The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 05, 1888, Image 2

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    rf !s Lcbnipi Express.
The boys nml girls of the present day
lutve indeed a "bully time" wmpared
with the boys and girls of tffty years
spo, that Is, if Iialf the stories told by !
the old folks concerning their child- j
JukhJ days be tiue. Tluti the young i
folks had plenty of work, little school
ing, nnd no play. Now they have no
work, considerable schooling and lots
f play. No one, per&aps, unless it be
n few old fogies, regrets that the "gcxxl
!! days" of All work and no play have
Kne, aecer more to return, but there
j-rs-wsuy who seriously doubt that the
present system of nil play and no work
i a good one for the youth of our land.
JirU do uot have to work now-a-days
s they used to in years gone by, and
oys will not. Ther,e are individual
fcxeeptioji to this rule, of course, but
the rule still holds good. The general
prosperity of the country, which makes
it no longer an alsolute necessity that
the young must work or starve, is re
ponsible for this state of things, for
which all should be truly thankful.
Yet, notwithstanding this marked im
provement, tire idle boy is quite too
numerous. It Is not entirely the fault
of the boy that he is idle- It is scarce
ly probable that he is naturally more
lazy than his grandfather was, but
times are changed and circumstances
are different." There is but little work
for him to do, poor boy, and so he loaft
around the street and smokes cigarettes
to kill time while waiting for "some
thing to ura up." Roseburg Plain
dealer. -
Mr. Vanderbilt pays his cook $10,000
a year, my boy, which is a great deal
more than yon and I earn 'or at least
it Is a great deal more than we get
iieeause he can cook. That is &1L Pre
sumably because he can eook better
than any other man in America. That
is all. If Monsieur Sauceandgravi
ould eook tolerable well, and shoot a
little, and speak t&ree languages toler
able well, and keep books fairly, and
ng some, and understood gardening
pretty well, and could preach a fair
sort of a sermon, and knew Something
about horses, and could telegraph a
little, and could, do light porter's work,
and could do plain bouse and sign
painting, and could help on a thresh
ing machine, and knew enough law to
praetiee in the justices' courts of Kick
apoo township, and had once run for
the legislature, and knew how to weigh
hay, he wouldn't get $10,000 a year for
it. He gets that just because he knows
how to cook, and it wouldn't make a
cent's difference in his salary if he
thought the world was flat, and that it
went around ita orbit on wheels.
There's nothing like knowing your
business clear through, my boy, from
withers to hock, whether you know
anything else or not. What's the good
f knowing everything? Only the
sophomores are omniscient. Bob Bur
Don't talk politics in a loud tone cf
"voice in puolie places.
Don't get red and apoplectic over the
virtues of your own candidate or the
failings of one on the other side.
Don't abuse your opponent when
you get to discussing politics wich him.
Don't fight him particularly if he
looks able to lick you.
Don't think it necessary to hold up
a bar every night in the consideration
of the affairs of the nation. You don't
need any more rum in a presidential
year than any other.
Don't bet. Give your wife the money
you think you can afford for wagere,
and then yon will be sure not to lose it.
Few people have but little idea of
the magnitude and size of Oregon and
Washington Territory, combined, as
compared with other States in the
Union, especially our friends in the
East. We herewith give a few com
parisons: Oregon and Washington Ter
ritory are larger than the states of
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,
Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland,
New Jersey, Delaware and West Vir
ginia by 2000 square miles. They are
larger than North Carolina, Sfiftith Car
olina, Virginia and Kentucky by 2000
square miles. Tbey are larger than
Kngland, Ireland, Switzerland and
Holland by 90O0 square miles. They
would make five states larger than
Maine, or thirty-three states larger
than Connecticut, or 132 states larger
than Rhode Island.
