The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 24, 1888, Image 3

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The Lebanon Express.
Are you Roinir to tbe circus?
Harvest work la nearly finished.
Miss Maud Raleton made a short visit
to Albany this week.
Watches and jewelry at rilMmry's,
Brownsville. Bed-rock prices.
Mr. E. Goln and family are rusticat
ing in the mountains thia week.
A peach orchard of ten acres near
Ashland recently sold for f 10,000.
There were two men in town this
week canvassing for rubber stamps.
Read the new ad. of T. C. Feebler.
Mr. Feebler says it pays to advertise.
Mr. A. C. Churchill and wife started
for a trip to the mountains on Tuesday.
The Centerville paper says there are
fourteen Smiths in that town and no
Our office was brightened by the
presence of several young lady visitors
this week.
Misses Rose and Maggie White, of
Brownsville, were in town this week
visiting friends.
church, located at Spicer, Sunday,
August 26, at 1 i A. M.
Mr. Frank Dorris, a typo of Albany,
was in town on Wednesday and made
this office a pleasant call.
Air. C. B. Montague offers a fine op
portunity for his creditors to get even
with him. Read his new ad.
Miss Leta Winn of Albany is visit
ing in the city, a guest at the residence
ef A. E. Williams, her uncle.
The Ijebanon public school will open
September 10, with Prof. Hunt as prin
cipal, assisted by Miss Griggs.
The contractors on the Oregon Pa
cific are pushing ahead as fast as they
can secure men to do the work.
The Oregon conference of the M. K.
church will le held at Eugene Vlty,
beginning Thursday," August SO.
'This is leap year and it has been 1000
years since there were ns many eights
in the year as we have now. It is a
good time for old bachelors to eogit8,
the girls to reeiproeS, the fathers to
expounds, and the young men not to
Miss Hela Gilbert will remain at the
head of the musical department of the
antiam Academy the coming year.
Miss Gilbert has had years of experi
ence in teaching, and has won the
merited reputation of being a thorough,
successful teacher of music
Don't skip the advertisements in
reading jour paper. The advertise
ments show you who the live business
men are. All persons who have trad
ing to do will find that it pays to deal
with those who advertise. "The man
who hangs out his sign through a
newspaper is not ashamed of his goods
or his prices.
Trot. J. L. G ilbcrt has decided to aga i n
take charge of the Pantiam Academy,
and the school will open on Monday,
Sept. 24. The professor has taught in
this place eleven years and has done
his duty faithfully and well, and the
patronage are glad to get him to take
charge of the school again.
Still the improvement goes on. Yes
terday our enterprising townsman, G.
E. Hardy, commenced the erection of
his telegraph line to Albany. The
poll's are all hauled-and will be dis
tributed in a few davs bv au extra
r,. . ., .,, , ,. . ., ,irnm. inevwui ie set just omsuie ot
Bishop Galloway will dedicate Bethel the r;,Uroad rightof wav. We wish
Mr. Hardy success in his enterprise.
Hammack & Smith of Tallman are
now prepared to accommodate the far
mers at their warehouse. These are
first-class gentlemen, and they have
the very best and most improved ma
chinery. The engine was designed by
Mr. Hammack and built in Albany
about three years ago. It is a novelty
in design and does the work admirably.
East Monday Mr. W. C. Peterson
drove over to Albany In a road cart.
On his return home, as he was driving
slowly along, whistling a plaintive
tune, his horse became offended at
something and commenced kicking,
and did not stop until there was no
dish board left to kick. Walt turned
a back somersault out of the cart and
escaped unhurt.
Rev. W. R. Bishop of East Portland
paid tills office a pleasant call on M on
lay. He has been lonsr and favorably
marshal Mr. Geo. Peebler havinsr re
signed and is now collecting tax.
Our town has been greatly blessed
(or afflicted) with life insurance agents,
there being three in town this week.
I will lecture at the hand hall next
Saturday mgbt at 8 o'clock. All in
vited. Admission 10c. W. M. Morrow.
The contract for painting the engine
house was let to Mr. A. Parrish, the
lowest bidder, and he is now at work
cn the same.
Don't you forget Joe Harbin sets
wagon tires. lie has a first-class
shrinker; no cutting and welding. All
work warranted.
Miss Lillie Hackleman of Albany
fpent last Sunday in the city visiting
friends and relatives. Miss Hackleman
is a compositor on the Herald.
Rev. F. W. Parker and w ife, of New-iK-rg,
passed through town Wednesday
o; their way to Sodaville. They for
merly resided in Lebanon.
