The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 21, 1888, Image 3

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    The Lebanon Express.
- FRIDAY, SEPT. 21, 1888..
Mr. Ella Wright returned home
Baturday evening.
Harness and saddles at Thompson &
Overman's, Albany.
Wheat hasdropped to 70 cents. Hops
are also falling In price.
Mrs. A. B. Cyrus went to Salem yes
terday to attend the fair.
Mrs. J. M. Ralston was at the fair at
Salem one day this week.
to to Beard & Yates for your school
books and school supplies.
The best harness and low prices at
Thompson & Overman's, Albany.
Parties who promised this office wood
on subscription will please bring it In.
Mr. A. Compton and wife started for
their home in Tillamook county yes
W. E. Yates and family returned
home from their mountain trip last
Mr. Samuel Sherfey and family, of
California, are visiting J. A. Keebler
and family.
We noticed the smiling countenance
of Charley Curran, of Albany, on our
streets Wednesday.
Miss Ida Montague, who bos been
spending the summer in California,
arrived home last Sunday.
Ex-Conductor Stroud spent Monday
afternoon and night in Lebanon, the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Reed.
W. B. Donaca's residence has just
received a new coat of paint, which
adds much to its appearance.
Quite a number of persons bave
passed through town this week on
their way home from the mountains.
Mr. Hindman and wife have returned
from a trip to Yaquina bay, and report
having a good time and plenty of fish.
Mr. G. W. Klum has sold the hotel
at Sodaville to Mr. S. P. Haney, and
will make his future home at Albany.
Judge Whitney and Attorney H. H.
Hewitt were in town Wednesday in
connection with the Case assault and
battery affair.
Mr. H. C Klepper of Brownsville
has rented Mr. A. Com p ton's place
in Lebanon and will move his family
here next week.
A. R. Cyrus took charge of thj St.
Charles hotel last Saturday evening,
and will run it under the management
f H. E. Parrish.
Lost, on the road between Lebanon
and Sodaville, last Sunday, a halter.
The owner would like to have the
same left at this office.
Four hundred boxes of apples were
chipped from Portland for Australia
last Monday. They were of the Bald
win and King varieties.
Marred, at the residence of Rev. G.
W. Giboney, in Lebanon, Sept. 19,
1888, Mr. Paul Annls to Miss Florence
Btory, all of Linn county.
A telegram was received here on
Wednesday from Rev. Walton Skip
worth stating that his ehild had died
and woald be buried on Thursday.
One day this week Miss Jessie Ral
Eton presented this office with a fine
large peach and also a beautiful bou
quet, for which she has our thanks.
J. F. Hyde, who has been living
north of Sodaville, has rented a place
In town from F. M. Miller, where J. A .
Keebler formerly lived, and moved his
family here.
Rev. I. Carleton, a Congregational
minister, will preach in - the Cumber
land Presbyterian church of this place
on the fourth Sabbath of this month,
being the 23d day.
Some repairs are being made on the
Santiam bridge at this place, and travel
has been stopped across the bridge.
However, people on norsebacK can
cross at the old ford below.
af n n ac a tt TLT .Ci-a T-v'V
Gresham, who "live near this place, re
tuined home from a visit near Ash
land. They brought with them a bas
ketful of Southern Oregon fruit, which
was fine.
Wm. Retherford settled the claim of
the Portland creditors and has re
opened the Arcade Saloon. Jas. Mnn
sey will be tar tender. The former
partnership of Retherford & Gentry is
The person who has my watch is
known to me. If he will leave it
where I can get it, nothing will be said
about it. If he does not do this, he
"will be arrested for the crime.
J. J. Swan.
While Mr. Hindman and family
were over on the coast someone entered
Lis barn and broke up his little step
son's tricycle. What could induce
anyone to do such a mean act is more
than ws can understand.
Last week while Mr. Tozier, the
- photographer, was away at Brownsville
a few days some low-down sneak went
into his tent and destroyed nearly all
of his chemicals and carried off his
Sunday hat. The hat has his name
in it.
