The Lebanon Express. iV. C T. U. AND SUNDAY Bargain List of Real Estate W. B. DONACA, J. A. ROBERTS, J. V. KEEBLER. O L U M M . 'FRIDAY, AUGUST IT, 1SS3. 1. Y. Kirkpatricl, Publisher. STICK TO THE FA SIM. Too many people ar xmnnchored. They drift with the fickle winds and long for a change. We do not at this time argue the superiority of farm life to every other, but urge that, having chosen it, trie most be made of its ad vantages!. It is foolish to be dazzled by the polish end shine of the "dress Aip and sit down"' vocations. The farm does not bring in so many "dollars a day as eome professions, but it is the siCfest jlace to be with your family. The children are simply an expense in town; on the farm they can assist and at the same time get the very essential "thing, the practical part of an educa tion. The minister's boy cannot help preach; the lawyer's boy cannot help plead a case. They ate aii undifferen tiated quantities, as yet of no rood to -anyone except in the possibilities ! - ...... ... 1 -wrapped vp m their beings, wmeii may be by thorough -si'hootnis ana long drill be brought into future de - "velopment. But the farm boy pays ihis way and counts for something as soon as brain and muscle come into action. Stick to the farm because it is something you can stick to. The axjrent may be removed against his will; not so -the farmer. The merchant may find his occupation gone; not so the farmer. The office-hold.. r may be voted out and his place given to his rival; not so the farmer. A whoop and hurrah may blast the business of the other professions, but no amount -of howling or lying or spite work ran affect the farmer his potatoes will sell ust the same, hia cows will give just as rich milk no matter what his e-ne-.ralee may say. Xature is hi reliance, not the w hims of p ople, and he can let the wide world wag as it will, raise ibis crops, eat his fill, feed his family, Test -content "in the promise of seed ; time and hm-vest and make hi firm a . fulcrum br which he can move the world if he onee so resolves. Yamhill Countv Herald. -WASHINGTON LETTER. IFrora our regular corre.-pon-Unt.i I Washisoto.v, Aug. 10. i Chief Justice Fuller has leased a :' magnificent residence in this city. It is treated in the northern section, and ; being built on very high ground, it I overlooks the entire city, and affords a ; picturesque view for .miles down the j Fotomae river. It is one of the most , expensive private reaidenees ever ! erected here, havmir ?ost, it is said, j ?120,00d, exclusive of the three acres of j land in the eentreof which it is built. It is within a stone-'s -throw of Mrs. ' Logan's home. The ten daughters ; vith which the aew -chief justice is blessed will certainly have a grand ' ftouse in which to estertain. "Tne House bill creed njr an c-xocotive - -department out of the present depart, i moot of agriculture has been favorablv : reported to the Senate, Vrith tit clause transferring the weather bureau .'left out. Representative T5urt.s. of Ml,:or.i-i, In a speech oppoing the irem in -ii-.e army appropriation bill for the estjib- j lUhment-of a .government srun factory, i called the ordnance off. cor ?f tlte army j -'the popinjays of the wurder.ii: nrent.!' ! Whenevei- twi or three eongrefsmen i arc gathered together politicsl prophe- ' cies are apt to be plentiful. Here are : me specimens' Representative Wil- ! Jiins of Ohio savs the ?iext House i ; sure to be Democratic? Representative : Koran of the same Ste says in will be ; iSejmbllcan by from 10 to 15 majority; epresentaUvt Bynum of Indiana ; anys it will b-2 impossible for therepul- j -licans t rgt:t up a tariff bill thfcfc will ! lasstfee benate, owing to diversity of . )tlBion; Representative Cannon of 111- juois says the proposition to cut the . nd C ity Commercial CoUcjre. IK sugar duty 50 per cent or to abolish it : Moiuos, Iowa. Sold by M. A. Miller. stltogither would g-ei every Republican ' . vote in both House and Senate. Try St. Patrick's Pills ami The -Senate bill providinz for a ?S0,- their effect with any ether hind made. 06 eqtiertyian statue of Zachary Tay- i They contain the good properties of tlw "dor in this city Las been favorably re-I-el'to preparations in the market com jwrted to the House. i bined with the most valuable medicines j'jointment of a committee of seven ' Senators to investigate our trade re lations with Canada has been agreed to. The preliminary report of the House committee invf-stigatiiiff trusts says they ('the trusts) have all been organ ized so as to avoid the law against oon--: ppiracy. It surely did not need months ; of in vestifiration to ascertain that. j The amendment to the sundry civil! appropriation bill, giviny ?2.j0)000 for the preliminary operations toward ir rigating our arid land.-, has been ac- .t-jted by the Senate. There gecms to be a disposition on puritiesoftlieBlood. In every forniof Sorof v, .,ow r.r o,.,,, ,.r ua i,,., i.iir.o., ; lous. Fvnbilitiecr Merc-ariai diseases, it is Roprew-ntatives to objeot to the leader- ; fi dp of Mr. Reed in the House. Mr. j-iutterworth of Ohio gave his feathers j quite a ruffling recenily, and some of : the other Repnblieans seemed to enjoy X lie fun greatly. ; A dispatch from Washington to the Albany Herald ssiys: The House com- ; mittee on public landj on Monday re ferred to a sub-comniitto of the Hen ate a bill declaring the forfeiture of lands granted to aid in the construc tion of wagon roads in Oregon. Tine Ayb-C'omniittee was instructed to cvn eidfr the Senate bill in connection with that introduced by Hermann, which is more extreme and provides for a more sweeping forfeit '.ire in ac co dance with recommendations of ti e interior to the bill and the AV President Cleveland n Monday; wgiied tlie bill of Senator DoIijIi, pro- ' viding for the irtsue of land patents to ! widows Jiiil inple women who, in jrootl faith, w.-ttled upon psiiilie lands; in Oregon and Washington under what ; wai known ftB tlw donation law. The hoiifH." in which Gen. Sheridan lived while stationed at Vancouver is ttill standinK md ioeeupiod hy Lieut. O'X'-iJ. Tt iMlu- simiehoitse thiit Gen. w:T!Ui r.f-eijpted bcfoTC lie v ' lit to the uepaitment ana report in TUii : sk?r.t& -u committee next Monday. Tins bi' Fc 'i'tfA'M includes the grant of the Albany! rXCf: -- i Lebanon wagon road company or (,PT'-y'sf I '. v. & c. m. av. Co. xi-.ra Good Will to j Mai." The following article was written for the Literary Star, the Sunt him Acad emy literary society's paper, last win ter, and was handed to us with the re quest that we publish it: Boes the I'ae of Tobacco Lend to the Use of Intoxicating l)rlnk? I hold that it doe?, nnd will endeavor to prove that it is so. Tobacco smoke consists of carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, auioma gasses, carbon