The Lebanon Express. Fr.lDAYi SEPT. 21, 1888. OUJ2 PUBLIC SCHOOL. Prof. Hunt informs us that our Dub Uo school has about the eatne number of pupils In attendance this year aa last, and the school has now settled down to good work. We predict that this will be a successful and beneficial school year. Prof. Hunt is an able and efficient teacher, and Miss Griggs Is a splendid assistant. They will do their part well, The public school of a neighborhood should be a measure of its prosperity. Wherever you find a good school you will find a prosperous and happy com munity. In order to have a good school it Is not only necessary to have good teachers, but also that they should be sustained by, and should have the hearty co-operation ot not only the trustees, but the patrons of the school. There Is no person from whose labors are derived such a diversity of benefits as the teacher. His good influence, if he possesses the requisite qualifications of a teacher, is felt in every home in the district. Every person, with or without a fam l!y or a business, should be interested in the education of the youth. If we wish our town and vicinity to prosper, let us keep up a good school; and to do this it is necessary that the parents in the district see that every person of school age attend school regularly and punctually; and to assist the teachers by encouraging the pupils to adhere closely to the regulations of tlie school. A little more interest and attention fjjven to the progress of our public schools by all parents, and a better idea of educational necessity inculcated in the minda of the youth, would pro duce wonderful results. JIARRISON'S LETTER OF AC CEPTANCE. following are extracts from Gen Harrison's letter of acceptance: It Is m matter of congratulation that the declar ations of the Chicago conYentioa upon the ques tions that cow attract the interest f our people are to dear. There is farther cause of congratu lation in the fact that the convention utterances of the Democratic party, if in any degree oncer- Cain, can now be judged by executive acts and -messages, and by definite propositions In legisla tion. This is especially true of what is popularly known si the tariff question. The issue cannot now be oaacved. It is not a contest between schedules, but wide-apart principle. Foreign , competitors of our markets have, with quick in suast, seen low one tssne of the contest may brine them advantage, and our own people are not so dull to miss the grave Interests that are in volved for them. The assault on the protective system is open and definite. Protection is assailed in law, or in views of principle, and those who hold such views sincerely cannot stop short of ab solute elimination from our tariff laws of the prin ciple of protection. The Hills bill is only a step, but it is toward an object that the leaders of Dem ocratic thought and legislation have clearly in mind. The important question is not so much the length of the step as the direction of it. Those who teach that the duty upon all foreign goods sold in our markets Is paid by the con sumer, and that the price of domestic competing articles is enhanced to the amount of the duty on . imported articles, that every million of dollars collected for customs duties represents many mil- Dons more which do not reach the treasury, but are paid by our citizens as the increased cost of the domestic product resulting from the taxi3" laws, may not intend to discredit in the minds of others our system of levying duties on foreign products, but it is clearly already discredited in their own. We cannot doubt, without impugning then integrity, that if free to act on their convic tions they would so revise our laws as to lay the burden of customs revenues on articles that are not produced in this country, and plaice on the free liic competing foreign productions. The Republican party holds that the protective tariff is constitutional, wholesome and necessary. We do not offer a fixed schedule, but a principle. We will revise, the schedule and modify rates, but always with an intelligent provision as to the effect on domestic production and the wages of oar workingmen. We believe it to be a worthy object of tariff legislation to preserve the Ameri can market for American products, and to main tain the Americnn scale of wages by adequate discriminating duties on foreign- competisg pro iucta. The effect of lower rates and larger importa tions on the public revenue is contingent and doubtful, but set so the effect upon American production and American wages. Less work and lower wages must be accepted as the inevitable result of increased offerings of foreign goods in our markets. By way of recompense of this reduction in wages and loss of