i p w 1 mum w .'a w m i 1 - t i Wg are now, prepared to print HILL 1U5AUS. WAS HI NO TON LETTER. U him been very tUf.lult to keep a quorum l ilthiT lliitiHo of (h,;ivm thl tti'ik, Our lawmakers have been busily itttendini news from tin1 t t'hioajro convention. The Zonule cs- HTATICM 1SNTS, J teclnllv, e mid KMredv Imvp nrcMcntcd 1I Murk Hurler, iV-tit'nt, l.ehtnon. ! (Jo to Joe 1 lurbiu tor penem! li c i :iiithiu:. Machinery und waj nt woik a fpeelnlity. All work wiurented. "C vrv W,UM j'y your ditmr J Wv vv and r prevented by lyn Vim, Uf AiltPi-'a iH-spcpMa TrIJcu. 1 ur ere a positive cum for liyspenMn, liv CALLING CARDS, PoHk sTijfc MT THIS OFFICE, imoP,hnsul,l m Indies iivivMsm.i P'"""1' 1 luiuienry iina i ..dm jintion. . . ' ' . ' vi ,r shown more lndlii'Tinee to oidina ICT'C ' r- h'lflidn'lve btiint!s tlmn dtiilii; the . j pt few d vs. Thrre wi re three pos. j slide Presid-ntial cnndidttteH In the , ! Chamber hoecr-- H--n:itor t) f,umu!)te them. 5 tutd C'J cents. A. It. aid, DriitnrlHt. I T H K W. 15. DOXACA, W. F0KTH1LLER & CO, The Lebanon Express. FUIDAY, JULY V., 1SS. H. Y. KMpatrick, Publisher. '"'-; AI.IUN V, OHKtiON. Tmlf at Hmr. When you return from hoik ? other imiin u-ith 1 iin.ll.. tf -. iKoi ...... ,.,.. , , , . ,, iprt-nelthe bi 11 appronrtntin ic.oo.Otii I v....... ..,..-,...., "'":,. i ...... , .... your home merchants, don't von feel n j tuan. Attaint IHUl lliUvley wll lent j Jlmmfn. 'Uin-ri.rnn. in ut.rs iii U Ki.i.U I interest tn the seetie. It wtis notleea ; hl" t o thilt tliese (jfentlemeii eouhl not "e eontenteil lomr In one plaee, hut j tnovetl momiJ, in mul out of tli j (.'hnmher iw if their llnu j;ht8 wo.v 'elsewhere. j The Senate Int never h.-cn neiMwii (of being illiberal with the po.l.V j money, sunl some ri'eent voting sum. j tains its rocor.l for geuoroU v. It lies little mean? If you don't, the I,on1 llty your toul. Yon r doing what little you can to ruin every hunlnc in your town, kYaiiw we all depend on tine another. When yon have th vnsh to pny for g.vdi, don't go tl' to wme other town to make your pnr chiw and then oxpoet your home mere hunts to "Scarry" yoii for months. Olve thii? thnt aeeoininodato you the lneflt of your cash transaetion. tor the ereetion of an additional tire. proof structure for the National Mu eum. Thin 1 on the ground that in erea il f u ilith for diplay are need ed. the piseut Mrneture not atlordiui! sutllcient room. It aln passed a bill appropvirttin;' f IOhViHk) f,.r the jmrehiwe ofnpnenmatte gun for t!ie War I) -partnunt, and it is likely to pass another carry ing an appropriation f ?lO;,OtV for the eoimtrnetioii f a mar ble portleo at the tt-rn livnt of the t'ftpitol. The lloineof ivpii5entativ on the other hand, has had a s'.inrn di.eus!.Mi l X T R K IT XJ KIC . Import all First-Class Goods Miiiicr KitoM Tin: kaht. V eompK lo stork c f Wall I'uper, Deei intioiiH iouI W indow i-dmdi h. ' X 1 ) J : K 'V A 1 1 N o A .IMXTAIIA. JL, ft 41 tI-tlt llrcrlpt tir the t'.li-.C'. There nw two aide, a bright ido and the bright The kmke th shine the flowers. There U bv I'nal te n'ilU n m'MV n,v wnt- .omeinen fore and aixnmd us that should vi,lH.r h-'r Ik-M that f W.oii.) v a to Ivtiu nnd fill the heart with warmth. The t "'Hinate e,st cf the building, while ky is blue ten tinu-i wher it li black il'K,r thought that seven million tn.i onee. You have troubles, it mav lie-: t Vt n " i5ho:i would not exeet- i o have others; none are tree fnm t lvo- f,,r n tional library bildln, j 4he. They give Pinew Rtnlione to ' mro- Hcpivsemative Sawyer, of New 3ife, fortitude and turta to mntt. I york, referred to the new jtate buib! j h.tt tluuivrh thiiv t., - -..- inirat Allmnv, whien was eonnneneed A i n -f f -' :A , '-V a gnxmiy mue side. Jlut look on ! f-peieimg w mucii inoi.e.v. it : ,v - " -,' side. It Is the right aide. I W8W m'l F eongnwional library ffc.'f$ t -'-rJlVy'- 'a-::. time may be hard, but it will I building w lih-h li In eoure of erection I V ;v?f.-4.J-o - : -i Us A e no eneter t wear a sJootn v ! t of the Capitol. ri,oe.w,t wen zW,!-- i'' XH-'t,.-.:. '-',' I 'js tvntntenanee. It la the Min-! n!:'ronrhuel &r Its erection when tin I V 'V.';si' 1 ::''--fM'Ti and n4 the vlouds th,tt make i P'W'. h how four or vc ', 'y-.v;'''''; IP"!1 "P f -'T, rfr p ih.7 TOO J. V. KEEBLEU. Iron, 8UeL Coal, Kopes, Cordagv. Brksnrth SuplTs Saws and Axes, Etc. life. "lite, CarpcMiler 'fools, Build'rs JIMw'iv, Powder and Shot Sev thes, Snaths. Etc. lite. Etc. Groceries and Provisons, Tobacco and Cigars. 5CS W(k e have on hand the "largest.! stock of Grocer- and Provisions ever brought to Lebanon, which oiler to the people of Lebanon and vicinity at the I Keep Agricultural Implements of all Kinds. :'.t rrn mi.' . .v s J .n v"a' rv FAUM AMI Sl'KIXIV Waooxs. Sole Alien t For Grawfordsville Axes. LOWHST LIVING CASH RATjgS. tMutipltHo of OViNTNIi Ifktt onwOiritly JmnI. Hid A BIG OFFER! f.- . -v 5"..-v .1 t t rrt vnsv 1 I , ' eot four million. ,,1C. mne t , mght will end in breed dav T1,.m-o i- i Jxteen milMtrn doll. 11 and tlu re more virtue in vne winln. iu.Jots m hole hemisphere f eloud an,l I w ,hiW cf. It h niueh more i! tellino: b.ow He did r..t objeet to a Cheerfulness keeps up R timl of t, n.'. , nati.n?.l library 1 Uling ,-o Sin- m vou light in the mind and fills it w-Jili a ' iu;,ii'n d'dhir. but be thomtlit the j idevi so prevalent of ninkniu ii' U'n- iton t'r' -entre of w id(hy a id soei :l steady and ivrp,tual wren it v. Whrw t .top ATtrtl.lnjt, ereature of habit that lie j !:irb- V.&H the fre a tot become so 1 ,;,t ,...it!. eiirt- of the ! 