The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 27, 1888, Image 1

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KlKKPATKtCK : BL'OUEtt Publisher
Cm Yew..... ti 00
nix aiiM!-ns ... ............ 1
Tim Months. 65
f Lr.aAl )
On square, first Insertion ..$100
Ksch ajttltionsl insertion 1 60
Local Notices, r- r lliw.'. 15 cents
tteular aavertuwnwits inserted upon liters,! terms.
11 " ' "" I.. i - -. .- ' . 1 1 - .
VUL. 11.
LEBANrtX LODGE. KO. 44. A. T. A. M : Meets
at their new hall tu Masonic Block, on Saturday
cwuiujg, vb or ueiure wre lull moou.
LKBAJJON LODGK. NO. 47. I. O. O. F.: Meets 8-
unl.-ty evening of eah wrvk, at Odd rellow's Halt
Mto street; suiting brethren cordially invited to
ihk pew ork Assembly has
dered an investigation into the lobby
and its, methods
oiu ior tne eleventh census
calls for an appropriation of $6,000,
HONOR LOPOR SO. SS. A. 0.n. W. T.ehnnnn
oretpai: Meets every first and third Thursday even
ing in u muatn. c. n. kosui. M. w.
Filling and Extracting Teeth a Specialty.
Office in W. C Peterson's jewelry store.
tar An work warranted. Charges reawnabl e
Thk Hennepin Canal steal has been
again shelved by a committee of the
roiR thousand Irish emigrants
sailed from Queenstown for the United
States in one day last week.
J he Postorhce Appropriation Bill
propo.-es to devote $60,133,340 to the
support of the Post-office Department
THKftew York Senate has passed a
bill to limit the number of liquor li
censes to one to each 300 of popula
Shasing, Hair Cutting, and Shampooing In the
latest and
2V Patronage respectfully solicited.
A city ticket composed of women
for the Council and a woman for
Mayor has been elected at Oskaloosa,
Thk redaction of the public debt
during March amounted to f 21.5SG,
559 68. Total cash in the treasury,
$586,454,002 66.
Gt. Charles Hotel. Thk yel U8ed by the presding of-
been in use for over fifty ye.irs. It is
made out of an elephant's tooth and
has no handle, nor it never had one.
LEBANON. Oregon.
IT. W.
Corner Main and Sherman Streets, two Blocks
, ust a a K. Uepot.
H. E. PARRISH, Proprietor.
Thb New York Democratic State
Convention for the election f dele
gates to the National Convention will
be held in this citv on Tuesday. May
Epitome of the Principal Efenli
Attracting Pablie Interest
Tables Supplied with the Best the Market
Sample Rooms and the Best Accommodations tor
Onunercul men.
A Bill has been introduced in the
United States Senate to remove the
prohibition against the appointment
of ex-Confederates to positions in the army.
Thb four best advertised men
America to-day, and without the
penditure of a cent on their part,
Contractor, Carpenter Robert O. Ingersoll, Chauncey M.
and Builder.
Depew, Father McGlynn
and Roecoe
Plaae and Speeineationa Famished
ess Hhort A o tire.
And Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Somk experiments havtt " v 4.,
. . . ! t . T'I - - 1
On reco-,"55 tut: umuuu jii-cirs-
aan), in which a number of eggs were
hatched out in a magnetic held, with
the result that the chkkens were all
more or less deformed blind, deaf or
Albany and Lebiaaa, Or.
Mich of the so-called ivory now in
use is simply potato. A good, sound
potato washed in diluted sulphuiic
acid, then boiled in the same solution,
aud then slowly dried, is already to be
turned into buttons, poker chips and
innumerable other things that ivory
was used for once upon a time.
The saloon haa evidently
rrir in Philadelphia. . Thft itlt'fi-ps C.f
GrouBries and Provisions. Lnse court, acting under the
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
leeaware and Glassware,
Lamp and Urap Flxtares.
Mala Htn Lebaaoa, Orfj.
Itieat Market
new law, are maniiesung tne most
contemptuous indifference to the in
terests of the liquor-selling tribe, and
seem actually to relish the opportunity
to smite the business hip and thigh.
While England is contemplating a
monument to Raleigh, France has de
cided on one for Parmentier. It would
be hard to suggest the names of two
men who had less in common; but
each in his own country will be recog
nized as the introducer of the potato.
Parmentier's is a clearer - title than
A Bill introduced by Senator Mor
rill, mow before both Houses of Con
gress, confers upon the director of the
mint, with the approval of the secre
tary of the treasury, the power "to
cause new designs or models of au
thorized emblems or devices to be pre
I pared and adopted" for use in the
coinage of the country. This is an
admirable measure.
"Freh. tnd Salted Beef and
"Bacon anil Larfl. always on Haul.
At Wath, in Yorkshire, six dozen
hot cross bnns are thrown from the
top of the tower of the parish church
at noon on Good Friday, in accordance
with the will of Thomas Tuke. At
one time forty dozen used to be thrown
but the crowd used to create a riot in
the church yard, and it ww at length
decreed to distribute thirty-four dozen
more sensibly at the church door.
