The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 25, 1888, Image 1

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    She grkn o (&i$xm.
H .Y.""KIRkrAf itK'K '.TTrubliahorti
On. Yr S2 00
En Month.... 1 25
Thre. Month..... 64
( 1'ajrabl. iq aitvanofel
On. aqnar. Set tnwtln S3 00
Kaca additional inaertiun 160
Local Tfoticm, rwr Una 1$ cr-nta
Kular ftdvertiMMiienU Inserted upmi liberal tfrni.
tfurt dMerittk at
JaJj Prifltinf Dobs en SLcrt Ktfice.
Legal Blanks, Easiness Cards.
Letter Heads, Bill Heads,
Circular, Posters, Ste.
Kiecntod til good .trie aad at lowwt Uruif prima.
NO. 11.
LEBANON LOPO.E. NO. 44. A. F A. M : Mart,
at tiw ball hi Manonlo Block, on Saturday
veniuff. on or before th full moon.
J W. M.
LEBANON T.OPOK, NO. 47, I. O. O. F.: Mwta Sat
urday ev.ntng of .a.-D w-k. at Odd rVllim'. Hall,
Main tral; visiting brethren cordially Invited to
atteud. J. J. I HAKLToK. It. U.
HONOR LOPOK NO. SS. A. O. TJ. W., I,br.rm,
lhvtn: MevM errjr first ami third Tnumday ev-n-
tnga in the month.
Real Estate, Insurance & Loan
eerat Collrrtlon and Xetary Pnbllr
Bantams lramptty Attended to.
Sharing, Hair Cutting, an Shampooing in the
Uust and
OPatronac respectfully elicited.
St. Charles Hotel,
LEBANON, Oregon.
N. W. Corner Main and Sherman Street, two Block.
Kaetof K K. IV p..
H. E. PARRISH, Proprietor.
Tables Supplied with the Best the Market
Sample Rooms and the Beet Accommodation for
Commercial men.
I. F.
Contractor, Carpenter
and Builder.
Plans an Speelfleat loa Famished
a Short Xotlee.
And Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Albaay and Lrbaa.B, Or.
Groceries and Provisions,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
(ieuinire mad Glassware.
Lam aad Iantp Fixture
Mala St., Lebanen, Ores.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Repairing,
Work Guaranteed to Give
Prices to Suit
Emperor William left a personal for
tune of f 12,500,000.
All the necessary papers for the
transfer of the Lick obeervatory to the
state university have been prepared.
A force of men will put on four hy
draulic rams, and as soon as this is
done the university will take charge
of it.
The other day at Fresno, Cal., a
ewe gave birth to three lambs, two
white and one black as the ace t f
clubs. When the mother saw this off
color off-spring, she stamped on and
butted the poor little fellow uutil it
was dead.
An automatic gas extinguisher has
lately been patented by Joseph Hsroux
of Yamachiche, Canada, which shots
automatically when the gas is extin
guished. The mechanism used is
based on the lineal expansion of
A Vienna engineer has just taken
out a patent for a new smoke-abating
process. By means of electricity he
proposes to condense the solid part of
the smoke as it arises from the coal,
the carbon thus formed falling back
into the furnace.
Several years ago a negro girl at
Calhoun, Ga., predicted that the town
of Calhoun would be utterly destroyed
on March 20, 1888. She was only one
day out of the way, the recent disas
trous cyclone there having occurred
March 21t. Her prophecy is
corroborated by a dozen ci izeur, who
distinctly remember the occasion when
she made it.
Alonzo Adams, of Arcadia, Lipeer
county, Michigan, says that he put a
bullet through the heart of a large
porcupine, which was in the top of a
tall tree on his farm, three weeks ago,
and the animal has just fallen. It
! hung to a small branch by one of its
hind feet for the three weeks its death
grip Listed.
Lewis Millsfaugh succeeded in
killing an otter recently, near Pleasant
Like. X. Y. The otter attacked Mr.
Millspaugh's dog and whipped it in
r-hort order, and then turned on Mr.
Millspaugh, who fortunately had an
ax and succeeded in killing it. The
otter measured four and one-half feet
in length and had a beautiful skin.
Mrs. Maggie Jcnce, who lived on a
farm near Lancaster, Va., was attacked
by a rooster while gathering some eggs
and had her hand painfully lacerated
in the encounter. Two or three days
after the occurrence the hand became
inflamed, and the unfortunate woman
finally died in great pain, her death
it is said, being due to lockjaw.
A West Foint (Neb.) bridegroom is
spending his honeymoon in jail. A
party of young men went to give the
newly-married couple a charivari,
which so iucensed the bridegroom that
he emptied a shotgun loaded with salt
into their midst. The entire charge
was received by one of the party in the
face. He will lose "both eyes and be
otherwise disfigured for life.