1. creature 01 n .- j jprrc'iu.viw .'1:11m wi'inn-n n tvlU certainly buy this j-er where iK-1H,nr wi. iUcy, e.n l nr-neo; 1 ..1,1 r tihut a the InVary is irrowiu., the When younger nd fresher find j (den. mt t t-rct it bi nbinvi !-r to- tpunkier roiwvrnt in your line e.wejday 1ut for the next hundred year. I Ftarting up ! Mig tii new spapers He insisted that- nny chaiiure f plan j in tellia lie people how suuch better n order to save mnnev won!. i U- f.!- j tliey do foar them than yon can. isb, and d.v.'and that l.e wtt!d ml! wN'tieit nvboiiy ck tbUtk "it pay to incur puMie .dwniiat!c-n l y wt-ii.s j .ajvertiae." ' it any cneup mi-ikio. When population eees multiply, nA the wnerations that crowd on s tin i olu After much w rnyhmr. i v a I i- ,1 v..t. -f 114 10 more h&n a quorum, t. '.op work-eu j the lihmry l-nildinsr, to .-bo'i.-ii tin j Urt-ient coinuiU-iou, rep;.! th.; net ! that vrn parsed, and that tb.c " -natr- . and house evnumlttcsi on put-Sie b;dd- ; 5ii.i netinsr to .. t'.u r. sh.ot v '' iir. ; plaits for a library tn.i :i;;r. wiml. ; hnll net eost over $:Uo..V.!i0. j The pivple of Wiis-hinjton nrc n.m h pleased; as are i'ouKm the re-i'le j , thini'.ghout tlie tntsre eeuntry, that; the uic-veiceni to etUbrate the four. i hundrt'th annivt r-ary of voe Uieovery et(. i'ili j K tl,..M ,t(.t ait.! TiiAKt. Mioer-snful nroviilin fiir n lx lllliUM nt CXi-s;t : n , 111 fill. T. V . 1. -Jl - - 1 " ' A ' .business men cxMieerning the maic ,f the three Americas herein l.2hav- . auae of their prosperity. j ing b.wi n ported favorably om d;. When you want to go out of business j siiwo from the loue ft;n Hitatr j w ith a etock on band. i committee, the feature wb.ieh inun . When you w ant to got rid of the the Mteees of the tmdertr.linr, i t.ir.t trouble ot waiting on customers. authorkins the l'rti I out to i-.pp-.mt a govtrn!icul-l iKvsni of nine direct n I r... ie.ii',...- n'.an for t'le i,r.!Ml .after you and never heard of iu, stop ,comiitg. When you have convinces every iKdy, whose life to touch your, that you have Iwtter pvxls and lower ir i.-cn than thev can evr cvt outside of your ; store. When your perceive it to be the rule the men who never do and never did advertise are out-stripping them in the name line of businees. When men op making fortunes riirht in vour verysisrht, solely thwugh the disitrect twe of tliis mighty p nl- i of America in beginninj; to take vi., rmi Mil f.rv-i-t t' wartis of i it:l. and t-:i;lsta'.itiill iha!e. Ill h . l 1 1 j ; " The First Sign Of f.tllit health, hnther tn lht leiei t Nijiht Sweat ami Ner oisne-, or in i Si-ns.i ef tienetai Y rarities unit lAt f Appitite, rlicnld eugs-'st th iimi cf Ati" yars.ipaiUla. Thi prepavptien i iiat trtt-etivo fr piiii t.ni and etrt-ugth to tins enfi el!ed xiftfiit, pro. inothig thrt digeuea and asUuUutieu c f fc!i?, restoring the nervous tcn-ei l j their normal condition, n:ul for purir.v injj, eurii-lilng, :iJ viutii.ins tho blood. Failing Health. Ten year ; r:v lir.thh V-an to W. T t rt! til".i itli a liinsre sini; t n?i Nixht hiveam, Wenknr?., und Nervous ness, t t' !'