Main Street, Lebanon, Or.
Lebanon, Oregon. .
Horse Shoeing and Gen
eral Repairing,
Ail Work Guaranteed
. AT v
There were strikes affecting 144
trades and 1,604 establishments and
shops in the Stato of New York dur
ing the year 1887, according to the
fifth annual report -of the bureau of
statistic of labor presented to the
legislature by Commissioner Chirks
F. Peck. Six hundred and ninety-
four of these strikes were successful ;
190 compromised; 3 doubtful; 695
unsuccessful, and 22 pending at the.
time of the compilation. The loss in
wages to the 51,731 strikers is esti
mated at $2,013,229 45, and ?217,-
069 78 was spent by labor orgamza
tions in their protection and relief ;
while the loss to employers U put at
11,101,576 70.
Progressive observation istltename
I nf a new frame which has b;coiiie lop-
i0 Give ular in Boston. The players are hown
a larjre nuiaber of articles of all'feinds
on a tray. In about half a minutetthe
tray is taken away and the personrfio
IS niosi successiui lu naming un
Roscoo Coskling died at his home
in New ork after a short illness.
An explosion occurred in the St.
Helen colliery, at Workington, Eng
land. Seventeen persons were killed
aud several injured fatally.
iucuoweii urawioru, colored, was
shot and killed by an unknown person
at a point two miles from Noleusville.
Ten n.
The body of a Chinaman was found
hanging to a tree about three miles
from New Wt-stminster, B. C. An in
quest was held and a verdict of sui
cide was returned.
Thomas M. Kenned v. a wealthv
cattle dealer, of BowmmvI lie. TfT.
wa? killed by Sheriff Jose Marie Es
parza, a wealthy Mexican near Ferrv
Landing, Texas.
At Jennear, La., in a diirmte at the
polls Nicholas Trovoat was shot dead.
and his brother L. P. Provost, was
mortally wounded. The trouble is
said to have arisen from a family feud.
Carrie Beiswenser, while scrubbing
at heeling, W. Va , ran a hi splin
ter uuaer ner thumb-nail. A phvsi-
cihji removed it, but the arm swelled
badly, and K'ck-Hw set in. and it is
said the girl cannot live.
The Western nail manufacturers
met at Tittsburg, Teun.. and fixed the
basis of a ecale of pricea. The scale
slightly advances nails between ten
and twenty . penny, and will reduce
those under tt n-penny.
The jail at Friars Point. Tenn.. was
bui-ned, and five pris.meis perished, in
tne tumes. An effort was made to
rescue them, but without succeas. The
jail is supposed to have beeu fired by
one of the inmates who waa under
sentence to the penitentiary.
The. assembly at Albany, N. Y.,
passed a bill providing for the execu
tion of the death penalty, by means of
electricity. This is the biU recom
mended by the comnriseion. It pn
hibit nt wspaiiers from publishing de
tails tf executions.
While two Indian policemen at
tempted to arrest Sacate, an Apache
Indian, and his son, at Los Ciuces, N.
M., who were drunk and causing
trouble in camp, a fight eiifued in
which one of the policemen were killed,
oucsve s uu .. , . ., ,j uw
men wete severely injured by stray
Chester Draper waa accid m tally
shot aud killed by Percy Candaland,
at Salt Lake City, while a party of
which Draper was one were serenading
a newly married couple, friends of
Candaland. The latter fired the shots
as a practical joke, to frighten the aer
enadtrs. The marinf s and blue j ickets of the
North Atlantic squtdnm, participated
in a sham battle, at Pensacola, Fla.
Five blue j.icketi and a matine were
wounded. It is suj posed the material
in the cone of a shell had hardened,
and tore eff, the metal cone wounding
the men. j
Two notorious criminals were cap
tured at Billingp, Mont, having in
their por3es.-ion fifty-eight head of
horses, bearing thirieen well-known
Nevada brands. Oae of the men has
been recognized as Teton, the noted
horsethief and murderer, for whose
capture there are rewards aggregating
$8,000, in Nevada and 'Idaho.
The residence of D. A. Hoffman, a
fanner near 0.k Ridge, Mo., was
burned and three of his children were
consumed. Three other children were
so badly burned that it is expected
they will die, and Hoffman was so
seriously injured that he died. It is
thought Hoffman became suddenly
insane, and fired his house himself.
Frankie, the little daughter of Rob
ert Pell, of Paducah, Ky., was burned
to death. She was playing with her
brother around a tire in the yard dur
ing the absence of her parents. Her
clothing ignited and was totally
burned from her body. She survived
but a couple of hours.
Edward Cossar, a colored man of
St. Louis, possessed of considerable
weal tli, returned to his home unex
pectedly, and found Rev. Sidney Hib-
ler, pastor of the Methodist church
and principal of the school, at his
home. Nut being satisfied with his ex
planation, he t-hot him in the head,
killing him instantly.
