JOB PRINTING. Kwy dsatripiioa cf Jo- FrintiBi Doss oa S2rt Katies. (issr KVKHV FIUIUV.) H. Y. K I K K PAT UK' K Publishers TKRMS OF SUBSCKirrlON. Oil Vrar ....... J "J S r M,.ths 1 Tares M.Kiha . (Payable in adTanoa.) TERMS OFADVKRTlSlNa. '" (LEGAL 1 QtilsaT, first Insertion ; J Eaea atlJLU-ualuwertiiui.. 1 SO (MM a I. ) , Wat N;tl, pcf Una ........ .f. ........ 15 canta Ke.;ulr dvertiitnnu irtd upon liiwral twni. , . iA j 1 1. , Legal Blanks, Business Cards, Letter Heasfa, Bill He aula. Circular. Porters, Bio. VTina-laa1 Id toot atyla aad at lovaat Brine saieaa. VOL. II. LEBANON, OREGON, FIUDAY. JUNK 22, 1883. NO. 15. LEBANON SOCIETY NOTICES. LEBANON LODGE. SO. 44, A. F A. M : Mwta at thalr uar ball in Maaroic Block, on Saturday veiuuf, au or boiora tha lull moon. J WASSON. W. M. LEBANON LODflR, JTO. 4T. t O. P.! Maeta Sat urday veiling of ih wk. at Odd Kell.m'a Hull, Main street; vlsiUuf- brethren cordially Invited ta attend J. J. CHAKLIuS, il. O. HOXoU LOIX5E SO. M, A. O. T. W.. LIanon. Oregon: Meeta aver; nrrt and third 1 mirsttay even- Ing iu tha month. V A. R. CYRUS A CO., Real Estate, Insurance & Loan Agent. General Collection and Xolary Public Basiness Promptly Attended to. M. N. KECK, DESIGNER AND SCULPTOR, Manufacturer of HanmtK and Headstones, AXD ALL K.IXf9 OF CEMETERY WOltK FIXK MONTMEXT3 A SPECIALTY. Ojp R ivere House, ALB AX Y, OREOOJf. St. Charles Hotel, LEBANON. Oregon. K. W. Corner Main and Sherman Streets, two BloaVa ast of 11 K. lepot. T. C. PEEBLER & CO. Prop. Tables Supplied with the Best too Market Affords. Bamfila Rooms and tba AceommcdaMoos for Commercial men. -GENERAL STAGE OFFICE.- WINTER Artistic Photographer, BROWNSVILLE, OR. Enlarging from 8mall Pictures. Ia stautaneous Process. WORK WARRANTED. G. T. COTTON, DEALER IX Groceries and Provisions, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, CONFECTIONERY, taeensvware and Glassware. Lanp) and Lamp Fixtares. Slain St.. Ianon. resron. ST. JOHN'S HOTEL Sweetfcome, Oregon, JOHN T. DAVIS, Proprietor The table Is supplied with the very best the market affords. Nice clean beds, and satisfaction, guaranteed to all guesta. In connection with the above house JOIIA DONACA Keeps a Feed and Sale Stable, and will accommodate tourist and travelers with t-.am3, guides and outfits. BURKHART & BILYEU, Proprietors qf the Livery, Sale mill F83l StaUIas LEBAAOX, OR, Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman. Fine Buggies, KaGks, Har ness and GOOD RELIABLE HORSES For parties going to Brownsville, Wa terloo, Sweet Home, Scib, and all , parts of Linn County. All kinds of Teaming DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. BURKHART & BILYEU. BAD PRAYERS. t do not like to hoar him pray On bended knee about an hour. For grace to spend aright the day. Who knows his neighbor has no flour TA rather see him go to mill And buy the lnckless brother bread. And see his children eat their nil ' And laugh beneath their humble shed, I do not like to hear him pray: "Let blessings on the widow bo." Who never seeks her homo, to say : "If want o'ertake you, come to me. I hate the prayer so lond and long That's ottered for the orphan's weal. By him who sees him crushed by wrong, And only with his tips doth feel. I do not like to hear her pray With Jeweled ear and silken dress. Whose washerwoman toils all day. And thn is asked to work for less. Suc-h pious shavers I despise: With folded hands and face demure. They lift to Heaven their "anirel eyes, And steal the earning of the poor. 1 do not like such soulless prayers j If wrong. I hope to be forgiven, No angel wing them upward bears : They're lost a million miles from Heaven. Hartford 1met. THE EXP OF THE ROAD. Rest for "Weary Feet, and Hands, and Heart, and Brain. He cams into the composing-room one afternoon, nearly exhausted from a long walk of twenty-five miles since morning, and wet and cold with the dismal rain and slet that was falling outside. He did not present an attractive ap pearance a lacs that needed both shaving and washing, brownol by constant exposure and a pair of great eyes that looked hungrily around the strange room as if in search of some thing be never found; a coat that might once have graced the form of a gentleman of leisure probably con tributed by some "dude" printer in a philanthropic mood, bnt which had long since lost the trace of respect ability an old slouch hat, battered by wind and weather, and hard usage. like its owner. No one could have told, or even guessed with any degree of accuracy, the man's an- Ha may have been fifty or thirty -five years old. No mat ter no one cared sufficiently to in quire or wonder. Hi walked slowly across the room, stopping at last to watch dreamily the deft fingers of one of tho printers who was distributing H. a Mas ,.