The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 15, 1888, Image 1

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(rami tviRT niPii.l
IL Y. KlRKPATiacK . TTpuulighera
On Tmmr . 2 00
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(lOCAt-i '
local NntlcM, per Una .- IS mnta
Ki ulr adr.rtteesa.Dtit tnwrtd upon lliwrtl rmi.
Legal Blanks, Business Cards, ;
Letter Heads, Bill Heads, ' -; ,
Circulars. Fosters, I
. TTOTtia in (sod Mfl and a knraat Wia arim. '
NO. 1L
a A M : Mscta
at tketr new ball
lu Mwuto Block, on Saturday
.i.. n r. . o. full moor.
J WAS80S. W. M.
LEBANON tXTX!l5. NO. 47. t. O. O. P.: Mwta Sat
urday eroi.ius of w :h w,-ek. at Odd Kellnw. Hail,
Main atreet: ttaltinc hrathreu eorttUily Invited ta
attend. J. J. I RAlU-ToX, . O r
HOKOR IOPGR NO. . A O IT. W . Lebanon.
Oregon: Meeta avery Brat and third Thur.tA even
Icxa in tba month. F. H. R08CX. hi W.
Real Estate, Insurance & Lean
General Collection and Xotary Vnblle
Baslneas Promptly Attended to.
Shavlnf, Hair Cutting, and Shampooing Id the
lateat and
SV Patronage respectfully aoUdtad.
St. Charles Hotel,
LEBANON. Oregon.
x. w.
Oaran Main and Sherman Streeta, two Block
East of K K. IVjk.
H. E. PARR1SH, Proprietor.
Tables Supplied with the Best the Market
Barapla Boema
and tba Brat Arcranmoflarlona for
Commercial mea
Artistic Photographer,
E larging from Smt'l Pictures. I u
stautaneous Process.
Groceries and Provisions.
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
a 4 i I ass ware.
Lamp aaa Lama Flxtarea
Mala Lckaaa. OrrsOTJ.
Sweethcme, Oregon,
JOHN T. DAVJS, Proprietor
The table is supplied with the very best the
market affords.
Nice clean beds, and satisfaction guaranteed
to all guests.
In connection with the above bouse
Keeps a Feed and Sale Stable, and will
accommodate tourists and travelers with
teams, guides and outfits.
Proprietors of the
My, Sale aiflFesi Slles
Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman.
Fine Buggies, Hacks, Har
ness and
For parties going to Brownsville, Wa
terloo, Sweet Home, Scio, and all
parts of Linn County.
All kinds of Teaming
Xbe BatUe-Axe, Plutol, the Aretiebose aaa
liMl-ljk of Old Timet.
The battle-axe pistol had the pistol in
tba handle, the weapon being fired by
reversing the battle-axe. Many of them
did not reverse, however, the muzzle of
the pistol in those projecting slightly
beyond the head of the axe.
The Paris museum has a sword gun,
straight sword of remarkable line
workmanship, having for about a
quarter of its distance a pistol barrel
......: n. 11-1 !L. 1. .1 I I :
muting pntilliei Willi It, tuts IOCK oil
nin pisiui uriujj cvucvaieu ill idc unuuie "
oi me sworu.
A hnnting arquebuse belonging to
Henry VIII. is still preserved in the
Tower of London, the system bcins.
nearly identical with that of a favorite
modern rifle; and not one modern plan
of breech-loading is known that war
not at one time or another foreshad
owed in ancient weapons.
The holy-water sprinkle was a
mace, strong and heavy, and having
six tubes running through its length.
These were the six barrels, all com
municating at the base with a common
chamber and all fired at once by means
of a match applied to the powder. Oi
course such a weapon as this once fired
was useless as a gun, but still as good
a mace as it was before.
The wheel-lock, which came In th
sixteenth century, consisted of a steel
wheel with ratchets working against
flint. The wheel, being released bj
moving the trigger, revolved rapid! t
and struck sparks of fire from the flint,
thus igniting the powder. The wheel
lock was considered a wonderful in
vention, but no long time elapsed aftet
it became common before it was super
seded by the flint-lock.
The whip-pistol, specimens of which
are seen in many European museums,
lunch resembles an ordinary horse
man's whip, with a short, thick handle
and long, heavy lash, but concealed In
the tassels which apparently ornament
the stock is the lock of a pistol, tin
barrel of which project slightly be
yond the handle of the whip. It war
much used by Italian robbers, postil
lions and stage-drivers in the south ol
The Berlin museum has two-daggcr-pistol.
one having the barrel on tht
side of the dagger, the weapon being
tired with a wheel-lock; the othei
showing the ban-el in the eentcr of the
dagger-blade, a point being fixed al
the end of the pistol-barrel, which,
when the pistol was not in service,
answered for the tip of the blade.
Both these were very richly urn
wented. being inlaid with gold and
siiver. and evidently used by person?
of rank and wealth.