American market, it is sug gested that the diminished wages of the working men wiil have an undiminished purchasing power, and that he will be able to make up tor the loss of a home market by an enlargement of -the foreign market. Our workingmen have the settlement of this .question in their own hands. They now obtain -higher wages and Eve more comfertably than those of any other country. They will make a choice of the substantial advantages they have in Itand and the defective promises and forecasts ot II kmc theorizing reformers. They will decide for themselves and for the country whether the pro tective system shall be continued or no. The fact of a treasury surplus, the amount of which is variously stated, has directed public at tention to the consideration of methods by which the national income may best be reduced to the level of a wise and necessary expenditure. This condition has been seized upon by those who are hostile to protective customs duties as an advan tageous cause of attack on our tariff laws. They have magnified the surplus which they effect to depreciate, seemingly for the purpose of exagger ating the evil, in order to reconcile the people to the extreme remedy they propose. A proper re duction of the revenue does not necessitate, and should not suggest, abandonment or impairment ttt the protective system. The methods suggested by oar convention will not need to be exhausted in order to effect reductions. We are no likely to be called, I think, to make at present a choice between the surrender of our protective system and the entire repeal of internal taxes. Such contingency, in view of the present relation of expenditures t revenue, is remote. . The surplus now in the treasury should be used in the purchase of bonds. The law authorized this use of it, and if is not needed for current or deficiency appropriations, the people, and not the banks in which it has been deposited, should have advantage of its use by stopping interest on the public debt. At least those who needlessly hoard it should not be allowed to use the fear of a monetary stringency thus produced to coerce public sentiment on other questions. Man's inhumanity to man was forci bly illustrated at a tenement house fire in New York recently, when a number of the victims whs tried to escape through the windows of an adjoining building were driven back and the iron shutters closed, for fear the fire would communicate to the goods in . the establishment. ' The man who closed the shutters would be a fit sub ject for indictment. California wine growers find that thia year's product exceeds the de mand by about 12,000,000 gallons, and a move is on foot to introduce Califor nia wines on the tables of all restau rants, hotels and private boardiDg houses, hence it will .later become a necessity. The price will be made very low in order to introduce its use. Ex. Within- the corporate limits of Port lurid insurance companies take annual fire risks of f 75,000,000, on which pre miums of $750,009 are jmid. " COMPLAINING. Vhat an immense amount of trouble people can bring upon themselves by crossing the bridge before they get to it. Half of our troubles in this world are but imaginary. Take persons in business as examples. They find" the tide turning against them. In eplte of all efforts to build themselves up and accumulate they find the tide run ning the other way. They at once per chance think the 'fault must be In the mean, underhanded workings of a competing neighbor, and as an act of retaliation they begin to play the same game. Feeling guilty, they exaggerate every action of friend and foe until they become like Ishmael, with their hand against every man and every man's hand against them. A miser able life is the result. Why not keep a sweet, happy, disposition, instead of a sourt discontented one? Make those around you happy. Have a smile when you meet them, and encourag ing words instead of a perpetual growl. If any persons In this community are gloomy and morose through business cares, and hate everyone and every thing, let them try the experiment of feigning the opposite feeling and see what the result will be. West Bide. REJOINDER ON SPIRITS AX.IS9T. Ed. Express: Your last issue con tains an article signed "Fair Play," who attempted a reply to some ques tions of mine and also some strictures on spiritualism. The article in ques tion, however, is nothing but a flat de nial, and displays no force but temper. If he will read Dr. Henry Blade's "De fence of Spiritualism," he will find on page 36 of said book an open avowal of freelovefam, and entirely ignores the marriage relation. In December, 1SS3, Mr. Henry Bey bert left by will a large sum of money to the Btate University of Pennsylva nia to