The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 08, 1888, Image 4

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Reliable Quotations Carefully Revised I Cevoted Principally to Washington
Every "Week.
Territory and California.
Everything of General Interest in
Condensed Form.
WHEAT Valley, $1 251 26J;
Walla Walla, fl 17il 18.
BARLEY W hole, fl 1O01 12;
ground, per ton, $20 O025 00.
OATS Milling,4547c. ; feed, 44
4 5c.
HAY Baled, $14 00gl5 00.
SEED Blue Grass. 14A16c. ; Tim
othy, 9 1 (310c.; Red Clover, 14 15c.
FLOUR Patent Roller, $ 4 00 ;
Country Brand, $3 75.
' EGGS Per doz, 18c.
BUTTER Fancy roll, per pound.
40c; pickled, 27i30c: inferior
grade, 2025j.
CHEESE Eastern, 1620c; Ore
gon, 1416c.; California, 14ic.
VEGETABLES Beets, per sack,
$1 50 ; cabbage, per lb., 2c. ; carrots,
persk., fl 25 ; lettuce, per doz. 2ac,
onions, $1 75; potatoes, per 100 lbs.,
50 oc; radishes, per doz., 1520c. ;
rhubarb, per lb., 6c.
HONEY In comb, per lb., 18c;
strained, 5 gal. tins, per lb. 8Jc.
POULTRY Chickens, per doz.
$2 50(5 3 00 ; ducks, per doz., f 5 00
8 00; geese, $6 00 8 00; turkeys,
per lb., lb18c
PROVISIONS Oregon hams, 13 Jc
per lb.; Eastern, 1313ic; Eastern
breakfast bacon, 12c. per lb.; Oregon
12 13c; Eastern lard, 10llc. per
lb.; Oregon, 10 $c.
GREEN FRUITS Apples, $ 2 00
2 50; Sicily lemons, $5 005 50;
California, f 3 505 00 ; Naval oranges
fa 50; Riverside, $3 oO; Mediterra
nean, $ 3 75. .
James B. Hays, Chief Justice of
Idaho, is dead. Hia age was 48 years.
An Indian horse-thief was shot and
killed near Helena, Montana.
Elwood's shingle mill near Blaine,
W. T., was burned accidentally. Loss
John Kronkile, treasurer of Alpine
county, Nev., was thrown from ahorse
into the Carson river, and drowned.
The sentence of death has been
passed upon Mrs. Pyle and John
Hum, at Walla Walla, W.T.,by Judge
W,T. near Helena,
Montana, was shot m the neck by
Mrs. Gordon, while tryine to get his
wife to go home and live with him.
Nelson Silsby attacked John Daly,
while drunk, at K'jcklin, Cal., and
kicked him to death. Silsby ulleges
that Daly insulted his wife.
Max Hoppe, a tramp, shot and
killed a man named Adams, near Fort
Conrad, Mont., who had been giving
inm a tree ride
John Roodes, son of Rev. J. L.
Roodes, 19 years of age, was accident
ally drowned while bathing in the
Palouse river, v . T.
A shooting affray occurred at Flor
ence, Arizona, between J. 1. Gabriel
and Joseph Phy. Puy received three
shots. Gabriel was shot near the
heart. Both are dead.
Dr. Gray, a phvsician of S in Diego,
CaL, has been arrested for manslaugh
ter. He is cliarged with civina; Juo.
Parker an overdose of medicine which
caused his death.
Devoted to
the Interest! of
and Stockmen.
Fire broke out in the job office of
the San Diego Printing Company and
rapidly spread, burning several one-
DKL&D IKUlTs Sun dried ap- story buildings and damaging the post-
pies, 7f c. per lb. ; machine dried, 10 I office building to the extent of f 1,000.
xic; pitiess plums, lie,; Italian I ri. T Mi-Rinnia -xto.1 37. MA
prunes, iU(U4c ; peaches, U$llc. ; from injuries received at Seattle, W
"Uluai -"iii- i r bv beinsr Kicked in the head bv a
horse. He leaves a wife and two chil
MEAT Beef, wholesale, 44c;
dressed, 8c; sheep, 3 Ac ; dreeed, fc. ;
hogs, dressed, c; veal, 7Sc
WOOL Valley, 1819c: Eastern
Oregon. 16 18c
HIDES Dry beef hides, 8 10c
culls, 6 7c; kip and calf, 810j.;
Marram, 10 12c. ; tallow, 33c.
LUMBER Rough, per M, $10 00;
edged, per M, $12 00; T. and G.
sheathing, per M, $13 00 ; No. 2 floor
ing, per M, f IS 00; No. 2 ceiling, per
M,$18 00; No. 2 rustic, per M, $18 00;
clear rough, per M, $20 00 ; clear P. 4
S, per M, $22 50 ; No. 1 flooring, per
M, ?22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M,
$22 50; No. 1 rustic, per M, $22 50;
stepping, per M, $25 00; over 12
inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40
to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to 60,
extra, $4 00 ; 14 lath, per M, $2 50
1$ lath, per M, $2 75.
BEANS Quote small whites, $4 50;
pinks, $3; bayos, $3; butter, $4;
Limas, $4 oO per cental.
COFFEE Quote Salvador, 16c
Costa Rica, IS 20c ; Rio, IS 20c.
Java, 27Ac; Arbuekle's's roasted, 20c
SALT Liverpool grades of fine
quoted $18, $9. and $20 for the three
sizes ; etooFSyrtt, f 10.
PIGKLES -Kegs quoted steady at
$1 35. '
SUGAR Prices for barrels ; Golden
C, 5c; extra C,6c; dry granulated,
7e. ; crushed, fine crushed, cube and
powdered, 7Jc ; extra C, 6c ; halves
and boxes, c. higher.
Mr. Pierre T. Barlow, of New York,
is the fortunate owner of Lord Byron's
signet ring. It is set with a large opal.
on which are cut the crests of the
names of Noel, Gordon and Byron.
Senator Stanford is said to be the
most unassumingly dressed man in
Washington.' This independence in the
matter of personal decoratioa i3 one of
the advantages of being rich. Russell
Sasre, it is said, walked into a Broad
way clothing store the other day and
tried on and purchased a twelve-dollar
suit of "hand-me-downs.