News comes from Paris to the "effect
that Senator Stanford, of California, is
the victim of a queer malady, making
bim sleep when he wants to be awake
and stay awake when he wants to
ulcep, or rather makes both involun
tary. This marks the breaking up of
a frreiit physique, and foreshadows the
political end of one of those early Cal
ifornians who used to cut such a wide
ewathe. These men, allcf them genial
and most of them generous, bold aikl
resourceful, have nearly all passed out
of notice- The oft-repeated story of
the vanity of riches is told in their life
t-t ries with the inexorable voice of
fate. '
Several Indians who went on the
war path lately have teen transferred
to the happy hunting ground by a
party of whites. And a writei who is
prone to look only upon the humorous
side of life remarks: "It is to be feared
that our government had not provided
the unfortunate Indians with the latest
iniproyed rifles. Congress should see
that the charge is thoroughly investi
gated." Work continues on the Panama ca
nal, and in spite of the gloomy reports
made, several sections of it have been
completed and accepted from the hands
of the contractors by the company. It
is greatly to be hoped that De Lswps
will yet liv to see ships float through
his wonderful channel, across the isth
mus. .
Mrs. Mal i; B. Kd wards is editor and
publisher of the Bay City Bazoo, a aew
paper in Tillamook county. When
her gentle "bazoo" is heard in the land
the male editor will crawl intohis hole
and pu!l it in after him. . "
"Peace on Earth and Good Will to
Faith and hope are temporary lights
designed to guide us through the dark
and rugged path of our earthly pil
grimage, but love Is a never dying
flame, whose light shall shine upon us
after we have reached our home. Faith
shall yield up Its place to sight, and
hope shall give place to enjoyment, but
love shall never cease.
A boy who is polite to his father and
mother is likely to be polite to every
body else. A boy lacking politeness to
his parents may have the semblance of
courtesy in society, hut is never truly
polite in spirit. As he becomes famil
iar he will betray his real want of cour
tesy in spite of all his attempts hot to.
This is an imierfect world, and
nothing except God's government of
it can be perfect. The men, therefore,
who complain and fight on the ground
that injustice is done them by the fact
that some other men, in certain cir
cumstances, are happier than they, are
vainly contending against the inevit
able. United Presbyterian.
The Bible, while preaching a doc
trine of grace and salvation for sinners
through Jesus Christ, and thus offer
ing ho;e to this guilty world, preaches
no salvation for those who live and die
in their sins, and no future" probation
in which they can correct the mistakes
of this life. Men must accept the sal
vation of the gospel here, or, so far as
it is known, have no salvation at all.
At present there are mothers who
are not mothers. In the true sense
they have never borne the children
they rear to maturity. Such are not
to blame; they have never learned
what life means nor do they know
themselves. Walking in a dream,
they take the show of things for the
reality. Un winged butterflies, they
flourish their feeble day and leave no
impress upon their starved progeny,
On the other hand the un wedded or
they who have never known a mother's
fruition, often stretch out the arms of
their spirits to take in all the sad, sick
and weary that desolately walk the
earth. The mother instinct is then
not narrowed selfishly to one family,
but grows broad as the heavens from
which .came a love so wonderful. It
j takes in whoever needs "mothering"
to shelter on the great heart that waits
! not for the human tie before accepting
that of the spirit. Is not this truly
the highest and holiest motherhood to
which woman can attain?
The true feeling of motherhood still
exists in all perfection, even though
the usual exhibitions be generally ex
ternal. Said a wise woman lately: "I
never thanked the Great Mystery for
Jesus till I knelt by the cradle of my
first born. What was it floated In and
enspl.ercd my consciousness about the
subjective revelation of an inexpressi
ble and holy love, the conscious throb
cf an Infinity rooted in human veins?
There is nothing so glerious and so
awful under the sun, the rejected wo
manhand patiently lifting through the
ages the supreme Humanity to its
Finding- the Rvftl Man.
Love sees the virtues that are of the
soul, hatred only the diseases of the
skin. "All men have their fault, and
stealing was Bill's," said a weeping
widow over the corpse of a desperado,
shot in attempted burglary. And gro
tesque, ludicrous as the expression may
seem, she was right. She kuew that
not in the robber, the law breaker, the
outcast, did the real man shine forth,
but in those rarer ruoods of kindliness
and generosity when he was the true
friend and husband. Perhaps when
two enemies, who have refused to see
any good in each other on this earth,
meet hereafter m another world, free
from the muddy vesture of decay
; which clogs their vision here, the first
thought of each will be, "Is this the
! beautiful soul that I maligned and
hated?" Lippineott's Magazine.
A Valuable Publication.
