The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 25, 1888, Image 3

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he Lebanon Express.
Everybody should take hold and let
Sialiave a rousing 4th of July Celebra-
-Lebanon must have dreamery,
and who will be the one to start the
"ball a rolling.
Rody and feis Byland, of "Woodburn
are visiting with their aunt and uncle,
Dr. J, H. Hope.
Charley Curran, of Albany, passed j
through here on business Wednesday j
Read C. B. Montague's advertise-,
ment of Boots and Shoes for next week
ln this issue.
J. 1j. Cowan and son Willie of Alba-j
ny, spent Sunday in town the guests
of J. M. Ralston.
O. H. Bland and S. A. Nickerson,
returned Saturtlay from the I. O. O. F.
v Orand Liodge at Portland.
Dr. G. W. Maston, one of Albany's
inost popular physicians made a pro
fessional visit to Lebanon on Wednes
day. David Swan sold his property in
town to F. M. Miller, and left Wed
nesday morning, for Carthage, Mis
souri. -.
B. F. Miller,ibrmerly of Salem, but
now running a drug store in Albany,
is visiting with his father R. C. Miller,
at this place.
Dan. W. Kaup", special agent of the
Home Mutual Insurance Company,
was in town and made us a pleasant
call last Wednesday.
A campmeetii'g will be held by Row
, J. R. Kirkpatriek, at Sodaville, com
mencing the Wednesday before the
' Fourth Sunday in June.
. W. B. Donaea, our enterprising mer
chant is buying all the wool he can get
and any one having wool for sale will
tlo well to give him a call.
Ij. W. Deyoe, of the firm of Deyoe &
Robson, Hardware irfcrchants of Al
bauy, was in the city Weduesday, and
made this office a pleasant call; return
i&g home next morning.
1V. C. Washburn is in town visiting
this week; he is the guest of Grant
llsbarts. Mr. Washburne is on his
way home having been on a visit in
Yamhill and Polk counties.
Churchill & Monteith shipped thei A
The nirelllnB f B. II. Irvine, at Jordan
Hy Bnrccil with all tho Contents.
Information has been received iu
this eity that the farm residence of B.
II. Irvine, at Jordan Valley was burn
ed to the ground Saturday night with
all its content's.
The origin of the fire is not known,
but it is supposed" to have originated
from a Hue. The building M as entire
ly consumed, and the loss Is considera
ble, as about f 150 worth of wool was
burned and $100 in greenbacks. A
quantity of silver also went tnrough
the. fire, but was nearly all recovered
in a half melted condition.
. The house was insured for ?G00 in
the State, of Salem, but no insurance
o'n' the contents or on the wool. Her
ald. Cumberland Frrshyterian Assembly..
The General Assembly of the Cum
berland Presbyterian church meets this
week, in the city of Waco, Texas. It
will be composed of about four hundred
commissioners, from almost every state
and territory in the Union. We be
lieve this is the only religious body
in the Union that did ridtdivide on the
harrassing political question before the
late unpleasantness between the stale. -j
Hence, in the general councils of this
chrch, representative men from all
over the Union met in fraternal de
liberation with no sectional bias what
ever. This church was organized in
"1S10, in Dieson county, Tenn., with
only three ministers; it now numbers
nearly 3,000 ministers, has2tX),000 com
munion members, tour universities,
nine colleges and several smaller insti
tutions of learning- Its central board
of Home and Foreigu Mission is locat
ed at St. Louis, Mo. Its universities
are located at Lebanon, Tenn. Linkon,
111. Waynesbury, 'Pa., Tchwaeana,
Texas. It is confidently expected that
this meeting will do something to help
Oregon, and Linn county in particular.
John F. Miller Post and corps will
hold decoration services at the ceme
tery in Lebanon, May S, 1SSS. All
members of the G. A. R., and com
rades not belonging to posts are invited
to be present and take part in the exer
cises. All citizens and friends are earn
eMIy invited to aitentt. The Fet and
teorps will also attend divine services
tock of general merchandise, to Iude- At lhe First. Presbvtenan church next
To Our Corrcupciulcntn.
We would lite to V.ave those parties w ho cor
respond for us to siga their name to ll commun
ication iu wcU aa their nom do plumo. Weask
this as a social favor to tut as wo want to kno-.v all
our correspondents, as sometimes we desire to
write them at various times. Of course no names
will be published but wo result this as an ac
knowledgment of good faith n ,the part of our
correspondents. El.