Senator Morrill, the patriarch of
Congress, passed thirty-four of his sev
enty-eight years in the Senate. He
may be called the father of protection.
for his noted bill, the Morrill Tariffbill,
dates back to 1861. He is celebrated
for his well-rounded sentences, axd is
an excellent conversationalist. His
old age i3 hale and heartv.
Grocer "X'ou sav that vour wife.
Uncle Rastus, supports the family by
. . 1 , . ... w-r
vaiung m wasmngr uncle Kastus
"Yes, sab." Grocer "Well, don't you
xeei a nttie bit ashamed at times?
Uncle RastU3 "'Shamed? No, sab,;
cere s notum' degradm' 'bout takin'
in washin'. Ise proud of de ole
'ooman." 2f. T. Sun.
"Well, how is this, my dear sir?"in
quired the local practitioner, "you sent
me a letter stating that you had been
attacked by small-pox and I find you
sneering from rheumatism." "Well,
you see, doctor, it's like this," said the
patient; "there wasn't a soul in the
house who could spell rheumatism."
Bangor Commercial.
Ihe tloctr ne of Christianity is
mo3t adverse to all tyranny and op
pression, but highly favorable to the
interests of good government among
men, and in this way its genuine
altruism is only the noblest kind of co
operation for the general good; and
this is automatic government.
To lie in the lap of pleasure may
be the highest enjoyment of which a
feeble character is capable; but a strong
man must have something difficult to
do; and the strong Christian man has
to work out his salvation with fear
and trembling," to mortify the body,
lest being ver-indulged, it should
learn to be the master instead of ser
vant of the souL Prof. Blackie.
-Good temper is an essential factor
in success in almost any department of
life. A superintendent who loses his
temper in his school becomes himself
at once the worst element of disorder
in the conf asion. which he is trying to
reduce. And a teacher woo grows
cross when his class is disposed to be
unruly has lost his last chance to con
trol the turbulence. Westminster
At San Luis Obispo, CaL, C. R.
Bromley was leading a horse, which
became frightened and bolted. Brom
ley could not free himself and was
dragged to death. The body was ter
ribly bruised.
Cornelius Gradv, a prominent stock
man anxTraueher on betake river,
T.-wmle,"1" crossing the Fennawawa
ferry, en route to Walla Walla with a
band of beef cattle, was crowded off
the ferry by the cattle and and lost
his life.
Fire started in some old boxes in the
rear of Foreman & Stoue's furniture
6tore at San Diego CaL The flames
soon spread to tne store, which was
totally destroyed. The loss reaches
$35,000 ; insurance about $ 15,000.
The fire is supposed to be of incendiary
Nine fishing seines, with their com
plement of men, have been busy night
and day for mouths taking fish from
the noted Tulare lake. Hundreds ot
tons have been caught and shipped to
all points in California. Much indig
nation is feit, and the legislature will
be asked to pass a law prohibiting
seine fiehing in the lake.
Miss Florence, a daughter of R. M
Bones, a well-to-do rancher near Vic
tor, Montana, give birth lo a child a
few davs ago. It was believed thai
the little waif was murdered, and all
the parties suspected, have been ar
rested. The child was found buried
in a small box, near a stream, wrapped
in rags, and having its skull fractured
Arthur D. January, of Sacramento,
Cal., who, while deputy ia the office
of state treasurer etole over $50,-
000, and was convicted and sentenced
to ten years imprisonment, was
bronght back to San Jose, and will
have to serve the term. lie had been
out on bail for seveial months, pend
log appeal to the supreme court.
Fred Hoagland, eu old resident of
Stockton, CaL, and John Giannini, a
farmer, were run into by a train, and
Hoagland was instantly kil.ed. Ihe
buggy was stoat hed and the horse's
leg broken, necessitating killing him.
Hoagland s body was earned some dis
tance and all the bones apparently
smashed. Giannini was thrown about
fifty feet, and a piece of flesh was torn
out of his back, his head being severely
A collision occusred near Walnut
station, Arizona, between engine 328
Engineer Stevens, and an east-bound
freight, Conductor Mahoney. Head
lirakeman Howell, ot the Ireight, was
instantly killed, and the engineer, fire
man and two brakemen on the extra
were seriously injured. The track was
torn up for some distance. Twelve
cars were ditched and badlv smashed
A Swedish fisherman named Olsen
was brought to San Diego, CaL, by a
small vessel which rescued him from
the Coronado inlands, where he had
been for two weeks, the boat in which
he had been fishing having been
wrecked. Though the island? are but
twenty miles from the city vessc-13 sel
dom go near them, and he. was unable
to attract attention. He was nearly
starved, being obliged to subsist on
raw fish, which he caught with a line
he luckily saved.
A small explosion in the California
fire works manufactory at San Fran
cisco, set fire to the clothing ot two
employes, Frank Barry, a boy of 16,
and Michael Curtis, a young man.
Barry was stunned by the shock of the
explosion, and before assistance could
arrive he was burned to death. Curtis
contrived to escape before the flames
gained much headway. He was taken
to his home, where he lies in a very
precarious condition, teiribly burned
about the legs.
The Weston Leader ii urging the
citizens of that place to build water
The construction of a new steam
boat on Upper Klameth lake is talked
A company has incorporated at
Lostine for the purro5e of building a
flouring mill.
John Fomeroy, of Huntington, has
been adjudged insane and sent to the
The oew Catholic church to be built
at S.tlem will cost $6,000 and will seat
bOO people.
A Chinaman jumped into the Wil
lamette river at Portland, but was res
cued iu a half-drowned condition.
John Barker, of Buttej creek, Mor
row county, was fined $ 100 for allow
ing his seabby sheep to scatter oi the
The Dalles Lumbering Company's
flume is within six miles of that city
and the work is being pushed as rap
idly as possible.
The chief engineer and assistants of
the Portlaud Paid Fire Department
were presented with gold badges by
the members, for attention to duty.
Pereival Nash, fell from a wagon at
Nashville, the wheels p issing over his
breast. It is thought the bov, who is
15 years old, will recover.
A postoffiee has been established at
Mill City, Marion county, and Joseph
A. Shaw has been appointed post
George Williams has been appointed
postmaster at Wamie, Wasco county,
in place of M. A. Chamberlain, who
has resigned.
Miss Wimberly, a student at the
Oregon State .Normal School from
Rotburg, is lvmg very low with
symptoms of brain fever, and her re
covery is doubtful.
