v .11. V v. r TELEGRAPHIC. Aa Epitsie of the Principal Events Sow AtSrajfeg P&LIie Interest The steamer Cannonburgr, wrecked at Nantucket, valued at $150,000, is a total loss. .. - The French government has de clined to accept Italy's proposal for a commercial treaty. Willie Jack, aged 12 years, was ac cidentally shot and killed at Butte, Montane, by a playmate. The C. B. & Q. R. R. paint shop buildinsr at Aurora, Illinois, was de stroyed by fire. Loss, f 200,000. Ex-Lieutenant Governor Wm. Dor fheimer, of New York, publisher of the New York Star, died at Savannah, Georgia. Albert Murrish, a farmer living near Kearney, Neb., shot his wife dead and I fatally wounded Thomas Patterson,! who was employed about the farm. A terrible explesion occurred in a coal mine at Rich Hill, Mo., imprison ing thirty-five miners. Thoee not killed outright were So badly injured that they will die. Tho statement of the Philadelphia A Reading Railroad rnd Iron Compani s for three months ending February 29, 18S8, compared with the same period in 1S87, shows a decrease in gross earnings of f 2,222,140. E. F. Willman, formerly local editor of the Leadville Herald, and at one time connected with the Denver Time, suicided at Salt Lake City. He left a note stating that he was tired of life. He was thirty years of age. The British ship Dolbadern Castle has arrived in San Francisco, 143 days from Swansea. On the trip out ihe vessel lost her third mate. He fell from the main-topmast rigging, and striking on his head was killed. Twenty-five convicts mutinied at theJBirniingham, Ala., prison. Officers , attempted to suppress them and two of the negro convicts were killed. The Coroner's jury returned a verdict that the shooting was done in the perform ance of ihe pnson omcers duty. Capt. Charles R. Barnett has been relieved from duty at Los Angeles and ordered to Baltimore, Md.t relieving Mai. Gilbert C. Smith, who has been ordered to Helena, Mont., to relieve Capt. Charles Bird. The latter has been ordered to Washington, D. C. A dispatch from Gila Bend, Arizona says that one of the Mexicans who assassinated Supt. Gribble, of the Vulture mine, and two companions was shot and killed while resisting ar rest at the Gila River Irrigation Com pany's camp. The 47,000 bar of bullion was recovered. A mob of women in Constantinople sought to obtain arrears of pensions due their husbands trom the govern ment, and besieged the office of the Minister of Finance. The minister was secreted to escape the fury of the wtrtVh TfiA ivt.K lrt 1 1-Ja"l aa mr-vwv wh - was sSvising them to make their de mands quietly. 1 he lumperor ot uermany receives daily reports concerninz the floods. The damages are estimated at 50, 000,000. The towns of Betzenbure Domitz and Damenbursr are still flooded. Twenty-nine lives have been lost and 10,000 head of cattle hive perished. Thiity thousand people are homeless on account of the flood. Denver had a grand six-days cele bration on the opening of the Pan handle route. It is estimated that 75,000 people witnessed the parade. T. he streets were a wilderness of flag? bunting and banners, while the pave ments for miles were one mass of i"smariity, so closely packed that all travel had to be suspended for several hours. M. DeLesseps writes to the financial correspondents' rf the Panama Canal Company that 108,236 new obligations have been subscribed for placing 50, Oj0,009 francs in the hands of the company. He regards this as satis factory ; but authorizes correspondents to continue to receive subscriptions. He hoped that the government would now authorize a lottery. A severe explosion was felt through out Westchester county, New York. a-v -i -a uoors ana windows in nouses were rattled, and people thought they had experienced a shock of earthquake. A large quantity of powder exploded in the Styckney powder works, near Ashford. At the spot where the mille stood there is a hole big enough to bury a house. Two workmen were blown to atoms. They were the only men in or near the works. The French court of appeals haE reversed the decision of the lower court in the case of M. Wilson, who wascharged with complicity in the -t!oration scandals, and acquits Wil son of the charges against him. His comrades in the same case were also acquitted. The judgment of the court severely condemns acts imputed to Wilson and others, but declares that existing laws do not apply to the of fenses charged against them. A terrible wind storm struck the little town of Ninaescah, Mo. It de stroyed everything in its path, leaving only three houses standing in the whole place. Two churches, five stores and fifteen dwelling houses were absolutely torn to pieces, and the Hying timbers caused the death o! three and the maiming of seventeen citizens. The dead are Mrs. J. C VTilliams, her infant and Georee Har- desty. Those jmcet severely hurt are J amey-TlKiam8,ttoth legs broken and severely bruised, and will probably die. Charles Gordon, injured in the back, it is supposed fatally. "A LITTLE NONSENSE." With the exception of the mouth, man's anatomy ceases to grow at about the age of twenty. An English land owner is so op posed to poaching that he will not eat a poached egg. N. O. Picayune. -De Smith "Well, Travis, how are you?" Travis "Oh, Tm robust. How are you?" De Smith "Plain bust" Burlington Free Press. Kentucky has a rooster with three throats, and every time a Kentackian tikes his Bourbon he wishes he was that rooster. Fort Worth Tex.) Qa zette. Customer (in the restaurant) "The last time I was here, waiter, I found a hair in my soup. Are you sure this is all right?" Waiter (confident ially) "Yes, sah; I dona took 'em all out." The time for a man to exercise his will-power is when he finds himself likely to go down on the icy pavement If it can hold him up it is a success and should be encouraged. Detroit Free Press. COAST CULLINGS. Devoted Principally to 'WashingtoD' Territory and California. Palouse, W. T., has incorporated. Rufus Ford shot and killed himself at Silver City, Nevada. A Christian Church Society has been organized at Colfax, W. T. About 3,000 tons of wheat are stored in the Colton, W. T., warehouse. A large