JOB PRINTING. UHMt."K KVRRV VKI1HV.J I EBANC tnrj dsscrtpttss ii II. Y. KIRKl'A TiiU'Iv . . I'UlUlHlier tkrmx of (i'HHi'Rirrios. On War. ....... m....?2 in m .nibs , , l TbiH Miuili k TKMMS or AIVV.ltTISlNO. Iinui ) On !, 4m' bwortlm t j JJJ Knch Ult i.t mwittmi 1 50 IHH.U.I N U-. k r tin 15 -nU KwuUr uiiveltisemi'lltj, iitMrll ln U . Job PriBtiii Dons on Slwrt Mice. was. Legal Blank, Business Cards. Letter Head. Bill Heads, Circulars. Posture, Et. Executed in reo. yi Mid st lowest Hvtas priea. VOL. II. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, ' 1885. NO. 33. THE EXPRESS- jLjj SOCIKTY NOTIOKS. LKHAtfoN T.oix'.E, No 44, A F A M : Mrt 81 tbeir now bail hi Muck, oil SatiuiU) !, on or bef.we hU 'S(JJ w M I.lHMiK, NO. 4?. I O IV F : Mft - untn nnirai tf h W.-.A. t Oit.t .. Hall, M.itil irti Ttnltinc Wottiroii i)trtilljr invltsd la uiA j. j. i a . HON'Ut UPOK NO. SS, A. O. V. W L.tMnra. Inp In th m.wUl. , H. KOSVOK M. W. A. R. CYRUS A. CO., Real Estate, Insurance & Lean Agent. Urnrral Colleettou and Notary PoWIp Hnnlne. Promptly Attended to. M. N. KECK. DESIGNER ANO SCUL PtT.O R. Manufacturer of Monument anil Headstone. . AND - -A LI. UIX lS OI" t'EHBTF.BY WOKK FINK MOSVMEXTa A SPECIALTY. On R ei Hoiue. ALBANY. ORI5O0N. SAW IIIL FOR SALE. A Double Circular Water Power Saw Mill. JV?i Ij?ltioii, Or. Capacity ab"ut SOU ' feet p- r day. Alo, i J acre of land on which ihe sawmill is located. PRICE, 2,000 AUo 1 ave a lare stock of FIRST QUALITY LUMBER At lowest market rates for cash. . Vk". AVI1 KF. I.K !t, Lebanon. Or. WINTER Artistic Photographer, BROWNSVILLE, OR. Enlarging front 8ma"l Piotnres. In stantaneous Process. WORK WARRANTED. G.T. COTTON, DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions,! TOSACCO & CIGARS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, CONFECTIONERY, ((h ware mad Cllaeaware. I.aaaps and Un p rix tares. Mala t.. Lebanon. Oregon. ST. JOHN'S HOTEL Sweethome, Oreeon, JOHN T. DAVIS, Proprietor Th. table is supplied with the very best th. Btarkat afford. Ktesslssa- beds, and satisfaction guaranteed to mil (HMt. Ia eonneotion with the above houe JOILN DOXACA Keeps a Feed and Sale Stable, and will aocommod&te tourlnts and traveler with teams, fruides and outfits. BURKHART & BILYEU. Proprietors of the My, Sals ai Feed StaMss I. Ell AX OX, OR. Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman. Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har nessand COOO RELIABLE HORSES For partiea going to Brownsville, W terloo, Sweet Home, Scio, and all ' parts oI-Linn County. All kinds of Teaming DOXK AT REASONABLE RATES. BURKHART & BILYEU. PACIFIC COAST NEWS. A GAMBLER'S RASH ACT. A 4'hlneae Arlor Mtabbed. A Unsay "ftalef Arreateil. Know Mhedo Homed. DECAPITATED BY THE TRAIN. A t; ambler' Itate Art. A well-It uown gambler nanuii Voilsiteud. lirts IV te Oistead, bliot ins;H twi;e with Puioilil intent, in a puftn-brokcr' hop at L"9 AngeU p, CaI. He asked for a reviilvcr, ami hs soon a he Rot it ptavi?d tlie muzzle t' his abdon.en ami tired. The hullet pssed through him and struck a man iiunitd J.mies Gilltpie in the sidf, tiw ball ranging round awd loigini( in hi chest. Gdlesie h wU:hmin at the Southern Paclio derx t, ami liaop tied to be in the -hop t tno time trying on coat. Ilia ni und i vtry daugeroua. Woi l .tead fired a 8 coud tshot into ilu tloor, a thiid into the ceiling, and a .oucth into his own head. lX-site hi terrible injuries h-i is yet alive, but is not expected to' recover." He ia about 33 j-ears old. The fuppoaed cutie of his r:th act i degiKmdencj', ns he re cer.tly served a long sentence In j il for ga mining. A t'titucke Actor Mubbril. Chun Fun, an tcUr at the l.'hinese theatre at Sau Francisco, was stubbed and probably fatit'ly woundetl by a highbinder, who sftcrwanls made his escape. Fun was in his room when the murderer enter d aud dfinnnded money. This was rtfued, and the -"a.-siu drew a knile and stabteil him in the neck, wrist and across the tem ple. The highbinder then ran away. nnrglnra Arrentrd. The jewelry eftablishment of Wen dell & Halle r. at Chehalis, V. T., was robbed on the ni&ht of August 11th latst, and g. Id ad edver watt-htriiiigs, chain and other ariitles vuluwl at 1X00 stolen. The thievts went to Ban Franci?co to dipie of their plunder, and Detectivts Dn Cotfee, llsiiley and Silvej' arrested Wm.Dun ap and James Birtlett ai.d placed .ht-ni iu the city prison. A portion of he rto'en pic j-nrty was found 011 '.luir erst;ns, and iu a valise in their mo,n was stored the rest of the jewelry. Cliii f Crowley telegraphed the author ities at Chehalis, and the shetiil at rived and W',11 take tlie bu:glars back on a charge of burglary. Drrapllalrd by a Train. Arthur lKnelly, ho for some time has been in the employ of the South ern Pacific Company at San Francis co, whs tun over and killed by n out going Monterey train. While un loading a flttcar which ttood along side the main line, he slipped and fell "n the track just s the train wa paet ;ng. His head was etvered fiom his tnx1y. A Conductor Killed. Jules Steele, a eor.ducior on the north-end freight of the North Pacific Coast raiho.