Dcndenee this week. Mack and his
Hstimable lady left Wednesday morn
ing for their new home in Independ
ence. We wish them success in their
new field. .
B. M. Donaea, and wife of Lebanon,
Or arrived in the city on Sunday
mornings taain
Dr. J. F. Henry, G. A. Dyson, W.
R. Kirk and A. M. Templeton, depart
ed for Portland, last Tuesday, to at
tend the I. O. O. F.,GranVl Lodge.
Mrs. G. A. Dyson, accompanied her
husband to Poii'&nd, on Tuesday.
Wm. Cochran, sr. departed for San
Francisco, -on Monday.
James Putnam and family started for
Palouse City, W..T. on Weduesday.
II. W. Goddard, Auditor of the O.
Ry. was In town on Wednesday last.
J. D. Lee, ex-State Senator, delivered
an address at the North Brownsville
City Hall on Tuesday evening on the
political issues of the day.
The first load of wool for this years
clip was brought to "tow n during the
past week it had been eontraeteel for
at ISc.
O. r.Coshow, Jr., left for McMlnn
ville, on Frifiay.
J. MeGuire, Supt. O. Ryn passed
over the road the past week and re
mained in town one night.
The wool clip for '83 has commenced
in this locality. The market is dull
an'd prices low.
A. J. Adams, is improving his resi
dence by the addition of a new porch
and bay window.
Wm. Sperry i3 renin on the streets,
looking somewrat reduced in flesh,
from his recent ahaek of scarlet fever.
Ellas Hate, has rented the property
of J. B. Thompson, who has removed
to Oak Creek.
John Willson, left for the Blue River
mines during the past week.
On Saturday, May 19, Hon. W. R.
Bilyeu ami J. K. Weatlierford, ad-
Dressed the citizens of Prownsville,
upon the political issues of the elay at
I o'clock, in the city hall.
Miss Mary Carpenter, of Salem, and
Mrs. G. A. Brodie, of Portland, daugh
ters of the late II. Carpenter, M. D, are
the gnests of their untie, O-1. CoMiow,
r., and family.
A number of our citizens departed
Saturday on the 9 a. m., train . Ry.,
to attend the picnic at Macleay.
C. Younger has recovered from hi
late attack of Is.
A "Basket Picnic," will l held at
Coburg, June 2nd; everybody Invited;
fare for the round trip from '-Browns
villeand return, 50c
George Overtoil, brought to town
the gift of Mrs. Clara Brown, presented
iu honor and in memory of her depart
eel husband, Huch L. Brown, one of
Oregon's pioneers', from whom Browns
ville derives its name. Upon the bell
will bo engraved the name of the de
parted, wh6"e kindly and upright acts
will be forcibly brought to mind, by
the clear and sonorous tones of the
Sabbath bell,
,At the store of C. E. Stanard, are on
exhibition, samples of rye, tho stalks
of which are seven and one-half feet in
height, and the heads being heavy and
well tilled; it was grown ou the farm
of L. Hasbrook.
O. A. Dj'son and wife returned frm
Portland, on Saturday.
Every thing Is quiet around here.
Health good generally.
Mr. John Reinhart returned liome
last week.
Gardens look line, potatoes almost
large enough to eat, especllally vines.
The wild strawberry crops is rather
slim around Greenhorn.
Fruit is going to be rather scarce In
some parts, on account of the late frost.
Mrs. C. C. Cooper, who lias been
quite ill for the past week, has about
Miss Vina Keehn and her brother
made their full s a visit last week, Wm.
intends to stay at home awhile.
Mrs. Ina Miller from near Albany,
and Miss Hattie Pickens, made their
sister Mrs. T. Lewis a visit last Sunday,
JUr. joim Xturnctt Killed a cougar
not long feiuce, near Mr. Reitihart's.
It; had. been killing their sheep. It
measured seven feet.
Three of our promising young men
were riding in a canoe last Sunday,
when it turned over with, f'.iem. No
one was hurt, but they were wet from
head to foot. Boys take a warmer
day for your next bath.
A cotiple of gentlemen, from East of
the Mountains, passed through hereon
their way to the big bottom. They
said they were looking for land. We
hope they wil. find suitable loca
tion a ad settle among us.
