The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 31, 1888, Image 4

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An Epitonk or irate Principal Kvknt
The (Governor of Tt nneHBoe litis par
doned Dan HenneBBy, of "galil-brick"
fame, who was Bentencod to a five
years' term in the penitentiary for
swindling O. F. Noel out of fO.lKX).
Another battle has occurred be
tween the Jones and Green factions in
Hancock county, Tenu., and the re
sult is that there are two leg of the
Green family.
The boiler of the steamer Fulton
exploded Thursday, in the Gulf, off
the mouth of the Mississippi. lhe
captain, the pilot and two deck hands'
were killed.
Two earthquake shocks were felt at
Yuma, Ariit. One was quite severe,
lasting several seconds, and accom
panied with low rumbling sounds. No
damage was done.
Michael Murry, short stop of a
baseball club, was hit by t pitched
ball1 and killed at Rochester, N. Y.
His neck was broken from the force of
the ball.
Capt. Nat Kinney, the famous ehief
and founder of the "Bald -Knobhers"
organisation, was shot and instantly
.killed at Ozark, M.., by Bill Miles, an
anti-Bald-Kuobber. Miles escaped.
Mrs. (?arrie Harrington, wife of a
Chicago druggist, committed suicide
by pouring oil over her clothing and
then Betting fire to it. She had been
in ill health for some time, and fre
quently had attacks of dementia,
Sherman Keeves arrested bis nephew
Sherman Grim, for disorderly conduct,
at Oakland, lnd. A light ensued, and
both drew revolvers. Grim was shot
three' times and will die. Reeves was
slightly wounded.
Billy Cole, who shot Wm. Mont
gomery and Chailes Grant, was taken
from jail by masked men at Guide
Hot k, Neb., and hanged on the rail
road bridge. Both of Cole's victims
are still alive.
In a quarrel at Tucson, Aris., one
Mexican was stabbed to death and
another mortally wounded by a Mexi
can named Jesus Figueroa. The
murdered man was trying to make
peace w hen stabbed.
Howard O. Spencer was held in
f 6,000 and George Striughamin$5 000
bonds, for the murder of beret, l ike
in August, JS.V.V at Salt Lake City,
Utah. Stringham made a confession
He furnished bpencer his weapon to
do the shooting, and helped Spencer
George Reid, of Orange, N. J., a
newly elected fireman, did not res
pond when an alarm rang. "Get up,
Georgie ; it won t do to imta your f i rat
fire," said his father, trying o wake
him. But the young fellow did not
stir, and upon touching his face, the
father found him cold and dead.
A most sevei-e earthquake was felt
at Winthrop, Maine, continuing
thirty seconds. The earth shook vio
lently, swaying buildings ami rattling
dishes and furniture. A second shock
was felt later on, somewhat lighter and
of about the same duration.
Major Howes and family of Boston,
with Indian guides, forming a party
of ten, in three canoes, while pasMiu;
up Tobique river, thirty-six mi!es
from Andover, Maine, were tired on
by unknown persons and Mrs. Howes
was instantly killed. Ihete is no clue
to the muderer.
Julie Clermont, has bren arrested
on a charge of having stolen $23,000
by selling goods to different parties at
Guaynias, Mex., and appropriating
the funds to himself. He confessed
to stealing f S,000, but it has been as
certained that he has deposited in
several of the largest houses f 19,000.
A serious accident occurred on a
railway near Sprinefield, Ohio. A
train, consisting of eight freight, tw
passenger cars and two sleepers, struck
a broken rail. The engine and every
car were derailed. The sleepers, both
carrving passengers, were thrown
down the embankment. Four pas
sengers were injured.
Worth Jackson, a lunatic, who had
been placed in a bare and cloe apart
ment, ended his career at Cheyenne,
Wtol, by gashing his tnroat with bit
of gldies obtained by breaking a lamp
chimney. Jackson, armed with
Winchester rirle, six-shooter and bowi
knife, was captured by a ranchman
near here, after tiring several shots at
Postoftice authorities at Chicago,
having in charge the box robbery af
fair have completed a partial list of
notes, drafts, money orders, and other
negotiable papers found in Ober
kampf's rooms. So far it foots up
over f 2o0,000. The inspector is satis
fied that the aggregate value of the
stolen documents recovered will be
fully a million dollars.
The sheriff of Crook county, Wyo.,
arrived at Joilet, 111., with Jim O Con
nor, a horse thief, sentenced to three
years' imprisonment. While coming
through Iowa on the. fast tram with
his hands and legs ironed O'Connor
jumped through a car window and
tried to make his escape. The train
was stopped and he was quickly cap
tured. Escaping gas had rilled the picture
gallery in the west wing of the resi
dence of F. C. Denney, at Elmira, N.
Y., and when Mrs. Denney, before en
tering the gallery, stepped into a
niche and touched an electric ap
pliance for lighting the gas, a terrific
explosion followed, blowing the roof off
the gallery and strewing the grounds
about the house with glass, iron and
timbers. Furniture was blown through
the hallwaj' like leaves. Plate glass
windows and walls were broken in
nearly every part of the house.
Miss Matilda Johnson has just died
in London, 116 years old. Eighty-nine
years ago her intended husband died
suddenly and she made a will giving
her entire fortune to the Military Hos
pital and directing that "Love Killed
Her" should be engraved on her tomb
stone. Bertie Mamma, I thought you
said Mr. Johnson was a very wise man.
Mamma Well, so he is, Bertie. Ber
tie 1 know better. After I told him
to-day I was in school he wanted to
know how much two times three was.
Gofitleman (reading the placard on
the wall in a barber shop) "Why,
how is that, Jim? 'Shaves fifteen
cents, on Sunday twenty-five cents.
Why have yon begun to charge extra
for Sunday?" Jim "Dun jined the
church, sah." Santa Barbara Press.
"Tour honor," exclaimed a lawyer,
in the heat of argument, "if you knew
the plaintiff as I know him, you would
admit that a more envious, more
grossly ingnorant, vainer, more in
tolerant man does not breathe!" The
judge (severely) "Mr. B., you for
get yourself." . . .
pevoteu principaixy to washington
Tkrbitohv asu Calikokma.
An Italian minor, Giovanni Govcpg
lia, wliilo rolling logs as the Zeile mine
at Jackson, Cal., was sunstruck', and
died three bourn afterward.
John Boone, a sailor, who came to
Tacoma, W. T., from San Pedro, Cal.,
became intoxicated and was run over
and killed iu Northern racUio yards,
A Chinaman, an employe on the
Southern Pacific at Merced, Cal.,
while attempting to jump on a freight
ttain, slipped and fell, the cars passing
ovei bith his legs near the thigh.
A young man named Limst Staysa
was accidentally shot at Pasadena,
Cal., by a rule in his own hands whiu
taking it out of a wagon. He died
almost instantly.
