Lebaijoi?, Express, . Villi) AY, OCTOBEU 12, 1SS. 'TRAVEL AXD EDUCATIOX. A imi(jh-f raveloii mnn is wIilnrr n Ifp-t in religion, morals, social life or polities; for no man of brains can sec many lands and cities without ceasing to ho chumMi, parsimonious in his views, or narrow in matters of Chris tian civilization. The hermit's life is neither good for the individual nor eol- ieeu e iv 101- a peoj.ie. a man 01 large travel is apt to be a man of large views. Isolation is non-progressive, nnd seclu sion means no progress. , Knowledge increases r.s "man runs to nnd fro in the world,'' and our best educated men and women are those who travel with ears nnd eyes open and who study na ture in the lisrht of revelation. If China would accept' Christian t r i-.j? .... i . . ity, adopt the material comforts of a Christian civilization in shape ofi dress, the application of the arts and I sciences to agriculture, to transports-I tioii and to industrial machinery, what a people would her stagnant, sleepy mil lions become. India, not deficient in .acutencss of intellect, suffers because her religion and limited railroad and steamboat transportation kcps her yet largely a hermit civilization. If Imlia had such a web of railroads, covered with a swarm of industrial spiders moving in all directions, as we find in New York and Massachusetts; if In dia's rivers were covered with such a fleet of lhrht draught but powerful steamers as plough the Columbia, the Willamette amt ruget sound, what a country India would become by another cent ury ! Look at Russia, once the lu-rmit nation cf Emope, how rap idly she has grown to lc one of the great powers since Peter the Creat had the genius to see that the Chinese pol icy of exclusion was fatal to national growth, and had the courage to aban don it. Bitterness of section and strife of party grows less and less the more we mix and mingle with each other. Southern men who have never trav eled Xorth, who have seen nothing of "down east Yankee ways," are narrow and parsimonious in their conception of the true genius and advanced civi lization of the North; and Northern men and women who have never mixed and mingled with the chivalry of the South, who have never shared their warm hospitality or grasped the warm hand of friendship, know noth ing of their noble and generous nature. Bitterness and estrangement is fast giving away as travel brings men more and more face to face. The broadest suid most benevolent minds among the franiers of our constitution were the " traveled statesmen, Franklin, Jefferson and Adams. Hamilton may seem an exception, but he was bred, though not born in New York Citv. xnd a member of Washington's staff, associ ated with cultivated and distinguished foreigners, and was as much of a cos mopolitan in mind; tastes and training as it was then possible to be without foreign travel and considerable resi dence abroad. In the middle ages none but the rich could afford to travel; the yeomanry never traveled, save when they went to war or followed the s?a, and to this absence of quick and cheap transporta tion was due the narrowness, bigotry, ignorance, stolidity and sluggishness of the common people. The yeomanry seldom moved out of their native country- seldom saw a great city; seldom saw any civilization save their own. Books were few; there was neither cheap books nor cheap transportation. The raijroads in their wide circle f quick travel collect a large Variety cf articles that stand for those thin; s that come home "to the business a: d I.OS01113, of men" smd through the. e modern opportunities for education l y oliservation and attrition the country man ia-cured of his provincialism and becomes cosmopolitan in thought and knowledge; and the hcrmitie civiliza tion vanishes at the sound of the steam whistle. Oregon has more of the dregs of war bitterness, perhaps, than almost any Mate in the Union. This is neither for want of intelligence or a spirit of Chris tian