When hand firearms came into us
the only method of firing the gun w
by applying a blazing fuse to the prim
ing in the pan. This was slow and
uncertain.-and the difficulties a rising
in me nse or early nrearms was so
great that some wonder may be ex
pressed at their being used at all. Thr
gunner was forced to carry coarse
powder for his charge, fine powder foi
Ins priming, a bag of bullets, a rest on
which to place his piece when firing,
and a burning match. So much lug
gage renderi'd his movements and
progress exceedingly slow, and every
mnn who carried a gun was, therefore.
generally attended by au assistant taJ
keep his fire going.
Perhaps the most antique effort U
combine ancient and modern niethixli
is seen in the pistol shield, of whicl.
twenty-one specimens are to be found
in the Tower of London. It is an ordi
nary shit M. to all appearance, but in
stead of a boss in the center an oblong
tube projects a short distance in front
of the shield. This is the pistol barrel,
and behind the shield is seen the lock
for firing. The pistol was a breech
loader and provided with four separate
thimbles, each one containing a charge,
so th.-it the weapon was practically a
repeater. Just above the barrel there
was a little hole in the shield through
which aim might be taken, but the ef
ficiency of these weapons must have
been very small.
It not infrequently happened in an
cient times that during a rain two hos
tile armies were forced to suspend
military operations entirely from the
fact that they could not keep their
powder dry or their matches blazing,
and the spectacle of opposing forces in
the field waiting for a shower to pass,
spreading out their ammunition on
cloaks in the fun. then sitting down
and waiting for their powder to dry,
provoked the merriment of even their
own day. Besides the process of load
ing and firing was incredibly slow.
At a battle fought in 1636 the best sol
diers were able to fire only seven shots
in eight hours, while two years later,
in the battle of Wittembergen. the
quickest arqnebusei-s fired but seven
shots each, although the fight lasted
from noon till eight o'clock iu the
evening. Chicago Xcws.
The Style in Butter.
"I wish that the fashions wouldn't
change so often," remarked Sniythe
h he stabbed the boarding-house but
Because it keeps the popularity of
shades in hair in constant fluctuation.
and a feller can't tell one day whether
next day's butter will be a white
horse blonde or a zambesi brunette.
i. ercltanl 7 raveii r.
Europe does not want to go to
war. A war over there would in
terrupt the travel of Americans. X. 0-
Maine is losing prestige as a ship
building Siat.. Figures show that
Cleveland alone buiit more tonnage
and better tonuaj- last year than the
whole Piue Tive S ate. Maine sb'p-
vards turned om- forty-one vessel.
with a total of 17 454 tons measure
me ;.. Cleveland kuilt seventeen ves
sels, with a total net tonnage of 19.
621 tons.
"Henry," said the wife of a travel
ing man. "there is a woman on the next
block who hasn't spoken a word for
twenty-seven years. Isn't that wonder
ful?" 'Hum. she's deaf and dumb
ain't she?" "Yes," she said witb- little
. .i T 1 .. ... AA m,.,-a ilVl nD. 1
pou w J
chant Traveler. .
Danger Larking la Paper Devoted to
Matrimonial Advertising.
The publisher of a matrimonial ad.
rertising sheets sends us a copy upon
which he has written the following
memorandum: "Over five hundred
leading newspapers have occupied
from one to twelve columns each in
discussing (many in ridiculing) while
very few understand it. Please
. ept .
fair-seeming a request
Jjaj a
spite of the pressure on our
time a pressure which the publisher
of a weekly like the one referred to
can not probably comprehend we
have complied with it. We have
Tead;" and we think we can under
stand why many" of the five hun
ired leading newspapers have occu
pied some space in ridiculing the pub
lication referred to. If they had read
it a little more carefully they would
have found it too serious for ridicule
and would probably have condemned
The paper in question purports to be
"devoted to seekers of domestic happi
ness." What it is really devoted to
seems to be the making of money out
f the silly, the foolish and the cranks
who believe in matrimonial advertis
ing, and the wicked who find in a sheet
which does such advertising an oppor
tunity to ensnare the silly and foolish.
It is filled, with the exception of a few
solnmns devoted to self-exploit'ition
ind specious plea iing in behalf of this
miserable method of bringing marriage
about, with advertisements, or what
purport to be such, of men and women
who want partners in wedlock.
The descriptions which the adver
tisers give of themselves have all the
peculiarity of a bill of sale or a chattel
mortgage, and are quite as devoid of
sentiment. One. for instance, de
scribes herself as "a widow of 30, 5 feet
t inches in height, dark eyes, light
hair, weight 160 pounds, well educated,
fair musician and a fair housekeeper.
She admits an incumbrance in the
hape of "one boy" age, size and
weight not given and wants to corre
spond with "a estern gentleman over
40. widower or bachelor." She closes
with the suggestion that she will be "a
Intiful wife to a good man." Another
ays she Is "a neat little housekeeper"
who "is willing to display her abilities
in making home happy;" but how can
die (she asks) unless some good, true,
temperate man over 15 whom she could
love proposes?
Another, on the masculine side of
the paper, describes himself as a "gen
tleman oi K vears. five feet seven ln-
fhes, fair complexion, not much money,
hut a true and honest heart." 11
neither smokes, chews or drink
whisky; and does not say what vice hi
does patronize in place of these. Still
another is "a widower of 43. having
property and income sufficient to sut
port a wife, owainj n well-establishet'
i.usiness in a town where he is wel
known and can give the best of refer
ences. He wants 1be acquaintance
of a lady of suitable ase who lias no
It can hardly be necessary to sav to
intelligent, right-minded readers that
this whole notion of advertising for a
wife or a husband is degrading and de
moralizing. Our system of marrying
ami giving in marriage is bad enough
at its best, resulting as it so often does
in ill-sorted unions, which the courts
are compelled to break. It is infinitely
better, however, than a system which
has its foundation in the matrimonial
bureau. There is a pretense at least
in all caes and the fact in a great
preponderance of cases of mutual ac
quaintance and of liking, if not of ro
mantic attachment. It may be a lottery,
out there is a chance at least of drawing
a prize."" and, as a matter of fact, the
majority do draw prizes. In a system
of marriage upon the bargain and sale
theory embodied in the advertisement
plan it is inevitable that the vast ma
jority mnst draw blanks.
No woman of real refinement with
right views of the married state, its
meaning and its responsibilities, could
content herself with a man who wonld
answer an advertisement describing
the particular kind of a husband want
ed, as one would describe a carriage,
horse or a pug. JNo sneh woman in
deed would advertise for a husband
What is true of the woman is true of
the man. Detroit Free Press.
The True Housewife.
Among the things that money can
not buy is the true housewife the old-
fashioned helpmeet to the toiling hus
band. J he wile must herself occupy
this place, using servants as helpers, or
Kwill remain vacant, and the home
becomes wnat it is so oiten caiteu, a
residence only. The duty that parents
owe to the girls of a growing house
hold 19 to fit them to become wive and
mothers. If this is done the question
of their marriage may be lett to care
for itself. If they should be wedded
they will be ' qualified to make their
married life happy; if chance shou'd de
prive them of the blessed privilege of
taking charge of their own households
and caring for their own children, they
will nevertheless l e cultivated women.
independent, self-reliant; useful to
themselves and to others. No graces
or accomplishments without this skill
and training can make women any
thing better than toys, to be idled with
and cast aside when new ones are pre
sented. Baltimore Sun.
Minister(to widow) "I was at the
cemetery to-day, niy dear Mrs. Bentley,
and. I discovered that your Lusbaud s
grave is quite overgrown with grass.1
Widow( fetching a sigh ): "Yes, I
promised poor John just before he died
would see it was kept green.
Dr. Pellet "So Scalpel set your
broken arm?" Patient Yes, sir.
Pellet "What were his charges?"
Patient "Twenty dollars.' Pellet
Robbery, sir downright robbery. I
would have amputated it for twenty-
five dollars." Detroit Free Press.
Mamma," said Johnnie, "can any
body hear with their mouth?" "No,
dear; I don't think they can," replied
his mother. "Then mamma, what
made Captain Smythe tell Lucy he
wanted to tell her something, and put
; Us lips to her mouth instead of her
UarP" . .- . ..1 .r. . -
Wh:Te the l.srg. Cltle of the Country Ob
tain Their Supplies.
begin to come in from the
South in January," said a Dey street
dealer to a reporter, and they run up
just like shad or strawberries. A few
come from Texas. There is big money
n the business there if it is only de
veloped; but that's the trouble. North
Carolina starts in first. In about four
weeks after that we get some from
Washington which come from the
dienandonh valley, in A irgini.u Then
nie the Eastern Shore eggs. Fenn-
ylvania eggs are next, and then come
Ohio. West Virginia and Kentucky.
Ohio usually drops in a month after
Xorth Carolina, but this year she was
ven with her. The far West and
Southwest, by way of Kansas and St
Louis, are next in the procession; after
hat Iowa and Illinois. Then come
Northern Indiana, Minnesota. Dakot-t,
Jforthern Iowa and Miihisan. We
ret some eggs, though not many, from
How about New Tork?"
"This State h.-. so many large towns
hat most of her eggs are consumed in
the interior markets. After they get
hrough picklin-r. however. New York
tate deal rs send us soma fresh eggs
n the summer, uauaua comes next to
the far West. Foreign eggs have been
barred out this season because prices
have been better in England. 'I hey
ook very well nhere they could be
old for enough less to make it an ob
ject for people to nse them."
hy nre Southern eggs so much
mailer than others?"
Because they raise game fowls
lown there. The difference Is not only
n the size but in the quality of the
neat. 1 he Cochins. Plymouth Rocks
r any other Northern breeds aford
tltogether morj nutriment in their
girsthan the Southern fowL
'I he best way to In free cases
ith patent illviuinir paste boarils, nn-
css the shipper Is Very skillful, when
he best way to send them is in barrels
acked in cut straw. There are firms
n this State that pickle from 100 to
1. 000 barrels. 840 eggs to the barreL
owa has single picklers that put away
ram 50J to 5.000 barrels and so has
Vlinnesota. Chicago has refrigerators
hat can hold 50.000 cases. In thi
ity the refrigerators are only used in
ases of emergency.
