The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 09, 1888, Image 1

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Pnirf ' nr!n ri fV'Tf V-t; --
Legal Blanks, Buste? f i t,
lfrtt?r IJc-ada, XMll lUa-Ti.
Circulars, Fosters), S.fs
fixeeut4 In njd'l t-t ktt i:i .i (:'-
Hiwti kvk rswv.)
-ii. Y. KIKKI'ATHK K t
Yr'.KMS OF RlFttSCRll'l'loN.
lino Y-ar ................. ,.... .,......t 00
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turo Month.,. ..... ....,.....,......,. oo
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Each ailill-fcrnalBwarUon. ...... ........... ........ w
lil N. tre. pvr tin. W miU
K,.mUr adrcrtWuMtnu JmwrU-'t Kixm litn-ral lr-i
".11 J -Z. Jil
LEBANON, OREGON, Fit I DAY, NO VE M I J E 1 I 9, 1888.
NO. 35.
LEBANON H'lViiR . SO. 44. A. T A. M : Mta
si llieir n lintl In M&wiU Block, on tianmlai
.... Wa tta fU W. M.
ir.V tmiln of at O.M Killow Mull.
Mkn tnwt; (tUn Vr.tlut-n nlM!g lm!.l to
H,IM,K fcoOOK NO S, A. O 1'. W , tlnnR,
inm: Mu evmr oral, ami thM Thur.l .
int. "t th. month. F. H, ROat'oli M. Vl .
A. R. CYRUS A. CO., -
Real Estate, Insurance & Loan
Agent. : -
general CaUeettest aw Xetary Ille
.). ITessptly Attended .
' M. N. KECK.
JHoanmeats ad Hfteie, -t J
'ASO '
Ojp R flrera IIuttM,
n AW Itl
A Double Circular Water Power
Saw Mill,
IV e tit Ijtibanoii,. Or.
Capacity ah-mt 500 feet p r clay. Alio, 41
acre of land on htch the sawmill
U located. .
PRICK, $2,00()
Also l are a law stock ot'
At loweRt market rates for cash.
. W. WHKKLKK. Ibt.... Or.
Artistic Photographer,
Enlargtag from Small Pictures. In
. . sUiutAnous Procew.
Groceries and Provisions,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
ttcaware aa 4UlaiMiware.
Laaip. mad Ljaaip Vlxtarrs.
Mala Mt Lrf-baaaa. Orrara.
Sweethome. Oreson,
JOHN T. DAVIS, Proprietor
The table Is .applied with the very bert the
market afford.
N ioe clean beds, and satisfaction ffuaran toed
to all gricats.
In connection with the above house
Keeps a Feed and Sale Stable, and will
accommodate tourists and travelers with
teams, guides and outfits.
Proprietors of the
LlTBTy, Sals ail Feefl Statslas
Southeast Comer of Main and Sherman.
Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har-
ness and
For parties going to Brownsville, V
terloo, Sweet Home, bcio, and all
parts of Linn County.
All kinds of Teaming
A Convent Tumble law m. T.i
VrelchtTralna recked. Fell
From a llt litae.
, Killed er a llumnir.
O. P. Grant, an troyloyu ul the Sut
ter Street Katlruad Company of 8iu
Frnncisco, waa run over by a dummy,
and received Injuries in thd bsick and
hip which caused his deitih. Jle wits
vmg II. t on his luce and reaching
through a man-hole, engitgetl in re
pairing the rmd, and did not notice
he aptvoaoh vl the tlnmmy. Ihe
gnjmHh apparently did not teo the
prostrata man until too Ule to avoul
running oxer him. Tlo tiunitity
caught Orant and rolkti him about
twenty fee
before tb train waj
t topped.
t'areat t'lres.
Dr. Jcnes and R. H. Shingle pi
Grass Valley, CuI., had a fearful et-
Ierience. Whil driving home from a
place known as "You Bel" they ran the
KauuUct ot a hot f:re for tao mile.
On Uxh sides of tbo road buue piuee
b)atd, and one pl.tce on their w.y
was bl ocked by fallen trees that they
had to aHibt to burn, so as to get a
roaday. The absence of wind is all
that allowed them to get through. All
the. timer eaH of greenhorn ctw k
is on tire. At Johnston an et asive
sbiiigle mill is reported destroyod.
niMlaf Ilanter !' Iteaal.
Mr. F. E. Ertle, of Id.tho Cil ' re
lates the account of finding the body
4 a hunter; Mr. Wallace Brown, son
of Robert B-own, proprietor of the
Brownlee Ferry, st avtl with a com
panion named Chivrlci : White on a
hunting cxtedition to the mountains.
Lhey had with them a goxl supply of
ammunition, blankets and UmhI, he-
hide taking with them a tent. They
pitched. their tent at the bead water
of the , wtst fork of Erownlee ererk,
and about' noon of the 2nd of Dcceru-
ler they started in search of deer.
When out some time they separato-d.
