The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 13, 1888, Image 4

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Epitome f the Principal Ira
Attracting Fahlic lutfresl
Devoted Principally to Waahlngtai'
Territcry and California.
Devoted to
tha Interest. 01
and Stockmen.
Far inert
YTIIT jdo I havo this drowsy, life
less feeling? m II X do 1 iito J5acJC
achat 1V11Y Neuralgia and Rheu
matism? IV III' does fcJorofulow
taiut ami Erysipalas "how itself f
ItECAlSE yonr blood ia filled
with Poison, which must be Com
plctelr Eradicated before you can
regain health. Yoa must go to the
root of the matter, l'ut the Kidneys
-the great and only blood purifying
organs in complete order, which it
complete nealtli, ana witn
Waeheb's Safe .Cure
Cure Is Certain.
YFIIY do we
an ds of grate
women in all
world have vol
ten us to this
know this!
tens of thous
ful men and
parts of the
untarily writ-effect
There Is no standstill in dis
ease. You are either growing
BtUr or Worse. How Is It with
TT11Y not to-day resort to that
medicine which has Yeriably Cured
Millions, and which will cure you if
you will give it a chanoe t
All of "Warner's preparations are
Purely Vegetable. Xhey are made
on honor. They are time-tried.
They are No Sew Discovery, ltv
tried and Worthless on the con
trary, they have stood the teat they
have proved their superiority. They
stand alone in pre eminent merit, anc
A Theory That They AsTr-e the Hamn
Mind as Well as tn Hainan sight.
There are some curious things in re
pard to the way in which the human
mind is affected by colors as well as the
human sight. We are all familiar with
what is termed color-blindness, and
the unexpected results that sometimes
attend it; but color-sound is some
thin which has received much less in
vetigation. How much, or in what way, animals,
are affected by colors, is not very well
umlersto-Hl; but the subject has been
invetirated enough to know that they
are influenced by them, and the fuliuv
will probably bring out some surpris
ing results to the one who shall thor
oughly cultivate this comparatively un
explored field or research. Some peo
ple cau select and appreciate the colors
of sounds; and to them the speaking of
a name presents, mentally, a well-
defined color, or combination ot colors,
different names having diflerent shades
or combinations.
The same name should, of course, al
ways present the same color, or combi
nation, when spoken, although, to dif
ferent people, possessing the faculty, a
given name or sound does not present
the same characteristics. To prove the
first of thosa two facts, a list of names
w as prepared, and the shade or color
given by a lady who has this Kwer,
marked against oaoh one of the list.
Aftr several weeks the names were
again read to her, and the colors desi?
nsted by her marked. This course was
pursued several times during a year or
more, the lady not being allowed to see
the result? at that time. During these
evwal experiments the only variations
in the answers given were such as
would be natural where there was some
uncertainty in regard to terms; for ex
ample, the answer to a givn name at
one time might be "bluish," and at
another lead-color;" so. what wa
called 'straw-color" might be after
ward called "buff." The approach to
similarity in the shade shows that the
same mental ictnre was present, and
only. language was at fault. ...
With one or two exceptions these
were the only changes noted in the sev
eral trials, and the extent to which the
experiments were carried warrant
the belief that there was a well defined
idea of the color of words. PopuUit
Science Monthly.
Two hundred bakers of St. Louis
are on a strike.
, A fire destroyed two blocks in the
heart of the city of Bniinard, Minn.
The losses aggregate f 50,000.
Usorge Wilson was hanged at Al
bion, NY, f'r strangling his wife in
January, 1887.
Fire at El mora, Colo., destroyed
half the business portion of the town.
Loss, 1 15,000; insurance, fdOUO.
Joseph Stafford, of New Yoik, bell
boy, shot and killed Koste Sheridan,
cook in a boarding house, ami then
shot and killed himself.
Wm. Moore, the colored man who
assaulted Mary Bingardiner ut Mat
toon, 111., was taken from the coun y
jail and lynched by masked men.
George Arnold shot and killed
George Burton at Minatore, Neb., hi a
quarrel over the rettlement of a debt
of $12.
Marion Stewart, who had been
drinking heavy, shot and killed his
wite' and his brother at their home
near Louisville, Ky.
About 400 people were precipitated
from a grand stand at Memphis,
It-nn., by the seailoldinK giving way.
None were killed, but numbers had
legs and arms broken.
During a practice game at Recrea
tion park at Pittsburg, IV, Duulap, of
the Pittsburg hast ball team was f truck
in the face with a bard hit ball and
broke bis jaw.
A Lincoln, Neb , firm, with a capital
of $5,000,000, will develop coal lands
and "establish furnaces near Alva,
Miss., and will put up an iron and
steel plant at Omaha, Neb.
While Robert Foster and Mr.
Swart ceman were on their way home
in Hitchcock county, Neb., during a
terrific storm, they were both killed
by lightning.
James McGeorge and Wm. Smith,
t-pecial deputies of the sheriff, got into
hi in self
There are gTrls who never hear a
big church bell in the next block, and
yet they are able to detect the tinkling
of .th?"iiny bells on an ice-cream cart
tour squares away. X. O. Picayune.
Two Eiiiki?Im of the Illaafnns to Which
Our An Sabjeet,
The senses are subject to illusions in
proportion to the remoteness of the in
formation that they give from the im
mediate necessiiies of the organism.
Touch, the most immediate and least
inferential of the sense, is least sub
ject to illusions: while sight is so very
much so. that the blind often say they
laie an advantage over the seeing in
being free from visual illusions. The
illusions of bodily motion are much
nearer to those of touch than to those
of sight, and yet they cari under cer
tain conditions be induced through
visual iuviressions. Of this the writer
has reeently had twi tittere-tin;; exam
p!. H." wa standing upon the floor
of a railroad deoot, the boards of which
were laid with a considerable open
space between them; and the shadow
of an electric lizht was moving up and
down by the swinging of the light in
the wind. Looking at the floor, it
seemed as though the shadow were sta
tionaty, and the floor-boards moving.