-d, was run over and ki'led near San Rifael, Oal. Biveral cars p.;ssfd ever his bvdy, and it was badly mutilated. A f atal tall. ' George Farlow, & Yolo I anchor, fell from a railroad trestle near Sacra mento, Cal., receiving injuries from which he died. He had ben at the fair in the pavilion, and started in the wrong diieotiou. When be discovered his error he started to return to the city. He was wlkii g down the rail road track when he fell. He was 60 years of age aud well to do. Suicided by Taking morphine. Belle Johnson, a heart-broken woman, ended her life in the city re ceiving hospital at Sau Fraucicco. She ditd from the effects of morphine taken with suicidal intent. This was the third time she atternp'ed to take her life. The woman was 27 years old and had been mairied, but her hmb:md left her several years ago. Since then she has lived with her mother. She had grieved over her husband's desertion, and but a yi ar ago tried to kill herself. Know Sheds Burned. Thirteen hundred feet of enow sheds burned a mile wett of Truckee, Cal. The fire caught from a locomotive. Fire trains from Truckee aud Summit soon arrived, but the sheds burned completely. ratal Reeult of a Dispute. Stephen Johnson and Fred. Balzae had a discussion which led to blows, at S jn Marcos, Cal. Johnson struck Balzae over the head with a stick. The latter drew a knife and stabbed his opponent., inflicting a wound from which Johnson died in a few minutes. The murderer at once gave himself ii. to the hands of theofficrrs. Strychnine for More Throat. Ned Kelly, a 14-year-old, took strychnine at a ranch in Sutter cocnty, Cal., and died in Yuba City. He had been putting out poison f r gophers and claimed he took some to cure his sore throat. Felt Fifty Feet and was Killed. At Little Johns' place near Sequel, Cal., Edward Merrill, a lumberman fell down a bank fifty feet, etruc-k on his head, bounded into ihe cretk thirty feet below, wes picked up two houi" 1 !er, gave one gasp and died. The deceased bad been at a party at Little Johns and had stepped out in'o the darkness when the accident occurred. A Buggy Thief Arrested. A man giving the name of R. H Cropsey, has been arrested at San Jose, Cal. He had a small shop where he repaired and repainted buggies, but the game he played was to go to the neighboring villages and wherever he found a convenient horse and bugjy he would pick them no, drive to San Jose and paint and disguise the vehicle, and tell it at auetion. Twelve hors'.-a and four ImggR'B have been re coveied. His letters show he had several aliusea. II It ltd by the Cars. Frauk Mat-hado, a young Spaniard, while jumping oil and on a freight train while switching, at U.lroy, Cal., fell under the wheel and was run over, and hi ankh wa eo badly crushtd thut death reinlled from the shock. llniigrrd lllmeelf. A marine named Fii'.i Oppinger, Vallejo, Cal , who has been confined for drunkenness at the Marine bar racks at M.tre islaud, hanged himself with a piece of his coat from the grat ing in hi cell. . Fire at l.akeport. Fire broke out in Tttll.v' merchan di" tore, at Likepoit, Cal., and in a short time that store, Mrs. Green' Ukgiiig house and Mrs. Bray's h dging houiMj and restaurant were consumed, aud L v'a two-tory brick with a stock of merchandise was bdly dam aged. The to'al loss was f 13,000, in surance $0,700. Xulo.u Keeper Fatally Wounded. Theodoie Medina, of Napa, Oal, as saulted Capt. Baxier with a knife, cut ting him so seriously that he will die. Mi dina's wife frequently visittd Bx ter's a.iloon, and Medina accused him of giving her whisky and opium.' An altercation following, Baxter chafdiig Medina and striking him with a bil hard cue, tha 1 t.tur drew a knife and drove it into Baxter's lung. Medina claims the act was in self-delense. Fire In a Sew Rraldenre. Firo broke out in the liue new resi dence of Angus Mackintosh, president of the Merchant' National bank, at Seat He, W. T., gupsed to have been the result of spontaneous combustion iu a room where h id been thrown by workmen a lot of greasy clothes. The 6re was quickly extinguished and the damage as only about $200. Killed by a Unrllnn; Canon. Thomas Bogan waa instantly killed by the bursting of a canon at a demo cratic speaking at Tularp, OaL A Portland Boy Hunting hi Sinters Willie Halt, a bright looking lad, 10 year of age, was taken to the office of tlie chief of police at San Francis co, to be detain-.d until his sisters, who are supposed to le livii g here, are found. The boy s-.tys his parents are dead, aud that about two months ago be left hi- old home in Portland, Ore gon, with bis lw sisters. They stopped over at Sacramento, hnd a few days 1 iter his tisters came to this city. Willie grew homesick and started ont in tearch of his sisters. Tlie police will endeavor to bring about a nieetieg. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. T pe-Yrltiug Record Reduced. Frank D. Mi Out ran, of Salt Lake, ehanrpion tipe-writer of the world, gave an exhibition of his wonderful work at Chicago, and succeeded in nutting down the record. The opera tor first tafek was copying a newE pnper article, reading it himself. Iu one-minute he wrote ninety-live word. He then wrote frem dii tti n, and in one niiuute he wrote 108 words, and concluded the prforrnance by a bliud- fold t furt, in which he tucceeded in writirttj 107 words in one mi.iute. Death to Marriage. At S.mdy creek, N. Y., Wm. Van derwert was to h ve been married to Miss Frankie Mritteeon, a highly re- spcted young lady, but before the Lour arrived for the ceremony he shot himself dead. A ninittcr! Ron Ilrowned. John D. Caperton, a printer, son of Rev. H. C. Caperton. a prominent Bptist minister, and John Pearce, an old river man, were drowned iu the Olr river near Louisville, by the cap sizing of a sail boat. Death of a Mexican War Veteran. A fatal accident occurred at the Commercial hotel, in Phoenix, Ar'z , by which Joseph B. Blackwell, a vet eran of the Mexican war lest hi-j life He retired at nieht to a cot standing on the new veranda, on which no ban ister had been erected, toward morn ing he arose and walked eff the ver- ander, fracturing his Ihigu bone and sustaining internal injuries from which he died. He was 72 years old, and a noted member cf the Texas rangers during the Mexican war. The Lest Balloon. Referring to the balloon found near Providence, R. I., with the name "Carl Myers," and the penciled words, Met our death in the clouds," Madame Charlotte, who made a balloon a seen sion, says: "On the 26th instant L3on A. Dare and Charlotta, wife of Carl Myers, were to have hud a balloon race from Svracuie. The n.ime found on the lost balloon is that of my man acer Carl Myers. I cannot believe Charlotta or Dre are hart, though they may be. I have not heard any thing in relation to the matter, which makes me think it can be neither of them. Perhaps I have not b en tele graphed for fer I should be fright ened." ;' A Cilgantlc Wheat Steal. W. G. Hanley, a commission dea'er f the firm of Peterson & Hanley, of Minneapolis, was arrested on a war rant charging him with stealing 150,- 000 bushel of wheat from the Minne- poiis union eit vator o. z. it was first discovered that 50,000 bushels of wheat had been stol n by overloading cars. Hanley has beeu D. C. Moak & Co's cashier and bookkeeper. They are giain dealers, and have suspended, a large amount of their paper having gone to protest. Others are suspected of complicity, including well known wheat men, and it was said the an nouncement of the names would cause a profound sensation. By the advice of his attorney, Hanley refused to talk. Suicide of a l'onng mother. ' Mrs. Lizzie Holmes, 27 years old, committed sHcide by jumping from a window of the third flit of an apart ment house ia Brooklyn, N. x. Ihe young mother left a family of thtee children, all under 4 years of nge. A Com let's Fatal Leap. Anton Blonder, while beit'g con- viyid to Johet t'll) penitentiary, t enter up-m a three year' sentence, es raped from the sheriff and jnmpei from the train. He ri):tm"d u frac ture of the skill1, which will proVi fatal. A Fall of Know In the Mouth. There was a light snowfall at Harris- burg, Va. The weather was very cold Fitful falls of snow fell at Pulaek. City, Va., and there waa a light fall ii. the mountains. Another Bank. Package fttolru. The fact has jttnt tianspired that 8 package containing $5,800 waa stolen from the Mew York National Bank oi Republic, in some my-deriotis manner. A Mpy In t'amp. A great scare has been caused in Uk war department over information t the t fleet that a young British t ifi -er, has been in this count re, has pen etraled the secret of operating our tor pedoes, upon which we main'y drpeuu tor eoatit defenses, and that, le- Iihh - cured complete drawing and foi warded ! them to J-.iiglaiid. A ftuddeu Death. Among those wl.o attended the fun eral of the Mennonite bi.-hop at Lan caster, Pa., was Henry W. Suhniah, who married a grand daughter ol B:s!iod Slthuiau. He noticed a pirii ple ou hi finger while listening to the tuncra) sermon, aud he pricked it with a pin. Before the funeral wa-i over lit liecame so siek he h td to be taken home. His hand and arm were twollen to twice thiir natural size bt fote he reached home. the swelling spread over his eutire body, and he died shortly after in great agony. De ceased wa but dJ year old, but he had, through his owu exertions, be come the owner of Seven of Lancas ter count v's tiueet faxnii. While ac quiring this great property he als-, made himself a cla-icl scholar bv assiduous study. He 'toe k an active j pjrt in politics, and wa president of ihe local club. He was lixked on a.