Every precaution should be taken
r.gainst fire during this dry season.
Fire started nothing could pre
vent it burning all the wooden struc
tures near by.
Prof. Frank Halley, of Nevada,
Mr. R. S. Roberts has been appointedyknown in linn county, both as a suc
cessful teacher and as a Christian min
ister. He has many warm friends in
Lebanon and Brownsville, and many
who have received literary and relig
ious instruction from him welcome
him as a friend and as a pastor.
Miss Williams, who has been visit
ing Mrs. Guy, her sister, at this placf ,
returned to her home at Dallas last
Monday, much pleased with her visit
here. She spent last Sunday at Wat
erloo, and greatly enjoyed drinking
the soda water. She suggested a needed
improvement at that place that there
be a windlass or somethings to hoist
the ladies up the hill, so as to relieve
the young men of that labor. The
young men may think this is not
We have received a complimentary
ticket admitting ourself "and lady" to
the Portland Mechanics' Fair, which
opens the 4th and closes the 2Tih i f
Octoiier. We are
the ticket I'otherwi
J. F. Venner returned from Prine
villc last week.
Mr. Thatcher and family, of Salem,
are visiting with Mr. Croft.
Mr. Erwin and wife, of Silverton,
spent Sunday here with Mr. Blaneh
ard. Miss Rovla Dodrton, of Prineville, Is
visiting her many friends in this vi
cinity. Messrs. J. H. Water and W. C.
Cooley returned last Tuesday from nn
extended trip in the mountains. They
report havinir had n good time.
Mr. T. Taylor, who had his thigh
broken hist April, spent several days
in our town last week. He is barely
able to get around by the aid of
RoUrt Moore, youngest child of J.
M. Moore, and Minnie Stanard, young
est child of Hon. A. W. Stain-Yd, are
both sick with fever. Both, however,
are now improving.
Sunday, Libbic Howe, youngest
child of J. M. Howe, fell from some
steps leading over a fence and received
quite a severe wound. She struck her
upper lip on a stone, causing her jaw
teeth to cut entirely through her check,
making a gash of about five inches on
the outside of it.
Prof. G. W. Stay ton, superintendent
of schools of Crook county, arrived
from Prineville hist Thursday and
went on to Portland the next day. Al
though times are dull out tnerc, the
profissor expects to have a good sehool
at Prineville asrain this winter, he, be
ing principal of the school there.
R. N. Curl and family returned Sun
day from a sojourn of a mouth in the
Cascades. They first went to the pop
ular Belknap springs. After tiring of
that place they followed the AlcKenzle
across the mountains and came back
via t lie Santiam route, stopping at the
resorts along this route.
Last Thursday Messrs. A. J. Adams,
S. P. Hargcr anil Win. Primlcy left for
the mines, w bile Saturday Messrs. G.
O. Dyson, Bradley and Davis returned
therefrom. Mossr-. Bradley and Davis
are obi miners recently from Idaho,
and they give it as their opinion that
there will be a prosperous mining
camp in the Blue river district.
Prof. Crawford, ex-superintendent of
public school ot Portland, is in our
vill.-ure. He comes to make his annual
visit to his aired parents, Dr. and Mrs.
It. N. Crawford, and especially to be
in attendance at the celebration of the
golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Craw
ford, which atl'uir took place Tuesday
the 2lst. Correspondence to the Dem
ocrat. IMIKl'EMiEM E.
Harvesting about all done here.
James Lewis and S.un Pickens havi
gone to Coos bay to work.
Chris Trachscl is slow lv recovering
from his long siege of typhoid fever.
D. H. Mot horn and part of his fam
ily made us a visit the first of the week.
Our five months' term of school
school closed August 24 with suitable
Mrs. Wcdal is helping Mrs. Emerson
dry plums. This is line weather fol
sui-h work.
Grandpa Kellog-i is again at tin
niining Y-u.-iness. We hope he will
find something worth working for this
Grandma Lewis i prist 70 years old,
but she does all t!i-- ho'.ie-work and
milks from ? ven to nine rows and
A Western Manufacturing City.
It would appear from an article in
the West Shore magazine, that Port
land, Oregon, is the center of manu
factures for the great Columbia river
region, and possesses advantages cal
culated to make It the great manufac
turing point of t he Pacific crawl. The
West Shore Is an illustrated magazine,
the only one on tho Pacific coast, ami
makes a special! y of describing and
illustrating the West in all its features.
