The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 15, 1888, Image 3

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. 'V.
The Lebanon Express.
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1888.
Laying The Corner Stone. On
Friday June 15, at 10, o'clock A, M,
the Interesting ceremony of laying the
corner stone of the magnificent exposi
tion building and zoological gardens of
the North Pacific Industrial Associa
tion will take place. This association
organized with a capital of $150,000. is
now erecting a mammoth building in
the city of Portland. Work on the
atruetuie will be pushed forward day
and night, and the building will be
ready for the first annual exposition
early in the coming fall. Ko expense
will be spared to make this the grand
est display of the industrial interests of
th j coast that has ever been attempted.
Its comprehensive scope and the per
fection of detail gives evidence that no
merely ordinary fair is in cotemplation
and the names connected with the en
terprise are sufficient assurance that it
will be a complete success In every
' feature. The whole northwest should
Unite in a determination to make this
truly representative of the vast inter
ests of the region. It will be a wonder
ful aggregation.
Seriocs Accident. On- Monda
last while extracting a large splinter of
wood from a horse on Mr. It. Cbeadle's
place, L. R. Cheadle and R. Messier
were severely injured. Mr. Messier
was injured in the spine though not se
riously. Mr. Cheadle had his ankle
bone broken, and also sustained a frac
ture of the leg some six inches above
the ankle. Dr. Courtney was called at
once and attended the cases. The Dr.
and kind nursing will soon have the
Jroung gentlemen on their feet. We
xtend to them our sympathy.
Attention is called to Andrews &
Hackleman's offer found elsewhere in
this issue.
Every one that invests coin at Mon
tague's sale of clothing next week will
get a bargain.
Mrs. A. E. Williams has the heart
" iest thanks of the entire working crew
for that nice bucket of cherries.
Miss Nettie Amos, one of Lebanon's
most popular young ladies has gone to
Eugene to spend the summerr
Go to Joe Harbin for general black
Smithing. Machinery and wagon work
a speciality. All work warren ted.
Several teams started to the moun
tains this week to haul out Bennett's
supplies that were deposited there last
We notieed the smiling countenance
of M, A. Miller, one of Albany's enter
prising druggists on our streets yester
day. " ,
Buy a new suit of clothes for tho 4th,
at C. B. Montague's big sale of clothing
b xt week. Cash will buy them
If you intend getting a new suit next
week, begining with June ISth is the
time to buy. Read Montagues ad in
this issue.
Mr. Lubker, postmaster at Sweet
Home, was elected Justice of the Peace
and Dick Wad kins, Constable. A very
good choice.
Mr. Shanks, cf Crawfordsvillc, is
troubled with cancers on hi3 eheek, lip I
and tongue. He had twelve removed
from his face last fall. ? '
W. W. Roberta, deputy "United State
Marshall from Portland was in town
Monday on business in connection
with the Janeway case.
We need to be up and doing, and
pusli the matter of the water ditch to a they were let go scott free. Now I pro
conclusion. Now is the accepted time, j test against this unfairdealing of shk-ld-
Don't wait till to-morrow, it may be j
too late.
H. W. Charlton, Sheriff of Lake Co., !
conveyed a prisoner to the penitenti
ary, and then made a visit to his fath
er J. K. Charlton, of Santiam, last Sat
urday. Dr. and Mrs. Redpath, arrived here
yesterday on a visit to his mother, Mrs.
C B. Montague. The Dr. is assistant
surgeon at the Steilacoom insane asy
lum, W.T.
There will be preaching at the 1st
Presbyterian Church next Sunday, at
11 o'clock a. m., by Rev. Skipworth and
at 8 p. mn by Rev. Kirkpatrick. Ev
erybody is cordially invited.
Rev. Martin Hickman will fill the
ulpit of Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick, at
rownsville next Sunday, the latter
troes to Philomath to attend the meet
ing of the Willamette Presbytery.
