The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 09, 1888, Image 2

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    I'i:U)AY, NOYKMUKR 0, 1SS8.
Up to time of (rrin to press, Thurs-
! t V-'lii;;;;-, tin' latest tolOjjTAIHB 11?-
httiieat the election of General
Dvnji'.mln 1IrrLon fl President of the
I'nitetl States. The returns as y-t ore
SsK-oinpU-te, but the IXnnoeraey ore In
rlinol to ronml (! election ef Ilar-rl-n.
Th rt .-turns si far Indicate that
he has carried every State carried by
W.ilne m with the addition of
Now York tout Indiana. The Ilenub
IVnna uiv highly -elated- with their
j.nx't f success, while the Denv
erat tlll eling to the hope that later
returns will turn the tide in their
f iyor. .'. - : ' -
A citizen of Minneapolis, Minn., who
li-.-sjust returned from a visit to Ilam-
eoy county, lkotd, the home of a col
cny of Polish Jews, who are ufl'erlng;
from destitution, says the settlement
comprises seventy families, numbering
'J.: soula. Tliey went there two years
aiio Inst spring, procured land, built
hruws, isnd went to work to clear.. the
1 itiJ and become independent farmers!.
About tue nnl.Ileof August a severe
frot came and ruined the entire wheat
crop and left them onlyalmnt na many
ltatue9 as they used for planting and
Isurly enough oats to winter their
slock. Trouble and suftering began at
otii. Their needs are fuel and bread,
and these articles must be had at once,
as every day increases the suffering
and privation. Twenty houses were
vifited, and all, with but two excep
tions, were found without a stick of
wood or any other material for e.v
ept cattie droppings. On Saturday
ice was three-quarters of an inch thick,
ami there were numerous little children
witli bare feet and lega. One woman,
with two little girls with bare feet and
liaibs, was trying to' keep warm .on
the sunny side of the house. Some
creditor bad taken her cow and left
tier to starve vilh her little ones."
The Utile town of Adams, Umatilla
county, must be an uncommonly
tough' p:.".ce. The following Imper
ative order., have been issued by the
Peace and Order Society of that burg:
To tchor.i C may concern; The fol
lowing, persons are required to leave
and forever stay away from the town
of Adams, Oregon, nor come within
. twenty miles of ft: John Thorp, Jeff
Thorp, Frank Grasty, Harry tirasty
and Wash Pambran.
The following persons are required
to close up their saloous and gambling
houses and retire from that business,
namely: Rube Wilson and A. J. Marsh.
II. C. Wheeler is .hereby notified that
lip shall deny all minors the privilege
of playing any game of ehance iu Ills
fS. P. Howell is notified that from
henceforth lie must keep a decent
hotel. .
Eugene Smith must do something to
support himself -and no longer, live off
J. II. Wilson may continue his busi
ness as saloon keeper, but he must net
pe rmit gambling on the - premises or
allow in his place of business anyone
who lives on the reservation. -
4, "!
I . ....1 1. 1. . i " O 3 il. .t I
living on the resi rvatiou except on the
prescription of u physician.,
A prominent Astorlan, .while re
cently in San Francisco, had a lengthy
eon vernation with the business man-
Sit of the S. F. Kxaminec about the
recently amiouneeil ptan of establish
ing a Democratic paper in 0-egon. The
manager said that the Oregon Democ
racy had phnlgel $25,000 if li-uch a pa
,per were startctl, but he smiled at the
mention of so meager, an amount.
"Why,"gtid he, "$25,000 would just
alwiut pay for the cloth and the print
ing of the cloth that we would use in
advertising posters through the State.
If the Oregon Democracy would put
lip $150,000 it Is probable that the Port
land Examiner, ttraigbt Democratic,
and as big a3 the Orgonian, would be
started there, but on nothing less." It
may be said that the f 150,000 spoken
of would not establish a first-class dally
paper that is, that it 'would require
the exenditt!re of more than that
a mount, before the concern would Le-
' tiu to pay. Astorian.