barn, its contents and nine horses, burned at Vacaville, Cal. Loss $6,000. A rabbit drive near Selma, Cal , re sulted in the slaughter of 12,230 rabbits. The Booth-Barrett engagement of three weeks realized f 68,000 at Sau Francisco. The east bound train was detained at Stampede, W. T., about four hours by a landslide. T. J. Abbott, aged 55 years, a rest dent of SantA An, Cal., was thrown horn his buggy and killed. A Mexican attempted to steal a ride on a freight train at Beaumont, Cal., and was run over and killed. David Wilcox, of New York, has been appointed Receiver of Public Moneys at Walla Walla, W. T. L. B. Cornell, of New York, has been appointed Receiver of Publi Moneys at Spokane Falls, W. T. H. W. McNair, about 50 years old committed suicide at a hotel in Ta coma, W. T., by taking morphine. Twenty-five logging camps and seven canneries will be in operation in Pacific county, W . T., this season Efforts are being made to secure the funds necessary to brush up the col lege at Colfax, W. T., for use thi season. Samuel Stewart, a well known resi dent of Colton, W. T., committed suicide near that town by drowning himself in the lake. A young man about 24 years old named Joseph Greer, committed sui cide at Snohomish, W. T., by shooting himself in the head. The list of salmon canneries on this coast now number 103, a considerable increase over the number Lu-t year when 997,000 cases were packed. The town ol Blacks Cal., was par tially burned. Ihe charred remains of a man were found in the debiis. The origin of the fire is not known. In a saloon row at San Bernardino, Cal., Henry Wilson and Oliver Grif fith were f.itally shot. Officer Codoria and a Mexican were also badly hurt. Julius Shocken, a stranger in Spo kane Falls, W. T., died rather suddenly fion a knife wound accidentally in flitted whi'e in a state of intoxication ! v hue a gang ot Chinamen were working in a large gravel bank near Los Olives, Cal., the bank gave way killing two and breaking the ! g ol another. In the superior court at Sacramento, Cal , Qeorge A. Turley and Frank Abbott were sentenced to three years each at Folsom for voting illegally at a recent city election. The roundhouse at Stampede, W.T with two engines, were burned. Th ironwork will be taken to Tacoma fo repairs. Only one man was present when the tire started, and he could do nothing. The ship J. D. Walker reports that daring a gale on her tr'p from Seattle to ban i rancisco, she lost two men overboard namtd Denis Nagle ami Thomas Kane. The men were swept from the jibboom. At Chico, Cal., a 2 yoar-old child of Wm. Mare was drowned m a wash boiler containing three inches of water. The mother left the clri i for a few moments, placing her near the boiler, and when ehe returned she found her dead. According to the report of the com missioner of navigation, the tonnage of the Pacific Coast, on June 30. 1887 was as follows : State of California Number of vessels, 864 ; tonnage, 254,- oaz. Oregon Vessels, 18a; tonnage 52.62L Wac-hington Territory Ves sels, 16a ; tonnage, 49,460. Alaska Vc-Btels, 19; tonntge, 630. Total number of vessels, 1,236 : total ton nage, 357,445. Con'racts were signed by pirties in Fresno, Cal., and a man has gone to .North Carolina to ship to that county 300 negro families. Most of these will replace Chinese in the orchards and vineyards. It is said that the women and children in vineyards do better than chinamen, while the men in the sweat aod drying bouses learn the business of curing raisins much better and faster than the Chinese. ira nummei, iormeriy a waiter in a restaurant at Seattle, W. T., shot an! dangerously wouudHi John Mi chielson, a laborer. The two ha-l been drinking hevily, and Humme took Michaelson out on the street t show him some real estate which hi owned, and to buy which Michnelson had previously said he had rufli -ieni money. It was evidently to obtain this that Hummel shot his companion The weunded man was taken to the hospital. Dr. J. B. Z mgerle, of Virginia Citv Nov., was arretted for concealing seven 'ases of smallpox. The President of the Board of Health discovered th. cases. Z mgerle violated an ordinance which requires physicians to renori all caes of contagious disra e to the Board of Health. The ordinance lm poses a fine of $500 and imprisonment tor sixtv days for a violation of it provisions. It is probable that the extreme penalty will be imposed in Zangerle's case as the diecovtry of the concealed cases has caused a general sentiment of intense indignation. .During mid-summer In .Northern Alaska, according to an Arctic travel- sr, the sun shine twenty -two hours out of the twenty-four, and on high moun tain peaks for a. period f several days in June it is not entirely out of sight during the twenty-four hours. In Julv and August the weather becomes very warm. After this time the dajs grsd- nally shorten until the sun shines but four hours out of the twenty-four, but at this period the aurora is exceedingly intense and helps materially in dispeu injf the it"'tnpw. m a. The Calcutta Englishman calls at tention to a remarkable decline in the popularity of the great Rath Jattra or Car Festival, at the Juggernaut Tem ple in Orissa. The religions enthusi asm of the crowd is said ta be also dis appearing. There is no longer a wild rash for the car, in which the idol i dragged from the temple to a country house and back again, and on several occasions it has been necessary to hire coolies to perform the work. It is said that Tennyson has been known to rewrite a poem twenty time before he was satisfied with lu AGRICULTURAL. Devoted to the and Interests of Stockmen. Farmer Car of I'oultry. if the hens can be furnished with a 8'ifH -ient variety of food, and especially with green food, and the hen-houses are ry and waim, they will do bettei f con u nod in them all the time, from the day the ground Is first covt red wiih snow until the woaihr becomes warm in the spring, than if shut up a few cold or stormy days and their given their liberty a few davs. Of course they require more care in feeding, and in having roosts, nests and wallowing places kept clean, when confined, than if out of doors, but the increased num ber of rggs should pay for keeping. A feed of cabbage once a week will be good for t hem ; raw beets or turnips cut in two and thrown in for them to pick at are slso good. The leaves and stalks which may be obtained from market gardeners who are trimming celery for market are excellent. Fuwls also need meat ar fish in some form n ar'y every day through the winter. unve a wariu uicrsp eycrj iiiuiuiijk kiiu whole gr.iin at night. With fresh eggs selling at nearly a half-dollar a dozen, it will pay to take some pains with the fowl. What Fruit (irowin Should Know. 1. He should be acquainted with all of the more common insects that occur in his vicinity, their names (not necessarily the scientific onet-), their injuries and their habits. 