Expre , i lit: ircutiiiuii I,. FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1SS3. r ERsoNAL a Otherwise ; MraTo. "V. Rice $3 visiting friends In Albany this week. Mr. J. Q. Gross of "Waterloo, passed i through town on Friday last, on his vny to the county seat. E. Bosler returned from the Sound on Friday evening -last. Ho 'reports times very dull where he has been. Rev. Walton Bkipworth has taken his child that has been so very sick for some time, to Salem, for medical treat- . ? nicnt. 1 ; "" - A Mr. McArther who deals in hides ; ilts etc., in Salem, has been in Leba n the past few days working in that te of business. Born, near Lebanon, Linn county ., on Saturday, March 4, 1S33, to i e wife Sam. Gentry, a daughter. -eight 12 pounds. Mr. Si rams of Mehamah has been iking around with a view to locating : our midst. We would be pleased to r. Mr. Siinms locate here. tarred, at the Russ house in Albany m county Or. March 26, 1SS3, by . Humphrey J. P. Mr. F. H. More - d and Mrs. Emma. L. Charlton of '( n county, Or. t. Wm." Strong and wife arrived rday on the noon train from W. I T. Mr. S. is a son-in-law of B. Cleaver if Lebanon, and was one of Albany's ; first bakery men. f 4 J We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr. J. W. Bell of Spice on Tuesday , (last. Mr. Bell is the accommodating , postmaster at that place, and . is also I j proprietor of the store there. ! f:l The Spiritualists in and around Lebanon held another one of thtir large meetings at the residence of Jesse Parrioh's, above Sodaville, on Wed nesday evening. Quite a large num ber attended. Tlie Ladies Aid Societv of the M. E. church, will give an entertainment at the Odd Fellows hall, (this) Friday , evening. Admission, including sup- S S23et3 -A cordial invitation is ex- -3lended to all. Xext Monday will be the last day of Prof. Lansrsford's class, when he will return to Salem. The new class will go on as usual; class days being Wed nesdays and Saturdays. He will re turn from Salem in time to take up his new class next Wednesday. Mr. L. J. Peterson left oa Wednt sday morning for Grant eounty. The object of his going is the ilinesa of his brother child, whois stopping with its grandpa Dr. A. II. Peterson of this place. He intends to make tne trip ana bring Ins brother with him in four days. ! -Our enterprising merchant, A. C. i Churchill has bought out the interest j a small stock of drugs, and before any cfT. II. Roscoe some time since Sn the j thing could be done, the flames rose hardware business. He has greatly enlarged the stock of wagons and farming implements, and in a few days will have on a carload of mowers and i harvesters. j losses will probably reach 50,000. The Star service has been ordered iIuge Tape Worm. Mr. E J. continued on route 44140 between i MiTS who bas been a constant sufferer ker and Lebanon, and is t o j for the last four months, was by the -ke-effect April 7, and instructions j aij cf jj- Courtney releived of an enor rms been received to forward the mail : molu tape WCTal; about fifty feet long sifter that date by the O. & C. R. H. (and one and one-halt inches wide. Bids for carrvinjr the mail between the postomee and depot will be receiv- a oy xne x . ai. up iq aiuraay, April Mr. J. J. Swan, of Emporia, Kansas, j Rrrived in our town Monday the 2th, in search of a home and investsments. lie is a orouier 01 1 . a. cwan wno ar- , who rived in January. They have certain ly came to the right place, and we cor dially welcome just such a class of citi zens and sincerely hope they may be pleased with our country. We certainly appreciate kindness, but when the fair ones, anticipate cur wants, and unsolicited supply our needs we have not words to express in the Express, our heart-felt thanks. Prin ters need care like other boys, and we hope our unsoiled garments, will show our appreciation; but ladies there are two of us, and