From tnis it followed that the person
on it wa moving, too, and the writer
distinctly felt the swinging sensation;
in fact, his attention was called to the
phenomena by this feeling of motion.
The other observation was as follows:
while ridins in the cars and looking out
of the window, the trees and all are
seen to move in the opposite direction.
It now, one looks in a mirror so situ-
"Xated that it reflects the passing land
scape, which, however must not be visi
ble except in the mirror, one has the
illusion of moving in the opposite to
the real direction of rrotion, owing to
the reversal of the image in the el ass.
In both these cases an immediate
bodily sensation is induced by a more
or less unconscious inference through
visual sensations. bcxencs.
a quarrel at Prineville, Mo., and shot
each other fatally. A bystander was
seriously wounded
Joseph Tomoweki, a wealthy farmer
at Warren, Minn., was murdered in
the woods by his 18-year old nephew,
in the hope I hat he would get tome oi
the old man's property.
Joseph Greenfield, who stole fur
valued at $2,500 from hi father's
store, on Broadway street, New York,
was charged with theft in the court
by his a: her, and committed iu de
fault of bail for trial.
During a sham battle that t ok
place in the celebration of the Fourth
at Kilbnrne, Wis., J. W. Carpenter
was kilUd and C 11. Foote seriously
injured by the premature discharge ol
The five-story building of the Read
ing Hardware Company, of Reading,
Pa., was destroyed by fire. ,- The lots
aggregated $350,000, well insured
Seven hundred employes are thrown
out of work.
Patrick Coffee, a worthless drunkard,
shot Miifs Agnes Smith in Jersey City,
and then turned the pistol on himself.
Both will die. Coffee, who has a wife
and grown-up children, was infatuated
with Miss Smith.
A big timber raft will be launched
at Joggins, Nova Scotia, during the
present month. The raft contains
22,000 logs, is valued at $.10,000, and
will take six days, at $100 a day, to
reach New York.
Annie Ah rend waa arrested at New
atk, N. J., for attempting to poism
her father, brother and sister. She
contested that she bought the deadly
drug and administered it to the famil
out of curiosity to see how it would
M. B. Wilson, of Marquette, Mich.,
one of the bosses on the new govern
ment building, was fliot and fatally
injured by a Polieh workman whom
he discharged. The man then shot
himself in the mouth, inflicting a
fatal wound.
Theodora Castora, a farmer, was at
tacked on his way home from Kings
ton, Mich., by three brothers named
Droet. who demanded his money. He
fhot one dead, fatally wounded an
other, and thinks he bit the third, who
Peter Broneck was hanged at St.
Joseph, Mo., for the murder of hit
wife two years ago. The prisoner has
borne up bravely, and uenie J any in
tent to commit the crime. He claimed
that he waa drunk when he did it,
though at the time he declared he
killed her because she was untrue.
While a train was moving up nil!
from Butte, Mont., the cars became
uncoupled from the engine and dashed
down the grade, jumping the track
and killing two boys, named respec
tively Green and Burns, of Center
ville, and injuring two brakemeu
whose names are not known.
Ijawrence Russell, of Springfield,
Mo., has been placed under arrest for
inclot-ing his 10-year-old son in a box
four feet hign and making him stand
five hours in that position. Also fur
tying tbe boy to a plank and smearing
molaees over his face to attract tlie
go torture tbe child. Neighbors inter
fered and caused the arrest of the un
natural father.
A ttorni at Boston, Mass., over
turned the tloop Millie, in the cubii:
of which were John Gamon, Mrs
Catherine T. Tripp, aged 105, and hei
little niece Katie T. Tripp. Gamor,
when taken from the water .was alive.
The body of Mr?. Tripp was found
near the yacht. The body of her lit
tle niece is supposed to be btill in tht
cabin of the overturned boat.
A man named Cleveland Kinne was
drowned while bathing in the surf near
San Diego, Cal.
A Chinaman was found dead in bed
at Anulnini, Cal. Ho had been poi
soned. Robert Amb rson, while out driving
at Haiita Cms, Cal , waa thrown out
and killed.
Train Dispatcher W. P.
the Bonora railroad, shot
Novates, A. T.
The garrison building
Walla, W. T., was burned. .
A drunken man who e name la utv
known, was drowned at Seattle, W. T.
while out rowing.
Frank Gallagher was drowned at
San Rafael, Cal., while iu bulling
The body has not been recovered.
Henry A. Catilneld was run over
and killed by a train at Sacramento,
J .lues 13. Kennedy, fireman on a
railroad, died from injuries received at
Ren ton, W. T.
A disastrous fire broke out in
Marysville, Cal., in which tbe most
valuable businet-s houses in the city
were destroyed. Lutes about $200,01)0 Francisco customs tdTljiala
made a seiinre of about 100 ttound
of opium on board the steamship
Mexico, from ictona, B. C.
By a premature discharge of a blast
at Sail Francisco, a mail named
Michael Mcl'ermoU was killed by a
bank caving iu on him.
A man named Hatkell shot and
killed a man named Fraver, near Los
An teles, Cal. He miBtook him for a
Wm. rulton was seriously and per
haps fatally wounded at Visalia, Cal.,
by the accidental discharge of a itui
he was flourishing while intoxicated.
C. B. Sylve ter had the end of hU
nose bitten off by a fellow with whom
he had a fight in a melodeon on Do
ItnUlna Straw lrrrla.
A succeaaf ul grower of this berry
tells his plan of ho ion as follows: To
grow strawberries will he puts laud iu
goal order in advance (1) by planting
it to tonus crop tbe year previous that
has to be highly manured and well
cultivated. Vi) He sets In rows so as
to cultivate tin tn both ways, and runs
the cultivator ehwe to the plants. (3)
Never allows weeds to get a start and
be over half an inch high. (4) He
mulches old plants with cheati hay
at Walla I and does nothing to the plants until
L.)ssalH.utl after muling, letting them grow up
th roui; li the mulch.