White's statement in to the effect that
be lookel around for Brown but could
not fiud him, and returned to the tent
id the evening. Brown did not re
turn up to the eud of forty-eight hours
so White returned to the terry and
notified the people there that enow had
fallen to the depth of two feet Inrfore
be hit csmp. On lit rcporU-g
Brown's disappearance, all the mn in
the neighborhood start d in search of
the body, ami remained out until snow
interfered, but during the entire sum
mer men h;ve been looking for the
body, without ucce-. Two months
ago a band of Indian went through
the mi unUint but could tet no tid
ings of the misiDg" nua ; bat on the
20h inet. Mr. Thomas. Arthur, while
hunting, uncovered a gun and a pir
of mitten, lying at the iaead of a
small gulch. Mr. Murphy reported
the matter to the senior Mr. Brown at
the ferry, and a party of searchers
started out on the 22nd, and the fol
lowing day Andy Williamson found
the skeleton of a man, about a quarter
of a mile from the lent, and about the
same distance from where the mittens
and gun had been found. The gun
when found, was still loaded. the
body was intact, showing that it liad
not been molested by wild animals.
The body was lying on its back, and
indications are that be was on hia w.iy
to the tent when he fell. Blood marks
were found on his clothing, and the
coioner deemed it advisable to hold an
lr.queat on the remains. xJrowu was
32 years old, and leaves a widow and
three children. Ale. Charles W bite.
who accompanied Brown on the ex
petition, is described an a crank. One
man relates a story oi lute being
on the road with a friend some time
go. White was riding a mule, tut
had run out of feed, liis friend had
an abundance of it, and told White to
tu-e some, bat rather than do it he took
the mule into the mountain and shot
it. Since the finding of Brown's body
White has been running like a wild
man along the banks of a crev k
There are some fears that he is insane.
K'lre Hoard a Steamer.
Fire was discovered, iu the pilot
house of the steamer San Joaquin, at
Sacramento. Cal.. and before the ar
rival of the engines damage amount
ing to 500 or $ 600 had been done,
It is believed the fire was the act of
an incendiary.
A IIrn linraca.
A fire was discovered in the barn of
V. W. Montague near Agrews station
in San Joe. Cal. The barn with 100
tons of hay was completely destroyed
Loss, $2,500.
A Com vent Tumbles Down.
During high winds at Pctaluma,
CaL, the old convent building in pro-
CCP8 of removal fell down with a loud
crash. Two young ladies narrowly
escaped being crushed to death.
Freight Trains V recked.
There was a smashup at Pinole,
Cal. A Sacramento freight train ran
into the west bound gravel train, one
half mile east of Pinole, smabhing
several freicht cars and throwing them
into the ditch. The engine of the
freiebt train is a total wreck. The
engineer and fireman of the freight
train jumped off end were consider
ably b:uiscd. The conductor was, at
the time of the accident, walking on
top of a box car, and was thrown into
a pond of water nearby, w hen picitea
up he was more scared than hurt
Passenger trains were delayed one
hour by the accident. - ;
' ' Fell from a Hr Id gre.
"The work train of . the ' Heppne:
branch arrived at Arlington, Orr
bringing with it a man named Peter
son, who was badly hurt by falling
from a bridge near liedford. Hi arm
is broken and he appears to be hurt
I internally. lie was loreman oi
gang of bridge builders.
A Youth In Trouble.
Wm. Montgomery,' of Portland,
Or., was arrested hi San , Francirco
and taken to I lie city prison where a
warrant whs waiting for nun, ch irg-
ng him with lorgeiy. It w ems that
Chaa. Crumley and Montgomery havf
been rooming together. Crumley
says he paid the tent 01 ids room
male, as the Utter wan out of fuuda,
and also advanced him money at
times.. Septemlxur 20th Crumley be
caino seriously ill and Montgomery, b
is claimed, sent a telegram to the sick
oy't parent at Philadelphia, siguiiH'
Crumlej's name, in which he stated i
Send money; 1 am very sick." Y ben
the money arrived, amounting to $10,
Montgomery procured It at the tele
graph ottt-c, it is said, signing his
rieud s name to the roeoiot. Since
then Crumley has seen nothing of U
roommate, but his disnppearatico wit
explained when Crumley received a
Idler from home asking him if ho re
ceiml the money. Crumley investi
gated the matter, then swore to a
warrant for Montgomery's arrest.
Wlien ieeit at tho eny pritn Mont -
gtnnery acknowledged his RUilt iu
part, but cbiimed a companion, whose
name he will not give at present, was
more implicated than lie; further,
that he, Montgomery, was under the
influence of liquor at the time the
dispatch wns gent and did not realise
the criminality of I be act.. He. sa
he has written to his father iu Port
land telling him the circumstances
fully ami has secured a postponement
of the trial for tea days, as he expects
a reply by that time. - He left Port
land about six rronlliB since. Ho is
iigtnl probably 22 or 2.1. To paro the
feelings of his family he does not cart
to give his father's interests or place of
A man reginlering as An lone Slink r
rom Han Joe, was found dead at
Sonoma, Cal., with UUe top of hisvJiead
blown off by a shotgun with supposed
suicidal intent. He left a note saying
there was no u c to inquire about him
aa lie had no relatives. . ,
Itestrnetlve Flames.
The flour mill of the Central Mill
ing Company of Gilroy, Cal., waa de
stroyed by tiro. A number of adjoin
ing buildings were damaged. The
oss to the Milling Company is flu,
000. Well inoured. It was only by
great energy of the firemen that ad-
lonung buildings were saved. Two
brick store on either -ide of the mill
were all that sartd an axtentive con-
Migration. The building opposite
caught several times. Among other
lowes, besides the milling company,
re the following : W. Fanuington,
11,000; Henry Miller, $3,010; A. P.
