JOB PRINTING. rrn BANOI PRE K ary drittiii of "Si. V. Kin li t'ATUH 'K . . . Publishers 1 1 TKKMS of SUliSCUlVlIoS. On? Vf-ar r Jo5 PrintiEi Dcae mi Stcrt Unties. R; Months ....... . TUre - tl'njuMi" in A'lHnce. OF AIJVKRTISIKO. I Hi Kl. ) On a-via,1, Tira! hi.'rti -tl ...... Kacn ii-U.i-'iial i.iat-rti. n Legal Blanks, Business Cards, Letter Heada, ' Bill Heada, Circulars. Pastors, Eto,, KxccQted In good ttyle and at lowest llrkg prieaa. $2 Of 1 SO VOL. II. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1888. I ( MT, ) Wal N,' n - ...... 15 rent Koluiin- .! ! tixmen'V biwrtr.1 Mt lltwral terms. NO. 32. 1 W X SOCIETY" NOTICES. t. A. P A M ; Mn'iiic Block, on Sutuniay evi-iiiuj:. on e tiif full iiiwn. J V. ASSON, W. At . LF.B VN l.l uril :v -: , I uw ttr. f EOX '?! 5 ;!' -.. M in-.- i. -. .. - X.i 47, I O. O. F.: MU St ' fc rk. t M.I VM.w' HiU. tv-;na v.M'tHieo1 ori:iHy inltd to .i j i uaultus. a a. 1V. S S-5. A IV V. W'., Ltbnnn, t.n nr-a ;w.t liur.t TViursaay mvmn- r. ii. A R. CYRUS A CO., Real Estate, Insurance & Loan Agent. sewernl CoU.-ctlon and Notary Pnalle HiiniM I rsmptlj A'tcitdea to. , M. N. KECK,. DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR. MAHufacturrr of Monuments and Headstones, AND ALL H1M OF ( EMKTEBV WORK F1XS MOSfMENTS A SPECIALTY. Opp R rerv Hause, ALBANY, ORKGOX. SAW II IX. I. FOE. SALE. A Double Circular Water Power Saw Mill., Near Lebanon, Or. Capacity ob tit S00 l feet p. r day. Alo, 4 acres of laud on which the sawmill is located. VPRICK, 82,000 Also r ave larsre st"ck of FIRST QUALITY LUMBER At lowest market rates for cash. . .IV. WHF.KI.F.K, Lebanon. Or. WINTER Artistic Photographer, BROWNSVILLE, OR. Enlarging from Smitll Pictures. In tautaneous Proce. WORK WARRANTED. C.T. COTTON, . DKALJBR IK Groceries and Provisions, TOBACCO & CICAR8, 8MOKERS' ARTICLES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, O O N F EC T I O N E R Y , MBwire and tlwr, Lamps mad Lamp Cixtarea. Mala Ht, Lebanon, Orfi. ST. JOHN'S HOTEL Sweethome. Oregon, JOHN T. DAViS, Proprietor Taotabl Ib anppUet with the very best th market afforda. Nle oloan beds, and satl.faotion Karanteed m all (neata. la connection with the above houao Kaepa a Faed and Sale Stable, and "wiU aecommodate tourists and traveler with teams, Rut den and outfits. BURKHART & BILYEU, Propetor8 of the liYBTT, Sals anfl Feefl StaMB LEBAXOX, OR, oathaaat Corner of Main and Sherman. Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har ness and GOOD RELIABLE HORSES For partie goiDg to Brownsville, W'a trloo,'Swet Home, Scio, and all mparts of Linn County. All kinds of Teaming DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. Ji BURKHART ic BILYEU. PACIFIC COAST HEWS. FATAL HUNTING ACCIDENT Found Floating In the Hay. Heavy Fire at J' rknonvllle Mhot by an Ofllrer. SHOT WHILE RESISTING ARREST A Cblld Killed. Tommy, 5 years uW, ton of John Stanton, was instsntly killed at Mer cer1, Cal., by be in st tun over by a heavy hay wagjm. The Klnrk. Diamond Wrecked. The ship Grassendale, which arrived from Sidney at San Framisco, b irr.a news of the wreck of the hark Diamond off the Wall en islands oh June 36. When a h dist.mce from the island she sprung a le.ik The captain thru determined to be,;ch tne vessel, w hh h was done and the rew all escaped and stilt to M 1 bour e. The Diitnont was bound from MT'oirne to San Francisi o wb h col. The bark was owned iu Mel bourne. Suicide hy Arenir. A man i.atntd Ert H. Mai! hi w, aged abont 35 v-rs, a reeident if Rockford, 11'., commitud tuic'ule by t king rs n c. Found Floating in tbe Bar, T ie i'ltier E htl and Marion re ports that wbilo at Augil Island, m ar San Francisco with a pleasure party they Ti und ihe body if a female in fant 11 atng in the bay. The remains re supposed to be those if one of the eh ldren lst iu the City ot Chester dis a :: Fatal llnaiiaf Accident. A fatai accident ocurrtd on I-."8 Angeles nvtr just above East L -s Ait geUs, Cl. A young Italian, Antonio Palmeri,shot at a gnuud-tquirrel, and when the little animal dougi d into a hole the kujter ti.oujihi he could d'g it iiut with the but end of his gun. He held the murz'.e toward him, and Ih fure Lis friends could int rfere the gun exi loitt d, and he f 11 to the rouud shot through the leg. The; en titled the right leg just tiel.iw the groin and the bah ranged upward aim en ttrtd viul parts. He died in about an hour in great pain. Shot While Resisting Arrest. S. G. Fish-r, au old resident of Col fax, W. X., about 50 years of g", who livea on the Cottonwood, was fatally snot by Deputy Sheriff James Patter son inu a posse, while resisting arrest. The citiztns of Cotton wuod have made vaiiouo ei-ni plaints pgainst this man. Thty cousiut red-him partly in-aut and very dangt rous to th-; community. A complaint w8 made that his exist mci imperiled the lives of the com munity. ishi'rhT Beny immediately sent out a pos-se. Ujon their arrival i.e iesili them with a knife in hand, where ujon Ixputy Patterson shot him, it iliiting the fatal wiuud. lie is m j H, i-ut is not eipeeted to live. latall) Shot kr a Iramp. Gioage bcott, night watchman near El Catitan hotel, at Merced, Cal., while t'ying to amst a suj p-std tramp, was tired upon by the suspected person and fatally wounded, the ball iienetratiusr the abdomen on the rieht ride, Rta ut midway tietwei n tbe naval J and ilsiht gioai, passing through aid out. i,t ar toe spiral colnnin. Scoti uied shortly after. Heavy l ire at Jacksonville. A fi-o occurred at Jacksonville, Oreg., which destroyed the carpenter shop, planing mill and furniture store of D. Linn, the dwelling ftou-e of W. J. Ply male and N. Fisher, and several tineuiini houses beloogir.g to T. Chavm.