Mr. Jas: Davidson and family, of
San Bernardino, CaL, are visiting in
town, and will probably make this
their fuutre home. Mrs. Davidson is
' a daughter of Mr. C B. Montague,
Mr. Davidson is- clerking in Mr. Mon
tague's store.
Owen Kidgeway, who lived near
Sweet Home, died last Sunday even
ing of typhoid fever. He was abont 25
years of age, was born at this place,
and bis father, mother and several
brothers reside here. He leaves a wife
and one child.
Will Abbott, Frank GUI, John Carey
and Joe Bilyeu, some of the best young
. men of Scio, passed through Lebanon
Wednesday on their way home from a
three week's trip to the mountains.
They reported killing fourteen deer
and catching an abundance of fish
We haye received intelligence of the
death of the infant daughter of Thos.
B. Barnes, of Scio. Last Monday the
child suddenly became very ill. A
telegram was sent to Mr. Barnes, Who
was at Salem, but before it reached
him the died. The burial . took place
Tuescay afternoon. Rev. Geo. Suther
land d Rev. B. F. Moody officiating.
The Burns, Grant county, Herald,
contains the following account of the
murder of W.H. Brown, a former res-
ident-of this county and a brother of
Gen. Mart V. Brown, deceased, former
editor of the Democrat: . About 6
o'clock Saturday evening, Sept. 8th,
in the course of an altercation between
two residents of Harney Valley, Wm.
Page and Wm. H. Brown, in C. M.
Caldwell's saloon in Burns, the latter
was shot dead In the presence of wit
nesses. Page was arrested on a charge
of murder by W. W. Johnson, deputy
sheriff, though he had acknowledged
himself the doer of, the deed a few
minutes before by giving himself in
custody of a bystander, Joe Wooley.
J. C. Wooley, a witness to the crime,
testified as follows, which shows how
the murder happened: "I was present
at Caldwell's saloon when the shoot
ing commenced. Heard there was a
fuss between Brown and Page. Brown
came to me by Byrd's stable and said
that Bill Page was going to lick him.
I told him I guess not, that he (Brown)
was too old a man to fight. I asked
him what the trouble was. He said,
nothing much, but Bill Page thinks
he can run a bluff on me. He (Brown)
pulled out a knife and said, "I'll stick
that into Page before eun-up in the
morniug.' I went into Caldwell's sa
loon to play billiards with Mr. Armor.
Page says to Brown, 'come and take a
drink.' Clark says to Page, 'I'm wait
ing for you to go home.' Brown says
to Page, ! can Ilek you from Dan to
Beeraheba.' Page says 'there is no ose
for. us to fuss, for there is nothing be
tween us, or something to that effect.
Brown says, 'by G I will lick you,
and struck Page. Page fell, and while
on his back, with his left hand under
him, ne shot. Brown was going tow
ard him and in about five feet of him,
and I ran across to the southeast part
of the building and didn't see any
more. Went out the first time I had
a chance."
Examination cf the body revealed
one bullet hole in the head, two in the
breast and one in the back. Measure
ment showed him six feet high, forty
inches around the chest, muscular de
velopment unusually fine and striking.
A Mystery.
Advices from Grant county report
that Lake Malheur, a body of water
that covers more than 75 miles, and
has been without outlet, is rushing
through a subterranean passage with a
great roar. The noise is bo loud and
the shrinkage of water so great as to
attract much attention. It is said that
miles of formerly submerged land 13
now visible. " The lake receives the
waters or me jumzen river and never
overflows. It is situated on a rich.
level plain with low shores. It is con
nected with Lake Harney by a shal
low channel 60 feet wide and 600 feet
long. If the subsidence prove penua-
ment it may throw the Oregon Pacific
survey some miles further south.
Smallpox at McM tnnrtlle.
A number of new cases of smallpox
bave been reporied at McMinnville.
The town is nearly depopulated, dozens
of families having left, and many bus!
ness houses are closed. The greatest
care is Deing exeretsea to prevent a
further spread. A pest house has been
built out of town, the three natients
have been placed therein, and exposed
parties are kept under strict Burveil
lance. Circuit court was to have con
vened at Lafayette next Mondav, but
at the request of attorneys and officers
of the court, and the mayor of Lafay
ette, Judge Boise has adjourned the
court until sometime next December.