forgiveness. She has had less com munion and contact .with the outside world, and less to do with the realities. There is more talk'about the war here three thousand miles from the scenes of etrife, and one quarter of a century after the smoke of battle has dkd away, than along the Potomac to-d;'y on either sido. Let us lioe, as the moss wears off" and the webs rrow less, by railroads and travel, we shall hear less of war and more of peace and good will. If Henry Villard carries out his pres ent intention of sending a ship to the south pole, the world will doubt le s learn some new facts about that inter esting region. Sir James Ross told us a-Il that is known alout the south pole. He found enormous fields of ice and Mx-liergw a mile high. He also found an ojen polar sea. He saw beyond th fcxtrenie southern limit of his voyag an enormous active volcano, and this gives rise to the belief that the intense cold in the vicinity of the pole may be tempered by the heat escaping from the interior of the earth. This fact perhaps led Poe to write his wild and fanciful account of the adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym. The world at large will wish Mr. Villard a success ful trip in the interests of science. An immense block of granite from Gold Hill, Southern Oregon, weighing alxmt four tons, was taken to Lafayette recently on a flat car, and unloaded just south of the line works on the O. & C. track. It is intended to form the base of the monument of Senator Nes mith. A stonemason is at work dress ing the block and preparing it for ship ment to Dixie, Polk county, wlwre the remains of Senator Ncsinitk are In terred. ' We 1 ave heard a great deal about "free whisky," butBoblngersoll takes . .one step in advance of all other cam paign orators when he says: "If the Mississippi ran runv between bunks of loaf suger, oer a mint bottom, and tumblers grew on bushes, no more liquor would be drunk iu.tliii; country than now," A I.SKA VALLEY. ' r This valley is about twenty miles west of this place. The first settle ments were made in the year 1854; and the emigrants entered the valley on pack mules, and for several years this was the only means of ingress or egress; now they have a real good wagon road from ridlomath that crosses the Coast range lununtalnrfjust south of Mary's peak. The denizens of this valley are ft kind, hospitable people, and considering their isolation from the outside world, they are well informed nnd take a lively interest In all matters of public interest both in church and state. They speak of all the world as "on the outside," and re gard themselves as the very center of civilization. The valley proper begins about six miles from the summit of the Coast range, at the the confluence of the Al sea proper and Rugels creek, nt which place there is a saw mill, planing mill and grist mill. Four miles below and directly west of these mills is the iost ottice and a general merchandise store conducted by Moses Brothers. These are enterprising, reliable and courteous young men who well deserve to suc ceed. One mile still further west of the store is the saw mill and flouring mills of the Chandler Brothers, Mho also run a blacksmith and wood shop. These constitute all the public enter prises in the valley, and the settle ments only extend some five miles Inf low this, from which point there is no other M ay but a trail to tide Mater, which is not less than twenty miles. The county of Benton is aiding the citizens to open a good wagon road to the coast, and they hopo to have it completed next summer. This Mill then be the best route for health and j pleasure seekers of Linn county going! to the coast. i Opposite to the postoftlce, and run ning direct north, is the South Alsea river, that unites here with the main river. The valley on this stream for some three miles back south is much wider than the main valley. This en tire valley is about one mile wide on an average, M-ith gradual sloping hills that