KNEW HIM WELL. THE PLUM CUKCUlIo. tljw to Eitrrmtnau thli Destructive and fiiimfronii I'araslte. There seems to bs no doubt whatever but what the plum fcurculio (Gvn Irachchis nenuphar) cau be well nljih extt-rniiuiUed ererywhero and regular crops of the stone fruits grown by sim ply spraying the trws with arsenical poisons (Paris green and London pur ple) in water; (1) so soon as the buds bog-in to swell in the spring; (2) two weeks after the petals fall; (3) then after three weeks again, and (4) for perfection, so soon as through blossom ing, with a weak kerosene and soap emulsion. This (4) will kill the leaf lice (V.phidie) and plant bugs (hemiptera) that puncture the young fruit and cause It eventually to rot, A Michigan gen tleman told me that he had two large, thrifty European plums. "They bloomed freely each year, but the enrculio laid her eggs in nearly every plum, and all the fruit that was not wormy rotted be fore ripening. Spring before last I sprayed the trees thoroughly once with London purple in water about two weeks after the blossoms fell. That season they matured so great a crop of the finest fruit that I was obliged to prop up all the branches. Bat to my soitow this large crop so weakened the vitality of my trees that the uext spring both were dead, lhe spraying seemed to kill nearly every curcuhi. scarcely a fruit showed her ovipositing work, and the plums all ripened with out rot." This shows two valuable les sons: (1) Spraying has proven a sh cess, and (2) an overburdensome crop is deathly, especially to a plum. These sentiments are exactly in lim with sense, reason and experience, and especially w nil onr native plums; for these fruits are the natural food plant and breeding place of the plum curculio. This beetle passes the winter ia the beetle state, "holed np" like a- wood- chuck, and emerges in the spring hun pry. She at once seeks her natural food plant these plums on which to feed, seemingly m preference to all other trees. She nsnally reaches them before they bloom; therefore just before the blassoms opn is the time to spray the trees. But for some reason many of the beetles do not lay their eggs in the fruit until June; hence the necessity of late spraying, for it is possible that these late egg-laying beetles reach the trees late. If the native plums are not within her reach the beetle is forced to accept allied plants of the almond family to which the plain belongs, such as the oherry, peach, apricot, etc, and lay her eggs in their fruits. It is of course . possible that the cherrh, being so close akin to the plums, they aay be as ac ceptable to her for food as the plums. but it is hardly probable. Therefore it is entirely reasonable that, if we have plenty of native plums in and around our orchards of other' fruits, by spraying the plums we will destroy this curculio sufficiently for all prac tical pnrooses, and so protect all the other fruits from her destructive work. D. B. Wicr, in American Garden. CONVERSATIONAL BORES. Brainless Individuals Who Talk Without i;xprcslor Thooehts. Conversation among persons who are very intimate should be the best con versation, si no one need speak unless he feels impelled so to do by the stir ring of thought within; but the ir. retei-ate small-talker has lost the power ?f distinguishing between the talk that expresses thoughts and the talk that merely articulates sounds. His idea of talking is confined to the practice of "making conversation; even in argu ment he passes much time in repeating what lias been said m slightly different words; and. when no subject is under discussion, and when he is not gifted with high talents, the grotesque artifices to which he is someti jaes reduced woald be absurd if they were not so irritating. If he only talked, and said nothing that insisted on answers, he might more easily be forgiven; hut this is rarely his way. An irritating small talker. who, though ia reality neither deaf nor absent-minded, eked out his speech by insisting on. having everything that was said to him re peated twice, sometimes thrice. I have known to repeat his "What was that von said?" after he ha I answered the remark that had been made, and when this was pointed ont to him he only smiled the satisfied smile of the small talker, who thinks hi3 sins merits, and docs not blush to own them. Sach a Baialt talker calls tnese atrocious ae linqnencies conversational talent, and because it is sometimes necessary to ppeak idly think3 it is a good deed to do so at all times rather than main tain a wholesome silence. But, indeed, others beside these obvious criminals Ein in speaking idly. Small talk has its nses in expressing indefinite friendliness, though even this would probably be better expressed by some inarticulate sound, if we could only agree on one; but it should never be forgotten that small talk or talk of no consequence is in itself of less than no value, and that if on all occa sions, except those of necessity, we put onr energies to improving our ideas rather than to ottering words; in short, if we talked less and thought more, we and our friends would in all ases be much the better for It London Queen. Climbing the Ladder. Gentleman (to tramp) Why do yon ask for oniy a penny, my man? Most of you people want nickels and dimes? Tramp Yes, sir, but I'm a new hand at the business, an' I want to begin Female Witness Convinces it lawyer Almost Against His Will. "You know the defendant in this - i r . case, ao your asiien a ivansas awjor of a female native"bf the soil. Know which?'' she asked. "The defendant, Jake Lynch.' Do I know Jake Lynch?" -Yes." . "You want to know if I know Jake Lynch well, if that ain't a good one. Why, mister, the Lynch family an' " "Can t yon say yes or no? "Why. Jako Lynch's mother an' my step-dad's father was ouce lirst cous ins, an'" Then you know him?" Who, Jake Lynch? Me know Jako Lynch. You're a stranger ia these parts, ain't you?" That has nothing to do with the case. H you Kritrw jaKO "-.yneu, say so." If I know him! Lemmo tell yon that Jake Lynch's birthday and my brother Hiram's is on the same day. an'" 'You know him of course, then?" "Who Jake Lynch? Ask Jake if I know him? Ask him if ho was ever introduced to Betty Skelton?" I don t care to ask him any-tlnng. I simply want to ask you if Jake Lynch is known to you personally. 