The smallpox epidemic at McMinn
ville and Dayton prairie is the reason
A Toon Mother's 6oIclde.
Monday afternoon, at her home in
Canby, Clackamas county, Mrs. "Doc'
Barlow shot herself in the head with
a shotgun, causing instant death. She
was aged about 25, and left four little
children, the youngest about five weeks
old. The deed was committed in the
presence of the little ones. It is not
known that the suicide had any trou
ble of any kind, and the causes that
led to the rash act are a mvsterv
"Doc" Barlow, the husband, is a re
spectable farmer, and so far as known
his relations with his wife were not
such as to give any reason for the deed,
Jatt In Time.
Our liberal-hearted merchants, Miller
s Cruson, taking pity on the forlorn
condition of this office and its working
crew, and knowing that bachelors
carry their real estate principally in
their aprons and linen, did most gen
erously donate and bestow on ub in fee
simple a washing machine. We have
no doubt of the excellency of the ma
chine, and just as soon as possible to
form the necessary partnership for this
line of work, we will certainly bave
the machine tested.
Assaalt and Battery.
Ernest Case and George Cochrane
had an altercation near Tangent last
week. Last Tuesday Mr. Case came
to Lebanon and plead guilty to assault
and battery . before D. Andrews, J. P.,
and paid his fine, $5. Shortly after
wards Marshal Roberts received a tel
egram to arrest him, which he did, ar.d
held him until about 12 o'clock, when
he received another telegram to let
him go.
Santiam Academy.
We are pleased to note the fact that
on next Monday the fall term of school
will begin at Santiam Academy under
the efficient management of Prof. J.
L. Gilbert and an able corps of assist
ants. Miss Hela Gilbert will conduct
the musical department. We would
recommend all young people desiring
a thorough course of instruction to pat
ronize this institution.
The most alarming and violent at
tacks of Bilious Colic or Cholera Mor
bus can be promptly relieved and cured
by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, bold by M
A. Miller.
Don't you forget Joe Harbin sets
wagon tires. He has a nrst-class
shrinker: no cutting and welding. All
work warranted.
The largest stock of harness and sad
dies in the valley at Thompson & Over
man's, Albany.
J. S. Courtney, M. D., physician and
Dr. R. H. Curl on Monday left for
Scio on professional business.
Mrs. Harrison, of La Camas, W. T.,
Is the guest of the Misses Coshow.
Misses Ida and Kate Coshow on Sat
urday left for Coburg to visit friends.
Julius Ziner on Saturday visited Eu
gene, returning home on the following
Otho Cooper, accompanied by his
mother, left on Tuesday for Albany to
visit relatives.
N. C. Dozler, of Ashland, a former
resident of Brownsville, is settling
business in this place.
W. D. Washburn left for San Fran-
Cisco on Friday last to accompany his
wife on her return home.
A new lot of watches received by
Pillsbury, the jeweler ; a good article
at remarkably cheap prices.
The showers of Saturday and Sun
day nights were moet refreshing, cooi
ng the air and laying the dust.
W. Behm and E. Earnhardt left on
Tuesday morning for the front of the
O. P. tt. R. to obtain employment.
John Harrison, wife and family on
Thursday started over the mountains
on their return home to rrineville.
Frank Stanard has sufficiently re
covered from his recent illness to again
be on the streets attending to business.
Miss Frankie Hopkins and Miss
Hattle Chesncy, of Albany, .paid
Brownsville friends a visit on Satur
day. Mrs. Slater, wife of W. T. Slater of
Salem, deputy state treasurer, is visit
ing her brother, J. M. Howe of this
Rev. J. R. Klrkpatrick, at the Cum
berland Fresbyterian church on Sun
day last, held Sabbath services to a
large congregation.
Mrs. W. O. Sperry, who for the past
month has been visiting friends In
Oregon City and Portland, on Wednes
day returned home.