There are three things to aim at in
public speaking', first to get into your
subject, then to get your subject into
yourself, and lastly, to get your subject
into your hearers. Bishop Gregg.
Little Miss Bessie Miller will please
accept our thanks for a beautiful bou
quet of choice flowers. "Flowers are
the footprints of angels, by which we
read on hill and dale the mysterious
We deeply regret to loose from the'
social circle of Lebanon, Miss Ida Mon
tague one of its brightest ornament and
most interesting members. She has
gone to spend the summer with her
sister at San Bernadino California.
We were glad to make the acquaint
ance of J. W. Johnston, President of
the State University, who is visiting
Sodaville in search of health. The D.r.
is the property of the state and she is
proud of him.
Several friends from Waterloo called
at our office this week, and some of
them made glad the printers heart,
with the elegant chink of a dollar or
two. Call again, we need that kind
of music to while away the tedious
' " 'v
Dr. L. Foley has informed this office?
that there are three cases of scarlet
fever at Sodaville. Two of these are
nearly recovered, and the other is do
iug as well as possible. All precaution
has been taken to prevent the spread
of the disease. .
.Ifyour message can be put in ten
words you ought not to use fifteen or
twenty. Vou will tell it better with
ten, and save time, breath and expense.
The breaths and moments and dollars
" "Piloted to ua in this life are too few to
wi ite on useless words. Whether we
vf?f3 for the paper or speak in public,
let us eene directly to the point, im
part our uessage and yield the floor.
Proceeding of the Teacher Institute
held at Sodaville. Saturday, Jane 9.
Owiug to the lateness of the teachers
arriving no session was held until 1 P.
it. at which time the meeting was call
ed to order by the President Charles S.
Hunt. .
The secretary being al'isent F. M.
Mitchell was elected Sec Fro. Tern.,
music, enrollment Of teachers, which
was as follows: Chas. S. Hunt, Sarah
Williams, J. B. Wirt, of Lebanon. Q,
M. Russell, Halsey. S. J. Taul, M.
Paul, Jenny Cyrtis, Rosa Moore, BelJe
Myers, Ella Cary, James A. Bilyeu,
Geo. L. Sutherland, of Scio, J. G.
Gibson, Mary Brandon, of Plainview;
Elbert C. Cable of Brownsville, Jas. B.
Early, of Salem, W. A. McGee of So-
daville, F. M. Mitchell and R, M.
Smith of Spicer. Music; Declamation,
Johnnie Gibson, School government
by W. A. McGee followed by Geo. L.
Sutherland, Mr. Russell, F. M Mitchell
Chas. S. Hunt. Music; recitation, Ada
Parish. Friday afternoon exercises;
Mr. Russell followed by Mr. Wirt and
Mr. McGee. Recess; Music; Examin
ations in public schools, F.M. Mitchell
Geo. L. Sutherland, W. A. McGee, J.
G. Gibson, Chas. S. Hunt. Declama
tion, Ida Westfall. Motion made and
arried that Chas. S. Hunt, J. B. Wirt
F. M. Mitchell, draw up resolu
tion in memory of F. H. Haas. Mo
tion made and seconded and carried
that when we adjourn, to meetin Al
bany, in Sept, with district No. 1, sub
ject to the call of the Supt. Adjourn
ed to meet at 8 o'clock but owing to a
heavy rain no eveningsession was held.
F. M. Mitchell Sec. Pro. Tern.
Whereas our Heavenly Father, in
all his wise providence, has removed
from us, our highly esteemed teacher
F. H. Haas. Therefore be it
Itesolved, that we the teachers of
Linn Co. Or. in institute assembled re
cognised in him an able and earnest
teacher and a gentleman cf strict inte
grity. Itcsohed, that we were benefited in
our school by bis suggestions given at
previous institutes, and that we deeply
feel the loss of him from amoug our
JZc&olved, that we extend our sympa
thy to his bereaved parents and friends
residing in the east.