2. lie should be able to detect new insect pests, so that he could promptly t-ubuiit them for scientific study. 3. He should be able to di tingui h between insect foes and insect friends, so that in fighting the former he will not destroy the lat'.er. . 4. He should be able to refer them to each e ne of the several orders to wh'ch they may belong, so that he can speak or write of them understand ingly, without grouping them all under the name of '"bugs." 5. He should know the manner of insect feeding, whether by means of biting jaws or with a proboscis, sn as to be able to employ the proier class of msect lcules. 6. He should experiment villi such remedies and preventives as his own obseivation and experience sugegsta. There are about 5,000,000 farms in the United State, of which 1,500,000 are worked under lease or on shares. By running a smooth harrow ovi r the wheat-field the young plants will be greatly benefited. The harrow will not injure the wheat, but will assist in c verinir gra.-s seed that may have been sown early in the year. Do not omit the warm wa'er for cows because of moderation in the weather. So long as the water shall !e etild and the weather changeable, it t-hould be slighilv warm, and the it er.ge yield of milk will be m.untaiued thereby. Anv of the potash salts may be ued with advantage on all fruit crops. In the early spring is the best time to apply thi-m. If 200 pornds of super phosphate be applied at the same time its effects will be very marked at th harvesting. Cut potatoes to two eyes'. If thev be dtsirtd early, for home use, thin out the plants to a tingle one in the hill. This will give earlier, larger and more uniform potatoes, but the yield will not be as large as when two plants are left to the hill. A change in food will be relished by the sheep just as well as by any am mal on the farm. Mature is a pretty sure guide in such matters. There may be and is a choice of foods among thoe that sheep will eat with a rvlis-h but it is a mistake to feed what the do not relish. There are many new varieties of vegetables offered in the catalogu s for loots, and some of them are probably valuable acquisitions, but it is best t experiment with new varieties the firt year of their exi-teace, as it is not always advisaWe to discard an old and tried variety for a newer kind. The best rule is to keep farm tools housed when not in use. The wastage by exposure of costly implements each year is enormous, and it is responsibl for considerable of the herd times that some farmers complain of. No nutter how soon tools are rusted out," tin farmer cannot escape paying for them Work in the garden is alwavs well bestowed. If the value of the veee tables grown be not equal to the 1 ibor applied, the advantage of having fretdi vegetables and of a superior qu Uit win more than compensate for the cost. V ery often the Libor given p ys foi itself in promoting health and impart ing enjoyment. ine conamon ot hoilow-liorn it simply a symptom of disease, an 1 in stead of directing medical attention to the horn the practitioner should make haste to look m other directions fo. the ditease; for the very fact that th horns are insuffio ently supplitjd wi h hl,od is proof that the e is too much blood somewhere else, aud hence a state of congestion. anyone wun a little pructice can leara to graft. If pwple would only study the principles involved in th opt ration we should hear less of ' bad luck" in grafting. One of the mi, elements of success consists in haviop b-th scion and stock in the protiei condition. To euie this, scion 8hould be cut early, befce the saj begins to work. They must then b packed in some soft material, such a- sand sawdust or mofs, aud placed in k cool temperature. Some prefer will ing in the spring until the buds on the stock commence swelling, while otheis pertorm the operation very early, but in both eases the scion will unite if carefully prepared ard thorough!, protec.td frr-m ib air. When you a boy and girl at a cane grinding dip hot syrup with a piece of cane peeling and each taking turns licking it, you may Infer that their fate is sealed, or ought to be. Fort Gaines Advertiser. Church choirs in Wales go up into the mountains to practice. Thero is less danger then of the front end of the syllables striking aguinat some obstacles and breaking the teeth of the singers. Buffalo Express. In Central aim Northern Dakota crops of all kinds the pust year have turned off a surprisiiig!y large yield even fur that productive country. Hundreds of instances carf be cited where the year's crop of wheat will pay for dwelling, barn, teams, farming utensils, and still leave a comfortable little stake for future needs. All of the best tilled farms have made a cross re turn of twenty-one dollars per acre. It is the general rule that the cost of rai9- inr a crop in Dakota is eirht dollars per acre. This leaves a net revenue of thirteen dollars per acre on five dollar land, or two hundred and sixty per cent profit. , CONGRESSIONAL. Legislation Pertaining to the Interest of the Pacific Coast 8EXATS. Teller introduced the following amendment to the bill to forfeit cer tain railroad land grants : "That in .til cases where any of the lands for feited by this act have been sold by the United States for cat-h, or entered by homestead or pre-emption settlers, or selected by any state as part of the grant to such state in aid of any