JOB PRINTING fP JJ I Yfrf dccrittuB tt JoIj Printing Done cn Stcrt Koli w , j ai-'l ra fxtsal Blanks, Business Cards, tter Beads, Bill liaada, Circulars, : Posters, Eto , i Kuctlal In swd stria sad st lot Htlng prWs. ir. LEBANON, OREGON; FRIDAY, MAY U, 1888. NO. 9. LEBANON .nneapuli, Minn,, ton- igars a j ear, but only 'number are. made by 'en. s, tin Ohio loy, son Consul at Ilirmln in)elitio)i with 2 e scholarship worth architect of public hington hug nfom mUry of the Ticaa be appropriated, far ic buildings in Sn v niaikl.lo ftnicdi of American ,. is imparled by the addition of nerul called agalith, a silicate of uesia somewhat resembling as--U in let Jure. It U found only in the United HUtes. A 1.KTTKR received from Ilolert Gar rett, dated at Cairo, state that be and hia party will ascend the Nile as far aa Thebea, and returning; by way of Cairo, will cro-a the Mediterranean to Greece. From there they will go to Russia. They are not troubled with breach of promise tuita in China. Win n a future Chinese belle ia about three days old she ia formerly betrothed to the scion of some acceptable neighbor, and when she ia alxiut fifteen she ia carried and ltt there, and that ends Tii four con a of Captain Calhoun, who died the other day In 81. Joseph county, Michigan, had not seen each other for nineteen yeara until the day before the funeral. They all boarded the same train at Chicago. Two of them occupied the aame seat, but there was no recognition until they all met iu a livery stable, each trying to hire a rig to take him to the bomeatead. Jons Half, of West brook, Oa., ia evidently a humorist, although he hue not yet become known to the world aa such. Hi firat baby waa christened First Half; the next, Secoud 'Half; the third, Other Half, and the fourth Beat Half. Ue ha a big sign over hia cabin door which reads: "The Whole family of John Half Uvea with in. A half family ia belter than none, but if you want to aee six halve in one holecome inside and see what ia kit of us. Goo! bleaa our home." Wim.Ba cilUcauot Lumpkin, Ga., wi cleaning out his cellar recently after it bad been Coded, he uioo'd a tlight depression in the earth, and, examining it closely, eaw a bar of metal partly buried there. Ticking it up he fuund it to Jtx lead. Further search revealed 167 bsiv, weighing about a pound each. Hew they got there ia not known, though it ia sur mised that they were buried during the Indian war of 1S38, when a jude fort stood on Uie present aite of the house. Boston haa just received from Af rica the largest gorilla ever landed in this country., Hia name is Jack, and he is five feet in height when stand ing erect, and measures seven feet from the end of one outstretched harw to the other. He weighs alut 125 pounds, and exhibits enormous strength, compared with which that of a man seems like a child. He ar rived in a large box made of planking two and a half inches thick, and when being removed from the ship he lore large splinters from the hard wood planks with aa much ease as a child would break a twig. As enormous black eagle has been aten Ute'y at Lander, Wyoming. It is believed that the bird ia fully five feet in height and that his powerful wings measure fifWen fett from Up to tipT His legs are almost as big as a man's. He geneially makes his ap pearance about sunset, when he will fly from cliff to cliff on the mountains, all the time keeping 'up a piercing scream. He haa been shot at doxens of times by excellent marksmen, but o far he baa safely a voided the flying rifle balls, and each shot only seems o make him yell louder, as if laughing t his would-be slayers. 8 It is said that 40 per ceut of all the ths from poison in Great Britain lue to orrium: and this rate of lily, according to Dr. Winter i, a rises in a great -measure be pernicious practices both of Vking English : mothers and y-farmer of giving infants sirrnps,' 'infants' fjienda' and o allay restlessness and keep p during the greater part of nee." It haa been calcu le preparation alone is ti e ius of death of 150,000 y year. Strawberry Valley. Cal. - the life of a herjjrit since only companion"? vj ct this man is ditical and otb-' r creditable ' . 'tiea. -oh COAST CULLINGS. Devoted Principally to Washington Territory and CaUibr&ia. A serious stabbing affray occurred at 11 il Buff, Cub, in a saloon between Su ve Trust (ouloif il) and John Mali Ion, aheit the laltcr stabbed Tra-l three timoa, and it ia thought he will die. At Timhee, Cab, a special train loaded with oranges aan into a freight train at tunnel 13. Both engines and soveral cars were imdly smashed and fifty feet of snow shed was knocked down. A Southern Pacific pwsenger engine in turning ou the t.tble at 8.tntn Ana, N. M , ran by the tattle ami collide! with a freight engine in the round boose, demolishing the roundhouse and fit i lit engine. John B. While was stabbed and killed at Big line, Cat, by W. T. C. Elliott. White was an mu le of El lioti'a divorced wife, and it is claimed that he was stabbed for offering pro tection to his niece. Elliott asktd to te arretted. . .