cr soot, and nicotiue. Carbonic acid produces headache; carbouie oxide causvs a tremuious movement of the muscles, thus it affects the heart. Amonia bites the tongue, excites the salivary glaudn, and causes a dryness of the throat and mouth. The nico tine is poison; the amount contained in two cigars, if thrown directly into the blood, would cause instant death. When tobacco is tirst taken into the j system, Xature tries to five herself OI the poison, but at last learns to tol- j C 1.1.. i', ... , ua giow uma n j ' mioh-i 11 leijuircs a great jrt to rid oneself of it. More than J this, there will eome a time when j habit becomes stronger than will, and K possessor must e down to the grave I with the dreadful curse clinging to j him. j Science tolia us that -tobacco retards j tllc growth of both mind and body, j I have noticed that little beys who smoke or chew are pale, thin and small tor their years. They arc generally cross and don t learn much w hen at school. Boys, -2e you know how cig arettes are made? Listen cr.d I will tell you. Men cither the cigar-stumps and old quids of tobacco from the streets, mix them together with a lit tle opium to assist in forming the habit, roll them in poisonous paper, then sell them to the boys, to make men of them. This is a free eountrv. i We all have right?, but "devotees of , the weed - are apt to toi tret that these j rights are common to a!!, and smoke! m any place or company. Tobacco dulls the finer sensibilities and tends i to leaa lis into naa com nan v. Hov into naU com nan v. who smoke often lounjre around a sa- j loon. As tobaceo vus.s thii-st they ; are liable to form the hal ii of drink ing alcoholic spirits. Tobacco, like alcohol, dxs not i"stsa a single atom of nutritive matn-r. As a thing must be either good or bad, and we have seen that there is no good in either habit, the safest way is to let them both alone, and not Seep ; company with those -who use them. Girls, have nothing to do with the! young man who has formed either : habit. It would be well to add pro-; fanity to the list and thus continue to work for the reform. Th. AV. C T. t". Convrr.t inn. annual district invention for the Second d it i iii- t i et will lie held m Leb-j anon September 12 and 13. All nnion.s i are earnestlvrequesttd tosendasmanv delegates and visiting members as pos- sible to tliis meeting, as a pleasant- and j proiUitble time is expected, Arrnnjre-i ments -are being made for nn excellent programme. i Mi;s. Y.. F.. Pextuanp. t-ee. ; - i r IT . . T I l ne supreme conn 01 tv;u;rus ua vrr- cently arrlrmed the decision of the lower c u:-t to the efll-ct tliat drunken- nrs is no excue l or crime. T'if. Child Kki-ovejli.i). My litt'e piri, aged seven years, was afflicted with a severe cons;h and cold. Sht could not siecp iut congiied alm-st iii--'.--nrit iv. I whh induced hv a friend to trv chamlx-rlaiir? ton-h Remcly Rnl wa3 astonisiied at the immediate .jef u . pave h( r anil tll0 wre it pro ,1upo1 I ,Vold not Ije without it in the for any price. I have tried many remedies for coughs and colds. i,ut this is superior to anything I have t.v. r tried. 1'rof. J. M. Mvhan. Capi-1 inariic aim liver sio, . i. i airicK s are ncrfection. Hold by M. A. MiHr. t No', ice. All those knowing themselves in-di-ht--d to me will nleuse call and settle without delav. E. Haki-v. Ve wii butler. Wan it. pay 40 cts. per rfill for rhoiee Thompson iv Waticws, Brownsville, Oregon . rv snd reliable Medicice.