The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 20, 1888, Image 1

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    SB AN ON
. . . Publishers
KKT dueristioa of
trrms of ni'imeKirrioN.
On Tm. ,.... WO
an M.,ih ST. I si
Tare. MiHlb.,. i 1 S
(Paratala ilYnw.( j- -
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Om arriiie, tlrtt lnvrtl...,.,.,v.,....3. .....3 00
Kack adaitMuU tnorrttoa. I W
Itocit. f " ;
.Loral N.rtlcr. fr tins "t
Regular adrtttmntji lniMrtl npoa Ithrral term.
Jo. Prislin. Dens ca Sfcsrt M
Legal Blanks, Business Cards,
Letter Beads, Bill Head.
, Circulars, - Paatara,
Kxeented la seed style sad at invest UrU eel
NO. 19.
MCA5to!f LUPUE NO II. A. F. a A. M : Mri
at their we hatl tit Malc Block, on Mattutlay
trvntng, on or before tiie full iiitKm , ,
, v . v WA.HW-N, W. M.
LXRsVoff l-OTHJ. NO. f. f O C F.s MrrU Hl
n.t y coming of a 'h w ok. at 0ttl rVllow'a Hull, street; vtatutig Vtethren coulUlly Invited to
attend J. J. I HAKl.ToN, H U.
HONOR I.orxiK NO 3S. A. O. V W . l.-hannn.
Oregon: Mtt evert fintl ami third Ttturwtlav ef en
tnga In the uionth. f. H KiWOIK M. W.
A . R. CYRUS & CO.,
Real Estate, Insurance & Loan
Agent. ? i
Unenl Calleetloa an Xatary rbll
Bitlam Promptly At tended to.
Manufacturer of '...
Ifanaaaeat) and Hradatenca,
St. Charles Hotel,
LEBANON. Oregon.
N. W. Corner Main and fhrman Street, two Block
T. C. FEEBLER & CO. Prop.
Tables Bit ppHed With the Bt the Market
Sample Room. and ths Int Acconuaodatlottt tor
dmmereial smb.
Artistic Photographer,
Enlarging from Snail Pictures. In
etautaueous Process. T
s .
Groceries and Provisions,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
IliMiiwarc tilianrut
Lamps aad Lamp Fixture
Mala nu. Lbaaaa. Orfpi.
Sweethopae, Oregon, , t
JOHN T. DAVIS, Proprietor
Tb table is vappliea with the very bent the
market afford?.
Nice clean beds, and satisfaction guaranteed
to all guests.
In connection with the above hous
Keep" a Feed and Sale Stable, and will
accommodate tourist and traveler wilh
tearrut, guides and out fits.
: - Proprietors of the ' "
Livery, Sals anQ Feefl Staples
Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman.
Fine Buggies, Hacks, Har
ness and r
For parties goine to Brownsville. -Wa
terloo, Sweet Home, Scio, and all
parts of Linn County.
All kinds of Teaming
How a Colored l.adr fthowed Hsr
fonad I-o for Her Husband.
fTwo iwgrops Vtoml in the street On
of Uem "was lecturing the other. "Now,
ole man," saUl the younger one, "I
want ter tell yet dis, ,mn' tell yer
n'intedlyr lat oua got ter stop gittin
drunk ur I won't feed you no mo. I
tell you dat now an' I tell yer p'lnu
edly." , . . ,
The old man went away, mid some
one who heard the "lecture" asked the
younger negro why he had, considered
it Ida duty to look after the wants of
the old follow He ia no kin to you.
i8he?"ar,: i--:
"Ni Bh, no IjIihmI kin. We'se brud
ders in de church an' if rtake o de
Backramtnt, but in de flesh we ain no
kin wrtall.y ' - ' ;
'Ile must hare done you a great fa
vor in the past,"
"No, sah. never done me no favor in
his life.';
"Why. then, do yon feed him?"
- "Wail. sah. I te'll you. 1 maird de
lady tint nstfr be his wife, I did. an" it
looked sorter wraung ter take her lul
erway from him. an' . I 'gun tor feel
orry fur Jiim, I did. His un'er lip
drapped down like he didn' hab er
frien in de worl". an' I tole him dat I
would gin him suthin ter eat till he
gt some work, but bless you. he didn
try ter fine no work, but sot right down
aa', 'gunter' ea Den be 'gunter go
ronn' wid dese yefe tan'erdates an
drunk pizen licker an' git drunk, an
I's gittin' mighty tired o' hit. . I tell
yon dat p'intedly." -
"What does yer wife think of It?"
O. she's sich er saft an' gen'le crit
ter rl at she doan 'spress no 'pinion.
She neber Interferes wid nuthin'. dat
lady doan, 'caze she o awful saft an
gen'le. . ,
Good tempered, is she?"
"Monst'us fine tempered, sab. an' it
'pear like she wanter sinjr fum mawn
in tell llight.',
A change of expression came over
the negro's f:ce. "Yere como my wife
now," he saitl. "Oiudy, I's jes" been
tellin' di gencrman whub er fine ladr
yon is," he said. hu his wife drew
"Yon better tell him what a lay,
gooil-fur-nuthin' wretch you air. Go
on home now an' split me up some
wood, or I'll gether up suthin' an
w'ar you out. Doan look at me that
way.' ,
"Whut way I lookin at you. honey?"
