JOB PRINTING. iMitn vtcK raimv.t H. Y. KIHKPATUH K TI.'lt.H lllf HITllHl'ltl!! ION. Jali PristiB Dsns m SlortMK On. Yrar . W fa 8.x Mith ,. 1 llun Months I rylt in a.Winiee.) l'KUMS l? AUVKRTWISO. . IlKOVl. ) rnmir. ftnrt Inwivii.wi , S3 Kitoh ttwal iiimuuu. " ( LOCAL ) Ul NelWa, jw-r tin- "' Kojulitr .iv..illrntnt lmrt.i mm II no 'nn'. Legal Blanks, Business Cards Letter Head, Bill Heads, Circulars, Posters, u, f.uvnlM In good ?! and at Ivwm Iittii frkxm. VOL. II. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER II, 1888. .NO. 27. EBANON EXPRESS SOCIETY NOTICES. 'ir.RAJfrtX lorn? It NO. i. A. F A. M.: Meet itt tliair new t.sil In M.mio lll.iell. on Kstuulay ,v.u, .. or b. lu SN w IF. M AXON t.OlKIK, NO. 47. I. O F.: M.t-t tt r.liy ennitii! of e h vk, t. O.M H..II, utieet; vWUng lwetliien mill il!jr InvUea to attend. J. J. I'HAIU.IMS. n. u. HONOR LOOOK NO Ss. A. O. V W., Lebanon, otrmon: Mi v.ry nral tl tiiinl Thoiv.iftv ev.-n mt In tho month. F. H. lioecoK M, VV. A R. CYRU8 A. CO., Real Estate,. Insurance & Loan Agent. General Celleetlow anil M alary Public Baalneaa Prem ptly Attended to. M. N. KECK. DESIGNER AND SCUL PIT.O R, Mfttufaeluitr Mnmrn(n and Headstones, ' AND AM. KUDHOI' t'KMETRIV WORK FINK MONVM ENTB A SPECIALTY. Otp ItomHwH, ALBANY, ORFOOX. SAW MILL FOR SALE. A Double Circular Water Power Saw Mill. IVeur Ijobanon, Or. Capacity abnit 50i feet r-r dsy. Alo, 4i acres of laud on which ihe sawmill is located. rnic id, s-M o Alo ! ave large stock of FIRST QUALITY" LUMBER At lowest market la'es for cash. . W. WIIF.F.LF.K, l.ebaaaa. Or. WINTER Artistic Photographer, BKOWXSVILLE, OR. Enlarging from Small Pictures. In stantaneous Proeese. WORK WARRANTED. G. T. COTTON, DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, CONFECTIONERY, win and eiawwtw, Laaip and Lam p Fixture. Main tat.. Irf-banan. Ores. ST. JOHN'S HOTEL Sweethome, Oreeon. JOHN T. DAVIS, Proprietor The table is supplied with the very best the market affords. Nice clean beds, and satisfaction guaranteed to all guests. la connection with the above house JOHN DOXACA Keepa a Feed and Sale Stable, and will accommodate tourl-ta and travelers with teams, guides and outfits. BURKHART & BILYEU, Proprietors of the Livery, Sals aafl Fesfl Staples LEBAVOX, OR. Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman. Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har ness and COOO RELIABLE HORSES For parties going to Brownsville, Wa terloo, Sweet Home, Scio, and all parts of Linn County. All kinds of Teaming DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. BURKHART & BILYEU. AT LAST. What though upon a wintry sea our life bars anils, What thoUKd we tremble 'neivth ita eruttt gains, lu try blast; We see a hitppy port lie far betoret We see It sliming wnves, it sunny shore. Where we shall w muter, and forgot the troubled past, At last. No torm approach that quiet shore, no ntRht Falls on its silver atreanis, and valleys bright, Ami frnrttuns vast; Within that plemtant land of perfoel peace Our toil-worn feet sball stay, our wanderings eeuKo; There shall we, resting, alt forget the past, -At last. The sorrows we hare hM In silent wearlnna, ni birds above a wonmbjil. bleedlnit breast, Their briKht plumes cast; The irrtefa like mourners In a dnrk array. That haunt our ttMttep here, will flee sway. And leave us to foixet the sorrowful post. At last. Voices we loved sound from thone fatoU lands, And thrill our hearts; life's golden sands Are dropping fast; Soon shall we meet by the river of peaoe ana SS.T, As the niifht flees before the eye of day. So faded from our eyes the mournful pass, At last. Jotiah Atlen'i By. A STRANGE VISION. The Singular Story Told by a Railroad Man. An Engineer's Uncomfortable Experience ltlt Fireman, and What Ha Saw on Passing Through a flU Flvca of Wood. A veteran engineer on tho Pj insyl vaiila rnilroiul was speaking the other !ay of singular nights a d incident't he Iih.iI met with lu his lonr exerltitioo on the rail. ' "rhe queert-st thing I ever knew," antd ho, wp8 the vision that 1111 Sandusky hal a fow years agcx There are tilings that yon know have happened and are still reluctant to fell about, because you know you'll be laughed at and pouh-jtoohed for your pains, and this visi m was one of that kiuL U !l Sa idnky was an engineer on wiie Philadelphia & Erie ra;lway, and is yet. 1 ihink. and lives in Erin. A better engineer never handled the throttle. "About ten years asro a young fel !ow named Gorre Watkms went to work on the Paila I 'Iphia & K: io as a brakeman. Hi tva a s'ranger, and no one knew where he came from. He was twenty-one or twenty-two years old. but he ha l a older look. II had a very d;trk complex Son, and he was tall an I lean. His eyes were intenswly b!ac't an I deep sunken. II had but little to say to any of his fellow-train men. It came lo be com v.on remark among ihem that if at any time Walking' peculiar eyes w-ro fix?d on them for a moment they underwent curious variations of color, and that the person upon whom the gazi was fixe I experienced sensa-tio;-i which he found it difficult to de scribe, but which were ref -rred to in a general way as decidetlly uncom fortable. ISiwe of the men said that with Watkins eyes on them I hey found it difficult to keep their minds on their work, and some went so far as to say that they could