Orrin bteere, a larmer, living near
the village of Lisbon, N. H., while sit
ting in his dining-room reading ,a
paper, in company with bis family,
was killed by an unknown assassin,
ho literally blew the top of his head
off. A load of buckshot was fired
through a window four feet away. No
reason is assigned for the crime. The
entire countiy is hunting the mur
As five section men were passing the
Ceilings White Sand Company's works
in a band car, on the St. Louis, Kan
sas Citv fc Colorado road, near Li
Bodie, Mo., a blast exploded, blowing
an immense rovk upon the hand car
All of the men were fatally hurt
Their names are Harry McCowan
Themis Benimor, Smith Dougherty
Clark Patton aud Ed. Shepherd, Three
of them died.
A familv named Lathrope, com
prising the father, mother and three
chil tren, were drowned on Upper
Wolf river, Wis. They lived in
shapty near the bank of the stream
and though they had been warned to
leave their dangerous abode, they
neglected to do so, and the floods
swept the building and occupants
A collection of butterflies owned
by Herman Strieker, of Reading, Pa.,
Is valued at thirteen thousaad dollars
Thomas Anderson, of West IIuvsii
t-onn., and his brother, of Flushing, L.
I., are the last of the Mohawk IndTana.
Tl..... J.. !.-.- . ...
uiasij-six yoars old and nt
vigorous as a much younger man.
A contemporary of Charles Lamb
describes him as baring "a of
quivering sweetness, nervous, tremtt
I, ma biiiI a .. di:t.. ..i.i
,,Ki al, in",,,, vl name inni n
looked only lit for the most placid for
A lady stood hanging to the strap
of a St. Paul horse car when a working-man
in the far comer arose and po-
tiiety ouereu ins said. thank you.
said she, "but I dislike to deprive the
only gentleman in the car of his st aL"
A song sanjr by Tattl during her
last tour of the West was composed by
ine iotirioen-year-olii datijrhter of the
Sr.t. 1 o . t
wim ijiiiLiunu UA i mj9yiYaU!:t. lilts
composition was so ditlicult that the
child was adrist-d to simplify it, but
she refused, and it was sent to th
diva, who sang it with great siicccm.
Mrs. Stevenson, wife of the now
famous novelUt, Is a daughter of Jacob
Vaudegrift, one ef the pioneers of In.
dianapolis, aud is remembered in that
city as a petite, pretty brunette, very
bright, a.T.I, withal, very fond of a good
novel. Her first husband waa Samuel
Osborne, deputy clerk of the Supreme
Empress Elizalwth, of Austria, al
ways takes the zither with her when
ever she visits her mother, tle Duchess
Ludoviea, of Bavaria, who is very font!
of hearing her daughter perform on
that instrument. The Empress re
ceived her first instrm-tions in zither
playing from her father, and subse
quently took Ieasotisof the first masters
of Vienna.
The negroes of Union Point. Ga.,
are nnder the control of a voudoo"
doctor. A negro died a week ago and
the coroner found that lelladonna had
been used. From what can be learned
the negro women of Union Point are
completely under the coutsol of the
voudoo doctor, while the ne.-rro men
are so fearful of being "tricked" that
they will not divulge any thing.
The late Marshal Pelissier once
struck his aid-de-carap in one of those
uncontrollable fit of rarre for
which he was notorious. The of
fier took out his pistol. point
fiJa 1'fl'ssler and praemed
A fot-tnhrlit' irff-
relissier. "That will teach you notT'f
keep your arms in such bad order. "LjtiaM frctow,
Pom Sensible Comment by a Well-Know
Woman Writer.
Putting asido all the sad showinjr of
low ideaU to be found in the manner
of dressing to bo seen everywhen
around us, we may, perhaps, Iwlp out
Selves and others to find a bett-.-r plant
of thought on the subject, by taking
noro i wiiat some girls have saiL win
hold the matter under consideration. I
hnd it possible todivide these girls Int
inreo classes:
First. The girls who have nearly all
the money I hey want, and who believe
that their first duty in life Is to dies3
themselves with it.
C" nil
ocuiiiHi. jliib gins who iiave very
little money, ami who use what time
they have, as well as all their money
in niient-uig as wen uressetl as possi
ble. Third. The girls who have little of
either time or of money at their own
disposal, and wlvrse Interests are in
something quite difieient from their
clothes, j-et who have taste and sent!
nietit, ami who sutler if they ever find
themselves dressed inappropriately.
We have all known girls belonging
to each of these classes. .
We know the girl mho is given nearly
all the money she wants, anil is told to
get the prettiest things sho can find to
wear. What is the result? Sometimes.
