The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 04, 1888, Image 1

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K.I1M1H VTI.KK c Hl'UI.Kit
. I'ltblishera I
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a-f deacrfptiott .f
Orr Vr ....$3 00 I
H!; f hUs.v KIPl'IoX
o PrintiM Dsns en SLcrt K:;:o,
t. x V 1 1 1 , I i
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.4 I'.ywnlr tn AavaniA,
(1.1.0 XL.)
Legal Blanks, Business C&tCs.
Or. cire, Aim4 l'-rO--n .Si 00 I
fctt-fe ftviai.tlliU Ui44Ul'll 1 Mi J
Letter Beads, BUI Heads,
Circulars, Posters, Etc
Zuented la good trlaod at love living price.
Lc- N .t! v. jwrHn... IS eoatt I
NO. 8.
li,u!t (tveriM"iBnt iiwrteti upon mwru rm.
LKBAKO?? t-'l-.K, HO. H. A. F A. M : Mwti
at tutr tew hAc m iHmm. mock, ou atuiu
tvtalti, on o betar U luu moon,
J WASaoN, W. M.
LEBANON IODOK. SO. 47, I O. O. F.: Mwtt St
ur.tiy of 'b wk, at 0ld Kcll.w a Hull,
Min .wwA; vttiUug kiethrva eotiltnlly Invited to
H0XOR U!K!K NO. A, O. IT. W. Ixhannn.
. orrstm: tu evry nri an intra ritnntiu wen-
tut in u. mouta. it. nuawt. m. n .
Filling and Extracting; Teeth Specialty.
Offica in W. O. Peterson' jewelry atora.
IVAII work warranted. Charges roatonabl e j
Btwlac Hjt, Cutting, and 8hamoolog la tha
Uurt and
rrurant ragwotfaUy aolloitcd.
St. Charles Hotel,
LEBANON. Oregon.
N. W. Oorar Main and Sherman Buwata, Iwo Blooka
H. E. PARRISH, Proprietor.
Table Supplied with the Best tha Market
Bampta Boona and th. Beet AecouiaodaUoaa for i
. Vonuaanaal ataa. .
Contractor, Carpenter
and Builder.
srlaaa and Mpeeiaeattoaa I'araUhtd
Hhart Satire.
all USDS of carpenter wori done
And Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Albaajr mad Lcbaaaa, Or.
Groceries and Provisions,
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
0,aeeawr a4 CIawarr,
Iita,f aad Lamp Ftxtarea.
Xala Mt Lekaaaa, Orfi.
Meat Market
, Fresh and Sajted Beef and
'" BOLOCNA and
tan ni Lai. always on Hani.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
Lebanon, Oregon.
Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Repairing,
All Work Guaranteed to Give
at ..
Prices to Suit tho
A I-atr Jitpaneee invention id aid
to be a process of in king from eea
wed a fort of pajer almost ad tran-
parent 88 glass and as tough aa parch
Tub best conduciors of electricity
are silver, copier, gold, inc, platinum,
iron, tia. The poorest conductors are
dry air, ebonite, para (line, resiu, sul
phur, sealing k ax, ghu", Bilk, wool,
dry paper, porcelain.
If you are ever chased by b'ood
hounda it may be well to kuow that
sheets of tiesue paper placed on the
ground under the f et and then re
aioved carry with thera every trace of
the scent.
AnomlPb now fish by electricity. A
small battery is attached to the rod,
and near the hook id a small electric
light. The fisherman lights up his
lamp and the unusual phenomen at
tracts the fish. The baited hook does
the rest.
Mr. Graiq, of New York, under
took to drive a cat out of a cafe. The
contract was a bigger one than he
could fulfill without aesistance. The
cat jumped at him, bit him in the face,
eaught the lappel of hia coat, scratched
his chin, cheek and neck, and hit hi?
left wrist though to the boue. The
waiter had to pull the infuriated ani
mal off.
Herb's another good aigument for
taking the tax tff I tobacco. A Mis
souri wretch fired a pistol at a passen
ger train near Rich Hill, and the ball
hit a passenger. It would have made
a serious if not fatal wound but for (he
fact that he had a plug of chewing to
bacco in his vest pocket. The bullet
struck the plug, and was thus stopped
in its course.
A citizew of Orlando. Fl., has
dog that acccmpauiea him everywhere
even to church. One 8unday the
owner concluded to break the canine
of his churcL-going habits and or
dered him home. The dog rere.ted
until his roaster was out of eight, then
promptly turned back, entered an-
j other church and remained until the
I tervice was over.
Johs II. Cormer, living on theOck-
lawaha River, Fla shot an alligatot
over eight fiet lorg. Opening it out
j of curiosity, he waB surpiiaed to find.
snugly ensconced therein, a water
snake alout a foot long, and eleven
young snakes. The reptiles had evi
dently been in their novel home sonu
time, as the liver of the alligator war
six inche3 out of its noimal position,
and was flattened cut in places by the
continued pressure of the snakes.