-, are tbebpfft V3VV todewndunon. Acker's Blood EI- : i,v vas hPPn orescribed for years for all im nvaluable. For nbeuiaatism. Has no equaa. J. A. Hka Ki, Druggist. Bro vnsvi!!et '-'- 3 cross, or troubled with Winij Colic, Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, caa bo Telieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hencs is safe. Price 5 cents. Sold by ! " Peace on Earth c;d I'OR SALE BY .V. 18. CYHU.S fc CO. Real Estate Agents, LrBASos, Lixs County, Oitixiox. Lebanon is a thriving town of alxiut GOO inhabitants, pleasantly situated in th . midst of the most favorable portion of Linn county and also of the Wil lamette valley. It is the terminus of the Lebanon branch of the (). A C. K. R., 13 miles from Albany, overlooking the beautiful Albany prairie, and con trols the trade of a larjre section of country, both prairie and hill lands being tributary to it, giving a large va riety of products. Borne of the finest fruit lauds of the valley are near tins I phtce; there are also great facilities for i manufacturing and stock raising. 1 It Is but -41 miles to the famous min ;' oral springs at Sodaville, and 6 miles to Waterloo, where there is a maguiti- ;eol!t water power and also a mineral spring. Altogether, tills is a most de sirable location for settlers. Linn countv is linclv situated for j i commerce, being crossed by two rail-: roads nortli and south and one oit.t and i and the Willamette river tn th-e west Look Over List of Barp-ains and Con-.a and Sco LJs. We Will Treat You Wo!!. ? L7"l. T-l acres, situated 7 miles from atiiMi, oo isfifs ur.tkr cultivation, nil under fence, and plenty living water; w;)-st.ry box house and good larjn barn: 3Wiv- ;rotd orchard. This is trcfxl slock f;um, !.:;vin:r U r.ty el'ood outride w.iay. ; No. iu. a r .- 8 nuli s from Lebanon. "0 to I 35 acres' in cnlisvation, 4 acres ptif-tim-; j i one-story box Juv.ise, larso barn COseO ; I feet, orchard of l-3 Ifariivr fruit tree; j ,Vne "lniJc "Ul Vhw!. A nsiH. ?i. ) ca-li i and balance l suit pv.rchrcsc r. ! No. l.r. j iv, n. 1I" ! pature. i j 5351 aoivs. 4 juiles fr.-Tv. I.v'. ' cctw in i-uliivati !i. l it m balance b-rns-h and pasture and some) t:n!t,fr; Im t-o, barn antj 2 acres of or-1 chard: wat r convenient. 'IVrms, 5.- V0 ci, b:l':U:ee C!ie year. : S2,1f?. No. I '.T. : I7- acre, 0 miles fm:n Lebanon. T"t acrt in cuht cation, T" aen-sopen land, i about I'M r.crts imtier fence; Sou: lunis', ; new fram barn, od spring near : hciwe. a ut 2"o fruit tm s. Term-, ; 1,2C; sh, L-nlamv in i-n- y-.-;r, S."r. No. HO 320 liervs, t mi'.i s fiM-.n Le'ann, M acretj cimtvati :s, bW :n-:es on ler i fence; a ood iioust-, barn SO !tt long. ! and otner out Jiov-ses, ,- a-res t.rcharU. Teiii'.H-?1,0(J e balance one y-:ir. j ?2,OH). No.'iio. i fl :irr-s i! ITT'I mi lA-b::inii n vol d to Fodnvidc, aeies e:!tiv: :i!'n. i- aeres in tmss; irol i one-!"lorv biiin u:;d ;g Tt rnj- cash. 1 . 1 IT. j VI xc. lle t'-.titlic-pst Let- : ! i& eiiltivati"., 14 acres! l v a? re-. lllli!!. V- at-: :n irtiiss, tK-l.-sn-n- tnaner ami lrn.-n, bi l.-svs u::d.-r ftine; b:x luvnsv; two I ; tirns; fn:it of a!! i-t:a!s. T r:tis,-ca.-.!i. HW. X.. Ysl. !' aeri-s. Hmil.nK L. of Lebanon. -10 ! ir-. C'.lltivatic 1. :t',-l-;s pasture, j ) aT.-ts 1 t!ii!tei, ail leiictii, v watered: no buiM utr. j2,of.H. No. 137. 