By folio win ir this fetmpln plan of
cultivation he has no trouble, and
grows strawberries as cheaply to the
bushel as corn or potatoes. Of course
they are more profitable. Strawberry
beds should le set three feet apart i
the row and plowed both ways and
keot in the lest possible order. The
crop ia early and furnishes mean at a
season when farmers need money and
would else have to Ixirrowit. If there
aro young people in the family to pick
them and pack them it will furnish
them pleasaut occupation and it will
alt-o pay them well for the time iu
The lis of steel canUnnrs la bermnln ao ex-
tMidi d in Kniriand to alarm lha Iron found
era, who ami liit-lr proapect for work lipping
I away from them.
Them are two usual ways of dolus- what Na
ture sometimes itou incompletely, namely, to
Tellers the liowela. One la U iwnll-m ailrantlo
imt'irallve whieh evacuate urofuaely. abruptly
and with ttalu, theoih r la to take IliMtetter a
eUmiaeh litter, the rtrnut of whti-h la not vto
U-n', hut aullletently Ihumiiijli, and which dooa
not Rrlpe tlie ititmunea. If ihe tlrat la aelecteit,
the lirrnim eliiplo) tiitf It ln'd hot e peel perma
nent b'-nellt. an i he cannot hone to raeape loo
debilitating' reaction whlnh leaves the orirana
a bail or won olf titan boforn. if, ou the
n'hnr h-iid. he reaorl to lite lllltera. ha can
rely upon Ihe rent oration of a reiriilar habit (if
body, cimae'iueut upon a renewel or a liealt
fill tone in IhelnteMllnaluaual. Iltiildea hralth
fully rrlmlnir the bowvla, the Hitlers arottstnia
dormant live". Impart a benefit lal impetus to
theaetlimof the kidney, and counteracts the
early twiiiKna of rheumatism, a letiduncr to
It out, and malaria In all it forma.
There la not a moment without aoma duty.
A rlchlv fronted nulveriua flvlnn Dove.
A Dream of Life screen calendar. An Ini-
nor ted ideal head. An Imported f oated
-now scene and a full aet of magnificent
floral rants. Fourteen artistic niece.
Bent to anyone who will bay from a drug-
i - . - i : . . i. it.. . , t t . ..
jcmi a, lata (l loo genuine 'M v. m uana a
Cki.krratko Li v bit Pn.w (price 2 eta.)
and mall u the outside wrapiier from the
lies witn 4 cents in stamps, write your
aditreaa plainly. tLKMina ltaoa., nrrs
buruh. Pa.
are cured bu
a. f"l I f Raiai . a. i
TheChas-AVogeierCoBaltq Md-
PvMriao Plasts.
j,' f Low prtiM,nrattptilellrcry
Hr!'.3'' Writ fo Circulara,
Io not talk of
family mattera.
your private, personal or
one unolrlna-
eah. Ihe other a-irlna nerve power, and aetln
aa a tonin to ihe dlavailve and entire ayaiem.
ilu In Mrall a :anlalaa or l 1 urer (Ml
llh llveoohaaiihllea Ihe two are com timet
and Ihe elfect ia wonderful. Thousanda who
have derived no permanent benefit from other
tirenaraoona have been corefl by tiiia. WW I a
kmulaiiHi ia oerfecllt naletahle and easily di
rested by those who cannot tolerate plain Cod
. .IF....I
as n iareliy croppnm tavr uu. -
Hnt s.reet, in Sin rancisco.
w in. . Hammer, a -ouniL' man
who has been stopping at a San Fran
cifco hotel, committed suicide in hi
room uy suootins inmseii in un
An old Indian named Chrirtoro,
while intoxicated fell across a street
car track at Sau Dieuo, Cal., and tl e
car lmntd over hi body, killing him
.a. v ales, a blacksmith, while en
deavoring to stop a runaway texm at
San Jose, Cal , fell benea h the wheels. crushed hi skull, killing nini
The dead body of a Swede named
Ollf Mahberg, was found h:t giii to a
tree in an orange grovetf at Loe An
eeles, Cal. Deceased waa about 35
years old.
Fire broke out in the basement of
the building occupied by the Oakland
JriMV, at liiklana, J.u., ant tlam-
asred property to the amount of 1 15,
000 or f 20,000. Fully injured.
The eld tX'untj' fair buddings at
Greeley, Colo , burned, and Wm. Mc-
Cleland's $5 OX) stallion Rembrandt
burned to death. The Johnson flour
ing mill abo burned. Tbe loss on the
mill was f'25,000.
Ole Oisen, a sailor on the sco
schooner Theresa, wi drowned oil
the Vallej street wharf, at San Frin
crsco. He fell ovet board from the
vessel and couia not be rcscuetl in
A railroad engine ran over a China
man at Sacramento, Cat., and ins'.anth
killed bun. The pilot and a p irtiou
of the running gear of the engine
were splattered with large pieces of
tbe dead man a brains.
fc'i. imnis'e, who hail ben over
hmlinr' niaruinery in a sawmill at
isalia, Cal., set (he engine going to
try its speed, when the great drive
wheel burst, and a fragment struck
Brouse iu the head, fracturing hi
Charles Barks, a 13 year-old boy,
was sitting on a doorstep at San Fran
cisco, when a boy named Hoppe or
dered him to throw up his hand
Upon his refusal to do ao Hoppe pulled
the trigger. Tlie ball entered the right
temple, and btrks fell to the ei lewalk
A Hijrh Office. -What does your
father do?" nsked the teacher of the j
new boy. "He's a contractor," was
the reply. "A railroad contractor?" j
', No ma'am, a sausage contractor. He
ties np the ends after another man has
filled them." Tid-BUs.
"Are all people that come to onr
country-women?" asked little Tommy.
