The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 03, 1888, Image 3

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The Lebanon Express.
Wednesday evening was an eventful
occasion in Lebanon; two happy henrtH
blentel their lives togethei in the holy
bonds of niiitrimon v. Mr. M. A.
rilRSOXALANDOTHKRWISKj Miller, our popular young druggist,
led to the altar of llvmen Miss Flora
The voiee ot the thresher is heard in
the land.
Mrs. I.; lVilyeu of Kugene went to
Sodaville Tuesday.
Mr. Jake Bilycu and wife started for
the mountains last Monday.
J. T. Martin of Eugene was in the
oity Wednesday on business.
Mr.Pfeiirer and son of Albany made
our city a visit last Wednesday.
The quarterly conference of the M.
E. church convenes here to-day.
Rev. Walton Skipworth's father
filled his son's pulpit in this place last
There are quite a number of visitois
at Sodaville, some camping and some
guests at the hotel.
There is to be preaching in theUum
Ivrland Presbyterian church Sunday
by Evangelist Fisher.
Mrs. O. A . Palme and children Or
vilieand Sadie, of Bridal Veil, are in
town visiting Mrs. Z. T. Bryant.
Mr. Clint Gordon has been spending
the week in town, but will start back
to life mountain ranch to-inorrow.
Mr. Gross was in town Thursday
and brought us another jug of soda
water. Slay he live long and prosper.
Miss AiMie Morris, one of Sc'o's most
highly accomplished young ladies, is
visiting in town a few days this week.
Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick returned on
Wednesday from La Camas, W. T.,
where he went to hold a scries of meet
ings. Rev. Walton Skipworth came up
from Salem yesterday. He reports his
child as still lying at the point of
Mr. Chns. Miller, who is now stop
ping in Albany, was out on Wednes
day evening to attend his brother's
There will be no preaching in the
First Prosbyteriau church for the next
two Sabbaths, as the pastor intends
taking a ion.
The Cruwfordsville band is expected
Waterloo nraiu Sunday and Mr.
itross is making preparations to enter,
tain a large crowd.
-The post office has been moved two
doors north in Dr. Hope's office. Peo
ple wanting their mail will have to
call on the Dr. now.
Mr. Wilhelm Wenh, who formerly
kept the Lebanon meat market, is back
from Kansas. He says Oregon is the
best place yet. We agree with him.
Mr. Will Roland, who has been tor
the past few months
liany, is now to be tount
dn;sr store in the absence of Mr. Miller.
A. J. Ray and Arch Irvine made s
great haul of sardines at Vaquina re
eently. Thev were out but a few
raid brought in over a ten, or in miui
Urs est i on: ted :'.t 100,000.
Lewis MeVay, who stabbed hi-
liU'tiu-r near C'orvaliis, was caught neat
.1 unction July iTth. II--' waived exam
iuation and his bond was fixed at '-'.(
His brother will get well.
Mr. T. D. Porter, traveling agent fo:
the Salem Statesman, callid on u
Thursday. The Statesman is one o:
li-.e best papers in the State, and Mr.
MeCaulloy, one of the most popular of
Lebanon's daughters. Mr. Miller may
well be protul of his success in' winning
the hand and heart of so excellent a
lady. . Mr. Miller and bride were both
raised in oi near Lebanon. He is a
young man of ability and enterprise
a:id is well known and highly respected
all over the State. A host of friends
and acquaintances unite with The
Expkkss in extending their sincerest
ongratulations. Rev. W. R. Bishop
of Portland was the officiating minis
ter; and immediately after the cere
mony the invited guests, about thirty
in number, sat down to an excellent
supper, all at the residence of the bride's
father. The Crawfordsville band gave
them a serenade, much to the delight
of the town as well as the pleasure i f ; the lUiptist church last Sunday mom-
J. F. Venner returned from Portlar.d
on Wednesday lust.
Samuel Sawyer during the past week
returned from Corvallix.
A. J. Adams on Wednesday returned
home from the C'alapooia mines.
Dr. (.. D. Osburn went up to Eugene
Saturday and returned Tuesday.
Dr. L W. Starr paid Albany a visit
on Friday on professional business.
F. ( ira-ss, wife anl child during the
past week left for Waterloo springs.
Mrs. R. K. Thompson left for the
Waterloo soda springs on Tuesday last.
John Frhnzen, wife and child on
Saturday left for the soda springs at
Edward Starr of Halsey visited
Brownsville friends on Saturday of
this week.