.t VBt'i'll l I!!(ltif pTf jK'ritwd l y li;Tt!it j ! vii i i'ifl, tvi Weaine eo weak liu t I veulii not fiiisi rnun wiOieut ftoppmi V ret. 3Uv triends r.eoimrrri'l. -l mrt to try Ajcr i arst:tiUi, wld h t did, end 1 am ni be'idihv a:il tvo';i at ever. Mrs. K. 1.. Wilimtin, Alexatidiia, Minu. 1 n-f A "f 's SrffririH". in tny f.sitiiiv, t.-sr T -..;a!n. nuA know, if ii l. tnk-ii 1 iii! fv'y, th-'t it wiH tbornrhlr vrt!tvaie tin t 11 it-'rt U eae. I bat a pr. s ilvi! i. a a t-mi.', ns ll a an alterative, und tnnvt nay t.!i:it t lu ee.ity twt;ev i t- l'k't t.tiKKl nif-iOeina 1 v t r eei:-i-oii!i.l.i W . I, i ov lt.r, M. l., l. 1. t-., tMi Liiv .ile.Tvnii. Dyspepsia Cured. 1 vrov.J.t tM-nr.wib'e for ree t'V tti--Serdn vvkat I tu.i"tei from ttuiiuition und lb s. lie up t tin lliv( I I e;:it takitte Aj or's S.-.trp'iriliii. 1 vv.i t wi, r tin cute ct t at .n vi.vstelau", wd IM' d n gre. Ji-aay kin.! "of tttedteinfv, but r.fver 't't.itnil eioroljian l-'j'.er;e' r i.pi. jKt '-T ti.k'nj: Aj-t's Sic.vj-ii;''v t.r a k!'a rt vtmo, tuy liea-i'e" in- .iT- ,iret. and 1st tr FtenuK U M 'f,.tn"-t in VV) I m Furs and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. W. tt. DON AC A & Co. Corner Urick Store, Main Street, Lebanon, Linn County Or. r ff' S' -i' ' - '?:i OF V Ell i AK K IS IT! 0REG05A KA1LVAY COHPAHY. I I.iniit'-d f.iin.) CHAS. M. SCOTT, - Receiver. W I) S;m- Sttx i: ' I rv i i t 1 TO Till: LAD1HS 01 5 ii t, ;l.il'UKl ' if- i s a :v I )- I'tMiiiniiH1 ri'.H rv LIIIiANON. I! nl. I U! en-ii- t .l.i'ti " t'lf..? ; v i v. ! . r J!. mel ui'I'.l e-.rih. r !! . j' l MUi'in) ! n:i'jl ItliUil G1V1L AM i nib' i r i i t 'jn n Til I'M . V.- Shall :tt r if 'iii vi- i t Will r.ut "R Willi No Wi 1 I T? T ) r I IDA i -.1 t- i $ 1.11 0 .1 ( ret' u-s ai;tj i SJovel ITarfire. A certain fort in the far v e ?, so the j exp,,iH).v.! which appropriate fi.i'O Ftory coots w-as in command of a major (o jjC i.njttii.-tiely avaUalde f.sr tlte t x- of artillery who w as constantly i pns ol the btmrd. inenUng that Irs favorite ami could i Jf tJie jVJV;,H t le props i i curried nt not lie norc fnquent.ly usetl ajrainst ! ., v j,, Jlo a K,.0R. u-in-iit to the count y the Indians. Anally one day he took ( al t.trffC, M cn HS, the city of Wash- ! one of fhc small Tiow-itzers which dc-:, ,,(. , ' jt -w ill tald'Mi here a p. r-; fended the fort and had it securely . maH.ut ex volition which wiU ll'nw-; strapped to the back ot n army muie (r;ttc ,viC progr.'