A short time ago iu Jordan valley,
Al Corpe, an old-time stage driver,
struck Dick Hunger over the head
with a spade. It ia said that Munger
will die.
The barge Mtrgey collided with the
draw of the Morrison street bridge,
Portland, bending the kingpost back
several feet, lifting the pilot house
from over the head of the captain and
tearing away the smokestack.
Billy Roberts, who was arrested up
on a charge of an assault wi:h intent
to kill was examiut d in Liukvme hut
week and ucqukted, the evidence
bowing that he wis the assaulted
H. Hosford's store at Canby burned
down at au estimated loss of $1,500,
building inclusive. It is rumored to
have been the work of an incendiary,
by boring holes through the wall and
pouring coal oil through to start the
While A. D. Hadlev, of Burnt river,
Baker county, was endeavoring to
break a colt, he was severely kicked
by the animal on the right cheek
bone just below the eye, breaking the
cheek bone and cuttiug him just above
the eye and down the right side of the
nose, making a severe and painful
The locomotive for the Southern
Oregon. Company's logging railroad at
Sumner, is on the way from the East
to San Francisco, and on its arrival
there will be shipped immediately to
Coos bay. The track is now bejnt
laid, and everything will be isi readi
ness for hauling loss when the loco
motive arrives.
Jo Ben Lane, agent at the Silelz In
dian Reservation, is again in peaceful
possession of attains at the reservation
A special agent accompanied him ou
his return, aftr being driven off by
the Indians, and a peace has been
patched up, and things are again mov
ing along quietly withcut danger of
any further disturbance oa the part of
the Indians.
Jacob Bashor, who lives about three
miles east of Salem, built a b-.trbed
wire fence on his place. He hardly
finished putting up the fence until
mare belonging to him, valued at $150
ran against it at full sinsed. She tore
down the fence and cut her windpipe
and right iuenlar vein, and died in
twenty minutes. Another horse witl
her was pre ty badly used up, but will
recover. Mr. Bashor says that he
won t put up any more barbed wire
fence on his place.
The Human Breath
Erown-Sequard has recently
1 Sleep is Beath's younger brother,
and so like him I never dare trust him
. without my pravers. Sir Thomas
Brown. '
Men are atheistical because they
are first vicious; and question the
truth of Christianity because they hate
the practice, SouUl
Teach boys and girls the actual
facts of life aa soon as they are old
enough to understand them, and give
them the sense of responsibility with-
The liui; U'Auumle may be ae-
scribed as one of the most forgiving
men alive. Kxiled from France, which
he dearly loves, he ha not only be
queathed his estate at Chantilly to the
nation, but has now established a fund
of 17,000 francs a year for the benefit
of the poor in the neighborhood of that
estate. This last act comes, it is said,
as a timely relief to much distress.
Theodore Tilton is living in a re-
! mote quarter of Paris in by no means
affluent circumstances. His dress is
almost shabby and with his hair hang
ing about his shoulders he presents a
peculiar appearance as he walk about
the streets of the French capitaL He
does a little literary work now and
then, but writes with no regularity.
Considerable numbers of colored
people are emierating to California
from the Southern States. One party
of twenty-four men and women lately
arrived at San Francisco en route to
join a colored colony in Shasta County.
Another party of 110 laborers, mostly
men, have gone to Fresno to work in
the raisin vineyards, and 150 more are
to fallow. .
been making experiments to determine
whether the human breath wascapabl
of producing any poisonous effects.
From the condense! watery vapor of
the expired air, he obtained a poisonous
liquid, which, when injected under the
skin of rabbit-, produced almost imme
diate death. He ascertained that thi
poison was an alkaloid, and not a mi
crobe. The rabbits thus injected died
without convulsions, the heart and
large blood-vessela being engorged with
blood. 15rovn-SMniai-d considers
fullv proved that the expired air. both
of man and anini-.'is, contains a volatile
poisonous principle which is much
more deleterious thnn carbonic acid,
One of the most unreasonable
things in friendship is to be mad with
a friend because he is not mad with a
man you are mad with.
He is worthy of honor who willeth
the good of every man; and he is much
unworthy thereof who seeketh his own
profit and oppress ith others.
What some noted mwi have done
for the world is mia-hth insignificant
compared to what the world has done
for them. Merchant Iraveier.
If a spark falls into the water
the: e can be no fire. If a brand is
thrown in upon us we need not be a
powder magazine and blow up. Dr.
Money and time are the heaviest
burdens of life, and the unhappiest of
all mortals are those who have mor
of either than tVy know how to usc-Johnson.
There is no person in this world
who so uniformly takes his pay as he
goes along, as he who does good at
the expense of his own comfort and
The Codling Moth.
The remedy, or rather the preventive
for the codling moth, is to spray the
trees with a solution of some iioison
that will deter the moth from lnying
its eggs in the calyx or blossom end of
apples and pt ars, early in the spring.
fhe fruit then is very small, and as it
grows it sheds off the poison and the
mature fruit shows no trace of it.
Paris green snd London purple are the
remedies, but 1 aris green with dith
culty forms a solution, while London
purple mixes with ease in water," and
very thoroughly. It only costs 25
cents ier pound, and a pound will b
enough for sixty gallons of water. The
spraying is done by an apparatus
easily fixed up and capable of lasting
inany years, it needs some sort or a
tank or tub, closed tight, to hold say
twenty gallons of water. The force
pump is rigged up to this and it is
mounted on a sled or a cart and drawn
thiough the orchard. From the force
pump there can go two lengths of
hose and a pipe with a spraying rose
A man drives and works the pump
and two other men use the hose and
phe8, ppraying two trees at a time.
With this apparatus in good woikirg
order, three men can euray 500 trees
in a day, and likely more than that.
The solution, if sprayed in a warm
day, will almost instantly dry off, and
win not show on tne Iruit, or even
taste on it, but it 8 enough to disgust
the codling moth and sive the fruit.
This moth flies at night, in the early
ays of May. The trees should be
well sprayed as soon as the fruit is set
and the bloom falls, and a second time
twelve days or a fortnight after
Ihe cost of spraying trees is not
even a penny a tree and if the trees
bring a bushel of fruit that is a small
rice to pay for insuring it against
harm. Old trees, of large size, of
course will require more time and
more of the solution, but if the codling
moth can be kept off and the fruit
saved at a cjst of a cent a bushel for
the fruit, m one should complain.