'Tussonly? U'll, I don't know what you mean by 'pussoiily,' but if you want to know if J know Jake an' if he knows me, I can tell you in migaty few words. Jake Lynch s father an my father '.Sow, I want you to say 'yes or t Thought you wanted me to say if 1 knew Jake Lynch." That s just what I do want. 'Well, then, lemmo alone an' I'll tell you all about it. Jake Lynch was born in Injeeany an I was bora in the same county an "And of course 3ou know him? "Who Jake Lvnch? Da I know Jake Lynch, when the very hoss he rid here on was one he traded my m4n sn'tn nF vnnn r ctApri f , i 1- Why, man, Jake's wife was Ann E:uy Skiff, an her an mo is the same age to nday, an' "That will do. know him." "Know him? man "That will do." Why, I was married THE TRAVELING HOG. AN OlD UNIVERSITY. Know I see that you do Jake? Why, on a Chews- day an Jako was married the next day. an' his oldest boy an' my oldest girl is most tae same age. an "That will do." Detroit Free Press. DIDN'T MIND THE BITE. ConragreotM Man who Couldn't Krti Ont of a Horse Trad-. be right; make it a dime, like. A. Y. Sun. though, if you A Georgia man, while standing in front of a blacksmith's shop, was bitten by a dog, " Gracious alive! ex claimed the blacksmith, ' run home and pray for the salvation of your soul for vonr bodv is lost. How so?" the old fellow asked as he rubbed the place where the dog had bitten him. " Whv, that dog is mad.' Look how- he foams at the month. That's the dog the neighbors have been looking for!" A pud'of smoke came from the bushes near by, the "Dang or a gun was heard and the dog fell dead in the road. Neighbors been lookin fnr him. eh!" said the old fellow who had been bitten. "AY all. I ain't been lookin far him, bnt it 'pears sorter like he's been lookin fir me." Run to a doctor, nffin." No, I kain't afford it- I hired one last spring to cure the chills on my daughter Nan, an' I thought it wouid break me bodatiously np agin I got him paid. Nan, you know, married Abe Slater shortly afterwards, an 1 says to Ale, s'L 'Abe, yon o lighter pav a part of that chill bill?' 'Wl.ut chill bill?' says he. -Wy Nan's.' s'L Oh, says he. 'I didn't marry the chills too. I only married Nan, an I nach ully expected the chills not to cut no figger in the transaction. A:. sir, Abe he never would pay a cent on that chill bill, but putty soon 'long come the b?g yaller ager, creepin' down . the birr road. all, sure, it hopped a-straddle nv ole Abe an rid him putty nigh ter death." "But that tiin't got nothing to do with that mad dog. Yon'll be a dead man in less'n nine days."" "Wall, I'll wait an see. an' ef what you say comes true, w'y I'll own m. I ain't no han' ter dispute alter the facks have dun gone agin me. 'Taint thater way with Abe. though. He'll argy when fie knows lie ain t got no show. Ilikelersce a man stick up fur whut he believes, but then when a feller finds he's wrong, w'y he jest nacLnlly ought ter cave. Wall, good mawnin'. I've got a hoss trade on han over yander cross the branch, an' I b'l'eve I'll fix it upbefo' the feller gits outen the notion." Arkansaw Traveler. There is no doubt that the light Brahma is the best fowl for jrcfitaole rearing of market chickens, as it will make the largest weight from a certain quantity of food in the shortest time. Spring chickens of this breed will easily weigh two and a half pounds at three months old, and eight or nine pounds in eight months. The eggs of this breed are more valuable for food and for pas try than any other kind, but there are other fowls that will lay more eggs. It is not the number which counts foi profit always. . Ilovr It ltebaves Itself When Sharing It lied with Fellow-Traveler. The hotel register lay hospitably open, and I took up. a stuttering pen with which to splatter my autograph over the list of lato arrivals. "I'm afraid wo'ro full," Interrupted the night clerk; "that is if you want a room to yourself you can have a bed in cither 27 or 52." My jaw fell 11 ! 11 ! "What kind of follows aro they," I Inquired, feebly. "Nice gentlemen tall, slim man in 27; short, fleshy man in 62." "Tall, slim man," I mused; "I'll try in No. 27." I'm rather long and slendor myself, still there's nothing like economy in space when it comes to a hotel bod-Btoad. I followed the boll-boy up to No. 27, and in response to his rat-tat -tat at the door. I heard emphatic guttural inter jections mufUcd under the bed-clothes. I didn't try to understand them; I had reason to believe they wero not at all complimentary to me. Howevor, the tall man opetied the door, gingerly, and trot back into bed, where he assumed the shape of .a gigantic let ter V. Ho was snoring loudly by the timo I had undressed, and I cherished serious intentions of blowing out the gas and leaving him to his fate. I crawled timidly in on the oft side, and grasped the covers with a death grip. But I was tired, and soon, with a half-conscious sense of insecurity, I felt my grasp weaken, and I dozed off into a gentle slumber. A movement on tho part of my bed fellow awoke me, and horrors! The covers were slipping away! Is there any thing to compare to tho utter help lessness with which a man, on a cold night, realizes this awful sensation? I caught at them, frantically, and my eyes bulged out in a mad despair as a Korean draught wailed along the ser-t rated edflre of my spinal column. Thus I lay, for hours, in a half torpul state. keenly alive" to his every move, yet unable to retrieve an inch of vantage. The clock