-. Ihd nifrltra irftre- . ...... . . . . . . v 1 . u . t a. i The worker glanced over his ! shoulder at another man who sat be hind him, saying indifferently: Here you are, slug seven.' Slug seven, who had evidently been longing for a "sub." threw himself carelessly off his stool, deposited a dozen lines of tvpe on the stone, and turning to the 6tranger. said: "Want to work? Jump on that ease. ! The tramp hesitated only a second j murmuring something about being tired; then wearily took off his shabby coat, exposing to view a shirt which ! had no original color, and a vest I eqnally grimy and delapidated. But j when once at work, sending the type I hiiher ami thither in the process of ' disti ibu ion. tho weary look on his face grew a trifle less perceptible, and an j occasional smile lurked in the corner j of his mouth at the jokes that went around the room. Ontside, the November sleet beat against windows, and the streets were almost deserted. Within the compos ing room all was life and fun and laughter; merry talk mixed with the click, click of type from a hundred fingers. Thoughtless, light-hearted workers. earning their money deftly and swift- ! ly. and managing to bs 'Mead broke" each week as pay-day came around. "Where did yon work last?" asked i a young fellow, who stood beside the tramp. In Philadelphia," he answered, stopping his work for a moment, "But that was two weeks ago; haven't had any work since." "That's hard luck," carelessly. We fellows are used to that," with a little, bitter laugh. "Preity tired, aren't yon?" said "slug seven." walking up and noticing the weary look in his "sub's" face. Yes; and I have a pain between my shoulders that cuts like a knife. I must work to-night, though." turning away to pick up a handful of type. A tall, heavily-built man stalked in to the room at this juncture. He glanced sharply at the new roan, tak ing in his general outside appear ance in one swift look, from the brown, unshaven face to the shabby ;-hoes that scarcely concealed his feet A sudden hush fell upon the noisy crowd. The business manager of the concern was not inclined to encour age levity. Ha walked over to the foreman's table, whispering some thing iu his ear and received the an swer: "He's all rig'it; a little, rougln-look-ing, Litt a printer is a printer; we're three frames short to-night." - The business manager walked out, after which the - jokes and general freedom of speech were resumed. Six o'clock sounded from the differ ent city shop-bells, the whistles blew, the old composing-room clock clanged out six sharp notes. The office was nearly deserted. The tramp lingered, looking with a true compositor's pride at the heaped -up case out of which he might 'pull a good string," if he were not so tired, and that old pain in his shoulders wera not quite so sharp, though almost taking his breath at times. "It looks as if I would have to waft till lunch time for my supper, but It's a long time till twelve o'clock to night," he said to himself, as he walked over to the sink to wash np. No one seemed to notice that be must need iopd that he would be oblisred ' to bunk under his i case in tho waste-box, or press-room anywhere for want of a little money to procure a lodging out side. None of the smart young print ers who held regular cases on that en terprising sheet could be expected to take to their respectable boarding places a man so dirty and uncouth looking as this tramp. Even ft their hearts prompted any such action, tho fear of being snubbed by their land Indies for the generous deed over ruled all thought in that direction. At half-past six ou oof the men Com ing iuto the room found the "sub" seated on a stool, resting one arm on his case, his haxd covering his eyes. As lie ili 1 not look up the man spoke with p'easant indifference. Bi!cn out to supper?'' "No," in a choked voice, "I am dead broke." You must have some supper." snld his questioner, "you will not be able to work to-night Yon are nearly tired out now, I imagine." 'Oli, no, lean work I must work to-night." Tho man made no answer, bnt leav ing the room, returned presently with a lunch from a bakery. 'II ere, my man. this will set vou np till lunch-time, when tin boys will give you a bite, no doubt." "Thank yon," hi answered, the tears comirg into his eyes immedi ately looki ng a little anhamod of it, What a fool I am," ho said, as hr win aain left alor.o. with onlv tht lick of the great clock and the gliding cockroaches for company. At seven o'cloek the forco wero on hand ready for work. No jokes now, but each man buckled down to the trs't before him, anxious to do his best. Tho usual anmnnt of working the hook" was indulged In; no one hesitated to sMdier,' a little for a phattakeof editorial or a cut which would measure eight hundred. All bnt the tramp his ambition seemed to be on tho decline, as the hours rolled by. Once his partner who sto d next to him said in an under tone, as he walked to his place with a dash -rule takn: PjII out, th? next is a head and twelve leads." But the "sub" could not "pull out." The letters refused to come to his hand with their customary readiness. Twice in succession he "piel" a line, and ome he struggled full fifteen minutes iu the pr. cess of making ev.-n." "Y.nt mut be rattled." his neigh bor said, laughing at him, quietly. "A little nervous, 1 guess," he an swered, saying nothing of the dread ful weakness and weariness that was stealing ovjr him, while the old. sharp pain ticvr rolaxd its steady, distress ing hold. At lunch time lie could eat nothing, although the boys were profuse in their offers to share with him. "I am - . l,n"' r, -v ' lie said. The very words choke. I Ui..i ; the fool would have done the same. Work was r.-sumad. but the tramp was not vi h the rl IIj would go out I t a brea h of fresh air, he had said, but he did not return. "1 gut53 slu seven's VuV has j '.imped his cases." remarked one of th; men t-- tin foreman; ""he went ont at lnncli tim j for a breath of air, he sa'..!." "O:- a drink." remarked anotiier. "No nta'ter, thirty is on the hook." C.iek, click, went the type in the sticks. The sleepy galley boy was rouse. 