"Like you didn' wanter mine whut
I tell yon."
" "Ef I look dater way I ' didn' go ter
do hit, eaze I doan feel dater way."
"Wall. nr.sey on, now, ur I'll gether
up suthin'."
"Yessum. jest ez soon ez I transack
er little bizuess wid dis yere gener
man." f
The woman, after many threatening
shake of the head, pased on. and her
-meek-loeking husband turned to the
man with whom he had been talking
and said:
, "Dat lady is so much in lub wid me
dat she's erfeerd dat Til star 'roun
yere Bummer an' git hurt. She's sich
er saft an gen le critter dat she kain t
liardlv b'ar ter hab me outen her
,"Did she evef- strike you?"
"Hit me wid en axe-handle wunst an
fazed me or right smart, but den it wui
becaze she thought so much o me.
Didn want me to go down town an
'soclate 'wid dem rough men. I tell
yon suthin' ef you woan say nuthin'
erbont it It's dis: W'en I fust maird
ruer wife I felt sorter sorry fur dat ole
man dat nster be mer wife's husban',
but now. sah. I sorter feels sorry fut
merse'f." Arkansno Traveler. .
A Taa( Woman Who Is Making Stone
- . Searching for Then.
. A clever young woman is building
up a business of a somewhat novel
character in New York and Brooklyn.
Traveling agents have long made a
good thing out of antique furniture
picked up on excursions in the wilds of
raral New Hampshire and Connecticut,
indncing farmers' wives to ransack their
attics and bring out mirrors that only
wanted residing, or brass-handled
chests of drawers in want of nothing
but polish and varnish to fetch round
sums from modern worshipers of bric-a-brac
gone by. The best hunting
ground for such things, curiously
enough, has been overlooked almost
entirely. New York and Brooklyn, as
things go in this country, are ancient
cities. There are low-browed Dutch
homesteads-within the limits of the
former city, and old houses on Second
avenue, in the Washington square
region and on Fifth avenue itself, in
New York, which only need to yield
up their treasures to delight, all the
lovers of last century carved oak,
mirrow-front' vardroles, rare spindle
legged mo lstrositits and choice bits of
bah I. ..This young- woman has begun a
series of tours anfong the stately old
mansionssunkto second-class boarding
houses, or gone yet further on the road
f neglect and decay, and when she
finds a relic of past grandeur, she re
habilitates' it and introduces it loan
art lover or a curio lover, or a person
ambitions of the repute of an art or
curio lover-wifh money. An old ebony
cabinet inlaid with mother of pearl, an
old dressing table with a tray of Sevres
let into the top, an old chair covered
with French flowered satins of the
early years of the century, these are
grand dukes In banishment to be re
stored to their lost estate. It is pleas
ant business for a young woman with
some knowledge, a good eye and better
judgment, and she makes it profitable.
X. T. Mail and Express.
At a recent lawsuit in Texas thir
teen expert cnttle-liranders swore that
when cattle were branded in "the dark
of the moon" the brand will never get
larger than the first imrression, no
matter how much the cattle may grow.
But if the brandinr-:ron is applied in
the" "light of the moon" the scar will
spread, and the lighter the moon the
larger will be the spread.
A fossil egg in the Paris Academy
of Sciences measures 34$ inches one
way and 29 inches another. The orig
inal is supposed to have been the egg
of bird three times as big aa aa os
tneh. - -
How nn K.uel ' !riit!aiitt Was Tort nrrri
by a I urkUh Hand.
Tile Servians ;Hh S:nd to bo the most
unniiisietil p..(p!. in Knrojie. One
Knglish ti-Hveter, tit iMitst. can give
emphatic testimony to that effect, from
an experience of his own while visiting
the British Diplomatic Agent at Bel
grade, it was some twenty years ago,
and the great garrinou was in the
hands of tho Turks, commanded by a
worthy old Pasha. All Uiz.u This per
sonage, unfortunately, took a fancy to
the Englishman, mid, after entertain
ing him nt the banquet, early next
morning sent a bund, eompiw-it of nt
least forty litu--iei:ins, to delight his
ears witli some of the N.itional airs of
Tut key. Tin. Ivi rlUh Kilciidi was
slecpmjr peare nlly when the hideous
din of the "March f Sultan Aehniet"
burtf. upo i his ears. He nys:
Tlie firm thou iit that llaihed across
my licwilderid bra i. a- I started up
ill bed. was tliat I had been shot out of
a gun of larcre cillber, the next, that
tho end of all tli'ns was nt hand.