In these days of special publications
it is a rare treat to find one possessing
the artistic and literary merit of a gen
eral literary magazine, while devoting
its energies chiefly to conveying intell
igence of a special character. Such a
magazine is the West Shore, published
at Portland, Or., at the extremely rea
sonable price of $2 50 a year. It d-
l votes its attention mainly to engrav
ings and descriptions of the industries,
resources, picturesque scenery, cities
and towns of Oregon, Washington,
Idaho, Montana, British Columbia and
Alaska. A large art supplement, in
colors or tints, accompanies each num
ber. A special offer is made tothote
who subscribe now for 1.VS9. To all
such the September, Octoler, Novem
ber and December numbers of 1S88 will
be sent free.
The present session of Congress is
the longest in the history of the nation,
and from the best data at hand it ap
pears to have accomplished the least.
It will probably continue in session
throughout the year, with the excep
tion of a short vacation.
The yellow fever so alarmingly prev
alent throughout the South is subsid
ing. Cool weather and frost have ap
peared, and there is joy in the towns
that were anticipating the appearanae
of the dread scourge.
Over 1000 vaccine points were dis
posed of by the drug stores of McMinn--ille
in one week.
The President has approved the Chi
nese exclusion bill.
Having sold a half interest in my
grocery business to Mr. Geo. Buhl, I
desire to square up my books, and
ask all those indebted to me to come
forward and settle as soon as possible,
as I want to square up my looks.
T. C. Pkebijcr.
A traveling man, stopping at the Lee
House, Campbellsburg, Ind.. on learn
ing that a lady in the village was suf
fering terribly with cramp colic, arave
the landlady a bottle of medicine
which he had with him and requested
her to take it to the sick woman.. The
medicine relieved her promptly and
alie believes saved her life,, it was
Cltamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy, the promptest and
most reliable medicine in use for Bowel
Complaints. Sold by it, A. Miller.
G. W. Pugh's new goods are arriv
ing, and he has his store ready to move
Wm. Glass and two sons, of Corval-
11s, visited relatives here Saturday and
Sunday. ,
O. P. Abrams went over on the O.
P. R. R. last week to look after a job
of logging.
I understand that Mr. Hall has pur
chased the Wilson property and will
move here soon.
H. B. Derrick has built an addition
to his blacksmith shop, which he will
use for a coal house. .
Miss Ivy Glass went to Albany last
Thursday, where she will remain for a
short time to study music.
Rev. P. A. Moses and Wife, of Tan
gent, visited their brothers at this place
last Saturdas and Sunday.
The Moyer Bros., of Brownsville,
quit their job on the river and moved
their engine back last Friday.
J. H. Scott and family, of Tangent,
visited J. H. Scott and family of this
place last Saturday and Sunday.
G. F. Elliot took his wife to Albany
on Monday. Her mind has been un
sound for some time. She was exam
ined and then taken to the Insane asj--lum
at Salem. I.o.vo IIvnuky.
SnlcMe cf a Pioneer.
Monday morning at Silverton, dur
ing the temporary absence of the fam
ily, R. L. Milster rigged up a very in
genious suicidal contrivance and put a
bullet through his brain. He took a
large rifle and fastened the stock to the
rail of the stalls in the barn, resting
the muzzle on a box. He lay down in
front at right angles with the direction
of the gun-and touched the trigger
with a long stick with a notch cut in
it for the purpose. The bullet entered
his head near the right ear and passed
through the brain, causing instant
death. The family returned about
noon, and his 12-year-old daughter
entered the barn to put up the horse,
when she found the body of her father.
Milster was r.gcd alout GO, and had
lived in Marion county over thirty
years. He Mas deranged in mind.
Last spring he was examined as to his
sanity, but was discharged. He was
wealthy and had quite a large family,
nearly all daughters. Saturday he
withdrew securities, notes, etc., from
the bank, amounting to quite an
amount, and these at last accounts had
not been found.
Here are some more questions which
I ask Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick to an
swer: Where did Cain get his wife?
How could the tree of f. r'oidden fruit
be knowledge of good and evil?