-. At Los Aiigi lea, Cal , ' while Mis. Molleto waa driving Into the city th. home took fright and she was thrown from the buggy. Her dress caught in th axle and she was dragged some distance. Tortious of ajalp were torn from euch side of her head and her right am broken. While driving along a road seven miles south of M int Cms, Cab, three boys were thrown from a wagon, by the hist balking, over" a sixty fool cliff. Yinovnte G.ircia, twelve year old, w s killed ; Manuel Kmith, six years oldwa furiously injured, and John Hut iih, four yeais old, escaped miraculously without injury. Pedro Pino, a M xican, and Joseph Silva, a Portuguese quarreled on a sheep ranch near Los Corrilloa, N. M., over the right of xwacssion of some laud, when Hilva drew a pistol and shot Pino through the jaw. The lat ler returned the lire, and shot Kilva through the brain, killing him iu stantly. Piio will probably reixver. A passenger train on the Inter Ocean io railway waa stopped and robbed by a band of fourteen high wjymeu, three miles beyond Irolo, of Meiiitv. The passengers and train men were systematically robbed. The company lost over $U,0t)0 front the treasure box. Il ia presumed this is the same band lhat entered Ameca meCif recently, and that plundered the Chalbuac ranch in the stale of Pueblo. A on of Wm. Bent, who keepa a saloon in Han Francisco, waa drowned at the eutranee. of the ferry alip. He was in a bout near the end of the wharf wlsen the steadier IKniahue came in, and the waves caused by the alewnter swinging into the slip caused the boy'a boat to captiie. A yacht saw the accident and went o hia rv cue, but accidentally ran if it ovei him. The 1.mI sank and waa urowued A sluwting affray occurred at Oak Ltad, Cab, which resulted in the death of John I'heltii, a tailor. It seer.m that PbeUn waa out wilh two com pauion, and met Bcu L'tchenslein, another tailor. They had some angry wotds atntut the price of work. Phelan acciud the other tailor .. of taking work front htm by doing it at cheaper rates. Litcheusleiu dented this, and things were smoothed over, and all parlies took a dtink in a neighboring saloon. Fltelan than struck Litchen sWia in the face. The assaulted tailor went away, but quickly returned with a revolver" and shot Phelan in the left breast, the bullet entering hia heart Phelan died in fifteen minutes afier reaching the hospital. Terreuce Mullen, convicted of per jury in connection wilh an entry of public lands in Southern New Mex ico, was brought from Los Crucee and placed in the penitentiary. He is un der sentence of the United States court to serve four years at hard labor and pay a fine of 1,000. Mullen is the one who concocted the scheme to steal the body of Abraham Lincoln, and bold it for ransom. The plot waa disclosed by one of his associates, and he was caught in the act ' of carrying off the body, for which ho served one one and one-half years iu the Illinois prison. " - ' A few days ago a gentleman from Freno registered at one of the piinci pa! hotels in San Francisco, but as there were no rooms vacant at the time he waa told to return in tho af ternoon. ' His luck was no better on hia return. He waa a little indignant, and told the clerk at the desk that he would stop there anyhow, and offered to back hia boast with $100. Among the guest at the hotel waa a young lady from the same town as the gen tleman, and for whom he had a liking. He went to the young lady, told his predicament aud determination, and asked the young lady to marry him. She consented, and together they went to the parson and were married. - It ia sufficient to say that the gentleman made good his boast. Some nine months ago Miss Laura Webster, a young lady living in Santa Clara county, CaL, received a severe fright while visiting her sister in ic toria. B. C. She was in good health at the time, but a few days later he sank into a deep sleep. Shortly j.fter her affliction she . was taken to Su Jote, where, she mw resides, and duiing the trance the only nourish ment she received was forced down her throat Her breathing was barely perceptible, and her limbs, when placed in a certain position, would re main rigid until changed by an atr tendanU She lies with her eyes closed bnt will reply to questions, when re peated sever! times. During the last few weeks her condition has improved considerable, and the physicians in at tendance state that she will eventu illy awaken from her long sleep. i A physician In the American Mag azine describes February as the time . if antarnalia of colds. He advises ex ' ard tlic'.pactf between a -'and hat brim. Be- skin lies tha cerebro : proceed the nerves art and lungs. The th. blood vessels " neck, enabling ".