The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 20, 1888, Image 3

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    The Lebanon Express.
In mul
For the tiest
rublished in the
Cminty, and get the
Ncwa,. only $2.00 per jvar.
A circus will soon be in Oivgon.
J. L. Cowan anil family are visiting
in town this week.
Mr. Will Morrow spent several days
visiting in Portland this week.
Miss Prathcr, of Columbus, Mo., was
in town visiting friends this week.
We are sorry to lonrn that Mr. Ma
rion Fedice is? very sick with typhoid
Jchn. R.
Beard, who has been sick i
for some time past, started olT on a trip j
last Tuesday. j
Rev. O. W. Giblmn filled the pulpit I
nf Rev. Walton Skip worth last 'Sab- j
bath-t 11 o'clock. I
r Frank Matehet started last Monday
for St. Louis, where he intends taking
a course In medicine.
Mr. Walton returned home yesterday
from a trip to the mountains with
three or four teams.
Rev. J. W. Sneed, pastor of the C. P.-j
iui.nn in Eugene, was in . town last
jriiiay ana caturetay. i
II. E, Courtney, an attorney from
Vale, Or., is in town visiting his
I. 1. . 1. t
jr. vouiincy.
Mr. R. E. Putnam and Miss rauline I
Wetterer. of Brownsvillo 1
lied in Albany last Sunday eveniiv j smial matter and he is not accused of I . L. Rlanehard, II. M. Moyer, K.
J. II. Burkhart and fanulv are in O.e I U in" T trth " ! J1 ; M',r, i r 5"
mountains this week on a fishing! ! 0TV ver-v xv wi" ,J I i P on he
petition. We wish thorn a nice time i name to any kind of an attack McK..Klc river, enjoying trout fishing
, , ! on public matters however much thev ,lml camn nlv-
Oroide and pheasants may now be wouU Uke ( s,v 0ili((W (,() w ; , 1t.v R uhm n.hmu.,, frolu sm1,v
killed without infraction of the game j thvro av two to ,(lca, ,n.l(eRJ J,0 j vilk. ull S;lUll,,av. Mrs. , .iUcI who
law. Theciien wason commenced July j lu.WM:nH.r iflt. ,1:,s to hold its peace i for some time past has Ut-n uflV-rftrR
j the same as individuals. J from ill health, will remain for the
W. S. Smith, a deaf and dumb man J - j present at the springs.
iroin paiem, was in town one day tins!
week. He manufactures churns and
oil can holders.
Tlie mercury was at Won thewcrt
side of the st.-eet and 140 on tin: cast
nide in the sun at Mr. Cyrus' cmVc one
day this week. So it doe get pivttv
hot in Oregon.
Try Chamberlain's Cough R
and you will be convinced that
it IS a i
perfect treatment for coughs, colds and
Rex-. J. R. Kirkpatrick is making ex- i
tensive improvements on his residence j
hnHMkAa 1 , ... T 111 ...
property. He is expecting his family i
to arrive from Texas some time next
week. !
Hon. JcfF Myers was in town one j
ttavihi weekv He made this oiI;e a
pjMisant call and left a good big order j
for job work. That's the kind of jveo-j
pic we like.
Our sanctum sanctorum was visit-d ;
t-ne day last week by Miss Jes-ie Ual- !
pton an. I Miss Ona Milh-r, whr xverc '
the Inntrers of a ln-autitul i.oiiq'.ut of'
flowers, for which they have cur
Mr. iiross of Waterloo h:is the thanks
of this oSiee for a jug of fine so.l.i !
water from the famous springs at Wat- j
crloo. Call again, Mr. Oros; sm-Ii ,
kindness as that is what tickles the ,
Before you start on a journey go ai d j
ee Dr. Courtney, and pro-urc a l-tile
of Chamlerlain's Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. It is a groat safe
guard for travelers and .'v"f immedi
ate relief.
W. C. IVterot-in has sold all of 1
buggies and the most of his harness to
Burkhart & Bilycu and has retired
from the livery business. The latter
gentlemen are now able to do bu-incsis
on a larger scale.
Rev. Walton Skipworth was in town
on Monday, but returned to Salem
on Tuesday morning. He said bis
child was no better; that it was tit
alive. He has the sympathy of the
autire community.