Following is from" President Cleve
land's Thanksgiving proclamation:
"In acknowledgment of ail that God
has done for us as a nation, and to the
end that on an ; appointed day the
united prayer and praise of a grateful
country may reach the throne of grace, (
I, Ororcr Cleveland, president of the
United States, do hereby designate and
set apart Thursday, the -29th day of
Novcmbtr, as a day of thanksgiving
ai:d prayer, to be kept and observed
throughout the land." . . ' -
A 3d Chambers walked over a row
oT twe t-e-ineh planks on the new
bridge a. Oregon City, being the first
lady to p-'-form the aerial feat. It is
to lie hop- d no other lady -will be so
foolish as to duplicate the act, elae Ore
gon City m.y have a first-class funeral.
There is nothing particularly com
mendable in performing dangerous acts
for fun and glory. . , .
C. A. Pillsbury, the big Minneapolis
. jniiler, is a bull on wheat, and declares
the price will yet touch two dollars.
He now has on hand about half a mil
lion bushels, nearly a third of which
is in his own elevators, lis does not
hold anything iu Chicago, and simply
tays "it's a short crop," when asked
why he is a buil.
The election at this place passed off
very q uictiy. The majority of the vote
wi-s polled by noon. Following is the
rcult in this precinct: Cleveland 214,
Harrison ISO, Fiske 0; total 413; Cleve
land's plurality, 15.
: " J
of the caitee of the co.i-f
At iiK! hrii
xx n-.' s v ( n- ? 1M.I . and it cost
to bury htr huHbt.ttd.:
A t-Ii'p It ft Sao l'j-a!i-ieo three weeks
:vrt w.ih a c.-trsro of 2IKKI barrels of
Mi-Kyu: J-rHi;,loU for the Mozam -
Vceordingto almost all the charts
Kotlcti up by astroliglMs, the following
tdiow what the time of the birth of
girls hns to do with their disposition
and happiness:
If in January, a prudent housewife.
given to melancholy, but good fcem
lered. If In February, a humane and affec
tionate wife and tender mother.
If in March, a frivolous chatterbox.
somewhat given to quarreling.
If in April, Inconstant, not very in
telligent, but likely to he handsome.
If In May, handsome, amiable, and
sure to be happy.
If in June, Impetuous, will marry
early and be frivolous.
If in July, passably handsome, but
with a bad temper. n
If in August, amiable and practical,
and mfty marry rich. -
If in September, discreet, affable,
and well thought of.
If In 'October, pretty and eoquetUah,
and may be unhappy.
If In November, liberal and of a wild
If in December, well proportioned,
fond of novelty and extravagant.
The Oregon llaptlst Btate Conven
tion was held two weeks ao at Kugene
City." It was the most successful anni
versary meeting the llaiitists have
know u iu the history of their work in
the State. There are more lhan eighty
churches in the State, with a total
membership of over 4000. About 73
delegates and visitors were in attend
ance. The convention has iio ecclesi
astical authority, but Is organized to
secure cooperation In missionary and
educational work and to foster all the
denominational interests.
Through the State Mission Board
$7200 have been expended In Oregon
in assisting missionaries. Only $3T00
was received from outside" the State.
Twenty-six missionaries have been
supported during part or all the year.
On one evening of the convention over
$ 1000 was raised fr this work. During
the year the churches have contiib
uted $2000 for foreign missions. More
than half tills amount was raised by
the Women's Society, which support
their own missionary In China.
"Is Clod just to put the heathen In
hell who have not had a chance to
learn of Christ and be saved by Him?"
Xo! Neither is it said anywhere In
God's word that He does. Clod only
rejects those w ho reject Ills Son, and
those who sin ajratust the best lights
before them. This Is your condem
nation, that ye have not believed on
the only begotten Son of God." "They
that know their master's , will and
doeth It not shall lie beaten with many
stripes." "For when the Cientiks
heathen, which have not the law, do
by nature fconseiem-e the thlnps con
tained in the law; these, having not
the law, are a law unto themselves."
God will judge no one for what he has
not, but for the best light before him
"Men of science tell usthat a whale's
throat is too small to swallow a man."
No man of observation, much less pre
tension to "science," would make any
such assertion. There was on exhibi
t ion at the World's Fair at New Or
leans, four j-ears ago, the skeleton of a
whale whose bones alone measured
fifiv.firp fwr. AiHifTirr nrrson nl
myself walkwl erect for eight steps
(twenty-two feet) frora the mouth
backward; the rilw restinijou the floor,
and the spinal column was higher
than our heads. This Is not the largest
skeleton, there being one iu London
sixty-two .feet long. "Men of science"
know that the gills of a fish or whale
exclude the water and admit the air
and there is no scientific reason what
ever why Jonah could not have lived
In the whale's belly. J. It. K.
