The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 04, 1888, Image 4

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zzi of
tt Frlacijal Evei
AmWw I?iihei and Marv llenn
aere eirowued Ttliile crossing Crow
""yer in a boat at DoUuo, Mich.
The factory and warehouse "ot the
CUire Srtsh & Dexr Corrirvany, at
:tt Claire, Wis., burned. Loss. $100,'
vjOO; insurance, f 60,000.
Hear-Admiral Charles Stewart Baggs
then! at rtew Brunswick, N. J., it par-
a'.vsis and general debility. He leave
James Cumrnmgs, manager ol the
es.nniiereial agency, committed sui
cide at Davtou. Ohio, by shooting, lie
had bt-eu dtjaiinsr. heavily at bucket-
C. 8. Werttner. known a a crack
tijjreou shot, haa absconded with f 5000
belonging to the Waterly Building
Association, of which he waa the ee
Will English, coloml, living !ti Bon-
ham. Texas, stabbed hia wife near the
heart three tiroes. He then stabbed
himself in several places, inflicting
fatal imnriea, , The cause wasjeal-
William Bullock, an employe of
the West Shore railroad at Newark,
Wavne countv. New York, ahot his
wife four timea with a revolver, killing
her instantly. He then ahot himself,
inflicting a fatal wound.
A terioua cutting affray took place
in the suburbs ol Fort Pmith, Ark.
Listie Poser, a lewd woman, stabbed
Josie Martin in the breast fatally for
nrK-axinff against her in the Police
court. Mrs. Posey is in jail, and Joaie
Martin will die.
Phillip Held, a young farmer living
fourteen miles west rf Lemars, Iowa,
shot and instantly killed hia mother,
and shortly afterward committed sui
cide. The trouble which existed for
some time in the family culminated
in a t quabble over selling a horse.
Hardy Foy, colored, was lynched at I
Bessemer, Alabama, for an attempt to
rape a girl 15 years of age. 1 he town
is surrounded by armed negroes, who
threaten to bum the house and kill
the citiiens to avenge the lynching of
Seven children in less than two
years is the record ot Mrs. Phoebe
Lynch, of Seymour, Ind., who eigh
teen months ago gave birth to triplets,
and who to-eiav ia the mother of two
bovs and two girls. All seven, with
their mother, are alive a nd well.
The abolition of slavery in Braiil
is progressing with great rapidity.
Hundreds of thousands who were
slaves have been freed in the past few
years, and it is proioeed to set a fixed
and early day when slavery shall
Dexter, the famous trotter, died at
the stable of Robert Bonner, in New
York. He waa thirty years old. He
died of old age and exhaustion. Dtx
ter was the greatest trotter of bis day
He waa the hrst horse to trot a mile in
John Bogard, 16 years old, pleaded
guilty at Kansas City, Mo., to murder
in the hrst degree. He waa sentence!
to be hanged. Bogard held the hands
of James Weir, at Independence, Mo.,
last January, while Charles E. Meyer
struck him on the head, killing him.
Meyer was tried last week, convicted
ana sentenced to be banged
Capt, Uamon Arguilles, of the Mex
ican army, and Adolfo Towesa, clerk
in the 'Mexican national railway
offices, quarreled in a restaurant at
New Laredo, Mexico. At a meeting
subsequently, Arguilles shot Towesa,
wounding him in the groin. The lat
ter returned the fire, killing his antaj,-
. rouceman Clancy found a man
named Chester Williams lying appar
ently- dead on the back porch ot a
hovel in South Helena, Ark. His
head was fearfully bruised either by a
"club or sand bag. He was taken to
the station house, and was partially
restored to sensibility. He says while
he was walking along the levee a man
ran np to him and knocked him in the
At a prayer meeting at a colored
church in Berkeley county, S. C, two
young men got into a row about a
girl. They broke the meeting up.
The preachers and ctrarch officers at
tempted to quiet the quarreling men,
iut they did not succeed. One of the
men, named Brown, drew a pistol and
blew the brain of his antagonist,
Richardson, out right in the church
building. The murderer has been ar
rested and jailed.
A duel between women occurred on
the Island of Corsica. The two vira
goes concerned were named Frances
ca Fortunati and Benoita Pasqualini.
A long and bitter hatred existed be
tween them, and during a quarrel they
agreed that one must die. Stilettos
were the weapons employed, and they
were plied with mad energy ana rap
idity. After a short and sharp strug
, gle Benoita Paequilini fell, stricken
through the heart with her adversary's
Fire broke out in tbe second floor
of a four-etory flat at New York. The
building filled with smoke, the inmates
thought that retreat waa cut off, and,
panic-stricken, endeavored to escape
by the windows. Mrs. Cook jumped
from a third floor rear window into the
. yard, and was almost instantly killed.
Her husband followed her, and also
jumped from the same rear window,
and was so badly injored that he will
probably die. Catherine Mahoney, a
servant of the Cook family was ser
oiusly injured, aa were a number of
A shooting affair occurred at St
Helena, Cal., which will doubtless re
sult in the death of a young man
named Budd Vann. He, with some
companions, were standing near a
house of ill fame, when one of the
crowd threw a-roc'' through the win 1
dow of the house, striking one of the
inmates. Grahasir brother to one of
the woinen of the house, was inside at
the time, and picking ups revolver,
fired into the crowd, hitUtg young
Vann in th abdomen, and inflicting
a fatal wound. He was immediately
" -rested. . . 't v '
- k t L v -i
"'.g'alo professor, the "othef'day
teeing his class atf fak fwf
"gy; wlebone of tlieupilg
" , - ."plfece of VOck :
t - "d what
" - H.hat
legislation Pertaining to tha Interest
f tha Pacific Coast
The house bill for the relief rf the
first National I! ink of Portland, ap
propriating 8249 for money advanced
to the contractor for building a
revenue cutter in 1875 76, was taken
for the calendar, amended by adding
several it ma for shin carpenters, etc.,
in connection with the same contract,
and passed.
The conference report on the house
ioint resolution accepting the tuvita-
tion ol the French republic to take
part in the International exposition in
Pans, was agreed to. It lues the ap
propriation at 1250,000. "
The senate passed a number of pub
lic building bills, anions which was a
bill appropriating w,000 for a public
building at Boulder, Colorado.
