The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 14, 1888, Image 4

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A Man Ko-ara II In Sof, Oatrture
Arizona. A Man Hhoota 111
Repentant Kutnloyrr.
E. Lambson, a blacksmith of Seattle,
W. T., was arrested on complaint of
an employe named 0. Vitzlliuni, whom
he had struck on the hand with a
hammer, dislocating his thumb. He
paid a fine of $ 25 and manifes ed sin
cere repentance by offering the injured
man two weeks pay and to foot all
necessary doctor bills.
Lnnber mill Burned.
A large lumber mill owned by W,
P. Dougherty & ?s., five miles above
Boulder creek. Cal , was destroyed by
fire. Loss, $50,000. The origin of
the fire is unknown.
Ltthe End of ills Ker,
Walter Dunleavy, a longshoreman
at San Francisco, had a quarrel with a
negro, who sprang at him and bit a
piece off the end of his nose, at which
he made his escape taking the piece
bitten off with him.
The Work or Footpads.
An Italian laborer, Angelo Arug-
hiva, going to his cabin at Truckee,
Cal., was waylaid by two men, knocked
down and robbed of $500 and watch
and chain.
. Out rase In Arizona.
Scott and Jrff Wilson was murdered
at Holbrook, Ariz., by outlaws. The
affair grew out of the recent war in
Tonto basin between sheep and cattle
raisers. Warrants were issued and
arrests made by unauthorized persons
and the prisoners wt-re tken across
the mountains into lavapai county,
where they were met by a prearranged
mob of outlaws and hanged.
An Army of Tramps.
The streets and drives of S.ieto,
Cal., are now full of the worst looking
tramps that have ever been seen here
Every train from the south comes .in
with every brakebetm bending under
the weight of deadbeats.
Bnrslan Foiled by a W oman.
Burglars attempted to break into
the residence of John Allen at San
Francisco. They broke open the win
dow of a servant cirl's room. ir-he
fired three shots with a revolver, Btrik
ing one of the mtn. The latter le
turned the fire and the woman was
struck m the thich. The burglars es
Fatal Aerldent.
Miss Annie Webster and Misa Annie
Owens, while going to a funeral al
Goodyear Btr, Cal., with a single h-rse
and bueev, were thrown over a graa
falling about sixty feet almost pernio
dicularly into the river. Mies Wtb
ster bad her skull broken so that her
brains oozed out.
Waylaid and Killed.
Stephen J. Tray, alais John Sum
mere, was arreste J at San Francisco in
an ihtoxicated condition, and diet!
soon after. An autopsy showed that
Tray's tkull was fractured, and later it
was learned he had been waylaid by a
baH-dozen robbers, who. had beaten
him on the skull.
Shot His Brother.
Tws bova livinz at Eltinore, Cal
named Alfred and Cole Dvie, were ou
hunting rabbits, and on their return
home Cole, who was in front of his
brother, carrying his gun over hi
shoulder, with one hammer at full
cock, flipped into a hole in the road,
which jarred him and discharged the
gun full into his biotlier's face.
Two Villians Foiled.
The family of John A. Standing at
Middle Orange Orchard, Cal., all in
the Eatt and the honseis in the care of
Srah Gray and J. P. Root. The lat
ter tleeps in the tank house. Two
men cut the blind and pushed in the
screen to the window in the girl'
room. She awoke, and taking a re
volver fired three shots. A fourth
shot struck one of the men, who
screamed, and both left.
Burned to leath fa a Barn.
A barn belonging to Mrs. Spillman
burned at Sacto, Cal., and the charred
remains of a man were found in the
ruins. Under the body was a quantity
of gold and silver melted in a mass.
It is believed the remains are those of
a farm hand known as "Shorty" Rock.
Bold Thieves.
At San Francisco, Cal., five thieves
entered the residence of Mrs. Padoy,
daring her absence, and ransacked the
house, stealing a diamond necklace
worth 20,000 francs, two solitaire dia
mond rings, diamond ear-rings, brooch
and a large amount of tolid silver
plate. The total value of the loss is
20,000. Some boys saw the men
coming out of the house and gave an
alarm, but the men escaped.
Mexican Steamer Line.
Thomas A. Valdespano Figureoa,
resident consul for Mexico, has re
ceived official notice, that a contract
had been signed between the depart
mentof the interior and Joaquin Redo
for the establishment of a line of Mexi
can mail steamers between Guaymas
and San Francisco, touching at San
Diego, Ensenada and way points.
Mr. Redo agrees within six months t
put on two steamers. The concession
he will receive is a subvention of
$2,700 for each round trip, to be paid
by the assignment of 50 per cent, of
the import and export duties placed
on the merchandise received on the
steamers of this line. The first
starrer te make the trip will be the
California Fire.
A terrific fire has been raging in
the west end of San Fernando valley.
Over 2,000 acres of grain and hay
have been destroyed, together vnth
ranch buildings and personal prop
erty of ranchers. Jt hu Mountain, a
tatting cittern, while fighting the
fire, W8 prostratid by tin intense
heat and died. The lot-s so far is es
timated at about $30,000.
(Street Car Accident.
In a street car accident at Seattle,
W. T., Mrs. Charles Byles was unfor
tunate enough to break her ankle.
Several others were bruised and badly
shaken iu the saivu accident.
Killed by a Train.
J. Dramoud, aged 2(, lost his life by
umping from a train at Petaluma,
Cal., striking his had and crushing
liis skull, lie was rendered uncon
scious and died a few hour later.
fsnlrtde of a Poor Woman.
Mrs. T, R. Welch committed sui
cide at Seattle, V. T., by swallowing a
quantity of catholic acid.
Halciile or an Aged Man.
