteo steoeld ayail them-lves cf oi-r trer.tj-irat. A p-'mve ctjrt Ci,r,nu,-4 i Terct. Htrhilss. L rir.sry and V ':n.-r-iel iws su anoatarstl cus- ntniM, frvmpxir ana aiety cures. Minni tr Aorn Mrjrh,mrw. l-ebllov wa.t-es cf esui fctrvLjruj. elc cured aal rr,tnrl to (-'. hy yiir-ir. . i .r'B unat.1- to yt n irmy treatci at tntr BfiTf. by eorreiond"nf-e. J4dit..? an,' inwranitH rni or bj' i or v!re". voaeartauoft jr rn. Dnxitmai, in fix mpflir lot loabx M4fii t rlend or ou!d m V edlocX. w eak 7u z r v o u s 1p eoieT KB. Mo- CI KTTSO-s,. hft fi - SORsTs "w put f.stlT. t rur-s s,Tr tt hsi s .t i. s, set iiu.li.ur. flrrTBaryiinfa. linn ,mj nssu.tins -jtr'C-j' t 'B'sm. as tc too i - Of A F H4nHI, Ct ,B,tTTKSS th latest Iws f -rweed.ehe-.-.-wlntiSf. o,.wrf.il,rta-r-.h sud J rtrn tlrr ainHALKIKt-TaiCSKLTin the WaaLB. rieetrle NusfienAcrtM-e fre wu Ms'e F!l. Av-41 ho-t, r.arsi'ii. s uAmin sli. s ip-,rS. im uniMtioB lUHTtir Tarssss ra at nbu. e.lKNJ eur4 HsSMl stanip rurtiliwtrmted pamfcl. K.J. lahn. Vt7 Market sl. as. " Nlr 1'iop. fact ft c ial Brunch C. H. STREET- & CO., 8ueoesr to the IMMHiTt ATTON Adj'XIA TION OF CAIJKOKNIA. 415 Montgomery St., S. F., Cal We arc offering the following in SO, 40. 80 or itsi acre r artits: A'r Rsaenlhsl t olow j .Tcbma Colony. .04H Mwnte Viata blia. ta l.StrO l hcala " .40 Lutheran " " " fi.'MMI ishlntlrtowa " - IS.IsOO tnitrrssn " " " l.0 Mlrmutr " Kern .MO l.rrrnsMil ' ran Luis Obispo MHt Wankrna " Tularo ll.Mrt 1'olutncya " Marin 1 .tMM Other land for (fencral farniinjr, fruit trror.'inB or stock raising. VIIOMK FOR. KVKIIYBOBY 8RCVRK a borne en easy terms in the country, w bib' retnlnins your present roside,ic. iositiea and salary'; 10. ilor tuorc atrcof land with or w ith out a hcuse. on the installmei t plan in one o; our colrnles; we will plant tho same to your order with fruit trees or raisin frratw and will keep it In Rood condition until full bearing, with or without irrigation; these lands lie iorh or south of Sao Francisco, in the coaxt or in tertor conntiea. hear or distant from railroad or town and vary in price. V. 11. 8TKEKT & i'O., successors to the Immicralion Associa tion of t'alifornia. 415 Muntirouiery street. 8iii d for particulars and full dcsvriptio:ts. THE VAN MONCISCAR PRIVATE DISPENSARY. Noa. 133 and 134 Third Street. Portland. Oregoa. I only rrivata Die tvnwvry to rortlaod or on t' Neriliwes Crtasw where patients arewirccss, billy treated n. all NF.KV IH'S, t'HROVIO AND 1'KrVATK niSF.ASKSla young cr eM, suitil or l Bisnieo, sue a a LOST MASHOOD, TTervous denlllty, vnninsl 1,-esea, falis ai'tnory, sv nhilltle oruition. cSeot : ' wl ef m-rourr kidac and COXHrLTATIOX FRFE. A WALKING ADVERTISEMENT. ftEIAU OF" V NORTH CAROUINA aif SV'py.ING-TOBACCO Every man that smokes a pipe is .a walking advertiser of the merits of "Seal of North Cart). Una Plug Cnf Smoking Tobaooo. The "Soaf,,' is pronounced by all smokers the best Xobacoo evor sold on the Pacific Coast. N. P N. V. No. 257-S. F. N. U. No S3 r4 I sr . -W m --mm 1 a a Term have Im-co arranged for a railroad In Hlam from l:aii)tkok to .Inline. CAJ A 51 lltSlV.lltO MT A CANO.MM LI Well, "that depends." He ean If bis throat I Inrie enotitc't and the eanon-lmll uot too lare. 1 he .M 'Klu.ii really -em worthy of some con sideration in ! of th" slr.e of some of the Pills that are prescribed for anffi-ririsr Immunity. Why not throw them "to the dotrs," aud take r. I'lerce I'l'-asaut I'lirirallra 1'ellHs? Mnsll, siiytu-eniiit-ii, purely yetretniiie, perfectly harm less, In k1hs, and always fresh. An electric railway is In operation at C'arbon- ouif, rt'uu. IM)!'T TOIT KNOW tbnt you raituot afford to nefcject tbr.t catarrhr don't you know that It may lead to consump tion, to insanity, to ilrnthf iMin't vott know that II can Is- easily cured Uou't you know ttml while the thousand and one nostrum von have trb-d have utterly failed that l'r. ."aire' t'alarrh Ketnedy is a certain cure' It has stood the test of years, and there are hundred id thousands of rmtcful men ami women In all pans of tne country who can testify to lis elfi caey. All drtlKKistit. Huston Is to have a zonloeicsl irardi-n ,and B'nmrliiin. WELL DRILLS FOR EVERT PORPOSf. Sold on Trial t tms-nt mt.n, proffta fVrul M for MJllna rt? li.imt.r4.Ls-d 'mtl tum vi th full i'ftrUeaiu-ik Mjui. 'ifaurttirtKl by GOULDS & AUSTIN, 1ST A ias Ik alt., CHICAOO. ILL, PIANOS. 1st premium. S,000 la use. to year EstaMislwd. Mew m tmtontod Steel Tuning D vice, in us in nootoer Plana, by which our i'larew land In tuns SO tear, S'"d for Psi ; no affected ty rllmat, So wood to spilt, break, swell, shrink, rmi-fc, docsy, or wear out ; e f uarsnte it. F.l f set Rosewood Case, S strings, d-mHe repeatimf action; f!r.t Ivory kv; th Famrni ANTlSEIJ lill er writ fcf f-ataiorue, fee. T. M. ANTlSKli. HA!o :.. Msnn'aetnrsr. vid Fellow Mall, alar set and Seventh Streets, San Fraucisee. . Bur ff nas si yea am if nd satisfaction la ttaa run of OonoHlxra and Gleet. I prescribe Hand feel safe Is reeommsBtV lof t to all n Serers. A.J.STOrfF.11, S.D, Dscstar, 111. PHtrR. l.OO, tkild Dt-ocstata fTDWICHT'S. . -'zJ Cisla f ? 1 TO-- ?tT' nasi Stiheaie. lS8f arSs-ij by " lfiirsiehEieBiri CiactiiBstlJaY " jssi rai3S3'.rl thbc-owbiu. TO MAKE DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE DlVIGIIT'S COVY-BRAND SODA-SALEiUVTIIS. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. ears Hurt tbsr la a pictora of a Cbm oa yonr packace and jtn will bar tlx beet i-THE ONLY EriUiant A Durable Economical Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all offers in Strength, I'urity and Fatness. None others are just as good. Beware of imitations they are road a of cheep and inferior materials and give poor, 'weak, crocky colors. 