Sow is the time to do the spraying,
and the knowltdge that several or-
hardists having been fixhig up spray
ing apparatus, and that it has been
found to work well in every respect
induces a further notice of an miport-
nt subject.
The chii f thing that most farmers
eed to make more money is lo tret
out of the old ruts. The extra care
a tid labor which niaiket gardening
mplies are too manv an ol j-.'ction
If the farmer begins gradually and
moderately in market gardening he
will probably make a eurce of
that also, besides being a better farmer
n every respect.
Whenever train is largely grownJ
mrst farmers have mere straw than
they can profitably use. Why not,
then, save barn room by cutting the
grain high and leaving a long stubble?
Ihe straw, aa a manure, ia certainly
more evenly distributed than it could
be by anv oilier means. - Stubble is al
so no insignificant protection to young
clover iu winter. It holds the snow
over it, when without the stubble the
field would be wind-swept, and the
ground much more deeply froen.
Ihe contact of the t lover leaves with
snow ir winter kteps the plant fioni
injury, no nutter how cold the
weather may be. The stubs of straw
are by spring mostly flattetitd to
the ground, where they rot under the
growing clover in spring. By the
time the clover is cut the straw will
be thoroughly rotted, so as to. give
little trouble in haying if the clover be
as strong and rank as it should lie.
Most farmers have noticed that hay
rapidly wastes wtien uanuied two or
three times in winter. If they are
obliged to buy a load toward spring, it
does not go so far as that pitched di
rectly from their own bays or stacks
mto the feed mangers or boxes. There
is doubtless considerable waste of the
finer portions of the hay, which are
broken off and fill on the ground dur
ing repeated handling. But the newly
mown hay is not packed closelj-, and
cannot I e it is so dry. It lopks to be
more than it is. If the farmer in
t-pring is obliged to buy hay he should
usually feed more grain to make it go
farther. The one adtantage of hay
on most hums is that it is on the
premises, and it costs more to market
it tlun it docs grain. The latter in
most places furnishes the cheaper nut
riment, and when both hava to be
bought, the cheaper handling of grain
is an argument iu its favor a.t against
bay or coarser feed.
Crushed corn or fine-ground meal is
more economical to feed to cattle than
corn in the ear, for they cannot well
masticate the latter, aud more or less
passes whole through the intestines
undigested. Hoises and mules with
sound, smooth teeth can grind it pretty
well ; still it is not eo fully digested a
fine niesl. But this last should not
be fed alone ; it ought always to be
mixed with bran or shorts, at the rate
of one-fourth to three-fourths, accord
ing to circumstance. If for working
or store animal?, one-fourth of Indian
meal would be a good proportion, but
if fatting cattle, one-half to three
fourths might be best. If a half to a
whole pint of linseed or cotton-seed
meal were added to every four quarts
of the above meal ration, it would be
so much the better, as this lubricates
the intestines, assists digestion and is
also quite nutritious. There is very
little work for a mill to grind it with
the grain, and we doubt whether the
extra expense of doing this is paid
liBChiei value is to lighten up or sep
arate the finer particles of the meal, or
in thinning or diluting it.
An cacle flw through an onen window Into
an Omaha bustnoHa establishment the other day
nd was captured bj the employes after a
orou battle. It was seven feet from tip to tip
of the wings.
A schoolmaster advertised as fol
lows : "Prepare boys for bus. or col.
Boys taught pri. A boy elow in gram.
or in his rith., or weak in his Lat. to
be pushed for a posish or profesh ;
write the princ. for a circ. and a cat
for a curric." Ia the same veinitmay
be said, if you have the rheu. or neu.
or Bciiit. or lumbag., try St. Jacob's
Oil. Look for its ads. morn, or eve. or
b'mother eve. It cures ; it curs term
no ret., no relap. It cures p. d. q.
A Swiss watch manufacturer lias lust In-
Tented a watch for the blind, on the dial of
wh'ch the hours are indicated by twelve dio-
joctwig pegs, one or w men stnics ever; nour.
A profound scientist of the nine
teenth ci-ntury living In Boston had
smoking chimney in his house. After
he had spent $100 for various devices
to cure it a ragged tramp came along
and suggested that he build it si
inches higher which was done and the
evil eradicated. Detroit Free Press.
A man went into an editor's office
in Boston. Mass., one day la-t week.
transacted his business in half a doze
words, and left without ofiering any
advice whatever as to the conduct of
the )aner. At last accounts the editor
wavery low. Tid-BiU.
A ft. Louis hotel clerk claims tn hied ma Ha
the discovery that tall men sleep later in the
morning nan snori men, ana tunc persons of
dark completion Invariably require more rest
than blonde.
Ask any one w ho has wed Dr. Ptemn's rip.
ant PurKailre Pellnta as to their merits. They
will tell you that pimples, blotches and erup
tions disappear; thatconsttpation that breeder
of dioonici s is relieved; that the appetite is
restored: that the who e evetem ia renovated
and reirulatcd beyond any conception by these
uiuo wonuer-woraers. winK purely vegetable
they are perfectly harmless: beins comouhed sf
concentrated, active ingredicnta, they are pow-
enun l urw-e ana purity we system ana aigctse
will be unknown. Of all druKKists.
Sometimes fails of !t murderous Intent. The
inHiduous and dastardly attacks made upon the
reputation of llostetter'a Stomach Hitters by
tM-rsons who seek to oalm off cheap and fiery
tonics as laenticai wtin iu or -Ttte aanie imnn
under another name, or equally aa koou, in
moHt instances react disastrously anon the un-
princlnled traders upon popular credulity who
atteuiDt them, converting their simulations
into ruinous failures. 1 tie Hitti-ra is a Dure.
hol'-wmie and thorough medicine, adapted to
the total cure and prevention of favor and ague,
Dillons remittent, ayspepsia, constipation, ou-iouniM-88.
debility, ncrvou nets and kidney
troubles. Its every ImrredienL unlike those in
the imitations of it, is of an ascertained stand
ard ot excellence, and while they, by reason of
their tlerr cronertiea. react lniuriou-ly upon
the brain and nervous system, of both those
oran. tt is a sedative and inviiiorant. Itofuse
all these harmful imitations.
A doe at Racine. Wis., tried to Jump thronjrh
swiftly revolving fly-wheel, and. it Is said.