remove them selves from the stranire influence of his presence only by the exercise rf all their will power. Those who had heard of mesmerism decided that the stranger was possessed of powerful mesmeric influence, and he was avoided by timid railroad men as much as possible. It was plain from the bearing of Watkins that he was either the vic tim of some great trouble or haunted by unpleasant recollections, and also that he was a man of education and intelligence. lie performed the hard work of a brake man with faithfulness, and early attracted the attention of the superintendent. - Watkins had been on the road almost three months when Jimmy Green. Bill Sanduskv'a fireman, was killed while saving the life of a little child that was 'playing on the track. The train was dashing along ' at the rate of forty miljs f.n hour when the child was discovered by Bill and his fireman two or three hundred yards ahead as the train rounded a curve. Bill whistled for brakes and reversed his engine, but there was no possible chance of stopping the train before it reached the child, which did not seem to be aware of its danger. Q lick as a cat, J.nmiy Green drew himself through tho cab window and ran out along the guard rail to the pilot. He dropped down flat. and. leaning over as iar as he could, seized the child as the engine dashed on the spot where it sat. Hs caught the little one, and scooped it clear of the track. The child was saved, b:it the brave fireman Vst his hoi 1 in making the effort, and fell across the rail and was cut to pieces. George Watkins was taken from the brak wheel and promoted to the place which Jimmy Green's death made vacant. He got along with the work from the very start as handily as if he had been at the j b all his life, but Bill Sandusky said that the at mosphere of the Cab changed the min ute Watkins set his foot in il. Ho de clared, f:er the first trip with the new fireman, that Watkins would hoodoo bini. . , "I feel so queer when he turns those sunken eyes of his on me,1 Bill used to say, tliat I dnrescn't stand still nnder his gazo. If I should stand still,' B 11 said, I believe I'd let my engine push on, no matter what might happen, if that fireman said the word. B Ts uneasiness under the myste rious influence of the fireman was such that he at last told tho superin tendent that he was sure some. hing would happen some day. unless the fireman was taken ofL Tho superin tendent laughed at what he ca't'ied Bill's foolishness, and Watkins staid on the engine. He had fired for Bill a in. nth or so, and then the engineer went to the superintendent and told him positively that he must remove Wuikins. Ho couldn't give any rea son that had weight wiLh the boas, and he said that fireman must i-tay. " lien Bill told him that his next trip would be hi3 last. II 3 said hs would not run another trip with George Wat kitis. "Th Pj.iusylvani:i & Erie road runs through some very wild country in Northwestern Pennsylvania. O e .of Lhe wildest spots was iusJ west of JC&ne, hi MeKtau C u tiv. The wootls nr. (limp and unbii.M mi for n l! ami it ftdtow passing through tlieni fools as if he were mil of the world, ri un I ho l.rst, trip that Wiit kins made w ith him. Iti I noticed that In going through .hut wild stre clt the flrem.iu sensed t.i be soiled with loiror, and at linn-. 'iu nouldtiit-n pale, and Bill froqucni saw him crouching at the side ol he cab and glaring wildly, nn.l hl- orange eyes scomud lo be gnlng Into ini'itncy. O.i the trip that Bill d c n red was to be his last with the new in in a n, the engineer had not lmt;i jutlng any at e itlon to Wa1 Uns uniil they had entered the ild pleeo of woods near vuh and had run some dit niiee through i1. Then Bill happeiiml turn his eyes tonard tho fireman. 'Yatkin stood ngiilusl the side of the cah. II a eves were stni ing a' the en gineer, andUll's eyes met the que. ! Mrnlght and full. Bill said t tin ns nntly he felt a numb sensation run lnoti'ih him like a fl tsh. Hi tried to ake his evas away f Jin Watkins', h;i louldu't d it. S na of the fact lha te as on his englna running the cv press on the PoiiusrlvAsIa & Erie mil way never left him. but there he o d. entirely helpless to move hit. vm away from Watkins. Presently i lit fireman turned aud looked off l.tto ho woods. Without owerto help it. I) 11 looked in the name direction, lit -aid that he didn't believe that Wit kins saw or noticed hint. o knew that he was held unler i hat strange influence. The look cd error eamo to the tire turn's eyep ns o gntd. nntl suddenly the entire st eno Has cha igetl, as Bill gazed out upon it. Insteai of tho deei Kane wooils. the train was gliding through a tleltghtful valley. Oil one side was a lofiv ridge; on tho other a hv -l stretch of f.rtilo farm land was !.inndetl by a line of low woms. iVesently the train passed a town n h ntitiful vl'lage, with remarkable growths of willows, where the site .it'ped down tt a river. Setting far hack in terraced grounds was an nil iiomcstend, to which a gVeine, on either side of which were ihu-a clumps f willows, led front the main Bjyond. risiug back of i tie tree, was a church spire. A B..1 Sin lu-kf gas d in anifzenient oi this transformation, an elderly nan, ntrl le of a large horse, rode ibiun the lane toward the village. A lie was passing a clump of trees a tail man a;ej pud