Collecting my scattered wits, nt the
expiration of a few hideous seconds, 1
got upon my feet, and staggered to
the window. There they Were, form
ing n hollow circle, in the cen
ter of w hich stood the gorgeous band
master, leading with his hand in lieu
of a baton two score of swarthy, wiry,
dec-chested fellows, blowing, beating
ami jingling at high pressure, and
looking as if they ronUl go on doing
n'l these uiinuniticrcd things for un
counted hours. 1 may say with truth
thai I had never entirely realized
what cymbals were t'tpable of in
the way of poisoning human happiness
until 1 heard that baud play; nor had
I been aware that any tune could be
harmonized in such sort that its accom
paniment should consist exclusive- of
discords. Presently the batul-master.
looking upward in a spasm of Inspira
tion brought on by a more than usually
deadly dissonance nt that particular
moment the brasses were playing sim
ultaneously in at least six dinetent
keys caught sight of my face nt the
window. Instantly a lurht smile illum
ined his tawny countenance; he waved
his hand more frantically than before,
and snke some words of power to his
bandsmen, the immediate result ol
which was an explosion of noise to
which their previous achievement in
that line had iMirtie the relation of a
whisper to an eruption of Vesuvius."
The Englishman was at that moment
visited by his host, who explained to
his, necessarily at the top of his Voice,
rlmt this fearful din would I:tst for at
least an hour and a half; that etiquette
demanded that the recipient of the
compliment should remain in sight
during the entire period, and that he
should ofler the band a sum of monex
equivalent to about twenty-live dollars
as bnkx'ti.ih.
The next day the martyr-guest wa
compelled to visit the Pasha, to thank
him for the ihjsic, 'such, be em
phatically anil truthfully observed, "as
he had never before heard nor dreamed
of in his life."
"You can not know how it rejoice
me that you should appreciate our
stirring melodies." said the old Turk,
his countenance beaming with delight.
You shall hear one or two of them
ngain now, a'ld every morning they
shall greet your waking ears."
So, to the visitor's horror, the band
was again assembled, and bis previous
tortuits repented. Tiie latter part ol
the Turks roposal, h'-wever, was not
carried out. for the Englishman left
Belgrade the next morning, literally
driven away. Tu.' (Vmparn'on-
A German Kirfauitrr't Wonderful t'ro
fHutt n tl l.teritT.
We have observed several wonderful
stories of late respecting the skill of
the Chinese executioners, who, it is
said, can strike off the head of their
victims so skillfully that the jHr
fellows themselves never dUeover their
loss until a moment or two after they
are !eat. We recall to mind, however,
the story of a (ierman executioner who
far surpassed the Chinese in profes
sional dexterity. Upon one occasion it
happened that a criminal had a singular
itching to play at nine-pins, and he
implored permission to play once more
at his favorite game before he died.
Then, lie said he would submit to his
fate without a murmur. The judge
thinking there could be no harm in
humoring him. granted his last prayer,
and upon arriving ml the place of
execution he found every thing pre
pared for the game, the pins being set
up ami the bow Is all ready. He com
menced his favorite sjuirt with en
thusiasm. After awhile, the sherill,
observing that he showed no inclina
tion to des'st. made a sign to the ex
ecutioner to strike the fatal blow while
he stooped for a bowl. The executioner
did so, but with such exquisite dexter
ity that the culprit did not notice or
feel it He thought, indeed, that a
cold breath of air was blowing on Ins
neck, and drawing himself back with
a shrug, his head dropped forward into
his hands. He naturally suppose, that
it was a bowl which he had grasped,
and, seizing it lirnily, rolled it at the
pins. All of them fell and the head
was hear ! to exclaim, as it rebounded
from the farther wall: "Hurrah! I've
won the game." ' Limbers' Journal.
Western editor (to assistant)
"There are several words in this Eu
ropean correspondence that I am un
able to make out See what you can
do." Assistant (after a vain effort)
"They are all Greek to me." West
ern editor (to office boy) "James, ask
the European correspondent to step
here a moment" Life.
The- were talking about a bald
headed man who bad been rather more
attentive to one than to the other dur
ing the evening. "I think Mr. Smythe
is one of the finest young men I know,"
said the favored one. So extremely
polished, you know." Yes, I've ob
served that especially about his head.
Merchant Traveler.
Many a man who remains "at tht
office" till late at itigbt to balance his
books finds considerable difficulty in
balancing himself on his way home.
Lowell Citizen.
Amusements That Would Never rtourisb
la the tatted States,
While bull-fights may really be called
the great nntlonnl amusement in Mex
ico, it must not be supposed that publio
opinion on this subject is undivided.
The chnmpions of bull-fighting are
enthusiastic, but its opponents are
numerous ad vehement enough to de
ilght the hearts of the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty people. Occa
sionally a corr da de toros is organized
by amateurs for the purposes of benef
icence, and then the press leads the
unhappy projectors with censure and
satire. Whllo many hlgh-cnste Mexi
cans undoubtedly delight in this sport,
a large number regard it wilh abhor
rence, and the Mexican ladies almost
always express against it disapproval,
fenr and horror. Yet a bull-fight
properly conducted, is by no means so
revolting a spectacle nor so cruel a
performnnce as is generally believed.
It is, of course, extremely popular
with the masses, and there is no doubt
that these performances serve as a
social safety-valve, where finds vent
the natural evil and savage element In
the make-up of humanity, which would
otherwise ep"iid itself in violence and
disorder as regards fellow-crentnres.