- fn that propor- " y he advises - ' i own- TELEGRAPHIC. it Epitesit of the Principal Erenti Not atiruling Wxt lateral - ; If ungarlan house deputies adopted the army bill aa proposed by the gov mi menu i In the duel on the Bolide B ulogni in Paris, betweeit lK'puia and Habert, art critic, the former was killed. t It. P. Gravet, treasurer of Boolt county, Ka., has been found thort iu hia accounts to the amount of $D,000. The ship Smyrna waa sunk in a coll sion with the steamer Molo, off the Isle of Wight near Loudnn. Thir teen passengoia were drowned. Daniel Moriarity and Daniel Hayes were hanged at Tralee, for the mur der of James Fitttnaurice, a farmer, near Lima, county Kirry, Ireland, January 21st l.wt. Alexander Jones, colored, was hanged at Taltahaase, Fla., for the murder of George Uuthbert, iu No vemler, 1887. The execution was pri vate, t Samuel Phillips, the eleven-year-old son of a prominent merchant of Sagi naw, Mich., while pitying on some logs in a bayou, hit in. Engleharl lteidlinger, aged twenty-four, jumied iiVto save the boy", but the little fellow Clung to hia ueck and both were drowned. Ramon Crux, a wealthy planter re siding thirty miles from II tvana, was taken prisoner by Itaudita ia held for a f 10,000 ransom. Soldiers are scour ing the country in search of him while his wife haa received a letter demand ing money, and saying if she plays the messenger false her husband' life will Iw forfeited. New York brokers have been in structed by a detective and requested to look out for a large number of Umds stolen from a firm at Lisle, France. The bonds are Bup(Mtsed to aggregate l,0U0,O0O, and tiu-ludu Panama obligations, Credit Foiieier se curities, Portuguese obligation,' ltu sian rents, Turkish bonds and miscel laneous obligations. A passenger train on the New York &. Pennnylvunia railroiut was wrecked uear Whilehouse, N. Y., by thet-pread ing of the rails. The mail and bag gage cara and two assenger cou hea containing about forty passengers, rolled down a twenty-foot embank ment. No one was killed outright, but seventeen of thuaie injured will die. - - "' . Helene Crosmond, prima donnt, committed suicide iu the cabin ef the Piccadilly, London. She signed a con tract wilh the Drnry L ine Opera Com pany, bul owing to a mi understand ing she tote up the contract in a tit of temper. Later ' she tried to reojven negotiations, but in the meantime a suhalitote had been engaged, and in a iitot despondency she shot heroelf. General Wirt Adams, p wtmaater at Jackson, Miss., and John Martin, an editor, fought a street duel, aud both men were killed, the general waa hit in the head, and Martin was hit twice. A published article was the immediate caue of the tragedy, though a breach has lung existed between the men. It chargeu incompetent service in the postotnee. v y - s V A nine year-old daugh'er of a fanner named Albert Goodspeed, living near Des Moines, Iowa, is lying at the point of death, having been almost literally eaten by a dog when found. The girl had been attending school. A huge dog was standing over the little girl, tearing the flesh from her breast and devouring it. Her left breast had been eaten away, leaving the lungs exposed, wh.le her limbs were horribly mangled. A terrible accident occurred at Hushsylvania, Ohio. A school exhi bition was in progress in a hall situated in the third story of a brick building, over 400 people being present. Sud denly the floor gave way with a fright ful crash and the entire audience went down in a surging maaa to the ground. So far, two people are retried dead, ten seriously . injured, and probably fifty less seriously injured. An odd marriage occurred at St. Louis. Miss Ad Belle Richards, a cousin of the late President Arthur, was married to Dr. Wnght, of the Choctaw Nation, Indian territory. The groom is a quartcr-bloiKi Choctaw Iu dian, and a son of the lateGv, Wneht. of Indian termo r. lie is a well educated physician and quite handsome. "The couple became ac quainted while the biide was doing missionary work in the territory a year ago. A lamp exploded in the hand of Mrs. John Guillen at 1'ittsburg, fa., as she was going up stairs. The burn ing oil set tire to her clothing, and, overcome with fright, she ran to the window and tumped oat, alighting on a brick pavement thirty-rive feet be low. Coleman Kilroy and wife who also occupied the