Resolved, that a copy of these resol
utions be sent to the Lebanon Express
for publication, and a copy of the same
be sent to his parents.
f Chas. R. Hunt.
Committee, i J. B. Wirt.
(f.M. Mitchell.
Where is the Justice in It.
Class legislation i3 the disgrace of
our country, and discrimination in the
administration of law is contemptible.
We have no disposition to array one
class against another or to try to prej
udice the country against the town.
We have been a citizen of this country
for nearly twenty years and have tried
to obey the law and also to encourage
respect for the same with all that we
were associated with, but as a law
abiding citizen we enter our solemn
protest against the unfair, unjust and
pusilanimous discrimination against
the country boys on the part of the
municipal authorities of Lebanon.
Last Friday night the town bum
mers were disorderly and reported
j drunk, to the scandal of the town, or
I at least disturbing the quiet citizens,
and no notice was taken of it by the
town authorities. Now if this had of
been a country set they would have
been locked up, and it would have been
right; but as they were town chaps
ing men simply because they live in
town. If Lebanon wants the countrv
trade, she must treat us right and
make no diecrimination in favor of the
wrong doer, simply because they hap
pen to live inside the corporate limits.
Farmer. "
From Bunch Grass.
Messrs Erastus Stewart, Marion Barr,
and Mack Moss reached this valley a
few days since from Harney Valley.
Mr. Stewart reports that the rain be
gan to fall there the 21th of May, and
was still raining the 1st day of June,
when he left there. He says the grass
in that country is better this season
than it has been for several years and
that thousands of sheep are being driv
en into the Harney Valley at present.
The grass around. Prineville is eaten
very short by the immense number of
cattle, sheep and horse3. Though the
rain has been falling for several days
which is bringing the grass up nicely
and will greatly benefit the fall grain.
He had with him a lot of edged tools
belonging to David Stewarts grist mill
at Prineville, which he was taking to
Mr. Derrick, at Crawfordsville, for re
pairs. Mr. Stewart did not intend to
run his mill this fall, supposing there
would be nothing to grind in that sec
tion of country, but the recent rains
have been encouragement enough for
him to repair his mill.
Pioneer Meeting at Crawfordsville.
The executive committee of the Pio
neer Association of Linn county, met
t Brownsville last Friday and ap
pointed the necessary committees to
carry out the work necessary to make
the meeting a grand success. The pro
gram will be arranged and the exer
cises will commence at 1 o'clock Wed
nesday June 27th, and close on Satur
day the 30th, at Crawfordsville,
The Tramp Nusiance.
This place has been comparatively
free from the visits of tramps, but this
x wees, we nacl a variation or the iiro-
gramme, in the shape of a female tramp
with two bovs. We would warn svm.
individuals to bestow their
charities on more worthy objects
This woman is simply a very degraded
specimen or tne genus tramp,
The hose boys have received their
new racing cart, and w are reliabley
informed that they will attend the
tournament at Portland,
Our Friend Gross, of .Waterloo, is
rather diminutive avoirdupois gross
weight, but he can pull down a 240
pound weight when it comes to hospi
tality and generosity to his friends en
ergy and snap deserves success, and the
Express returns ita tnanka to him fo;
his kind invitation.
John Cochrane, of Coburg, paid
Brownsville friends a visit on Saturday
J. F. Venner, accompanied by his
wife and child, arrived from Prineville
on Saturday last.
The youngest child of Elias Hale, is
suftering from an attack of scarlet
Mrs. Wffl. Skiff, accompanied by her
child, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Car
pus Sperry.
II. A; Stanard and wife, returned to
Albany, on Tuesday morning.
At the North Brownsville Baptist
church on Sabbath last, Miss Buezcll,
a missionary, lately returned from Ja
pan, delivered a lecture to a large and
appreciative audience.
Calapooia lodge 43, I. O. O. F. have
elected the following officers, to serve
for the ensueing term. A. L. Kirk, N.
G.; Matt Farley, V. G.; C. Foster, R.