Tin coleadero. or tailing the bull, is
a diversion much affected by the young
men of Mexico, barring V oso of effem
iuatn tastes and habits. In this sport
there is the chase by a number of rid
ers of a bull let loose from a corral at
one end of an inclosed ay en ue, two or
three hundred yards long. The bull is
given a fair start and the horsemen
dash after him. dropping back one by
one until only the most forward is left,
and he, guiding his horse alongside
the flying game, grasps fhe tall of his
bovine excellency, and. dexterously
throwing one leg over it endeavor to
jerk the anini tl off its feet, and usu
al y docs so. The feat is one of skill
rather than strength, and even women
have been known to perform It lliere
is nn element of danger, but it is not
revolting. There is even a comic strain
In the foolish look of the bull as he
scrambles to his feet again. These
exhibitions are seldom of a publio
nature, but are organized by a cir
cle of friends for exercise and amuse
ment The pelea de gallos, or cock-fight is
a mmh more brutal and sickening
show than a bull-tight It Is a most
vicious sport, too, in the way of gam
bling, really enormous sums being
staked on the Issue of these combats.
The greatest attention Is paid to the
breeding, rearing and rare of the game
cocks, and animals of noted record are
conveyed between distant points of the
Republic to engage in contests. They
are in enrious crates of woven
cane, and the utmost care is observed
in their transportation. Ladies do not
attend cock-Hghta
Lectures, concerts, etc., are rare and
poorly patronized in Mexico. Parlor
games are little followed on the pla
teau, but more common on the "warm
lands." whe-e. indeed, life in every re
spect assumes a brighter, gayer aspect
under tropical influences. Ladies ride
little, though equestrian exercise is
creeping in to some extent chiefly
through the influence of foreigners.
Mexican men, of course, almost all
ride surpassingly welL Drives in Mex
ico are a formal and stupid matter,
consisting of monotonous turns on the
Alamed i or boulevard. Picnics, lawn
parties, tennis, croquet and many other
amusements dear to the Anglo-Saxon
heart are almost unknown in Mexico,
due to the aforesaid social restrictions,
which also sorely hamper the line of
evening calls, etc. Kinking and base
ball begin to b known In sections af
fected by American contact, but it will
be long ere the youth of Mexico enjoys
an adequate share of amusements.
ilericnn Letter.
A Mixture Containing the Feenttal F.le
Birnta for Producing- Kg g-m.
We do not believe in condition pow
ders to stimulate the physical system,
unless it is lor a special purpose well
defined, nor in toiidimentnl food to
tone up the system in a general way.
Nevertheless specific preparations for
a special purjwse are al. right An au
thority, in relation to a special prepa
ration In addition to the regular fond,
gives the following formula as acces
sory in promoting egg laying:
Ground bone, one pound (phos
phoric acid and lime); ground meat or
blood, three pott ads (nitrogenous,
forming albumen); linseed-meal, one-half-pound
(nitrogenous, carbonace
ous, and laxative, used for regulating
tho boweU); charcoal, one pound
(used for promoting digestion and as
sisting to correct acidity); sulphur, one
ounce (a necessary constitU 'Dt of an
egg. and assists in warding off disease);
salt half pound (very necessary, and
ofien neglected); ground ginger, two
ounces; red pej per, one tablespoonful;
fenugreek, half a pound, gentian, one
ounce (stimulants and correctives);
chloride of iron, one ounce (an invig
orator of the system.)
These contain the essential elements
for producing eggs, in addition to the
ordinary food. Give a tablespoonful
of the mixture once a day for ten hens,
in soft food. Farm, it d and Stock'
A warrant was recently issued in
a North Carolina town for the arrest
of a man for committing an assault
"with a deadly weapon, to-wlt, a cer
tain vicious and large bull dog."
nam aim Macaroni. A very sa
vory dish for country suppers is made of
boiled macaroni, the long sticks being
broken in equal lengths, and carefully
but thoroughly well boiled; pour the
water off and place them on a dish,
taking care not to break the sticks in
too small pieces. Then take some cold
slices of ham. mince them fine and
pour over the macaroni, and to top off,
use parsley finely chopped, or bread
erumbs fried brown in butter,
Surgeon (to patient, who has been
playing Missouri poker) "I can find
only one ear, sir." Patient "Yaas,
the other one wasn't worth savin'.
Don't sew it on the wrong side. Doc."
2'txas Sifting t.
Maria l'arlna tells Haw Thejr Should be
fvooknd and Reasoned.
Meats are much more digestible
when ' broiled or roasted than when
cooked in almost any other manner.
This Is, however, a much neglected or
abused branch of cooking. The house
keejK'r who can prepare a dessert as
skillfully, as a professional cook, and
whose cake is perfect, frequently will
place on -the table a "roast" that Is
water-soaked and grease-soaked, its
flavor spoiled, and Its digestibility re
motely removed. The meat bill is the
most expensive item in the family
account-book, and yet no food that Is
brought Into the house is so often
completely soiled and wasted.
For broiling, there must be a bed of
clear coals those of hard coal, char
coal or wood; or if one has a modem
gas stove, with which the broiling is
done under a sheet of gas, the result
will be the same.