Rev. Carpus Sierry held services at
the wedding party. The newly-married
couple left on Thursday's morning
train for a bridal tour. There weie
main- bridal presents and they were
very handsome, some useful and sou e
ornamental. Following is a list of the
presents and the names of the donors:
Set of furniture Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
- Napkin ring? Mr. and Mrs. MeCaul
lcv. "Butter dish Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Fruit riistli Mi Pirn AfnTlnnnlil I
XT....:. J:.. I. T..:.. . TT :. t r : 1 1 ....
Set of knives and forks Mr. and ! Blho ortlan 1
ing and evening.
Wm. Primley oti Tuesday returned
from Astoria, where he has been visit
ing for the past month.
Miss Minae Smith of Portland is
visiting Iter grandfather, Dr. R. H
Crawford of South Brownsville.
Receiver Scott of the O. Ry. on Sat
urday passed through town, accompa
nied by a party of friends from Can
ada. Mrs. A. E. Muir, nee Miss Efile
is visiting tela-
and Jessie Ral-
Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Ralston.
Salt dishes Maud
st on.
Table cloth and napkins
.Mrs. t-iias. JMciionaid.
Cake dish Miss Ambler.
Spoon holder Dr. J. S. Court nev.
sjiet of knives and forks Mr. and i
Mrs. C. B. Montasrue. !
and Mrs. J
Dr. L. Folev and j
Set of forks Mr.
Set of tablespoons
Pair of vases Miss Armstrong.
Castor Jessie McCaulley.
Set of spoons Miss Mattie Xixon.
Fruit dish Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Set teaspoons Miss Welch.
Hand-painted plate Miss Ballard.
Lamp Mr. and Mrs. Hackleman.
Bread dish Master D. McDonald.
Cake knife Effie anii Ada Miller.
tives and friends in Brownsville and
j vicinity.
i Miss Grace Riley, who will pass the
j coming week nt Waterloo springs, on
1 Tuesday accompnnied Geo. Gross on
his return home.
On the evenimr of Julv 30, at the
The Bine Klver Mines.
The Brownsville correspondent
M. ! North Brownsville City hall, C. B.
Reynolds, from the Eastern States,
commenced a series of lectures.
j A. J. Hackett of Oregon City, gen
; eral manager for Oregon of the History
' and Manual of Odd Fellowship, visited
our town durinjj the past week.
; On Sunday last nearly everybody,
j their "uncles, aunts and nieces' passed
j the day at Waterloo springs, which is
fast becoming a favorite resort for
! pleasure seekers.
t 11 A. M. on Tuesday last, at the
occurrence resided In Brownsville and
vicinity. The facts of tile ease ore as
follows: In the Ppring of 1 881 J. E.
Granger, a contractor, house mover
and carpenter, was for the time resid
ing with and on the faun of 1). I. De
pew, located in the hills near Oak
creek. Mr. G ranger was about to pur
chase the farm of I). P. Depew, having
it is Mated paid a certain amount of
money down ami giving a mortgage
for the balance, after which he depart
ed for Albany, where he remained a
number of days, eventually returning
to the IH-pew farm, and complaining
of ill health he remained for some
days, principally in the room he occu
pied, lielng cared for by the family.
On the day of his disappearance he
arose at a late hour anil declining
breakfast started from the house, stat
ing that he intended paying a visit to
some near neighbors. From that day
to the present time no trace of the miss
ing man could be obtained. Xeighbois
and friends organized searching par
ties and the hills and ravines were
thoroughly searched, it being surmised
by some that being in poor health the
missing man had wandered awny and
perished in the woods; others had no
hesitancy in giving their belief that
murder had lcen committed and tl e
body hidden away in some ravine cr
patch of dense brush surrounding the
fiirm All iirfli ntwl timnirv wsw fn-
tile and no trace of the mining man! The rumors are now thrt there will
could be obtained, and the case was lH' ,ar!re sum -oik., up ..ere ,m, ......
given up as one of tin we mysterious! Mrs. Henry ! McDowell of Harney
events which time only can solve. Re- valley arrived, here a few days ago.
cent developments have shown that .). ! She Intends to go to Eugene soon to
Miss May Shclton Is recovering from
a long ppcll of fever.
J. ('. and A. J. Johnson have gone
j to Seattle, where they expect to make
i their future home.