The house bill forbidding the mak
ing (in Washington and Georgetown) I
of "hooka or "pools ' on me results oi
trotting or running races, or boat
races, or baseball, was passed.
The committee ou elections sub
mitted its icport in the cane of Frank
vs. Glover, from the Ninth Congres
sional district of Missouri. It rinde
the conteetce, Glover, entitled to the
seat ; placed on the calendar.
Bill were repoited and placed Bpon
the calendar for the erection of a pub
lie building at Cheyenne, Wye, and
increasing the appropriation for the
purchase of a Bile for the public build
ing at San Francis-co.
A resolution providing for investi
gating the strike of the Chicugo, Bur
luiRton jfc Otiincy railroad was rt
ported, and referred to the committee
uf the whole. -
The senate bill granting a pennon
to the widow of Gen. James B. Kick
ets, was amended to $75 per month,
and was passed.
Under the call of States, Dunn in-
introduced a resolution, directing the
committee on merchant marine and
fisheries to investigate the far seal
fisheries of Alaska, and all contracts
by the irovernment for the taking of
fur real. The committee ia also di
rected to investigate and rcirt upon
the nature and extent of the rights
and interests of the United States in
fur seal and other fisheries in Behring
sea, and whether any legislation is
necessary for better protection and
pre ervation of such rights and inter
ests. Also a resolution calling ou tbe
secretary of the treasury fur informa
tion relative to fur seal fisheries in
By Morrow To execute certain
treaty stipulations piohibiling Chinese
immigration. Alo authorising tbe
secretary of the navy to make survey
in the Pacific ocean to determine the
extent and position ot dangers iu tin-
track of commerce and navigation;
and for the purpose of ascertaining
proper locations for submarine tele
graph cables.
By Anderson Directing the attor
ney general to commence judicial pro
ceedings against the Union Pacific
railroad company.
The house passed the bill for relief
ot the Omaha tribe of Indians in Ne
braska, and to extend the time of pay
ment to purchasers of lands of said
The senate committee on education
and labor, order d favorable reports on
the following : Senator Blair a bill to
restrict the sale of opium in the dis
trict of Columbia and the territories
house bill to establish a department of
labor ; senate joint resolution propos
ing an amendment to the constitution
forever prohibiting the manufacture
importation, exportation and sale of
spirituous liquors in the United States.
A Parisian hotel, recently estab-
lih-d, is beinr run on the "American
the interesting assertion conies
from Paris that in the last year the dogs
there killed 1,700,000 rats.
Kinj Kalakaua et the Hawaiian
Islands lias gambled away t'4,000 de
posited by poor people in the Postal
Savings Bank. ,
During the year 1835 twelve deaths
were reported In England from chloro
form, and three from ether. None are
known to have occurred from any other
ana?sthe tic
Word comes of the dcixth of the
Countess Beust, who survived her illus
trious husband only a few weeks. She
was once noted as the most beautiful
woman in Germany. .
A trench lawyer asked a peasant
two frames for a case which he had won
f r him. "That ia dear." said the
peasant "Two francs or nothing;"
said tlie lawyer. "Ah! nothing' suits
me better; good day; much obliged,"
replied the peasant to the surprise of
tie lawyer.
raonrca mabket.
Bui IBS '
Faacj- roil, f ft.
IS ?5
18 & 30
a 36
Ifl o so
14 0 19
a 20
9 8
18 (3 28
Ul . 14
8 (4 10
10 12
4 00
4 00
4 A
Inferior grade
California roll
do pickled
Eastern, full cream
Oregon, do
Calif orala
Eaea Fraah
Drikd Facrrs
apples, qra, eks and bxs...
do California ........
Apricots, sew crop
Paachea, un peeled, new ...
Pears, machine dried
Pitted cbersiea
PIKedpltuna. Oregon
Fig, Cal-. In bga and bxa. .
CaX Prunes, French
Oregon prunes ..
Portland Pat Rollar. Vbbl
$alem do do
ft' hit Lily V bW
Country brand
Wheat, Valley, V 100 fbs . . .
do Walla Walla
Barley, whola. ctl
S 60 3 7
8 bO & i 73
I nm I 38
I 14 1 Itf
I 12
20 On t& 00
47 8
id a 47
1 10 & 1 25
do prouaa, y ton
Oats, choice milling bush
do feed .(rood to choice, old
Bye. w 100 0
Bran. If ton....
Shorts, V ton ,
Hay, ton. baled...'.;
Chop. ton
Oil eake meal V ton
. 18 00 en 00
. IS 00 ($19 00
fl8 00
. n 00 35 00
.! oo (ssa oc
.; I M & 1 60
."" 44)0 4 60
. v 1
Frbsh Facrra
apples, Oregon, 9 box....
Cat-rieS, Xlrecon, If Arm. .
Lsmona, California," bx.
lAmtmrV-100. . .-. . . . . A .
RXrenide anaNa. box. . .
Los Angeles, do do . . .
Peackea, boar ,.,.......
et aaltedAoTer f5 s..:..
j -rtvln hiti. . . . . . . . .
-Jf P ' ,tr-
The greftteht oV J -to
ttitn't aptim In V nnw nvhuf Vr
Frlti." X N
Thus are the Garfield an,.
episodes repeated, and pnblio.
dence in "expert" medical knowkv
l again shakiu.
The effect la a revulsion.
Since the f ital days of 1833, many
ot the doctrines ot the schoolman
concerning exteusive medication have
been abandoned, and all schools of
practice are more and more relying
upon old fashioned simple root and
herb preparations and careful nursing,
the only reliances known to our an
These methods and leliances are il
lustra'.ed to day in a series of old
fashioned roots and herbs preoara
tlons recently given to the world by
the well-known proprietors of amer a
safe cure preparations made from
formula) possessed by many of our
oldest families, and rescued for ihijv
ular use, and issued under tha happy
designation of Warner's
Log (Jabin
Hem edits
"Mr son." exclaimed a yencr.ible
woman to the writer when he was
boy, "my son, you'r jtdler and pale
and weak like look in', you'r nee din' a
good f-haking up with some aas'paril ."