establish a chair of philosophy, aud made it on condition that a com mission of scientific men be appointed to investigate "modern spiritualism." This commission spent nearly all of the year 1SS4 in their investigations, and "Fair Play" can procure a copy by writing to said university. We make the following extracts from said re port: . - "It has no foundation on facts; its pretended revelations ara all in the dark or in a hidden state." "It is a delusion detrimental to morals and vir tue and subversive of those principles that underly the purity of society." Dr. Blade, Mrs. Patterson and Dr. Furaon were paid f 300 each to come before said commission and exhibit their revelations, and this was the re sult. Now we challenge "Fair Play" to make, or produce any medium that can make, in open daylight, on top of a table in open view, a written or oral communication from the spirits. Ouly God, who is the only being above nature, can perform a supernat ural act, that is, an act above a natural law. Bpirits are created beings, and as a part of nature are Bubject to nat ural law, and can do no supernatural act involving creative power. Chris tianity is evidenced by its influence on society, its divine character is proved by its fruits. Spiritualism is supremely disproved by its- evil effects on society, by Its want of candor, and by its want of open daylight above-table revela tion. More anon. F. M. P. ANSWER TO BKrPIIC. What right has "Skeptic" or anyone else to question the goodness of God when He is crowding His mercies and blessings on them, both temporal and spiritual, every day. The man who cannot look up and see the goodness of God every day is like the hog that eats acorns under the tree. First God as a creator and benefactor, certainly had a l -ght to require a test of love and obedience; He would neither be kind, good or iust without it. Second It- is presumption to say that man had not the ability to resist the temp tation, for herein lies the accountabil ity; an "ingrate father" is one who re quires an impossibility or makes an unreasonable demand. God eet life and death before them; the one prom ised on condition of love and obedi ence, the other the result of sin and disobedience. J. R. K. Questions. Here are some more questions which I ask Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick to an swer: Why did not God kill the devil and not allow him to tempt our first par ents? Why did not God make man so he would not sin? Skeptic. John Potts, with a small J and a large P, writes to a Mississippi editor to stop his paper for reasons which he thus explains: "i hev pade to mutch aredy and yu dont give us any funny eyetums yu ar awl the time riting up pollyticks en wot you no about polly ticks wouldn't fill a fleas year." Notloe. Having sold a half interest in my grocery business to Mr. Geo. Buhl, I desire to square up my books, and ask all those indebted to me to come forward and settle as soon as possible, aa I want to square up my books. T. C. Peebler. Fruit Trees. Call on A. R. Cyrus fc Co., agents for J. H. Settlemier's nursery, for all kinds of fruit and ornamental trees. Always Ready. If you will just take the precaution to keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy on hand you will al ways be ready to cure any form of bowel complaint. It is prepared es pecially for that purpose, ana is a sure cure. 25 cents per bottle. Sold by M. A. Miller. Cramping pains in the Stomach and Bowels, Cholera Morbus and Diarrhoea, are promptly, permanently and safely cured by using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Sold by M. A. Miller. Whoopfng cough is attended with but little danger when the cough is kept loose and expectoration easy by the free use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by M. A. Miller. CLrvx.o the Children. They are es S3VWy0 pjiy liable to sudden Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. We guarantee Acker's English Bemedy a positive core. It saves hours of anxious watching. Sold by J.. A. Beard, Druggist. CKAWFORDSVILLK. Crawfordsviixe, Rept. 17. i J. W. Gay fell and hurt his knee se verely last FrHday night. J. R. Wiseman, our blacksmith, la doing a rushing business. G. W.Pugh will have his store ready to move Into In a few days. Miss Ida Mu rphy of Monmouth Is visiting relatives near here. All hearts were made glad by the Shower of Saturday evening. A. J. Shanks was In town Saturday, lie is teaching at Sweet Home. Mies Belle Chanre opened her school to-day in the" Brush creek district. W. B. Chauce and Mark Seely left here last Thursday for the valley hunt ing work. David Mowery and family moved into one of Mr. Shackelford's houses last week. The rafters of the new mill were blown down by the wind