M. Trayner was arrested at Los
Angeles, Oal , on suspicion of shool-
ing V. Eiiuau. The victim will prob
ably die. The cause of the shooting
is still unknown.
Frank Beaumont assaulted Frank
Cox, at Peanlano, Cal., who shot hint,
the bullet entering Beaumont's throat
and coming out at the back of the
neck, severing the spine.
Sam Probst, the l year-old son of B
Probst, of Colusa, Cal, fell oil the
river bank adjoining the town and
was drowned. The body has been re
fried Hade, Jf years old, was
drowned at Stockton, Cal., while bath
ing in Sunkton ihanm I. From his
actions, us seen by people on a yacht,
it is supiosed he was seized with
At Fairbank station, near Nogales,
Am., Sam and George McLaren, sa
loon-keepeis, got into a quarrel wiih a
Mexican over the price of a drink.
The two saloon-keepers fired seven
shots into the Mexican, killing hint
tsoth ntf.u were arrested.
Henry Clay Brown, a ranchman,
while sitting asleep on the truck near
San ternan.lo station, Cal., wussttuck
by the overland express. On account
of a cuive he was not seen till the
train was UMn him. He was taken
to Los Angeles hospital, where the in
juries were pronounced fatal.
Daring a buggy ride at Sacramento,
Cal.. with Jack ALU nth, Miss
llattie Trunnely. feeling a pistol in
MeGralh's coat, attempted to pull it
oc( from his ncket. The pistol whs
discharged and the ball lacerated the
bones of one of Mis Trunnely 's
hands and passed through the other.
Dr. Richard L. Pinching, a promi
nent physician and surgeon of San
Frncisco. was burned to death at
Cherry Creek, Nev., where be had
been spending a two mounts vacation
with toe family of a friend. The fa
tal accident occurred in, the early
The loss by the fire at Stockton.
Cal., was aUmt $100,000; insurance
about $00,000. The hipiee Agricul
tural Works, which used the hurned
building for a warehouse, bad about
fifty combined harvesters stored there,
and a number of grain cleaners, all of
which were burned.
An old g nth man named P. J.
Palmer, who died at National City,
Cal., has in accordance with implicit
instructions left by him, had his bodv
put in a heavy-weighud colliu, carried
out to sea, and after appropriate
funeral ceremonies, consigned to the
bottom of the Pacific.
In some localities in Mexico the
people are suffering a plague in the
way of an invasion of rats, which go
into towns and villages iu large num
bers, destroying nearly everything in
the way. In some instance destruc
tive conflagrations have been started
by rats getting into places where
matches are kept, and setting fire to
An autopv was held in the case of
John Moata, the lodging-house k. ejer
who wa beaten by Carl roiisUon, a
sailor, and died, at San Francisco.
The autopsy showed that death was
caused by erysipelas, but the disease
was not due to the blows given by
tv.ustson. A warrant will not oe is
sued for the arrest of the latter, who
is now on his way to Tacoma.
two voutluul norse-tnieves were
captured at JSeattle, W. T. Three of
them had stolen three valuable horses
and taken to the woods, where the
boys and horses were found by Win.
Bunch, owne. of the horses. One o
the boys ran, but the others were
turned over to the police and were
later severely lectured by the imlgt
and allowed to go, as neither was over
10 years of age. The boys' names are
Jo Jandos, Charlie Dittzrl and Eddie
Arthur W. Dickens, who is believed
to be a nephew of Charles Dickens,
the English novelist, was found dead
in his room at Los Angeles, Cal., with
a bullet hole in his right temple. H
came here fiom Denver, Col., about a
year ago. He left a letter saying he
was perfectly sane when about to take
his life, and that having livid over
fifty years as a B diemian, being weary
of life, and fioding his financial lela
lions straitened, he takes this way of
solving the problem.
Arthur Petqueira, sged about 19
years, committed suicide at Nogales,
Ariz., by shooting himself through the
head with a revolver. He expired in
stantly. He was a son of Ex Gov
Pesqueira of Sonora, Mexico, and
heir to a large fortune, which he
would have received on the attain
ment of his 21st birthday. He left no
explanation for committing the deed,
but it is understood that IV-queira
held a quarrel with a woman to whom
he became attached, but who threat
ened to discard him unless he gave
her more money.
The Lv'lhcran. of Philadelphia, says
the Lutheran church is losing many of
its young people on account of the
language. They do not go out of German-speaking
Lutheran churches into
English-speaking Lutheran churches,
as mijrht be expected, but into other
Michigan University has received
from the Legislature of the State f 15.5,
000 in the past two years. Of the
1,506 students. President AngeU finds
that the parents of 502 were farmers,
171 merchants, 93 lawyers, 83 physi
cians, 2 manufacturers, 54 mechanics
and 51 clergymen.
Silence Is Golden.
They were sitting in an easy chair
out on the porch.
He Darling.
She Darling.
He Sweet.
She Sweet.
He- -Precious precious.
She Precious ah, but, George, dear,
do not let us disturb the solemn still
ness the wide silence of the night,
with conversation. N- Y. Sun,
AM) Stock mi:n.
Ewes that have weaned their lambs
may lo fattened very easily If given
two meals a day of grain with plenty
of trass iu the pasture.
Kidishes mxy be had at all periods.
Use plenty of manure and grow them
quickly, so as to have lh tit crisp hiu!
All the leguminous plants that have
been tried make good ensilage, but
they are so highly nitrogenous as to
make too rich a food to use alone iu
any quantity.
ktcp squishes and pumpkins
away from cantaleupa and water
melons. In fact, it is best to grow Ho
pumpkins on a farm where imdons
are raised, us the bees curry )olloii
from one plant to another.
The hoe may now be nurd with ad'
vantage both on tact and carrots,
The spaces hi tween the rows can bi
cleaned with a cultivator, but the hot
should le used to clean out grass and
weeds between the plants.
Young corn makes an excellen
green manorial crop for plowing no
tier, but the seed is expensive. Sor
ghum may be used also, and the seed
for a few acres will cost but little.
Sow it thickly and plow it under when
the plants are about two feet high.
It is not desirable to pasture cows
in woodlands. The glass groan un
der the slfflde is less intuitions, and
the animals are apt to find many wild
plants, the flavor of which spoils the
milk for any use. This is especially
true of wimkIs where wild garlic
Many cases of milk fever may In
traced to the manner in which the
cows are fed beloie culving. If the
cow is waiting to come in, ami has
been dried ft", she will rtipiire but
very little grain. The w-.t food is
grass, with a light inets of moistened
orau at night. If too fat the chances
are that will have milk fever.
