The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 20, 1888, Image 4

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Kpltcme of the Principal Emtt
litr&cting Pablie laterest .
Devoted Principally to Waahicfftoi
-Tarritcry and California. ...
Devoted to the Interests of Farmers I Reliable Quotations Carefully Revised
Wro. C. Mitchell fell from a street
car at St. Louis, aud was killed.
4 The academy of mvtfic was burned
at Haverhill, Mass. Loss, $100,000 ;
aJnsurarjce.f 50,000.
A construction train and engine on
' - the Joliet & Eastern road was wreYked
; by obstructions on the track. Three
x y Italian laborers were instantly killed.
Gus Bovles, aged 19, was hanged
for the murder of Wm. Morgan, in the
Creek nation, a year ago. He died
very hard.
At Buena Vieta, 111., Charles Dec k
ler, a farmer, aged 55, 6ent his chil
. , dren out of the house and then shot
his wife, killing her iustantly, and
shot himself and cut his throat.
R. B. Parrish, a wholesale shoe
dealer at Louisville, Ky., reputed to
be worth f 100,000, committed suicide
V- 1. 1, . . . J tt
ecanse ne couiu not pay a nve uouar
board bill.
The street railway stables at Wichi
ta, Kan., were burned. Three era
ployes were very seriously burned and
otherwise injured. The loss was not
David Chirk and his wife were found
hanging in a corn crib near Sandwich
111. They left a paper signed by both
saying they died f -r each other. Clark
was thirty years old.
Fire destroyed half the business
portion of Eimoro, Colo., some half
doxen buainees houses, with contents
being consumed. The loss is estimated
at f75,00O; insurance f 6,000.
The body of Alice Kelly was found
in the ou skirts of Ottumwa, Iowa,
wilh the throat cut and the head
b.tdly beaten. The nature of the
wounds indicate murder. ,
Hattie de Baum, aged 18 years, was
shot and killed bv her aunt, Mrs
Jennings, at Terre Haute, Ind. 'I he
two had been quarreling for some
Josi-ih Wilder, 62 yera of age;
prominent business man of Cincinnati,
commuted suicide. The only known
cause is an effection of the head which
gave him great pain aud rendered him ;
Three men entered the ffice of an
insurance company at Milwaukee, and
engaged the cashier and clerk in con
- venation. Before they left one o!
them stole $2,000 from, the cash
In the roundhouse of Winslow,
Ariz., a fireman named Snyder had a
few words wnh a night watchman
about some oil, and the latter shot
Snyder twice. The latter died in ten
A freight train on the Louisville,
New Albany fc Chicago railway ran
into a small land slide. The locomo
tive and ten cars were wrecked. David
Julian, a brakeman, Engineer Harnet
and Fireman Blachman were killed.
Henry Soper, a farm hand, con
fesses to killing 6 year-old Frankie
Williams, kicking h:m to death be
cause the child followed him to the
field to see the cows milked, at Hunt
ington, Lorg Island.
Mrs. Eliz-tbeth Simon shot and in
stantly killed Wm.-Dowling at Bury'
ranch, Wyo. Dowling was assaulting
her 8 year old daughter. . Mrs. 8imon
was given a hearing and discharged
amid cheers.
A large fire in the business block?
opposite the Erie railway deot broke
out at .Patterson, A. J. Escape by
the ordinary way for the inmates was
cut off in a few minutes. Numbers
jumped from windows and escaped
"with slight bruires, but it is reported
that several lost their livs. :
Fire originating in a sawmill at Al
pena, Mien, spread rapid iv, and was
soon beyond control All building
for a space of three blocks wide and
half a mile long wt-re consumed
eausiog a loss of about $ 300 000. Fir
teen hundred persons are homeless
and several seriously injured.
Matthias Schreiner, a .whitewashes
was di.-covered at Chicago, 111., burned
horribly aud dving. lie had com
home drunk, and his clothes had been
saturated with kerosene and tired
His wife, moiher-in-ltw and a boarder
are undr arrest, and indications are
that they were the perpetrators of the
horrible deed.
While 300 or 400 people were seated
in the grand stand ou the grounds of
the Yitlobusba county, Mississippi
fair association, the supports gave w t
wiuxout warning, and the siructur
fell to the ground. No one was killed
outright, but nearly fifty people we-,r
tnkeii from the ruins with broken arm
and leg.
Li-aural rork meeting' house n
Weaklv coun'", Tenn., was a sr-en
of a terr ble tragedy. Just a " th
miniter announcing hi- text;
voik-y f firearms was discharged out
side the door. When the smok
cleared away it was found that Ewell
Lawson and his son, John, were killed
and that three Fuston boys, Tom, Jim
and Enos, and John Porter, were fa
tally wounded.
"S-ciir;te" is ttiij na ne givfn to a
new explosive which is said 'a I? flame-
less when exploded, and wiH. t is ex
peeled, be of especial value as :i substi
tute for ordinary blasiins now ler and
Other explosives in fiery coal initios.
An eleotro-magfnpt with a eirrving
capacitj- of 8M pounds is attache 1 to
crane in the Cleveland Steel Works,
which readily picks up billets and oth
er masses of iron without the aid of
anv other device. A bov is t'nis ena
bled to do the work of a dozen mxn.
isy the old method the steel wire
from which watch spring- made
was heate I ti the proper t -rature
and immediately plunged i: -il. In
the new process the wire is nersed
in the oil bath first, aud is th-vi . mrht.
bv means of an electric curre;: . to the
'- desired decree of heat.
Prof. Koherts, of Cornel!, unjres
the importance of a complex diet for
man, and especially the us-i oi concen
trated products, such as Uoff. milk,
butter and cheese. Only 'n such
food is it possible to reach the fullest
perfection of physical health and intel
lectual development.
A Bit of Bric-a-Brac
Ten business houses of IVmiug. N
M4 burued." Losses aggregate $(0,-
000; insurance, half.
Pnil. J". Stumpf, was shot and killed
in his saloou, at Antioch Cal., by some
unknown person.
R. Ayers, a j'ink de tier, of Ios An
geles, Cal., was dragged to death by a
runaway team near El Monte.
Ten business houses at Denting, N.