These ;s said to be a blind jeweler
in Bradford. Fenn , who is able to re
pair jewelry and watches entirely
through his sense of touch. The
blindness came upon him after he had
become a proficient workman, and
then, by cultivating the sensibility in
his finger ends, he overcame in a great
mc aaure his lack of eyesight. This is
certainly a most remarkable instance,
The shooting of a big dog by a
French Custom House officer in the
North of France the other day has
given rise to some queer dog stories in
the French papers. The officer shot
the dog because he was suspiciously
fat. The post-mortem examination
revealed the fact that the dog wore
leather coat made to look like his own
skin, and skillfully fastened at the
shoulder and haunches in such a way
99 in comnletelv conceal the ends of
the hair. In this coat the dog carried
several hundred cigars.
A Sheriff in Franklin county
Maine, had a novel experience while
making an arrest. It was the sher
iffs misfortune to be much under the
usual size, but he was full of pluck
He was sent to arrest a notorious of
fender, and found him on a hill side.
He was a burly two hundred-pounder
Grinning at the officer he laid down
on the ground and said : "If you get
me vou will have to take me." The
situation was favorable and the sheriff
was quick-witted. Without a word hp
took one of the big man's feet under
each arm and started down the hi!
with him as fast as he could go. The
fat man got such a bum pine that he
begged for mercy, and the officer had
an easy time in completing his ar
rest. "
Comformablv to the laws of ad
ranee and retreat of glaciers, it is said
those in the valley of Chaniounix.
Switzerland, are now beginning1 to ad
vance. The lower extremity of the
Glacier des Bossons is "not more than
three thousand feet above the level of
the sea," and is going still lowor.
During the past three years this lower
Extremity "has advanced at the rate of
fifty yards a year." It is said that "a
grotto cut out of the ice in May, 1849,
quarter of a mile-from the extremity.
has moved down' more than sixty
Epitome of the Principal Evcnti
Attracting Pablie Interest
Nicholas Didier, ex-Treasurer of
yoranne township, O., is short $35,
Tom Kooney, a negro farm hand,
as hanged by a mob at Bowling
Green, Ky. He was suspected of
poisoning a farmer's stock.
Miss B. A. Minims, a young lady
from Edgewood, S. C, has arrived ut
endletou to take a position as teacher
n the Umatilla Indian school.
At Elyra, Cincinnati, Jas. Smith, 20
years old, beat his wife, five years his
unior, to death, because she wanted
to go to a dance.
Eighteen Cuban farmers have been
rrested at Key West, Cuba, and are
now in (Joloma rort at lierana.
barged with being kidnappers.
William George was huug in the
penitentiary of Columbus, Ohio, for
he murder of James Scott iu Noble
county, iu July, 1887.
William Culbert, a saloon keeper 45
ears of age, of Forest Citv, Cal., com
mitted suicide by cutting his throat.
Domestic troubles was the cause.
Joseph E. Fecardo ha beeu arrested
at Fresuo, Cal., for murdering a sheep
owner named Thompson eleven years
ago. Fecardo was in Thompson a eni-
loy, and after killing him disap
George 8. Johnston, a well-kn wn
miner ot Calico, Cal., while going
from town in a state of intoxication,
he fell off a precipice 100 feet in hit-lit
and was instantly killed. After a pro
tracted search his body was found.
A party of anti-clericals came into
collision with a religious procession at
Bancifra, London. A fight arising,
the military was called oat, and the
soldiers were compiled to fire upou
the nob. Several persons were
Two young freshmen of Harvard
ollege, Boston Miss., John F. U.
Cogle and Charles F. Belknap, aged
19 and 20 respectively, one the son of
prominent city othcial, the other of
well-known merchant worth a mil
ion dollars, have been captured while
robbing a student's locker.
Gas escaping in the basement of the
First National bank of St. Cloud,
M .nu., exploded. The building is a
total wreck. The front was blown
across the street, shattering the build
ings on the other side. Many people
were on the street, and a Urge number
ere hurt.
At Macon, Ga., a tragedy occurred,
n which a 9-year-old bov murdered
is 6-year-old brother. The children
were sons ot Col. J. It. W illiamson,
one of the most prominent men in
that part of the state. They were put
to led in the same room, when the
oldest loy obtained a shotgun and
lew his brother's head off. The little
murderer acts as if he were insane.
A terrific explosion occurred at the
powder house of the PotUville biown
slone quarry at Belvidere, N. J. One
man wmb killed, and several others
were injured. A ntimler of houses
were wrecked and considerable prop
erty was destroyed. 1 he report was
heard twenty miles away. Four bun-
lrt-d kesrs of giant powder exploded
The explosion was caused by a work
man diopping a keg of powder.