Mefesrs. Davia and Bradley have re
turned from Southern Oregon. It is
reported that Mr. Bradley and family
will locate Jn Brownsville.
Robert Cochran, wife and daughter
on Tuesday left for the Kitson hot
springs on the McKenzie river. They
will be gone from three weeks to a
The Misses Tate and Irwin have
rented the store of Feter Hume, ad
joining the Brownsville bank, where
they will open a dressmaking estab
ine rorin urownsviue school com
menced its fall term on Monday, Sept,
17th, under the tuition of W. W. Hall,
principal, and Miss Hattie Long as
sistant teacher.
On account of no Chinese being em
ployed this year in this section, hop
pickers are scarce and the labor is pro
gressing slowly. The price for pick
ing is 40 cents per box.
Dr. W. G. Martin, of Ottowa, Kan
sas, who for the past throe mouths has
been visiting valley tow ns. having in
view a mi9jnes3 locaiion, was in our
; i . . ..
town on Wednesday latt.
Rev. Ellworthy, pastor of the M. E.
church, accompanied by his family, on
Tuesday arrived at Halsey, at which
place he was met by a number of his
church members and conducted to his
residence at Brownsville.
The infant son of W. S. Michaels,
while playing with some dried beans,
succeeded In forcing one into the left
nostril. The little euflerer was brought
to the office of Dr. I. W. Starr, who
quickly relieved him of the disagree
able obstruction.
l'eter Hume on cdnesday received
a telegram from Olympia, W. T., an
nouncing the death of his mother,
which occurred Sept. 10th at 3 P. M.
Mrs. C. JIume, who was 75 years of
age, was born in Scotland and came to
the Pacific coast in the year 1S76.
"Drunk and disorderly" was the
charge made by Town Marshal Will
son as D. McMullen appeared before
Recorder Waters on Tuesday last, nis
honor brushed a festive fly from his
nose and softly remarked "five dollars
and costs." McMullen "saw the raise"
and quit the game eight dollars loser.
R. L. Blanchard and Wm. Robe ou
Thursday returned from the Calapooia
river mines. They have made consid
erable progress with work ou the Pio-
neer claim, the quartz from which
shows increasing richness as the shaft
becomes deeper. It is the intention of
the stockholders of this claim to erect
a cabin, which will be stocked with
tools and provisions sufficient to cam-
on the work during the winter months
Rey. E. GSttene, on Sabbath evening
at the M. E. church, delivered his
final sermon. Iiavine been anoointod
for the ensuing pastoral term of the
M. E. church at Roseburg. The de
parture of the reverend gentleman and
wife is greatly regretted by the many
friends they have made during their
sojourn in Brownsville, and wherever
they may go they carry with them the
affection and respect of the entire com
James Hayden, foreman of the car-
Ienters working on theOregonian rail
way, on the afternoon of Monday re
ceived some severe injuries by being
struck by a falling "sway brace." a
long and heavy . timber which the
workmen pried from the south end of
the bridge-crossing the Calapooia river.
As the timber fell it struck Mr. Hay
den upon the head and shoulder,
throwing him forward In such a man
ner that his head came in contact with
the teeth of a cross-cut saw, and in
flicting some painful and jagged
wounds. The injured man was taken
to the Willson hotel, where he received
all needed attention.
Prof. Langsford's music class is again
open for pupils, and the term will core
mence at once. Those wishing to join
the class will leave their names with
Miss M. E. Saltmarsh, Lebanon. The
clas3 at Albany will commence on the
1st of October.
A Japanese by the name of Henry
Okawa is studying at the Willamette
University, lie is a convert to Chris
tianity, and is preparing to preach that
religion to his countrymen.
Thompson & Overman, the leading
harness dealers, Albany.
Died, Sept. 10, 1S8S, at the residence
of her parent", one mile north of
Brownsville, Minnie, aged 11 years,
daughter of Ann and Thomas Kay, Sr.
Like some sweet flower of early Spring,
Tlmt blossoms In the month of May,
With rosy lips and dewy fringe.