- j the future larmer kiug of lancaster ; county. Murdered In W yoming. ' Information has beeu received from t Rock S. rine Wvominir of the ninrw it 1 v f 1 P' , a IT .,nVTU, .V? K 5 M- ...,.iuiuuell.Hll,uu oireniK of New oik. Both were wealthy j young men who hud been sieuling the summer hunting. It is suppOM-d , that they were robbed by the guiltj ' party. ' j A Kaliatlon Army .Han Killed. - A member of the Salvation Artm named 1 utile boarded a nmunooi r ' steamer at Sjuth Norwalk, Conn., and begau preaching to the fireman of the steamer. The latter struck I'uttlu .j ihe head with a shovel, and 1 utile died from congestion of the brain. KRUPP'S GUN WORKS. A Gica.tlc KMat.Itih.nent Which Employs " oer Kieven Thouad Men. The steel casting' works of Krupp cover an area of about 1,000 acres of land. In which 11,211 men are employed t In the production of steel, and also In the manufacture of countless different articles, such as axles, wheels, etc., for locomotives and railroad carriages; rails, switches and sleepers for rail ways, tramways, and mining railways; Bprings spiral and leaf for locomo tives and carriages; parts of all kinds of machinery used for any purpose; bridge material and rolls; material for large pumps as used In mines; all requisite steel and Iron material for the building of ships of all sizes, for war and commercial j purposes; cannons of every caliber the production of tbem having already exceeded 20,000 an last, gun-car- riages, artillery wagons and shots. The gross production of Iron and steel averages 200,000 tons per annum. For accommodation of trafflo and shipping in the establishment are used 28 locomotives with 883 freight car- j riages. About 45 miles of narrow and i broad gauge railroad line is laid through tho establishment. One chemical laboratory, 1 photographio and lithographic studio, 1 print ing office and a book-binding establishment are at work for tho sole use of the firm. Telegraph and telephone communication goeaall over the factory and an engine company with 68 firemen and 88 fire alarms is also there for the bene fit of the establishment. This is the gigantic workshop to which you can see a regular stream of human beings run in tho morniug. The entire establishment Is surrounded by a high wall, or a fence. There are only certain gi.tes where the workmeu are allowed to enter. Cor. Pittsburgh Dis patch. Dr. Richardson, the eminent Lon don physician, says that the death-rate Is the smallest in European cities where Sunday is a day of rest, and the largest where the day is given up to drinking, amusement and rioting. The Queen of England never sends her personal correspondence through the regular mail as her subjects do. Every trivial communication, whether of a personal or a private nature. Is de livered at its destination by a Queen's messenger, yueen V ictoria la tue only living sovereign who indulges in this little piece or extravagance at the ex pense of her subject. Private and un important letters from other potentates are sent like epistles from mere ordi nary mortals, by tha posU . . . " ' " Books are a guide in youth, an en tertainment for age. They Bupport ua under solitude, and keep us from be coming a burden to ourselves. They help us to forget the crossness of men and things, compose our cares and our passions, and lay our disappointments asleep. When we are weary of the living we may repair to the dead, who have nothing1 of peevishness, pride or design in their conversation. Jeremy Collier MARKET REPORT. ftKi.tAiit f. Quotations Carkfbi, yisku ItvKRY Week. I.T P.K WHEAT Valley, fl 30(??1 31 Walla Walla, $1 201 22J. BARLEY Whole, 110(31 ground, per ton, "25 0027 fa). 12J OATS Milling, 323-lc. : 34fe. feed, 44 HAY Baled, fl(tl3. REED Blue Griam. 14ift : Tim Mthy, 910c.; Red.Clover, ll15c. FLOUR Patent Roller, 4 00; j Country Brand, f 3 75. j EGGS Per doz, 23c. t BUTTER Fancy roll, per pound 2ac. ; picklod, 2025c; inferioi grade, 1525j. CHEESE Extern, 10(32Oc; Ore gon, 14GilOV.; California, 14c. VEGETABLES Beets, pvr sack fl 5J; cabbige, er lb., 2Jc. ; carrots ptrsk .fl 25; lt-ltnce, ier do. 20c: onions. 1 UO; peitaUa-s, per 100 4((3&0c.; ladiahes, per do., 1520e.: rhubarb, per lb., 6c HONEY In comb, per lb, strained, 5 gal. tins, per lb. 8Je. 18e. TOULTRY Chickens, per do. $4 00(iG 00 j ducks, fier dot., 5 OOta 6 00; geese, 6 008 00; turkeys per lb., 120. PROVISIONS-r-Oregon haws, 12f per 1!'.; fcaMcm, 13g,I3c; Eaettn breakfast bacon, 12Jr. per lb.; Oregon 1012c; Euttern lard, 10lljc. iet n. ; uregon, iu jc. GREE.N FRUITS Appleti, $ 50 , 85c.; Sicily lemons, f G 00SG 50 j California, $3 505 00 ; Navalorauge fG IW; Riverside, nean, f 4 25. $4 00; Mediterr' DRIED FRUITS Fuu dried a( pies, 7Jc. per lb. ; machine dried, 10ji lie: t'itlesa olums. 13c: Italian prunes, 1014c. ; peaches, 12JC314C.: ' ramus, sfa no. WOOL Valley, 1718c Oregou. V 15c, HIDES Drv beef hid.. RialO.- i cujj8 6(3 7-' kip and Calf StSlOa' Marr'aiu, 1012c ; tallow, 3'. ' 1 , LUMBER Ron eh , per M, $10 00 ; eilged, per M, 112 00: T. and G Bh.itbint- ..r Mill INI- N'., 9! i ing. per M, $13 00; No. 2 ceiling, p-i . M,$18 00; No.2ruMc, perM.flg 00;! clear rougti, per at, ?zi uu; clear 1. f22 50; No! 1 rustic, per M,' 22 fi, . i supping, per M, 25 00; over 13 ii nclit vi In. pitri. 