Artistically and typograph loally It is
tbe peer of any publication in the
United States, and its literary standing
Is a high one. As a family magazine
It has no superior, nnd m an exponent
of the resources of the West, no rival.
Kverj one at all interested in Oregon
and neighboring states and territories
should be a constant reader of Its pages.
Subscription price, 'l 60 per year, 2T
cents for sIhkIc copies. Published by
L. Samuel, Portland, Oregon.
Well Done.
S. J. Wilholt, our old friend of
Brownsville, and oue of the very best
of citizens, has lieen suffering for years
with a uterine trouble, and although
he visited both Sacramento and San
Francisco anil employed the very best
known skill, yet his trouble seemed to
increase. Tills past spring and sum
mer his case became n desjH'rate one,
and liis friends despaired of his recov
ery. About one month uro Dr. J. II.
Henry, a practicing physician of
Brownsville, was called in and made
an examination, and in one single sur
gical operation removed the trouble
entirely. We congratulate the doctor
on his skill, but we rejoice more that
so good and useful a citizen has been
restored to health and usefulness.
Fruit Trees.
Call on A. R. Cyrus A Co., agents
for J. II. Settlemler's nursery, for all
kinds of fruit and ornamental trees.
Always Rkaiy. If you will just
take the precaution to keep a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dl
ai rliiea Remedy on hand you will al
ways lie ready to cure any form of
bowel complaint. It Is prepared es
pecially for that purpose, kik' Is a sure
cure, "li"! cents per lwttle. Sold by M.
A. Miller.
VIVJW. V Lung Disease. If;
Throat or
tou have
a Conch or Cold, or the children are
.1 . - , l.t. ....1l'L...I.C,1.
use Acker's English Remedy and prevent
further trouble. It is a poeitlvs cure,'
nd we guarantee it. Price 10 and COc
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
The Mt. Shasta Route.
Time bote-n Albany ami Snn Frnnrsro, 3S hour.
All those knowing themselves in
debted to me will please call and settle
without dclac' G. E. Hariy.
We will pay 4" els. per roll for choice
butter. Thompson & Watfks,
Brownsville, Oregon.
Rkady Witnesses. Any one who
has ever tried Chamlierlaiii's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhiea Remedy or seen
it tried for Cramping Pains In the
Stomach or Bowels, Cholera Morbus,
or Diarrhoea, is ready and willing to
recommend it. It always cures quickly
Sold by M. A. Miller.
cvwxv C the good things ef this
WYViife are sorrowfully let
alone on sefount of Dyspepsia. Acker's
Pysperjsia Tablets will euro Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a
positive guarantee at S3 and CO cents, by
J. A. liKATtn, Druggist.
California Express Trains Dally.
i Ml V. M. !uve "i'lirtiuVnt Arrive 10:I(Ta. M
Mh f. M.I U-ave Albany Uvf I , X,
7:10 A. M. Arrive an Frarlsrn lx'ttvei :.V) r. M
Local Passeng-er Trains Dally (except Sunday)
r.Mur. m.
2:10 P. M.
Arrive! 3 45 p. N.
I.ruvr ll: A. M
Ij ave I tJ0 a. M.
Local Passenger Trains Dally (except Sunday)
A M livo Lebanon
J " V M. 1-eavi' Albany
2 ! r M !l--uve 1Obution
p.M.jlx'ttVC Albany
Arrive its MS A. N
Arrive 1:3 p. ni
Arrive i"J -1 p. m
Arrive ;(:1U r. M
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
accommodation of Second Class Pas
sengers attached to Express Trains.
The O. AC. R. R. F-rry makes connection wltli
an tin: r.-ctiiKr trains on tne ijux. Mile mv. rrom
lout of F. Ktrcet.
West Side Division.
Mall Train Dally (except Sunday).
7 :a. m.j lave i'ortiand Arrive rt-lfp.
I J:jr.! Arrive CorvaUU j?!f.L
Express Train Dally (except Sunday).
i fi p. m. I iekve Furtlati'l Arrive9Wa.
M p. n-I Arrive MrMinville bjwe .VV a
At Albany and t'orrallls connect with train ol
Ort1!! Citrine ra:iriut.
Fur full information reRitrdlng rates, jnaps
el., ran on company s agent.
.Manager Awt. J. F. A 1-u-n. A rent
very thankful for do-sn"t scciu to lire much. Not many
e we would le tit-1 young women can do that.
terly unable to attend), and if we can j Mary, Rosic and .limtnie Trachsel
overconu-thecircumstancesover which have r.ll t;;k n the fevt-r. Ib sie and
our suliscribers have entire control, we ' .1 iniinie are not ex pi-ted to live, but
will be present. However, if we fail j Marv is not so low. Nearlv everou
to get there, it is to be lioped they will j is afraid to go there, consequently Mr.