M., were destroyed by fire. L-sses
aggregate f GO ,000; insurance half.
Henry Merer, one of the Lowel
murderers, who. pleaded to grand
larceny at Sacramento, Cal., wan sen
tenced to ton years at Folsom.
uham U. Butler has been sen
tenced to three years' hard labor at
Folsom for abstracting an order for
$6 9i from a letter at the iiostollice in
Los Angeles, Cal.
W. F. Neff. a tinner, while working
on a roof at Los Angeh s, Cal., fell to
the ground, breaking his ntck, the fall
killing him instantly. He was agd
37 years, and leaves a family.
W m. lieazed, night watchman on
the steamer Thoroughfare, at San
Francisco, was struck while walking
on tne track by an Aimia local
train, and instantly killed.
Henrv Vanover, popularly known
as "Hanks," a well known hack driver
of laeoma, . 1., was found dead 111
his bed at Freeman's livery stable
from an overdose of quinine.
Mr. KPaiker, o Cheney, W. T
attempted to commit suicide by taking
an ounce of tincture of opium, but
the timely arrival of the doctor saved
her life.
Fire occurred in Chinatown of
Plaeerrille, Cal , in which a row of
seven Chinese buildings, and three
white residences were burned. The
Charred remains of a Chinamtn were
taken from the ruins. Loss $ 3,000.
Fire broke out in the Mechanics
mill at Seattle, . 1 , but was soon
put out with only slight damage re
sulting. D -vid Ferguson, watchman
on Yesler's wharf, while working
the tire fell, breaking his cllar bone,
Simon J. Lark, asjed 22, was rnn
over and instantly killed in the rail
road vard at Winuemueci, H
hid been in the employ of thcrailrot
company about time, years iu assist
ant .igent and car seller.
The ship Bill Vista, loaded witl
coal, sunk twenty miles northwest
I oiiit Keves, Ual. the captain an
rew were picked up and biougbt
B-.iwen s Landing by the schooner
Napa City.
D. Dtvev Harris, a 12-y- ar-old news-
Wiy, attempted to lump on a moviu
dummv on Sutter street at Kea
San Franoisco, but missed his footin
and rolled under the wheels. Both
his legs were fractured above the
knees, r
James King, reeentlv convicted of
bigimy at Sacramento, Cal , and sen
tenced to three years' imprisonment,
attempted to commit suicide in a cell
by cutting hi wrist. He w.n discov
ered bv the i.dler in time to prevent
him bleeding to det'a.
Wm. Williams, seconl mate on
board the British thip Othello, on th
voyage from ewcasile-ou-Tyne (o
San Francisco, while aloft sending
down "a signal to the main top gallant,
fell, and striking on the main-rail
bounded overboard and was drowned
While the barkeeper of the Foun
tain saloon at Fresno, Cal., was m ik-
ng up his cath, preparatory to deb
ug up for the night, two masked men
sprang in from the rear of the saloon,
and at the point of pistils compelled
him to give up the contents of Ins
safe, some $300. The robbers esc ip-.d.
Fire broke out in the Ilambletonian
stables in Oakland. Cal., totally de
stroying them, together with nio.-t of
the contents. In the stable were ten
horses, seven of which were burned
live. Several other adjoining build
ings were destroyed. The total loss is
about 20,000.
Amanda Cordcz and Vicente
M.rines had a personal difficulty in a
faloon at Sacramento, Cak Marines
knocked ?ordoz a down. The latter
arose, staguered back and fell dead.
It is 8uppesed death resulted from
heart disease, caused in part bv the
blow. Marines surrendered himself.
To Burn Caterpillar Ntat.
The caterpillar that was so preval
ent in Oreuoii orchards & few years
ago, have returned this year, and will
robably multiply for next year, l'rof
Riley, of the department of agricul-
ure, says : Take a piece of soft brick
known as salmon brick, and trim it to
an egg shape; tlnn take two flexible
wires, cross them over the brick, wrap
them around it, aud twist tho ends tie
cether. Then attach it by the wires
to a long st'.ck, and soak the brick in
coal oil ; light it with a match and
you are armed for the work. Asbestos
may be used to advantage, and a littn
thorough work early enough iu the
season will obviate the necessity of
more expensive remedies at a later
time. The soaking in the oil may be
repeated as often as required to main
Uiti the ti nie.
"Young man," said a Philai.tlisi.pisf
toatHT ragged and ditty little utchin,
why diiti't you go home and wasb
yourself ?'.
"Hain't got no chance.1
Doesn't your mother have soap aid
We got water 'nnf an' one piece 01
soap that a gentleman give me.
Well, why don't you use it?"
"'Cause ma's kee. ing it on the pav
lor mantle-piece." Merchant Traveler.
and Stockmen.
Every Wee's.
The voices of oH sire hav tho stllTneiw of It
too: ami a it Is the uullltext time to )ern In.
o the unfltiHM of it U unlearn in will be found
lnucli icreater
There re two usual wave of dolnif what Na
ture anmntlmea ion incompletely, namely, to
rrlleTe the bowele. One is to swallow ad rant lo
1 1. ii-.t, .'va 1 I ana iui nsm, uie omi r is to take no totter l
Btomacn iniKint. ine eirent or wntcn not vio
lent, but utllcleiiUy UioroiiKh. and which dooa
not gi'le the- InUwtlnrti. If i he tlntt is electel.
tne person employing 11 nred not expect perma
nent benefit, an 1 lie cannot hope to escape the
di'bilitattnd reantion whiah leavee tho organs
a bad or worse otf tiian before. If, on the
o her hsnd, he resorts to the Hitters, he can
rely upon the restoration of a resular habit of
body, eonspnuent upon renewal of a health
ful tone In tlminWextlnaluauat. Hesidee health
fully relaxing the bowt Is, the Bitters arouses a
dormant llv-. Imparts a beneficial Impetus to
the action of th kidney, and counteract the
early twinge of rheumatism, a tendency to
gout, ana niuiaria in an its tortus.
Act well at the moment, and
formed a good action to all eto nlty.
yot- bare per-
take llostetter's
Walla Walla, fl 12l 16$
BARLEY Whole. I0(fl)l
jrround. per ton, 25 027 DO.