afford fine grazing land. The en tire population of all this section is about seventy families. Thire are yet a good mauy quarter sections of land, some of it very fine, still open for actual settlers, and emigrants or anyone else wanting a desirable home would do we'll to visit this section. Last June Rev. B. II. Baker held a protraeted meeting here, which re sulted in organizing a Cumberland Presbyterian church of forty-eeven members. This church is now build ing an elegant house of "worship near the post office. There are three good schools in this valley, two of which are open six months in the year and the other nine months. These schools are under the management of compe tent teachers, and so far as we could learn, are giving entire satisfaction. After the fall rains, the salmon sport and spaM-n in the Alsea and all its lit tle tributaries. The natives and many others kill and catch a great many and salt and pack them up in barrels and boxes for winter use. If any of our friends have leisure time and are fond of this kind of sport, we would recom mend this favorite resort. Moses Bros, are the duly appointed ageuts for The Express, and any re ceipt from them for subscription to this paper M ill be regular and correct. CJIIXESE EXCL VSIOX. Following is the full text of the new Chinese exclusion law: "Be it enacted. That from and after the passage of this act it shall be un lawful for any Chinese laborer who shall at any time heretofore have been or may now or hereafter be a resident within the United States, or who shall have departed or shall depart there from and shall not have returned be fore the pr.a-sage of this act, to return or remain in the United States. Sec. 2. That no certificates of iden tity provided for in the fourth or fifth sections of the act to which this is a supplement, shall hereafter be issued: and every certificate her?tofbre issued in pursuance thereof is hereby declared void and of no effect; and the Chinese laborer claiming admission by virtue thereof shall not be permitted to enter the United States. Sec. 3. That all the duties pre scribed, liabilities, penalties and for feitures imposed, and the powers con firmed by the second, tenth, eleventh and twelft bisections of the act to which this is a supplement are hereby extend ed and made applicable to the provis ions of this act. Sec. 4. That all such part or part of the act to which this is a supple ment as are inconsistent herewith arc hereby repealed. Two dozen young Swede giris, first class passengers on the steamer Kreka, landed at New York. It is admitted that they were imported imder con tract by an agency in that city to marry young men they had never seen except by photograph. They had not even courted by mail. Twenty-three girls go to Western States, where they will find husbands. The other re mained Ea.'t. The authorities will in quire into the agency's methods. The need among people of a better knowledge of sanitary principles is emphasized by the fact that ytarly in the United States there occur more than 100,000 deaths from strictly pre ventable diseases alone. And as there are at least twelve cases of serious ill ness for every death, we see what a vast amount of psiin and suffering re sults from ignorace of sanitary princi ples. - A Boston genius has been estimating the candle power of the moon. By comparison with an electric lamp of 400 power at a certain distance he finds the light of the moon to be 134,000,000, 00O,0O0,0;K). This, he calculates, is about the number of .n.l!es, placed one-half inch apart, it would take to cover one-half the surface f the moor. Some enterprising men M-ill some ; bright morning put a lit! 1j time and ' money in developing the coal mines in ! Linn county, aii.d will find themselves possessors of a fortune. Coal is almost i worth its weight in silver this year, land a lead of good coal would be. worth i a itunt of money. He akl . . TEACH THE BOYS To be obedient. To have patience. To