Db. Jclicb roHLMAK thinks the
reaeon why our teeth decay so fast i
because we do not use them enough,
and. like other organs that are not ex
ercised, they tend to atrophy. Oui
teeth become week because unused to
hard work. The author warns mothers
and nurses not to give the children
soft food, if they would have them
have good teeth in other words, make
them eat their crusts.
Telephosic communication can be
carried on between ehipa at sea by
means of a sound-producing appara
tus attached to each vessel, to b
woiked under the surface of the water.
Each vessel also has a sound-receivintt
apparatus to take signals. IntelligibU
fcignals could be produced by this ap
paratus which would be transmitted
through the water in all direction
with considerable velocity.
Thb family of a Georgian were
awakened the other night by a great
noise under the house which shook
violently. At first they were ture that
an eaithquake was in progress, but in
vestigation with a lantern showed that
a cow was under the house. How she
got there was a mystery, as Bhe could
not stand upright. It was her horn
and back that made the noise and
thook the house. The householder
had to get a pick and spade and dig a
ditch, in which the cow walked out.
Metals may be platinized by a new
and cheap process in which the met
j allic object is covered with a mixture
of borate of lead, oxide of copper and
spirits of turpentine, and submitted to
a temperature of from 250 deg. to 330
deg. This deposit, upon melting,
spreads in a uniform lavcr over th
object. Then a second coat is laid on,
consisting of borate of lead, oxide of
copper and oil of lavender. Next, by
means of a brush, the object is covered
wi h a solution of chloride of plati
num, which is finally evaporated of a
temperature of not more than 200 deg.
I The platinum adheres firmly to the
surface and exhibits a brilliant asptct.
If the deposit be made upon fhe first
coat the platinum will have a dead ap
pea ranee. Platinizing in this way
costs, it is said, about one-tenth the
price of nickel-i-lating.
-It is not generally known that a
little gold mining is done in Scotland.
Gold is found in small quantities on the
property of the Lead Mills Silverlead
Mining and Smelting Company (limit
ed) in Lanarkshire, and Lord Hope-
toun, whose marriage was celebrated
I recently, received as a weddr-'preo-
ent from the miners a nngget of three
hundred and fifty-five grains. Ladv '
Hopetdun now wears a wedding arui
enHppg rtde out of this nugget,
e share-holders hope to have their
" increased some day hy the
' running into Scotch sold. k
Ewything of General Interest la a
Condensed Form.
A posloffice has been established at
Sidney, Coos county, and Samuel
scliuck wa) appointed postmaster.
George L. Mason has been appointed
postmaster at Lake Creek, Jackson
county, vice Joseph T. Deck, resigned
The mail service between Vale and
Burns, Malheur county, has been in
Adam A. Baser, the postmaster at
Sipicer, Linn cou.ity, has resigned, and
John V. Ball has been appointed
postmaster in ins place.
Senator Dolph's bill, giving to Dalles
Uity a portion of the military reserva
tion adjacent to th.U town for a park,
passeo the senate.
T. B. Merry, of PorU.ind, has been
appointed assistant commissioner to
Australia. Ln ut. Marx has been ap
pointed secretary of the commission
John Milligan's team ran away at
Liiayette, throwing Inm from a wagon
against a tree and breaking hia collar
J. A. Allison, while work ins; on the
e ira at lilalocka, near The Dalles, as
brakenian, slipped and fell between
the cats, breaking several bones in his
left foot.
An east-bound freight t-.aiu was
thrown from the track near Fleasant
Valley, and the fireman killed. The
engineer and others were severely in
jured, and the train badly smashed.
There was a shooting acrare at Ne-
tarts, in which a man named MjCor
mick was shot by another named Des
mond, the bullet taking fleet in the
groin and making a dangerous wound.
At Astoria, Miss Rhea Durant was
awakeued by the noise of a man en
tering her bedroom, who had effected
an entrance through the window. The
young lady making loud outcry, the
burglar decamped in haste.
While the foundrvmen at the peni
tentiary were running off a heat, a
quantity of molten metal was spilled
I mm a laule upon the limb of a con
vict named Eatea. The metal slipied
down the unfortunate man's leg and
into his shoe. In great agony he ran
and jumptd into a tub of water, where
he stood until the metal was cooled.
His leg and foot was pitifully burned.
Charles Robertson, a young man en-
gged in rolling logs near Erw"n'
mid, two mile above Silverton, Marion
county, nearly loet his life by having
one of the logs roll over him. The
log, which was a heavy one, and was
rvlluie down a side hill, crashed over
hia It gs and things, and then, striking
a maul, leaped over his body. In ad
dition to other serious injuries, It b
ertdon had several ribs broken. His
hurts were considered vc-ry serious,
but at last accounts he was celling
along all right.
At The Dalles, the little dtuhter of
W. II. M ody, aged about 'hree years,
got a bottle of carbolic acid, and be
fore the mother could take it from her
had innocently swallowed nearly the
whole contents. Fortunately, Dr. Gil
mer, in his daily visits to one of his
patients, passed by the residence and
immediately applied the usual anti
dotes for the poison and an emetis.