? with the rauzzle projecting over the;, Rtiimars tail. With this novel $rtm ' OVemmcnt wn the Ataerictn cou-' arriape he proceeded i:i high feidln r , uut'n K.cre uy. iixtav my liea'th in eo-.rp!.:e'- r.-ntivU. Mui y l:.U'I-V, l.tl'1e..-i,l, Nl.: 1 huvft Ikch prcnt'.v Iprcf'tod Vy tl.n pronint t. ot Aver a Knrrr"rilla. It teiif s find invisorati tut: pyotein, roRi-l:C- the a. -t ton cl tl.o tUstcK'ivo ad r v.oisiiativo oi'cw, o.l vitali7e t!i llit.. It is. vvii'.K.m ODTtl t. the m--i reliable blo.vl parif er -x di-.vcred. 11. 1. Jeliron, .!-J Atlantic tswi.ne, lS-nvKiyn, N. Y. tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'rr.-1 r-y r. J.O. Ajrr !t c'o.,I,cw!l,fis. j - ITicelRtl txlottlc, 5. i ' I ( v IT IT rr IT ri; r WON'T REFUSE HAST SIDE. j I l-..rtl .1 Mail '( stai.ons. T.,;4Bri, Uii.l It I v Mi.V v V Vri. 'i i iti. '"""'"""'"i. MM- l.r.l ' Iiel.l'V:, i, It e ti.nr.. ' t ;,-l. I lei-. V ' .-.l, u U,,.'l.ein. -: 1-.e.'i'. t, f...-. lui r-sii I . -1 Vi tl. i. ,' I ' i. i i :-: -i '! I '' J .t .-..ii . Miit. . l'l NV I'. ..!.-.!: I. I fl t t I 'HI' 'I .:'!. 1 ''- It el-r.. 1-' 1 M.. ' I ' I .. v ' . ; i.-.i li I..-,., 1 I"!!. I! ' i r; : .! l.-tii. III.' II I'l 1' !.,. tl - - .. I' I T ,. .-,,-.-" . ;i . !l 1" I r .tnir. 1 1 4 - , . .r 1" Kl 1I,IJ. ''' I,,., ...,. I"- ' :.1'H !. . In.. : ' ! .!:... '' 1 -.11 ' 1... . I..I..I " l !-.. " IS l.ti.i.. Ci I '.SU I. ' . 1 V I r . ,li Ti-t.'-n1 ciit r tsiW I"" . Ii.ii :!'. i.: -. BEARD 8c YATES, Druggist and Apothecary, Il;.t.KU IN DniKJs-:-and Mkdicinks --"-Paints, Oils and Class.- Fino Toilst Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Etc. ; r k i: IvI ERY And Fancy Toilet Articles. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. Miin i.'t-trt, Lcftunon, Ortym. THE STOVER Improved ( fun - i . i l'. 1 r T liny, at i.a-; Insi-1 hr S 1 1 .' K . i Andrews & Hackleman. rt 't 1.4 I M. IMt, t .-.li hi .- .l o -. I i-t ; ' i!v !H . te ..ii I r. ti.' t. . Mm IV.-il..'v!, V ,, .,!.., T....)i. . , i. I u'i-.-.(,-v. M i.:. 1 i i ' ,,...!,.v-.. W. l..;lil.!, 1 Tlic best is .ml .1. I 11 O ,l?v"'-' .',r- " I . c liea post. .....I rul-.Muri I m ?i'! Hie- j . . mt 1 tr-tuniiiix lfi iMIvlm IIU'I -iltiiffK' . i wii"-lun: .1 .1 .1 ...!. T-, .-f-ti.T 1!V,UI-. ftl w- -...-li .uil:r tl:lH f. r u-v,- l!y- Ull.'l i iuif' I. a! SWAN BROS. ilui'.y, Mm'iui vX'Tt.ii-'l. If ':. V K'ulT, l;i-r. iicr. VV. I ..n. IT I BII.1 lll St". T li e in o s t power ful easiest and lightest run ning mill made. ot the art. feieueON, industries f t vt r ! SUCCK350US TO TllH VAJl INA ROUTE, j iui:t;iN !'.f'ir i' r.Ati.ntAi i Oregon DsyelopacEtCo'sStcamsb!? Line Wu arc also prepared to furnish on short' notice any niachrue from a butter worker to a steam mill. We keep on hand fcll statde Implements, tuee as G. V.S' V w . SMITH. with the captain and a sergeant to a i it nt. The rLiladJ..hiac-M,r;iti'.