1 (HI- lonothi All ' " :-" to W, extra, 2 00; lengths 50 to W xira, f4 00; 1J lath, per M, 2 4 lath, per M, f 2 50. BEANS Quote f mall whites, f 4 50; pinks, J3; bayos, $3; butter, $4 50; Limas, $4 50 per cental. ! COFFEE Quote Salvador, 17c; Cofta Rica, lS(g20c. ; Rio, 1820c. ; Java, 274c. ; ArbuckleVs reacted, 22c. MEAT Beef, wholesale, 2i(5 3c.; ; dressed, Gc. ; sheep, 3c ; dre-fed, 6c. ; hogs, dressed, o9o. ; veal, 5(2 7c. j PICKLES Kegs quoted steady si !$1 35. SALT LiverjKtol grades ol fin quoted 18, 19 and $20 for the thre sizes ; stock salt, 10. SUGAR Price for barrels ; Goldei C,6ic. ; extra C, Gc. ; dry granulated ! 7jo. ; crushed, flue crushed, cube and iowdered, 7c. ; extra O, Go. ; halves ' and boxes, $c. higher. RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL Out of free roligion has grown frei irrolio-ion. and out of infidel lilr:i!ity practical immortality. Junffh Cook. Statistics of the cost of public edu cation in Prussia have just been pub lishcd. They show that the cost is fif teen per cent, per head. Boys are sometimes tempted t think that to be tender-hearted is to b weak and unmanly. Yet tho tenderesl heart may be associated with the strong est and most forcible mind and will. Christian at Work. , Probity, independence, tineas! nss, tender regards for the feelings of others, and a hearty hatred for whatever U mean, tricky, vulgar or profane these are among the qualities that distinguish the true gentleman. A religion that does not make a man honest and kindly, and fill his heart with noble aims to help others, 1? not worth tho having. It is a delusion, and ho is deceiving himself, if not try ing to deceive others, and is thus a hyp ocrite. No simpler teaching can be found than that which our Lord himself has given us. If we err at all in preaching to adults, It is in the direction of ob scuring the simple teaching of our Lord with our profound verbosities and subtle philosophie-s. The teacher must show his appreci ation of a child's common sonso as well as of his knowledge-... of tho lessons. Sometimes the dull pupil has a better every-day judgment than the scholar who never fails in lessons, and will make an abler man. Shoclars are men of peace; they bear no arms, but their tongues are snarper tnan Actin s swora. tnoir pons j carry further, and give a louder report than thunder. I had rather stand in the shock of a bnilisk ,thnn in the fury of a merciless pen. Sir T. Ii rotate. On soils containing any clay or min erals a crust forms on the surface of cultivated fields after every rain. It is caused by the water of evaporation, leaving all it mineral elements on the surface, when it changes to moisture This crust shuts out air from the soil beneath it, and it is very important that it be broken. Hence some stir ring of the soil is needed after every rain,-or corn and potatoes will suffer. While these crops are small, dragging over the surface breaks this crust and prepares the way to more thorough cul tivation after the rows can be seen. AGRICULTURAL. DnvoTKii to tiik IntVh"tok Farmers asd Stock m kx. In the old worm fence the top rail was nwst apt to be a heavy one, with he smaller rails at the bottom, so a to make a close barrier against pigs and other sin ill stock. This made the f' nt e top heavy, and it toppled over. Nowadays tlie toil rail is more ant to j he a brtrbed wire than ai ything cjae. j Iu New Yoik State the grape crop j gives promise of. being unusually ; large. Every year the vineyards are ; receiving better attention from the j growers, aud what has for yeirs been i known as the Hudson River Peach D.sttict i fast giving way to the cul- j tivation of grapes. Growers say there ! i much more money in them, and j they require, as a while, less attention. Wherever commercial fertilizers are j sown with the drill, the bulk of clover ! and grass seed will b? found in the i rows with the grain. It wouU be bet ! ter for both if th y were a little sep- arated. Some farmers drag down the j drill marks before growing grass seed, land claim to get better results. : Others, who do not, find their timothy standing iu rows the subsequent spring, showing as plainly as the bones ! on a half starved hore. In sowing grass for pasture, the best j j result are reached by sowing a mix ' tl" for instance. of red Urn. timolhr. Kentucky 'aluegrass, meadow fescue, aud meadow oat eras '.earine in mind that a mixture of several sorts is ' more likt-lv to afford birh the whole summer, and 10 be more jieinianent. In seeding for meadows, though, it is better to ra only one kind of seed, as the different kind will very seldom be ready to harvest at the same time. It is surprising what growth grape v'"es wil1 makeover an evergreen, if ; given a chance to run. With only moderately rich soil the vine will en Eastert' ; lirely cover the tree, killing it after a i few year. Its tei.drils cline to the 8ender stems of the evergreen foliage, thelf hcld- The h,g,ier tb,e.1Ti,?e the finer Hie g'pes and the harder tht-y are to get. H is not a good way to give grape tbeir will over any kind of frets. A IjW. ueat trellis will coat but littl nd be every way more satisfactory. Mr. J. P. Lawes, whose opinion does not think the quality of a cow's milk is "ff,1 l'' be quantity of water she drinks. In other words, you cannot' there is a flue fishing bank, where alii s .... llJ- S. ! oiiute ner milk by making or letting her drink water. He, however, is ol the opinion that thin and 6loppy feeds may have the effect of redu.