Many persons object to seasoning
meat la-fore it is cooked. Try the fol
low lug rules and you will be satisfied
that when the seasoning is added
projwrly it makes a great improve
ment A steak will not be real juicy unless
it be cut thick. An inch is as thin as it
should ever ue cut Mutton and lamb
chops ought to be an inch, or three
quarters of an inch, thick. Veal and
pork chops are better thin say about
one-third ot an inch thick.
Before any of these meats are cooked
they should be seasoned generously
with salt and pepper. They also should
be dredged lightly with flour. Place
in a broiler ami cook over hot coals,
turning constantly. The broiler should
bo held near the coals for the first four
minutes, that the surfrce of the meat
may be seared ami the juices impris
oned. Now lift the broiler a tittle
higher, that the meat may not cook too
r:ipi.llv. The time of rooking depends
iixn the thickness of the meat and
u lu-ihcr the meat be desired rare or
ell done. A steak or mutton chop an
Mich thick will be cooked rare in ten
minutes, medium well done in twelve
uul well done in fifteen. But a quar
it of an hour's rooking would spoil
thedish for must people. Lamb should
In- well done, with hardly a tinge of
pink. Veal and pork can not be too
well done, yet the cooking must be
slow, or the runat will be hardened.
All broiled meats shuttld he seasoned
on the dish with salt, iiepjM'r and butter,
ami le served at once. Never put the
dish into the oven or over hot water to
have the butter melt It ruins the
meat and butter too. Sometimes a
little lemon juice or a small quantity
of i-hopHd parsley is added with the
In summer, when so many people
cook on nn oil stove, none of the modes
of broiling just described will be avail
able if an, oil stove be used. Heat a
frying pan to a high temperature, and
then sprinkle the bottom with salt Lay
the steak or chop in the pan, and, after
cooking until brown on one side, turn
it, and brown the other side. Nothing
but the salt should be put In the pan
with the meat It will take about
three minutes longer to cook the meat
in this way tJian over clear coals.
When roasting meats, be careful to
wipe the meat clean and to dredge it
with salt ami flour. Place the meat on
a rack that will raise it alut an inch
from the Itottoni of the pan. Sprinkle
the bettom of the pan with salt and
flour. Place in a hot oven, and when
the flour becomes browned, which will
be in about live minutes, pour in hot
water enough to cover the bottom of
the pan. Close the door, and in a
quarter of an hour open it and baste
the meat by dipping up the gravy in
the pan and pouring it over the meat,
following this operation by dredging
lightly with salt, pepper, and flour.
Now put more water in the pan. Re
turn the meat to the oven, and in fif
teen minutes repeat the basting. In
de"d, the basting should be rejeated
every quarter of an hour until the
meat is done. Red meats should be
cooked rare, white meats well done.
If this mode of roasting be followed
faithfully, the meat will be found juicy.
well flavored, and digestible. A meat
rack can lie bought for a small sum at
any kitchen-furnishing store. Every
kitchen shou'd be supplied with one.
Maria i'arloa, in Vhrinlian Union,
m e
A number of experiments made at
the Missouri Agricultural College farm
showed that on a moist dirt road it re
quired a force equal to 487 pounds to
mis e a load of 2.666 pounds, or 67 per
cent more than was needed to more
the same load over a gravel road hav
ing a grade of one foot in twenty-eight;
and that on a level gravel or macadam
ized road the force needed was only
one-fourth as much as that needed on
the dirt road. On a plank floor the
force needed was but one-seventh as
much as that required on the dirt road.
This made no allowance for the energy
wasted by the horse in pulling its feet
from the mud or lifting them over the
little elevations which are always to be
found in muddy roads.
s, e i
The "friend of man" is very apt ts
be the Iriend of no one man in particu
lar, and to make universal philanthro
py an excuse for neglecting individual
charity. 8. Laing.
If there were any particular de
mand for an eleventh commandment,
it could probably be embodied in two
simple and expressive words: Trust
not'.' N. Y. Tribune.
Many examples may be put of the
force of custom, both upon mind and
body; therefore, since custom is the
principal magistrate of man's life, let
men by all means endeavor to obtain
good customs. Bacon.
Don't sneer at the pretty girl be
causji she spends time looking into the
mirror. Every minute that she devotes
to improving her personal appearance
makes the landscape so much more at
tractive to you. and it doesn't cost yon
a cent SomervUle Journal.
No man steps at once from a lofty
moral prominence into vulgar vice or
other dishonor; whether men have
seen it or not they who abandon the
faith do so under gradual processes."
The ship has during many days, sailed
towards the spot wl ere the wind is to
overtake it and struck by the storm it
inks because of defeats that began
during Its trial trip.
The Remorseless I'ower Kserelsed by Use
C(4r'a fullee OfBolals.