out from behind a lar're .iiIow with a gitit In his hauls. He tat ed the weapon to his shoulder and tired at tho man on the horse. Til th! man threw up his hands and tutn ti'ed to the gi'nund. The murderer :i; ed twice into the prostrate body of his victim, and then ran away ami tis.ipjieared amon the willows alon j; the riv.T. Bill said he could not dU inguish the features of either the i.uitterer or his victim, but the horror f lhe scene aroused him. He uttered a Fcreani that startled the fireman, tvho was crouching down In the call, Vaikins sprang to an erect podtio i. iiiil jn n pod for his lever, and was about i . r-versii and call for brakes when th sli-A'igri scene filed away and the wild Petinsyl vaiia landscape once noi-e s retched away on either side ( i a fecond'a time the fireman was TuiHclf again, attending to his duty as -o 1 as ever. Was there something on the iraik?" ho asked, as the engineer ilroppcd ih signal cord. It was some lime before Bill could reply, and then he told Watkins of the x r lordiuarf tUion. As ho de scribed it hi fireman grew paler anil paler, and became greatly agita'ctL When Bill cmiie to the scene where Hie old man was murdered, Watkin was a picture of terror. lie threw up his hands. "M God!' he shrieked. -There is no eeaiw. With these words he spran? from the cab anil Bill saw him tumble out of Mlit in the bushes. The train was running thirty miles an hour. B II bro lght hi-r to a stop as soon as he oou'.d, ami backed down to whore the tirem an had j 'imped off. expecting to hud him ilea I or badly hurt. Not a tri ce of Watkins could bi found x c pi. the broken b ishes into which he !isa; p a red. The woods were can-lie I. but the missing lire.uan -was not found. Or course Bill's s'ory, tho singular d sapitcaratice of Watkins, and the mysterious circ.nnstances connected with it, created agreatsensa ion along the line for some lime, b it the matter was at laU f rro t-n. A mo ith or so afterward B II S.vndusky took a vaca tion. He went on a trip through Oiiio. 0 io day he read in a Ci ieinnati paper that ayounginan name I Walters, who 1 ail appear d in one of the small K nlucky towns a month oefore and t o lfessed to having murdered his undo six years before in that village and gave himself up to ju-tice. was to l,e hanged for the crime. Bill San Imky could never t xplain tho reasou why at the n. me ni he read lhe item his fireman Watkins, the murder he had saeii in his vision, and the fireman's disappearance, came into his ud .d and connected theti -elves with this confessed murderer Walters. Bill found that hi could get o the Kentucky town in a few hours ly rail, and he jumped on the cars and started for the place. As the train .-.pproiiched the place there was no need of the brnkeman calling out its name, so far as Bill Sandusky was con cerned. There was the valley, there was tho riv .T. there stood the hills, tho sloping village site, lhe willows the church, tho old homestead in lhe terraced ground. There was the green lane down which ho had seen the old man riding. 'and therj was the clump of trees where the assassi'i had ap peared and fired the fa'al shots. Bill had no trouble in obtaining a look at the condemned murderer, Walters in his cell and of course Walters was Bil's old (reman, Gjorge Watkins. Walters was his right name. He had shot his uncle just as tho engineer had seen tho tragedy in his vision that memorable day from his cab window. The murderer had bjen an entire Strang r in th K -ntucky town. He had visited his uncle to borrow money and had bucu refused That was the sole cause of the murder. "Wal era said be had struggled or six years again n soihj strange In fluence that was constantly drawing Ii tut buck lo th tse 'no of his crime and to confession, but, feeling that no hitman being knew of his guilt, he had cou q tore I tho Infl tence. He never passed through the dark Kane woods while firing for B 11 Sandusky that the whole sci a t of th- tragedy did not rise be fore hint. When that sc.'iie was re vealed so mysteriously to the engi neer the murderer bdlevcd that, i he terrible secret was no lo tger his own. Jl i gave no the struggle and went nn-re-lsitng y to his fate. He was hanged three days after B 1' visited him. But h xv can anv one explain that queer r slon of Bill's?" llarrisburq (Pa.) for. X. 1'. Tiwct. DON, THE SPANIEL. tin Kept a Rank ami Ir,-w an It When lie Wa ile l Hun. and Meat. The following account has recently boon given mo by J. 11 Bpragtie, owner f Don. the water spaniel, hero . f the story, writes an Osdensburjrii eorres (minion t. The dog was brought t i O rdeushitrgh from Syracuse, N. V., hv Mr. Sprague some thlr y years ago. While In Syracuse Dot had been an ;ht, or had S'tlf-acqiiire l (it Is un certain which), the practice of taking a penny from his master and exchang ing It at a hake-shop tor a bun. After i-onilng lo Odeushurgh the dog im proved on ihU expe rience. H began to beg pennies froniaarqualnlaiices nf his master nmt himself, some of nlinm are s'ill living and ran substantiate He fact. Hi) had certain friends t whiis i ofll te r stores ho specially resorted. lla method of begging was to seat himself by his friend, and If no attention was paid to hint, to tap the man on the knee sharply with his paw, and to co i liniio this until the penny was forth coining or his appeal was clearly unit lailiiiir. Don was often known to visit several friends one after the other, bringing the proceeds back to Mr. Sprague a drug store, where he stored i h'-m behind a counter. I l this way the dog sometimes accumulated a stock id pennies for future use or, to I iterpret the actions of the dog into terms of human activity, Don, the pan lot, kept a bank. Oil this bank .e drew as his appetite inclined him sually going to the bake-shop of one U s. Martin, who. knowing his ways :ive D hi a bun in exchange for the enny which Don would drop. Oth'-r i ues Don patronis nl his butcher, and, s his owner relates lived almost en-r.