-ing the quality of the milk. Doctor Voeloker Uof the same opinion in regard to the water supply, snd he agrees wiih Mr. Lanes in regaid to the effect of poor, sloppy food ou the quality of the food. It has been said that a farm with out a boy would soon come to grief ; but what place would not come to idef without him? Who is it that ' "dots Ihe chores" and the bothersome errands? And what boy ever amounts to much who is not taught to do chore s w ell and iu lime, and to do errands in an exact way ? It is busi- uess every time, and fathers should re- i tiicmbtr that methods are noted j and copied by the boys, and if the t hatchet, spade or rake is left to rust under the tree iu the yard, he thinks that, if father does it, it must be all right. The tendency among the best farm ers is tow.rd an early harvesting of the hay crop. The old idea that grass when dried is too light and in nutritious is disproved by the gains of milk in cows aud of beef in other cat tle when pastured upon it. The early cut hay dots dry away in weight con siderably, but what weight remains is nutriment. In grass that bas been lift to ripen and dry up the nutriment ts too maeh' like cord-wood. What was nutrition has turned to fiber, and in the animal serves mainly the pur pose that cord wood does iu the stove to maintain warmth. A mule and two horses were ob served looking over a rail fence into a tempting clover field near Bi Hi more the other day. In a minute the mule had made up his mind and placing his nose under the top rail he lifted it out. He then tried to jump over, but ot stuck with hi lore feet in the clover patch and his bind feet on the ither side. Then one of the horse vt ry deliberately hacked up and let ting ily his heels, planted them square t on the mule, landing him clean over into the clover patch. The two horses followed in the gap thus made, and all t.hree went to browsing, apparently well satisfied. Elegant Autumn Mantles. Demi-season mantles are of mate Insse silk, of sicilienne, of velvet and of fancy cloth. Both short mantles and long cloaks are of tha most unique shapes. The dlrectoire revers, flowing collars and yokes of velvet are features of new garments. Short round mantles have a velvet yoke that lengthens into a vest in front, and soft cloth is then ; addod in greut plaits that keep their ! shape to the end of the wrap. Two j materials appear in most cloaks and in the shortest garments. The large buttons of directolre cloaks are of colored metals, cut steel, tinted pearl, and also of velvet. Long cloaks are of figured cloths, with velvet directoire revers, and some have sleeves thatj extend to the foot of the garment,! and are bordered there with velvet ori with fur. Bears' fur and others ol long fleece that Is almost shaggy are fashionable trimming for winter cloaks. The nun's cloak, full and long enough to cover the wearer, and furnished with a hood, is made of light camels1 hair stuff, lined throughout with silk, Uie early wear.- llarper't Bazar, SEA-FARINQ WOMEN. The Rklll With Which Those or West Ire land Handle the (lar sad Kudrter. The women of these coasts and island are a skillful as the men in handling the oar and rudder. They know every sunken rock and danger u current of the intricate channel between the great island of Aran and the main land, and take the boat in and out in all weathers. For many years a Grace Darling' of this Western coast, the daughter of a pilot who lived on Eights Island, went out in storm . and darkness with ber old father, never trusting- him alone a she knew hi weaknens for whisky. This brave girl never flinched from faelii" the wildest gales, fearing that disaster might befall her father, and the ves-el it was bis business to guide to a safe anchorage if she were not at the helm. Many a ship's crew beating about between Aran and Owey owed I its preservation to Nellie Doyle. Twaj sisters have taken the pot boat into I Aran for many years past, their father, John Nancy, being now old and infirm. The beetling cliffs and ee-boinjf caves of this dangerous coast have a weird charm of their own. and the simple people born within the sound of the Atlantic surges clinff with a surpris ing tenacity to their thatched and roped cottage, sheltered behind huge round-backed rocks. In the hollows of which they grow their patches of po tatoes and stunted oats and barley. The number of ' thee dwellings, starting up out of what from afar looks like a stony desert, both by the sea, and for miles inland, is startling to us who reflect on the jKWsibilities of sulsist4n'e afforded by this so-called land. The unfailing bog affords am ple fuel, it is true, and the potato crop, when as good as now, will last throughout the winter. In a rHxl seaaon such