A iug of soring saraapanlla was lust
as necessary in the "winter supplies'
of fifty years ago as was a barrel of
pork, and a famous medical author! : y
says that the very general prevalence
of the use of such a preparation as
Log Cabin Saraaparilla expUins the
rugged health of our ancestors.
hue Warners Log Cebiu Sarsa-
parilla is an excellent remedy for all
seasons of the year, it -is partieulirly
valuable in the spring, when the sys
te-m is full of sluggish blood and re
quires a natural constitutional tonic
and invfgorator to resist colds and
pneumonia, and the effects of a lung
winter Philo M. Parsons, clerk of
the City Hotel of Hartford. Conn
waa prostrated with a cold which, h
says, "seemed to settle through my
body. I neglected it, and the rf on
was my blood became impoverished
and poihoued, indicated by inflmud
eye. I was treated but my eyes grew
worse. I was obliged to wear a shade
over them. I feared that 1 would be
obliged to give up work
"Under the oiieration of Warner'
Log Cabin Surraparilla and Liver
Pills, he says, The sore and i ili.inied
eves diaapieared. My blood, 1 kuow
ia in a heal liner condition thin it ha
been for years. I have a much better
appetite. I shall take several more
lotuea for safety s sake. arnei
Log Cabin Saraaparilla is a great blood
purifier and I most heartily recom
mend it."
A few bottles of Warner's Ig
Cabin Sirsaparilla used in the family
now will save many a week of icknea
and many a dollar of bills. Ue no
other. This is the oldest, moat thor
oughly tested, and the best, is put up
in the largest sarsaparilla Imttle ou
the market, containing 120 doses.
There is no other preparation of simi
lar name that can i qual it. 1 he name
of Us manufacturer is a guarantee of
it superior worth.
While the great doctors wrar.gleover
the technicalities of an advanced med
ical science that cannot cure disease,
such simple preparations yearly
snatch millions from untimely graves.
Rmnnrtlr Basin Whea CoaRnee
Wlthla Certain Limit.
ComparatiTely fw fanners, who raise
nore or le poultry, ever keep an nc
niiut ef expenditures and receipts,
ind so the real condition of the balance
heet is practically unknow. Some
will imagine that the keeping of pout
try resulta In profit while others claim
that "it cost more than it comes to."
A neighboring farmer commenced, on
the first of January. 1&37, with sixty
hen and roosters, and during the en
tire years kept a careful account of all
rxpensi'S and receipts, and waa well
t&tisticd wilh the rvdiilt. Not having
all the figures at hand we ran only
give the general result On the first of
fanuary, 18-SH, he had seventy fowls,
ten more than he started with; had
sold nearly K) worth of chickens,
enough to pay for all the food pro
vided, and had sold between (70 and
SO worth of eggs. In this trial the
feed was of the greatest variety and
given warm, in the morning. loth
Summer and winter. It consisted of
wheat buckwheat corn, oats, meat
scraps, ground bone, line ftn?d. and
meal scahle.l, with condiments of gin
ger, pepper, sulphur, etc. The feed
at night waa eorn and buckwheat. In
this caso the cost of keeping the fowls
fell somewhat below what is generally
considered an average. We have no
ticed a good many records of the cost
of keeping fowls, and the average did
not fall a great way below one dollar
per he id, but in this case the cost varied
tut little from eighty cents per head.
Nor has any mention been made of
the manure that can be accumulated
from a flock of sixty fowls when upon
their roosts if properly taken care of.
But of course this would serve as an
offset to the time spent in caring for
the same.
. The poultry business, when confined
Within certain - limits, may without
doubt be made a profitable branch of
farm industry, and anyone knows that
there is always a healthy demand for
fresh eggs in preference to those thai
have already been shipped a long dis
tance and.arw of a doubtful harartar.
Mrs. Henry Jones, of Bridgeport,
Conn., is the only surviving child of
Noah Webster. Sftie is 'eighty-two
years old, bright and interesting, and
her mind is pet f aetly clear. Hartford
Victoria has made arrangements
to celebrate the jubilee, of Congrega
tionalism in Octobe-r, 188a It is ex
pected that the churches of Australia
and New Zealand will be represented,
and that delegates . will be sent out
from the home churches.
A Startling Boiiatu Prspoaleion.
A little orer aix week ago Mrs. Fowlar ot 337
Etlli street, San Francisco, stopped la at a leading
city dragfftst's to ask what effect Joy's Vegetable
SsrssriarllU, sbont whichhe bsd beard so mneta
recently, would r-aTein raMsoKdytpeps's sad sick
headache. 8 be w-anred that in njo-t esse it
would relieve both. Sbe waa, however, so increda
loa that finally the drninjist Rave her a bottle, not
to be paid for nnleat It effected a care.- A eroDdsl.
Hon so stsrUingly practical has seldom, it ever be-i
ors, own nna, i ne louowing jnstxeeeivea is the
onTiacinK conclusion, and tells its own story:
Bar Francisco, Febrnsrr 8. 1888.
Saaa Bzai
I -1 write to admit that, nctwlfantand-
n ury miairivlnKS,
did all that voa pe
neeaortstlsna. to,-nothing
M. to
the Interest of Fanner
and Stockmen.
In inaj:y '-roet show
gum at the i , i , Mv all
here is gum close rH
n sight A channe-1
upper tarit wnlcli the w...
hatched, diga to the groundri
, i. i -t. - i
man an iticii or so long, auonirifc; :
the egg was laid near the grout;'.
For four or five inches below ground
there ia a mass of gum and the worm
dug small holes and short channels in
the bark of the main root, cau-dng
gum to exude largely. You will often
tind that mall roots, ptitlitii; out near
tlio hate, that are U nder, have been
all etUn aud need culling away. 1
you watch, as the gum is cleared away
the worm will bo easily fount), but if
not careful the worm may be lost iu
the mass ot gum. Ihe safe way is to
dig the gum out with a email wooden
shoxel made of a shingle and throw it
off out of the way, so the worm will
die. Motal is better than an iron
knife, aud it does not hurt the root.
Dig freelt earth and park ' it well
around the roots, and your tree will
do betUr than if the cum ia left nai
it Clean and scrape the roots so no
gum will adhere to them.