.i ?-i .
iikw iu go-is in eonieetionery shops
who get so tired of sweet thtntrs that
they never want to touch them, the
taste palls. It is like anv other
earthly Hssession, once ours we
care very little fjr iL I hpai.1
a young dressmaker with a large
custom say the other day: "Why, if it
were not my business, I would wear
the plainest things I crtild find, ami
never think of dress again as long as
live. I anions actresses, too, whose
profession requires constant attention
to dress. re known to despise fine
Iressing when they are in private.
L liarlotte Uushman, who saw ntre of
society, and that of the best kind.
through a long series of years than al
most anybody of her time, used to limit
herself to three dresses a comfortable
gray woolen dress for every day, n
good black dress, and a light silk fm
"occasions." This 1 -ft her a margin
of money for doing many noble things.
It is wonderful what a moth of
money fine dressing is! and of all un
satisfactory results, perhaps to be
nicely dressed is one of the !&'"'' f am
askings-f fijHi. of fine I reading.
711" lyitent New England Wf.rffe'.':
'there is a coionialiou In belli
well dresstd which even religion c
The Athens (Ga.) Bnnntf Tias this
success to re'-ate in matrimonial ad
vertising: "Our reader will remem
ber that some months since Colonel
Joseph S. Baugh. an Oglethroe bach
elor, advertised for a wife. He was
deluged with letters from all over the
United States. lie distributed several
of these letters among his bachelor
friends. At least three weddings will
be the result of the correspondence."
question is:
ani Lenther
Religion does not work in that way.
If we neglect our duths she b. not com
ing to help us until we take rains to
help ourselves; and one of our fet ju.
ties to ourselves and to others is , ue
fitly dressed. There never was a tire
lessly dressed or an nn-neat persn
known who was not also careless mIxki
appointments, careless at figures, un
neat in processes of thought, and in
some way untrustworthy. Alas! V is
a fact, that clothes illustrate the mui.
Mr. James T. Fields, in Wide Awil.
Tha Nonebalanea LHsplared Nowadays la
anaira ol the Heart.
it is often somewhat shocking to
people of middle age, or past that
period, to observe the nonehalance
with which far too many of the young
ladies of the present day speak of their
engagements or marriage, that is, with
no shrinking, or hesitation, or reserve,
and, as it would appear to the ob
server, with no delicacy. And not
only is it the want of delicacy that
strikes one, but a want of respect
toward the engagement, a treatment
of it as if it were the lightest of affairs.
without especial significance unless
one ilen-scd. an arrangement for
lunch, a rendezvous t a reception.
nut ncarij so serious, in.iecu, as a
dinner ei g igement, which is some
thing that must be kept, but a part of
the frivolities of life, not to be looked
at intently or spoken of gravely, but
entered into half in prank and frolic,
continued as long -as agreeable, and
broken as lightly as a bubble a child
blows from a pipe.
The manner, too, in which these en
gagements are formed is a source of
surprise ana snocK. again, to tne re
putable middle-aged woman, who is
convinced that things were not done
Bo in ber young days the total levity
anu want oi sentiment, the young
man s purse and general ability to pro
vide a tine menage and equipage hay
ing more to do with the solidarity of
the enterprise than virtue or personal
charm; genial manners, good dancing
and pleasant temper being enough for
the temporary arrangement, and the
temporary arrangement being tolera
bly well understood to be only for the
scafCM, terminate, like various other
copartner-ships at the will of either
But equally is it a matter or pain and
troub'e t the astonished observer to
notice the manner in which the en
gagement? are broken, letters re
turned, all but & tell-tale few, some
gifts returned and some retained;
a little romance, a little sentiment, as
if just for the play'a sake, a few tears,
under which the laugh comes spark
ling presently, and the way is clear
for the next aspirant. And then the
affair is spoken of as cooly and openly
as any event of yesterday's dinner or
of last nirht's ball such and such a
thing hapiened when this young per
son was engaged to So-and-so, or no,
was it then, or when she and young
This-and-that were so epris with each
ojper? 1 be whole affair of the engage-
flower that hMf'r,5J2een Topped.
lo'd in i.:, i ... ,. that
day. when
The contracts fur the new refinery
buildings which Claus Spreckels, the
Ciiliioriiia sugar king, is to put up in
Philadelphia, has leen awarded. They
will cc&t about $1,500,000. without the
machinery, and from 700 to 1,000
hands will be employed. Mr.
Spreckels'e great enterprise ia expected
to result in a direct increase in the
commerce of the Dort of Philadelphia
! . . - . " .
cles on the trav scores a point. of $ 40,(JOU,OOU, and an indirect in
.lifi strength of shafts or barx 'jrease of about $100,000,000. Im-
S ,i- konJinir and twistitKsDorter8 declare that the erection of
;Twrh r-nhes of their diameter, j the refinery means the arrival t tha
a two-inch shaft is eight times 3 port of fully 500 additional 'aels.
one-inch shaft, while a ! during each year, which wr
inch shaft is twenty-S67 timei i about a third of tha
Boiton EudueL j - onnage.
A young lady's first
Is he marriod?" Shoe
An exchange says base ball um
pires are but mortal. There are times
when they wish they had wings.
It is surely no wonder that a man
who is on a bender seldom is able to
walk straight- Detrvit Graphic
"I aim to tell the truth." "Yes."
interrupted an acquaintance, 'Tnt you
are a very bad shot. Chicago Living
Marshall P. Wilder tells of a small
boy walking down a country lane with
a basket of green apples on his arm,
singing "Nearer, My God, to Thee."
"Papa. I guess there ain't any
plumbers in Heaven," said a six-year-
old youngster, one rainy day. "Why
not, my son?" "'Cause the sky seems
to leak so easy."
Don't tell a woman that she's a
second hand rib worked over and turn
to Genesis for your authority. It's un-
gallant, and besides, its dangerous.
Merchant Traveler.
In hot weather the water in drink
ing fountains is too warm to drink, and
in cold weather it is frozen solid. There
are other things in this life which pos
sess equally discouraging foundations.
"Didn't you say flour had gone
down in price?" asked Mrs. Snaggs.
"Yes." replied her husband. "I don't
think it has. I still have io pay a
nickel for a five cent loaf of bread."
Pittsburgh Chronicle.
The man who truly loves his wife
will find a proper place, cither rip i
the garret or down in the ellar. In
which to keep his wearing apparel, and
not go crowding her drcssea out of the
closets. A'. V. Weekly.
A Diserctious Young Miss.
I asked my lorty for a kiss
When we were walking out,
Phe answered me, the cautious mint:
"You may take one. If you are sure
There are no odious nmnleur
Photographers about-'
A". F. Weekly.
There is a clever lad in this town
who will get his living in this world
and no mistake For playing truant
maternal authority cut off his supper.
Casting one fond look at the authoress
of his being, he paused at the door to
s.-ry: "Mother, I am going to die, and
when I am no -more I wish the doctor
to cut mo open and look at mj- stom
ach." The maternal heart was filled
with awfql forebodings and the mater
nal voice asked what he meant "1
wish it to be known," ho answered,
"that I died of starvation." This was
cuotigh. The small boy retired to his
little bed gorg rtrplution. London
Pigs' Feet Souse: Cut off the hornj
part of the feet and toes, scrape, singe
and wash thoroughly, place in a kettle
with plenty of water, b-jiL skim, pour
off the water, add fresh and boil until
the bones will pull out easily; do not
bone, but pack in a stone jnr with salt
and pepper sprinkled between each
layer; cover wkh-goojl vinegar.' When
wanted for the tablet, take out a sufB-
Austria lata
ut ir
I eiejjt
. urii. . . ,
. Tor ureasr
' t skillet, add
per if need-
Ther Are Import d From
Ureat Hr.lalo.
In most districts of Great Britain
toads are moderately numerous; more
numerous, iiidee-i, than might be im
agined, for they are not animals that
court publicity. In the faee of this il
is rather surprising to hear that toads
are now being imported into this couii-
try from Austria. They are packed in
wooden boxes filled with moss, and on
their arrival fetch as much as from $15
to $20 per hundred. Toads have long
been an article of commerce here; in
most welt ordered gardens the visitor
will occasionally le startled by a quaint
apparition on the pathway, puffing
like an asthmatic old .gentleman, and
the suburban market gardeners and
nurserymen very frequently have them
in their frames and greenhouses and
about their grounds. But until re
cently our horticulturists have been
satisfied with the exertions of the na
tive toads in ridding them of slugs,
grubs and noxious insects. It is possi
ble that the Austrian toad may
be larger and more voracious than
onrs, and this may explain the fact
of its imporht-tion. At present it
does not seem to have put in nn apiear
anee at Covent Garden, where a stock
of toads and green frogs is usually
kept. At nny rate the new visitant.
if only as useful as the native animal,
dtwerves a hearly welcome as a cheap
and useful ally of the gardener, for
not only does tho toad live to an ex
treme old age, but it has the nn usual
merit of finding its own provinder and
lodging. And beyond this it has much
more good nature in it that its forbid
ding exterior would seem to indicate.
anil has frequently become so tame asb
come at a call or even at the sound of
a whistle. And when dead its useful
ness does not necessarily cease, for
naturalists before now have found In
sects of great rarity In the stomachs of
loads fhey have happened to dissct
Altogether it is Very evident that Su
Patrick made a slight mistake whet
he banished the toad from tho ureen
Isle in company with the "sarpints"
and other hurtful creatures. Lottdon
Two brothers in Cambridge, Me..
were inveterate checker players, and
one of them always wanted to bet on
each game. The elder had scruples
a" gambling, but ono morning
when the old folks left home to be gone
all dav he told his brother he'd bet with
him. The boys spent tho day at the
checker board, and when tho parents
e.ine home the voun ner son had lost
all his pocket money, all his knick
knacks, and six sheep which he had
owned. The older brother refused to
give back the winnings, and the
younger hasn't been anxious to gamble
Young me clad in the garments
formerly worn bv students hsve been
numerous in the streets of Ojak
Japan, lately. Ttjiey lecture ip'
the-way corners. nd even i
streets wbnn'J - -
ea iaur
a young lady broke her ark
s.eiucor, or naa it broken for her
UN. want . . - . .