In a majority of c ises the los of
young chicks and tutkeys may be
tract! to lice. At this season, when
lhe wealner i becoming very warm,
lice multiply rapidly, and a few data
only are necessary t. have the eniiie
fl ck infested. Constant vigilance
should be exercised in older to prt
vent lice from dtstroyirg the young
This is the time when a close search
must be made for lauers in tree
Thev can be moie eaailv destroyed
now than later on. K move the
earth from the trees to the depth of
six inches around th trunk, search
for the lorvr and fill up with coal
ashes, as the bore r dot' not work on
trees where wood ashctt liau been
freely used.
All grass crops make t lie lost hay
if cut before the seed-heads form.
When a plant produce seed it has
iterformed' its mission anil stored
much of it nutritions matter iu the
seed. Insecure the largest amount
of nniri'.ion in hay the grass should
be cut w inie tlie l tiki and blades
contain the ch until that would
be directed to the formation of seed
UM rtrawoerrv lulus soon ieconie
overrun Willi weeds. This can onlv
Ih prevented by pulling the wet-da out
between tne plants us -o.iii as the cro
of lorries is picked, at ti e sain- time
working between the rows well with a
cultivator. it au the wtcds are
pulled1 out as fast as they apjM-ar, s.
as to prevent them fiom s edint
there will be but few of them next
L'tok carefully after the crafts se
the past spri.ig, and give them timely
attention. Remove any sluiots that
start on the stock, so that thev mav
not rot th graft. A 1 o; ticultural an
tli-intv tells us that a era 11 should In
treated a if it were a young tree in
stead of in the ground. When there
are several buds iixiii the graft one
will often get the sU-t of the others
and outgrow them. Check this ly
pinching lhe ends of tho shoots of
the exuberant grower.
Frof. Roberts, of Conn 11 I'nivei
- . . . .
sitv, speaking on nuik production
said the dairy farm must be fertile il
we are to produce milk of the herd
quality. People have an id' 1 that
rough, ioor pasture lands are fitted to
produce gixMi in, lk, hut this is a mis
take. He bciievts tin re is more
value obtained from the biati than
there would Im? if the whole wheat
should be fed to cows. Good land will
produce good plants, and it is econ
omy to feed them to ioor animals.
What we want is a business cow, not
one that will go off on a st rike every
four or fivo or six months in the year.
A farmer who uses fsrtilizcrs is pre
sumed to know what he is about. If
he applies them to an entire field it is
because previous experience has satis
fied him that they pay. This being
so, it is important that the fertilizer
be evenly distributed so that tho great
est protKtrlionate gtxsl may resub.
Much depend on the condition of the
fertilizer as to dryness and fineness,
and something also on the kind of
drill used and its condition. Even it
force feed will not distribute evenly a
the fertilizer has been left in it to ru-d
and ruin it. At the best there will be
some imperfection in distribution.
In a long bout th 1 larger amount of
fertilizer put on at each end has a
tendency to pa.-k, and will not run
through so easily as if less were put
in at a time and more fieqnently. On
account should intentional breaks in
distribution be made for cxieriment.
There will probably be too many
places where the fertilizer was missed
accidentally. The um vm distribu
tion of fertilizer causes uneven growth
of grain and uneven ripenirsr, still
fnrther detracting from its puality.
Laurence Oliphant, the author of
"Irene Macgilicuddy" interviewed on
the subject of novels, confessed that "of
all the older w riters of fiction Charles
lieade stands at the head." lie prefers
the writings of Dickens to Thackeray
but of the men he eared most for the
A Jewish Publication Society has
been organized in Philadelphia, repre
senting all phases of Judaistic be
lief. Its object is to issue from time to
time publications 'designed to foster a
knowledge of Jewish essentials, litera
ture and history among the Jews of the
United States.
Count Tolstoi is the title and name
of two distinguished Russians, and it is
well to know that fact in view of sus
spicions of attempted violence to one
of them. The confusion between Count
L. N. Tolstoi, the novelist and philan
thropist, and his cousin. Count Tolstoi,
the narrow-minded Minister of Educa
tion, is very commonly made. The
name of Tolstoi is found more than
once in the history of Russian literature.
ItKi.iAiu.K Quotations CARRFVi.i.r llr
VIHKIt kvlllY Wkek.
WHEAT Valley, tl 31
Walk Walla, 1 20! 22 j.
BARLEY . Whole, 1 lOflil 12J;
ground, per ton, .'V25 00c27 60.
OATS Milling, :H)0$3lJe. feed, 44
HAY Baled, IIIVI12.
SEED nine (Iras, 14 J(i Mc. ; Tim
olhy, yjiil0c. J Red Clover, 14(4 15c.
FLOUR Patent Roller, U "0
Country Brand, f J 7i.
ElltlS Per doz, 18o.
BUTTE 11 Fancy roll, er pound.
25e. ; pickled, 2U(25c. ; inferior
grade, lfitfl2j.
CHEESE Eastern, lfta20o.; Ore
gon, H(.tl(ic. ; California, 14 Jo.
VEGETABLES Beets, pwr sack,
$1 fit); cabb ige, per lb., 2Je. ; rarrota,
per sk., fl 52fi; lettuce, ir do. 20
onions, fl 00; Mitaloes, per 100 lbs.,
SK)e.trf$l; radishes, per do., 15fi20o. ;
rhubarb, per lb., Oe.
UMeiKl III comb, per IK, lHc;
strained, u gal. tins, per lb. Ke.
POULTRY Chickens, iter do..
14 (Hl(,5)4 50; tliuks, per tlo., 5 (MM
7 00; geese, fU (Hit. 8 00: turkeys,
jvr in., lijc.
PKOVISIONS Oregon hnma. 121c
Hr lb.; Eastern, 13(.j)l3jc.; Eastern
ireakfast I menu, llAc. per lit.; Oregon
IU(.r;12e. ; Eastern lard, 10(1 He. per
iu. ; wrcgon, 111 jo.
G KEEN FRUITS Apples. $ 00
h.c; Sicily lemons, fti 00(,i, fit)
California, f3 50t5 00 : Navalornircs
00; Riverside, 4 00; Mediterra
nean, f 1 2o.
DKIED FRUITS Sun dri.-d ai
pies, 7 J i. per lb. ; machine dried, 10(4
He; pit icsa plums, 13c,: Italian
prunes, lt0'1l4e. ; jK aches, lKlk'.;
raisins, -ivusz ou.
WOOL Valley, 17gl8c;
Oregon. Uitl5c.
1I1DEHU-Dry beef hides,
8( lOo
Hid, 10o
culls, 0ii7c. : kip and calf.
Mm rain, 10 (.i12c. ; tallow, 3ii;3Jc.
LUMUElt ltotigh, per M, $10 00
edged, per M, I2 00; T. and G
sheathing, er M, f 13 00; No. 2 lloor-
ing, per M, 18 t0; No. 2 veiling, per
M.f mj; o. 2 rustic, ihtM, 18 00
ch ar rough, per M, 2) 00; clear P. 4
r per m, no. ou; io. 1 tloonug, jer
.vi, irtl; INo. 1 ceiling, iter M
22 00; No. 1 rustic, jht M, $22 50
stepping, iter M, $2j 00; over 12
inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 41)
to ,ri, extra, f2 00; lengths faj to liO,
extra, fl 00 ; IJ la-h, per M, $2 25
lj lath, per M, 2 50.