YY hen the worm is smatl and found
between the gum and the tree, a dash
tf hot wate r would probably kill it and
would not injure the tree, but if the
worm ia inside the bark, hot water
would do no Rood. Tho surest and
beet way is to dig away the dirt, clear
away the gum, kill the worm aud
rcrape away the dirty mcasttf gum and
calings. This leave the tree clean
and well cultivated around the root
and the work ia not threwn away
w line me tHirer imuaiiy works in
young trees, it sometimes kills older
trees, and as many aa twenty fellows
three quarters of an inch long have
be-on found in tree, which - their
channels under Ihe bark had thor
oughly girdled. They are often found
in toots of prunes grafte 1 on i eat h
e-secially if a small sprout has grown
I rom it toots.
A grove ol limea comprising only
four acres and a half, nerr Hmdfotd,
f la., netted its owner f 12,000 last sea
t4- a a
mo ciii'uie oi i lie apple and pear
is on the decline in lllinoix. Ihe
ireea ol me oiti orcliarda are dead or
dying. Few new orchards are being
Kvery trace of tbe Colorado beetle
has been destroyed in Uermany by the
timely ue of disinfectant and tilling
of the fields in a hu h they first ai
A full third of the territory of the
Unit, d S ates is a sheep pasture o)
the most favorable character. Texas
represents the highest money value
iu rhtep, aud the most exteneive
ranch" are there.
Look over the peas and beans for
weevils. Placing the seed iu a vessel
of water for a few hours, aiding a tea
spoonful of blue vitriol to each gallon
ol water, would be an advantage
1 be seed should be carefully picked
At the Iowa college farm, the eighty
two acres of corn which were put into
a silo, gave the equivalent of sixtv-
rive tons of prime clover aud timothy
hay, according to President Chamber
lain. Hut the drought operated to
prevent a good grewtu of h.ey, so that
the com waa really a very profitable
A hoed crop should he a part of the
regular rotation on all farms, for ihe
reatem that such a creip requires close
cultivation, and when removed leaves
the ground clean. Unless this be done
the weeds will at some timo tike poa-
Fession of the fields, though much
benefit will result fr jm the use of the
cultivator if a corn crop is grown.
oneoi ine oest tilings to breMit a
Volt is a common sulky rake. The
machine is strong, with wide shafts.
and there is no danger of kicking out.
and it cannot be turned over; back
ing does not hurt, and by putting tbe
teeth down you can get some draft If
you have frethly plowed ground it is
all the better.
A good cow should yield 3C5 pounds
of butter a year, allowing for the lime
she is dried i ff. This yield is seldom
secured fiom each animal in a dairy
.herd, but it is not impo-siMe, as su-di
yield has leen greatly execedeni. By
using the bin Ut producing brt-eds,and
ueuirg lor tbe Highest possible pro-
tiuclt tii, the profits iroru a herd may
oa doubled.
The disease of scaly leg, caused by
an insect which is identical with the
insect causing itch in ihe human fam
ily, may becur-d by rubb ng the parts
with an ointment made by mixing
cqu:il pnrta of sulphur, lard and kero-
acne. An application about once
week will be tutli. icnt, when the sub
stance will t'egin to ptel off.
A good pi in ftr butter packing:
Nfuke three gallons of brine that will
bear up an egg; add a quarter of a
poutm ot goexi a lute sugar and one
tabh spoonful of saltpetre. the
brine, let it get cold and strain it
Wrap up rolls of butter nicely in clean
muslin and tie with a string. Then
pack the rolls in earthen jars and put
a weight on them. Lastly fill up the
jars with brine till the butter is all
Wheat fed whole to laying fowls
and wheat screenings or cracked
wheat fed to young chicks have al
way produced the most desirable n
suits, though it must be remembered
that they muet not be fed in the eame
quantities as corn, or preparations o
corn. Tbe tendency of wheat is t
produce a healthy growth, feed the
muscular tissues, and aid materially
iu causing the hens to lay often aud
rich egs.
Artificial Rubies.
At the Faris Academy of Sevnce's
meeting M. Frcmy read a memoir on
the researches which he has made with
M. Verneuil to artificially protltice
ruhj. An alumina cruciide was used,
so as to avoid the presence of silica,
which has tlie effect of imparting a
lamellar structure to the product.
Under such conditions, with alumina
separated from calcium fluoride by a
perforated platinum septum, they have
obtained perfect cstals of alumina,
which, being colored with traces of
chromic acid, were " an . exact counter
part of thq; natural stone. Scientific
Amiricarii .2- . - -
Aa ling. jis we
haver veason able
-giJ1tU!r"p?U',i.wan we 4tct oll .eomtoVtable;. tuft It is
SlOni'stvnle- after. -Jaxurics that fills
.ietv with nistres Tnml 1-ir.iinatil as
isonsaafseuids Kiuvirefl's of lieuiKlSrofDja."kin 'n4aood dlca' from Pimple to
' rk inittl: "'"Dissaii i'sfied with a plain I SoldeTerywhero. MCtmcmMiy 8oap,
An tCittttlithman has iH-orerd tlia annlnnt
rorihyry qnnii-io-, whera tlm llamui gljtultm i
bunion fuimd In thvlr (tmout bu-IJItm".
Hie qimrrio ar nlnetrlf ttillv from the Nil
aud 3, boo foot abuva tl laval ol tlx aaa.
The broad Atlantic, I sr a stormy thor
HKlifare. Yet blow the winds evar aonerosljr,
ii ril the waves avar so loftllv. seaman tiiuxt
man Uin
ood ships, tour will brave thetias-
ami commercial travelers and buyers
must visit tue rentms of forelvn trade and
niMiiufnotura, That atrocious malady, sna-xluk-moms,
tiiffetlier with eollckr pains ami much In
ward uiit-SHlmiHi is endured when Hfw
linter's HUimach Hitters Would have (ortlltod
lit! voyaaers against them, rina oaptalmt, ami
Nvtalluid sail and veteran travelm-s are
nld with th pmlectivetvalue of th'aas
xreventlve and remedy, and are rarely
1 w ith it. KitilKranU to the far WmI
- . safeguard Klut malaria,
i , Hllra for ilVHiMineia. oon
-Jnlnt, kidney troublns and
all ai.. t tha harmonious and
l(oru'au t ,( .m ' 's'm powers.