Mrs. Sarah Miller, of Forest drove,
Department President of the Women's
Relief Corps of Oregon, visited John
V. Miller Corps of this place last Sat
urday. She was the guest of Mis. F.
M. Miller over Sunday.
Rov. C. A. Woedey, of Kupe-no, re-
wfUly orpanizwl a Cumberland Pros-
byterian church at Alvca, Iknton coun-
tv, with feirty-three menilxrs. The or -
rinization was the result of a mee ting
held l,v Evangelist Baker.
Whether from swampy land or stag-
nant pool, or from the deadly gaso of
Cliy severs, mat.ariai po.sons aret iov .
Mine. A3er s Ague Cure, taken ac
cording to directions, is a warranted
specific for malarial disorders.
Prof. J. F. Stubblefield and wife, of
Walla Walla, are visiting friends and
relatives at this place. The professor
was a former partner in the business
college at Walla Walla under the firm
name of Catian, Bro., &. Mubblt-fli-ld.
Bodilv health and vigeir may be
niaintaineiT in the heat of summer, as j
in the winter months, if the blood is i
unriHed ai d vitalized with Ayers Sar-!
Knnarilla. Kverv ierson who lias usoo; I
this remedy hp been greatly be nefit teel.
Take it this month.
n. ro-i toners who killed De nut v I
sheriff Ixckwood. of Grant county
and made their escape, have be-en e-ajr-1
tured, and no doubt if the people ofj
orainlv do not take the law illloiTn Ihr Mouutalna or Bltrtbfrry I'llrli.
their own hands and hang tiiem, tney
will be hung by oreler ef the court.
The Misses Charlton left Lebanon
Thursday morning for their future
Vioirw- in TCllcnsburc. W. T. These are
very estimable young ladies, and their
departure from Lebanon is regretted
by a large number of friends. We
wish them success in their new home.
On Tuesday Mr. T 15. Montoifh, of
Albany, anel a San Francisco drummer
' named Hinman made a large wager on
the presidential election. The amount
was $1(J00 to $900, Sir. Hiimian puttius
up the former amount on Clove-land
' and Mj. Monteith the latter on Harri
fton. .lie Linn county bank is the
a c.ejLU.-BLooiKr affair.
Lf McVny Stab 111 Crippled llrothpr
ar Corvnlltit.
Wednesday afternoon a very cold
blooded stabbing afl'ray oevunvd near
Corral list, the following particulars of
which are given by Wednesday's Cor-
vnliia 'J lines: "About 4:.W this after
noon Lew and Win. McVay, two
brothers started in a wagon for Ed
Thayer's raneh, about four miles north
of town, where they had been engaged
to harvest, in the wagon Mas also
Kstel, the nine-year-old lxy of Ceorge
Maddux. The McVay brothers were
somewhat under the influence of liquor
and when about one and a half mi leg
below town began to quarrel. William
has a wooden leg and was sitting in
front driving. His brutal brother
jumped out of the wagon and in rage
reached for the cripple and dragged
him to the ground while he pulled a
dirk out of his pocket and began ftal
bing the helpless men. The boy in
night ran to the nearest house and
the alarm. Before assistance ar- I
rived Lew ran into a wheat field and
"ot yet been captured, although
several olnecrs are on his track. Wm.
McVs,.v 8 1,1 riiica! condition, as he
vvlls tal,luHl ll or twelve times about
the head and body, and it is thought
j lie will die. The team ran away,
breaking the wagon niui harness to
Open to All.
, The columns or the Kxvhkss are
vn.'ii t..i- tlwi di.-.ii:.-vl. rlf ..11 .... -tl .
(of puhlie intet-i-st. We
asked why we don't open our galling
gim on this tiling and on that.
In the
first plain-we
e are not fight in? anvone.
I lif nvi u-.fl-iurr f.t. (I... ..... :..,.