John Walhart, aged 93, hanged
himself in hia son's barn at Depau
ville. N. Y.
A Merchant Kills a Farmer.
James Hardesty, the principal mer
chant of West Louisville, Ky., shut
and killed Wm. Murphy, a hading
farmer. The cause is unknown.
Murderous Foot-Pads.
Foot-pada waylaid Fred Schune-
man, a well-known young man oi
Chicago, and when he attempted to
defend himself shot and kided him
and escared. The pockets of the
murdered man were lirled, ai.d, le
sides hia nionev, a gold watch, dia-
moud ring, stud and scarf pin wen-
taken. Three men ran away immed
iattly afterward.
Large Han mill Burned.
At Fairchild, Wis., W. C. Foster'
mammoth sawmill wa destroyed by
fire. Loss, $80,000: insured for
A Military Convict Killed.
A colored military convict named
Handley was killed at Fort Russell
Wyo., by Private Atkins-'n of the
Seventeenth Infantrj'. The latter
was a member of the guard in charge
of some prisoners, including Handley,
who made a break for liberty. He
ran 300 yards, paying no attention to
the commands to halt, and was in
stantly killed by a ball from Atkin
son's rifle.
Yellow Fever on a Vessel.
The schooner Adele Thackeray had
yellow fever on board and two men
dead, on arriving at Delaware Break
Killed by a Falling Bank.
While a gug of men were at work
on the new highway embankment at
St. Johnsburg, Yt it fell. Tine? men
were killed atd several wounded.
The Hot Mprlaffs Disaster,
In a storm at Hot Spring?, Ark., a
building waa swept away in the north
end of town. Thf occupants, Mr?.
Mattie Fletcher, and four children,
colored, were drowned. The hueband
escaped. John Franklin lescu'd, u i
injured, a man from the swollen tor
rent in the same locality. The todi s
of a woman and her one-year-old babe
were found in a drift. An aged couple
named Harrison occupied a small
cottage ne.r the Atlhigton stable.
The force of the witer cau-cd the
building to collapse, and the wife was
killed. There are several lost whore
names have not been eeceitained.
The victims are principally poor peo
ple, living in small cottages which
could not stand against the etorm.
Killed While Reninting Arrest.
Charles Stokes Gilman waa shot
and instant fy ki'-ltd at S .It Lake.
There was a disturb ince in a saloon
and a deputy marshal unlertook to
make an arrest. Awhile after one of
the peace disturber., Gilnian. grabbed
the effieer and downed him. Rench
then called for nelp, and Biiliff Me-
Manimey responded. Two officer
took Gilman to a dmg store to tele
phone for the police to turn him over
to them. Gilman, resign g. tried to
iiake the offi -cr off and struck at
them, when M Manimey drew his pis
tol and shot Gilman three times, two
balls taking effect in bis heart and one
passing through his wrist.
Disastrous Oil Kxplonlon.
A 25,000 barrel tank of oil exploded
and oil was scattered in all directions,
killing several persons and injuring a
number of others at Cygnet, Ohio.
The explosion waa caused by vaor
from the petroleum tank taking tire
at the furnace used by laborers mend
ing the tank, which contained 30,000
gallons. Two men were burned to
death aud sevtral severely injured.
Fatal Boiler Kxplosion.
The boiler of a stove works at South
Pittsburg, Tenn., exploded, instantly
killing Charles Taylor, superintendent
of the works ; J. R. Mills, machinist;
M. Donovan, foreman of the mount
ing department; George N. Carter,
jeweler; Wm. P. Lumbec, of Win
chester, Tenn., and Wm. Watson, a
moulder. William Grots, a machin
ist, and Rock Scruggs, a moulder,
were both fatally injured. A lirge
piece of the boiler w-ts thrown end
over end a distance of 100 yards, and
tore through the side of a store and
landed against the opposite wall.
An Vnp revoked Murder.
Two respectable citizens of Parkers
burg, W. Va., George Jones and John
M. Willis, were murdered by Samuel
A Commonplace Charge.
Major Marcus A. Reno, a famous
Indian fighter, was arrested at Hariis-
burg, Pa., on the charge of non-maintenance,
preferred by his wife.
Mine Explosion.
A terrific explosion of gas occurred
at the colliery of the Mount Pleasant
Coal Company, Pa., working ruin and
destruction in the mine and causing
the death and injury of a number of
Killed ilia Wire.
Eli Kahn, a cigar-maker, 61 year
old, killed hia wife at New York.
Kxhn whs wealthy, and had rttired
I rum buMtiets. lie was CI years old,
and his wife was five years ldr. Tne
bodies were both cold in death when
A lllooilj- Tragedy.
The Monroe county campaign cul
minutcd in a bloody tragedy al Clar
endon, Aik. The fair- livide and peo
ple's candidates were to speak, and a
creat crowd gathered. Win. Walls,
w.iite, attempted to strike one Dtl
lard, when the latter pulled a gun and
shot Walls, who fell to his knees,
pulled a revolver and shot Dillard
twice, after which lie fell back dead.
A mob ruthed on Dillard, but friends
surrounded hint and with pistils ami
knives declared their intention to de
fend him. Sheriff Hobirmui attempted
to arrest Ddl.ird, who shot the sheriff
in the thigh. lha mob feu upon
Dillard and beat him terribly. A
stray bullet killed a negro spectator,
Dillard was finally spirited away, lhe
mob is after him.
Poverty and Whisky.
A. G. Throckmorton, nephew of
Governor Throckmortou of Texas,
committed suicide at a ten-cent lodg
ing hi.use at Denver Colo , by an over
dose of morphine. The act was in
duced by despondency caused by. pov
erty and whisky. It is euppoHcd that
he recentlv came from Pueblo, Col
rado. where he and his wife spent all
they had in sickness.
Nertlon Men Killed.
Near B.nille, Mo., six section
men were killed by a freight tram
jumping the track. The caboose at
taihtrd to the freight was filled with
passengers, all of whom escaped ser
ious injury.
slamnrlr of Married lifts Related by
Matrimonially-Inclined Woman.
A weather-beaten woman, of melan
choly and discouraged mein, Rnt In
front of a drummer on a railroad train.
She was clad in rusty mourning', and
her appearance indicated that her loss
was recent. When near Chicago she
turned to the drummer and said:
"What place we coming to next?"
"Chicajro. madam.''
'Iasinme see; that's in Illinoy, ain't
"Yes certainlv."
"I'd ort to know, but I'd forpot I ben
in Illinoy. I burled mv first husband
there "bout twenty years a-jo."
"lea. and from Illinoy I went to
Ioway. I buried my second man out
in Ioway. ami I ain't been there since.
That was eighteen venrs ago. Went
down to South C'arliny from Iownv."
"Oh! did you? I've been thre."
"You hev? Ever been to a place
called Black Snake Forks? Xo? Well.
Hen Dodson lays there."
Who waa Mr. Dodson?"
"My third mn.ii, and a right smart
fellow he was. He had a cousin named
Hi Dagget. Ever run across Hi?"
"I think not."
"You'd know it if yon had. Every
body liked Hi. Him and me wa mar
ried iu (Jeorfrv. and he is buried nine
miles from Atlanty."
-Oh! indeed! And do you live in
Georgia now ?'
"Land no! Ain't set foot there for
more'n a dozen year. I went from
Geofjjy away up to Minnesoty, and
met Tom Hixon up there."
"Tom Hixon?"
"Yes; him and me lived most a year
there after we was married; then
blamed old white mule we had kicked
Tom so fatally that I buried him ona
cold day under the snow up near St-
Paul and sold off and went out to Kan
sas. near Atcmon. and tuk up a quar
ter section o' land jinin' a real smart
man's, named DilL"
'And you"
"Yes, I married Dill, and he took
chills and fever 'fore three months and
left me a widder 'fore the year was
out. I tell you I've had mighty bad
"I should think so."
"liials what 1 have. I here was
Ben Barlier: nftr me and him waa
married out in t'atiforny we got along
splendid, and was making money faft.
when, all of a suddent, Bon goes head
first down a IHHV-foot shaft, and, of
course, I was a widder 'fore the poor
man ever struck bottom."
"Then you left California?"
"Yes; I stayed there eight or nine
months, and then Bob he wanted to "
"Bob who?"
"Oh! l$ob White! He was Ben's
partner, and he never give me no peace
till I married him. He is buried in
the Black Hills."
"Great Ca?ner!" cried the drummer,
"do you make a business of going
around the country burying husbands?"
The "widder" put her handkerchief
to her eyes, and said in keen rebuke:
"That's a purty way to talk to a
poor lone widder, that's got her hus
band's cawps in the baggage-car
ahead, a-takin' him out to Dakoty to
lay him aside of his other kin folks.
You'd ort to be 'shamed to bo so on
feelin'!" JwJgr..
Sweden's Insane Queen.
Apropos of the Queen of Sweden's
health, I regret to have to stale that It
s far from satisfactory; that, in fact,
it is at present a subject of the greatest
anxiety. I fear it can not be much
longer concealed that her Majesty's
mind is slightly affected a result onto
might almost have anticipated from
the nature of the operation she has
undergone. Her Majesty is now sub
jected to a "cure" of complete isola
tion at the lonely Castle of Ulriksdak
with a view to bringing mora rest to
tier mind. She is not allowed to re
ceive any visitors, not even her hus
band and children. The only person
with whom her Majesty ia permitted
to have the least intercourse is her
faithful lady-in-wuting and friend.
Mile. Martha Eketra, Through her
xlone her Ma jest j- receives her food
uid news from the outside world.
The physicians in attendance on her
M;ijesty have decided that she shall re
main thus isolated for two months,
ualess her general health should
undergo a decided improvement with
in a shorter period. Her Majesty's
condition occasions extreme sorrow in
all Scandinavian society. Vanity Fair.
A Bible in Stale Schools League has
freen formed in Australia to secure the
daily reading and study of the Word of
God, which is strongly desired by par
ents there. Public op;n'on is resisting
the present "evil policy," as a leading
news aper styles it, "wh!ch is rearing
a generation of practical pagans in a
professedly Christian land.''
Devoted to tke Interests of Farm en
and Stockmen.
There is a little nutritive value in
the first potatoes that comes to mar
ket. This tuber at its best is mainly
tarch, but the unripe potato has not
even that. The tmt.itoes whose skin
an o ruhled off by the hand show
y the fact that they are full of raw
uices that need time to be developed
u largo part into layers cf starch.
Much valuable manure may be
saved by carefull v deodorizing; and
osnposting the refuse and night soil.
mixture of five bushels of dry din
and oue pound of carbolate of lime,
a hhd to the sink or closet as re
quired, will convert the whole into a
valuable manure, that can be handled
as easily as that made iu the barn
yard. Prof. Roberts, of Cornell University,
saya: "A cow that makes six pounds
of butter a week on cold water will
make tcven pounds if the water is
warmed." He further says that "cows
will drink one-third more when the
Witter ia warmed to 80 degrees than
they will at 32 degrees, and that the
milk will increase one-filth without
The conceit is often knocked out of
the dairyman who considers himself a
lirft-ra'e judge of a cow, when he be
gins to weigh her milk and churn it
into butter. It is very rare that the
true inwaidness of a cow can be as
certained, and her real dury value
known, until these tet-ts are applied.
Weigh the milk, and keep the record.
Appearances are deceptive.
Many kinds of pears grow in clus
ters like cherries. Usually if thee
were reduced one-half or more, the
crop would be more valuable. It
seems a pity to cut out the young
fruit just as it is formed, but it will
pay. Nature does some of this work,
but not enough. If h tlf the blsom
drop without setting fruit, the orclurd
ist will do well to cut off half of those
that remain.
Switzerland has CCO.OOO milch cows.
all of native breed, and divided into
two sharply defined riots, the blown
and the spotted. The foimer color
varies from deep fawn to mouse gray,
the latter shade being held in inor-t tt-
Uem. The brown race is shurt homed
aud considered as the oiigiual tvi
It corresponds to the remains found
on the sites of the Rjmau cities of the
third century.
inree or lour gorni sprouts are
enough for the best yield of market
able iotatoes of even the mot prolific
varieties. Hmall yielders. like some oi
the early sorts, may do better to have
only one or two sprouts in a place.
putting the hills cloer together, lo.
many sprouts mean a great number oi
very t mall potttous aud few tit for
market. It will often pay to thin
them out if too numerous at first.
The phosphate rock of South Caro
lina are so rich in phosphite that if
dissolved by sulphuric acid thev
should couUin twenty-tight per cent
of phosphate of lime. Few of them,
however, show so high an average a"
this. 1 he deficiency ia due to sdu!
teration partly with worthle-a sub
st. met s to increase bulk and weight,
bu , sometimes with nitrates to furoih
aramouia, which is quite as neces.trr
for crop as phosphate llelt.
Thete is much injudicious watering
oi plants. Lei u come as the slow,
gentle rain, that never fails to benefit
vegetation. The spriukhug-pt t does
not at all accomplish ' this, unless it
has so hue a nozzle that the water
comes out in mist or spr.iy rather
thau in streams. Drenching plants
often does harm. It packs the soil,
causing the surface to harden iu t rust
as it dries. If the water is cold from
the well, as it t lten is, the injury is
greater aud the thance of benefit less.
A a pasture for cows no plant yields
sweeter, richer herbage tian whi'e
clover. Though its habit of growth
is very close to the ground, it yield
more pasture than would be supposed.
If not allowed to blosroni loug enough
for seed to form, tho new hertmgt
spiings up quickly after cropping
lt roots are near the surface, aud are
easily reached by .light raitis, but
owing to their spreading habit the
riKU are not injured by catt'e tramp
ing ovr tlieiu, as are those ol red
luai me plantain is a nuisance is
certain, tut, it is scarcely uumiti
gaed except in the sense that when
it nas once gaiuu iHissession it can
.-, - . .
never oe enurei erauicau a. lhe
common plantain has about two-'.liird.-the
feeding value of common hay,
rankiiig higher than mort other weeds
in this resjiect. Cattle will eat in pas
lure or in hay without bring st irved
to it, as they have to be with the daisy
Tne large, vigorous plantitins, that
grow in rich ground, seem to be eatet
more greeouy ny c-ws than the puny
specimens dwarfed by poverty of soil.
me nest time lor Killing a weed is
when tin seed has just germinated. It
is comparatively iunoceut then. It
nas o.uie no narm as yet, and it de
stroyed in its helpless infancy, all the
good it is capable of doing by fertili-
ing the soil will be u til red. There i
no mtire dangerous heresy in farming
than the idea that it is better to let the
weeds grow large, so as to have more
green manure to plow under. The
ex ra growih of annual weeds tikes
from the sui face soil where it is most
needed, aud is less available in tin-
weed than it was in the soil before the
weed took it.
a iViississippi womiVn fell into a mill-
lam, and when she was rescued a ten-
pound catfish was entangled in her wire
bustle. Her husband wanted to Bet her
again, but she would not consent.
Korrislown Herald.
Are the aoverelft-n remedy in all cases where
eacesbivu orinsumcient nourishment, sedentary
habits, sleeplessness, traveling or pregnancy
produce a ivnuency 10
That bane of the American people. A neglect
lo remedy this cnnmiion may result seriously.
Mam baric KIm are a fruit laxative
lozu.ntre. composed of fruits and vegetables.
Although mild, they are very effective, and
their continued use, keeps the bowels in
healthy and natural condition.
Is the result ot an inactive Liver, and its
symptoms are manifested by headache, furred
tongue, loss of appetite and a yellow skin.
Ilasilmrt Kla" are the only purgative that
will effectually relieve this conuition and re
move the impurities that cing the system.
Hamburg; Flax are harmless if their use
is continued indefinitely, and a bos should al
ways be kept in the house. They are delight
ful to the taste. Dose, one Fig. Price, 23 cents
a box at druggists.
In any Irritable condition of the sexual or
gans. Dujardin's Life Kssenca is the only
remedy. It is quick, safe, sure. Hundreds of
te-timoiilals prove its wonderful Dower in sex
ul debility. Prioe, 1.50 a bottle. All drug
gists ,
It Is the struggle and bo t the attain
ment that measures character.
Teacher Hans, name three beasU
of prey. Hans Two lions and a tiger.
Never buy any th'ng; you don't
need because it's cheap. This includes
beer. Ihick.
The easiest and best way to expand
the client is to have a good large heart
in it It saves the cost of gymnastics.
Viticaao Strtrulwii..
One of the set-rein of health ia the con
centration of vitality. The recruiting of
the vital principle is done effectually by
Branoiiktu's 1 lua "Health finds hap
piness In the mere sense of existence."
Bhandrkth'm Piixh help nature to reas
sert her own when i-he has been furred to
va -ate her atronirhold In the botly. When
an enemy attacks a fort ail the torct'S are
conrentrateil at the point of attack lo re
slst the onslaught. So with fhe body.
IIkamikktu s Pim.s concentrate all one's
vitality to throw oir the encroaching di
sease. Cet Hiiandkkth's llLIs. Ho sure
to take no ot her.
Kclifhl.orly love and Interest in the welfare
of iillicm are producUve of much sunshine
ever) w hern.
1 the most distressing, mil only to thn person
alllleted If he have ny pride, but to thiuw, with
w hom he comes in (intact. It is a delicate
mutter to sp k of. hut r has parted tint only
frivuds out lovers. Had breath man catarrh are
Im-euaralile. lr. f-Uire's Clarrh Hem dy cures
the worol coses a thiiuwrnls can testify.
Nothing is more ensentinl to one's future hao
phiess ami success in Ihit lit" thau 'ho wine em
pu) tin ni or spare inoruenia.
Itel.llltv. UltKllns IINrnam of hll-
trn. Chronic Cough nod BronrhiM. run ti
red bv the umc ot Sirult M LmaUIss o'
Cod Liver Oil with llypophopphlie. I'mnii
nent phYMtcliiits ue It and test ry lo Its grave
value. I Icae n-ail the iolloiiig: '1 used
Scott nul inn for an olwtinate lough with
Hemorrhage. Loss of Appetite Kliiucintlon,
Hrruiessness. etc All of these nave nw left.
and I believe your t-.lilub.loil lias saved a rase
of well developed Consumption. T. J. riso
l.K Y, M. I ., l,oiie mar. I exaa.
True hncnlnrss can only be attained throuirh
the love oi liou.
The steamboat, the rea-ver. the sewing machine
inn rum.iuir iy nigtit aim ny nay.
llouttea light' a by tea and heated by steam.
Aud bright electricity's ray.
The telegraph's click speeds like lightning re
Then the telephone em- loeieel It:
And to put on III" tinl-h. the lad hut uot least,
is the famed little I'urgallve Pellet,
Ijtst hut not lia-t is l(r. Fierce s lica-snt
Purgative P.-llet, b -cause it relieves human
sutl'eiing. ad'ls to the stun of human comfu-t.
slut enables the relieved eulferer lo enjoy all
the blessings and luxuries of the age we live in
Character Is the great desideratum of human
J. II. IIHK. Atrr aad Analytleal
Chemist. Ijttborutory 1(I rtrt st.. Portland.
Or. Analyses made of aU tube tan oea.
Hranrfcltia. For Hoarvenrss and Sore
Tnnwt, Jirtncn'i "Urmchuil irvchr art
TRY GutSKi for breakfast.
atraaga Aat'oiu of a Waaaaa Fa Vaaav
!-. I - r" !nflaaee
The ampiiithaater of the Chartt.
Hospital In Paris was oroaded wftl
ro:is who had Ls-ea Invited to wit-
ite the experiments af hypuotlsn:
madi by Dr. Luys. member of th
.VratliMtiy of Medicine and doctor a
!! SHlpe-triere. Before introducing
Mil.-, lv-ther, bis subject, the doctoi
ditiw-d hi auditors photographs Klu
rating the effects produced ou hr hi
his laboratory. Mile. Esther was then
brought forward.
It j the means of magnetic passem, th
doctor throws her from a state ol
lethargy into a cataleptic oondition.
nnd then into a state of lucid som
nambulism. Dr. Luys pi iced a tube
containing hashish on her neck, and
he aeerned instantly to feci the effect
of tlia narcotic preparation. SLa
assumed a n itursl nir, and soon wont
straight toward Dr. Uedu. who was
present, and proposed t perform the
"31 ascot j" with him. The doctor
waa rather annoyed by the preference
shown him br Mile. Esther, so Dr.
I,tiV9 diverted her attention from him
to Dr. Scgond, who consented to play
lhe part of Pippo, while Mile- Esther
took that of the Mascaitte. lie sat
down hostile her. whereupon abe
promptly kissed him. "Now siuji.
said Dr. Luys, holding the tube to her
neck, and she b-gn at once, stopping
short when the tube was withdrawn.
Dr. Luys then begged Dr. Rectus Xo
plnoo himself behind the young
woman, and to pnt the tube on her
neck and then gradually take it away.
Mile. Esther began again to slog; but
in proportion as thn tube was taken
further and farther from her. her voice
became fainter and fainter till it died
away entirely. She then fell, la
cataleptlo condition, into the arms of
the hospital assistants who were be
hind her.
Dr. Luys made other, experiments
upon Mile. Esther. By looking at her
he made her follow with her eyes an
imaginary bird in the air, and at last
he thought she had caught it in her
hand. Then, by making her look
down, the doctor frightened her by
making her imagine there was a ser
pent at her feet.
A he most remarkable display was
when Dr. Luys placed a tube contain
ing ten grammes of essence of thyme
on Mile. Esther's neck. Ia a few mo
ments her face became purple, her
arms and hands stiff and the neck
welled out in an extraordinary man
ner. From thirty-one centimeters it
grow, by the contraction of the mus
cles, to thirty-five. The suffering
eemal to be intense, and when the
tube was taken away tho patient was
two minutes at least beforo returning
to a state of lethargy. Dr. Luya has for
many years been studying hypnotism.
and ao one can for a moment imagine
there Is any thing like charlatanism in
hia experiments Pari Cor. London
Some one says that brunettes get
husbands quicker than blondes. This
does not coincide with the general
opinion that light-haired women have
the best chances in the matrimonial
market. Boston Gazette.
Skir & Scalp
.-cured by.?
beautifying the skin of children and infants
and curing torturing, disfiguring, itching, scaly
and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and
blood, with loss of heir, from infancy to old age.
the Cuticora Kemkdiks are Infallible.
ClTTICtiRA. the great Skin Cure, and CtJTl
ccra Soap, an exquisite Skin Keautifior, ex
ternally, and Cl'TiciTKA Hksulvknt. the new
Blood 1-nritier, internally, cure every form of
skin and blood diseases, trom pimplea to
aero ula.
Sold everywhere. PrIce,7cTlcrrRi,50c.; Soap,
25c,: Resolvent. U Prepared by the Poitek
Vrvo and Chemical Co.. Boston, Mass.
Send for "How to Cure Sgin Diseases."
Buby's Skin ud Scalp preserved and "tfl
oeantineq py tjUTictJRA QAP. -.
Kidnky Pains. Backache and Weakness
: cured byCDTiouHA Anti-Pain
yfinsiantaneous valu-subauiiif plaster.
AfarocHut meeting of tlm Acad
emy of Sciences, in Pari, M. Chevroul
communicated. In th'3 tiumo of M.
Arnaud, Curator at th5 Museum of
Natural History, a very interesting
note on the toxic substance which the
Oomalis employ to po'.Kon their arrows.
This sub dance Is th- "Ouab:: jo" wood,
and from this wood M. Arnaud has ex-
trtmtod a crystallini m ilter endowed
with terrible venoinois properties. In
S'ibcutanoous and intravenous injeo
tions three one-hundredth of a grain
f t!m poison suill :os to kill a dog.
)e!ith rapidly occurs by an arrest of
tho hear.'!? action.
Tuk Io Cabins ff
Aieri a have been birth
place of some of the
(rrandest men. Llliceln.
(irant. Sheridan, first
saw the light, of day
through thn chinks of a
lion Cabin. Warner's
Cibln Sasatinr.l'
also ortnlnated in a Lok CaMn and stanils
pre-e-tniuent amoi;i4 the W ort piirillera oi
t-vHoy as Warner's "Tippecanoe' dots as
a stomach tonle.
Rent whalebone ran he restored and oed
aain by simply soaking In water a few hours,
then do hig litem.
The dlKi-orerv bv the inhabitants of a loe-tlily
hitherto ntivisite.1 hy th peMiletit scourge of
fver and ague, that It exii-ls in U.eir very
midst, is deciile.Ily startling. Such discoveries
are tmtde at every season, in every part of the
I i. Inn. HurjMiqtii-nllv. when It is ascertain i.
as It invariably is at such times, tt rough the
valutthle exRriet;ce or someone who ha been
heiietl'led and cure, that llixtetter's .fct'mach
Hitters is a thorotuthlr enlt:acljis era'ti at.iT
of t' e malarial poi-on. nd a me-tiis of fortify
ing the system agiinst it, a fling of mire
sectitilv anil trsiKiuilil v reiuns throughout the
m tiolu nelgtitMrnMKI. le-lile trie renrne -ones
i f ina'ari il diea", dniiih sgne and aaue rake
re removed by the puu-nt action of the U t
tcrs. lo which science l m give Its sanction s
a remedy for rheumatism, djspen-jia, ronstipa
Hon, liver complain', detiithy, kidney troui. s.
and all disease imp tiling the organs o( di
gestion and assimilation.
tVhite and onle shades of nalnt mav be beau-
Uiuliy cleaned by using wtnung in lue water.
White Elei-hant of Sitn. Lion of Rut
land. I)tautm of China. Cro-a i t Swltger-
laud. Banner of Persia. Crescent of fcjvpt.
Double r-agle ol JtusaU, totsrof Cuiit, lbe
Circle of Japan, liaru of Krin.
lo (ret these buy a box or the gentnn;
Pti.Lff, price 1 1 cenla. antl mail tin the out
aide wrapuer w-iih vour address, n'slnlt
written, and 4 cent In staiMint. we win
then mail oii the aliove list with an ele
gant Hack am of oleographie and cliro-
tnatic cards.
t'tKMUtO BntJS., PlTTSRt-Jtfl, Pa
IJghtntng can he seen by reflection
lance of tw o hundred miles.
TTe. he loves yon no-. Its true.
Ijiss with eyes of lol. I blue.
Lips as sweet as bne-dew,
ilouuy li'tle brine'.
Will he love you s to-dny,
V hen yotir blisnn has fie away.
hen vour golden loci, are grey.
W ill bis tore ahldel
Yea. If It Is the true kied it will survive al
the inevitable xintra and changes of life. But.
It is every woman's ties ire and duty to retain
as long as she csn. the tract inna that made
her charming and beloved iu youth. No one
can keep her youthful btoem or equable lent
per if weighed down and surtenng from female
weakm-ss and disordtra. lir. I lice's Favorite
lr. wrip'i.ui is a remedy for these troubles.
Sold by druggists.
l-t n find bappines) In bring ng joy and
Bladness lo tuose around OS.
neBUS 1ILE3.
STrrols Miitare; leteess Hcitnf and atfntrlns.
mt at sunt; iota ny mcrmictitnf. 11 aitevm an -,,'
Unua tuiiiora 1-Tnt. vbHra oft.a hits i anI atesxate,
l-c. ,tiiUia , . n "r btvAVSK's tisTa.vr ,up tb
lt-hli aoa bhMlAS, hsala nleorackm. and ta may
emm tvtniiir tta Uunora It M c-tuaiiv rmamcltm m
eiinns all Main IKmit. PR. SWiYSE
rr'tne"ra, I'B: xlr,,hia. baavssa utsttunr cat
t . . 1 ... , . - Q . t I., u I - "
If afflicted with Sore Fyea. use Ir. Isaac
Thompson s fcye n ater. Ih-utrgiui sell It. tv.
Ita Missvior excelleoe provtM In aiinions of home fnv
nans than a quarter of a erotmy. It b ased by th
Vmti Huu Wumtiatnt Kni.--d hj be beada of
the I r.-i.t l;niverviiict as Ui RtTwira. Iares ami HMt
llea.tiful. Or KrK-v J Oteani Hakioc I'nw,i-r due aut
ai si lain Aatmvtit urn or Alum. ria oniy in nana
turn voaa. cBicaao. sr. lopis
issued March and Sept,
(each year. It is an ency.
clopedia of useful infor
mation for all who pur
chase the luxuries or the
necessities of life. "We
can clothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and unnecessary
applianees to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church,
or stay at home, and in various si sea,
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what is required io do all these'things
COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair
estimate of the value of the BUYEB8'
GUIDE, whioh will be aent upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
111-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago, 111.
Sold on Trial !
iattr rVriU K tor msxilintc
ftru liiutr-ftwtj Catt-aU iru
with full tartAtiavrsv Mn
ufartured by
tl A lt Laki St..
orens Oct. 4 ciosa Out 27, 1888.
Half Fare Rates over the O. It. & X. Co.,
O. &C. It. It and Oreironiai Kiilwav Co.
Oue a1 d one-tifth over X. P. It. It. lines.
Special excursions over the O. K. & N.
Hues at less than half rates, Oct. 8, lo,
Olllce, 118 First btreet, i'ortland.
l!it ITcrulums. Ki.COO lo ua.
0 yean) Extalili-lied. Koa
lAtc-utad Htcel Tuninrr De
vice, iu uau in nootiior Fiano, by wiiich our 1'tanoa
atand In tuna zo j ears, good t. t luo ; noc aaet-Usl
by clrmate, No wood to split, break, swell, abrink,
crack, dst-ay, or u-ear out ; wa guarantee it. Kla
ttant Koscwood, Cases, S strintra, double rc;-eaUnf
action; llnettt ivory kevs; the Famuus ANTISHI L.
Call er write for CataloKue, tree. T. M. A VTISELl
I'lANOCO., Manufacturars, Oiltl Felloaa' liall, liar
ket and tieventli streets. Sun Francist-n.
Bif ci Has riven anrrse
sal satisfaction In the
cur of Uonorrbcea and
Gleet. I prescribe It and
feel safe In recommeadr
Inz it to all suffers ra.
A.J.ST0F.B, J)
Oseatur, IU. .
Bold by Drucctata. '
ToBH a Day. Samples worth tl.BO, FREE.
Lines not under the horses loot. Write Bbkw
sra's BATXTTKauiHouisaCo. JIoliTilicl
ii i
" 1
S -iCaTaalal
j,earaataod bh si
I saaMBBartats.
CTJ urBaaljaytfas
For Sclixt-lcn.a
New. Strong. Straight Facte. :
Care Complete. Scarry, Trass. ?mo. IMS.
Waa Maltcly crd tve yar ago of aelatlca
ky ta or St. Jaeoba OU; os cratcaaa aaf
(arlaf all taa tliaa. garatars of pais.
. brlpplag Bprlsft, Tasas,
Helpless Months. Jwu, tilt.
Was la ImS t aumtlu: eal sot walk tor wltk
sefattca: aaarly ona yaax la all: waa coraa
ky St. Jaaataa OU. nl,pn, JOHSSOa.
Given t'p. Kaao, Ohio, Jnaa . mi.
tilleft waatu; coutaat pBln la BIB; ua
aratchM; (ivaa up fry Soctors; waa cored by St.
JacoM 011. , WM. AVESI HZ.KRU.1,.
at psvoofSTs mo rttAt.ras.
THE CHARLES . V0GELE9 CO.. BatUmors. H4.
Dr. Spinney &Co.i25fff
HPilVOtlti Ufijinty. I.wsf Vigor. 6-minai
clem-r, &e., riitociciuieior abuse, etirei.
tretion nhotilri thrruwivm r.f orir trntLi nt.
a positive cure (ffiarr.tvd in pverf ro. hypRiii,
LnnmrT and Verier1;! !,u-.itn ml tAinutnravl fdiav-
c harden, jrouiptiy aod nutelf bured.
ef Ki1ney or WMt, Welc rtack. Mervons
ctiiliiy. Wat tig of Sfi-xn-1 feirengLO, euu. cored
anil r.torii to healthy vigor.
, , o. i-ersons utianic t-j virtt urn iray rm rreateii
t their bomet, hy rorretont-ne. fedicineii n
titrttrtionii sent brmillorfintm. CoQBQitmtloti
f ro. H.ind 4 cents in ktaroDs for 'i he Young Ataa'i
. liendor Cul l, tw W nlluck.
The Van Monciscar
Toont mkHle aa.t mm
m, atosia
ca manful
arid all ahotariTaa ana
Bsnoiis liebtStf, 81
rnrnea. taoeinai
Seznal Ovear . Failies
orf. Weak lirea, Laca of
Knargy, also Kiood -acl
Skis IHaaasts, firphUtfa
Eraptiooa Hair
r s al
, " K. mn T'aina. a arJlifxar
r Sora Throat, tricars. If -.
torts of Msranrr, KMaof
and Bladder Iras bla
ara&a-trto. krr, rzw Vrtn ftoeogibaa. tUaaS SlxlC
- -?i-.-iiitS n-HlnJ eur f l.ia.
II it It HriM ajearttiit Leannetati'-
"!C ll 184 I HIitU HT.
O I CI It 1 1 rt I . uiiH. Oabler. RoHi
ftanoa: Iturde4 Oramna, band faAmmacTta. Laraa
ifo-.k of e&rt M i-it: ard Hcolca. ftaada sapplea a
ktrn rrti MATTHIAJ .fS.1 IX.. sus toa
I Han fraDrSaor
S First Htreet. PORTUSD. OR
6ms, Aimiiiiii, .
ii 'i'l
ii ii
X. 1 Larel Button, either Deniocratie or
Repttblicati, samtile tiy mail. ")c'.
