The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 28, 1888, Image 1

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'tSgjt'"1'"1" lrVBBT FKIIAY.)
1313 TO
Erety description of
Jo PriEtiif Does 02 SHcrt Katies. ro
Ja Jl-
a. Wii - 63
( !"-! iu .1v.dc.)
- xaj &3 3
One s.a-s, firs iwerii..n S2 W)
Kch Uai.f'm! miti.u 1 50
t.-n-ttl NntW. p- r linn , 15 csnta
K.ul;iriLl.sillem. ntft lH.-rtsJ upon lii.era.1 tenn.
Legal Blacks, Business Cards.
Letter Heads, Bill. Heads,
Circulars, Posters, Etc.
Executed In good ttjlx and st icst BvJic nrteaa.
NO. 29.
She C rtomon Cypress.
lESASi L-'DflE. NO. 41, A. F. S A. M: M.-U
at thsir liww hull hi Mas-wile llltx'k, on Sutuitlay
neuuiK, .a or before tlie full 110011.
J KASSflS. W. M.
LEBANON I.OTX5K, JTO. 47, I. O O. F.: MsU at
m.lay evnin 01' rji w. at OiM l-YU..wa II. ill,
Sl iirt suet; tiaiuuj hrotlirtn coii'.Lilly invited o
tiil J. J.UlAULTuX, 3. O
HoSTR I.OPOK NO. n A. O. r. W. l-banna.
oivs Mi-rt wrjt era! "1 !;ird Ti.urs.ljl
lns iu the uioiillL F. U. liOSCOK M. W.
A R. CYRUS &. CO.,
Real Estate, Insurance & Loan
General Collection and Xotary Vnblle
Basines I'romptly Altendfd to.
Manufacturer of
Moan m out- and Headstones,
Opp R -Tare House.
A Double Circular Water Power
Saw Mill.
rs ear
Lelniioii, Or.
. U I
CanaMtv abiut 50i) i feet lit r diy. AUo,
acres of land on which the sawmill
is located.
Also Y ave larare stock of
ai.ocSlmrkralra.wral!ii. ,
w. wnr.El.EK. Lebanon. Or. I
" !
, .. , , - J
Arfistin Pnnt.nLO,raTjher.
a- Q T
Ejlarging from Small Pictures. In
slautaneous Process.
Cfla la WW I I VJllla !
Groceries and Provisions,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
4aeen4ware and Olasnware,
Unpt and Lamp Fixtures.
31 a in Kt, Lebanon. Orrtoa.
' "
Sweethome. Oregon,
JOHN T. DAVIS, Proprietor
The tale Is supplied with the Tery hest the
market afford 3.
Nice clean beds, and satisfaction guaranteed
to all gufet3.
In connection with the above house
Keeps a Feed and Sale Stable, and will
accommodate touri-t and travelers with
tams, RuiJes and outfits.
Prop ietors of the
Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman.
Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har
r ness and
For parties going to Brownsville, Wa
-- terloo, Sweet Home, Scio, and all
parts of Linn County.
All kinds of Teaming
A cow in Findlay, Ohio, lias de
veloped a etrango appetite; it catches
and devours every stra fe'.iac thai
comta in its teach.
There are twenty-two crematories in
Europe, iu which ever t ur een hun
dred incinerations have taken place
during tho past year.
The latest Atkansts sensali.m is k
negro b.tby with two heads and faces, j
one arm and time legs, upon which j
ii stands tripod fasni.m. j
A life 8X2 marble bust of G.iribaldi,
with ,'marble pedestal of about fonr
'eet high, has been received Hi Wash
ington aud placed in a hall of the
upper lobby of the senate. It was
presented by American citizens of
Italian birth.
Mr. Nausen.a well known Norwe
gian athlete, is about to make the at
tempt of crossing the va-t snow lipids j
of Greenland on snow slices. a
wealthy Danish met chant has sup
plied the money for the unique en
terprise. To
oxid;ze co!d, silver or
j paiut
over the parts to le osi
with a solution i f chb ride of plat;- i
num ; then let it dry. To mak, the j
olntiiin of thlt:ride of nlatitiuiu di-
I Aolve ene diam in two ounces of
Electric rifles sre. the latest. la j
! stead of the otdinary percussion llr-
,'eve. a drv chloride of silver !
kmoiT mt a urimirv cuil will, so it i
was latelv s'ated before the American j
llnstituie, fire the rrl3 35,000 miles j
without recharging.
The Electrical Review warns man- j
ufacturers not to use resin as a remedy j
i...,., i. .;n ,i..t
slinnine belts. It will produce
immediate albeoa of the bell to the
I pully, but the resin will soon begrvund
' into" the leather, stiffening the mattr-
ial and make the last state of the belt
i worse than the first.
! I
i !
Pvrofuscine. the new tanning agent, j
j is obtained by digesting coal tar with j
: caustic eola at a boil, and neutraliz-j
! iug the rt suiting liquor with hydro-j
! rtiUnc acid. The inventor cuims it j
; is only ball a s costly tue oarj pro-,
than the alum process.