But talk about pickling eggs. Ger-
uany takes t :e lead. There are some
vats in this country that bold 2a,000
2gs, but one German plckler has a
at that holds 500 barrels, or 420.000
rig's. He pickles yearly from 75.000 to
:txt0 barrels of egTS. or from 63.-
00.000 to 84.000.000 eggs." N. 11
el -Reformation the Only nay to Reform
the VTorld.
It Is an old Spanish proverb, we br
ieve, '-lie who lives witn wolves w i
oon learn to howL" He who lives
vith the faults of his and
ounts them over and sorts them ami
reiglis them and measures them, will
oon have equatly grave ones oi nis
wn. which his friends will be sure to
;ee. ana wnicn win mane mm posmve
y nnable to cure them. There is noth-
ng that so deteriorates character as
his nndue looking after faults and
ijlemUhes in others while we are blind
to our own. V, e may abhor meanness
uid stinginess in our neighbor, and be
ble to give a hundred reasons why he
shotiM give away more iu charity, and
ee a thousand little things to indicate
lis sruallness of soul, and at the sanu
.ime we mav be so engrosseu witn one
hase of meanness in him as to forget
mother phase of meanness in our-
elves. We mav abhor u itrnth so y -
'leniently in someone else that we shali
rget to hate impurity In ourselves
's may desp'se our neighbor for his
arpness and trickery, and spread
ver our own slackness anu iniene-
mil shiftlesness the coverlet of
Thank God. I'm not a sharper!" Tl e
Uie. mi liuess nvin can never reiorni
tiie over-shrewd speculator; the Ini-
u e man can never 1 ft the untruthfu
n-in out of tie bog; the gossip is not
it to cure t'.e miser of his selfishness
li ere is onlv one way, after all. lor -
nrm the world. Not by learning to
iowl at its faults, or to bark at its
nistak s, but fir t to 1 egin the wo.kl
reformation with ourselves. We conn
i ck inevitably to the old truth so
ften before stnted: "In order'to make
.he best of otheri we mn-t first make
the best of ours lvcs. Golden Rule.
Contagiousness of Emotions.
Frances Power Cob be, in an article
n the contagiousness of emotions in
he Fortn ghlly Rev eta. speaks of the
demoralizing effects of attend ng cruoi
shows. A friend sent the following in
stance from his own knowledge: "A
patty of English people went to the
mil ring at San Sebastian. tVhen the
rst horse was ripped np and h's en
trails trailed on the ground, a joung
lady of the party burst into tears and
insisted on going away. Her brothers
compelled her to remain, and a num
ber of horses were then mutilated and
k lied lefore her eyes. Lng before
the end of the spectacle the girl was
as excit -d and del:gh;ed as any Span
iard in the assembly."
The tragedies of life and those ex
hibitions of heroism which come with
great suffering, have much to do with
giving shape to the thought and sym
pathy and under proper influence
and direction to the moral sentiment
of society. Iheyarenot pleasant; to
. a a -a
nse the apostle pnrase, iney are
"grevlous;" but a "nevertheless" fol
lows them which is as significant as
that addressed to the Hebrews. It is at
the blessed side of t'-cm we ought to
look. United fttbterimn
If thirty-two is the freezing point,
what is the squeezing point? Two in
the shade. tuck.
When Mr. Hamlet remarked: "Eye,
there's the rub," he is supposed to
have just got off a railroad train with
ciuder. in his optic, Eclipsed Ex
change, In the court room. Why Is it
they are so mighty .particular about
order hereP" "The judge, you remem
ber, can only serve during good beha
vior. V Boston Transcript.
nt yon seen my sailor boy, as yon cam
s rosa t:ic sea?
Hare you seen my sailor boy, with the laugh
ing eyes ol blue.
With the iiinllyht on bis balr, and bis face so
ymtii and fair.
And the smile he nte3 to wear, brave and truer
O. he kied me on tbe cheek st he sailed sway
to rea.
Sailed away from rilostcr Town, and I never
raw him more.
Out th siiip they come snd go. and tbe tides
ihrj el.b and flow.
And the wave are moaning low on the shore.
Ah! tber told me be was dead, but 1 know It is
not true;
For he comet to me at night, when the world is
all a:;!rep.
And he speaks to me by day. when the tempests
sweep the buy.
And the billow, are st play on the deep.
For he tald he would coma back, and be never
broke his word
Hare you seen my sailor boy? He Is coming
aron. 1 k- ow,
f would go to btm to-day, if I only knew the way.
Though the grave before me lay. 1 would go.
J. J. LocAt. in A T. IndeptnsUnt.
Aa Article Thst fa Worth Much and Costa
Hat Llttl.
Nothing is more gratuitous than the
good counsel which Is often given to a
traveler as to h!s liehavior abroad. If
he be a traveler of experience, be
knows all about it experimentally. If
not. he can not help In-ing foolish, fifty
times in the day, in his attempt to act
upon such counsel.
Parole doure. et main aa bonnet,
Ne coute rein, et non eat.
(Gentle words, hat i hand, cost noth
ing and are acceptable.) The saying
comes from Henrv IV., of France, tiie
merry Henry of Navarre, This King
whs a terrible lib :rtine, and not wise as
a sovereign; yet his suhj-tcts adored
him, ami. like other libertines, he was
the pink of courtesy.