It Is now given up by all hands that
Bill Bilycu can beat any man in town
running (when there is a mad cow
after him).
Miss M. J. Miller, one of our excur
sionists to the institute In San Fran
cisco, has returned, thoroughly dis
gusted with S. F. and the ocean ride.
Grain harvest has commenced in
earnest. To say that crops are good in
the forks of the Santlam hardly ex
presses It, but we will Itc content to sax
good. J
Janus White is contracting with
some of our citizens to burn a brick
kiln of 800,000 brick. He is said to
have an extra quality of clay for that
purpose. j
E. J. O'Conner, county surveyor, i
and Mr. llarr have surveyed the line j
for the branch from the narrow gauge
railroad to the Selo mills. When thej
road is completed it is the Intention to i
make regular trips to Scio, which will
lx a great lienctit to our vicinity.
1U Fiums v i i.i.k.
"w ; rr
E. Granger is at the present time a res
ident of Seattle, W. T., at which place
he Is engaged in his former business,
that of contractor and house mover.
He was recently intcrvicdat that place
by a former resident of Brownsville, a
man of undoubted veracity, who for
the space of two days was in the corn-
have her little boy doctored.
Janu s Kecney has just completed
fair sized warehouse attached to his
mills. He intends to buy several thou
sand bushels of wheat this season.
There is considerable sickness in this
I vicinity at present. For the past eight
I days three different din-tors from
the Democrat writes: Messrs. A. Jack ' M. E. church, South Brownsville, Rev.
Adams, president of the Trinity Min- E. Gittens conducted the funeral ser
ing Corporation, and W. W. Stevenson ; vices of the lately-deceased daughter
returned from their mines in the Blue ; of Wm. Robinett.-
river district last week, aud will leave : There is a "eircnious" in the State,
again for the mines Thursday of this and tne average small bov is happy,
week. They are very much encour- ; but not supremely happy until he has
aged over their prospects. All mining i -'rustled" sufficient "shine" to attend
interests held by our citizens in that j the exhibition at Albany.
and the Calapooia district are on thet
lookup. Owen Osburn sold to Anslow I
panyt.rthe supposed Uecease.l man. UronsviUe have visited parties in
As this case caused much public com- onr ,.ou,mvinit v.
ment, it is only justice to those upon p y pr:lwfor(1 mi(.ed this
whom suspicion may have fallen to froni Waltsburg,
make the above statement, which mav 1 , , ,,., r 1 1 .. i . ..
Ie relied l on " wnrrL' ne a,u' Crawford have lieen
le "l011- I stopping with their son Jap. Hie in-
; tends to visit her children here and on
! tl... M.Jlhi L- f,r ntwillt .iv U'H-kl. Silt
Dr. Fellows gave us a call Saturday. ! will then probably go back to Waits-
Dozen Chic kens
" Ducks
" Geese
64 Turkeys
50 Cases of Eus
Not Ire to Farmer.
All parties wanting any dishes for
staying in Al- j Young Saturday a one-half interest in J gftrlne,vrhvn thev will
nd in the City ! extension of the ''Emma" in the ; time anJ then
Miss Anna ClayMKl has gone to Al- ; burg,
bany to spend the summer. j
.Sirs, w . A. Sillier ot rcintleton is
.. . i r-i..... 1-..
, -uuS t ... , .n, . j h.lrvcst can s-cure great bargains from
Assessor Smith and Deputy Williams i s J(s wo ar. ,.i,.jn?r t this line oi
are progressing nicely with the tran- ; goods. Tiiomisx & Watkks,
script." ; IJrownsville, On-g'Ul.
Mrs. Joseph Mayer and little daugh
ter Maysel spent a few days with us
For the above L will pay an extra price if deliv
ered within ten days.
Blue river district for ?o(W. Consider-
j aMe work is being done now and we
j soo-.i hope to see a mill in operation r.t j
hours ' ai.ti .miic i-iiiriis coming it
pocket so niueh limiting out those I
Curran Cooley and John Waters. Jr.,
on Monday left for the Belknap hot
remain a short
proceed to Clear lake, was present aud the
and will visit the upper and lower teres-ting.
'a-t week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Giigs and Miss
Anna Defanbaujrh of California are
visiting at his father's, L. H. Griggs'.
tluarterly meeting was held at Lil- I
crty church Sunday. A large crowd I
services were in-1
A fellow came into our store
Who wanted the earth for a lloor.