1 O
Know It.
proceed with the show all the same.
Trachscl !:.- some trouble about gct
thm hi barviting itone.
Ill Klt'S V Kit It V.
The I.avrn Irty.
i The lawn party given on the l.nvn
jof Mr. C. C. Hackleman last Saturdav
(evening was a orant atiair. I ta i i- i i,,. i. ,-,,,.. ,t
Iowa, is in town visiting Prof. Hunt, j rolnuls ere decorated in the most j the 'county.' Every body-says' so.
his old friend and schoolmate. Prof. J beautiful manner with all kinds of J. D. Wood is the proud father of a
Halley says that this country is fai" j flowers, and Chinese lanterns were twelve-pound girl, born July 30th.
;.head of California. ! hung up around to show the beaut v of; YVm. Piper's new residence is a real
ii,., ,4. ,. y,,-,i i the scene. '1 he stands were ctecorat
ill Lite iiivciiug me i 'j u 1 1 11
lart iuesctay nignt it was oruereu rnai . were tended bv the vounz ladies just
the dog tax be collected. Xow is the j the way to catch the boys. It would
time to give away or kill some of the j be impossible for us to describe the oc-
,. , , V,r., jcasion, but to say the least it was
old dogs around here. gram,; and aU peme1 to pnjoy thefn.
Monday night a valuaijle horse was i stives. e have not heard how much
stolen from the barn of Wni. Simmons,
I Ar T:. . rMlj 5,. l-,5ti
,.,F,w. .. . - . , art-oir. Tiast but not
least, by no means would we forect
that nice nlate of cake which was nre-
t xi rr T.-n;- flspnted to The Express from Miss Eii1'! kin's place, is
East Saturdaj Dr. M. H. EU.B, ot f.Wo,lt ta,,i Inrush, which
m . n . r, . 1 iki. I 1
ioany, fui-trsMuuv ijenonuevi
We arc here with a Select Stock.
our irootls
order to Fell
to nrifito wt.m L-nnir Ki' u-DFii
not enough to justify the ladies for
county. .o clue has beeu obtained to
the identity of the thief.
operation of removing a tape worm
from Mr. E. Bloom, of that city. It
was over thirty feet long.
ited nice huildiner for this neighborhood.
with flowers and other ornaments, and j) ir Mothorn has had the mumns.
but is well now. 1). K. Michael and
son now have them.
The river is filling up so much at
this place that lie fore long we can ford
where the ferry used to be.
Mr. Overton of Brownsville made us
allying visit. Ilet'iok Magjrie Kirk
home with him to work through harvest.
D. Barnard, who bought John Wat-
3 slashing and burning
improves the place
James Woodrufl" and family stopped
here on their way cawt of the moun
tains and made his brother John a
visit. Jim was formerly a resident of
this neighborhood.
Pete Whetstone.
Atl Start Together.
Now that the public schools will soon
open again, we suggest to parents and
' . . , x ii. : i. t 1 : 1
Miss Bettie McDonnell's term of j
writing school will end Saturday. She nrtV' that the dear lys and
. , t v-.i,-;ii. ! may all get a fair start and a start all
W ill IlOl- WttCil U I WM CIV k, MUU , '1M , no ; -
..-ill logeniei .
We KIIIHIUUWU uu' ""' 6" olil-o.lomonil ll,!0
I i". tiv i iv I o i mi. liiauu hjio.
Justice to the children and
from here to Washington Territory. blowing your town; you can't do it
Rev. O. W.Gibonev and wife, Misses ! without a good school, and this can't
- a . a.. m;h."o moc r-Kc ! be had without faithful and tegular at- .uu xu . v,.. , tendance on the part of the children.
We believe in good teachers, earnest,
devoted men and women, qualified in
head and heart, and who love their
profession, but the best talent and
and Robert Montague arrived home
Tuesday evening from their mountain
trip. All report having had a good
1 ' r " ' ' i t , : 1 1 - 1
--hemost alarming and violent at- "'"i-Jf. LJ' i laronup u-n
A k - x v ...... t- hnt littlo if Ihfiv m lint irivrill llmid
tacks of Bilious Colic or Cholera Mor-
, 1 1 , : 1 1 .3
DUS Can oe prompuj lTiievnisuu cuicu j
bv taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera j
aud Diarrhoea Remedy. Sold by M. !