There is no ower on earth so arbi
trary. s omnipotent so omniscient
anl so remorse'ess as the Russian po
lled I shall have something more to
say about them 1 1 a future letter, but
stop here to advise every traveler
b u id foi R issla, of whatever age, sex
or nationality, to take a pa-sport
I roperly Indorsed by the representa
tive of the Ris-ian Qivernment at
New Y fk or Washington. It will do
no harm, and It may be useful to have
both; for the II Hslan polled are of an
Inquiring frame of mind and lack con
fl lence In human virtue. Wilh a pass
jort properly vise I, a a rlct obedi
ence to all the regulations that are
plain and unmistakable, a discreet
tongue, and a decent behavior, one
can be as sato and comfortable as In
a-'y country on Hie globe and see much
and enj y much that ean not be seen
or enjoyed elsewhere. It has few
picturesque landscntes, no mountains
and no springs; but the people and the
palaces, the churches and the customs,
will revivify the most blase traveler,
and the gnyeties of both the summer
and winter seasons offer a treat to
those who have exhausted Paris and
other social centers of th) world
There need be no annoyance from
the tyranny that is c m:a itly exir
riod over both cit zeus and strangers,
there need lie no test of pafence; it is
only necessary to submit an I do It as
gratefully and politely as possible. A
visitor can see nothing without a pass
or without po'leu surveilance. He
may not look at a picture nor the
curiosities of the museum without hav
ing a gendarme peering over his
shoulder. If he is an artist he must
obtain the permission of the police to
make sketches, and to go any where
be has got to have a pass. B it ail
these obstacles are easilv overcome
and all the obj cts of interest can be
thoroughly enj iyed by an observance
of the requirements and a disposition
lo acknowledge lh? sovereignly of the
police Submission Is all that is re
quired, and the rigid rules have been
made necessary by nih'lism and dyna
mite. Every citizen must have a permit to
live in the country. These permits
are issued annually upon the pay
ment of a fee. If he wants to leave
the countrv or en from one town tn
another he must notify the police, for !
that branch of the U vermeut must !
know where
each inhabitant of the
vast empire
sleeos everv nlsht In !
the orovinces the ri?id survt-ilanee is !
relaxed, bnt at St. Petersburg and J uke ,,er "nt ot doors, but just as soon
Moscow and other places visited bv necessity no longer compels her to
tourists tbvre is a constant contact ,n air "he remains in-
between the sovereign and the subject i(,e- One of her excuses is that she
that Is disagreeable lo bot'i. The po-! has no time for oat-door exercise,
lice grant jerml siou to go aud come rhis doubtless is true, for there is no
readily. There is no interference j ""omnn so hard-worked as the farmer's
with travel nor with trade. Snbinis- j wf. hut she must go out for a short
-ion! submission! that is alt No one i w,k or drive, if somebody or some
can get a ticket at a railroad station j thing has to suffer in consequence. To
nor on
a steamboat without showing
a per. nit to leave; no hotel
ill enter- I
tain a guest till hj shows his passt ort
One can not go any where' or ilo any
thing without tiie consent of the au
thorities, but it is easily obtainei,
and c sts forty cop ;ck for tho stansp
that appears on the document about
fifteen cents.
W. E. Curds, in Ch'cago
Row TnlnaMe Arttetve Frequently Disap
pear from Washla :ten Heneea.
It has been observed that the cards
of the wives of ihe Cabinet have not
the usual reception day (Wednesday)
on them. Tha omission is purposely
made to prevent if osiblo, lh un
known crowd which comes to Wash
ington each season from making a
free use of their houses.
These public receptions, which are a
Washington custom of long standing,
are becoming more a-id mora ohj c
i Ion able. These o n tinned encroach
ments and grievances are becoming
intolerable. The qm-siioa has arise i.
is there any way to remody the evils
attendant upon keeping open house?
It is not surprising that dnb'o'.is ch ar
se ers are ofte-i soon in the promiscu
ous crowd which fills the houses of
public officials. A hostess never
knows how many more: than are in
vited wilt be present, and is embar
rassed about pr viding for hor com
pany. Articles often disappear mysterious
ly. At one tea a costly cloak was ex
changed for a shabby one. It was an
out and out case of staaling. A gen
tlema.i found a . battered, dirty old
soft hat left and his brand new tile
gone. A lady rested her muff, em
broidered handkerchief and card-ease
ou the mantel while she took refresh
ments. A woman deliberately folded
her own cotton han lke'chief. with
blue border, put it on the mantel and
walked off wilh the ha-idsome one.
To keep out intruders so ne have
adop'el the plan of inviting their
guests in a whiser and plod go them
to secrecy. While some persons en
Jiypib'icity wh'ch is given to their
entertainments b.' daily publishing a
record of all they do, others find it
very obj ct ion able, as s' rangers make
use of the catalogue to par icipate in
the hospitality, even when there is no
previous acquaintance, no claim of
r -cognition and - no opportunity for
re urning civilities.
If the punch-bowl and refreshment
table were abolished, and valuables
put under lock and key, sevoral
classes would not ba tempted to in
trude, Louisville CourtHr-JoumaL
The youngest woman in the news
papor business heard from up to date
is Miss Agnes McMellan, the I cal ed
itor of the Seward Democrat of Nebras
ka. She is but fifteen years old, and an
excellent news gatherer.