Our school Is progressing finely with
an enrollment of 43 pupils.
There has been considerable sickness
In this vicinity during the past two
months, but all seem to bo able to be
around again.
Seven or eight men started from here
last w eek to go to their coal mines on
the Bantiam. They Intended to be
gone about eight days.
Mix Spring, who has been staying
at Albany with a family for some time,
returned home last Friday quite ill.
and is still growing worse.
Rev. T. A. Yost is holdiug -a pro
tracted meeting on McDowell creek,
Are miles from our burg. He is meet
ing with good success. Rev. McElroy
filled his appointment Sunday.
Geo. Slavens, Jr., of this place, and
Miss Martha Pierce, of Craw fordsville,
were united in marriage last Sunday
at the residence of the bride'a father,
llev. T. A. Yost officiating.
Our merchant, Mr. Hamilton, has
brought on & large supply of guods for
his store. He is selling at such prices
that his customers can do better, than
to run off to neighboring towns to
Good Rallraad Item.
The following h from ah Astoria
paper: "We do know that the Wil
lamette Valley and Coast Railway C .
have ninety miles of finished railway
track elegantly stocked and in open -
tion. We know further than this, that
in the face of obstacles of the mot
trying and destructive nature they
have continued riht on in the even
tenor of their way, and saved to the
farmers of the Willamette valley thus
far nearly fl0,000,000. Their capital
stock is 3,900,000 only, but is fully,
paid up. They have a debt aggregat
ing aloufc $3,000,000, something hear
what they have saved for their con
stituents, and as S8, 600,000 of this is
funded debt, is it "at all. unreasonable
to suppose that if the Chicago and
Northwestern is not, some equally as
good financial corporation are backing
them? They have expended 5287,000
iu roadbed; 155,590 in rolling stock;
f 3Q,00& in buildings, etc, and last year
.f.,-nl Sian S23 57. Tlw-vare now nu&h.
; and t,ht't is the line Astoria wishes to
i hang her destiny upon for an Eastern
i connection, whether we go via Albany
r at Mehama via Salem.
: . ,, .
' I) st in Vit'w ar,d we miiV ,,e
ihajjuyyeu" -
A Klcit I'j-omi, sad How 'Tl Wa !
We ftro Uilil. In VhkVh holy Wont,
Of ft liui'l Hint fulivr than tlay;
wl to rciu-h It, I have often h-nrl,
Wo mum iiul without further de toy.
We are tiKl thut Uwl'i luiljr mn
U the Hutu lit that IaikI that'i so fhtr,
And by tnixilu our Hilt to thin out,
HI light ami HI bk-nxlnga ww'U ahara.
To repent t to turn from our alna,
Ant Uv right In the IrIiI tf otir G'nt,
Ut thrUt rile eomnli'tely within,
AuJ rcntgn to the Ul of onr Lord.
Then crune. bhMwd Saviour divine.
Throw rotmd we the arnii of Thy love,
That that falreat land may be mine.
That t may dwell wtth tfty Father above.
Christian workers throughout the
United States and Canada have been
invited to attend a conference at Ie-
trolt, Mich., Nov. 15-20. The conven
tion is called by the Committee of
Christian Workers In the United States
and Canada. The purpose is mutual
acquaintance and conference of
workers, discussion of practical themes
and methods of work, and prayer for
liod's blessing upon the workers In
their efforts to seek and save the lest
in America. .
A traveling man, stopping at the Lee
House, Campbellsburg, Ind.. on learn
ing that a lady In the village was suf
fering ierrlbly with cramp eolle, gave
the landlady a bottle of medicine
which he had with liltu and requested
her to take It to the Blck woman. The
medicine relieved her promptly and
she believes saved her life. It was
Chamberlain's Colic, Chou-m and Di
arrhoea l(emeiy, tne promptest ami
most reliaiiie nunticinein use lor nowei
Complaints. Sold by M. A. Miller.
Ague caunot be permanently cured
until tits system has been thoroughly
cleansetl of all morbid matter. Qui
nine and other febrifuges will check It
temporarily, but It Is Bure to return
unless t lie system nas necn eieanseo.