This fair saying of Henry of 3f.t
varre's may be matched by the Spanish
proverli. "Cortesin de boca niiicho
valo. y poco euesta" lip courtesy is
worth much and costs little. No one
who has not been through Iberian
lauds and mixed with high and low in
them, cat have ai idea of the iin ort
ance of this brief maxim. The S, an
iards are a gracious people; we can
tut', compare with them in the matter
of civility, but their civility runs be with civility, or it quickly deve'.op"
into hatred of the most bitter kind
which we all know as the outcome of a
mark of contemp. Of eourse. where
tliis civility gm-a beyond a certain p-int.
It must he tale t at a reasonable valu
ation only. No one, for exampl?, wil:
construe a Spaniard to the letter a hen
he says, with a bow, 'My house Is at
your disp.sitiiin." These are merely
conventional courtesies which sig iify
that the uit'-r-r of them has a regard
for you. and will gladly .give yo;t a
glass of wine, or a cup of coffee, and a
cigarette, if you call some aftern ion,
and find him with nothing better on
his hands. Hotvever, it is well not
to le to; ready to reciprocate nati nal
eourtesit-s in kind. The young English
man who thought to outdo Sp tin by
offering his watch and chain, suiting
the action to the word, to the Spaniard
who admired it, kad nojuH grievance
t 'ien the other toox it with a bow and
a "mochas gracias" niany thanks.
AU the Tear itoun L
Bow She Makes Married I.lfe a rrrfeet
Hravm oa Earth.
In the morning -after the beds an
made, ihe sweeping and dusting done
anil every thing put in order for
the dav, I raise the window-shades
and let the sunshine fliod rooms
flowers and canaries. 1 open the plam
and draw niv hushnnd's favorite chair
to a cozy place near the fire, so tha'
when he comes home at noon, tired
perhaps, he can have a few moment'
rest Then I brush my hair, change
my morning wrapper for something
'rerh and clean, put on a linen collar
and am ready to si., down to sewing oi
mending. When he returns to dinner
I always greet him with a smile and a
kind word. If I see his brow is clouded
and business is on his mind. I inquire
into matters, because what Interests
one should interest both, and a wib
hould be a helping hand, not a burden.
We exchange opiuions. One nevei
enters into any thing, no matter of how
trivial a nature, without the sanction
of the other. Our motto is "Bear and
forbear." His purse is mine. When 1
need money I am not compelled to ask
for it- If I spend a few dimes. 1 am
not questioned and made to give an
account tf every cent, as so many poor
martyred wives are compelled to do.
When evening comes I brighten the
hearth with a cheerful fire, liht the
lamps, place my husband's chair be
neath the raj-s of the hanging lamp,
his slippers on the hearth-rug and un
fold his paper, a'l in readiness for his
coming. Ere long I hear his footsteps,
and when the door opens and he comes
in, he greets with a smile the cheerful
ness awaiting him.
My husband never spends his evening
away from home. Every day I see
husbands going home to cheerless
hearths, and dowdy, scolding wives.
No wonder there are so many men who
spend thoir evenings in the bar-room
and at the gaming t:ib!es. Wives,
make yourselves attractive and your
homes worthy the name of home, with
a cheerful fireside a haven of rest for
your dear ones r.fter the toils and cares
of the day are done, and you will keep
them by your s'kIc. Cor. Farm and
Jones "Yes, sir, it is mighty naru
to collect money just now. I know
it" Smith "Indeed! Have you tried
to collect Hnd failed?" Jones "Oh,
no." Smith "How, then, do you
know that money is hard to collect?
Jones "Because several people have
tried to collect of me." Boston Cou
rier. m oi
An old lady who had several un
married daughters fed them largely
on a fish diet, because, as she inge
niously observed, fish is rich iu phos
phorus, and phosphorous is tho essen
tial thing in making matches.
m . m
When a woman undertakes to read
a long and interesting lecture to a man
on the sin of chewing tobacco she
should alwavs be careful to remove the
gum from her augelio mouth before
she commences Lincoln Journal.
IILtory of tbe Famoaa Ch iritsble end Re
llgluas Institution,
The hospice of S . B ;rnard. In the
Pennine Alps. Is situated at the sniv.
mit of the great St B -mar J pa-s from
Switzerland info Ita'r. It is sail to
be the highest inhabited building in
Europe, the exact elevation abort s-n
level being 8. 12J feet. It sta ids on
the edge of a small lake, which for
nine months of the year is frczjii, an !
the temperature even . in summer is
often exceedingly cold. In winter
twenty to twenty-eight degrees below
z-ro is a common state of the ther
mometer. The hosp co owes its exist
ence to Bernard de Menthon, a noble
man of S.ivoy, who erected it in the
year .962 for the assistance of pilgrims
j'Uir.iey lug from the northern countries
of Europe to Bima About twenty
Augustiuian monks now lire there,
spending their time in lodging and at
tending to visitors, in religious serv
ices, the su plying of their own wants,
and the rescue of wayfarers lost in the
now. Travelers of all nationalities
who visit the hospice are boarded and
lodged gratuitously, but are expected
to deposit the cost of their entertain
ment isj the poor-ixx on leaving. The
St. BcrVard . dogs, who assist the
brethren to find a-id ex ricate travelers
burled in the S'iow, are famous all
over the world, although the original
breed is said to be extinct. In the
middle ages the monastery was very
wealthy, and Einperors r.nd Kings
recognized the services rendered to
humanity by "the pious monks of St.
B rnard by gifts and grants; now,
however, the small revenues of the
hospice are chii-fl- d -rived from cot
lectious made in Switzerland, and to a
much less degree from the offerings of
visitors. The buildings, which have
suffered grievously from the dangerous
avalanches now common in the mount
ainous parts of Europe, consist of two
blocks, one containing a dining-room,
a library, a church, the rooms of the
brethren and spacious accommodation
fir travelers; the other, called the
Hotel de Sr. Louis, being a refuge in
case of fire, a store-house and a lodg
ing for the poorer wayfarers. The
mam building da: es from thj midd'.e
of the sixteenth century. The church
was built so long sg as 163 J. As one'
of the chief of the Alpine passes the
great St. B -rnnrj has been the scene
of many s:irring events of history:
during the Napoleonic wars French
soldiers were quartered in fhe hospice
for more than a year. The nunts
usually live for fifteen years in the
cold and solitude of their mountain
dwelling, and are said to suff-r se
verely in health from the severity ol
the climate. Vh-'e tgo Times.
Aa Kye-Wita' Awtheatle Aecoanl ot the
tall of Khartoarn.
E-tgland lit the anniversary o
G rdou's death go by unnoticed, save
by a few Tory newspapers and a con
gregation of abut two hundred
(crsotis who attended a memorial
-ervice In Lmdon. At this service
R-v. 1L Walker, an old personal friend
of General G nlo i. preached the ser
mon, and during the discourse read
the following sworn testimony of one
of the loyal sergeants who was presen
at General Gordon's death, and which
was communicated to Lieutenant Gor
don, nephew of the late G-neraL The
sergeant said he was formerly in the
garrison of B -rber, but escaped at
its fall to Khar! ou m, where he
was one of four scrgean'.s, orderlies
to Gordon. He was on duty on
January 26. and was with G rdon on
he lookout." on the top of the pal
ace. Gordon, on the eTening before.
warned the people that he had seen a
great deal of ex. ra excitement in the
rebel camp, and that unless a good re
sistance was made that night the town
would falL As the morning alar rose
the reb -Is made a f-Mnt at a portion of
ihe di-f snses, u.i ier F rag P.idha, with
the black troops; but at the same time
they directed their full attack at the
defense commanded by Has sen Bey
Ben Assereh, with the Fifth regiment
of fellaheen, and succeeded In getting
Into tbe town,. hen G.trdon heard
ihe rebels in town he said: "It is all
finished; to-day Gordon will be killed,
and weut down s'a rs, followed by
the four sergeants, who took their
rifles with them. lit took a chair
and sat down on the right of the
palace door, the four sergeants stand
ing on h's left. All at once
a Mieitti galiopmi up witn some
Bagaree Arabs. The sergeants wer
on tbe point of firing when Gordon,
seizing one of their rifles, said: "No
need of rifles to-d.iy; Gordon is to be
killed!" (as before). The Sheikh told
Gord on that he had been ordered by the
Mahdl to bring him alive. Gordon
refused to go, saying he would die
where he was adding that i.o harm
was to be done to the four sergeants,
who hail not fired on the rebels. The
Sheikh repeated the order three times,
and each time Gordon gave the same
answer. After a few words the S.icikh
lrew his sword, and. rushing up to
G 'rdon, cut him over the left shoulder.
Gordon looking him in the f. ce and
offering no resistance. H's head was
cut off and taken to the Mahdi at
Ondurman, and his body was burled
close to the door of the palace and a
tomb built over it. The tomb is treat
ed with respect. A'l Y. Tr.bune.
I took my first lessons iu agri
culture in driying the cow to pasture,
and leading the horse to plow upon
tho farm; and though fate has led me
in other paths, yet there never has
been one, there never will be any,
where I shall enjoy a purer and more
unalloyed p'.e isure than I did at that
period of my life. Horace Mann.
A farmer In Pi.-c.Uaqnis County.
Mi, cut down a tree and hauled it
home the other day. When he went
o split it up for fire wood he was
-.really surprised to fi id a big bear
n joying his winter nap inside the hol
low log-
A flock of wild turkeys alighted
in the corn field of John Wa ker, near
Cowdoa, Ind. The ground w;ts mud
dy, and the weather turning cold, sud
denly their feet were frozen into the
earth, and they were all captured.
Thoasht He Knew a Thing or Two,
Bat IV a Kadly Mistaken.
"Now, that name," said the hotel
clerk, running his diamond-bilted fin
ger down the register, and pausing at
the name of Gurlproat, "that name is
a fraud. That man is traveling incog.,
and there is something crooked about
Why do yon think so?" inquired a
reporter on the tra.l of a fugitive item.