The story of the deep sea Is an ex
pensive one. The cost of compiling
and publishing the reports of the Chal
lenger expedition is said to have al
ready exceeded two hundred thousand
pounds, the work being; still unfin
ished. D. W. C Throop, editor of the
Mount Pleasant (la.) Free Press, was
writing a few days ago an article on
the lesson of Tom Potter's death from
overwork. Suddenly he paused, put
his hand to his heart, and. fell to tha
floor a corps
Bard Lines Fnr the Ulii That la Met Oow
slderetf Hell.
The girl who I not a belle receives
an invitation to a dance, accepts It,
buys a new gown, and starts out hope
fully. Arriving at the house, she sees
a number of men whom she knows,
and, perhaps, has entertained. They
all bow pleasantly and pass on. If
any one asked their opinion of her they
likely would say that she is a "sweet
girl, but somehow they do not seem
to care to dunce or talk with these
"sweet girls." As she passes down
the room a man comes up and speaks
to her. Her brother instantly excuses
himself and leaves her to her fate. As
a rule the man does not dance. She
loves dancing and generally dances
welL So they promenade until, at
last, the man gets tired, excuses him
self, leaves her In a corner, promising
to send her brother. Now eomes the
hardest part of the evening. - Every
girl she ever knew seems to go past
with one man. or, perhaps, O, joy,
two. Her brother takes his time in
coming, and when he arrives at last
finds her looking cross and sleepy, but
struggling not to show it Then she
dances with him once or twice, supper
is served, another dance, and then she
goes home gladly. So it is night after
night, day after day. until she com
mences to despair, looks old before
her time, gives up society and becomes
what young girls call an "old maid."
Once in a while a man discovert her
worth, sees in her those virtues which
he wishes his wife to possess, and
marries her. Then she has ber house
hold duties and becomes a happy wife
and mother .but she never quite forgets
the disappointment of her youth. If
she does not marry she takes care of
her father and mother, is charitable,
ami spends the rest of her days in
making others happy or wretched, ao
cording to her disposition. Yet on her
face yon can always trace lines which
the sorrows of her youth have written
there and constant mortification and
disappointment is truly sorrow. Phila
delphia Press.
Thoach tWInc In the Hest of Air She Takes
No Advantage of It.
, One of the reasons)-the farmer's wife
is apt to look sallow and jaded, and
why she grows old before her time, is
c",' "ne
minute the weather grows
stays in the house from one
week's end to another. In summer
time gathering berries or garden veg-
etables, or feeding the chickens, will
- s"re there are not the incentives for
goil,g out that the city woman has; the
marketing or shopping that can be
accomplished in a walk of a few
blocks. If there is to be any shopping
the "team" must be gotten np and a
drive of several miles taken. This
means a considerable expenditure of
time and is not done any oftener than
dire necessity requires. Perhaps the
nearest neighbor is not within walking
distance, consequently a walk will be
without any excuse in the mind of the
average farmer's wife. Go out and
walk up the road, .then, a half mile
without any excuse except the saving
of your health; that is the best possi
ble excuse that you conld have. You
will come back rested in mind and
brain. You will be able to do twice as
much darning and patching, and do it
with better grace, with the renewed
energy which you have gained from
your walk in the fresh, pure air. The
fanner's wife lives in the best air there
is to be had and takes the least advan
tage of it Detroit Tribune.
Counterfeit Presentments of All the Ueds
Ser Worshiped.
A Parisian genius is getting np a
museum in that city which will con
tain probably the most unique collec
tion of curiosities ever gathered under
a single roof. His object is to obtain
counterfeit presentments of all the
supposed supernatural beings that man
has ever worshiped. There will be in
this museum reproductions of the South
Sea Islanders, the images of the Japan
ese and Egyptian gods, the wooden
divinities of Africa and Oceanica, the
deities of China and India, of Greece,
Italy and Gaul, the stone and graven
monsters of Mexico and Peru, the
goggle-eyed gols of the Pacific, the
amulets of the North American Indian,
and. in fact, every species of divinity
that art can possibly represent Thus
far his task will be a comparatively
easy one, but when he comes to the
American part of his collection and
tries to obtain representations of the
gods worshiped here at present his
work will be mnch more difficult He
will have to get the steam yacht, the
race-horse, the seat in the United
States Senate, the bank account, and
many other of our most powerful
divinities, some of which would be
difficult to obtain and impossible to re
move to this Parisian collection. Per
haps, on the whole, a gold dollar,
suitably displayed in a glass case,
would be the most appropriate symbol
to represent the American part of this
novel exhibit. Philadelphia Time.
-There is sure punishment of some
kind for all who wrong their fellow
men, but there is a greater punish
ment to him who wrongs himself by
abusing his health and talents, as they
are God-given opportunities in the
way of capital that onr Father gave as
for a certain purpose, to neglect which
Is an insult to Him who gave. Pome
roy's Advance Thought
If Christianity, as the infidel de
clares, is a. pure illusion, without any
foundation in truth, it is, nevertheless,
for this life, a very pleasant illusion to
the believer, and withal a very useful
one to mankind. It has done more to
make men happy and good in this
world than any other influence ever
applied to the human mind. It acts
upon men as if it weretrue, and had
Its foundation in the God of truth.
The JndeptndenL
A Graphic Ueserlptlon of Delhi, tha Meet
Famous of India's Cities.