So was the lire of Minnie Kay.
As Illy fair tn frarden rare.
At opening of the early day,
It sweetest fragrance then to bear,
Bo was the life of Minnie Kay.
As tender flowers are gathered In
From frosty winds and winter- spray,
So ere the storms of life began
The angels came for Minnie Kay.
The angels whispered as they came,
"Oh do not let her spirit stay.
For Heaven is waiting now to claim .
The lore-wrapped form of Minnie Kay."
Friends and kindred, parents, all,"
Seems not her spirit now to say,
"Let not a tear of sorrow fall
Cpon the grave of Minnie Kay.
"For angels bright and heavenly light
Are shining all my grief away;
There Is no blight, there is no night
Shadows the home of Minnie Kay."
A FaiiatD.
IV hat the Matter Was:
They were walking In the cool of the
day Frank and Angle. Frank was
gazing down at his new shoes and suf
fered himself to be led past the corner
where he Intended turning. It was
too late now. He saw the sign of the
Ice cream saloon making itself unnec
essarily prominent, and remembered
the 15 cenU In his inside pocket. "It's
strange how qualmish I feel, Angle,"
he said; "I am afraid I have eaten
something that has disagreed with
me." "Indeed! Frank, dear, I am
afraid we are walking too far for you.
here we may rest awhile." "One
dish of ice cream," he said faintly to
the waiter, and while she wreaths her
lips about the spoon he wonders will
she ask for lemonade. Happy thought!
He will pay for the ice cream and ei-
cuse himself, on tne plea or needing
the fresh air. When Angie comes out
she sjvb: "Frank, dear, I perfectly
understand the cause of your sudden
indisposition and am. sorry for you,
but if you will buy your shoes of high
priced houses, lustead of buying of
Andrews & Uackleman, where I trade,
you must expect to get left on change
occasionally. Some girls would think
j'ou were mean, but I know you are
only foolish. But really, Frank, if you
wish to keep your position, you must
be more considerate of my feelings
during thi9 hot weather." "Angle,"
he whispered, "you are a sensible girl
and a regular brick. I will try An
drews A Hackleman for shoes here
after and eave money." One price for
all at Andrews & Hackleman'a.
All persons knowing themselves
owing us will please make arrange.
menta to settle, as wc need the money
in our business. Yours truly.
We will pay 45 cts. per roll for choice
butter. Thompson & Waters,
Brownsville, Oregon.
Ready Witnesses. Anv one who
has ever tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrha Remedy or seen
it tried for tramnine l'ains in the
Ptomach or Bowel?. Cholera Morbus,
or Dirrho?a, is ready and willing: to
recommena it.
Sold by M. A. Miller.
For Summkr CostrLAi nt ue Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Itemed v, it Is perfect lv safe for child
ren of anv RJie. 2.5 cts. per bottle. Sold
by M. A. Miller.
Subscrile for The ExrriESs.
is warranted, is because It la the best
Blood Preparation known. It will posi
tively cure all Blood Diseases, pnrifies the
whole system, and thoroughly builds tip the
constitution, j&ememoer, we fraarantea It.
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
St. Charles Hotel
W. Comer Mln and Sherman Streeta,
Blocks East of Railroad Depot.
H. E. PARRISH, Manager.
Tables Supplied with the Best the
Market Affords.
8 unple Rooms and the TVrt Accommodations for I
commercial Mem
f A and reliable Medlcinen are thebrwt
VJv todepondnpon. Acker's Blood El
ixir lian been prescribed for years for all 1m-
TnrUieuoftheBlood. Inevery form of Scrof-
nlons, Fyphilitlcor Mercurial diseases, Uls
invaluable, t ot uueumaiuim, uas no equaa.
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
Much the Newest
-Nobbiest and Largest Stock of-
In the County
Albany, Oregon.
Whon von want to4
1 "dress up," wewoiildKSa0. ec JSgSfi
- t - o 1
'be glad to show you
; through and make the I
nyiii price. . t
A Great Cure-All.
Prescribed by Geo. Public, M. D.