on the customs-house struck twelve, and 1 was sinking Into a chilly nightmare, when the fiend rolled over against me with a restful sigh born of warmth and comfort. I couldn't stand it. -1 shipped out onto the floor, crept round to the foot of the bed, and crawled in on the side next the wall. Wrapping myself in the voluminous folds of the blankets, 1 1 lay down, sincerely hoping he'd roll j on into the next county. But he didn't. I hadn't been asleep more than an hour, when I awoke with a sense of oppression in my left side, and a sharp elbow, at an acute angle, lay imbedded in my complaining ribs. I shoved it away savagely, and he floundered over like a porpoise in shoal water, taking the covers with him. At that moment I heard the bell-boy, with a bell-boy's exaggerated attempt at caution, blunder past ' the door and rap at No. 28. "It's four o'clock, sir; bus'll be round in forty minutes." . I got up, too, lighted the gas and glared at my persecutor. He was lying west by nor'west of the bed, smiling as if he dreamed nature had made him In a circle. And he continued to smile, all unconsciously, as I washed in a lavish quantity of water and poured the remainder into the slop basin! And I think I had the towel as limp and wet as any towel ever need be outside the wash-tub? And when I left the room the gas-meter was humping it self, the door was wide open, and I'm pretty certain that some body else than No. 2$ got to see how a hog slept! Detroit Free Press. Historical Fact Concerning Pennsylvania'! I'rliu'lnnt Heat of .earning. The University of Pennsylvania bear tho distinction of being the only Amer ica educational Institution that wn ever s-tolen. A uniitio distinction, in deed. It liaopeued rather oddly, in this way: The English nobility, hav ing contributed most of tho funds upon which the school wa founded, asked King Georgo 111 1 1 see to it that the institution in the new country did not fall into the hands of any religious sect. The King complied and sent over word that, if any more money was expected from England, a guaranty must be given that Dissonters. Quakers, nor anylwxly e'sc, should ever exclude from it Church of England communi cants, but that the school should fore- er le for the general good of all classes. The resolution was passed and Franklin saw it safely entered upon the records. Nevcrthe less, a few years later tho Legislature of Pennsylvania, taking this resolution as a text, declared that the purposes of the institution had been narrowed, and in order that such a thing should not occur again, they confiscated all tho titles and endowment funds given by England. They named tho school the University of Pennsylvania. In this way was the institution stolen and put into its present- Governmental condi tion. Its important dates, therefore, nre: Founded by Franklin . In 1748; stolen bv the Legislature of Pennsyl vania In 1779; restored and set up in present shape in 175)1. In internal structure the University of Pennsylvani t is nearer like the Eng lish univeisities than any othor in this country. It more nearly embodies the university idea as represented by such schools as Oxford, Cambridge, Berlin and Strasbnrg. Its most famous de partment is the medical, which is the oldest college of medicine in America. Connected closely with it is the Biolog ical School, which is one of tho newest departments, yet about the first school in this line to be founded on this side of the Atlantic. It is a school for tin study of both plant and animal life in every form and is intendoi to supple ment th strnV js of the medical man, the scientist and the naturalist. Then there is the Veterinary College, which is fast revolutionizing the study of the horse and his medieal treatment; the School in Dentistry, and the Wharton School of Finance and Economy, In which is the first and only chair in American history in this country. In all of tha departments are about four teen hundred pupils. The social side of university life is almost wholly confined to the time spent inside the college walls. This is quite finlike most other Eastern col leges, and is so chiefly because there are no dormitories connected with the institution. The pupTi lose themselves from each other in the city, and are only able to meet r,' the grand ball on "Ivy Day," and the junior ball and at the one concert given every spring by the University Glee Club. There.are a few secret fraternities, but they are not strong, nor do they seem to enter into the existence cf the ftudent as they do in most other colleges. Phila dclphia Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. Halt a pound ot Uynamtte placed upon tho top of a large 'hard-head" or bowlder weighing anywhere from ten to one hundred tons will have a great effect. The rock directly under the cartridge will bo as fine as meal, and tho remainder so broken that it can usually bo removed with a bar, or u raw n out ny norses, ua put into a wall or otherwise disposed of. A rock that would cost ten dollars to remove in tho old way can with dynamite bo broken up for fifty cento. American Agriculturist. Lou Cams are fast go ing t of style as f.-ishioii-altle iexidences. I. nx Cabins will, how-eve , always have a place in American his tory, as they were the most pro n i no lit feature of our country' early social life. The pioneers were istrons-, riicsred. healthy. Warnei's LogCahln Tough ami rnnauinption ltemedy is a r.'inouuct n ot one tr tlie r id time r. ots ond herb remedies, lrc'i kept them well. IOveiylMHly prai ea "Xipiecaiioe'' an a fct nmch toirc. 