bouse had retired, hut were awakened by the explosion Kilroy jumped from the third . story window and was badly injured. His wife forced her way through the flames which filled the halls but in so doing was painfully burned about the head, and arms. The Asylum Hill Congregational Church of Hartford, Conn., gavo a bell to a mission church in China, and received a sort of illuminated lettei of thanks in return. The letter coi. eludes as follows: "This insignificant scrap of paper can not adequately ex press the reverential feeling of u-inch-long bits of grass. . All the churcl members together bow here are in serted the names and expross their thanks." The Baltimore Presbytery, of th Northern Presbyterian Church, have had an interesting discussion on the duty of the church to the negro, Some of the speakers thought . the money raised for the Freed men ought to be sent to. the Southern church, s colored member complained of dis crimination in the Presbytery against the colored man, another speaker wanted the Freed me ns Board abol ished, and various other ,views wer' presented. Res---;" -.--- desttrned to 9 'sub scriptions for " - d to enli- CONGRESSIONAL. Legislation FertaiolBg to the Interest of th Faciflo Coast MKftATK. The committee on foreign affair retMirtcd to the senate In executive session the treaty which was recently negotiated by Secretary Bayard aud the Cliin se minister, wilh the recom mendation that two amendments I made to the treaty, ami that it be sent to the President with the request that he secure the consent of tho Chinese government to the amendments. The tlrst amendment is to the first clause of the treaty, wnh-h provides for the exclusion of all Chinete labor- era from this country. The amend ment auueu to this clause provide that this exclusion shall also apply U Chinamen who have been in thi country and have departed, taking certificates with them. Thia ainc'nd ment will prevent the return of all Chinese wilh certificate The tecoud amendment adopted br the committee on foreign affair pro vides that exempted classes in the treaty, such as merchants, students and Chinamen who have departed from this country leaving Ixhind a wife and family or money or property to the value of $1,000, shall be allowed to return only uioi presentation of certificates showing that the holders I k' long to the excepted classes named in the treaty. Ihe number of individual pension bills passed by the senate iu sixty-five minutes waa lUo, forty-two of them be ing house bills. Several of them were for volunteer nurses, at the rate of 125 a ni nlh, aud one was for the widow of Gen. Charles P. Stone, at $50. Among the bills retiorlod and placed fin the calendar, were the fol- owlng : Senate bill to retire certain disabled officers of the arm. House bill aiitliotiiiug the presi lent to retire Alfred Pleasanton. wilh the rank of colonel, with an amend ment giving him lite rank of colonel. House bill for the promotion ol army otlicers after twenty years of continued service in one crade. a minority dissenting. Senate bill granting to the Oregon Railway A Navigation Company right of way through the Net Perce Indian lesci vlion. HOl'MK. A bill lo provide for the sale to act ual settlers under the homestead laws, of the Fort Sedgewick military reset- vation in Colorado and Nebraska was passt d. A bill was passed to establish an ad tit in ;il land district in Oregon. Johnston, from the committee on elections, submitted a report on the Uaiiifornui contested election case el Lynch vs. Yandever, and it waa placed ou the bouse calendar. The report is unanimously in favor of Vandever, the sitting member. Cox presented a bill for an approp riation, in reference to a memorial from Gen. Schoileld and Slocum and other members of tht Army of the Potomac, asking for an appropriation of $25,000 to aid iu meeting vthe ex penses of a fraternal reunion of sur viv .i-s of the At my of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia, to be held on the battle held of Gettys burg iu July next, to commemorate the Iweuty-tiflh anniversary of that con Hie C The secretary of the interior trans mitted the report by Governor Swine ford of Alaska, upon the operations of the Alaska Seal and Fur Company, in which be alleges that Uie company has grossly abused Uie natives, and at taches an affidavit to the charges. He concludes that it would be better to al low every fur seal to be exterminated than to contmueso blighting a mo nopoly. roBTLANu monucc AsttaK-r, BOTTK Fancy rolL ff tb.... ........ 