He asked, "Can vou shoe usV"
Then start-l to Jew us.
So we shoe'd him right out of the door.
Andrews & Haekleman have nm
nriee for all.
Cheap machine oil and pure 1rng
at the Citv drugstore. M. A. Mu.I.KK
v. s.
A firm dealing in picture framtSj
I a:ider the name of Ottuat & Fish, San
i Francisco, have been sending circulars
j throughout the country asking for phi.- ;
tographs for enlargement, promising !
j to make a full life-sizl cray
j f.-ee of charge. "The Brow
Porter is meeting with success canvas,- j flrill h:is lvcintiy been proven a
ir" I bi.k by a citizen of that place, who ai-
It is said that in Mexico monkeys cpted their oltir but could get no life-!
eanbesK-n by hundreds hanging by ' s ze portrait withov t paying them a
the tails to telegraph wires. In this j uffieient pi ice for making the portrait
country they are usually seen to han. j 1Jui giving them a handsome
to girbs' ai-nxs or scoot from the boot o! j m.oflt tn tlu.jr frames. Those wl o
an angry father. j have rec-cived circulars may depend
The Willamette Pulp and Paper Com-! that the said firm will not live up to
pany, of San Francisco (capital 8'0,- its promisis.
000) will soon begin building a uA'.l
at the Willamette fal!s, Oregon City
; soda springs on the Santiam.
Certirleats of assay received from
Salt Lake City during the past week
show $240 to the ton from quartz crop
ping taken from the ( told Dust min
ing ck'.'.m, situated on the Calaiooi:t
river sixty miles east of this place.
At San Francisco, July 20, Rev. (J.
Andrew Crahtree. formerly a resi
dent of this place but now a resident ;
of Wasco Y., has returned to his old '
home, to remain till after harvest.
Okanoi: Blossom.
J. S. Covhtnkv,
M. I).,
3 i1siiiii, ii-n.
Trv ChamlK-rlain's Coush Remeilv
j a id vou will be convinced
V. Hill, pastor of the Baptist church
at East Portland, and Miss M. IlHoyt i
of Oakland, Cal , were marrieil at th
' p-.-rfect tn atment for eughs, colds and
I hoarseness. Sold by M. A. Miller.
CLrwo the Children. They are es
CVvVVj peclally liable to sudden
Colds, Coughs, Croup, Wbooping Cougb,
ftr We tuarauteo Acker's Esslish
that it is a ! Tipmrdr a. positiye cure. It eaves
hoars oi nxioas watclimg. oia tor
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
. on portrait i 'l!i,?nTO l f " liri'l's lrents. Rev.
nsville coi-!,li11 3s the of Mrs. A. W.
stanaru oi tins place.
Messrs. J. and M. S. Titu, fathei
and brother of Mrs. C. H. Cable, oi
this place, on Monday last rcturnct!
from the vicinity of Linkville-. They
bring with them sixty head of bee!
stock, and being somewhat dissalislled
with Southern Oregon, will return to
their former rtsidence.
The new bell for the Cunilerland
Presbyterian church was received las'
week. Neatly cut upon the outside i
x .in i..iii ii ."T vnv f-ll.r5, ,,a.rir.tir.n.
V- -,-r.-, i. i ,a (uw-, ,r ,.,r, i lrui store, where I will be ldeased to! ,t7'. . " . ...
From Tf-CO to 10,003 cords of cotton- ,.'., , 1 j From his companion in life,
-e iny oici lrieuus auu customers. , Tntliompr.iorv.ifl' T . Imn n
wood will be used per year.
The water melon season is drawing
near. Those who raise this delicious
fruit should ljear in mind that it is the
proper thing to bring to the newspaper
office a few of the largest ones, to
show us what they can do in this line
in Oregon.
Wc return a thousand thanks to Miss
Jessie McCaulley for a liica plate cf
wedding cake. If there is anything
that dees make the printers feel good it
is for the ladies 1 1 remember them, i s
peeially whtu there is something good
to eat going around.
KXJuite a number of our citizens got
-U imoressive invitation to go ioai
bnnv last Saturday, and it seems
M. A. Miller, j Born in Knox Co., Teiin., Jan. 24, 110,
The followimr advertisement appeals i ,)ie1 in Brownsville, Org., Jan. 23, 18S8.
in a Texas "paper: "Rattlesnake i The btdl was presented to the chunh
wanted Fiftv big live ones. Apply to ! b-v Mrs. II. L. Brown, the widow ot
Geo. At kens, Dallas, Texas." j the deceased.
Before you start ona journey go and ! J- D- .ver, who for some time oast
s?3 M. A. Miller and procure a bottle
To Knoy It.
1 tour through W. T., on Thursday last
Wo arc hen with a
.. i i . . . . .
on tne same ousiuess. x, a suuic
thing about a club and a Chinee-man.
The semi-annual sweeping of The
ExruKss office took place a few days
ago. A lot of illegible poetry, one pair
of dirtv socks (no pocket flasks), and
a lot of worn-out exclamation points
were unearthed. We also contemplate
blacking the stove at no distant day.
We invite everybody, ladies especially,
to inspect our office.
Mr. C. B. Montague has made cpaite
a change in his store since the post
office has been moved, which helps
the looks of it very much. He now
has as neat and well-filled store as can
be found in Linn county, and our
opinion is that farmers and others can
do as well with him as they can in Al
bany or anywhere else.
On Monday last as Mr. Vinson was
driving some cattle along the road his
horse stumbled and fell, throwing him
on a small stump, striking him in the
left side and fracturing two ribs. Dr.
Lamberson was called and attended to
his injuries. The old gentleman is
some S3 years of age aud a good citizen
and we deplore this accident to him.
of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. It is a great safe- ' returned home by way of Salem, from
.ruard for travelers and irives immedi- ' which place he brings with him a first-
ate relief, j grade teacher's state certificate. Mr. j
. , . , ... , ! Bover expresses himself much pleased !
"Facts are stuuborn things," and . .;, . , . it , s
... . .,, , T, - with the trip, but savs that "for gen-
sufferers from Chills and lever fina , .' , fc ,
. . , . . , ., , . eral prosperity, health, scenery and!
tins complaint a very stubborn fact . , I., ,
,., t, . , jalltlr-it goes to make life happy the:
until thev commence the use of Ayer's .. ,, . , .. ,", ,,
! Ague Cure. This medicine never fails J
.v , i to cure even the worst cases. i Mrs. M. R. Kecny of this place has I
s that i . . . , ... ... , ,i
The night driver and the night clerk receivcu vormaiion oi tne saieiy oi
ner son I'lnlip I'earl, who m .March
Arrested as or Konsas to dispose of a band
our hi kmIs
ami in orilor to sell
A!il 15-iil ji Ioiilt f"oll! Goods Oliosipoi'
Ol.lioi ?1i? in Iinii Countv.
tllSlll -tVllA
liv some means or other the same ones
w like invitation to so ajrain to-day ! for the Northern Pacific Express Com-
Tlifit eAii Lt mode, having relntive
ticitilitx f tlie goods.
pany at Portland have been
for stealing a 10,000 bag of gold from
that company. The money was recov
ered, found where the thieves had
buried it.
Greater benefits may be derived from
the vacation season if, at the same
time, the blcod is being cleansed and
vitalized by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla. An increase of appetite, vigor,
and buoyancy of spirits attend the use
of this medicine.
Notice is hereby given to every man
and bov in Linn county who
straw hat or summer coat, and vest, we
are closing out these goods away -down
lelow cost. Don't miss this opportu
nity. Thompson & Waters,
Brownsville, Oregon?
Manufactured milk is being sold and
used in Portland, at least two restau
rants using the fraudulent article reg
ularly. The owner of the recipe by
which it is made lives on Morrison
street and has endeavored to sell an
interest in the spurious concern. Wel
come. . -
Try St. Patrick's Pills and compare
their effect with any other kind made.
They contain the good properties of the
of horses, and from whom no intetll
gence could be obtained for a number
of months, fears leing entertained that
misfortune or sickness had overtaken
him. A letter lately received by the
anxious mother stutcs that her son had
arrived home at Arlington, in good
health, his eastern trip being finan
cially a success.
George Gross, the genial host of the
Waterloo hotel, paid our town a visit
on Tuesday last, renewingacquaintance
: 1. ......... v. i. i .. .. . i . : i .
. f Willi in; iiiaii ji lenviT iiv mailt? w llliu
wants a . .........
i lor years a resiueni oi mis piace. f or
i those who desire to pass a long or short I
vacation there can be no place offering
more inducements to the seeker after
health or recreation tl;an Waterloo,
pleasantly situated on the Santiam
river, easy of accet-s, having an un
limited supply of cool, sparkling, nat
ural soda water, which the visitor can
dip pure and fresh from the spring.