0UAC TIP A French engineer hM conferred a MesJ-ing on all pltiyers of Hli-inxed iiiHtriiinents by in venting a ieg which will uot klip. White Elephant of Siim, Lion of Eng land, Diaton of China, Cro-8 of Switzer land, Banner of t'crwi j, CreHcentof Kvpt, Double Kajrle of K-issir , Strof Chili, The Circle of ,l.i)inii. Harp of Krin. To get these buy a box of the genuine Dlt. C. WcLANES CEl.EWtATlD LlVKH 11I.L8, price cents, and mall us the out side wrapper wbh your address, plainly written, and 4 cents In stamps. We will then mail jou the above list with an ele pant package of oieographtc and chro matic cards. Flemin-q Bnos., Pittsbcko, Pa. Study pedigrees aiid he are of boK'.is one. Kine-ionthu ot the blumieri made in breeding are umdc by breeding to luteri jr stock. rion't hawk, and blow, and spit, but use Dr. Sace Catarrh Kerue1y. lorne ItrlllUut Minds That Dwelled In De formed Uod!c. Hunchbacks form a tolerable numer ous list. There is that brilliant sol dier, tho Mt'.rochal do Luxemburg, of whom Maciutlay writes in one of his most finished passages: 'Highly descended and gifted as he was, he had with difficulty surmounted the ob stacles which impeded him in the road to fame. If ho owed much to the bounty of nature and fortune, he suf fered still more from their spite. IHs features were frightfully harsh; his stature was diminutive; a huge and pointed lump rose on his back." The reader knows the hunchbacked Rich ard of Shakespeare's powerful drama; but historical research seems to have delivered the King from his burden, and to have sworn that he was only high shouldered. Lord Lyt ton, in his "Last of the Barons," haa adopted the modern view. "Though the back was not curved," he says, "yet one shoulder was slightly higher than the other, which was the more observable from the evident pains that he took to disguise it, and the gorgeous splendor, savoring of personal cox combry from which no Plantagonet was ever free that he exhibited in his dress." Tho preat Minister of Queen Elizabeth, William Cecil, Lord Bur leigh; tho learned German theologian. Eber; our "glorious deliver," William HI., tho famous General of Spain, the Duke of Parma, these were all "crooii-Dueiis." lti& poet fope boa a protuberance both on the back and in front, and oue of his sides was con tracted. Gentleman's Magazine. A Rood draft horse i the most valuable of all hol'-M-s. It j ou have nuch a home keep him and Lake euro of lurii. Theodore Tilton Is living hi n-niote quarter of 1'dr 8 in by uo aicauski:iucutcircunutat.cs. A Wonderful Food and Medicine. Known and vised !y ptivf-ieians nil over tho orld. Hrotl'n Kmulxloii iiot only Rives rl' hh and atrcntttb by virtue of fl own nutri tious proix-rttoH. but cteatra an appetite for food Itiat builds op tho asted body. "I have been using bcott'a Kniulsion for sev-ral years, and am pleased ith i n action. My pattaii'-s say it is pleasant and p&.latbl. and all prew RToinjt-r and tfain iVfli fmm the us of it. I use it in all ca..-s of Waiting in -a, and it is specially ugeful for iliiUircn when nutrient iih dicatioi. ia needed, ue in .Marasmus." T. V. I'lfcitcK, M.D.. Know. lie. Ala. riifDESCE! aui?ht else, pru.lenee DRYING OF MOSSES. Ufa The Prlneesji of AValea and her rfanffhtcr ponn-tiniea sing to the iiuiutea of lmlou hoe p.taU. I5KTTEK THAN A II F.ItO. "What a coward that Major Pmlth said Jones to Hobin-on. why. the very sitrht of powdj- would make him ill. How did he ever manage to bcH.iin.-ar. olti-w in the aim r "lion't aay anyihinif atratiiHt miih." aiunrred Kobitt.vm, "he once aaved my life." aved jour life! Nonwense, impoasitklc! Whatdoyou mean I "I mean 1 aa in the h-M stages of consumption; I m lo.-ing ftrengih and vi tality every cay with the terrible i;Lw. hn mivh advised me to take lr. Tierce's Golden Medical licovery. 1 had tried all kinds of medicines without cure e?. ana my had given me no hpe: j tt here lam, a well as ever a mun was. an-1 1 oe my life to S nub, and lo the wonderful remedy he rtcom nu nded." The battle "of Hut a VWa was fought and won by tivueral Ttioron Vta?h:iiou s birth day. 1SI7. IM1TATOK9 AMI IM1-OSTORS. The unequal su-cc-n of Ali.cock's Tor ous Pi.ASTEita a an externa! remedy ha s'imnlated uucrup ihr.'s panic to put forth inii atioiis which they endeavor to ell oa the reputation of AI!cock". It is an alwurdity ta pink of them In the a-in:e tat p'ry as the fi-iiuiiie and original p r oui plaster. 'their t.reiens"ona are un founded, their vamiird merit unsupported by facia, their a!hTrd superiori y to or ttjua! ty with All -wKh fa'sn pretence. Ihlaatmst merttcai prac ltionets anil ut ir A I.l.i'H-K s t'OKOfS PI-asteks the 1 stextern-U remidy known. I'ItnKNCE! - Ia medication, rs In should be our km te. Yet thousands cast it to the winds. Kvc-y new nostrum tlnds iis pat rons, the medl'-al entiri-s of everv false achool hnve tin ir k u!1. Kvery change in the ramut of humbug it runs mece-fl fully for a time at leant the notes Ik inn furnished by the credu lous. In happy contrast to the many adver tised IniiKw-uixs .f the day stands Hoste.tter's fctoinach Hitters, no w in its third d -cace of popularity, appiored and recommended by physielaus. indored by the pres- of many lauds, sought and priz d by invalids every wuere. It is an ascertained specific for and preventive of malaria diseases, chronic indi gestinn. liver complaint and consti nation, checks the Krowth of -heumatim and neural gia fe; a peerless in rvt rant and useful diuretic Ner' ous people bnelit by it. JACOBS QIJi For Stablemen Stockmen, lot uutbt imisr isovit roi uoiim AMD CATTLI SJSEASB. CURES Cats, Swellings, Braises, Sprains, Galls, Strains, Lameness, Stiffness, Cracked Heels, Scratches, Contractions, Flesh Wound!, btringhaJt, Sore Throat, Distemper, Colic. Whitlow, Poll KyII, Fistula, Tumors, Splints, King bones and Hparia In Its early stages. Apply St. Jacob Oil in accordance with the directions with each bottle. Sold by Druggitts and Dtalert Everywhere. Tb riiarUs A. Togaler Co., Balto. Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. Ann AXX. STOMACH nOUBLXS CttCH AS: Ialstloa, low-ltuk, BUartbara, tum, elA etaM, Comrtlpatioa. ?iln.M aflr Mtlag. Fool Klslaf la tk. stoat aaa diiasTMsfeU last tfta la. IinwniM aaa Low-Spirits. At Vnwl$tt and Vea'ert or tent 6y vuxU on re eeipt qflictt.