, --v.. ...... tM-inniL; it't ni- it-..ivt i iai luifi-
! t-st of Lebanon ami the surroundinir
............ i
country, isui our columilM are open
forol,u'r3 to attack the man in the!
m on so long as it as not made a ier-1
mi"in" na mnui. i
' ,u n alv 1,10 lilKt ot UV( lertile scc-
Jtionsot Oregon, which are illustrated ! 1,11 nu" ralt ' wnK'M Wlu lw 1,1 t,,,,r
jand deseiilHMlin the Julv inmiK-r of j ""S1' n'lwir ''' Monday, when cih ra
; the West Shore. The immUr is a!so',i,,ns wiiX fl!r,u, fumed by the
j full of infot-mation alut many other s w',p" mn,s company,
j ptrtions of the Northwest, as well as Wm. Ro1h, A. J. Adams and Wm.
: choice fiction, IHn-trv. etc. Tlie limn- Stf-veOM-.n st irt. d fnp lu. tuIn.Hi m
i is accoiit nauicii tv a larirc colored i
. - . .
ful .,!"'ulit "I the Meturesue town of
. i .,..!,.,.. ...... - , , !
1 Jo'!tiiri- I tie e:moo 1-1 -i I nntur ..f
f, rtile I'liuvtii-i :ll. 1-".Ii iil...r
the West Shore
contains many en-
Northwest, and U a tH-Tfeet mine of in-;
formati ai ainnit tiiat promising icsrion i
toward w hiehsonianycyesareturiied. '
s,,s-'"iP!l''' Jiri'T' ""T ' r. var f
single copy, ecnis. ,tltir. ss i Mm-
m l, Publisher, Portland, Oregon.
- i
... "-".
jonn r iu'iim:icm-r was a man wn
lived in Portland. Py living a small
lite, eating shavings with pickb-s fr a
v ':
re'.ish, hating himself and cvervhodv
and leing mijcrjl.'e generally, he
manair-d to accumulate $-1 (.-';! 4 : then
died, lvuviiijj no In ir, and thi- sum
jii'-t b en tiiri-ed ever to the State.
c!ie!i condemn pei'ple who take
iov t'n
ca-y. spend all they get and en-
mst-lve.-: hut it is ali:mt as grxnl
a way as th:lt follow cd l.y the Portland
miser. We come ve ry elo-e to having
a few Fi-tciimaehcr's in l.inn county. '
Not you, gentle reader, fr they never !
take uewspui is. Democrat. j
lli.ln t llnrt Him Any.
A yoiino gentle-man, formerly a resi
tl i-t of 1. e!; nan, and now a uecc.--ful
physician, while reading nieilh-ine
under a d-tor of forty years' pntefv,
venti!rcd to ask his tutor whether
bathing was lcnofieial to the system.
"Well," cautiously i-pHel the old gen
leman, "I do not think it is verv hurt-
liil, judging trom my own c-.peiien-c,
! i
'Sinc r.iduatimr from the nn
college, now thirty-nine years ago, 1
; never had a bath but once; then I ac
cidentally fell in the river, ami I must
, sav it never hurt me a hit.''
The Simtllpox a. I
Frank Mieiliall, the veninjr man who '
takon eii July Till with smallpox ;
. w
! at the farm resiih-ne-c of Mr. (traham,
i be-1 wet-n .Te'Ubrson and Millcrf, elicd
; Tuesday ove-iunir at") e'!eck, tho im
; int-diate oaiw of his de'atii le-inr ln-ln-i
orrliai-of the- larnyx. He had Ik-cii
improving up ton short time1 le-f6rv
his death. Wdnc-:day afternoon Mr.
i Kd Davidson of Albanv wont to tho
!daet' and l.m ieel the- unfortunate vomit?
j man, work that entitles him to tile- t'il
j he will re-ce-ive for his trouUSe.
1 j
j s, io Ha" a Irt-
f of y ,,avc ,torc1
no an ng-recmeiit with t no X arrow
; a K;iihvav Company to buiM a
; t)raJK.h ,jne f'()m wlgt Sci to that
, .Hstanoe of one and one-half
place, a elistance of one
mil. Tim ilivi-Ts will rrjiib' Mint biv
tics on the branch and the company ; b"-vinr ,,ow ,,in,WrH
will lay the rails. It is expected that ! Hundreds of the prairie people have
three rails will lie laid, so that the Ore- j passed hero going to the mountains to
ro lVu-ifir. fcfnndur.l e-nmvo trains can ' ffa lr blacklM-ri ics. Some families
use the same I ranch.