Sabbath. For the convenience of com
rades and friends living at a distance,
who cannot rettrn home for dinner,
the post and corps have concluded to
take their lunch in the grove on the
Academy ground, and members are re
questea to bring their baskets well
Mr. Donaea, it will j filled, and all friends who wish to join
le remembered, was up here some time with us in the solemn festival for our
ago, looking for a business opening, J dead, are invited to bring their dinner
and hence his loeatiou among us. He
brings with him recommendations as
I'both a business man and a citizen.
We extend to them a welcome ia onr
- - - Mississippi Hocds. I It, C Miner, uniocratic nominee C r
-AnenitorvioMwtuujsmaumi - t t v o, r rt pre; enf; tive was in tcwu cn Satur-
to get out fiftv-two issues of a paper , Tr.L- May 2. e chp from
thatalabor. Oilee in a wh4te-a sub-! 'be Albany Iltruld the foilowingH , ,r
rtfer tmjvs a vear m advance for his i lue i'1trtl -iii-s.s.-'ippi i sio m auai- . ,
t 1Lx. " i . i iinr and it 5 thoiMvht thiMh unrsi town a visit during the past week.
aper that s capital. And once m j ig moi.!,ni in.u me worst ia o i
; while seme son of a sea cool: ef a tlead ! ovcr- A T? through' the submerge.l j Tiie little daughter of R. N. Tliomp-
heat takes the vancr for two or three i district shows that the reports of b son, who has been sick for the past
'" wars, then skins out without navinsr i aml suffering have not been exagger- twenty-one days, has for the past week
for it that's anarchy. But later on jcd. Over -3.30,000 acres of the richest
justice will overtake the last named forming lands In the state are covered
animal-that's heil." ulenwood Echo J w"ith water from six to ten feet deep.
t Damage to farms, nul;s end railroad
J property has been enormous. The ag
gregate wil 1 reach 5,TO),0X en crept.
Farm for Rent or Sale.
Three-fourth, aeetloii of laud, !cotidlst-
Ing of the r liifilcy Sodaville ranch sit
uated on the Santiam mountain roud
15 miles east of Sweet Home. Good
house and barn on premises. For fur
ther information inquire -of W. R.
Flndley at Sweet Jlome.
The lest 'pasture In the county can Ij
had ou the Elkins place 8 miles, south
of Iji.-banon. Enquire of It. A. Clark
on the premises.
1 : 1
. J. A. "Winter, Photographer, Is In
Brownsville for the summer, and is
prepared to make photon in the latest
styles and dllleient sizes.
Moore's Hair IrtVIora tor.
This excellent preparation for the
hair, may be found on sale at the fol
lowing places: M. A. Miller, Lebawm;
Starr fc Stanard, "O. Ofborii and M.
Jackson, Brownsville; V. A. Watls,
Shedd; C. Gray, llalsey. Sample bot
tles rree. Call and pet one.
Notice to Farmer.
All persons wjshing binder wire will
please call and leave their ordern for
the same on or before June 1, 1838, as
we shall not carry any wire In sleek
except what is ordered.
KNAPl', BuKitEMi & Co.
Aibaty, Or.
Money to loan, by Curran A Mon
teith. Albany, Oregon. tf
t- -.J? XjJ! fei'e' i t--LM' t '"ii'irl km ui
1 i
JtJCojfidity, 3Lji' 2 Still, (iml
f hitrchill keeps Oliver plows.
Chtirehill keeps irtng tixlh harrow
Churchill keeps Mitchell wagons.
Clidrchiil keeps VTWcgftVplon s.
fhim-hill keeps Iron ami Meel harrows.
tliurchdl keeps Newton wagons.
rimrehill keeps Canton Clipper plows.
t'linrchill keeps ?hel f hardware.
An important correspondence from
Marks Ridge got misplaced and we are
unable to discover It up to the hour cf
going to press.
oasKets, ana luncn with us in solemn j jllrinr ,j10 week a IkU!o of black
reeolleetion, of our martyrs, and in joy-j,aulr very rich wih coarse gold, but
ful kuowltnlge cf the peace and safety ,iid not fctate from w hat i(icasitv it wes
of or nation. I obtained.
John, Dave and poor old blacksmitli
Joe, i
Concluded they'd a fishing go;
On the bow of the boat their torch j
they burned, j
And they all gt wet ere they returned.