40 85 l at 86 80 10 IU 18 0 0 8 14 10 40 1st 9 10 11 Orearon...... .............. interior grada Pickled IR fit 27 a California roll do pickled CHKBsa Eastern, (all cream 10 4 14 0 Oregon,- do California Eoos Fresh .;.. Drikd Facrra Apples, qrs. ska and bin... do California k prtcota, new crop Peaches, unpeeted. new ... Pears, machine dried Pitted chemies Pitted plums, Oregon Fiirs. Cal In boa aud bza. . is m ti 9 8 n 10 a Cal. Prunes, French ....... Oregon prunes if ixua Portland PaL Roller. bbl 4 00 4 00 4 rS 60 3 3 7 60 it 75 ft 1 22 is a i r, 10 G I Ui Ul (4r85 00 41 m 47 44 & 16 10 (0 1 25 (215 00 17 00 00 (18 00 00 2A U0 00 (35 OC Salem da do Whits Lily V hi Country brand., , . . . Superfine Grain Wheat, Valley, v 100 lbs... do Walla Walla I 1 Barley, whola, t ctl do ground, ( ton Oats, choice millinir 4 bush do feed jrood tochofoe.old Rye, lOOtba , 1 Faun i Bran, if ton . Short. ton Hay, V ton, baled 10 Chop. (S ton Hi Oil cake meal If" ton 83 FBK8B r RUIT8 Applet, Oregon, t box . . . Cherries, Oregon, If Arm. Lemons, California, tC bx Limes, f 100 Riverside oranRea. if box. Loa Angelea, do do . Peaches, if box HlDXS Pry, over 10 lbs, if Tb Wet salted, over 65 tba. .. Murrain hides Pelt 1 21 (3 1 50 85 8 50 1 0c 8 Q 10 4 S 6 7 0 10 0 1 85 8 73 0 1 85 0 8 73 76 VBGSTABL Cabbage, tb.. Carrots, if sack 8auiiflower, at doa niona Potatoes, new, ICO lbs . Wool Eat Oregon, Spring clip. Vallev Oregon. An 14 10 0 15 18 , ' A... British gunboat has returned from Cape Juby, whither she was sent to investigate the reported attack of a body of the Sultan of Morocco's troops upon a depot of the Northwest Africa Company at that place. The com mander of the Falcon reports that Mr. Moms, manager of tie BriUBh-A r can Company at Cape Juby, attempted . to photograpr a Moorish camp of s, ven soldiers, ana that while he wr jmting the camera the soldiers b him. The attacked . and : l i Tnr ' rt or" REVERSAL OF WOODLAND. t Praetlrsl lanmliin for Farmer U Ins la ths Older States. When tha country was new those -tortious were naturally first cleared vlileh seemed best adapted for linme llate cultivation at lett expense. Such atuU were tliotn which were warm and lry, and nemlcd but the clearintr off of die trees and a rough breaking to tit Jiont for farm crop In this way large ire as of low-lylnir and iwnmn lands were left in wood, and so continued. riiese low lands originally stronger in aatural com position of soil, have con- utiuml to lncrenne In fertility by the forest waste dead leaves and tlmlier, together with the wash of higher grounds until now thpy are, Jhe rich est lands we have. Has not the time irrlved when these low woodlands may be profitably cleared and put to perma nent cultivation An inducement to this is found In the fact that much of the higher and drier land first cleared has become ex tin tinted, and Is no longer profitable for tillage. Especially is this Si ass of thin. eh.inted land untitled tor grass; said the inereaslng deficiency 3f bay and pasture has bncome one of Uie greatest drawbacks to Eastern ag riculture. Now tho low grounds are the natural (rass lands, are stored with much or- ranle material, and need only to be cleared, drained and cultivated to be come very productive and permanent meadows wilh the enhanced price of farm' product over those obtained by our fathers and the easier and more effectual methods of draining now practiced, the job of ridding the land of surplus water, which seemed so diffi cult to our ancestors, has become easi ly practicable and almost sure to be attended with profit. .Hut this plan would far reduce ths area of our wood lands, which Is small enough already. therefore, since "turn about is fair play," why not plant the old cultivated and worn soils to forest trees? In this wsy the average of woodland wilt re main the same, or1 he Increased, and we gain In compensation large tracts of new and fertde solL There Is an abundance of surface in the Eastern States upon which wood ought to be grown, or allowed to '' remain con tinuously. Such la nearly all moun tainous or very rocky bind, steep side hills, ravines and narrow vnllej s, cold and springy land upon which moss and ferns grow, all thin,- light and worn out soils, dlst int portions of the farm and places difficult of access when the ground Is frozen. .o An . Filtt. in N. J. Tribune. ' m THE BEST EVERGREENS. Kaowlsdga Oalnati by aa Esperteaea el IWMtf Vrars. Many fnrnivrs and land-owners are intending to plnnt tevergrcens for shel ter belts, and are seeking Information aa to what is bctt to plant Tho white pine Is now having a boom, mainly be cause the seedling plants are obtained cheap from the forests of Wisconsin and Michigan. I say amen to all booms that will eause more evergreens to be planted. If, as I lml i eve, tho planting of good, houott trees will prove' Aiif the best Investments and greatest blessings In the