BailLtige, f oOO ; besides many other
whose individual lotses are not as yit
ascertained. The contents of the
mill aie a total lw 8 .me think it is
nccndiary, while others believe it
caught from the machinery. It is
stated that they will not rebuild. A
new steamer recently purchased at a
cot of $1,500 did excellent work. ,:
ttemanea to China.
Fifteen of the 'fiffy-one Chinamen
who were rr leased from the steamer
Belgic at San Francisco, on the plea
that they were merchant, were re
manded to Chins' by Judge Sawyer, at
the request of their attorneys, who ad
milted that the men could " not. be
elat!-ed as merchants. The crenuiue
t uinete merchants there say they are
glad this barefaced attempt to "evade
the exclusion act has faded so com
pletely and ignomiuiously. t
. Fire In a Vrocery Store. -
A. Die broke out in the ceiur oi a
frame building on Sutter street in San
Francisco, occupied by Dictrick
Becker as a grocery. The walls ot the
building were torn down to keep the
fire from spreading, but in spite of the
efforts of the firemen an adjoining
building caught snd was considerably
damaged by lire and water. The- It
tal loss is fa.UUO ; insured. Three
ladies became frightened and went
upon the root, irom winch position
they were rescued with great diffi
culty.' " V
Attempted Naletde.
A tramp, having every appearance
of a lunatic, entered Thomas Jones's
barber shop, at Albauy, Or., and after
standing arouud for a few minutes
seized a raaoY and attempted to cut
his throat. Mr. Jones and Wm. Mack
interfered and put him out of the
shop. He was then taken in charge
by Policeman McClam and was led off
to the city jail. He grew violent
when captured and was a tough cus
tomer to handle. He was accompan
ied by one Wm. Grn itinerant
nvirble cutter, who tome months ago
nearly died in this city in a fi, and
who waa recently ideated from ihe
insane asvlum. He was arrested for
begging, but escaped from the police
man and ran down the street like a
professioual fool-racer, and could not
afterwards be found.
A Soldier Murdered and Kobbed.
The remains of a man dressed in a
soldier's uniform were found five miles
west of Tucson, Ariz ' Tiie body wae
covered with rocks, and the pocket
had been rifled. He is ttelieved to
have leen one of the deserters from
Fort Lowell who had been murdered
by his companions for his few dollar.
Catholic Church and College Burned
The Catholic church aud college
building in St. Helens, . Cal.,' caught
fire and was totally destroyed. For
tunately an excuision train retarnmg'
from Napa arrived len minutes after
the fire et irte'J, and 200 excursionist
of St. Htjena, and Calibtoga wore very
quickly on the scene, and assisted in
saving personal property and adjoin
ing buildings. The loss to" the Catho
lic ociety is $10,000. The college ia
insured for $5,500. ' The origin of the
fire is a myfctery.
A Gambler Sentenced.
T. G. Lacy, recently found guilty of
conducting a clock game in Piatt's
hall in San Francisco, was sentenced
to pay a fine of $100 or serve 100. days
in jaiL His council gave notice of
appeal t the superior court. The
charges against the 300 men arrested
for visiting the game were dismissed
on motion of the prosecuting attorney,
who said the arrests were made more
for the purpose of serving as a warn
ing than with a desire of stealing
their conviction.
Careless With m Uun.
David N. WinblgW, aged 20 years,
while cleaning two guns at his father's
residence in Hmta Ana, Cal., acci
dentally let a shotgun fall on a riflo.
discharging the latter and fatally
wounding himxelf in the abdomen,
lie died shortly after. Hi parents
are wtll-to-do people and old settlers
Unllty at manslaughter.
The trial of Albert It. Wolff, hi
wife Delta, and Alfred E. Peterson for
the murder of Frank Wilson, at 8 n
Juan-by-lhe-Boa, Cal., was conducted
in tho superior court, the jury finding,
Albert Jt. olft guilty of manslaughter
and Hcquiting Berta Wolff and Peter
I'klnsiMU Assassinate.
Wong Ah Ling, a Chinese domestic,
was. fired upon in Chinatown, tan
Francicco, by some person lying In
concealment. Two fit its were fired.
One bullet entered the right thigh.
and passed through the leg; the
'thrr, prtM-lng through the body, made
ilsetrt at tho lower part of the toV
domen. Hi injuries are fatal. Wong
aid he nid not know bin assailant, and
clainls ha was shot through mhtake.
Terribly Oraabva.
William Colter, a drayman, of San
Francisco, wm thrown from hi eeat
by the truck striking an obstruction
in the street. Tile fall stunned him.
and the wheels of the heavily loaded
truck papaed over bis chest, horribly
crushing him. Ha was taken to a hos
pital where he died shortly after. He
leaves a wife anst sic children.
Ir.-tllocls CoaltUe Ienlal.
The hearing of the charge of irreg
ularity in his oftloial capacity pre
ferred against City Physician Bloch of
San Francisco, by Coroner .Button
and Sheriff McMaqn w practically
ended. Dr. Bloch "positively denied
he had 'evt r given poison Ui Uoldensou
the executed murderer of Mamie Kelly,
as has been stated. .....
Train Wrerkea by Tattle.
Tho west-bound "llyet" on .the
Union Pacific ; waa ; wrecked .near
Evanston, Wy., by running into a
band of cattle. The locomotive, bng
gafje a ud express ears were ditclnd.
A fireman named Kelly, who wss on
bis way from the East waa killed. .The
engineer was. seriously injured.