1 for his last t:isk thai night; the last f irm -rattling down the ele vator to the press-room, and still the "suh" did not return. Gone to loo for lodgings, per haps." laughed one, as the gang stood around the sink, each wailing his turn at the soap an I water and tanurnlag towel. Hj'11 find thtn in the C ty Hall; he looks like a rough customer." said another. "A t rv quiet sort of fellow, I thought," s:,id the man who bad worked b-si'.le him. "Ua wa sick and tired; all he wants is a good night's rosr." "And a clean shirt." And a shave." Oli. co.v.e now, boys; yon may be on the road yourselves, yet, and look as rough as this man." "N-t while I can stand off tha bar ber a sd till tail r," was the answer. B it the tramp, where was he? A little bewildered by tha change from tha '.ights of the compoiiug room to the di'.nly-lightj.l street, ha stood for a mo neat. -carce!y knowing where he was. lire o fever was In his eyeq, the fl.ish of fever in !is rough c:ieeks: his head, felt h avy and hi ! Mi b.mudcd against his side tumuli- uou!y. II -walked slowly down the street. far. her and farther, turning here and there, heedlessly going he knew not mUciv m any oiraetion to escape that ringing in ht3 ears, and tho terrible pant that cia. elicit at every breath. The city lights grew farther apart the brick biiCis fad-d away idto quiet country roads. Si ill ho wa'.ked on. until half unc.-.nsc'ous he sank beside the way, and could go no farther. The g!i:ib!y bat foil Lai k from his head. revealing a forehead broad and high; the g:ca. s id eyes g ized up iu an un seeing WAV at ths moot that rtrifted ovcrluail, and lookeJ down at liini pityingly from i:s 11 ght throjh heavy clou Is. Taon between his face aud the night tky there crept a picture. A Ion low. vine-covered house a porch in front where a woman stood, one hand on the head of a boy a slender, pale faced lad. with great, sad eves. She kissed his lips, and held his hand and murmured blessings on her child as he 'eft her standins alona beneath the vines and climbing roses. Then another scone drifted through the dulled and weary brain. A place where mirth and wine and revelry t ran high, and one there tho gayest of lha gay a man with a pale face and sad eyes, belying his own nature by the words he.. uttered. A messen ger at the door a telegram thrust in to his hands "Your mother is dead then followed a blank. The moon waded through an inter vening cloud, and by its light the dy ing man saw still another picture. Wrapped in the robes that angels wear, descending to his side m the track of a quivering ray of moon light, she came his mother.- She lifted his head to her breast, the weary head that had missed caress- ins so long, she pressed her lips to his, and the kiss went like new wine to bis very heart; she touched with her soft lingers his tlrod eyes, and they c'.osod in a long; and und s turbed sleep, never to open again till the last tramp sounds through tho tnrtlt-d skies. - N ntro weary miles; no more days of hunger and loneliness and cold. Rest, perfect rest, for feet and hands and heart and bntlii. Emma Lyndon, in Yaukce Blade. RUSSIAN PRIESTS. Their Exlatnnee Una of Mtaory, Want, Hardtlilp and Toll. The established religion of 11 issia is formulated after tho doctrines of the Greek ehurch. and the priesthood of the empire form a uniqiio'and entirety separate class of the community in which they reside. Their education is somewhat above hat received in our public schools, but as me opporta tity never occurs for entrance into a university they are not versed in classical lore. Tho R isslan priest, or pope, as the people call hi m. s at all times ready for the discussion of public questions, but if ho fin Is himself on the wrong side of the argu ment, be will simply smile and walk away; he thus avoids all feeling of anger on either side. The Income de rived from weddings, christenings and uncrals and even collections from other sources proves entirely inade quate to his wants. He can not re marry, as the law allows him but one wife, and should she die he must f r- ever remain a widower, an unpleasant contingency to contemplate. II-th'-rt-fore selects the healthiest woman he can find, in the hope of a long life of domestio bliss. Travelers always feel free to stop at the priest's house, but the heavies, burden he has to bear, and ono which ix s his resources to the utmost, is the bringing up and suitable education of his numerous family. It often happens that on reaching he v'llage placed onder hi care he finds an old. d lapidated dwelling tin tit for habitation, and thus the drain on his pocket begins Immediately. Sometimes the appearance of the rest is the signal for marriaea whieli have been delayed owing to tho proper u n clio nary not bjing on the spot to perform the ceremony. In this latter case the wife and eldest daughter are expected to attend the wedding, and t would give the gravest iffon-e should they decline the Invitation. Ihey are also expected to appear in bet 'or garb than any of the parish ioners. This necessitates the pur- thasj of new sarafens Oetlicont). Thus the poor priest is forced some times t deny himself even neces saiies