Ct-B 1 . i
, i
It is found that nearly evtry Kmu j
of glass, especially that
n,arne is liable to a change el j
' V...
Lll DVIIVU -V' a - ' ' w W
,.lsn A ftlinl1Ul'.T till
il,P rlB. can be restortd to us ongi- ;
v... .iota m I
windows that has changed tint j
tlnis be re !
.lncHtvlt. !
, J ,
I According to Mr. E G. lUvenstem.j
j the English foot is used as the etamt-,
jard of length by countrks havii.g
i V.l)" "'r.".T: "
i'rr. . ,
ioct Dyo.wa.yw. - ;
Uia are the only countnes in Coutiu-,
ental Europe which have not adopted !
the metre.
Emmesj Vutotia, of Germany, ha?
lurneu inveutoi. cue uir j.-.
from wllLh a ril.lnS de'k bas 1)6011
manufactured, wnicn enaoies tne em-
! peror to write whether ljing in bed or!
t . II in 111 flTIV
r . 1 1 . ' 1 o - ---
iosition, and the mecnauism fm-1
pi jred is 8 i i to be mlricate and ic-!
m'.rkably eff ctive.
A new candle has been bror.tlit out
which extinguishes itself in an hour.
This it does by mean's of a tiny c-x-tnguL-herof
tin which is fas'etted in
ih(. ,-:!T V.v wires, and whn h t fleet-
..7i., rAmu tatt It. i onlv
nece,saryto remove this diminutive by har ging, while in a fit of tempor
cxtintuisher when its wotk ia do-.e, ary insanity. He had been acting
and the candle is again ready to burn ; strarg- ly It r several days and a raior
another hour. , ! d out e been taken away from him.
j He took a rope from the barn, went to
! I a hiidge over a small creek, fastened
the loj e to the bridge, mule a slip
A Boston genius bas bten eslimat- J nfose and put it arottad his neck and
ing the candle power of the moon, then jump, d off. He wa strangled
. ... , , i i to death. Deceased was 24 years oi l,
By comparison with an electr.c ln ;and ,r8 eiila live lU St. Joseph,
of four hundred power at a certain ; iQj:ac:,t
distance he hud the light ot tne moon
to be 134,000,100,000,000,000. This,
tie calculates, is about tlie number of
candles, placed one-half inch apart, it
would take to cover one-half the sur
face of the moon.
Seven pirates four AnamiUs ai.d
three Chinese were captured by a'
French gun-boat tae other day at
Hdlmg Biy, and were subs quent'y
xocuted at Haiphong. To each msn
tp u-ate executioner was appointed.
Of the b ven only .one succeeded in
r kfng off the head at the first blow
II the others having to hack them of!
by a succession of blows.
Speakinjr of twins, tho Philadel
phia Record states that over one hun
dred pairs of them were born in that
city last year, and as grown up twins
are a curiosity, it wonders what be
comes of them. The doctors say,
without suggesting any cause for it,
that twins are more apt to dio than
other babies. The why is etill a
mystery. Another thing equally
difficult to explain, is that more twins
are born in May and July than in any
other months.
Xarrsir INrap
Train In the
From starvation.
Stud. Hurrriru I
It IS Kxploslon.
KlcU io,d s,r,k"
Thomas Maegher, who is engaged in
mininS tho Swank, cleaned, up
11,400 in mijigets and line gold.
Among tin; midge's was one weighing
u.. :..f. i ir...
j fit-. iu llliuilllll luv I .'lie. ''UUV1H
that lie had Irueed the float and
; di -covered a tine h in connertion
with Mr. Black, wh en wis tenanted
by them as tho long-sought mother
ledy;e. They first dieovrtd ilecoin
posel quart z, which showed from 200
to 400 et'lois to the pan, and afttr go
ing through this they struck what
they reyard as tho main ledjir. This
is free milling, and will a-say about
f SO to t lie ton. This gold discovery
is wi.hin twenv-five miles of E'lens-
bure, and almot-t within siglit of the
It is n garded as a most im
portant discovery.
Train Stuck in thr !lud.
The Dcikelej- train met w;tb an ac
cident near SI ell Moon.l paik, (?al.,
.. i.;... .1.1. . . i iv, , i.. ;. l..i.i.,
nil 1 lin 117 a l uucm i uun
. ' ' . .
extent. Workmen had been tnsjajtett
piece tf st-io track
n the main track, and
the emire pass-nger train txiund to
Berkeley ran int the mud, linking
about thrte ftet. The rear car, bow-
ever, rc-inaiu-d oa the track in such a
pori:iou that tlie Sacramento train
,.,-...1 ,,, ...SJi. ftn,i fiht and nas-
fencers were tr.tnsferred to other c-irs
sent from Oaklmd. An extra
was sent over from San Francisco to
biing over the delayed passengers.
llnrnrd as n Witch.