I his circumstance, and the little girl
having eaten a hearty breakfast a
,-hort time previously, undoubtedly
wived her life. At lat accounts the
child was doing welL
Fishermen all the way from St.
Helens to the Cascades are idle, on ac
count of the enforcement of the law
prohibiting them from using nets with
meshes less than iuches that is, a
tneeh that stretch s to that length.
They say there is nothing running
hut blue-back salmon, and they have
to use a 5 to 51 mch mesh to take
these, and they claim that tho enforce
ment of the law is all in favor of the
wheelmen at the Cascades. They say
that when this large mesh law wa
rn a Je there were no wheels and no at
tention was paid to bluebark salmon,
ahich have now become of consider
able importance, as they are used by
the cannery men.
W il'iam Garvin, a locomotive fire
man, 31 years old, was killed in the
Albina railroad vards, oproite the
coal bunkers. While the locomotive
on which he was employed, No. 37,
was on its way to the bunkers to take
on coal, he and Engineer Johnson put
in their time oiling the valves, which
they did by standing in the cab. When
the bunkers were reached, Garvin un
dertook to step to the platform by
passing between the tender and the
locomotive. About this time locomo
tive No. 7, whi' h had been down to
the flouring mills, rounded the curve
jut below the bunkers pushing eight
or nine cars. These cars struck loco
motive 27 while Garvin was in the
position previously staUd and the ten
der being forced forward by the pres
sure, he was crushed to death. He
died in a few minutes. There waa a
large gash on the right breast and the
right leg was fearfully mangled. Sev
eral ribs were broken.
Soma Othar Uissasa.
"They say she died of a broken
heart," said tbs first woman, aa they
canio up the car stap.
I don t believe it, sharply replied
No. 3.
-But whyf"
WhyF Because she had as many
as six new bonnets a year, and not
on of them cost less than fifteen dol-
lars." Detroit Frr Prea$.
The largest hanging ball in tha
world is in a Buddlst monastary. New
C.nton. China. It is eighteen feet
high and forty-five feet in circumfer
ence, and is of solid bronze. It is one
of the great bells which were cast by
command ni the JS.nperor lur.gto
about A D. 1400. Tha whole bell
both inside and out, is covered with an
inscription ln embossed Coinesa oUar
aotsrs about half an inch long, oover-
ng even the handle, the total number
of charaotaii being 84 000. Tha char
acters tell a single story on of the
Chinwa classics. Bjtring field Tim.
Mr. E. Gatehell, who owns a traot
of mountain land in Cambria County
Pa., waa looking over it tha othr
day and cam upon a cavern in wh'A
he found a bed of snow aad ioe H
feat tfcfek.
Devoted Principally to WathingtoL
Territory and California.
A six-pound shad was caught at II
waoo, at the mouth of the Columbia
Gavin Duncan, a young sailor on the
Uritisu f hip Uhotan, hll from the rig
ging to the deck, a distance of thirt
feet, at San Francisco, and was kille
P. B. B irrett, of Falls City, Cal.. be
came insane and got away from friend
and drowned himse.f in his own well
lie leaves a wife and four childreu.
Charle? E. Bevan, a young mer
chant of Wheatland, Cal., Bitot and
killed himself. Business troubles
were the cause of the suicide.
Henry II. Liudenbureer, 24 year
or age, and a salesman in San Fran
Cisco, CI., took poison and died. He
had been sick and despoudent.
The gteat Monteiuma, Col., irriea
ting tunnel, which will reclaim 200,000
acres of laud, is completed. It is over
a mile long, running under one of the
ranges or the Rocky mountains. The
tunnel and fifty miles of canal will Up
the waters of the Dolores river.
Peter Burke was seriously wounded
at Sentinel, A. T.,by a Mexican named
Uaatillo Ortega. Duriner a quarrel
both drew revolvers, each sbootiuK the
other. Urtega, it is supposed, is but
slightly hurt, and it is thought thtt
uurxe wm recover.
Domingo 8olar was shot and killdd
by James MacCarthy at a wood ranch
iu the southeastern pirt of Virginia.
Soljtri refused to sell or lend a pony
which MacCarthy wanted. -The latter
is but 17, but has served two years iu
state prison for arson.
A horrible accident occurred near
Bodega, CaL John H. Miller waa en
gaged in mowing hay, and had cau
tioned his children against running
through the clover in front of the
mower. Liter in the day his three-year-old
child playfully attempted to
run in front of the machine, when it
waa caught by the knife, and both
lejts were instantly severed from the
A wagon and team con tuning M.
Fay, his wife, d tughter and baby. Mrs.
J. Sissell and Mr. E. Roche, broke
through a bridge over the flume of the
Montezuma Mining Company, near
Callahans, Cat. The flume was run
ning full of water, and the current was
very swift. Mr. Fay and Mrs. Roche
fell outside the flume and were unin-
ured. Mrs. Fay, Mr. Sissell and the
ba'jy, together with the horses aud
wagon, went through the flume about
third of a mile. The baby wa
drowned. Mrs. Fay and Mrs. Sisaell
were both rescued, though they are
badly bruised.