On Wednesday evening the yourtg
folks, and, juding from the "assembled
crowd, many of the older people
seemed to derive grcut enjoyment from
the antics of two forlorn si ceimens of
the bruin family, who were being put
through a series of out-door perform
anees by their owers, three well-de
veloped bohemians, one of whom
equipped with a large brass horn and
an equally large supply of brass check,
I solicited nickels ami dimes from the
To the Mountains or Blackberry Patch, j cfow-j who after liberally responding
I am now prepared to convey parties j to the appeal were treated to a very
to all points between Lebanon and bearish entertainment.
Fish Lake, in a spring hack. Alii ,r ... , .
, .' . . , fi i r Many of the readers of Tub Fa
parties desiring to avail themselves of J
f , . . ? i i j ii i phess and the public generally have
this opportunity should call on or ad-:, . . J
-ww a 1 - - . 1 : .... j-ir-. Ill r r 1 ,1 -. 1 T I J 1 g I S I i.l -,n J 1 1
medicine. James McJlHr-uc w going
o tri the tiiiniQ thinjr.
Which I Offer at Prices That Cannot Be Beat.
A Full and Cuinj-.k'to Lino of Canned Good:?, Dried Fruits, Raisins, Nuts. Honey, Mustard"
Fresh Ovsters, Sardines, Crockery and Glassware.
mm:, fruit and all
correspondent sends us the follow- j older preparations in the .market com
ing: Xoah Shanks of Crawfordsville,
who had quite a number of cancers re
moved from his face by Dr. Vander
pool of Dufur, Or., and has been trou
bled greatly since with cancers on his
lips, tongue and face, thinks he is now
improving, lie has been using "Xecd
liam's pure red clover blossoms" for
the past five months, and is troubled
'.jut little with those cancers at presejit
nrl iliev seem to be gradually disap-
bined with the most valuable medicines
discovered in modern times. As a Ca
thartic and liver sill, St. Patrick's are
perfection. Sold by M. A. Miller.
To know that the goods are on our shelves and open to
buyers. Wo do not attempt an enumeration of our
goods, but content ourselves with the state
ment that we have the
To 13e I'ouiocl in Lebanon.
Give us the opportunity to make our vaunting good by over
looking our vaunted goods.
Andrews & Haekleman.
All who have Apples and Plums to sell will find it to their advantage ta
call and see me, as I have made arrangements to buy and
ship; will pay the highest market price.
.V. 1. CYRUS.
! nrniO & Jtlood Elisir is he
i tvV ' Blood Remedy gun
teed. It is a positive cure for I" leers. Krup-
, , i i tions or isyphiJitic Poisoning, ltponiiestl.3
IvO'lT btltl" Air t ntltl n-i whola system, and bfinisbes all liliPunotic
...v. .j, v ;jind Nelra, i( We uarim3 it.
J. A. Hennl, Drucrsrist.
Lumber! umber! dumber!
G. WliKVAAlll, Proprietors of the
tary Public, and ;
oos a
Insurance. Agricultual Imple
ments, Doors and Windows.
constantly on hand.
Bills of All Kinds Filled on Short Notice and at- Reasonable
(Jive nic a
Oil! nt Or.
l'oweirs )!!
J i- o j riot i x.
-l'i:.Li:i IS AM. K!Xl:s i-V-
Yines, Liquors and Cigars.
Bra . is t'l - -
. Or 5 - j.t
and at (hat timeirtMini?(l munler of!
Dr. Murk lliiyler, lH'nttt, Lebanon, j J. 11 firanger, vlioattlie tiiuc.of the
ptGive us a call before purcha -ing elsewhere.
G. W. Wheeler.
is warranted, is becausa it Is the best
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lively euro ell Blood Diseases, purifies tlie i
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constitution." Iiemeuibcr, wo guarantee it. .
J. A. Jteurtl, Druggist . , J
Fresli Kinera! and Soda Water.
(OfiHi. iic
V r no that are fretful, peeylsb,
iJWVJ VV3 C1T1S3 cr trouWed wiih.
Vi2i7 Colic, Teething Tains, cr
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once by sin Acker's Eaby S.Jher.
contains no Opium cr Jlornhir"
Uecce is e.'e. Prlca cents.
.1. A. l.:uii, lrui.-t.
trvild i.J