be temperate in all things. . To read Inwks worth reading. To keep themselves neat and clean. To shun evil company and rough Mays. Always to be emploj-ed In acme use ful way. To be useful in the house as well as out of it. To take off their hats when they en ter the house. Never to chew, smoke, drink or use profane language. To get their lessons and obey the rules of the school. To keep early hours and always he punctual and industrious. To le polite at all times and always have a kind word for everybody. To avoid the contracting of loose habiti and strive to be manly always. To be kind and courteous to each other in the school room and on the street. " A Cure for Ilarr. Mr. J. A. Burnlson, of Colburg, Montgomery Co., Ia., has found out how he can cure any case of Diarrhoea. Two of his children had the disease; for about six weeks he tried four differ ent patent medieines without benefit. but he finally got hold of a bottle of ChamlxTlain s Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Ilemenv. w hich he savs com pletely cured them, and is confident it will cure nnv case when the plainly printed directions are followed. Sold by M. A. Miller Look Hrre. All who are behind on outiecriptlon will confer a great favor on us by call ing and paying up, as we want to put in some new machinery, and will have to collect what is behind before we can do so. Notice. All persons knowing themselves owing us will please make arrange ments to settle, as we need the money in our business. Yours truly, Amikkws A Hacki.em.vx. IVantrd. We will pay 50 cts. per roll for choice butter. Thompson & Watkks, Brownsville, Oregon, Ague cannot be iermani-ntly cured uutil the system has been thoroughly cleansed of all morbid matter. Qui nine and other febrifuges w ill check it temporarily, but it is sure to return unless the system lias been cleansed. For this purpose there is nothing bet ter man r-t. nuncK s nns. iney noi only phvsie, but thoroughly cleanse the entire system and will, in most cases, prevent ague and like malarial diseases if used as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by M. A Miller. , A traveling man, stopping at the Iee House, Campbellsburg, Ind.. on learn lug that a lady in the village was suf fering terribly with cramp colic, cave the landlady a bottle of medicine which he had with him and requested her to ttke it to the sick woman. The medicine relieved her promptly nnt: she believes saved her life. It was Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera nnd Di arrttcva Itemed" the promptest ami most reliable medicine in use for Rowel Complaints. Sold by M. A. Miller. In the mt Oreiron legislature the Dcra.nct ate have IS memUrs and the Republicans 72. Harness and sail tiles at Thompson Sc Overman's, Allwny. JEOTICK. NOTICE IS HEREBY LIVES THAT I WIl.I bv mv m. J. rind It v. 'W. li. FiNM.KV. OVtoli-r S. !. 2v rrt vO cl Blood Elixir is tne only 1.UV, Blood Remedy guaran teed. It Is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies tho whole system, and banishes all Hheumatic and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. J. A. Beard, Druggist. TO THE LADIES. I have Enlarged My Store and Added a New and Elegant Stock of MILLINERY GOODS, . SUCH AS Hats, Bonnets. Flowers, Rib bons, Etc., Etc., Winch I am Selling at Prices Ncvei Before Offered in Lebanon. Call and See These Goods and Get Prices. MRS. C. W. RICE, Milliner, Lebanon, Oregon. v v tlie good tliinrs of tlii VUU jife re sorrowfully 1. alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker't Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indignation and Constipation; sold on t p sitive guarantee at 23 and 00 cents, by J. A. Beard, Druggist. St. Charles Hotel LEBANON, OREGON, X. W. Cornrr M.iin nnI ShirninM Streets Tw lilix-k Eart of Ilniinxi't li-i.;. H. E. PARRISH, Manager. Tables Supplied with Ihc Best tin Market Affords. Sample Romnsnn'1 Hn lk"t Aocornmijtlittions foi 'onin.in-Iul Men. CJENKBAL STAGE OFFICE. J. L. Cowan. J. M. Ralston. BANK OF" LEBANON, Lebanon, Oregon, Transacts a General Banking Business. Accounts Kept Subject to f hfek. Exchange Sold on Tew York, San Kran cfofto, Portland an 4 Albany, Ore;n. ivlle.'tlon.Mad,e on Fa 1 oj-a 1 f cr lut- Much the Newest Nobbiest and Largest Stock of CLOTHING In the County Is Now to be Seen ON THE COUNTERS -OF- l-OF-l Albany, Oregon. 