that his women folk may pre sent a respectable appearance at tho village gathering. Often the parish is small and poi.r, and the contributions from the villagers very meager. O le peasant will, perhaps, give 5 kopek a (2 cents), onolher 10 kopekas, but the merchant usually doubles the peasant's gift. If the priest and draoons of tho church are on friendly terms the latter will Influence the peas nils to assist the former in his labors. But while no money 1s given in return for the as sistance thus rendered, it vet entails considerable expense for vodka (wh'sky) ai d food, and the priest. then-f re, prefers to do his own work if possible. During harvest he is com peted to accept assistance, - as the climate is v. r r uncertain, but the treatment he receives from the peas ants is Indeed aggravating. Some priests g into the business of raising bees, and by thi means iiicxvas9 their Income perhaps 40 or 50 rub es per year. Another source of revenue is the collecting ol essrs during the Easter season, atid the making of perogs (a peculiar kind of cake) and buckwheat caks. foi which they find a ready sale. Happy is the prUst if at the end of the yeai he finds ho can make both ends meet. When old age overtakes him he be comes an object of charity. The Russian peasant has but little respect for his spiritual adviser; he i also very superstitious, and believes that should he meet his priest while walking through the village some evil will surely bt-fall him. To disarm the bad genius and turn aside the impend ing wrath he spits on the ground ai he passes the priest Th s is religious- y believed to be a sure protection against all evil influences. The lifeol a country priest In the erreat Russian Empire is far from a pleasant one. U represents every possibility between the positive and superlative degrees oi misfortune. 2 he Countess Aorraikow, in (.hioi'jt Herald. o- PITH AND POINT, A new book la entitled "The Key le Country." It is undoubtedly full f conversations accidentally over- .ard. She I think any man ought to be tle to support a woman, lie vell, dont know about that; some women re insupportable, you know. Wasti ng ton Globe. "One Hundred Years" is the title if a new Thanksgiving poem. It is a terribly long sentence, but after read ing the poem we are convinced that the poet deserved it Burdctte. Some fireman, somewhere, evident ly smitten with somebody, gave the fol lowing toast: "Cupid and his torch, tho only incendiary that can kind a flame which the engfnes can not quench." Gus Have vou put the important 3uestion to old Moneybags' daughter, aok? Jack No. I hear there is a prior attachment there. Gus Yon don't say so? Jack Yes, the sheriff has attached every thing the old man owns. N. T. Sun. Professor (to students) Pray, go on smoking, it doesn't annoy me in the least; on the contrary, I like to see oth ers eniov it It is the same with to bacco as with hay; I don't eat any my self, but I am delighted to watch other enjoying it jV. Y. Telegram. Servant (to woman at the door) The mistress was taken very ill last night and can't see anyone. Them's my orders. Woman Yes. Will you please sav that MissS., the dressmaker, is at the door? Servant (after a brief absence) You are to walk up stairs, mum. K. Y. Herald. If he had a mind :i The dude he would go a-conrting. Then said his mamma kind, "Yon must not go," and he answered. Til go If I have a mind." The mother smiled serenely, . Then said, ta accents low. y -"If that la the ease, my darling, - . Vou aartalaiy will not go.".. THE RATTLESNAKE'S EYE. tts Malignant. Terrlblo and Uanraroaaly Fasetoatlna; Expression. Never seeing a snake charm a bird or animal, I concluded it was a negro superstition or fancy, devoid of fact. So I continued to think until a few days ago when a farmer friend of mine, living four miles south of Abilene, told me what he had lately wituessed. He said he was riding along on a prairie, and saw a prairie dogwithin a few feet of him, which refused to scamper to his hole, as prairie dogs usually do when approached by mui; on the con trary, he sat as if transfixed to the pot, though making a constant nerv ous, shuddering motion, as if anxious to get away, ify friend thought this was strange, and while considering tho spectacle, he presently saw a large rat tlesnake coiled up under some bushes, his head uplifted, about six or seven feet from the dog. which still heeded him not, but looked steadily upon the snake. He dismounted, took the dog by the head and thrust him off, when the snake, which had up to that moment remained quiet. Immediately welled with rage, and began sound ing hia rattles. The prairie dog for ome time seemed benumbed, hardly capable of motion, but grew better, and finally got into his hole. My friend then killed the rattler. Now, was this a case of charming? It not, what wa It? My friend who told me this is named John IrviDg McClnre, a farmer. well known to me. a good and truthful man. I now give it np that snakes do indeed charm, or so paralyze birds and little animals with terror, when they catch their eye, that they become help less and motionless, almost as good as dead. What eav the scientists? And to one who is familiar with the eyes of rattlesnakes it docs not seem unreasonable that they should have uch power. If you will examine the eye of one when ha is cold in death, you will perceive that it