to prevent jealousy, we will appreciate anothea garment of the same kind. The Oregon Presbytery of the Cum berland Presbyterian church met at Woodburn on the 23rd. Five minis ters and one licentiate present, and seven delegates -from tne different churches. Rev. T. H. Small, perhaps the oldest living minister in Oregon, oderator. He presided with dig nity, and to the entire satisfaction of ""all. The next meeting of this body will be in Lebanon on Thursday before the 4th Sunday in October next. - In the near future we expect to write up, as best we may, all the local man ufactories of every discription, in and around Lebanon, also to give extended notices of all our advertisers. Thcsa who may wish to take advantage of cur advertising colums, had best speak in time, for we only have space for a few more. In addition to the above, we expect to add to the above notice of our various enterprises in an extra addition for the special benefit of an advertise ment of our local land agent. Oar esteemed friend Dr. T. J. Winter v ho was a guest at the St. Charles last winter, is now lying siek at Pendleton, he has our sincere sympathy. We re member well his smiling face and gen ial manners, that captivated and enter tained the boys so generous last winter. The Dr. made himself not only agreea ble and pleasant but filled a space in our hearts that will be hard to supplant. Good companionship is t he cheer of life - and we sincerely hope the Dr. may find his wanted health and again show his smiling face in Lebanon. The weather for the past week has been remarkable good. We rejoice with our farmer friends in their ability ?nd opportunity to reeow their grain tViJ iat winter carnaval made bare and tfesolate. The spring grass is spread ing anew her carpet of green and all nature is smiling. The soft moist rain of Wednesday will only hasten the opening buds and springing flowers. While our ice-bound neighbors across the Rockies are housed In, we are lux uriating in all the veudure and advan tages of spring. Tuply w-e Tinow not low lavishingly nature has opened -ide her liberal hand and showered v,'vwsing9on us 'Webfoot$,M. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Closing Exlrcisks of Bantiam Academy. The present term of this excellent school was brought to a close on Friday the 23rd. Prof. Gilbert and Mis3 Gilbert . have dono tnemsdves great credit, and conferred a lasting benefit on Lebanon and its surround ing country by their skillful and suc cessful management of this institution of learning. The closing entertain ment did credit tr both their heads and hearts, and was a feast of season and a flow of soul, to all whose happy privilege it was to attend. The Ex fkess boys acknowledge thanks for a special invitation, and for courtesy shown them on their arrival. We take this occasion to commend this school to all the patrons of education fProf. Gilbert has managed this school successfully now for ten years, and he and his assistance have thoroughly es tablished themselves as competent and trustful educators.! We bespeak for the school a continuation of patronage and support. Our Future School House. We hope in the near future, to be able to give our reader something definate with regard to thenewsahool building. The Hon directors W. B. Donaca, C. 13. Montague and R. C. Miller, have selec ted a block on the Ralston addition and have applied to the proper authorities for the same." If the good people of Lebanon would co-operate with our spirited directors, they would advertise this town better than all the circulars that could te printed. A first-class school building, with a regular graded school, would do more to advance the material interest of Lebanon than all our purls and blows. We understand they contemplate erecting a sis thous and dollar house; this may seem at first heavy on tax payers, but the ge n eral prosperity that would