a this the oats have a chance of getting- stacked before the equinoctial gnles begin to i blow. Well it would be if those oats, i ground into meal, migb.t form a larger I part of the staple food of Donegal, j Strong t -.. boiled in the "wee pot" but!de the turf embers,, with butter's j bread, have taken the place of the! wholesome bone-making porxidse on : whii-h the canny Scot still lives. To buy groceries money la needed, and we wonder how this can be earned nere. Kelp, or sea-weed, burning used to bring them money; and this year, tod, thin pillars of blue smoke are ris ing all round by the sea, showing, let us hope, that trade in iodine i brisk. The fishing ought to be a fruitful j source of prosperity to the Rosses, but j on this subject a resident writes in j 1KS4 as follows: "To the north of Aranmore, seretch-I ing away to the northwest of Tory, i kinds of fish mieht be caught every day in the year with suitable boats and gear. In very fine weather our small craft often go out from four to six miles off Aran Heads. Next day they all come back laden, and after such a take all the other boats in the neigh borhood will go out. It may be that a breese springs up, the sea ries in the middle of a good cntch. then all have to run for home or shelter. Large, well-fitted fishing smacks could stay out there for days and make plenty of money, too; but facilities for the transit and sale of fish there are none," Woman's h'orld. L j j j Th AMERICAN CULTURE. Ripenine; of I.lfrrsrj Tastes In- the I'nited Slates. There whs a time when all Americans "tooked habitually to London sm the prime source f all higher training. That time is long passed; a generation of Americans have now learned their scientific metl.ods in Germany, their art criticism in France. WhileAmerica has changed. England has also changed. The reverence giv--i the London of Coleridge and MacjTiny. - of Darwin and Carlyle. can hardly be claimed for the London which takes seriously such literary representatives as Rider Hag gard and Oscar Wilde. It is sixty years ago since Heinrich Heine surely no Puritanic observer pointed out that the English were already "seeking to be light and frivolous, and endeavor ing to creep into the monkey's skin which the French were gradually stripping off." It is impossible for us to revert to the old colonial tradition of English dependence, and equally impossible to revert to the still earlier attitude of the noble savage. Happily neither alternative is required. The foundations of American literary train ing already date back two hundred and fifty years, without including our common share in all the English literature which pi ceded that period. The real foundations are broader than English literatur e, broader even than the ocean, the forests and the prairies; for they are as broad as the soul of man. As for books, the invention ol printing has given to literature this enormous advantage over plastic art, that you may easily carry with you in a trunk round the world the highest models of the skill ou seek. When John Harvard endowed the first American college, in 1638, he placed in its library, not theological books alone as wc are apt to assume but Homer and Horace, Epictelu and Isocrates. Juvenal and Pliny; book to have read which Is. for purposes literary, a liberal education. The prime sources of all cosmopolitan culture having been thus long1 awessible to Ameri cans, it is absurd to ask them now to forego it. It is two centuries and a half too late for us to i-ot contented with the tomahawk and the war- n-'.ioop. T. W. Iliy-jinson, in I:u!eprn- UnL "Look here." said the railroad superintendent to the conductor, "pas sengers say you are not civil to them. "I'm just as civil as I know how to be,' said the aggrieved conductor. "That's just what they complain of," was the reply." Boston Transcript. "Accept my hand, Augusta?' And the maiden looked at the hand, which was something smaller than an average sized salt fish, hesitated a moment and then said sweetly : "Isn't there some thing off, where you take so large au order?" Boston Transcript. AMERICAN FASHIONS. Irens VaHrtfn noil Ctun4 imported for Aniuran and Winter. ' Tlie first iiijii-ta.tion of autumn wttoluns promise a season of plain goods in new shade- and new weaving. Solid color largely predominate, and are given novel effects by being woven in stripe in most varied way, as, for Instance, there are repped stripes al ternating with diagonal stripes, cordd stripes with satin-finished stripea, zigzag chuddah stripes with cash mere twilled stripea or . arraure and bird's-eye woven stripes with those of lengthwise reps or cords; and these stripes are further varied in widths, ranging from hair lioes and half-inch modest stripes to those more bold and effective, from one to three lDchs wide, while clusters of one kind of stripe are massed to form wide stripes that alternate with solid stripes of a third kind of weavine. Many high-finished poods are shown in plain fabrics with the silken glossy surfaces produced by closely woven