(b Itnet ft .00) in Xampt. Samp! tad m receipt qf 3-etnt Stamp. . THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. aftlmor. Hi. ASTHMA CURED! Uenaaa Astb ran L are neveruti to ki e uo-a Hi jie sleep; enectseares-w acres i o-oerw raj. j lXX,otUnw!rit8orbv-nilL SampiAfr-ftEEl for Si snip. I'a It. SCHIITMAS. KCJ-anl. Mid PIAHOS.! vice, hi uw is u'loii'i-r t Premium. 83,000 2D rein,..H f - years fcataUisbed. k stand In tuna i9 y GUTS, gmtfj tt 10O tktii. -M;d by climate.. Jfowuod to split, breafc, sneli, . .j:nk, crack, decay, or near out ; we guarantee it. l.lo gant Rosewood Cases, 3 strings, double rei-mtirig action; finest ivory keys; the Famous JNT1PJ,L. Call er write fct Catalogue, free. T- M. ANT1SKLL PIANO CO., HajiufAeturers, O-M" Hall, Mar. ket and Seventh Streets, Sail francist-n. WELL DRILLS FCS EVERT PURPOSE. Sold on Trial I f Investment small, profits Jlftrsra. Send tOe for mailing i .rie Illustrated Cataionie -Ith full particulars. IUb 1 utactured by I GOULDS ft AUSTIN, IT A I6 lake St., CHICACO. ILL. " SI EIN WAY, HK.ilill'H, rEAMK t BACH. Gablar. Roenial Ptanoa; Bsrdsts Orsana, band InstrumeoBL Irgss stock of Sheet Malic and Books. Bands supplied a Bassara Pri&a. alATTHXAB OSAI OO.. Sfi Pol Bsnw. 8aa rraodaon CThe OLDLST is the WOSLL-TX In Probably Sr. Isaac Tkompson'i J ELEBRATED EYE VVATEll Tftit artl-le Is a carefully prer.ared phy-lc!ai's pre icriptloa, and bas Ikd la eo&sLut ue f .r ae-..r-- a A.-ntuT7, alii not.itl..ULHilns Ut&nf her pr-p&n-tirms that bae been Inernduced into the utisi.t, the sale of this article Is e-nstantiy bicreaiHijff. If the di r eUuns are foUi.ired It aiil never We pjiaica Urly invito tbt aateotkm of phvaicians lo lt wcr-. s. foha L. Thoici sou. Sons A Co.. TltoV. Iv. V. Big O Has riven anrrsr sal satisfaction In the cure of Gonorrhree and Gleet. I prescribe II and . feel safe In recommend, log It to all sufferers. A.J. 6Tm.O, M.P.. Decatur, lib PRICE Si.oO. . Bold br Drug: lata. ' , i-er the Cheapest JVii -:t .-rpupm-ut , i-iw.j-,11 instruction, etitb t!htt reputJtiiin,prow:rs tojiu!arity. Business. Shorthand. Common School twet Penmanship Detnrt menii. btuitents adiiiiitt-d :t any time. Cata logue and si-ec.imens of penm indtip wnt free. J. A. HKS( (i. Sec'y. A. P. ASasTKOiti. Prig. f JCmrtn t i f tO DATB. I . sstnoP'""" 1; j MTaoaljeyB a 1 w Imbi fVMlMl fls. V V Ctmtnnarl.gV"pg m e v Oi&cuireus Qr.SPIN ni. Cninnov A fn 183 First St Cell or wis wptiiiib v foiUaiid, i N FOVflllS BeDility, tosof Tijwr. Spinel IWIIVMO Losses. Weak: Slemory, itpou dency, tc due to excesses or aij use, cure J. YOUNG MEHSS&fo cretiott slionla arail fhezmselvc c onr trrarrriect. A poitiTe ciire j?uarantoel in every cans. Kyi'liilia, L r;narj and Veaereal IHfap all uiuiax&rjLL disV charges, promptij auil &lsif Cuid. MIDDLE-AGED MEHlc ease of Eidners or Bladder, 'Weak" Back. Kervocs IcbiJity, V. atiii( of beiaI fetrecgUi, etc-cared and restored to healthr vitfor. N. B. Persons unable to visit as may be treated at their bonus, bT correspondence, jaedicixies ant? jnstracttons sent by mail or express. Consaitatioa free. Send A cents ia stamps for rxbe Young Alaa'i Vriead or Oulde tu Tt sdlock. It is a matter of econony. as well aa mercy to properly mate horses that have to worlc side by si le through the sei)fe of bard wort dur ing the spring and tuiiinicr. Ail Artlrle of Troe Merit.- ""BVotrn's Broncftinl Trocfirtf are the most popular article in this country rr Karope for Throat INseases and C'ciikIj?. and this popularity ia based upon real menu ii onijr ih boxe. J. II. FINR. Asstyrr and AaalytleaJ ChcsnlMt.Labore.tory, tui rirst C Fortlaad. Or. Anal) sea made of ail lubttucea. Trt Oermka for breakfast. Cheap roof gardens in New ork are made by running- a latticed railing around an ordinary tinned roof, covering- the deck with common matting, bordering the roof with plants and vines and spreading over all an adjust able awning. The house-top is recog nized as an unequaled sanitarium, and all New York dreams of hanging gardens. The area of dry land of the world is estimated at 55,000,000 square miles, the area of the ocean 137,200,000 square miles. The bulk of the dry land above the level of the sea is 23,450,000 cubic miles, and the volume of the waters of the ocean is 823,800,000 cubic miles. The mean height of the land is 2.250 feet. The mean depth of the whole ocean is 12.480 feet. Mistress "Bridget, where is that picture of Psyche that belongs in tho front parlor?" Bridget "Och, it's mesilf, mum, that forgot to bring it back. I was fijein' me hair fer church this marnin', an1 I left it in me own room." Time. A most remarkable coincidence in connection with a Berks County (Penn.) . family, Shilling by name, is that both parents were born on February 22, their marriage took place on February 22, and all ot their six children (which includes two sets of twins) were born A wife must learn how to form her husband's happiness; in what direction the secret of his comfort lies; she must not cherish his weaknesses by working upon them, she must not rashly run counter to his prejudices. Her motto must be never to irritate. She must study never to draw largely upon the small stock of patience in man's na ture; nor to increase his obstinacy by trj-ing to drive him; never, if possible, to have scenes. I doubt very much if a real quarrel, even if made up, does not loosen the bond between man and wife, and some times, unless the affec tion of both be very sincere, lastingly. If irritation does occur, a woman must expect to hear from most men even a strength and vehemence of language far more than the occasion requires. Mild as well as stern men are prone to this exaggeration of language; let not a woman be tempted ever to say any thing sarcastic or violent in retalia tion. The bitterest repentance must needs follow such an indulgence if she do. Men frequently forget what they have themselves said, but seldom what Is uttered by their wives. They are grateful, too, for forbearance in such cases; for, whilst asserting most loudly that they are right, they are often conscious that they are wrong(!) Give a little time, as the greatest boon you can bestow, to the irritated feeling of your husband. 