For this purpose there Is tiothlng bet
ter than St, Patrick's Pills. They not
onlv rlnslc, lut thoroughly eieoiiM'
tlie entire system ami win, in mom
caws, nrevent airue and like malarial
diseases If used as soon as the first
svmntoms aimear. Sold by M. A.
The Iktskut Journal of Comnierct
thus defines a sleeper: A sleeper Is one
who sleeps. A sleeper Is that In which
the sleeper sleeps. Therefore, while
the sleeper sleeps In the. sleeper, the
sleeper , carries the sleeper over the
sleeper under the Blecper until the
sleeper which carries thesleepvr jumps
tlie sleeper and wakes the sleeper In
the sleeper by striking the 'sleeper
under the sleeper, on the sleeper, and
there Is no longer any sleejier sleeping
In the sleeper on the sleeper.
He who cannot find time to consult
his Bible will one day find that he has
time to be sick; he who has no time to
pray, must find time to die; he who
can find tin time to reflect is more
likely to And time to sin; he who can
not find time to work for others may
find an eternity In whl-h to sutler for
Quaatlona from Skptle.
Where doc thcllible say that a man
shall not have more than one wife?
And If U does not, does It not uphold
polygamy? Bkeitic.
For any pain use Oregon Klctrle
Heliet. It will cure you. You mill
rind it at Miller's drug store, who
keep a splendid fcsanrtment of drutrw,
Satent medicines and druggists' sun
rics. The largest stuck of harness aud sad
dle lit tlie valley at Thompson A Over
man's, Albany.
For cholera morbus use Oregon Elec
tric Itelicf.
A Car fur Dlarrma.
Mr. J. A. llurnixon, of Colburg,
Montgomery Co., Ia., haa found out
how he can cure any case or Dlarrhtp.
Two of his children had tlie dlocanc;
for a Unit ls weeks he tried f.air differ
ent patent medicines without hem tit,
blithe tlnalty got boll of a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud 1M
arrtma Remedy, which he says com
pletely cured tfu-m, and l omith'cnt It
will cure any case whi n the plalnlv
firinted directions are followed. rold
y M. A. Miller.
All persons knowing themselves
owlnp us will plcaie make arrange
Hieiit to settle, as wo need the money
in our business. Yours truly,
We will pay SO rt. per roll for choice
butter. Thompmon & Watejis,
Itrowimville, Oregon.
Harness and -saddles at Thompson &
Overman's, Albany.
li not I ivlti(t'U fiw auy 1-M pmtrv-l-d
by my wo, J. '. FliHlU-y.
unnr a, i.vw.
I have Knlarped My tore and Alded
a Xew aud KU-gant (stock of
Hats, Bonnets,' Flowers,
" bons, Etc., Etc.,
Which I am Selling at Prices Never
lie fore Olfercd in IbauoO. .
Call and See These Coods and
Get Prices. .
Milliner, Lebanon, Oregon.
St. Charles Hotel
X. W". CVrnor Main and Sherman Stivt,
Block KuMt of Ruilrund Ik-.
H. E. PARRISH, Manager.
Tables Supplied with the Best the
Market Affords.
Kiir?ple Rivim. aivl thp fbt An-mnmaLitkuil Tor
jnjcn.ial Miu.
Much the Newest
Nobbiest and Largest Stock of
In the County
Albany, Oregon.
i Whim vnn want to
I "dress up " wcwouldlll
If be glad to show you A
hrough and make the
t UgllL piltC.
J. L. Cowan.
J, M. Ralston.
Lebanon, Oregon,
Transacts t General Easilfig E&slness.
AMmiiIi Kept ftattj! tm rhwki
KsImik Said Km w Vrk, S r
rlto, rrllBn4 mmi Alhuay, Urrt
C'allacllfn Mad m rorall Tama.
The Mt Shasta Route.
Time twtwn Atliany and Fan ftawwro, SVlKiura.
California Cxpraaa Train Dally,
INRilmttl Arrive III HI A.
Allmnv I cktp; 7 a,
1M A. M. Arrl Kail 1 wl.rt l vr U K) r.
Local PaMvnmr Train Dally laxeapt Simla
uu. x.t Int. -i!ik1
Arriv S lf. p. a.
l-ntr 11 . a.
14 40 r.
1a a a
A m9
J.-liip. a.
