JOB PRINTING. (TOVtri KtKKT TR1DHV ) H "IL Y. KlHKPATttICK . Publishers Job Pfictics: Does en stcrt Kstice. TKEMfi OF SUrlSCRlPNON. Ou Vaar t3 00 Bi Munuis. ....... 1 ' Tbroa Month ..... t lsW in advanoa.1 J-JDJ Legal Blanks, Business Cards, Letter Beads, Bill Heads, Circulars. Fosters, Etc. Executed in good '.! an at kjwoat V.rtng prices. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. ILIUAI) Cm riim. Brut tniwrtton tj JJ Km aUdi. tonal roaertloo . I W (L.HAL.) Local N otters, per l!n ' RcKtilar aiivaitisemenw Inwrlrd ntwn ItWral trnrta. "VOL. II. LEBANON, OREGON, 'FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1888. NO. 21?. E BANON - hj P R ESS SOCIETY NOTICES, USSASmv LitlMlk. NO. 44. A. F. t A. M : Mw at naw hull In Mamic Block, op Sat urtlsj vuUic, on or before th full mwn. J WASSOJt. W. ft. TJCBAN'ON LODOK. NO. 47, I. O. O. F.: MW Sat urday avantnz of aa:h m.k, at Odd K. llw a IU11. Main (tract: vlaitinf Vrathreo contiilly tnrltad a attood. J. J. CHAKLToS, H. O. HONOR LOIXIK NO. SS, A O. IT. V., t,-baom othpht. Meet avwy ftrrt and thin! ThutwlB even lg in the month. F. H. RoSOOK. M.V. A. R. CYRU8 & CO., Real Estate, Insurance & Loan Agent. aeneralCoUeettoa and Notary Pnbllr Business Promptly Attended to. M. N. KECK. DESICNER AND SCULPtT.OR. Manufactorer of Honnsnents and Headatonea, AND ALL KIXDS OF fKMETEBY WORK FIXB MOXTCM ENT8 A SPECIALTY. Opp Rere Houas. ALBANY, ORF.OOS. SAW SEILL FOR SALE. A Double Circular Water Power Saw Mill, Near Lebanon, Or. Capacity about 500i feet psr day. Also, 41 acres of land on which the sawmill is located. -iraoE, $2,000 Also ave a large stock of FIRST QUALITY LUMBER At lowest market tates tor cash. . W. WHREIER, Lebanon. Or. WINTER Artistic Photographer, BROWNSVILLE, OR. Enlarging from Small Pictures. In stautaneous Process. WORK WARRANTED. G. T. COTTON, DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, CONFECTIONERY. aeenaware and tlHMwar, JLanaps and Lamp Fixtures. Main KM., Lbun, Oregon. ST. JOHN'S HOTEL Sweethome. Oregon, JOHN T. DAVIS, Proprietor Ths table is supplio with the very best the market afford. Nice clean beds, and satisraotion guaranteed to all guests. In connection with the above house JOII DOXACA Keep a Feed and Sale Stable, and will accommodate tourists and travelers with teams, guides and outfits. . BURKHART .& BILYEU, . Proprietors of the Llveir, Sale anil Feett Stables LEB&SOX, OR. Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman. Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har ness and GOOD RELIABLE HORSES For parties going to Brownsville, Wra terloo, Sweet Home, Scio, and all parts of Linn County. All kinds of Teaming DO WE AT REASONABLE RATES. .'kf .- irUTlKHART & BILYEU. ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. A Maryland widow named Hallets et a bear-trap at her s nuke-house loor, and the futt catch was a man, vho was courting her. He - had packed up one hundred pounds of tncon to carry off. A little colored girl in Albany, Ga., is gradually turniug white, the skin of her face and aims being now hardU listingnishHhle in lino from that of a Oaucasian child. Her hair, too, which as jet black, hss Income while. D.nbury, Coun., thinks it ha? oiuething valuable in the Indian ar ivw and spear-head qiMrry recently lieeevered near there. Over one hun ''red heads in perfect preservation mve Ixen found, and apparently here are hundreds more. Geo. F. Knapp, of South Bridgtou, .Me., is bragging considerably about ais two-year-old heifer. The htifet ought to be proud,' any way, for the ther day she became the mother of 'lme nice c-lvcs two red outs and me white all of good size, and V ai ales. There is a "wonderful brown and golden bird in Mexico, a spech s of the ee martin, that is a remarkably ex .ert bee catcher. He has a way of milling up the feathers on top of his nead, so that nis crest liKks ex-ictb-!ike a beautiful flower. When a bee nmti along to sip he ney from this leltisive bh.8om it is snapped up and devoured. A New York business man has a novel method ef refreshing bis mem ory. Wheu he has someih'ng im oortsnt to attend to the next day, he vrites himself a postal-curd, reminding iiim of the matter, and, rinding the ard among the mail the next morn ing, attends to it the Ert thing. A man of Grant County, Wiscon--in, drained off his fith-pond thet ther 'ay, and in the bottom he found foui silver 'watches and chains and a large uumber of tilver spoons, knives aud forks: It is supposed that a burglar, rinding himself closely pursued, threw the plunder in the pond to get rid of it. Queeu Victoria has now reigned over England longer than any mon arch but two Henry III. and Georg III. She overtook Quetn Elizabeth ;-ix years ago, and has outdone Edward III., who only reigned 148 days ovtr naif a century. If she lives a few years longer Victoria will have reigned