An iron tank containing 15,000 bar
rels of oil, two miles up Oil creek, Fa.,
was struck by lightning. The tank
boiled over, setting fire to another
tank on the opposite side of the creek,
containing zi.uuu barrels. I he Key
stone rennery, a short distance from
there, s in some danger, and wing
dams are being built m the creek to
protect property along the stream,
The oil and tanks are owned by J. B
The five and seven year old bovs of
John FiUman, of Stromsburtr, Neb
were plaviug with a gun that was
loaded with powder and a long wooden
stick. The youngest peered into the
barrel, when the gun exploded, driving
the stick, which entered at the eye,
clear through his head. After three
trials the mother managed to draw the
stick out, but the little fellow only
gasped twice, and expired.
A triple tragedy was enacted in the
country near Beecher City, 111. Henry
Miller and m. OJerholt, farmers
had a lawsuit over a trivial matter,
and Miller, the loser, swore he would
get even. After the trial, Miller, true
to his word, shouldered his nil and
went to a field where L. C. Kinsey,
one of Oderholt's witnesses, was plow
ing. Miller first killed Kinscy's
horse, and then shot Kinsey twice, in
flicting mortal wounds. Then Miller
went to another field, where Oderholt
was at work. Oderholt s horse was
first slain by Miller ond then Oder
holt himself. It is supposed that
Kinsev and O 'erholt attempted to
shield themselves behind the horses.
Then Miller proceeded to the hu
which served as his home, and, aft
setting the place on fire, blew his own
brains out. His blackened corpse
was found in the debris.
Woman (wh has given some
mince pie to tramp) MYou seem to be
hunffryf" Tramp "That goes with
out saying, which is a bit of badly
Anglicized Irench, ma am, meaning la
our more vigorous ingiisn, -iou can
bet your sweet life I am,' or I wouldn
be able to get away with much of this
pie. jv. J. aun.
"I think a bath daily would be
beneficial in your case," said the physl
cjan to Plodgers, the valetudinarian,
"Well, I don't know, doctor." replied
Plodgcra, in a feeble voice. "I took
bath once a year or two ago. I felt
better for a while, but it wasn't long
before I was as bad as ever, and I have
been growing worse ever since." St.
Louis Magazine.
Teacher "Class in physiology,
stand up. Bodkins, how do you dis
tinguish organio from inorganic
matter?" Bodkins "In the organio
world every individual springs from
some parent, while inorganic sub
stances are formed by chemical laws."
Teacher "Very good. Give an ex
am pi a of an inorganic subs tan oa."
Podklas "An orphan. "Lifu.
Devoted Principally to Washington
Territory and California,
Jacob Foort, a sailor on the schooner
Black Diamond, at Antioch, Cal., while
scraping the mast on the vessel, fell a
distance of fifty feet and was killed.
Wm. Livingston, a miner at Vit
ginia, Ntv., died f blood poisoning,
produced by ulceration of the jtw fol
lowing the extraction of decayed
An inquest was held at Los Angeles,
Cal., on the body of Feter Wallers,
who died from the ell". -els of a shot
fired by his wife Bridget. The jury
returned a verdict charging her with
The trial of John G. Crawford, who
shot and killed Martin VanBureu
Burke at San Francisco, closed, and
the jury le turned a verdict of guilty,
fixing the penalty at imprisonment
for life.
The First regiment Uuited States
Infantry, Col. Shafter commanding,
and a battery of artillery, have ac
cepted an invitation to spend three
months in camp in Santa Barbara,
CapL Adams was shot through the
lung, Bob Fringle in the mouth, and
Bill Kmxlcs in the baud, m a saloon
on river, Arixona. Some months
ago Fringle a brother was assassinated
nd the tight was the result of that
T. H. CulberUon's furniture shire
was burned at I'omeroy. W. T. The
oes will reach f 1,500; fully insured.
n ten minutes, the firemen had four
ireams of water on the fire, and pre
vented itexteuding to adjoining build
John George, a young Greek
Siii ra-Valen-Uland
man, was lodged in prnon at
mento, Cal., for the murder of
tine Maldonado on Lone Tree
in the Sacramento river. The trouble
took place over a young woman
named Nellie Dominquet, with whom
Maldonado had been living a few
G. D. Jenkins was found murdered,
shot through the head and body, in
the Little Colorado river, Aruona.
The remains had been in the water for
several days. J ukins Cime from
Nashville, Tenn., waa a photographer,
was in company with a man named
Smith. Smith is missing. 1
Mr. Wahlen, a merchant at Wheat-
fields, A. T., was snot at about eight
miles from home by an unknown
Mrty in some bruh. The shot did
not take effect, but after arriving at
borne he was shot and killed, it is sup
posed, by the same party. Deceased
leaves one daughter, now in California.
The bodv of Bernard Legrave, col
lector at San Francisco, and a highly
respected member of the French
colony, was found dead on the rail
road bridge between Third and Fourth
streets. It seems evident that while
on his way home, he was seized with
fit that terminated fatally.
Durnius Moorehouse, a well-known
farmer living a few miles from Walla
Walla, W. T , came to town with a
oad of chopped feed. He was accom
panied by two young men Lynch
and S.tling. Tliey began skylarking,
and Moorehouse lost his balance and
fell beneath the wagon. One wheel
passed over his stomach, crushing him
so badly that he diet! in thirty minutes.