Miss Boatrloe Clugston, who hns
recently died, was one of the most
. . t a L 11 . I A - nnu active pnuaninrvuiia
In Si-otland. She founded a Convales-
cen iionie ana a jiome lor incuranioa,
anil, by means of bazars, she raised
f 233.0O0 for thoe institutions and oth
ers ttt whlcn nho took an interest.
It Is Thomas A. Edison's Intention
to take a record of tho strength of his
baby's luns every throe months, 'I
will preserve the record," said he re
cently, "until ' tho child becomes a
young" lady. Then tho phonograph
can bo operated for her benefit; and
sho can see for herself just what kind
of a baby she was. and won't have to
tako her mother's and the nurso'
word for it" Itowcll Timet.
For long and faithful service the
record of Miss Sarah Xorcrossis prob
ably unparalleled in this country. This,
lady went to Lowell from Fartnlngtoh,
Me., in April, 1838, and obtained em
ployment in the dressing-room of the
Boott cotton mills. ' During the fifty
Intervening years she has been con
stantly employed in the same room and
at the same work, and for forty-five
years under the same overseer. ....'
When Annie Coulse Cary returned
from her study abroad she Came in
concert company with Nilsson. Carry
waa only at the beginning of her earn
ings., .comparatively, and. had but a
limited wardrobe. Kilssoa, always
naked her what she was going to wear
and then adapted her own dress to suit
MLns Cary's, her own wardrobe being
so full and varied. This was done in
full kindness for Miss Cary, and was
one of the way in -which she showed
her natural delicacy of spirit. ..
A novel party was lately given by
somo Philadelphia.! at a summer' re
sort. Invitations were Issued for a
"ghost party," and the. ovehinsr waa
devoted to the recitation of weird and
grew some tales of horror and to tho
recounting of -personal experiences
that were in every way calculated to
make the hair of the assembled com
pany stand on end. When the blood
of all tho guests was beginning to
curdle the witching hour of midnight
was rung out by -r the clock. Thi
proved to be the signal for1 supper,
and immediately lights were brought
and the ghostly seance wag oyer.
Gladstone's fiiufc -oratorical- qual
ification Is his fi'ire voice.1 It is said
that a foreigner who heard him- one'.
night doalared that, ' until. -tbwttr-ko
had never regarded the English as a
musical language; but, now" ho was
convinced thvt it 'was one of the- most
melodious of tongues. Somo
body once sa'ul.hHl Mr. Gladstone was
the only man ka-lho-House who could
talk in italics. "This, saying adds
Mr. Justin McCarthviv "was 'Odd, but
was, neverthelessappropriate and ex
pressive. - Gladtdone eoiild. by' the
slightest modulation of Jus voice, give
all the emphasis of italics, of small
print, or largo prntoT any other ef
fect he might desire,, in his spoken
words." .
Mother "I want you to be good
children this -week." Freddie "What
will you give us if -V?e are "gtod?-' "If
you are right good you . can look on
when your fathei-Bhaves himself Sun
day morning."- Texas Sifting . - 0 -
Full Regulation Weight. Wife"
(proudly) "I - made this pound-cake
mysolf, John; what do you think of
it P" Husband (critically) "Well,
my dear, I think It will run fully six
teen ounces to the pound." Harper's
Dkvoiku to tub Imtkrhhts or Fahmkih
If the old ruts have proved profit
able, stick to them. If not, get out.
It is ectimale 1 that to collect one
puod of honey from clover (12,000
heads of clover must Iks deprived of
nectar and 4.750,000 visits from bees
muat be made.
If the apple free leave turn lighter
Colored befarat frost change them
look for the cause in the trunk near
the root. The cause will be found in
a b"rer working hi way to the heart
of tne tree, and the way to find him
is with a flexible wire inserted iu the
opening to his retreat.
Don't nsglict to clean your orchard
of all nest of worm, etc., and, if
neeewary, make a minionary todr to
your lax neighbor' orchard for it i
not only an act of charity, hut of self
defenee. And tbe same remark will
apply, to sucb contagions and cantan
kerous nuiaance a Canada thistles
and like evil weeds. It is something
wise to dirsharge the duties of your
neighbors lu addition to your owu,
tucli benevolence being profitable.
This is what a good many farmers
want to know, that is how to make
more corn, and here isV bit of aeiwi
ble talk abut tbe matter The best
way to get more corn is get increased
yield from the same acreage. A poor
corn crop necessarily . cost so much
labor that it rarely pays a profit. But
if the land is manured highly and cul
tivated thoroughly the crop rarely or
never fails to pay. It is easily poiUe
to double the corn yield on the pres
ent acreage, and that, oo, without
coming near the large yields which
have been obtained in special cases.
. The advantages of dishorning old
animals have, probably been exagger
ated. A bull or cow used to hooking
i only temporarily made harmless -jr
dishorning. While the receuHj, wouiula
are ore, such auimal will keep quiet,
but with returning freedom from pain
will be found A return of former vio
iotisimasv. The art of butting is not
lost with the horna, ami a g od butt- r,
if viciously inclined, needs to be
guarded against with or without horna.
It is held that the destruction of the
cabbage worm may be aceonip!Uhod
by the ue of pyrethruro. It should
be in the use of fresh powder and iu
this form may ! bought at any drug
store. If'slrould be mixed with about
three time it bulk of wheat Hour and
applied to the plant by mean of a
smaii i hows, mwn expressly lor ap
plying insect mwder. These bellow
are also k pt, by druggiala. A very
k ,! qiuuuity 0(
,ufficienl tor
tins mixture will be
each plant. One Pound
of tho pyrethum is sufficient fur an
acre of cabbage.