longer than any li.yal per&onxge in history. . M id. Victoria, who over the continent as woman in the world," is known all the strongest and' is some- timeB spoken of as the ieniale Her- cules," is of medium height, with a eirtiuri r; off-fii. niur xrwl not.hint' . - - --r- B herculean-looking alout her. Yet; -he readily lifts one-thousard- pounds. Her strergh is wholly the result of athletic tiaining tince youth. She lives on very phiin food. John Leontirdy was fishing with a sein in the river at Matauzas, Fla., a few days ago, when an enormous saw hh rn into the net. The fish etiug skd fiercely, and cut the net up badly, but on'y eueceeded in entangling it stlf in the ineehes more securely, and was finally captured. It was meas ured and found to be 13 feet and 1 inch iu length. Some of the greatest men the world ever saw were superstitious. Napo leon Bonaparte was a believer in omens ; the -great Duke of Welling ton would not offer bat'le on any day that he met or saw a yellow dog cross his path ; Hannibal used to get out ot his camp-bed backward eo as to insure good luck for the day, and Frederick the Great, carried a rabbit's foot to guard against evil. A curiosity in Norwich, Conn., is a oiie-legged English sparrow which has a nef-t on the crown ot a column in i lie front porch of 4he City Hall. He isn't worth much at building a nest, but he can help a little about hutching and making himself generally useful on one leg. His mate had to build the nest unassisted, but he furni hed hi r with lively advice, and she seems to think as much of him as th.ugh he had two legs. The old-st merchtnt vessel, with one exception, now in service, is the schooner Good Intent. She was built by Clapp fc Lorine, in Brain tree. M assachusetts, in lot J, and was originally a slop, with tquare stern and no figurehead ; her length, 48 feet ; her breadth, 16 feet; her depth, 4i feet, and her measuse, 29 tons. The home port of the Gfiod Intent, accord irg t the list of 1SS6; was Camden, Me. A prominent engineer says tnat n will be noticed that most boiler explo sions come, like black coffee, right after dinner. The reason for this, as he explains it, is that the water in the boilers is in perfect readiness to become steam, and would be such but for the pressure of the actual steam on top of it. When the dinner hour is over and the men and machines begin to work again, the valves are quickly opened. the steam rushes out, and the water suddenly becomes steam. As steam has 1,700 times the expansion of water the effeat is an explosion. , . PACIFIC COAST HEWS. NEW BORAX MINE FOUND. The Sealing: Fleet. Striking- Seamen. . Lighthouse Contract.. I mini, ft-rat ton Hoard 1'nitiplilet. THE LICHT HOUSE CONTRACTS. Tht Sealing t'le-rt. The sealing schooner Triumph, Capt. lan McLean, his arrived at Victoria, B. C, with 2,5tK) Kkina as the season's catch. The little vessel looks trim and neat after her cruise aud made th? trip down in fifteen days, clost-retfed all the way. The Triumph left Victoria on May 5, but did not sail from the west const uutil the 24th of May, owing to difficulty in secur ing Indian hunters. The hunters comprised eleven Ind'.ans and two whites, and one of the latter secure! 550 seals of the total catch. Oil Queen Charlotte islands CG7 seals were taken. The weather was very severe during the wlulu time in Behring sea nud on August 5 the worst gale ever known occurred there. It was during this storm that the whaling vet-sels were lost. Several schooners were, spoken he fore and after going into the sea. The Mary Ellen on August 2J had 1,U0 seals. While out hunting an Indian was accidentally killed ly the hunter in the boat. The lat'er laid his rifle :cros the th waits, aud it suddenly disch.irgt d, the shot entering the In dian's sjdt. He died two hours after wards and his body was pieserved in alt and lauded at hi home at Aelia let. The Maggie Mac on August 7 had 647 skins, and the Favourite on July 25 had CG4 skins. An Indian died on this vessel from bl.tck men sles. The Americau schooner Annie, of San Francif-co, on "the 23ih ( f July nad 700 skins. The. Viva, on the 25th of June, just entering the sea, had a catch of 400. Her coast catch wa- 750 eking. It is thought that the schooners will all have fair catches this year. O.hers of the fleet aie ex pected to arrive dady. Striking- Benraen. Coasting seamen are on the verge of inaugurating another strike, and freights are going down. Seamen are demanding 50 for the voyage from Port Townsend to Sau Francisco. The schooner Wm. Benton, lumber-laden for Brisbane, is in trouble with the union seamen. The crew was slupped in San Francisco for the round voyage to Australia at 1-5 er month. The union agent threatens bloodshed un less the men are paid $5, more per month. The revenue cutter is guard ing the vessel and will probably ac company her to sea. I.lKhtlionse Centracli Awarded. The secretary of the treasury has awarded the contracts for the con struction of a lighthouse at Cajn Meares. Oregon, as follows : Erection .f tower to C. B. Buhrkocp. Seattle, W. T., f 2,900; met d-work of tower to Willamette Iron Woiks, Portland, Oiegon. 