He was 4s years out.
George Drury, 8-vear-old son of
Thomas Drury, of Liguna, Cal., w is
drowned while he and his father were
searching for sheila on the beach
There was a very heavy ea at the
time, ami a large wave rolled over
them, and both were carried out. The
father held to the boy, but the waves
were too fierce, and the boy was torn
from him and drifted out. Drury was
badly bruised about the arms by being
dashed on the rocks.
Six train robbers, supposed to be
Mexicans, attacked the south bound
isjnara train as it was standing at a
small station called Agua Sarcu, N
M. The robbers opened fire and killed
the fireman and Conductor Atkinson.
Messenger Hay was badly wounded
in the head and back. Wells, Fargo's
box, containing about? 140, was taken.
A large posse of Mexican troops and
citizens are in pur.-uit.
The Secretary of War in the City of
Mexico have notified Mexican officers
along the border that hereafter the
penalty of death will be imposed for
crossing over into the United Mates
with troops and interfering with the
affairs of citizens of a friendly nation
This action was taken after an inquirv
into the cases of Col. Arvizu and
Lieut. Uuilems, who rescued a pris
oner from the American authorities
Tno courtmartial at Uuavmas sen
tenced them to be shot for the offense,
and on appeal to the supreme mili
tary tribunal the sentence was arhirm 1
President Diaz, however, commuted
the sentence to imprisonment at hard
labor for twenty years in the military
prison in the State of Santiego.
A Southern Pacific west bound pas
senger trtin was badly wrecked at
Gila Btnd. A. T., by jumping the
track while passing over a new trestl
bridge. Though the engineer stopped
the train within its length, the emi
grant and smoking cars, day coach and
one sleeping car were detached from
the other part of the train, and ft
from the trestle to the ground, some
four or five feet, turning completely
over and landing bottom side up. Mrs
Good, an emigrant passenger, was in
stantly killed, leaving a husband and
three small children, who were travel
ing with her. Another passenger
sprained or dislocated a leg, and
Chinaman's leg was badly hurt. But
few other passengers sustained injur
ies, outside of scalp wounds and
Reginald Ford was driving at Sioux
City, Iowa, when his vehicle was
stopped suddenly by a wheel catching
in a street railway, and Ford was
thrown fully twenty feet, alighting on
his head. Allen Vinton waa the first
person to reach Ford, and found him
apparently dead, with his neck dislo
cated. He took hold of Ford's head,
gave it a sudden turn, and the verte
brae slipped back ifetoplace. Ford
soon regained consoiousss, and if lie
escapes from the effect "orj brain con
cussion can boast of bein one of the
few living persons who have had their
necks dislocated.
Everything 0f General Interest
in a
Condensed Form.
Weston will soon have a new flour-
ng mill.
A new chfese factory has iust been
started near MarrhtielJ, Coos county.
Another chicken with his crop full
of gold is reported from Wasco county.
Forest Grove and Hillsboro creamer
ies are m goinl running order and
prove a great convenience to those
who have cowa within a reasonable
The 15 year-old duuzhter of Georee
Kennedy, owner of the foundry at
Corvallis, eloped from her home in
that city with suiue unknown man.
the parties were overtaken at Inde-
H'tidei c j, Folk county, and the girl
was taken home by htr father.
The Truckee Lumber Company has
bought the sawmill of Smith fc Sons,
at Tillamook, and will immediately in
crease its capacity and run it night
and day. 1 hey have purchased two
arge vessels in S in Francisco, and ex
pect to do a big business.
It is report d that the Falls Tiiln
Company's mill on Young's river whl
change hands and that the new own
ers will be the California Paixr Coui-
any of San Francisco. The new
ompany will etilarire the capacity of
the mill and place it on a substantial
Des Nast, an employe of the Oregon
Pacific in the shops at Yaquitia, h-ui
the misfortune to break his leg be
tween the knee and ankle joint. He
was working about a pile of fro iron
when a portion of the pile fell over,
several pieces striking him, causing
the fracture of the limb.
William Btivens, of Walton, Lane
county, while going to his claim up
the Suislaw river recently, mvt with a
close call from drowning. He wan
crossing the river on a foot log and
ost his balance and fell in. but es
caped with the loss of an axe an his
The first rescue of the season was
male by the life crew at C -ie H m
cock. J. Ditchburn, fishing for My
ers, was capsized off Peacock spit, in
the breakers. Tin look-out on the
hill discharged the signal gun, and
he life-boat was oon under wav, and
picked up Diichbum, his loat puller
and coat, and brought them into the
cape. The net was p'.cked up by a
hilling boat, and retume I to Ditch
burn, but was lost again by him.