-Iy on the proceeds of his own beg- U io day tho dog was seen by his ater coming from the bakery with a i.m. Coming up to his owner. D ! eating the bun, but was ob- rved to spit the bits out of his luoiilh. nd anon go Into tho atore, get ano h r pi nny, and go to another bake-shoo and gel another bun. The first prov- o be moldy, and from that day Mrs. M riiu lost the dog's trade. Hj bough I tio more bans from her. B it the crowning feat of Don's life was the f How lug. which is thoroughly attested and is the most remarkable loir story that has ever como to my notice: Doit came onedar rushing in to Mi. Sprague's store l.h a piece of 'neat, and hurried into the back p.trt II curious actions attraclad the at .utioti of those present, and were soon explained bv the appearance of he butcher, who a-ked where that dor was. The butcher then toid his storr. Ut bad been accustomed to D in's appeara ce at his shop with a penny to exchange for m-'at, hail been used to cut a piece, hand it to the do;, and have the penny dropped into his hand In exchange. This day D mi rushed in, got h s m -at. and darted out of the shop, having, as usual, ilroppil soniuhlng into the butcher's hand But this a nue thing on this occasion proved to be a pebble, which tho dog passed off for a cent. Can any reader produce another authenticated in sta'ice, ai this is of nn animal's be comi'ig a C'tiiutrrfciierP It is believed tiial Din's stoe'e of pniinies being ex hausted, and l.e being unable to gel a penny from his friends, resorted to this cxp. dient to obtain the meat. At any rate, the fact is be yond doubt. Don died of po son. II s owner Imried him. properly boxed. In a lot rear G.-een an I S ate streets and then lie was taken by night, in a wag in for a, hoarse, a'.tcndod by duo mourners with dirge and torches, to Tigeon point, in the upper part of the the i vil'are, w'lere he was laid to his last rest by the S'. Lawrence river. X J. Trtbunt. FINE NEIGHBORHOOD. A South Carolina Negro's Plaaaaat Ex periences la l'ann0n A Sou h Carolina negro who had moved into a Tennessee community was asked by a white man if he liked his neighbors. "Oh, mighty well, sah; mighty well," he replied. "Trabeled ober scberal counties an bab circleated rocn' er good many votin' precints but ain't foun' no neighborhood yit dat I likes lack I do dis yere one." Have tho people borrowed Jany thins: from yon?" Oh, yaa sah; oh. yas. 'Bout do secon' day we got yere Mil Jones she came ober an borr.ed do sifter, an Mr. Smif he borried my sawbuck an' Mr. Brown he come ober an' said dat he would lack ter hab our coffee- mill." "Did you let them have what they wanted?" Oh, yas, sah. Jes handed em' right, out widout a word o' "plaint." "II vo they . ever brought them back?" No, sab," "And still you call them good neigh bors?" "Yes, sah." "Well, I don't seo how you can make thatouL" 'Easy ernuff, sah. Yer see I hab borried er dollar from Mix Jones, er chunk o' er hoss from Mr. Smif an' er sassage-grinder fruni Mr. Brown, so, l's er good deal erhead. Oh. I ain't nrber gwiue ax 'em ter pay me back. Bless yo' life, Ts dollars erhead now. O i, yas sab, dis is so fur er mighty fine neighborhood." Arkanaaw Trav tier. THE BOWSER FAMILY. Mrs. Ilowaer'a nf Their Kxprrlenew at a Ite.ort. It may surprise tho render to larn that our family has boon off on it va cation iiiidjoliirnd to seltle down for the remainder of tho season. We had such bad luck jfoliijf uvvay laxt etimmr thnt I had no idea of being able to move Mr. Bowser a rod this year. Not the sllghte-d rofeivtuw had boon tnitde to the auhjiH-t when ho fame bonio a few days ajro with a look of Im portance on bis face. After taking two or thivo turns ncroHA tho sittlng room with lil't hiindri ci-ohmuiI under his cont-tnlls he said : "Mrs. Bowjor. your unwarranted conduct boit your dospolled mo of tho rost and rtH'roatioii I so sadly neerlod." , "I deny It; you trot mo out to a mud hole In the country, and then did nil tho jawing and kicking 'yourself." "Mrs. Bowser, when i any that your unwarranted and reprvhunsiblo cou rt not utterly " "Was I to bliims thnt a bojr pot un der our bodriHim. Ilo ir ut tho hotel?" "Mm. Bowser, do not Interrupt mo! I any that your conduct was such that I vowed never to take you auin. It Is, however, the duty of a husband to overlook Home things lu a wife. Per haps yon have repented. If so, I will Inform you that I am thinking of a two weeks vacation." Atme?" "Why. if you will behave yourself you and baby can jro alone;. Under stand, however, there is to bo no kick ing." "Where is the plneoP "Up the shore. A friend told me of It. It's just what I have been looking for quiet, cheap, comfortable and hoine-liko. I feel