Local Paana,ar Train Oally (except SanSat)
.M.'I.rvaX-lmium Arriva7:fTiTW.
Ii-.."'il r..:Ut AHnr Anlr lw p. m lrhanon Arrirr rl:f p. .
ll:mf.a.Lrava Alhany . ArdTfi -.m r. tt,
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
TounisT klketFxo c?aiw foh
. accoinmudatloti of (Second Class I'os
sengert attached to Express Tralun.
Th O. A f II. H. Ft-rry vrmnrritom Mh
all Oh. nular I rant, ui Uw Kan frklv 1U. ftuia
foul ut T. MIWU
Wsst Sld Division.
Mall Train Dally (except Sam?).
-a.w.i jraa j -nnliwl
l.'rJ'ip. Bi. ArriTg ISirvntH.
Arrive :!" . a.
lrave l-J0. m.
. Caareee Train Dally (except Sanelael.
vpi. m. I Li-a- fntani Arrive I m aTm".
AD t. tn. J Arrive M-MImt1IW teava a-5 m. m.
At Alhanr and rorrxllle cuiwrl allh trains ol
Oimn l'a.-tfW railnaul.
Sf-Fxr full liirH-niatiun tvanllnf ta'ra, toap
Kc. rail m nmiinr acrnl.
it. k, r r. Roorms,
A. .,r.ra. Aent
Sore Eyes
Th tyes are always In cympathy with
th body, and afford an excellent Index
of IU condition. Wbea tba eyas bsoama
weak, and the lids inflamed sod aore. It
la aa arUlenco that tha sjatem baa
beooras disordered by Scrofula, for
whirl! Ayers SarsaparUla Is the best
known remedy.
Scrofula, which prodncsd a painful In.
flamniation Id my eves, caosed me much
nffprinff fur a number of years. By tha
advice) of a physician I comraencad taJiing
Atst's S&rMparilla. After wing thia
medisiae short time I was completely
My eyes ars now In a splendid condi
tion, and I am as well and strong na rrar.
Mrs. William Gaga, Concord, N. 11.
Yot a number of years X was troubled
with a humor la my eye, and was uuabls
to obtain any relief until I eomotencet
using Ayer's 8arsaparilla. This medU
cino has effected a complete cure, and -I
believe it to be the lxt of blol puri
fiers. C K. Upton, Xashua, N. H.
From childbood, and until with a few
months, I hare beon afflicted with Weak
and Sore Cyes. I hare nsed for these
complaints, with beneficial res alts,
Ayer's Sarsapartlla, and consider it s
great blood purifier. Airs. C. rbilllps.
Glover, Vt.
I suffered for a year with Inflamma
tion in my left eye. Three ulcers formed
on the bail, depriving ma of sight, and
causing great pain. After trying many
other remedies, to no purpose, I was Anal
ly induced to use Ayer's SarsapariUa.
By Taking
three bottles ot this medicine I fcara been
entirely cured. My sight has been rx-.
stored, and thore Is no sign of inflamma
tion, sore, or ulcer in my eya. Kendal
T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio.
My daughter, ten years old, was afflict
ed with bcrofulous Bora Eyes. During
the last two yerrs she never saw light of
any kind. Physicians of the highest
standing exerted their skill, but with no
permanent success. On the recommen
dation of a friend I purchased a bottle of
Ayer's SarsapariHa, which my daughter
commenced taking. Before she had used
the third bottle her sight was restored.
Her cure is complete. W. K. Suther
land, Evangelist, Shelby City, Ky. ft
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Prepared by Dr. J. C Ayer a Co., Lowell, at aaa.
gold by all Druggleta. Prlo ft ; six bottles. Si.
1 1 1 . in
'XV hi. Xl tVI HU It V,
J 13. AV 13 JU 13 K,
Bargain List of Real Estate
A. 11. OY11U8 CO.,
Real Estate Agents,
Lebanon, Linn Cocntv, Orkuon.
Ijcbannn Is a thriving town of about
000 I u habitants, pleasantly situated Iu
the midst of the most favorable portion
of Linn county and also of tlie Wil
lamette valley. It U the terminus of
the liebanon hrauch of the O. 4t V,. It.