Frank Senu.n, formerly a policeman
" Angttes, em , rays aeout, mree
. w a a . 1 a. I
'"S'S near Kock r.i g ban
ardino county, a ba: d of Mejive
Indians tied a joung npisw who wi
5ttortd btw'lehid to a take and
burned lur alive. It was two htans
1 bef ore the terrible deed was completed
i ai.ti tne girts screams stieuceu. lue
Indin:s n ld Stmon that it h id been
several ears time they had burned a
w-ncii, though evera had been con-
j, nlnoj tince then, but mauaced to
i:tpiiDii oi a nataiine.
A macacitte on Tvo B others island,
i oenee vi nunc oi nii kr, suu uemuntu-
, . , , ,. ,
j in-' the wooden building. Stored iu
the magazine was 300 p unds of I)W
der in cartiidses, twent-two bomb-
'1 c-haig-d, nd eight not charged,
together with a quantity ol luse and
gun tackle. A fire wa caused through
HIV Ml i t. - ' S f'r
on the
" "
nntaz ne. o one was iniureil. Ihe
fare brigade on the m.u-of-wr, Esqm
malt, proce d d to t he trl u:d aud ex
ting-nhtd the s. Ihemagtszue
un Ji r thrt,g uf C hA,M ty
A arrou Furnpr.
Capt. Saxe. of the schooner Addie
c j lf 8(.ttine, and his crew, h ad a re-
makable exnerierce on their last voy-
i. She arrived at San Francis daye out from the Marshal
- f . .. .
" e - &
I not consider when he started that the
v.-yage would last longer than thirty
t days , but lie look provt.-jons sunuient
t.v... "CI. little b..j.ii- wa la.
I VI ! 1 11V lfclo yw.. a v.
ol r-! for a le eel hi r. and ritialiv
i the' provisioi s gave cut, although
j toward the last eve rvthmg was care-
ful!v hoarded. Lmki'.y the s'eward
i j: ... .1 . 1..,-,-. .1 ,,f l...oi,o C...1
; uiMJtei''u i.i 1 1 . i . . u ......
iar,t and for several weeks the capT
ti;i and bis six men lived on beans
J anil lard cake, it lieved by cocoanut.
i They gn w e tired t f this that they
could eat but liitie.
A Sniclde's Icah.
D iuiel Hhes, a farm laborer em-
p'oyed on Henry Stovei's ranoh, on
Birch cn c-k, Uf., commuicti suicme
Siuccessful Swindler.
Two men, registering as A. Black
ford of Texas, and F. A. Johnson of
Washington territory, have victimized
different saloons at Sin Francisco, by
a to newhat unusual method. They
would visit saloons dres-ed as country
von hs who were in the city for tin
fust time. Having given many small
orders for various drinks and rehash
men's, and p lying for the stme they
woul I v esewt a note, width, after
careful examination by ihe proprietor,
would be acecp'ed and change rt-
tt r 'cd. 1 he not s given were invar
iat lv of the twenty dollar denomina
lion, and were issued from the Bank
of Columbus, Ga., in 1S56. The e
notes were accepted at many places,
and in the course t f business were
passed from one concern to another
That they were genuine wa no
doubted until a day or two since, when
an inquiry lnvine been made at he
sub-tteasury, one was rejected. At
the Bank of Calif r da the paying
teller stated that the note w is genuine.
but gave it as his opini n that, probably
the Bink of Columbus had long since
closed its doors, as hundreds of local
banks had done since 186. Ab it was
the note was no commercial value iu
this city. The two sharpers have dia
sppeaied lhey have been suecesslu',
and it is t hotty. lit iluy realized several
th'iusnuj dollars by their scheme.
Furniture Factory llnrnrd.
Rosrm.m fe Roedcr' large furniture
actory at Tacomit, V. T., was di.cov-
ered on fire, and the 11 imes gained
such headway before the tire depart
tnwil got luto service, that they could
not be ttayed and ttm facu;ry was tt
tally tlestroyed. The loss is aKiut
f 25 01)0; insurance, $8,000. The
watchman discover d the tire m tin
ollioe. Its origin is unknown.
Crushed to Death.
Fatrick Kelly, an employe of Sell
Br -s.' circus, was crushed to tleath at
San Francisco by havii g a large tank
of gasoline thrown u;mii him Irom a
railroad car while switching.
Itlall Service for l'ntrrprl,e.
Senator Dolph has ta.-en notified by
the second ut-sistant ptstmaster gen
eral that Enterpri-e, Or., will here
a'ter be supplied by the mail route to
Kio Grande ai.d St. JoM-ph.
A Jrwrlrf 1'hlrf Arrested.
The mulatto J. Kelly, who broke
into Catlin Bix-s.' st .-re at FreetKitt,
V. T., was airet-ttd at Winl jck, and
brought back and given a preliminary
txatuination. Justice Hinson bound
him over in the sum of $1,000 and
not being able to give bail he was
taken to jail at K.dama. Most of the
jewelry was recovered.
An Escaped Ilnrgrlar Captured.