Itbt said tha.!
v.i i!vit a ormv
Ha in whluh to
i -t : require as
TltB n.TINO Iei. '
A rlthlv fronted outverlr- 1
A Dream of Lite screen raleitu
ported Ideal head. An imported 1 vin- I
now arena and a full set of magic
floral rartla. Fourteen arttatio piw-.:- -Merit
to anyona who will buy f-om a drii-K-tat
a Im of the genuine 1R O. M'Uxti
C'ki KBitATKu Livaa I 'ills tprlce Hi eta.)
and mall ua the ontalda wrapper tmin the
box with 4 cents in stamps. Write your
addrena plainly. FLKatiNO Baoa., I'lTTS
nuHon, ,
The anmra, whon
very brlitht Indloates
stormy weaihrr.
lira, ivtera had IIIk,
hint. IVtnra hail nbilta
Mr. Peters was sura sh was kolnv to diet
res k
They doeed her
With retnediea wet, and with ronulieadry .
With ixiwdeia and suoilla.
Many meoicine lured her.
u.. ..r l..n MMMU i
VI .,.,.(,. V.,., Hill.
Their name and tbtdr auuibor nobody eottld
And she aonn tnliththave died.
Hut soul "I'eJleO" were tried.
Tr-t arted like niaa-lo. ami then she ant well.
The uiaa-in "'IVIIet." wera lr. I'lnrtw Mi-U-
ant Purjatir I'ell. W (Ihe o-l(lnal I.lltle L,Wer
llllnl. They eurnd Mr. I'eleia, and now aha
wuuhla I be without them.
Them are thousands of bushels of ncoans o
inf ut aaie tn taatau l erniory
l.lver'CMI an tpmunt of It -nnnhiesent tfata
1 his dlllleulty haa been ove'wma In Mrsll's
r:wtniBin or tjoa uvnr eju wttn rtrix)tr,o
Phlbi. It Imiui aa palalable aa Milk, and lite
tiMiet valuable runtrdy known for the trxatmnnt
of t'oneiiiiipuon. Herof ula and HratK-hitia, (Jen
era! Iteralily. Waatiua Piseama of Children,
t'hmnlo t oimhs and t old, ha caused physl
rlan in alt -parte of tha world to tue it. f'hy
n our utile pailenta take 11
Try Sooti s Kiuulaion ul M eon
The first cotton factory la America waa es-
tabllshed at Kast llridicewater, Maaa In 1TST.
Puffer liicxineaa. IndlKeattoa, Inflammation f
the rye., lasMltuile. In -b itty to per
form mental work and imtl-HKMltioa ror nouiiy
lalHir. and annoy anil diaaruet your frt.d and
aequnintiinoM aiih your naaal twana-and oHVu-
elt e breath and roiuitaBt ettort to cl wn
mm and thnt, when lr. eVaaVa "Catirrh
Itetnedy" will promptly relieve yon of discom-
fort and sii'lerina. an
id your liieiHH or ine
iruMina and neadl
auuia dbnaae
inhictions of your loatlta-
A an' Id cut laa bed liter, d. rlohlr worked
was lately made at Mlrmlua-ham. aUialand. for
a Calcutta uiUiionalre.
rLEi itisr ri'REii.
KtxoHTOK, Ontario, December 7, 1SH5.
Six years ago I osught a severe cold
whila standing In an ice house with my
coat on. 1 felt myse-lf getting chilly and
went to the houe, where I shook for half
an h jur and then bad high fever and ter
rible pain in my side and through tnv
lung. I put an Aixcock's 1 orous
lr. aster on niv ttai-k and one on tha front
of my cheat, and In m abort time the nin
rierreaaed and I fell aaleep. and did not
wake till tha next morning, when I waa
again quite as well a ever. In telling my
doctor about It, he aald I had been at
tacked with pleurisy and, poanibly pneu
ntoula. K. H.
T preaorv the elaatiolty of Ind a rubber
wash it are or sis time a year with aluthUr al
kaline water.
"For year I ha ve had a ears! trouble amonnt-
ng to nounnsr abort nr consumption. I saw
how olhei ia like condition had been enred by
thatiseof Ir. I'ier-se' Uirfilen Medical lllaoor
ery, and nwolved to teat its merit in my own
ow. 1 he reeull-t are so peiM a hardly to re-
uire a ftiWor or any auyer nient In favor of
his orute it doe nirl It elaiml It
Settds up the ayvteni, supports nd atrenKdirns
wnereoiners lalL It a-u: "ly recovery,
which I. now on a sure foaa-Mttoa. Atiwes en
tirely on the SMifMit of thia wonderful Iteator-
at He, havina; tried other reuediea without a
btt ol reUuf."
According to statistic there are In India M.-
IHJ,t.&S widows, of whom nearly nineteen mil
lion were under nine year of aire.
Ir TDL'R LIVIR Is out of order, then rone
whole avatnm ia deranireil, and you need
llobb LJU1 V enetable fills to our you.
Thsse remplalnlaa; or 8ore Throat or
Itoaranuess should us "Brown's HronrhM
Tr-K-hr: I he rtT'-ct is estranrdinary, nartlmi-
larly when used by sino-er and snkera whan
vleai Ing the voice. Sold only in base:
Plan's Cure for Consumption la the beat Cough
Medicine. If yon don't believe It. take a doao.
ij oiuagiais, zoo. a ootue.
iTCRtne mn.
vwrrous Mol.n,re: Intense tubln and sUnatn. at ilht; won by Mwatchln. If alluwad to euo
' ttnoa tumors fiirm. which often blewl and ak-maie.
beo.UiS nrf SnfW. BmTliB'l OlMfHINT Btopa Ui
Kama mw uwiin, aiwii uwrnuan. aoa in nany
eanes rvinovea tbe tumota tt Is initially meacti.iw In
curio all Hbtn Inaewwa. DR. HWAVNK a HON,
Prtmrietor. Pbiattel4ua. bWAVMB's Ointmbhv eaa
o ootainsa ot arucstat. Ba by nail fur au Uael.