Boot & Shoe Dealers
Pocket-Book Health
Blues, Dissatisfaction, Contiscax
Drained Purses, Etc.:
Andrews A Hackleman's 5 00 Gents' Calf
Goodyear We!t....... One FT
Andrews A Hackleman'a 92 50 Woman's
Milwaukee Oil Grain . One FY
W. U Douglas" Boys' 92 00 Calf. Button,
BaL and Congress ...... ...One FY
Andrews 4 Backleman's 92 25 Mlasea OU
Grain, but solid .... One Tt
For permanent cure, continue using; the abore
tn such quantities and as often and aa long aa
boot apparel la necessary.
Gerekal FTSuc, M. P.
Ho Date 188.
The Mt. Shasta Route.
Tine between Albany and Ban FYancaco, SS hours.
Oaliromla Express Trains Dally.
4 00 r. . Iemr Portland Arrtve;I0-4O a. at
S-f r. tf. It Albany Leave) 75 a. m.
7:4.3 a. a. ArrtTe Ban FYartKO Leare; 6-80 f. at
Local Passenger Trains Dally (except Sunday)
8v0. l I.eave Portland Arrival
lZ-0r. M.I Leave Albany Leave,ll M a. u.
2:40 r. st Arrive Eugene Leave 9QJ a. at
Local Paaaena;ar Trains Dally (except Sunday)
5 45 a n lave Let-anon Arrive (6 30 a. at
1220 r.H.iLeave Albany Arrlveil SS p. m
2i r.K.ILeave Lebanon Arrive 12-46 p. in.
g:10r.a.!tave Albany Arrive s 10 r. u.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
accommodation of Second Class Pas
sengers attached to Express Trains.
tv o r R R Verrv makes conception with
all the rac-ular trains on. tfca East bide Dir. ttom
foot of F. street.
West Side Division.
Mall Train Dally (except Sunday).
7 30 a m.j
Arrive f 15 p. m
Leave 1 ?Pp. ra
12:25 p. m.
Express Train Dally (except Sunday).
1 p. m. I I.
,ave Portland Arrive I 9 09 a. m .
B -l p, CI. fl
Arrive McMtnvlile leave Sfi a. m.
At AlLanv and Corrallla connect with train of
Oregon Pac'.rc raitroao.
ror ruu inioratuon rrgaraing raw, mape
etc., call on company's agent
alanatror Asst. u. r. a rasa. Agent.
The Appetite
Hay be increased, the Dlgeatiye organs
strengthened, and the bowels regulated,
by taking Ayer'a Plll. These Pills ar
purely vegetable in their composition.
They contain neither calomel nor any
other dangeroas drug, and may be taken
with perfect safety by persons of all agea.
I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia
and Constipation. I had no appetite.
and was constantly afflicted with Read
akcbe and Dizziness. I consulted onr
family. dortor, who prescribeu for me, at
varioua times, without affording; more
than temporarr relief. I finally com
menced taking 'Ayer's Fills. In a short
time my digestion and appetite .
my bowels were regulated, and, by the
time I finished two boxes of these Pills
my tendency to headaches had disap
peared, and I became strong and well.
Darius M. Logan, Wilmington, Del.
I was troubled, for over a year, with
Loss of Appetite, and General Debility.
I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, and,
before finishing half a box of this medi
cine, my appetite and strength were re--..,!
n f 'lark- n.nhurr. Conn.
Pilla are the best medlolne
known to me for regulating the bowels.
and for all diseases caused vj a aisoraerea
Rtnnuch and Liver.
I eutlered lor over
three vears with Headache, indigestion,
and Constipation. I had no appetite, and
was weak ana nervous most on vue uwe.
three boxes of Ayer's Pills, and at the
same time dieting myself, I. was com
pletely cured. My aigesnve organ an
now in good order, and I am in perfect
health. P. Lockwood.-I'opeka, Kana.
Ayer's Pills have benefited mewonder
fullv. For months I suffered from Indl-
gestion and Headache, was restless at
mgnt, ana nsa a uu uw u myuw
every morning. Alter taaing one iw
ox Ayer s nun, tu mwo u
appeared, my food digested well, and
my sleep was refreshing. Henry O.