A. Miller.
Miss Kitty Cooley, an accomilished
young lady of Brownsville, is the
guest of Miss Bellroie Kirkpatrick in
T . V -.-v tV.!o vi-itr.L- rrlailv I ' 1 ii vi rlv A hnnna xihioh x -i,ro rn.t - t i
come her to our town and hone she least seven inches each in length. The! 1110 Population ot Oregon is now
may come again. j bean is of the case knife variety and is j something like 300,0X, and the next
One of the handsomest residences in I VM-t6 MtZ 1 CPnsUS OURbt U give U8 anothcr con
T.?nn oonntv is that of Mr. C. B. Mon- ?x?r 'n- Mr. Mclvnight also left at i gresM.ian.
i '"" j --.. v : loit n mmer ompi,aixt usetjnam-
COm With four big, nice ears on it, h,.lir1' V.lir. Chnlora :.nd llinrrhoan
I and hearty supjx)rt. Bet us all do our
EiK Beans and Fine Com.
T. P. McKnight, an enterprising
horticulturist who lives some three
miles from Lebanon, brought to this
office a seven-foot pole of beans with
three vines on it, containing about one
J. S. Courtney, M. 1)., physician and
The campaign is gradually warming
up. About Octooer it will be hot.
It is impropable that Mr. Blaine will
visit the Pacific coast this season.
Cheap machine oil and pure drugs
at the City drug store. M. A. Miller.
Hundreds of people are dying of yel
low fever in Florida and a general
panic has taken place.
Warehouses and grain frequently
Ouirn. Farmers should be on the safe
1 : . I. : : . I
tint- iino iiirruie i lie ii miu v 1111 j. iv.
Cyrus, who can give you safe insurance.
1 am again to le foimil at the City
drugstore, win re 1 will le pleased to
tee mv old friends anil customers.
M. A. Mii.lku.
Tlirit can Vc matlc, liavinj relative
ciriality of tlie jjoocl.
To know that the goods are on our shelves and open to
buyers. We do not attempt an enumeration of our
goods, but content ourselves with the state
ment that we have the
To Ee K orincl in Lebanon.
Give us the opportunity to make our vaunting good by over
looking our vaunted goods.
Andrews & Hackleman.
Lumber! dumber! dumber!
G. W. WHEELER, Proprietors of the
tacue, of Lebanon, according to the
i ni Ol efcSiOI l LLittut: yJLi cue; uj :nu vt
trepan while passing through I that is seMom
that city. Albany Democrat.
We think his impression was
We reerret very much to learn
i where. Tbe corn is abcut the best we
ever saw. This shows what can be
about ; rone in this line in Oregon.
i re n il anv tipe. els. per bottle.
A. Miller.
About Sidewalks.
Mrs. Jonathan Wasson is again quite ; Worth of nails and $15 worth of tar-fir
sick. She has the sympathy of many ! thereon driven into them. The more
friends w bo love her for her motherly j tariff the better, as that sticks and the
virtues and her many acts of charity nails don't. It may bo, however, that
and benevolence. that the tariff is not high enough on
, , . , . . i the nails, and tliat is what causes them
Mr. tiross presented the thirsty i ,.k ,!i, w.,on e,.
printers with a jug of soda water last I That's iurt what's the matter with I ;'nVra. a"'!, ,iarrll,l'a twcmeay
from tne tamous Springs OI I me siiii'im in inimm-, ami a ci
rii-noc infr.rmrl n tVint i lo our great iocs on saiu nai.s inucu i lie citizens ol i enuicton nave raised
by M
Milton, the most northern town in
Umatilla county, is to have paper
mills. The citizens subscribed $8n0 to
pay freight on the machinery for the
Cramping pains in the Stomach and
Bowels, Clmlera Morbus and Diarrhoea,
are promptly, permanently and safely
cured bv using Chamlierlain's Colic,
and C,EAR '
constantly on hand.
Is now oHered to parties owing
me, as I will now pay
A- I-j J "V
Delivered at any warehouse on
the line of the railroad in Linn Co.
for sufficient to cover the full
amount of their hook account and
To those who owe me and pre
fer to pay in CASH, they will con
fer a favor by doing so promptly.
Do not wait for personal duns.
Lebanon, Aug. 24, 1888.
T1jiiioii, Xiiiii County, Or(p;on,
Which I Offer for Cash at Prices That Cannot Be Beat.