2f. T. Ledger. Species That Awakened to Renewed After 'lnety-ve Weeks. - The power of tho mosses to endure repeated desiccation has recently been experimentally treated by G. Schroder, who obtained the interesting result that many of these plants can not only resist months of dryness without, any harm, but also that they do not perish even under the strongest desiccation carried on in a drier with the aid of sulphuric acid. Plants of Barbula muralis, which were exposed for eight een months in the drier, after a few wettings resumed growth in all their parts. Other species of Barbula be haved similarly. A curious experi ment was performed with Onwrnu pulvinata, in which a stock which had been cultivated for some time in a moist atmosphere under a bell glass was suddenly ex posed to warm and perfectly dry cur rent of s-ir. It became so ary in a snort time, that it could be pulverized. Then it lay in a drier for ninety -five weeks. But the quickening moisture was still competent to awake it to renewed life. The most rapid drying which could be performed in the laboratory could not destroy the plant. It even shorred greater power of resistance than would correspond with its real necessities, for so speedy and complete a drying out as was effected in the experiments never occurs in Matur. - The fact that a property acquired by adaptation is so plainly manifested in excess is some times otherwise demonstrable, and is a hard problem for the theory of selec tion. Popular Science Monthly. A recent issue of the I.os Angeles Tribune says: Mr. Cawston, of the Norwalk Ostrich Farm, sold yesterday eighteen ostrich oluc!c3, hatched from one trio of birds, for ?4;55. This sale gives Mr. Cawston a return of over 1,000 from this trio of birds inside of a year. The breeders wero imported eighteen months ago. The cost of the birds i3 nominal, as the birds graze over three acres of alfalfa." "The left foot, please," said a shoe dealer, as a customer was about to test the size of a pair of shoes by trying one upon his right foot. "You see," explained the dealer, "the left foot is larger than the right. Every body to whom I make that statement is surprised, for people believe that in case of the feet as well as the hands lhe right is the larger. Observation has convinced me, however, that while i.he right hand is larger than the left, '.ho left foot is larger than the right." I- 1 -" They were seated at tho supper table and speaking about tho different sorts of fruit; each one had a prefer ence. Little Ruth, who was the last to speak, said: "I like all kinds of fruit but hash." Detroit Free Press. Mrs. Guzzler "Will you be home to dinner, dear?" Guzzler "No; im portant business; down-town late." Mrs. G. "What a pity! and we are go ing to have such a nice rum omelet." Guzzler "I'll be home." Town Top. ics. Gire horses clean. ulwtantiitl food, so pre-1 pared that you would be willing to taste it yourseX J A TOVSO GlIiL'S CHIEF I at seeing her cUarm of face and form depart- lii(f. and her h-lth imperiled by functional I irrt-frtilaritii-s, at h-r critical period of life, waa j turned to joy and gratitude after a brief self-! treatment with lr. H-rcr s Fa write l'rescrip- j tion. J'. purified arul enriched her blood, Kve i a healthr activity to the kidtieyf. stomach. bowels, and other organs, and her return to i robust he ilth si-e di'.y followed, it is the r nly j medicine for women, sold bf drusrisls. sm'-r a j f:.xf rre ptarnn:.e from the manufacturers, that i t will gice satisfaction in erery c-se, or tin ney I will be refunded. Ibis iruaractee has ben printed on the bottlo-wrapper, and faithfully j carried out for many years. : should take a great hammer because he saw a flv on a friend's forehead. KITCHENS IN THE AIR. .. . ., - i chemists grateful pule Kestauraara on the Top Floora of Tali , .(e Jh AetlarirK AlAftK KS UKt oirucinm in v itiefl. In order to economize space, and get the gre atest returns from the ground occupied, there have been erected ; down town in New York a number of very tall structures. In these immense buildings rooms nre set apart in the upiHir stories for restaurants. The cooking is all done in a kitchen situated j on the very top story, and the cook j instead of being itumured In an under- ground basement, can look out of the window upon the roof of the houses of the greater part of the city. It is be lieved that in all the tall houses where families live,, it would be found bet er to hare the cooking on top of the build ing rather than down below, so as to get rid of the odors which usually come when food is being prepared in the kitchen. In the Union League Club of New York the cooking is done on the top story for this reason. In all the leading commercial and banking houses of Nw York lunch is served at midday in a room set ap irt for the purpose, and the book-keepers, clerks and other employes are not expected to leave the building for their meals. This practice dates from n very sensiblo observation. of Lady Burdett Coutts, now Mr.. Bartlett She Is the richest wo man in the wotld, and the owner of a great private bank. She noticed that when the clerks left for their midday lunch, that sonic of them spent more time out-doors than was necessary, while others came back evidently undci the influence of iiquor. So she induced her business agents to provide a lunch in the bank building. The experiment proved so satisfactory that the Bank of England made the same provision, and since then the practice has been adopt ed in most of tl:s large banking and" mercantile houses