It 1 easily possible in season of
abundant b'ossoming for one-half tbe
set of fruit to make more bulk t f ap
ples than J he jrhol. i The codling
moth tlum and usually too much, but
does not do it the right way. Tho ap
ples are half or two-thirds crown be
fore they drop and fall. The true w.iy
is to spray tho tree with Paris greenio
destroy the worm, and then hand-pick
tne truit belore it terms seeds, and
thus exhausts the vitality of the tree.
Tbe corn crop In all the great corn-
producing Slates is a very largo one
and is now safely ripened. No oth-.M
grain crop is quite so important a this
to the prosperity of all branches of
farming, aud therefore of the entire
country. It i the pivot upon which
everything elae swings. The crop thia
year wm te something more than
2,000,000,000 bushels, and in butter,
cheese, beef and pork will largely
swell our exports, and make up for the
deficiency tn our wheat crop.
Oat are almost exclusively sold by
weight, and all grain should be. There
is a great difference in the, weight of
this grain, varying with season, variety
... ... . .
ana locality. etemoaia, lor some
cause, are much lighter than those
grown in New York and Eastern
States. The standard weight per
bushel is also two to four pounds lea,
Light oats are usually caused by hot
dry weather as the grain ia filling,
W herever sucb weather prevails the
seed quickly degenerates, and needs to
be .renewed every few years by import
ations from Euroie, where cooler Hum
mers make the. coudilions for grow
ing heavy .oats more favorable than
here. , .
Desperate efforts are made by some
farmers to finish plowing or planting
or cnltivating'a crop just to, beat some
neighbor who has the . enviable repu
tation of always being ahead of anv
ioneelee with his work. ' The idea of
keeping work well in hand is a good
one, and the honor of leading the-v. in
in a neighborhood in all kinds of work
is one worthy 4o be son grit after; but
there are other considerations that tire
'of much more importance than that
or being able to. say that no one is
farther along with their work thxn
rou ale. Ground is sometimes made
haid to cultivate by being plowed
.while too wet, and crops, are Borne
times ruined by putting the med in
the earth when it is nt in tbe proper
condition. The farmer who raises ihe
best crops, and does it with the legist
trouble and cost, is generally .the man
a-ho uses hi judgment in regard to the
time of preparing the ground, pknt
higthe eed and cultivating the plants
regardk sa of what others may do or
. "Gracious met" said old Mrs.
Bently,-who was reading an account
of a public dinner. "What's the mat
ter P" Inquired old.Mr. Bently; "What
an awful amount o' toast these men do
eat! I should think It would make 'em
thirsty." Harper's Bazar. -.
Mrs. Van Prim "I am astonished,
;Clara, that you should voluntarily al
low Mr.' Featherly to put ' his ' arm
around you." Clara "It wasn't ex
actly voluntary, mother; at least con
siderable pressure waa brought to
bear uoonjue."' ; L
VlKkb ICvKHV Vt'KfK.
WHRAT Valley, $1 403ll 421
Walla Walla, $1 328l 35. ,
BAR LEY Whole. $0 85fill 00:
ground, per ton, 020 00S2I DO. -
OATS Milling, 32anic : feed. 23
a-30o. ,
HAY Baled, $11 $ 13.
REED Blue Ors. l2fiiV.: Tiro
otby,78o.$ lied Clover, ll12o.
FLOUR Patent Roller. $5 00:
Country Brand, $4 0.
EGGS Per dox, 30j.
.BUTTER Fancy roll. i,r round.
25c.; pickled, 22J2io.; Inferior
grade, 22i253.
CHEESE Eastern, & 131c; Ore
gon, 13(14o.; California, lie.
VEGETABLES Beet. tr sack.
$1 00 ; eabb ige, per lb., lc. ; carrots,
per sk., $ 7r ; tettnoe, per riot. 10-5.;
onions, $ 85; potatoes, per 100 Hi.,
40c.; radishes, - per dc., lw20c
rhubarb, per lb., bo.
H0NBY In comb, per lb.
f-trained, 5 gaL tins, per lb. 8Jc.
POULTRY Chickens, per do.;
$4 00(4 60; ducks, per do., $5 00
0 00 ; goeee, $6 .007 00; turkeys,
per lb., lOo. 4 . . . ,
PROVISIONS Oregon haws, 12c
per lb.; Eastern, l&(glos.;- Eatcrr.
break fust brtcou. 12 per lb. ; Oregon
10llc. Eastern lard, 10lljc per
lb.; Oregon, 10o.
GREEN FRUITS Apple. $ 35
(5 50c. : Sicily lemon-, $6 00(36 60
California, $6 00(46 0; Naval Grange
16 00; Riverside, $5 00 Mediterra
nean, fl za.
DRIED 'FRUITS 8ua dricil ap-
r!es, 4c. ier lb. ; machine dried, l0a
lc J pities plums, 7c, Italian
prunes, 1012o. ; peachee, 10llc;
raUin,$2 4Mt M.
HIDES Dry beef hides, 123l3a.;
cull, 637c.; kin and calf. 10i12s.
Marrain, 10 l2c Ullow, 44Jc.