The following from a San Diego pa
per tells of Southern California's
bursted boom: "Eight restaurants
closed in one day, sixteen clerks dis
charged from one store, 1(500 empty
rooms in lodging houses, hotel rates
82 a day, t-having reduced from 2o
eenls to 10, cofl'ee from 10 to 3; real es-
i tate agents having by the score."
j John L. Sullivan, the famous slug-
jger, is very sick, with the chancts
; against his ever being auy !etter. Tl e
I world will be no worse off when ho
I leivts it.
fa warranted, is becansa it is the best
Blood Preparation known. It will posi
tively cure r.U Blood Diseases, purifies the
. whole system, and tliorongbly builds op the
! constitution. liemcnber, we guarantee it.
j J. A. Beard, Druggist.
Notice of Appointment of Ad
onacMjrawl has be- n tlnlv amoimt-a Ail
mlniflmtor. with the wis! utinexeil. of the lnt
will and te1::ne:it nf Jme inUm.-. de-vti-vl.
by the County Court of Unti Contitv. (re--.m. All
rror;s knowinc thern"ives it-Mcl'tie'l ?o ait e -
title v -ill inav en:l ami settle the miii:i and
tho-e having i-inim asmiit u:d e.-tfe will jire
ent them. jrjierly veritted a-corrlinr to law.
withiu mouth to lue at Lebanon. Linn Coun
: v. Kop in.
" Thi the :iM 3av of Aucnst. 1.
J. A. LAMKltOX, AdininMr. tor.
W rY c are fretful, peevisli,
AJVVJ VV-iS eross of troubled with
Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or
Stomach Disorders, can be reliered
at once br using Acker'3 Baby Soother.
It contains no Opium or Morphine,
hence is safe. Pries 13 cents, bold by
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
The First Sign
Of failing health, whether in the form of
Night Sweats and Nervousness, or in a
sense of General Weariness and Loss of
Appetite, should suggest the use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This preparation
is most effective for giving tone and
strength to the enfeebled system, pro
moting the digestion and assimilation of
food, restoring the nervous forces to
their normal condition, and for purify
ing, enriching, and vitalizing the blood.
Failing Health.
Ten years ago my health bepan to fail.
I was troubled with a distressing Congh,
Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous
ness. I tried various remedies pre
scribed by different physicians, Dut
became so weak that I could not go np
stairs without stopping to rest. My
friends recommended me to try Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, which I did, and I am now
as healthy and strong as ever. Mrs.
K. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn.
I have nsed Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my
family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is
taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly
eradicate this terrible disease. I have
also prescribed it as a tonic, as well as an
alterative, and must say that I honestly
believe it to be the best blood medicine
ever compounded. W. F. Fowler, M. D.,
D. D. S., Greenville, Tenn.
Dyspepsia Cured. '
It would be impossible for me to de
scribe what I suffered from Indigestion
and Headache np to the time I began
taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was under
the care of various physicians, and tried
a great many kinds of medicines, but
never obtained more than temporary re
lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla
for a short time, my headache disap
peared, and my stomach performed its
duties more perfectly. To-day my
health is completely restored. Mary
ijarley, Springfield, Jlass.
I have been greatly benefited by the
prompt use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It
tones and invigorates the system, regu
lates the action of the digestive and
assimilative organs, and vitalizes the
blood. It is, without doubt, the most
reliable blood purifier yet discovered.
H. 1. Johnson, 383 Atlaotio avenue.
Brooklyn, K. Y. tt.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Prepared by Dr. J. G. Ayer kCo, Lowell, Mass.
Price 91 j elx botUet 5.
St. Charles Hotel
X. W. Comer Miilu nml Sherman Streets, Two
blocks Kurt of Kullruiul IwiniI.
H.. PARRISH, Manager.
Tables Supplied with the Best the
Market Affords.
Sample Rooms anl the Best AocomiiMHlutlotn for
I'oiumerciul Men.
tto0 2gSfiS
thousands suffering from Asthma, Con
sumption. Conghs. etc. Did you ever try
Acker's English itemed jt It is the best
preparation known for all Lung Troubles,
cold on a positive- guarantee at 10c, 60c
J. A. Bkak, Druggist.
J. L. Cowan.
J. M. Ralston.
Lebanon, Oregon,
Transacts a General Banting Business.
Account Kept Sol.Jcct to Chert. .