pub lic work which has been fully com ph ted, the right of all persons so hold ing lands shall be confirmed." t arren s bill to prohibit selling or giving away cigars, cigarettes or to- hacco to minors was passed without dii-aeut. The Senale has been deluged with petitions from the 1 Women's Cbrii-tian Temperance Union, and the like, urging the passage of the bill Under the bill it will be a misde meanor for a f ither to give hiB son under 21 years of age a cigar. Mitchell introduced a resolution in the Senate directing the Committee on Territories to inquire into the valid ity of the act of the Legislative As 8emMy of Washington Territory providing that the next session of the legislative assembly of that Terntorv shall begin on the second Monday if January, lSS'J. The Senate passed a bill permitiing the construction of a bridge ovet the Columbia river above Vancouver. Dolph offered a resolution, which was adopted, calling on the Secretary t f the Treasury for information as to the nesessity fur fortifications iu Pugel Sound, and as to the practicab lity of foitiy ing the entrance to the Sound. A bill reported in ths Senate to per fect the quarantine service provides for the following additional quarantine stations : At San Diego. Cat., f ao.oOO San Francisco, f 103,000: Port Town send, W. T., 155,000. BOCsR. The river and harbor, bill haa been completed by the committte. The appropriations for rivers and harbors on the Pacific Coast are : California Humboldt, f 150,000 Oakland, $175,000; Wilmington, 90, 000; Yauuina Bav, $120,000; San Joaquin, 25,000 ; Kvdwood, $74,000 Moke! n rune, $2,000; San Luis, $25,- 000; Sacramento and Feather river $20,000; San Diego, $10,000; Naps iVtaluma, fZUUU; deep sea mooring? $150 WW. Oregon Cquille river, $20,000 Coa bay, $50,000; Cascades, $175, 000; Upier Columbia, $10,000; mouth of the Columbia, $350,000; L iwer Willamette, $80,000; Upper Wilam ette, $13,000; Ccquille. between Co quille and Myrtle Point, 2.000; eaue ing the water of the Columbia, $2,500. W ashing ton Chehalis nver,$2,000 Uowiitx river, f2,oUU; bkagit river $15 0 JO. The bill makes an appropriation of $19,432,783 and is the largest bill of the kind eer brought in. The Mississippi river from Minne ota to the Gulf of Mexicoreceive s $3 383,000; St. MaryV river, $1,500,000 Missouri river, $62a,000. A bill to amend the naturalixation law to as to require would-be-citin to make oath that they are not polyga mic, anarchists or communists was introduced by Stewart. The House adopted a resolution of the committee on eh c lions, in the case tf Post against Worthington, Tenth Illinois district, confirming the right of Post, the silting member. r-OHTLAMU PROIIITC H.4BKKT Butter Fancy roll, f lb Oregon..... Inferior gT&de Pi. kled California roll do pickled Chkesh Eastern, full cream Bregon. do ilifoniia Eoes Fresh Dried Fruits Ippies, qra, ska and bxs... do California ........ Apricota, lie w crop Peaches unpeeled. new ... Peara, machine dried. ..... Pitted cherries Pitted plums, Oregon Figa, Cal., in bgs and bxs.. Cal. Prune, French Orefjon prune Fioca -Portland Pat. Roller, rbbt $ Salem do do White Lily 9 bbl 40 20 O 23 26 0 80 i8 35 18 20 14 0 16 It' 2'J 63 6 0 18 ft 28 12440 14 10 40 12 0 8 (4 10 to n no oo -5 73 Country brand 3 60 8) Superfine 2 tu 73 Grain Wheat, Valley, V 100 lbs... 1 22 do Walla Walla 1 15 & Barley, whole, f ctl 25 20 124 do grout d, ton 20 nn $23 00 Oata, choice milling If bush 47 50 do feed.irood tocholce.old 46 .a 47 tire, 100 lbs 1 lrj 1 23 Feed Bran, ton 16 00 (a 17 00 Short. ton 18 00 10 Oil Hay, r ton, baled (18 00 :;hop. V too. ?3 (X) ii 00 il cake meal tfton. ....... 32 00 (c 83 Ot Frkh Fruits - Vpple, Oreifon, t box 1 Jherriea, Oregon, tfdnn... Unions California, tfbx.. 4 Limes. 100 2" ft 00 ft 1 F0 iiveride orannes. V box. . . uo Angeles, lo do ... ft Peaches, " box g Hides iry, over 16 ttvs, if ft 11 vVet salted, over : 5 lb $ Vlurrain bide 7 (4 !,elt 10 3 Vroktabi.ks Jabbage. t? lb 12 fi 0 23 Carrots. V sack ft Cauliflower, a dos Jnions ft 10 ?o lrt an Potatoes new. If 100 lbs . . w ool. East Oregon. Spring clip.. 14 9i ValleT Oretron. rtn .. 18 ft The Presbyterian mm is-1 erg of Titta- imrglt have adopted a resolution de clining their disapprobation of Sunday newspaper, i ne resolution calls ui- on all lovers of law and order and of a religious Sabbath to withdraw their patronage from papers that publish Sunday editions. COHHOX IN CALIP0IINIA. I suffered for years from catarrh till it destroyed my apuetite and weakened my r-ystem. No reme dies gave me relief till I commenced using Joy's Sirnaparilla. I began taking it last spring, and am now entirely f re from tavt dlagtutlcg disease. Moba-ve, Cul A CANDID CONFESSION. For several veare I suffered from Dyspepsia and Kidney Complaint, the lstter being so aevere at tlrnt a that I could acarcely attend to my work. &!y appetite was poor and 1 wm much emaciated. bv.x tiironn tte free dm or joy's Vegetable Barsa- artl la my appetite and digestion Improved nil my tealto. was perfectly restored. " L Bedding, Cal. Ask for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparlllau Unlike meat so called blood rnriflera it doea not employ mercuriiila or other dangeroiia minerals, but is a compound of powerful extracts and con centrated juices of vegetable alteratives indige nous to California. It is a fwrtunate combination of tha very finest blood purifier, liver and kidney remedy and slomsch regulator in axlstenc. Pre pared only by the Edwin W. Jot Co.. Ban Fran cisco. For sals by all druggists. Price (1.00 pal betUa ; M for $5.00. . A Missouri man mi v that Trm nw.ntiv wnnt into the WOOda tiai'llterf I hlnrk rlr,.. li. end of Ion, and when he went back to th log an hour later he found three hundred di'ad rub- on mere, me annuals having mistaken the circle for a hole in the loir, and duelled them solves to death against iu THE DEVIL FISH DKSCltfBKn 11 Y HI ;o. Is not a more tenacious monster than mnlnrla. whether it takea tha farm f ..,,lu a.,a r..i bilious remltiant, ague cake or dumb uo. li ke the octopus of the etory It clanps the vic tim iu iu tentaoulie, and f-l is him cl.mer and cioner in a