follow and aggregate enhancement of all property would more than compensate for the cut lav. . m . j t At the request of the Volunteer Fire-j man s Association of this city, the tiremans tournament which had been set for September has been changt-d to June and will take place here about the 20th of June, the date wot be-injr definitely settled yet. The reason for the change is that the weather is liable to be wet in September. Great inter- est is felt in the tournament by the old fire ladders here, who although grow ing stout of waist and short cf wind, are organizing a team to compete in the hose eompauy races, climbing the ladder and pulling it up after them and all that sort of thing. Orejirtia. - Ap.linoton's Fire. A fire broke cut in Arlington, Or., rn the 21, and a hirse portion of the business houses fire first oritriua- were destroved. Th ted in Ralston's building in which was beyond control. The fire then caught I I H. Sm-ir.kies Pn's mr l,ni!,1iir ! r , , J illJU UUHitU WIST UtWtil llll'llJUJlIi: the Arlington Tunes building. The The Csmmunitj'i Loss. In the death of W. B. Rice, vhieh occurred Sunday mornins-. our cltv 1 n honoiwl nnrfhr nd infln.n- jti.tl Cittzent anil the Oregon Pacific railroad Vmpany an official whose nia it will le hard to fill. Fnr Ahmit r - - w - 10 years Mr. Kice was passenger and freight agent and telegraph operator for the O. & C. railway at this place, and in that position became a univer sal favorite. No dissatisfaction ever crew out of his official action and no complaints was ever made, which is the highttt mead of praise any man could receive. Always genial, pleas ant and courteous, to know him was to like 'him, and no one will learn of liis death who knew him but will feel a keen pang of regret that so early in life he has been called to pass over to j the great majority on the other side of! the dark river. A devoted wife and two little ones mourn with vmconsola ble grief, mingling their tears with the mother, sister and brother. Sunday evening a large concourse of citizens attended the brief funeral services at the late residence, conducted by Rev. E. It. Prichard and Rev. S. G. Irvine, and accompanied the remains to the de-pot to be conveyed on the south bound train to Ashland, where the fu neral obsequies will take place. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Barker and Mr.' T. J. Ktites went to Ashland, the two gen tlemen being a committee fronj the A. O. U. W., of which order Mr. Rice was a membr. Albany Herald. CEAWFOaDSVIXLE. March 28. almost done plowing Farmers are and seeding. Our town has been on the move for the last two or three dajrs. J. F. Hurt moyod out of town last Saturday on R. C. Filley'a farm. Jamea Irvine of Albany moved up last Saturdav on the farm he purchas ed of G.- XV. Pugh. Some of our j-oung folks contem plate going to Sweet Home to-morrow night to attend a concert. Miss Gussie Moses went to Browns ville to-day where she will remain for a short time visiting mends. rtA f u ; returned from Albany 7, where be had been to ,nr,hin,rv tv.r th. .w S. P. Hale last Saturday purchase new machinery for the saw mm. Mr. Samuel Glass and family moved to town to-day off h'.s Brush creek farm which he has faded to G. W. Glass for a tract joining town. Mr. W. B. Gla's met with a very painful accident !ast Saturday while going to his place of business. He slipped and fell, c it aer breaking or dis locating some ef the bones of his left foot. Mr. Robert Templeton, living about four miles below here, lost two chil dren a few dayslago, aged 2 and 4 years. They both. SJsdJnslde of forty eight hours. The disease was inter mittent fever. Several dither cases are reported but mne resulteit fatal. 1.on IlrxcrtY. Democratic County Convention. The Linn county democratic con vention met at tlie court house in Al bany, Saturday the 24, at 10 A. M. The convention wna called to order by W. R. Bllyeu, chairman of the county central committee. No time was wast ed iu speeches, and after the chairman had stated the object of the meeting, the convention proceeded at once to business. On motion of J. L. Cowan, G. E. Chamberlain was elected temporary chairman. On motion of Sam May the tempora ry organization was completed by the election ot O. P. Coshow secretary, and O. J. Shedd assistant. A committee of three on credentials was appointed by the chair as follows: T. J. Black, J. B. R. Morelock and L. Penders. A committee on permanent organiz- tion, consisting of J. L, Cowan, C. II. alston and Sam May, was likewise ppointd. On motion of Enoch Hoult a recess of fifteen minutes was aken in order to give the committees time to report. After recess the committee on cre dentials reported the following dele gates entitled to seats in the conven tion, which report was adopted: EAST ALBANY. John Hoffman, Geo. Chamberlain, Briee Wallace, C. P. Burkhart, John Isom, L. Senders, Abe llaeklrman, Phil Swank, A. E. Bloom. WEST ALBANY. E. L. Bryan, Ubbe Peters, Geo. W. Cline, C. H. Stewart, Dr. J. L. Hill, J. L. Cowan. HAKRIBrRO. Enoch Hoult, D. S. Busey, Sam May, J. W. Grimes, "Geo. M. Alford, William McCu11ch.1i, Oliver Hyde, Geo Huston. IIROWXSVIIXE. J. B. R. Mireloek, C. II. Cable, J. j D. Arthurs. F. M. Jack, E. B. Michael Wm. Cochran, O. P. Coshow. HALSEY. Robert Andrews, ' W. J. Rsbelin, T. SHEDD. John A. McBridf, John Morgan and Neil Shedd. PYK.UTSE. John Cox, L. C. St rat ton and F. M. Miller. OfTNTF.R. L. M. Wheeler L. C. Rice and Milt Snyder. S.VXTIAM. Jas. Teery, J. T. Bilyea, Jesse South. James Crabtree, David llilyeu and J. B. Fitz water. WATERLOO. Oscar Ilealy, George MeKlnuey, S. A. Devaisey and O. Jennings. SWEET HOME. Thos. Morris, Ym. Rumbaugh and Wm. McKmnon. FRANKLIN EVTTE. David Myers, John Bilyeu. J, K. Thomas, Jasper Crabtree and John Curl. PVIO. Harvey Shelton, F. P. Devanev G. i Hunsaker, I. N. Griffin, J. T. Fol-j lis, A.J. Shelton and The Munkers. j LEBANON. I ! J. It. Keeble-r. C. H. Ralston, John A. Beard, J. C. Bilyeu, Jeff Co vie and i F. C. Hansard. " EKUSH CHEEK. S W, J. Philpot and G. Splawn. j CBAWF03D5VILLK. :- tSeo. Fin ley and W. C. Robiuett j FOX VALLEY. j David Scott, by H. Lvon prosv, and H. Lyon. " LIBERTY. Thomas Thompson and Jesse Barr. j OB LEANS. j D. Turner and A Stone. i ItOCK CHEEK. James Turnidge, by II. S. Williams, proxy. The report of tne committee on or ganization, recommending that the temporary officers be made the perma nent officera and arranging the order of business, was adopted. J. Reiblen moved that the votes be cast by ballot, and an amendment that the ballot be by viva voce vote proposed by Enoch Hoult was carried by a vote of 43 to 38. The original vte then prevailed. delegates to state convention. The following were elected as dele- gatS to tue state convention: J. L. Cowan, J. K. Weatherford, C. II. Ral ston, L. Senders, T. J. Black, Enoch Hoult, I. D. Miller, W. R. Bilyeu and James Pcery. The convention then adjourned un til 1 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. j Tho following names were placed in j nomination for representatives: Jeff Myers, A. Blevins, II A. Hester, J. B. R. Morelock, Abe Hackleinan, Phillip Swank, G. W. Hunsaker, R. C. Miller. T. J. Black moved that the motion whereby the viva voce system of vo ting was adopted be reconsidered, which prevailed. The original motion that the convention vote viva voce was then voted down. The vote for representatives stood: Miller 67, Myers GO, Morelock Swank 24, Ilaekleman 21, Hunsaker 12, Blevens 1C, Hester 3, Blank 1. My ers and Miller having received a ma jority were declared two of the nomi nees of the convention. The names of Hester, Ilaekleman, Hunsaker and Blevins were then with drawn, leaving Morelock and Swank in the field. The second ballot stood Morelock 43, Swank 38, Morelock being declared the third nominee. "f - Vnr eniintv tiiilirn the, nnmpnnf.1. J. Dorrs, IT. Bryant arvfl- J. J. Whitney fwere placed in nomination. , t L.T ' ' Ll0t "J'' Whitney SO, Dorns lo. eith ist 8?, cither hav ing received a majority a second ballot was taken, which resulted as follows: Second ballotr-Bryaiit SO, Whitney 22, Dorris 13. Third ballot Bryant 84, Whitney 34, Dorria 13. The name of J. P. Galbraith -was then placed In nomination by J. D. Arthurs. J. L. Cowan inquired if the nominations had not been declared closed. The chairman ruled that nom inations could be made at any time. Mr, Cowan said that it was at least un usual for such a nomination to be made at this time, aud he desired to Bee ev erything done openly and above board. O. P. Coshow said the Brownsville del egation wanted to act openly, but they ; wanted the privilege of voting for J. P. Galbi aith If they desired to. The forth ballot stood Whitney 31, Bryant 23, Galbraith 23, Dorrts 1. The name of Mr. Dorrls was with drawn. Fifth ballot Whitney 44, Bryant 19, Galbraith 17. On motion of H. Bry ant the nomination of Mr. Whitney was made unanimous. Tlie ballot for commissioners result ed in the nomination of B. W. Cooper an.l O. W. Phillips. For county clerk the name of N. P. Payne and E. E. Mantague Mere plac ed In nomination. The first ballot stood Montague 43, Payne 41, Mr. Mon tague being declared the nominee of the convention.' For county recorder E. E. Davis wrs nominated with little opposition. For sheriff the first ballot stood as follows: John Smallman 23, W. P. Smith 13, C. C. Jackson 14, Newton Crabtree 11, Levi Douglas 0, scattering C. The name of Levi Douglas was with drawn, and a second ballot was taken as follows: Second ballot Smallman 21), W. P. Smith 23, Jackson 16 Crabtree, 12, scattering 3. Third ballot -Smallman 38, Smith 24, Jackson 14, Crabtree 11. The Name of N. Crabtree was with drawn. Fourth ballot Smallman 38, Smith 24, Jackson 23. Fifth ballot Smallman 40, Jackson 23, Smith 2i. ' Sixth ballot Smallman 40, Jackson 24, Smith 19. Seventh ballot Smallman 42, Jack son 23, Smith 10. The name of W. P. Smith was then withdrawn. Eighth ballot Smallman 43, Jack son 40, Smith 1. On motion of W. P. Smith and Mr. Smallman was declar ed me unanimous enoice oi uie con- vent ion. F'r treasurer the first ballot stood: il. Farwcll 3rt, W. E. Curl IS, A. It. South 9, A. L. Bri.lg farmerf, F. M. Daniels 7, J. M. Williams 4. H. Far well was nominated on the second bal lot. . For assessor Z. It. Moses was nomi nated on the second ballot, S. O. Wul- laee receiving 33 and J. I. Nye 10. t For school clerk L. M. Curl was nominated. For surveyor no nomination was made. the democratic central commit tee being authorized to rill this vacan cy or any other whieh might occur. J. Shea was nominated by aeclama tion for coroner. On motion the convention adjourned. To Fsrcnrr. To the farmers of Linn county. If you want farm implements, of ma chinery of any description, cail m our manager. G. V. Cruson, at Lebanon, and M e assure you that vou will meet with curtesy, and a full line of our goods that can be bought as cheap as at any place in Linn eounty. St aver & Walker. WISDOM'S SE-8 psjfjj (0 SqijimlS llld GOpterS. Made ty a r.ew process. Never fa'.U to frvle mU lrfrtrtiim. Eveir can warranted or monsy reflind ed.' The Cheapest bveense the Best. Prepared la ueh a way that tquirrels eat It in preference to , trreen (rraw. etc. eirer 5O.0 can told but ! A,k ycur drure-t for it and take no other. Ontniiie.l. mul nil I A it- 'i h I x 1 A --. M (uilcl . f.r !'li;UM K I I :s Our otllee .r nptwiie the I'.S Cmicm! tVuv. luu! ue c?ti t'tt!Mit lt liiMi, llinu tlni ntM: fsimi ir 1-;; .v,-..v. s-vn mom i.. ik. irA .r ritO'l') ( itivrnti'Hi. li(lvi.5 n to i-ri!e"t rltii!v f'r if r-h?ti:t. and ir imtUe AU ei.l Hill iwiL-if rtrKMT is t: v 1:1.0. I'nr f!!ci:!:ir. inlviiv. loriiia mid rpS'refPc ! rcfnrl rli.-ttH tit nir'wn Mntc ( uuul 1 . t ity r LEBANON SALOON. W. J. GUY, Proprietor. DEALER IX YINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Main St. Oiipoeite St. Charles Hotel. LEBANOM. 1 Oregon-. MRS. G. W. RICE, 3XilIlnovf L.el)uiion, Ore., II AS JUST RECEIVED HER SSii'iiig: Stock -OF- Millinery Goods COXSISTIXQ OF Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, bons, Etc., Etc. Rib Call and get Prices on Gooels which are "VISOR Y TCTVV. HAY FOR SALE. Mr. S. Reynolds has for sale, at the Cruson place, 10 Tons of Timothy Hay For particulars, apply to. A. C. Chukciiill, Lebanon. Siijiii PROF. LANGSFORD, Tuner, Repairer and Polisher or Pianos, Organs and Melodions, RENEWING Okl and Dilapidated Instru ments a Specialty. REFERENCES: Durand Piano A Organ Co., Portland; Wells, Fargo ft Co's Agent, Mrs. . B. Donuca aud Mrs. Sultmarsh, Lebanon. --. - 4---X.4-t Instruments Sold on the In stallment Plan, or CHEAr FOR CASH. I ave Orders at Sh!tmaih's Restaurant BURKHART & BILYEU, Fropr's. -OF THE Livery "Sale St Stables, Feed LF.RA .VO.Y Oregon. Southeast cjrncr nt MiiJn ani Phnrsn Fine Buggies, Hacks, Harness and Good Reliable Horses- Special Conveyances -FOR r.VRTIE.- Ooinsr to Brownsville. Waterloo, Sweet Home, fk-lo, and all parta t-f Linn County ; i All Kinds of Teaming Done -AT- KEASOXA BLEKATES. Burkhart & Bilyeu. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA OREGON & CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connection The Mt. Shasta Route. Time between Albany and Fan Francsco, fo hours. California Exprcaa Trains Dally. 1 1)1 r. a. ! Leave f p. m. Leave 7:43 A. M.l Arrive Portland Arrive 10 40 . . Albany Leave; 7 Cft a, Jt. an FTacisoo Leave! A P. M Local Panrngtr Trains Dally (except) Sunday A. STTTeave 12.40 P. M l Leave 2:ip..! Arrive 1'ortla.nd Albany Euj?ene Arrivej S 45 p. . Leeveill 35 a.m. Ltttve I y.,e A.M. Local Passenger Trains Daily (except) Sunday S ID P. Jl :M P. M 2 :M P. M 1 36 p.m Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Albany Lebanon Albanv Lebanon Arrive 5:45 a. St. Leave 5-Wi.K. Arrive,2ldp. m. leave;iWp. m. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. EXCURSION SLEEFERS FOR Second Clasa Paengr on all Through Trains, FREE OF CHARGE. The O. r. R. R. FcrrT makes connection with all the regular trains on the East fcuie L'iv. from foot of F. htreet. West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND and C0RVALL1S. V- - Mall Train Dally (except) Sunday. KMi, m. lave IVrUaml Arrive 6 15 p. m. 12 :2. p.m. Arrive rorTKllii IavgLSOp. in. Expreia Train Dally (except) Sunday. ( 9.1 p. ro. I Leave Portland Arrive 9:(M a. ra. 8Wp, m. Arrive McM in villa lave 5 45 a.m. At APiany and rorrallia connect with train cf Orepon raoil'c railroad. -For full information rparding rate, maps etc., call on compeiny'a agent. R. KOLUI.ER. F P. ROOER8. Manager O. F. Pa. Agent. Lumber! Lumberl Lumberl G. W. WHEELER & LEBANON -:- -ALL ROUGH and CLEAR LUMBER constantly 011 hand. Bills of All Kinds Filled on Short Notice and at Reasonable Rates - JggTGive us a call before pun-hasing elsewhere. You -:- Certainly WANT A NEW Of SUIT Clothes THIS FALL AND WINTER. Why don't you go to BLAIN, the Leader iu Cjothing. AN IMMENSE STOCK IN ALL GRADES, From Eastern Factories. Nobby Patterns & Styles, Cheap. BARGAINS IN EVERY DE PARTMENT. We arc confident of Pleasinp you. All we ak is the opportunity of -showing you Through our Stock. WE ALSO KEEP IN STOCK The Celebrated Erownsiille Goods. X.. E. "BLAIN, Leading Clothier and Merchant Tailor, Aliiany, Oregon. C. B. ROLAND o7Co Albany, Oregon. Hew Store, New Goods, -CONSISTING OF- l-tirntisiliinK Goodsj lints. Cap?, Boots, Fhoe, Choice Felectioim in Fancy Bumni-r Neck Wear, Silk Underwear, iJHlbricifan Underwear, Fifh, Clark & FJagg'a U loves. ! FINE CLOTHING.! Th- very IVft make of Hand Sewed j Shoes, and the very Latest Ftylta 1 in Mens' Jlovs' and Youths Cloth- ing. All the t'elebrated uvakes of HATS IN IiVKRY STYLE. ot n FTeX K CONSISTS OF Bright New Fresh Goods, And as honewt, fair and square dealing hour motto, we aek the public to call and get prices. C. B. Roland & Co., One door West Revere house, Albany. I E. H. MONTAGUE, I ; DEALER IX I I Stationery OF ALL KISDS.- AtJK- Forelgn and Domestic Periodicals Lebanon, Oregon, THE YAQUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Oregon Deielopment Co's Steamship Line 225 SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME Than ty any other Root. First Class Through Passenger A Freight Line From Portland an all Ptitnts !n the WflJamette . Valley to aud frra Pan Frandeco, taL Willamette Rifer Line of Steoers, THE "VI M. M. HOAO." THE "X. S. BEXTLT." THE 'THREE BISTERS" Leave Portland 8 A. M .. MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS From Mcwre Hulman A Co" a Dock, 300 and 202 Front -Street, for eorvaiJs and Intermeotale xlnui, malting c!-e connection at Alba ut anil Corrallis with Traina of the OREGON. PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIME SCHEDULE. (Except 8undaye: Lv. Albany. 1-00 p m. I Lr. Yairlr4. 6 30 a. m Lr. Cobvalus.1:4v. m. As, YavI L";a. 5.60 p. m. l . f i..V"i. a 1 ..1 1 -v m. u. AR. Albjlst, 11 15 a. m O A. C Trains connect at Albany and Corrallls. The above Trairii connect at Yaquina with the environ Development Company a Line of ileamiihip between Yaquina and San Francisco. SAILING DATES! rrtAHF.R. From P. F. h rni Yaquina. Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Willamette Valley Mon. Mch 12 Pat, Ich. 17. ' Tlir. Mch 22 Tue. Mch. 27. Tue. Apr. 8 Ptm. Apr. 8, 88 Thia e'wnpany rererves the right to change Sail ing date without notice. Pawenpera from Portland, and all Willamette Vllev p)!'"'". can make cloee connection ith ( V... Train. f ha Vlitl'IMt Vrktw mt Alhj.n . .r f;oirallis. and if destined to San Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaquina tne evening oetore the (late of Bailing. I'aDacnKrraiid Frelalit Ilnten ALWAYS THE LOWEST FOR INFORMATION APPLY TO C. H. HASWELL, 1 C. C. IIOGTTC. Genl Frt & I'asa Ag't, Acfg Gen'l F. & V. Ag't, Greeon Iievelopment Co..! o. P. R. R, R. Co.. Montgomery St.. i Corvallia. San Francisco. Cal'a. 1 Oregon. SON., I'roprietors of tho SAW -:- IlLLS KISIS OF- 11; xi;uu J?, On u. vy . vv uct;it;i wouii- ir you w Mil to purcur.ne a fixuvt Kr the wtixr mid tear of every day uuge, that made of hunet jd.vi--.-r throughout, and 0:1 eo'imjoii--iige idea, e-ail f r HENDERSONS "SCHOOL SHOE," - mad.? of both Briirht and and Oil Grain, p.nd ksown everywhere bv the Trad Mark of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE, f.jund on the bottom r.f one cf each pair. None genuine without It. Beware of imitations. TRY HENDERSON'S SPECIALTIES. Their Women' Curacoa Kid and Tampico Ooat Button, to retail at 82.50. Their Womeiia' Ilenderaon Kid. French tanue-d, .Button, to retail at 3.00. The are stitched with Silk, made nolid in every particular, aud will make your feet look small and shapely. FOR SALE 13 V W. B. DONACA, -DKALEP. IX GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TOBACCO ncl CTICiIi, Confectionery, Crockery, Glass anel I'lateel AVare. Tare Sugar ami Maple Syrup. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Countn" I'roduce taken "Goods at Reasonable Prices," is my Motto. CORXKR BRICK STORE, MAIN ST., LEBANON, OR. G. W. Lebanon, -DEALEK IN- STOVES AND TiNWARE, Iron Pumps, Etc. -MANtFACTCHER OF- Tin", Copper and All kinds of Repairing done at Short Notice. -Also Keep in Stock E. GO AN, mJ N D E R T A K E R Lebanon, Dealer in BURYING - ROBES - AND - COFFINS Constantly DOORS, WIV . vor Uor or Ciiri thai -vni BUX-C.M.HENDEftSON&COS CKICAS3. 3 1 J in Exchange 'for Goods. SMITH, Orogon, Sheet Iron Vare Oregon. Kiarriiture. on Hand. Also WS AND BLINDS. . . .. . Y t -