twills; these will be found becoming- to women of dark complexion, who delight in luster, and have given up dull rough stuffs, even though of the finest qualities. Cashmeres are given a silken finish like that ot Henrietta cloths, yet have no silk in then, and they are also woven in stripes, and are strewn with large dots that are made to look even more silky than the groundwork. Plain Henrietta cloths are imported "entirely of wool, and are also mixed with silk in such large proportion that the dealers call them saUeen Henriettas. It is tha ex perience of dress-makers that these mixed Henrietta cloths, even of the finest wool and silk, will slip and fray In the 6eams, and do not wear near as well as the pure wool cashmeres, which now also rival them in luster. Among diagonal stuffs drap d'Alma is revived, with its widely woven twill, and there is a great deal of rough camel" s-hair and of English serge in plain grounds and in stripes. The soft fine chuddah cloths for both house and street dresses are made in France, but closely imitate in weaving the genuine India stuff. a For winter costumes ladies' cloth is again Imported in the light weights introduced last year, and in all the new dull colors. Bordered costumes are largely im ported for autumn and winter, both of plain and striped woolens. Cashmere figured borders are on the richest goods, and are of great width, in palm leaves and other India designs in very gay colors, and also in the gray and quiet shades familiar in the borfiers of Paisley shawls. Many striped borders are also along one selvage of plain woolens, and some of these borders have s'lk wovea in the stripes. Other borders are ombre or shaded, and still others are entirely of repped silk. A wide selvage like that of nuns' veiling is the simple border of many rough surfaced wool goods, while a novelty is a border of large plaids on plain solid covered materials. Hair-striped fab rics have very wide plain borders along one sei vage, and there are plain cloths wit 8 etriped borders ia dull cashmere color. Tinsel borders of gay metallic stripes are new on dull-colored wool ens. Steel and silver borders and stripes are especially handsome. Colored stripes and plaids are shown both separate and together; for instance, there are fine silk and wool goods with plaided stripes of great width alterna ting with plain stripes, and there are gay tartan plaid stripes on grounds of most quiet colors. Rough woolens in very large plaids nre considered stylish in dark dull greens, and in combina tions- ot green witn gray, or green with brow ii, blue with brown, and blue with purplish red shades. Indeed, all dull-colored plaids are about to be re vived. Harper's Bazar. BUILDING SOCIETIES. ' The Most Reliable Serines Institutions for Salaried Men. It is not many years since building as sociations were looked upon with strong; distrust by workmen. They could not understand the methods upon which the associations were based, and be cause they could not or rather would not, they refused to take advantage of the opportunities they offered. All this is being changed. The first build ing association in this country waa organized in New York, but before it waa in successful operation ten had been organized in Jfew York, but be fore it was in successful operation ten had been organized in Philadelphia, and the members were reaping1 the benefits by building homes. A paper published in the interest of buildiDg associations gives the following statis tics: In New York there are 2,000 associations; in Philadelphia, 2.700; Boston, fWO; Chicago, 300; St. Louis, 79. In St. Louis, in the past five years, it is estimated that 8,500 homes have been built by members of building aa sociations. That these associations have done a great work in inciting salaried men to build their own homes there can be no doubts Manufacturers ought to encourage their men to build homes. It is safe to say that any work man who owns his own home will be more attentive to his work and more faithful to his employer. In furnish ing an employe an opportunity and a motive to save, the employer would foster a feeling of mutual interest be tween him and his men that would work to his interest. This has been done successfully in Philadelphia, and there is no reason why it can not b done just as successfully any where, else. Stoves and Hardware. Blackberry Sirup. .Express the juice from the desired quantities of berries. For each pint of this juice take one pound of brown sugar, one pint of water, and boil to a thick sirup. When done, mix the blackberry juice and irup together and boil for twenty minutes, stirring constantly. Take off the firo : and add a - wineglassful of brandy for each quart of sirup. When perfectly cold, bottle and cork down tightly for use. Another recipe; Two quarts of juice of blackberries, one pound of loaf sigar, one-half ounce of nutmeg, one-half ounce of cinnamon, one-half ounce of cloves and one-fourth ounce of allspice. Boil all tog-ether for a short time, and when cold addon-J pint of proof brandy.