Kxchane; Sold on New York, San t'ran
clsco. Portland anrl Albany, Oregon.
Collection! Made cn Favorable Term.
For Toilet Use.
Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the hair soft
and pliant, imparts to it the lnstre and
freshness of yonth, causes it to grow
luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures
all scalp diseases, and is the most clean
ly of all hair preparations.
AVPR'Q Hair Vigor has given me
" perfect satisfaction. I was
nearly bald for six years, during which
time I used many hair preparations, but
without success. Indeed, what little
hair I had was growing thinner, until
I tried Ayer's Hnir Vigor. I used two
bottles of the Vigor, ana my head Is now
well covered with a new growth of hair.
Judson B. Chapel, Peabody, Mass.
Lift ID that has become weak, gray,
"till ami faded, may have new life
and color restored to it by the use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor. M My hair was thin,
faded, and dry, and fell out in large
quantities. Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped
the falling, and restored my hair to its
original color. As a dressing for the
hair, this preparation has no equal.
Alary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn.
VinilR y,,t',i an beauty, In the
W IUUIIj appearance of the hair, may
be preserved for an indefinite period by
the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. A dis
ease of the scalp caused my hair to be
come harsh and ' dry, and to fall out
freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do
me any rood until I commenced "using
Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three bottles of
this preparation restored my hair to a
healthy condition, and it is now soft
and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it
is- also free from dandruff. Mrs. E. B.
Foss, Milwaukee, Wis.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Bold by Drapgisu and Perfumers.
Perfect Satett, prompt action, and
wonderful curative properties, easily
place Ayer's Pills at the head of the list
of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv
ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail
ments originating in a disordered Liver.
I hare been a great sufferer from
Headache, and Ayer's Cathartic Pills
are the only medicine that has ever
given me relief. One dose of these Pills
will quickly move my bowels, and free
my head from pain. William L- Page,
Richmond, Va. tf
Ayer's Pills,
Prepared by Dr. J.Cayer ft Co., Lowell, Haas.
dd by all Dealer in Medicine.
Much the Newest
Nobbiest and Largest Stock cf
In the County
Albany, Oregon.
When you Avant to
I "dress up," we would
t be glad to show you .
I through and make the
Tright price.
Ma nufaeturers of and Dealers in all Kinds
Import all First-Class Goods
A complete stock of Wall Paper, Deco
ration and Window fcjliades.
-,de.j;r in all kinds of
Wines, Liquors and Cigars,
Fresh Mineral and Soda Water.
(Opposite Exchange Hotel.)
Lebanon,. r OiiLtiON.
The Mt. Shasta. Route.
Time between Albany and San Frnncsro, S3 hours.
California Express Trains Dally.
t:i r. v.
Portland Arrive! 10:10 a. -.
Albany Ia-iivc 7:05 a, X.
Sail Kiiiclwo Ix-uvl' t:30 f. M.
n-.ur : m.
7:41) A. M.
Local Passenger Trains Dally (except Sunday)
XrOO A. M.I U-uve
Arrive j S:15 p. 51.
ave n A. .
l'.MO r. M. I-ottve
2:10 r. M. Arrive
Local Passenger Trains Dally (except Sunda)
.":ir a.m.
l-'M P.M.
2:U0 f.M.
8:10 r.M.
Ix'uve lit'bmioil
lx.ave All'iiny
Ixiive l,t:Umii
l.eavo Alliunv
Arrlvo tl::vj a. v
Arrlvt':l! p. hi.
Arrive -:45 p. m.
Arrive!:!" I". M.
Pullman Buffet Sleeper3.
accommodation of Second Clnsn Pas
sengers attached to Express Trains.
Tho O. A V.. It. R. rVrry mat on rnntUTtlnn with
nil tlic ri'irnlar traitu on the KuM Mile Uiv. from
loot of t'. Kttvet,
West Side Division.
Mall Train Dally (except Sunday).
7 :w a. m.j ETiive Purtlitn.l Arrlve i'.:1."ip. in.
12rJ"p. ni.l Arrive l'nrva!li. lx-avc 1 ::in p. m.
Express Train Dally (except 8unday).
!:.' p. in.
80 . iu.
Li-nve Portland Arrive I 9:00 a. to.