has an ex tremely malignant and terrible expres sion. V hen be is rtlive and excited I know of nothing in all nature of so dreadful appearance as the eye of the rattlesnake. It is enough to strike not only birds and little animals but men with nightmare. I have on several oc casions examined them closely with strong glasses, and feel with all force what I state, and I will tell you that there - are few men on the face of the earth who can look upon an angered rattlesnake through a good glass bringing him apparently within a foot or two of the eye and stand it more than a moment Forest and Stream. OLD-TIME VAGARIES. How Ago and wigfctmore Wero Cored In the flood Old Days. In the early days of credulity and superstition the popular mind was pre pared to receive as a remedy any thing of a mysterious character. A rine made on the hinge of a coffin was cred ited with the power of relieving cramps, which also received solace when a rusty old sword was hung up by the patient bedside. Nails driven into an oak tree were not a cure, but a pre ventive against toothache. A halter which had served to hang a criminal withal, when bound rouud the temples, was fouud an infallible remedy for headache. A still more efficacious remedy was fouud, of course, in th moss" growing on a human sknll. which moss waa dried and pulverized and then taken by way of cephalic snuff. A dead man's hand could dis pel tamom of tlie gland by stroking the parts nine times; but the hand of a man who had been cut down from the gallows-tree was, we need not say, a remedy infinitely more efficacious. Some of these remedies still exist among the superstitious poor of the provinces, although the formula, of course, ia not now strictly adhered to. the game being emphatically "hardly worth the candle. To cure warts, for instance, the best thing was to steal a piece of beef from the butcher. with which tha warts were to be rubbed, after which it was to be in terred in any filth, and as the process of decomposition went on the warts would wither and disappear. The chips of a gallows on which sev eral persous had been hanged, when worn in a bag round the neck, were pronounced an infallible euro for the ague. The nightmare, supposed, of course, to be caused by supernatural agency, was banished by means of a tone with a hole in it being suspended at the head of the sufferer's bed. This last remedy went by the name of a hag-stone," because it prevented the witches, who of course wrought the mischief, from sitting on the patient's stomach. Its effect upon these mischievous old crones was singularly deterrent The poor old creatures who could not have sat a horse the moment he began to walk were credited with riding these animals over the moorland at headlong peed in the dead of night, when bet ter disposed and less frisky people were wrapped in slumber. A "hag-tone tied to the key of the stable door at once pat a stop to these heathenish vagaries. Time. A few years ago a school ma'am In Cumberland County, Maine, was pre sented by her beau with deeds to sonic California lands. Both considered them worthless; but a woman hates tc part with any thing, so she put thcni away. Recently she received an offi of $250,000 for the land, valuable mineral deposits having been dis covered, which she promptly accepted. Mr. Minks I met an old school mate to-day for the first time in forty years and we had a grand talk about old times. Mrs. Minks It was a man I suppose. "O! yes, and as long as I've lived I never saw such a perfect example of contentment and earthly happiness as he Is." "Did he marry any one I know?" "No, he never mar ried." Omaha World. Bagley (who has just been intro duced) Colonel Inimp, of the Dog- town Bb'wlert Happy to meet you. My wife sent several poems to the Howler in earlier Years. Thev never appeared I believe. Colonel "Trump Possibly not You 6ee, I am compelled to send back or destroy interesting matter evervdav:.! receive so much. Bajrley Indeed! Why don't you put some of it in the Howler occasionally? Phila delphia ail. LIFE ON THE ROAD. Experiences of Mo Who Aro Competed to Travel Kvory Uay. Then tlicr.i Is another large group who are "on tho road" nearly every da. These are the men whosrj busi ness, trades or culling are in town and whose dwelling-houses or family places of n boil o for the thus being are out of town, at the shore or in the country. On this class observations may be made. Some of them make a dreary and tiresome job of thir daily journey to nnd fro, especially if the ride takes an hour or two. They bury themselves n silence, or they jnake futile efforts o rend prolitless ami irahy light i:erture," or thov resort l the sniok- ig-car, or thy play cards all the way; r they at once set to work lo try to go o sleep, nnd alt "if kill tunc. " and so mu te a wear some laltor or fov:rinli oi of the trip. An I. in fact, it is a iiottotonoitv dull, and very t dtoiis I ii iuiMS with them as they work it a t ro lit I ess ex pen titiiic of time, most of j tl em get! in v very tired of it before the I iimmer Is over. There Is a "remnant," however. who go "on the road" to better pur pose, who don t g-.t iired, and who lou't try to "kill time" in any of the wars already meutiotw A. of this ro-ip we hava in mind at this mo ment. During several m nth of the year it happens that he Is obliged to be on Iho road twice every day, his