111 " -I.lf W UlL'bS up. U VUUIU w iVhf rrlnrl fn clirviv i-miA tlironsrh and make the li! Tright price. T Babr Soother at Land. It is the only eafo medicine yet mado that will remove all infantile disorders. It contains no Opium cr Morphine, bat plves the child natural aotefrvm pain. Price 23 cents. Bold by J. A. Bkaki, Drotrgist. OYERLAHD TO CALIFORNIA VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY'S LINES The ML Shasta Route. Time ttvwa Allxinr ami Pan Fmncwro. hours. California Express Trains Dally. lii r. j. I.cuve rurrlmul Arrive 10:10 a. x. Allinny Leave, Tif. .. s. San Kiiicivn I'M r. St. Klfi ". V.' I. Pi-VI? 7:10 a. .: Arrive Local Passenger Trains Dally (except Sunday) 1'orthiud Arrive: 3:l.-p. St. A'.!anv I ji'iivc , 1 1 25 A. 5. Kiiirvnc l.riv? I fim a. 5. li:J)K m.; Ij.vc M.i Arrive Local Passenger Trains Dally (except Sunday) "STa. ;Ive Ij'iuvrmn Ar-ivw ; : a. si. l-'.'-O f..;lx-avr AUiaiiy Arrive 1SK p.m. 2 r.M.ilA-Hve l-hmn Arrive p. :li r.si.ilx'avo Alhany Arrivrl:!!! r. . Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS FOR accommodation of Second Class Pas sengers attached to Express Trains. The O. & C H. I?. Ferry moke rotiTwMnn witli all I In- ro;riUir italic uu the Ha-t siile llv. from foot tf Y. street. West Side Division. TO R T LAX I) CO R VAJ JJS Mall Train Dally (except Sunday). a. m. Uri- p. ir. l-rnvf Arrie ISinlmitl I 'irvitlUM Arrive :!.' p. m. Iji-iiv l::sp. tn. Express Train Daily (except Sunday). I "' p. m. I ix-ave I'Tlt:!ii Arrive j !MW a. nT. sp. m. J Arrive MoMinville live -VIA a. m. At AMjttiiy ami Cirvnl!i connect with trains OS On-piri l',i!;e ra'.ironil. aj-l'fff full Informmlmi rosnrtlin;; mte, map ere., mil o enipaiiy'ii aent. H. KOI.HI.F.R. F. ! ROt:ER JlaiutifiT As4. li. K. A IlLvt. Agent. The Appetite play be increased, the Digestive organs strengthened, and the bowels regulated, by taking Ayer'a Pills. These Pills are purely vegetable in their composition. They contain neither calomel nor any other dangerous drag, and may be taken with perfect safety by persons of all ages. I was a preat sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation. I had no appetite, and was constantly afflicted with Head ache and Dizziness. I consulted our family doctor, who prescribed for me, at various times, without affording more than temporary relief. I finally com menced taking Ayer's Pills. In a short time my digestion and appetite IMPROVED my bowels were regulated, and, by the time I finished two boxes ot these Pills my tendency to headaches had disap peared, and I became strong and well. Darius M. Logan, Wilmington, Del. I was troubled, for over a year, with Loss of Appetite, and General Debility. I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, and, before finishing half a box of this medi cine, my appetite and strength were re stored. C. O. Clark, Daabury, Conn. Ayer's Pills are the best medicine known to me for regulating the bowels, and for all diseases caused by a disordered Stomach and Liver. I suffered for over three years with Headache, Indigestion, and Constipation. I had no appetite, and was weak and nervous most of the time. BY USING three boxes of Ayer's Pills, and at the same time dieting myself, I was com pletely cured. My digestive organs are now in good order, and I am in perfect health. P. Lockwood, Topeka, Kans. Ayer's Pills have benefited me wonder fully. For months I suffered from Indi gestion and Headache, was restless at night, and had a bad taste in my mouth every morning. After taking one box of Ayer's Pills, all these troubles dis appeared, my food digested well, and my sleep was refreshing. Henry C. Hemmeaway, Bockport, Mass. I was cured of the Piles by the use of Ayer's Pills. They not only relieved me of that painful disorder, but give me in creased vigor, and restored my health. John Lazarus, St. John, N. li, tt Ayer's Pills, " Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Hau. Bold by a2 Druggist and Deafer In Mediclue. JJ3AVELEK. Brownsville, . . O.