Henry Coin n, one of the four bur
glars who committed a daring robbery
in Gro.-s Bios." dry g-ods xtore at Ta-
eoma, . I ., ani who eseanid by a
run and a jum; over the high board
fence surrouiidirg the j til yard, was
captured in a reckless attempt to
''tap" the jail and release his confed
erates. He returned shortly a'ter
datk and circled round the j til buiid
ii g to a point immediately beneath
the window of the prisoners cell
Evidently by a preconcerted arrange
ment a string h.ul Ix't-n dropped out
of this window, and to this be wvs
tjinga package containing chistl,
whetstone and a knife, when! Deputy
Sheriff DutBeld, who suspected the
plot and was iu Hiding near ny. or
dered him to surremb-r. II
sprang j
tor the fence, and D Uh.d fired ou
him when he fell back snd was cap
tured. He is only 20 years of sge.
and comes of a g 'J family in
Fndrr Contract to Jlwrrt .
Two t'ozon young Swedish girls,
first-class passengers on the s'eaonr
Keka, landed at Xe Yoik. It is ad
mitted that thev w-re iiiiixjrted undei
contract by an agency in this city to
merry young men tht-y hvl nevet
seen except nv pnotigrai n. i my
hael not even cour'ed by mail. Twe nty
thre girls g i to Western S.a'es, where
they will find husbands. The other
remained lure. The authorities wiil
inquire into the society's method.
An Accomodating Conductor.
Two men, Steele at.d Mackahie, loth
drunk, lioarJed the train at Mt. Sterl
ing, Kv., and fought all the way to
S eepstone, whete conductor, fot
tlie safety of the p issengers put the
men t fT and let them tinht it out.
They drew pistols ami exchanged fiv
shots each. Th? Tfih sh .t from
Steelt's pistol passtd tbrtmh Mac
kahie's brain, killing him. They were
cousins. Afrer tlie killing Steele
hoarded the train anil proceed, d
homeward, the train having wai ed
until the dud was over.
Death of a Wealthy Woman.
People at Portland, Me., are feeling
deeply the sudden death of Mrs. Anas
tasia Patten, a well known society
lady of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Pat
ten was one of the tidiest women id
America, and is said to have been
worth $5,000 000. She was a lold
speculator, and during the pat few
years added largely to h r wealth by
real CBt-ate luvestmen's. b gh ten
months ago o la cf her daughters was
niarrndm Washington to Congress
man Glover, of Missouri. The wed
ding was the notable society event of
the 8 ason. Mrs. Patten signalized
the occasion by presenting the brub
with half a million m 4 per cent. U.
S. bonds.
Lawless Chicago.
Mrs. Fredrick, ol (Jalitorma, on a
visit to friends in Chicago, is
knocked down in the heart of tin
business district, in the sfternooti, in
the presence of hundteds of poo
pie. Tiie thief snatched hei
pocket-book and cscaptd. Mr
Prediick does not seem to be badly
hurt, but suffers from the nervom
Four Children Hurtled to Death
The 14-year-old daughter of Bytd
Smith, t Divine Station, Tex., tried
to kindle a fire with kerosene. Tlie
can exploded and burned her and
three younger children to death. Mrs.
Smith was setiously burned iu trying
to save them.
A Desperado Killed.
John N. Wogan, aged GO, the most
notorious desperado in Southern Illi
nois, who for ten years has figured in
the criminal courtsof Wabash county,
was shot and killed by Constable Ha 1
of Belmont. Hall had arrested Wo
gan on a charge of attempting to kill
his own son and daughter, and Woean
making a suspicious move which: in
dicated violence to" Hall, the latter
drew a revolver and shot him through
the head.
Terrific Explosion.
A terrific explosion occurred at the
mills of the National Milling Company
of Clovelind, Ohio. The mill took
lire and win destroyed entirely. Lo.s,
$150,000; insurance., JJ75.0O0. Th-re
wt re tiglreen men in the mill at the
lime, l'oter Gierm an perished in the
flames, and four others ate seriously
hutm d. Six escaped without injury.
Ihe others are unaccounted for. It
iu thought that at least three of them
are dead iu tho ruins.
Flood In t.eorgla.
The flood in the Savuunah has cot
ercd the rice plantations near Savan
nah, and the lice crop is nearly, if noi
quite, a total loB. Itcpolla Irom
country disuicts state lhai t lie low
lands are ail under water, and roads
aud bridges have been carrnd awa),
mi that travel is almost imp ssible.
While there ir great damage to prop
el ty, no deaths, nave jet been reported.
Shot Ilia Wife and Killed Himself.
J hu Spihnek, a Bohemian tailor,
of O.uaha, in a fit of temporary it.
saiiuy, shot his wife. He discharged
lour chambers of a revolver at her,
each bullet taking fleet,. He then
placed the muzzle iu bis mouth and
kdkd hiniseif.
Fatal Holler Fxploslon.
The boiler of F. W. B.owu's saw-
mill at Axe Point, W. Va , explodt d,
killing William Brown, manager find !
son of the owner, aud William Knab-
eushue, a mill hand.
An Actor Tried for suealinar.