-r and Max Mulkr. The total os? is f 12 .000. Mr. Luin is the great est kiiff.rtr, 1 sing about "fSOVH). The tire, the r gin of wliich is unknown, tut is supposed to be iticeudiry, started in the pl tning mill and rapidly communicated with the adjoining budding-', ami for a while seriously threat ned the destruction of the town. Thre was no insurance on the property destroyed. Shot by an Officer. P.arolman Joseph Keishaw saw liany Day enter a Chinee laundry oa bancluz 8 reet in L. Angeles; Cal., j-nd upset a la .up. The officer enu red ana placed Dy under arrest. Th- latter, however, br ke away and ran down the siieet. Kershaw ocned fire on the fugitive and one of the brill- rook ff .ct in th.; groin of a pas-in-' Chinaman named Quong Chsc, fliciinix a wound whicli may prov fat 1. Kershaw was placed under ai e5!". D y was ale captured. Switch. Lnginc and Train Collide. Ihr. regular passenger train duvs ai fort Oo-ta, Cal , collided with switch ei.gine No. 83, and both engines were completely demolished. Tue bggigi car iid smoker cnishid t,geth-.i. catching the mess-nger iK tweeu the two and horribly mangling him. Throe others were badly ii j ired. An Old Ilnnter Drowned. A navy yard workman at Vallej Cl , 8; w a man in the river ewimming after a sad boat. He gave the alarm, and hlp was immediately sent tit but was unable to find the muia. The boat was found to be that of Nick Marquesei a huutcr, who has been hunting in ih-it V!;irity for th past thirty years. Countryman (to jeweler)-1-"! want to get a pair of earrings cheap, bu purty. They're fur a present.1' Jew eler "Yes, sir; you want something a trifle loud, I a'pose?" Countryman "Well, Iwuddent mind if one on !om was a little loud, mister: my iriri is deaf in one ear." N. Y. Sun. Never put away food on tin plates. Fully one-half the cases of poison from the use of canned go ds is because the article was left or put back into the tin can after using1. China, earthen ware or glass are the only safe recept acles fpj- "left-overs. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A nro I'erilou Ride. Au old negro living i.ear Atlant i, Ga., h8 j ist complet' d a perilous ride on a tree of over 200 miles on th R4V:nnnh river. He was fi-lring on the S vatmah during higlt water, and got upon a tree which w-is hanging over the river to dieu'ang!e his line. The hanks being eo't from recent rains, the n gro and tree fell in the water, and were crritd down stream by the current. The old man clang t the trunk of the tree and at last succeeded in getting upon it, and in this position he was een near Brier's feiry several dnys afterward. He was rescued from the the tree iu the river near Sav,tnnah A NrnNultouul Suicide. A panicula. ly sensational suicide was discovered at Chicago wheu the kceptr of a fashionable boardiiig house brok into the room of Mme. l.).'lon and found the room lull of gn. In bid, the loihes tucked tightly about lier, was the lady, de.d. She had atta -hed a rubber tube to the gas jet, covered herselt up in bed, and held i he tube to her nose. The lady had lately ht hi r daughter, and was des pondent. Little ;lrl Sent Home. T vinij-one little girU , from 9 to 13 yvai8 of age, bnughl to New Yoik by Murmon elders from Europe euruiite to Bali L .ke City, wire order d by Collector Magoue to te sent back to Kun-ie. A Triple Tragedy. Details have been it-ceivtd at Fort Smith, Ark., of an sflray iu the Cher okee nation between two natives, Blue Hog and Pigeon, who quarreled over the iKMseyhiou of a n.'Ulitto girl. After a short tight both fell moruJlv wounded. The girl, who had htoAl hy watching the tight, approached lilue Hog and istooptd iTcr him, w hich so angered Pigcou tiiat he m inaged lo raist! his pistol and lire at tier, ' the hail striking her in the breast. She died au hour afur. Ton Good tn Live. While trying to avoid being kissed bj' a womar , Uetrge Vindie, of Balti more, fell down stairs and -was kil'ed. This is probably the first in-Umce of the kind on rccoid. A uiau simt tinies is wiiling to give his lite for a kiss, but never to avoid one. A Bold Thief. Henry F. Harding, who boldly en tered the F.fth and Commercial Na tional banks and grabbed a large sum in eat h place, was airaigntd in the TomVs cou't. He pleaded not guilty and was committed for trial without bail. i'he fact baa been devt luped that he is the same man who esrajied fivm court two months ago when up for seme other offense, lie acknowl edged this lact. Ilia real name is O'Coanor, and he has served three Urtua in the penitentiary for sneak thieving. ilatra hy at Telephone. Ru h Fay, a L uisv:lie, Ky , book ketper, emeriti his employer's v, ult to examine papers, and while thu? en gagid the door was closed and locktd by a itLow-clf rk, ignrant of Fay's whereatH,uis. For(u:iately thtrre ws a tel. phone in the Vault, and the im prisoned m.