WOOL Valley, 1518c; E.oteru
Oregon. 10 15c
LUMBER Rough. ICr M, $10 00;
edged, in r M, $12 00; T. and . G.
sheathing, i-r M, $13 00 ; No. 2 floor
ing r M, $13 00;- JNo. 2 ceiling, per
M,$18 Oij; No.2ruaUc,perM,$Di 00;
cb.'ar rough, M, $20 00; clear P. 4
b, p-r Ai, f 2Z oj; rso. i ownug. ier
$22 60; No. 1 rustic, per M, $22 CO;
. . : . -r - nn . a
sieppntg, per rv ; jtt ii
inches wide, extra, fl 00; length 40
to W. extra. M. It.srt1i.'i0 tr, fill
extra, $4 00; 1 Uh, per M, $2 25;
1) lath, per M, i ou.
BEANS Qaoieemall whiies.f I 50;
pinks, $3; bayos, $3; butter, $4 50;
Li in as, $4 50 per cental.
COFFEE Quote Salvador, 17c;
Cobla Rica, 1820c.; Rio, lS20c.;
Java, 270. ; Arbucklu's a reaeted,22
MEAT Beef, wholesale, 2J3c.;
dressed, be.; sheer., .Jc ; . dresed, be
hogs, dressed, b37c; veal, 5(a7c
PICKLES Kfcgs quoted steady at
fl 3a. .
SALT Livertxjol grades ot fine
quoted $13, $19 and $20 for the three
sixes; stock salt, $10.
SUGAR Prices for barrel; Golden
C,6c. ; extra C, Gge. ; dry granulated.
7gc. ; crushed, hue crushed, cube and
powdered, 7 jc. ; extra Q, .6c; .halves
and boxes, fc. higher.
That's It!" exclaimed Airs. Ba
com at 'the concert, aa the? singers
came out again In response to an cn
core. "Make 'em do it over again
until they get the thing right" Uur-
Ungton Fre Press..
"Be mine," he cried,' with voice
surcharged with anguish. "If you refuse
mo I shall diet" That was forty years
ago, and the heartless girl refused
him. Yesterday he died: Girls, ho-
ware. JJinghamton Republican.
"Yon are much taller, than you
were a year ago," said a gentleman to
a friend. ' Yes; I have reformed; that
makes me taller." V And how is that?
'Well, as I have reformed I have be
come necessarily more -upright." .
' Dora " How did you fetch him at
last dearP" Laura I told him Td
about made up my mind to become
Slater of Mercy." Dora "How .did
that affect him?" Laura "He Asked
me If I wouldn't practice on him as my
first unfortunate.! Tinte, -
At sea, on his yafctitl with a fair lady by
Ea asked for a kiss, but shs ohess to deny
Not here," cried the lady, la tones fall ol
. mirth, .
Tnouph I have not the sllghteat objectios oa
- Harpers Bazar.
Must . Get Her . Money Back
Customer (to fruit - seller) Bow
much for the plums, aunty"' Aunty
"Penny a piece, 6ah." Customer
"That's very high for plums, aunty;
can't you let me have four for five
cents P" Aunty "No, sah; dem plums
cost mo n dat. Epoch.
Scene at the Barracks Pitou, on
returning from batallion drill, strolls
aTongr the corridors shouting with
might and main: "Left wheel, lorward
ma-r-rch!" Adjutant Friaton (open
ing the door) "Four days guard
room to Private Pitou for imitating
the Captain's voice by bawling like a
donkey." La' Patriote IUustre. -f
Cornelius Collins,' of the Govern
ment Bureau of Engraving and Print
ing, has been a most faithful and per
severing worker. He has-lost only
five days in twenty-four years, during
which he has been in the service of the
Government. -
Ex-Empress Eugenie is said to
have developed strange idiosyncraciea,
besides being a recluse. One ia a ten
dency to spiritualism and a belief that.
she can communicate with her dead
Prince Imperial. She intends to make
Princess Beatrice, . of England,' her
heiress. . . .
Marvelous PoMtbtlftles of the taeeotiona
Mads by Lieutenant Orayduit.
There appears to be every indication
that within the next five year enor
mous stride will be made by the United
States towards securing adequate pro
tection against foreign Invasion. This
protection will not be accomplished,
in alt probability, by the old obaoleto
system of fortifications which were
sufficient for other days and genera
tions in the early part of tbe present
century. Instead of them, the United
States will probably be armed . with
weapons of defensive warfare so power
ful in their destructive capacity as to
convince the would-be invader that hia
armada may be blown out of the water
and totally annihilated before he can
fire bis first gun, no matter how
thickly plated with armour his vessel
may be. A great deal baa leen heard
within the ptist few months of the
ZslinHki dynamite gun, and tlie army
appropriation bill carries an item of
$0"K,000 to bo used in supplying the
military service f the United States
with this gun. It is also understood
that the naval bill will have a similar
amount for lik weapons for the nary. there is another method for firing
dynamite which will also be adopted.
In "all probability, aud which, owing to,
Its simplicity, promises greater results
than tho Zalluakl gun. During the
Tonquln war the Chinese Government
employed an offlirerof the United State
navy, namely, Lieutenant GrayUon, to
block ths Canton river in order that
the progress of the French fleet might
be ehked. Lieutenant Graydon could
not secure an extended leave of ab
sence) for the purpose of conducting
this work, and, in Consequence, re
signed hi position in the United States
uavy. He. was so successful In his
work that he wa offered something
llkeWO.O0O by the Viceroy of Ton
quln to blockade in a similar manner
the Mia river, but the Viceroy of Can
ton, fearing a visit of the Fronch fleet,
declined to allow him to leave and tbe
offer had to be declined, and the result
was that Foo Chow was captured, by
the French.