Ciiailes C. Fair, an actor, was ar
teeted on complaint of Louise Pauline,
who claims that in May 1SSG, she
faia'ed after a matinee at Pmladel
phii, and that her dress was loosened
ir.d a purse containing j-iwelry at.d
l, .uv tell trom Her bosom tliat was i
giTen to ratr, wno never returneu tne
money anu tried to muse her tnlievei
one of the ladies took it ; aud that he j
..".. -.3 .1,111. V4 11C 111. t tt dllU I
bet ced her not to disgrace hi.n. She !
was unanie to get ner money and
therefore had him arrested.
An Ollr I'risoner.
The jury iu the case of W. A.
Strong, ex-secretary of State of Louis
iana, charg-d with emljezz'ement, an-
. I !... 1 t 1 I
7l", ,7"'"' "",
the attorney-g--nral aud Strong ful-
lowei wituoui attracting attention,
and h it not since been seen. The
jury had f aund him guilty.
Fartlcnlarljr RrommDdd to ltHfaJ
It waa early morning- In tbe prettj
little village of Werchobistrltzkiol; and
loritcn was out an nour mga in id ;
1 1 V. . at J i
gioin- iicaic.i?, m uCw """ilitilrt more cmn hw.1 p.,u .nirms
sparkling on the crass. Early as if
was, the villagers were astir. Michael
vonovitch Pandalenrikio, the village
baker, had taken down his wooden
shutters, and had given morning greet
ing to Nicholiskkizovitch DisukskikLs
koff, the grocer across the street, whe
was sweeping the pavement la front ol
his little shop.
Simeonskioviteh. the butcher, and
MandalzLzziokofTskL, the milkman, wen
merrily joking with old Dietwosmikis
kafto Mediariovitch. the cobbler, be
fore his little shop.
The door of a vine-clad little cottage
opened suddenly, and a maiden clad in
white appeared and walked toward the
thick, dark, coed forest back of the vil
lage. She was Alexia vonamagdra Less
chneiflovitch, daughter of tho wealth
iest man in the village. By her side
gamboled her little white dog Fido
velovitch. He ran barking from her
side in mad pursuit of a golden butter
fly; returning, he jumped up before
his mistress, soiling her pretty white
gown with his wet and dirty paws.
'Down, Fidovelovitch!" sho said
chidingly: "down, sir, you ah. Is it
thou, DimitredistovelokofI Nicholaso
novel Volenkiskiskiovonovitch?"
"It is L Alexievonamagdra Less
chneiffovitch," said the young man;
for it was a young man who had come
suddenly from the forest.
"Why art thou sad, my Dimitredis
tovelokofI?'' asked the maiden, noting
his gloomy face.
"Ah, Alexievonamagdra, if I could
only know that I waa indeed thy
DimitredistovelokofI," he replied sad
ly. "What meanest thou, Dimmy?" Bhe
said tenderly.
"Ha! dost thou not know? Thy
father hast not told thee? Last night
I spoke to him about our marriage,
ne spurned me, and said thou wert to
wed old SimoenovkolokofTsfkivitch, the
rich vineyard owner."
"SiinoenovkolokofTskivitch!" gasped
tho maiden: "1 marry himt Never!
I would sooner wed with old Zokoso
kesokoff, the one-legged serf!"
"My darling!" cried Nicholasonoval
Volenkitkiskiovonoviteh, clasping her
tohis'breast: "Come! Let us fly! My
little yacht, the white-winged Delo
vimoskilHdiuk, lies there on ' the
bosom of y.the Fritchedelogaffodasskl
bake; let us fly to Szastoserskaiaotoff,
or to beautiful Komorovogetzki, on the
banks of the Dinovilvaddleskinkk)
come, love; come!"
".Vy DimitreaistovelokoIT Nicholaso
noval Volenkiskiskiovonovitch!" Bhe
cried, sinking wearily into his arms,
after spoaking his full name twice: "I
am thine!" Thk EtfD. Zenas Dane,
in Puck.
Dr. 'C. Keller, of Zurich, claims
from careful observation of their
habits, that spiders by destroying
aphides and insects perform a very
important part in the preservation of
1 he Effect of Association.
No two Individuals can come into con
tact with each other without each be
ing affected by that contact. An infer
ior may help or harm a superior; but as
a superior may the more easily help an
inferior, so the superior is in the greater
danger ot harming the inferior. It is
generally a matter of more importance,
ultimately, to grown people how they
act in the presence of children, than
how children act in their presence, la
view of this truth, it is the duty of eve
ry one to study how he should act in
the presence of those with whom he
may be thrown. S. & Time.
Devoted to tiSe Inti ni-srs op Fabmeks
and Etockkex.
Coiulensed milk is being shipped
from Lansing, Mich., to Buenos
A ne w green bug is causing a steady
am! increasing decline of coffee pro
duction in Ceylon.
One of tha benefit!, i. f St iteliood to
Dakota is a donation of 9 009 acres of
! government land for the Agricultural
Uollt ge.
Senator Leland Slanfcrd's vineyard,
nfar Chico, Ca'., compris-8 3,600
acres, and is the largest in th-i world.
Last year 1,000,000 gallons of wine
were made.
Matthew Crawford, of O iio, recom
tnet.ds shallow culture for black
berries. Home very successful planta
tions are never t ultivattd, but receive
spetiitl mulchings.