-esan. r Bargain List of Real Estate FOB SALE BY -V. It. CYRUS ' & OO., Real Estate Agents, Lkhanon, Lixs County, Onixiox. Iebnnon is a thriving town of nlnnit COO inhabitants, plcawtntly uUuntcd in the midst of the most favorable portion of Linn county and also of the "Wil lamette valley. It Ih tho terminus of tho Lebanon branch of tho O. & C. R. R, 13 miles from Albany, overlooking the beautiful Albany prairie, and con trols the trade of a large section of country, both prairie and hill landn being tributary to it, glviug a large va--riety of products. Some of the finest fruit lands of the valley are near this place; there are also great facilities for manufacturing aud stock raising. It is but 41 miles to the famous min eral springs at Sodaville, and C miles to Waterloo, where there is a magnifi cent water power and also a mineral spring. Altoguther, this is a most de sirable location for settlers. . Linn county is finely situated for commerce, being crossed by two rail roads north aud south and one east and and the Willamette river on the west. Look Over This List of Bargains and Come and See Us. We Will Treat You Well. f 1,750. No. 8(i 174 acres, situated 7 miles from Leb anon, SO acres uniler cultivation, all under fence, and plenty living water ; two-story box House ana coo;: larire barn: 31 acres pimkI orchard. This is a good stock farm, having plenty of good ouisiue range. tl.GOO. No. 101 0 acres 8 miles from lA-banon, 30 to 3.1 acres m cultivation, 40 acres pasture; one-story box limbic, large barn 00x00 feet, orchard of 1.50 bearinsr fruit trees: fruit house and dryer; plenty of water; one mile toscitoni. icrtns, l,'.XKJ casli ana balance to suit purchaser. ?-,(XT0. No. m 3.'541 acres, 4 miles from Iicbanon, 115 acres m cultivation, 144 in taisture. Itnlancc bruh and pasture and some timber; house, barn nnd 2 acres of or chard; water convenient, Jerms,f3,- oou cjisi), balance one year. $3,500. No. 140. SM acres, f) miles from Lebanon, 8i acres in cultivation, 100 acres under fence; a gooI house, Intra 80 feet long. anil other outliotm-s, 5 acres orcharu lerms, 1,(500 cash, balance one year. 2,000. No. 140. Oh acres of level land 3 miles from Lebanon on road to Sodaville, SO acres in cultivation, 12 acres in crtifs: eod one-story iioiifjc, email burn and young oreiiarn. jertitacusn. VS0. No. 152. 80 acres, 9 miles S. K. of Lebanon, 40 acres in cultivation, 30 acres pasture, 10 acres of timber, all fenced, well watcrvu; uo building. f !.40. No. 177. 200 acres 11 miles from Sodaville, 20 acres improve., l'0 under fence; good box house and double lojj "barn; place ts well watered. 53.-VIO. No. 182 'Hie Pt. Charles Hotel and barbe shop in Lebanon. Pay ?4- per montl rent. Furniture included. Lot 80xl feet. M.OOO. N. 87. Pin acres 3 mibs from Lebanon; about 160 ceres in cultivation, balance in pas- mrc; p mr noiisi-; i-r:i; nit ge orchard fine gross land. T;rms, finOO cash lialnm-e to suit purchxser at 10 per cen interest. sa.nnrt. No. mi 325 acres 6 miles from Lebanon, 270 acres in cultivation, balance imsture ir x house and wo barns; school lioue on the farm; place well watered by springs; 21 miles to railroad station; good orciianl. . ?1,R00. No. 105 2IJ7 acres S miles from Iicbanon; 12r acres beaver dam land, -Tj acns.in cul tivation, balance pasture ami brush oox house, barn and small orchard. flO.OOO. . - No. 107 4S7 acres 8 miles from Iicbnnon, 12-' acres in actual cultivation, 25 acre in meadow; sou acres in grass for nas Uire, 37 acres timber and brush; 5t head of cattle, lO head of horses, 41 tons of hav, about 300 bushels of oat.