Lieutenant Gravdon ha devised a
system for firing dynamite from ordi
nary cannon, which system has been
tested at Sandy Hook with remarkable
it milt. There waa presented to the Mil
itary Committee of the House coblea of
Wtera from several of the foremost
military and naval officers of the coun
try, In which they spoke. In terms of
the highest ."praise of the Graydon
method of exploding dynamite. Ad
miral Jouett expresses the firm convic
tion that the use of dynamite, with its
onderful power to annihilate, will
prove to be the moct effective means
of checking warefare. As soon as the
nations of the earth ascertain that the
declaration of war means absolute de
struction for their fleets and their sol
diers, arbitration will bo resorted to,
instead of apKaling to gunpowder and
tho sabir. A large sum has been ap
propriated fdr testing this new weapon.
and aa experiment will probably be
made under the direction of the offi
cers of the army and navy some time
this ' summer, as to ita effectiveness
n.'ainst one of tho old monitors. Those
who have seen Lieutenant Croydon's
work in the pat aro satisfied that with
a nrleen-lncn nao cannon, at a ins
tance of four miles, ho could blow from
the face of the sea the most powerful
armored vessel of any ' navy in the
world. Washington "Letter.
Ths lataait Rt Apart for Tbelr rse by the
lfawaiuui OofrraaoDt.
The leper community is on the
island of Molokaia, In the Hawaiian
archipelago. On this island are a
number of precipitous peaks, and at
the . base of one of these, which
is three thousand foet high, lie the
Kaluapapa plains, stretching seaward,
and wholly without communication
with the rest of the island, except by
sea, as the wall of rock stretches oa
either side to the water's edge. To
this plain, thus isolated by nature,- all
lepers are banished as soon as the first
symptoms of the disease appear. This
settlement was formed by order of the
King in lH'Mi, for it waa found that in
spite of stringent commands to secure
the isolation of individual cases, these
could not be c irried out while the lep
ers were allowed to live with their
families and friends. Outside of the
fact that the lopers are debarred from
any direct communication witn . bob -
infected persons, no restriction is laid
uptfh them. Their village, which has
usually an average of about eight hun
dred inhabitants, has its churches,
schools, and stores as the other vil
lages have, and also"Goverament offices.
The Government provides all with
shelter, necessary clothing, and daily
rations of good food, for all luxuries
they must depend upon their own re
sources or the- generosity of friends.
Medicine and the attendance of a phy
sician are provided by the Government,
which also appropriates $20,000 a year,
a certain proportion of which is to be
given for every instance of actual cure
in the case, of a leper. All officials on
the- island are lepers: the teachers,
and the ministers, with the exception
of a Roman Catholic priest, are lepers.
These unfortunates employ themselves
in various ways; have a band of music
and a military drill. There is a large
hospital, kept in admirable condition.
in which the more advanced ana more
serious cases are cared for. The lepers
of the Sandwich Islands are not "lepers
white as snow." Their disease is the
Chinese leprosy, in which the fleh be
comes aiscolored and decays Chicago
Inter Ocean. - .
FinancisJ Information. .
A. Did you gain any thing in you
all street speculation?
B. O, yes; I acquired the idea that
I was an ass. -"
- Vis that allF Why, I could have told
you mat Deiore you attempted to go
tsL. -Texas SiJUngs.
A dog in Davenport, Ia., having
seized a young spanw that had
dropped to the sidewalk, was Instantly
Set upon by half a dozen of the grown
birds with a ferocity that not only made
him drop his prey, but sent him off
howling with the blood flowing from
several places where their sharp bills
had struck him.
Ts Proeeaaes by Which Odor Are f t-
traeted frous flowers A .btMiflratian
There are two chief processes by whk'i
odors are extracted and retaijic-L Ooti
to by distillation, or what i called, ma
ceration the essential oil or otto ia wfefc-b
the perfume wi!.-ai being extracted tr
vaporl.zig from the flower, leaves a t
roots, r othr portions of the plant con
taining it. ,-The other, and by far mora
delicate and intemsUng, la by absorption
or enlleurage. Thia ia resorted to in il a
case of ail the more dciioete. floer,
such as tlie rose, j.-tMuine, tuli-r-B-e an i
cassia, where the essence is so fine li.) s
it has by practice been found to b In
jured by heat. Tlie principta of o 1 1
absorption from Bowers is based aim pi r
oa the established law ot affinity which
bydro-cai bona that is, beef and uauiion
fats have for perfome. :,Wbe titer
have been highly purified they catch,
and in catching concentrate and inten
sify, tlie lor communicated to tterc
The modus operandi is of tlie sr ifi
and is not at ail time of tho cisam-.
The visitor to the perfume factory wool I
see multitudes of wwden trmm-e having '
rims about three indies in d --pth, la
which are set several sheets of g'as.