Arrive McMinvillc Jx-ave 1 .'i.It a. m.
At Altwnv and PorvNlii connect with trains of
Oregon Paefl'.e railrrtd.
a-r'or lull Information recardin(f ratex, map
etc.. cull on company's n'ent.
1L Kol.lM.KK, K. 1'. KOC.EW.
Manager Asxt. (i. F. Ail'asx. Aecnl-
(Limited Line.)
CHAS. N. SCOTT, - Receiver.
On and after Jan. 1. lss. and until further no
tirc trains will run daily (except Muttlay) as fol
ous :
Coburjr Slail.l
l'ortl'd Mail.
from Port
Toward fort
land. Ar 6.00 p.m.
I.T 3.H
Arv S.08
, ' 1)
! i.m
t in
! 1..10
! in
I 1.02
j 12.
I. '.-l
I II.. '.3
i 11..SO
i 11.47
II. 40
11. :n
11. .11
I.T t.l.-i
p. r
Foot of LitK-olu S-i.
Kay's Landing,
St. !-aiit'.
Fretieh lTairie,
Tou nsend,
M. Ansvl,
Jolinwn's Mill,
Easl Side Jnnetkm,
Mar Kay,
M"e-t Stayton,
irnvel l'ti.
North Sunt lain,
O. T. fnv-tiiK.
Seio June,
Thtintat' Fork.
Cta hirer.
Si .leer
Tin l'.uttes,
Pi.-a lauJ
6. "-."
7 : -t
7. -H
9. Oil
1 !i
10. ni
9. VI
; oi
A. J,
11. ;V
OwnnntKf !on Tiekets at ttio cents per mile on
a:c at ftiuion having A?.'iit J.
Train" -ulth rnn-i-n. rreight and Exprei:!",
nin separate from Frtight.
Freight troiit ftH-rn Ponlatvl, Monduvs, Wedws
il::ya at:d Thurlii.v. T eranls rurtloltd, Juei
dr.y, Tliia:i!i;.eiid SitiurJuv.
f'onnection at KayN mid Fnl otartr landings
a ita Steamer "tltv of Salem" for ?nlem Mimdnyw,
Wi-dut-nlny and Vrii.-iys returning from Snletn
T!i--d:y. Tiintday and Saturday, rounectim;
uita F-t and West Me fvnirer trams. Steam
er "'ityot Snleni lenke trun.-fi-r lad ween ltny's
and Ful'i'.sarts LaiMlin;!" daily. Snn lu;.n excepted.
CHAS. N. StTJTT. Uwiver.
Uenerd ( W.rr. N. W. forner Fir-t and Fine St'.
Ivrlland, tTefTon.
The Appetite
May be increased, the Digestive organs
strengthened, and the bowels regulated,
by taking Ayer's Pills. These Pills are
purely vegetable in their composition.
Tbey contain neither calomel nor any
other dangerous drug, and may be taken
with perfect safety by persons of all ages.
I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia
and Constipation. I had no appetite,
and was constantly afflicted with lieod
ache and Dizziness. I consulted our
family doctor, who prescribed tor me, at
various times, without affording more
than temporary relief. I finally com
menced taking Ayer's Pills. In a short
time my digestion and appetite
my bowels were regulated, and, by the
time I finished two boxes of these Pills
my tendency to headaches bad disap
peared, and I became strong and well.
Darius M. Logan, Wilmington, Del.
I was troubled, for over a year, with
Loss of Appetite, and General Debility.
I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, and,
before finishing hall a box of this medi
cine, my appetite and strength were re
stored. 0. O. Clark, Danbury, Conn.
Ayer's Pills are the best medicine
known to me for regulating the bowels,
and for all diseases caused by a disordered
Stomach and Liver. I "uttered for over
three years with Headache, Indigestion,
and Constipation. I had no appetite, and
was weak and nervous most ot the time.
three boxes of Ayer's Tills, and at the
same time dieting myself, I was com
pletely cured. My digestive organs are
now in good order, and I am in perfect
health. P. Lock wood, Topeka, Ivans.
Ayer's Pills have benefited me wonder
fully. For months I suffered from Indi
gestion and Headache, was restless at
night, and had a bad taste in my mouth
every morning. After taking one box
of Ayer's Pills, all these troubles dis
appeared, my food digested well, and
my sleep was refreshing. Henry C.