Will Sell Goods at the Following Prices for the Next 30 Days FOR CASH:
Scio Flour, Full Roller Process,
per sack,
Albany Flour, Red Crown, per sack
White' ISeans, 20 lbs,
Best Table Rice, 15 lbs,
Best Eastern Syrup, 5 gal. kegs,
" 1 " cans,
44 Maple " 1 " "
New Orleans Molasses,
Golden C Sugar, 14 lbs,
Extra C Sugar, 13 lbs,
Granulated Sugar, 12 lbs,
S Best Tea, 1 lb can,
$1 00 i Savon Soap, per box,
1 20 1 Cold Water Bleaching Soap,
1 00 1 Corn and Gloss Starch, 3 papers,
1 00 j Saleratus, 4 papers,
2 75 j Soda Crackers, per box,
05 J Oysters, 2 lb cans, 5 for
1 15 i Liverpool Salt, 200 lb sacks,
1 00 , " " 100 lb sacks,
1 00; " 4i 50 lb sacks,
1 00 ' Tomatoes. 10 cans for
1 00 ,
1 15
1 1
1 0i-
2 C.
1 15
. G5
1 C;
! oftener the town fathers will hear from
us. Oc-hoeo Rwiew. j
Lebanon is not the only place, we j
see, where the nans are u "siuck-up
his as vour fist, frrapes of hen egg size, ; set.'' !
waternielons as big as your body, and
there are a goodly number of boarders
and campers at that popular resort.
Tears as big as your head, plums as
nther luscious fruit have mad
ar.tiearance in our market.-
Press (Centerville, Umatilla county.)
As a mattr of information to our
numerous readers, we willl state that
the Three Sisters are still living coldly
by themselves on the summit of the
?aseade range, with their bosom bared
defiantly to all the heated coaxing of
our valley 'summer. Prineville Mews.
Miss Frankie Gilbert has closed her
school at Albany and is now taking a
vacation at this place with her many
ends. Whe 'Will take up
Attention, Ladies.
We call the attention of the good
ladies of Lebanon to the fact that the
District Convention of the W. C. T. U.
meets here on the 12th and 13th of
September. We trust that all will be
given a hearty reception, and to do
this it will be necessary for the ladies to
have a meeting and select a committee
of arrangements. A word to the wise
is sufficient.
a subscription of $10,(HX) to be offered
as a bonus for the establishment of
woolen mills and paper mills in that
prosperous city.
Whooping couuh is attended with
but link; danger when the cough is
kept bose and expectoration easy by
the free u?n !" Cliamlierbiin's Coucrh
liemetly. !old by M. A. Miller.
A fe'i.jw came into our store
Who wanted the earth for a floor.
He asked, ''('an voushoc us'."'
Then started to Jew us.
So we shoe'd him right out of the door.
Andrews fe lfackkman have one
price for all.
Bills of All Kinds Filled on Short Notice and at Reasonable
U3ir'Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere.
G. W. Wheeler.
Druggist and Apothecary,
Drugs -:- axd -:- Medicines
Paints, Oils and Glassy
!l Call Special Attention to Scio Flour, which I Guarantee to be the Best
in the State, Only $1 per sack, for Cash.
As I am thinking of making si
, change in my business, I respectfully
Fiiooi ai.-viuAnvui two or iiiiet? eeit.. ; rorwaru ann snuu as. slhjii as portsime,
J?t- Frankie i n prviri teacher and I want to square up my books,
will be g'ri-f.tly missed in Lebanon. L T. .!. I'kebi.kis.
V-C rv "w"oul(l enjoy your dinner
3 j and are prevented by Dys
pepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets.
Ther nro n. Tosit.ivft ttita for rrKTwTRin. In.
digestion. Flatulency pnd Constipation. )
We giiarsntee them. 25 rnd 0 ceots.
.1. A. Heard, Drugging ,
Fine Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc.
And Fancy Toilet Articles.
ff'tiu SO'ccf, Lebanon, Oreyrm.
Mimufortiirers of and licattn in all Kinds
Import all First-Class Goods
A complete stock of Wall Paper, Deco
rations aud Window Shades.
i m i 5 4- h w
Wines, Liquors and Cigars, j
Fresl Mineral ail Soda Water.
Lkhavon, - - - - Obemn.
Vn.Utl i- for .!?p7:jj: f-rys O-ir o;tin-
'am I'nl.-ttW in r?4 Oin' Orfi S) rtarU-.
n!'l:i! cli.-i ft itt V.t:r .i;l fi.infi t tt . .
Os fc..'e 1'utCht t-tf. H"eAi5t