work-shop and his dwelling place le- iii g m tlioso months two hours travel i apaif IIj make4 the trip to tiw cily j cnrly in the morning and back ia the veiling, and while he is by no means a ! youtli, he never snff-rs ennui on the j t rain, never ?n- to ivj tireo. an-l. in , . ... fact, never is tired 0:1 tbensl. When nked how that comes about hi an swer Is: "Tired? No; the most a'rso- lute rest I set. excei t when I am in b tl n-d;-eii, i.s during lbs two hours of he railroad ride home in the after- noon mm evening, n hen I settle lown in the car-cbair I throw off every thing that lias Any strain of thought in it I look at the fields ana rees. tho corn And the clover, the peach orchards and the potato patches. the berr;--:ioid i a id tun vineyards, the gardjtis, the harti-yard and the .itlle-ntstiir-.. th- snug farm homes tnd tuo e.f cotta'e honis along tha iilage roads, the wild flowers and ho wild - birds, the pretty railway si alio is. their parterres, and the va ried and curious jrro'ips of reoiiIe of ill descriptions coiigratcd at the sta tions. I have a pa.s-ins: Acquaintance ilh every thing on that road. aiiI- uate Atid inanimate, and every day I ee them under s mie f i e-m aspect i one new interest is alt a . 'S coming lo ice. Tho restfiilaess of it all is so perfect and absolute that von nmt rr it btrfor. voti can understand 1 When asked about the liiiie" aVcn np in the two dailr trip he aid: "Yes, of course, there's a jrieat xpeuse of time. I cudd not afford to pen I f nir ho rs oi;t of the working ay thai way, so 1 divide them, devo: ag the two hoiin to the shors after lie day's work is over !o perf et rest. md putting the two hours lonungim ii the morning to work, and I can do hree hours' work easily i:i tho-ie two heii fresh in the moridng. It is ouderful to find h'w letters and tapers and memoranda about busiiie fTaii-s that were pu.z'.m and difljciil ies to k:iow what lo do with during lie busy ho-;rs of the dav before cleer hemselvcs up an4 almost disp.e of hemselves when the mind is fresh and ree and Active In the early niornin T n the road, A. I. Lcilcr. ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. I Kittialamtle Carrepnri,leofa Io orlptloai of tlio Sool-PiK-t-.' While the writing-room iu her own Some is in itself a perfect inspiration. icavy with an atmosphere distilled from a husband s most cultivated inste, a wife's most poetic fancy, she can sit iu a room ahvw here with a talkative lady, two or three chatting rirls a sewing-machine, a trouble some oanv, a siiig-iig bint, ana no' mly compose, her most intense, and i. ui-slirring verse in the melee, bnt keep in sympathy with the spirit of ihe place. Iu this, as All else with h- r. people stand first, things af er- ward. She would at nny time let her 'randest poem fall in fragments about er I-et rather titan wound the Icet- iii of llio m.mllesr child hi-r. So she answers their questions, gives C5 i: 1.. .l..r.. i l :n ,K . . . , mirth if necessary to the success of the j ike that she seems please. I with kisses the baby. takes ho'd of some millinery or dress- making exj-eriment needing "push- ing lo a .icceslnl completion, and roes right on Willi the itoom. the itooni, from vh cli it must have cost a supreme cf 'ort to turn aside. S"ie neither wrig 1 s nor writhes, uplifts her eyes uor drops her head. But for an unusual .ight In tha wme-co.ored eyes and a -lightly increasing color, ono might 'migine her engaged in wriiing an or dinary letter to a friend. Tho only gesture wli'ch can be said to betoken a moving of the composing waters ia a dainty little thrust of the 1 ft hand outward, just as yon have seen a bird on a perch stretch its leg. with a little kick, ou waking. She al ways looks at her finger nails, of which she is very careful, on drawing it back. lids, with a peep at a little mirror which sho keeps on her writing table for this purpose, invariably I rings the word, turns the sentence or arranges Iho idea almost as quickly as t can be written. She likes to dress lainlly always, bill especially when writing. Chicago Time. "What sort of a watch is this?' asked a gentleman, picking up a curi ous old time-piece in the shop of a deal er of curiosities. "That" replied the dealer, "is a real curiosity. It is a watch that belonged to Alexander the Great when he died on the barren Island of St Helena." "The deuce it is! Why, man alive, iu the days of Alexander the Great there was no srch things as watches!"' "That's just what i makes it such a rarity. "And Alex ander the Great didn't die at St Helena." "He didn't, eh? Well, that makes it a still greater curiosity!" And taking up the rare relic, the dealer locked it up in his - burglar-proof safe, K V. Xfyer. t THE ORIENTAL HAREM. A Brief Cllmpao of Ono of tho Feeallar Feat ares of SIohMmsnedlsm. One of the conditions upon which a woman enters the harem is that she give up all family ties and connec tions with the outside world. While polygamy is permitted in Turkey, not more than five per cent of his Maj esty's Moslem subjects have barems. General Wallace depicted in a humor ous vein the curiosity of American women to visit the harems. They al ways have a great desire to see" the poor creatures at home, and to devise some means to raise them from their degraded condition. After a visit marcy of tbcs ladies change their minds about the fearful fate of