1'.0 rt'-r . ?S itiii -. from Lebanon on LioiuKion waaron n ad. 4; :;.'ivs in culti v&'ioti, r. r-a i.-asturc; hou larjre 5 tivn aii'i out-buLdinps; watt-red by river and llnesprii-'js: In-ft of out-ran e. cL1-). Xm. 177. JiVncref 1J miij from So-.!a iile, o .teres ituprovci!. 10 Kinder tnf; jrood KKi h';i:?o and do ible lojj barn; ji'nee is well w:m-r--d. N. 12. and burhe.r Th- St. ' liRilei 3'.'i in I el'Hnon. Hotel V:y $Yt )H. r mniith i f i;t. '-'t- LTiiiture it. ihtd-d Lot VOxbVJ ri,;-".'. Nn. 10: iii KM aTe nr sir Provi-.b'tn-i' scIhh !lon?-s I UH!i-:i from leb; jion, all feiievd, I?" :-crr-? in -Li;ti.Ui'; b-ix hull.-e, I-irp? b-.irn. .Vitere or-h:xf. Lmijrrarits, buy fu'iis near Lebanon, ; l-ee:iS!' t ho soil is good, ir;ecs low, lo- cation pleasant and liealthful, f.teilitie" jfiai-Ketinsr proQuei unsui r.asseil ! varif t v of rrciuets one j 'la led. 1-Yom Li-i-anoo. bv- ra J. to rordaml. 7 .l...i.. ... ..- .-..I I.. I .,-!. ,,,.1 finnl.t;; t- Albany, l: nub s; to a qrdna bay, r,r mi'es. Send s3.:mp for ilesoriirfive pami lilet of Lir.n trftinty, to A. R. CYRUS & CO., V.hv arc also !. l-rs in -.1 - Ml Best Grades of Sewing Machines AND SU1TI.IE a s. r r '-.isv OIJGATVS i AND ft w I r if! WALLACE & THOMPSON'S store is located at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon, about twelve lhiles nor' west of Lebanon. They have beyond a doubt the finest stock of choice n i i V CJoods ever displayed in Albany. The store is twenty-two feet wide and one hundred feet deep and chuck full of g re. o c is re i k s Provision?, Crockery and Glassware. These good.s were bought largely from First- I rands, Therein saving all the profits of the Middle men, and storage at intermed iate points, which enables us to sell very C If E Giving our Customers the benefit of lit least Ten per cent. ;!and very frequently Twenty-Five Th. wav we is not alt It is H 1 1 i i 1!1 lar-ze quantities, tlu-rebv counts and rebate--. In-side.- mr sab ? an lare and daily inorea?inir. We. turn our stork every sixty days or six times a vear. thw insurinu vou alwavs to set tlte I.est and the we sell lt ietlv 0 r P r o We Large aids. have the auenev of tive Southern 1'eaeh on h- This fruit we are re (.'eivinjf dailv fresh from tb orchards. It is Uolf-'l ftr fine llavor aXtl tro;d keenimr : ' iVIulilie and buying it a? we . d (direct of the grower?) in : Vourf? Trulv, ; T m Iron, Steel, Coal. j Hopes, Cordage, Brksin'th Sup'li's Saws and Axes, . j W i mil ; 1 Ti .1 f fi.T ' X I V J I V IJl V iferu m mm m im m n if I -Keep Agricultural Implements of all Kinds. Farm and Spring Wagons, Sole Agent For Grawfordsville Axes. S WAN BROS. SUCCESSORS TO G. W. SMITH, PKALKIi IN IRON Tin, Copper and 1.CAV- i j All Kinds of Repairing- done on short notice. THE WOVEN s n A P d this a Secret 'ether beeause we buv cettini: the benefit of all dis freshest. lienieni- lor the CASH d u c e lt r s:e quantities, we are enab led to sell you fruit for less than any firm id the Willam ette Yalkv. 1'rinj; in vour produce, eggs, butter, chick- j en. ducks, eeese, turkevs and i O -.V II don't forget: to bring along vur nr?e. THOMPSON, P n i.y ait iT wcta-sr u . 