Fred Byal, a 12-year-old lid of
Grant's Pass, son of M. W. It yal, and
several o' her childrea were on a long
railroad bridge which is approached
y a very sharp curve. Hearing a
train ipproarhing and realizing in an
nstam that the others could not get
if the bridge in time, he pulled a
landkerchief from his pocket anil ran
around the curve toward the train.
which he thus succeeded in stopping
ami saving the lives of his little com
pan ion s.
i he railroad commission made the
following finding with reference to the
aceident on the Portia ml and
Wi Lunette Valley road on M irch 22 :
"The hoard having visited the scene of
the accident, and having made a care
ful examination of all the available
testimony, finds that the road anil the
bri Ige where the accident oc-uirtd
were properly constructed and in
good condition ; that the train was
running at a low rale of speed, and
that no blame attaches to the em
ployes on board. Hut the managers
of the road were not justified in jeo
pardizing the lives of passengers by
attaching passenger coaches to cars
loaded with lie stock, as a sudden
crowding of cattle to one side of the
cars was the probable cause of the ac
cident in this case."
roBTLANO rHontca harhxt.
Fancy roll. A
20 25
7 1 3d
19 a 30
U.4 16
lit 18
IH & iS
1240 H
8 fid 10
10 & 12
i 00
4 00
4 ?6
Oregon -
Inferior grade
California roll
do pickled
C ii Siena
Eastern, fall cream
Oregon, do
Kuoa Frenh
Dkied Fruits
Applet, qra, ska and bx...
do California
Apricots, new crop
Peaches, unpeeled. dw ...
Pears, maehina dried......
Ptttd chenaea
Pitted plums, Oregon
Fi, Cal., in bga and bx..
Cal. Prunes, French
OrfRon pruns ..
Portland Pat. Roller. V bbl f
Salem do do
White Lily iP bbl
Country brand.....
60 3 7
60 a 75
Wheat. Valley, V 100 lbs...
do Walla Walla
Barley, whole, IC ell.
do frroti'id, if ton
Oats, choice mlllins t bush
1 85 1 271
I 1711 20
1 10 ( 1 12
ao im a-i& 00
45 (A 40
do feed, (rood tochotce,old
Rye, V 100 lbs 1
44 A 15
10 1 25
Bran, V ton 15 00
Shorts, if ton ftl7 00
Hay, V ton. baled 14 00 W16 00
Chop. ton 8 HO (625 00
Oil cake meal V ton 83 00 &35 0C
Fresh Fruits
Apples, Oregon, t? box 1 25
Cherrit , Oregon, If drra. . .
Lemons, California, iC bx.. 3 23
Limes, 100
Etivernide oranges. If box . . .
l 50
Los Angeles, do do . ,
Peaches. If box ,
Dry, over 16 lbs, lb
Wet salted, over 55 lbs....
Murrain hides
Cabbage, V tt '..
Carrots. If sack
8 10
4 iid 5
7 a 8
10 1 25
2 75
a 1 25
e i 75
'2 m 14
14 a is
Cauliflower, do
Potatoes, new, V 1C0 lbs ,
East Oregon, Spring clip
Vailev Oration. do
-Little Sally came' home from school
full of indignation. She is only live years
old, but she was full of "mad" as her
little body would hold. "Mam
ma," she said, "I think that teacher
was real rude to me." "Why, what
has she done?" "She laughed at me
laughed right out loud." "I guess
?ou did something to make her
auglu" "No, I didn't do any thing."
"Well, how did it happen r" "It was
in the geography class, and she asked
ms what was the prinoipal production
Of the Sandwich Islands, and I just
aaid- Sandwiches,' and sho laughed."
Devoted to
the Interests of
and Stockmen.
Thlnnltiff Fruit.
As there is a pro-ttect of a large crop
of fruit, seasonable suggestions are in
order and hints for management of
fruit may be of u-e to some who are
not experienced in the business. All
trie, in good bearing yeais, have u
tendency to over-preduce, and many
times are grVally harmed by having !
too much fruit left to grow and mature.
Ovir bearing h sure to injure the tree,
by weakening its productive power
and its vitality. The value of fruit
dermis on its size and flavor. A
bushel of large peaches will fell at a
good priee, but when fruit is over
crowded on the tree it is worthless, as
it lacks size and flavor. You have a
lot of inferior fruit, and the tree that
bore it is weakened and injured. The
true way to do is to carefully thin
fruit as soon as it has fairly set. and
has gained sufficient size to show that
it will bang on. A lively picker will
go over a tree in a short time and thin
it, so that his time lost will be well in
vested. Even when fruit is dried, the
buyer discriminates in favor of large
growth, and pays in proportion. In
thinning, see that the picker takes off
Uiesmtll fruit, and all that are in any
way ill shapen, or that have fungus
sttota on them. This leaves only large
and handsome fruit to mature, and it
will bring a handsome price. Fruit
growers themselves, and their hired
hand', all have at first a tendency to
dread either thinning fruit when it
hangs too thick or pruning trees
heavily enough when they reed it.
they have to be educated to it, and
when they have once learned their
lesson they are in condition to do well
and make money. It is aggravating
to see a tree die in the effort to bear
and perfect the fruit that crowds its
own burdened branches. Theorchard-
ist lias many lessons to learn, and suc
cess in ins otcupition dfDeuds verv
greatly on his learning them well, and
practicing them to perfection.