OATS Milling, 4243o. ; feed, 44
HAY Baled, f 15 0C1C 00.
SEED Blue Gratta, 14J16c; Tim
othy, 910o.; Ked Clover, 14l5c.
FLOUK Patent It.dler, 4 00;
Country Brand, 3 75.
EGGS Per dox, 25c,
BUTTER Fancy roll, per pound
26c: pickled, 1520e. ; inferior
grade, 1522Jj.
CHEESE Eastern, 1620c.; Ore
gon, 1416c.; California, 14Jc.
VEGETABLES Beets. p-r sack,
fl 50; cabbige, per lb., 2c. ; carroU,
persk., fl 2S; lettuce, per Uo. 2Uo.
onions, UU; totattes, per luu 11
moie free from yellows than those not Wc.? 1 ; rauisiies, per aoz., lotszuc. ; complaint, dyspepsia, heartbarn, tiifUpret
so nrotectd . rhubarb. Iter lb., 6c.. tlon, malaria, pimples on face aud body.
. I lninure blnort. etc.. hv tislnor reiriilarlv 11H
Farmers' institutes have become an I HONEY Iu comb, per lb., 18c. ;C. Mi Lne'8 Cki khratku I iter Pii.ijs
institution in Wisconsin. Enrhtv-two I strained. 5 aL tins, per lb. c. . preparea oniy oy eietntnn tiros.,
POULTRY Chickens, per di..
$2 5l)(5 50; ducks, per doz., 3 50 I J,R- .V- McI.ank's Liver Fills, prepared
fti U07 UU; turkeys,
An orsnore tree tn the eardens of Trral'les.
is 43) years old. It was planted by Eleanor of
Castile In Hid.
The foundation of all hanniness Is health. A
man with an Imperfect dixention may be a mil
lionaire, nisy bo the husband of au angel aud
the tathnr or lalf a dozen cherubs, and yet be
miserable If he lie troubled with dysp psln. or
any of tbe disorders arising from imperfect
diicestion or a sluggish liver. lr. Pierce's
t'lcasant Purgative Felicia are the safest and
surest remedy for these morbid co-iditions.
iiiliig purely vegetable, they are perfectly
Peach, trees ttiat have been anuu
ally . aud heavily banked with wood
ashes to keep out the borers lis ve been
Fi.emino Bros.,
Uear him: tor a loon: time I have suf
fered from the effects of fnditrestton and
sick headache, and on try Inn your Da. V.
found quick and eatlsfnctory relief. A
very few doses does the work and I would
not be without theirw
Sioux Falls, Dakota.
uso. ii. Harris.
Cure sick headache, biliousness, liver
The main busiuess portion of Cher
okee, a mining town near Oroville,
il , wast destroyed by tire. Mi
Mary O'D nned perished in the
dimes. Two hotels, two stores, a ea
l-ion and several ri-Klence- were
bmned. L ;ss, 30,000; insurance,
i 13,500.
During the absence of Mrs. Eng
land and C. Cou'lhard, of H.-lht-ler,
Cal., th ir hiiuses were bn-ken iutn
and robl-ed ot jewelry and o'her ar
ticles of value. A iosse ws iintned
iatt-ly trgan zd and went in pursuit,
aud captured the robbers a few miles
from the city.
A d.ring robbery was p rpetrntest
on Wtlli", Fargo Express Company, at
Los Angeles, Cal. One of the trc it
ure boxes while on a truck at ihe
Sou'hern Pacific depot, wailing fi r
he trin for San FrancirCo, was un
locked. $ 1 230 in gold and silver c- ii
t -kr-n, and the btjx rel-cked. Thne
men hHve been arretted on tmfu-im
Sm U b vs playing with f5recr:n k
rs at Lodi, C .1., het fi'e to the ifl
of the L"di A'. The fire gained
-uch headway thit bef(ie anytbiuu
cnuld be done the office of the Lodi
AV', the Sail Jo-qnin t-akery, a resi
lience OA-ned hj' J. Nevins, and ih'
residem e of Dr. Grant were entirl
destroyed. The loss is $5,000; ineui
ance unknown.
were held last year in torty-nte
counties, and 29 practical topics were
discussed. More than 100 lecturers
and 8!ei-i ilifts impaired instruction,
aud the State appropriated $12,000 to
help the farmers cause along
Severely cuttiug back the dead wood
on the peach trees will start them in
to new life. If the tree be dead at the
top, and the wood near the trunk
green, the new buds will soon give a
new top. By keeping all the injured
out wooa cm away me tree win tio
service nui 'h longer than is usually
the case with peach trees.
lioth meadows and pastures re
quire some looking after in the spring.
If there be bare or weedy places throw
on a little seed. If the pasture htid
been seeded last spring and the
"caU-h" was not good it would be a
gi oil plan to again go over the whole,
giving seed as would eem to be
The Blenheim pippin, is one of the
finest apples in the world. Ii is good
not lor one locality alone, but its con
stitutional vieor enables it to fruit
successfully iu every diverse climate
and 8 ils. The apples are perfect in
form, cilorine and site, aud of fine
After a cow hs dropped her clf,
her system is alwavs more or less fev-
erir-h and the milk com spondinjjly
unhealthfuL It is strongly laxative,
and therefore exactly titted to the re
quirements of the young calf, lor
which nature designed it. Bat it i
not safe to feed it to older stock, x
cent with great cautiou. It will cause
abortion in cows heavy with pigs
though these are the oues tint inex
penanced farmers might think first
of favoring with it.
"That farm scene vou seem to be
sneering at, sir, said the indignant
artist, "is valued at a otsj. it u gener
ally considered a fine punting. Ado
me to as'k vou if vou are familiar with
works of art?" "Not very familiar,"
replied the agricultuiist. who was
looking through the studio with hi
wife, "but I know something about the
works of nature, 5'oung man, anu
when you make a eow that gets ut
from the ground by putting out her
forefeet firrd, you are doing something
that nature never did.