Hemmenway, Bockport, Mass.
I was cured of the Piles by the use of
Ayer's Pills. They not only relieved me
of that painful disorder, but give me in
creased vigor, and restored my health.
John Lazarus, St. John, N. 11. ft
Ayer's Pills;
Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer k Uo., Lowell, Uaaa.
Bold by aU Drnggteta and Deafen fat Medicine.
X."V L
Brownsville., j. Qrejan.
Bargain List. of Real Estate
-A. 1. CYltUS As CO.,
Real Estate Agents,
Lkhano-n, Linn Coi ntv, Ohkcjon.
Lebanon Is a thriving town of about
600 Inhabitants, pleasantly situated in
the midst of the most favorable portion
of Linn county and also of the Wil
lamette valley. It is the terminus of
the Lebanon brunch of the O. & C. tt.
It., 13 nilli&Truiii Albany, overlooking
the beautiful Albany prairie, and con
trols the trade of a larjre section of
country, both prairie and hill lands
being tributary to it, giving a large va
riety of products. Some of the finest
fruit lauds of the valley are near this
pliice; there arc also great facilities for
manufacturing and stock raising.
It Is but 4 miles to the famous mln
oral springs at Sodaville, and 6 miles
to Waterloo, where there is a magtilfi
cent water power and also a mineral
spring. Altogether, this is a most de
sirable location for settlers.
Linn counts' is finely, situated for
commerce, being crossed by "two rail
roads north and south and one east and
and the Willamette river on the west.
Look Over This List of Bargains and
Come and See Us. We Will Treat
You Well.
$1,750. No. 8C
174 acres, Mtuated 7 miles from Leb
anon, Sl acres under cultivation, all
under fence, and plenty living water ;
two-story IhixJ house and good large
barn; 3 acres gwwl orchard. . This is a
good stock farm, having plenty of good
outside range.
?1,00. No. 101.
220 acres 8 miles from Lebanon, 30 to
35 acres In cultivation, 40 Rcres pasture;
one-story box house, large barn 00x60
feet, orchard of I V) bearing fruit trees;
fruit house and dryer; plenty of water;
one mile to school. Terms, $1,000 cash
and balance to suit purchaser.
55,000. Xo. 1.15.
33f acres, 4 miles from Lebanon, 115
acres in cultivation, 144 in pasture,
balance brush and pasture and some
timber; house, bnrn and 2 acres of or
chard; water convenient. Terms. $3.-
500 cash, balance one j-ear.
$3,500. No. 140.
SM acres, 9 miles from Lebanon, 80
acres in cultivation, 1J0 acres under
fence; a good house, barn 80 feet long,
and other outhouses, 5 acres orchard.
Terms, $1,000 cash, balance one year.
2,000. No. 146.
00 acres of level land 3 miles from
Lebanon on road to Sodaville, oO acres
in cultivation, 12 acres in grass; good
one-story house, small bam and young
orchard. Terms cah.
$C50. So. 152.
SO acres, 9 mil- S. T.. of Icbanon, 40
acres in cultivation, so acres pasture,
10 acres of timU-r, all fenced, well
watered; no building.
$l,4iK). No. 177.
I'M acres 1J miles from Poriavillc, 20
acres improvee, 1(W under fence: irood
Ikx house atid tlouble log barn; place
is wen wan-reti.
$.1,500. So. 12.
The Ft. Charles Hotel and barber
shop In Lebanon, l'av ! per month
rent. Furniture iiuluded. Lot St'xloi
$4,noo. :no. si.
1J0 acres 3 miles from Lebanon: about
1 (0 acres In cultivation, balant-e iti pas
ture; p.Kr house; barn; large orchard;
fine grass land. Ttrms, cks'.i.
balance to suit purchaser at 10 per cent
interest. .
5-8,000. No. If4
825 acres G mi les from IiClianon, 270
acres in cultivation, balance pasture:
i good house and two barns; school house
Son the farm; piace well watered by
'springs; 2 miles to railroad station;
j goou orcuarii.
$l.POO. ' So. 19o.