SALT LiveriMxd grades of fin
quoted $ IS, $1'J and $20 for the three
sizes; ntock salt, $10.
BEANS Ouotesmall whites,! 4 50
pinks, $3; buyos, $3; butter, $4 50
Liuias, $4 50 er cental.
COFFEE Quote Salvador, 17c
Costa Hiea, LSut20e.; Ri ,, 18(i20o.
Java, 270. ; Ai buckle's 's rastcd,22a
MEAT Beef, wholesale, 21Si3c
dressed, tn. ; sheep, 3c ; dre-sed, tie.
hogs, dressed, SfittK'. ; veal, 5(it7c.
PICKLES Kegs quoted steady at
SUGAR Price for barrels; Ooldt
C.bAc. ; extra C, (3c. ; drv granulated
"Jo. ; crushed, tine crushed, cube and
powdered, 7 j. ; extra C, bge.; halves
and loxes, jo. higher.
Senator Hoar haa received the de-
preo of LL D. from Harvard. Amherst
Yale. Williams and William an
A New Yorker who in properoi
day had made a study of dimiioiial
and wa a tine judge, turned 1
knowledge to profitable account and i
to-day the iu eesful buyer for a larg
diainoml hoti-ic.
A 11 Eiigtiilimaii who had spent A" Id,
00 in feeiliug and clothing the inmr
Liverpool, ili-iguised himaelf and wei
among them, and he speedily found
that such of them as did not guy hii
for an idiot were satisfied that he was
Mr. Yaiiderhilt is going to form
great collection of articles of bric-a-
brae, lie has secured the services o
an experienced Instructor to aid him
In judging what to purchr4se. and it i
said that he has already expended up
wards of half a million dollars on hi
new collection.
Jeff Davis claims that it was at his
suggestion the crown of feathers waa
substituted for the liberty cap upon
the statue which adorns tho dome of
the capitol at Washington. Ho ob
jected to the liberty cap as the ac
cepted enihlem of the freed slave.
whereas our people were born free an
had maintained their freedom.
A denier in men's furnishing good
in New York says that clergymen are
among the most fastidious of his cus
tomers. They always choose the fines
material. Silk underwear made to or
der nt a great cost is a favorite thin
with them. Famous or wealthy men
he says, as a rule, care least about
dre?s. Wall street men dress most
brilliantly and actors most showily.
Senator Bowen went to Colorado
from Arkansas ten years ago, broke
in health and poor. One night he won
one hundred dollars at poker and jjav
it to it prospector for a grub stake. As
a result of this adventure he gained
the Iittlo Annie and Golconda mines.
which have paid him as high as ten
thousand dollars a day in hard cash.
A conservative estimate places the ore
In sight at f2.500.000.
"Ala. no pugs gt to Heaven, like
good little boys do, when they dieP
"No, Johnnie; why do you ask such
siuy quest ion r - "Well, 1 was won
tiering wnetner Jip was always going
to nave the host of me. Ooldei Days.
A man has been arraigned iu
New York court for robbing a plumber,
It is supposed that the gentleman in.
vited the plumber to dinner, and the
refused fo pay him for the time it took
hnu to eat it. American Arttian.
But They Probably Are.
Tts said we have a hundred women
Over a hundred years of age.
But. then, the papt doesu't mention
II all of them are on the suiko.
Detroit Free Pret,
"T have found out why the falls at
Niagara roar so loudly," said a re
turned tourist. "What is the reason?
"Why, they are trying to echo the re
port of tho thundering charges made
by the Canadian hotel pirates." Eotei
Mabel, what does your father do?"
"He is a shoe merchant" "Does h
deal in the kiud of shoes he wears?
(thoughtfully). "Of course." "I think
I'll have to patronize him. They art
J good strong shoes."
An ths nrlnrlnlrt of lov la ths main tit-lm-lntl
11 the lunll of I ho rsl ( 'lirl.llati. hii Hik In dor
or love in t ho main biuiluem of tlia t lnlnllmi
TIib illdcovsrv liv Ilia Inhabitant at a lnalltv
lilthnrlo tlnvlnliuit liy lli I'UHlllmil HtHiurtft) of
fever anil awua, that It eUtn In their very
itiltlHt, In dnclimilly marlllnif. H1111I1 iIIhcokm-Ii-h
i-m niaiin at every mixm. lit every pari of lhe
liilon. Knhai'iiunnlly. wheal It I it amsertalneit.
It Invariably I at Kiiiih time, throiiKh the
valuniilt) eH-i l.a.i e of mine one. who lia Ix'eii
iMitiellittiil ami i ni e.l, thai llualelter' HI num. h
Killer la a tmirntiuhly eltteaelim eraill -alur
of the malarial miUiiii, ami a mean of Im-tlfy-I11U
III" nynUMii Knlnt II, a fueling of inure
aertirlly ami It-HnqntMl r reiirna UiioiikIkhiI Hie
whole iielKhhoi'litMHl, lltwhle lhe febrile form
of malarial til wane, iluinli (kuk unl Hipid cake
are reinoveil by the iotetit aellon of the Hit
tela, lo wbh-b limi o ahwi (five II aiii lhui a
remeily for rhetiinallNiii. (lyNiH'iiMla. coiiHtlna-
llun. liver .-omolaln'. oVhilttr. klilitev triiiilflrif.
anil all illHeaw linnalrinu lhe oruuliH of ill-
Ki Hiluii ami aaalmllalloii.
Imllana la lo have a anlillera' and aallnra'
iiioiiiimtint lico l fll.MU.
White Kletihant of 8U111. Lion of lam
ami, IhaKoitof China, l'roa of HwllKer
and. Manner of I'erala, Crtmcvnt of KftVPl,
Double; Kaule of K'IRhIk. Star of Chili, 'lite
Circle of .lanan. Iturutif Isriu.
TUKeltliKMn buy a Imx of the genuine
i.l.a, price glrenta, ami mail us the oul-
altle wrapper with your adilreaH, plainly
written, and 4 renla In Nlantim. We, will
then nut 1 1 you the atiove Hat with att rle
Kaut packaie of oleoKraphlc and chro
matic curd a.
r i.KMiNo liitoa., Pi rrsiiuuo, Pa.
A bnr of flfti-en ha been killed by ilrlnklim
whlnky in Neatiuric, N. V.
Would yon know the kenn ilellldlt
Or a w fmleaonie aiiellte,
I 'nrent ainnil liv colli- dire.
Ileaitaehe a enow, or fever lira.