horrible embraco. Attacked with liw tetter's Stomach Bittern, however, it grad ually relates its tremenrimm trrin nnullv yimi. done l, and the quondam mitl'erer. iibcraU d at last, reloii es in the semte of new born freedom, enKemiercd by the restoration of complete health, llvnp -psia. too, and const i put ion. tho-e old and remorselcsi enemien of the human fam ily. Rive ground, and are finally diivin from the Held by this Napoleon of remedies, the greatest, the pureat in the family phnrmai-o IKKia. nneumutlsm succumbs to it, so do kid ney troubles. The nerves, when overstrnlned, retrain Quietude and viiror bv its ni.l and the ability to rent tranquilly and eat with zest are increawa oy it. iio t to It In Unio and avoid unnecessary guttering. Fire, always burn brighter and throws out more heat j ust before a storm, and la hotter aurtng- a storni. THE FLYING DOTE OF PEACE. A richlv fronted oul verifier flvlno- Dove A Dream of Life screen calendar. An lm- ported ideal head. An imported f onteil now scene and a full set of macuificent floral cards. F- nrteen artistic piece. Sent to anyone who will buy f om a drtm- trist a nox or the genuine Hit V. M I.ank s Celebrated I.ivkr Fills (price 3 cts ) ana mail u the outside wrapper from the box with 4 cents in stamp. Write votir address plainly. Fleming Bkos.. Pitts BL KUli, fA. The average Mexican liherallv stiDnorts hi family on tea cents per diem, inveatej in corn ana Deans. ill MBi t;. Banram said: "The American Pwinle like to do nuni misfired. 1 ' I mav oe true In tl.e line or entertainment, nut not where life in at stake. A man with consumption, or anv liiizerine dia- eaius. looking Ik-ath in the fxee and m-ekinx to evade tils aw cul irraxn. do s not like to be trilled with. So with confluence we nlace before our readers Nature's great remed , Jr. Pierce's (iolden Medical licovery, a sure relief for that loos; train of diseases resulting from Impure iiiinmi, men an iinsiimn ion. iironic .a-ni Catarrh. Liver lniiilaint, Klln-y J i -outer. DyspeiMla. Kick Headache. Scrofula and t.en- erl I ability. Time-tried and thoroughly tested it aiauaa without an equal. Any draggist. The output of TMttaSurgs glasa industry valued at fl0.000.uu a year. FOR RICKETS, - M AI! ASH I S ANI WASTING DISORDER OF CHILDREN. Hrett'a Fmalxlen of Po-e Cod Liver Oil with Hj pophosphitce is tin. quKe ( The ra pidity wiin which children gain flesh and strength upon it is v ry wonderful. Itead the following: "I have u.-d Scott s Emulsion in caws of Pickets nd Marasmus of long stand ing, and have been more than pl.-ojwd with the reaulta. aa iu every cane the improvement waa marked.- J. M. Mais. M. J.. New York. rtCHIHe HLF.8. BrwrroM--MoUtttrv; Interse Itching and itlnrfne. nsoat at fight; wotae by searching. If allowed to con tinue tumors form, which ofu-u bleed aud elcetat. beeotnins very aore. 8Tr Oitmsnv at. pa lb Itching and bhduig. beala u'ccrMlion. and in m.uj caaea nmovea the tumoia ltiaetiuatv atUcaclous in coring all HMD IHuum PR. 8WAVNK SON. proprietors. I'ni a.l. Ijihia. fctsrn (UNtvrTr on be abtalned of drufgUu. Sen. by mall fur SO Onta. Indlin meal should te purchased in sma'l quantities and kept well covered. "NOT BILK. BIT BCSINESS"! is the way a Western man put it tn exprpVng to a friend hi complete auifac!ion in the ue of Dr. Pierce Plcaoant Purgative IMlets. So rmall and yet s- effectual, they bid fair to Mip plant entirely the old ! j le Dill- An ever-rea.lv remedy for ick and Hilious Ilea! ac he. Hilioa-t- neKS. ontiuation and all hlnod diwrdera. Mild in action, wonderful in effect! Put up in vials, conveaient tn carry. Their a ettend.-d with no discomfort! Theae sterling merits ac- UVUUfc IUI IUCU WIUII1IJ. 9 .it d:saolred tn alcohol will remove grease spots from cloth. TOOK ALL HIS PAINS AWAY. A. M. Chisholm, ot No. STi.t Stcddart Street, St. Louis, Mo. writes: "Durinn; my long reaidence In Canada I suffertd for j an from aevere pains Iu my back, across the region of the kidneys, and by the constan' use of ALl.rocK's Pi.as Tf?t invariably obtained trreat relief. Upon removing; o St. Louis. 1 was again troubled with the same complaint, and waa advised to use Magnetic and other kiuds of plasters, without bettiir reliever! of pain, o fell back to my old friend ALL ctM-R. w ho frtvea. me more relief than any other I have ever tHed. 1 alwavs recom mend them to my friends aud all who suf fer from pains and aches of any kind. Have you tried Hobbs Little Vetretable PilW it not. do so at once, and you will ever after auunu Liie.i r prainc Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best Congh Medicine. If you don't believe it, take a doae. By dtuggista, 2oc. a bottle. See Anti Piano advertisement. Try Gkkmka for breakfast. Camellins Improves and piinin tha eomplexina. Skir &Scalp Tf-STOFEO NOTHING IS KNOWN TO FC1ENCK AT all comparable to the Ci-ticura Kkmkdirf in their marvellous properties of cleansing, nurifyinar and beautlfvinar the akin and le coring torturing, disfiguring, itching, scaly and puiipii uisnunoi uieaaio. scaup ana blood. witn ioea or nair. CUTict-KA. the great SKtw Curb, and Cm vvica oar- an exquisite e-aio Mean! 1 tier, nre- pareo rrom it, externally, and I'lTlrmt Pis- BoLVEtT. the new Hlood Purirter. iiitxrnallr cure every form of skin and blood disease, fruni punpiea iu m:roiuia. eoia every wnera. price: ( rnemt. 50o: Re solvent, $1; Soap, 15c lYepared by the Pot rrR liRi-e ajro Chemical Co.. Hostos. Mass fend for " How to Ctim Skin diseases." Pimples, bla- klieada chaimed nil oily skin prevent.-d by CfTlifB.t Soap. Soap. & Hull Ache. Pains and Weaknesses in- f a sranuy relieved by the CPTii-ra A.nti- aaaa rAis rusTta, tne only paui-killuig piaster. 