to exclaim 'Eureka!' which in the Italian language signi fies, 'I have found it.' Wo nro to leave day after to-tnorrow." "But my wardrolH-! I haven't a dress fit to wear!" "Eureka some more ! That's tho beauty of thia" resort, or one of the beauties It's a horn i place, where no one wears any thing but every-d.ty clothes. You have two sateen Ures es ? " "Yea." "And I have a suit to match. One of the conditions is that no one shall wear any thing better than seorsuckei and sateen." "There may bo such a place, but " "But you doubt it! That's just like you!" "Do we stop at a hotel?" "Certainly! I've telegraphed to-day for a parlor and beU-itom on the mi--ond floor. We need not expect Fifth avenue style and faro, but wo'll yet rest and recreation." "But you won't find fault. Mr. Bow ser, if things are not as pleasant an you exiect?" "I find fault! Aro you going crazy?" "And you won't bo mad ut mo and biby?" He eauped several times before he could reply, and it was a quarter of an hour before he got cooled down to say: "Remember, now, no rnshinjf and stewing. Just throw a few things in to a trunk and we'll bo off." I had many doubts and misivins. but I followed orders, f put in a new sateen, a chunse or two for baby, a couple of shirts nnd a few collars for Mr. Bowser, and we were off ittthe ap pointed time. It was nn all day rido. hot and dusty, and several thinr oo currod to make me think Mr. Bowser had put his foot Into it again. There were a dozen arist'icrntii; poonlo in our car bound to the samo place, and they had considerable to say about the etyle and expense. Of them ulsn had mmi'v thinjr to say about Mr. Bowser and myself. After looking us over she kindly observed: "Now, Mary, those people are sen sible. They are evidently a mechanic and wife, going1 to put in a week on somo farm, and they aro dressed ac cording to their means. He's a little inclined to bo slouehy, but that mlht be expected. She looks like a hired girl we used to have." Mr. Bowser didn't hear it. nnd a cold chill crept over me as I beard tho lBdy mention the hotel wo were going to stop at. She had two big trunks, and it waa evident that nho meant to dress. We got an eye-opener as noon as we left the cars at tho depot. A iHmjHius looking tnau clapped Mr. Bowser on the shoulder and said: "Eh! my man, if you'll carry my grip over to the hotel I'll give you a quarter." "Do you take me for a runner?" howled Mr. Browser. "By Jove, but I did!" replied the man. "Bog pardon, but I boo that you are a laboring man nnd have your family along." When I got Bight of tho hotel my heart turned to ice. I saw at once that we had struck a hlgh-tonod re sort. I saw Mr. Bowsor turn pale as the 'bus drove up, and tho look he gave me was full of reproach and revenge. They had saved his room, but when he inquired the price of board per week the clerk loftily an swered: "1 wenty-elght io. you and your wife." I "Twenty-eight dollars a year?" "Twenty-eight a week, sir, and if you don't care about the rooms you need not keep them!" "Its an infernal swindle, and I won't stop here ten seconds." ."Very well, but don't raise a row. We have a cooler back of the house." Mr. Boweer bad the complexion of an egg-plant when he camo up-stairs to tell me. We sneaked down stairs and slipped through a great crowd of aristocrats, and were getting , away when a stout woman with a great deal of jewelry harnessed to her, inter cepted us and asked: "My man, can you drive a donkey? If so, and you wife here can cook and wash, PU hire you both for the sum mer!" Mr. Bowser had the baby. He lifted him up to make a sand-club of him and kill the fat woman dead in her tracks, but my screams stayed his hand. The woman fled away, and we pursued our walk to a cheap hotel in silence. We picked our way through the dogs and cats and red-headed chil dren to. a 10x12 Darlor room upstairs, ii nd then Mr. Bowser flung the buoy on tho bod and gave vent to his feel ings. I jumped on the bed and cov ered my head to shut out tho awful alghtft and sounds. When an Interval of fcUenoe occurred. I looked out. and tho landlord was at the door and say ing: "I want no kuspcd lunatics nor hay thens In my house to hurt me 'reputa tion! You'll either behave ycruelf or bo tramping!" What followed seems like a dream of a year ago. I remember of meat and potatoes sitting tip all night a bill of six dollars next morning tak ing tho train for home falling Into tho front dwr with a cry of joy, and when I camo to, the fragments of my sateen dresses and of Mr. Bowser's seersucker suit were scattered about the room, and he was looking down upon me and saying: "Yes, it was you who brought this about, and I'll never forgive yon to my dying hourj You discovered a cheap and hoine-liko resort you drugged me away you got u insulted, und now now you must take the con sequences!" Iktroil Free les$. ' a INDIAN ORNAMENTS. W hat Eaaiea' Feathers signify, and Why the Healp Lock I Worn. There are few ornaments now In use with nny meaning among the Da kola Indians. Eagle feather, the number worn showing the number of enemies be has killed, the wing feathers of the bald-headed eagle de noting nmie, and the black eagle feathers denoting women, are perhaps most prominent. If they have scaPped the enemy, a brond red streak Is paint ed upon tho feathers. If the person killed wasof prominence