the Turkish women. The Turkish ladies aMmh!e in a common reception room richly furnished. They are attended by a throntr of slaves, while and black, who dotheir every bidding. The mistresses oi these nari-ms wear costumes which the steaker, after ainilogizing for his feficieney on the subject of feminine apparel, undertook to describe. Their clothing is of the richest material. Of L the general intelligence of these women their American siter.s who have seen them do not speak in flattering term. The conversation between the Turkish women and their visitors nearly always runs about this way: "Where are you from?" inquire the luxurious wives of the Mahommedans. From America." "Where is America?" "It's over the ocesn." Do you ever go out there without weiring veils? Aren't you ashamed before the men ?" We don't pay any attention to the men. I, 1 I III. l7-l-r.ll fllllllliin I II B I IHII IU, i : - it . , - - . t . i . - . . TV 1 . " . . merely delusion. Kvery Turkish wom an has her own quarters and her own slaves to wait upon her. She can take a ride whenever she wishes, and she wears what she pleases without any in terference. The Turkish headdress is. with due deference to the styles of Paris and New York, the most becom ing of any in the world. It makes the homeliest women handsome and the handsome angelic. The Turkish wom en are. next to our own American women, the most beautifnl I have ever seen. Glimies of them can be caught on Fridays, the Turkish Sunday, or from their carriages. They do "their own shopping. It is theirs to buy as they please and their husbands to pay for it. It is incorrect to say that there is no home-life among the Turks. Lay ing aside the tie of hiisband and wife, th-?re remains that almost as desw psrent and child. The residents of the har-m. which means a sacred or secret place, are passionately devoted to their children, upon whom they can shower all the tenderness of a woman's nature. From a Lecture by General Lew Wal-'i-e. FRANCE'S MINERALS. t 3a!icttf-iel Report Shawm- an Increase in Ore frodnellon. From the Bureau of the Minister of Public Works has been recently issned a statement of the iron and coal pro duction of France np to the end of 1SS1. which shows both in that and the previous year a fair amount of in crease. The total yield of iron ore for 11 was 3,fiS9,tKrt tons, an increase of 5 jereent. over that of 18-Si, which w lets by litf.OiiM tons. The produc tion of Algeria was 6.57,000 tons for 1K1, an increase of -I2,(KX tons. Iron ore is worked in France in S:J depart ments, half of the whole amount (1.7!'.Ol0 tons) beiii2 fumishe-l by the department of Muerthe de Moselle. Next comes Ardeche, with 197,000; ilante Marne, lSP.ttiO; Saone et Loire, 1C2.000; Pyrenees Orien tales, 1 S3. 000. Besides the increase of production, there has been n similar increase of im portation from Algeria. Spain, Ger many, Italy and Belgium, the total amount being 1,27,0 more than in the previous year. The consumption of iron ore during 1R?1 in tho various smelting works wa 4.2Sl,00f tons, of which 6 per cent, came from Algeria and 24 per cent, from foreign sources. The production of coal, anthracite and lignite, for the year was 19,766,0K tons, an increase of ot;,00.: over that of the previous vear. The depart ments of Nord andPas-de-Calais figure f'jr 8.9t2,0i0. followed at a respectful distance bv the Loire coal basin with ,V16.000."ard with 1,!SS,000. Bur gundy and Nivemais with 1.552,000, Tarn and Aveyron 1.080,000. Bourbon nais Pol.O1!. All these minor coal fields have fallen off in their produc tion, and the increase for the vear is solely due to Xord and Pas-dc-Calais. ine import oi inei inio traiwrniwi WS 1U,Z2I.'S. tOllS. Of WhlOtj 0.3tb,W s ceme Irom rtelgium, it.obU.ottU irorti ; England and 1.225 from Germany. ! i oal importation has' been stendily in ,:' ...... i ; iv', ig lor several years in trance. tliAt of 1872 being only 7,70t.OO0. The exports oi coal are very small ana ars as steadily decrea-dng, bavins boon 608.000 tons in 1RS0 and 601.000 in t 1881. The peat furl industry is also on ! the decrease. lor in lz the working j of peat Dogs amounted to szo.000 tons, j and in 1831 to 23o,000. The peat is, however, still largely nsed, there be ing upward of 1,073 reorganized peat beds in the State, on which are 8.400 separate workings, employing about 2(5,000 bands. London Times. Revenge is Sweet. She wasn't very young, but she had money. He didn't want the earth. Dearest," he began, but she stopped him. "I anticipate what yon are about ta say, Mr. Sampson," sho said, "and I would spare your feelings, for it can never, never be. I esteem you highly, and will be a sister to " "I have four sisters already," he re plied bitterly, "four grown sisters, and life is a hideous burden. But. oh Clara," he went on passionately, "if you can not be ray wife will you not give me a mother s-protectms love? : l m 'm an orphan." Life. A flock of blackbird, said to have been three miles in length and nearly a hundred yards wide, lately parsed over Edetiton bay. North Carolina They obscured the heavens like a dark cloud. and the noise of their flight was like the rosh of a mighty wind. The newest kind of a thief is one In Bellevne, O., who steals thermome ter exclusively. Cleveland Leader. r ollowing are some of the high dwelling-houses in New York City : Osborne flats, 171 feet in height; Dakota flats, 155 feet; Munro flats, 155 feet; Navarro flats. 