near future that a man can add tb his farm. But Uie re are good trees and better ones, and If a knowledge gained by twenty years of planting and watching the habits of the differ ent varieties will be of nso to the pub lic, I shall do sotno good. The Scotch pine, in my estimation. Is the best ever green we have for Immediate .use. Il will make a shelter sooner than any other kind, but will not make so good a one in the end as the spruces. The white pine as a young tree from two to eight or ten feet' has fewer branches than the Scotch, less foliage, and that in -severe cold weather clings so close to the branches that it makes little . protec tion as compared to the coarser and more persistent foliage of the Scotch and Austrian. If any one does not think tills statement correct, let them, some bitter cold day, observe, and compare some white pines from two to ten feet high with Scotch or Austrian of tho same size, and note which offers the most resistance to wind and snow. The white pine is a grand and beauti ful tree, and, after it is ten years old. is the fastest grower of all, but up to that time the Scotch will make the best and quickest protection, and that is the very time that on onr wind-swept prairies it is most needed. The best shelter belt, all things considered, is a row of Scotch pine, six feet apart, on the inside of that a row of spruce, white or Norway, on. the outside on, or as many as you please, rows of white pine. Here you have as near as possible perfection of beauty and utility combined. Cor. Det Alointn (Ia.) Kegister. Mrs. Louisa Fries, of Cincinnati, is afflicted in a peculiar and unusual manner. Shoican uot remember her own name or -residence, and is often placed in embarrassing positions when going about alone. The medical term for the disease is amnesic aphasia, and It is caused by arterial hemorrhage. - Robert Porter, an eccentric citizen of Stoughton, Maaa, aged 65, has for twenty-five years bathed every daj in an open spring on his farm. One morning' last week be took his customary plunge when the mercury was fifteen degree! below zero, and claimed to enjoy it. HUMOROUS. No matter how weak a woman's constitution may be, ' her b(u)y-lawa are always on deck and ready for busi ness. Detroit Free Prea. . - That was a level-headed man who blew a cracked cornet nntil there was dlnges in its sides in front of peoples houses and carried a bag with him to collect the hunks of coal ' that he dodged. - Mercy, Bridget! What's the mat ter with these cakes?" I dun know, mum," "They taste of soap." Yis, mum. I could u't find the soapstone griddle, an so I soaped the iron one." Harper's Baear. "s In the hash fobndry, whereT' banged and bu8tled44ury-; " -.;; deuce wilh the tray, it"? 'man with the silky - .. NOT A LUXURY, , Why Ins Prlnrtptl Steal nt ths ftar ShoaU b fKltillt With a IJ.Manrt, Many housekeei era look upon all des sert In the light of luxuries; others draw the line at dis'ies that call for eggs. Now, soma ds rt d'sli, if prop rly made, should form a part of every din ner. If fruit Is not to be served. Even with fruit, some Mwpla require sugar. When no detsei t is piovidcd, a greater quantity of meat and voetnb'es niu I be eat 'ii to rat's'y the 'demands of na ture. For some this Is all r'ght, but for the major ty of folk a c rla n amount of MiigHi and Htnrch Is uecxarr. Children mIkmjM not l.e deprived of th's kind o. fond. Kven for tho poor it Is ecouoni icnl to provtdo a s'tnple do-snrt In arrang n' for a dinnor, plan t light dnxai-rt when the rest of the men' s to be sub-tant at. On the other hand. h n the main part of the dlnnt r is t Im I'ght, lft the d -snort bo hot and sub stantial. For example, if the tlrst part of l lie meal eons'sla of cold meat and vegetables, or a ha-ih aud una vegufa b'e, s. rre a hot apple pu Id nj'for des sert, A good one can bu nitti'e of a pint of flour, pr pared ns for ereaiu-of-tarta b wen it, rolk-d th-n and tilled with par and qutirteretl apples, then steaim-d foi two hour, and served niolu s; o ugar same. Or, the applet may b put into a atewpan with a little watei ard sugar, or a little ni"las-s. u we for a few mlnn'eo. eovered with tit biscuit dough, and Cooked for abon. twe.ity m'. n ii to longer. So sauce wil I need-d with this pudding. Noth'n; could b cheaper, and it will be verj ps'a'al'lu and wholesome. : Apples may bo added to bolted sag or tapioca, w th a ph-as'ng result, foal a cuj ful of e ther tap'oca or sngo ii three unfiil of cold water over n ght then cook it in a double toiler for hat. an hour. .Add to Ihe contents of itu boiler one cupful of sugar, half i. tea spo inful of salt, and twoiinrtof j are nnd quarter! apples. Bake In a u l din! 