Old straw stacks, eaten a fourth or a
third of the way under, are not iufre
quent sights in barnyards at thU sea
son of the year. Later on when the
rtock is taking refuge from a storm
under the ledges of these traps, a
stror.g wind will topple them over, and
sometimes enough stock will be kt.led
or crippled to kn ck the profi's out of
farming for a whole year. Aside from
the danger of injury to stock, there
are goo 1 reasons whv these untdgh'ly
bie. ts should be torn down. The
straw which composes thr-m will not
be tit for feed next winter. The best
thing that can be done with it is to
turn it into manure as s mn as possi
ble. This can best and most tff act
ually be done by tearing them down
and pc.ittertng ihe straw thickly over
the ground.
In relation to the value ot salt in
the dury the correspondent ot an ex
change says: A Wisconsin d.tirymt:
lately told me he milked seventeeu
cows the past scson, and early in the
summer ran out of salt, and having
re -d in an agricul'ural paper that cow.-
d' just as well without salt he nog
let ted to g t another barrel. The
drouth came, the inilk-fl iw dropped to
about 2-0 poundsof milk a dav, whicl
gave no profit, nor did it increase af-
t'r the na-tures were frcehened bv
rains. He bought a caiload of mill
stun and begm feeding, but still re
ceived only 220 pounds of mlk a d.ty.
and of the cows would hold up
their milk once or twice a week. Then
he begun to salt regularly every day
and the mcrcai-e was steady until on
the same feed they were producing
3S0 pounds of milk a day, and in
ctead of beingkept at a loss, yielded
a fmr profit.
by all
0 UU; geese,
per lb., I618c.
PROVISIONS Oregon hams, 12ic
per lb.; Easvom, 1313Ac. ; E a? tern
breakfast bacon, 12$: er lb.; Oregon
1012i5.; Eastern Jard, U'QIIic. per
lb.; Oregon, lUJc.
GREEN FRUITS Apples. $2 00
2 50; Sicily lemons, fb 507 00;
California, $3 505 00; N.ival oranges
f6 00; Riverside, $1 00; Mediterra
nean, $4 2 a.
DKlhlJ fltUUS siin dried ap
ples, 7 j- per lb. ; machine dried, 10t$
lie; pit 'ess pmms, iJc,; Italian
prunes, 1014o. ; peaches, 1214o.
raisins, $2 25 2 50.
WOOL Valley, 17f18c; Eastern
Oregon. 915c.
HIDES Dry beef hides, 8(310;
culls, 6(S7-.; kip aud calf, MIOj.
Murrain, 10 12c. ; tallow, 3a3c.
LUMBER Rough, per M, $10 00;
edged, per M, 12 UO; T. and O.
sheathing, per M, $l'J ); N. 2 floor
ing, per M, f 18 00; No. 2 cethne, per
druggists. Insist upon having the genuine
by Fleming Bros.. Flttabuivti. Fa., the
market being full of Imitations of the
name McLank, spelled differently but of
the same pronunciation. Always make
sure oi ine,wiran ' tiemina tiros., Pitts
burgh, Fa. on the wrapper.
John Bright was never at anv school a
after he was fifteen.
"Then let the moon usurp the role of day.
aiiu winning tapirs atiowine sua ma way;
r or wnai my senses can perceive,
1 med no revelation to believe."
Ladiea suffering from any of the weaknesses
or ailments peculiar to tneir sex, ana who win
use nr. pierces ravorlte Prescription accord
ing to directions, will experience a genuine
rrrrlnlion in the benefit they will receive. It Is
a nocture cure fer the most complicated and
obstinate cases of leucorrnea, excessive flow
tng. painful menstrual ton. unnatural sudw
sinns, prolnptus, or falling of the womb, weak
bar a, "female weakness, anteverston. retro
version, bearing down svnsaUons, chronic cou
gestion, inflammation and ulceration of the
omb, inflammation, pain and tendemens In
ovaries, accompanied wun ' Internal neat.
Michigan and t'anada supply New York
weekly witb 1U.000.OUU ggs.
Thousands of men die every day who
might be saved. Freju ilee has murdered
many a man and woman. If it were be
lieved that the turn rf disease could be
reduced by physic much would be trained
The great Cromwell left
Cambridge at eighteen.
the University of
The Baldwin Hotel of S .n Francisco.
has been entirely reftirnNheJ, and N now
being managed by Mr. HJdwin hlmi-e'f.
on bin original plan of sparing no expense
to make It tirst class In every renpect Its
tnb'e Is unexcep' ionable Hh location cen-
ral, at. the corner or Jlrket ait-t Powell
Sta. All street car lines from the ferry
pnnsliig the door. Our re tdera will And it
o fnelr advantage In everr wav. to stop
Kt the Haldwin, when vinitlnR Sin t-ran-fisco.
Hrowna Hronehlal Trsrlifs" are
widely known as an admirable remedy for
ltroni lil-m. Iloaraencs. t'oiiKti". and Throat
troubles. oM only in bores.
J. II. r IMIa. AMxtrr and Awal vtleal
Chemist. Laboratory, 108 IT! rat St., Pertlaud.
Or, Analyses made of all jubetances. Itatea
for aaavinir o-nld and silvnr ores ftl.AO. lcx-
Hgea sent by mall or express promptly attended
to, and returns made.
fUlaU VI El on
linpO "IU be tld for and erery crta ef perl
9 1 W t U OCOItt ITVbstSlW foOXHf to W taadoiXj BobCTtlM,
nowJelgd tlis BKMt detlghtful mad oaif rtrally
barmlfM tntiai Mllct ercr cirodtxntd for btttiztlfvfn- -
i wad Mrrciff th contUioa, rennr-toc tea, iranlum,
' freouoi mud sil bi-nilKf mad rutUFhoem of tbe fcJcia. -f
UmkI mod tndnmed bf tbm eHt of oofstf r,A h
t tire. Hold hp mil rtronriitt mZ CO eerti per huttJo. '
, Whifems4 Firth. ttanntcardhw M. WIBIMjM
ft OO.. Uhmmimt For&fexuft Orcsno.
jaiDr. Spinney & Co.
NPBVOIf reel!itT,Lscf Vhrnr. SroilBrl .
W W W O Loe, Yt eat Vei-iorf. Decpoa--dracy,
Itc, dne topi(it, or Lue, cartrj.