Americans visit countries, cities and
battlefields in Europe sacred to them
because their forefathers lived and died
there or because these were the cradle
of their learning. There the soil was
dyed in blood in the name of free
dom or for religious cause. In Rome
they live over a world of history and
see legions of long-dead heroes march
ing before them. In Greece they watch
genius chiseling breathing forms from
cold marble arid listen to undoing song
flowing from the lips of the muses. If
India had a written history as had
Rome and Greece, and had as grateful
posterity as they had, then would mil
lions visit the twenty-mile square in
whofe center I now sit, and would
revel In a mighty past compared to
which the past of Rome and Athens is
as a decade to a centnry. Here for
thousands of years history has been
acted, but never written. Aeted not
centuries ago, with a vast vacuity to
follow, but acted continuously aa tha
ages have marched slowly along. Not
two hundred yards from where I am
writing thirty years ago a deed was
done more heroic than was the stand
of Leonidas at Thermopylae The mur
derous mutineers seemed safer behind
Delhi's impregnable walL A breach
must be made, but how an 1 by whom?
Two brave soldiers with nine follow
ers offered to blow up a massive gate.
With bags of powder they ran to it
under a galling fire, knowing well that
if they escaped the bullets they must
be bnried nnder the ruins they hoped
to make. One by one they felL A
single man reached the arch, applied
the torch, the breach was ntade. Delhi
was won. and the mutiny, which was
one of the most cruel recorded in tha
annals of war. was virtually ended. A
plain slab leaning atjainst the gate
gives the names of those heroes. A
national anthem should carry their
fame down through undying time.
Here within a small circuit the
mighty Moguls rald two hundred
years ago, and had, daring several cen
turies, made this their capital of a
mighty empire, the center of an art ail
their own an art so full of fancy and
dreamy splendor that even Aladdin's
lamp could find nothing to surpass its
creations. Under the ruins of the pal
aces, mosques, tombs and forte of the
Moguls, lay the rains of cities destroyed
by them, and out of whose sculptured
walls and temples they found materials
for their own snperb ediduea. Still
lower down were the relies of yet older
cities. Layer upon layer in stratified
debris is the work of the enslaved mil
lions, who have lived, toiled in misery
for thousands of years, and died, only
to make room for other slaves yet to
Here one sees a red-coated English
soldier quartered in the colonnaded
cloister of an old mosque erected a half
century ago. Sculptured stones eat by
hands of Hindoo worshipers over 2.03U)
years ago are built into the walls of the
Mohammedan temple. The Brahmin
temple, a part of whose cloisters be
came the corridors of the conquering -Mohammedan,
had for its foundations
some structure yet far older, for at one
of these places, piercing through all,
stands the most unique monument in
the world a wrought-iron pillar nearly
a foot and a half in diameter and over
forty feet high how much higher, or
rather longer, no one knows, for an ex
cavation nearly thirty feet deep failed
to reach its foundation, and at this
depth of excavation it was yet so firm
below that it could not be shaken. This
strange pillow is not hollow, but is a
solid shaft of malleable iron, and is
claimed by the natives to have its
foundation on the center of the world.
Carter H. Harrison, in Cfiieago Mail.
m e m
Twla Brothers Wa-vee Klraataree Proved a
Paxxle to Patent WAetala.
"I heard a good story the other day."
said one of the orators, "on m eonple of
Lewiston men. They are twin brothers
and the most remarkable in some re
spects that ever existed. Both are of
scientific, artistic turn of mind and re
markably capable in many ways. Tha
most curious thing to rue, however, is
the fact that their great resemblance
extends even to their handwriting and
has been a great ptizsle to bank officials
and every body else. These brothers
are inventive and have lately patented
an important device. The story, as I
heard it is that after the specification
and affidavits, etc. etc. were made, it
was required that both should make
oath and sign documents. They did
so and the papers were aent to the
Patent Office.
Not long after their attorneys re
ceived notification of irregularities ia
proceedings and soon the specified state
ment was made, from the United States
Patent Office, that the law required
that both- persons should sign , tha '
papers, while in this case, it was very
evident that one person had signed
both papers. The lawyer smiled.
Here was a direct statement Tha
United States Patent Office experts
didn't say that they 'thought' that the
names had been signed by the same
person, but they deliberately stated,
tn so many words, that one person had
signed both names. He had to make
a personal explanation to the Patent
Office and relate how wonderful is the
wondrous affinity of birth." Lewiston
(Me.) Journal
m e aw
A Charleston newspaper recently
asked eight ministers of various de
nominations what they thonght would
be the fate of the heathen after dejrflt
Five of them, a Methodist an Episco
palian, a Unitarian, a CathoHo and a
Jew. thought that those Who were in
vincibly ignorant of the truths revealed
by Christ, aud faithfully observed the
Divine natural law. aided by the light
of reason and the grace of God. might
be saved. A Scotch presbyteriaa
thought that all. heathen or Christian,
who died without conversion, would
be damned. A Presbyterian thought
that the heathen would be judged by
their own conscience; but doubted
their salvation unless they were con
verted. A Baptist thought there was
no salvation out of Christ, and that
God had done enough to leave the
, heathen without excuse.