36 colors , 10 cents each. Seed posial for I e Cock, Saaip'e Casd. directions, fer cvlt-riee I'hotos.. a;sk?ee tbe finest Ink o ishiicg (to cu. a ttuart), etc Soid hy iiruglsts or by WE US. RICHARDSON A CO.. Burlington. tU For Gildinc or Brassing Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver. Prrxiie, Copper. Only to Cents. PROMOTES DIGESTION to V) 'th C3 SI J2 W o PURIFIES BLOOD PORTLAND. jitiifiiy n w . I TA V:. r WRIGHT, root of MorriHo) Htrret. . " Portland. Orriss. Geueral ADVANCE ENGINES THRESHERS AND POWERS a 2i I esp c'ally request tho e content oTs,tin: purchasing either an Engine or Thresher n xt raon to look up tve rcoonl of the ADVANCE. It is the oay ntetch,ine ever sold on the Pticiic C'Hut thit h is given entire aiist 'action. I also deal in Laundry Michlnsrj, Mirina Enginas. All kinds of Brass Goods, Inspirators, Injectors, Oilers, Reapers, Mowers, Chemical Fira Extinguishers, and Engines, Oils, Baiting, Hose, Wrenches, Etc. w JACOBS Ol- .4. TRAul V MAfllC i&svtrf'ii- THECREATREMEDYFOR PAlN. Cares Bhsnmatlsm, TfsnrsJ-rla, Sciat ic. Lanibci, Backache, Meadachs, Toothache, Bare Throat, Swotllng-a, Frostbit, Sprains, Uralses, Cats, Barns and Scalds. Bold frv bruggixt ami Jtratrrf Ktxrywhere. THE CHARLES A V0GELES CO.. Bsltxnsra. Vs. Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. A Fesmri cmti roa nniecTfos Aro m St tr torn Artstsf tiers ft em. ror DrmepM or BcturtU ttaltr artf psf rV ' CSm far yow if mat already tm lock, ar it wiU b4 tmt fry X"! o rtrript alitt.ib bom 11.00) a stussp. Sample an n reeript Xeent mamp. TMf CflsHLH A f 0CELES CO. as, finiiina aa Maaat srfhr.slA OltlliriAl, HU H. Gabler. Koonieh Ptaoaa; Buidott rVfns. ttil bntraneBl. Ijeteri took erf frame Mxje x& lVka. Basil innUed a Kmmtb PrSw. MAITuIAj o&AT iX.. ttt roet Wis ii i. flsa roulsMe ASTHrfIA CUnEO GERMAN ASTHMA CURE fnsfaat'y rsuers the ooet sinV i t attack, and insures orgxtfortahie SO W AlTtllii fs it- si I, llBsir, osnl hy tnlufxtkai. its set via fan rdiste. 4.rrr tftd certain, and a corak Use rwsnit In ail enrat eess, A stiurl tnsl eon yinee tbe most wpfteal Jree Un. and t l.eu of any tract. or ! mifl HAjniJt Free fry miril l'r. H. acir ' AjiN. st. Ps-jL '. BUT - THE BEST. TAXI ISO CHANCE. MEXICAN SALVE THE CREAT HEALER. Cures) Cut-, Sore, Salt Ilh'nrn, Bolls. Pimtiles. Felons. 8kin Diseases, and all ailments for which m salve t stiltable. For tAkicg ont sorereaa and heaiira: it act like Riafdc S3 rents a box. at all arujrjrirtn. to U m Day. Sample" worth fl.M. FK CF. Line not under the bones feet, write HSirwv. e'aHin i . Kmltmns fr, Jf lly.t leh. Soda Bade. TBM COW ER-tST. XDWICHT'S lSALERAT Ugi aJH-t- , vV.'V MZfz - v.. o . . f CELERY r I COMPOUND CURES I PROOFS Frne'Ceery toss iwOUralgla pound cured By aery- wos sick headache." """"" Wrx L. A- BsurncsB, NerVOUS SaaJo,Cat Prostration Tv.'ZSZ Wkkkmakkkmmkkmmmmmm Cow pound , 1 am careA oi rberamstaiB." Rheumatism cS.TS ll b done m more KltinOy pood foe kkfory dnea than aay otber mxi- Dt60cSe8 cine " Geo. Abbott, Sionx Cny, lam. " lime's Ceicry Cen pound has been cf rreai AH Liver t?efct nj w, Disorders rr " .""""T? c SIMULATES LIVER tX3 !CJ 50 irri n 10 ' era REGULATES WOWELs St3 OREGON. Agent for the BEST AND FASTEST THRESHER IN THE WORLD. THE CN'.Y DEALER ON PACIFIC COAST That ships Bells ! CARLOADS. PRICES GREATLY REBUJED All aires in stork from 40' pounds to 1,20a i Send for, REDUCED PRICES. , :j Remember it is a pleasure) to show goods or answer qaestiona. It joa - - cannot call, write.