The Yaqui Indians are now at war
ith the Mill urn federal forces iu
Sonora. Tluy are fortifying different
places and making a determined
stand against the troops. A few davs
ago Mj. Eocisoand Lieut. VillareJ
with two columns of federals, attacked
the Indians in a strongly fortiGed posi
tion in the Amalaguaca mountains,
near the town of Agtiaverde. A des
perate fight ensued, but the federals,
after a number of charges, routed the
Indians from their fortification, killing
seventeen and wounding a large num
ber. The federxl forces had one man
killed and several wounded.
Wm. Holmes, son of A T. Holmes,
of Eberton, met with an unfortunate
and painful accident, which, while not
necessarily fatal, will cripple him for
life. He was out hunting in the
mountains near Palouse, W. T., with
a rille, when by some means not
learned here, his gun was discharged,
the bullet passing through both leg
at the knees, and blowing one of th
knee-caps off. He was brought to his
home and everything possible done
for him, but the nature of the wound
renders it certain that it will be im
possible to do more than preserve the
use of one leg.
Thomas Treste, of Chico, Cal., aged
72 years, some five weeki ago having
buried his wife, married Mollte ttwof
fe.d, who has just served five years in
San Quentin. Treste is possessed of
some property, which the woman
wanted, bhe got a revolver and at
tempted to take the old mau's life.
She told him she intended to kill him
and burn his body with the house.
Treste made his escape and had the
woman arrested, charged with an at
tempt to commit murder.
Ihe practice of thawing the outside
coverings of dynamite cartridges over
tires is largely prevalent among the
miners employed in the cement quar
ries at Rondout, Cal. John Lyuch
was engaged in the thawing process.
Four cartridges which he held in a tin
pan over the fire exploded. Strange
as it may seem, when the smoke
cleared away. Lynch waa not only
alive, but perfectly conscious, but he
presented a terrible appearance. His
bands had been blown away as clean
as though they had been cut off with
a knife. The larynx, vocal and som.
of the othor organs in the throat were
exposed to view. His limbs were
broken in many places. His whole
body presented an appearance ns
though he had been cut and slashed
by a bowie knife, yet, in that horrible
condition, he lived five hours.
Out of 40,000 Sioux Indians there
are 35,000 still in heathenism. There
are sixty-six tribes on the Western
prairies for whom nothing is yet done.
There are 40.000 Indians of school
age, but wheu every school is packed
to ita utmost only 12,000 can be ac
comodated. This includes Government
schools, Roman Catholio schools and
ill, so that those under mission teach
ers would be far less a number than
Soma ingenious individual ha9 or
ganized a .'-Book Exchange1' in ParU
which might possibly he imitated with
profit in this country. Membership
costs 3 francs and 50 centimes (70
Cents); that is, the reader buys a book
not In paper coders, but a well-bound
volume and pays this amount in cash.
On a fly-leaf he will find a list of "aub
agencies.1' principally "In Wge hotel,
restaurants, etc., where he' may npo;'
payment of an additions 'jfcO centimes
(10 cents) surrender Hat aok and ge:
another, and so on, ad i ' It Isop;
tional at any time fo- V " -r to
""lrrender a book" v ye
'"aaca In '
A Fraa Macro Bold Into Slar.rjr Tlraa anal
Again at Ilia O wo Requaat.
Sitting at the Grand Hotel one even
ing, I heard one of the strangest ro
mances of modern times strange, be
cause It was true. How do I know it
was true Well, the man who told it Is
one of Ohio's wealthiest citizens and a
man who does not tell what he is una
ble to substantiate. But to the story.
As near as I now remember it ran as
In 18 17 1 was a steward on the Golden
Age, one of the finest passenger boats
that plied between Chieinnati and New
Orleans. It was In the days before rail
loads and telegrams and when slavery
was at its prime. Well, one day a
strapping negro entered my office, just
as we were about to sail, and asked me
how I would like to go Into a speeula
tion with him that wonld make sis a
good deal of money. I was young then
and willing to do most any thing to
make money that was honest, and I told
him to proceed with his proposition.
-Well," he said, "it is as follows: I am
as likely a negro as can be found In
these parts. I am a free man. What I
want to do Is for you to take me to New
Orleans and sell me into slavery. I ari
worth 1,500. You sell me and I'll do
what is right with you." His proposi
tion took my breath away at first, it was
so startling.
"Do you want to go back Into slav
ery?" I asked, astonished.
"No, indeed, I does not," ho an
swered. "And yet you want to be sold?"
'Sum, sir, but I'se a likely nigger,
and I'll soon be back on your hands
I reasoned with the follow in vain.