Ix; built at emrv.
The road is to
Ilaj I'rm.inp.
Prof. J. Ij. fiil'jert, ef Ijebanon, is in
the-e-ity. The jnofe ssor's hay irss is
proving .piite a success. A few days
ago two men and a boy, green hands,
baled a!.ut six tons with one in be-
iwe-eii live ana six noiir. jmre naj-
is being presseil this summer than com-! wife, eir any of the children go into the
moiily. With the ju ice at f- a ton, j country, or to fome other town, on bus
which we understand is the rate this J jne-ss or for pleasure, notify U8. If any
which w e understand is the rate this
nnmwr, it will pay to lo it generally,
aim not omy nay oue gmiu nttuvt. j you Itt us Know 11. JI you Know auy
DelllOCrat. t lliin.r -.flli li-llinir In vnlir luMtrlilwira
1 am now prepared to convey parties
! to all prints between Lebanon and
Fish I-ike, in a spring hack. All
i parties desiring to avail themse lves of
i tiiis opportunity should call on ir ad-
I dress L. It. JUIOOK.S Ixbanon.
- -
"nti-' to l'arnier.
All parties wanting any dishes for
harvest can secure great bargains from
us, as we- ur-.- e-l-jsing out this line of
'J'noii'sox & Waters,
J5rowiisviile, Oregon.
A fellow came intei o:ir store j
Vhe Avanted the earth for a floor.
He asked, "Cau you shoe- usV"
Then started to Jew ns, .
So we &hre'd him right out of the door.
Andrews &. Hacklcuian have ene
price fi.r all.
A. W. Stanard on Tuesday paid Port
land u visit.
Win. Cochrane left for San Francisco
on Monday last.
Frank Jack and family returned from
Albany on Friday last.
Mrs. John Thompson, of Oak creek,
returned home on Saturday.
Hon. Jell Myers and sister, of Scio,
are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. J. M
Thomas Kay, Jr., and wife, of Mc-
Minnvllle, are visiting family friends
at this place.
Miss Lena Cole, of Oregon City, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. John Cooley,
of this place.
Mrs. K. 1). Mover and son on Wed
nesday returned from Portland, where
they have been visiting relatives.
Peach plums are on the market.
V)' reC ,usri,ms' t,H -vkU1
tliis year living "simply immense."
Miss Maggie White, who for the past
month has leen visiting friends at Sa
lem, on Saturday last returned home.
Miss C. Sperry, who for a number of
months past has Ik-cii visiting friends
in Portland, on Monday returned
. P. Coshow and J. P. (ialbruith on
Tuesday last departed for the Sound.
They will visit Tacoma, Seattle and
other points of interest.
Prof. T. (1. lirownson, president of
the McMinnville College, who arrived
on Friday last, held services nt the
Rapt 1st church on Sunday.
C. Younger and R. Pntman on Wed
nesday returned from the Albany log
ging camp on the CalajKwna. They re
port the river high and fishing poor. '
A force of men are engaged cleaning
i ,...i ... i... r . i : .
.uvuuiii i' nn i'i ine v auiHHii trail.
I'owdcr. nrovisioiio. etc.. will If fjik.-n
in by wagons over the McKviizie river
J- M- Mover, wife and sister, Mrs.
1. Ambrose, .1. P. (.albraith, wife and
daughter on Tuesday returneil fmm
Newimrt. Ya-iuina ba"v. where for the
l'at " w k l,K'.v !avo Um " the
'-a brit'e and feastimr on bivalves and
"tliedelieu U-s of the briu v
Sal'bath services were olsx-rved at j
the P.apt ist church, North Brownsville, j
: Rev. T. i. Hn nson delivering a for- j
! c;t!e and entertaining sermon. At the !
iCunilcrland Pueshyteriaii chimh,j
-South Brownsville, Rev. J. It. Kirk-i
; patricK held moriiiitg and evening
; meetings, which were largely attended.
The Sunday schmils wen4, as usual, f.i
; vored bv a full at tendance.