No. V Harrison Hut ton, sillt embroidered.
National colors, br mail, 1" ri.
Nr.. 3 Rnatnelerl Bu'tro "C.ScT." or "H.
& M." staniped on each, g'H plated.
err nice, 25 eta.
So. 4 Denuxvatic or PertiViAn medal
likenessea of n 'mineea rletrlr cut rn
each, silrer linished, irtth piu, mail, 5!5c
Seed for new 6na CalalopB Oct. Is!;i.iTiT'ii:Hi:i.i.Mn
r"- tt: -- j a
Diamond Dyes escel all others in Strength, ruHry, end Fastness, one otltex are
just as f-ctod. Iieware of iniitatkms, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials
and give jxs-, -aesi, crocky orilors. Io lie sure of success use only the Diamond Dyes
lor cok-ring Dresses, StttcVin-, Yams Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c, &c We -warrant
them to ctilor ijooiis, package for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give
more iTilltant and dura! le colors. Ask for the Diamond, and take no other.
Send poatal for I ye Eook, Sample Card, direction for coloring Photos., asaking the finest Ink or Btuma:
fto cmk a tjnartl, tc Sold by Iniista, Address
WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt.
For Gilding or Broninsr
Fsncv Article's. TC(!
a rviouTi si
" " I J maim; - g
DVIGHT'S Gov-Bband SodaSaleratus.
Be stare that there ia a picture of a C on jonr rac&acs and yoa vZil aa-ra
t heal Soda TC TH COW t-BASD.
If you are in need of a GOOD FIRST CLASS JOB PRESS, -we
ask you to examine into the merits of our ''OLD RELIABLE." with
TAIN. These presses are made by ourselves, from the best ma
terials and by first-class workmen. Read below what one of our
largest printing concerns says about our presses, after having them
examined by an expert.
Messrs. Palmer & R?y, Printers and Stationers,
San Francisco, CaL San Francisco, June 26, 18S3.
Gen'l?men : Our m tchiuery expert, Mr. Bnrton, has examined your "Old
IM able" Jobbers at our request, and we are pleased to ftty thnt bis rerx rt ia
that your "OM lleli .ble" presses are much better built thau the Chicago Old
Style Gordons," or "Challenge" Gordon. This being the case, we Stall ar
ringe to put iu a line of your presses at once. f
Per Paxiaer, Supt- Printing Dep'W
r u
The above wt-ll-known "wool"
grower has figured prouiinc-ntly in
(K.litics for the past 20ypsrf, and his
pinion is Ih it "Seal of North Caro
lina" Plug Cut is the bos smoke, and
'n't y u ft rget 't.
sarsapaEula, yellow dock
Txiiclo I f sos.
It eorea R bbtmatis a , KKirattxMA, Rolla. Pfisplea,
Sctotula, Uuot, catarrh. Tmn, Sa t Kheum, and
Hercnrial paina. it Pariftfla Uhe Flrxxi. Eatrea tr.a
Urar ard KiilTxeja to baa tiit aetioo. and stakes tb
Complexion Bruht and Clear.
4. R. GATES A CO., Proprietors
417 SuMae St. Naa PraaeUea.
V y , Bj:w than lhe Che.
BjI-w than lhe Cheanrtt
-,,,a.iatafc. Partlsad, tlretrss.
Peil--t - :iMi,i-iii, i:,- .-t,,h iuMntetion. .It.i
lirtel reiiiitritKMi.prnv-tisi f tir'ilarily. Busmen.
..trthafia. Common Sctool 'and Penmimhtp Oevrt
mnt. rltiHI-its artrui tl jit any ?ime.
lrtssue ari'l soeeimf $ of rr-m-ftirjin !enf f-e.
J. 4. W": . !.. . f. AKBSlkO&U. Pr-.
'To introduce tt into A MILLIOhi
FAMILIES ts-e offer the
From NOW
to JAN'Y, 1889
Four months balance of this year,
oat rrcerrr or
Breakfast and Dinner Fartie Home
Cooking, 1 arrtts and Ixneru. Teas, Svp-t
pen, L-nrcrons am! Kerr-paors. trte ex
plicit J y a"! th-s- Hztic drrtail womfQ want tx
tcaow. TeH h-ym to grstertatn guests, bev tr
-crve irrfireaJiiuc ws, what to have and bow it
nakeH. llvrrrthm new and oririBal. pracu-
1 attd wril tetrJ hy experts. Acconipiaymc !
tbe re-opes wm be rrmxriLsnpon ttrrr.w latie d
i ancts. metbtri of icrrinj -a waiting, gar
aahing. tabic maniaers mad koettc
Children's Pae Illustrated Stories.
Flowers and House Plants fir.rry ilt
ratrd articles, cd-id by Ebe! E. Rexfoio.
with Aaswen to Corresrxmdrats-"
Mother's Corner A par devoted to th:i
rare of mtiaEs aad young, cbxadren. Irtererfr
etter from strHcnwT c;viny views aud meth
ods of maaagrra-rtrt. Csrrr-iij r-Ttx V$ trcm tKr i
vw-5t wniers, lmssrrated artic on Games icr. !
Home-made Toym. Amusements for Srck
Ch'Idren. Illustrated- K i ndergarteau H-
-atratrd articies Hr Aioca W. Babkajld.
CUR TiS PUBLISH ING CO Philadelphia.
N. P K. U. No. W9 r. N. U. No 336
i r
Durable !
Economical !
Paints gr.'8S5ioBs2s: