The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 06, 1888, Image 3

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    The Lebanon Express.
Dr. Mark Ilaytef, Dentist, tebahon
Miss Lelia Edwarus H daftgcrously
ill of heart disease.
Notice the "ad" of 5. W. 'Cregott's
new hardware store in this issue.
Gov. St. John, of Kansas, will deliv
er a lecture in Albany on April 12.
John Ralston and wife tetunied
home from Albany, Tftestiay evening.
M. A. Miller and C. Ralston spent
several days In Pendleton tkfo week,
attending the Democrats State Con
vention. We acknowledge tine recent of a
beautiful bouquet, togetht with tlie
compliments of Mrs. If. A. Cruson,
Addressed to the serenaders.
-Miss Lillie Hardy was catted to ?pi
xvr Tuesday evening to take charge of
the telegraph office there doting the
-absence of the operator at that place.
W. J. Guy, took the cars for the east
last Saturday morning. He W ill re
main there about six weeks, and dur
ing his stay will visit friends n Ohio
nd Illinois.
Miss Oda Comstoek who lias been
Visiting friends and relatives in Leban
on and vicinity, for souse time, teturn
ed to her home In southern Oregon
last Wednesday.
David H. Petersen rehmied from
-eastern Oregon on the noon train Wed
nesday. He came In attswer to a eum
iuons to attend his sick child, who lias
the drorsy of the brain.
Last Friday evening the Ladies Aid
society gave one of their pleasant en
tertainments. There was an abund
ance of good things provided and all
seemed to enjoy themselves greatly.
H. C. Moraft of Sweet Home, stop
. pod in Lebanon a short time on
"Wednesday, while on his way to Mil
ler's Station, where he intends taking
the ears and shipping his cattle to the
Rev. George Gillespie, of Yaquina
Bay, and a classmatcof Rev. Giboney,
tf this place, is here on a visit and will
preach in the First Presbyterian
T'hurch next Sabbath morning and
Mr. J. T. Harbin, of Portland
d here with his family last "Wednes-i
Alay. Mr. Harbin is a brother-in-law to i
-vur enterprising grocer, W. B. Donaea. i
We are clad to know that he designs 1
settling in our midst.
Messrs. L. L. Davis and Evan Me
Lane of Emporia, Kansas are stopping
Tat Mr. Swan's near Rock Hill. They
express themselves well pleased with
this section of country, and we trust
they will decide to locate here.
When visiting a printing office keep
these rules in mind: Subscribe for the j
i i. - j..m I
manuscript, don t carry away the ex-1
changes and don't read the lype on the
Churchill & Monteilh, who were un-
oany we nrsi 01 me nwi an, .11 rou-j
A. J. . J . 1 '
HUtIIliy ltllJUItl 111 ijflUlIK!!! U ICH
weeks longer This Will give the com
munity an extension of time hi get
ting their goods at exact cost.
"Hello Tom, what's the matter? ynu
Inade three typo mistakes last week."
""Well I should smile; that eirl has
filled my eyes so I can't see the type.
ICever you mind, when glory has
crowned our head and the yelk-V?
chink has filled our pocket, we will
come to the front rank and do our best.
There will be a Pink tea party, tnusl
cal concert, and Kindergarden exercises
-at the First Presbyterian church,
this) Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock
for the benefit of the cHrch. Admission
25 cents. Prof. Lee of Albany 'Will be
present to enliven the occasslon with
music This promises to he a rare
treat. Everybody cordially invited.
Quite a suspicious looking character
entered the livery stable owned by
Burkhart & Bilyeu, on Wednesday
night, and ordered the hostler to take
him to Scio. After Tom had made
itll "iieeessai arrangements to escort
his man to the neighboring town, he
Was surprised- to find that it was no-
body but the ramrod of this "hare" in-
stitution, with only a little more whis
kers than usual, and under a ministers j
dug hat. ;
Omt friend James B. Morelock, of
Brownsville, jays the Express sub
scrsption Tn flour. All right friend
Jim if we can just do as well as "typo"
s you are doing as a miller, and can
ive the dear people as good a paper as
you make fiotir, w-e will do well. If
J. B. M. makes as honest and good a
legislator as your neighbors say you do
miller, neither Brownsville nor your
friends need ever blush for shame if
you get to Salem may your shadow
iever grow less.
vVilliam Wassom, formerly of Kirk
Wood Illinois, arrived in our town
Monday, and has settled five miles
north of town. He comes to stay.
There are eleven in the family, includ
ing one married son, Mr. Douglas
Wassom. Mr. W. Sr., came to our
county some two months ago; after
looking well all through California,
and like a sensible man decided that
Linn county Oregon, was the best
place, and that Iebanon was the best
town. We cordially welcome the en
tire family, and from we know of the
stock, we shall expect them to take a
fjont seat.
The republican primary convention
of Lebanon met in Union hall, Satur
day the 31st of March at 2 p. m. J.
W&sson chairman, G. W. Smith secre
tary. Perfect harmony prevailed
throughout the entire meeting, and a
manifest desire "to do your best boj-s" 1
was apparent on every face. The fol
lowing named delegates were duly
chosen to meet the county convention
in Albany the 4th inst: John Denny,
Clay Hardman, J. Wassom, W. II.
Wilds, H. C. Harkness, Z. T. Bryant
.and David Andrews. Dave Andrews
was unanimously nominated for jus
tice of the peace, and George Feebler
for constable. Should it ever be our
misfortune to fall into the clutches of
the law, we should be glad of so merci
ful a crew.
CKN'Ti?S.vRt.Nv-DavW Carnes, a cit
izen in the southern part of Linn comi
ty is 104 years old. He is hale and
hearty; his fieighbors say that, he split
3006 rails this winter and repaired his
fence with them. A Lebanon Ex
FUesS Mend, found htm in l$Vowns
vilethe other day an learned from
the old gentleman the following facts:
"I was bom in Washington county,
Pensylvania, in 17S4, lived there until
I was 40 years old, then moved to In
dianna and lived there nearly 40 years
ad crossed the plains tiie last year of
the war." "Well old gentleman how
do you like Oregon ?" -"Sir, if I had a
hundred .years more to live, I would
never leave the Willamette valley;
this is the bes country this side of
heaven." If any of ot cotentyorarlcs,
or any body ee can beat this we
would like to hear from them.
Xicn Cake TitAT. Vi4l tvouldn't
we like to see the cook that bnked the
cake, brought by J. J. Swan from Kan
sas. If she is to be Judged by the cake
she has forestalled herself as extra, and
we will give liet a thrice happy wel
come to Iebanon. We are glad to
learn that Mr. Swan is pleased with
our country, and has determined to
purchase a home among us. Fanners
who have land to sell, would do well to
place them in the hands of alive agent
or what is better; advertise them in
the Express. Every week rolls by a
good large addition to this paper. We
are determined to do our best to merit
the siptort of all, of every class.
SottKTWiN- XSw.-The Sherwood
steel harness Is entirely something
new and novels and our go-ahead live
man, G. AV. Cruson deserves credit for
ftrst introducing them in LehaUon. It
is so constructed that 0-ou rio hot need,
either lotag tugs, traces, singletrees or
doubletrees, timl the practicability of :
the thing, is that the team that pulls
the plow is less encumbered, and will
do the work with greater ease. This
is certainly a cheap arrangemrtit, and
seems to us, will meet the appreciation ,
of all. Farmers, go and see, and re
member that our live hardware men
propose to "duplicate prices ia Albany,
or anj-where else.
The New Comet. People who get
up "when the birds are singing their
sweetest notes, at n oVloek Sn th
morning-" will do well tn keen Wfc i
out for the bran new comet w hich is
now coming north at the rate ofade-jMuch
e-ree a dav. Tt is renrtl tn i rssss n
very bright nucleus and a
toti. !
straight as a cow bar. It was d recover
ed at Cape Town last month, and rises
earlier every morning and will in a
few days be visible to all who slay up
late enough or g-et up early enough.
Promoted axd TkcstED.- S t e p
ping into the Lebanon Bank one day
this week, keeping company with the
eloquent chink, who should we
but the smiling face of C. C. Hackle-
man; all alone and keeping faithful vig
il over the deposits. ''Smack of a poor
mans sweat, blood arteries of business,
and the God that mortals fall down
Friend Hacklenian is
Hke ,vt Cartwright, "can just mkc a
hand at
anything and boom it
Oh TnT Serenade. The sweet
mellow strains of mn-ne, full and
round, from flute, cornet and et cetera,
waked up' the citiwns of Lebanon
Monday night. Just the thing boys
"to sooth our sorrows, calm our fears,
delight our souls and tickle our toes.".
We will enjoy the "da Ice et gloria," of
the soft sweet strains as often as you
choose to cail. Thanks to Prof. L.
Tire following will be the Interesting
programme of the Pink sociable and
musical concert at the First Presbyte
rian church to-night;
Solo--Prof. Lee -of Albany.
Rec "Keeping His Work," Ada
Solo ml Chorus--"Polly Wolly
Rec."Papa's letter," Ora Harkncs3.
Trial Scene from the
Venice, C B. Montague.
Merchant of
Solo Prof, Lee.
Ree. "The New Church
Maud Miller.
ChorUs-"Ring Cling."
Bee.---Mrs. Harkness.
Rec. "Oft" go The Firecrackers,"
Gertrude Hunt.
Song "Jingle Bells."
Rec. "Patient Mercy Jones," An
nie Talbott.
Song Prof. Lee.
Reading Mrs. Hunt.
Bee. Mrs. Talbott.
Song "We Are Little Wtiitihg
Republican County Convention.
This body met in Albany, Wednes
day the 4th, in the court house. There
were seventy-nine delegates present,
and a general good feeling and perfect
harmony prevailed; there was a mani
fest desire to put forward the best men.
The delegates from the various pre
cincts, were ordcrlj', sobor, Erst-class
I looking citizens; at leaet they appear
ed so to our Express reporter.
C. E. Wolverton was elected tempo
rary chairman, and S. S Train tempo
rary secretary; who were afterwards
made permanent.
The following nominations were
made with great, unanimity:
County Clerk G. W. Davis.
Sheriff John Conser.
Recorder O. S. May.
Treasurer J. F. Hyde.
Assessor C.' Sperry.
School Supt. Prof. J. M. Williams.
Surveyor E. T. T. Fisher.
Coroner Cone.
Legislature W. W. Richarnson, O.
H. Irvine and W. B. Ivirk.
The following gentlemen were duly
elected as delegates to the State Con
vention to meet in Portland, Or., on
Wednesday April 11:
' S. S. Train, Z. T. Bryant, J. T. John
son, Win. mgram, joi;n vjiass, v. tu.
Wolverton, J. W. Crusick, B. N.
Thompson, T. S. Smith and N. B.
The convention adjourned about 5
o'clock p. m., with general hand-shaking
and good feeling.
It. N. Thompson nas returned from
the Sound, where he invested lu real
S. P. Ilarger has purchased the prop
erty adjoining the meat market, con
sisting of -stole and loL
During the past week, Fimlley Mc, Cleve Cochrane and C. Thomp
son departed for Seattle, W. T.
The time card of the O. It'y., has
bcrti changed; mall now arriving at
9:30 p. uiv, instead of 4 p. m., as former-
Misses Retta and Florence llron,
who Anrlng a number of months have
been visiting Portland friends return
ed home last week.
Mps. C. Sporty has TecovcreVl from a
late attack of ahnia, and much to the
satlsfacli of her many friends is
again enjoying good health.
CirAer the treatment of 1. I. W.
Starr, a nftmber of rses of scarlet fe
ver have satisfactorily terminated, by
the recovery of the patients.
The child of IX G Drake, who for
some time past has been a great suffer
er from lung n bow el compw.lnts, Is
slowly ncaring convalescence.
Miss Leo Wtegand of Portland is
stopping at the residende of W. J. Ho-
lister, acnt of the O. y., frofl whom
she is teveivftig lessons in tclegrapliy.
Wftlson & Jaefc, our popular fivtry
men, have sold their stable nl stock
to Perclval fe Co., who will In the fut
ure carry on the livery business at the
old stand.
Capt James Blakely, Sr., Whn re
cently received some Severe brutses and
experience J a heavy shock, by being
thrown frottx a wagmi, is sl.ovly re
covering from injuries received.
Easter Sunday services were held at ;
the South Brownsville Cumberland
Presbj-terian church, where a large
congregation greeted the Rev. J. R.
Kirkpatrick, who delivered a Mining
and eloquent afpetA,
Sabbath services on Easter, were
condxtctexl hy the Rev. Gittons at the
M. E. chttrch, South Brownsville,
where the re verened gentleman deliv
ered one of his, as usual, earnest and
touching sermons.
At the Baptist church, the Sabbath
8111001 exercises were largely attended,
P' due tD those Earnest
anJ energetie workers, who have
this branch of our religious
training to such perfection, attended
by many happy results.
Moyer Bros.
have received, and are
operating a portable steam engine,
ti , , , i
With which logs that have lodged 011 j
sand-bars, or been left high and dry
along the banks of the Cal vpoova river,
ajid are with verv Ifttle cervnionV or
, .. ., , '. . . ., . .
Ices time, "yanked into the bed of the j
stream, preparatory to a raise of water, !
and a drive to the nond of the Browns-
ville saw and eash mill.
T. H. r.
April 1.
working for Jeff
Mr. Benj. Mills
Isom near here.
Rev. Bennett delivered a sermen at
Rock Hill 011 lat Sablmth. ,
A. Brandon of IMainvivw took a bus
iness trip to Brownsville yesterdaj
Sam Hoeye of Sodaville is working
for our postmaster, Mealy, at Plain
Mr. AVilliara Riehard.on startel for
; Walla Walla one day last week, to be
gone all summer. -
Farmers have been employing their
time during this fine weather, putting
in their spring grain.
Mrs. Delia Jackson has leen on a
visit up at Coburg for pome time, and
returned one day last week,
Mr. "W. K. Temple's family has been
down for pome time with the measles,
but are almost well of them again.
Fruit trees such as plums and
peaches are out in full bloom in the
vicinity of Brownsville and Flainview.
Mr. Frank L.. Fisher from near'Sa-
I lein was up near Bock Hill last week,
I but returned to Albany on last Satur-
"Grandma and grandpa" Pickens
has been very sick all winter, but are
tome better now. Their graddaugh
ter, Mi Viola Temple has been, stay
ing with them.
School begins here in our district
J next Tuesday, under the able manage
I meni f Prof. Gibson. We arc in hopes
' t. . . 1 - ,:t 1 -.11 t . . r
tiK w 111 ue iiKit i' nil inc pniiuiia 01
the school. Ksqcimaux.
April 3.
Weather fine for April.
Farmers mostly through With spring
Themometer rarfgtng from 32 to 64
degrees at sunrise for the past week,
Mr. P. O. Smith is erecting a new
house, to be occupied by his lariy as a
milliner shop.
Dr. O. E. Holdridge, will move to
his stock ranch in Douglas county, in
a few days.'
Messrs. Shelton ft Johnson has com
promised their troubles with their
creditors, and again resumed business
in their old stand.
Rey. Burnett, of Monmoth, and Rev.
Boberts of Marlon county, are holding
a protracted meeting in the Christian
church here, with good audiance.
Mrs. Hibban, an olof lady 72 years
old, died Sunday morning, about 3 a,
m.; also D. Harrel who lived three
miles north of Scio, at 12 a, in. same
Mr. Goan, our new mill owner, has
moved his family into his commodious
residence in town. Our people heart
ly welcome him, as he appears to be a
good, moral iudafelrious man.
PArkIn Lelianoh, linn rfflinr, Or.. March 30,
ISMS, to the w ile of S. J, frail, a daughter.
KOBF-RTStn Ixihanon, tltiti County, Or.. March
30, 1K8S, to the wife of J. A. Iioberts, a son.
DONACA In Lehanon, Ijnn efmntv, Or., March
30, lHfti, to the wile of W. B. bonaca, a aon, .
rx"iHKISS In Ppr. Linn county. Or., Mrch
1S to the w ile of John lKlkius a son.
SUitc Democratic tbtiTentlon-.
We regret that lack of space prevents
our giving the full proy-edn-gs of the
Stale Democratic Convention nt Pen
dleton April 3 and 4. Judge Kellcy of
Portland was chosen chairman, and
presided with great fairness, giving
general sat isfaetirtn. A stiight 'rtit
administration platform Was adopted
without a dissenting voice, and the
convention by a rising vole thanked
the committee for its able wot k.
A resolution endorsing Gov. Poftuoy
er was tabled.
Hon. John M. Gearin was nomina
ted for Congress on first ballot, receiv
ing lOo ballots.
Judge Burnettof Benton county was
nominated for Sup reme Judge
The pridential electors chcscn aiV,
W. II. Eftlngcr, of Multnomah; W,
R. Bilyeu, of Linn and E. R. Skip-
westh, of Umalilla.
Thanks were tendered to the cfflcc-rs
of the convention, to the citizens of
Pendleton, to Wl. Irish and to the re
porters, and the convention adjourned
sine die at 5 p. m. with three cheers
for the ticket.
A Srdartlve SlranRer Led to the Alter
Uy the Maiden he bad Ircvl td.
AVe clip the following notice from
the Alliany Daily irerali!, of March 31
18SS. Comments are unnecessary. We
deeply regret that Iebanou has li
bear any part of this dlsgract-ful affair:
"An unusual marriage, whirh could
not but grate harshly uimn the eni
billties of those who witnessed it, was
solemnized at the Revere hauc yester
day afternoon. . 1$. YVilsUey, who
had leeu arrested at In-liamai and
broiishtto this city by DepMty Mar
shal J A. IiaiiilHfHtnt on a charge of
seducing Mm C. A. Arnett, tf that
place, u married to the latter In
presence of the oillcer who had him in
custody and a few others. The circum
stances urrounding the allair exhibit
a shocking lack of decency and moral
ity." A Practical Joke.
It is greatly supposed that drummers
are a pretty wide awake Tlam of men
who cannot eally be made the victim
of a practical joke; but one of our Ijeb
anon fun loving Imys caused considers
ble amusement by pasting a piece d
paper on the side of a traveling mans
shiuinr stove pipe hat as It hung on
the rack while that immaculate word
slinjrer was eating diXncT at tire SN
Charles hotel. AfieV he had finished
his meal, he came out rf the diuimr
hall In a great hurry, put on his hat
without looking at it and started out
to make his calls. Everywhere he
went people enjoyed a good laugh
when they saw the paper stuck on the
rloftsy hat: but It was not until he was
walking along Main street that he
knew what the people were laughing
fit Itch ItU niUilll tfl tllMit All tflll
He IiHpteHeM
friend with whom he uues business
a m ni aiwnuon was urawn to tne
piece of paper stuvk on hm hat. He
)rocee.ied to remove It but heitatel
moment and was heard to remark.
"Well do they take my hat for a bill
,Kf ,r'!?" the". rulHn otr the nnjr
which proved to be an ad-erlism
sticker 'he said; "guess I Will charge
them for siwee and read buy vour
boot nl shoes at Andrews & llaek-
Churchill kep O'lve plow.
Chan-hill keens yprlnu-touth harrow.
t'hureluil kwps MiirhcU wtts'inft
ChurchiU keej Korwesrlaa plow.
t'bnrehill kveps iron ami steel harrows.
Churchill kccfS Xi-wttm ajon.
Chun-hitl keeps Canton Clipper plow.
ChurvhM keeps s-helf hardware.
Churchill keeps Champion mower.
Churehill keep spring vsgons,
Churchill keep barbert wire.
tlmrehitl kwps walklity cuttiVttfs
ChUfchl'l keeps C)Utl csst ytrcl plow.
ChurchiU keep Standard mowers.
Chnrchill keeps fprlng wnptm.
Chutehill keeps riding cultivators.
Chnrchill keeps one and two horel plow.
ChurchiU keeps his warehouse ftilL
Chnrchill keeps cross eat saws.
Chnrchill keeps iron, steel ami wire nail.
Churchill keeps complete stork.
ChurchiU wants ymit trade.
IiEBAnox, Or., April 6.
Vf heat "60c per bushel.
()at l(k per buahcl.
FlourJo .V) jxr barrel
I'otatoea 60e Hjr bushel.
Kgg loo ier dozen,
liutter 2-5e per lb.
Lard 0el2jr per lh.
Apples, grwii-60e per bushel.
Ajiples, dried 8c10o per W.
Plums, dried lOef 12ic per lb.
Prunes, dried 10c 12Jc per lb.
Hams 12c per tb.
Shoulder" 7c He per lb.
Haeon 10c -er lb.
Coal Oil $ 1 per 5 gallon can or
52 25 per case.
To Farmer.
To the farmers of Linh county. If
you want farm implements, or ma
chinery of any description, call on our
manager, (i. "V. Cruson, at Lebanon,
and Me a-seure you that you will meet
with courtesy, and a full line of our
poods that can be bought as cheap ns
at any place In Linn count v.
BTAVEh & Walk eh.
Oitlniiicit, ami nil I'ATKXT iUA.v t
teiKlcd lo for HOIth'UATK FEUS. 'tlf hlllw is
opiisitc the II. 3. I'lttetit tHi-c. Rii'l we Ciiii oh
linn I'nU'iit ill less lime tliim tliosc reinnte lioin
WAsniKtrms. s-nii Moil:t.. V'.'.i ii ay; or
l-IIOTO of t n I tt ti t . Wo nilviso ns lo piitcnt
nliitilr free of ehris ami wtf tiilike AO ClldHiE
vxi.hvf v.trxM' is .si:t;i:iih:i.
h'ur cirrut:ir; ttilric, terms lititl tefi'renecs lo
nctiinl cIhmiis Iff Tour own Pluto. Omnly. t iiy ur
low n, nrito to f, "U V "'-BrUI? .r'tV.
Owwiite I'atail OJicr, Wathhtgton, X C.
Oregon Development CJ6 SteaSiship Line
Thau by any otlior 1 inure,
first Clan Through Fnangr A Freight
From l'nrtliil ntiil hII Point tn ttto Willamette
Valley to anil !nn tan fW.nrim, Cal.
Willamette River Lis &t Steamers,
tx-nvc Pi-rtlaiiJ S A-. M..
From Mo-th. Hulmnn A V l)i k, 200 titift 202
Front StCT-t. fur CorvaDis anil Int-rmltutc
point. mnkliiK rliwe cim-ton M Alt.u
iiy and torvullL-. with fntltu f t lie
TIMK SCHEDULE. tfct6t vtV,day:)
I.v. Ai.IukV, Ism p.m. I I.v. Ymrts.. B:: a. in.
Lv. CnitVJkUjs.H'f p. m. I l.v.'onv.t .Uxtn.xa. 111.
An, Yav Isa, B i. in. i A ALHany, 11:15 a. m.
Hit1 Trnhiawwt at Artntivy ami TorvallU.
Tli avc Trnftii mrniift AtVAqnlrta tvitli tin
, Or!tm lwloiiiiint 'iiiiijuiv ii l ine of
?a-amiis lift Viiilna tknd
Sntt Franclsra.
"arjMMKiu. JTtnt?. F. I Krim"Va.4iilna.
Willuinvtlp Vii'.li y J Miin. M-h 12 1 Sat. Mi ll. 17 sn
Ulnm!tt t!(y 1 Urn Sli
Willamette Valley
lly I T
riio. Ai
sun. Air. H,
TIiIk ronrn.y rpwrVf Uc rteht to chimgv Sail
Ing ditis It limit notice.
rKsfift'eh rpnm Vortlnnd. afrt all 'll!nraottc
Vnlh-r ).ini, can make tonnwtlon with
the TrnUM 4r the Vji in Hoi-tk nt Allumv
Conallin. am? If ihi;m-.l tn San J rancto. Ii.'viM
arrjincp tn arrtys at Va-irtina the ctciiIIir bolore
the ilalc m Minns.
liwOii-t Otitl I-'velBlit Itntes
tJcn'l Fr't frt-w Aif't.
GlVcnu Iev-trimcni Co.
M'ntKinerv St..
San FramHm. t"t a.
Art B:en l F. ic: At,
t. P. R. R. R. Co.,
- Oivsn.
AnJ Omnecthjnii
the ML Shasta Route.
Time between AWny and Pan Franoro, as hiMin.
CaHrorn EapeMa Trains Daily.
rTF. MJ U"nve l-'-rtiahil ArrlTc'W M a7T
mi e. w.i lA-arc ' Albany Jjeavei 7-iV a, ,
J: A. M-.j Arrive
irriin Sifii I rdfkrv. l.r.; fl--bl m
Local Pamrrr train Dally (axcepti Sunday
8i4. M.; I ave
I2:t"r. .! impure
2:40 r. M. Arrive
Arrive U I.'ii.m.
I-uve ll SfA. s.
ljet sum a. r.
Local Pamtenger Tralna DaHy (except) Sundi)
:!0r. M
s - - r m
! i tmnnn
Arrive 5: a. m.
leave a. .
Arrive it) p. tn.
iArave .. ni.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
"-.'eontl Class rawnmn on all Throuph Train,
The f. A C R. II Ferry make rwnnertin with
all the n-ctil'ir train, no the Ea !-kle liv. trom
tool of F. street-.
West Side bivislcn.
Mall train DaHy Oxcept) Sunday
7 Sit. laT l-efivc IHr;LiiitI Arrivr K lSpTin".
VI .H p tn- ArfVe C'-rrB'.'.l Ijeave I-:ap. tn.
Capet train Daily texcept 6un0my.
1 p. m.
-in p. m.
TiTtUinl Arrive Is
Mc.HmvtlV lmvels
sn a. m .
l" a. m.
At Rn.trvtrvntsCrfttneet ith trnins t.f
OtTnn Fv.-ir rni!!wl,
r'r flill rtiformstlen regHrllng rate, mop
cle . rs'l r ninv agvnl.
. E. k.Ot.U I ER. E. t. K-rRs.
Manager U. F. A I'a.-. Agent.
The best is
always the
Wc are also prepared to furnish on short notice
any machine from a butter worker to a steam mill.
AVe keep on hand all staple Implements, suce as
I InVro-ws,
And the celebrated Sherwood Steel Harness.
J2fC6mc-and sec lit?; wc AVill make vou happy
Lebanon. Or.
Lumber! Lumber! Lumberl
. 0. W. WHEELER S0N Troprietoi-s of the
constantly on hand.
Bills of All Kinds Filled on Short Notice and at Reasonable
jiGivc us a call before purchasing "elsewhere,
CL W, Wheeler & Son-
Safe Death to Squlrrtls and Copters.
Made by a new proccw. Kcrcr foiln to pVIe nt-l-ra'-t'ton.
Every can wttrrnn?(l ormortoy rvfmd
el. tit? Cbvtt U-vnttsc lW JKM-, ttcre d in
urchawey lh4 pqiitrntta cat It ia ffiXeuce to
jrrrnh frrnw, ctr. rivet fAftlS cans M tt year.
Ak yntll- (!VU!ist for ft Wd take no oljwr.
prop-. Langs ford,
Toner, Repairer and Polisher
Pianos, Organs and Melodions,
Old and Dilapidated Instru
tnents a specialty.
IIEFERENCHH: Durand Tiano &
Oriran Co., Portland; Wells, fargo
(''s Apent, Mrs. W. 11. Io'iioa ami
Mrs. Saltmarsh, Ielianon.
Instruments Sold on the In
stallment Plan, or
Teare Orders at Saltmarsh's Restaurant
-OF At: I. KtXIP,-
, Al to
Foreign and DomcStifc
1 EedaxoV,
The most
easiest and
lightest run-
klsbs OF-
If you wish lo pit rehire a Shoe for your I5i- or Oii'I thrt v!
th wtr anl t-ar t?Vry rh-f ttnaei that i made tf bMi-.:t. !
thnughout, and on coninin-6eii.w ideiiM, nll for
marie ttf lMth KriM mi nnrl Til Or tln. tind ferroKru eVcrvwheVe hv the Ti
Mark of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE, found oii the bottom of oiks
each pair. None genuine without it, Deware Cf imitatrons.
ZfV - :'tw CatBaATfO BOOTS X IMCt3
3i -frj .'JiTr 1 l-
Wonterw' Curaeoa KM and Tampieo Goaf trutton h retail at fL2Sx
AVonictw' Henderson Kid. French tanned, Button, to retail tt 3.00
The are stltelied with 6ilk made ol!d
feet look ens a
ClinH 13 roiitttg
W. B. DON AC A ,
Confections ry CrocberV)
Q lis And Plated Waft?.
Pure Sugar and Maple 5yrrjp
Country Produce taken
' "Goods at Reasonable PricesMs my Motto.
G. W.
Iron Pumps, Etc.
Tin, Copper and
All kinds of Repairing done
Short Notice
-Also Keep
mES wojrs
Lebanon j
Dealer in
Constantly dn
11 PL
In every particular, and will lirako you
It aHd ehapelr.
- no Tjolinnoil, Of.
in Exchaftsfe for Goods.
Sheet Iron Vara
in Stock-
Haiid: Also
r . .
! -t
2 '- i.
i i '
- J t
S V v. '