-,i f li , .1 I I M.A VI t. -. . w-i 1. - . . tnuii on iiic iauv "i uiv .iu,., n to cnr,lm:li;.i,t... the cetiU.lu;i! ul oui j Mitich was ncnrpea a band of friend. jn4cp..,itn(X, as a --ople is the n!v i ly Indians. The gun was Only loaded j intenmlio. at lXp,is.ri((1 ( Vcr. held in i aud primed, the fuse inserted, and the ; xh-s conntry HS Jvt, and the ficA that route baeked to Use lge of the LlnlT. : r.gu;(ra fr;I!l it js ?tai itppan.nt i The major reunarkev sontethin$c about j throuchout everv avenue of tn.de and i the moral ettt-ct the exhibition was : 0,mmtrcc. The exposition now piw i likely X- prodnee upon the Indian ; .(1 u jn hon.(I. of a st;n cre:tt r! Hllie. JlIKl H.CII ll-u K.li'J iJinaiu aim applied the match. 1 event in the world's history than the i fornu-.tion of the I'niti-d Mr.to. It will I upon a n:i:eh larger sc:,3e Vi:L 1)1112 ill ll.S rt'Mli The eurtositv of the rouic was anus-J. He jerke.1 his head ftround aul s nll far,jlor to ee what was li.zlmg awaj" there on j - lua nwk, and the next second his feet j JOhop Andrews, of the Mc tholi-i ! were ail bunched together and making Kp:nepal ehurc.h, whes..- cp-sicopcil j forty revolutions a minute, while the j residence hitherto hrts hei-n i.i Wash- un was threatei.iiis? everything under injrton, 1. (.'., now to, to New Ynrl . , jhe canopy within a radius of ten ! Brdu.p l'os leaves Mimunpol: for luik Willi utter destruction. The ! Philadelphia ; Ii'.shop Ilur.-t, r.ii!!';.!o i c-apUiin tdiinned up the only available ' for Washington, vvhih: of the new ly j li-ee. The se.-reant threw himself tlat elected bihops, JJishop Vincent pec j on the ground and tried to tiijr a hole ; to linii'alo, where he will 1- luar with his bayonet to crawl into, while Ohautauiiiia; Ii.-hop I"itz;ror;dd io the fat major rollod over and over in , Minneapolis; P.ishop Joyce to t'liat'.a atgony, alternately invoking the pr.i-: noogf, Hihop New man to I'Unaha and j tection of providence, ami cursing the His hop voodscll to Texas. male. Finally the explosion came, , the ball going through the roof of the; fort. The recoil of the gun and the w ild leap of the terrified mule carried ; hoth over the Muff to a tafe anchorage , at the bottom of the river. The di.s-; eomlited party returned sadly to the i .... i i . . i . .. f. . . l I are isoi ouioi'iilm to ir.ui piact-f i..r v u u CO Ct !! hi I ;. 'i oil ir l:..iin-. t int li. riiriivrli 1 s.ni;'.- 'retclil ii:alkk in- I O.l:! !' 1! :U:-.l 1 . 1 11 n - 1 u .V . i ill V,1!' I ! ir-- n --mi t tin.