"Why do I think so? Why. 1 almost
know it in fact, I do kn iw it Intui
tively. It is my bnsiness to be famil
iar with names nn I the derivation and
nationality of them. Now. there is no
such name as Gurlproat It is neither
English, Irish, Scotch. German. Swe
dish. Welch. Frjnch. Spanish. Italian.
Russian, Malay, Greek. Norwegian or
Choctaw. It is a machine nam. man
ufactured for an emergency, some
thing like the characters in Dickens'
novels the Veneerings. Podsnaps.
Weggs. Dorrltts, Jaggers. Nickelbys
and Chuzzlewits. I am obliged, you
know, to be sharp in my business."
"Are there any other ear-marks by
which yon know this man to be a
"Well, yes; I have spoken to him on
several occasions, calling him by name
Gnrlproat and on every occasion
he has appeared to fail to recognize
the name as at all familiar, and I have
to repeat it I tell you he is a fly fakir
from Flytown. He is a queer, and yon
can bet high on that."
Now. there is a matt." continued
the hotel clerk, pointing to another
square-toed specimee of caligraphy.
that man Jones, there, A. Q. Jones,
he's all O. K. There is no subterfuge
about him. He comes in and planks
down his gripsack, deposits a roll of
bills in the safe, calls for a stylos, in
dorses the register, and there you have
t straight and flit-f ote.L A. Q- Jones.
9 2,000. in his role in the safe. He is a who will d.i to tie up to. We
have to be good judges of human na
ture in this business. I tell yon. and
are obliged to be t-e totally and strictly
sharp. But Jones is solid with this
bouse. He h-vs been htve a week now
and I hare advanced him $550 or $900
on his ro'L"
"You are sure the ro'l contains mon
ey, nre you?" inquired the reporter,
Sure! Why. it is an express pack
age, sealed, and the amount marked
on the corner. Guests often leave
them with ns for security."
"I should want to know that it was
all right before I loaned m joey on it,"
pursued the reoorter.
That's where yon would fool your
self. That's where you would insnlt
guests and drive trade away. But"
the sharp clerk this a little ui
easily "just to show you what a
square man Jones is. I'll send np this
bill." and the clerk proceeded to
sound a load timbrel which summoned
a bell boy.
Here, run np to 53 with this." said
the clerk.
While the bell bov was on his mission
the suspicions Gurlproat came up to
the office to settle his bilL
"That's him Gurlproat" said th
clerk, forming the words with hi.
mouth without uttering sound; "$8.25
two days and a halt"
""Hay?" said the deoised Gurlproat
"lwo days and a half eight and a
qnarter." answered the clerk, winking
at the reporter.
Eight dollars"
"Eight and a quarter."
"All right correct." and Mr. Gurl
proat tendered a ten-dollar bilL The
sharp clerk spent five minutes critically
examining and testing the same. While
doing so the suspected guest observed:
"If Colonel James Gurlproat, of
Montgomery, Ala., calls for me. please
tell him I have gone to Washington.
The hotel clerk looked suddenly up.
and his face was like a circus-poster
gilded by the rays of sunset
"Are you Congressman Gurlproat, of
Alabama?" he inquired.
"Are you Congressman Gurlproat, of
"No, I am his brother. 1 am Judge
Gurlproat formerly of the Supreme
He had his change, and in another
instant the porter was obsequiously
escorting him out to a carriage.
"Why," exclaimed the clerk. "It's
singular I happened to forget that Gurl
proat family of Montgomery. It just
beats alL Funny, isn't it, when you
miss a man s name.
The bell boy returned at this inter
esting juncture of the proceedings with
the startling information that A. Q.
Jones had skipped, bag and baggage,
hook, line ' and sinker, foot, horse and
dragoons. The clerk turned white and
his finger shook 1 ke a splinter on a
rail in the wind, as he suddenly went
lown into the safe after the express
pneknge. He fidied it np, tore off the
end and proceeded to shake out a gen
erous wad of newspaper clippings, some
if it gems of poetry, the balance choice
xtracts from the hnmoious papers and
medical reading notices, Texas ftl
ngs. m
Innocence imposed Upon.
Caller (to Bobby, in his first trous
ers) Those are nice trousers, Bobby,
or a little boy.
B bby (proudly) They ain't boy's
: rouscrs. Ma says they are regular
n.e:i's trousers.
Caller Are they?
B bby Yes indeed; they're made
ver from an old pair of pa a. A. X.
"Father." said Robert, "I have
long cherished the desire to go on the
stage, and have at last decided, with
your permission, to" My son,"
interrupted the foud father, "all the
world's a stage. Take that hoe hang
ing in the woodshed and go and dig
those potatoes back, of the orchard."
Harper Bazar.
Papa (severely) "Did you ask
mamma if you could have that apple?"
Three-year-old "Yes. sir.' Papa
"Be careful, now. I'll ask mamma,
and if she says. you didn't ask her 111
whip you for telling a story. Did, you
ask mamma?" Three-year-old-
"Truly, papa, I asked her. (A pause.)
She said I couldn't hare it" fJUJa
delphia Call. :' , , "
Preealsos and) Umltatte
:loss of the
Work Clearly Deoaed.