S.; W. R. Kirk. Treas.
Mr. D. B. Irvine, of Corvallis, gener
al agent for the Farmers' Favorite Hay
press, was in town on Thursday last.
W. R. Kirk has been appointed agent
for Brownsville, and will soon have on
exibition a sample machine the model
of which is said to excel any other hay
press in the market.
The child of Wm. Skiff, who is visit
ing its grandfatner, Rev. Carpus Sper
ry, is ill from an attack of carlet fever.
Friday the Sth was pay day at the B.
W. M. Co.
The recentshowers have been produc
tive of rapid and luxuriant vegetable.
growth, grain, hops and cereals are ad
vancing in a most satisfactory manner
giving promise cf a full crop. There is
an immense yield of cherries; fruit of
all rarities will be In profusion this
Some of our citizeus have departed
for the mountain resorts, and others
are making preparations to seek recre
ation and the cool shades of the many
accessible and beautiful summer re
treats for which Oregon is noted, The
"Belknap Springs'' celebrated for its
hot mineral springs, having a capacity
of 80,000 gallons of hot water per day,
are the choice of some, others prefer
the "Kitson springs," also famed for
the curative properties of its hot water.
Some visit the npper or lower "Soda
Springs," situated on the Santiam riv
er, and many more seek the nrere ac
cessible resorts from this place, Water
loo, where an unlimited supply of nat
ural soda water can be obtained, cool
and sparkling, frefh from Its rocky
fountain, the hand work of nature.
The wife of Wm. Cochrane Jr., Is
confined to the house by an attack of
sickness of great severity.
The average "small man" about
town is happy, on account of a large
supply of vacation, the schools being
closed for the summer.
The ''Tariff" question does not seem
to disturb the Chinese Pheasant as the
supply which herttefore has seemed
to be unlimited, is on the increase.
The crowing of the older bird can be
heard in all directions, and eevcys of
young birds ore legion, it is however a
well known fact to our sportsman, that
wherever the "ehinanv-n" takes posses
sion of a field or swale, the Oregon
pheasant retires beyond the range of
the Mongolian Intruder.
The Silverton Secular Union, will,
on June 23, 1SS8, give a picnic and bas
ket dinner train, on the"Orvgonian Rail
way Co. (Limited). Will leave Browns
ville at 6:5-1 a. m.; returning arrive at
6:55 p. m. Fare for rouud trip, f 1.
John Franzen, wife and child, Retta
Rice and Joseph White, roadmaster of
the O. Ry., departed for the Bellknap
hot springs on Saturday last.
During the past week a female tramp
and accompanied by two boys, have
been perambulating our streets solicit
ing alms, and upon a refusal of the
same, pouring forth a string of oaths
that would startle an Egyptian mum
my. The wife of Rev. Edward Gittens,
is suffering from a severe sickness.
Everything quiet and very dull now
that the election is over.
The health of the community is very
good at present.
Crops and gardens are looking fine
since the rains.
Mr. W. B. Glass, went to Albany on
Tuesday last to take down the poll
books and election returns. D. II.
Glass also accompanied him. He re
mained a few days on business.
Mrs. Adam Shanks started for her
home in Washington Territory to-day;
she has been visiting relatives and
friends for the past month.
John. Carey left here to-day bound
for Eastern Oregon.
John Edwards and wife returned
home last week.
Noah Shanks commenced work on r
new dwelling last Tuesday, but owing
to the bad weather ho has not made
much progress.
Joseph Yates, of Oakville, was In
town Jast Wednesday. He is building
a new house and he came over to pur
chase a load of sash and doors of Glass
H. B. Derrick, and Mr. McMullen,
visited Albany and Spicer last week.
Mr. McMullen Is looking for some
place to settle, as he lately emigrated
to this place from Kentucky,
The levee near the saw mill of Messrs
Pueh & Hale, crave way one day last
week, compelling them to shut the
water out of the ditch in order to make
the necessary repairs; consequently the
sash and door factory and ax factory
hands have been idle for a few days.