"Why. no, my child," said his mam
ma. "'There are a good many men
and some little boys, like you, that
come." "Then what makes you call
them all Emma Grants?" was Tommy'
Old man (calling down the stairs
to daughter) Clara!" Daughter
"Yes, papa. " Old Man "Ask that
young man in the parlor which he pre
fers for breakfast, milk rolls or Vienn.-.
bread." X. Y. Sun.
'-Did you ever hear me sing mi
new solo, Emily, 'Under the Silent
Stars?' " "No, I never have. Is it
sentimental?" ".Pathetically so."
"Please sing it. . I have the neuralgia
so bad that any thing will be welcome
as a relief." LincMn Journal.
. Doctor "Diil you say to your hus
band, Mrs. Hendricks, that, if agreea
ble to him, I would send bill for ser
vice rendered during his recent severe
illness?" Mrs. Hendricks "Yes, doc
tor'; and he thought you had better
wait until be gets a little stronger."
Katharine "Well, Charlotte, 1
hearyou are to be married." Charlotte
"Yes it take-, place very soon now."
Katharine "Will you elope?" Char
lotte "Of course I won't. I'm not in
tbe chestiut business. ' I shall get
married in he regular way and startle
society." ington Critic .
.rnesi m. Keller, aged zi, w.
drowned while bathing in thu mi f
.t Mantecito, Cal. No one was with
him except two small children. It is
supposed he Kot into a bole and was
unable to sim. He leaves a widow
and a young child.
An engine and car on ti e car Hut
to the Cliff house were derailed at
Sn Francisco, Cal. The engine wa
throwii on its hide, but the engineer
jumped out, receiving but a few
scratches. Tbe passenger coach war
canted on its hide no air 'ins', a rami
bank. The seats were ov rt toned ami
11 of the windows broken. The occu
pants were badly shaken up and sono
of them cut by broken glass and
hruUed. There were none reriously
injured, however.
The Piltsburch (P i. isrh school la
a pione -r In the matter of physical
culture for wt-inen. S veral tinted a
week the girls f that instil ution are
put through a course of Indian ciubs.
dumb-bells and other sp lianco-t for
gymnastics. o far the boys have been
A-i a result of this, other institution
have taken this idea up.
Thu Washington (Pa.) school has re
cently received a d--n t tion of a c m
plete ou fit for a gvmuasiu-n for girls
from a wealthy red. lent of that placo.
The costume is lha regular gymnas
tic dress. It resembles a bathing suit,
aid consists of what ia called the
Flower' wais:, short skirt and bloom
ers. The mors variety in color and
material, the prettier the effect when
donned by a lot of pretty girls. Ten
nis shoes nrj worn. The object is to
secure freedom i f motion and unim
peded circulation.
The appliances are ladders a-id
rings, parallel bars dumb-bells. In
dian clubs, wan 's, eta In some ol
tbe classes boxing and fencing is
added to the list. The i there is run
ning, juni) ing, wrestliug, etc The
class movements are timed, by music.
There is nothing prettier in the
world than a bevy of pretty girls
swinging on cross-bars, shinning up
ladders, or swinging dumb-bells and
Indian clubs in rythmic motion to in
spiring music- It is the cutest little
circus imaginable.
Their eyes sparkle, their cheeks
glow, their health and musclea de
velop, and their tempera evaporate
into pellucid pleasanioess, and all the
blessings of a healthful mind in a per
fect body. at. LouU Vhrontole.
Where a pasture ia overrun with
weeds turn in the sheep, and they will
keep down the young weed.. Sheep
t at slose to the gronnd and diligently
sjarch for all the young and tender
Jvtry blossom left on the young
strawberry plaut will enfeeble it to a
certain extent. It the plants be ex
pec ted to throw out runners and
thicken in the row they must under
no circumstances be allowed to blos
som and fruit.
The lawns that are frequently
mowed wm soon die out unieaa some
kind of hrtiliter be applied. Every
time the lawn-mower is u-ed a certain
proportion of the elements of the soil
are removed.
the grouud.
No delay should occur in going to
work in the apple ttees to destroy the
caterpillars, aa they will quickly fes
toon the trees with their wehs. 1 he
sooner they shall be lemoted the
easier the work, aa the young worms
can now be caught in. the webs.
The ordinary little hand-weeder is
the best implement to ue for eradicat-
li g weeda among thickly growing
planta, especially where the hoe may
be detrimental. On heavy, hard soil
its use 'S not profitable, but on light
soil it permits of elb cfive work, aud
at a low cit v
The persimmon tree does not de
prive the soil of a large amount of
leitilizing elements, and for that rea
son makes the best of shade trees for
stock. In the South, even on aban
doned fields, the persimmon ia allowed
to grow. Its groath ia slow, however,
but Us fruit is highly valued by some.
White clover is the best pasture
gra-s tliat cau be grown for eheei .
As white clover is a ehurt erasf, it i-
more desirable than ret I clover for
gtating, as sheep detest long grass,
preferring to crop close to the ground.
Oa a mixture of grasses in a pasture,
cattle and sheep may be grated to
gether, as the grasses that may be
objectionable to the cat'.le will b ap
propriated by the ieep.
If ftuits of any kind are to be set
out, see that the supply be purchased
and the ground picked out aud pre
pared, tbe stakes H, so that when the
time shall come for transplanting
there need be no delay. With many
spring is considered the best time for
selling cut fruit, and if this plan be
intended, so far as osible, the woik
shoulJ be done early, so that the
trees or plants' will bo able to make a
good start to giow before hot, dry
weather shall sot in.
Many people suppose that artificial
incubilion is a modtrii invention.
Such is not the case. The Copts oi
E,sypt have been engaged iu artificial
egg hatching for centuries. Toereare
"UO eetablisbmenia for that imluelry
withiu a short dirtance of Cairo, and
the production of chickens from the
ovens reaches 12,OUO,0OJ auuually
The season for incubating laeta
through three mouths in the early
rummer. The country p ople take
fresh eggs to the owners of the oveiif
and givv two for each newly hatched
Sheep are close feeders and can get
a bite eariier than any other domestic
animal. But ewe ruckling lamb will
need grain eaily to keep them in H eh,
while the eucctileot grass stini'datee
mnk pro loci ion. Liter in the season
the lamb demands more milk ju-l as
the failing pu.-turo make lee. It is
then that an aim iu I f cut clover in
bl.a m to each eiiilit or ten sheep
nukes a valuaole. audi ion to the pas
ture teed. It may be vari' d with oc
casional cu'.tiugn f green oat-, which
just, id r.- tby bead out are very
u h and ituccul' nl leed.
In olilt n tuners rowing land with
i-alt waa a hynibol of it desolation.
In large quaniiiies it will
destroy every Ira e of vegetoi -n
Even th i-c i htti'a winch, like aspara
gus, hp iM-ur .l h'V. r- of salt. .'
hvc too in li ol n tl,,-.-, I.u' lift r s.
time In ii v l el tit r-c.iver- it-
f rtihty, i d m y -en i e the) tiee
for thle to a no in. We h ive h aid of
f rniers who, by iniet ike, applied too
much s dl to wle-ai ; but they aveded
tl e following spring, ami for several
yearn I her after the Held that bail
been ovirealtid p te'n-ed enormous
crop of h.y The en.leucy of sub
is to make the soil tnoi-t and ck)I. It
'B, then fore, -xe llent for crops that
require these onditions.
tirar Rtll: III write you a short letter
To say I'm wonderfully belter;
Ituw much that meana ton ouirht to know,
Who eaw mejuat one month aa-o
Thin, nervoua. fretful, white aa chalk.
Almost too weak to breathe or talk:
Head throlibinx, aa if fit for breaking.
A weary, ever (ireaent krhinar.
Hut now lire aeema a dlit'ereiit thins;
I feel aa iilad as bird on wing!
I aay. ana fear no contradiction.
That I'leree'a Favorite Pmacriplion
la uratxt! Why, I'd have rtletl nilhout III
Ma tliinka there no nilatake about it.
It a driven all my ilia away;
Juatcottiaandaoel Your ever. Mar
fej Urttmtf f tka
I '-' "SraaaOVaakllOa.
I OUMtBaadJfT'
Bl f 1aa gi vcat antreo
aal aatiafacMoa la tbe
cure of Oooorrtxee ar d
(lleet. I pmertba It and
fael aata In recommend
ing It to all an ft rare.
1.J.8T0JF.B, a.D
Oecsfer, Ilk
PRICE, St. OS. .
Bold by prusslatav
ely'8 CATAnriH
I am aurpirl
after using h'ly't
CreantVatm ttrv
months to find tht
right mtttrUwhich
was rlosfd for V
years, is open
and res as the
other. I feel ver.i
tha kful.R. II.
CresMenyham, 176
mhSt., Brooklyn.
a tautMa la arotlad late aaon nnatril and la art tlria.
Frina 50 eenta at drnarliea ; bf mail, r(ltert 60 Santa
bl i nruri nr-ius tl wima ninat, hmt ion
a " " n ,
aiftrtn Will ha paid tor twee aud avcrf grain of eola
lUUtf nootia rtilartatuier tuund in Wiir'Jr.iKt'a Bobrtfn,
aenotleled tha mm datiiihtful and oe.v roalif
banuliaa toilM artlcia ever Btoduwd for lmtlfrtsig
aud tiiaaarv tta tha eoapleiia. rmt.vti( tan, ui born,
frwklaa ail blemlabte aud rutMtnuuai of th akin,
fjaed and Indinaad by the etna ot attety and the
-,ltn. hold bf at' raiiaa at (0 cents net kottlA
WtiUacnrf nii. MuKiiacttmat by W. at. WISOoM
k (JO.. Ohm lata tot I, ad Oraar
aauratrrtiaaaa io mroaTcit or
lis Kaaaar Hvacrr. a t.
Ilhtatrataal Catalogaaa aotit trm tin applfcatioii.
North G-arolina
Wit la tolly, aniens a wtae man has tha keep- Has mad a the Pine a Txnmlar
Ingot If.
I InsUhillon being composed ci
Conaurnptlow, M aatlnaj lllaeaaes,
ana (teneraj iieoiuiy. iwcuwioiamr mm wi , . , . . j
the relative vala of t'od U'er Oil and Hypo- QTialltT Oi KZl DCSl &0iPt6U
1 1 K. tti i lm- the rtna auntilrtna' atrvnath and I
for smoking, and cut ready lor
immediate use, It is preferable
to the best brands , of light
pressed plug. A single trial
Beauty without grace ia a hook without bait COHTeiT BtTJ COHSUHier
they will use no other.
If your dealer does not keep It, he
I atifTered with fever, hot head and foul breath.
W ith atumacbdi ordered waa ait-k uulodeaah.
1 luire It a week - eurely I waa duuoe
Then I took a few "I'eileU' -they cured ma at
What a duneft. Indeed, to neg-lert aueh a
remedy and eutftir a week, when quick relief
could have been found in Dr. I'leroe a fleataul
fura-auve I'eileU.
The heart haa reasons that reason Joes not I
undent! aud. .
HKIItsrtiHltl.NtW IHKK.
Whit I'lains, N. Y. April 10. I8H0.
I have received many leltera in reference
to my teatlmonlal, lately published, com
mending Allojmtk's Pohocs Piasters.
1 cannot snare the time to answer them
In wrltlntt-. therefore would aaaln say.
IhroURh the prea. thai I have fount! All-
rocKi I'oRot' I'LASTKaa iuvaluable a I
t-hcMt urutectora and shields atrntnat
to Kin and rolib. Furthermore, I have
fouud Al.i f iK a s Plastkk unequaled for
itaJna iu aide, back and cneat.
will cet
it for you, If he values your
ai4c3 SKWllttllTRATlt)
Tha Finest and moat Complete KUoe Cata
logue avar publhthed la tke Unite! BUte It
will enable Vuu to boy your f otatwear aa IntelH
gmtly and profitably aa though yo via!ti
our atore and arwma!ly made yoor purchase.
Sent Tree to avny avddreaa. Send
for It now to
T38 and 710 Market St., H. F.
v-' OaJt VNr'E-lWEAH, at tl and tl-to par m'.L
Latest daahrns ia PKBCALE 8IIIUT3. three lateat
at la Collar and one pair Cufts, ft-SO each.
Gents Furnishing Goods,
232, Kearny St, near Bush.
month easily malBS liinKthe Farmers' Krie,nd,
aliaK hoitteraiid at-altmotiibitied. In't ml mm
thia. evnd tm eirtiu'ara. K. K. BA IK. Mnnafr-er
i uttet on nil Mfn. Co.. Tacuina, VVaah. Ter.
OR. SPilE V s
.Dr. Spinney & Co.fil
fl ERVOU3 EJ- W,!5r5;ia5j5S
danry, Ac, dne Ioisi'mimw or abuse, cured.
WAaaaaa ss aat miHmHav from flu ffett
1 WUIIla mCCI of yuntli?ulfllieaor lieija
eretjfrti ahonld avail theiwivra of onr trearment.
eptHiitlvemirairiiaranUiK'i In every t-. Hviibilta,
rinary and Vrnn-i lum ail Daaatursi ats-chri(.-,
promptly and aalaly eared.
tn"e of Kilners ot Plartdev, Wealr Bxk. Keroa
l-b!ll'r. V. -tirir tit HrxnI etxeuatn, etc eared
ana rt itrfA , .. k.l,
H. B. Henuma to viatt na may ba treated
ft thetr b'ttnea. by rorreptmrtenne. Aledltrtuee and
natrnrtlona aent bv mail or enireoa. Consultation
i- rtw. Send 4 cents in stamps tut 1 be Youec Waa I
rrlsad or Ouida tv V. adiock.
I inilUfaaf
lat premiums. tZ.OPO ia ose,
20 years Eatablurfied.
a lAtrtitad Steel Tun nf Us-
Im .i . .. Piurn hv whlea our rmnm
atand tn tuns JO y ears, .! 100 ; not affaoa
be elimata. No wnod tn sutlt. break, swell, shrink.
crack, l-ay, or wear out ; we fuarantes H. Fl
sant Hoaevood Caea, 8 atrii.a. double ret-eottnf
artinn: Sumt Ivor keva: the Fanxnis ANTISFJ.U
'fall ttr write f'T f'atli.KUp, free. T. If. A HTM EI
WANOOO., Matiofactnrers, Jd rellnwr Uall, wr.
ket and feoventu Mrecta, San Francia. o.
To ffTa Iay. Samples worth fl.saT VRFR.
f m nnrtar tk hnrmsataet. Write Barw-
eva'aeTTReraI?m.nrafa .tf llv,f leti
niruiiiiiu HHlf:H. PKANRl
O I Ulrl tin I . BA H. Gabler, Koenish
1 llf(taM OVaTaUSe.
atoefc ot Shaaa M'jitic aad Hooka.
I Hoot
The reward of one duly Ia the power to fulfill
If yon have oalarrb. use tbe surest
Dr. save a.
Money cannot make brains.
make money.
but brains can
tawddew ('ban area ef tke Wratkrrl
often eauae I'utuioiiarv. Ilronehial, aad Aeth
ii tic troubles. "Jlnimi s ilrutwa4 Tvwraa
will allay Imtatloo wbit h lodnt'ca pouRlilnsj.
sjivlng immediate relief. baM swiy ta skhus.
(n alt thlavee fuola are the
you of Uiue and patience.
worst; Uiey rob
laarued aiareh aad Bpt
(aob year. It la aa ency.
elopodia of uaefui inXor
nation (or aU who pur.
chase the luxuries or the
Booeeaities of life. We
can clothe yon and furnish yoo witla
all the necessary and oaneoesaary
appliance to ride, walk, danee. Bleep,
eat, nan, bunt, work, go to church,
or stay at home, and In various aiaea,
styles aad quantities. Just flcure out
what la required to do all these thing's
COSU ORTABIT. and you can make fair
eaumate of tbe value of tha BtTTEBS'
GUIDE, which will b want upon
receipt of lO cents to pay postage,
atiobican Avenue, Chicao, III.
"Whit in i-le tii Tower tif Vu
lval!?" lleeumo nf the famine ii.
:h hind. s:tid a unall Imv w hn jrnt
the tower confined w ith Joseph's breth
ren. 1 he Teacher.
A Chlenjo firm who hail prviwn
rieh telling h.tnM built a country seat.
but had sumo difli -tilty in fiiiiiur a
ii.tine to t-mt. A friend suggested that
lie t'.-i!l it tin Alt-hitinhra.
"Iltov stift the moonlight sleeps iip-
KW Sand for Mn tratad I aialnme.
Set 42
Iodicio of
It rares HaarVATinx. Nrcsaloia. BoOe. Ffnnes.
Sertifals. tkml. t atsrrb. Tumors, S't Rtrawav aad
Mereartal eana It Pnrin tbe Blood, Bestorea IM
liier at d KMnera to beattby acttoo. and aaacas aas
Ooaoplexiua HrteM aad IM.
M stat ava sa vwm riapnaiviai
41 Maaasaie Mt Maw Krawelaes).
I p'ead gnilty. I am selling a "new fargled" machine
A singed cat dreads the fire.
-swat jaw-akrw ...- V , J '
I Isntstramee the Xe-w-S'awaled Aaraare Ste para tar to be the beat srrriu-sat true, rast
I eat Thresner and niort dnrsble Separator ever made. Hut. reatraaker, it is not an eaaert
I anew Lal macbine. as Ihe Old S'way machines are. Tta ate wt 11 a ware nf Ihe time lost Itbac
yoa have to pay fori in eiperlnienlina; with Old fair mat-bines. 1heS.evr Kama leal
i Tkrraker leada tbe way. Tbe growling and kit kit e ol te Oid ir taenia is only equaled
r SMSY inacl.toea. Of course. 1 yoa
l. II. riMtV. Asaayrr aa4 Analytlral
I hrwlal. Laaburalorv. 108 r I rat at.. forUami.
tr. Analyses made ot all subetsutoea. I tales
fne iMitiut auld and allver ores laoa-
s-ea aent by utail or esprwaa prvaapUy attended
to, and returns isaa
Ta O IKS as for breakfast.
Bos AaUsea Piano adrerttseoient.
A British shipmaster at New Or
leans reports thnt whilo off tho coast
of Patagonia bntterllies were blown
aboard his vessel at a distance of 15G
miles from the land.
A Mount Vernon, N. Y., man who
haa made the trial, assorts that any
man of ordinary intelligence can mas
ter Volapnk so as to write and speak it
correctly In a mouth's time.
White paupers are buried at At
tanta, Ua., by colored undertakers be
cause tho white undertakers will not
inter the bodies for less than $10, while
the colored ones charge only $2.50.
A citizen of Eustis. Fla., is said to
have a combination tree in his garden,
consisting of a lemon, peach, pear,
grape fruit, persimmon, orange and
gnava, all grafted on one stock and ull
in bloom.
A Cincinnati woman who had lost
her purse and a sum of money several
mouths ago, was surprised a few days
since to receivn the missing; article,
with its contents untouched, in a pack
atre- that came by mail.
f - W. .
Beggar Will you please give
me a itinie, sirr 1 ni deaf ami dumb.
Gentleman Ileal and dumbF" lieir-
gar "I mean I'm blind. It'a ma twin
orotner w no is tieai aua uuniu. sir. v e
liMik so nuieh alike that I get mixed
up myself sometimes. iroy Vrets.
vagrant eg narding, mum.
but could ve have the kindness to lend
me a liox of sardines to open with my
can opener?" Mrs. Oatcake "Sorry
I can t, poor fellow; but here s a dlppct
of water and a tractk. I kinder hate to
sond the ooor awav empty-handed."
South American Mosquitoes.
Some ludicrous stories are told about
adventnres with the mosquitoes. I havu
been solemnly assured that often when
they have attacked a boat and driven
its captain and crew below they have
broken tho windows of the cabin bv
plunging in swarms against them, and
have attempted to burst in the doors.
Although this may b something of an
exaggeration, it is nevertheless true
that frequently horses and cattle, after
the most frightful sufferings, have died
from mosquito bites on board the ves
sels. Not lonsr asro a herd of valuable
cattle were being tnken from tin
United States to a ranch upon tho Mag-
dalena river.'iind became so desperate
under the attacks nf the mosquitoes that
they broke from their stalls and all
were drowned. Passengers intending
to make the voyage usually provide
themselves with protection in the shape
of mosquito bars, head nets and thick
gloves, and when on deck are com
pelled to tie their sleeves aroand their
wrists and their pantaloons around
their ankles. Amer can Magazine.
e a
The latest medical theory pre
scribes only two meal a day one at
the beginning and one at the end of the
day. If people adopt this plan and
carefully avoid working between meals
life would bo much easier. It is work
ing so much between meals that makes
life so hard. Norwich Bulletin.
m m
Washington Territory now claim-
to have over 200.000 inbabitanta.
burglar, tovisis with his drill. ! wish
the H.iniM might be s iid of the watch
man." replied hi companion.
Swell "I'm going to resign from
my dull." Friend "I thought you
liked it so nmeh." Swell "Used to
Im a'l right, but society is getting too
mixed. Why, I met my pawnbroker
there the other uightf Harper's Mag-
A woman had her picture, with
.libera, in a daily paper under the head
in,? "Labor's Fein ilo Cohorts;" anil,
in remarking hyiterieully that she had
never been a cohort in her life, took to
her bed and didn't rise for three weeks.
t. . i .... i i ki.ii . i i
on tile u.lllk! etl-l lltnetl the ltoetie U a ehewn meiJiine. (lid Foe-ie will anrmlv von at voor ow n or ee: bnt their mar-bines ar
near at aay price. i in cannot anoru w uuj i'irt-ir- -I'liwui t-.aiiMiiiii ine
. io not oe taiaea nio riuj inn machine Because it is crtesp anu ra)is.
Lirge nrintie s of colored peopls
re s:iid to be emigrating to California
fioin Ihe Southern Statea Recentlt
one party of twe ty-four men ml
women arrived in San Francisco en
route to join a colony in the southeri.
p irt of the St tie. A other party ol
1 10 laborers haa gona to Frisno to work
in the raisin vineyard', anit liO mor
tre to fi''tv.
reahr without examininpr the AllVAkl K.
it is cheaD and Ota Fsai lik. Ak the ulal
sVoa-sr aaralM if triev will set beside the aas -faailr4 ma -bine and let roll see which tm thai
i esperinaeutal machine, and sold on its airril m. 1 have never yet had to call on any court u
help decide the menu or tbe arw-raalra machine. Please exam ine the court records ia ref
erenee to the Old Kele'a plan. Many year afro a man built a arw-faaclra machine,
railed a steam engine. Old fr aflra then, aa now, stood back and said they would ra i m two
ewwatri . lis ) aa est waat la se ralae4 la Ikr aiat waj I Kt-mnber. Ue new.
fawBled machine t peM ell es pert snewl !;. while Old Keaj 'a machines are being ex
perimented with all the time, and at year expeas. Ihi not fool with them aay longer, while
your arain is koins; to v ante.
Me see Baker the aew-faasleal ataehlae la) a Id aa Its aaerlta ewtirely. Re
member, your w hole dependeuoa la epoa your crop proceeds, and if yoa allow Old f-'aay mav
cbines to waat year irala. you are jum that much out of pocket. To arrvaat una. see
Uiat the party that dues your threshing procures a wew-rawalesl Alll Allf. Tkieaker.
as they are constructed ao as to save yonr grain, and have a better ret ovd than any okl-fogT
machine. Write for further particulars. I am prepared to prove all my statements L e-. The
AllVAXt K aarhiae will do aaara- and hrller woi k than any other.
I facteby rballewge aay aid fcy aarat ta aaaae AY viae where the
AllVAME aaaehiae haa railed ta da aua rrprcacwtrd siaee Ita ia trad aet laa
aa thla Casual. Mhaw ap ar ahat ap,
Kemember that old fotry atrcDU saying the contrary does not make it so. It will pay yon ta
investigate. I raa prove all I aay.
I also sell the well kno a ll-S:K WOODI K MH ER, A number of manu
factnrers make them onaralt but I do not know of any lanital taw, bnt am al waya in
clined to look out for thoae that talk of imitations. 1 also deal in baaiidry aa4 Xarlss
M at htnt-ry. Farm. Church and ek hotl Bella. General Machinery. Swift Oilers. Orate Safety
Valves, Miller Pumps. Hancock loftpirators. fark & Kenmdy lnjeetors. Acme and Alliirstor
Wrenches. rllackamith Ilrilla. Self-lieatins; Bath Tubs, tbe Wesiinfrhonse Kriftine. ISee tha
tKicea: 10-horaeon wheels. l'-0; Traction. SK17.i; 15 horse Traction. $1KIX Special dieoant for
-swih. tieneraU Agent for Colourn's lj aaaaea ana Lamps for Klertrle JLighttag S ta
You cannot afford to
7. T WDIP.MT Fast nf Marrlaan fitrsst. Partlaaa Mmo..
Vour village cannot do without one. Tod must have one for yonr milla.
be without a small one in your bouse. For particulars, address
ci T
FAfd its.
all comparable to the Cutiooha Rkmkdies
In their marvellous properties of cleansing,
purifying and beauufynig the akin and in
euring torturing, disfiguring, itching, scaly and
pimply diseases of the akin, scalp and blood,
with loss of hair.
Cutiocra. the great Bsriv WJRt, and Ctrn
ouiu - o ap an exquisite Skin Beautifler, pre
pared from It, externally, and Cuticura KK
Solvest. the new Blood Pnrirter, internally,
cure every form of skin and blood disease, from
pimples to sorofula,
Soideverywhere. Price: CtmotTiA. 50a; Rs
solvknt, 91; Soap, 26c Prepared by the Por-
Send for How to Cure Skin Diseattes.'
niiiM ii 'ii i.Lmuu imaaiiiiirraMiiaifiMiiiiMiiiain tiiaaiiaaa-iirr wm'-i ..a.-w . it. ' - i i1 it - w . - . , -j-
sear fimples, bla- kheads, chapped and oily 'tt-t
fir skin nrevented by Cutiouka Soap. "S1
O Hull Actio-, Fains and Weaknesses in
stantlr relieved by the CUTiruRA AKT1-a-aa
lin LABTaa, tba only paln-kilUnt plaatar. ISs.
S. P N. W. No. 10-8. T. N. V. SJo. 7.
"...' c
We unarantee the J. I. CASE AGITATOR" SEPARATOR to lis tlie Best Grain Saiim and Fastest Tllresligr oyer lais
We have over four hundred of these celebrated machines in operation in Oregon and Washington, all of which are giving
tbe highest satisfaction. We are prepared to furnish you statement from the lea-ling farmers and thresherrnen to prove this
claim. There are twice aa many ''Agitators" sold each aeaa-n, thr mghout the United States, as any other atvle or make of
thresher. Xnta is no ejrperimental marhine that must be sold chap in order to intrrxtuee it, bnt is a- knrw-odd to be THE
BEST, and consequentlv. upon its merits, the cheopeat. In buying on "AGITATOR" thresher yoa ar- making no experiment
and running no ri- k. li guarantee It in everv wav superior to rrery other thr.hfr huilt. Von carrot afford to buv a threrher
Remember, we guarantee the J. I. Case "Agitator" the r-est and fastest thresher marie, and are readv to prove it. Is it not
much safer and cheaper for yon to buy a thresher known to be reliable in everj respect than to experiment with a new-fangled
machine for the benefit of some Easte-n factory who want their mschlne experiment d with at your expense, while your grain
is in danger of being ruined, and you are at heavy expense for operating?
Remember, your tr.We dependence i upon your crop proceeds, and if. you endanger it bv experimenting with new-fanirld
machines, you do ao at great loss to yourself. We insure you against all these possible evils with our J. I. Case A nit at or. u-hieK
has been thoroughly tested for years in this country, and is hnou-n to be perfectly reliable, BEING BUILT ESPECIALLY FOR
W. ..Ion at.ll rhonnl mnnii TIIKGEK WfOitTJHY HORSE POWER made. TVware nf (mit.flnn.t
The J. I. CASE PORTABLE TRACTION ENGINES have been in general use in Oregon and Washington for years, and
we guarantee them to be. and are ready to prove them to be, the most powerful, moat durable, safest, more skillfully constructed
and of better materia' than anv other Engines made. .
Buy our RANDOLPH IMPROVED STEEL FRAME HEADER, guarsrtrwed the Sirrpl-r Lightest and Easiest Handled
tt..a, .a We ll the OVLY STEEL FRAME HEADER MADE. IsTSAVE MONEY hv calling tn ., .rtt''
for our prices and terms, and all other Information regarding the above machinery. 4
STAVEB AOVAlIiaSJEt, Greneral crenta, Portland, Or, '