Joe said, hold boys, I espy a fish,
"When into the water their torch went
Yes, the torch found a watery grave,
And left the treats on poor old Dave
"Albany and Salem papers report ac
tivity among the firemen there regard
- teg the coming tonrnament. The real
contest will be between Astoria, Seattle
and Portland, and upon the action of
the Astoria team as regards organizing
-will depend the result. A strongly or
ganized team from here, can and will
win."- Astoriun. Both the Albany
and Lebanon teams will figure in the
Yeal contest this year in a manner that
Vill surprise the salmon eaters. Deirv-
remaincd in a state of lethargy, being n"osr cery ia.
unconscious of passing events; but very
alight hopes are entertained for her re
covery. L. Morse, of Sw eet Home, democrat
ic nominee for county assessor, and E.
Crops in this vicinity are bpining
to need rain.
A good deal of sickness is reported at
Mr. W. B. Glass and tnk sister Ivv
have l)een quite sick for a few days
Mr. O. P. Abrams who ha been sick
for Borne days, l able to lie on th.
streets ngsin.
Thousands of fee t of lumber In tu ing
hauled through hero daily. There be
ing six saw mills within five., miles i f
here, three on the Calnpooia and three
on Brush Creek.
Messrs. J. H. Scott A; Son have com
menced work on a elam acro-s Brush
Creek their ! J one having failed last
winter. They intend to turn the
whole et ream through their ditch.
Mr. E. X. McCaw has purchased a
fine-short horn e-alf f 7f vhich he paid
(Jar fishermen around here seems
to be having pretty fair luck, they
bring in gowl strings of mountain trout
Churchill keeps Champion mower".
CliurchiU keeps i ritis; wagons.
Ladies Genuine French Kid
American "
Button Shooi
75 Regular
l'rice $5
f 4 CO
4 00
The above are all New Fresh Goods and can be ob
tained only at the above prices for Spot CasL
and during the Coming Wek.
Churchill keeps br tbici wire.
Churchill keeps walking ctiltirators.
Churchfi keeps Collins easi -steel plows.
CliurchiU eops Ptanusnl tnosrers.
Churchill keeps uiip; wacons.
CbarcltiU keeps rMln- tulUvators.
Churchill keeps one and two shorel plows.
Churchill keeps his warehouse RilL
Chnrchlll keeps rro cut saws.
I have also a large assortment of Men's new Calf Shoes in Buf
' ton, Lace and Congress which will be sold for $2 75
Regular Selling Price $4 00.
wiTin iisriT m 1 rT ni'ri""nrriTiiiniiTTnB1IB"L i'""if 'W ym-Mf 'ini""! mmbw .
There Will Vte No Variation From The Above Trices And Nothing But Tho
U u xy
Will Take The Goods.
This offer is positively for one Week only
ClmrchiU kcejus Iron, steeanil wire nails.
Churchill keeps complete st-x-k.
alone. Damage to leeves, houses and K. Montague, of " Lebanon, demewratie
iT.ilroads will approximate ?GC0,009. j nominee for clerk were in attendance
Much sickness prevails among the peo
ple, who have been driven from their
homes by the floods, owing 'to want
and exposure. Measures have, how
ever, been taken to alleviate their suf
ferings. Firemen's Toiesament. Direct
ors Kellogg, Hoffman and Weeks met
in Portland Thursday and arranged the
schedule of prizes for the tournament:
Championship race First prize 200
and trumpet valued at 125, presented
by Mayor Van B. fcelashniult; gecond
prize $150; third prize $100. Wet test
First prize, $200 and a trumpet present
ed by the exempt Firemen'a Associa
tion; secontl prize ?150; third prize $100.
Dry test First prize $200; second prize 1
Long Hurfy.
J. 8. COL'KTXEY, M. D.
Physician ami STuoeos.
Lebanon, Or.
Tor a g'-wxl meal, fro to the City Res
taurant Albany. Meals 3 cents. tf
ocrat, Right, brother, right. Leba- ?100. Speed race First prize f 100, see
non will fieure in the "real contest"
and don't you forget it. Here is our
on it.
Lebanon, Or., May 19.
Wlieat GOc per bushel.
Oats 40c per bushel.
Flour $4 25 per barret
Potatoes 40c per bushel.
Eggs 15c per dozen.
Butter 20c per tb
Lard VZc per lb.