Hemmenway, Rockport, Mass.
I was cured of the Piles by the use of
Ayer's Pills. They not only relieved me
of that painful disorder, but give me in
creased vigor, and rostored my health.
John Lazarus, St. John, V. B. tt
' Oyer's Pills,
Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer ft Co., Lowell, Itaaa.
Bold by aS Jruggljt sod Dealers la Medlolne.
Notice of Appointment of Ad
11 iinririfrnpi Iima h(wn dulv aDTKintd Ad-
minlsirator, with the will annexed, of the laat
will and testament or Jumps oalloway, aeceaaea,
by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon. AU
I pentons Knowmg wmmaeivvi iuul' w buiu ea
Utie will please call and settle the same, and
those hBVinir claims against said estate will pro-
sent them, properly verified according; to Iivw,
within ux mouths to me at Lebanon, Luin Coun
ty, Osteon.
Thia the 2Sd day of Aufmst, 1S88.
J. A. UUdUEKSON, Administrator.
at of
thousands Buffering from - Asthma, Con
sumption, Coaghs, etc Did you ver try
Acker's English Bemodyf It is tho best
preparation known for all Lang Troubles,
Bold on positive guarantee at 10c., 60c
J. A. Beard, Druggist. .' ' -
T. O. Peebler.
n v Q
Which We Offer
Will Sell foods at
Albany Flour, Red Crown, per
White Beans, 20 lbs, .
Best Table Rice, 15 lbs,
Best Eastern Syrup, 5 gal. kegs,
1 " cans,
' Maple " 1 " "
New Orleans Molasses,
Golden C Sugar, 14 lbs,
Extra C Sugar, 13 lbs,
Granulated Sugar, 12 lbs.
Best Tea, 1 lb can,
Call Special Attention to Scio Flour, which we Guarantee to be the Best
in the State.
llsnufacturers of and Dealers In ail Kinds
Import all First-Class Goods
A'complete stock of Wall Paper, Deco
rations and Window Shades.
Is now offered to parties owing
me, as I will now pay
Delivered at any warehouse on
the line of the railroad in Linn Co.
for sufficient to cover the full
amount of their book account and
To those who oavc me and pre
fer to pay in CASH, they will con
fer a favor by doing so promptly.
Do not wait for personal duns.
Lebanon, Aug. 24, 1888.
JLs3la.zioias, Linn County, Oregon,
for Cash at Prices That
the Folding Prices for the Next
1 20
1 00
1 00
2 75
1 15
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
Savon Soap, per box,.
Cold Water Bleaching Soap,
Corn and Glos3 Starch, 3 papers,
Saleratus, 4 papers,
Soda Crackers, per box,
Oysters, 2 lb cans, 5 for
Liverpool Salt, 200 lb sacks,
" 1001b sacks,
" 50 lb sacks,
Tomatoes, 10 cans for
Wm. RETHERFORD, Proprietor,
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Fresh Mineral and Soda Water.
(Opposite Exchange Hotel.)
i Ll'sUCTKC, - - -. . t'REWS.
George Bubl.
Cannot Be Beat.
30 Days FOR CASH:
f r
1 c-j
1 15
H'tiii, aiuj an J 7wi ttoMi) n
fetmeU n for kitsFUiT F lirzt c-li-p l
or(msili t!ie I!. .1 1'atrtit OiBoe. ami t w
tain tit (en's f less time tlit" ttuwr rt;t;e fr"m
HMS.V?y).V. Scml -Mffft. iC. "
t'llOTt) of mrentioo. We mfvise a tn tmtruc
shititr frW f Hiarce ai'-'l wenmt. AO cir-ii.Cr--
t' fsmxT a at run..-
Kor cirviiHir. itdvice. It-mis -rfr rr-rt-es t'
nCiiiMt riiwH tn rwif mra ulr. rimt-. h v !.r
lovii, u-r4Ut tu t.y "rjF5