The sliowcrs of Thursday last caused ,
H,r farmers some uneasiness many
having b.arvestinghay and
grain and hay Uing on the ground;
but no reports have Ik-cii received ef
any damage done. I lie re sidents or
j WYhfoot should eonsiiler themselves!
i truly hb-sscd when they eomparj their
' condition with the unfortunates of the
i Kateni State-s who have lecn meet
ing with great losses from continued
and heavy rainfall; ns jm r the Orcgo
nian July 1.1: "From Pittsburg to the
mountain fast nises of Itandolph coun
ty, West Virginia, towns have Ih'cii
ravaged, manufactories inundated,
noiir-e'1 aim uuuoer inaicn n. iicuis
with their wheat in stacks and grow
ing crop devastated, and families
driven tot lie hills for shelter, entailing
a loss that will not fall short of ?.,-
( H A W FO It l V 1 1 I.K.
CuAWFoiuisvii.i.K, July 1H.
Items are very scarce' el u ring harvest.
J. II. Seott went to Albany to-day on
Mctvurv stood at ! d'grHs in the
shaile to-iay. i
Joseph Sloan has sohl his sawmill to J
T . I . '
jjosuiia i eMiniiigioiv j
Miss I.illie Aiken, of Knt-rpris, is
j visitinpr re-latives at this place,
i Mr. D. II. Class went to Albany last
; l'riday to piirchiiM' throe new hinders,
j Mr. Oscar Chance and wife, of Port-
i land, are visitintr their relatives, who;
i live ne'ar here.
ipeverai oi our eiuerprising larmers
are discarding their old header ami (
' from V to KM gallons.
Some of our citizens In company
with semie Prownsville men went te
to the mine's last Monelay. W. W.
Robe brought out some fine, specimens
ef epuartz from his ledge.
Loxei HuveJHY.
Toll I n About II.
If your wife-, your twin Sam or hi
, 5ma or for pleasure, notify U8,
of your wife's relatives come
to see
........ - j -o I
tell it to lis, and elon't for gooelne-ss
j sake, go mouthing around accusing the
i local man of partiality, simply U-cause
.he mentioned the fact that Peter
! Smith's je rsey cow had a red calf and
, elidn't say anything about Simon
! Jones having swapped oil" his old
1 brindle cat. Ex.
' o -
M'e will pay 40 eta. per roll for choice
butter. Tikimpson fc Watkks,
Urownsville, Oregon.
Go to .Teie Harbin for general black
smithing. Machinery and wagein work
a sociality. All weirk warrented.
Cheap machine oil and pure Drugs
at the City Drugstore, Dr. Courtney.
Dr. Mark Ilaytcr, Dwnli.t. Lebanon.
WatkMhi, July 13.
J. Ij. (!ovaii and family were In
town drinking soda water.
Weather hot; gardens are doing wi ll
grain never was better.
Mr. Gross and Frank Cole go to lel
anon on business to-day, Wednesday.
Mr. Bean and family and James Ed
wards and family are camping at
Mr. C. Ij. Khun Is improving very
fast. Tins his friends will be pleased
to hear.
James K. Kmbiee has made splendid
speed em the C. B. Montague residence
at Edna.
There are a dozen or more hacks and
buggies filled with soda m ater seekers
visiting our place daily.
Mr. Kay's folks from Brownsville
are rusticating at the spsings. They
are stopping at the hotel.
There are several families camping
at Edna.' our correspondent as ye-t
does not know all their names.
Mr. Gross has completed a change
that adds considerable to the looks of
the place as well as to his own conven
ience. Conrade Myers and family and his
uncle and family lately from Califor
nia were here yesterday, and all pro- j
iiounced the soda water excellent.
vf' I..- .1 !
jiicii- una ii liui om in ii- -nil-
day. Whit Crawtord's band played
some of their liveliest tunes, and all
enjoyed themsclve-s hugely. He will
come again next Sunday.
Mr. l-'ratik Matchct ami family start
ed Monday for St. I.ouis, where he will
attend the medical college under the
management of the elcctlo practice.
He is a young man ef excellent habits
and will no doubt siK-eecd in his
st Utiles.