A new daily fraud has ruadi its ap
pearance in England under the name
of "chee erind."
No farmer cap afford to let his cows
run down in the spring of the year.
This they are likely to do when com-
ng into miik, if not given extra care
and feed.
The Dutch are taking Holland at
the rate of eight acres a diy. During
the la't two centuries it is estimated,
1,000,000,000 acres of land have been
reclaimed froth the sea.
InJia is beginning to compete with
China in the cultivation and exporta
tion of tea. The merchants of China
are becoming alarmed and are seeking
some means of improving China tea.
G-it a piece of land ready and grow
a crop of corn-fodder. Plant the seed
thickly in the rows, use plea'y of ma
nure, cultivate often and harvest it
w hen the ears are in the milky stage.
Meadows that have ceased to give
go xl crops may be renewed cheaply
by turning the sod soon after cutting,
then harrow thoroughly at intervals of
a tortnighl, and belore autumn rains
reseed with timothy and such other
varieties of gras as may be suited to
soil and situation.
The bright spring days will cause
the young pigs t grow rapidly. Turn
them on grasa as soon as they are ten
wee ks old, but gradually at first, or
they may have the scours. It will
cost but very little to raise a few nigs
if they be given the privilege of a
small grass plot and fed twi,-e a day.
Shropshiree are quite similar in type
and general c hi racier to the South
down, but have darker faces and legs,
are somewhat larger, and clip more
wool of a superior quality. They
have neat heads, with rather short,
muscular tucks, long, level, broad
backs and round bodies well s.t upon
short logs.
A Massachusetts man s.iys that
though he could not cure his horse
seventeen years old of heaves by
feeding him marsh hay, the disease
was so subdued by its u.e that the ani
raal did not cough, and showed no
signs of heaves. When feediug on
upland hay was recommenced, the
horse began to cough again.
Bees should be furnished with water
if a good supply be not close at hand.
In early spring water may be set out
to them, to which may tie added a
litlle.salt. Take a salt-barrel that has
just been emptied, soak it in water
and set it out near the apiary, and the
bees will show how they appreciate
such a tonic.
In ordi r to destroy the grub in the
crown of the peach tries, remove the
soil sb low down as the grubs are at
work ; scrape off the gum that has
accumulated ; pour hot suds around
the stronger the better; repeat the
rocess again in June. tscatter one-
half to a pint of slaked lime to an or
dinary sized tree. Fill the trench
thus mado around the tree with fresh
Unless brewers' grains are fresh,
they are an unhealthy food ; they will
very soon cause the cow's digestive or
gans to become diseased, and mjure
the quality of the milk. It is for this
cause that city authorities often for
bid tne use of brewers' grains in the
production of milk. But when brew
ers grains are led iresn, and mixed
with fodder, they make healthy food
English hay is much finer than that
produced iu the United States. The
prevailing practice is to grow nothing
but timothy and clover. The English
hay is much finer and greener than
that produced in the Uni ei States, as
it is cut at an early stage of growth.
There are 31,000,000 acres devoted to
grass in the British Lies, and
avi rage crop is three fold more than
is obtained here, and is double that of
Continental Europe.
Cowboy to Photographer "I want
my pictur' tuk."
Photographer "Yes, sir; sit right
here, please."
"Nice day."
Ys; look right here, please."
"You bet."
"Now sit perfectly quiet. Give me a
good expression and wink when you
have a mind to."
"What was that last remark, pard
ner?" "Wink wnk when you feel like it."
"Durned cf l tuk you fur a drink
In' man."-' i Paul tfiooe. -
laterratln-r Ilnta C'onrrrnlnff their Origin,
Habits and Cantoms.
Mr. J. A. Bryce gives the proceedings
of the Iloyal Geographical Society an
interesting account of the country and
peoples of Burmah. The various
peoples who inhabit the last addition to
the British Empire appear to be all of
Mongolian afijnities.-bnt .they differ
from each other as widely as flo'the
races of Indo-European stock. 'Out of
the total population, w hieh-'may , be
placed at seven millions and quarter,,
the true Burmese are about one-half,
the rest belonging to the races known
as Karens. Kukhyens, Khyens, Shans
and Tabling. The whole of these races
have, in common with the remainder
of the peoples who are not dominant in
in Indo-Cbina, descended at various
periods either from China or from
Tibet, and may be considered for the
most part as more or less Sinicised abo
riginal peoples who have fled south
ward to escape the political power of
China. No two authorities seem to
agree respecting the relative dates at
which all these various peoples entered
the peninsula. The Talaing was cer
tainly in possession of Pegu and Ar
racan before the Burman, and the Tab
aing race still forms the bulk of the
population in the delta of the Irrawadi
and the Sittang. The Talaing is usually
considered to be related to the Kolarian
of Hindustan. In person he is smaller,
plumper, fairer and less hard-featured
than his Burmese conquerors.