'r nn no,,r "n ' 8 'pmrter. Cool slightly, and s -rve with or w'tlion ngar and cream or m Ik. These pn f d.nga are so siuip'e tlmt thry will no' hurt even an invalid. Uovd lluuae-keeiinq. FEEDING NEW CORN. . A ConvaHlrnt and, l'ilr Ortala Condi I Inn a, Arirlaabla Prartlre. In the great pork-pro luoin States i' In a common and a convenient practice to fod corn to hogs a it '. drawn fron the Held. The corn need not be husket so clean as w hen it is to lie cribbed fot soma months, and all Uie labor and ex iense of cribb'ng is saved. 1 have fet new corn In this way t my hogs. eipc'inllv tho-e b.-ing fattened for mar ket, quite largely for a score of years, mid have never b en able to discovei the bsd eTects wh't-h some c!aim follow from feeding the new corn. I have had no di.-eae among my swine for nine teen years, although at some4.ii witlr in ptercn f tli'i e yenrs sw'.ne diteoa, has ragml viol fitly in my neirtiborhoo.l nn 1 hog on adoin'ngfarms have "died like flies." ' I 'imm.'sny bog on rel clover; and aa the clover fads !n th fall ami 1 begin ftedingcoin. I use ohi corn 1 11 tha hogs have oome to ful. feeding. Then 1 change gradually to new corn and feed it altogether until w th'n ten days of mrtrk -tini when 1 revert to old corn. At ail times I an particular to supply my hog regub.rly with salt, and tontiiinonslv w"th ashes and chnrcoat: but whon feeding new corn I am all the more parl'eular abon! these supp! e. I do not feel the new e rn until it hns ripenH almost enough to allow of its being crib!,ed. Feeding new corn is so conven'ent that I think It at advisable practice, and, if the feed n is judiciously done, I bel'eve il lo be perfectly snfo. Another, and often a very material ga'n derive! from fext ng new corn is. that there is no los from the deprrdat'on of raU and mi-e, wh'ch can hardly bo prevented when tho crop has to be kept Cor. Aitutrican AgriculturUt. REST, SWEET REST. . How a Mothrr-la-tCtw Won tha Rspa of Her lsn(thtr 11 n hand. A great many stor'es have bein told about men who had no nse for their mothers-in-law, hence an except' on to tho g.meral ru le is very refreh"ng. I don't want to hear or r ad any thing d'sparaging to niothers-:n-law," said Judge Pcterby to his young friend. llof-tetter Mcjinnis. What nirikes yon talk in that eccen tric sort of a way. Judge?" "I'll toll you why. My. wife has awed mo almost to death e. cr since we were married. Last week I invitnl her mother to come and Ihe with nV "Man alive! Have you lost your scnsosP" Not much. You stw they don't strrec Thev ' fitrht each other all dav long, and l am cn'oying a sen son of heavenly rest My wile is sot rixlqnar relinz all day long with her mother. that when I come home there is nothing left over for me. try. that motlier-m erfectly safe as long as sha is in Uie house. She is a treasure. J he next man I hear abns'ng mothers-in law has ?;ot me to fight I only wish I had three or four of them in the house. Then I'd feel perfecily safe." Texas titjl.nga. -.. To wash lace curta'ns nso tepid rain water sulicient to cover the cur tains. Soap thorn thoroughly. Use no ?carline or any wa-dung powder. Let them lie for one or two days, gently squeezing them in the water Irom time to time. Wring with a wringer, if you nave one, 11 nor, geniiy press me uiriy water out Rinse in two hi no waters. Use boiled star- h. Instead of ironing them p:n tho euges carefully to sheets la'd down in an unused room, and you will bo del ghted with the result Thu llouseho a. At - the time Mrs. Skeetnp at tempted to hang heri'iL at the Augusta House a small boy wa grinding the ice-cream freezer. - VVKen the alarm was given he did not trve, hut kept turning the crank. Cojte and help," some one shouted. "I can't," was the reply: "I've only got tfteen minutes to freeze this cream," and he did not sUr. The almostetrangb-d woman was carried past him. but Hill he kept up his work, not being affected in the least This is what may be cie4 a tstriidng example of devotion to fluty. &enne bee (Me.) Journal. : . ; AColombus (O.jj divorce because her ; " - . thabit of yawning bV . .mtortnec - ' . IMPURE WATER. Rpldatnle Trai-eahla ta tha Pollalad Goa- dltlaa of frlvata Wslla, It Is a common belief that when a ell Is dug pure spring water, oor,ing from the ground, is obtained; that is true In the c:te of artesian wells; but, although oswiblc, is rarely the case with ordinury surface well, and under this name are embraced all wells not more than fifty feet deep. The water obtained front the wells Is merely the water which ha fallen on the sur face fif the earth in rains, and has jer colated the soil and become collected in this excavation. It is called eroutid water. Even granting that some of lhs water may Ie