A party of young folk of this plac
visited Sodaville and Waterloo last
Saturday. Although it was stormy
they report having a good time.
The executive committee of the Pio
neer Association of Linn County, met
in Brownsville last Friday. Caleb
Gray and W. R, Kirk were appointed
a committee to procure speakers for the
Pioneer Picnic. A. M. Templeton,
Professor Boyer and Mrs. Clara Starr
opnointed as committee on vocal
t Jlet&ra GLiss, Colbert a- ,' Pcv.
Robe as committee on arrangements.
Z. B. Moss was appointed marshall
witli the privilege of calling as manj
assistants as he may need; Mr. Shanks
was appointed to superintend tho work
on the camp ground. On motion tlu
Crawfordsville Brass Band were ap
pointed as committee on instrumental
music, and giving them the exclusive
use of the grounds for stands, swing,
etc., and this shall bo In part, compen
sation for their services. The picnii
Mill begin at 1 o'clock on Wednesday
June 27 and continue two days or mcr j.
The Halsey band has been invited to
assist the home band in furnishing
music for tho occasion. Good speaker
are txnected trom all over this, and
some of the adjoining counties.
"Lono Hungry."
Cherries are getting ripe here.
There are going to in Just bushels f
hazel nuts this year.
Some around hero are having new
potatoes and peas already.
We have had quite a thunder shower
the past week. It will do the gardens
a great deal of good just now.
Hay is rather short but we hope it
will take a start since the rain.
A large bear was seen the other day
near Mr. Springs.
We now have a good rough road from
Mr. G. Millers place out to the main
road near the Sweet Home bridge. It
was finished last Friday.
Another cougar has been seen around
here. Some of our hunters should be
on the watch and secure his scalp.
Miss Mary Tratchsel who has been
away ror the past winter, returned
home last Saturday.
Several of the boys who went from
here to the bay to get work have retun -
e 1 . They say they can find more work
here than they can there.
There were plenty of Items last week
but no time to write them.
Mr. Fred Ket-hn who has been from
home some time, surprised his folks by
making his appearance last Saturday.
Rev. Yost our minister for the ensu
ing year, preached here last Sundav,
for the first time. Very few were out
on account of the rain. AVe hope all
will attend, and be benefited thereby.
Mrs. Emerson was riding a young
horse about two weeks ago when it be
came frightened and threw her. She
was pretty badly bruised up, but is
about well now.
The last time we wrote you from here
we called lt'"Marks Ridge" but as this
place is more commonly known by tl e
above name, we will contiue to call it
the same.
Health generally good.
Mrs. I. H. Mothorn went to Sweet
Home Friday.
Melvln Williams paid us a fiyingvis
it Monday.
Wm. Tiper, and eon Albert, went to
Lebanon Friday.
Trout are getting: plenty in the San
tiam; we will look for a visit from Dr.
Alberftnd Herb Piper went to Leb
anon last Monday.
D. H. Mothern of this place is build
ing a hop house for grandpa Hamilton
2 miles below Lebanon.
Fruit trees such as plums, apples
and pears, are so heavily laden with
fruit, that they '.are breaking down in
this vicinity.
The publie school, which is progress
ing under the management of Miss
Sarah Williams of Lebanon, will close
with a picnic, J une 29.
Miss Sarah Williams went to Leban
on Friday, attended the Teachers In
stitute Saturday, and returned Monday
Hiram Overton formerly of Iowa but
now attending the Business College at
Portland, recently paid his sister, Mrs.
Mothorn, a visit. Mr. Overton reports
things very dull In Iowa, and when he
entered this valley, it seemed like get
ting into a new world.
Pete Whetstone.
Waterloo is on the boom.
Lota of Soda.
Gardens and grain look well.
Health Is good about liere now.
Plenty of campers rusticating here.
Some for health and some for pleasure.
J. G. Gross U in good Bhape to ac
commodate all persons who wish to
coirte- to Waterloo, both at the hotel
and feed stable.
We would be pleased very much if
some denomination of the orthodox
church would come here this summer
and hold a campmeeting, as we have a
fine grove for that purpose, and can ac
commodate people In fl: sX'luss style.
Wo are sorry to learn that our old
friend C. B. Montague, of Lebanon hus
lately sustained a severe attack of deaf
ness. We had tho pleasure of meeting
him a short time since, while he was
rusticating at this place, but lol when
we came to talk to him and congratu
late him on the election of his son, 121
mer, we found him so daft that our
congratulations fell as harmless as Or
egon mist on a meadow. Ilis many
friends throughout the country will Le
pained to learn of this. Mr Monta
gues digestive organs are In no way af
fected, even if he is daft, judging from
the way that he partook of the good
things which were set before him by
Mein Jlerr Gross. It is to be earnestly
hoped that the deafness of Mr. Mouta
crue is only a temporary one from
which he may soon recover.
T. M. Divine intends putting up
IwTsidence in aterloo.
cff W.J.
McPherson and Joseph Em-
brce have again resumed work on the
Montague residence, at Luna, across
the river at Waterloo.
There was a nice dance at S. A. Hud-
dlcson's last Friday evening; the par
ticipants enjoyed it hugely.
Mr. Levi Walton and Miss Smith of
Shedd, were in Waterloo Saturday ev
ening, enjoying the hcspitality of Mr,
S' A. Devaney made a flyljig trip to
Let'-non on Tuesday.
Mr. T. M. Divine has just mudo a
s.ile of his property near Portland, for
cash in hand.
Mr. John Cams made a flying trip to
Albany this week.
M'.ss Mammlo McClung, of Sweet
Horn?, is spending the summer here.
S io is much pleased witn both people
and locution.
Chief- Cook,
sodaville items..
Prof. Johnson, president of the State
University is am ng tho boarders cf
the Fountain House.
We are glad to note the Improve
ment of Mr. Walker of Philomath who
was brought here on a bed some five
weeks ago, and now Is able to walk
about our town and attend service at
the Tabernacle.
Mr. William Hale, of Miller Statiion
has moved his family here for the pres
ent, on account of the ill health of his
W. C. Underwood, of Oakland Or.
is at the Fountain House.
Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrick, of Lebanon
preached here last Sabbath at 4 P. M.
r Some member of the slum of creation
unworthy the name of man, visited
our spring sometime during last Fri
day night, and broke off and carried
away the faucets to the springs, allow
ing the soda water to escape and the
reservoir to become empty. The par
ties had best not make themselves
known nor repeat the act as the citi-
iis of Sodaville will not tolerate such
malicious Imposition.
Among others we notice the follow
ing persons In town this week. Mr.S.
C. Card, of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Rice,
cf Philomath: Miss Tiudall, Mr. Tindal
Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Farrow; Also Mr.
II. Y. Kirkpatrick, of the Lebanon
Express was to be seen on our Btreets
for a short time Monday evening.
Smith I don't see Brown on the
streets lately, they say he Is down with
the mumps; is it true?
Jones No! indeed; Brown's trouble
Is tl e same old moan you have heard
before; tight shoes and sore feet.
Smith Why on earth don't he buy
his shoes of Andrews & Hackleman,
down on Main street.
Dr. Mark Hayter, Dentist, Lebanon.
And Connection
The Mt. Shasta Route.
Time between Albany and San Francsco. as hour.
California Express Trains Dally.
t r. M.i lv
S-( r. H.i Leara
:W A. M.j Arrive
Portland ArrtTe 10:40 A. M.
AllHinr Uyiic! 7V a. M.
Pan Frarisro UraTe' C:: K .
Local Passenger Trains Dally (except) 8undsy
$-W a. . U'ave
lLVIOK 31. 1 Lc-ave
2:Wr. M.i Arrive
l"t inland
Arrive: ! p. m.