"partly succeeded. A part of him got through
ana otner part went on in otner atrccuous.
A richly frosted quivering, flylntr Dove.
A Dream of Life screen calendar. An tm-
Dorted ideal head. Aa imported frosted
snow scene and a full set of magnificent
llorai cards, f ourteen artistic pieces.
bent to itiTont who will bur from a drug
plot a box of the genuine Ur C. M'Lanx's
Celebrated Liver Pills (price 23 ct.)
and mail us the outside wrapper from the
box with 4 cents in stamps. Write your
address plainly. JTlemino xJaotL, nrn
bcrgu, Fa.
The man who is looking for something to
ar. ly rinds anything, but if he ia willing to
in) thing he can always find something.
Is that which yields large returns from s small
outlay. Headnr. the wav is clear! Nosoecula-
t:on. no chanc. big returns! If you are itke
moot of mankind vou have somewhere a weak
ns-doa t feel at all times just as you'd tike to
headache to-day. backache to-morrow, down
sick next week ail because your blood is out of
order. A small outlay and what large returns!
You invent in Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Dis
covery and soon pure, fresh blood courses
through vour veins, and you are another being
A man has ben arretted in National Pit v.
Cal for publicly wearing on his back a card
stating that a companion had refuted to pay
him a debt of tlau.
foot or Morotisos st, portlasd, ce.
Dealer In Hpeelaltlea and Cleeral Aseat for
On aeconnt of their inability to digest food.
will llnd a most marvelous food and rained y
Hrstt n KmalKlua of i'ure Cod Liver
Oil with itypephnsphites. Very pslatabli and
easily digested. Dr. S. W. CollEJt. ef Waco,
1 cxhs, says: "I hve used your Kinn'.sion in In
fantile wasting with good results, it not only
restores wanted tlpftus, but gives strength and
increases the appeUte. 1 am glad to caa such
reliable article.
Jndrrinir from the talk one hear about
town, there is noing to be a great demand
for the albums that are offered to everyone
who returns to the publishers (W. Duke-
Sons & Co.,) 75 folding cards, same as are
inclosed m inn packages of Cameo cigar
ette. e are informed that these albums
are an elegant, unique and most inter st
ing anair, ana contain a complete collec
tion of f 0 subjects, comprising the Itulers,
r is s ana cot .-or-Arms of every nation
in the world.
if Jit
- i w n tt v -tffrr-i tf- u
.. ... . .
w ways
Iodide of Potass.
It ran RnKCM&TiHW. Keckaloia
S-srofuiaa, tiout, ittarrh. Tumors, H't Rhuia,
MerourLU Mint. It lunfi tbe Flood, HU-ns
Hon. Pi tn pie.
LJer M d KMit to healthy action, and nuLet th
The Advance is not guaranteed to be equal to others, but guaran
teed to be far superior and better in every particular. If not
it costs you nothing to try it.
Mel Engines, Stationary asi Mariie. Lanntrj Hacinerr.
ACHE ENGINE, the best Coal Oil Engine in the world. Ho Engineer Heeded
The Westinghonse Engines and Boilers, Farm Engine Tank Pumps, several varieties
sf Engines of all sizes and for all purposes. Farm, Church and School Bella,
Marine Work of all kinds. Creamery Machinery, Hancock Inspirators,
Park Injectors, all the latest Patent Wrenches. Blackumith,
Automatic and Farm Drills, Boiler Feed and Duplex
Pomps, Steam Fitting Goods. Lubricating Oils,
Belting and Hose, Self-Heating Bath
ORKE Safstj 7ilT2 for MariiB and Slatloaarr India iteM tr fie. Bsyh-ebjeL
For Villages, Stores. Pnblio Bnfldicgs and Residences.
Ad many other tfesisable goads. As I represent the manufacturers direct, I can and
will give you good frooda at a bargain. Send or descriptiye circular of what you
Gon.p!eKiua Hrlfchl mad Clou.
J. R. GATES A CO., Proprietors
417 HiBume Mt.Has Frauds-.
Call or
i address
183 first St
fl Cninn&u Fr
FtT r"f" By return mart. FbII DrxTtrtlaa
ilia I i, tmlU STM of WnM
Iksaw Cuia KOODI yO, CiaoiaaaO. O.
ar Km,
a cn w w wO Lo,,,.,, Weak iiraorr,
, oencT, cc., daatowcwfi ot a&aae, cured.
j YOUNG MEN "irln?tm the efferta
! crctkra anemia avail tnvivMnffin trvn' t
RES AND ULCERS at feu I poiti careiraaractd ia erery csoe. Brpb-i.
ZTtT J Clfr s ruiTlVi , ?i Tt Vrmary and Venereal Inmai ali mmauiil dial
, J .r. AiiZL JL rZFZlZ ct"-r- Promptly and aei, cured.
The richest child In America is said to be
May harplesa. a little miss of nine years, who
Is orui jy.uuu.uuu in ner own r'jnc
To bequeath to yonr children, la a strong, dear
constitution better than wealth, because it will
never prove a enrsa. Voo cannot give what
foil do not pwWM, and mother will rind In Ur.
"ierce"s Favorite Irescrlption a wonderful
hrlp-correctiufr all weaknesses, bringing their
syMcms into perfect condition, so that their
clitldren. untainted, shall rise up to ca J thcui
There is not a druRsrixt in all the land
13 ut alvrara keeps a stock on hand.
1 Bladder, Weak Back. Kerrom
of bexnal etrecata. etc cured
A new thing in dudes
year mould be brains.
imported bats this
Uhaxdreth's Pills have always piven
satisfaction. In fifty years there has been
no complaint of them. That is about their
lite in the United States and 'millions of
persons have used them. Tlere is no
doubt that they hare established them-
se Tea by meri; alone, rney cure rneuma
tism, dyspepsia, pile, diarrhcea, liver com
plaint and fevers, and frreatly prolong the
human life. One or two at night on an
etimtv stomach, for a week or two. will
keep you tn good lorm ana tone up tne
A McKesn County woman, eifrhty-three
years old. is pail to have been married to her
fourteenth buxbond the other day, alter having
been divorced thirteen times.
There is talk at llarrisburg of
etructhig a water ditch fur the
pate of furnishing water power for
paper mill, which Portland capitalists
propose to build there.