He knew of no way of making money
so easily as being sold. I hesitated to
appear in the role of a slave dealer. I
was opposed to slavery, but a I thought
e.ver the subject I concluded then-
would be nothing wrong in selling the
man, and at the last moment yielded to
Ins wishes and took him w ith me. Upon
arriving at New Orleans I at once pro-'
ceeded to the slave market, which, in
1847. was one of the principal business
places in the city. I made my objaet
knSwn, and the next afternoon I was
informed the sale would take place. I
gave Charley (that was his first name)
into the custody of the brokers, and
left the market You can rest assured
that I was on hand early the next day.
and when Charley appeared I hardly
knew him. He bad been dressed up in
a new plantation suit ami had a smart
cap on his head. His sleeves and
trousers were turned up. The bidding
was lively, and you can imagine
my feelings. perhaps, as I saw
a human creature sold like a horse, and
kuowing I was responsible for it. The
auctioneer would run Charley up and
down the street like a horse, and the
planter's would feel of his arms and
legs and ankles to see if there were any
blemisfies. When $1,400 was bid the
!TCtarprrr1d Br-pmrrrlrtrnr
planter, who gave me $1,000 In cash
and a mortgage for the rest I can tell
you it was not with thepleasantest feei
ng that I started out on the return
trip, after having sold a fellow creature
nto slavery. Well, to make a long
tory short, on the third or fourth trip
after that I was awakened one night by
a tap on ray state-room door, and was
astonished to find Charley waiting on
the outside. I took him down the river
with me and again sold him at Vicks
burg. A month later he turned up
again, and I sold him at a private sain
on the boat. Mouths rolled on. and I
had sold Charles at nearly every port
on the river, and then I commenced to
trade him off and get boot money.
I would then tell the slaves I
traded for. or give them their liberty,
whichever they preferred, but as my
slaves were nearly all old men. they
chose to be resold. I was doing a thriv
ing businees in the slave Hue and had
quite a name on the river. At the end
of the year the mortgages began to fall
due and I collected them with great
regularity. I think I sold Charley fifteen
times in all, and we divided $25,090 or
$30,000 between us as the result of our
business. As selling an escaped slave
was against the law, and I had sold
Charley fifteen times, we had to end our
profitable investment."
" hat became of Charley r asked his
He went to Canada for awhile, avs
married and had quite a family. His
name is Charley Iields, and he is now
living in Indiana, and is a barber by
occupation. What he did with his money
1 do not know, but there are no times
now like the old ones," and the speaker
softly chuckled to himself as the story
was ended. Cincinnati Commercial Ua-
A Sletping Harness.
Americans invented the sleeping-car.
but a German has invented the sleeping-
harness, if we may so call it, that makes
the car less needful. Broad straps sup
port tho arms; they pass through a
noose over the head so that either arm
can be lowered, which gives one a
chance to change one's position. The
head is supported by a pad, which is
ittnchcd to the upper part of the arm-
straps. Tho back, of course, rests
against the back of the seat. Thus the
world changes. In old times beds and
pionos were horizontal. Now, both are
often upright. The new harness is the
natural sequel of this change; it will
enable a man to sleep in his parlor bed
stead without taking it down. San
Francisco Argonaut.
An exchange says that the finest
church edifice in Albany, Ga., is the
one . now being built by the negro
Methodist Episcopal Church there.
Tho congregation comprises the negro
aristocracy of the place, an aris
tocracy said to be based "more upon
education, refinement and morality
than upon pecuniary success."
A recent funeral ia Louisiana was
Announced by handbills reading as fol
lows: "There will be a large funeral
at Frogmore, the grandmother of 'b
wife. All are invited to attend. Ice
water in abundance, free to all. Come
one, come all." The paper contained
the date of the funeral services, the
names of six "managers, "three of
whom were clergymen, "and the time of
arrival and departure ol nns from,
neighboring stations""' "
A ramnas Ml.ilnnarr ffh. Marrlad
of Afrlea'a flatter OaaehUtrs.
Probably no missionary la the world
has been so prominently before the
public In the past two years as the Rev.
George Grenfoll, of the B iptist Congo
Missions. His nunie will always be as
sociated with the exploration of most of
tho (Joiigo tributaries that are now
known. lie has not only seen more of
me Congo basin than any other man
but ho is also a careful observer, a good
route surveyor and fairly well skilled in
the use of geographical Instruments.
The geographical societies of England.
France aud Germany have sought for
ami piihlisnotl contributions from him.
and there Is no doubt that, next to Liv
rngstoiin and Krapf, he deservedly
ranks among the foremost of Africa's
missionary travelers.
Perhaps few of the thousands who
have read tha reports of his Interesting
journeys are aware that Mr. Grenfell.
who Is a thorough Englishman, is the
husband of a native of Africa. His
wife is a c:lornd woman, originally
heathen, whose tribe has for many yearj
Inhabited the Atlantic coast, a little
north of the Cong.. He Is, perhaps.
the only white missionary in Africa who
nas Riurrteu a native.