of the woild. Of course, it is not so much for the good habits of their clerks and employes that the managers of these institutions care, but for tho more interested rea son that they get ni're work out of them, and ayjid possiblj errors, due to the indulgence of their clerks and bookkeepers in strong drinks. But the practice 13 a good one, for eating devel ops good fellowship the world over, and directors, cashiers, clerks and of fice bo3"s meet on an equality at the lunch table, Christian at Work. The BUX-KB3 GUIDE It issued March and Sept- i each year. It ia aa ency. jelopedia of useful infor mation for all who par chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We ean clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hant, work, go to church, cr stay at home, and in various eiiea, atyles and quantities. Just figure oat what is required to do all these" things CQMFORTASIY, and yon can makes fair estimate of the value of the BUTTEBS' GUIDE, which will be Bent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, HI. If You Are Sick With Headache, Neuralgia, Eh nmatiEm Dyspep sia, Biliousness, Blood Humors, Kidney Disease, Constipation, Female Troubles, Fever and Agar, Sleeplessnesr, Partial Paralysis, or Nervous Prc tration, use Maine's Celery Compound and be cured. In each of these the cause is mental or physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, the effect of which Is to weaken the nervous sys tem, resulting hi one of these diseases. Remove the cacsk with that great Nerve Tonic, and the BETCXT will disappear. Paine's Celery Compound Jas L. Bowes. Pprinsfield, Mess., writes: Faille's Celery compound cannot be exf"t'lU-:. as a Nerve 1 onic. In my case a siiple bot: le wrought a great ehimse My nerv. .usness entirety disappeared, and with it the rMUirinp affects n of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole tone of the py.e:n won-lenu ly mvijjonitcd. I tell my, if sick 1 have been, I'aine's Celery Compound Will Cure You! fold by drujrrisrs. $1 ; six for 3 iTepsred oaly by fftus, liiCHAiuisos j. Co., Burlington,- Vfc Far the Aged. Rarvacs, Debilitated. Warranted to color more gtxvls than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant aDd durable colors. Ak for the litamoud, and take no other. Dress Died A A Coat Cchted .nemo gci:cKiSU j CES1TS. A Child can use them ! UnecMiafled for all Fs.-wry end Art Work. At druspfets fjid 5IoT!har.ts. Irro Book free, ttfci-e n-.,- - . - . f.-Bmrte. yt, FOR IO CENTS. V it n rt I ! hH i',l i', I zj z 1 1 1 reiH SIRStPARlLLA, IEU0I BOCK axn Iotlicle r I'otass. It cures Rbstjiatis. Nr.raLOIl. Boils. Plmalea. Bcrnfuts. Goat, tatsrrh. Tumors. 8s!t Bheam. mod MurcurLd pain. It Pirinf-a the Blood, Besiore the Lirersnd Ki.lws to heslthf actioo. and makes the To reprove smr-U faults with undue 1 Tmr J" vehemence is as nbsurd as If it man R. CATES A CO., Proprietors 4 17 Kastaense Kt Man Francises. ly.v ens. Beauty bkir&Scalp TE STORED WUTICVRA . - v The Bum of $100, which was de posited in a Hartford bank in 1824, haa grown to $'2,621, and tho person who placed it there has been dead for sev eral yearn, while the rightful heirs only learned their good luck a fow weeks ag-o. More than three hundred Italian laborers Bailed from New York for home the other day, being- unable to obtain employment. Two brigands, who had been confined ever since their arrival, were Bont back by tho same steamer. If KA It AC II KM. Which are of rcfrnlsr or fir queue occurrence, are nearly always caused by eme derange ment of the digestive or-gnns, either temporary or habitnal, like constipation. Nothing more ttlicacieus than HAMBURG FIGS Csn be found to regulate this derangement. Hamburg Figs are prepared in lozenge form, and are delightful to the tasf. it is not, therefore, nee- ssary to take nnu com medi cines when jou can obtain the compressed pulp of fruits and vegetables which compose Hamburg r'igs. Where once tried the Kiirs be come a household remedy. Sold by druggiits at 25 cenU a box. For paralysis, and nervous disease gener ally, Duiuara's Life Essence is the true remedy. Hundreds of cases oi paralysis have been pre vented by timely use of this lie-gMng emteuee. A physician in Oregon writes: "i have pre scribed the Ijfe Keence in several eases of sexual debility, and am surprised at the results. I thank ;on for placing such a remedy in ray reach." fnce, fi.Su a bottle. All or umlaut, NOTHING 18 KNOWN TO FCIF.NCK AT all comparable to the CfTicrRA Kkmeimes in their marvellous properties of cleansing, purifying attd beautifying the skin and in curing torturing, disllguring, itching, scaly and pimuly diseases of the skiu. scalp and blood, with loss of hair. C'trricl'RA. the great Ektv II-ris, and CtTl ctra fOiP an exquisite Skin B"autit)er, pre pared from It, externally, an.l ClTicCHi ltlt solvbvnt. the new Blood Purirler. internally, cure every form of skin and blood disease, from pimples to scrofula, Boldeveryahere. Price: CrTicntA, 50c: Rb bolvkst, $1;, 2.JC Prepared by the Pot- TKR llRt'8 AVO I'HEMH'll Co., llofHON, MASS. H-tiH for " How to Cure Pkin liiseeses." fuiiplea. Ma ktiwtdx. i-happcd and oily tfa tr kin nrevent-d by CVtici-ra Soap. Ji liull Ache-, I'ttin and Wdtkiieases in stantly relieved by the I't'TteVBA ANTI- 3st I'" 1'1-Ahtek. t!i t.nlj palo kUlti:f iJster. SSo. WEBSTER f UN ASRfCnc: LIBRARY l ffjOICTICMAfyi fa J ' irsnrt jl ' f SOl0 more Words and nearly 9000 more Illus trations than any other American Kcrionary. An Invaluable Companion in evry School and at everv Fireside. Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated Pamphlet sent free. G. aC. MERRIAM a CO., rubra, Springfield, Mass. HBIIB A eTIIHB mu. bo THE VAN PRIVATE Nos. MONCI5CAR DISPENSARY. Street, 133 and 134 Third 1'oi-tlaud. OrrKOH, I tie on!y Trt nte in P rtlauu or Pl- p.-liprr i the NrxtiiweAt tat, fiillr tr itl toraUNl'KV H fHR'NI! AND I'KIVATF. IMBKAHKKin young or iild, aiiigle ur lnarrlt'tl, such as V4 ' V.