or reputation the feather Is sometimes dyed red. small Mick wrapped with porcupine quills are sometimes attached to the quill of the feathers, and little pieces of white fur glued to the ends. No ono will wear an eagle feather unless entitled to it. as they believe it will fly away from their heads if worn un lawfully. The scalp-lock Is still worn even among the so-called civilized Indians. They arrange the scalp-lock proper an inch across, and tie around this very, firmly a head-band, and then the hair is braided and an otter skin is tied around it ppiratly, forming a braid at least two and sometimes aa much a four feet long. This is kept oiled for- the enemy. If an In dian has the time and the person killed is of Importance, he will scalp off the whole from beneath the eye brows, including the eyes. fJrlazly bear clawa are woru as necklaces. I do not believe as a mark of distinction, but, as they are costly, I think the wearing of them is merely a matter of wealth and not of chieftainship. Aside from the religious position, the wi-ca--ta-wa-kan. or medicine man, is the physician among the Dakota", thoi-oughly conversant with the medical qualities of the various herbs. To give greater effect to his rriodlcw he Is accompanied by drum and rnttles and indulges in much con tortions of features and limbs. Often bo sucks with his raouth'over the sea of pain a novel way of cupping, but often efficacious. I have seen cases of long standing cured by these men. in some instances where the army sur geon had given them up. One euro I hare in mind was of cataract of the eye. It was cured by inserting under neHth the lids filings from brass wire. The patients were always painted red to make their hearts strong, they eay. Often the medicine man will cut an image out of paper or bark, and. placing it oh the ground, the patient is held over it; then the medicine man will take his gun and shoot the image, destroying the evil spirit that has caused the sickness. Helena (.Vonf.) Herald. . m e About Coloring Butter. If any definition of a fraud can be framed which covers mixtures of ani mal fats, butter and dye stuffs, and docs not include a mixture of butter and dye stuffs, both to be sold as pure butter, and which does not include also a dairy commission which condemns the one and approves tho other, we would liko to hear it. From my expe rience selling butter from twenty cows, I judge that wo can sell pure butter. If we can not. but have to counterfeit and aro not willing to have its true charucter known, let us keep very still at tout oleomargarine, and let us and our dairy eommiseionor give the word "fraud" a rest. A. J. Coc,in Connecti cut Farmer. She had a voico like a siren and when she sang "Mill play shuro, and palaces though beam a Home, lie it averse, oh wum buU there, snow play aly com H, arm from thesk eyeseam slew wallow a sneer. Witch seek through the whirl disnecrm et twltcheswearl" there was'nt a dry eye In the taber nacle; but, if the programme hadn't said in clear, unmistakable print that she was going to sing "Sweet Home," a man might never have guessed it. Brooklyn Eagle. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. A machine of one-horse power would keep 27,000,000 watches going. La Nature. Type made from . paper Is the latest novelty. A process has been patented in England by which large type can be made from pulp. In a paper on injurious insects Prof. J. A. Lintner placed the total number of insect species in the world at C0.000. Of these found in the United States 7.000 or 8000 are fruit pests and and at least 210 attack the apple. Scientists claim that a tide mill located at tho Bay of Fundy would generate 700,000 horse-power twelve hours a day. This distributed electri cally and sold to every State in the Union would save the coal supply. The Electrical Review says that the uselessncss of the lightning-rod is be coming so generally -understood that the agents find their vocation a trying one. Fewer and fewer rods are manu factured each year, and "the day will come when a lightning-rod on a house will be regarded in the same light as a horseshoe over a man's door." OYSTER CULTIVATION. tome Fulnt. Ab.iat Hoar Thy An Urow. In Lotix Island Ntinnd, In connection with the attempt about to lie made to plant and cultivate oys ters in Elliott's Bay. it will prove in teresting' to those concerned In the experiment to know some thing of the iilans adopted elsewhere and presum ably under substantially similar condi tions A published rejxrt States that the oyster growers along the upjer Atlantic coast have had a better season this year than ever liefore. The whole number of acres under cultivation in tho vicinity fjf Stratford nnd Bride- iKtrt, Conn.. Is f5.W)7. The oyster in dustry has bten built up there mainly within the last twelve or fifteen year, and notwithstanding the ravages nf starfish and other enemies of the oyster some of the principal growers have become rich. i he Connecticut laws reserve as public grounds oyster beds within a mile of msinlan.!, and any r-sident of the State may gather shell fish upon these grounds Private beils extend for ten mile out into Ling Island Sound, and a large fleet of small steamers Is kept constantly at work upon them tho year round. In the spring the iieds are covered with shells to replace the oysters that