2C7 acres 8 miles from Lebanon; 125
acres beaver dam land, 35 acres in cul
tivation, iMtlanee pasture and brush;
box house, barn and small orchard.
$10,000. No. 1P7.
4.S7 acres S miUs from Lebanon, 125
acres in actual cultivation, 2- acres
in meadow; 100 acres in grass for pas
ture, 5!7 acres timlier and brush; 50
head of cattle, 10 head of horses, 40
tons of hay, altout , 300 bushels of oats
and other feed and seed; farming uten
sils, -wagon, hack, etc., all go with
place. Kasy terms.
Emigrants, buy farms near Lebanon,
because the soil is good, prices low, lo
cation pleasant and healthful, facilities
for marketing produce unsurpassed,
variety of products unequnled.
From Lebanon, by rail, to Portland,
92 miles; to Albany, 13 miles; to Ya
quina bay, 05 miles.
Send stamp for descriptive pamphlet
of Linn county, to
A. R. CYRUS & CO..
Oregon Development Co' s Steamship Line
Than by any other Route.
First Class Tlirourli fiurngrr & Freight
From Portland and all Points In the Willamette
Yalk-y to uml from San Fraut'isi'O, t'aL
TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays:)
Lv. At.BASV. 1 :00 i. m. I I.v. Yaiji'Ina. 6:15 a. m.
Lv. f 'oHVAl.u.s.l tdp. in. I I.v. CoitvAUXil0:a. in.
AR. YakiLna . in. An. Ai.dany, 11:10 a. in.
O i C Trains foinuu-t at Albany and Corvallis.
Th above Trains connect at Yotiina with the
Uroj;ttt leveloj)ir.ont tnnnrtny'a Line of
SteiimiOiip between Yaquina and '
.an Francisco.
aTEANKit. From S. F. r'rom Yaqtiina.
Willamette ValleV
Willamette Valley
Oct. 2.
Oct. 14.
Oct. Bfl.
Oct. ..
et. At.
Thi Comjinny rowrvoa the right to change foil
ing (InteK w ithout notice.
ra.;njferx from Portland, nnd all Willamette
Valley )HinK ran make chwe eonneetlon with
the Trnins of the Vaccina IIoitk at Albany or
t'orvallis, and if destined to San Francisco, should
the date of railing.
FaaH.nIe.ndFrlKhtUBtM Plow8 Mowers, Keapevs,
ALWAYS THE LOWEST Harrows, CJxtltivtitors, Fulverlzcra,
foh information apply to RaltOr, ' Woffons lu7ffie.
r. ir. iiaswelu t c. c. iiouue. i
Ocn'l Fr't it l'is Ac't
Acfp Oenl F. A P. Ast,
O. P. It. K. R. Co.,
Grejfon Development Co.,
iUW MoutKomery St.,
San Franeiseo. C'al'a.
fVV A and reliable Medicines are thebert
V VW todependnpon. Acker's Blood El
ixir has been prescribed tor years for all Im
purities of tlie Blood . In every form of Scrof
ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, it is
invaluable. For Iwbeumatism,liasnoecuaL
. AIJeunU Pruit.
At Cost! Still
Having purchased the ' stock of Clothing, Gents' Fur
nishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., of C. B, Koland
& Co.f is now prepared to offer
Better Bargains than Ever!
Having a complete assortment of General Merchandise,
bought at a big discount, which he still proposes to sell at
cost, purchasers will do well to call and get his prices before
buying elsewhere, as j-ou can save from 25 to 30 per cent.
The highest market orice Tiaitl for pnnntrv rtmrlimo oil
kinds, either in cash or goods.
sjoog looqos pub sSnjQ
Druggist and-Apothecary,
Drugs -:- ad -:- Medicines
Paints, Oils and Glassy-
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc.
And Fancy Toilet Articles.
Main Sl-'ctt, Lebanon, Otvgon.
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware
All Kinds of Repairing; done on
short notice.
The best is
always the
We are also prepared to furnish on short notice
any machrne from a butter worker to a steam mill.
1te keep on band all staple implements, suce as-
And the celebrated Sherwood Steel Harness.
Como and see us; we will make you happy
Lebanon, Or, -
to the Front!
The mos.t
easiest and
lightest mn
ning mill