It was reported here Sunday that it
was generally In lievcd in Albany that
there were no conveniences tole found
at Waterbs. The readers of the Ex
niKss are aware that this is a mistake,
and for the lenefit of the leading pub
lie we will say that it is we-ll to Mdv
serilie for a papT that shows in its
social columns as well as its advertis
ing columns. This the Exi'iti;ss is
honorable enough to do. Waterloo has
the following aectinmKlatioiis: A ho
tel, a feed stable, and a first-e!a coun
try store, where ona will find groceries,
provisions ami all kinds of canned
goewla, and In fact nearly e verything
needed by eamiH'rs and tourists.
ClI!KK CooK.
The iflrt I kv nn pivltT.
An! meet wwtt ran lie
1 own I love Itiem ill arty
say. aren't y,.u Jut tike mr!
They mkt- u rhnrti)iliK wt!K-arl.1.
Hut yet affirm I mini,
Tlml pta 'cm ilown In Iniiitu1",
The n:rl umi l ilu to lni.-i.
Thi-y'H il-.i to make an cvi nlns
I pleasantly attil iiwifl
The shaltw-i must lie lieuvy
Tht-ir Uiiit'liler rutiroit t't
They'H to to'n-t ymir rtioiii y.
Ami thft k II is but jnit:
lliey'tl !) to Ime-an'l Im-k at.
Mm Eirl- won't iln to tnit.
1 own ihey are mti'-h fiii r
Tlmn insly, horrid men"
They ! not eheiv lotmi-t-i.
Ner smoke i'."f ser like th
Ttti y lo not ilrmk i-henp hi-ky.
They iin'f p.-t -'in a lu-T."
Hut Flill. yini've eol l, wa!i-h 'em.
For plrl? won't il to tnu-t.
Your eellienrt MV-sntK" loe
Aye, vnw thai fhe ailon."".
She rlte you lemler lelters
Anil Mtin them "only ynir.'
Says you eomyire with others
As iliamond ranks w-lt!i tii--t--
Jii'-t w hat tellii your rii-al;
For glrti won't ilo to trust.
Ami now ferharw you wotvler.
And ask nip In mtrt-rie.
How one ts yoinijf I mil
HhouM I fi tton-lriHis wli.
We-ll. well. I hate to tell you.
llut then 1 !'po--e 1 niu-t:
1 rouiiil out ly exHrieni-e
That irirl'- won't ilo to tmsl.
Volf.l fur Ilarriann In 1S40.
Tlie Oregon ian is publishing letters1;
from men who voted for Win. II. liar- J
riseui for Prosielelit i lv4i. The fol-
lowing, from a well-known citizen f
I, inn county, was publishetl in that
paper the 1 5th instant:
IjKIIANOX, Julv 10, 1S.H.
I elesire to rword my name with that j
immortal band of men who deteated '
Martin Vim llure'ii hy voting for Old i
Tip, the first vote I ever e-ast. Hurrah
for Harrison and Morton. j
M Ait rix 1 1 II K.M.VN".
To AVhoin It May Concern.
I.kiiaxon, Or., July 11, isw.
I wish to announce to all concerned
that I will not 1k responsible for anv
, , , , , , ' ,. , : '
debts contracted l.y ! ..II. loredand,
and will further slate that nn partner-1
shin has ever existeel Udween us, and !
all trusting him must look to him
pay and not me, as I hold receipts' for '
! all service rendered; but having known ;
Mr. Mireland for some time' I consider
M.K. Himiin.
Notli-f to C'itlractora.
j Keitiw is hereby given that waled i
i biels will be re'eeive'd till the 1st day of
August, 1NSS, by the uiidetsigned, for
the plastering or entire t'onipletioti of
the M. K. Church at this place, in ae-
eHirelaiie-e with the plans and spe-ci lica- i
liiuiii lu. iuviii tt 11 lllti l;l t If tl I 1
to me'. The truster's re-wrve t li- right
to lu-cept any or rejevt all bids.
l$y order of the trustees.