Robert Brown, the brakeman who
was charged with having robbed the
body of George Kalmback, had hia
trial at Huntington and was fully cx
Grant comity's school fund has been
quite materially argutnentod feince the
commencement, of circirt court
Seveial large tines and a lot of (smaller
ones is the came thereof.
nn.rhlal. titkaitlr.iid Pul
monary t'emplaiata. "jiroirn tsrorwnuu manliest remaritaDie curauve proper
ties. 2o cts. a box.
J.lI.FIMK.Afiaayeraad Aaalytleal
t'krnlaL I .ahoratorv- 1U8 First st Portland.
t)r. Analyses made of all substances. Hates
for aieaviiiir srold and silver ores tl.fO. Faci-
a;es sent by mail or express promptly attended
to, and returns niaae.
BrtTn-Mntnturo: Introte ttohuur atxl tlnr!n.
raovt at uight; worse by cratchluf . If allowed to ono
titmr tumors form, vhtch often hleed and ulcetate.
brcitninc very mrn. vkAVK OlnTMBItT atop the
ttcbinc and blrlinc, beals ulceration, and in many
aM remove the tumora. It fc euually efteectous !a
rurtnc all tUn rKieea. DR. BWAVSK SON,
Frotmrtort. rtii lali-Jli&la. twT uistmst can
be obtained of dcucgiMa. Beat by mail fur SO tenia.
See Anttsell Piano advertisement.
Try Gkrmka for breakfast.
Nearly all the German universities
have large endowments, and yet the
Slate budget every year gives them
large sums of money. The University
of Leipzing, for instance. Is more than
four hundred years old and has large
possessions of real estate in tho city.
The Saxon Government, however.
gives It every year about $400,000.
Archdeacon Farrar nrges the es
tablishing of a new order of clergy
men by the English church to work
especially among tha poor and
degraded, the members to join in for
a definite period, say five years, to be
bound during that time by vows of
poverty, celibacy and obedience. It
not stated how the proposal is re
A few months ago a catalogue of
Christian Endeavor Societies in New
York was made. The list has very
much increased since then, but it was
found that there were 450 societies, an
increase of nearly 500 per cent in one
year. The Presbyterian denomination
led the list with 134 societies, the Bap
tlst next with 102, the Methodist with
over 60, then ths Congregational with
60 and the Reformed with 47. The
others were scattered among the other
Attention has been recently called
to a noted school in England, where the
forcing progress has long been in vogue.
by the death from mental overwork of
two teachers, and the serious Illness of
a third teacher, and also a number of
scholars, from the same cause. The
discussion which these molancholy re
sults of the hijrh-pressure system o
education provoked elicited tho rather
fo?gy option that "The precise co
efficient of study which agrees wifh
fair bouily health Is indeed an uncer
tain quantity regulated by diverse per
sonal rtoon'trtf toe "
A novel way to move a house was
adopted at the railroad depot at Or
lando. Fla.. the other day. The house
was slipped upon the railroad track,
an engine was backed up and hitched
on, and the house pulled along, sliding
on the tracks. vr.( ,
It is not every great roan's experi
ence that his palmiest days were when
he was in the hands of hia friends
Yonkers Gazette.
The late Barghash Bin Saed, Sultan
of Zanzibar, leaves twenty-seven wid
ows and 232 childrer. Enough has
Bin' Saed. V. T. World.
CunouaA Rimmta Curb
Skim An a BiOOO OiUMis
rsos) Planus v Roroub
TO pkn cajt no jrsTica to the kstkim in
11 which the Ct'TictiRA Kkmkdiks are held by
the thousands upon thousands whose lives have
been made liaitpy by the cure of aironizimr. hu
miliating, itchlnK. nraly and pimply diseases of
the skin. scalD and blood, with loss of hair.
CUTicuRA. the srreat Skin Cure, and Ctni
cur A Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautifier, pre
pared rroin it, externally, ana uuticura k
solvent, the new Blood Purifier, internally.
are a positive cure for every form of skin and
Bloon disease, rrom pimples to scrofula
tiold everywhere. Price. Cutiouxa. SOa.:
Soap, 25c.; Resolvent St. - Prepared by the
PoTTKRDRue and Chkmical Co..Bo8ton,Masa.
jHrsend for "How tousra Blun inseases.
jt-jr Pimples, blackheads, chapped and oily 1i
Blun prevented by Cotioura Soap. "VI
Rheumatism, Kidney I"- Ins andWeak-
Uilag niaeter.
ness speedily cured by ,'
jf ai ruuixu, we only p
If the early cucumber is guilty ef
crime it must be a "double" one.
Tonker SbtUAman.
The Chinese alwavs cross their
t's;" that is, they mix their teas up
until you can not tell where the Oolong
begins or the Connecticut fine cut ends.
-Women (who has given somothins
to eat to a tramp) "You have a very
wkward way of eating, man. Tramp
"Yes, ma'am, I guess it's 'cauio I'm
out of practice." Life.
Book Agent "How eo you do.
madam? Will your dog bite?" Madam
"Waal, I reckon he wilL" Book
Ajrent "Would you have the good
ness to speak to mmr ii:wam i
Certainly. "Sick Mm, Tige; sick
hn." Harper's Bazar.
Teacher (to Tommy, whose father
s a milkman) "loniray, how many
pints make a quart? Tommy "A
quart of what?" Teacher "Any tking
milk, for instance." Tommy "Two
pints; one pint of water and one piut
of milk. The Epoch.
' A noted duelist was introduced t
Colonel A. Noted duelist "Happv to
make your acquaintance, sir." A mo
ment later, being very much puzzled,
be savs to himself: By Jove, didn'J
kill that fellow somewhere in a
duel?" Texas Siflings.
"Mamie "Mamma, can't I go
over to Kitty's house and play awhile?"
Mamma (hesitatiugly) "I don't
know, dear. I ves, you can go for
just a little while." Mamie (demure
ly) "Thank you, mamma, Tre been."
eae of Kirtnm m
Ix;b!litT. Wattm v
and restored to health vuifir.
NB. Peraone enable to Ttirtt us ay be treated
at tr.etr home, by correspondence, iledlclsea and eent by mail or expreea. Conenitauoa
iree. bend 4 cents in tamp lor lac Tonus Maa'i
Friend or Quid a to Wediocx.