25c Catarrh is a dli- aaa. a ease ot the mii'nin a f I f m f n membnoe geiera ly originating iu the nu sal pasagesand main tainiug its strong hold in the head. T Cliorr- COU? From this point it sends forth a poison ous virus into the stomachand through the digestive organ. corrupt ng the blood nd producing other troubles o m e and dangerous symp toms. m . ai S "M -1 " spmss . J Try tne uure HAY-FEVER A particle Is applied Into wact) nnntrll and la a Price 5t eta at tlruuiiw ' hj mail, rrfiU! KLV KHoTHKKrt 35 Oreenwlch kt. lSetr Ynrfct at.' It. 11VL,T PULMONARY BALSAM a c rin ion Himur roa COUGHS, COLD', INCiTIENT CO-VSITMPTIOS And all Throat and Luna Troubles. Hold by all Itruaalnta rr SO Centa. J. R. CATES & CO., raopKirroHS, 417Nanaome Nt MAX I'ltAM IHCO CTha OLDEST IfXDICDnE in UisWOELDTT Is Frobablr Dr. Xaaae Thompson's U ELEBRATED EYE WATEll This artl -le Is a earehdlv nrananut nhnkiu'i scriptlon, and haa been In eonatant naa for narl . CdDtury. aud notwithatanding the many other prt para- uona uu save been lutnxliioed into the niark t, vb. aiUe of this article Is natuntly increasuu. If tlie di r ctloas are followed It will never fau. We partlcu larlv Invite the attention of nhvmiclnn tn Ita nu.ru. John L. Thompson, Boas &Co.. TKoY. N. Y. AN AGENT VVANTKD-IN EVKUY TOWN on the Pacific Const for Kimhnll'a l.lnoM Glue. Needed in every fsm ly. 554 Valencia 8t..8.F .Cat ALLEN'S IRON TJNIC BITTERS. a-w 1 ha areat Tame, lilood Piirihar. AniMtiv. md l.iv.r lavlforator. iiaau.a aubda by J . . Allau, aa. raui, aliaa. Hp There are five plats-glass factories la this country. Rhe scolds and frets. She's full of pets. She's rarely kind and tender; The thorn of life Is a frutful wife I wonder w hat w ill mend bert Try Dr. IMerce's Favorite Preacrioiion. Ten to one, your wife is croaa and fretful because she Is Hick and siitTering, and cannot control ber nervoimneaa wnen Uiik go wrong. Alake a healthy woman of her and 'he chance are you will make a cheerful and nlenaant one. "Itt. orite Prescription" is the only remedy for woman s pcmiiar alltuenta. sold by nruKglsta, under a punitive guarantee from the manufac turers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. Hee guaran tee on nottie wrapper. Large botUes, SI. bU for fX Ohio has now over twenty-one thousand coal miners. Throat III -eaea commence with a Coiia-b. Cold or Hore Throat. 'Itrmen't Bronchial Tro chrn" give immediate relief. Sold onlu in bojtct. Price 25 eta. CONSUJIPTIOir BTJBELY CUBED. To the Editor : Please inform your reader that I have a poa iUve remedy for the above named disease. By ita Umely une thousands of hop leas caaaa have bt-en permanently cured. I shall be triad to send two botUoe of my remedy run to any of your reaaen w no nave consuinpuon u tney will sena me tnctr r.x press ana l . o. aaareea. IteaDectfullr. T. A. 8 LOCUM. Af. U- 181 Peart St, New Torn WakeleeV Squirrel ai;d Gopher Exterminator. Try IU and prove the beat ia the cheap at. aaeiee sc i o.. Ban r rancisco. Ttai wnnrAnr irrrei Bravii in mtltkioa of tumwa for m.vr thti sl iritvrtr ctf m. a-spntllT-V. It ia lifted fa Xhm the ir-vt Unveraiiia a tb Stroort, Fortwa axwl nmt lim!thlal. Vt rrict CTeam i5vkiD rowaer ao iwf M plain Amnianf s Linw or A 'am. is:a out j is cautft. I KICK HA K I SO PoWDEao. ma TOftic cuicaoo. rr. tocti CAXOT MAKIN8 F02 PLEASURE OR PRCFIT rn FLKxO!4 artahlnc to enrage in a tight. JL ptea&aDt, and. t-rttapsv prooia4o a&iavaemrat can lemm Um art of Cati MakinaC at borne, mnd whit fii .g an'i!Defjt to their friends ax.d dia- our whether tiwy biti a Uute f? tbe vork at chub man th-r nuk ft fair i:t cr profit f om rery anuil tnr-!stra-siV Kcacipta. aad ruJI iaatractioiia ia ie- ia..L aulicn-ut tat an-srai Leaona for tbo zuai.ir.a? taJv tvimpla Tariv-tie, and amply mr!Wa-nt fr ham 'UiaMytw-fac, aent for on douax. Ttwia rw ce w-ry tn xj b f-uud in mny Ltc:xn. AUarc. ucu. at. ftva LlVAU 123 Kl.ta titrt Iran Kranciaco. Northern Pacific Railroad THE POPULAR ROUTE From Portland to the East O TRAINS A DAY, O a?n .aaawaa No Change of Cars of ley (lass. No Other Line Rons Palace Oining Cars IETWEII POBTUID 113 TBE EAST. THE FINEST EMIGRANT SLEEPING CAR? IN THE WORLD Are Ran on all Thronarh Trains, Day and Ni-bt. Without Change and Free of Charre. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS THE FINEST, BEST AND SAFEST IN t'SE ANYWHERE. SEE THAT YOUR TICKETS READ Via the Ndrtkerm Pacific Railsqjul Depot Ticket Ofllce, ror. First and (J sU A. I. CHARLTON. . Assistant General Fa-aeitger Agent, Northern P. eiBe R- R., No. 8 VV AJ-htngtoo sc. Po Uand. Or 3 1 wnMtamcaacaryjs,aaar 11 1 1 ftV 'ftiwf, at will aaail affc a caa taut, aWaU3 sataaaafl raa. ft. &, I.cBamacai t Co 1tsa A. i KNABE! The best PIANO cm eartn, Mainee Bra. 'a PIANO' PAlTrS preference. Mas teal Departmect A. IV Baneroft A Pa. Rav moved to 1X2 Pust St.. San rancieo, Cal. 7I.T.Wr.lg. 1 ; H'l' MllIlaiTlifTl Labouc-here is a victim of rheumatic gcoi Senator Edmunds has a dog on which Le dotes. President Fairchild, of Oberlin college, O., is SM years or ago. The late czar is to have a monument in the Kremlin costing $6.'i0,0lO. The kin:r. of Portugal will make a tour of oortheru Europe for his health. The Prince of Wales is again undergoing treatment to reduce bis obesity. The owner of The London Times, Sir. Wal ter, is now ou the verge of a peerage. Pnul Phillipiioteaux. the cycloramic artist, has just celebrated his thirty-eighth birth day. Gen. Boiilanger has completely passed out of existence as far as the French press is eon cerm-d. Mr. Loriilard, the tobacco man, is limiting In Florida with a costly yacht and several j 2,rm dogs. Senabrr Cockrell is credited with having til three gallons of ink in his private cor respondence last year. Henator Kiddleberger shows no signs of Hv. To use an athletic expression, he seemr to he in very good form. John Jumcs Piatt, the Buckeye poet, has returned to his post at Queenstown, Ireland, where he is United States consul. PaHteur's plan of exterminating rabbits by Inoculating tlieni with chicken cholera has lieen tried at Rlieims with success. Kuiser V.iliinm has contributed 700,000 marks to help along the Berlin opera. It was precisely the amount of last year's de ficit. Berry, the English hangman, has executed I l."l i person up to the present time, sixteen of tliem having been iu Irelaud and two in tx-ol.luud. King John, of Abyssinia, hates the sight, t.iste and smell of tobacco, and he cuts off ooses and lips of smokers and chewers in his dominions. Tho most costly private collection of pict ures in the west is said to be that of Mr. N ickorsou, president of the First National Bunk of Chicago. Hx-Senator David Merri wether, of Ken-t!K-ky, the appointed successor of Henrv Clay, lias recently been visiting Washington. tie is oy years old. Ex-Oovernor Alger, of Michigan, is said to own over 100 square miles of forest land near AJpena, bearing more than 500,000,000 feet of standing pine timber. President Carnot is credited with savinz that any Frenchman who would declare war unst Germany while M alike and Bismarck are alive ought to be shot. Professor Van Benschoten, of Weslevan university, owns one of the rarest gems of Greek pottery In existence. It is an Athenian vase, which was made 1000 B. C , fOU WEIGH r"N JL PURE g-JilC03S 1 for FOR M H 0 f 7t. j . f m s crEra Cats', Swellings, ltrulaes. Sprains, Galls, 8tralna,Lannenesa. StlflTnesa, Cracked IIeela,heratchea Contraetiona.Fleah Wounds. Strlnshalt. Sore Throat. Distemper, Colic, Whitlow, Poll Evil, Platala, Tmnor. Spllnta, Itine bones and Spavin In Ita early ataees. Apply St. Jacobs Oil la accordance with the directions with each bottle. Invaluable for tbe Use ef Horsemen, Cattleman, StaUleiuen, Turfuien Itanchmen, 8tockuien, lro era. i'artnera. FOB FINE I IKK US. CHOICE STOCK. Common llerda. Sold bf DrugjitU and Itea!er Everywhere. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER GO.. Baltiraefe. 0a. HOBB'S LITTLE VEGETABLE PILL8 FOE THE LITEE. Perfect digestion accom plished by takice liobb's little Veretalde I-iila. This Wonderful Remedy cures Mich l!radaelie,I) -repaia, Indisatlt.B. aid all Diseaari of the Liver and Stomach. 1 he following symptoms remit from diseases of ti e I:eestive Ornus: Ctnsti- rntlon. Headache, tiles, eartbrxrn. fiad Taste in 3!onth, Naoaea. Soar r-tnuiach, Coated ToBrnr, 1 IcU'jvmm of SUo, I sla in the a.ile. etc. Hobli'i Little Vegetable a?Hla w:U free the rjstem of all thee and many other disorders. They are i-nrely vegetal le, sufrar coated, very amall, easy to take, only o.ie pill a dose, but csed with wonderful results. Try them once, and forever after yon will recommend them. Price 23 Cts. a vial, or live for 11.00. Sent by mail or all druggists. Hoes's Medicine Co.. Prop's, BAN r RJWCIBCa. UKL. The BtnrEBS GUIDE la lssnexl March and Sept., . each year. It is an ency. clopedia of useful infor mation for all who par. chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish yon with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various aizea, styles and quantities. Just fig-ore out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can makes fair estimate of the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of lO cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. IIL The Oregon National Bank, OP POBTLAin. tSaeeeasonto HetroooHtaa Savtasr.Cack.l CAPITAL FAIL! IX. MMtoat Tnjawcoia GMral Bana-a; teattnesa. AfXXiXTS TH kept aubjecc to cbeck. Sr LLd LXCHAKO t. oa Ami rsociaoo and Sear Tack. kt AKKS O dXKCTIi K4 faurble bros. aens. i D r. nitnwn CaaUer CUfitS UltUt ALL Ubt tAS. ttooffli byrop. IiscejpML Use Tpl in nsA cia rr craeciyts. I believe Piso's Cure for Consumption raved rat life. A. II. I sow ell, Editor Enqnirer. Etien- ton, N. April 3, 1SS7. The best Coneh Jledi clne is Piso's Ccrk for CoxsrjjepTTOM. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c CURES Htif.f ill fiSF rAH.L BeetOoort Syrnp. Tastes rood. Use in time. SoM br ct;:it- HEH'S FURNISKINC GOODS, 232 Kearny St, San Francisco Shirts, Underwear, Suspenders, hosiery. Gloves, Neckwear, Collars. Cuffs, Eta SHUTS TOJEDSR, fl. nirertrated Catalofrae, with Rules for Self Measurement. Mailed Free. THE BEST INVESTMENT for the Family, the School, or the Profes sional or Pablic Library, ia a copy of the latest issue of Webster 's Unabridged. Besides many other valuable features, it contains A Dictionary - efllX Words, 3000 Engravincs. A Gazetteer of the World locating aad describinv. 25,000 Places, A Biographical Dictionary " Of nearly 10,000 Noted Persona, All in One Book. SOW more Words and nearly 3000 more Tlhtra tions than any other American Dictionary Sold bv all Ronara-ll-n. T. vi.. ft-aCMERRlAMaCO.. Pubrs, Springfield, Maaa. LIFE SCHOLARSHIP. 975. BEND FOR CIRCtJJLR. FREE By return mail. riTTOeWTISToor AiaaJy'a New TalUe Hyau r Ureas taUla. IfOODY 0O- Ciaeiaaau. O. T WowaeAeepers ant f'qrwTi. It is impor tant that the Soda or Ealeral ua yoa use should be White and Pure same as all aimilar anbsknees asedforfood. ToiDmra obtaining only the "Arm at Hammer" brand Soda or Salerat a. b.iy it in "pound or hs'f pound" eartoona which bearour aamaaad trade, mark, aa inferior goods are some amessubatirated forthe Arm A Hammer ' brand When bought in bulk. Part tea uaing Baking Powder should ramem ber that ita sole rising property coca lata of bi earbonata of aoda. One teaspoon ful of the "Ana St Hammer' brand of 8nda or Saleratoa mixed OCR TRADE with sout sulk equals ON EVERT Packed in Cai-d iffTa . 4 - i 1 IV.yC lm i ; EHQjaJlt 3i ; w CI. I i A SO 1 i ! 23 , E3 i I REWARD! a I ill I ",wlM,wacBiiiBrwy graiD or poi-- w . W luiawiui roanfl m laoom isoLerujie, aeknowle.lrfed tbe ol deliihfful and on f reai hanrJeaa toilet artlela eer pr. duafi tat beaute-yttf ttd imatnir tl eoaipteiina. icsivrtei tan, aiu l ora. rrckies aad ail blemii-s aod routji. of tfca aalo. li-ed and intoned it ti e eUta ol society and tba Mara. "old b al' drossfu at 50 oara per botiie. Waiteaod Fleah. afmjr. etarwl by W. At WlaXMiat A v.. CbemUca PorUaod Oregon. Ann Tfj uono east? ir SO, TAKE H OREGON SHORT LINE A!D Union Pacific Railway. GENERAL TICKET OFFICE. Klrat and Oak street a. Fertlaaj. It will erst jron no nore mcoev Co pa a throtisii tha old hfab.rica.1 in t tit-nmiv rM.n-.l& A rlfbefft aa.1 e.aC 1 portions of ttie eonotry. ijii y leiwen tlte Paella and toe Ai.l4.m1e tna': it a HI u be ten t .rougn toaa wuuear Is suataer aettled, deaoLtie aod aauitereaticc- Co Through lie Heart, of fce Conineot T WAT or OGDEH, SALT LAKE. DEJiTfcR, OMAHA AXD K ASS AS CUT, CHIOA V A XI HT. LOCI SI And all points East asd 8(mth- SO tllAMjii: OK CAItS Between Portland and Comctl Bluffs, ar bet ween iorUnd and Kansja City. Pallsnaa ralace Klecplsis Car Aad Cjmf irtabl Knjusr 8i.rcrEKS on all traina. Tho Van Honckcar DISPENSARY. rJB JLAJtTJ, OS. W.. .... ttnm mmmlt M dnfia tm miMwrijA aaasi and aLjsrboaa9er wtth lJLNSr AlAJNtlt-KJiJI. Kerrasa DebOnr, eparssae aocrhea. Sendnal 1 nasal Sesnjabecar.FaittatMaa ott. Weak&H, Lack of Eoeny. siso Blood -aed -firln Mseases. Srabiiiis H FrapUona Hair Faitieaj A ttanm PabaL S araUlnas .ilBoie Throat, Tioara. -S0 facts of Manor?, Kidacasi and Bladder Traaais Tsil i fi iiiaiia smal fT 1 1st flXKasV -pTTKnpe rifi m&a ears rat mm. Bath t4exf CIt CnflaeatlallT iaCB 18a A 184 THIRD ST. CURES ALL HtJ3IORS, from a common Bio tent, or E rap 1 1 o rt , to tne worst seroisia. saii.rnear't Fever - sores," tcaly r-jBa sa" Satin, in short, all disease t-uT-.! vj Usl blood are conquered by this powerful, pun frin. nA inr itroratinsr medicine. Great atalins; I leera n-pidly beaJ under its be nign influence. Especially has it manifested its potency in enrinir Tetter, lsoe Krt, Bolls, Carbsntles, Sore r yea, Srrol nloue Sore sind Swell! nara. Hip loin Disease, iTbite ?wellinra Uoitre, or Thick Neck, and Knlarteit (ilsruds. Send ten cr-cts in stamps for a htnre treatise, with colored ptJes, on Skim llisnases. or tbe same amount for a treatise. on Scrofulous Affertiotis. THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. Thorotie;irlv cleanse it by usin ir. Pieree'a Golden nodical IleoTCry, und rood digestion, a fair akin, bnoyant apir ita, and vital atrentls, wul beestabiisned. CONSUMPTION, which Is Scrofula of tne I.nnara, is ar. rested and cured ty this retiawiy, if taken be fore the last stajres of tbe disease ere rt acbt-d. From its marvckius prrwer over this t;-rnXiiy fatal disease, when first off riny this now celebrated remedy to the public. Dr. Pnan.'at thought seriorrly of calling it his "Com tasiptloa CBfre,9' btic abandoned that name as too limited for a rw-dioine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strenrtbenintr, alt rati ve, or blood;lerjfrna;v anti:itous. pectoral, and nutritive proper ties, is unequaied. not only- re a remedy for consiiraption, but for all Chronic .Dis eases of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If y. T feel dun, drowsy, c-twtriated, hnve sallow color of skin, or yt thrrb-hrown s;iota on face or body, frequent heaiiacbc or dizzi nesR. trad taste in mouth, internal Iteet or chilis, alaernating with hot C ushes, low Epirita and a-kjomy forebodings, irnfrnlar appetfie, and coated tonru", you are eunenr! frb-a Insifestion, Irpop!, end Torpid Liver, or Biliouaiicaa." In many cases only part of these symptoms are exne rieneed. As a reme.1v for nil such C3es, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery is unurpase.i. For Wrak l.nn:s Spittles; of RIood, Shortnesa ot Breath, Hren. chilis, Asthma, Severe C'ongha, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy. Sold it Druggists, at $1.00, or SAtt Bottles for $5.00. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pirce'a book on Corewjmption. A!dr-. World's Dispensary medical jtsso elation, 663 Main street, KLriALO, K. Y. $500 REWARD is offered by the prouiletora of Dr.Ssure's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from tba nose, offensire or otherwise, partial loss of smell, taste, or hearing-, weak eyes, dull peia or nressure in bead, you have Catarrh. 1 hoo sands of casos terminals in consumption. Dr. S.-ure"s Catarrh KEStrnT enres the worst esses of Catarrh, "Cold In the Head., and Catarrhal Headache. 60 cents. Northwestern Detective Bureau, SEATTLE. W. T. Tbe JJivthvestera D te -tiie Boreaa. iseiraorated by ponder ta a atietie.1 at all iroportant poinu. Ad detee ire b'taineSB o'e:'hr nafi&l . mI . atteodrd to. desire agents an 1 eamoBdeaaa m erery ct'y an-1 bnra int I'nitud S'aceaaa.i Canada. AH bnsioejs strie-Jy eo. edeurbd. Adiiives ail letters to NutrHvtMTii.1 Lr.TEcriva Sen sac, Seattle, w T PIANOS 1st Premiama. 25,000 in nse, SO years Established. Kew tattented Steel Tuniita- Iw. vice, in use ia a-ou.er Piano, bv vbieh on. Pimm. stand in tune 40 ) ears, gmd t r 100 ; not affected by climate. No wrod to split, break, swell, shrrik. craek, decay, or wear oot ; are ruarantee it. Ela- . gant Kosewood Cases, S striae, daubte re; eatin; . action; finest ivory keys; ti e Famous AKTlSELb. . Call or arrita frr Datairroe, free. T. St. ANTlSEli IMA SO CO . M.wnetnTers, Orfd FeUows Hail, har. let and Seventn Streets, San Franeiai-a. 3F'arriis for Sale. y..1 1 N- nwoo.L tiaK t'oonty. Cal. frnit t3t of Tppn Saoramento Valley ; or. to 8. GRIFFIN Tota! Jacka. Coo.;y. i-r.. center f Roane Jiiver vi22- mild eumate and eeodaetiTauees. $5 To stt a Day. Samples worth Sl.SO, FRHE. . " . .... .......a 'iWDBrV STK8ArrrTltKIX-HOLBKCBL.Itoll.T.Micl. Birr? Has given anhrer sal satisfaction la tbe cure of Gonorrhoea and Gleet, I prescribe it and feel safe ia recommeadv Ins It to all sufferers. .A.J. STOKER, Daaafcw. In. TRICK. SI.OO. . Btdd by Drogsista, i CURE FITS! Wbea 1 say eora 1 do n. t mean maeajy to stoo thessi ofaiumumI thea faara tbem letara aaa. laoina u?.i mi. 1 bare made tha duaeaae of FITS, Pll iPsY t.r FALLING MCK.VKS.Salife.loirfetdy. I warrant my remedy to euro the worst eases. Becaaao xiiers bava failed is bo eaaaon for not mw reeeiriac a -rare. Sond ataaea fr a trarisaand a Free Bnttla my mf alit)3 remedy, triva Rxprees and Post ttHe. ' U. i. 11UOI, At. C..ld lcari .w Tarau P. V. 17. K S3n S M. fT. f. ;03 MARK fonr teasp oon fuls of tao bestBakn: Powder.aav in twenty tiaea Its cost, beidoa being much heaiOier.beeausa it doea not con tain any iaj '.runt substances, such is alum, terra alba etc, of which many Bak ing Powders are made. Ifctirymen and Farmers should uao only the Arm A Hammer brand for cleaning and keeping Milk Pans Sweet and Clean. Cannon. See that every ponnd package of "Arm and Hammer Brand' con taina full It ounces set, aad tha V pouad packagea fmit 11 unci net. Soda or Balerataa sum aa speci fied on each, package. PACKAGE. r aniaai J. ' aaaa-isn n i liijiw ylijilj l nan mm - jiaaiiaaY n Mwir i a I'MlTniiTi n in-. --' r- . t f jCarjala t 'I f f 1 TO ft PATS. VI M j flaaaaiiw ni ao a a f I saaaaSarteeara. EaWl. arSaatyayeaa I'lTaaiGisaicalSa. V CnaetenatlJ?a TaTSaaaSlaaekl Board Boxes. Always keeps SofL " w tr r - 5?-