-n was thus able to com immtcaU; his situation lo the central oilice. Assistance shortly ariiwd, and Fay, who was on the verge of sue C (tubing to the st iut;g atmosphere a xmt him, was relieved. A Heroic mother. Mr. G;ant was burned to death at Winnepeg, while making a heredo at tempt to save her children from the tire. The fire was started by the e ploiion of a lamp. The fire was be- twetn her room and that of the ehil dien, but she dashed into the burning with no thought as to her own safety. She received burns from which she shortly died. The children were savtd by out-iders. minting nail matter. Another mail pouch hs been lost. This one contained If 15,000, and was mailed by Blake Bros & Co., of New York to their agents in Chicago. It is reported also that a large number of other letUrs mailed on the same day at the New York post office are miss ing. Schooner M' recited. Speciil dispatches to Wilmington, Del., report the sinking of the schooner Gov. Siockley off the n outh of Mish pilliou cieek. in a severe storm. The chiH-ner Annie ii. Pierce hs gone to the rs.'ne of the crew, who are all in he rigging. A Raring Thief Captured. R. F. Seymour, who says he is from Chicago, lole five package s of money in daybght, fiom two banks- in Nr W York, the agg-rcgUe being fll, 700. Af erhe had tired three shi.ts .t the officers who chased bini, he was caught. All the money save 2,000 was recovered. A Stricken Test-I. The German baik J. D. Jacobini ar rived at Ship Inland, rear New Or Wns, from Colon in balast. Capt. G tlildorck and his crew of eleven men ,vere ill most of the voyage, and when she arrived a signal of distress was flying at half mast. The second mate, U. Lind, died nt quarantine. A yacht wei,t to her assistance and conveyed ?ix of her crew to the hospital. They ire iil with Chagres ftv. r, but will re cover. ' A new target, which indicates the value of the last shot without the necessity of a marker, has been brought out. When the shot strikes a colored disc appears, which tells the value by its color. The target has been tried successfully at in-door practice, and ,it is hoped that a trial at long range will be affordod the inventor. The work of the United States Geo logical Survey employs at the principal office in Washington from 70 persona in summer to 225 in winter. AGRICULTURAL. Dkvotkd o thk Inti'K'hts op Farmers . AND STOIKMISN. Florida promises to becon.e a large producer of opium. Sixteen plants will produce $1,000 worth of opium. If all farmer would fi?nce to keep stock in there would le no d of fencing to keep Block out. I'listcr is cheap, and a hmdful on each corn hill will be of much advan tage. It should be used on grass crops also. Experienced tomato growers claim that a tljck of turkeys will effectual!; put an end t the depredations of the tomato worm. One pound of Paris green to three hundred pounds dry laud plaster is the proper pr-portion for application to potato vines. A few drops of oil in harness and saddles occasionally may reduce the profits of the saddler, but it will also reduce the wear cn the farmer's pjeket. In China there are over four hun dred species tf plants used ft r f k d, and in the world prohablv ten time '.'hat number. Sawdust in Sweden is Used iu bread and found digestible. Now is the season when butter taints quickly, and none more quickly than the choicest article. It is a time for s ecial care in manufacture, and for the earliest possible consumption The wool product of California has average! ne trly 40,000,0)0 iiounds p r year since 1S0, bringing to the State $6 000 000 a year. This is about one- seveuth of the entire wool product of the country. Keep account of the date of breed ing your mares ; you will then know belter about the time they will foal. It is better to have colta u me after the grass is plenty than when the mare is on dry feed. Do you kuow the weight of eaeh of your horses t It is quite a satisftc j tion to know just bow much each horse weighs, aud as plentiful as scales are in the country, there is no excuse for not know ing. The only farmers that are making money now, or ever did or ever w ill, out of horse-breeding are those who raise the best classes, and are willing to pay literally for the ue of a first class Blallion. The tomato is commonly grown in gardens on soils made much too rich. The vine attains remarkable vigor, but the fruit npeus slowly.