Tho Van Honciscar
Toanc UnVaeew a' ant
Id-etngleav mamad saaa
and aOjrboanfier wilh
Vereses Pebinty. Eserma-
ocrbee, Tien
on WeakEyes. Lack ct
rEneffy, also Blood ens
fciin ISaeaeBS, bypfaiU
ErenclaBa. Ban-
Bone Fains, 8 veiiiner
f 8ore Tbroat, TJleera. E--X
latum of Menmy. Kldasw
Rledfbv Tfaibla
weak Bant tmra ea .TTitaa, Oeoon&ea. (Uses Staiol
rw sroseps wief aos core roe lue.
2tk ttextt CsBsalt CBflAeatfallw
OKRtQB !&i to 184 THIRD ST.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia
Fire Works.
t 'i i
it ' trrr
1 gajasaeBjaaMaaSZZZ&aJ nlieatioa.
TlfSkj Rackets.
-J itf mhf-
. r Kjrusa Candlsa
. Mines.
j Bomb Bhflle:
Sexier ,laa,
j Flower rots
J- f oemtaina,
atexlcsa Jew
y lot riatou.
fTS, Featotmlnc
J acd BaUuuus
Portlaed. Or.
ely's CATAnnH
suffered from
cntarrh 1! years.
The droppings in
to the throat trere
nauseating. Mw
nose Lie 1 1 aJmott
daVv. Since the
first dajfs tise ot
t,ly SLream Halm
h a re hnd no bleed
ing, the soreness is
entire'y gone. .
G. JJavicLmn, trith
ilielioston Budjfet
S particle st sr5!ed lute eaek nertrfl end tt ap i.ieae.
Vriee V erats el Srecoca: ey mef itt'ttenNl. etoasja.
ELY BROTRE.RS M Warrea sweet. ew Tork.
1 'w '
The Oregon Bank,
OsT rOBT!A3D. .
ISooceeBm o 'KatsaodHtma SaTbsBan.l
Ttstaaetss C nieiil rtenVne m'i
aOODlTNTo Ittr subject toebeck.
SMld KXCBAXG C on aen r ranoieeo sod Kear Tor.
MAKES CX X.X'rloX-i farcrable terras
VAJI B.DiiLASHJltm i40. B MAiiSXR. Ja-
To 98 a Dir. Seainles worth tURX FREE.
liaee Dot tmder the boreesteet. Write Barv-
sres's SirrrrSmEaiBn Co.. Holly. Mieh-t
1st f.talu-is. Sf.000ta ras,
30 years Established. Kew
paDted Sleei Tonine De-
Tire- in u in n-otcer Piaao. bv vfalch oaz Pianos
stand hi ttme 29 ears, sckhJ XvO ' not affectedl
by climata. Ho wood to 5p'it, bre, rw-eH, aiirtcki
rant Rosewood Casts, 3 e&inys, S&te rer-ati'
action; ft-:e-t rrorr keve; too Faaoona AN , tKl-f
C-J: or rite frr Ciial.-oe, free. T. M. ASTb-EI
Vet and Servnic Strecte, San Franei3cu
OlCinilnli BACH. Oahler. Kaeniah
Planoe; Pnrett Oryasa. band tnetromenea. Lvrcet
etwk of 6ht Mu-JC and Booka Randa nt pUed at
'Baetrra Prwe. M ATTHlAb ORAY tXk. 06 roet
Ktrest. Baa FianeJeoa
ttfjpn W!U be paid tor each and erery (raic of sola,
iUUU ooena snbetancee foona in wiedcm'BKeAertine4
scknovleaeed the roots delirbtfnl acd eejy reaOy
heruksi k-olet article ever Brodoced for heauttfytnar
and nreaarrnr tne complexion, mnorinf tan, eanbvni
crvcRJee aad au blefnishce and ronafaaees of tike nba.
Urad and tndceeed by she elite of society and the,
tae. Sold by ail ittuiila at SO caera aer bottie.
White acd Flean. Mannfactnred by W. M. WiBlMJSl
V. 11. Na. 835 -R- W. V. TT. Ha SI J
The Only
CorxaiUHT, 17.1
. Jtn?ny Jyi?Zlor Toman'8 Pecnar snmenta. sold hr clnjirgisrs. nnder a potlUye ntnntre, from ttse namufactarers.
The trtmprt of many thousands of eases of those chronic weaknesses and distresstoa- allmonf nnmTio ri , t
Inral Us' Hotel and Surjrioa' I atituta, Buffalo, N. Y, Has aordeTxtSitJ',.
remedies for the cure of woman 8 peculiar maladiea. J J' t-oroui,nry lestiryr-
A Booh
To Womew.
Dr. Pierce's Faroe
tte Prescription is the
outgrowth, or result, of
this great and valuable
experience. Thousands
of testimonials, received
from patients and from physicists who
bare tosted it in the more ae-prravatcd and
otistinate cases which had bnlHed their skill,
prove ft to be the most wonderful remedy
ever devised for the relief and cure of sut-f.-rinir
women. It is not recommended as
a "cure-all," but as a most perfect Specifio
for woman's peculiar diseases.
jm at powerful, in
vigorating tonic it
imparts etreuirth to the
whole system, and to t he
uterus, or womb and its
appenlnes, lo psrtiou
Lir. For overworked.
" worn - out," "run-down, debilitated
teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seam
stresses, Bhop-irirls, housekeepers, Dttrs
lna; mothers, snd foeble woim-n generally.
Dr. I'fc-roe's Favorite Prescription is the
arreuteet earthly boon, being1 uimjualed as
an apiK'tizinir cordial aud rtstorative tonio.