... ....., icuremeai ior a season
ove a younr widow, and di.l
it ..... . i. . . . ""'
v sue naa done no .
to go to a Picnic an1 t,.A
i .i , . . ' -
en mongiit Detter of it
TI.... . .. . .
""cjrainio me omet fr r!;.i
onlooker a single profanity about the
ouiness, ana she feI thl. tk. . . .
I V UiUH 1 If
enlarging tne careless war ;
engagement is formed, as iX
rhed into the Holy of Holies.
wtout removing the ahoes from one's
leer. Hr tar u n : , m .
rw.f " -'""""J U1 "mes. sue
. """es. are an the broken
1 ""- srl LiiS Vnr 4i hafr.1 1 1
iutcuaim man
Iur5l? an divorce after-
i. ijir an hn. I
alt. 1 1 . . rauem morals there
maV . ,.er- lhe Ter dea of
muc s a,inn a be approached with as
affair , Knows the
enwe moatiy conducted that an
prepara"1 u neYer "Pen of till
din 9 Sle ""Wag tor the wed
sor s stric? his 'f oe-nd the cen-
little oV " wo-tild Tpt haTe
cnurcn-going feelin
a little Om
convenience olM
laterntlns; Hlotorleal Spelmena Rpi
eotlns; Mytnoloris-al (iabjaeta.
Mosaic was applied with good effect
by the Romans to portraiture, which
gained in durability -what it lost in
nnisb. Instances are given of Cara-
calla a gladiators and the friends of the
tmperor Oommodus. whose ortraits
were erected in a jiortico of his gar-
uen. r-any in tne first century B. C,
mosaic had become a necessary part of
omciai iurniture, and Mr. Parry quotei
Suetonius, who tell3 us how Csesar car-
: I i . . . .
nun mosaic anouc in jus campaigns
mat nis otlicial "pavement" might be
always ready. The common adoption
of mosaic suggested the use of native
materials. ,vnore marbles could not
be obtained stones of various colors
and clay, baked red or black, were em- TT .a a
snjjCTu rrequenuy, as nas been re
marked before, the composition is So
superior to the execution that it is im
possible not to believe that the originals
were the work of able artists. Arid
thus an additional interest is imparted
to mosaics as preserving some record
of the composition of ancient pictures
and wall paintings. Interesting as
mosaics are which represent my.
thological subjects, those are even
more interestinc- which illustrate eon-
temporary life. '"One of the best
examples of the kind is tho grea
mosaic of Italiea near Seville." This
represents the interior of a Roman eir
eus, and bears testimony to the, import
ance of a city of which little remains,
though It was founded by Scipio
Africanus, and was the birthplace of thn
Emperors Trajan, Hadrian and Theo-
dosius. A still finer specimen of
mosaic representing the entire scene
of the cirens is at Lyons. This is fullr
described, and is an excellent illustra
tion of the lively interest taken by the
Romans in the games of the circus.
Another favorite subject was taken from
tne kingdom of Neptune. There is a good
instance of this on the coast of Spain.
on the floor of the Church of St Michael
at Barcelona, "where the whole dorr
of the ocean kingdom is portrayed in
mosaic, with fishes, nereids. and tri-
tons sporting among the waves, and
indicating the spot once occupied by a
temple of Neptune." These subjects
were very popular toward the close of
the first century A. D., a fact attributed
to the extension of Roman commerce
by sea. Of all such desisrns the Balm
is given by Mr. Gambler Parry to the
mosaic found at Constantine, described
in glowing language, which should be
studied, as it contains, among other
naRworable expressions, a fine enohem- i
ism BjtJtei. TIZk Tf!I?T6a &f tn ,
.npeutn-,enrj of draper-,
deities who evA-r this
1 ftei
1S9 I
Knry description ' ' -ir. . .
Jol Prising Ecus en Stcrt luk
K 4
Legal Blanks, Business Cards.
Letter Heads, BiU Beads.
Exseuted la food style sad at lowest Hilrf
Posters, FfJ"
It Ha. Bole-. ,K rorfy THoMat
Usfs to tha
k;nVT 1?owland- of Johns Hop-
--, y.aun ior specrrnm r,K
or decomoositinn t:i. . -
... j
at icuuiim r.
m accentinir
wouiu nave the af-
no lover
such just for the
season's pleasure
Vst to lift the
nrnarh fmm van
so had a lover. bur becnse So-and-
i, e,Ted only when
so worthy that tb$d where he was
keen tiinL-nr',,lluB to
of lio-ht Thta
Cine waa m-trlo . .