K. S. KotiKRTS. Clerk.
.Tiik Cuii.n ItrxVKKKi. My little
girl, aged seven years, was atllicte-d
with a severe ctnigh anel cold. She
could not sle-ep but ceiugheel almost in
ceasantly. I was induecel by a friend
to try Cluunlrorlain's Cough llemedy
anel was astonished at the immediate
relief it gave her anel the cure it pre
duwd. I would not lie without it in
the house for any price. I have tried
many reme-die-s for cemghs and colds,
but this is sujieTior to anything I have
eve r trle'd. Prof. J. M. Mehan. Capi
tal City Commercial Ceille-ge, IK'S
Moines, Iowa. Sedel by Dr. J. S. Court
ney. Notice Is hereby given to every man
and boy in Linn county who wants a
straw hat or summer eoat and vest, we
are clewing out the-se gooeln away elown
be-low cost. Don't miss thia oppeirtu
ni.'y. TiioMi'SoN & Wateks,
Brownsville, Oregon.
Judge Bean of Eugene City passeel
through town yente-rday on his way
home from Soelaville.
Subscribe for the luxi'KKs
if a greyhound is pursuing a inuh
eat'i labblt, and the rabbit makes
live leaps of live feet each, while the
greyhound makes three leaps of eight
feet each, and the rabbit had 100 feet
the start and made six leaps a second,
how long will it take the greyhound
to catch the rabbit, and how far would
e tch travel? Pioneer.
Here's another: If a brindlecow with
three white feet Is fed on a bushel of
turnips every week and gives four pints
of milk when milked by a rcd-heiuh d
girl, how many hairs are there in her
tail? Star.
Try St. Patrick's Pills and compare
their cllecl with any other kind made.
They contain the good properties of the
older pi-ciin rat ions hi the market com
bined with the most va'tiahle medicines
discovered in modern times. As a Ca
thartic and liver sill, St. Patrick's are
perfection. Sold by )r. J. S. Court
ney. Aindy Colic. TeetLinr? Pains, nr
Stoiiiticb Disorders. ca bo reliered
nt once by using Acker's Bubr Rtxrther.
It contains no Opium or Morphine,
hence is eafe. Price 25 cents. Hold bv
A. Beard, Druggist.
MKtiulautun-rv of uii1 m-tiK-rs In all Kind- i
Import all First-Class Goods!
A eompli Ic st.H-k of Wall Paper, Hcco
ratioiisaml Window Shades.
1 1 N IJ IJ H T A K I N G
T. C. Peebler.
lH-:il -r III !
Staple and Fancy Groceries.!
Provisions. Crockery, and I
Woodware, Furnishisg
Goods, Etc., Etc.
Satisfaction is Guaranteed.
o-c vO c Plood Flitir Is the only
vv- Blood Kemedy gnaron
teej. It is positive cure for Ulcers, Erup
tionsorSrpliilitic Poisooing. ItpuriGtsthe
whede BTSteui, and b&nislies all IUiruoatia
and Neuralgic pains. We guarantcs it,
J. A. Prftird. UruvjrUt.
soi'thkiix pac1ficcumpax v's
TheMt. Shasta Route, s
Tit'H- 1h 'v. i-t-n AH'iHiy ami San liann.ii. a" It-ir.
California Express Trains Dally.
Ar-iv !h a.
Lt'ilV 7 Hi A.
I l.-;t r. I-.
A lliny
" l' m. Arriv
Local Patii-ficer Trains Dally (except1 Sunday
( ' M
U i"i t
2 IT. V
A rriw
Arriv e :i t -1. .
l. BV- ! t .!." A. M.
l4 vr I mi a. m.
Local Passenger Train Dally (except) Kurda
Arnv i. a
Am re 1 j
Arr.vo 2 L j.
Arrive in v
1 H t-
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
iife.liiiniHhitioii ft S-eiiinl Claj I'iis-se'iir-n
nttui-lii-d t l-'xpri'ss Trains.
Ti- O. A'-. It. K. r-rr ntalsi Nrim,iiiiii villi .
i'I r.-L-ubir Iruiti on liw l-fl siU- Pix.l'rvui j
:Vil of T. rv-l. i
West Sid3 Divisicn. i
iti-rrwi-:KX ;
Mall Train Daily n nceull Sunday.
I. -live-rrlvo
Arriv- 1.' j. in
I viivu 1 .ai p. m. ,
Express Train Dally (sxceptl 8unday.