7,800 ; erection of keeper' dwelling rid 1 1. h ue to Robert Sea man, Seattle, f 20,000. Pnlllna" Knag.. The government snag bo it Willam ette, has leen at work pulling snags In-tween St. Johns and the Portland Flouring Mills. The work is none tx icon and was weeded badly enough. Let them trot out the dredge aud then fend the eld su-.ig boat into service i long the upper Willamette next.. '' Pennies and I'oatof f Ice.. Pensions have been granted as fol lows : Washington Territory Origi invalid, Ira A. Dotv, H-K-kford; '.crease, Watson Silencer, Seattle Daniel C. Rfise, Mount Vernon, Ore gon Increase, Alexander Uurtliwicfc, Portland. Elijah McCalmond has been ai pointed postmaster at New Dungenecs, at Clallam county, alynguu tciri- tory. A new rfli -e has been eslab- lit-hed at Johnson, In man county, with Eli2.ibeth . Cooper as post master. - Tbe Horax mine. Certain comniercUI circles at San Francisco are much interested in the recent discovery of borax in the Bay .f Lomrr ranch, Curry county, Or. T he steamer Jfewebov anchored in the Bay of Lomar ranch and discharge 1 cargo and took on board the first ship ment of borate of lime. 1 his borate of lime is suncrior in quality to any hitherto discovered, according to the analysis of Prof. Price. The deposit is volcanic, the borate occurring in boulders varying in size up to 2,0tK) iHiunds weight, imbedded iu volcanic mud. The area of the deposit has been determined to be halt a mile in length and 200 yards in width and thirty feet in depth. The discovery is considered if importance to the commercial world, for the mine is so close to the coast that a shell can be thrown from it into the water, so that the expen sive item of land carriage, which has handicapped the borax industry of California and Nevada, as well as oi Italy, Asia Minor, Chili and Thibet, io longer stands in the way. Vessels drawing three fathoms, of water can go within three hundred yards of low water mark. -The bay, which forms a portion of a ranch of 1,200 acres, is half a mile In width, with good anchorage, and is protected both from the northwest and southwest. A townsite will be laid out and a wharf built, and min ing operations vigorously proceeded with at once. JL New Pump. A new pump lor high, service has been shipped from .Lockport, New York, for the Portland Water Works. The foundations for- it nra all pre pared in the engine house at the Lin- coln slret t tf servoir. Ii has a capa city for a million and a half gdlons per day, and will lilt the water 32a feet aliove the bae of city grade'. which is 55 feet higher than the pres ent high service resrvoir. For the present the high service, will be kept up by direct pressure during the day, ana water win tie pumpeu into the reservoir at night. - I here are numerous demands! for extension of the water service, aud as soon as pipe can be had the laying oi eighteen miW of new nmiua will be begun. The city is extending in all direc tions, and water is demanded at the north end on the heights and at the south end. Next summarthe c'-ty will use 10,000,000 gallons per day, and it will tax the pumps at the woiks to their utmost capacity to furnish the npply. The cost of fuel alone next year will amount to $35,000. There will be no pump in reserve as there should lie, and if any accident should hupiK.ii, the water supply would run short. A Collision Avoided. Tne Umatilla "arrived at Victoria, B. C, from Sau Francisco aa-J reports hat while steaming t-lowly through r fog 100 miles from San Francisco, a steamer's whistle was heard. The Umitilla whistled the unseen steamer to pass to the starboard, but no notice appeared to be taken by the other vessvl, and in a few minutes she crossed the bows of the Umatilla. The distance between the vtssels was less than fifty feet. An accident was avoided by the captain of the Uma- t'lla r versing the engines when the whistle w is first heard. The Uma tilla st -pped, and the capt -tin did everything to save the vessel. The vessel was the steam schooner Green wtoJ.of San Francisco. Prospecting- for' Rlark. t'od. H. HelJensoii spent four weeks on Queen Chailotte islands prospecting and trading, and exploring for black cod banks. He succeeded in taking live or six barrels of black cod, the finest fish in the Pacific, in two days. The weather wai very rough, and tbe fishing was -done in a cuntie, in 250 f. it boms of water. The cod were lo cated without difficulty, and fish found to he Tery plentiful. Heldeu son is of tbe opinion that a good bus iness can be doue in deep sea