This strange marriage is said to have
eome aliout in this way: Few mission
aries in Africa have had GrenfellV
large and varied experience, though he
Is still in the prime of life. Before we
heard of him on the Congo at all, lie
told us much about the Cuneroons
eoiintrr, which the Germans have since
annexed. Grenfell is one of the few
men who seem to bo perfectly adapted
forsuch a life as he Is leading. lie loves
his wild surroundings, he loves the ex
plorers' toilsome life, he seems to endure
the climate as well as a native, and his
heart is thoroughly enlisted in the work
of Christian missions. While geog
raphers hare been reading and writing
abosit the new regions and tribes he
has revealed to the world, he has looked
upon these new countries chiefly as new
fields for missionary enterprises.
Grenfell made op his mind long ago
that he waa destined to live and die in
Africa. He decided. It is s:ud, after
long reflection, that it would greatlr
impair his usefulness if he took a wife
from among the fair daughters of hi
native laud. He had good reason to
doubt that he would be lucky enough
to find a white woman who could en
dure as well as he the climate of thf
torrid zone. He hail not the slightest
desire to marry anybody whose life oi
health would be sacrificed if he took
her to Africa, or for whom he migh?
have to sacrifice his life work by going
back to England with her. He there
fore, decided when he married to wed a
native of the country.
In the course of time Grenfell met hi
fate at the mission station and trading
post of Kabinda. on the coast not fat
north of the mouth of the Congo. He
-saw-among' the-mrssion - converts a
bright young woman who had receive 1
a fair education in the mission school ot
Kabinda. She was a comely girl. She
had been instructed for years in the art
of housewifery by the mission ladies,
dressed in the garb of her civilized sis
ters, was neat and industrious and a
devout Christian. She was, in fact, in
her changed condition one of the best
products of mission arv labor. Grenfell
believed she would make him a good
helpmate iu his future arduous work a
a pioneer missionary. In due time they
were married, and from that day to
this. Gren fell's friends say, he has had
no reason to regret the very unusual
choice he made.
It can be said, on the authority of
Henry M. Stanley, that the two babies
who have been born to Mr. and Mrs.
Greiif .'11 ars "beautiful little children."
The home of the Grenfells is on Stan
ley Pool, but until the past year they
have have not been there much of the
time. Mrs. Grenfell and one of the
children accompanied the missionary,
on some of the adventurous journeys in
which he has explored over 3,000 miles
of the navigable waters of the Congo
basin. She sat unperturbed and very
comfortable behind the wire screen
that warded off the shower of arrow.
which were launched at the litth
steamer Peace by the hostile natives ol
Mobang River.
A writer, who evidently had not '
heard of Mr. Grenfoll's little romance. '
recently mentioned as proof of the fact
that white ladies can reta!u their health"
and vigor on the Congo' that the . mis
sion ary, Grenfell, was accompanied on
his long jonrueys by his excellent wife.
K. T. Sun.
m m m -
Our Mineral Resources.
The report of the U. S. Geological
Survey on the mineral resources of the
United States for 1835 contains somci
interesting statistics. The total mineral
product is valued at $423,521,356, an
increase of $15,303,603 over 1834.
Among seventy mineral substances
cited, coal is the most important, show
ing a total value of $159,019,596. An
increase is shown in the production of
coke, natural gas, gold, silver, copper,
zinc, quicksilver, nickl, aluminum,
lime, salt, cement, phosphate rock, man
ganese and cobalt oxide, while the pro
duction of coal, petroleum, pig iron,
lead, precious stones and mineral waters
decreased. Science.
In avoiding idle words. our Savionr
.Iocs not m '.in tliMt wo shall always
talk about religion, but that our mo
'ivo in all we say shall be to use the
wondrous faculty of . vocal expression
which he has given us for his glory.
Ho did not mean that we should be
gloomy, reserved, uncommunicative,
tfraid to open our lips, lest we should
ay something wron j, but that the in
ention of our lives should be by- our
vords to please Him and advance His
kingdom. Christian at Work. .
A Cape Colonist who ; had been
guilty of indiscreet remarks publishes
this card in a local South African news
paper : "I, the nndetsigned, A C da
Plessis, C son, retract hereby every
thing I have said against the innocent
Mr. G. P. Bezuidenhout. calling myself
an infamous liar, and striking my
mouth with the exclamation - v'You
mendacious mouth, why A-' - so?'
I declare furthevv-V '
A ftmuu Chicago Habbl Talks oa tha
Wad. of Drm,
Fashion, said Dr. Ilirsch, Is indeed
the great ruler of this world. It Is an
unconscionable elespot to which nieo
are willing slaves. The heavy artillery
ot tlie pulpit made no breach in its
ramparts. Eve forfeited paradise, and
the result Is the thralldom of mankind
to fashion. Let the 'world denounce
fashion as It will, men are infected by
it. The question whether nascent
modesty forced man to cover himself is
not yet decided. The origin of dress,
though generally thought to be arbi
trary, would. If all the facts were con
sidered, show rationality. In northern
climes It first originated, for there pro
tection against the cold weather was
most needed. The loins were first
covered. When weaving was discov
ered the style of dress became more
varied. The garment worn then by
the Greeks was thrown around the
body much after the fashion that plaid
are now worn. The garment later on
assumed the appearance of a sleeveless
shirt tied in the middle. This was the
first type of dress and from it sprung
tho swailow-taiL The pantaloons wtrw
also the invention of northern climes.