I hona-hla nnriMw or ley elillUr
Then line I Ir. I'lerre lillU.
lr. I'U-ree'a Purvatlve I'elletn - lhe orlulnal
and only neuulne l.lule Mver I'llln; 2S t-t-tii a
The enrlv rloalna- movement l a iuo-eaa at
Marymllle. t'al.
IISIMI'tllll, ltOM I.A.IIKN Kit A I
IM-Mllty. Wanllag IM.rn.r. mt hll-
dren. (. In-time t oiitfliH anil MronehltlH, can li
cnreil liv lhe uae of Mrntt'H Ktnulalim of
t 'oil Liver III with ilyiHiiihiMtihllp. P'oml
nent uhyttti-latia ne It and tetny lo It Kiavc
value. rn-ae nail lite iiiiiiimiiik: u"i
Si oil KniilUlon for an olmllnnle otmh lih
llriimrrhwe, low of Aiiiietlte, Kinai'latloii.
le.-tihH.naa. etc. All of llteae have now left.
anil I lieileve your KuiiiUhm ha) aaved a
of well developed CoiiHuutiitluii. -- I . J. FIN
I tt, M. I.. Ixiiie mar. ieaa.
Vea, air." aaid l"illniay. etniihalh ally
"(Iraball i a man of limited mean, but uii
limited lueaiiueaa "
A III alM-HH-I.IKK t(K r It.
For tnanv veara tha inaiiufaetiirera of lr
Sae' t Btanli lle'i.nly have oin-reil. In kihm
11 Ii. ( ) rewanl fur a eaa or isaaal ataiin
hieh lliey l amml 1 lire 'I he Kemeuly la m1i
bv di UituWt at only M rent. 'I hl wimd' i-tu
reiiiinlv ha fairlv ailained a world-wiile reint
liilinii. If you have dull, heavy headai ha. nli
I rui Hon of the naaal (aH"iiKi. dnu-bari(e
fallniK from thebeail lulu the thriml. iiu.eoniea
iriiu-a.. wa'ery. and aerid, at olhera. thick
tenai-liiti. uiiieoua. iiurulenu tlooity and ten
rhl: if therteaam weak, watery and Itiltaiiii.l
ir 1 here la a rlnrintf in ne tars, neaineaa.
hm klnit or eoiiulnua lo eler Hie thrnaL, e-
eetoralinii of nMVimlve matler. tovelher with
tM-atai frimi tlleela; the voltw la-iliC t-luttiifeU and
haa a naaal Iwhiik: the breath ollenilve: anieii
and liiHie Imualied; wiiHailon of illtr.iiieHa, with
loi t'.l .1 ilepreaelon. a baekltiK i-oiiKh atid Keneral
ilebillty. you are utlei Ihk froni liaaiil catarrh.
the more,iii aliil your illaeaw me k renter
tlie nuinta-r and diversity of k) in) loin.
I hiiimamla of ram- annuallv, wilhnul maul
fi 111 1 1 ii half of the above niploma, result In
iinouMiiiilon. and end in the arave. No ill
www in ma common, more ilncrtunre ana on-
tf-riuR. or lean uniiemUMMt. or more unaueeewi-
fully treateil ay imyati-iaua.
t'Jitrohaji Juat Inrorporated en flertrie tixlil
and molar nianula- lutlnif coinpany.
llii;l sriMi hhi ii :.
What aHHtarle ia more tiioeuttiiitc tlinti
that of a man or woman with a akiti ti
fv whiih ahowa ltt.elf In duiplen ami
IiIim hea on hamU, anna, f m e ami nei kf It
la imply Imimre lilotul. Se ta hat I Ika mi
ruth's rn.l.f tllil for a chronic rae:
For four jear I waa lu the Mountetl
It'.fantrr in the V. H. Army, residing ilur
imr tliat time iirincipally lu Trm. Al
niii.t all i f that time I bail a clironic akin
diseaae. chararterir.ed by an eruption over
lhe entire ant I ate ol my leitn ami iiiikiih,
arinaaiitl i lii'Ht. The doctor termeil It
errat, I hail kIc" up all hojiea of ever
Uelnit curfd, when llKASiRK-ll'n I'll I.
were recoiiiineTntfd to me. I concluded to
try them, ami tlld ao, atnlTI have thanked
(tod daily aim-e tlitn that I did ao. I
think I used them altogether for about
three months, and, hy that time, waa
coini'letelr t tired and have never hail any
trouble aince. My akin ia aa clear aa anv
lilie s. OFMItliK t. 11 ATM AN.
l'rin eimlntr, Mtth.. Dec. H, lKj.
The berry t-rop of Orrtron Is very lartce this
When a tbreatenlmr limit disorder.
Shows its first prK-li n .
I Ki not let it -i-om the bonier
yui llil with acli 11 j-.
Many a patient, younif nr olden.
tiwc a uitii-k m-overy
All to lr. I'lerres Uolilen
MtMliial liiscovery.
Ilnivn - llora vonr wife keen her temper very
well Jones-I'm -um-er some, but 1 net
the miwl of it.
THK .MIF.I. IIIITI-.l. r "AN ritAN
tlO--THl, Htl.llHlN.
This tnautiltlrent hotel contains a worli
of t onifort. It la noted for the elenance
of It. aiiH)lntmenta and the excellence of
ita ruiMiie. ealth. actence ana art
are here combined, to render enj ryment
of nueata p"rfert. Kach department la
managed with the moat dilluent wauii
fullm-KM. ao that the moat ex art inn Ki"t
cannot fall to lie aatlstied. hrorn tlie ele
gantly furnished room, totlieboutitlouxly
Hiiiuilii'il tatiic. every? limit la aa near twr
fertion aa Donaitile. The central location
of the linldwin makea it convenient for
thone vraitiliK le city either on busineaa
or pleaaure.
Via Nortlierii I'aciflc Katlroad. lo Columbus.
Ohio, and poihts KiwL The Northern 1'arilic
Itailroad will, on SrpU 3d. lib and ftth, ai-ll from
all iHiinlH In ttreiron and Wanhinirlon a roiiiin
trip ticket to ('L'luinbus, tlhiu, for tn. kihmI to
return to th-ul)er aim. I ins is tne towi-et rsie
ever made from the I'acltlc coaxt lo lhe Kaal.
ami the Northern I'ui.itlr is the route select i
by the departineuta of California. On'Kim and
VhiiiKUin Territory. A special trin will
leave l'oiiland iSept. Ith. earry inir the raciric
eoant U. A. It. Ihrtiuifh lo St. I'aul. where thry
will em ort t'oinmuntier-iti-Chief Joint I". Hea.
lo Columbus. This rale tt olwn for evorvbiMly.
riiecial train will conxiit of I'ullman Valnee
Mex-piiiK cars, l'atace liininif cant, 1'alwe liny
tViacben, and Jrrr tourist sleepinir cars. F'or
inforuiatiou and I'ullman reservations, call on
or addrvsa
A. 1. CHAttl.TON.
Ass't Gen. PawienKer Atf'l N. I'. It. It .