I . III. 1 JIV- I'.'r'.lU!'! irivv p" H. Ill . j
." . in. t Arrive Mi Miiivillo Ij'avr " :- Li. ,
At Al'iiny iinill'iirvnlllseoniieTt with tiainx (
(Ih'm l'iii'ii'i- riitlnut'l.
K"r lull iii!iniinti""ii tvpunling nlo, ma-
t-ti., rtil! n i-i'int'rtnv'! nfiil.
lt.Kol.HI KK. ' K V. ItOHKUS.
Muiiiii-r Awl. ei. K. .fc 1'ms.. .y-f-
varraniea, is pecans- inn
Ulood Prppnrntion Known. It mil poei-
jively cure all Hlorxl Pisensen. purifies the
whole system, and tliotoiigliljr builils up tha
constitution, l.einember, wo guaraute; it.
. I t . 1 V a.
I'earel, Druggist.
jkw i : x i : 1 1 .
Brownsville, Oregon.
! Ohlniiifil. inttl nil r.i I i:iS I UI.-1M.-
u-mli-il l i.t MiHH'K. I 'I I' ;.. Our i.lli.-.- I
I iim I". S. I'liicnl UUv. niui we rim tW-
l:iin r:i(-iiis iti U-s. tiui tlitiu lhsi iviiinu liom
H .lsillSirm V. N-ii. .loi ., M II .f.- i.r
I'lln't'rt ( invent inn. Wo hiI i.-e l :ilenl
nliilily In-., i.l i-luim.-niui we liniku AO e . I ' '
I c.i.ks i-ri:r is . si:t i i;i:i.
I'm- i lienliir. inn Irriiw inn! refeivitivs In
i fichiat i-lieiiis in yimrown Sliili-.e'iiimly. I'uy i r
I 'lutvu, iv i ilu t
!!file 1'ttUnt '"
II VivfiP ;!', It t
u. 1'iL.ixiiunv, j
v mis i 1
3 !
iHlili ",!'
For the aboyc I will pay an extra price if'' deliv
ered within ten 'days.
C. B.
'S- G. W. RICI
IUIlll01, I.olMUH.11, Ol-O.,
3Iillinerv Goods
Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Rib
bons, Etc., Etc.
; ( 'all and pet Prices on floods
which are
'131tY IOW.
Real Hstatc Agt and Xo-
j tary Public, and
IGEN'L insurance act
Does a (icneral Agency
Insurance, Agricultual Imple
ments, Doors and Windows.
OH !AN am sewing ma
chines. ;ive me
a Call at Pr.
Penvell'a Ol.l
1 roprietor n.
Liquors and Cigars.
Frest Mineral Soda Watw.
(Ofijwiie' Exp.Hunpo Hotel.)
100 Dozen Chickens
50 Cases of Eggs
Ibfinon, Oregon.
store is located at Albany, Einn Co.,
Oregon, about twelve miles nor'
west of Lebanon. They have
beyond a doubt the finest
stock of choice
Gocxls ever displayed In Albany. The store is twenty-two
fe?t wide and one hundred feet deep and chuck full of
Provisions, Crockery and Glassware. These goods were
bought largely from First Hands, Thereby saving all the
profits of the Middle men, and storage at intermed-.
iate points, which enables us to sell, very
Giving our Customers the benefit
of at least Ten per cent
and very frequently Twenty-Five
The wav
not altogether
simply because
10R GASEfe
in large quantities,, thereby getting the benefit of all dis.-.
counts and rebates, besides our salc9 are large and daily
increasing. We turn our stock every sixty days
or six times a year, thus insuring you always. "
to get the lest and the freshest. Remem.--we
sell strictly for the CASH
Or Produce.
We haye the agency of ftve
Iarg? Southern Peach orch
ards. Thia fruit we are re
ceiving daily,, fresh, from the.
orchards. t Is. note for its
fine flavor aNd good keeping
quaMtics, and buying as we
do (direct of tlie. growers) in
Yours Trulv,
we do
- Secret -we
la,rg? quantities, we are cnab-
led; to sey you; (ruit fox les.
than any firm id: the Willam
ette. Valley. l?ring inj j'our
produce, eggs, bnttert chick
ns,, d.wcks geese, tyrkeys a.iui
O II don't fbrgy
to bring along your purse.