Be Anti -ell IMano advertisement.
Try Okkbiba for breakfast.
Oanelllns Improves aad
There aro 3UO.O0J. OOO of worn.
now on this planet who have only th
Buddhist hope of being born again io
men instead of toads or snakes. Then
tro feO.OOet.OOO of women in Moslen.
'i.-ti em. There are uncounted uiillio i
f mon and woinen and children grow
ing up .'it moat degraded superstition
tnd siifTeriiig in mind, body and estab
from inherited customs. In the nam
f mere philanthropy and secula
.irudoiice. Christian missions ought U
eceivo a support immediate, abun-
ant. nermanent. unflinching.
A cotinl ryiuan, who una Deen on a
visit to London, on returning home,
remarked that he never saw so many,
trees in his lifo as he saw in Piccadilly.
This led to a dispute and a bet, when
the countryman, being cullod upon to
name the trees he saw. replied, "Axle
trees." A young man in Caribon, Me., gave
two yonng ladies a rido to singing.
chool and left thom there to got home
tho best way they could, while he re
turned with his best jJrL The next
time tho two slighted damsels met tha
fellow they gave him such a flogging
that he was laid no for several da vs.
and scalp diseases, with loss of hair, from
infancy to old aaa, ar speedily, economically
and permanently cured by the Cuticura Kem
KDlae, when all other remedies and method
fa.L .
e'rnoCRA, the great Sh a Cure, and Cu-rtcu
RA Soap, an exquisite 8klu Beautifler, prepared
from it. externally, and Cutiouha Huni vmr
-th hew Blood Purifier, internally, oure every
J5o.; KBSOLWirT, $1. Prepared by u rlOTri
On af tha Sloit otnbl Charaetarlt!e
of tha CurreMt I)fdi.
The condescension to literature atn
to tlie stugti it one of tha notable char
apterbtic of this agroalila tlnta. . Wi
have to admit that literature la ratlnti
the fashion without tha vlolunt pre
munptloii that the author aud the
writui have the snine social positimi
that Is conferred by money, or by the
ntya urlous virtue there Is In pedigree.
A penoii does not lose caate by uiug
i ho pen, or tven by taking the not
needed pay for using it
To publish a book or to have an
trtielo accepted by a magazine may
t;lve a sort cd social distinction, either
-ts an exhibition of a certain unex
pected capacity or a social eccentriei-
y. it is naruiy too ration to any mat
t has twronio the fashion to write, ns
t ued to be to danca f
''-t well,
stand a
t uv tu use mo uroauswit
"lleiiianlr mill w! . Unowned
!-!(-r Ot course, w at not t
",! profttssioual' v otiht
- to prepare for f by study
hd serora dUclpll .'titling for
it as for a trade, bu . jf to toss It
off easily, as one ut ill, or pays
a eorapliinont oif-J ' jur-iu-hand.
One does not v I Te that in
terior Impulse .f.. ' fives a poor
devil of an author tj ' ires himself.
that something i- S
hicli torments
' i ritniility un-
tho iet Into ef
less he can be i
hunger for faru
at nobla
i from a
i if vital
- is O
consciousness '
thought and t
this coudeso
which we spe
ii It K
MdoeS j
Ity of soon I
lose either a enpanutfy or a e. .
There Is no mystery about t i
One resolves to write a book.
might to take a journey or to
on the piano, and the thing w
Every bdy can write, at least
bdy does write. It Is a wond.
time for literature. The Queen of i - j
gland writes (or i tha Queen uf U.i 1
mania wriUta for It, tbe Shah of Feral,
wrote for It, Lady llrassey. tha yacht,
woman, wrote for it. Congressmen i
write for It, Peers write for it The
novel la the common recreation of
ladies of rank, and where is the young
woman In this tountry who has not
tried her hand at a romance or made a
cast at a popular magazlneP The ef
fect of all this upon literature is ex
parsive and joyuu. Superstition
about mystery in th art haa nearly
disappeared. It is a common observa
tion that if persons fall in every thing
else, if they are fit for nothing else,
they can at least write. It is such an
easy occupation and the remuneration
Is in such disproportion to the expendi
ture! Isn't it indeed the golden era of
letters? If only the letters were goldl
There wants nothing but a belief"
lir prayer to turn the promise into a
.'-The passion of acquiring riches in
order to support a vain expense cor
rupti the purest souls.
There ts no Christian duty that is
ot to be seasoned and set off with
cheat f allies. Milton.
Mt Is a great mercy to enjoy the
gonj-el of peace, but a greater to enjoy
tha rsace of tha gospeL
Yhen a great truth really fills the
mind It naturally aeeks to find expres
sion In speech. It la then more diffi
cult to restrain one's self from speak
ing tbaa it is to speak.
II tiod tells us any tbing, we ac
cept it as' sure, unquestionable. Infalli
ble truth. If he vails any thing we de
sire to leave It vailed, for the flmit of
revelation is the limit of our faith.
the piety that dins smiles upon
Is a piety that will stand a pinch, and
face a storm; that would rather eat an
honest crust, than fare sumptuously on
unholy gains; thnt gladly gives op its
couch of ease to sally ou on its mission
among the outcasts; that sets its Puri
tan face 1 ke a flint against fashionable
sina Our Young reopte.
Like tho nir. the church must press
equally upon all tho surface of so
il oty; like the sea, flow into every
nook of the shore-line of humanity;
like tha sun, shine on things foul and
low at well as fair and hiirh; for she
was organized, commissioned and
enuiprKHl for tho moral reformation
of tho whole world. Vishop Simpson.
On a tiovcrnor street car ypt-tcr-day.
Young married man In forcible
tones "I tell you I am boss of my
house, anil what I say there goes.
Passenger on next seat leans over and
remarks: "lieg pnnion; but U your
wife at homer ltuing married man.
iu Ii: forcible tones: "No, ahts in
the country." Evcryltody in tho or
smiled out loud. Frovulcnef. JburHal.
J. II. natlA. An-aj cr and Anal tlral
I'hrailst, Laboratory. 100 first C FerUand.
or. Analye mane or all substance. Kale
for aaBaytn- irold and silver ore SI. AO. Hac
ac sent by mail or expreaa prompUy attended
lo, sua return mue.
coifBTmrnon btjbxlt cuexd.