It promotes diireotion Rnd assimilslion of
food, cures nausea, weakness of stomach,
luai-ostiou, bloatiiiaT and eructations of gas.
a soot&ims
As a aootlilng
and strengthciiiiti?
tierrine, "iavorit
Prescription ia tin'?
qualed and is invaluable
in allarina; and subdu-
ity, irritability; exhaustion, prostration,
hysteria, spasms and otner difxresinGr,
nervous symptoms commonly attendant
upon functional and organic disease of
the womb. It induces refreshing sleep
and relieves mental anxiety and de
spondency. r. Pierce's FaTOrtte Vreserip.
tion ta m les;ltimate medicine,
carefully compounded by an experienced
and skillful physician, and adapted to
woman's delicate organization. It is
purely vegetable tn its composition and
perfectly harmless in its effects in any
condition of the system.
in p re -n an ey, "Fa
vont Prescription is
a "mother's cordial,
relieving nausea, weak
ness of stomach and
other dtstresBing; symp
toms common to tAmt
condition. If its use is kept up in the
latter months of gestation, it eo prtparca
A Mother's
the syFte-n for eccvsry as ts grcatJy
Icssen, and many times si mrst entinlv
away with the sajlerints of that trjhxr
" Favorito Pre- ,
eription" is i
positive ford for
the most complieatedt
and obstinate casta
of lucorrhea. or
flowirigr at month hr periods, painful roen
struauon, unnatural" supnrcssion, pro la o
siis or failing of the womb, weak back,
female weakness," anteverskra, retrover
sion, tearing -down sensations, chroni-'
congestion, ii'.fiammation. and ulcertiion
Jr"mb' ir-Camirntkjn, paia arxl
UuSnaf heat,SVa,lt aecoicpatucd wit
"FevorHe Preser!9
tloa,when taken in .c
neci,n with the use of Irr.
Pierce's Golden I-leciiial D:6
covtry. and small bxctiva
d of lr. Pierce's Pur-
MTIVA Trt'l. .a ,T. 1. X -
FlDs ceres Liver, Kidney and Bladder dis
eases. Their combined tj also removes
blood taints, and a'xvlishes cttncercas and
scrofulous huaiors front Ok systczo.
Fob the
Many times women enll on their family physicians, frnffcrlng, as they imagine, one fom dTBrjeuria. mtkw k. ,-
another from liver or kidney disease, another from nervous exhaustion, or prostration auVthwVch mSSA -they
all present alike to thems. lves and their easyroing and iuditferent, w oves doctsIpaiaSisUi.c
be prcsoritH-s his pills and potions, assuming them tolo such, when, in reality, thev are ail onlvrf.r2?f8e' for whK-h.
disorder. The physician. Ignorant of the cSuse of sumneneourairesl.wVactTmu fa?'3 arem Hg?0
pat tort gets no butter, but probably worse by reason of the delay, wrong trUtment iuYd I c?nSiuent coltinhJr "''"T
medicine, like Dr. Pirrck'S Favorttb Prescriptiox. directed to tho eaut, T would have entirei v r4niovPvT"T A Propcr-
pclling all those djatreeaing symptoms, and lasUtutiag comfort Instead of jpWnffed nty retuoved t-e (sease, thereby dis-
3 Physicians
Mrs. VL IT. tfniLHv of 7CV Tf rw.nti .
East Boston, Alii-, says: "Five years aero I
was a dreadful sufferer from uterine troubles.
naviuB- exuausrea ttie skill or three physi
cians. I was comnletelv disoournired. end an
weak T could m ith difflmiltv ptra. ,v, w.n
I began taking Dr. Piorce's Favorite Prvscrintion and
local treatment recommended in his 'Common Senso
1 oouimenoed to improve nt mint. In threo
umnir tho
il.-diral Adviacr.'
months I was verfeethi euml. aud havo liI m ...t.ta
wrote a lt.'ttor to uiy family paper, briefly m.-ntinnino- li mV
health had been restored, and oUoring to send the full particulars
to any one writing me for them, and a ttampidnwiom
fcrrtplu. I have received over four hundred lettersTln reply.
1 have dribed try case end the treatment used, and have earl
nestly advised them to do likewise.' From a rrett manv I have
received second tetters of thanks, stating that they bad com
menced the use of ' Favorite Prescription. had sent the fl.&J
required for the 'Medical Adviser,' and had applied the loonl
tretntmtsofuUyand plainly laid down therein, and were much
7c?Xe -3TirS "W? Mrs. TVA Kom-rrt, of Crah Orchard,
Aib1 writes: "Dr pierce s Favorite Prescription has done me a
Vr frx0.' t?0"1- I witTered from retroversion of the uterus.
I w!;l'h,.l0)k w bottles of the ' Favorite Prescription,' andl
am now fooling like a different woman.",
noctor- Fntled-Mrs. P. Coswnc, of Pmt Creek. 17. r,
writes: "I doctored with three or four of'the best doctors in
these parts, and I grew worse until I wrote to you and betran
using your 'Favorite Prescription. I used three bottles of it
and two of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' also one and a half
bottles of the Purgative Pellets.' I can do my work and sew and
walk all I care to, and am in better health than 1 ever expected to
toe in this world again, l owe it eJi to yourioodcrfua Bediciaea,'
A Veins
Fbom Caufdshh.
f22f 1ht-of OWartd; Calu.
WKseat l ntad troubW ail
my life with hystencxl attacks and par
oxysms, or spasms, and periodical recur
rences of sevtre he.dacbe. bt:t since 1 bavt
been tisirnr vnu, rnt. . . ?
have had none of t.icee. I also had wemb coint laint so bad that:
1 could not wr.!k to bloclts without the most severe pa n. but
before I bad taken your 'iavorite Prescription' two iLocths. I
could waik ail over the city wuhout inconvcrtiiaice. All ay
troubjee eecm to be Icavhig ire under the benign influence of
your medicine, and I now fwl smarter than for years before. My
physicians told me that 1 could net be cured, and therefore you
will please accept my everlasting thanks for whet you have dona
for me, and msv Jod bless you in your good works."
Ijiter, she writes: "It ia now four years since 1 took your 'Fa
vorite Prescription and X have had no return of the femala
trouble I bad then.
as I
ever was, for which I thank your medicines. I took four oorUes
of the Favorite Prescription and one bottle of your ' Discovery
and four bottles of the 'Pellets.' All of the toad symptoms havo
disappeared. I do all tnv own work : am able to bo on my feet ail
day. My friends tell mo I never looked so well. -,
I"" JWwit JVaeerfprtota is Sold v Druffpisf tfts World
Overt Xarwe Eottlem Sl-OO. SLm for XS.OO.
Well aa V Pm ir nnrwaw. ne fhi-
Falls, TTTs.. writes: "T wish to inform you that I am as w.
rfSen! ten eents tn stamns for Dr. Pierce's lnre, mnetcated'
Treatise (IriD pagea, paper covers) on InSeaaesof Women. tr
Addresa, World Dlspeaaary T9edieal Associate
Ho, 63 Mala Street, BaiUA.'.
rt 8a0der.Jn them.