4ugev-jh wtnj iMmumMxmmM Carpenter Tools, .Build'rs irdw're. Powder aild Sliot Scvthes, Snaths. Etc. Etc. Etc. aki) TINWARE PUMPS, ETC. Sheet Iron Ware SPOUT, ETC. WIRE BET l if"" iri . ul o Groceries and Provisons, Tobacco Cigars. We have on hand the largest stock of Grocer ies and Provisions ever brought to Lebanon, which we oiler to the people of Lebanon and vicinity at the LOWEST LIVING CASH RATS. A i'till xi nil Jtojt Hides. Furs and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. IJConie and see us.JJr W. B. DONACA & Co. Corner Brick Store, Main Street, Lebanon, Linn County, Or. OREGOHUS RAILWAY COMPASY. (Limitct Idne.) CHAS. N. SCOTT. - Receiver. On iin-l afVr Jnn. 1. ISjiS. nl un'.'.l finhcr no tice trains will run laily ix.i'lt Sunda)) as fol fiws : EAST SIDE. Cohin: Mall ' l'orS! d Mail. K mm T'orT : 8TATION8. ! TT. lali'l. : 1; land. Lv 1.15 p- "i fMlTI.AS'IM'AW.V: Ar 6XO p. so. Arrtw ! ""lf: trsis 1,1 ivs Iii.l:r.?, atv-i.iS j.ii ' si. l'ttai i. I :; , 1 rviu-b 1 rsiric, S-U i "o 2 o 5 01 VrxUjurTJ. 'i ijO f. r Tuvtist-nd, ! 2 UT 6 Mi-Ki-o. 1 2 CJ 5.?'. ! liorxn's ,' l.f'7 5 3: i M. Ans!, . i! l.M f. ;t IVivvii'f. ! l.U .'6 Mlv-rtcn. 1 "JJ 6 13 iohumt'n Mi!l. ,i l.U Cirttjrr'.niHt. 1-1 fi.ifl l"St i-i'te Junction. : l.'" S 47 MaHwv, 'j 12 7 i.i shaw. 1 :U T.:,) Au!uiiiic. j 12 16 ?;-- MVM SitMoli, :t 7 i : ;rav! I':'. 11.50 7 47 North s.-iniiBin. 11.47 : M O. 1' l.i!:-,-. 1! 10 .W K!rtJu-i:', 11.S5 ii5 V. rt Sk". 11. HI is 19 Thntowt" V-rk, 11-1 trahlrv-, 1 1 .04 l.'O "LicT l'l.VI ?.! lailtnnn, 1" ' i.j:s ! .''.wn. 1 Ht.lS p U i riftinvaw. f.f-S 'i 1 Inn. 9 1- 10.15 rri-v:iM :!. 9."; i 1 l;itti-. .- ! l(i o Rowland ?.l I 1! t rriwiwnw, .S2 II li -I Wiikin. :. ! n a:, ;i ix'Biia;. 1 f.ft I Ar. r.M.-'AR 1.V Lr. romiTH:tatl..n TU-lct at two rents jxruiUc oo ' ralr at Rations having AgcuU. ' TrniiK wil'i FiwnKr-'. rim srrmrasc from 1 rright. Freight nnd Espretw Fn'lchl f.irm rortlaad. MonJnvit. W.slacs- t ilnys uit'l 1hnrtl9. Tiwar.W rur.laiKl. Tucs- 'lay-!, lhur-t:s m! ttturlnyd. j fonri'!n at Kbv' aa;l Fiilqanrt lAndin? ii IOi S! :tv 6f Stilvtn" for SnU-m Mittiilny. ! j Wt diii"'lay nrrl Fri'!y rt-:iin:lm fnnn Sa'.fin I 1 UCMtaVfl, 1 niir-'lRVS nun ril.lir-iaix nnnn.i f wtih Kn-t !trti W W Siile pswiiccr trstins. ;-:eara-i pr "4-itv of f'.i'.om innke IntnMVr letirc'n Kity" rilA. S. .-VTT. Iteoeivcr. rjcnoral nfliow, X. W. CtriiLT Flrsl and Tine 's. frtlar.d, On-r"ii. TUB YAOUIXA ROUTE. OUEtidX PACIFIC RAILROAD Oregon DeYElopmcct Go's Steamsliip Line i 225 8HORTEH. 20 HOURS LESS TIME Thnn by aay other Route. rimt Clan Throush raaengrr Freight Line FRllM From l'ortlii'l nl all "Vint t' the Williuuette Valh v to mid fnim San Krancieo, Cul. OKLt'ON PACIFIC UA1LROAD. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except 8undys:) I.v. Al.msv. KO p.m. I I.v. Yaih ina. r. :. a. m. I r. Ooryai I .u.l -Wp. in. I I.v.CoMVALtlsltKaia. m. Alt. YAQt ISA f:SU p. Ul. 1 AR. ALBANY. 11:10 - Bl. Oil' Train cwunct-t at Allmny and Corvalti.. Th aNvt Trains connect nt Yaijuina iih the t'rcptm l vcliiti.'tH Cunn'ntiy's l ine of steams hips bctwwn Yaquinn and iviu rrancisco. . HAM.INU DATKS! mtkXnkk. I Frtmrs. K. Krimi Yiiqninw. WiTinmcltc Vullt y I Aucut t i Aiicut 4 Willamette ValU-v I AniniKt 1'.' Ambii 14 Willamette Valley I Aus'nt :D I Ausust .-l This Company revcrvce tlic rlijhr to chaiifrc fail ins date without uotiee. Va'nper from Portland, and all Willamette Vallev -(iitH. can ninke t-lew connection with the Tfnins f the Yavi isa Itol'iE tit Alhany or f 'nrvallli, and if destined to San l'mm-iKii, rIkxiM arrainre to arrive at YaUina the rveuiiijr before the date of .-wiling. l'liNHciiKcrHiid l-rol-ljt ltnt ALWAYS THE LOWKST.