--- vvflwiniHtr 1 . i I, P1m-m Jlowein, IteuporK, llmrovvN, 0ilti'-itiw. PulveriscerM, IStilicx. AViiffom Itujjjjlos. And the celebrated Sherwood Steel Harness. -jjrTuinr' aiul 1 s.. "v. I 1 t RON ft Anew church is organised every two days Ly the l'resbyieiian thun-ii. j Kvery three day. tt Presbyterian min- j i-ter die?. The denomination impons from otiier t'liristui'.! bodies sixty min- ; jsters per year to fill vae.mcles. The ' secretaries of the Home Mission boM-d I t ! g? o o CO Tin, Copper r'x i r vr ID p Iwmasetia River Line of Steiaers, PUMPS, ETC. ! i andShret Iron Ware! 1CAV1 - 1 - r.. ri.11.1l s a. M.. fXl.., W t l;t:AVs ASt khi.vs -r,.m M-v:- HaVi.fl-, ,'. fe' Im. k. M -,C l ieJit n.-.t. .f t .rVHii iei'1 Isiti-nnrt'-.m" Mill,, i-l-- r..M.-i'-!-licli wl Ali4- ).v i. s t t ..!;. i'.!i 'rtii of Itw OIM.tiON PAfUlC lAlI.iUAI. TIME SCHtU'JLE, iTxcept Sunday-) Is- VI hm, 1 (' i in. ! lv. Ya-.'I "J' is- m. I v. Cinv vi.l 1-,! f. ! .l I l.v. I ..i: At i is I.i Am. m. i VR. V Ojl V. : ! III I -V. .!-.-. i o.V C Tnii:e csuif't 11I .Vo-ntiv r,uil t.r.,li:-'. ' ti.. -(...,.. v.-.ilus ,-tiiiuTt lit Yi"iii:i! vi:tli llif I'" im .H lH'. :k tint nt i.ii'ltmv . Vj..um.i t vino una- .... All Kinds of !?epa short notice. THE WOVEN WIRE BED. dime on x. .l:V M. Is 1 .lulv Jl, ::i. 1 Lin- if .ml s.ili V rnln'lM'.i. S 1 i.i Mi HA'I i s : sn niu. I I roi.i s. v. i-1-..iii Vnqiiilin. t"i tl.Vin a 1." ' ! ' v : .lime 2. I J. 11 U, : V. ilii.nu'l'i- V ..!!i I .I'll v ilhilit. li.' hIm I J'llv i v. iiiiiiiietii- ViiiScy 1 .luly Tlii -, ni.iiiiy ri'i rvei- tl:v ri'il ux-iianv sail j ins ituti- uiioi.t irrtnv". ' I't.v-i iiTr frf.'n l' n,fil. im.l i.It WilUmita ' Vnlii'V i.'.ni-. ii'i v.:il- !. '.nii-'-e.!i Willi j tin. Ir ons it II - V.ivi'in'.v I "I TK 1.1 All.any ..r I i'uvvmIIi... ie.ii1 it .t.-stini:l t..Sm I ;'i i-M. sI miiM I 'ivriiii-i' in arri' ut Viiiiia tin- evenliiv! liv-foiv ! t!ie l:iti' i'l' Mi.lin:-,. j Tiss.-Ju -virt I'lelKUt It'ites LOWKST. ho us: wo will make ytu hajifiy g. w. ckusoK, Lebanon, Or. NOTICE Having recently purchased the Scio 31111s, I have completely ren ova ted and refurnished the mill and am now prepared to make Hour bv the always thi-: minister.? applying for service; they are burdened rather to find ministers t-j parishc-:? uo-.v vacant and tii'cr missionary liclds now opt-n. ! 1 .E a. a- 'A V.r-t- A Terntona editor ssvh in uv- i.a- vVTs;'''! knife, out v nti wtnte man ,t.r : t--ier.lav -,re v.-eiv ap.in mar- ! fc f.f "v-; j y i4 V? H i fy I'm tioie jackass. Injun no un- : ried. It will be rornembei ed lhat Iioih j S f-J f' j' ; ,j U'i-Vf3 DTU if I I no think right. Injun no f our former wives el. ped with the ! H ZLi; ff-'a lA i 1 .Ci v5 I iJ U vJ 1 i that way. I foreinaii cf the otiiee. To avoid any fi ir,5 (--i Pi l'i- I ' WJ V.- H 7- ; T -j , ! further ineotivenience of the kind we 5 V.X If-i P. " zjU "'' u;-3 siIlu l!Ja' v.. i:,:. . ,......, .. !.,.!.