have leen taken up, and later In the season the boats are kept busy taking np and testrov!n star-fish and chang ing young stock from one bed io an other. Dredgers- bofjin their ojwra tions in the fall, and then the grower reaps his hurveL Beginning at this time of year, the whole force of steam ers again tackle the star-tish. lhe oysters are taken lip In dredges cnlled over, all the stars, winkles and drills picked out by hand, and the oysters pnt back on new ground. If a steamer and its crew of five hands gather three bnshels of stars In a day it is considered a profitable employment and some of the boats take np more than fifty bushels daily. Oysters grow to marketable size in three or four years according to whether they are for foreign or home consumption. Oysters can not lie kept without a knowledge of their habits They feed twice in a day of twenty-four hours and then ju-t at that stillness preced ing the turn of the tide. At no-other time, except when feeding, do thpy oieo their mouths When taken out of the water they naturally attempt to feed at regular intervals and as soon as their mouths are open th liquor is !1 lost, the air takes its place, and the oyster is covered with a thick coating of slime. This is the first stage of de composition, after which the oyster is of no account Seatie (W. T.) Poat- tntelligenccr. BRITTANY'S COAST. Uradaat Sinking- n mm Soil of Varloaa Freacb trovtnea. Just lately, on the const of Brittany, one of those geological discoveries hare been made which suggest to the mind periods of time making the long est humtn life appear but a span, and exhibiting processes quite dwarfing the most ambitious human achievement. This is tho disclosure, by the displace ment of a mass of sand dnring tho last high tides of a forest that must have been buried for some twenty centuries at least. The situation is just opposite Saint M.tlo, at the foot of the cliffs of Saint Enogat and Saint Lnnaire. The forest is supposed to havoonee extend ed from Saint Malo to beyond Mont Samt Michel. This discovery Is con sidered of great scientific interest, as it affords a remarkable illustration of the gradual sinking of the French shore. The progress of this sinking during the last two thousand years is c!eaily howu in an old map found at the Abbey of the Mont Saint Michel. Within no more than seven centuries back as many as seven parishes are said to have disappeared by the subsi dence of this region. And in the Bay of Douaroenez there U known to have existed in the fifth century quite a flourishing town called Is tha scene of the famous tragicaT 'legend. Even now, at low water, may be seen the old walls of Is which are called by the in habitants of Mogber Gregbi (wall of the Greeks). The jieople of the coun try pretend that they can sometimes hear the old church bells of the sub merged city ringing with the motion of the current. French geologists estimate that the gradual sinking of the soil of Brittany, Normandy, Artois Belgium and Hol land is not less th in seven feet a cen tury. At this rate it is estimated that in about ten centuries all the channel ports will be destroyed, and Paris itself will have become a maritime city. In another ten centuries it is predicted that the French capital itself will have become entirely submerged, excepting, perhaps that the tops of the Pantheon. of the Arc de Triomphe and other such monuments may be discernible at low water by the people who will then be livinjr. London Gloht. If Milton will only cross my thresh o'd to sing to me of P.iradise, and Shakespeare to open to me the worlds of imagination and the workings of the human heai L and Franklin to en rich me with his practical wisdom, I shall not pino fur want of intellectual companionship, and I may become a cultivated man. though excluded from what is called the. best society In th place where I live. IFtf.'iant Ellen Gianning. Consciences are accommodating things. They seldom trouble a man who has gobbled millions of o'her people's money; but when they get hold of a fellow who has pocketed i wenty-five cents that belongs to some body else, they make it warm lor him until he disgorges or joins the great majority and augments his peculations to a point beyond which no self-re s pectin g conscience cares to go. Inequality in taxation, my son, is a system of assessment which hits you q lite as hard as neighbor Jones, over the way. Just and impartial taxation, on the contrary, is a system which lets yon off without paying a dollar and makes Jones pay enough for both. There, my son, you have a bit of infor mation that you would never learn in an organic newspaper or a political oonveation. Boston Transcript. WHITE LEAD. How It t. Manafaetared la TtrfsM C. tries and of v hat It 1. Composed. White lead is riot a simple carbonate- hut a comjtotind of hydrate with ear. bo ri ate of l.