Less seems to be known about the
Karens than the Talaing, but Lacou
perie believes that tbay were dominant
ia Indo-China previous to the irrnp
tion of the various races of Shans. Mr.
Bryce believes that in Burmah they
post-date the Tibetans. There are at the
present time two very different races
within Burmese territory who bear the
name of Karens. One of these is the
Karen nees or Bed Karens, so-called'
from the color ot their breeches a
tribe of untamable head-hunters, own
ing allegiance to no one; and the white
Karens, a quiet and inoffensive race in
habiting some districts of Lower Bur
mah, especially the mountains of Ten
asserim. The Burmese proper are among the
oldest people of the country. Ovcr
whelmtd by the Shans they after awhile
arose again, and imposed their yoke
npon their former masters. As a race
they hare shown great vitality; while
as individuals, though habitually indo
lent, they are capable of great displays
of energy when sufficiently aroused.
The Burman is the Parisian of Asia.
None can excel him in all the graces of
politeness. The good-humored, hard
working bnt less courteous Shan ap
pears to him a savage. In stature the
Burmese are inferior to the Shan,
though taller than the Talaing. The
great Shan race, though less numerous
iu Burmah than the Burmese them
eslves, is now preponderant in the
peninsula. The Siamese are Shan, as are
the peoples to the north of them,
whether paying tribute to China, Bur
mih, Annam or Siam. Some defect in
the Shan character seems to prevent
their agglomeration into large masses,
and thus it has come to pass that most
of their Princes are tributary, though it
can not be disputed that the northern
Shans of Burmah and the Laos States
are the most energetic peoples of the
The Kakhyens are a rude people,
when compared with the Shans or the
Burmese. Tbey inhabit the hilly dis
tricts of Assam and northwestern Bur
mah. and have recently, owing to the
weakness of the Burmese power, en
croached toward the south. In Assam
they are known as Singphos. The
Khyens are settled in the mountains
Ifetween Burmah and Bengal. The
Burmese proper are chiefly settled in
the upper part of the Irrawadi delta,
in a narrow belt on each side of the
Irrawadi in upper Jjurmah, the upper
valley of the Sittang, and the Moo val
ley, between tke Irrawadi and its tribu
Us t, the Kvendwin.
The tutal area of Burmah is about
230.000 square miles, and is thus nearly
equal to the State of Texas. The
greater part of this area is uncultivated
mountain and forest, and Mr. Bryce
states that not above one-seventh even
of Lower Burmah is cultivated. The
lower part of tho combined deltas of
the Irrawadi and the Sittang receive
one hundred inches of rain annually.
but this is diminished one-half at the
apex of the delta, and the plain of the
Lpper Irrawadi is deficient in rainfall.
and depends for its water supply upon
the river. A. 1. Independent.
How the Japs Measure Time.
A party of Americans, describing a
shopping tour while recently in Japan,
refer among other things to the clocks
shown them. Some were constructed
on American models, while others were
fashioned upon a principle peculiarly
Japanese, and supposed to be more
convenient for the registration of their
singular time. Tho twenty-four hours
are divided in Japan into twelve
periods of time, six of which are ap
propriated to darkness and six to the
light. The day being calculated from
sunrise to sunset, there is a necessary
variation in the -length of the six day
and six night hours, the latter being
the longest in winter, the former in
summer. The clocks are altered
periodically to suit the seasons of the
year. Jewelers ntckly.
iramp 'uan t you give a poor
man something to eat? I got shot in
the war and can't work." Woman
"Where was you shot?" "In the
spinal column, mum." "Go 'way!
i There was no such battle fought."
Texas pitings.
Under tne auspices of the Wagner
Free Institute, cf Philadelphia, which
devotes a portion of its income to the
encouragement ol original research, a
scientific exploration of Flor.'da was
made last year. A report of the work
done, which was chiefly, geological, has
recently been published. The investi
gations did not tend to support the
opinion of Agassiz as to the coral or-
mation of Florida, but indicated that
the coral tract of the peninsula is con
fined to the south and" southeast- The
fossil remains examine!, by these and
earlier explore show tfcjt Florida was
nnft. 1,1" . tha lama. tanu. 1
How tha ITotorioas Bank-Wrecker
plea III. Tlane at Ring Blng.