Leave,! ISO a. X.
Leave A. s.
Local Passenger Trains Dally (except) Sunday
Arriv--.45 A. X.
ler S1X a. .
Arrsve;2:l" p. m.
Leave iin'p. m.
1 rave
2 ") p. x.j
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Second Class Paonsvrs on all Throcgh Trains,
The O. r. R. R. Ferry makes rontiection with
all the reniiar trains on the EabiJe liiv. from
loot cf F. fctrevt.
West Side Division.
Mall Train Dally (except) Sunday.
, m.j lnve
. in.' Arrive
Arrive d:l' p. m.
ieave 121 p. m
Express Train Dally (except) 8unday.
4 :'ii p. m. I
S?J0 p, ni. I
Leave Portbunl Arrive j K:O0 a. m.
Arrive M-Minvil!e Leave I S: a. m.
At Albanv anil CVirralli'S connect with trains of
On-rnn l'ai irie rHilniail.
Mi-Vnr full information re carding rates, maps
ete., call fsn company's agent.
Manager U. F. & Iass. Agent
f A and reliable Medicines are the best
VJ VW to depend upon. Acker's Blood El
ixir has been prescribed for Tears for all im
piiritiesoftlieBlood. In every formof Scrof
ulous, FrpliiHtic or Mercurial diseases, it is
invaluable. For Rheumatism, lias no equal.
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
2v Or-o 0 c Blood Elixir is the only
IWifViVY Blood Remedy guaran
teed. It is a positive core for Ulcers, Erup
tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the
whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic
and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it.
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
is warranted, la because it la the best
Blood Preparation known. It will posi
tirely cure ail Blood Piseases. purifies the
whole system, and thoroughly builds up the
constitution. Remember, we guarantee it.'
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
ftrxwo the Children. They are es
fcjVWTV; peclally liable to sudden
Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough,
etc We guarantee Acker's English
Remedy a positive euro. It saves
hoars of anxious watching. Sold by
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
cY n C at are fretful, peevish,
JVJ cross, or troubled with
Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or
btoniacn Disorders, can be relieved
at once by using Acker's Baby Boother.
It contains no Upium or JUorpbine,
hence is cafe. Trice 5 cents. Bold by
J. A. Beard, Druggist.
Tin, Copper and
All Kinds of Re
You will have an
This oiler is for
But The CASH Will BUY These Goods.
::.'. 33. MONTAGUE, Lebanon, Or.
3Iillinev, Lebanon, Ore.,
!Siiiii- Stock
Millinery Goods
Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ri
tons, Etc., Etc.
Call and get Trices on Go-ids
which are
a. J. CYRUS,
Real Estate Ag't and No
tary Public, and
Docs a General Agency
insurance. Agricultural Imple
ments, Doors and Windows.
CHINES. Give me a Call at Dr. Towell's Old
Eli IN-
Sheet Iron Ware
pairing done on
opportunity to secure Bargains iir
1 f
Immense Stock at a Discount of
ONE WEEK ONLY and nothing
Lumber! Jumberl Lumberl
G. W. WHEELER & SON., Proprietors of the
Bills of All Kinds Filled on Stort Notice and at Reasonalfe
HjpGive us a cat! "before purcliasiilg-cise'lier
Tho "hoot ic
1 i 1
always xnep
r. h p. a r p. s t
We are also prepared
any machrne from a butter worker to a steam mill.
We keep on hand all
1?1oav Slowcrs, K Ueuper,
Harrows, Cul 1 1-vo.t oiv-, Pulverizersi,
And tin celebrated
Come and see us; we will make you happy
YS m
V t H
II 1 1
n hi
on hand.
G. W. Wheeler & Son. .
The most
easiest and
lightest run
ning mill
to furnish on short notice'
stable Implements, euoe i
Sherwood Steel Harness,
Lebaiioii. )i
". L- . - "u