fishing. Iilitlngnlahrd Japanese. - Yohiiomi Hirasa and Nobuquosh Oi, natVes of Japtn, on their way to Tokio, arrived At San Francisco from the East. Mr. Hirasa is a high of ficial in the imperial bureau of agri culture and commerce at Tokio, and was educated at an Eugh h college. Fourteen mouths ago he obtained leave from the Japanese government and made a second visit to Europe. Mr. Oi is a wealthy resident of Tokio, aud has bten in England for tbe purpose of obtaining machinery for the establishment of a cotton mill in the city of Tkio. The mill will have 30,000 sphidles if the enter prise proves successful. Descriptive Pamphlet. The Oregon board of immigration i issuing 50,000 copies of a pam phlet entitled, " Phe New Empire; Oregon, Washington and Idaho." It will contain descriptive nialter of the state and two territoiitts, and will be enclosed iu a lithographed cover. The cover will contaiu a pastoral scene on the first page, a general view of Port land from Portland Heights, on th last p:gt aud views of the High school and St irr block on the inside TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. from Washington. The Hous" conference report on the fortifications appropriation bill has been adopted. The bill authorizing the postmaster- general to purchase improved Mare locks and keys ba-t beeu passed' by the House. Train Collision. A freight train heavily laden dashed at full speed into a circus train, which was standing at Corwin station, Ohio. The cabo we and rear of circm train was split in two, and four sleejtcrs ahead were telescoped. rour meu were killed and eighteen were wounded, and of these all weie canvass meu, ex cept Andy Smith, who was a contor tionist. Smith is mortally wounded, aud the injuries to the other seventee wounded are trilling. Seven Colored Men Killed. A fearful batllo between whiUs and blacks took place at Hilliardsvi':le Ala., in which seven colored men were killed. The trouble grow out of the fact that a while man refused to al low his well to be longer used by a crowd of camp-meeting negroes. One of the negroes expressed a determina tion to have some of the water, and the white man drew a pistol and shot him in the neck. that night a gang ot negroes visited the house and dared the white man to come out, but he re fused to do bo, and after shooting holes in his windows and doors they left. The next night a gang:, presumably friends of the white mail, vuiled the negro camp and left several dead bod ies as a reminder to other members ol the camp-meeting crowd. ..The Sprinter Record Itroken. Schifferstern, the California amateur sprinter, broke the 100-yard record 1-5 of a second, at St. Louis, Mo., his time being 9 4-5 seconds. He de feated Joe Murp"by, the local chain pion, with a record of 10$, three yards. An Aged Kleptomaniac. ' John Kaufman, aged about sixty years, was found dead at Brazil, Ind., having died of a brain disorder. He was an eccentric character, and had an uncontrollable mania for stealing women's shoes, though ha was never acei sa l of stealing anything else. . tew years ago be was arretted and forty or fifty pairs of women's shoes and slippers were recovered. He had buried them ou the commons, near a blast furnace. Over t-itty pairs of women's shots ahd shpiw.-rs were found in bi-j hut. He a veteiau of the Mexwaa and civil wars aud will bs buried with mililaty honors. Oregon Cereal 1-Jshlblt. The Oregon cereal exhibit at the national encampment of the G. A. It., at Columbus, Ohio, in charge of Col. O. E. Duixiis of Portland, is now in pbice iu a room on the third tl tor of the First National bank budding. Thirteen llttildlngs It ur !. A fire broke out iu a .lore at Uath- argus, N. Y.f which destroyed thirteen building-. The loss is large. Oeath of the oldest f.radnate of Ural Point. Col. E Iward G. Butler, the oldest graduate of West Poirt, died at St. IxjtiU. He was born in Tennessee iu 1790 and admitted to West Point in 1816. He served under Uen. Taylor in the Mexican war. National Hlfle Association. There was a large attendance at the opening of the animal prize shooting of the National R:(lj Association at Creedmore. The Wimbledon cup was wou by W. M. Merrill of M iss u hu setts hy a score of 134 with thirtv shots at 1,000 yards. Express Train Held I p. The west-b und express train was stopjved by three niAsk-nl men at Parkers, A. T. They did uot get any ibir g. A reward of $1,500 is ifft-red for their capture, and Wells, Fargo will increase the amount. Kale of an Opera House. The sale of the Grand Ot-ra House by tbe heirs of the Davids jn estate l LottV Crabtree, the actress, was completed at St. Paul. The price paid was $ I jO.OOO. Tlnrdered for !tIoner. Miss Ada Flynn, a handome and accomplished young lady, was mysteriously murdered in her home near Glasgow, Pi., during the absence of the rest of the fa mil v. It