- and other fcl and seed; farming uten sils, wagon, hack, etc., all go with place. J-lasy terms. Emigrant!, buy farms nrar Jjolmnon, localise the soil is grxd, prices low, lo cation pleasant and healthful, facilities for marketing produce unsurpassed, variety of products unequnled. From Lelmnon, Ly rail, to Portland, 92 miles; to Albanj-, 13 miles; to Ya (julna hay, 95 miles. Send Mamp for descriptive pamphlet of Linn county, to A. R. CYRUS &.CO., THE YAQUIXA ROUTE. ORE(iOX FACI FIC RAILROAD Oregon Development Co's Steamship Line 225 SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME Than !- any mlier KihiIp. First Class TliroiiRh Passenger Jt Freight l.lne KIlOM Knnu Poiiltiiid nnd till Points In the AVillimictte Valley to and from San Francisco, t al. OREGON I'ACIFIC RAILROAD. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays:) I.v. Albany. l:no p.m. I I.v. Y.vijfisA, fi:is a. m. I.v. "mtVAl.i.it.l:H!p. in'. I l.v.t'ii:VAt.i.isli'::'oa. in. An. Y.jriSA i:M p. m. Alt. Albany, 11:10 a. in. O & V Trains cosmcet nt Alhany and CorViillls. The unove Trnlns connect nt Ynqulna with the Drepon H.'veliitnient tympany's Line of Steuinsliips lieiwwn Ymuinuand San Fr.iiH'iseu. paii.ix dati:s: ktSaIikh.- " Frmu s. F. from Yacpiina. Willaniettc Valley Willamette Vallev Willaniettc Valley Oct. tat. 14. Oct. 1SL th-t. -.i. Thii f ininy reverves the fight to chnnpe Sail injj dates without notice. 1'ivsseiiceiN fnnn Portlsuid. anil nil Willamette Vallev Kiintx. can tnaku elnw coinieoiiou ith the Trains of the YAynxA Koi tk nt Albany oi CorMillis, am', if destined to San KrnneiM-o, shonlfl arrnnjie to arrive nt Yuipiinu tho evening before the date of sailing. I'liKsiciiBor mid Irolislit 1 to tot ALWAYS TIIK LOWEST. FOR INFORMATION" APPLY TO T. If. 1IASWEI.U ficif I Fr't & Pass Ag'l, CJroson IH'Velopment V., Hot Mnntsromeo St., Sun Francisco, C'al'o. P. V. IIOtiFE, AefptJeii'l F. & P. Agt, 0. 1'. K. R. It. Co., t'orvallis, orepon. CV. wou enjoy your dinnor 3 3 and are proven ted by Dy pepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They aro a positivo euro for Dyspepsia, In digestion, Flatulency. . and Constipation. We guarantee them. ' 25. and CO cents. J. A. Ucitrd, Druggist, 8 Li ii J Im.Ai-I L-J Lt-twt We invite you to Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc. jVliif-iiuite Grass and Tinothy &eol. PURE GOODS & Hides. Furs and all kinds We Guarantee Fair Treatment to All. W. B. DONACA & Co. Corner Brick Store, OREGOSIAH RAILWAY COMPAST. (Limited Line.) CHAS. N. SCOTT, - Receiver. On ati'1 after Jan. 1. !. and nntil airther mv tir traius will run daily vxcctt Sunday) as fui- EAST SIDE. l otmry Mnll l I'-rftl'd Mail. STATIONS. i rr .Toward Part- land. l--rra rrt land. Lt U.oo a. m. rltTINI.P.AW.V font of Uucoln St. Itxir'? ljuidicg. St. Panl s. FroiK-li l'mirie, Ktiir, Vomibf.rn, T'lnntcnd, Unnm' M. nsnl, 1 .ojlvoram. Jhnon' AfTII, Switwrlaud, Kast Pi-le Junrtkm, . i?Krl-yf Shaw. , Auinwillp, Wrt Stay urn, ;ntrd I'it. Nrth SilntiAHl, i. !. 'riiir, S.'i Ji!t:rt Wot . Thnia' Fort, I mKirif. Sijiet-r 1 THllmKn, I I'lai'ivitw, : J.imi. T.nrn iirilV, 1 v. in l!ta:cs t Kou XavA l-Hc-lwirii, : Ar 4.45 p. An-2.00 Lv- 10 I.t iin Arc 1. 10 l.:58 I. 11 I OT 10 liK MW lil 12.00 11S )!.. II. ::i II (t i.t..y lo.aj 10. IS 1VS 10.11 9u M .'.17 V.:U tt.-Jt S.W 8. as i! 2 I'.t S ") 3 1:1 S.1S a.-.; :i.:a) 3..W 8 VI 4.K 4 12 J.lll 4...I 6.a a.;i o.M ( n. M .V.VI r. hi .!7 e.u M in 7 11 7 S.lf, s.::i . s. l 9 ('1 .).: Ar. r. i it it ; ! 7.::i II 713 ! 7.l:t ;i cm C.: 6-iO T.V I.T. 6.WA. ' romnminil-m T! krts at two cents iKTmile on sale at tatwn having Apcnti. Tmin villi rn---'-ns:rr. Fn-tght and Express, run wirate from Kreiglit. Frr !cht train fiirnj Tortlund, Mundars. Wrdnc dnys and Thursday. Tmrnrds i'urtiand, iut-.-days 1 hurday an I Saturdars. f 'onnwtlun at F.ay' and Fulitartz T-nnding wilh Steam' f Ssleni" for Salem jlondays WcdiiFMlar and VrlilnvM retuminc frura Kikm Tuexl.