Fcr mu'ehing gooseberries and car
tanls no material is btt!er linn the
-hort cbp ings from the lawn. It lies
closely, keep down weeds and pro-
nio;es needed coolness to the soil.
The grape, rarely fils when allowed
to dimh on trees. It matters not
what kin 1 of trees, whether they are
living or dead, if they o-ily have
branclKS that the tendrils take held of.
Currant and gooseberry
should be pruned every year. If they
ate pruim jn tree fornl ,hey ji lear
larger and fitter fruit, and the latter
w,il not be so ai t to mildew,
. , ..... .
Thfe d-n;Se to fruit trees by
raouuB, uortrs ana injects, may be
prevented by applying pine tar to the
bodies of the tiees. Warm the lar
am! apply with a brush.
O'le-fourth of the in the
L cited States do not pay the cost of
their keep, the cause being the failure
f farmetsand daiiymen to properly
i grade up their stock.
Slt shou'd be ilaced where &li kinds
of stock can get it. At this season,
when green food is plentifu', aslt will
le found tx?ellent, as it will tf;en pre;
vent t owt l diseases and stave tff in
jury from the young gras-.
When chicks are ilroopy or weak
care ,s n, etit;d to neupemte them. A
should be given the m, or, if they are
loo much purged, a little towdered
Walk and bone fl ur iu their toft fo-d
one teaspoonful of each to a piut of
tood is kutucieiit.
An cblong form is betler than
square one for the home garden. Seeds
-own or planted iu rows instead of
little beds simplifies the whole matter,
and admits of the u- of ihe plow and
eul.ivator ins ead of the spade, the
iioe and the rake, and makes its cul
tivation a pleasure instead of a dieaded
The future pig must hate more
flesh and less fat. It must not be
nere lard keg. it must be K upon
tlth-fo;ming floods until grown, and
then fattened. Ii means that more
lover, peas, oa's, milk and such ar
iebsof diet mii-t le used, and 1 ss
orn. We will then have healthier
and more palatable pork, and hog
cholera will be a thing of the past.
Should a wagon or buggy tire be
come a little loose from shrinkage of
he felloes instead of taking the wheel
'o the shop to have the tire cut and
replaced fcet half a gallon of linseed
il, and after beating it pretty well
(our the same in a shalloiv di-b and
five the rim of the wheel a few slow
turns around through it. The oil j eue-
ratiug the felloe will so swell thtm
hat the tire will become as tight as
No kind of grain is so well adapted
o feeding y ting stock of any kind as
oats. Their large proportion of husk
ke pa them from elgging tho ftom
tcb, c ven of stock tliat, lias too poor
lij:estiou for thriving on corn. Pi;s
vill prefer the latter grain, if both are
given b gether, but ti e pig is not the
est judge of what is adapttd to his
leeds. The oats should, h wever, be
it least foil weight to cive the lest re
su ts. Much of the Western oat crop
U generally light, from ripening in
Iry, hot weather. The standard
veight of oats in some Western States
m thirty pounds per bu-hel, and
ii others as low as twenty-eight
An ingenious builder of town flats
was struck recently by an idea which
he has put into effect with great suc
cess in his latest building. Ho noticed
that ono of tho first things his tenants
did when they went into a house waa
to bang portieres in every available
doorway. Ho has saved them some
trouble and himself the expense of
doors by putting a simple rod for tho
curtain instead of tha door in each of
the inner doorways in his latest flats.
Hie idea was novel enough to catch
the househunting mind, and he gets
more rent for the flats than though
they were fitted with doors, and has
no lack of tenant.
Pure iron can not be made perma
nently a magnet, but its magnetism
3nly lasts while a current of electricity
is circulating around it, and heuce it is
Milled an electro-magnet.
Careful experiments have shown
hat waste silk is tho most effective of
tU non-conducting coverings for steam
ipes, and tho demand for this purpose
promises to be great, notwithstanding
the high price. .
Kti.tABi.E Quotations Carefully Re
vised Evert Week.
WHEAT Valley, f I 30(311 31
Walla Walla, l 201 22 j.
BARLEY Whole, fl 10al 124
ground, per ton, ,,25 O027 50.
OATS Milling, 3G38c. : feed. 44
HAYa Baled, fit 13.
SEED Blue Grass, 141 16c. : Tim
otuy, i(ioc.; Ked Clover, ll15c.
FLOUR Patent Roller.
$4 00;
Country Brand, 3- 75.
EGGS Per doz, 25c.
BUTTER Fancy roll, per pound
25c; pickled, 2025c; inferioi
grade, 1525j.
CHEESE Eastern. 16a20c.: Ore
gon, 1416c. ; Cahfornia, 144c.
VEGETABLES Beets, tier sack.
H 50: cabbige. per lb., 21c: carrots.
persk.,l 25; lettuce, per doz. 2Qjr;j
onififs, $i w; potatoes, per 1UU lbs.,
40 50c.; radishes, per doz.. lo20c. :
rhubarb, p-er lb., 6c.