H., 13 miles from Albany, overlooking
the beautiful Alljany prairie, and con
trols the trado of a lanra section of
country, both prairie and hill lands
lielng tributary to It, giving a large va
riety of product. Homo of the finest
fruit lands of the valley are near this
place j there are also great facilities for
manufacturing aud stock raining.
It Is but 4 miles to the famous min
eral spring at Bodavitle, and 0 miles
to Waterloo, where there Is a magiiifl
cent water power and also a mineral
uprltig. Altogether, this Is a moat de
sirable location for settlers.
Linn county Is finely situated for
commerce, being crossed by two rail
roads north and south and one east aud
aud the Willamett river on the west
Look Ovar This List of Bargains and
Com and Sea Us. Wo Will Treat
You Well.
f 1,75(1. No. H(i
174 acres, situated 7 niltai from Ix b
anoii, AO acres undr cultivation, all
under fence, and plenty living water;
two-story box house and gotxl large
barn; sj acres gooit ortliani. Tuts is a
good stock farm, having plenty of gotsl
outsiue range.
tl.ono. No. 181.
1231 acres 8 miles from libation, 3D to
3H acres III cultivation, 40 acres imslure
one-story box houe, large burn 6Hxiil
feet, ore hanl of l.iO bearing fruit tree
fruit bouse and drvrr; nlrntv nf wttt-r
one mile toschoid. IVrtua, f l.UW ciwh
ami balance tusuit purcliascr.
13.000. No. iVi
8."U acn-s, 4 miles from iA-bnnon, lis
acScs in cultivation, 144 In paHture.
Italance briiHh and pasture and smue
tlmlwr; haie, Imm and turn of or
chard; water couveuietit. .Terms, f l,-
uu canii, uaiance one year.
t3.Rrt). No. 140
SIV acres, 9 miles from Lelmnon. 80
apnii in cultivation, Kui acres under
foitce: ft Kol house, barn 80 feet Ion?,
ami oilier iKitiNHMH-a, a acres orcharU,
Terms, 91,000 rash, balance one year.
12.000. No. 148
tal acres of level land 3 miles from
fA-bunoti on road toHodavill, 30 arns
In cultivation. 13 acre in rra: riaal
mMtory Imuae, small bam and young
orenaru. i erms cskii.
fVW. No. lf.2.
fO ai iva, 0 miles K. H. of Ietmnoii, 40
sens in cultivation, 30 acres pasture
10 acres of timber, all fenced, well
watered; 110 building.
11,400. No. 177
tfU acres l)mil4 from Kndaville, IS)
sen's Inipruvrc, mouinler fc-nor;
hox house and itaiilc log bam; place
is wen wau-rvu.
No. 1S2.
The Ft. Charles Hotel and barber
slum in Lebanon, l'av wr month
rvnt. Furniture included. Ia. Sxl5'J
M.OOOi. No. 8
UMI acres 3 mihs from Iehation; atam
100 acres In cultivation, balance in pas
ture; poor nouse; oaru; large orcimru
fins arawt land. Terms. (000 cash
lmlaii-c to suit pun-haner at 10 per cent
, lUtn,.
I,on0. Nv 1M
acres 8 miles froru Ijbanoii, ITT
ares In cultivation, balance tsisture
ir ssl houe and two barns; wliooi houxe
oti the farm; place well watered by
sririiigs: onus to railroad station
good orchard.
tl.SOO. No. 15,
i.C7 acres 8 miles from Lebanon; VSi
twrvn tHaver dam land, 3-i a rca in cut
tivatloii, balance pasture and brush
box house, baru and small orchard.
flO.non. No. 19
4M7J acres R miles from Ilsmnn, V
seres In actual cultivation, tt acre
In meadow; 300 acres In grass for pas
ture. 37 acn-s tirnlicr and brush; GO
head of cattle.-10 head of liomoo, 40
tons of hay, alaiut 8(H) huahela of oofs
and wthrr fett and soed; farming uteii
si's, wagon, hack, etc., all go with
place. Easy terms.
Imlrfraii!a, buy farms nrar Lclmnon,
lcause the soil ia Tok1, pricra low, lo
cation iilootiant and healthful, farilltira
for marketina- prndure uriauqaxsaed,
variety of prtaluots unriualexl.
I-ia Ijelwnnn, by rail, to 1'ortland,
PSmilva; to Albany, IS uilkn; to Y
quinit Imy, B5 milea. . '
hVnd stamp for descriptive pQtuplikt
of Linn county, to.