last Satur day night J. F. Moses has been making some improvements in the way of new fences, etc. Our little town is very lively at the present time, everybody busy, and room for more. G. F. Elliot hs returned home from McMinnville, where he has been at work for some time. Some of the Indians that came in to pick hops have gone back Into the mountains to hunt awhile. Several families from near Halsey passed through here last Monday and Tuesday on their way to the soda springs. Married, on the 16th lust., at the residence of Mrs. Johnson, by Rev. R. Robe, Mr. Abraham Crisp and Miss Belle Johnson. Enos Whiled and family started last Tuesday for the hot springs on the McKenzie. Their little daughter has been paralyzed for the past year, and they are trying different mineral waters for her benefit. The Moyer Bros., of Brownsville, passed through here last Wednesday with an engine, which they are using on the river above here. They are hauling In logs off the bars, so the first raise in the river will take them on to Brownsville. Clark Baker and family and John Baker arrived here last Friday from Nebraska. They came to this country four years ago, but only remained a year and a half, after which they re turned to Nebraska, where they have been for the past two years. They say there is no place like Oregon. James W. Gay invited all of his neighbors of CO years of age and over to ccme in and eat water melons Twenty-one accepted the invitation, and at 2 o'clock Wednesday the party gathered at the residence of Mr. Gay, where they enjoyed themselves fur two hours or more. The amount of melons the paity devoured bore testimony of the quality of them. Mr. Gay prom ises to invite the young folks next year. "W rVv r ea. that are fretful, peevish. -JVU eroaB or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Babv Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. Price 5 cents. Sold by , J. A. Beard, Druggist. i e. r i it xj iw. J KW 13 It. Brownsville - - - Orsgon'. For Toilet Use. Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the hair soft and pliant, imparts to it the lustre and freshness of youth, causes It to grow luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures all scalp diseases, and is the most clean ly of all hair preparations. VYFR' 11411 v,f?r given me nil-II O perfect satisfaction. I was nearly bald for six years, during; which time I used many hair preparations, but without success. Indeed, what little hair I had was growing thinner, until I tried Ayer's Hair ViKor. I used two bottles of the Vigor, and my head is now well covered with a new growth ot hair. Judson B. Chapel, Peabody, Mass. U AID that has become weak, gray, lirliSl and faded, may have new life and color restored to ft by the use of Ayer'a Hair Vigor. My hair waa thin, faded, and dry, and fell out in large quantities. Ayer'a Hair Vigor stopped the falling, and restored my hair to its original color. As a dressing for the hair, this preparation has no equal. Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. VlfiflR yutn n beauty, in the appearance of the hair, may be preserved lor an indefinite period by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. A dis ease of the scalp caused my hair to be come harsh and dry, and to fall out freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do me any good until I commenced using Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three bottles of this preparation restored my hair to healthy condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it is also free from dandruff.'-Mrs. . R. Fobs, Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Bold by Drugciata u Psrfomers. Perfect Safety, prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, easily place Ayer's Fills at the head of the list of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail ments originating in a disordered Liver. I have been a great sufferer from Headache, and Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the only medicine that has ever given me relief. One dose of these Pills will quickly move my bowels, and free my head from pain. 'William L. Fag e, Richmond, Va. tf Ayer's Pills, . Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co-.IrweB, If aw. Sold by all Dealers In Medietas. Bargain List of Real Estate FOR SALE BY -A.. IZ. CYRUS Ac CO., Real Estate Agents, Lebanon, Linn County, Okeoon. Iiebanon Is a thriving town of about 600 inhabitants, pleasantly situated in the midst of the most favorable portion of Linn county and also of the Wil lamette valley. It is the terminus of the Lebanon branch of the O. & C. R R., 13 miles from Albany, overlooking the beautiful Albany prairie, and con trols the trade of a large section of country, both prairie and bill lands being tributary to It, giving a large va riety of products. Some of the finest fruit lands of the valley are near this pluce; there are also great facilities for manufacturing and stock raising. It is but 4 miles to the famous min eral springs at Sodaville, and 6 miles to Waterloo, where there is a maguifl Cent water power and also a mineral spring. Altogether, this is a most de sirable location for settlers. Linn county is finely situated for commerce, being crossed by two rail roads north and south and one east and and the Willamette river on the west. Look Over This List of Bargains and Come and Sea Us. We Will Treat You Well. 1,750. No. 88 174 acres, situated 7 miles from Leb anon. 50 sexes under cultivation, all uuder fence, and plenty llviner water: two-storv hoxZ house arid (rood larcre barn; aj acres good orcnara. lnis is a good stock farm, having iieuty of good outside range. $1,600. No. 101. 2130 acres S miles from ltbauon, 80 to 35 acres in cultivation, 40 acrts pasture one-story box. house, large barn 60x60 feet, orchard of 150 bearing fruit trees; fruit house and dryer: plenty of water; one nine toscnooi. icrms, ti.uou casn and balance tosuu purchaser. f5,0G0. No. 135. 23H acres, 4 miles from Lebunon, 115 acres Jn cultivation, 144 in pasture. Balance crusn ana pasture and some timber ; house, barn and 2 acres of or- cnai-d; tnter convenient. Terms, f 3,- oUO casii, balance one year. 52,150. No. 137 . 179 acres. 9 miles from Lebanon, 70 acres in cultivatior, o acres open land about 100 acres under fence; loe housi;, new frame barn, good spring near nouse, about iaJU iruit trees, terms, 1 1,250 cash, balance in one year. f3,500. No. 140 820 acres, 9 miles from Lebanon, 60 acres in cultivation, 160 acres under tenee; a good house, barn 80 reet lonsr and other outhouses. 5 acres orchard. Terms, f 1,000 cash, balance oue year t2,000. No. 148 60 acres of level land 3 miles from Lebanon on road to Sodaville, 30 acres In cultivation, 12. acres in grass; eood one-story house, small bam and young orcn ara. I er ma cas n . f 1.000. No. 147 160 acres, 12 miles southeast of Leb anon, 12 acres in cultivation. 14 acres in grass, balance timber and brush, 60 acres under fence; box house; two barns; fruit of ail kinds. Terms, cash K50. No. 152. 80 acres. 9 miles S. E. of Lebanon, 40 acres in cultivation, 30 acres pasture 10 acres of timber, all fenced, well watered; no building. 12,500. No. 157 100 acres, 33 miles from Lebanon on Lebanon wagon road, 40 aores in culti vation, 60 aires pasture; house, large barn ana out-buildings; watered by river ana nne springs; ocst oi ouwange. 51.400. No. 177 00 acres If mils from Sodaville, 20 acres improved, 100 uuder fence; good box house and double log barn; place is wen waierea. No. 182. n The St. Charles Hotel and barber shop in Lebanon. Pav f 45 per month rent. Furniture included. Lot 80x159 feet. 13,850. No. 192. 190 acres near Providence school house, 9 miles from Lebanon, all fenced, 145 acres in cultivation; box house, large barn, 5-acre orchard. immigrants, buy farms near Lebanon because the soil is good, prices low, lo cation pleasant and healthful, facilities for marketing produce unsurpassed variety of products unequaled. . From Lebanon, bv rail, to Portland. 02 miles; to Albany, 13 miles; to Ya quina bay, 95 miles. Hend stamp for descriptive pamphlet oi county, to A. R. CYRUS & CO., Who are also dealers in 1 Jt Tifr , iiS.VS.4 ' -AND- Best Grades of Sewing Machines AND SUPPLIES. r I r r. '"JU4;;j..La OREGOMR RAILWAY COMPAHY. (Limited Line.) CHAS. N. SCOTT. - Receiver. On and after Jan. 1. 188S. and until further no tice trains will run daily (except Sunday) aa fol ows : EA6T SIDE. Coburg- Mall Portl'd Uall. STATIONS. From Port land. Toward Port land. Lt 1.15 p. m. PORTLAND, P. AW. V Ar 6.00 Foot of Lincoln St Kay's Landing, Bt. Paul's. French Prairie, Folae, Woodburn, Townsend, McKm, Baron's M. Ansel. Dowtfs, SUverton, Johnson's Mill, Switzerland, East 81de Junction, Maclsay, Shaw, Atraisville, Wan Stay ton, Gravnl Pit, North Santlam, O. P. Crossing, Sclo June, West Bcio, Thorn ay Fork, Crabtroe, Sptcer Tallman, 1 owson, FlaJnview, Linn, Brownsville, Twin ButU, Rowland Price bo ro, WUklns. Ar4.00 M 08 4.18 4.S8 4b0 6.01 615 6 20 6.26 6.87 643 6.K - IS 6.17 6. S 647 7.00 7. IS 7.35 7.43 7.47 7.63 8 00 8.06 8 19 833 9.00 9 11 9 23 9.43 10.00 10.11 10.84 10.49 11.03 11.19 11.36 Lt 8 .18 Arr 8.08 2.68 2.42 230 2 20 2.07 2.02 1.57 1.60 1.41 1.30 1.14 1.10 I. 02 12.42 12.31 12.16 11 68 11 60 II. 47 11 40 11 35 11.81 11.18 11 04 10 40 10 30 10.18 9.68 9 42 920 ' 9.02 8 4S 8.32 8 IS 8.00 COBURO, Ar. r. x AR LV iLT. A. t Commutation Tickets at two cents per mile on saic ai stations naving Agents. Trains with Passengers. Freight and Express, ran separate irom rTcignc Frelcht train form Portland. Mondav. Wednes days and Thursdays. Towards Portland, Tues days, anorsaayaana tfaturaays. Connection at Rar's and Fnlauartx Landlnrs witn steamer "uty or ttaiem tor saietn Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays returning from Salem TuesdsTS, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting wita cxsi ana nest tnae passenger trains. if airi er "City of Salem makes transfer between Ray's and rnlqaaru Landings dally, Sundays excepted CHAS. N. SCOTT. Receiver. General Offices, f. W. Corner First and Pins BVs, i-oniano. uregon. 