U sup posed the deed is that of a rol ber. Jewelry Last. Mrs. Fierrepont M gan, of New York, and friends, while out among ilia Thousand islands, were thrown into the water by the capsizing of theii bout. Sirs. Morgan lost jewtlry valued at $15,000. PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. Chang Yen Hoon, Chinese Minis ter at Washington, is famous at home for his possession of a magnificent pal ace and extensive gardens, filled with rare plants. Bismarck took sixteen drinks, of whisky while making his recent great speech.. Beaconsficl-1 used to drink a bottle or two of champagne before an important oratorical effort. rrot W. R. Brooks, of Phelps, N. Y.. the astrouomer who makes a study of the son-spots a specialty, has been elected a fellow of the Royal Astro nomical Society of England in recogni tion of his astronomical discoveries. Charles Stewart Parnell stands six feet high in .his stockings, and is as straight as his maternal grandfather, the famous Admiral Charles Stewart "Old Ironsides." He is, according to his latest interviewer, in the full enjoy ment of good health. A noted physician requires Ids shoemaker to keep a pair of shoes made in advance. As soon us one pair is de livered another is put in process of manufacture so that the doctor may have them when he is ready for them. He is impatient of delay. Horace Bushnell Patton, who is a graduate of Amherst College, has re cently achieved a great honor In being made Associate Profe.isor of Mineral ogy at the University of Heidelberg. He is a son of the president of Howard University in Washington. It is said that, notwithstanding his enormous wealth, Mackay is haunted with the fear of the poorhouse. Mean time Mrs. Mackay makes merry in London and Paris, and does not appear to entertain any horrid dreams of possiblo poverty in the near future. Mrs. Eliza Garfield was the only woman who ever saw her son inaugu rated President of the United States. Washington's mother was living in Fredericksburg, Va., when the Father of his Country was inaugurated, but she did not witness the ceremony, which took place in ifew York. A. Bronson Alcott was in his early years a sort of transcendental Anar chist, opposed to government. Taxes he especially disbelieved in and for .a time persistently refused to pay any. He was once imprisoned for non-payment of taxes, and owed his release to Mr. Samuel Hoar, father of the present Senator, who paid them for him. It is told of the Mayor of Hannibal that he whipped out his red bandana the other day and blew a terrible blast . whereupon an unhitched horse, terrified at the great -noise, dashed down the street, ran against an electric light tower one hundred feet high, toppling it to the ground, and then into a coal wagon, from which it was rescued un harmed. Mazzantinl, the noted Spanish bull fighter, now in Mexico, is a man of fine education, having been graduated with honors a few years ago from a college in Rome. He was for a time the private secretary of one of the con fidential advisers of King Amadous of Spain. He is a first-class telegraph operator, who was successful as a rail road man, is a good singer, and has no rival as the best bull fighter in the world and yet ha is only twenty-eight va.ra aid.. - AGRICULTURAL. Dkotki to this iNTKitbSTsor Farmers and Stockmen. A man near B ingor, Me., trying the experiment of grafting pple twigs ihtQ a pine tree, lie wants to raise piueappl s. Florida promises to become a large producer of opium. Sixteen plants will produce an ouiife, and an acre of toppi8 will yield $1,000 worth of opium. The whole value of fences in the United Stales may be set down at $2.(H)0,OIA000, and its costs $100,000,- 0(X) annually to keep them iu repair. Crit radishes are thr-se that grow rapidly. They should have rich, (inr soil, free from stones or gravel, and f he rows should be kept clean. Use Ihem at any time after they have be come large enough, for. the lofTger l liey sliall remain in the ground the h-ss desirable, will they be, as they neeonie tough w:tu age. To prevent birds, mice or squirrtl from pulling up seed corn uutil it sliJill have become warm ; then stir in little pine tar until every grain shall I coau 1. Now mix pl.isier, ashes or fine earth to dry off the corn. It will thus lie in a condition to be pUnted by machine or baud. It i cliimed thtt the presence of the castor od br.nn il.tnts around the House will -pn vent mosquitoes from ecoming very numerous. As the plant m.ikas a beautiful ornament i. Wuiild not be out of place, and might therefore lie given a trid with advan tage. It is doubtful, however, it there be any plants that, will keep away the pests. t According to an English authority, lie world consumes annually 650RJO pound of cofTe, which, at an aver s'ge price of $401), represents a value of 2"i,rt),000. Jamaica grows