Apples, green 50e per buhl.
Apples, til led 8c 10c per lb.
Plums, dried 10c12Jc per lb.
Prunes, dried r0c12jc per lb.
Hams 15c per lb.
Shoulders 10c per fl.
Jiaeon 12ic per lb.
. Ooal Oil $1 25 per 5 gallon can
2 25 per case.
Sods Water.
Once each week the citizens of Cbr
Vallis have an opiwrtfinity to purchase
faiineral water fiom tlie Soda Springs,
in Linn 'county, t Sodaville. An old
gentleman hauls a load ovcr from there
'each week and supplies the town folks
'or to many of them aa wish or can af
ford it. 'Cbrvallis corrcsixnlciit of the
Newport News.
The mineral water at Sodaville, is
Vleservedly popular, and the number
.who can certify to its beneficial effects,
is annually increasing. The springs
t SodaVille and Waterloo, combined
With the Healthful location, beautiful
ceriery, Cheap and fertile lands, fine
timber, and magnificent water power,
iuid facilities for transportation, make
ihis the most desirable portion of Linn
bounty, and Linn county is the most
irable portion of the Willamette val
jf. Our citizens should be up and
, tioing, and let it be known to the oufc-
hide world, that we have such an at
tractive county.
V.Cash or produce will procure some
M-e bargains at C B. Montague's sale
" and S.hoes h-xl vveri:.
ona prize ?-oU. Hook nnd .L,aaaer con
test First prize ?22o; second prize $100;
Tender contest First prize $75, second
prize f59. The directors had assurance
inai at teasi iinrteen teams wouict en- i &Ti(
ter tne tournament. The prizes are
about double that of any ever offered
before and are worth working for.
Walla Wllla, May iS. Fire get j
started in Palouse City W. T., at five j
o'clock Thursday evening, in Daniel
Preffer's hotel, located in the central
part of town and burned boih ways.
The fire extinguishing facilities were
nothing and the citizens turned their
attention o saving goods from the
doomed puildings. Seven blocks were
burned. Th'o loss is estimated at $275,
000. Insurance $7-V)00.
Big sale of Boots and Shoes at C. B.
Montague's next week.
Two subscribers" they don't want
a democratic paper in theirs. One says
that he don't want any paper that car
ries a salobn advertisement. While
fourteen good citizens of Brownsville,
nintefrom Crawfordsville, three from
Sweet Home and two from Waterloo,
twenty-eight in all this week, say they
want the Lebanon Exprkss. We
thank you one and all and will aim to
merit 3'our patronage. Yet there is
room for more.
Our entcrprisiug townsman. J. F.
Hendricks, is building a nobhy boat;
he has it almost completed; it is a reg
ular "fore and after,'' and sit the tres
tles like a duck. Mr. H. is searching
over the whole vocabulary of names of
handsome maiden, nut as yet it is im
possible to find a suitable name for his
boat. He will probably launch it in a
week or so.
at the political speaking on Saturday
Wm. Washburn, accompanied his
wife to California, leaving on Thurs
Judge Whitney, of Albany, and T.
J. Black, of llalsey, delegates to the
Democratic National Convention, were
in Brownsville en last Saturday.
W. B. Blanchard, J. P.C'ooley, J. B.
It. Morelm-k, G. C. Thoinjwon, J. A.
Bishop and C. E. Stanard, visited
Lebanon on Saturday to attend the
Masonic Lodge.
B. A. Cli riders, Principal of the
North Brownsville school, him received
from County School Supt. Reed, ap
pointment as memWr of the executive
committee for the state, and also Nat
ional Teachers Association. State as
sociation to be neld in Salem July 5, G,
and 7. National Association to bo
held in San Francisco, July 17, 18, 19,
The children of S. Percival, who
have been confined to the house by an
attack of the scarlet fever are conva-:
On last Sabbath at the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church, the Ilev. J. It.
Kirkpatriek, held services to a large
attendance, the church being e-rowded
to its utmost capacity during the morn
ing exercises; many who attended the
7:30 p. m., meeting being unable to
find seats. Services were also held Jat
the Campbell te church, South Browns
ville. Thenttcndance at the Baptist
Sunday School numliercd 100; at the
Presbyterian Sunday School 107; this
speaks well for the morals of our little
town, and reflects great credit on those
zealous workers in the great cause, ,
who arc sparing neither time or money,
in the accomplishment of this great
work, the moral training of our young
Ilev. J. It. Kirkpatriek, on Monday,
departed to Crawfordsville, at which
place he held religious services on Tues
day evening, proceeding thence to
Sweet Home where he went to hold
religious services on Wednesday.