1888. 1889 Santiam Academy, LOCATED AT LEBIS05, LI5N C005TT, OREGON. CIIllTEXtED 1851. The Fall and Winter Term Commences September 34, 1888. TVtfton Love; Instruction Thorough; uouemment JaxuxUtonal. "We learn to do by doing," but ths soul of all doing is ths unseen mental doing. "Education is ths systematic process of training the human mind toward the pleasure-giving power of spontaneous, unseUlsh self-Improvement." PATRONAGE SOL1GITED. For particulars, apply to J. L. GILBERT. Principal. L. Cowan. J. M. Ralston BANK OF LEBANON Lebanon, Oregon, Transacts & General Banking Easiness. Accounts Kept Subject to Cheek. Ekbssi Sold on New York. Ban Fran cisco, Portland and Albany, Oregon. Celleetlvata Made t Favorable Terms. xsioonaa anx siooa lootps Pu sSma At Cost! Still G. W. SIMPSON, Having purchased the stock of Clothing, Gents Fur nishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., of C. B. Roland & Co. is now prepared to offer Better Bargains than . Ever ! Having a complete assortment of General Merchandise, bought at a big discount, which he still proposes to sell at cost; purchasers will do well to call and get his prices before buying elsewhere, as you can save from 25 to 30 per cent. The highest market price paid for country produce of all kinds, either, in cash or goods.. -. ' Tim We invite you to Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc. IVXiiHcjuite Grass and Tiiiiotliy Seed.. PURE GOODS & Hides. Furs and all kinds We Guarantee Fair Treatment to All. W. B. DON ACA & Co. Corner Brick Store, Main Street, Lebanon, Linn County, Or. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Oregon DeielopmeHt Co'i Steamship Line 225 SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME Than by any other Boots. - First Class Tfcroas;fc Fr.lcht Line From Portland and all Points In ths WOlamstta Valley to and from San Francisco, Cat. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIME SOHEDULE, (Except Sundays:) Lt. Albimt. lflO p. m. I Lt. Yaotrt, 645 a. m. LT. CoRT4t.tJS.140p. d. I LT.COSTSiLlilO SSa.BX. As. YQtrt!A 6 J30 p. m. I As. Axaairr, 1140 a. n. OtC Trains eounset at Albany and Corrallls. The above Trains connect atYaqolsa wftb the Ures on Development Ocmpeny's Line of Steamships between Yaqnlnaacd Ban Francisco. SAILINO paths; wrr-siss. From B. T. From Yaqcina. Wiliatsette VsUst I BepU 11 I Sept. 7 W 1 Harnett Valiey SgpV 5 Sept. 19 Tbl Otrrcf any remrres the rls;ht to chance SaU taf dates without notice. Passenger from Portland, and all Willamette V!l points, can make close connection wia the Train of the Yaquia Hoots at Albany ur Corral Us. and tf destined to San Francisco, shoald arrarre to arrive at Yaqoina ths crsnlcf before ths date of Bailie. Passenger and Freight Ttsttes ALWAYS THE LOWEST. FOR INFORMATION APPLY TO C H HAS WELL, Gen'! Pr't A Pan Aft. Ore con Development Co., S 4 Monta-orrery St., San Francisco. Cal'a. C C HOGL'E, A-t c Gen 1 F. A P. At"t. O. P. R. R. R. Co.. Corrallls. Oregon. to the Front! ) Mite come and look through our Mam- moth fetock 01 FULL - WEIGHTS of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. BEARD & YATES, Druggist and Apothecary, DEALER IK Drugs -:- and -:- Medicines -.spaints, Oils and Glass.- Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc. PERFUMERY And Fancy Toilet Articles. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Main &reei Lebanon, Oregon. SWAN SUCCESSORS TO G. W. SMITH, -DEALER IN- ST0YES asd TIIWAEE, IRON PUMPS, ETC. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware EAVE SPOUT, ETC. All Kinds of Repairing clone on . short notice. THE WOVEN WIRE BED. THE STOVER Improved 1 X i ne uesi is always the cheapest. We are also prepared sa.ys'H'i isms ii l-nsj any machrne from a butter worker to a steam niilL We keep on hand all Xlo"vr Mowers, Ueapers, Ilarrowa, Cultivators, Pnlverizers, RaJkes Wagons Uug-jjies. And the celebrated Sherwood Steel Harness. ome and see us; we will make you happy G. W. CRUSON, Lebanon, Or. J IS OUR MOTTO. BROS. The most powerful easiest and lightest run ning mill made. &rcf r to furnish on short notice staple implements, suee