- If only moderately fertile soil Wtie used for growiug tomatoes, the crop woulJ ripen earlier, and be ltsa sul j.ctto th-. rot, though this disease is apt to t tke the tirtt ripening fruit of some kinds of tomatoes on any soil. Gravel serves the eame purpose with birds that teeth do with quadrupeds. The grinding iu the gizzard may be heard by placing the ear near th" fowls when their 6tomachs aie full and dieestion is takinir ulace. The rouud of the gravel stone grinding kiid rubbing against the grain is es pecially audible in tbe case of ducks that are at out half grown, at whi h lime ihey are increasing in Bizs very fast, and digestion proceeds vtry rap idly. While the mm is certainly a failure in bin business who cannot make good butter out of guod milk, ret that man has never been discovered who could make first-class butter out of seC 'iid- lass milk. The dairyman should, above all things, have his barn aud premises in good sanitary condition Any decaying auirnal matter, whether it be a dead rat or spilt milk, about the barn or milk-In u-e, will transmit both its odor aud its decomposing properties to the milk and its product butter. . Have you a set of hay capsT If not, get them ready at once; thej will often moio than save their cost in the first-season! Get stout yard wide or fiveq'iartr sheeting and cut it into squares, hem the raw edges, anil eew into each corner a loop of stout cord or email roiie, to fasten the cap on : or, belter "till, um the water proof liber hay caps. Have a lot of stakes ready, and where tbey will le at hand. It is a bad time to hunt up stakes when a shower is coming up. There is no Bimpler, more harmless and effective remedy for worms in hog than flour of sulpher. 8 wine readily parti krt of it when mix d with gruel or other sloppy food. ror pigs under three months old a teaspoonfnl is a dose ; for older ones a dessert spoomul to a tahiespoonlul. it mav be given four days in succession once or twice daily, and be repeated thus every other week, but only as long as it may seem necessary. Give plenty f sour milk, buttermilk, with a few raw sliced ouions, green fiuit, celery tops and acorns. Avoid stagnant, putrit water, giving only pure , water. Keep charcoal and soft coal always accessible to swine. Brazilian negro ireedmen become "sassy niggers'" when they ask their late masters for pay, and are threatened with army service unless they work for nothing. . Bismarck is an honorary master of the "Corporation of German Tailors, The Chancelor loves to be considered as in sympathy with the people who toil. Pet dogs In Paris are now clad in mantles with pockets for holding lumps of sugar, bracelets on their paws and a string of little silver bfells around the nock. - . MARKET REPORT. Rki iabi.f. Quotations Oarephllt vised Evert Wkek. r.t WHEAT Valley, fl 30(fl 81 Walla Walla, fl 20l 22J. BARLEY Whole, $1 101 12A : ground, per ton, :25 0027 W). OATS Milling, 3234c. ; feed, 44 45c. HAY Baled, f 10$13. SEED Blue Gras, 14i16c.: Tim ofhy, 9j10c.; Red Clover, 1415c. FLOUR Patent Roller, $4 00; Country Brand, f 3 75. EGGS Per dox, 25c. BUTTER Fancy roll, per pound 25c; pickled, 2025c; inferioi grade, 1525j. CHEESE Eastern, 1620c.; Ore gon, 1416c.; California, 14 ic VEGETABLES Beets, p sack, $1 50; cabb ge, per lb., 2jfc. ; carrots, persk., fl 25; lettuce, per dot. 20c; onions. $1 00; potatoes, per 100 lbs., 4050c; radishes, per dox., 1520c; rhubarb, per lb., 6c. HONEY In comb, per IK, 18c; strained, 5 gaL tins, per lb. 8Jc. POULTRY Chickens, per dor.. $4 000 00; du. ks.per dox., f 5 00(3 6 00; geese, $6 00(3 8 00; turkeys, por lb., I2jc. PROVISIONS Oregon haws, 12c per 1:. ; Eastern, 1313c; Eaten. break fits I bacon, 12$c. per lb.; Oregon 1012c; Eastern lard, 10 1 ljc. per lb.; Oregon, lOJc. GREEN FRUITS Apples, $ 50 85c ; Sicily lemons. 6 00(5,6 60 California, 3 505 00 ; Naval orange i 16 00; Riverside, 4 00; Mediterra nean, 1 4 25. DRIED FRUITS Sun dried ap p'es, 7 Jc. cr lb. ; machine dried, 10(3 11c; pit less plums, 13c,; Italian prunes, 10 14c ; peaches, 1214c: raisins, f 2 40&2 50. WOOL Valley, 1718c; Eastern Oregon. 9(3 15c HIDES Dry beef hides, 810.; culls, 67c; kip and calf, 810j.; Murrain, 10 12c; tallow, 3g3ic LUMBER Rough, per M, $10 00; edged, per M, 12 00; T. and G. sheathing, per M, f 13 00; No. 2 floor ing, per M, f 18 00; No. 2 ceiline, rv M,1U 00; No. 2 rustic, perM, 18 00; clear rough, per M, f 20 00 ; clear P. 4 8, per M, f22 50; No. 1 flooring, per M, ?22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M. 22 59; No. 1 rustic, jer M, $22 50; stepping, per M, 2o 00; over 12 inches wide, extra, fl 00; lengths 40 to 50, extra, f 2 00; lengths 50 to 60 xtra,T4 00; 1J lah, per M, $2 25; If latii, per M, $2 uO. BEANS Quote fmall whites, 14 50; pinks, f3; bayoa, 3; butter, 14 50; Lamas, oO per cental. COFFEE Qnote 8alvador, 17c: Costa Rica, 1820c ; Ri , 1320e. ; Java, 274c. ; ArbnckleVs roasted, 22c. MEAT Beef, wholesale, 2i(Sj3c; dressed, 6c; sheep, 3c; dresed, 6c; hogs, dressed, 89c ; veal, 57c PICKLES Keei quoted stead at $1 35. SALT Liverpool grades of tine quote. I $18, $19 and $20 for the thrt six!; stock salt, $10. SUGAR Prices for barrels ; Golden C,6Jc ; extra C, 6c. ; dry granulated. 