tht tes: c fine j next in order come Cey 1 hi and East India, Java, Brazil, Costa It'ca anil the other Ceutral Americau SUUs. Java pro luces the largest crop. The American Cultivator recom-inend-i a mixture of hydraulic cement Mid skim-milk for painting farn buildings and fences. The cement is I laced in a bucket, and sweet ?kim- nilk stirred in until the mixture is oi i h" consistency of cream. The pro portious are about or.e quart of tern ' nt to a gUon of milk. Color may t-e adJed if desired. This paint is cheap and durable. The Massachusetts Ploughman says the reason that so many raspberry and laikierry fields get full of grass "is be ta use they are neglected during Aa c,ut and September, and, in fact, dur ing the whole autumn, so when spring "pens I lie grass has full possession; but even when thus neglected, if the ainu r will commence hoeing as soon the frost leaves the ground, it is uot i very ddlL-uH j b to clear out all ol tbe grass. ".- As a pasture forTcows no pl-nt jieMe swetter, richer herbage than whi'e clover. Though ib? hbit of growth is very el se to the yield nioie pasture than would bt !-upiosed'. If not allowed to blossom long enough for seed to-form, the new tiei tinge springs up quickly after crop ping. Its roots are near. the surface, an 1 arf easily reached by. light rains. i'Ut ow ing to their spreuding habit the toots are not injured by cattle tramps ingover .hem, as are those of red clover. That the plantain is a nuisance i rertiiin, but it is scarcely unmitigateo t xcepl in the sense that wlleie it hits once g lined poBession it can never be entiiely eradicates!. Tbe common plantain has al lit two-thirds" the feeding value of common hay, rank ing higher than most other 'weeds in this reect. Cattle will eat in pas tureorinbay without - being starved lo it, ms they have to be with the daisy. The large, vigorous plantain', that grow in rich ground, seem to be eaten nlcie greedily by cows than the puny specimens dwarfed by poverty of soil. Fur too few Lima be ins are grown. In their dried state they are suj-erior for cooking, and would be more largely Used for lhat purpose, did not their usual high price prevent. The Lima tean nquiies poling, but it is unneces sary to iimke the pedes longer than six foot out of the ground. When the vine get to this height, stop its growth and turn all its strength into triiitfiUlntss. When raised on a very large i-c. lo the Limasare grown come tiints without pubs, the vines trailing on the ground. 1 bis is a slovenly practice, but. a good many beans may be thus cheaply grown. -A sass'ety paper ih-scriues "nil old maid' pctiio whero no men were al lowed.'' Weren't "allowed?" By all the shoulder blades and clbo'.v. in Jtftis land, you couldn'tjhavc ltrcd them to at tend sneb a p cnic. Now, bad it been a ii'tru; maids' p'erjle . where no men .ere albiwed but psliaw. what a waste of time to talk about something that never happened! Burdctle. Where did you get that beaut'ful rolor, Cc;'1t, dear?" was the greeting of Iter friend as sh dropped n for a morning call. WhyT don't you'know? I've jnst come home from tin: sea:de. It wa del:g!itful." -Seaside? Why. yon must lorget, You said yon were going to the mountains." "Did I? O, well, it was the'mountams, after all. I eo so much I get confusod. you. know, loar." N. B. The color was the re sult of d two weeks' course of backyard unlaths. Uoxlon Bulletin. Edith Thomas, the poef, is very generous in distributing her poetic favors among her friends, writing to them directly, and without thought of publication', some of her choicest lines. They contemplate gathering up some of these waLfa and haying tksm pub liflhed, ' MARKET REPORT. IIemabi.e Quotations j: YitjfcD Evert Vi'fjjk. WHEAT -MW, $1 303fl 31 Walla Walla, $1 20 I 22 BARLEY Whole," ?1 10f 121 ground, per km, '"i25 "0027 50. ' OATS Milling, S6(?38c. ; feed, 4-J HAY Baled, $K't13. SEED Blue Grass, 14.alfx:. ; Tim othy, 9J10c; Red Clover, li15c. FLOUR Patent Roller, - $4 00; Country Brand, $3 75. EGGS Per dozt23 JC. BUTTER Fancy roll,' per pound 25c.; pickled, 20 25c; initri. grade, 15ii2aj. - CHEESE Eastern, 1620c; Ore gon, 14 lGc; California, 14ic. ' VEGETABLES Beets,' per sack f I 50 ; cabbage, tier lb., 2 jc ; carrots pertk.,$l 25; Jetlrjce, j-r doz. 0c, ouioi.h, 1 CO; potatoes, per 100 11. 40S5GV.; radishes, per doz., 1520c: rhubarb, per lb., Ge. HONEY In comb, per IK, 18c. -trained, 5 gaL tins, per lb. 8Jc. POULTRY Chickens, per doz. $4 00(3,0 00; duck, per doz., $6 00(3 7 00; geese, $G 008 00; turkeys per lb., 12 Je. PROVISIONS Oregon haws, 12 per lb.; Eastern, I3134c.; Easten breakfast bacon, 12 Jv. per lb. ; Oregoi. 