142$ feet The measurement is from the curb level to roof. 2fi T. Herald, V - LITERARY CRITICS. A learned Dtsensalon of Books Aathors by Two Scholarly Booteneao Dnmoela. They meet In a horse-car; each give a little scream of surprise and delight; they shake hands furiously, kUs, giggle, and finally settle down into the follow ing learned discussion of books and authors: What yon reading this winter," any how, Mame?" Oh, Browning, to be surer "So am ." (This happened ia Bos ton.) "Isn't he just perfectly splendid?" "Oh, perfectly!"' " "But it's hard to always understand just what he means." 'Yes. so it is; but then I just rave over him. anyhow." "Oh, I do. too; he's just grand!" You reading Howells this winter?" Oh, yes; Tve read the 'Minister's Charge." isn't ii goodT "Splendid! Only I was just utterly disgusted with the way that 'Manda and Statira earned on." Wasn't you, though? It was just perfectly aw fuL" "Ye, and to think of that splendid Lorn going to sacrifice himself to that Staths, as he was; I declare I cried all night over it! "So did I! And I could hug Howells for getting Lent out of that scrape the way he did. I just think Howells is perfectly and utterly lovely, anyhow." "Isn't he? I read every line ha writes the minute it is out" "Are you reading Craddock any?" Yes, indeed! Soma of her charac ters are j'jst too lovely for any thing!" . "I know it! But her djscriptie parts are so awfully long. Do you know I always skip them?" "So do L She has ' a full moon ia every chapter, hasn't she?" "Of course she has! And it's always popping up over the Tennessee mount ains on the slightest provocation." 'That's so! But wasn't Lethe Szryjbe just perfectly splendid?" "Ob, I just screamed over her. But then she couldn't step outside the door without the full moon or a sibilant wind' coming up immediately." I know. Perfectly ridiculous, wasn't it? They say James is going out" 'Oh, I think he is just too utterly splendid for any use in some things." "Yes. but one has to read so much to get so little in his books." Oh, how funny yon are, Mame." I don't care! It's" so, LoL He takes two solid chapters to tell how a woman gets up from her chair and walks across a room." "Oil, yon ridiculously funny girt, you! I shall die laughing." "But I tell yon, Mame, when I want to read something perfectly splendid I fall back on Dickens' 'David Copper field.' " Oh, Lol, hush right np, or I shall just boo-hoo right out in this car, I shall ! I just want to be off where I can cry real hard every time I think of Dora." "I tell you, Mame, these modern writers don't get right squarely down to the heart of things as Dickens and Thackeray did." "No, they just don't!" "Now vou just do you get out herer' "Yes, good-bye, dear." "Good-bye."" "You'll come real sooa to see me?" "Yes. It." "Do, now." "Yes, infceti7 Good-bye." "Good-bve." Good-bye." "Good-bye." Zenas Bane, in Puck. FARM DETAILS. Why Every Asrlealtnrist Should Keep n Strict Basinesa Account. There are farmers who investigate the details of their business so little that they can not tell what branches of it bring a. profit and what are carried on at a loss. They know, in a general way, whether they are as well off at the end of the year as they were at the be ginning, but they can not tell just where the loss or gain was made. If a strict account is kept in detail, it can be easily told whether : a particular crop cost more than its value in mar ket and tans the farmer be enabled to decide intelligently what crops his farm is best adapted for. Lack of busi ness methods cause many a farmer logo on from year to year making little or no headway, and claiming that farming does not pay. Nor is this lack of systematic business meth ods confined to those who devote their farms to grain-raising? How many stock-raisers are there who can. tell what it costs them to raise a horse or steer and prepare him for market? How many dairymen are there who can tell jnst what the returns from each cow of the herd are, so they can tell which cows should be disposed of and which retained. Now is a good time for a change in this respect. More system' and atten tion to the details are necessary in these times of lower prices and closer competition -with the producers in other countries. Those -who understand their business the most thoroughly and give it the closest attention, will secure the best res ul ta. Sal tonal Live-Stock Journal. ' Of GENERAL INTEREST. Exterminating prairie dogs at so mneh an acre is the occupation of sev eral men at Wichita Falls, Tex. The Hanover (Mich.) Times an nounces that it will take in payment for ubscription wheat, potatoes, old stove pipes, turnips, beets, parsnips, bees wax, onions, cider, butter, lard, cast off clothing, old rubber shoes, oyster- cans, old iron and money. J. T. Campbell, United States Con sul at Auckland. New Zealand, saya in his latest report to the State Depart ment that twelve million dollars haa been expended in New Zealand in the last eight years in the effort to over come the rabbit plague. It was believed for. a long time that a shaft of the Balm Lode, near Butte, M T.. was haunted, but the recent discovery of a half starved goat at the bottom of the shaft ia supposed to account for the mysterious appa ritions that terrified the miner, j j - i