7c. ; crushed, fine crushed, cube and powdered, 7?c ; extra U, bas. ; halves and boxes, c. higher. TO DESTROY VERMIN. Application That Prove Destrnctlvo to AU Hoaaehold Peata. Salt scattered freely over the floors of a house, swept into the cracks and allowed to remain ttiere, will extermi nate bed-bugs; a bedstead thoroughly washed in a strong brine and every crevice filled with salt, and salt freely scattered tinder every slat, the slats well soaked in brifte, will surely put an end to them. This receipt has been tested in a hotel in Oregon that was literally alive with them. The salt was scattered over the floors, and for a few days, while the atmosphere was dry, appeared to have no effect on them; then came a drizzling rain for two or three days, the dampness melted the salt, anO all the bugs in the house swarmed to the outside and remained there in rows close to the battens. believe there were twenty thousand of them of all shades and sizes. Immedi ately a brine was made strong enough to bear up an egg and used profusely on beds and furniture, and not a bed. bug was seen inside the house for the three years the narrator remained there. Those that were driven to the outside of the house remained station ary in rows and finally dropped to the ground dead. My mother, an old New England housekeeper, says: "No insect which crawls can live under the application of hot alum water. It will destroy red black ants, cockroaches, spiders, bed bugs and all the myriads of crawling pests which infest our houses d'iring the heated term. Take two pounds of alum und dissolve it in three or four quarts of boiling water, let it itand on the stove until the alum is all melted. then npply it with a brush while near ly boiling hot to every joint and crevice in your closets, bedsteads, pantry shelves and the like; brush the cracks in the floor and the crevices in the skirting or mopboards if you suspect that they harbor vermln.- T fci chief difference between the savage and the civilized man is in tho power and the habit of self-control The savage may be master over othe savages, but his own feelings he never masters, and their utterance he neither subdues nor regulates. Civilization, however, and experience teach men that both should be cultivated. Some of the emotions need development, some restraint; all need' training. They are not all fit for utterance, nor of those that are is It wise to give all un reaervAdJv to the world. EVICTED IN A COFFIN. Carried In Triumph I p a St reet Sitting lo nn I'npulnted Hm." One of the most extraordinary inci dents that has yet occurred in connec tion with evictions took place in Cash- el bn Monday last. . At the last petty j the reminiscences of dotted lines occu sesslons held in Cashel the representa-j py' thousands of pigeonholes; a library tives of the late Dr. Daniel Kyto pro- of crooked marks is piled to the eeil cefded against a weekly tenant named , ing of a five-slory block on Monroe Mr. Frank Dwyer for possession of a I street. It is the lartrest man house in weekly tenement, situated in William street, for non-payment of rent. The defense setup was that Mr. Kyte had left Dwyer the house;, together with a coffin, which he kept beside him in his room, but, notwithstanding this contention, the justices gave a decree for possession Before the eviction Dwyer, better known as "Franky Doodle,' made preparations on a somewhat extended scale to barricade the phtce. On Monday morning the town bailiff proceeded with a party of police to William street to carry out the order of the magistrates. The house, as already stated, was barricaded, "Franky" making his appearance at one of the windows, shouting: 'You can't evict me out of the coffin. I will go into the coffin, and you must put ine out, coffin and all." After some further parley on the part of "Franky" and the police, he agreed to give up possession, but only on condition that he should be evicted while in his coffin. The key of the door was then thrown down, and the barricades bein? removed, the bailiffs and th'j police, entering at once, pro Mjdod to put "Franky" out. whom Ihey found still lying in the coffin. Owirig. however, to the stairs being to r.urrow they h:id to put the coffin with its living inmate out through one of the windows. The sight was certainly a novel one, and not without its amusing aspect baiuil and police lowering an unpaiuted and open coflin. within which whs stretched, or rather reclined. Franky," in excellent health and wearing a high silk hat. around wliich was twined an old white veil. As he descended he protested to the assembled crowd against his "illegal eviction," but if one might judge from the boisterous laughter that was heard on a'l sides the spectators seemed greatly to enjoy the scene. As soon as the coffin