10l2c; Eastern lard, lCHic. pe Ib.J Oregon, 10c GREEN FRUITS Apples, $ fjfj 85c; Sicily lemons. $6 00g,6 5 California, $3 505 00 ; Nivalorange 6 00; Riverside, $4 00; Mediterr nean", $4 25. DRIED FRUITS Sun dried ap pies, 7 Jo. per lb. ; machine dried, 10(3 lie; pit less plums, 13c,; lUliai prunes, I014c; peaches, 12il4c: raisins, $2 40ti2 50. ; WOOL Valley, I718c; Eastern yregon. lac HIDES Dry beef bides, 8(310.:.; culls, 67; kip and calf, 8(4l0c; Murrain, 10 (3,12c; tallow, 3(g3e. LUMBER Rough, per M, $10 00: edged, per M, $12 00; T. and G sheathing, per M, $13 00 ; No. 2 floor ing. per M, 118 00; No. 2 ceiling, pei M,$18 00; No. 2 rustic, per M, $13 00, clear rough, per M, $20 00 ; clear P. 4 S, per M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, pet M, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M f 22 60; No. 1 rustic, per M, $22 50: stepping, per it, $25 00; over 12 inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40 to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60 xtra, $4 00; 14, lath, per M, $2 25: 14 lath, per M, $2 50. BEANS Quote small whites, $4 50; pinks, $3; bayo, $3; butter, $4 oO; Limas, $4 50 per cental. COFFEE Quote Salvador, 17c; Coeta Rica, 1820c ; Ri IS 20c. ; Java, 27 Jc. ; Arbuckle's's roasted, 22c. MEAT Beef, wholesale, 2J$c: dressed, 60. ; sheep, 3o ; dre-sed, 6c. ; hogs, dressed, 89c; veal, 5 7c. SALT Liverpool grades ot fine quoted $18, f 19 and if 20 for tbe Hire sizes; stock salt, $10. PICKLES Kegs quoted steady ai $1 35. SUGAR Prices for barrels; Goldei C,6Jc. ; extra C, 6. ; dry granulated, 7c; crushed, fiae crushed, cube am. lowdered, 7o. ; extra C, 6c.; halve and boxes, c higher. for i ie t-oii veaieuce ot houso keepors a s.vd or flatiron has been in vented which makes use of the princi ple of expansion of metals by heat to ring a small bell when the iron is hot enough to iron clothes with. Deer are seen nearly every day-in the vicinity of Bangor. Me., and seem to be gaining confidence in man. A fine specimen was seen grazing in a pasture a few days ago by a man driv ing past, and the animal did not leave at his approach. Expert riders say there is really no "lady's horse." as any good bore is as much suited to a skillful female rider as to a man. Certain 'kinds of horses are best .suited to certain kinds of riders, men or women, that is all. A gastronomic novelty at a recent dinner given by a member of a hunting club was a young fox standing among high grasses. The fox was formed of turkey boned and jellies, the shading of the animal being done by the darker meat, and the high grasses were com posed of the .different kinds of salads. A Pittsburgh man said that a cer tain woman was "sourer than vinegar, and it cost him two hundred and fifty dollars to settle the case. The widow didn't feel hurt at all. but she said she'd be doggoned if she could have English as she is spoke abused after that fashion. In England there Is just space enough between the edge of the rail road station platform and the foot boards of the passenger cars to let an unwary traveler fall between and be ground to pieces by the moving train. An accident or two has happened, and an agitation has bejmn in favor of re form in either the fewtboards or the platforms. "In America," the reform ers urge, "such an accident could not hanoen." . A careless . or kw -iiker should never be tolerated on the "flairy farm. While the cow relaxes toe muscles of her uddef to "give down" the milk, the bag should be relieved as rapidly a-e possible. If the milking is prolonged the cow will hold up her, milk, simply because she istired of tbe otlier posi tion. Some of the milk will not then be secured, and remaining in the ud- der, will have its wejl understood ef fect of making the ccw go dry. A cow always milked rapidly will give more and maintain the milk flow longer than if subjected to. the op posite treatment. RUSSIAN DESPOTISM. Oaorg-o Kaiau Explavtns Why Bosstaos Do Not Kmla-rmt. I have been asked many times by friends in America why intelligent and liberty-loving Russians do not get out of such a country. Many answers might tje given to this question, but perhaps the most comprehensive and cogent of them will be found in Sec tions S 25-5 23 of the Russian penal code, which are as follows; , Section 325. Whoever leaves the fatherland and enters the service of a foreign Government without permis sion of his own Government, or be comes a subject of a foreign power, such person, . for violation of h!s al legiance and his oath shall be deprived of all civil rights and expelled from the limits of the empire forever. If he returns, he shall be exiled to Si beria for life. - Secttom "S2& Whoever leaves the fatherland and does not return at the summons of the Government shall for this disobedience be deprived of all civil rights, and expelled from the lim its of the empire forever unless, with-' in a period to be fixed at the discre tion of a court, he shows that his dis obedience was due to eanses which were beyond his control, or which mit igate his