In Egypt cloth was worn around the
legs. To tha Germans the credit of
first introducing pantaloons Into
Europe is dne. It was compose! of
two parts, tied at the waist Hence the
name of the garment in every language
's iu the pluraL The name was given
to it by the people of Veniee, who were
the first to join the two parts together.
Dress also had a symbolical value. By
it the different classes of society were
distinguished and it also marked the
differences of nationality, as each na
tion had a costume of its own. The
dress of the peasant was different to
that of the miner, and the drawing
room called for a garment different
from that worn while traveling. The
play of fancy, therefore, had not as
much to do with the introduction of
dress as generally supposed. Political
ideas, too, influenced the change cf
dress. A hat for years had been the
exponent of certain political proclivi
ties. The Spaniards, prior to the Thirty
Years War, wore a stiff silk hat After
the war the soft hat was assumed. In
England, political parties were symbol
ized by their headgear. The Puritans
wore a stiff hat That style of hat
was imported to America and it be
came the symbol of independence. It
was taken back to Europe, aud it was
so obnoxious to rulers there that the
Czar of Russia banished a man who
wore it from his realms, and another
ruler put a man to work on the streets
for the same offense. The Kossuth
hat put an . end to the autoc
racy of the silk tile in America.
Before Kossuth came here to
walk the streets with a soft hat was to
invite a crowd to follow yon, Modeta
democratic ideas are leveling all dis
tinctions in dress. The colored waiter
and the guest appear in the banquet
hall wearing tho same style of dress.
The dudes, noticing this, sought to
effect a difference in attire by requiring
the members of their set to wear swallow-tails
of a different color. The
head-dress also serves the sense of
beauty, but this applies more particu
larly to the dress of women than men
In nature, Darwin says, the male bird
puts on his finest plumage to be in
favor with the female. Women put ov
their fine hats for men, or, perhaps, to
arouse the jealousy of their own sex.
The "loud" colors were at first in
vogue because the people were unedu
cated. Their place is now taken by a
profusion of shades of colors toned
down. As one man is no man all have
to admit, no matter how they object,
the dictates of fashion. The genius
had the prerogative of standing aloof
'rom all fashions. The crank and
'ude also had their own styles. - As
.he people were not all geniuses,
cranks" or dudes, they will obey fash
n. Sensible men will submit to it
s long as it does not injure health
iYhen it does common sense will pro
test against it Fashion is an evidence
f civilization, and as such the scepter
will never depart from it Chicago
- aaa
Hw Cwiaaaaa Out Rlt of a TerrI
toriml VVIr Pallar.
"My dear sir," said a self-appointed
representative from one of the Terri
tories to Chairman Springer, of the
Committee on Territories; -my dear
sir, I must have a word with yon
concerning the claims ol my Territory,
which I am here to urge." :
"I am very busy just now,"
replied Chairman Springer, anxiously;'
"couldn't you wait till to-morrow?"
"No, sir; no, sir; not unless you
absolutely insist I feel that I most
speak and that you must hear me.
Our Territory now has "
"Er well, couldn't you come in this
afternoon, say P"
"No, no; I could not in Justice to
the great and growing Territory which
I represent I feel it my duty to tell
you that my Territory "
"I must go to the committee meeting
in fifteen minntes."
Give me that fifteen minutes, then!
As you roust know my Territory is the
largest the richest the grandest oi
them alii Large enough to make two
great imperial States the peer of any in
the Union! I am speaking for 600.000
people whose rights are being trampled
under foot, whoso "
"Just before you came in. Colonel
Gopher, there wa3 a Kentucky gentle
man in here looking for some one to
tike a hand in a poker game just
being started in the next room." :
Say, Springer," just exense mi Til
tell you the rest next week!" and the
Colonel's coat-tails cracked against the
casiug as ha shot through the door.
'Tell the truth, love, and snanie
the devil,". -said an attorney's wife to
him the other day when she had him in
a tight placet, "My dear," said he, re
proachfully, ' i "would you have your
only husband do an nnrrofessicnal
act?" Washington Cri ic
Large numbers of ve school chii
Iren of San Fr&Scisco hare been wiih
"rawn from school ce. account of the
low tempera 'e of tL school-rooms.