Work is rapidly progressing ou . the
South Brownsville Cumberland Pres
byterian Church; the building is being
thoroughly renovated and re-painted
throughout; fitted with new seats, and
will receive an addition of a new epire,
within which will swing a new bell,
Clmrchil! want jour trarte.
Ladies and Children's Hose will be sold at cost dur
ing the same week.
O. 33. 3IO'TAG UE, kbanon, Of.
ANDREWS & HACKLEMAN'S Lumber! dumber! Lumber!
K'i n
Don't expect to buy Dress Goods at
C. B. Montague's as cheap the week j
after the biff clotting out sale ss vou can j
during the feale for you "can't cfo it vou
Q-ua'ity high, price firm, etrong
leinlcncv lo .lower, demand,
a. W. WHEELER A- SON., Proprietors of the
(io to Joe Harbin for general black
smithing. Machinery and wagon work
a speciality. AH work warranted.
The Boot and Shoe sale at C. B. Mon
tagues will continue during the coming
week onlv.
. All person Knowing tnemselves in
debted to me will please call at my old
stand, and settle as I need my money,
M. A. Miller.
If you w Lsh to buy a dress for less
than half its value, you can have the
opportunity at C. B. Montague's store
mi! il f o-iiiorrow nvnnir but nof later-
The Cheapest Agricultural
house this side of Portland.
Please read these prices;
Best Blood's lcvthe
BrBt Snaths
Wood Hay Bakes
Three tine Hay Fork
Four line Nonpareil
Four tine Manure Fork
FoUr tino Steel bowed Bap-
ley Forks GOc.
fpading Forks G3e.
Best cast steel Solid Sock
et Hoe 35c.
Best Plain Ferule 25c.
Best Steel round pointed
Shovels 50c.
Spring goods in great demand,
onr new stock a
opener; prices a little lower at
Dry Goods
time to buv
Now is the
constantly on hand.
Bills of All Kinds Filled on Short Notice and at fteasonaWl
Xo change', low prices still rule;
Quality as high as ever: Buy to
dav of
rlSF'Give ws a caB before purchasing elsewhere.
- - - . - - G. V. wViebler & Sorv
New Spring Hats were given a
livelv raid; No change from our
low prices; Hurry up
vou Wiif.t a gooll choice to
To Farmers.
To the farmers of Linn county. If
you vant farm implements, or ma
chinery of any descriptiouj call on our
manager, O. W. Crusou, at Ixhanon,
and we assure you that will met
with courtesy, and a, full line of our
goods that can le )xnight as cheap a
at any plao in Linn county.
' Sr.ivRif fe VAijcf:i;
The Hlxve arc a few of vt prices. Kvi-rj'thif S
in our line is lo he 11 nt lietlnx'V prln,. for rash.
llu!i! call voon as thec rfKV nrv liiihlc toln"
I'hnngca. We guurnatMi llic tttnive prices for the
W'c kecY' an inn Ml line of the hert BupKies
on the const. We haveako Unin Wainins. Uecrinp
ann "ktAjrmack Bimlers nml Mower", llcor an(l
Hi)llirtTorth Hay l!:ikts. Hay Forks llarntsa,
Fenu Bells Flows Harrows, etc,
K. I J. ROSCOE 1 ManHjrer.
Prices down to the lowest notch;
struck bottom; safe to buy large
quantities to day. Bargains in
all lines never equaled. We in
tend to keep selling on to-days
basis; of course you arc in with
its; will be glad to sec you at
our store,
The best is
always the
The most
easiest and
lightest run-
ning mill
We are also prepared to furnish oh. short -notice
any machrne from a butter worker to a steam mill.
We keep on hand all staple implements, siree s
Plows Mower, Iteapers,
Harrows, Cultivators, itjl-"srizei-,
.Unites, Wnjrons ., XJw;jsjte.
The closing out sale of Dress Goods
at Montague's will close to-morrow
Andrews &t Hackleman.
And t&e celebrated Siierwood Steel Harness;
IgCome and see us; we will make you happy ,
Lebanon. Or'