guilt. Until he shall make such proof, he shall be regarded as 1 missing, and his property shall be con trolled by the bureau of guardianship. - Section 327. Any person who, with out permission of the Government and without adequate reason, lives abroad beyond the period fixed by law -for per sons of his station shall also be regard ed as missing (literally, "absent with out news,") and bis property shall bs taken in charge by the bureau pi guar dianship. , . Section 828- Any person who per suades a subject of the empire to emi- . grate to another country shall be pun ished with penal servitude in a con vict company for not less than twelve nor more than eighteen months, or be banished to Siberia for life. Under one cf the above-quoted sec tions (826) Turgenief, while living in Paris in 18C3, was summoned to St. Fstersbarg to answer before the Di recting Senate for something that bt had writ-ten or said. One can see from his letters to a friend, P. T. Annenkoff, how humiliating and , exasperating obedience was to him, bnt he obeyed. The Government does not recognize the right ef its subjects to go abroad or to live abroad without its permis sion; and if, therefore, a Russian takes refuge from oppressioa iu a . freer country, he must face the prospect of expatriate n. outlawry, the loss of all the property left behind him, and exile to Siberia if he ever returns." Few people are - willing to separate them selves for life in this way from friends, relatives, home, eountry and all that a man. naturally holds dear. What alternative, then, is left to the oppressed whea oppression becomes intolerable? They must either submit or fight; and if they are not willing to submit and are not able, under the provisions of this eode. to oppose tyranny bj peaceful collective action, they will inevitably resort to violence and fight, singly or in small groups, as they are now fight in?, until they go to Siberia in leg-fetters or perish on the scaffold. George Kennar in Ctnlury. WOMEN AND MARRIAGE. Old Iileas That Can No Laajar H Coa. sldered Popular. In almost-all the recent attempts to explain the unpopularity pf marriage it seems to have been taken for granted that women's feelings with regard to it are uniform.' It is certainly not true, however, that all women are waiting with "bated breath and wh"- -pering humbleness" for an advanta geous offer of marriage. The feelings of women are Changing, and the old ideas as 'to women and their social functions cn no longer be takes for granted. .Woman is now a worker and a tbinktr. and marriage for edn cated women is only one of many pos sible oionpations; and educated wom en may be excused if" they regard it the least desirable ef them. A woman who becomes a teacher, who en ters one of the professions, or takes a com mercial position lives a life of dignity and freedom. In politics, in litera ture, in science, in art and in social Intercourse she has .a thousand oppor tunities of distinction and' pleasure which would be denied her if she be came a mother. She is - net at the mercy of a titan's moods and humors. She is not a aurse and a drudge, but for all practical purposes-a man and a citizen. She mixes freely with men; she profits by their conversa tion; she joins hem in their enjoy ment, and she' co-operates -with them in their social duties. Her life is a life of freedom, variety, energy and resource. Her character becomes strengthened by the demands upon her; her intellect Is enlarged by the problems she is called upon to solve; and as new and more important duties devolve upon her she is qualified to ac--cept them with courage and discharge them with skilL In a word, the edu cated women of to-day prefer freedom and the friendship of men to-the prac tical slavery of the marriage bond, and In proportion as other careers are opened up to them it may be safely said that the attractions of marriage will still further decrease. Philadel phia Pres. .. during forty years S 200,000,000 hay- been expended by members of the Church of England in building and re storing churches. The Presbyterians of Paris have bought for $30,000 the church in which the American Episcopalians have hith erto worshipped." Their congregation" is made up otEnglish, Scotch, Irish and American Presbyterians. . Philadelphia is justly entitled to tha prond distinction of being the leading city in the United States for Sunday- t school work. There are in that city 555 Suijday-schools, with 155,343 scnolara and 15,863 teachers, constituting in ail nearly one-fifth of the populatkn. Christian Union. At a recent meeting of the Board of Managers of the Evangelical Alliance of the United State Rev. Dr. James King was made Honorary Secretary, the office formerly held by the late Dr. Samuel Irena-us Prime. Dr. Sang has been for some time a member ot the Board of Managers. JV. Y. Tribune.