HONEY In comb, per IK. 18c:
etraintd, 5 gaL tins, per lb. 8Jc
POULTRY Chickens, wr doz.
14 00G 00; ducks, per doz., 6 00
7 00; geese. $6 00(8 00: turkevs.
per lb., 12Jc.
PROVISIONS Oregon hams. 12ie
per lb.; Eastern, 13134:.; Easttri.
breakfast bacon, 124c. per lb.; Oregon
1012j.; Eastern bird, 10114c. per
lb.; Oregon, 10 Jc.
GREEN FRUITS Annies. $ 50
85c; Sicily lemons.. 6 00(2,6 50
uatiiornia, f J 0Ug& W ; J aval orange
f6 00; Hiverside, 4 00; Mcditerr
nean, f i 2a.
DRIED FRUITS Snn dried ap
ples, i je. per lb. ; machine dried, 10a
11c; pitiess plums, 13c: Italian
piunes, 1014e. ;peaches, 1214c;
raisins, ?z ou.
WOO L Valley, 1718c; Eastern
Uregon. ioc
HIDES Dry beef hide?, 8103.;
culls, b37c; kip and calf, 8(3 10i
Murrain, 10 12c; tallow, 33c
LUMBER Rough, per M, f 10 00:
edged, per M, fli 00; T. and G.
sheathing, per M, 13 00; No. 2 floor
ing, per M, flS 00; No. 2 ceilins, per
M,18 00; No. 2 rustic, per M, 18 00;
clear rougb, per M, Ou ; clear P. 4
!?, per M, f22 oO; No. 1 flooring, pei
si, Z2 ou; .so. 1 ceiling, per M
122 50; No. 1 rustic, per M, 22 50;
stepping, per M, 25 00; over- 12
inches wide, extra, fl 00; lengths 40
to oo, extra, z w; iengtns iAJ to bU.
extra, f 4 00; 1J lath, per M, 2 25;
Ii lath, per M, f 2 50.
BEANS Quote small whites, f4 50:
pinks, f3; bayou, 3; butter, f 4 50;
Lamas, f4 oO per cental.
COFFEE Quote Salvador, 17e;
Costa Rica, 1S 20c; Ri , lS20e.;
J ava, 274. ; ArbuckleVs roasted, 22c.
MEAT Beef, wholesale, 2i(3
dressed, 6c; sheep, 3c; dre-sed, 6c;
hogs, diessed, bgyo.; veal, 57c
SALT Liverpool grades of fine
quoted flS, f 19 and f 20 for the three
sixes ; stock salt, f 10.
11 35.
-Kegs quoted steady at
SUGAR Prices for barrels; Goldei
CGtc; extra C, 6fe,; dry granulated,
7c. ; crushed, fine crushed, cube and
powdered, 7c ; extra C, 6c; halves
and boxes, -c. higher.
The managers of the menagerie In
Central Park. New York, say that a
good male lion is worth $ 1,000; a tiger,
f 1,200; a leopard, $350, and monkeys
from f 10 upward. The female chim
panzee costs $500.
Thirty years ago insanity waa
almost unknown among the Southern
negroes, but now the number thus
affected in North. Carolina alone is
one thousand, and the asylum for their
treatment at Goldsboro' has just been
In Vermont a liquor seller.brought
before the courts, urged in defense
that ho had so reduced his whisky by
water that a roan could not get drunk
on it. He came very near proving his
case, but unfortunately for him, in an
unguarded moment he had sold one
glass of unadulterated whisky, and a
fine was the consequence.
Some birds have the sense, in
stinct, discretion, or whatever it may
be called, to keep their nests in har
mony with their surroundings. For
instance: When the wren builds her
nest near the ground she forms her
nest of tho long, withered grass, such
as grows about the spot. When her
nest is in a spruce tree she covers it
with green moss, which resembles the
foliage of the spruce. -
A resident of the town of Corina,
Minn., in digging for a cellar came
across tho remains of seven persons in
a good state of preservation. They
were found in a kind of a mound, were
buried with their beads down, and
were from seven to eight feet in height,
and must have been placed there at
least two hundred years ago, as on the
top of the mound was the stump of an
old elm tree two feet in diameter.
Tobscco culture is being pushed
energetically in Florida, and an at
tempt to induce Cubans to immi
grate there and grow the weed is be
ing made. A commission, with tha'
object, has started for Havana.
The ashes of very old wood do not
contain so much potash as ashes o!
wood of younger growth. Ashes gen
erally pay well on all ordinary croj
but are specially adapted to the went
of fruit trees, grape vines and all kinds
of vines, clover and peas.
Ft la Own Words to lj.nd, the Artist, Who
rainted His 1'ictnr.