YOI1NP MCN suffering from the efTerta
W UWnta lYI&n of yonttilnlfolUeoor ir.ilis
cretton shonld avail themseivrs of onr trpatiwnt.
A noftitivecureKnarantfvi in every cae. Ryphil'8
Urinarr and ttnenil !w.aivs all gnnat.nrai dis-y
xhaivea, promptly and utely cured.
!se of Kidnrm or Elartdw, Weak Put. iervoti
ichllity. Waning ot Hexa-l bueugztL, ctc cnrail
ana restored to healthy TiKor.
ft. B. pernoas noable to visit us may be treated
at their home, by correnondence. Jd-diciues ana
Instructions sent by mail orexpre". Consuitatioo
tree. Send i cents in stain ps lor i be Younj Kau't
friend or o uia s tu Vt odloclc
ton enn not dream yourself into a
harncter; joh must liniutner and forjje
yourself one. I'roude.
If you enlist in tho array, say a
I rayer; If you go to sea. say two; but
if yon pot married, say three. Persian
He who blows the coals In quar
k-Is he has nothing to do with has no
t to complain if the sparks fly in
Its superior exrellenoe proven la odllioos of hoowsfor
atore than a quarter of a century. It fc usod by Ibe
United Htaua UoTetnment. Kudorard by ihe heads' ut
the ii-i.t UnlTersities as the Btronget. Pnrest aod nu
Hea'thdd. Dr Frtoe's Cream Baking Powde does nut
eoolalo Ammsof. Lime or Alum Hold only io can.
vxw tobk. chicaoo. st. Lotria.
Warner's Safe Cure
Iodide i Iotass.
Sold on Trial !
l:r(re. Hend tOc tor mjaiiln
with full parttCttlabTa. lUn
uf tvetami toy
ft A 1S Uxt (.,
A poultry authority pronounces a
cross betw en a Dominique cock and
Wyandot'e hens to be xc limit toi
producing firct-class chicks foi broil
er?. As til; Dominique is of uiodinui
r"ize, an active cock can be mated with
twelve or fourteen hens, and the quick
iowth of the Dominique, with tht
beautiful yellow legs, and compact,
plump appearance usual to the Wyan
dotte, will be secured. H.ilf-breotl
Wyandotte hens will answer all pur
poses where the pure breeds are scarce,
but the Dominique male mutt be pura
A. M. Pulliam called James Miller,
a well-to-do farmer, into his offi -e, at
Hardingsburg, Ky. Shortly after
wards shots were heard and Pulliam
came out and surrendered to an offi
cer. Miller was found dead in tht
Robert Bryan, a 16-year-old negro
boy. stabbed Riley Hancock, white,
tged 19 years, and killed him, near
Smith's mill., Ky. Three men started
for Henderson with Bryan, when they
were o verts ken by fifty masked men
who lynched the - murderer to tlw
nearest tree.
A lady living in R.-tppahannock
CiMintv, V;u, had twelve stands of bees
w hich were very valuable until a dis
tillery was started in the neighborhood.
Since it was started, however, the bees
pay frequent visits to the still, get very
ill link, and are of little profit-
Mmiiv years ago, before the civil
war, Emerson fairly predicted the tel
ephone. "By new arts, lie wrote.
the earth i sulnltied and we are on
ihe brink of new wonders. The sun
aiiits; presently we shall organize the
tho, as we lo nor the shadow."
A nt oi plays wnicn people m
nourning may beioniinglv witness is
ublished in Paris. They even earrv
it the idea to the fine point of prepsir
ng a half-mourning list. The atttho
f Mourning a la Mode" was far be-
i ml the times or he might have in-
-imled this notion in his satire. .
A New York paper says thst the
rtilicial flower trade is the worst paid
f all trades. Lea mors are paid one
:oUar a week and the best workers
arely average over four dollars a week.
'r single sprays of fine flowers that
re sold for from fifteen to eighteen
fiits a dozen, those who make them
eive eisrht cents a gross.
JJon C write a letter when angry.
.t is too bad to put a venomous breath
in permanent form. Let your hate
breathe itself into God's sunlight and
pure air, where ?t can be obliterated.
swallowed up in the glorious light and
forgotten. Don't put it where it will
live for years, a calm witness of your
wickedness and folly. Don't give any
me such a club for thine head. Angry
letters come back at inconvenient
Lines; they are a kind of venomous
,118 00: Jo. 2rtistie, perM.f IS W;l-.. , . . .t .
,,T ,, ;y , i Ihe nightmare of death would not
clear rough, per M, 2U 00; clear P. 4 fright as it d . in our mod-m
3, per M, f22 51); ISo. 1 flooring, per I civilization we ought reasonably to expect
M. fZZ OU; So. 1 ceiling, r M, I niaeaute to aft lie upon ua Decause we ao
-)- i . i ,ol: i .).) rji . I ao iiiui-ii u aiiraci ii; uecauM ws so oiwd
..v.. . .w.., , , . .... , i .nd .i.-ailT exDcme ouralveA to it. A
stepping, per 01, w; over 1Z the aaine time we all ouKht to understand.
inches wide, extra, w; lengths 4U
to 50, extra, f 2 00; length- 50 to GO,
extra, 4 00; 1J bth, per M, 2 25;
1 latn, per fli, T3 ou.
BEANS Quote sniall whites,! 4 SO
pink?, f ; buy os, $.; butter, f i ou;
Linia, f 4 50 per cental.
MEAT Beef, wholesale, 3(i3ic;
ilrvsseu, c. ; sheen, Sc ; Ure-wd, b?.
hogs, dressed, 77jc; veal, 7 Sc.
uurrtt utiote tsaivauor, ic
Costa R ica, 1 8 20c. ; Ri , 1 8 g 20c. ;
Java, 27ic; ArbuckkVs ratel,22
SALT Liveriool grades of fine
quotetl $18, 19 and f 20 for the three
sires; stock salt. flu.
PICKLES Kegs quoted steady at
II 35.
8UOAR Prices for barrel; Golden
C.6jc. ; extra C, 6J-. ; dry granulated,
1 1.-. ; trus'.ied, hue crushed, cube tuid
powdered, 8c. ; extra C, 5c; halves
and boxes, $c. higher.