reached terra fir ma the boys." who seemed inclined for more fun, raised it up. placed it on their should. -rs. and proceeded up the main street, followed by a large gathering cheering lustily for "Franky" as he sat upright in it. Clonmel (Ire.")Chron iele. BOUND TO SUCCEED. Story or a Srotrh laid Who Waa Determined to Klse In the World. The following is one of the tradi tions of a manufacturing firm in Glas gow. Scotland. Thirty years ago. a barefoot, ragged urchin presented him self In-fore the dsk of the principal part ner and asked for work as an er- rand-lxry. "There's a deal o running to be ilune," said Mr. Hlank, jestingly, affect ing- a brad Scot eh accent. "Your first qualification wud be a pair o shoon." The boy. with a grave nod. disap peared. He lived by doing odd jobs in the market, and slept under one of the stalls. Two months passed before he saved enough money to buv the hoes. Then he presented himself be fore Mr. Bland one morning, and held out n package. 'I have the shoon. sir," he said quietly. "Oh:" Mr. Blank with difficulty re called the cireumstan-esi "You want a place? Not iu those rags, my lad. l ou w ould disgrace the house." The boy hesitated a moment, and then went out without a word. . Six mouths passed before be returned, de cently clothed in coarse but new gar ments. Mr. Blank's interest was roused. For the first time he looked at the boy attentively. His thin. bloodless face showed that he had stinted himself of food for months in order to buy those clothes. The man ufacturer now questioned the boy care fully, and found to his regret that he could neither read nor writo. "It is necessary that you should do both lie fore we could employ you in carryiug home packages," he said. "We have no place for you." The lad s face grew paler; but, with out a word of complaint, he disap peared. He now went fifteen miles into the country, and found work in 6table3 ne ir to a niffht-sehool. At the end of the year, he again presented himself before Mr. Blank. "I can read and write," he said briefly. "I gave him the place, the em ployer said, years afterward, "with the conviction that, in proeoss of time, he would take mine, if he made up his mind to do it. Men rise slowly in Scotch bu uness houses, but he is now our chior foreman. Western Hecortl. . It Is not eeneratly known that a finger lai 1 upon any floating object, like a log, an overturned boat, or even an oar, whl sustain the body in smooth water sufficiently for the head to be kept free for breathing and seeing. Many persons are drowned because they exe.-t themselves wildly when thrown into the water suddenly, yet a bont half filled with water, or with even a little more than the gunwhales above tha surface, will support as many persons as can get their hands on it, if they behave quietly. Cardinal Manning recently apolo gized for being late at a public dinner. "The only excuse I have to offer for being late" he said, "is that I was very busy. I am always busy. With me the sun never goes down on the finished work of a day." A hotel keeper of Rhode Island, who is an Englishman by birth, has paid seven thousand dollars for a copy of the famous painting which shows Lord Nelson dying on the deck of his flas shin at the battle of Trafalgar. It adorns the lobby of hia.hoteL Friend (to St. Louis citizen) vWhat did you think of "Hamlet" last night?" St. Louis citizen "Immense! If that feller Shakespeare kin write a few more plays like that and lets whisky alone he'll make money hand over fist." Epoch. HOW MAPS ARE MADE. Hot ami Lines and ( rooked Marks That Keqnlre Months of Labor. The story of a dot a .fortune in a hair-line is the making of a map. Dot stories fill a row of walnut eases; the world, und for twelve years has printed 1.000,000 maps a week 624. (XJO.OOO pieces of linen paper covered with dots, lines and crooked marks. Fortune lies in the accuracy at the lines and stories in the locations of the dots. . Maps are as necessary to real estate men as title deeds,, and nearly as much depends on their accuracy. A map is a plain, simple thing that tells its varnished tale at a glance. How is it made? Until about the time of the gnat fire maps were engraved on stone, copper or steel. The process was very slow, tedious and expensive. The "plates soon wore out and maps cost about as much as a sheet of goltL About 1870 a Buffalo man invented the process of making maps on wax. It revolutionized map-making, and now maps are as common and nearly as cheap as newspapers. The map-maker works in a room whose temperature can not run below ninety degrees. Few men work at it longer than four years, though years of apprenticeship are required to make them expert. The lieat becomes un endurable in the end and they go into some other employment. Preparatory to making the original plate melted beeswax and some hard ening ingredient are poured on a highly polished metal table. . For fine work the wax is as thin as a piece of paper, but for the coarser kind the waxen sheet is an eight of an inch thick. Rough pen and ink drawings of the work to be done are given the oiierators. They draw the hair-lines with sharp-pointed instruments by the aid of straight-edges. The dotted lines ; indicate county or township boundaries are made with little wheels, on whor narrow edge are cut the peculiarly re designed lines. AU crooked lines are made by hand and require an artift's eye. The names of towns, river, countries and the like are impressed in the wax in typa letter by letter. Every impression must cut through the wax to the polished steel plate beneath, for the map is made face down. When all the lines aad letters are in, the wax is plaeed under a cooler temperature, which hardens it. The wax fs then covered with black lead and the steel plate, with its waxen coat, is smpaaiei in an electrotyping solution. The copper in the solution covers the black lead and forms a hard plate which is called the original. The wax is then peeled off and the printing surface is presented. The thin copper plate is backed up with type metal and the plate is ready for use. It is usually preserved, however for the making of stereotype plates from which the actual printing is done. In the preparation of the etching's great care is required to keep the wax at the proper temperature, as a de gree too low would "make it hard to work aud a degree too high would melt and probably destroy it. Often many hundred thousand maps of the :ime pattern are ordered and from twenty to forty plates are made from the original. If the maps are small so many of these plates as can be used conveniently are placed side by side on the presses and a sheet of maps is printed at each impression. The or dinary advertising real-estate map is finished when it leaves the press. The better maps are sized and varnished. The larger ones are mounted on roll ers and wooden strips, lhis com-i pletes the mechanical process of the i making of a map. But this is the smallest part of a map. J he unseen worfe, the prepara tion of the original draft, represents the time, labor and money expended. The story of the dot is not woven in a dav. Post-office towns are located hv copies of papers in the Post-office De partment at Washington; the chief en gineers of the railroads send profiles of their lines; county surveyors make maps of their localities. Where the Government has made surveys the lo cation of a section, township or coun ty line is easily made. But the six mile township system was not thought of until the Western reserve of Ohio was surveyed. In the older States, where a boundary line begins at a stone and runs to a whil-e-oak tree, the trouble begins. Good local maps are used in these States. But in countries where no Government surj veys have been made the greatest difficulties are encountered. --Chicago A'etcs. o- a Major Smith "Colonel Jones, can you tell mo where General RoVhison got his military title?" Colonel Jones -"Certainly, sir. He was general ticket agent at Kalamazoo, Mich., for six years." PiirJe. "You should be a base-ball player." said the beetle to the spidoi. "Why so?" inquired the latter. "You're so rood at esitching flies." "'-ii e, but I'd fall a victim to the fowls." Ami he went behind the bat. Life. "Have you ever made a study of the revenue, Mr. Spendthrift?" asked Old Hyson. "Well, no," replied Spendthrift, uneasily. "I can't say that I made a careful study of it; I just kind of run through it." Bur ttclte. ' . Tourist (to boy fishing) "How m 't? fit!, Ii?,-, iron r'i,iyKt. mtr m.n',, Boy "Oh, I couldn't count "'em: Tourist "Why, you ha vc .'t caught any,- you little vagabond!' Boy -."That's why X can't count 'em." Ex- chatuje. Mr. Jevy (who had just sold a suit of clothes to a countryman) I tole you, llcpecca, dot vas a goot idea to gif a sthanding collar mit effery suit of clothes. Dey can't look down und see 'em shrink up ail de vile." Texas Sijlings. - - "I understand that Colonel Blear is very wealthy." "Well, he's worth about $100,000." "How did he make it?" - "He made it out of coal oil." "In deed!" "Yea; his wife lit the fire with kerosene, and he got all her money." Lincoln Journal, POISON IN CHEESE. The Probable Crista of the Polaonoua Prla ciple in UIry Products. The causes of poison cheese re mained a mystery, in a scientific point of view, ontil : the investigations of Prof. Vaughn, of Michigan, estab lished the fact of the presence of tyro toxieoh in poison cheege. Since then, numerous investigations have served to eonitrm t.h s eAiilta of t"h nrft. feasor's experiments. Quite recently. Dairy Commissioner Ives, of Minne sota, has investigated, in his official capacity, a case of poisoning by eating cheese, which has attracted a good deal of attention. The thorough anal ysis of the cheese by the State Chem ist, Prof. C. W. Drew, showed it to contain tyrotoxieon. Otherwise the cheese appeared to be of excellent quality and extraordinarily rich in fat. An analysis of four different samples of