spHng water, some of It must b the results of drainage, and the amount of this will depend iiiwm the rain-fall, and the character of tho Soil. A moment's reflection will show that wells must act as drains to the surrounding soil. Just as a wet field may be drained by digging one or more trenches into which the soil may drain and lie carried away, so, when a deep trench or well is dug, the water in the surrounding soil will necessarily tend to drain into it This ia not only a rtiat- 'er of reasoning, but a mattt-r f expe- lence. The following ease is reported: "In consequence of tlj escape of the contents of a barrel of petroleum, or benzine, which been buried, a cir cuit of wells, sixty feet Iks low, and two hundred and fifty or three hundred yards distant became so affected that i Ue occupiers of fifteen houses, contain lug eighty-two inhabitants, were for tn ' lays unable tnse the water for cook- inz or arinlunfr. nhen wells . first dug in rural districts, the water is pure and may remain o for a long time.' Fortunately, the oil possesses some power of purifica tion, and although tha water may re ceive polluting matter on the surface jf the ground, some of this m3tt Is Jf ained, mechanically, by filtration, and other ortions may be deoom posed and taken up by growing pi an Is and trees. Bnt this power of the soil is limited. When the sources of pollution ire constant and numerous, aa in pities, from privies, cesspools, slop-" water, offal and the manure of domes tic aniiaals, . and, sometimes, train, leaky and imperfect sewers amL-- "'""" the soil becomes 'filth sodden, : filth Is carried deeper and deeper finally it appears in our dnnkin ter. Sanitary literature is 1 instances of the outbreak" epidemics of diarrhoea, ty , fever and cholera; which been traced to the drinking of . water thus polluted; and. even tho,. tha city may go through ooa or more years epidemics, it not a pleasant thought for the inhabitants to indde in, that they are drinking the drainage cd their privies and eesa-pools. And yet they must realize the idea that their wells are, and must be,' drains for the surrounding grounds, with idljts con tents that are capable of solution in water. Science can not tell as that in a given water is charged Uie poison of a definite disease, but it can tell ns that it has received the product of decaying matter from animal sources, and. again, that such water is dangerous to health. Dr. K. F. Mack, in Sanitary Monitor. The most powerful telescopes now In nse magnify 2,000 times. As the moon is 240,000 miles from the earth, it is thus practically brought to within 120 miles, at which distance the snowy. aks of several lunar mountains are distinctly visible to the naked eye. Boston Budget. - . The present cost of operating the railways of this country by steam Is $502,000,000, but to transport the same tonnage, nsing men and horses, would cost $11,306,600,000. That is to say, a return to old methods would render commerce practically impossible.--- Philadelphia Prttx. WANTED HIM BAD. Aa Ka-Cang-raasawa Appllas far a Paaitlot and Get Ik - An unpretentious man entered the office of the proprietor of a great daily newspaper. - "Well. sir. what can I do for on?' "I have come, sir, to ask "or a posi tion as editorial writer on your pape' "I don't think there is room fo j other man, still, using a homelj phras-, , we are ever on the look-out for good timber. Have you done much news paper work?" - "None, sir." "But you thiuk that you eas S-Jirtn public sentiment, eh?" . ; "No. sir." "Then why do yon ask for a pi a "On account of my fitness." V "r "Of your fitness? But what yonr fiincss consist of ? , t ' "My absolute ignorance." "Yon are sorely a peculiar n Want a position, as editorial wt because yoa are absolutely ignoran "Yea. sir." ' "But of what nse is an absolutely norant man? What would vou propose to do?" . . ; "Write articles on the tariff.' The proprietor caught a quick breath, placed one hand on the table to steady himself, and . .said: . "Of course I want you. but I aui-sarpris-d to see that yoc have resigned your sent in Congress," Ark tnsaw Traveler. A bull recenUy walfce.1 upon the railroad track near M id.son. Cj nn.. and wouldn't get o:f wuen- the--" tra'n ame along. Rather ilisf conclusions with tuie bca-."t the en? stopped his train and sent one brakemcn forward to drive the from Uie track. The brafcem; eminently successful, bat he tsr coat tals never before came P ' "trg punctured by a bnlls h . did on that occasion. He aU. ' :- r : :" ; A recent funeral ic ! announce! by handbills ? '. lows: "There will he a TK . at Frogmore, the grand moth ra. All are invited to " abundance, free ; , - '. alL" i The pap' I ' v lof, the ...