Ferdinand Ward, perhap the most
noted prisoner of all, a eansi aom
pound of shrewdness and weakness,
unlimited cheek and with no conscience
nor principles, achieved some rare
rogueries in which he was not solely to
blame. His vanity led him to take a
leading part in it the most prominent
indeed and, as . it roUed on and on,
like some enormous snowball, always
getting bigger, it grew out of all con
trol and beyond his comprehension. It
was a matter of days only when it
would end, and his efforts were at last
all directed ioward tiding over each
hour, not to arranging the final catas
trophe, which was left to take care of
itself. The amount of business done
by Grant & Ward through the clearing-
bouse was f 3S2,CK,000, a figure repre
senting also about one-quarter, of the
national debt of the United States.
The man who managed all this bow
works in a shabby little prison-room
containing a shabby printing outfit,
with which he strikes off very shabby.
letter and bill-heads for the prison. It
isn't work to speak of. it is not under
the unrelaxing watchfulness in which
other prisoners toil, but it is widely
different from a seat in the directory of
the Marine Bask ora desk in the private
office of the once much envied, young
and enterprising firm of Grant A
Ward. The active partner wears stripes
of coarse woolen fabric, but they fit
him neatly. His boots are polished
and shapely, ami be looks pretty well
groomed. Ward is not a man to suffer
much in imprisonment. His fibre is not
fine enough for that, his temperament
is sanguine and his ambitions, nnqnal- -ified
by the character of their aimv
gratify themselves in small struggles
as readily as with great ones.
His life in prison has not been aa
easy one. lie thought that money
could secure him immunity from all its
hardships, but if it could in any way
soften the asperities of prison life it
had to be applied with more tact than
he brought to its application. Unfor
tunately for him. he expressed his
views. Xbe methods adopted to con
vince him of his error were prompt and
stern, but it was some time before
tbey were effective. At first he was
pot to work dragging ashes from under
a boiler. It was hot, hard work, but be
was kept to it for several weeks. Then
the Bay State Shoe Company secured
his services aa book-keeper one Monday
and fonnd him ridiculously incompetent
on Tuesday. In youth he had been aa
amateur journalist, and had some idea
of setting type, and this fact has di
rected the current of his life in prison.
The firm of Perry 4k Co., stove makers,
enjoyed a large contract at that time.
and bad need of blanks, bill-heads and
labels. They set Ward to work tread
ing the press with which these were
struck off. When Perry & Co. were
legislated out of their position as con
tractors. Ward and his printing office
became an appendage of the prison,
lie can do all the work required of him
in an hour each day. The rest of his
time he spends in reading and in such
idle ways as he can find diverting.
Even the fact that he is the most no
torious prisoner in the community of
1,500 rascals is a source of pride and
satisfaction to him, and he courts the
curious regard which visitors so readily
grant him, and basks in the observa
tion of the crowds which flock into
prison on holidays.
He enjoys newspaper notoriety, too.
The fact that most of the publications
relating to his life in prison have bees
far from complimentary serves perhaps
to check his enjoyment of them, but
not to destroy his pleasure in the fact
that he is still before the public. His
inordinate vanity is beyond shame, and,
selfish and envious, he has easily be
come the most unpopular man in
prison, not only among the convicts,
but with the keepers, who regard him
as an unmitigated nuisance and do not
fail to let him know it. Still, there are
good qualities about Ward. He accept
his snubs and there are many bestowed
with unvarying good nature. He ia
chipper and good-tempered under all
conditions and has no apprehensions
for the future. He still has matters in
litigation, and Bourke Cockran, his
counsel, is a frequent visitor. His
wife has considerable property, a house
in Stamford and a hotel splendidly
furnished on the Connecticut river, be
tween Hartford and Saybrook. This
hotel, although a small one, is a very
luxurious affair, filled with hard wood
throughout and all sorts of luxuries not;
to be found in the average summer
establishment. Cor, Philadelphia
Good Portable Fence. "
I have a nice portable fence that I
think beats any I have seen described
in any paper yet, The panels can be
of any length wished. I maka mine
mostly fourteen feet. I use five hoards
five inches wide, three-quarters to
seven-eighths of an inch thick, and
make the panels four feet high. Tha
end pieces (for end of panels) are four
inches wide, nailed 'close for the end
and one in the middle. For the sup
port I use two by three inch stuff,
sawed, and nail on a piece for the cut
out on bottom of board, just back of tho
upright. I generally split out my tim
ber for bottom pieces, cutting the log
to the right length four feet six inches
and splitting out three by five inches.
then cut out the place for bottom panel
to rest in. two inches sqnare. The up
right is four feet three inches long, of
one by four inch stuff; the oblique strip
is of same stuff, but five feet long.
Cor. Detroit Free Press.
Tho Southern manufacturing mills
are working night and day, with orders
running mouths ahead.
Within six months Chicago will
have five new packing-houses in active
operation, whieh, jointly with those
already in the city, will have a capacity
of preparing for the market daily 1500
head of beef cattle and 15,000 hogs.
Boston Budget. .
Applying certain measurements t"
a scarcely visible film of silver-.
Wiener arrives at the eonf ,
no less than 125.00O.ftX r;
SJ in line.