-a l, in proportion varying from two to four of carbonate to one of hy drnts There are three ineibods by which it Is made on the large scale, known as the French, EngLWj and Dutch methods; they all depend pri marily on the formation of the basis acetate of lead and its conversion info carbonate. In the French method a solution of bnie acetate of lead is pre pared by the d:getion of litharge with acetic acid or a solution of acetate of lead, or by the action of acetic acid on finely divided metallic lead with acee-s of air. In this Solution is fure'd rarlxitiie acid gut, which pre i; it.tfe two-thirds of the lend, and this, after settling, is collected and dried. The supern stent clear Uqaid. w hich U ancuiral or slightly acid solution of acetate of lead, is boiled with a litharge, and lhe bas'c acetate thus formed again treated with cnrtx.nie acid. Experi ence has hown that it is not abso!n!cly necessary ft have the basie acetate of lead completely in solution as in the Frem-h prwe. . Jn the Engli-h process, litharjre, with about one per tent, of acetate (sugur of lead), is mixed with water to a moist mass, and exposed under constant stir- ring to the notion of carbonic arid, when the lithrre is eonvejted with great rspidit; into white carbonate. The- Dutch proetss, which is the old est in use, consists -"In exposing thisi cheets of lead to vapors and acetic acid and carlonic acid for a long period. In earthen vessels are placed sheet of lead rolled into the form of a spiral; into the bottom of these vessels, bat not n contact with the lead, is poured a mixture of weak vinegar aud sub stances capable of fermentation, aa yeast; a plate of lead serves as a cover. From 1,500 to 2,000 vessels thus pre pared are piled toge&er in so-called loogen, and surrounded with spent bark or stable litter; after six weeks the lead ill be found tbxkly coated or entirely con vet ted inti wliife carbonate. Tie action is here eubstantiallv the same a? in the other procsses given; the leal is first convened into acetate, ami sub sequently into carbonate by the carbon ic aciJ given off by the "deeompo-ing matters present, which also serve to maintain an elevated tern perat ore. The Dutch white lead contains more oxide of lead and possesses more body than the i rent h, but is eaia to have a greafcf-r tendency, when used as a paint with oil, to turn yellow on exposure. White lead Is frequently adulterated with oth er substances, principally sulphate of baryta. Toledo Blade. A30UT DYNAMITE. How the Dtn-eraiH and Pswerfol Explo sive is KaaafattareJ. Few people know what dynamite is. though the word is in earomon use. It is a giant gun-powder, that is an ex plosive material varying in strength and safety of hsndling at-t.rding to the percentage of nitro-glyeerme it con tains. Ni tro-glvcerine. whence it derives its strength, is composed of ordinary glycerine and nitric acid, com pounded together in certain propor tions and at a certain temperature. Nitro-glycerine, though not the strong est exf losive known, being exceeded in power by nitrogen and other products of chemistry, is thus far the most ter rible explosive manufactured to any ex tent Nitro-glvcenne itself is not safa to handle, hence dynamite is preferred. It is extensively made and consumed ia the United States under the various names of Giant, Hercnles. Jnpiter and -Atlas powders, all of which contain any-wht-ie from twenty to eighty percent, of nito-glycerine, the residue., of the compound being- made np of rotten stone, r.on-explosive earth, saw dust. charcoal, plaster of pans, black powder or some other substance that takes np the glycerine and makes a porous. spongy fnass. Aitro-glycenne was dis covered oy Salvero, an Italian chemist. n 1845. Dynamite is prepared by simply kneeding with the naked hands twenty-five per cent, of infusorial earth and seventy-five of nitro-glycerine until the mixtnre assumes a putty con dition not nnlike raoist brown sn;ar. Before mixing, the infusorial earth is calcined in a furnace, in order to burn ont all organic matter, and it is also sifted to free it of large grains While still moist it is squeezed into cartridges. which are prepared of parchment pajer, and the firing ii done bv fulminate of silver in copper capsules provided with patent exploders. Nitro-glycerine ts made of nitric acid one part and sul phuric acid two parts, to which is add ed ordinary glycerine, and the mixture is well washed with pure water. The infusion is composed of small microscopic silicious shells wbk-h have lost their living creatures. The cellu lar parts receive the nitro-glycerine and hold it Toy capillary attraction, both in side and ont The earth is very light Water is expeled from it by means of a furnace and then, in the form of a pow der, it is mixed with nitro-glycerihe. Nitro-glycerine has a sweet aromatic, pungent taste, and the peculiar proper ty of causing a violent headache when placed in a small quantity on the tongue or wrist. It freezes at forty degrees Fah renheit becoming a white, half crj sial ized mass, which most be melted by the application of water at a tempera ture about one hundred degrees Fah renheit American Analyst. . "itusband (to wite, home from church) "Service interesting this morning, my dear?" Wife -"Not par ticularly so. - Mrs. Carlton-Pell's baby was baptized, and they say its baptis mal robe of lace cost C500l I think there is such a thing as being too re ligious" X.' V. Sun. . 'What is that fellow's name?" I know perfectly well, and if I wanted to, I could tell you as quick as I could say Jacklobinson." "Well, then, what is it?" "Jack Robinson." Working ton Hatchet. A. "How do you like your land lady ?" B.-"She is a very clever woman, but she ha too much curiosity." Iu what direction?"' "She is always asking me when I am going to pay my board biIL