-'vi. Th'ir-jluv!' and Saturdays, eoiiiieelii'.c riU Kit and West Side pmrant trains. Steam er "my t aiem liiases trans'er Detween Kays and Ful'iuarts 1 jii'lins daily, Sundays excepted. CH AP. X. S4-OTT, KeceircT. ;-neral OCjee. X. W. Comer First and l'ine ft's, 1'nnloml. tnt sriin. "ARCADE SALOON." Wsr. RETIIERFORD, Pkotkietok, 1E.I.F.K IN ALL KIXI OF Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSUCNHANU ' Fresb Mineral and Soda Water. (Opposite Exchange Hotel.) Lebanon, - - - ' - - Checps. For Toilet Use. Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the hair soft and pliant, imparts to it the lustre and freshness ot youth, causes it to grow luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures all scalp diseases, and is the most clean ly of all hair preparations. AVFR'Q Hft!r viSr baa given me nil-ll J perfect satisfaction. I was nearly bald for six years, during which time I used many hair preparations, but -without success. Indeed, what little hair I had was growing thinner, until I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. I used two bottles of the Vigor, and my head is now well covered with a new growth of hair. Judson II. Chapel, Feabody, Mass. LI AID that has become weak, gray, (in III and faded, may have new lift and color restored to it by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. My hair was thin, faded, and dry, and fell out in large quantities. Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped the falling, and restored my hair to its original color. As a dressing for the hair, this preparation has no equal. Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. VIRflR youth, and beauty, la the I U U II j appearance of the hair, may be preserved for an indefinite period by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. A di. ease of the scalp caused my hair to be come harsh and dry, and to fall out ' freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do me any good uutil I commenced using Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three bottles of this preparation restored my hair to a healthy condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, and It in also free from dandruff. Mrs. B. XL Fobs, Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. Perfect Safety, prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, easily place Ayer's Pills at the head of the list of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail ments originating in a disordered Liver. I have been a great sufferer from Headache, and Ayer's Cathartio Pills are the only medicine that has ever given me relief. One dose of these Pills will quickly move my bowels, and free my head from pain. William. L. Page, Kichmond,Va. tf Ayei d bvDr.J. ir's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Uu. bold by all peaiuta la Medicine. -Vi'r come and look through our Mam moth Stock of FULL WEIGHTS of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. Main Street, Lebanon, Linn Comity, On BEARD & YATES, Druggist and Apothecary, DEALER IX Drugs -:-'Axp -:- Medicines -fePaiiits, ()js aI1(j Glass.SE Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc. PERFUMERY And Fancy Toilet Articles. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. 3fain Street, Lebanon, Oregon. SWAN BROS. SUCCESSORS TO G. W. SMITH, DEALER IN ST0YBS and IKWASI, IRON PUMPS, ETC. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware EAVE SPOUT, ETC. All Kinds of Repairing1 done on short notice. THE WOVEN WIRE BED. THE STOVER Improved lb The best is - i, A A P'k U 11 Li Cl p U O I. 1 We are also prepared to furnish on short notice any machrne from a butter worker to a steam milL We keep on hand all staple Implements, suce as Harrows, CuUivators, Pulverizers, Rakes, M'ngrouB ISusrsriew- And the celebrated Sherwood Steel Harness. Come and see us; we will make you happy G. W. CRUSON, Lebanon, Or, IS OUR MOTTO. yf( The most iT. urn- poweriui lightest run ni ng mill vmade.