No. 2 W uolniiK-lon tU. cor. r runt, l'ortluiid. Or.
rreHino filxs.
8YMrTo-Moisture; IntenM ttohtrui and stlnsliia.
bmwI at nWlit; woras by acratehtna.
acrstctilna'. ir suowei whi-L-h
utten hUwd and alwlat
tinua tiuiuira form, whk
tiecnlo( very wire. Hwavsas Ointmbmt atoj Utm
Itclilu and Dleeiiuia, Deals uioersuim, sou in any
eaaes remuvw the tuniora It Is eiittall
eiiltally erllcaalous In
curlnii all Hkln Dineam DR.
be obtained of druvlta. Bent by mall fur M OenUv
Pp,,i,n..L.i Phttllnlila.
Try O krm x.a for breakfast.
"i lien 1 grow tii 1 will bo it man,
won't I?" itskoil :t little Tt.'x;ts lKy of
his mother. "Yea, my son. If you
wpnt to bo a man, you must be in
dustrious at school, and learn how to
behave yourself. "Why, ma, do lazy
boys turn out to be women when they
grow tip?" Texas Siflings.
Elderly spinster "I can't see why
you young girl should bo so absurdly
timid. You can't walk a block after
dark without being iu an agony of
fear, thinking that somebody may bo
following you." "Do yon never look
back to see if some man is following
you?" "No. What's the use? It
wouldn't be my luck." Lincoln Jour
nal, Dujardin's Life Kssence has a marked effect
on tne sexual orvaim. resiorinK the torpid
nerves, and soothing irritability. It is the only
reliable ar.d effective remedy t at we have. It
is very palatable also. Price $1.50 a bottle.
All druggists-
II AM III IU J FltiN (Medicated) are a
crvstalized fruit 'nt hart le.
tl A.yiHI'K44 FldlN are a discovery of
the Kt-eatent interest to the medical profession.
HAMBl'HU VlUtt are a boon to every
11 A M HI IM. PIGM are a most delicious
laxative, or purgative, prepared from fruit and
vegetables. '
HAHHI'ltU FKiM are so perfectly
harmless that they may be administered with
entire safetv to an infant.
lUMBl'RU FMiitw are so efficacious to
adults that a single dose will prove their value.
IIA.HBIKU fr'MjiM are so elegantly pre
pared that they need only to be presented to
the public to become a necessity in every house
hold throughout the land.
H AMBIJBtSr flMH, 25 cents a box. Dose,
one Fig.
A limn inity lie Inleltltfent, emi
nent indeed In llteriitiii-u and phiioao
phy, anil yet tixhlhlt very little eoin-
111011 hi i i) In tho use of money. )nn-
h-l Wehnter mid Iloruce Greeley would
tiao itiomy foolifhly unit reckloasly,
even when they greatly neediil it for
tholr own leltliiinto pill pones. The
Into Matthew Arnold lirft an twtate
wot-tlt hut f.,0 H). The bulk of hia ao-
euiiiiilatloiiH. it seeiiiH, waa uaiil ft
pity other people' a debts. IJnil-il l'r-
byli fin it.
- Prof. Thui'Hton nays In an article
In the t'nt niii that tho world la itwitit
llilf I lie n ipen l lllieo of thret Invt-ntore
Ifivitter than tiny who Iiiivk (.'imi be
fore. , I In- II 1 it la Im who wilt hhow ua
how, by the coiiibiiHt Ion td fuel, direct
ly to produce tho electric etirrenl; the
accoud la tho until who will tench ua
to reproduce tho latuutlful ll'lit of
the glow worm it ml the II roily, a Hht
without heat, the prod net ion of which
iiienna the nt Uint Ion tif energy with
out a wn-ile atlll more Kct-ioua than the
lliormo-ih mimic waate; while tho third
la the Inveutorwho la lo (five us tint
lirat practically MueeMHful ulr-ahlp.
uuv. W El qyp
trvr tliaui tiart4-r uf eroluty. It t uwl T tlw
1 ntu-t Sit i;iT-Tiiript-Tit KiKatm-d f the t
ttt t iii vritt Ha mm Ui Htr tct, f'rarMt tuni mH
llr Uif il lH I'lic- (HrWB K tilt J trif dtmMt emA
eUkiU Atrnioiii. Ltue A-liun Kl'l mljr Ua Hist
subscribers already
T infroduet it iho
! FROIV3 ftIOW to
Four Months
jrrWa B J BHaaS sa'"F-
Republican Flags.
rnRK bilk
.10 O'KNTti
Cleveland or Ha it won Campaign But
tons, 25 Cents Each.
.1 hi: iki;v ariii: it. m. k.
(h-iters br mail rnmilly filV-d.
Sold on Trial !
InvfMTmtMit mall. t-,fls
S-phI Hfcf fur m&lllnc
r liluwtrAta-el (-mi YU
-ith full iirtiuir Mmo-
uf I'tursi tif
iT is ia at.,
Suueeaaora to the IMMIGRATION ASU)TA
We are offi rinKthe fnllowiinf In SO, 40, Wor
l(l ai-re Karms:
KnaralliHl 4'olony. Truania t'olojy
Msalr lata
t- rrr n v out!
I'olul Hr) H
" I .IWI
Kern " Jt.ttlo
San l.uisObixno 5i
1'tiUra 1 1 .MM
Martin 14.000
flthcr lnmls fur Keneral farmiiiK. fruit Krow
in or sliK-k rai?m.
a huiuo on easy terms iu the rounlri.
wiiilv retaining your present re .iil-iii e. iMMitiu-i
and salary; lo. So or niori- arri s of land, with
orwithuiH a bourn-, on the Installment ulaniti
one f our oolimies; we will plant the same ti
your tinli-r with fruit tr. rs r rm-in crapes and
will kevp it in ko'm! condition until full iM-nriiiK.
with or wttbuut ii rixatiim: these 1'iiiiis be
mil ill or south of San I rau isiiK in the coast
or inli-iior rounties, near or distant from ril
rns I or town and tar) in priie. f. H.sTltKKT
& .. aiieceaaora lo the ImmiKration Atsuc
iatinn of California, 415 Mun'iconiery strert.
bend for particulars and lull t.sciiitiona.
Elected with (Treat rare from the choicest to
bacco rvtrions of North tarouua.
Smokes Crol- Bta Long-Does not
blow out the Pipe.
It is the undisputed leader of Plug Cu
Smoking Tobacco throughout the world.
Bis a Has ctTen ontraf.
sal aatlsf action la tha
cure of Gonorrhoea and
Gleet. I prescribe Hand
feel saffc lo recommend
Inc it to all sufferers.
J. ST05ER, M.D..
Dacatur, 111.