Thf'se frames are hfted to a bendi and
all the glasses are spread over with layers
of pure fat, somewhat ks than a quart r
of an Inch thick, and over this fat er.j
carefully shed tlie leaves of whatever
flowers may be plentiful at the season,
fresh and full of odor. After the fitrwer
leave are spread out, the glasses are re
placed hi tlie frame, one on top of the
other, till each frame looks UaeasolH
box of fat. Next the frame are sli-l
Into boxes made to receive them, Botto
thing like our strawberry boxes, tn I
tliese are tka closely shut. Ia a very
short time the fat will have caught ad
tlie odor, and having caught it wlli boll
it, too, so ttiat it can be conveyed unin
jured hundreds of miles. - -
Tlie next question is to free tim Im
prisoned spirit. The fat to cut up If i
mall square portions and put tote ai-
eoliol. The delicate essence at once pnt!
from its coarser com; -an ion, and uriiiingr
but itself to tlie alcohol ia fit for th
market. - - ,
Anotlier method, but not so cormaotiSy
followed, is to spread the Sowers upon
clotlis saturated with oila, which, wh n
tbe aljeorrtion is sujiponed to have ended,
are placed in a prea and the impregnated
oil squeezed out. ,
In tlie preparation of aoent the an
cietita, a in so many, manv other thinsa,
anticipated in principle at lemt the rrxe-t
recent methods approval of wince. The
aimrliin? snVa.tarir wirh thom waa Irfm
oil, obtained from tbe Morintrn, a tr
growing in Egypt, India and Ceylon.- It
bear a pod containing 8evcrsl pctiltrsr
shaped, three wtiercd eeetla, from which
a ure and scentless oil is obtained. Cot
ton was soaked in the oil and placed in
layers between the Cowers and thf-n
pressed down in a water bath for about
twenty-four hoars. . . '
EviuWmly, too, the method has no
varied much in different periods, for Cul-
Eplr in bis ''English I'hypieisn," ptib
hed in gives the folkwing receipe
for tlie proceisi . - . -
'Having braized the herbs or flowers .
you would make your Oyl of, put them
in an earthen pot, and to two or throe
handfuls of them pour a iint of Oi 1,
cover the pot with a toper and ee$ it in.
tbe sun, about a fortnight or leaf, ac
cording as the sun is in hotneas; then, ha v-
ut Hallux i. rtrij a vv Miv uxcy yivw
oat the herbs, etc, very hard ia a press,
and sdd as many more herbs to the same
Oyl, braize (the herbs, I mean, not the
Oji) in like manner, set them in the sun
as before; the f teller you repeat this the B
stronger will your Oyl be; at last when
you conceive it strong enough boyl both
herbs and Oyl together 4111 the juice be
consumed; which you may know by it
leaving bubbling, and the herbs will be -crisp,
then strain it while it is hot, and
keep it in a stone vessel for your use."
Ihe n amber of so called perfumes is
without end and is largely a matter of
fashion. Still, various standing divisions
of odors have been made, tbe most elab
orate of them all being that of liimmeL
His classification Comprises only tbe
pleasant odors, and is based on a princi
ple that just aa there are primary color -from
which all secondary shades are pro-
duced, so there are primary odors with
types, -all other aroma being more or leas
closely connected with them. . Of these .
types he finds eighteen groaps. San
Francisco Chronicle. -
Com poai tlon ot BrfatsI Wreaths.
- The. Roman bridal wreath was of ver
bena, plucked by the bride herself. Holly
wTeatlis were sent as tokens of congratu
lation, and wreath of parsley and roe -
were given under a belief that they were
effectual preservatives against evil spirits.
The hawthorn was the flower which
formed the wreaths of Athenian brides.
At. the present day tbe bridal wreath U
almost entirely composed of orange
blossoms on a background of maidenhair
fern a sprig here and there of stepban
otia blending its exquisite fragrance.
Much uncertainty exists as to why this
blossom has been, so much worn by
brides; but the general opinion seems to
be that it was adopted as an emblem of
fruitf ulness. The custom of using orange '
blossoms at bridals has been traced to
the Saracens, among whom the orange
blossom was regarded as a symbol of a
prosperous marriage, . a circumstance
which is partly to be accounted for by
the fact that in the Ease the orange tree
bears ripe fruit and blossoms at the same
time. Demorest's Monthly. . .
' . - A Hide in s Barrel.
The latest amusement at Brussels ia
riding on "Le Chemin de Fer de I'Ar
mmir," or tho "Topsy-turvy' railway.
It con&ist3 of an enormous barrel opened
at the end, and grooved so as to run
upon a set of rails which slope in the
center. On each side of the barrel is a
seat, and on each seat three passengers
sit, being strapped sound the waist, and
having their feet in straps, while with
their hands they hold on to the seats.
Tbe barrel is set in motion, and goes
down the incline and np the other side,
the passengers turning round and round
with it. The journey is a short one, the
barrel rolling completely over only four
times, and then stopping with its passen
gers seated right side up again. The
fare is 80 centimes. . Many women ride
in it, their skirt fastened by a strap at
the ankle. New York Sun. ;
George W. Childa, the Philadel
phia editor, keeps three houses always
in readiness for occupancy. Ha can
sleep, therefore, in Philadelphia, at
Long Branch, or at Bryn Mawr, and
still be at home. . He stops at any of
his homes just aa the fancy seizes
him. . .
A. W. Longfellow, brotier ci Vl
late poet, is a promineat figure i i
Portland, Ma. lie closeTy r--sc '- '
his fanm Brother, bcth ia r.-sr.T
and jsmh. He is nearly s-. ;x- ry
years of a9. Ha la doseri,-.i ti a
great literary st-d-at, ey.i a
large part of his tiiiw ia his St.'-:?.