--icijr bi lne universi
ty under his personal tnn.u.. ,
is the result of the most VtZ
taking effort The .t i'.
part of it-the screw and to
meats for reamlaHn ti, .
" 1- -w TTmm VI IDA
aept at a constant rem
so as to avoid all error arising trnm -J
pansion and contraction, and isguaMed
against so small an ormr A.
? j .1 --wa ea Jlte-UUZl
dred-thonsandth of an inch. The en
gine is run by water mw :. -
closed m a elaas ca v.
double-walled brick chamber in the
W TtmTHif 1.1 .
temperature as possible. So delicate
.-vamacrunery tnat while it is run
ning the case is kept closed, as the heat
from a person's body would affect it
The new machine at first was not satis
factory, but now the worst ruled plates
by it are better than tr.K. i-jf ..
old onet The old one hardly rled
more than X0.000 Tinea to the inch.
Io n? haS rule aa high as
40.000. and can be graduated to rule
an almost infinite inmW k
metal nannlltr on.n.t.i . . .
. . ? "uiuios, Rnu lDe lmes
How Msjjt of Them Make an i
Comiortabla Living. i . ,'
According to the most reliable. ' - - .-
available, there are about 20.000 m ' .
women in Washington than men. - The
fact of it being the "at of Government
very naturally attract scheming wo
men and adventuresses. The schem
ing onea are not necessarily all women
of the vicious and immoral
Schemers can move in the best circlet.
Many a woman comes here because she
imagines it is a good place to win a
husband; others think they can get
employment, and still others who have
a little money manage to make friends
among the residents, and they p.ts
winter In the hope of getting i
ciety. it has always been a mystery
how many of the females known to be
honest and respectable manage to live
here. It b an expensive place, but
they manage to keep np appearances.
Aney Dave nearly all been reduced
from some higher sphere. Many of
them are the wives or daughters of
men who have been in Government
positions in the army or navy, or pe.r-
anps in Congress, and have died lear-
ng nothing for their families. Some of
those who have been o reduced have
trod the highest walks of social
eminence." Xnose of more, coin- w
mon-place qualifications have gnrrenwc v
dered their social positi.a and n mi' - .
boarding-houses or gone into tl i ; -partmenta.
There ia an er-rep v
tarive still alive here in Wash'-
who has two daughters in one t
departments. Employment Kf
accomplished ladies of re
ireumstances u . tha of chap -
to yonng people. A chaperonr ,
very important attachment for ' ,
people in Washington society, V .
one it is not alwavs easy to -;
It is embarrassinr. and He .
generally inconvenient, for mat . '
to have to sit in the corner - or a .":
he wall and nod while their-
aughters whirl in the -walta f-'-," '-.
tread the mystic mazes that lea 2 . ..
remature old age. An amiabloehap-
... ..... . jC -VI
erone, wno win go wua tagiris to the
theater, to balls and parties, aad whfre
not, is cheap at most any price, ad
can find plenty to do profitably. Of
conrse they do not advertise: "Wanttd
A situation as ehaperone." Nortl -.
hey ask Mrs. Pennyharvest if she doea
not want to hire a ehaperone with lonw
xpertence and good reference N-.t
at alL It all comes about very natur
ally- . The lady is so accomodating and
Mrs. Pennyharvest is so grateful that
it all comes to be understood. An
ther occupation of fashionable ladles
eeduced circumstances is that ol
i'ng to invalids and entertainin
tiicij'-fih all the small talk of the day.
" '"AH thiese-rS2 resofted to by
ladiea who have by (omfS
beea thrown upon their own resources,
fcoroe perform these services opeajy
with no pretense at concealment' of
their necessities. Others manage to
keep their occupation a secret between
themselves and those they serve, each
ituBKingtnat she Is the only
one favored. Washington is a place
for the cnltiTation of clever women,
and they are found living npoa the'r
sharp wits in U the walks of society. . a thriving business in the
"lobby." There is one your o- girl
who is about the capitol every winter!
who is said to make a large ineorae
from her practice before the House
Cer. &L Levi Jtepnb iean.
run mto each other above twenty thou- I1?,0'1 to the taW passing by never
known as speculum metal, though Hass
Accord inr to an ancie
chronicle, there are thir?d reliable
the year that are esoecialf ays m
marriages ami journeys. lor
follows: January 1, 2, 4. & r "
15; February 6, 7 and 18 jf nd
and 8; April 6 and 11; Majf11 L
June 7 an d 15; July 5 amf m! 7;
15 and 19; September 6 jS"8'
ber 7; November 15 and h"CM-
cembcr 15. 16 and 17. Ev
knows that Friday is the mostly
day for a wedding, while WeW
and Thursday are the luckiesy
grandmothers believed that it-"
most unfortunate thing if the t
after finishing her toilet and lea
was also bad for her to see the man s. enS,n ' small counting machine
was about to marry, after dressing recor"lng the number of lines
and before the time had come for tht11'. In Rn joining r0Oni is a very
ceremony. Lhxcajo Journal. measuring the
R aaT3 Jl Iltra. M.TH1 t (ilaKfn
, uv iiMti ClUUblV
it A lkJ wUa a J
How a Sew York Peddler Gets Hb r arfr
- ,ron Greaa lale. -
The little candy stand beside the
... entrance to tne rotter buildino-
attended to by a gray-haired old Irish
man, who apenda his time In readin r
the prs nntil . customer appear!