- i S t.'-f t , t L- " i T, ' i f- t Al 8'nortly "after the chief of the Indians appeared and announced briefly, "In jun go home." ! Questioned a to why, he thus ex-i plained: "Injun ver' brave, help white man. Injun use pun. use bow-' a; row, use fire off wl ders-tand, help irm f ght Ilaraeo tlarKest ncur and mcist Gang-crcus time in the career of a young- man was when he sat down to devise some plan to get a living in the world without working for it. Lumber! dumber! Lumber! c. v. vhki:ij:i;, rni.ri.!ti.r ni.' :- 31 ILLS SAW i'i ut iMur;v.T!' Arn.Y to f It. ltAsWl.l.b. ' " HI'Kil'K. fii-n i Krt A: Ai't. Aff'-' 'a nl K. & V. A t, t:r. i.i.n lK'n l.-fini-iii "".. . I". I.'. K. K. tu., ."..'it MiltllUMlI'l'VV s'.. s'ufl l'-oinri -i, t'Kl'il. I tiirviiliis I m-'nn. TMIi MAKKKTS. All. KIM'S OK- l.erself a compositor and she will set the type while we hustle for the ducks ' who still owe on the subscription.' , An exchange puts it thusly: "The, " ' vear &tH.-r.8$ will be a hard vcar on the A colored man, living at San Uiego, ; f;U!V 3 ikewi;ie ihe c-andidaS will 1 CU liiitive of Vermont, is said to j hUn.ly have iiqu;, if ile ollici.Si. lint! have arrived at the age cf 115 year.,!;, n jil he a xlorious year to di.--ips j- : huvine been born In, 1773.. Utuiia aui ?pccuiS in real csio." 1 eiiiifi. i'.:ii i. a c.tiU i.'-.i'- at- ii.t:,:..,i i.. i.. i- .t;.- .-.v. i .' 7 ; : 'i"-e .... i!.-: I'. . I'. ' I V "'' 'itll r;f!,li!s III !i'.v: ! i 1: ;. I . .1 ' ' !' I 1 1 . Hi ir I-, " V. sv:i t .'.'-'i !.'. i H .'A'.' -r l-limtt ..f ifjTr-t.ttoii. -o in1-. . ' ns I" mi nl r'.';io- y, I in.-t lo-.m ii..- ;o, ( it.it.uK i xi ! r i i rs r i ' . ' 1 ..r .iti!i!i. ti.li in-. lorliK i.i:' I Ti.fin;: i ll !! tn'i ii.:) i-Ui'ii's i:i -"ir mi n : i . 1 - -. ' .',:i': . ;t i r 'li'ivi:, iTiiso jrWiVlJJfi and CI.BAR coiisianilv on hand. LUMBER Bills of All Kinds Filled en Sbort Koilce and at Reason Flies bi JiANox, Ok., June A Wheat Gfc per bushel. ();lts 10e p: r bushel. Flour 14 'Jtl per barrel Kjftw 1;"., pei" dozen. I lit t tor 'Jte t r I''. Lard l-.'e per 11. Apples, tlriei'. Se" Hc per li. rium.H, dried iOc'sdSve per lb. l'runes, drit d lOe- lle per lb. Hams-Lie per lb. F boulders KK; per ll. Hacon -2c per lb. fj0!1l on .1 25 r,cr "' g:il Ion can. BulT Roller pR0GEs "''"Civo us a call W fore purchasing elsewhere. G. W. Wheeler- j eo0. VfccV SSLS15 ! thousands eufferiner from Asthma, Con Etimption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try ! Acker's EnpliJi liemedy? 1 w the best : preparation known for all Lung JroiWo'. i told oa a positive gaaraateo at 10c, vJc. The Mill is now nmiiing audi can furnish the best of I intend to run my mill in such a way that none can go awa satisfied SCIO, Proprietor. Vi OREGON-"' 1 - r,. 1 it - r