To the Editor:
Ileaae inform ytrar readers that I have a po
IU ve remedy for the above named disease. By
it Uaiely nse thousands of hopnlees cases have
been permanently cured. I shall he ftlad to
send two botUea of my remedy pkkk to any of
your maaon wno oav ooosanipuon lx uiey wui
wa me uie&r r.xpre ana tr. J. aacire t.
T. A. 8LOCUM, M. ex. 181 Peari Bt, New York
Eruption on the Chin and Comfort after
MR. MITrHEIX: -After we.Hot lone beard for
aim tint I baa it taken oft A vary troubieaom
KKUr-rioK appeared on my chin. It wa qnlt d.
sgrreabl to otbsn aa wl myself, bom called It
Hart-! Iteh. My atteution being eal ed to your, iyriuN, i save it a trial, it entirely urea u
ruptlon. An application of th Lotion just before
aha.tnv aanire oomf.irt and eaie in that operation aal
preevnU orencM and tendernees afterwards. 1 bar
used It tor many ailment In my family, aad always
with tu moat satisfactory results.
Th Mtoto Lonea can b had at any drug or coun
try ator. prio 60 tent pr botlM. IIpot. 1064 How
ard street, Haa francuHo.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator.
Try it, and prove the best is the cheapest.
Wakelee tc Co.. San Francisco.
a strrBKioa aaKBST roa
An all Throat and Lon Trouble.
Said by all arra;Iata rr W'-ts.
J. R. CATES , CO.;
raoraiaToaa, v
ll78aiseaieHt. BAH PRANt '
r r in r aw (FN - 1
tta sue tor estclkmes pr an la ajttllnns of bom f
im than ituarvi ol eMUuy. It - d by J
L nimt Hub IknmanHil Kudorwd hf tbe beads of
ttxUreat Lnleri'te utb. 8t,'me.-, forwrtaort now
llmittitul. Iw. fries' Oream liaksnf rowdae d ao
neMta Aromonli, 1-lme r Alum. H- hi u a
sa roaa. . cateaoo. wa
catap n H
.1 frTrtir.
aaa wtu. evaa
By Cains
I'Ul'IK Kll M E a .
UUUillll Wiaaltaill
. A prttHatarv'ld'oef ''"'''-
Ma Mi ew-.t at drasyln ; by ssaU, reit 0 awiax
t1 hSUtTliX&a a OeMawtah Swwrt, t
Tha OLEm KiBlCUf U the WOELDTk
la Prebably 2r. Uaaa Tsonpsoa's 4J
raX I a arefaliy prepared pbyidetan's pn
a4 aa bee ta emiMut aa fur aatiy .
s 1 eea-ttbandi& u auiny caber prepari
aar baaa totcxlneed tsto tb aouiiee, U
' artiel Is eAtauty l.-iruia U tl r d
.a-.l I wiU eer tM W partial
alwatiwa el phnhKao t l aanta
-aioa. Seas at t.. TltoY. S. Y.
II B1f tf ba ( vsa anlver
I tal aattafacttoa la the
i vs.Nj cars of Oeoorrba and
1 0lact, I prescrlb Hand
- tt sal la reoommenoV
. Id It to all mnrT.
.junw.- " s. J. CTOEsL IJ.
0r. III.
HlbM. .
iawaea - -'
each year. ..
elopedia of ti. 1
m ailoo for all vm
chae the humries or t 1
Beeeaaltiea of lite. Wi
eaa elotne row and furniah you with
all tha aeoeeaary and nnneoesaary
applianeaw to vide, walk, daaoa, sleep,
eat. fish, hank, work, go to church,
or stay at home, and in various alses,
styles and quantities. Juat flsure out
what is required to do all th thine
COWFORTISlf, and you eaa make a fair
estimate of the value of tbe BUYKBa
GUIDE, which will be sent upon
receipt ef lO sent to pay postage,
111-114 aiiehicaa Avenue. Chicago, IU.
The Oregon National Bank
or FonxLArsn.
trims sibi Human rihniTHiis t '!
cattta l tAiu ut, aasvy
TrjaMM a I m'li I Ttaiivm I IMIH a
h.UM EX i
IWOKao Abw I raartaee and New T
HXre'l IOK4 a fTtawtla ami
J. B MA.UKlX.i
vina-yii III 1 1,
First. C 'aaa. Seoond-CTaa. and Emigrranl
Tlokcta AT LOW BATBSS. via the leading steam
ship and Railroad L.:ne to and from Hamburg.
Bremen. Llrerpool, Soothampton, Havre, Cop
enhagen, Stockholm, etc, etc.
A. W, Alan.
101 California SU. Ban Pranrieco.
arColonlea aud familie at reduced rates.
1f1flfl Will bepatd for each and every rsfn of snts
1UUU oeue snbstaoeet brnml in Wirdum Roberune.
aernowledted tb moat delightful and oe-y really
fiarnteas kwiM article eeer produced fo beaaUfytn
ad uiiK ling th conrBlexltw. vamorfn tn, mmlnra.
Ireie ad all Uemtate aed twaghnea of tb sate.
Iraeales ad all U
C-ad and tndon
Fua H.4.I by
yVbiassad VUA.
h i.. eibiiiis :
Indorsed by u i of aoeiety o (e
i erasstKW c so easts p-r nmwe.
Meautaetared b W. M. WtSUUat
rWlleit Orsaon.
llealer lw atpeelaltlea
haw w.
V CtlUnn
wgi'-''.' : - 1 '- ''Tw-a tawaas, 'J.J. '""
The Advance is not guaranteed to be equal to others, but guaran
teed to be far superior and better in every particular. If not
it costs you nothing to try it.
KricM Esginss, Stationary and Marine. . lanifiri MacMierT.
ACME E2T0INZ, tha best Coal Oil Engine in the world. Ko Enaeer Heeded
The Westinghouse KnRlnes and Boilers, Farm Enarine Tank Primps aeveral Taiietiea
f EnRinea of all sixes and for all purpose. Farm, Church and School Bella.
Marine Work of all kinds. Creamery Machinery, Hanmck Inspirator.