Bold bjr Drngsiata. '
f r To 8 a Day. Sample worth fl.GO, FREE.
JK fl Lines not uffier the bones feet. Write Barar
i U sna s SArcTT Krna IIota Co..IIollr.3Ilc
N. P N. U. No. W7 3. F. N. V. No
iWr-3 NpN
'otw taEf i
f ri TO ots.x
. OwarmnlMd tav
fa, -J ssaaa BtrMiars.
VZM MraMlrsyaai
l- lvani Cral Gs.
For JIMiriitmntiNfia.
Tear. ' KwMm, III , May II, till
Freai IM lllt-abmt M -! Er4
wltk rknaaiua af Um kia. 1 w rar4 by tk
aw ef Ik Jt Oil
Y. 0. DOtD.
15 Tear. MspU RUI, Mick
Mnyl. Hit.
Mr. to $ (MlTH. tn.l.r. Mlkl(U
wicm wlta rMuiiUai l
1 ft fHri kM iu, m
mmn4 wf . jM.a Oil mm ks rM.l.a m lw
yan, McCkkABf . Dran'at.
Inra tnnn. FrHk. Mif'k ,My tt, UH
fall ml 111 u Ukaltk Ury kke
uia aaa 0r4 M : nrm4 ky a
kottUaf JetGII Mfl t. l)0aa.
AT B0OOIIiT B Clkl.tkk.
THE CHAfltES A. V0GELER CO.. Balllmara. Hi.
laauad Maroh and Sept-
.each year. It la an ency.
olopedia of useful infor.
mat Ion for all who pur
cbaaa the luxuries or tha
neoeaaitiea of Ufa. Wn
can olotha yott and furnlah you with
all tha naeeaaarjr and tinneceaaary
appliance to ride, walk, dance, aleep,
eat, flah, hunt, work, go to church,
or atay at home, and in various sisea,
atylas and quantities. Juat flrure out
what Is required to do all tbaaa'thlnca
COMFORTABLf . and you ean make a fair
cnttmataof tha value of the BUYERS'
OUIDE, which will be aent upon
receipt of 10 eente to pay postage,
1U-114. kUohlsao Avenue. Chioaco.tll.
RSfr than the CStw'
Pfl fTl Adin DllktUCtC
frtlaa4. Orrsna.
: i . . I.,, i,.. . i .h liiiltm lmit. .-i;,i .
11'lril te,n illiilt.rowilltf IHititllaril V. Brttnrsm
Bhtrtkaitd. C'-i ttmfi VrAnoaatf Pmm rititilj Orptri
mrn: hlnili-ne. Kilnilo-it at any time. I nia
b:iie ami r-o.-mieria of ieniniiihli cut ftee.
J. A. NKMO.Ker't.. . K iUIKIKIDU, frla.
vikiiinniiHt H. Wer, Huenlal
Runlatt llmaL hmom hMramMill
cM mt
Hm of Hnet Miurtc uid rkaikL Kaadx wnvvli at
Kaatwa FrhM. M ATT HI Aa OKA I IM, ib Vmr
Mtnaa. Haa yratinlii
I la Probably Dr. Itaaa Tkonpaoa't
Tltfai uti'-l t tmr4uif pr-ptt phftiMmn'a pn
; -ti (, aft'l hmm lit entiMattt ttawa fr t-Hr
owilury, UjJ iMHwitlifatatrMlifia tim many tbrr r
ilial hm tMrwm titi-ltkrl Ititu tb tuatket, lb
i .. tif thhi artVl r bertajitly fmT-jun If t1r 1;
! r ct..i mrm futwrt K tttll iM-vc-r f II Wm p- rtici
lylr lutti thr mmtnm nt phfnifiMn it Kn rxMrnV
; John U Tboraca.SoBt 4k f ., TIl'J V. N. Y
1 ). Ur. r - ,at t- - 1 t ' r l.i . I i t -r 4.,r , i -i. -u
l"fi raw k tow ty. The ttrat It I eMtulBlbt Irw-sj re avtvstr-
elt.laafc. j f ilUH, Ufljltrt 4 CsaaIH. Bt-t l,H M.
return marl. Pall frarrfellaa
w'm T mtlmw P. . m. m f III
at41aa MOODY a CO, Ctasiaaati. O.
a million famttui r effrr the PHILADELPHIA
balance of this year.
We h- mums;-! frvr ita rfimtRC no thm
most popular afl tet known ntm m
Amen to wnte Emptef for our col
umn, ordinal ctipyrighM-d mattrr.
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps,
Josiah Allen's Wife.
Mary J. Holmes, Jk
Marlon liarlancJ. CV
Rose Terry Cooke, 4z
Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, t
Christine Terhune Herrlck.
Will Carleton. M' UY '
Robert J. Burdette, v r ' i i
Ellia R. Parker, )j - '4i I
Kato Upson Clarke, W''r - ' jH0 aT
Mrs. John 8harwoodi' v;, 5 Vtfl f N )
riorlneThayor McCray, .fS'jr V - s
Artistic Needlework- TinW llhtritrl Fy B-eskfast ana Dinner Partiea HoaieCock
thiBf new an-1 ong-njt I lut-d hy aa eaprrt lat- ! inc. tawttaatj irae?t. 1 ni, Stsjfr . Laacii-t-m
fuaranll rt mini rliale an4 mu:U-:if.y mm ami krce-j.t!. I.ive ej.pV:i!y ail thf lit Lis
vvplatiml and iHtMtratd thai a Bow aouid hav so ' tn r. r m want lo kur . I tstrw to eoee
diiniltr ia orkina tlv-m. unt gnt, h- Hj r-rrv rc-fnahntav what to
Interior Decorations - By Mb A R R .' hae . and and hw t aiake it
Profuarl, bltanrated. New Ideasandt Inifiai lM,r i How Women Can Make Money By Eixa
New Fashiat.a-Br Mas Jamhi H l i ! t hikh t
Hints on Horns Dressmaking Taiks With Mathers BrrauBrat physiciana.
By lain M Ho. -ere , Greatly ENLARGED and IMPROVED.
iBMntrtin article, oa "How to Appear Well ia j Handomy ptntd m oe pmfft I nn p - .
Society." "How to Talk WeU and improve i ' l"lr ilhiarraied. J ragm.