whole milk cheese, by ProL Drew, showed the presence of fat as follows: No. 4S had 21.46 per cent, of fat; No. 49 had 36.46 per cent.; No. 50 had 89.14 per cent; and No. 51 had 32.44 per cent, of fat. No. 50 was the sample of poison cheese and was very rich in fat, as will be seen. - This excess of fat leads -to a suspicion that a portion of it might be due to " pecular chemical changes undergone through destruc tive fermentation. No signs of adul teration appeared. There was only the presence of the usual quantity of annatto applied for coloring. ; - But here let us remark that annatto, as obtained in market, is not always the pure vegetable substance that some suppose. It is not on!y adulterated in some cases with lead and other ingre dients, but is polluted with nrine ap plied to make it keep and to brighten the color. This accounts for the urin- . ous odor too often given off by basket annatto. So annatto is not always the harmless and clean substance that has onz been ponularlv su noosed and taught. "' " - - - But, in the case under consideration, as given us personally by Dairy Com missioner Ives and Prof. Drew, there does not appear to be any thing un usual in the coloring matter used. So the poisonous character could not be reasonably attributed to this -cause. In all four samples analyzed the fats were found to be pure. But the presence of tyrotoxieon was unmistakable. Now, whence the presence of this poison? It does not appear to have been introduced. The inference is that it was generated. It is well known that decomposing albuminous compounds act as a ferment and a small portion introduced into the cir- culatory system of a human being be comes a very violent poison, often, if Tot al wa vs. nrodneintr dftath. Manv a surgeon has lost his life by the intro duction, through a slight abrasion of the skin, of a minute portion of de- , composing " albuminous tissue from a corpse. .' . '. ': In all probability, the poisonous principle in cheese has the same origin from decomposing albuminous mat ter. Through carelessness and tm cleanliness, decomposing matter finds its way into cheese, to there act as a ferment and develop . tyrotoxieon throughout the entire mass. . Hence it is self-evident that too much care can not be taken in cheesa factories to keep every thing scrupulously clean. Every thing that touches tie milk should not only be carefully washed in warm water, to which a little sal-soda or other alkali had been added, but afterwards thoroughly scalded in boil ing water water at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. If this were done in all cases, we do not' believe we should so often hear of poison cheese, if we did at Kll. In view of these now known facts. nncleanliness in a cheese factory be comes criminal; but in view of some of our experiences, we should not be sur prised to find that the germs of des tructive and poisonous fermentation are often introduced through the ren net tub, which in many cases we have found to smell more like carrion than any thing fit to be introduced into human food. For this reason we call the special attention of officials having the matter in hand to the ren net tub, when they next have a case of poison cheese. It is a fearful source of off-flavor and quickly decomposing cheese, and why not of poison cheese? Prairie Farmer. ' A lady has a little colored girl as a sort of body servant, who is very much pleased with her place. One day the lady started down street. "Is you gwine to my folkses?" asked the child. "No, not to-day," replied the lady. "I wisht you was." "Why, what's the matter?" "Oh. cause I wants dem niggers to see what kind o' folks Ise keepin comp'ny wid. Ef you'll go, you needn't pay me no wages fo dis yer week's wuk." The lady paid the call and gave the child ten cents extra. Washington Critic. "Where did you go last night?", said a traveling man to a newspaper man. "I went around to see our friend Pendleson's new play. It was pre sented for the first time." "Interest ing?" "Well, to be frank, not very." "What was the motive of the piece?" "The motive? As far as I could judge, the motive was the extermination of the - whole human race." Merchant Traveler. Thomas J. Mayall, recently de ceased.-started as a poor boy. He in vented the first rubber belt, the first cylinder -printing- machine for wail paper printing and also for gluing, displacing the. former mode of printing from independent blocks; invented rubber cement and satin-finished pa per: helped Charles Goodyear in the invention of vulcanized rubber, and also produced a number of other in ventions in revolvers, guns, ! rifles, steam apparatus for loading and firing artillery, ammunition, coffee-hulling machines, self-acting drawbridges and railway switches. -A masseuse "wTiO has "practiced her profession . largely among families of wealth makes the statement that in many years she has administered mas sage to only one woman whose ribs had not been displaced by corseVwear- . ...