Park Injectors, all the latest Patent Wrenche. B'arkf-mith
- Automatic and Farm Drills, Boiler Feed and Dnplex
Pomps, Mteam Fitting Goods. L.ubricatinc Oils,
. BeltinK and Hoee, Self-Heating Balit
. For Village. Stores. Public Building and Residence.
Ard many other desirable goada. As I represent the man u fact nrpra direct, I ean and
ib gjive yoa good gooda at a bargain, tend for dea.riptive circular ot what voa
"ant. '
Tb HoasetMiwi mal
rvirwwi-. Itl impor
tant that the Boda or
Baleratua roa uaeBQoald
b Whi te and Par bum
as all similar eabatanoes
sd for food. To insure
obtaining only the "Arm
at Hammer" brand Soda
ar Saierafcia, bay It ia
pound or half pound
cartoons, v hictx bearonr
name and trada-soark, aa
tnfariov goods are m.
tmabtituted foatb
Arm a Hammer" brand
when bona-ht la bulk.
Parti n uainc Baling
Powder should tvmern
bar that Its sol rising
.vroperty cobs i its of bi- 4
.'J of sod. On
- - .r th "arm
..".- o(
Fpr Cure oY
I j ftest " byrup. 1i.-.i. D
. 1 1.. fc-!; iii : .-,1 l,.J. I
is tiVaa. I:
I fwlleve 1'ino't Car
for Omsumption saved
my life. A. II. howittt,
Etlltor Enquirer, Eden
ton, N. C, AprU 1SS7.
Tha BB8T Cough Medt
clno ts Fiso'a Ccrea ros
COHSUatFTiow. Children
take It without objection.
By ail drugghtta. 2jc
BastCouifh Sjrrnp. Tu fxid. Cse j
In fme. fold t-y drars.-'
Perfect digeetion aeisora-
plithed try tafcinf flabh'i
lima Verelstiie ritj.
Tbf IToBMierful fftmwi 1
eare StcSt It eadaelte.Dy - j Indi;eaioB. aad
all Jiee uf tb liter
Id Kti.mtrh. I
The follow its; aytBPtom i
result from diaeaaea of the I
Ilr.-tive Oreeiis: Const i-j
ration. Headache, Pile.
ieartbara, Bad "laate In
Afaath, Ksstea, floor
etotnaeh, Coatea Towati, ?
l ellnweeM ot I kin, I'eio j
la the ft til, etc HokVii
1 ittle Vegetable Pill wlii '
free the system of all these I
sna many tnrier oisofoera, I
7 bey are porely vf;tabi,
inrareesled, very aeaaU.
eirar to take, only erte !
Pill m do, but Bead wi'.b I
wonderful result. Try them 11 .
ence. ana forever arier rou i
will recommend them, fric ss Cta. a I
vIsL or Ave for 11.00. Bent bv nau r as.
druct.'sea. .Hoea's McotctMC Co., frep'a, I
f f ' bam paAweajoo.
i i, . ,
Van Honclar
-!SPcrjAnY. w
-"oaK, nrfagfl a and
I (. mi mmmd warn
1 ,.!'' " we
Oaf KANli AJOl
.in ija lati rwr. bMrsM.
. te-ieebaa, famlfmi litmeMS
iSesaw Oeaaf .f-aifca itbam
m Waa r. Lao at
a T.wmtr, 1b aupris e4
- 8ai Daws
k Falsa. 8
TbmaA, tTleem, t
feet of Niwtnrr, kimi
ana Kiaoytar Tr kl
t, Iwjea nf tfrlaa Ooaoa
rit taoel aa or for hi.
t Heirs Cwanlt CBewtfmIIr
t eIOI ISa d 184 IHUtD tT.
mm I
I furdett Or, band bitm-n.nta !
M f bee Bfnste and Booka Esed BWti e
ua Prtow. MATTHIAS UBAT tX to fes
pieuduma ajeeoo a eaa
EtabltMd. brw
Btael Tusmf !.
waacft) our Fbtnoa
too : no afleeted
by eliasata. It wood c utrt, break, swell, unnk.
crack, decay, or wa oot ; w guaranta la, (J.
(ant Rosewood Gaaes, S rinr, doast rtrpaitiiif
action; Snaet Ivory kar; the Fanoo AKTHKi-L.
Caller write leg Oaalo(rDe, free. T. M. AVTleKLi,
PIANO ex., Maanfactarers, Odd re! lows' Halt, Use.
ket aad 8veau Stiwrta, Eaa Fiaocisco. foi- JSIeaxo.
Er STtwra rK iceri am M.csrr
SLH, ;UflBwood. uaa tJovnty. Cal. fruit eel
rpv facvamento Valley : or. to a GRi Ft IS . To.
imckmm Ooanty. ir.. eewtei of itos-a lUrer YalMOL
To as a Day. Sample werifl S1.S9, FRFtl.
tine not audor th boiee feet. Writ Bar.
area's ainrrrRwHfflL6CTr.e7jollr.Mlch.
r T ftwM Tfe-, Jllayaaf PartjT, AtsfMitarr
gram Tat, Jfleai PartSvr, Aaecvaer aa Llwae
maas r a. r. ajiea, et. raal. Mia.
Ity retarn mart. Pn Deaerfptlwsi
Maady' Mew Tatter Syatew a lea
VHie MO0SY CO,aiaaati. U.
and Ceaeral Aseat for
foej aapoonfulof th).
bMt Baking Pow v
bsg twenty timea tat
eoat, beside betar
mncb heal Uxier, because.
it doe mot eoa tai any
injurious sabstaBee.
such aa alum, terrsaiba,
etc, of which many bak
ing Powders ar mala
IiairyDHa and Farmer
ahoukiuae only th" Arna
a EiamV brand for
deaniiia; and ksepina;
miia: mt traras
: CUtmoK. ' Sea that
avery pound paekag ef
"ira and Hammer
Brand" comtaina foil
IS antioe net, aad
V pound sr": -
1 - - - " .
Vi12. f
Mm lllllnnway
u f n ft An is
- j a a--a a m
! vios. In mas hi a obr Flam, by
! tad m ton SO eaxa. moo t