Thete ia nothing else very extrTordi- '
nary abont the old man, but there ii -something
on his table which is a puz-V
zle to a great many persons. It is , V
bundle of what resembles a mass of A
?,t -t.lnd entgl Pece of brown '
silk ribbon, which, after being taken off
the roadway, had then beea thrown
into a mill and crimped and shredded.
Most of tha 1 .
- , j ' ,r" -""e gaze is at-
T- -
Some of -then.'fe
la ainnana- v am a s
"'tl,,uc useo. ior exnerimnnf.l
prposes. The prepared n1ar ,.i..
on the machine, and the screw regu
lated to the required itir... j
when the machine starts it moves the
plate the distance, s.iv. nn.
Ihousandth of an ineh - ,7
j , . , . Buiau
"",u,u,iu P"int runs across and draws
tne Drown masa.
... iiwb bv ior eatino- be
cause it is on the table, but others re
gard such an idea as preposterous.
An elderly looking
effter making a purchase of two applet
at the stand a few
over the little table to get a closer look
at the stuff They askl each other
what it was, and fin-Jly inquired of the
the line while the plate is station. old mn-
It is a matter of infinite care, and I "Skor at'a dulsk."
-why it-1: f ted e elderi m
V hy, it a dulsk, of course." wia
the reply. "Ifs a sayweed that r-,- "
ab PTrtWa
several days are neccessary for ruliny
a nl.fa V. . . . . A
r Iour mcnes in dia
meter. The diamond point can be so
arranged as to vary ever firtin. -
t I.: l t i l . as to
P '. .. )ne-hnnlruk i;n "... . I VoCKS whleh ira loff v .1.
in for a last glance at herself, v UUB nt me end of I .-w , . "i "e ae at
Almost, But Not Quite.
'Where have you been for the p-st
two weeks?" said one traveling man
to another; "out on the road?"
No, I took a run to New Orleans to
see a young lady down there."
Did you have a pleasant time?"
"No, not as pleasant as I expected.
Her father doesn't hold me in the
high esteem with which I could honor
"Then you were not wined and dined
and feted?"
"No, I wasn't exactly feeted. but I
was booted on several occasions."
Merchant IraveUr. :.
Chicago is to have an elevated rail
road with a capital of $20,000,000.
. Agricultural. As a general thinj?
it is an easy matter to exterminate
weeds on a widow's bonnet, but; It
gjft man to do, thf. Charley wn j
' tes half a
inly a stick-
"- 'tween twr--'
tie is it that an error of one hnn.
eousandth part of an inch, or
ors. can be detected. The mlmo
v r .. o
wot;iiie ape tne finest in the
pari have been sent to different
of t scholarly portion of it, one
preseust and best plates beinir
1 . ti r. . ..... rs
ini. ieimnoitz, the
perfect physicist of Berlin. If a
fectly dto niea s one that per
for this work it was designed
one in thably the most perfect
'Baltimore Sun.
An F'is s m
from a Virprcserves a clippin
thirty years newspaper of only
is given of tlryhich an account
two years' lnifce of a woman to
lave to read. Vat for teaching a
. A man . "
attacked a few dtacon, Ga,.wa
pony which he wt by a Tex
have been killed iitj. and wouh'
to his assistance at a(t not rlll
mal by striking it w the aci.
A io,uuu iigni-' a ,
n i Paris for the Unite;.
meaJ0!Vil? Washi
from the Irish
"s whic
-..ei, uuniig wqh time it L
gathered. When plucked from the
parent rock, with the moisture of the
sea still fresh upon it. no ribbon of silk
or other materiallpossesses such soft tex
w more oeautiiut shades of brown
"After it is gathered for awhile aVi"
exposed to the snn it changes to a da lis.
color and gets coated with a frost h r
of salt When thoroughly dried it
considered very healthy food. To
natives gather it and store it away in a?
cozy nook besides the ehimnev. Th-.,
sometimes eat it boiled down almost to '
pulp, and very often it is the only
thing they have as an adjunct to the
drv. mealy potato." e
When asked how it got here, he said:
I have a sister in Ireland, and every '
year she sends me ever a bag of
Somebody coining over - geentllT
brings it to me, and I don't hT to n, V
any duty on it Now and then I sim
.v.u uuuuu sow or two to the si - -and
that a how I get it here." a j v
:- - t
Applicant "Are you m s
collector? I have gocxl referi, 1
from Black & Son. my late "mp'rSf
Manager "Why did" you leave tWJ
Apnlicant "Well von (uw H,:
so they all knew
' which neceK