- VOK IXFtiUMATION AI'M.Y TO C. It. ITASWKLI.. I C. C. Hfml-E, Uen'l Krt A 1'icw Afr-t. Ai-fg ;cnl K. & Y. Ag'l. finL-on lH-vcl"imio!it Co..; O. 1". K. K. K. Co.. H MfflilpHi'm m., ; vorvanct. Snn Krnnciscii, Ctil'u. i Oregon. MRS. G. W. RICE, -1IAK Jl'ST HKCKIVEO 1IKR -OK- Millinery Goods CONSIST! XU OF- Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Rib bons, Etc., Etc. Call and get Prices on GckrIs which are VJSXrV I.OAV. -DEALER IN- Muiiloto line ol" ZJ. uonwtantly on hand. MARYELODS, MORAL, REH01KED AKD TRlUPHAlTl THE ONE TAST, AMUSEMENT TREASURY & UHIYERSE1 TWO COMPLETE. PERFECT AND ALBANY, MONDAY, AUG- 27. X()TE. Tlie arraDpements of the American Showmen's Pooled Leaijue will prevent any other Circus from visiting Albany this waaon . (Editor.) SELLS BROTHERS' Great M-lilHKT Circus-Classic Ilomnn Hippodrome .A.-'i1-jii v ol Art 3t it 1 5Continent Menagerie Notably and Triumphantly Reinforced this Season with the One Tower ingr. Kingly Figure of Western Romance. CAPTAIN A. H. BOGARDUS! CHAMPION WINO-SHOT OF THE WORLD, AND HIS) GUFTEO HONNi OHLY FDLL-GROWH PAIR OF BLOOD'SWEATIIG EiPPOPOTlfl 01 EARTH! t . .-. -Jkj,- V m - n -1 ir i i" - 1 -1 in 11 i"i i -1 r if i i n " ' mi mmmrnt An Intensely Tbxilling Soman Standing Eel BIG. BRILLIANT AND BEWILDERING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT i fC.RO OOO . j GO Minutes of Circus with j 30 Minutes of Gladiatorial 30 Minutes of Hippodrome 30 Minutes of Fancy Wing and Trap Shooting, By the World's Champioo. Car. A. II. bogaTdig and hi three aorta. 30 Minutes for the Museum, 30 Minutes for the Menagerie, wth xq m. G,theHng :i Hours of Dazzling, Fascinating Entertainment? Impressive Object Iessons in Zoolof ical Science Caeea of Rare tk! Costly Wild Beasts The Oar fair of Hippopotami. Male and Female, ever placed on Exhibltioc Greatest, (iraodeat, Mnmn. Famous iml Rest Trained Herd of Elephants on American Hoil. inclodine th Colcaaal -Kajah." the All-Ovcrshadowin? Central Figure of Hn Race; "Sid." the Rollicking l'recociou Elephantine Clowe, and the Only Baby Elephant thw wde of the Orient! Times the Most Opulent and Sun-Bright Spectacular Street Parade Ever Seen in any Asre or Country Unapproacpable and Indescribable! Passing In Grand Review Before Cheering Multi tudes at IP A. M. DAILY. - Usual Popular Prices of Admission. Performances tt Customary Hoars. POSITIVELY AND EMPHATICALLY NO FREE TICKET. TO ANYBODY. Special Cheap Round Trip Excursions on All Railroads. See station Aeents for Particular. Arrangements have been made to hold the train till after the nipht performance, giving erry one a chance to see the show and return the seme, night. THE STOVER Improved The best is alwavs thctrS cheapest. 7i We are also prepared to furnish on short notice any machine from a butter worker to. a steam mill. Wc keep on hand all J.lovs 3Xo-veis, Henpera, Ilnri'OMdt, Citlti--toiM, Pulverizers, 1 J ;i lit-?-;, AVuson H mj-if.. And the celebrated Sherwood Steel Harness. Come and see us: we will make you happv . G.W.CRUSON, Lebanon. Or. and GOODS OTEKSHADOWIMJ THE FAULTLESS PtftFORW A W063. AT 3 300 Meteoric Performers I Contests! Races, with Frofessfcmal Jockeys and C4 with 100 Marreloos Animate and Inanimate Cnrios! The most powerful easiest and lightest run ning mill made. staple implements, snc : 2L I LafUhly Expended in Radlmntly rwrnuif iktt Twrl. i lipnomrnil ComblBitiua for h Prfint Tmmr 1 o.