Engraving to-day la not mere copy
ing, it is an art la Itself, which should
not be attempted by any persons ex
cept those who have a good acquaint
ance with drawing, and also some
artistic talent To be sure, if any en
graver wants to be a mere copyist of
the lines, he can earn his living. His
task will be the cutting cf designs for
patent reports a kind of work poorly
3 MM ,t?
rernaneraieu, xne vniuee copyist
has his merits, and there are man r
Chinese out of China. The well-paid
wood-engravers of to-dav must have
originality, lor it Is originality in a
certain sense which accrnes to his
benefit, although he may apparjntly
only carry out the inspiration of an
other. To engrave with skill reqnires
art instruction in the widest sense.
There roust be accuracy in drawing,
an acquaintance with effects, a knowl
edge of tints, shadows, and the power
to supplement the crndeness or the
vagueness of the original design with
effects of one's own.
A woman can make a' living by do
ing what is called fashion or stock
work, but when engravers get
into that style of work it spoils them
for the higher grades of engraving.
Unless a woman eia devote two or
three years to nothing bat practice-
work, she might as well nevr have
begun her career. She may get into
an office, but unless she is willing to
accept much lesi pay tban a
man she will not fi id a position. If
she wants to do picture-work, that is.
engrave from photographs or wan
drawings she had batter make up her
mind to study three years without ex
acting remuneration. It seems nat
ural, after a woman has gone through
a three years course of engraving, to
ask for work at an office- She will in
all probability be refused. - - The reason -given
is that men are preferred. Only
two or three women in New York
hare come up to the high standard of
men in wood engraving. One of thse
has been working hard for ten and an
other for fifteen veais. Women ara
apt to be weak in s yle. and the first
requisite in wood engraving is
firmness and clearness. A 'nice little
line here and a fine line there amount
to nothing.' Each line mast rep
resent something, and show that it
was not pnt there to fill up space.
The fault with the general rua of
women engravers is that they do not
select a special kind of work. I
should advise women to take special
work, and sticking to that, they mi?ht
hen make a modest repntation. Let
hem try to become landscape, fi;nrs
r portrait engravers, bat not attempt
ill three of the so at one time. The
greatest compliment that can be paid
a woman is to tell her that she works
like a man. That means she has a
man's boldness and firmness of touch.
If a woman wants to become an en
graver, she must devot? s'x hours a
lay to her engraving, and two mora
to drawing, making eight hours a
day. Very fw men or women ara
willin? to do this. At first there)
should be drawing from the east with
charcoal in a broad style. As tho
pupil advances she mn-t keep up her
engraving, later on drawing from
lift Drawing and engraving must
go on together.
It is a good plan to take the wore
of some leading engraver and study
his method of .treatment I know of
some wo nen who. following this plan,
have acquired a fair reputation. If.
i hen. a womaa has some talent aad
perseverance, there is so reason
why she should not attempt wood
Engraving. It is, however. use
It s when a woman reaches middle age
to study engraving. Her future is too
short for that Fourteen is not too
young for a girl to begin, for it is
easier then to leara how to handle the
tools. I have known some who bave
spent their first year ia acquiring
facility with the tools. It seems an
easy matter, but ao one knows how
difficult it is until tried. In the course
of instruction women are apt to de
oend overmuch on their teach-rs.
They are afraid to cut a face or a hand
without th help of their master. If
i hey make op their minds to cut a
face or a hand without aid, they wonld
see how much easier the next ona
could be engraved. Adviee how the
work is to be done does the pupil more
good than patterns set for her. Pupils
who rely solely upon their instructor
never have a style of their own. It
might be supposed that I do not favor
women as wood engravers. What X
do think is this: that it is a great mis
take for so many women to adopt the
profession when they have no talent
for drawing. Competition exisrsjje-
cause there are so many women who
work like machines. Harper's Bazar.
Mrs. General Sherman. like her
husband, is a regular first-nighter at
the theaters.
Miss Jennie Chamberlain, the Ohio
beauty that created such a sensation ia
Europe, is now living at a hotel in
Cleveland. She seldom goes out. re
ceives few visitors and leads a very
quiet life.
George Bancroft, the octogenarian,
politician, and historian, is the only
private citizen admitted to the privi
leges of the floor of the Senate, and tho
only person to who such courtesy is
extended by name.
Senator Stanford's California
ranch contains 56.000 acres, and is
probably the largest in the country.
Some 5,800 acres are planted in grape
vines, and he has a wine cellar that
holds 1,000,000 gallons.
Worth, the famous Paris costumer,
receives his customers in a short em
broidered jacket, capacious trousers, a
white flannel shirt fastened at tha
throat with a loosely-knotted scarf and.
a brown Tarn O'Shanter cap.
Sir Donald Smith, tho millionaire
pioneer of the Hudson Bay Company,
gave his daughter, lately married in
Montreal, a check for $2,000,000. The
groom was Dr. J. B. Howard, a young
physician of moderate means. .
A Nashville carpenter arose in his
sleep and went into his shop and began
filing a saw. The noise woke him up
and he was mightily puzzled to find
himself engaged at work at two o'clock
la the morning- in a dark shoo.