A. R. CYRUS & CO.,
Oregon Development Co's Steamship Line
Than by aujr othur Rhi(c.
First llaae Tbroush Fiuesevra Freight
A.ln -
rroiu Portland and all Iv liil. In the Willamette
Valley to aud from an FraucL-vu, CaL
. TIME SCHEDULE. (Except Sundays:)
I.v. A I. many, l:Ml p. in. .1 l.r. T.kDi-tKA. fi:' a in.
I.v. I'uKVAi.Lia.t 40v. m. '( l.v.foKVAi.i.inlo r.'is. m.
An. YAmi LNA a.:-0 p. ni. As. Albany, U:1U a. iu.
O A V Tralii 4'fniM'Ot at Albsnr nnd Corvdllis,
Tha atore Trains conm-vt nt Yiuiiitna a llh Uw
JreKin lsvelonient t'ompaiiy' IJne of
MeainxbiiM between Yoiiiua and
. fan Fruiu'locu.
' 8AIL1KO DATre:
From 8,
K. J from Yagulna.
Willamette Valley
Wlllam-rtie Valley
Willainctle Valley
Nov I.Ham
Nov 12. 4pm
Nov 24.10am
kv. e
Nov. IS
TliN Company reserve Ihe right to t-ttuugc Sail
ing Uules without notice.
Pasfwnirpr (Vora Portland, and all Wlllumetti'
Valley point, can make clone connection with
lhi Tmln of the YaiiI'1S4 Koitk at .Albany or
t'orralli. and If dentlned toan Frannliiro, should
arraiiire to arrive at Yaqulna the evening before
tlx: datu of failing.
IaaMcn(ir itinl Frolaht Itiit cm
Gcn'l Fr't & Pas Asr't,
Clrotfon revetopment Co.,
K04 MooUfoniery 81..
C C. HOT.l-E,
Act'it Gen'l F. t I. Atft,
O. P. R. R. R. Co., .
Sun Krauciiioo, Cal'a. I
Cl rvxOo tlis Cldldren. Tlier are es
VJVWrC pecjajiy lubj. to gaddea
Colds, Ccmglis, Croup, Whooplno Cough,
etc . Wo . guarantee, Acker's English
Remedy a positive cur. - It sarea
konrs ot aioo watching, gold y
J. A. Hoard, Druggh t.
u Hub
We invite you to;
Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars,
Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc.-
IMiiMcii&lto OrnsH mid fXlsiaotliy Seed.
Hides Furs and "all kinds
We Guarantee Fair Treatment to AIL v
Comer Brick Store,
'(Limited IJne.)
CHA8. U. SCOTT, - Rooalver.
On aiw afVr Jan. 1. and until Anther so-
IW-r tiitiiu will run daily (eirrt Sunday) aefwl-
(.Vtmr Mail.!
l-urtl d MalL
Toa-erd fort
land. Fr i-h rort- !
l. 11 K) a. as.
roHTI-ANII.RAW.V! At 4.U p
rrt 00
l.2 i
1 19
t M
1 M
t us
4 M
4 41
rKH c Linrnin at.
Kay'e Uttxllrtf,
m. rsKl't. a
PtelK Prairie,
i WniKliium.
L 110
Ar 1.49
. IN
i m
1 Ml
la is
is. is
il m
li at
n m
10 i
18 II
I To nerml,
! MrKre,
t Itarua'e
M Ami,
Inn .
I Jhnjn' Mill,
' Kat fUe Jumlion.
Wm Hl:iTIn,
KurihSattl iars.
1. I' 4 mxlnc.
Srl Jutw,
W es S--l.
TthtfnM t'urk,
4 rah" fee,
Prwn HVe,
Tiu Sultsa,
Ktia lull
4 tt
7 a
7 -A
Sua . r
l.Vi I.T.
romroulmton TVkele at two cents per la lie m
ttle al etalkMia havlna AevnW.
Train allh raea-nerr. Frelcht sad Exiieeaa,
ran arale fttna freight.