! Aatlqalty of tho Fairy Start Told ta
Oar Children.
"Little Red Riding-hood," being gen
erally supposed to be the story of the
Dawn, or of the spring, first swallowed
and then rescued from the jaws of ight.
or Winter, Is to he met with in the my
thology of the Greeks, the old Aus
tralians and tho Scandinavians.
"Blue Beard" is a well traveled vil
lain. He has been in Zululand, Russii
Persia, Germany, Italy. Scandinavia
and elsewhere, wearing successfully
the garb of each of his adopted homes.
This storv is curiously interwoven with
the myths of Psyche, Seraele. Pandora,
and other examples of woman s curi
osity; so that there seems no reason
why we should not actually look for
the beginnings of "Blue Beard" in the
Garden of Eden itself.
Puss in Boots," so far as it is possi
ble to trace him. appears to have set
out on his travels from Zanzibar, in the
form of a gazelle, to have passed
through India as a jackal, to have
visited Russia, Sicily and Mongolia as
a fox, and at last, as a cat, to have
roamed over Italv, Sweden and Nor
way, trance ana nglana. In some
of these places the story, owing to an
episode in winch the hero is punished
for ingratitude to his benefactor, has
the advantage of moral, but in most
of the old versions Puss's evil practices
are undisguised, and. contrary to all
the orthodox canons, he is It ft smiling
at the end of the chapter.
"viniicrciia,, wnose romance we
are inclined to rank as the most en
thralling of all the nursery talcs, is
scarcely less widely traveled than her
companions. in ftatiirianit she is
Known, aisguiseu as a boy. with a
friendly ox instead of a fairy god
mother. In Finland. Servia and among
the Gaelic Scotch we stiil have the pro
tecting beast. Manchester Courier.
a a part of our rudlmeutarr education
that to save ourselves from the etlects ol
such exposure some kind of fortification
should be built around our vital forces
lest the euemv carry us, as it were, by a
sudden onslaught. For many year, the
unprrjuut ed nave used intAXD
retii's t ills in this way and they have
proved a most effective wall against the
approach of disease. Stop the daily mur
derswe had almost said sulfides by
uslniz these Fills. They speak for them
selves as they act. When every thing
else has failed Branprrth'9 PlLl-S ha
saved lives. They are to be bad at every
drug store.
Do not anticipate trouble or worry about that
which may never happen: keep in the unliKhU
Thousand of cure follow the use of Dr.
8age I aLarrh Kemndy. Mi eenta.
Chanca onoortumUrs make us known to
others; aod sllll more to ourselves.
Consumption. Wasting IMseaaes.
And General llebility. Hectors disagree as to
the relatitre valu-i of Cod Lirer Oil and Iljrpu-
Khosphitea, the one aupplrlna strenirth and
rait, the other (rivlnK nerve power, and actino;
, tonic to tlie dinresttve and entire system.
Hu In Nrstt s Ksnalalasi of t od Liver Oil
with llypophosphitea the two are combined.
ind the effect is wonderful. Thousands who
have derived no permanent benetlt fraui other
preparations have been cured by thia. rVoit's
Kmulsion is perfectly palatable and easily di
tested by those who cannot tolerate plain Cod
rrcHino piusa.
Brilrr-S"f-M--litwi: taWaaas Hehina and sUnatBa,
awl at ft tit; wotas by seraachi-oa. If allowed V) em to
Una rumors fnrm, wbteb. oftoo bawl aod ataetats,
brosiiuig vrry sm. 8a-TS Ol-araasT Ufm Um
Itauia and ewemnc, neaia nierrauoa. aoa ta maoy
remoM the tumora II a M-iaur emcaem-is iu
euricf all Skin tMseawa. DR. BWAVXR SON.
rn-im -., rnnaiieiiiia. nwriiii in.xriun can
bs obtained at dracaista. Sent bf mall fat SO Ceahi.
has been before th pnblio
now about ten yean, and in
that time has prored itself
to be all that it has been
It Is purely vegetable, j
font nice nothing harmful, and i
DOES pnriry the blood and
t'l RE disease, ae it puta the
kidneys, the only blood-pur-trying
organs, in complete
It Cure Permanently.
We have tens of thousands of
testimonials to this effect from
people who were cored years
ago and who are well to-day.
It Is a Scientific Spedfle,
was not pnt upon the market
nntil tboroogbly tested, ana
has tbe endorsement ot 1 rot l
ci T .it: t A Tt, I
O. A. xjailliiioin, u, -au.,
LIj. V., Official Aralyet of
foods and medicine. N. Y. I
Rtat Iioard of Health, and
scores of eminent chemists.1
physicians and professional
IL IL "Warner & Co, do
not rnre everything from
one bottle they having a
pecifio for each important
aiseara. iitm euy oi any
preparation which claims infallibility.
The testimonials printed by
IL IL Warner & Co. are, bo
far as they know, positively
genuine For the past five
years Uiey have bad a standiog
offer of fo.000 for proof to the
contrary. If yon are sick and
want to get well use
Warner's Safe Cure
It cares Rnsr matiiim, Meculou, Roils, Pimples,
arm. Tttarora. ee'K firna, and
it Purines tbe filood. Havtores U e
Scrofula, Goat,
Mervorlal Daica
Lrrerei d ttdrwy to healths action, and makes tbe
Complexlua fineht ana Ulear.
J. R. CATES A CO. Proprietors.
4laassatat.wa Frawelaew.
Btf M ua ft ven antra,
sal satisfaction In tea
core of Gonorrhoea ard
Gleet. I prescribe It and
feel safe In reeoinmeod
D( It to all soSerera.
Oacatav, 111.
price ai.eo.
Bold by Dmcststs,
f riTOI OaTB.J
rJ rfsatjaysa
1m! Sraas ehteksl 9s.
Covrxarra Foam Ac
V - I rxunuo PLAirrs.
m how prlcea, prompt deHverj
1.fv'v Write for areolars.
OAX VKDEIIWEAR, at 81 and SI. 50 per salt.