When David was commissioned to .
paint his pietnre of Napoleon crossing
the Alps he asked the First Consul to
name a day when he would sit. "Sit."
said Botiaj afte; "to what good? Do
you suppose tba great men of anti
quity sat for their portraits?" But I
paint you for your own times, for men
who have known and seen you; they
expect a pood likeness. "A good
likeness! It is not the exactitude of
the features, the little wart on the-,
nose, that makes a likeness. What
ought to be painted is the t-haract' - of
the physiognomy. No one inquires if
the portraits of grent men are alike; it
i quite enough if they manifest their
genius. I his story shows how early
the pprpose was former! in Bonaparte's
mind to render himself the subject of
a myth, and to thia end he sought to
employ poet as well as painters. It
was totally unnecessary; for his aspir
ation in Italy, in 1800, was in itself
quite sufficient to render him a legend
ary hero. A young roan of ansU-re
manners, ascetic appearance, with the
head and fai-e of an ideal Caesar, say
ing little but doing much, deterred by
no scruple and by no obstacle, leading
his dazd and fascinated army from
Turin to Milan, from Milan to Verona,
from Yerotis to Veniee. he could not
fail to arouse the imagination of friend
nd foe. Portraits more evidently
mythical were not slow to . ap
pear, sometimes accompanied, by
enthusiastic verses. Bonaparte ca
reenng through Italy on a living
steed, with Fame blowing a trumpet
and holding in readiness the palm of
victory, well expressed the popular
idea of the hero of Areola. But foreign
nations were not lhti3 fascinated. To
England especially he was becoming a
terror and a danger. His portraiture
at this time was chiefly in the hands of
the caricaturists, and it is curious
notice how difficult they found the Ef
fort to make it lodierous and ugly.
Rowland son's "First Consul," with hi3
powdered hair, bis feeble face, stiff
cravat, cambric-tipped, long red man
tle, short frock, tri-colored scarf and
brigand hA surmounted with a tri
eolored pkirae. must have appeared to
mir grandfathers like some Twelfth
Night" character. But Gillray. with
better art, really gavo the public some
thing like a resemblance of Bonaparte.
Not much, however, eoul 1 be done te
yond rendering bis thin features ex
cessively g.-tunt and grim, and repre
senting his height as Lilliputian.
"Little Bouncing B.," or "Little
Boney," was Johnny Bull's good
humored notion concerning the man
who over the water took such gigantic
proportion. The Engrish caricaturists
conceived him as an iron-hearted homi
eide, capable, when needful, of being
most insinuating and plausible. Their
portraiture has all the character of &
popular myth, profoundly true in it
self, but singularly coarse and brutal,
handled, after their own manner. In
one of G'l'rr-.y's desigrns we get Bona
parte's portrait rendered as hang-dog
and felonious as possible in the midst
of all kinds of emblems intended to
set forth the popular English notion
of republican France. Around the
portrait are written the words: "And
God made Bonaparte and rested from
His labors." Magazine of ArL
Tho Sort of Mas hw. Fortitude Tries a
Fettow's strencta.
My dear boy, if a man can only cul
tivate patience and strength it seems to
me lie win oe a goou neighbor, a
pleasant man to do business witlu a
safe man to trust and the kind of a man
the world loves, even though he lack
wisdom, and hath no genius, and em't
tell a good story or sing a note. How
much does the fretful, restless hurry
ing old world owe to the patient ni-tn,
and confidence," who can be patient
with our faults, our fancies, our wick
edness; who can be quiet when the
oftest word would have a sting; who
can wait for storms to blow over and
for wrongs to right themselves; who
can patiently and silently endure a
slight until he has forgotten it and
who can even be patient with himself.
That s the fellow, my boy, who tries
my patience ana strengtn more than
any man else with whom I have to
deal. I could set along with the rest
of the world well enough if he were
only out of it. I can meet
all my other cares and enemies
bravely and cheerfully enough. But
when myself conies to me, with his
heart-aches and blunders and stumb
ling, with his own follies and troubles
and sins, somehow he takes all the
tuck out of me. My strength is weak
ness and my patience is folly when I
come to deal with him. He tires me
He is sneh a fool. He makes the same
stupid b'hnders in the same stupid way
o many times. sometimes when I
think I must put np with him tnd his
ways all my life, 1 want to give up.
And then the next time he comes to
me with his cares and the same old
troubles, he seems so helpless and pen
itent that I feel sorry for him, and try
to be patient with him. and promise to
help him all I can once more. Ah. bit
dear boy, as you grow older, that is
the fellow who will try you, and tor
ment you, and draw on your sympathy
and tax your patience and strength.
Be patient with him, poor old , fellow,
because I think he does love yon, and
vet. as ft rule, von ar harder on him
than any -one else. Burdeite, in Chi
cago Journal. .
" rA man in 5ew "York went before
a judge for naturalization. "What is
your nationality?" "I don't know. 1
wish you would tell me. My father
was an, Englishman, my mother was a
Spaniard, and I was born at sea, on a
French ship flying a Dutch flag. I
want to become an American citizen
and make the rest of the voyage under
the Stars a,njj Sripes.". .
"Would you believe it, dearest,
that on the eve of our marriage I have
a terrible dread about this step we are
going to take?" "Really?" "I love
the city, the world, the noise and ac
uvity, while you. on the contrary, do
not care for any of these things. Will
A-e he able to agree?" Certainly
We shsill see so liule of each otherf"
French Fun. .