Bo sora that there la a picture of a W on j-oor j'ackan and yoa T11 Lars
Ui. bra: Bod. m-ie. THE CO BHAXTJ, ,
A. siiiRrd cat dirada ttie fire. I p!ead guilty. I a.n aeiliii a "new-fangl rxl" machine
I icnarantee the aewFasisrlrl Advasire
est Thresher and most durable Separator ever
larstal machine, as the Old l oo machines
you nave to pay ror in eapenmentin ttn Old - machines. The esr Kaaiif Ird
;."""" If" ,he j,rhe. fro.?luJff and kickina: of the Old Fovt mnate ia only eouaJed
by the amount of irrain kicked nut in the straw hv th l ri a .Z?iZZ- . .T-1T.J".
wlsii a cliran nitu-li me. tlia f OffitM will rudd
dear at any price. You cannot afford to buy a
ih not. oe talked 'nto Duyinx a machine because it is cheap and Old l oci ink Axb the Old
OKi acrats if thty will stt b9ide the sir m .fataaT led ma bine and lei you ee liicAia
experimental machine, and sold on us -ents. 1 have never ye bad to call on any court W
help decide the menta of the arw-fsbslrd machine. Please examine the court recordVittret
erenretotheOld acir h plan. Manv years ao a man built a ne w-ranclt-d inachine.
called a steam enttine. Old est !- then, as now. stood back and said they would raiaa tka
eoawtri . ! .at ta b rati.ed in the xasae -,B f Remember, lhe we w-rawa-led
imachine i u na-t U exix-riairaliBr. hUe OU !-'." machines are being ex-
your trrain is troimr to aste.
ixriiuicuiiu mi uic uinr, uu j wwa- raiTBse, jo not loot wiui em ut lons-er aVk
f p.. , n ia muni, , r B u t
etutM-r the neta-rangied aaaehiwe la Mid It nerita tlrir
your wholn dependence is upon your crop proceeds, and if yon allow Old a-'oarv ma,
mante yaar aralw. you are just that much out of pocket. .To prevawt th sea
chines to
that tlie party that does your threshing proiureaa sra-rsailril .! A.t K Tkreaker
as they are constructed se to save your Brain, and have a better record than any old-fos-r
machine. Write -or further particulars. I am prepared to prove all my statements- e Tni
Alll ASCK ntrkise mill ds taore and better work than any other
WZZV "L. mZ "Jf. Vc:.
AlfVAX K naehlne has failed ta da
a this ( oanl. Show SDr uliil an.
Kememler Ibat old foKT agents saying the contrary does not make it so. It will nay Ton tn
investigate. I can prave all I siaj-. '
1 aUo sell the weU known 1UM.KK WOOIIBI RY POWEK. A number of manu
facturers make them on a royalty but 1 do not know of any iitatiawnv. but am always in
clined to look out for those that talk of imitations. 1 also deal in awadry aas Msriae'
Machtnery. Farm. Church and School Bella. General Machinery. Swift Oilers. Urnra isafetT
Valves, ililler Pumps. Hancock Inspirators. 1'axk Kennedy Injectors. Acme and Acacor
Wrenches, Blacksmith Drills. Self-Heating Bath Tuba, the Weaunghouse Kn sines, t-ee tha
prices: 10-horse on wheels, JHO; Traction. $1075; 1 horse Traction. 1O0l Special discoTt far :
civh. General Agent for Colourn'a Jlj aamacj and Lamps for leetrle JUghtias-s ta
Your village cannat do without one. Yon must have one for your mill. yoa ctmnH afford t
be without a small one in your house. For particulars, address
Z. T. WRICHT. Foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon.
Northern Pacific Railroad!
Columbus, Ohio.
The Northern la-fle Railroad will, on Hept.
.M. 4h ai (I .'Hit. M-li fmm all ainis In lln on
nd Wu-htna-luu a roeud trip ticket to t'oliuu
hita, Uhia fur
trntvl to return to rx lol er 8lt. This la tht low
ret pin ever turtle Iront I he t'a'.illi: c:oaat to tne
('Hi. ami the Norihern l'eln: la the riruut n
leelrd by f he rli-tarlne nta ol t'ajlfurnia. Ore
oli ion! Vahiriklon 'I vrili'tf .
A (" in I trafti till' leave 1'ortli.nd frit, ith.
-arrtina; llu l'a ll nal i. A . It. throiijtli lo
I. I'miL lm lliey will tacort ( omttiai.tler
n t hlef John C Ilea, to t'idanibiia. TIub rale
Im oien for tier) body. l"or iiifom-a-t.n, and
I'uhruan rem rvatiotia. call tin or addiena
A. IK t If AHI.TflV.
Aat't fJen. V wr As t N. . It. R..
No. t Whiiifiiin tfU, t or. Kront, Portland. ir.
rVenilunia. fSflmtn tmm.
latantad ftteet Ttltl IHT fJa-
Um, lu uan la ii'iut,er Plana, by which oar rkuvw
stand In tuno to years, -d t-t fat ; rwt aiTted
by ellBat. Ha wood tn alt, Iiraa4, swell, shrink,
rrarfc, deray, or oot ; ws cuarsnit it. rJa-
lit Anaewno'l I'um, S strinrs. rf julas re) eating
a-tia; fli.t l.orv keys; ttie tmavntm AJsllaF.IJ
ll r writs fnf (tlUe, trm. T. M. ANTiaKIJb
HA NO '., Manurartitrera, O.I.I rettows 1U1I, Mar.
ket and rWvetitii aireeu, Haa Franrtaro.
Dr. Spinney &Vo.JZ
HrnVntlfi IleBiUry.lMa ef Tinr. BtelBal
a w W WO is,, V.ea Me, ..rr. bafaa
deney. 4t- dtie to rtntuci or abuse. ruri.
VnttNr IUI t?M sfiffeetna frr
trrrm the rfrriM
- , y.,,11 t,I-;l !.,llle in.
ilf'.llten i
rretirm .houl.l avail thinM-iv .f onr tra
A f-mre cur.-(f-.rnt-.l la every riuw. r
t onr trr-mtj-riit.
. rinmry loq enerei l:iwsail
ehatvr. protnntiy aad ttc.y cured.
aaaauirai dis-
rmmm of KlHnT" or Bisddev Wesk H .. Knvintt
Inuititv. tn .,f fceuf tiircuaa. etc canal
aQj rclr-.t l UeKlthy v ;Kor.
S. B. I'erwfO nwimtii to vl1t W ntr Sf tl iatet
I at tneir birne. by rorrrftiMirt.iii, i .-! u-l mm
i Itii ran-',nii aenl hv rtm( wyi... I ',.,, ....
; re. tieadta-nta la tan iwfu llis Vouaa MaaV
: trteador bu:l t Wedlock.
Finest and most costly illus
trations by the best artxia -
in the country.
'. V
i Vfcs : mm B tt I mj S
f i f inrr .
Hrtiarilar tn K tts. . , . .
made. buL rrairaikae it ..... . . ; ,
Yon are well aware nt the time lost (that
machi-iea. Of course, if you
t taii at mn, v... v.-
Ihreeber without examininir the A I A Vi'ii
t prepared to prove all my statement i.
id better work than any other.
eat ta bib tv .
; AY ftsf where the
u repreHcwted aiare lta iatrsautlaa
V7 . ,. Jf
L T . J M - tt .4 F Jm ... ': .