Latest designs in PERCALE sniUT3. tbrea latest
tle Collars and one pair Cn3 $L5J eacli.
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
232, Kearny St, near Bnsh.
Semi for I!!u-tratl rataloeme-
TO THE liAOir.H!
rAJir r ArTrarrts a3r lro lass or
113 Kuf Bmrr. 8 F.
ISostratMi Catalncnes sent free on appftation.
A f" To a Day. Sample worth 1.50, FREE.
Jk fl Linea not under the horses feet. Write
V W ana's Surrrr Rarx Hour fn. .Ff oil w.Ji aTh.
A singed eat dreads the fire. I p'ead guilty. I am selling a "new-fangled" machine
If afflicted with Bora Free, tise Or. Isaac
Thompson s Eye n a ler. Urunriata sell It too.
Try Ounu for breakfast.
Bee An tise tl Piano adTertisement.
Five native girls from Alaska have
been taken to Massachusetts to beedu
catea. it i tlie intention to return
them to Al.isk i as teachers, if they
do not nrirry certain susceptible
roaoiiii- -.
A gnitidilauh r of Cliarlos Dick-
eii is now & typownti-r, anil copies
Mas. for a living.
Sydney Smith said: There are two
questions to be asked respecting every
new publication. Is it worth btiviusr I.s
it worth borrowing?
Rev. Dr. Burtol says of tho late
A. Bronson Alcott: Were it pos
sible, he was courteous to excess. He
would have been polite to Satan."
Mr. Gladstone alwavs sneaks of
an union" and an European.
His enemies claim that this is an in
defensible misapplication of certain ar
-Rev. Washington Choate, of the
Presbvteriau church at Irvington-on-
the-Hudson. some time ago had tlie
temerity to preach a sermon in which
he applied the principles of Christi
anity in condemnation of the monopo
lists and pirates of Wall street and
their kind. Jay Gould. Cyrus W.
Field and others of that set are in his
congregation, and now Mr. Choate
has been quietly but effectually fruzuii
out of aia pulpiU
An astronomer lias figured out that
sun will furnish us light and heat
..r only ten million years more.
Adam Forepaugh will erect a brick
nd iron circus pavilion in Philndel
liiiv. He will use it two mouths in
the vear.
The courts of Michigan are to in
vestigate the remarkable conduct of a
public school teacher who beat a scholar
with a club, and then paraded tlie
room with a "revolver to keep the big
boys under subjection. .
A citizen of Waverly, Mich.,
walked right through the handsome
plate glass window of a Kalamazoo
bank a few days ago. He said after
ward that the glass was so clear that
he. took it for an open door.
George Wheatley, of Amerlcns.
Oa., has a i-abbit-hunting horse. The
other dav when a negro was leading
three horses one of them stepped on a
rabbit's foot, and refused to move until
the rabbit had been captured.
Mr. Osgood by. of Albany, and his
four boys foot up pretty well in the
aggregate. He is six fuct six inches in
height, the oldest son is two inches
shorter, the next is six feet three, the
next six feet two. and the youngest, a
lad, is si t feet one iiu li tall.
The authorities of Canton wen
'.licially notified of the recent eclips
f the moon and instructed what to ib
:v the event occurred. They wen
wear court dress, beat gongs ami
-.utlie moon from being swallowed
. by tiie sun as long as the moon was
ove tlie horizon. When she disa
wed they were to make one lo
'is'ince, but she need not be savci
li.ti-,tv I ho hirio.
I Earn aa ! . ' If.
KJ;-- '.safcJai
. mil i
I rnarantee the Xtw.raaclrd AdTaaee Meparater to be the beet crain-eaTinar.
But, re sax Saber, it u r.nt an rri.
esital machine, as the Old Fas machines are. You are well aware rf the time kt Ithat
rou haTe to pay fori ui ei peri men unt ith Old Ksir machines. Tkentwl'iagirj
Th rentier Irada the tt. The o-rawiinir and kk-kina: ol the Old t otcy torents is onlv tand
i cioi in me straw oy Uie a - nutchi e. Of coarse, if j
T-e. In
1J rremlams. ,OO0 in use
20 year E!hlc.hed. Ka
a lattvutcd Steel Tun or Ile
us in n i uuier Piano, br arnica oar raw)
-rtanil in tuns SO tears, cimmI d-r 1U0 ! not aflei-ter
by climate. No w.xxl to rylit, break, fell, tnrina.
rrack, de-ay, or wear out ; as g-naraRiea n. rje
Itant IWirwiHvJ Cases, 3 strinr. dt. utile rei-estinr
actir-n; flnt ivory ruts: the Fuwim AKTISKIJ
Call er a-Tite for Cataliaiue. free. T. M. AJiTISKU
flANOCO., Manufacturer, Oild Fetloa-s' Hall, Mar
art and Seventh Htreela, 8an Fram ia'-ix
Tiy return'tnatl. Fall neaei-TBasisi
Mra .Ira TalKv R,an aC Sr-ra
Catua. HOODT at CO. Otaeiaaati, 0.
uionlh easily made a, llinar the Karmrra' Friend,
a bait boliler and scales cxinibine1. Itsiai't wm I mm
thin. fVnd for circular. E. K. B A I R. Manager
uicet .SjuoJ Mf. lo. T a coma. Wash. ler.
Oabler. Hoeni-U
Ptaona: BnroXt Oraana, band tnstrumprita tauseal
tork of Sheet MasK and Books. Bands sarrUed a
raal.rn Prin-a. MATTHIAS OKAY OO.. XX
w kin ri UAt H.
N. H N. V. No. il-!S. r. N. U. No. SI8.
by the amount of frra n kicked i
; in a cceao mtu.-hine. I lid r ocnea will soi-d's von at
dt-aral any price. Yon cannot afford to buy a ibresher without examining- the AIIVAsI K.
I lo not be talked 'nto bnyinc a machine beiaaae it is cheap and Old) frngy iH. Ask the at lit
" Ifsl if tney will set beside tbe wew -f aats;le1 ma- nine and let yon pre which is the
! experiottuial machine, and sold on its atrr-ls. 1 hare never j e to all on any court to
j help decide the merits of the we w-fanajrd machine. Pierse eiai. ine the court records in ref
i ereni e to the Old I'ogle's) plan. Warn years ago m man built Bear-fancied meebi e,
) railed a steam enKine. Old Kasjlea) then, as bow. stood back and said they would rwisi the
; eawait ri . lis a asl wsal is be raises la tkr t a ay t Rt member, tbe sew.