-'rfl,-f LOST MANHOOD, - vTrfca f IV (J TIMBKtt or BTUUP3. Wilt pall la 1H miAuiM. -A- Ssa1' UsiM K CtekB nCD Of 19 MTV tt ft srlrUU. .. ,1 a,.au m It Ka Kmt ohiaina n rw a Us t tnill f The crop n ft frw cr th flrat yf will pj ter tha Usvcbk. It will ol HMt y Mml cri to smd ror an riioiitrmtc ralAlociif, tidc price, terms and teUaMai&la. Adoran Ut . JAMiS 9IL5E SOX, Scotch flreve, Iowa. BUY THE BlvST. TAKE NO CHANCES. EXICAN SALVE THE CREAT HEALER, Cures Ctit. Soroa, Salt llh'um, B.i"s, FitntiUa. Kclons. Skin Diseas a. and all ftilinetit-i f rr which a salve is suitable. For takh fr out soreness and healing it nets like nmgir. as rents a box. at all druggist. m r- aJ?5-T Cf Ne,T,.u .lel.ilitr. sfmlnal.- ihil '7t.J Zs Jt faiH nifiuory. I w ' r1ii3S'V WhilMIe e:rflwa effect I ,55T-lfjJ ?. l -er" trout.... V.i. IZl To H a rny. Samples worth $1.50, FREE. Lines not unuer me norsesteeT. write hrfw srra's a.rrrr Hrm HoLDsa Co."Holljr,M Ich. ifc3SrSi Iib ittf-efc, stricture, etc. j w N. P N. U. No. 95: r. N. IT. N X9 A-y' A a si -I rrj iS. X aasa rsw.aBMassssaWMHMI QURE tM5J V M . !. j tr . VL n a - r i : i m r l i iir uii' 'MOiA'l".n: . V gJeoannatmf It is im formers. It is impor. taat that tha Soda or Balerstosyon ase should fea Whits and Fare sama as ail similar substance aasdfbrtood. Tolnsore obtaining only the "Ana as Hammer brand Soda er Saleratua. b-y ft to poimd or ha!f ponad eartoonavhica bearota taame and trade-mark, as taferior goods are eame ttmeasiibatitated ftiti "Arm k Hammer'- brand rhea boogbt ia bulk. Parties sains; Bakiiuf Fovder should remen. ber that its sola rising "property consists ef b carbonate of aoda. On teaspoon fill of the 'ana $t Hammer brand ot odaor Salaratas mixed vita sour milk equals OBH IBADE MASS OH ETEBI FACEAOC four teasp oon tola o f tha beat Baking fowderaT tn twenty times its cost. beside being taueh healthier, beeana it does not eon tain mxty injariooa sabetaBeea, such as slum, terra alba, etc. of which many BJt tng Powders are made. rrmen and Farmer, should use only the" Ana.. k Hammer brand for cleanreg and keeping; Milk; fas Street ani Oeaa. CAtmorc. See tnatr very pound package of Arm sad Hammer Brand contains foil 1 enneea net, and th S pound packages as smisl 1. 1 set. Boda or . Baleratss aama aa speein Bed oaaach pactmga. Packed in Card Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft. fDWICHT'Sy sodA THB COW EEAXQ. TO DELICTUS BISCUITS MAKE or WHOLESOME BREAD USE Dwighps Cow-Brand SobaSaleratu ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. , Be rare that there la a picture of a One oa year packmrs tal yo3 21 fcav v beat Boda mada. THE COW JSftAKn. OI YES, YESI CERTAITJLY! A singed cat dreads the fire. I p'ead guilty. I am selllnf? a "new-fangled" machine LOOK AT IT-AIHT IT A DAISY? THE ADVANCE" THRESHERS AND ENGINES I guarantee the Si ew- ane;led Adttaee Mepnratar to be tae best Krain-savina- fast Thresher and most durable Separator ever mada. Bat, rraira-her. it is notau jJri i, tal machine, as the Old fmy machine are. Yon are well aware of the me WtTrK. est satt-ii mi macnine, as ine r eay nutctunee are. Yon are well aware of the time kwt una Tkreaker lead, the way. The rowlintr and kicking of the Old Vote? aarente isSnlvoualol by the amount of (train kicked ont In the straw by the 4 Fary machinea" Of or7rLf ' wish a cheap machine. Old Fotriee wiU supply you at yonr own price; bnt their machines ari dear at any price. 'ou cannot afford to buy a thresher without examimrur tha AIfVt !o not be talked nto buyitur a machine because it is cheap and Oit 1'sivi.k At tiT .2T -'ty eM if they will t btside the ew-faaleal machine and lft yu see whicb b th exLritintal machine, and sold on its ,er.ta. 1 have never yet bad tocallon any conn tS jhelp decide the merits of the new-fangled machine. Please exai..ine the court reoSrdVi.2 r.nre to tho Old roale" j.lHn. Many years atro a man bin 1 1 a e w -r i a iTd ni h called a steam engine. Old I- aiclf- then, as now, stood back and said they would ratia coantry. ou net want ta te i slued In the sane wi T.? " Tangled machine is pavt aU experiment inc. whUe Old machinea are hpJrT 7Z penmeniea wiin au uie ume. ana at y ear eipease. your Brain is iroinK to at ante. nrnemorr tae aew-raniira an ae nine la Mid Uo not fool with them any longer, whit. member, your whole dependence is upon yonr crop proceeds, and if you allow Old Voi'v ma chines to waat yonr a rain, yon are just that much ont of pockot To rrevant this, ga as they are constructed seas to save .your Brain, and have a hotter record than any oIUoct machine U rite 'or further particulars. I am prepared to prove all my strmenia-k V 'ff.L AJ) AVt K narhine will d isr ana setter work than any otker 1 ""rrhy rhalirnrr any nld rc" ateat n&Me A V .um A.. K anavebine a failja t. d n rese.ted 7 n thin Ceaat, Hbaw n d or Khot n n. .umwiita Kemember that old fory agents saying the contrary doe not make It so. investiirate. I eaa Brave all 1 Mr. I aUo sell the well known 1I1.EE WOODBIRY POKER. number of maun facturers make them on a royalty but I do not know of any imitation, bnt art alwavsin clinod to look out for those that talk of imitations. I also deal in Lanndrv and o Machtnery Farm. Church and School Bella. General Machinery. Swift Oilers, Orme "f etr V alves. Miller Pumps, Hancock In&pirators. Fark tc Kennedy lniewtora. Acme and i iiit,Z Wrenches, Blacksmith UriUa Bolf-HeaUng Bath Tubs, the Veetoo Knei thn :i?"".hJ. . afdtcot for itllshta. uuik iw aiertrie a.ixhtias & It will pay von to t- THE RAWSON LIGHT RUNNING REAPERS AND MOWERS. THE LINDGREH CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES Your -village cannot do without one. Ton must bare one for your milla. You cannot afford ta be without a small one ia your house. f'oz particulars, addroea Z. T. WR1CHT. Foat of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon