The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 13, 1888, Image 3

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    wriiiiiiu mi nwnwi
The Lebanon Rxpress.
UllDAY, JULY 13, 1RJW.
Special Nutlet.
On Uking dinrjrc of this oftice r
found a numlwr f naitif on our mnll
inir booka who live in limtern Orrpon
and in tho Eastern HUhs. Thentib
Ruriptiou list of a largo number of thtse
unities show that thy art due the
paper for vour or nioiv. Now we
Buppowo that frVndH horo in I. inn
county have onU-rcil this paptr Ia
friends in the ttnet nd are unaware of
the arrearage-, we therefore kindly re
qutfc our friends mid patrons to ar
row lie the matter at onoo, or pine we
'will notify tln-m or their delinquency
Rmt ask a tx-tt lenient of the same.
These items are small to the individ
ual, but in the aggn'RHte are consider
able to us.
i i i i I. .in ii i
In and
For the test
Published in the
Countv, and get the
Xews, only 12.00 per year.
A. R. Cyrus made a business trip to
Falera one day thi. week.
V. 11. Wheeler i in town this week
visiting hi parents.
Cheap machine oil and pure Drugs
t the City Drugstore, lr. Courtney.
II. Y. Uilsim, left yesterday for San
Francisco, where he will make his fu
ture home.
, Mrs. R. F- Jones and daughter Sarah,
left for Albany,. Monday, where they
will make their future home.
Mr. Ueorge Alexander, a compositor
on the Telegram, of Portland, Is in the
vity visiting with II. Y. Kirkpatrick.
Harrisons' first word, after he heard
of hist nomination, were, you had K t
ter buy your groeries of T. C Feebler.
On July 5th, Sam Micklin who was
working on a house in Corvallis, made
. a misstep and falling from a gcaflold
was Instantly killed.
rof. Hunt, starlel for San Francisco
veslerdav to attend the teachers asso-
vtation. AVe w ish him a pleasant and J
profitable trio. J
If you want nice marble work for,'
ornament, or a first class jobofnionu-.
mental marble, call on M.N. Keck op
posite the llovcre llonso, Albany.
Fifty trained physicians have started
on a tour of inspection of New York
tenement houses, with the view of pre
venting disease by timely action.
"A Brooklyn man has opviicsl a hotel
which he calls the Oreenhorn Hoiw, i
It is, as the name indicate, for the j
accommodation of thve making their'
first visit to Hrooklyn.
"fiVnTt w' on cs, a no:r-5ightel young
man living in Rath county, Kentucky
nttetnptetl to cut off the head of a
t-hieken, misod his mark, and to.k
ofl hia left liai:d instead, at the wrist.
c nad Utc pleasure or atMnling
tocial gathering of the young folks at I
the residence of J. M. Marks, and rn-j
, joyol ourselves very much. All that j
attended report having a gxd time, j
-"i"here were rive or six thousand pen-
pie attendd the celebration at Corval-i
lis on the 4ih, The main attraction!
xvas the layhip of the corner tone c f
Uie new court house and the shara bat
tle by the military companies.
Itofore you start on a journey go nrd
eee Dr. Courtney, and procure a bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Hcmcdy. It is a groat safe
guard for travelers and gives immciii
a'e rein f.
A wedding took place at St. Fau',
Minn., last week where the groom was
over six feet tall and the bride a little
over two feet in height. During the
ceremony the girl stood on a chair,
her head just reaching to the grooms
The Oregon and Washingthn Terri-j
tory railroad construction to Y alia
Walla is being pushed rapidly and the
line will be completed by October and
will haul the wheat crops of the valley
to Puget StHtnd. The new line will
add to the valure of the crops over ten
cents per bushel. Ex.
Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Miss Ada
Morris, Mrs. Wm. Cyrus, Miss Jennie
Cyrus and Miss Ilosa Moore of Seio,
visited Lebanon lat Sunday. Miss
I'yrxis and Mi?s Moore started to San
FniNcLsco yesterday to attend the Nat
ional Teacher's Association there. We
wish them a pleasant journey.
The latest Peruvian mails furnish
graphic accounts of the burning of a ,
woman at the stake, on the accusation ;
jf witchcraft. This in the summer of j
1SSS, and in a country that is supposed :
to have been favored with Christianity
for centurion. lioth South and Central
America are cursed with a bogus formJ
of civilization.
The hotel charges at St. Ionis, dur
ing the Democratic National Conven
tion, were huge, according according
to the reports of the delegates from the
Pacific coast; but it appears that Chi
cago developed more of the botr dispo
sition. Neither city will be likely to
profit by it in the future. The charge
0f (47 a day for ordinary hotel accom
modations is shamelessly extortionate.
The New York law which goes into
effect next January providing for the
infliction of the dcuth penalty by elec
tricity, requires that the criminal is to
be completely secluded after sentence
is pronounced. The execution itself is
to be conducted in private, with only a
limited number of witnesses present.
The body of the victim may be deliv
ered to friends, but the funeral juust
lc private.
Mr. Chas. Hill, representative of the
Hall, Safe & Ioek Company, paid
Lebanon a visit last Monday for the
purpose of opening the O. fc C. It. It.
Co's. safe, but after working three
houis gave it up as a bad job, and the
aafe had to be taken to Portland to be
opened. M. E. Hearn accompaning
the same. It will be endeavored to
open the safe without injury.
Mrs. Jennie Winn and daughter
Jvetta were visiting frieuds and rela
tives in town this week. for tlie Exrutss.
A Trip to Prattle.
Ye compositor of this paper bad the
pleasure of making a trip to the rust
ling and bustling cily of Seattle as n
member of tiro Albany How Team.
To say that It Is a town of rustle and
bustle Is but mildly expressing it. On
hoard the cars from the time wo leave
Portland there is no principal point of
interest until we arrive at Hunters
Point on the banks of the Columbia,
where the transfer h made by llat to
Kalama. Some idea of t ho size of the
transfer tmnt may be hud as they
run ten or twelve conches and baggage
cars and engine on the boat at once.
When wo Wi re on the boat the dinner
bdl sounded, and nil was pushing and
elbowing to see ho would get to the
table, first, as first come best served; on
ly about one-half got tothctirst table.
On arriving on the W. T. shore the "all
aboard'' oftho conductor is heard, and
we shortly after pull up to the Kahuna
depot. The scenery along the railroad
is grand, and many thriving town iaud
stations are passed. The track is for a
great many miles along the bank of the
Cowlitz river. The principle town of
any size isChehalis, a nice little tow n of
two or three hundred souls, we should
judge, from the nnmter of buildiii.?-.
The next place of note is New Taeoma,
a lively and hustling town which has
many fine residences and business
bbvks. Rut we keep our seats and are
soon told "all aboard" the boat I'inmii
ITufitrard for Seattle a distance of S
miles. Ooing down the sound all are
eager to view the points of interest on
the way. OKI Taeoma nestles in a cove
and is said to lo chuck full of business.
The Olympic range of which you have
a splendid view is the next mark of in
terest; the mountains covered w ith per-pt-tual
snow looming up iu the dis
tance make one feel chilly to look at it.
On nenrlug Seattle there is a grand
rush tor the forward dvk to sec the
oity by electric light. The citv Ivins
built on a side hill nearly every light
in the city is brought to view , the inag.
nitlccnt eitht must be seen to lo appre
ciated. We were met at the wharf bv
Chief Collins, and escorted to our room
at the Commercial hotel.
On Sunday, those of our team w ho
wen' not fearful cf sickness chartered
a sailltoat And hired a man to sail it of
course, crossed the sound from Seattle
and tnjoyed a salt water bath. Mon
day morning the hose team from this
county were out at " a. m., testing the
water and getting used to the track.
Tuesday morning the team were out
bright and early practicing.
Wednesday morning the fun com
menced in real earnest; alxnit 5,0tu pas
sengers had arrived during Tuesday
night t" participate in the days fesiivi-
ties. The Firemen's Tournament was!
the principle- feature of the occasion, as !
..n . . i .i. .s ... ,..
having seven teams m the fiebi while
Ore-ui was rcorsnteil bv oiilv tw:
teams. Fast Portland ami ll.nnv b..t
this was an incentive for our lioys tfi
work the harxicr and not let th1 sound
teams have all the priz-.-s. i
Tiic teams attending were Comets of
Sio'.;ane Fa! a V.ti co tver, it. C, l a-
eimiis l'-is t,-il.,,,,t Vi..,ri.,v V,.
' tt ltlAUfl,, all-
couver. W.T.. Albanvsand two home
The Comets of Spokane came with
exjH-clations of carrying ovrything l'
fore them, which they did on the first
night of their arrival, as they were
selling for f 10 and f0 first choice and
other teams in the field. Rut after
the first days races were over ami they
saw that the Albany team could out
run them and would have won tin-t
prize in the wet test had our hydrant
coupler lieen as familiar with the
wrench used to turn the water on a
their man was, they did not feel dis
posed to luick their team very heavily.
The Albany team after the shameful
manner in which they were swindled
out of the speed race at Portland, made
up their minds to go in for this raw, for
all they were worth and show the other
teams that they could run evenif they
were swindled out of what they won
by the Portland Hose team. At the
crack of the gun the lioys were off and
earned wn the track at less than a
twelve second gait crossing the lino in
27$ seconds being tho in-t time ever j
made by amatures in the United States.
After the races were all run, the man-
agcrs of the respective teams, aecom-j
panied by the Chief and Sccretarv Par- j
kcr of the association, adjourned to No.
, . , , , ;
Is engine house, where checks were
, ...
given them for the full amount of their
We will here say that we have attcti
ded several tournaments, but we have
never attended one that gave such gen
oral satisfaction and where there were
such a kind and accommodating sot of
men as those at Seattle. This is quite
a comparison to the shabby manner in
which all teams were treated at the
Portland tournament where letter af
ter letter was written and assuring the
teams attending that they should have
a square deal, and how well it was car
ried out the attending teams can wr
tify to. To Chief Collins of the Seattle
Fire Iopartment sioei&l praise is due
for the square and fair starting of the
teams, allowing no team to get the
advantage of the gun.
The Spokane boys we re a se t of per
fect gentlemen and on parting with
them an invitation was tendered the" Al
bany team to attend their home tourn
ament to iKvheld in Sj,okane in Sep
tember, w hich the team w ill most like
ly accept.
Fovsii. A gold bracelet was found
on the street recently, which the own
er can have by calling at this office and
proving projterty and' paying twenty
five cents for this notiw.
Lkiianox, July 11, lsss.
I wish to announce to all concerned,
that I will not be responsible for any
debts contracted by F. II. Moroland, ' Acw 1 oik, wnu Ji lias a committee ac
and wili further state that no partner- j lively at work making arrangement
ship has ever existed between us, ai d f"r seocption, have applications
i.l- tr. 1.;,.. tv... : from many clubs, some from distarrt
pav and not me, as I hold receipts for
all service rendered, but haying known
Mr.; MorelanC, Jfor some time 1 con
sider him perfectly honest.
M. E. Hkarn.
Try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
mirl von will lie convinced if is a
perfect treatment for 'coughs, colds and
hoarseness. Sold by Pr. J. S. Court -
ney. ."
a if:ri'TT HiiKHicr ntKitKitrii.
S'Ut In Ihc tlrmt ly HrHprrittr i'rlaonrr
AVIio Mnttt Thrlr Eli'Upfi
News renched here yesterday Hint
Robert Lock wood, a deputy sherlll'of
t Irant county, was brutally murdered
by two prisoners con fined, In the'eoun
ty Jail in that county on Thursday.
The Deputy visited the jail there on
Thursday night at 10 p. in. to see that
all wa secure for the night. While he
w as there a fire broke out iu the tow n,
and his absence caused his wife no un
easiness as she presumed that he had
gone to the fire. Ho not appearing
later fho pent men to the jail who
on end ring the Jail found htm dead,
ha ing ben shot jvith a pistol the ball
entering behind the left ear. The pris
oners wore gone and supposed to have
about two hours the start. The priso
ners confined in the jail w ere Met Sinis
ter, a white man charged with horse
stealing, and a Piute Indian named
Jim, charged with the murder of a
man by the name of Rright, in Harney
Valley, some timti ago.
Fifteen hundred dollars reward has
been oftl-rod for their capture. Lock
w ood was an old time resident and was
well liked.
School Krporl.
The following is a quarterly rcwt of
School District No. 17.
Term commenced March 10, l".
Term dosed July 3rd, lsss.
No. d'lys taught, 77.
No. pupils enrolled, 54.
Average No, belonging, f,.
Daily average. .'V.
No. times tardy, 11.
No. visits by directors, 0.
No. visitors, 1 1.
Average deportment of pupils, W.
No. pupils in 1st Rcad.r, 1.1.
No. " " 2nd " 0.
No. 3rd " 7.
No. " " 4lh 4.
No. " " 5th " i.
No. ' Orthography 44.
No. 44 41 Penmanship t.
No. 44 44 Mental Arltli. 7.
No. " 44 Rudiments of Writ
ten Arithmetic .'V5.
No. " 44 Writ'n Arith 10.
No. " 44 Primy (ieog. 10.
No. 44 44 Com p. Oeog. 13.
No. 44 44 (Irammar S.
No. " 44 l S. Ilistorv !.
right with Panlhrr.
On hwt I'ridav night, six young gen
tlemen who n-side near Philomath,
started on a hunt to Mary's Peak.
Among them was a young mail alout
i t A . ... . . r . t.ii ..
"ll ' l"K ul
" l'"w'- Ju M rrlvliiR at the
eamning idace on the other side of the
nuiiu i'' wvir t'in i i iii tuuir iu
along the niountaiii trail, a lanro nail-!
i v ..., it. i
ther jnmp..l fr-.m
tree overhanging i
the path, on to voting Powell ami his j
lnu-se, but fortunately his faithful dogs :
were at the horse's hecN and they sim-;
nUaueously jumivI on the panther.
! A nii'rry fight ensued for alH'Ut half an
i : i : . . . ...t
"fir in wiiiiii me paumer came out;
, , . , , Al ;
fvo,a" "'' onagu uie semp ,
to this city yesterday for their liouuty
tr f..i wltielt will hanlly pay for the
Imys toj"ti antaloons and saddle blan
ket. Only l.lttlp It Anitrjr.
15. W. Hunt, the ex-contractor on
the Oregon Pacific railroad, returned
to Portland yesterday say the Oregon
Ian of recent date, from Albany, where
he hud made arrangements for chip
ping to Wallulla the stores and pow
der, ttmls, etc.. which have been
brought in from the scene of his con-:"'1'1
tract on the Oregon Pacific. He says
some of his powder is spoiled, and of
course, all of his potatoes and onion
and such like MutTi worthless. When
he looked over the supplies brought in
ami thought of all the money it had
cost ami time wasted in hauling it out
into the mountains and back again, he
was just a little wrathy. Hecxprossod
his opinion freely in rogardjto ptople
who will lcatl a man into such a scrape
by representing that they have money
which they have not.
Spirtifuat Meeting.
spiritual meeting was held at the
residence of J. R. Parrish on Sundav,
, ..
July 8, lsx. The meeting
, , , T i i. i
to onb-r liv J. R. Parrish.
was called
On motion
j Dr. J. A. I.amliorson was elected tem
' porary chairman, who appointed a
committee of five to ascertain the cost
' of land for camp ground purposes and
cost of building a hall for holding spir
itual meetings in from time to time.
The committee consists of James Yin
son, F. M. Ha.en. Wm. Road, John
Read mid W. A. (ilenson. The com
mittee are to report at Waterloo Springs
on July 22nd, 1SSS.
W. II. Cl MMINtiS,
Trade at llotnr.
When you return from some other
town with a bundle of goods that you
could have purchased just as well from
your home merchants, don't you feci a
little mean? if you don't, the Lord
pity your soul. You arc doing what
little you can to ruin every business in
your town, because we all depend on
one another. When you have the
cash to pay for goods, don't go off to
some other town to make your pur
chase ami then expect your home
merchants to "carry" you for months,
(iive those that accommodate you the
benefit of vour cash transaction.
lilaine'n lircrption.
Preparations to receive Rlainc on his
return are already leing made on a
grand scale. The Republican Club of
cities, for places in the parade. A fleet
of steamers will meet the vessel on
which he arrives, and an escort made
up of clubs will meet him at the wharf
and accompany him to his hotel.
During the past bix mouths 231,000
i immigrants have landed at New York.
i This beats the record for the same pe -
i riod last year by 25,000. 28,00011018
j arrived last year."
ititowNsi i t i l-:.
Wm. Koehoy, of Walla Walla, is
visiting family friends in tlds locality.
Hon. J. K. Weatherford, and family
visited Rrownsville on Sunday hist.
Wm. Skill' an;! family returned to
their homo at Portland on last Mon
day. Airs. Charles Ilishop, of Mc.Mlnn
vllle, Is visiting family relatives at this
Messrs Hartley and lews returned
from the llliio river mines on last Mon
day. The infant daughter of J. F. Vernon,
w'io 1 as he. n extremely ill with bowel
complaint, is rapidly recovering.
J. P. Cialhraith, or Albany, visited
his family at this place on Monday,
and renewed acquaintance with his
many friends.
John, wife and daughter,
Miss Retta Rice, and Joseph White re
turned from the Belknap hot springs on
last Friday.
Claude, the little son of John Senger,
aged live years fell from the limb of a
tree and striking the ground, sustained
a fracture of the thigh bono.
There was no formal observance of
the 4th at this place; many of our citi
zens visiting W of album, Waterloo ami
other points where celebrations took
pi aw.
W. R. Rlanchard, returned from
Portland, on Friday, bringing with
him assays front the Pioneer quartz
claim, show ing fail to the ton; this was
from cropping.
CahipfMfla Dodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F.
of this place installed the new ly elected
otllwrs on Saturday last as follows: A.
I.. Kirk, N. O.; M. Farley, V. O.; A.
C. Foster, R. S.; W. R. Kirk, Treas.
Many farmers in this section have
commenced hay harvest; ow ing to the
June rains the grain is rank ami heavy.
the heads Wing plump and full, and
the yield will probably l greatly in
excess of any former year.
On hist Saturday evening nt the
Noith Rrownsville (.'ity Hall, Hon. J.
II. Slater addressed u largo Jand appre
ciative audience on the subject of tariff
reform. The subject under discussion
w as most ably handled by the speaker
to the salittfaet ion of those In attend
ance, which numbered many ladies.
As yet, the fences and walls have
not lecn ornamented with the Usual
immense ami gaudy citcut jiostcrs, but
we do not lack for equine shows which
daily occur on our streets, affording
much amusement to the many seota
tors who greatly enjoy the exhibitions
of skill in horse breaking ami rifling,
displayed by our home talent, that for
itir iii'im r.i rt ritivr in iitt-iit-f i in hip
- - --"
'wdust arena of any travelingcxagger-
a,'0,, ,111,,, r canvass. Almost dailv,
i"4 'e 1 'v " '( h pra-s jhuiu-s
that have never known halter or sad
dle, ami when these necessary appen
dages are brought to their notice, ac-
ieompaniod by an expert rider, the
i siiortin-r. b ickin r ,-,.nrliitr -ii LImr m il
milium eommctm s in ir,HNl crn.s.t f-
" . " " . , . .
fording to the rider an opportunity of
equestrian management that Ix-ats any
dollar Wild West circu-, even if matte
douhiv attractive by the "phut" lady,
educated hog, Professor llamfat the
II re-eater, and the allurements of a
side show.
Wheat look better than tiMial.
Rruw NcKnight is very cick at pres
ent writing.
Hay harvest is Is ginning in earnest.
crops are flattering In thetxtrcme.
Miss Etlcn Thompson has just re
turned from her sisters. 'near Salem,
where she has l-cn sinw March.
Thinking that a few lines from here
would lo of interest to your many read
ers, and find spaw in your paix-r, we
t1t ,iowu a fow ami send to vou for pub-
"e judge from the beaming smile
that Ifodeeks the face of our school
teacher, that the nnccl of pcaw has
spoken sweet words of consolation to
his restless spirit.
Our enterprising warehouse - men,
Smith & Hamuiack, are busily e ngaged
shipping wheat, ami getting their
house iu readiness tor the next crop,
which promisees to lie very large.
A very painful accident happened to
Jesse Smith. While out driving last
Sunday his horse liecatne 1 Tightened
at a covered wagon, ami tried to run;
he jumped from the buggy ami caught
the animal by the bit, to prevent her
from upsetting it, when she ran
over him, leaving him with some bro
ken rilw.
The glorious fourth is passed with
out leaving any marks of its displeas
ure uion our physical body, and we
hope none on our moral man. We
blew in our dust at Waterloo, while
there surrounded by all the beauties
of nature and enjoying the company
of our friends. We tlid not fail to note
the rapid improvement that was going
on, especially in the way of driving
horses. Our attention was attracted
mostly to a span of beautiful browns,
which came dashing by, tlrawing a
light carriage, in which were two or Or
egon's bravest sons with their best
girls, accompanied by a few selected
friends. 11 The movement of tlue no
ble steeds was graceful, their forma per- j
feet and the one with twenty years ac
tual experience in the harness, certain
ly has not an equal in this or any other
state. Rut it se-ems to be our misfor
tune not to be the recipient of any such
luxuries. There's our girl stupid
thing she never has that motherly
thought fulness t5 prepare and take
along our tlinner, when we go out to
hunt the fourth, ttnd the consequence
is that while our fortunate chums. are
enjoying the most delicate dishes, we
i must stand at the hotel door, hungry
enough to gnaw the gate poets, and
wait till there is room. The way of
the transgressor must be hard.
I am now prepared to convey i art len
to all points between Lebanon and
! Fish Lake, in anice snrinc hack. All
! parties desiring to avail themselves of
this opportnnityphould call on or ad
dress L. R. BROOKS Lebanou.
A VAl.fAiu.K DiseoviiRV Mrs.
RlaeUman has made a valuable discov
ery in connection with lln chicken
production. It bl accomplished by
placing fresh eggtt beneath a setting
hen, ami removing the new ly hatched
chick, tin dally. Ry tills method, two
hens, w ith a lift le assist enco from the
man about the house, can raise a brood
of several hundred. She is now ex
perimenting wllh her old gray hen and
has already sue n edf d In hatching out
12! chickens from tine setting ami
tin re's Is tvi telling wbeie ii will end,
if the severe strain does not lmpare
old (J re heal I It. '.'orZc.
Tin: On t.ii Ri:ttvi.iit.i. My little
girl, aged seven years, was iiMlicted
with a severe cough and cold. She
could not sleep but couched almost in
cessantly. I was induced by a friend
to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and was astonished at the immediate
relief it gnve her and the cure It pro
duced. I would not be without it In
the house for any price. I have tried
matey remedies for coughs ami colds,
but this is superior to anything I have
t vir tried. Prof. J. M. McIihii. Capi
tal Cily Commercial College, Des
Molues, Iowa. Sold by Dr. J. H. Court
ney. One of the hardest tint ies of the fill
tor, says one w ho has lioon there, and
knows what he is talking nimut, 1 to
whoop it up for the tow n announcing
Its siiM-riority ovt r all its neighbors
when he knows that the advertising
columns Indit-alrs that he Is a liar.
Editors an1 human, ami have a const-It
nee, ami work ami write with the
greatest vim, when their purses arc
full. No tow n should allow lis pfqwr
to go out looking like the advance
agent of a cemetery, managed by a
professional liar. Ex.
Try St. Patrick's Pills and compare
their effect w ith any other kind made.
They contain the gtusl proper! ies of t he
older preparations in the market com
bined with the must valuable medicines
discovered in modern time. As a Ca
thartic and lflcr sill, St. Patrick's are
pct fi 'ct ion. Sold by Dr. J. H. Cotirt-
ncy. ,
To teher John, w hat are your boots
made of?
Roy Of leather.
Teacher Where tloci the leather
conic from?
Roy From the hide of an ox.
Teacher What animal, therefore,
supi lies you w ith hoot to wear and
gives you meat to cat?
Roy My father.
T I'trmrrt.
To the farmer of Linn county. If
you want farm Implements, or ma
chinery of any description, call oil out
malinger, O. "W. Crusoii, at l-clmnoii,
ami we assure you that you will meet
with courtesy, ami a full line of our
gfMMlx tlist can l bought as cheap us
at any place iu Linn count v.
Stavf.r & Wai.kkr.
i aiim kok h a i. r
I w ill sell at a reasonable priw a
larce and well improved stock and
grain farm, six milts southeast of Ijeb
anoti containing 4'ltl acres, also farm
implements, crop, harses am! GO or t'o
hettd of yomiK cattle, fall on or ad
dress C M. Talijott, Lebanon, Or.
Smith I don't see Rrowtt on the
streets lately, they say he is down with
the mump-; is It true?
Jones No! indeed; Rrown's trouble
Is the same obi moan you have heard
tfcforc; tight shoes ami sore feet.
Smith Why on earth don't be buy
Ids shoes of Andrews & H.icklcman
down on Main Street.
AJVjVv V Lung Disease. Ifyouhavo
a Cough or Cold, or the children i.r
threatened with Croupor Whooping Cough,
use Acker's English Remedy and pre treat
further trouble. It is a positive care,'
and we guarantee it. ) rice. IV ana Wa
J. A. Heard, Druggist.
vvvv t tlie good tliingii of this
VVVVVVlife sre sorrowfully let
lone on account of Iyspopsia. Acker's
IHspcpsla Tablets will euro Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a
positive ijuarauteo at S3 and SO cents, by
J. A, Rcard, Druggist.
pps maao 53 oof i,f tttI wuf 9tv9
jvutifou ppqa hi U4&H inq Vtijydaoyp .40
VtntdQ on Buittjfioa n sipiof:ipe!rtu;ut
t OAOtuoj pi v"l epvtu eu3tpattt
eja pio oij v n 'pntur j jaqioog
Aq iM! Y- .V
J. A. Rcard, Druggist.
Tlie Mt. Shasta Route.
Tinu- tvtween Altmny amt San Fmnenrti, :tT htsirs.
California Espretft Trains Dally.
t m r. .! Ia-kvc
r. M.j Ive
7:tf) a. si, ; Arrive
Iurtlti.l Arrival Ul:4n . M.
Alliiy lA'fiVfj TKV, a, jf.
Snn Krurlsro I-nre' i :!0 r. M.
Local Piifnjr Trains Dally (except) Sunday
sttii a.m.' I.eavo riJtluint Arriv"ni:4.
'2:Wl'.M. l0HVf AllflUiy lA-HV ltrll'i A. N.
JtfM. M.; Arrive iirrne lve j :( a. M.
Local Passenger Trains Dally (except) Sunday
."t:t. A.M. tx-ftVe lhttnttn
li'-.-fi f.M. lA-nvo Albany
J.ittf r.M.' IHve I-liunou
S:ii i'.si.ieuv. All.anv
Arrive irtr.'ifi a. m.
Arnvetl (6 p. m.
Arrive i'Jit.s p. in,
ArrtveS:lil p. m.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
accommotlation of Second Class Pas
sengers attached to Express Trains.
The O. AC K. R. Ffrry mitkefi cnnnerflini with
all the n-tilnr truius uu the Kast Mlo l'iv. frutn
foot of F. street.
West Sid Dlvlslcn.
Mall Train Daily (except) Sunday.
a. m.l I-ive
12:iT p. m.! Arrive
Arrive 6:l.r p. in.
Iahv l::ai. ni.
Express Train Dally (except) Sunday.
tT'tfTjiTm. Iive rnrtlftnfl Arriv 0:00 a. in .
s) p. in. Arrive Mi-Minville Iuve .ri:4ft a. m.
At Altmny and Corvallis conneet with trains of
Oreirn rnfitii rnilniuii.
-Kor full inftinniititin rejjarfliriK rates, maps
etc., eull en ftiiMpaiiy'n uireut.
Ii. Kf UII.Klt, E. T. ROT. KItS.
JIurmer Asst. U. F. A rass. Atcent.
T. C. Peebler.
-Pcnler in-
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Provisions, Crockery, and
Woodware, Furnishisg
Goods, Etc., Etc.
Satisfaction is Guaranteed;
T. C. PEEBLER,, - - ' Onixiox.
This order must be filled by Monday, July 23.
Fanners will get a good price for their Chickens .'and
Ei:c;s until the above date.
C. B.
M UHncf, I,lniiioii, Ore.,
Sipinyr tott'lc
3Iillinerv Goods
COXl.n INt! OK
Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Rib
bons, Etc., Etc.
Call and pot Prices on Goods
which are
Real listate A't and No
tary Public, and
Docs a General Agency
Insurance. Agrricultual Imple
ments, Doors and Windows.
CHINES. Give me a Cull at Dr, Powell's Old
X roprleto v.h,
Wines, Liquors and Cigars,
Fresh Mineral and $oda Water.
Lkrano; - r - - Oir.iHs.
lias a Special Order
And Fifty Cases of
store is located at Albany, Einn Go,
Oregon, about twelve miles nor -west
of Lebanon. They have
beyond a doubt the finest
stock of choice
Goods ever displayed in Albany. The store is twenty-1 wo
feet wide and one hundred feet deep and chuck full of
Provisions, Crockery and Glassware. These goods wire
bought largely from First Hands, Thereby saving all th?
profits of the Middle men, and storage at intermed
iate points, which enables us to sell very
Giving- our Customers the .benefit
of at least Ten per cent,
and very frequently Twenty-Five
The way we do this
is not altogether a Secret
It is " simply Lecauso wo buy
in largo quantities, thereby totting the benefit of all dis
counts and rebates, besides our sales are large and daily "
increasing. " We turn our stcw-k every sixty days
or six times a year, thus insuring you alwaj's
to get the best and the freshest. "Remem
we sell strictly fir the CASH
Or Produce.
We have the agency of five
Large Southern Peach orch
ards. This fruit we are re
ceiving daily, fresh from the
orchards. It is noted for its
line flavor aNd good keeping
qualities, and buying it as we
do (direct of the growers) in
Yours Trulv,
large quantities, we are err.b
led to sell you fruit- for lers
than any firm id the Willam
ette Valley, Bring in vour
produce, eggs, butter, chick
ens, ducks, geese, turkeys nn.!
O '-A. S H don't fo
to bring along your purse.
i i
! 1
t y