I rssled machine is past all rlprrlwrsllaf. wbile OlS I'sgy's mac-binee are being ex-'
periniented with all tne time, ard at ysir exarsar. Ijo not loot with tin-in any longer, w bite
your irrain is R-oine to w.ate.
Krstskrr the irw-futlr asaeblse Is ssld as Its aserlts entirely. Re
member, your whole dependeiroc is npon your crcp proceeds, ana if you allow Old Vmgf auv
chinex to wsat ysar srals. you are just that much out of pocket. To prevast Una. ace
that the party that does your threshing procu'-ee near .fane led .4.11 A.('I-: 1 hrrshrr.
aa they are constructed so as to save your erain. and hare a better record than any oM-fccy
machine. Write lor further particnlars. 1 am prepared to pro-re all mr statements i. e.. T
AHVA.til K an ac hi we mill sis stare and setter work than ar.r other.
I hereby rkallrate asr sis fs) sareat ts aaane AV raar w here tfao
AIIV.tKtK asrkiae kas railed ts Ms as repreaeBteal siaee ts iatrsdaetlsa
sa tkis t'saal. Mhsar as sr ukat np.
Keniember that old fofry agents sarina; the contrary does not make it so. It will pay you to
Investigate. I eaa prove all 1 was-.
1 also sell the well kno'D Il4. KE n OODBI'RV POWER. A number of maau
facturers make tbini on a royalty but 1 do not know of any Imitations, bntam alwavs in
clined to look out for those that talk of imitations. 1 also deal in Iitistry aad Marine
Machinery. Farm. Church and School Bella. General Machinery. Swift Oilers. Orme Satt ty
Valves, Miller Pumps. Hancock Inspirators. Park & Kennedy Injeatora, Acme and AlliRaior
Wrenches. Blacksmith Ifrills, Sell-Hearing Bath Tabs, the Westinphoase Krirines. See tho
prices: 10-horse on wheels, fSOO; Traction. C10T5: 15 boroe Traction. Si 100. Mpeeial diecount lor
ca.h. Oeneral Agent for Col burn's Hyasaaas and Lamps for a tec trie liiaktiaa S ta
4MJ HshtM.
j Your village cannot do without one. You must have one for your mills. You cam.ot affbnt to
oe w iinoui a smau one in your nouse. r or parucuiars, aaaresa
Z. T. WRiCHT, Foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon.
-cured by.?
beautifyina; the skin of children and Infante
and curing torturing, disfiguring, itching, scaly
and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp ana
blood, with loss of hair, from infancy to old age.
the CtrricuHA Remedies are infallible,
Cutioura. the great Skin Cure, and Cuti
cvra Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautifler. ex
ternaiiy. and Cuticuha Kkhulvrnt. the new
Blood ruriiier, internally, cure every form of
skin and blood diseases, trom pimples to
Sold everywhere. Price, CTTicuRA.fiOo.; Soap,
25c.: Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Pottek
Druo and Chemical Co.. Boston. Mash.
Send for "How to Cure Sain Olaeasea."
'Baby's Skin wnd Scalp preserved and
beautified by Cuticura Soap,
ja Kipnkv Pains. Backache and Weaknesa
cured by Ccticura Anti-Pain Plaster, an
ylnitanUneous pain-subduing plaster. 26c
We gnarantee tbe J. I. CASE "AGITATOR" SEPARATOR to He tie Best Grain Saw ant Fastest ThresHer e?er inal. -
v v.Aue lIav".oyer. ,four 1"ndred of thef,e .brat,ed m& ,n operation in Orejron nd Washington, all of which are eivrt
the highest satisfartion. e are prepared to furnish yon statements from the leading farmers and threshermen to mnvV tkk
claim. There are twice as many rA,ritators" sold each season, throughout the United States, as wjvhervle or mlkJ Tnf
thresher. 2 his ts no experimental mtu-hine t hat must bf sold ch'ap in order fo introduce it but is acknowledtrid to b TTIV
BKST. and consequently upon its merits, the cheapest. In buying on "AGITATOR" thrcher you are making no exDcximent
and running no ri-k. Me guarantee it in every wav superior to errry other fhrehsr bit iff- Vou cannot afford tttarttSik
Remember, we guarantee the J. I. Caso "Apitator" the best and fastest thresher made, and are ready to nrore it It it wnfr
much safer and cheaper for yon to buy a thresher known to be reliable la everj respect than to experiment with a new fViurW
machine for the benefit of sr-me East n factory who want their machine experimented with at Tour expense, while Jour or a
is tn danger of being ruined, and you are at heavy expense for operating? "
Remember, your trhole dependence is upon your crop proceeds, and if you endanger It by experimenting with new fr,Ht
machines, you do so at great loss to yourself. We insure you against all these possible evils with our J I Case A nifnfnr Z-hZ-K
We also sell the only genuine DINGEE WOOWTJRY HORSE-POWER made. Beware of Imitationst
The J.I. CASE PORTABLE TRACTION ENGINES have bee. .m general use In Ogo d WhingVon for years, and--we
guarantee them to be, and are ready to prove them to be. the most powerful, most durable, safest, more aklllfiw .riUJiJ rZ
. r, rl rf kattAr marAnn1a than anv nthn. t.nnnAa maHA J wm.,....
Wmrailai EXPT.ITSTVR AfJKNTS for rhe PFT.T-RRlTPn TAnrcAvo nT-nnTm.c r-. ,
Buy our RANDOLPH IMPROVED STEEL FRAME HEADER, Wd t he Si rn pi-" I.TchteBt and Ea.ViVt Handfed
Header In use. We sell the ONLY STEEL FRAME HEADER MADE. W"S AVE MONEY by oaUing to Tus?or wria
for our prices and terms, and all other information regarding the above machinery. iuei
UTAVER & WALKEB, Oeneral Affsnts, Portland, Or..