In many ot ' tehooj the te pe-'
'Tire is not. TTTegrees. " Th'
n of .U"
the city
A Habit WkoH netting Ilrlnntr Ai-nott
KxelaalvaJ to tins Kemiln av
The Board cf Health has received
several letters from people who com
plain about the sale of arsenic waft-is
to unwary young women who want to
beautify their complexions. O.ia moth
er In Harlem wrote that her daughter
had bee;i using the wafers without ber
knowledge, and she feared that if th
wafers contained as much arsenic a
their makers claimed they must be
strongly impregnated with poison. SIih
also raised the point that if the waf rs
contained no poison tha -'.manufacturer
was an impostor. Dr. Cvrus Ed-ou
analyzed the articles and f-jiiud but
slight traces of the poison ia ibeiru
The principal danger from the wafer,
it is said, is that those who ne t!im
think that it Is not dangerous to fn.t
arsenic, and are thus tempted to try a
cheap solution of the poison. Dath
is ukuij vj result irona vus siigiiic.c
overdose. .
Dr. William A. Ha nmond talked
freely the other day about arsaaic
Ha regarded arsenic-eaters in the
'ame light as cocaine-eaters that is.
He had yet to see one. It is not a
nabit in this eou itry," said Dr. II I m
mond. '-though arsenic ia o'tn pre-
icribed. We often hare to use iare
quantities of bromides for curing
epilepsy or other troubles of the nerv
ous system, and one effbet is to pro
dace pimples, especially on the facs.
Arsenic is used conjointly with the
bromides to prevent thse pi ro pies
and also to r ore them. But I would
no more think of allowing women to
use arsenic at their own sweet will
than cocaine or any other 7 active
agent Arsenic is useful in depraved
states of the system, such as pro
duced from malaria, and -physicians
constantly prescribe it in these ca-e.
I have never known or heard of a c ise
in which it was taken to
produce exhilarating effects such
as opium causes, any more than
have heard of coc;;ine used
for such purpose. Arsenic is poison
ous in small doses, and consequently
differs from cocaine. Iu medicine it is
generally used as arsenious acid. Two
and a half grains killed a healthy, ro
bust girl of nineteen years in thirt r-
six hours. Under circumstances favor
able to the poison from tWo- to three
grains will kill an adult The doses
used in medicine vary from one-fifiieth
to one-twentieth of a grain. ThesMi
arsenic wafers contain much less that
that and consequently have no effect
They, therefore, are a fraud, and the
man who makes them ought to be ar
rested. The Syrian peasants use ar
senic the men to improve their win I
so they C3n climb mountains m ire easi
ly and the women to improve 1 h-
complexions. They have been known
to take six grains in one day. They
begin by taking ex remely small dor.
Arsenic has no effect on a horse. Iu
one instance a horse took 55'3 grains
without any result"
Another doctor said it was impos
sible to estimate the number Or arsenie
eaters in this city, bt canse they are a
class that do not often come under a
physician's observation- 'Yet" said
he, "the number is large, though yon
can not say that it is growing. The
population of this cl y is increasing.
whereas they are simply maintaining
their proportion. That is about the
case with the arsenic-eaters; they ara
keeping up their proportion of the
other id'ots. Some actors, a low class
of women, and even some rasmbers of
the best society eat arsenic or use it ia
some form to improve their complex
ions. It gives them a certain pallor
that they consider desirable. They
begin by taking small doses,-and grad
ually work np to large amount,'
and then when they think it is time to
leave off they gradually lessen the
dose or, rather, they try to. for tha
habit once formed, is extremely diffi
cult to abandon. Those who take ar
senic say that it has a pleasant effect
hongh not like opium, morphine or
hashish, and the svstem's demands for
t are not so imperative as in the ease
of either of these drugs. I have seen
arsenic-eaters shut up in prison who
id not complain as bitterly as tha
norphine or opium users would have
lone under the circumstances."
The - reporter yisited a number of
East Side drug stores and talked with
the proprietors about their experience
with arsenic-eaters. One dreggist ia
a ten by fifteen shop said that his ar
senic customers were not confined to
one class of society; . they embraced
people in all walks of life, though al
most all were women. "We don't, waai
to sell it" said he, "and won't sell it
without a prescription; but they will
have it Just now there is a demand
for these wafers, and we have to pat
them on the counter. There is not
enough arsenic in them to hurf any
body, bnt people ask for them, and if
you don't have them they say: Oh,
well, we can get them at ; another
store.' . We have perhaps twenty cus
tomers here every week who are
habitual arsenic-eaters. They begin
using it to improve their complexions,
but once acquired the habit is hard to
break off.
We don't sell it without a sabscrip--tion,
and the dodges that some of these
people play make me weary. There is
one fashionable - woman who efrives
down here once ia awhile for the stuff,
and always has some new' excuse lo
offer for asking for it I have to ask
her name and the use she intends to
put the stuff to, and then reeord all in
my poison book." -V. F. 2V6. ,
' Beginning in 1879 with a collec
tion of $25,455, the Hospital Saturday
and Sunday Association of . New Yai'ta
has collected and distributed in sevea .
years ending last February more than
$250,000 distributing the amount so
far as undesignated, among the twenty-eight
hospitals which have associ
ated themselves with its work.
An Arab when one day the qnes-.
tion was put "How do you know tt
Is a God ?"!. turned with apparep
dig5stio"n'Rf jt the questioner, a.'
plied: ""Ho- - I know wile"
or a -ised my to - -'
I from t