Frelaht train tnrm lon1ml. fcTondaee. Weiie
dare au-l lliursleia, Tiwrtl ruruaad. Tuea
tlajra, Tburla)re au Saturday.
fntinertton st Rars and Ftik)narls landlat
lin Hirim-r "ill rf sah-ia tur ialrni Motxia.
lrlrlar and Kriil.-tr. returnlna frum fak-ru
Turalsr. Tluiralajf and Katunlark, fuanertinfr
K ! sii.l -t fvvt t no-r trains, etram
er "4 'lir sak-m make trailer Ijetween Kar'
aitd FuJituaru ijitxlliiK ually. futHla) exrepteu.
CIIAS. S. BOUTT. ttereirer.
rieneral Offlr-r. Jt. W. Curoer flnl and line We,
lurtlatd. I Hecun.
Wines. Liquors and Cigars.
Frtsi Klstrtl tad Scdi Water.
(Orpodta Esrhanire noteL)
Li a .ii, . - - - Osauoii.
AYER'S 8ur
If tb IJrcr be- Q I E O
comes torpid, if the fT-i B -". i.Wa
bowels are coostJoated, or II the stomach
fails, to perform its fa actions properly, use
Ayer's Pills. They are Invaluable.
For some rears I was a victim to Lirer
Complaint, in couseqnence of which I
tillered from Genural Debility and Indi
gestion. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills
restored tne to perfect health. W. T.
rightney, Henderson. W. Va.
For years I hav relied mora upon
Ayer's IUia than anything else, to
my bowels. These Pills are mDd in ac
tion, and do their work thoroughly. I
have used tbein, with good effect. In
rases of Kheumatuim and Dvspepsia.
U. F. Miller, Attieboroueh, Mass.
Ayer's Fills cured me of Stomach and
Liver troubles, from which I had suffered
for years. I consider them the best pills
made, and would not be without thorn.
Morris Galea, Downs viile, N. Y.
I was attacked with Billon Fever,
which was followed by Jaundice, ana
was so dangerously ill that my friends
despaired oimy recovery. I commenced
taking Ayer'a Pills, and soon regained
my customary strength and vigor.
John C Paulson, Lowell, Nebraska.
Last spring I suffered greatly from a
troublesome numor on my side. In spite
of every effort to cure thiaeruption, it in
creased; until the tiesh became entirely
raw. I was troubled, at the same time, .
with Indigestion, and distressing pains in
The Bowels.
By the advice of a friend I .bemui taking
Ayer's Pills. In a short time I was free
from pain,-my food digested properly, the
sores on my body commenced healing,
and, in less than one month, I was cured.
Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Ga.
T have long used Ayer's Pills, In my
family, and believe them to be the best -pills
made. S. C. TJarden, Darden, Miss.
My wife and little gfrl were taken with
Dysentery a few days ago, and J at once
beTsran giving them small doses of Ayer's "
Pills, thinking I would call a doctor u the
disease became any worse. In a short
time the bloody discharges stopped, all
pain went away, and health was restored.
Theodora Ealing, Richmond, Va. tt
' Ayer's Pills,
Frepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer It Oo., Lewell, Mass.
Aoil by aU Dealen la Medicine.
I) y H lib
conic aiiti look through our Mam
moth btock oi
of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods.
Main Street, Lebanon, Linn County, Or.
Druggist and Apothecary,
Drugs -:- and -:- Medicines
-5E3Paints, Oils and Glass.-
Flne Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc.
And Fancy Toilet Articles.
Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon.
At Cost! Still
Having . purchased the stock of Clothing, Gents Fur
nishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., of C. li. Roland
&. Co. if now prepared to offer
Better Bargains than Ever !
Having a complete assortment of General Merchandise,
hought at a big discount, which he still proposes to sell at
cost, purchasers will do well to call and get his prices before
buying elsewhere, as you can ?ave from 25 to 30 per cent.
The highest market price paid for country produce of all
kinds, either in cash or goods. ;
The best is
always th
. r-.;:-.v..r.-ij-..-;;'." . .-'j -
We are also prepared to furnish on short notice
any machrne from a butter worker to a steam mill.
W'e keep on hand all staple implements, suce as
Plows . Mowers, lienpers,
' Ilarrowi), Cnltlvtoi-, Pulverizorw,
XlliUcs, Waffons Uuarijiow.
And the celebrated Sherka-cod Steel Harness.
lrcbme.and see us; we "will make you happy
. Lebanon, Or.
to the Front I
The most
easiest and
nm2f miu
mmSm lightest
Pia made